John 15:5

Joint Service Piney Grove : Brian Sams

Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
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We'll come down to about the 16th first, probably some of this thing, probably already really mentioned in a way. A few minutes ago, we sat down and we appreciate the whole, Lincoln thumbs up, we appreciate his tail, we just appreciate him. 16th verse 4th chapter of Luke, and he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up. Let me stop right there for just a minute. I understand Nazareth is over across the water, but can I say this? Christ came into this world to see and say that which is lost. So if we could look at it like this, this word of God has come into this Nazareth, into your area, into my area. We've not experienced anything that Christ already went through, and been victorious over. So could I say that, and maybe we could think about it a little bit like that. So he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up, and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue the Sabbath day and stood up for to read. So thinking about that, just a minute, you're the temple of the Lord. I'm the temple of the Lord. Christ, honey, he stands up within our heart. I don't want you to think, well, this preacher's on some abstract thing. But let's get past the natural, and let's look at the spiritual, the part that God is truly interested in. Your soul and my soul. I'll be honest with you. I'll say some natural benefits. My, but the truth is, is that God is interested in saving the soul of man and giving that eternal life. So that's what we want to deal with tonight, and how this Word of God comes. It comes to the soul. It comes to the heart of man. It comes Christ took on the form of sinful flesh by just like you and I have. So he understands every trouble, every trial, every burden, every hardship we've got. And he brings his Word right down to our synagogue. If you can have it right down to our temple, our life, honey, and he stands up to read. I hope we can see that you get that. I pray if it's not coming across the way you can understand. You pray for the Spirit of God, honey, that it had come by and quickened my thoughts and my speech and your thoughts and your hearing that we might be able to understand the delts and the beauty of what Christ is doing for man that is paying man of individual visit one at a time altogether. However you'd like to see that, Christ is paying us a visit. That's the truth. That's the truth. You pray. You pray. May aside every thought and way to see it, let's run this a little bound. He said, and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read. And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he at the morning made to preach the gospel to the poor. He had sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of the sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book and gave it again to the ministry. God help us just for a little while to see what he said here. That's right. Pray for us. We need to know or tell. I can't preach. I tell you. Some man gets up and starts preaching. You said him back. You look for the Spirit of God. I just tell you right quick. I don't know everybody. I love everybody. You don't know me. I tell you what's fine for you to do without being ugly. You test and try out the Spirit and you see if it's a God. And when it's a God, you hop on it and let's run a while. And if it ain't a God, you just hold your place. Then help me. Mike's deliver in the power of the Spirit of God. So let's think about this just for a minute as we try to get down where God would have us to be. Listen at what Paul told Timothy over here. He said, "Oh Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust." What was committed to Timothy's trust? This same gospel that you and I have today. So as Paul told Timothy, it's coming right down to us today. Timothy's dead and gone. It's up to us to keep that which is committed to our trust. Now what's committed to our trust? The Spirit of the Lord. Honey, what are you talking about? That's talking about Christ. Honey, but I tell you what, this Word of God. Honey that comes from another country that has the sanctification of the witness, I could say, of the Spirit of God and visits your heart in mind. Where to keep that is what he's saying. Where to hang on to that? We're to get a hold of that by faith. And we're to keep that and trust that and live by that and move by that. Honey, and have eternal life by that. That's the gospel. That's the truth. Honey, hear what God's are saying. God had come, His Word had come to hurt us, but His Word has come. Honey, to stand this up, if we'd have it, His Word has come to encourage us. His Word has come. Honey, to raise us