John 15:5

I Thought

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26 Jun 2024
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We might try to read just a few things, just had a few thoughts here that's been on our heart for a little bit, and we might go and read a little bit over in Second Kings to start with, and again I know this is very familiar, scriptures and stuff over here, about naming over here in the fifth chapter of the book of Second Kings, and I think most of all of us is familiar with naming and the story of what happened to this lefrace man, and the thing like I got some thoughts that I got to thinking about in that, you know it seemed like a lot of times, Mark, you talk to people that seems to have this week, and my cousin asked me there, he said, "How come we don't see things like they used to see in the Bible, how come things don't happen that way?" and we was out there working, and he looked at and he said, "How do you know it's real, how do you not just, how do you know that we don't just die, and then there just nothing, no more?" and these are questions that really go on in people's hearts, it's really the way that the devil tries to get us to see, you can get people confused, because God ain't confusion, it ain't hard to understand God, it ain't not hard to understand what he's doing, but it's when we get ourselves involved, and then when we start trying to figure it out instead of just, you know, I mean you take a gift and you just give it to somebody, and then they go and question them, "Well, why are you trying to give me this? What's behind this, or what's going to just take it?" That's how simple this is. They give it to Calvary, they was a sacrifice made by the God of Heaven, just take it. I mean, it ain't complicated, it ain't really hard just take it, that's all there is to it, but I got to thinking in this a little bit with a little help us, and I know we will, but we'll read just a little bit here, let me find where we want to start. We know here in this at Naaman, let me just let me start over here and begin, and we'll read through it, just bear with us, I know we need a good reader or nothing, but just bear with us for a minute. In the beginning of the fifth chapter of 2 Kings, says, "Now, Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria was a great man with his master in honourable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria, and he was also a mighty man of power, but he was a leper, and the Syrians had gone out by company and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid, and she waited on Naaman's wife, and she said unto her mistress, unto her mistress, would God my Lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria, for he would recover him of his leprosy, and one went in and told his Lord, saying, "Thus saith, thus and thus saith the maid that is in the land of Israel." And the king of Syria said, "Go to, go, and I will send a letter unto the king of Israel," and he departed and took with him ten gallons of silver and six thousand pieces of gold and ten changes of Raymond, and he brought the letter to the king of Israel, saying, "Now, when this letter is coming to thee, behold, I have, therewith, sent Naaman my servant to thee, that thou mayest recover him of his leprosy." And it came to pass when the king of Israel had read the letter that he rent his clothes and said, "Am I God to kill and to make it live, that this man doth sin unto me, to recover a man of his leprosy? Therefore, consider, I pray you, and see how he seeketh a quarrel against me." And it was so, when Elisha, the man of God, had heard that the king of Israel had read his clothes, that he said to the king, saying, "Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? Let him come now to me." And he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel. So Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot and stood at the door of the house of Elisha, and Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, "Go wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shall be clean." But Naaman was rough and went away and said, "Behold, I thought he will surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the Lord, his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leprosy, and are not abanna and farpa rivers of Damascus better than all the waters of Israel. May I not wash in them and be clean." So he turned and went away in a rage. And I'll stop there for just a little bit, maybe. But I got to thinking there about this, as Naaman came down there, he came down with it when probably no doubt in the encouragement, might be blind. He heard that when that little lady got word to him, said, "If ye get down there to these prophets," and then here was even the king of Syria sending all these gifts, and actually send him to go down there. So here's everybody encouraging him. Naaman, you might confine some help down there where I'm sending you. They're saying they say, "They're prophets down