John 15:5

Joyful Noise

Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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hmm maybe some of the server sororators went right along with it but this is the thing is loaded it laid on her heart over in psalms maybe about the 95th chapter of psalms and we'll read maybe some of them over in 137th Psalms and things it's familiar to each one of us but just to thinking about these is as afraid about the service tonight in the 95th chapter of the book of Psalms he said oh come let us sing unto the Lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms for the Lord is is a great God and a great King above all gods and that scripture like I said is on her heart and sort of thinking about that even in in the psalms has been sung this season Lord just he told us to come before him and he said to make a joyful noise to give thanksgiving when we come into his presence and that's that's what it's all about it's it's about giving him honor giving him glory just kind of like what some of what we already talked about and and and you get to thank you a lot of times as we as we go through years and we go through time you know I thought about just some of what we talked about they're mad you know it's like seeing that eagerness in in in eating as he stood this season and wanted to do something for the Lord and see in Jay when he gets up some of these other young men eating and Josh just stands for the Lord and seeing that eagerness and they some of us been in this way for a while Barbara and we we kind of lost our eagerness we kind of lost our zeal and and we've kind of backed off in a place of two and I ain't putting no fingers no words but this one you're looking at tonight and and to see that in these in these young and order just in order in order to build that back up in us and give us a desire the Lord ain't done with us here yet he called us out of here and he said it's it's all over they steal some things to get done and I thought about then you know that song I still got a song I'm glad I still got a song to sing while I'm here in this life I hadn't lost my song yet I ain't lost my joyful noise yet I ain't lost what God's given me when I come into his presence they want they want to be joy in my heart they want to be a song on my heart you know you think over there in the in even in the 138th Psalms as I was reading through these things here and I'll back up into the 137th but I got to think of what David said in that first verse in 138 he said I will praise thee with my whole heart before the gods will I sing praise unto thee I will worship toward the holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy true and for for thou hast magnified thy words above all thy name thy word above all thy name and you get thinking about that and if we we got our eyes where they need to be and we ain't looking and we ain't worried about what anybody's thinking sure about that said I'm sorry if I bother people and I get a little loud sometime but I like it when people ain't got their eyes on the people the Lord likes it when we when we're worshiping them with our whole heart not just for the little peace of me not just for this little bit of me but with all of me my whole heart everything it's in me that needs to be given thanks given when I come into his presence oh why why is that so important well you think about what he done for you I mean if you're born again he saved yourself from hell we we've got plenty to have thanks given and we've got plenty to be brave to him about I'm making a joyful noise well I can't sing I can't do this and I can't do that we've been learning about a little bit about Moses in there and you know if you'll follow Moses he spends a lot of his time telling God what he can't do that's the way most lust us we're just yield undoing and he's just just just making a noise for the Lord it's open your mouth and I promised you God what's up man he sent them disciples out he told them not to spend it on take no file don't take it no take care no you know how hard they probably fail but you know what they had to do they had to do they had to be no more about me they had to be no more when they went out into their places they took the same way so many times had to come into the house of God and they knew me like this week when he told you said I just felt like I don't have to get holding up and I can't get them when he stood the Lord provided me at the same way he does in our life every day if we're quick trying to worry about thank everybody I tell you don't don't pray I tell you don't study I tell you don't seek the Lord and what to do but I'm gonna tell you this when he sends you and he tells you this go away this trust him he blames the song on your heart proud of saying if it feels like he butchered it up just trust God you butchered it for him all he asks is from the joy part of that rest of it we know it's that's what he wants people to do it when we stand and say sometimes then you ever just had your soul just break apart they're playing you know it's not and if you try to get a word out you can't say it's a crime it's a heart and the whole time you're just faithful that you're saying and the Lord ain't terrified what it takes the same thing like oh he wants the noise of the joy coming out of that you so that's what God wants out the house God he wants us to come together and make some joyful noise down here praise is under God when we get these presents and worshiping with our whole heart not just halfway part of the way not even half the time comes away so nothing else but God wants to embrace that with us with a whole heart you can back up into that 137th he said it said by the rivers of Babylon there we sat down yeah we wept when we remembered Zion we hanged our hearts upon the willess in the midst of our earth and there they that carried us away captive required of us a song that they that and they that wait wasted us required of us mirth saying see this one of the songs of Zion how should we see the Lord's song in a strange land if I forget the old Jerusalem let my right hand forget her kingdom