up out of darkness into the new light. In the light, brother. In the light, so He said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and this is Christ talking, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor." Now, for those that might be saying will preach her, and please, I'm not trying to be ugly. But I don't want to clear up ever down and ever fear. Preaching your tongue back to your sin. I ain't talking about my sin. I'm talking about the Word of God and the Spirit of God that lies upon it. And makes us a personal visit. Honey, we're to commit to, or not to commit to, but to trust that which the Lord has delivered and brought into us. We're to trust that. With all our heart that goes back to Proverbs and lean not to your own understanding. Man's own understanding got him on the death track. Man's by his own understanding got him on the road to hell. Man's by his own understanding got him kicked down. Got him kicked out of the side of God in a sense. I have a fellowship with him anyway. I love you. I wouldn't hurt you. I want you to understand. I want you to know what Jesus is trying to do. He's tried his best. Honey took her suede if I could say it to men and women, boys and girls. Honey, to let him know. There's something you can trust, you don't have to trust in uncertain riches. You don't have to trust in the things of this world. Definitely don't trust in yourself. You'll make a mess. I'll make a mess. Anybody's a saying. There's a word from heaven. You can trust. Let's take that home with you. That's why he's a saying for you. You see that? He's saying the Spirit. This is the mercy of God. Honey, to a lost and a dying people. That the Word of God, if I could say it that way. Did you know we still have Jesus passing through our midst? We may not see him in shoe leather. We may not see him in garments with wine or whatever. Honey, but you don't want his words still coming back. And God still sent his spirit down upon it. Honey and Christ, if you'll have it, there's a pain us of this. Even today, he's a saying. Trust that. That I'm gonna bring you to you is what he's saying. The Word of God. We need lots of things we think. One thing's needful. Mary chose a good part. Martha, what was she? She has cumbered about. With much serving. You know what that's a representation of? We're cumbered about. We're trying to do a good job. We're cumbered about. We're trying to do the right thing. We're cumbered about. We're trying to work our way in. All of those things. Honey, you know what? Martha, she is tore up about. Honey, but I'll tell you what. Oh, Mary chose the good part. You know what she chose? She is in there, Jesus, free. Honey, friends. May I encourage you? May I urge you? May I urge you? Choose the good part. That's Jesus' feet. One thing's needful. That's right. One thing is needful. There be it to Lord's feet. How do I get there, friends? Trust. That which is committed. That's what that verse is for. For us to understand how to get to Jesus' feet. I'm worried about that. How are we gonna get there? The Spirit has provided one more time. He's saying trust that. Which is committed unto your Timothy. You know what Timothy's name means? Dear to God, can I say this, Piney Grove? Can I say this to Timothy Trapple? John Tally? Who ever else you may be? Can I say this? You're dear to God. So dear. He'd say this son. To die for you. So dear. Honey, that the word has played an easy. Under your heart, it's mine. And he's encouraging us. Funny to commit, not to commit. But to trust that it's committed unto us. You see that? I love you. Don't let my little old weight kicken or tender you. You just keep looking for the Lord. Those that say that tell you what. You just pray on. That the Lord will help us out a little bit. And you take encouragement knowing what you've got in your life. Knowing what you've got in your heart. You play on it, too, your master. That virtuous woman. He didn't have no need to spoil. He trusted her. Trust her. Christ trusts you. You just fire up. You just hold on. You just pray. Honey, if you're lost. Honey, that word that stands up. In the synagogue. Honey, what they say in the fourth chapter of John. He told me I'll find you. Whatsoever I did. Here he is. He's not eating the Christ. Something. Something like that. Honey, when that word stands up in your heart. I'll tell you. It's terrible. Oh, whatsoever you did. I keep it for us now. Anybody? No. No. I live. They might have been mean to you. The world is going to whisper us to sleep. To sleep. Yeah. We have a ministry. A ministry of reconciliation. But if you read down below in the fourth chapter. I know it mentions the ministry of reconciliation in the fifth chapter of Second Corinthians. But if you read a bit about it. I believe it is in