there, and people that can help you." And things that can change your life, and take away this, that's a killing you. And Naaman hears all of this, and no doubt, that was an excitement in his life. He was a great man of power. He was a great man, according to the word of God. A good man. But he was a lesson. He had something wrong with him, and no doubt in his mind, that was a poem in his place was something that Henry may have made his life. And then he went alone. And then he heard some encouraging words that he could find some help down there in Israel. But there were some prophets that could bring some help down there. And so as he comes down there into this place, he's got himself built up. He's got every plane he plays that's going to take for him to buy this or to reward whoever can give this to him. And he's coming down there, no doubt excited about what he's going to get. And just to fire with you a little bit, because that's why a lot of times we expect things when we come down to the house of God. Our lost people, no doubt, in their mind they say, "Well, I hear there's help if I'll just go to church." And I hear my says down there at the community chapel or up there at the party, a pinnacle view of the days of men preaching the gospel and people getting saved. And maybe I could get ahold of that myself. And they get encouraged in that. And then all the times, just like me and just like Naaman did, a lot of times we'll come to a set down on a pew and we'll hear the gospel. And Naaman, he was expecting something different than what he faced in that day. When he got down there to Elisah's house, he was lucky for him to come out, speak over him and do all these great things. And if you read that the way that it says that, what Naaman said to him, "I want you to understand this." He said in that 11th verse, he said, "But Naaman was rough and went away and said, "Behold, I thought. I want you just to burn down on that right there." For just a little bit. I thought, you know what we do a lot of times, we try to figure things out in our lives. We try to figure out more of what we play still take place and how it's going to happen. And God ought to do this, that he ought to just come back and just shake me out of my pew. But let's come to be this big, clever and clap a lot and then go on. And we've got all these things that we've got to build up. And all of it, all of it allows us to say it. He said, "Go wash." He said, "Go wash in Jordan." It wasn't nothing that spectacularly come out of his mouth. It wasn't nothing that really his men do exactly what Naaman thought it was going to know did. What was the key part that he's going to take place at? As I got to thinking on these things, my heart just went right over in the third chapter of Jordan. And I was thinking about Nicodemus but coming down there to the Lord and he went to inquire about how he could get a hold of what Jesus had. And he just finally told him he must be over again. And the first thing that happened out on Nicodemus, he started getting confused. Why? Because he started trying to fake about it. What got the message with Nicodemus? He said, "He's a father." He said, "God, you know what God says." And then the first thing he got to do, and he says, "Have tonight in the rhythm." My brother's wanted to save the time to be born when I'm old. The Bible tells us, "How's God? He's not his thoughts. Our ways is not his ways." Our way of thinking don't go along with what God is and what he does. His ways are far above ours. We'll never get this figured out. He makes something call me if you will see me out of ours. Name a book and they send out eight pieces of rickers, heart writer, and Jordan Cleaner. What can I go down there? What can I say? What do we do? We say, I can say anything unless one. I think there's something else I can do. Just like this, be a member. Could I just, the key in church, you service? Could I just put 50 bucks an offering ever send me? Could I just do it this way? Could I just do it that way? Ain't that far better ways than it has to get your heart broken? Well, in an hour and big fast before knowledge, you'll send it only way to hell. That's the way our minds think about it. But our thoughts ain't his fault. This is a great man about the help that they've been making people look at his legacy. They tried to tell him, they tried to help him, they tried to try to give him a way to figure it out, how to get rid of it, and nothing ever worked. So he took and he trusted a little mate, but word of a little mate. If you could just get that matter here, so let some profits down there. They threw me an hook on him, now he had enough in him to believe, enough to get up and go down there. We had enough in us to believe, to get up and go down to the church. Wouldn't we get that forward? Why do we get mad? Why do we turn around? Why do we get wrong? Why do we get wrong? Maybe it doesn't put forth that much effort, he doesn't get that forward. He doesn't believe that much. He got