John 15:5

In All These Things

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04 Jul 2024
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This description may be that the Lord just seemed like I couldn't get away from it. Not that I was trying to, but I was trying to find where the Lord would have us to go tonight. And this is where he kept bringing us to. As over here in Romans in this late chapter, and it's very familiar, things know that. We've preached on, we've heard read, and we've heard studied the media time. As I always say, it don't never hurt us to refresh ourself in the Word of God. It don't never hurt us to go back to a few things. We may say just a few things here, read this scripture here, but don't really know how the Lord will have us go. I'll be honest with you, but I thought on the way to church, I just had some things that have been really heavy on me. It seems like my mind has been kind of consumed with them. They're not complaining about that. But just sometimes you get things, and it's hard for me sometimes to focus on too many things at once sometimes. But I've been praying all day that the Lord would help us get our heart where it needs to be for the night service. Because when we gather together, it's an important time. There's a need in the house. And I always want to make sure that I try to find the will of God and find what he'd have for us to do. You don't always know where I'm at mentally. You don't always know where I'm at spiritually. I don't always know where you're at mentally and spiritually, but you know there's one that does. He knows right where we're all at. He knows that each individual battles. I could probably go through each life in here. And college got things he's battling with. It's going to be a whole lot different than what Dan is doing with. And we've each one God. And then he tells us so that he says, "Kasten, all your characters for his characters." And right down to the youngest in the house, it may have a problem that some of the oldest in the house might think, "Boy, you just don't know yet." That problem in that young person's life is just as great at that moment as it is in yours. And every problem the Lord cares about. All of those things he wants us to cast them on him. And they're important to him. And I'm thankful it's that way. He don't look at one no different than others. But I've said that. We'll read over here in the eighth chapter of Romans. And maybe just a couple of things. I mentioned just one verse as far as the other night. It's a joint service. I just want to read that 28th verse and then I'm going to skip over and not skip in for any particular reason. And that's just the way the Lord laid it on her heart. But in the 28th verse, the 8th chapter of Romans, he said, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." And then you skip over to about the 35th verse and he writes, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" Shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword? As it is written, "For thy sake we are killed all the day long." We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. And they, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. And you think on these things just a little bit. The Lord didn't leave anything out. But he said, "All things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." And a lot of times we, and I know I can just speak from my personal walk with God. And a lot of times people look at me and they think, "Man, I can't handle this." And we look at the things that we are saying that we are going through Barbara and they seem like such great trials and such hardships. And we think, "Why would we have to go through these things? Why would we have to endure such troubles and such trials?" And you know the Lord don't tell us for just no reason over their intensity, their hardness is a good soul. And we are going through these trials as we are going through these tribulations. We need to understand, and I know I say that a whole lot, but I truly believe that we need to remind ourselves every day to look past what we are looking at. Look past the problem that we are going through and get our eyes on what is out ahead of us. Because if you endure heartness as a good soldier, a good soldier don't go into a battle and willing, or thinking that he is going into it to lose a good soldier goes into a battle looking for the victory. And as a good soldier for the Lord, and in these things, we have got to realize that all things are going to work together for the good to be able to let us go. So then we want to go toward his first, and realize that if we go through them, they are going and we are facing them, they are not going to leave the end of us. It's not going to be more than we can not get through. If we keep our eyes on the Lord, just like I know I bring things up a lot, just like Steve has done, just like Peter has done. But when we are going through these trials and we are going through these troubles, realize they are what Paul has wrote down in this. They are the reasons that Paul gets going forward. They are the reasons that Paul didn't quit preaching. There is a reason that the disciples, the apostles of God, didn't just lay down and they said you better quit preaching at gospel. Every time somebody smokes them, every time somebody beats them, every time somebody throws them in prison, there is a reason that they didn't go. And just quit Trevor. Because they realize that in all things, in all things, if they love God, we are going to work together for the good. No matter what it was, they are in all things. And as he goes on over in this scripture, as we go up to thinking on it, and he says over there, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" And then he says, "shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword?" Who is going to separate us from the love of God? All these things that we go through cannot separate us from the love of God. If we keep our heart where we need to be, where we need to be with him, he goes on down and he says, "As it is written, for I say we are killed all the day long. We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter, nay in all these things." There it is again in all these things. He says, "We are more than conquerors through him that love does." Now here's the key to this, for I am persuaded, right there for its act. When you get persuaded, you're convinced of something. It always does the same. I've all about the scripture over on Ephesians, where he said that we rational not with place and blood. But with powers and brings the power and spiritual ways to get to high places. This ain't always going to come after you, Mike, with like another man. He's going to always come after you physically. But more so he's going to battle you at. He's going to try to get on the spiritual battle ground with you. He's going to try to get on the land floor, battle the ground with you. He'll break the beauty of stuff, but you won't be telling yourself that I know all about it. You don't have to fight for any time, let it be. In what way you come at me, it ain't going to happen to a man. I'll be honest with you sometimes, I wish you luck. A lot of times, I just decided to fight, and then get in the hope of something and see it, that you just broke it out of your life. But how many people have overcome them? We've got to get persuaded, in the love of God. We've got to get convinced, that service of the Lord is the only way to get through our problem. They're getting on this battlefield with him. How did he say that? I love the scripture. He said, "Now, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." It ain't through me and you, my Paul. It ain't through our greatness. It ain't through our strength. It ain't through our minds. But he said, "It's the power of God." That's all over our definitions. The power of his mind, I preached a little from that note long ago. Finally, my brother in the tenth verse of the sixth chapter, finally, my brother be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind. That's where we gain our strength from. He says on that back in that note, in the fifth verse of our Ephesians, servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling in singleness of your heart as unto Christ. Not with our service as men pleasures, but as the servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart. When you're persuaded, he's just going to come to church, the Lord will say to you, "You ain't just going to come some day and you can see it." Or anybody else, or so you can say that the praise is saying it. Not just with our service as men pleasures, but you're going to have your heart in there, won't the please God. Won't the will of God. And when you're there, you're not going to be easily shaken. You're not going to be easily cast out, because when you're convinced, and then things right there, you are persuaded. Whether you're at the house, Jackson, whether you're in the church, your faith is going to be strong. Whether you're going through the hardest times you've ever fought in your life. And I told you, most of us don't know what's going on at the house. They handle what everybody's sitting beside us. You don't know what our battle is taking place in their life. And if we need one, that's why God wants the church to be together in one mind and in one corner. Whether we can eat one, lean on each other, and keep our eyes where they need to be. And no matter what each of us is going through, we'll get through it together. We'll fire one another's fire. Each man's got his own burns, but he can't let the fire do one of those things. We're stronger together. That's where we need to stay, is together. And I'll just say, sir, I promise you this right now, in each household, the devil has got a little place where he sees that he can get the tip of his way in there. I promise you that, all the way from the pastor's house, right down to the smallest in this church in fact. He sees the least little crack. You've got to first split the wood court. Your guy first split the wood court. What's the first thing you look for? You look for a crack dump to change. And what do you do? You look just that piece of wood. The more you make the hardest wood, right down. Or you'll take your weight and you'll place it right down. You'll tap, tap, tap. And give you your split that way. Realize that in your spiritual life. Realize that in your walk with God. Listen, that was so tough of you, where you're most vulnerable. And he's going to try and get you down. Or he's sitting here in there, whether it be the smallest little area. We don't think they give me big gaps. That man asked me one time. He said, "What's your greatest temptation? How am I told you this?" He said, "So what pits you the most?" And I said, "They've done your business." He said, "Well, who do you mean by that?" I said, "The devil fights me with the heart of us. But I won't put it that time for everybody to know for it." He's going to come to their war with us. We've all got weaknesses. We're in this. As long as we're in this flesh, we've got little cracks in our life. You bet. But as quick as you feel in the impact of that time, you spit that out. How great should resist the devil? And he'll play for him. Get persuaded. It was off to you, sir. Get a sweetness of heart. And look him in the heel. Say, "Don't let him drive away." I didn't tell you this much. But he could give love