the fourth chapter. It talks about a God of this world that has blinded folks. The God of this world has blinded us. That's why they forgot the generations. They might. And he's been doing his best to blind us today. But the Word of God, he is not slack. He is not bound. He is not hindered. He is not hurt nor is he harmed. He's still. He's still. He's making trips. Down through your soul. Down through my house. Standing up. Reading out of the book of Isaiah if you have it. They'll show in us. He shows who is only potentate. He said, can you change Lord of Lords? I only want to have some power in other words. You know what? My natural words, I've got no power. Oh, but the spiritual words. That comes from God. How do they got some power? I've got some lies. I've got some spirit. I've got some truth. I've got some of my own much deeper than what I've got. I've got some of my own lotion. That's right. Here at church, what God said. And what he's saying every time his spirit lies on his Word. It's the same thing. It happened at the Mount of Christ. This is my love son. And who am I? I'm well pleased. Here you hear him. God just looking for us to hear him. Oh, he's telling me I've found him. I've done this. Oh, let me tell you what. There ain't nobody in this house. That could pitch a rocket to you. There ain't nobody in this house could pitch a rocket to me. We're all sinners. But if we're not saved by the grace of God, we'll have to trust you. That's right. Richard, I don't understand that. Honey, from the most righteous service to the least, we're all sinners. From the most righteous service to the least, we all need a Savior. From the most righteous service to the least, we can't pitch a rocket. I can't do nothing to you. I can't condemn you. All the things that can condemn you, and all the things that condemn me, is my own unbelief. Right. That's the honest truth. If you'll have the judgments coming by our way and I see it if you'll have it. I know people cool on that, but that's the truth. You don't want God to say it before it's too late. Before you come up in that last day, before you come up and have to stand before me, hear what I'm saying. I'm ascending the Spirit on my word. And I'm trying the best. I'm trying to show you the way of redemption. That's what he's saying. It's not a mean message. It's not a hopeful message. It's not a hopeful message. It's a living message. It's a message of power. It's a message from God himself. What did you say if you're a man, please, for God? I don't know how to say it, but I'll tell you this. I'm a vessel. He's chosen. I can't help that. How did not choose this? How did you make the Lord? Has burnt me up for a few days. You don't have to hear it. And listen to what my God's got to say. And if you get clustered, I'm pretty used to that. That ain't no sob story. I've got the victory. And God will give you the victory. If you don't take that, that's committed unto you. And committed or entrusted rather. Let's read that again about Timothy. I love you. Oh Timothy, keep that. Quitches committed to thy trust. Hold on to it. Did you know this, dear friend? Dear loved one, dear brother. Man of God, preacher man. We'll face this again. Yes, sir. We'll answer for it. Did I believe it or did? Did I hear it or did? No. What do you think the books is going to be open for the judges? Out of righteousness. It's going to be that I stole a candy bar at the edge on station. It marks me on the back. Honey, he don't give a flip. If I could say it that way without a visit, anybody. It's going to be whether or not we believe. It'll only be nothing. Son of God, friend. Sounds to me like the fairest root that there is. Sounds to me like the fairest God that there is. Think about that. If they put me on the stand forever, I've ever told. Ever misstep, I ever did. Honey, I'm being trouble. But God, don't judge yourself a book. Any spirits on it. And before I make it up to the last day, whether it was danger or head into the lake of far, he showed up and visited me with his spirits. Under salvation. Trust that. Keep that, which is committed unto thy trust. The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. This word of God's anointed. Yes, it is. Aaron was anointed. He talked about unity. He'd come down his beard and down on his garment. You'll have it this way. These are the three that agree in earth. God said his son, for us today is the word. For us today he puts his spirit upon me to inform us of the will of God, honey, that we might know the love of God. In other words, that he might reveal himself unto us, and show us the way of eternal salvation. Show us the way into the straight environment. Show us the way into redemption. That's a truth for you. We're looking for some big sons who play. Oh, I'll