right down there. He didn't hear what he wanted to. So we got wrong. Did you raise any left in a race? Oh, he wasn't just, just to get up and tell you what I'm going to call back there. No, he was mad, thank you. Oh, it's mad. That ain't the way that I think the man ought to have to do it. He has a lot of people who don't think the man ought to have to get broke. They don't think he ought to have to get convicted. They don't think they ought to have to. They don't think he's going to an hour or maybe cry. Maybe it's longer, a little bit, maybe it's not just a little bit from everybody. That's him taking a pie. I think cleaner ways of doing that. I think more dignified ways of doing that. You'll be a paid watcher. God says the only sacrifice he would expect is a broken talk. Yeah, it's time. And that needs to be rewarded. God, at least all work at length of repentance. I just can't sleep, virtue. I just can't sleep. We just can't sleep ever lined up with you. We just can't believe it. Let's not sleep. They said if you told you to go do some great thing, wouldn't you know it? You've come this far. You come all the way down here. Why not? Why not? Neither quit faking about it. They just go down there and do it. We'll let your mind get so concerned with what you think. And you know what? Hey, you can't please come to that place. You know what it took? It just happened. He's expected this great, miraculous thing to come from the last one. There's a lot of time to take what it takes from it. Some great, miraculous thing to come from the preacher. I don't know if that man will just, he'll just put his hands on me and he'll all be there. I think we're fed, everybody. He's in my hands. It's in fact just to go wash. It's a place you might not play, but it's given that for you. It's a place that you might think there's better ways to get it. But you need to go. You need to cut for a haystack to go wash. That's how fun we'll get out of it, everyone. I mentioned it Sunday. And then false things left my heart. Tell you about the rest of these desires. And how we go around, Mike. We've got the preaching up on your life. Love and I. Hit on just about everything I preach Sunday morning. We've got our little thoughts, Mike. We've got this work next. You can hear me, don't we? Me, God's got this dream, so am I. And I'm going to do this, this, and this. You know where all this junk comes from? We thank you. Yes. You thank you. That's what it comes from, Taney. We'll know you can say I thought. That's what I ain't been able to get out of my mind for two weeks now. I thought. You know what? You know, it's a more troubling thing when we get to planting. When it comes to God. But frequently, we do need to thank, and when you know what we need to do, we need to read, study, and follow it off. They're just sitting back in church and warm the tents, the pipes, the bags, they sit back here. I'm going to say that, and I'm going to say, I'm thankful for my husband, I'm thankful for my wife. And I'm going to tell her, I'm going to tell about, I'm going to tell about this one time, a free fell only, and I'm going to just stay up there. All kinds of stuff goes through you here. Now I'm going to have to live with me, and I didn't die there. And you sit back and you plank, and plank, and plank, and next thing you know, touch this beast. And hip, sit, sit, work. Never got out of here. But it was in the name of desire. But you never said it. You sit back to the next service, and you don't want your heart. And then you get to flake in about it. That's what my husband was. You're flanking back too much. It was just that simple. Don't wash. It is just that simple, just go. That's what we got through. When the Word of God gets spoke. Oh Jesus, thanks man. Isn't that a scripture to come to my heart over here? And drinking, it's the first drinking. I got to flake in my pocket. And I got to flake in my pocket. Nick Davis had a name and got to build it up, and their minds, what they thought. Then I got to flake in about half a bottle, kind of breaks in the Word. It's the main details this year in the second chapter of first drinking. He said, "And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God." He's letting them know. Here's how I can't believe he tells a lot of people. I listen to him, he says, "Told my wife." One time he picks you up, he says, "Well, I don't want to make the laws straight off the construction site." He said that behind a pulp, getting tired, freaks me nothing. I want a man to find a suit. He's had a good enough education so he knows what to do. That's why a lot of people come to church. They've got photos of them, they don't go with you. And everybody makes me laugh better than the way God said to us. Why, because I got to thank everybody. And they thought that they'd been so great, looking at me in a fire in the first place suits, and I ain't got no problems with those two. You won't wire one wire one wire one, I just don't. They've got this made out in their mind. Then