John 15:5

Lose One Piece

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30 Jun 2024
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We'll just be much in prayer this morning and read maybe over and look to start with. If you think chapter and book and look, some familiar scripture no doubt, maybe just some thoughts. Don't know if we'll be lengthy at all. We ain't really worried about the time or the length of the message just worried about making sure we follow the Lord and that that he'd give us this morning. In the 15th chapter, that's the book of Luke, we'll read maybe there in the 8th verse just a little bit and we want us to really think about some things this morning as we get into this and examine ourselves, we've got a communion today and we'll do that here in just a little bit and we'll partake of this and the Lord teaches us to examine ourselves before we partake of this. So that's truly what I'd love for a each one to do this morning but let's think about some things right here and this 8th verse of the 15th chapter, it said either what woman to have in 10 pieces of silver if she lose one piece does not light a candle and sweep the house and seek diligently till she find it and when she had found it, she call with her friends and her neighbors together, seeing rejoice with me before I have found the piece which I had lost. Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repent and this scripture, Lord's light on her heart and maybe just a few thoughts as we said, I want to maybe turn back over and read just a little bit in Psalms in the hundred and twenty-second Psalm and the whole time I want you to think about this as this woman that it's mission and I know that the whole lot of other scriptures and things that the Lord's talking about in that 15th chapter there about the Lord recovering his sheep and the prodigal son that goes through all of these things but what the Lord had on my heart is about some of the things that we may have lost and how precious are they to us. How much do they mean to us and you think about that there that this woman had lost and you think about in her life right there and you think about some things where she had got at this point. She said, either what woman, having ten pieces of silver, if she loses one piece that's not light a candle and sleep the whole house and sleep diligently till she finds it. You might look at that bank sometimes, you know, well, it's just one piece when I still got nine. At one time, that's why the devil gets us looking at it and about, Daniel, as we come down to the house of God and as we're in the church a lot of times and I want this to see in our life, just like it was in this woman's life that she had been painted but that one meant so much to her even though she lost one piece that she still saw diligently till she found it meant that much to her that she wasn't going to give up and just say, well, I'm going to accept having nine and go all the way. That time, yes, just fire with me for maybe a few of the thoughts that God's given me this morning. I want us to examine ourself and how we've been serving God. I want us to examine ourself and our love with the Lord this morning and I want us to get as I teach it talking in the teenage Christ this morning. I want us to remember some things I want us to stir up our pure minds this morning by way of remembrance and I was talking to my wife like that after I was laying there in the bed. My mind was just going over and I had a whole lot of stuff on my mind like that and on my heart, I said, you know, I said, since I've got saved and all the life I can be believe and truly be honest with you, my since I've got saved, I'm not the same man that I was when I got saved. My fifth things in my life were from the very first verses I've mentioned it to you before, the very first verse that God left my life with Jenny, the fifth eighth chapter of John over there, that very first verse that God blessed to reveal to me and give to me since that day he saved me more. It just gave me one thing and stopped right there, he blessed my life who could be a bit beyond me. And just like that first verse, early, it still so precious to me today that first time God revealed something to me and that still precious to me today, I don't want to lose one thing that God's gave me since I started in this way and I don't want to hope that we got eternal life my fault, I don't want to hear a spot and say, I'm right and I'm just growing and they ain't another thing for me to do after I have to go. I think we get to play sometimes till we're dissatisfied with where we're at. Then I ain't going to be satisfied until God tells me out of here why I preach to him, I steal my house to be saved. And if we blow substance in our life and our wealth with God, I urge us to let that in one thing be precious and precious enough, can we deal with it when you sleep after it? Can we lie and handle this in our life till we get down on our knees if you're happy to call it out on God? And not just give up and say it's over, I'm just never going to wait the way that it was in my life anymore. I ain't never going to be the last day it was after church is anymore, Bobby. Not just give up and say, I owe them all of them. We get to do it when we sleep in our Christmas. Listen here, 120 seconds on. I was glad when they sent him to me. Let us go into the house of the Lord. I stopped by just a second. When the light is time you didn't go out there, when the light is time you've been happy, when they say, let us go into the house of the Lord, to get in the place of worship, to get in the house of God, to get down here to be able to serve God with gladness with the last time. With the last time you ain't walked through them doors with an old long side look on your face, and they say like a peer mule in these hour orders. With the last time you come down here with hope in your soul that these vowels don't be set down to you, they just pray all the way down to lay them in a dust that when you walk through them doors. But yes, no, just don't say. Hello, I'm the fanfic spin boy. You can't remember how to do this and tell you a little sleep that you've lost, but you've lost something in order to be precious too. You've lost something, you've lost, you've lost, you've lost, you've gladness. Like it said, I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within the high gates of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is building as a city that is compact together. At word compact, I looked at it, it means closely and firmly united, joined, held together. That's the definition of compact. Now listen, he said that Jerusalem is building as a city that is compact together. You know how important it is to all that it is to all that it is to all that it is to all that it is. Because if I come in here and hold on to the place, if I come in here, oh damn it, and I have all the time and everything is in the power of heart, and I can't find a bit of hope that God saved my soul, and I'm not in hell, a printer, but look at why, look at this. I want you to look. I want you to see it. I'm in this grass. I saved my soul. I'm not in hell. Yeah, the world's falling apart. Yeah, I think it's miserable. I can tell it's the upside. Yeah. Yeah. We're calm packed in here together. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're calm packed in here together. Yeah. Yeah. That means we're closely fitted together. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what that's gonna do, it's gonna rub up on my... (grunts) I don't know if my ass moves, you know what's gonna do, it's gonna put on over the body of my ass moves. (grunts) If I'm ass jagged, it's gonna rub off in the church. (grunts) And Mark, my ass, holly, it's gonna rub off down the church. (grunts) Where'd that come from, preacher? The Lord? I said this, church for old Jesus and Prince. The first church I've ever passed. And for 10 years, I've been given some experience. (grunts) For 10 years, I've been growing lungs and things. Now you've been times I've stood behind this poor pit. And I preached for months on here, and I've played no cold spirit coming back to me. And then I play them out to make somebody a sick name hurt. Just mad at somebody else. Hey, I've had to happen, and you didn't even know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about this one. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. I ain't no one ever put my life to know about it. Well, do I have to say that it's going to the house of the Lord? Listen to this. Whether the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, and to the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord. For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be with thee thy walls and prosperity within thy houses. For my brethren and my companion sakes, I will now say peace be within thee, because the house of the Lord God, I will seek thy good. Who know why David was glad to go down to the house of God down here? He can read some more about me, but his heart was over my own. He can read to the rock. He can go read a lot about David. Oh, that one would bring me a great from the wealth of Bethlehem. What he did to me is he's on top of it. You know what David to seek and after? David to seek and after the Lord. You know what David to tell him that he finds it? Listen to that last verse right there. He said, "Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek thy good." You know what David can find some good at? You know what David know that he can get his help back. That's not my house of the Lord. Yes, the world gone to peace, isn't it? The power of the part, but you want to know where we're going to find their help back? The power of the Lord. In the presence of God's way for him. 33rd song. Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together. Or let together the compactness again, ain't it? In unity. That's the ones. That's the singlement of mind. That's not sitting around. We may have names up here. That's what people do. They just keep up the other way. They can hear you. I gave up my smile the other day, and you know what? He just turned around and walked off. He must just like, "He's better than I am." Maybe he had something on his mind. Maybe he didn't realize. You know what we get out and I tell him that snowflakes are welcome. We get out of the field, and you know what we're carrying around, and those home-tillers are just so talented. Hey, I can grow up that way, and I hope I don't hurt nobody. When I'm sorry, I grow up and get kicked on my brother. Hey, just get with me. It turned out to hurt my feelings. And you know what? I'm quick to let them go. I was. But I just want to know something. Hey, it touched me up. It made me realize this. And you can get through it, oh boy. Disrusting God. I ain't got the feelings carried out there. The mind keeps getting blown. It's just killing me. You're going to have to come from it. I know. I bet you're in the house of God. I'm in. It's good. It's good. It's pleasant. It's the way we get to renew it. You know what's better if you don't want that good next place? It's not good. It's not good to renew it. You know what's better if you don't want that good next place? It's not good to renew it. It's not good to renew it. The mind is one accord seeking the will of God. Remember what I told you about remembering and going back? As you read the records, thousands, thousands saved to Pentecost. One mind. One accord. That's how they're going to happen. That's how they're going to happen. We're so stubborn and prideful. We're steadfast because we won't use it. Because it's our ability, we're the halfway. I won't change but no man knows nothing. You know what you'll do. You'll hand her every service and teach you. Order. You'll get rid of it. It happened. I've seen it. And you know we move from somewhere there to the island this world. That's what happened. But when I get to get in this place, it doesn't let me get rid of it. I think it's your turn to hurt nobody. Let me tell you something. You're looking to be worn out here. It's had to have his violence for him a few times. I've said, "I put some hardness." I've said, "I put some maintenance in my life." I said, "Oh, hey!" I said, "I blame that preacher, boy. Tell us!" I said, "Oh, hey!" You know what? Hell, I said, "I know what I'm talking about!" I said, "I said, "I'm talking about how he did me before!" [GASPING] Damn it. [GASPING] Because what my plateau told my up, let's have it. Tell me you tell me you tell me you'll break your papal flat in your hand right in the floor. [GASPING] He said, "That preacher didn't know where he was last night in the garden." [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] You haven't glad he knows about us? [GASPING] I don't think you've