tell you that in company. Believe me. But this word's a cabin. It's the same stuff, son. In Ezekiel's saw over there, went to waiten to it, went to try to swim in it. His more water than he could get across. Honey, when he got back to the bank. Honey, there's all kinds of life for growing around it. Honey, it was special. It was something that come out on the south side of the altar. Overflow, the threshold of the house of God. You know, where your gospel comes from? The south side of the altar, overflows. Honey, the threshold. In other words, it's what David was talking about when he said, by kept running over. Here comes out. May I say this, dear friend? Dear loved one. When the Word of God gets set up in your temple in mind, and will commit that, or keep that, that's committed to our trust. I hear you walk. Honey, you can't keep that here. You can't keep that on down. You can't keep that under a virtual house. It'll come out. It'll come out. It'll come out. Anything is finished, God. I know it's hard and sad. Over and over again. Not everybody. Anytime thing is God moves in. He'll come out. He's in here. Can't keep it here. That's right, timely. I love you. My heart wants you to know that. Dear Beers, this is my beloved son. Here you hear him. Here's the Word of God for his. Here's the gospel. I'm trying to tell you what he's saying. The ways of eternal life. Flip my head down has the ways of eternal life. Peter, I believe it was. You boys correct me if I'm wrong. Some moment went to the other way. Some moment headed toward Holton. Some moment said, it's too much for us. You don't want Jesus left over and sent to Peter. He's looking over and sent to us 20-30. Have him in his head. Will you go away all so? You know what I'm Peter saying. Have, where are we going? You've got the words of eternal life. Can't we believe? And I'm sure that you're the Lord. I love you. I want you to know that with all my heart. From that time, many of his disciples went back and walked no more wentings. He's the one who forgot this brother's tongue man. He said, then said, Jesus into this whale. Will you also go away? No, Lord, he's right there in the presence with him. Did you know this? He's right here in the presence with us. Did you know what he's saying? Where are you going to go? That's right. We've got two choices. We'll come to him or we'll go away. That's the truth. That's how simple it is. This ain't some hard way. This ain't some funny, but this is different. Lord, Jesus, we ain't for it. That's it. It's only a confusing way. Listen to what old Peter said. He is committing that, which is committing that, which is committed unto his trust. He said, then Simon answered him and said, Lord, to whom shall we go? Where are we going to go? Where are we going to go? They'll ask the words of eternal life. You're the only one in other words that's got the spirit. You're the only one that can stand up in a synagogue and read. You're the only one when men try to arrest you. So never did a man speak like this, man. But you're the only one that died longer as his son. That's right. They had seen him for it. And we believe, here's your faith. Here's your trust. Here's your keep in that, which is committed unto you. And we believe and are sure established on that. Right? There's a problem for us friends. We're about to want to just believe a little bit, but are we sure? Are we established in this thing? And we believe and are sure. They find it again that they are that Christ, the son of the living God. They went on and told him about Jesus. Friends, are you sure? Who stands up and you see the God? That word stands up in your heart. It stands up in your synagogue. It stands up in your temple. And let me tell you how to know who it is. That spirit will be our witness. And if we ain't believed it, we'll be condemned. We'll feel guilty. That's your conviction that I believe Tommy talks about out there. I know something different. That's all right. We'll be condemned, believe. And we're doing it to ourselves. Christ ain't doing it to us. You know what Christ is doing? Sure, it's the way. Let me tell you another picture here right quick. If I close this door, it's curtain. You couldn't see back here. There was a time when the way into the holiest of all was closed off. We'll seal that. We couldn't see it. Honey, but Christ has read the mail in twain if I could say it. And God will be spearing his word. Standing up in our temple. Is there showing us the way? In the holiest of all. Into the house of God. They say I'm glad they said it to me. Let's go in the house of the Lord. That's what he's saying. I'm a calling. I'm inviting. That's what he's talking about. They've kept the Romans up. I'm a calling. I'm inviting you. What to justification? Conformity to be