this man will get up and he'll say, "We were here and I won't kill anyone." Then they can raise their hand. And then he can say, "Repeat, you take me." They'll step right back and they'll take you that way. Boy, they wasn't on broken. They wasn't on contract, spirit had to be involved. They wasn't on crime. They wasn't on having to step out. They wasn't on crime. They wasn't on problem and had to pull you out of there. Had to pull them out of there. No, this man just stood out of the fire. And he just waved his hands over me. Hey, Ted, what, not even wanted you? Yeah. He didn't want that before. The way he was married. He didn't want to have to show that he was going to come and get that. This was like, he was half blessed with you. But had Paul tell him he'd come to you? I didn't know that he was able to explain it to you. I didn't know that he was entitled to words. No, no, but they were something about Paul. It's not about Paul. It was a little bit making him a lot of them other fellas, they heard. I told you to change his testimony, son. She said that some of them entitled to words and they made some of Jesus' speeches. She said that some of them waving them hands. And she got what man did give her. Then she got sent under some permanent willes. She got sent under some deck waves. She got sent under some men. Hey, she didn't tell them though, actually, she's bleeding. They didn't tell them though, enticing words. But you want to know something they had about them? Same thing, Paul had. Listen to what he said. He said, "For I determined not to know anything among you, say Jesus Christ and him, crucified. And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not within Tyson words of man's wisdom, but in the demonstration of the spirit and the power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." You know what, the Lord, won't you get hold of him? Honey, it will allow you to kill my power. And he went through your whole field there. Not even to let the seas go, and he'll walk away from the earth with the locks he'll wait for his hands open. He'll whip back up on you to tell him, "Yes, that prophet, that prophet." Boy, he healed me up. But that is, I'm going to tell you what we got about too many of these men call themselves creatures. That's a hill in the sand, that's the same in the wall. So I'm going to tell you what I am. I'm going to tell you, I am going to kill you. But he'll tell you what we got, son, of God's water now. He ain't man's in Tyson words. He ain't man's ass with his face. Paul didn't want him to get caught up in that. I don't want you going away saying, "You got to say, Bob, how are you doing?" That's why he didn't tell me that wasn't. That's why they still feed me, and it's not coming that way. It's not coming that I'm determined, not to know anything among you who saved Jesus Christ and him crucified. Do you know what else may I break still back in the demon's crisis of spirit? The demon takes me in that time, Paul. Sometimes, when the best way is to do it, you step your way along. You step your books on it, and you say, "Okay, you get that part of the living right here. You trust that life." Know that I'm going to love that climate? That you get to get to next to the king. You say, "Just walk in it. I'll go slow." Next to the other way, he says, "You kind of them." They say, "Okay. You know what they're counting in this, right?" This is how it's done. You see how people say, "They will have to say this year to God." It's willing to do the strength when it is to follow the spirit of the king. Whoever is to get broken, who heaven is to get the knowledge of a lady. Man, wait for what we can get up because we're an excellent city, a speech, and then our wisdom. Do you know what a scary thing you'll ever do is get up and just follow the Lord. Don't hold it. Walk together. And give a strength what it's like to follow the spirit. It's starting when you ain't got a testimony. Just let it out to the living. Just stayin' up and cry. You might not even get a order else. That's the inspiration. You've got to solve and take to carry a dude in a bucket. God says, "Sink." I just say that to the inspiration in this period. Well, thanks to Keith said that the part rung on to the other night. Said it to some of the old rugby cross. Brian just stood up early in it. He said, "Tick, you got safe here. Just a bunch of dude going to sit there and sit there and sit down." This is at the end of the service. It's seen like every plane is out. Keith said, "I got a song." And he got up early and said, "That's all my own way through." He's been witnessin' some people who didn't strike the spirit. He gave a drive. Listen. He said, "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. How be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect, yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world that come to not. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory, which none of the princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But it is written, "I have not seen nor ear heard, neither have it, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him." Now, I know I love the place about this city. I love the place about this as heavy. What God's prepared in my eyes, that city. And I believe that the truth. Would you always tell me what we set through the church. Meet night for week. Make God that planted God God to the power for us, dear. Can our eyes actually and our ears think that they heard him? And did they even hear him in toward our heart? Well, God to the power for us. But you know what we set back in manners with them. We set back planting. We set back with our thoughts. That's in trouble. If we just go on what we set, and step out in faith, believe in it, and trust in Him. If you're here excited, that's the way you had to step out. That's the way you had to sit in. You had to step out. You didn't see it. It wasn't there. Let the land of God grow that brings to the demonstration and the power of God. And wow, He is a preacher. They blew my talking to you. She said, "Let's get down there with the church." That old spirit and that conviction fired God up. They would need your life for God to grow on you and up to bring you down to the church. Said, "You can't help down there." Then that old slaughtering preacher gets up, goes to brings Him. And the demonstration of spirit, fired God. He waved His hands. He ain't planting something miraculous things. He's just up to our preaching. Come up here and wash. And we sit back, and we think, and we wrestle. For Paul and Sheldon, they don't want you to get it, but one way. Through faith, and belief, God, and Father and the Spirit. Who I think is so angry, because they can't do the way they want to. You know what, when someone plays the walks away from it, they can't do the way they want to do it. Mr. Davis, I ain't talking about hearing any of you brothers moving here. I'm telling you about something spiritual. I'm telling you about something you can't see with your eyes. The wind blow up where it lives is you hear the sound of our love. So you know they win there, we're together. You expect to leave the wind. Leave the sudden dinner right in that house. It's fired God. When God's Spirit gets to moving down earth to church. They can take the things, they can take the sense, they can take the things, they can get the old things to God. They know prior lawyers, they ain't coming out of them, but it's coming through their faith in God. It's coming through their own obedience. You know, life's good, they know the lion's prophet. Because when God tried to do some hopeless, hopeless mumble jumping on him, you know what, in a 70 step up to be a lion. At the end of the day, that man was still there to our mess. There's a lot of these today, and I don't know why I'm getting on with somebody. There's a lot of hopeless mumble jumping on him, but we want to know what's going on. And people are leaving and I'm just as loud as they will to make them. Tell me what God does. Tell me what he works. No. He's just saying to the man of God, he has the bridge. And he just says, "Go wash and do what I said." He just says, "I'll be hard." He must be more than he is. Not even it is an actual bloomer no more, but a spiritual mark. Through faith through belief in God. Peaceful. But God has revealed them unto us by His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things yay, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of man, say the Spirit of man, which is in him. I'm like about that, just a minute. As you know, he plans back. He plans back. As you ever want to have a walk, as you ever learn how to eat, you have a record on the day. He has an actual bed. They carry force that he wants to help you. Just like you said, and you'll all go. He says, "What we got?" Okay? Have any time to use a little back and forth, like you can use a column around those arms. And you get to that plate of heart to yourself, and I was mama, straight in you up. Leave me back or you didn't leave me. My fault, you have to get hurt, you have to fall in bed, straight in you up, leave you home. How did you ever know this? All of those things, how did you imagine this form, had to wait for your land? The land's wisdom in that. Then he walked up talking about it. For what man knoweth the things of man, say the Spirit of man, which is in him. Even so, the things of God knoweth know man, but the Spirit of God. His people live to sit down and call me. Just hang me on the street. Hang you go. You just ain't going to die, Mark. And it ain't that's no more. Just like play as I am. That's the anymore part of it. How did you know that? Spirit of God. That's the end. It's all the Spirit of man. That's what I thought of it. Can't figure that. To my understanding, I'm happy to be able to be able to be able to be. The way the Spirit of God comes by, the demonstration of the Spirit, and he goes to bring it to heart. And he goes to steal it from somebody. He gets to show them