if I do remember thee let my tongue if I do not remember thee let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy remember old Lord the children of Eden in the day of Jerusalem who said raise it raise it even to the foundation there a whole daughter of Babylon who art that who art to be destroyed happy shall he be that rewarded thee as thou has served us happy shall he be that take us the the dashing the little ones against the stones I mean that you have for the time a lot of things like coming and Lord give us up another display for them I want this time I thought I'm going to tell you I'll do what kind of Lord's dog stirred this in my soul when I got talkin' to reach the night that friend yours is here that boy son loves music that's good to do by a very mental life you get top good about what kind of get our hand he told me a little quick you know every little thing he doesn't make the time a little bit I don't know if not for him how to hit this key here how many of you talk about him lose how he outboards his moves about playing music he's in turns about no time and he knows they have a little flam about that but you only take something and never knows he's pretty gonna get played on that plane and that boy gets discouraged and he hangs it up and stops playing it we went to got the enjoy here to get to play music to do the other night hey when gods give us a blessing and gods give us a power to we want to go into it with our whole heart to it we want to go into it with thanksgiving when we get in his presence if gods give us a word to say we need to say it if gods give us a song to say name we need to say it to him we need to know it tough when science gave it in practice and they gave it all how do you know what the problem was about the rivers and landers they said they don't they just hang it out tell me they quit playing what kind of cable they quit using one e cable you know what time it's lost you know what time it'll come that way we let's see and correct me we'll let things creep in our life you know what to start in and do what's stuck in the mirror there's only the heck use the laughter out of our life and the next time you know I live my love a lot when my father loved that I don't even know why that she plays things for me anymore that's the advantage of saying he played hit that hammer bus tomorrow we're gonna have to play that for me he said you're all that this is where she plays beautifully fun she had heard me like he's the heart about when I play on that heart move by me he said now he just enjoyed that she lost her joy when they didn't die she lost her happiness she didn't have nobody to play for anymore in her heart i'm gonna tell you what the Lord's give everyone of us a heart the Lord's give everyone of us a beautiful instrument and it's our joy it's our soul hey and when they come in the house is gone but they may not anybody else like to hear what we've got to say but i won't tell you what Gerald hey i won't tell you one that enjoys every time you get up the same i won't tell you one that enjoys every time you get up but every time like when you say it's not half gone i won't tell you when you get up the right spirit you get up the leadership of God and you're giving your whole heart to tell anyone who's who's ears it takes who's ears wants to hear it's like god almighty i might be a little somebody in the church they said that they're not gonna always i'm gonna pay you something if it's a joy in your salvation you say it's what it wants to hear you do it well i'm gonna pay you if it's something that you just get enough to make sure i love keep you safe come on over here you get up please hey and make yourself look like you're something that path god just keep you safe god don't want it not i won't do it but if it's for his joy they're proud of our restoring me but joy is about salvation you know the only thing that is would come old town he'd get tore up that old thing to play don't have honor um in some world gets to raise and raise you the skin of how we enjoy it what's my joy you've been saying go back to Wing God who didn't get left remember your first love we don't ever get to raise and raise you just get to play it on their heart make a man go up and go with what's all the calm down when he heard the head it's all horrible black men around you they may still be mean they may still not like it but i'm telling you why they won't bother me so much when you just listen to them because of joy in your life how do you want to be this with his benefits and his give us so many great times yeah we wept when we remembered Zion you know they went from why you have joyful music to weeping when they remembered what they used to have when the last time you come down to the house is gone with joy they're not sorry the last time you come down here it had something to leave the place is just done something for the Lord to leave and remember what it used to do so right the long times were weeping because what we used to do what we used to have them how church used to be how people used to shout they used to sing they used to have joy used to enjoy and have joy in the life when they got into the presence of God that had faith given in their hearts i guess that's what stirred me so good Friday night in here this year everybody i'm glad i'm safe i'm glad i'm safe and i'm guaranteed to you that'll just keep rolling over in my soul and i'll keep remembering Zion in that but i'm not always there by my deceiving beautiful places of these young people to say and i'm glad i'm safe i'm glad i'm safe i'm glad what touched me one day hey that'll just keep us started in my soul they know that it'll keep me a freakin down here to have the God it'll keep my heart's desire it'll keep my heart whole running on it hey bye i'm drinking help my love the church is gone my love the people of God my desire is to see the church and get stronger and move over to tell me a glory today i can remember we intended a lay on the way of the jake for his about the size of life right now he had one of his little things called a vocal i guess it's what the college