right under the Son of God. Put his ears in joint arms. With Jesus. Hah! He'll be our older brother if you'll have it. I said it this morning I'm going home to say Jesus was there after a while. I'm not just following him this way for mommy and dad. And I love him. I've got goodness. Some of you know him. But I'm going home to say Jesus. Amen. He's my older brother. I'm going to share in his inheritance if I could say it that way. God with us. God with us. The church knows I love this scripture. Moses said to hoe bam come with us. Come go with us. We'll do you some good. And whatever the Lord said we could have. You'd have it too. Howdy friend. Can I say it tonight to you? And to us. Come go with us. We'll do you some good. What the Lord's give us? He can have it too. I don't know what the need is. But it's here. It's here. I want you to know. Let me tell you why the Lord's digging around us and digging around us. He came one day to check on a tree that didn't have no fruit. He said cut it down. That's a caretaker liar. He said whoa this man. That's my word. Let me dig around it. Let me down around it. Let later you come back and check. We'll see if it's got some fruit. You know who the caretaker is? Jesus. You know who's digging around us? You know who's digging around us? Jesus. He's a coming right where we're at. And if you don't have fruit you know what he's doing. He's pouring in the Word of God. He's digging up the weeds. He's digging up the hard ground. He's pouring in the spirit. He's bringing us to the invitation. What are you doing to your fruit trees? Honey, when you're digging the weeds out from around them and you fertilize them. You're inviting them to buy fruit. That's the honest truth. Christ. That's the great mediator of God. He's digging around us. And digging around us. Inviting us to buy fruit. Fruit of salvation. Fruit of life eternal. He's offering us. Honey if I could say it this way. A grafting in. Honey to the family of God. You've got to abide in a vine without me. You can do nothing. How do I tell you what? He's saying I'm a grafting. I'm ready to put you in. I'm ready to grasp you into the same thing. Get my sons grafted into him. I wouldn't say he's grafted into him. He's born into him. He said I want you. Moses had to be hitting the cleft of the rock. There's a picture of you grafting. Honey said I'll hide you in the cleft. What about the spear and the side of Jesus? You don't know where the saints of God are kept. Whoa! In the side of the opening. Jesus Christ himself. Say, fix the care. Say unto the day of Redeeche. That's why I call me back to Redeeche and drop. Now, wait until we come back some time up. Honey, I'll tell you what. I'm Redeeche right now. I know I've got a flesh man to drive around. I know I've got no rotten man to deal with. Honey but my soul is satisfied with what the Lord has done for me. Hey, buddy. How about you? Yes, sir. Well, I love you again. I'll tell you that. I'm Redeeche. The spirit of the Lord is upon me. The cause he hath anointed me to bridge the gospel to the poor. Poor don't have means to do anything. Could I say it like this? We don't have means to be saved. But you know what? God has anointed his son, Jesus. His word. To give you and me, said, but God, who's Richard Mercy, is great love for Rede Levis. You know what? He has anointed his word. He has, I forget how it's said, anointed me to bridge the gospel. He has anointed it to give us the riches to be saved. That's the truth, friends. That's beautiful if you ask me. To a soul that's lost. To a soul that's undone. To a soul that's face and hail. That's beauty. I remember being lost. I say, right on my right side of the community chapel, church and order. You know what? I'm so thankful. So thankful. That the Lord said his word. I'm so thankful that he had known it. And if I could say it this way, he gave me the riches to be saved. The measure of faith ain't yours, friend. That's right. This man decided to pop up and believe. I believe it. That's hogwash. Don't you take it? You've got to hear the Word of God. First, he gives us that. He gives us that. Otherwise, it'll be of works. And he won't stay. He won't stay. So let's go on. He has sent me, look at the beauty in the gospel. