John 15:5

Such As I Have

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07 Jul 2024
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I don't know if this is for me, I know I've preached from it, and we've read many times, but I'm thankful that the Word of God don't get old, it don't get wore out, and it don't get used too much. If the Word embraces it on our heart, it's good for that moment, it's good for that time. But over here in the third chapter, the Book of Acts, like I say, I know this is for me, and we've read it preached from it, the thing that the Lord can't bring to our heart is to be serviced from that, and we'll read this maybe get into what the Lord had on our heart. The third chapter is starting in the first verse of the Book of Acts, and he says, "Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, be in the nigh-thower, and a certain man laying from his mother's womb was carried, who they lay daily at the gate of the temple, which is called beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple, who, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, ask an alms." And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, "Look on us!" And he gave, he'd unto them, expecting to receive something of them. And Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I thee, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately, his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up, stood and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God, and I was soft there. It seemed like as the Lord started burdening our heart with this scripture, Cheryl, I couldn't get away from such as I have, give I thee. That was kind of where my heart was in that thing. And I thought about as we was coming up, and we were going to be starting our Bible school, and not just in Bible school, but in our daily walk with the Lord, as we encounter Peter. But it gets the Lord really kind of emphasized the Bible school with us through this scripture. And I thought about how that man that was lame, and he was being laid at that gate. All those days, and all those times, and he lay out there begging and hoping to receive something, and he saw Peter, and John going into the temple, and he gave it to all beautiful. He made it unto him, and asked for longs, and he said that his eyes fight for the whole meal. He looked on the meal. And if he doesn't, he asked for something, and when they gave me that answer right there, I said, "Silver and gold to have my man, but such as I have give I thee." I got to thinking about Peter and John as you go back, both of them were being featured. And there was a day that the Lord might find their life. There was a day that looked out at their life when they were caught up in the world's worlds, and the world's grumbles, and the everyday right race, and working, and benching, and doing, and how all these different things. And in their own sense, they were just like that right, and they were stuck in the rust, they were stuck in the place of life, and I truly believe that money wasn't as happy as everybody might have hoped they was, or felt they could have been at that time. And when the Lord came by and told me, he said, "You come to follow me." And I believe in that moment that they saw that land, man, and made it something right there at that moment, and Peter said, "Such as I have give I thee." And that word "such," it just means what I've got. What I've got, I'm going to give to you, the same thing I've got, I'm going to give to you. And Peter failed a day in his life, and John had a day in his life when the Lord passed by. And that was the thing that he needed something, and the Lord gave it to him. And that the same way the church ordered me, had the same way the children of God ordered me. We've not got anything worth giving of our things, but every thing we got is worth giving God from God. And then we ordered me in a position just like these men were. If you won't do, you can turn it over, I ain't going to make you turn it over right now. You can go over into the fourth place chapter of Matthew. And you can get on over into the fifth place chapter of Matthew, and in both of them instances, as they were the time when they were the multitude in need of something. They were out of the place where it did look like there's no clue. It looked like it needed what clue they had was enough to see. And the Lord looked at them in both of them instances, and one time they paid $5,000 to not count the women children. And in most of those instances, the Lord looked at them and said, "What are we up?" What we just got, there's just a few holes and some fences that could defeat this multitude that could never happen. But the Lord said to bring it to them, and they gave that to the Lord at that time, and what did he know I preached to him for? Amen. Amen. He took to that time, he handed it to the times, and he said, "You go to sleep." That same place was happened over to get all beautiful. That same place was happened after that one man. That's the time when Peter's last, when God gave him something. That's the time of the Holy Ghost that moved into the heart of that man, that over took him, and he got given something that he could give back to somebody else can