got all the toys paying on it and i can live with sittin on it but he's still looking at he's going to reach him more than he tried as best to grab woman planes it was about as all through the things you ever seen in your life child trying to learn how to reach out and use what what he had there and i can remember a sittin on it and boy will he just please jump and call or lay the whole old rat paper room when that came finally they were mixed up and got a whole woman's toys why you just you give yourself that the world series it'll be more than i wish just look at the end of the day they get you excited when you take the argument start learning to use and have to have the full use of the abilities that he's got i feel the same way that is the health of the college every time i hear a young santa that's why i'm so excited oh do you want to know something from that moment let us start learning more now that little boy is from last to reach up and grab ahold of a toy it's a big six foot five throw man and i've seen him in a house at autumn suddenly we see what he's been there i can see him out here doing the thing and he can do it on his own but hey it looks good when he can see him throw up in the end of the deal if he finds out and one of these days probably one of these days got ahold of it it's just like we're moving into the places that are forefathers leading nature's leading nature in place is taking our sleeves then perhaps gone what a joy and remember from the television he said i guess it was if it was wrong on my part but he said i'd get in a place in the life where i started that there's anybody coming on behind us he said i'd say if you get on young again i come in out with little water and feel it in this yeah so feel it in these places and coming on with what God was a lady to do i kind of just a little bit about what he was feeling it's up to see it and i've seen it coming on you know what it does it encourages me to hear this joyful noise is up to the Lord these it ain't got the heart hung up in the wellers hey they're playing them out the house of God they're making some beautiful noise down here may we put you to the outdoors and a little grandson of yours blessed me this week i don't recognize the night we're fine we just have to have some on him wow because he still knows what it's like to worship his eye but he took him back and then pulled him out and brought him into a striking plan you get the strength planted doesn't have to feel a little bit hard to say you get your life in turmoil and you let see it overwhelm you you let it drive you away from the house of God the people's God they get your heart in the wrong place where you ain't wholeheartedly worse than that from the house of God and you're in a strange way and you want to know the first thing a devil will do he'll say sit down and hang up your heart but the Lord wants us playing our heart he wants us to know what's down here door full noise not just a racket that's a difference in racket and a door full noise this joy comes from down in the depths of our heart early it comes from down on the inside where the spirits go in it makes you want to do with your when you mind says you can't makes you want to see when you realize you can't carry a tune in the bucket I know about me don't matter I get more to see I know I can't we changed we went out west probably looked like a big old dooper after in front of all them people we went snowmole with and when we got our power that big old crowd we stopped we looked out over that big old place I said I said I've got a city I know I can't see that wasn't very impressed nobody and I hear bright that what it does but I'm going to tell you what I can show you for God maybe that little lady right there said the sun matters to pop our rooms you know everybody else doesn't they move don't over this side of the hill might be because I said it's a man but they may have stopped that dude tonight but I'm gonna tell you oh my god oh my prayer is that maybe they left her maybe they got down the road maybe they got back wonder what they don't want God just wonder what that woman's got it made him not ashamed to sleep about third dollar I mean oh my new hope there's some more of them to see you flooding in there that day you come down to church you just do what God told you to do almost anything just like me you walk away sometimes like you may not look like any but when you go away home and you got told you to do it just leave alone don't worry about this no that might be plenty to say somewhere maybe he doesn't work you'll never know about if he told us not to do our arms before meeting not just where we can be sleeping with me and losing this thanks to the glory of God and she's talking yesterday I grew up reading a lot of people never trying to do something master somebody while they help it all over hand if I may do something good why everybody else know it's before before the person they got it pulled in that was noted for the glory of God it's just doing for everybody to know what they've done you and some of the lawyers you ain't worried about it's like to say no we plan about you it's all for his glory that's what whole heartiness is that's what place he believes it's all for him it ain't for you it ain't that your name gets lifted up it's the hears gets lifted up above all at the end of the day it's all my arms you like Hudson said this morning I talked to him right back the church he said he just wanted this time he's hearing when we said they need to look past this world and just say Jesus they just leave the look past everything the world's got in front of them we just see Jesus you look past your preacher and how would you just say Jesus you look past everybody else and just say Jesus y'all say you stay in the same or test five million thing don't go to the world y'all see it's lifted up you feel that we're going to like it's lifted up you know you need any time the Lord life's sitting on your heart just go for the Lord that's what it's only ahead of his table this might be joyful noise for him that's what God give me not I appreciate the Lord