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted. What do you say? Broken heart and contrite spirit. I will not despise him. But he's seen his word, honey. To put that together. Could you not that with the Lord if I could say it with Christ? He said his word to heal that. Oh, I tell you, I told the church this morning, I regret that I waited so long. I regret that I resisted so long. But I'm so thankful that he said it. Honey, to heal my broken heart. Honey, I could like to commit this or submit this to you today. If you've got a broken heart, you're too poor to do anything about it. Here's the Word of God. That's right. Don't cool on us right now. Don't cool on us. I'm not being ugly. Don't want you to think I'm being ugly. But I tell you what, willing to spend and be spent. May God send his gospel. My with holy ghost and fire out of heaven. May God send it. May it pierce our hearts. May it come in. That sword. Honey rightly divided word of truth. May it make a new creature out of us. All right. He said, "Heal the broken hearted. He has sent me." So the purpose of this Lord Word is to heal our broken heart. What's my heart broken for? What's your heart broken for? Well, we have burdens. We have troubles. We have trouble. All of those. But I tell you what, you're so God breathed the breath of life into man. He has the need to be with his Creator. That's the honest truth. That's why he's running around doing this and that and the other. Because he's on the outs with God. That's right. He's saying, "Honey, I am sending my word to heal that broken fellowship between man and God. Honey, that we might be reconciled, that we might be united in Christ, through Christ unto God." If I can say it that way. Let's go on just a minute. You said to preach deliverance to the captain. Salvation to the captain. What's he talking about? Honey, we're captain in sin and in shame. And this Word of God comes by to bring deliverance. He's saying, "You know what? Honey, if I was deliverance, if we was in the ditch out here in the tow truck, come by. Honey, we'd be thankful to see it. If we is in trouble and hell come by, we'd be thankful to see it. But what about the Word of God coming by our hearts? Honey, if you bring in salvation, bring in deliverance from our captivity." That Word is bringing out sin. I realize we still got to keep this old flesh man. I realize we still got to grab him right. Honey, but I tell you the honest truth. Honey, their sins and their inequities. Well, I'll remember no more. Do you see the deliverance right there? Honey, I'll tell you what. The day that God remembered my sins no more. I was delivered saying never more to worry about that again. I may have failed and come short. I've had to say I'm sorry. I've had to come crawling a few times. But the deliverance changed. I ain't never been condemned or convicted of that again. Preacher, you're crazy. Honey, y'all don't do it. You don't do it on the hives. He don't do it on the parts. We might run a crop off economy back in the honor for life. Y'all ain't working that way. I love you, Connie. I wouldn't hurt you. That's the truth. We might split it. God ain't splitting it, honey. He does it on the holds. What he does is forever. Let's go on. He had sent me to heal the brokenhearted and preach the deliverance of the captivity and the recovering of the sight to the blind. I don't wait to see you again. Oh, I tell you. We're looking through a life starkly but then in place. I know that's the scripture there. Do you know what? We'll keep this that's committed to our trust. We can sing. We're talking about things like old Ezekiel saying God had to bring into the temple. Ezekiel couldn't go up to the temple by itself. It didn't matter how much Ezekiel tried. All he could have done is staked down by the river, Shabar, bleach how that was said. Honey, until the Lord God started moving, until the Lord God started showing him. It still be down at the river. Honey, John can open your eyes. John can open your eyes in mine. So he said recovering the sight to the blind and to send it liberty them that are bruised. Appreciate the acceptable year of the Lord. John Baptist said, are you one? Or look for another. What did he send to him? Lame walk. Blind seed. Poor's got the gospel. He breaks to him. I forget all what he said. But much the same in other words. Today friends, can I submit it to you like this? The poor's got the gospel. The blind can see. The lambs are walking. You don't have to look for another. He's right. He's right here. So in way of invitation, I'd like to say this, and then I'll let you have the service. And go as you see then. O Timothy, that was an explanation. O Timothy, dear to God, I looked at what his name meant. O Timothy, keep that which is committed to the trust. Keep this gospel. He said, avoiding profiting and buying badlands and oppositions of science, falsely so-called, which some profess and have earned concerning the faith. Grace. Look what God wants to be with us. Paul said this, this is what the church wants to, if you'll have it that way. Grace be with you. Amen. Yeah. That's our priority today. Is that the fiber, the inverted fiber of God, grace. Be with you. Amen. Amen. In other words, let it so be that each one of you have grace with you. That's all I've got. Amen. [BLANK_AUDIO]