John 15:5

I Must Needs Go

Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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I know it's been read and preached a whole lot and that gives get tired of me saying that I won't know but we ain't going to read too much. We ain't going to preach too much when the Lord sends it. It's still just as good as it was the day that he had laid it on the man's heart, the spirit of God to pimp down in this book right here. It's still got just as much power today but I won't read over in the book of John in the fourth chapter. Just bear with us a little bit this morning. We've tried our best to put together the thoughts that God gave us. I've said a lot of times I don't know if I'm just different than a lot of other people but they sometimes Lord, that seems like I can go all week trying my best to find what God will have me preach. It might be the night before or the morning or before I can really get ahold of what God's trying and wanting me to stand with. It seemed like last night I went to Oregon and we got to lay down and just strutting and we couldn't get ahold of it. It didn't know exactly which way the Lord was going as night went on. We'd wake up a minute or two and God would start burning the heart a little bit. Then as we got up this morning he started settling us. Maybe where we needed to go this morning. But James Pray, I know it's nothing of me and any of you that knows me should know that it ain't nothing of me. I'm just like that old bush. I ain't nothing without fire on me. There'll never be one thing heard out of this old bush except it speaks from the midst of it where the fire comes from. But this morning in the Finswell we'll read just a little bit there in the fourth chapter of the Book of John. And I urge you this morning if the Lord deals with you heart just to mind you. I thought how special it is when we sang that song there. It was on a Monday Tuesday with the I thought how special it is. I sat there just a lot of times my heart's just jumping. I can't wait to get to Saturday cause I can't wait to hit my feet and say that's my day. And I know we may not know which day. It's like Mark says a lot of times we've seen hit late first and that song it was on a new day. You may not know the exact day but I'm going to tell you what you better know you had a day. You better know there's a time in your life when you got saved and you accepted the Lord as your Savior. So without that day you're going to face a time in hell that ain't never going to come out that place. There will never be another chance. Let me move on before I get ahead of myself. But the fourth chapter of the Book of John says when therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John. Though Jesus himself baptized not but his disciples he left Judea and departed again into Galilee. And he must needs go through Samaria. Then come to the city of Samaria which is called Saikar near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob's will was there. Jesus therefore being weary with his journey sat thus on the well and it was about the sixth hour. There cometh the woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus saith unto her give me to drink for his disciples were gone away under the city to buy meat. Then saith the woman of Samaria under him how is it that thou being a Jew ask us drink of meat which am a woman of Samaria. For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee give me to drink. Thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee living water. The woman saith unto him sir thou hast nothing to draw with and the well is deep. From whence then hast thou that living water. Art thou greater than our father Jacob which gave us the well and drink thereof himself and his children and his cattle. Jesus answered and said unto her who so ever drinketh of this water shall thirst again. But who so ever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. But the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. The woman saith unto him sir give me this water that I thirst not. Neither come thither, neither come thither. Why are we just a second? No. Come hither to draw. Jesus saith unto her go call thy husband and come hither. The woman answered and said I have no husband. Jesus said unto her thou hast well said I have no husband. For thou hast five husbands and he who thou now hast is not thy husband. And that saith thou truly. The woman saith unto him sir I perceive that thou art of profit. Our father's worshiped in the mountains and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus saith unto her woman believe me thou are coming when he shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the father. Ye worship ye know not what. We know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour coming and now is when the true worship first shall worship the father in spirit and in truth. For the father seeketh such to worship him. God is the spirit and they which worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The woman saith unto him I know that messiah's coming which is called Christ. When he is come he will tell us all things. And Jesus saith unto her I speaketh unto thee am he. I stopped just for a second right there for just a minute maybe. God is thinking on these scriptures a little bit like saying I want to all read. I know it's hard for many of the scriptures that were reading there in there. But I just got the thinking on that scripture right in there. This is where he said I must need to go through some areas. And I thought about that in that time right there. I thought about even the services were in today. If I was still we went through this week and every time that the Word of God is open up and then we gather together or every time a child of God is in the presence of a lost man. I got the thinking just a little bit about that. But I know that maybe they can hold on to people today. They don't say that God is only going to go by a few. He's only going to speak to some of us. But I won't pay for something about my God. I won't pay for what he loves. One he loves out. And he came to say to others. I'm thankful of today. There's still a woman who's down there by a well. And she had faith in her life. And she wasn't pleased with. And she knew they weren't of God. And she had faith in my church. She had faith in what she had done. And I think she knew we could choose what we'll have nothing to do with her. But cause of her lineage. That she was out of the smears. And said, "Let alone that she was an adult just woman. Let alone that a bunch of self-righteous people didn't want to get around her all the time. So she and my church went up that