by calling to drive away between me and you. But between me and you, boy. He loves us. Oh, man. Don't let him do this, man. You ain't trying to steal a little bit of money. Spiritual weakness. Power is the bridge of power. He's in high place. This thing's just something a little wrinkly that's up. You can just stop on the lock. And I need to take that and do it away. These are battles. Spiritual battles. That's why I told us to put on the whole armory cuff that she might be able to. If we ain't where we need to be, then we ain't able. We've got to be behind that shield of faith. We've got to have that sword. So, Prince, you've reached on this awful little bit. Well, Prince known again. All right. We need to know what we need on. We need to know how walking this life. Because I promise you, he's coming at you. He's coming at me. He's been doing it for a while. In each one of our lives. Why do you reckon that is? Because he knows God's working. He knows the Lord's doing battles. And he's going to fight. And you know why I'm here? Because he set me on a wall. And he put a drum in my hand. And I'm going to understand it to you. But I'm sounding it to me. We're going to get persuaded. That nothing's going to separate us from the love of God. And in all of life, we're going to work together for the good. To a limb that loves God. To a limb who wants to call according to his purpose. No matter what trial in your places right now. In each one of your lives, not life. It can work together for the good. It can come out to the glory of God. How's that? Get persuaded. He said, "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." This God saved a limb over years ago. And that was better coming at me. Ever since that day. Things present, or things to come. And if I live, the Lord allows me to live another 40 years. And I'm 90 something years old. You don't want any small teeth. You don't want any small teeth. You don't want any small teeth. And as long as I get persuaded, but they ain't nothing going to come between me and God's love, as long as I keep power in and on, they ain't nothing going to separate me from the love of God. The trials, the temptations, the tribulations, the perils, all those things. The Bible said are not able. If we're persuaded, they're not able. They can't do it if we're persuaded. The reason we get knocked off our plate so many times, and it just doesn't seem like we ever get back between fully persuaded. Because I promise you. You get there. You get that point where you just can't escape. I've used the example many times about being in there with Shandu when she delivered. Right there. We're so close to birth, so close to having a child, and what's my wife on? And I can't, I can't, I can't. But there was no turning back to that point. You don't want Bobby? When the church is getting ready to see people born, you'll get right down at that point and throw away. The word you're saying, I can't, I can't, I can't. But just remember. In all the places. In all the places. He said they're... They, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that love this. No matter over me. No matter, gosh. No matter that. No matter like what comes at you. You're all these things. We're more than conquerors. If we're fully persuaded. That life's dead. What it becomes our way is not going to separate us from the love of God. And we end here. The hardness is good soldiers. They, they see brothers in, in a lot of wars. In a lot of them, you'll get back, you'll, you'll get them breezes. Or you'll hear how they persevered in a battle and they pushed forward and they went over and above. And they delivered. We had this neighbor fight on the side. They delivered in the battle. And they overcame. They conquered. They claimed his ground. You hear about these? We call them heroes. Well, this is a leg of the chapter over there in the book of Hebrews that we right there, and we call them heroes of the place. And in all of their lives, you'll read about every one of them. And, Jake, you'll read how they were more than conquerors. You'll read how they were fully persuaded. You'll read how, in all the planes, they've come to glory in their lives. And have it all the planes worked together for the goodest. 'Cause then, they were called according to the purpose. They left God. And they didn't let nothing separate. Noah had the place ridiculed when he persevered. Abraham had to fight at the second he was on the sun, laying down there and drawing the knife back on him. He had to fight his head. He turned him against you and let him do you. So many different examples you could go through right there and hit one check. And that's just one account of some. But they were fully persuaded, convinced in whom they believed. He made the same truth, boys and girls. Men and women. Don't get weary in what he'll do. Do you see that you'll reap if you faint not? I promise you, it will make food that makes food to the glory of God. Rachel, what are you talking about? Maybe you know something we don't know. I know one thing and we all know it today was fighting people's lives. We may not see it. It may not be an open thing that everybody's known about in here, but I promise you, I truly believe that he's coming in every household. We start Bible school next week. And he's well known to fight. He's well known to fight. All this power is increasing power. But how are we going to get through the power of God's mind? Not ours. And what have we got a promise of? That we're more than comfort through you. If we get fully persuaded, in all places. As no matter what's kept in our way, let's study grammar. Let's study grammar in this world. We keep trusting in the God of Amen. That's what God give me now. I love it.