lead. They've never been a day out, as we go into this father's school, to thank some children that God needs in this life. They were living in it today. They're being taught everything in the world, being fed and everything in the world. That is about time. There's such as we have. We get to give it up to them. Amen. Yes. Yes. Yes. How do you go first in this life? The same thing I got, I didn't give to you. That's why the same thing I got was said, "You just said that's why I got the word, and it all saved, and why did I not?" And besides that, Peter and John were excited to go up to the house of God for a prior, wasn't he? They wasn't just sat around, on their basis, some words. They wasn't just sat around, I knew it, and I knew it. They were going up to the house of God, and I'm going to tell you what, and make you wait for the house of God. You want to pass by somebody? That's me, it's my God! Why do you have to reckon people like this one and they're everything? Hey, those somebody who will pass by can hit you. If you don't, why do you like people's young boy bringing little children to this Bible school? Don't you want to know what the devil is? They're waiting for you to get it. What do they know if you want to pass by? Every time they look at these eyes, and every time they look at the eyes, and every time they look at the eyes, every time they think they look in their eyes, they look in their eyes, just wait. You know what they're asking them? Oh, give me something. Give me something. Well, I'm going to tell you, I ain't got no silver, I ain't got no gold. But I'm going to pray unto God that such as I am, I give unto you. That same one that killed by my way would have been held down to the name. What I was laying there, ain't land from my mother's womb. Hey, never going to happen. It was the wall. 'Cause hey, that's one pass by my way early. Hey, that's somebody pass by me. They didn't have no silver, they didn't have no gold. But they had what I needed. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. He's trying to give me material, 'cause it's all passed away. You know what the same thing I got, I'm going to give it to you. Oh, I've got the open digital cell machine. Oh, I've got this, my testimony. Oh, I've got this, the name of Jesus Christ. That's not what the gave you was the name of Jesus and it's out of right hand. That time itself for just a moment and gives what they had. You ever thought about just what a short instance this was and what a great impact it had? It's been made of bricks for many a year now. That small span of time. That little short span of time. In between them walking from where they look at it and getting to the house of prayer. They might have left it for two of the man's lives. Then because of his plans, he went to leave when they were running. When he didn't walk. I've heard some of you being nightly about what you've done for you. I've heard some of I take things. I take things. You're going to have such guns later on this week. God's here to you this week. I feel the same way as the time of saying behind the wall. You just want you to know that. But you know what, doing it. Such as you have made the crisis only this week. As long as such as you have there's a crisis full of me. Mad such as you have there's a crisis full of me. Mad such as you have there's a crisis full of me. If you're a teacher that will save you this church, you've got something that's somebody needs. We're going with you a place to end the path. It's easy a lot of times they don't want to do a little rat. What do you say? I do. I hate. But you won't be taking the truth. You take it. We're in charge of gun to score at main slaves in the making month. Hey! But in the name of Jesus Christ. The master of self. I take the same ride. I ain't applying the image. They can do you a bit again. But in his name, the devil's a play. That mold too. Lord just broke off the piece of bread. He handed it to somebody else. He set places around. They broke off the piece dead and they handed it to you. You know what you got in your hands when Lord gives you something? Something somebody else makes. And when the Lord gives you something? In one inch, fifty feet, five thousand and a half twelve minutes of frame is left over. The other inch is you spend four thousand and a half seven minutes of frame is left over. Lord's always got nothing to do with you however you desire. And then something. I don't know how many of these here. But I promise you this, if you'll take what the Lord's trying to hand you, there'll be enough to feed them. And I ain't talking about that in fellowship. Oh I'm talking about the classrooms. There'll be enough lift up for it. Such as I am with you by the need. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Rise and walk. We serve one that feeds the world of youth. We serve one that heals the land, the land, the half. And there's not one thing impossible. I've got to wait for six dollars to get back down this day, right? I've got to wait for about four of the excited. And that survived. They haven't had those results, but you just haven't been my soul over that. I didn't do it. Why didn't they do it? Stanley didn't do it. We got it then. You know the hands up? The hands up is with him. And then the church he got sent to Michigan Hill. It's just a matter of being up these two minutes. They remembered where they came from and where they got. What they had. Remember when God gave you a back through somebody else? When the man of God stood with what God led on his heart, and he pricked some asses, he pricked your soul. I don't send a school to take your Bible, a school to take you. So to tell the truth, the word is gone in the spirit and it pricked your heart. I guarantee you remember to you. I guarantee you to you remember to. The mind made by the devil through God's death day. That's when somebody even wants a hand. They give you Jesus. He reached out. It was written that we would take that hand and come up from where he was at. That's what I'm going to see. I'm going to see some youngs come up from where they're at. Never know what it's like to be safe. Never know what it's like to have joy in their life and hold them soon and get hold of them in their midst. Nothing else that seed is going to get planted. But I'm hoping the sleep doesn't come up. We've reached this morning. We've been on grace and faith out of the wind. It's good work. I hope the church is here, like I said, this morning. The city's set up on the hill. It said you're alive the world. It's there like China. That's what these children know. That's the church that lives. And what we've got, you have. They think it's close to you. They think it's close to you. They ain't just a choice for you to have hold of them. This is extending that to our. This is all for them to mean. Let's let these children know they're speaking of lives. And then forget that little girl will face them. A little girl by the name of the leader. She wanted to keep talking about that young girl. A little young girl, you can find them out there. That's what this really bad times, it's the last time. She's been in this church. Her little look on her place is bottom of my cell door. She loved and remitted the Bible school last year. And I probably may be done with it by some point in setting that time. And I beg to go to wait here. That's the only important thing. It'll be a second in this Bible school. Just like that little young girl. It's been a second. It's just like that one, but it's crying out. It's my fault. Thank you this moment for that. It's the moment. That man just wanted us to keep buying us that. That's all we're looking for. And some people just come down to church just a little bit of hell to give me buy for another week. That man is just getting older and older than he could ever use his lifetime. It's still where he goes and fights away. The natural wealth and the things of this world will only be a temporal thing. But that day he got to hold us up in a lot bigger than silver and gold. That day he got fast by something that can't be beaten. And then the whole fire went on and fed the flesh and they followed after. He'd come in there and go have to eat of his flesh and drink of his blood. They said, "Look, it's a hard save." They'd like to go to the flesh and say, "Bubble paints up the Lord with the time to feed us with something he was going to feed us for eternity." That's what I would think when we get ahold of them, Cheryl. That bread won't quit beating. That water won't quit beating any better. That's all I thought of the rest of my life in this life. They'll help those who are lost in anything. I can go there and go to a store and have to give you a $100 gift for taping. They might get you back for a few days. That day, bring me over with you. Don't tell me what that water you don't know last time. That gets you through with everything. That's the bread, isn't it? That's the bread of life. That's what I want to give to people. That's such a desire. That's such a fun item. It's been a thing for me for 40 years now. And you know what, if Lord likes how they invented 40, then I might be at my 90s. If he can keep a thing. That's not too hard for you to get up with, baby. I believe in God. I believe I'm so in faith. That's where my hope is at. It's not right here. My heart won't need to get trouble here in this life. And besides, I was left around there when he said he's going to feed that multitude over there. What we've only got a few, we better send them down. In the past, how we're going to go down there and buy them and sell them something to eat? What had plenty of them for them to eat? They said they don't even drive some place, so why don't they leave? They said he's having a good place. They let you eat what he's got. It's only about the school. Believe it, we're going to take some results at this. We're going to take some solos, say, and strengthen by the Word of God. I just don't know for a dream or anything like they used to be. No God is. I'm the zip. They are people being maxed. But God intends, he's still, he's still got enough bread to be closed to eat. Such as we had, let's get into it. And he's the same thing, me and you spend it. He's the same thing you've got out of this offering. He's the same thing you've got. That's all I got. But if you get shorter and shorter, I'm just minding and blowing as much as I know how. And he says, "That's math." And I'm thankful to math for what he's given. [BLANK_AUDIO]