way. And it struck her funny. When a Jew went to speaking to her around her. Now come that time to speak to her. She couldn't find the same thing. Well, I mean, I can't need to speak to her. That time to come by her way. That's no one in to her. He might have spazed the letters. Just to come by her way. He knows right where she was. Just to come. He knows that nobody else has anything to do with her. But you want me to know something. You want to know something today. The very God of heaven. The only begotten son of God. I'll tell you. The word that they want to know. The mightiest way to have my scenario. Which doesn't look that wrong when this week goes must. The word must. That means that when you put that word must on in front of something, it means it's unavoidable. It's necessary. It has to be done. They want a choice. In Jesus Christ that day to go any other way. I don't think it's up to them. They want a choice today. They want to go any other way. Let them come by yours. That word one must please. Just put it in the left. Just be precise. It's just how necessary it is. You look at us. When needs is put in there like that. It's just emphasizing the necessary. Hey, thank you. It has to happen when something must happen. It's very necessary. Well, you're happy that he went hard with that. Same reason that he spoke to the mother was having a burning bush. Same reason. He spoke to those little bitter eyes. Get yourself up. Same reason. 'Cause this is always young. You don't want me to hear the words. You want them to know why? Hey, that must must please. God, make this old boy up. Play a script from the heart. Send it out to the church today. But 'cause you're here. Make Jesus a sign. Amen. Amen. It's necessary things has to take place. Redram, just don't think. Don't speak to me. I don't think you've come by my way. That little old woman is like the way we think of this. That little old woman, I'll just make one more trip to the well. And I'll go back to the house. And I'll be like always was. No, she'd come up on that day. Boy, it wasn't speaking to her in natural sense. She had her eyes natural that day. Everybody spoke. She was looking at a natural whale. Everybody talked about drinking. She was thinking natural water. But I don't tell you what to. He was speaking under her mouth. But it's just like what was written about only the neighbors. The flesh is flesh. And the spirit is spirit, huh? She went off the tail of her, huh? She talked about words, but they drunk so much. She talked about words. We don't know that from that. She talked about us. Spirit God. (Grunting) And now you're going to worship. We're going to worship in that spirit. (Grunting) I have to say we have to worship. We have to worship. (Grunting) It's necessary. You get your own form of darkness. You can say I'm a viewer. Every one of you never wins this. (Grunting) And we'll have to spirit. You're divorced. (Grunting) Left out on the block. You're excited. (Grunting) And left has to be able. (Grunting) (Grunting) And then you're going to worship in the environment. (Grunting) I'd like to revise the form of submission to the teenage class. I will just wait for this morning. You know what a sound some grass that is the heart and a wolf for Jesus. I've been telling her about this little this week, like him. I've known him. You know what I saw in her eyes? Every time when they say a little young and stay, they testify. And that'll say it. (Grunting) Every time we get to say the five ways in grace, I sweep the sound of God. I see it on the face this morning. (Grunting) It's a desire of a wolf. It's not exactly. Just like we don't most tell that burning verse. But it's all that. It pulled him away from Jim Crow's flock. It pulled him away from where he was walking. And it dried him up to it. And then something went to speaking out of me at times. Hey, I believe this week. 'Cause they've been something sleeping out of me at times. It's a spirit of God. I believe it's been happening to him. (Grunting) I want to help us. We're getting around to this. (Grunting) It's just, I understand that all the ones never get well. (Grunting) (Grunting) (Grunting) (Grunting) (Grunting) Why? 'Cause they must things go by. Hey, this morning. You may have been going home thinking, I ain't never going to be able to get signed up. Hey, they ain't nothing. They let come by my way. Jesus won't speak to me. It's not the day my man, he got saved. She said that I told me every reason why God had been saved burning. (Grunting) You would tell me how they've seen that then. So you don't understand. He takes like me. (Grunting) You don't have to get it, they'll be able to flip open the word of God and say, "Look at this little woman right here by the way." You don't have to get it, they'll just flip over and say, "Let's just sleep on the cross." Hey, you don't have to get it, it looks like, "Let's play a night in power that freaks the gospel." It broke down all that well over here in the New Testament. He was wanted to send it to the martyrs. That's the people of God. And you want to know something about God's way one day. God brought him down. And God saved his soul. (Grunting) He'll become a tyrant. When he must need to go by his way, he must need to go by his way. There's a time in a bed of rum to go. (Chanting) It's quite a year's over. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. 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God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. God's saying that I must need to go by his way. Beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. We don't, God, don't score time like we do. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but his long suffering to us were not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Remember when I was talking about will come? But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the knife in the which the heavens shall pass away with great noise in the elements shall melt with first heat. The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. See and then that all these things shall be dissolved. What manner of persons I'll be to be in all holy conversation and Godness? He will come and we will say. He will come and we shall. Let me tell you what else. He will come one day to declare this life to come one day. And this earth that we look at, we put so much trust in, so much hope in, so much faith in. It will burn. And it will come to a point of non-existence. If you drink of this liquid water, this spring is up, and you'll never thirst again, and you'll have a hope that can be on what you're looking at. That's what Lord will give me this morning. I don't know if nobody is hurt.