watched. We need to get some gladness in our life. I understand. And I know that he's carried a burden. I know it's low. It gets you down. It gets you. It gets you worse. You just can't hardly even go sometime. But I'm going to tell you what you can still find some gladness. [GASPING] By turning it off, it doesn't deliver. Well, then I can get all down there. [GASPING] But I've got some gladness. Because I know I've got it all. They can deliver. That will deliver. [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] It does deliver. [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] Mississippi. [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] They hold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren who dwell together in unity. It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard. Even Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garments. As the dew of hereon hit Herman and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion, for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life forevermore. [GASPING] You know what was about that precious ointment? [GASPING] And you know what, it can only be applied on that Christmas where you need to be. [GASPING] You know what makes you use of these presents? Aaron had to have his life for God could use him. [GASPING] You want to know how church service could feel to have you happy with him? [GASPING] You want to know how you feel the spirit of everybody who's coming here and just flow over and off this place. So we are going to do that. We're going to have our lives. We're going to keep our lives so that we can feel the spirit of God. The world we should feel in this presence when it comes to life. And when we get there, that precious ointment. Then we get flowing from here, and we get flowing, and then we get to run all the way down and start us on it. [GASPING] It wouldn't be a rejoice in the goodness of God, and in the blessings of God. [GASPING] You will know something. When they get swollen, their crops don't land. You need to get them ready with skirts. You know what happens? You get hooked by the same rat's side. And you know what, they don't bother that good spirit. You know what, they don't bother. You know what you keep getting hooked by them too. And you know what? When you won't get out of life before I do, don't worry. Hey! When they get sweet in them, they get smelly just right. Everybody wants to get it! [GASPING] So now, we sit down here and say, "I don't like it, smell." [GASPING] How free is something in the pot that carries here to church before? If it was only, if it was only, the pot that carries is God. There was, if the people in it was up the household of God, there could create that smell. [GASPING] And if he may have went home and had to create a smell, he kept himself from it. Well, you can mix it together just like to see the living out there. You know what? It didn't smell the same. It didn't feel the same. We can get ourselves built up in our own righteousness in our own ways. And it didn't even work. [GASPING] Here's where we get our help. Here's where we get our pleasantness. I pray it's still a matter about my own. [GASPING] He went off down in the mowback down there, and she went from being a pleasure to bitter. [GASPING] You leave the work God, the spirit God, and you can leave from being a pleasure, and you can get to being bitter. [GASPING] That's where it'll start. Look how the fight comes from. [GASPING] And he saw it rawr. It's bitterness. [GASPING] [GASPING] That's why you think you can hold me up and find me in terms and shake a hand or something. I'm just like, I love you, what you say. [GASPING] How do we get bitter? [GASPING] Do you want me to do something? That's a place to get bitter. Yeah. That's a place to get bitter. [GASPING] I thought about him as I studied through the scriptures. You have to start bringing her heart. [GASPING] It's like my name. [GASPING] He got that in the same place, man. Get one in the closet. One on this tip, please. [GASPING] I'd rather be first shot down. She'd been on there so much. Don't say my smash anyway, stop him. He did it a little box. [GASPING] Oh, it's just one of it. But I hope this is still right. It's just one person in the turf that came back to you, please. It's just one body man disagreement down there. [GASPING] These little foxes who come in and know what they're still doing. They're still killing everyone ever, behind you, God. We could get concerned about that one place of silver, Josh. That one place of gold. That one's current. They come to take you in your eye when you're quickly concerned about it and know what you're going to do. You're going to lose that. You're going to be held in that. You're going to be held in that. You're going to be held in that. And you lose in that. And the next time you know, you ain't got no more. You ain't got nothing you like to gamble with. And you're in a bit of this. It's sorrow. Indeed, that's when my stuff just starts saying, I don't need church. I don't need too much of a crit. I have to ask. I do this just as good as I ask. If I make some work, then I'll hold them. I'll be in there. I had a moment that he's done the same thing. Well, I don't need it. They got my head out of the church. I thought it wasn't one day of shit. You know what they've done? They jerked up to a long time. And they took us to the house. They went and started going right here. Just as good as we did down there. What's it done? They affected my life. They affected my history life. They affected their lives. They affected that church. They jerked up the stakes. They pulled that down. These days of church... God's been a blessing. God's been moved through church, through active church. They walked over here. God's been warned us. They keep our ass up. The walls up. Keep the heads is built. Keep the fences up. But you don't know what's trying to get them to a place like that. You don't know what they're after? They're after little babies. They're after humans. They're after AIDS. They're after black bottles. And these older ones in the church. You better be careful. What you let me cross your age. You better be careful. What you let go of. And pardon me no more. Hey, all the pigs, sir, sir. I'm right there with you. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. Hey, sir, don't care what you mean. 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