this and find it. Just like he did, man. I had quick thinking about it, Chad. I had just quick thinking about it. You know how I felt saying? I couldn't find you about it, and I believed it. With the heart, man, believe it, with other practices, and with the manifestation by other satellites. I complicate it, Jay. I can't figure it out. I believe, I believe, I believe. That is me. I was thinking about it. The night I got sight, I just laid my hand over, and I believed. Maybe I went down the lip waters, and he stepped out of it. The man got sick. Bip seven times. I know we've all heard of the physique. Bip one time. Bip six times. He never got it. No, he wasn't. No, man, he got sick. We'll just deal with us to believe in our heart. It means we'll just believe in your heart and be patient with you, man. Naaman had first step in the water. Naaman had to do exactly what the man got said. He didn't go that hard. He couldn't wait down the river. He couldn't wait down the river. it seven times come up. He didn't. He just kept him up electric. He could run from the old Bible preachers and preachers that bring us into the administration. They can run from that and get back to you. They'd go back and get burned to you. They'd go back and get burned to you. They'd go back and get burned to you. They'd run from all that. They'd go finding some words. How bad are they looking at you? They don't come by what you see. They come by what you do. They'd run off. They'd go big. All they want to, they'd come up the same way they went back. But when we came by the Spirit, that is now His side is growing. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a minor case figure at mine. That could do a It's such that the fight is hopeful. That idea that the fight is the aim of it except the fight is not something. So if you can lay your eyes on it, that ain't funny. Bob said hope that his saying is not hope. The things that are seen are temporal. Things that are not so they're entirely. I was holding in the wound the same routine as that can not be the same as you were on October 15th. I've been dying ever since. I'm sleeping. I've seen that since the day that I got it holding up the understanding like today. I've seen all that. So if I hadn't ever seen one God for part of the lake, then my uterus never hurt. That mean they never entered into my heart. To jump through the leadership of the spirit, I call the place. Never since then Bob. I was 52 years ago. I saw me dying. Never since that day they spent hope. They spent a job in. They've gone through a hard time. I've gone through a hard time, but I've seen about my job in another day. I don't know who I'm going to leave for a while. And you know what else I know? I know. My redeemer leave it. It didn't come from the excellence of my speech. It didn't come from my name's wisdom. It came from a spirit that kissed the same. It came from a spirit that I couldn't get. I am not. I believe in it. The spirit of God. That that got revealed to me. That's what the book says. It's that he's revealed to me. You didn't have Paul knew so much about this. He's lived by the excellence, the amount of water. He's lived by the wisdom of my name. Then one day on the road, he's in my life. He's heard a word coming from some words that he couldn't see. They spent a while on that road. Paul quit, saw a quick blanket, and he got a long more. And the Lord led him. There are not any nights. The scales fell off. He began to study. But it took faith. He followed with that force. And followed with Jesus Christ. They ain't gonna have to go and get saved on that fight. They ain't gonna have to go and get saved on that fight. They ain't gonna have to go and get saved if you would believe in that. They just stayed back. They just stayed back. That's what Naaman had to do. I just had a quick blanket about it. You remember me telling the story about my aunt, Gail? We got saved here several years ago. You know, me and the other back there, when we were leaving, and the other back there, she said, "What are these days?" And then she told me she said, "Anyways, I just need to sit down, talk to you for a while." She said, "I've got a lot of questions. I've got a lot of questions that I can't figure out." And I said, "We'll sit there in the wheeled out for them." And I said, "I ain't going far out and get me all the answers." I said, "We expect the Lord to go out." And I said, "We'll try our best to go through it." She said, "One left. We'll wake up in that path." She said, "I've got one." You said, "He's lighter." She piled a lot of teeth up there. He was out. I looked over at her and I said, "You still got questions?" She said, "No more." "No more." "You know what, God doesn't actually ever want that matter." But it was spirit. It was spirit. We didn't figure out how this stuff happened. We're trying to figure it out of here, isn't it? This would never be a spirit. A spirit. We're living with it. We see everything inside. That's how we see our church. Through faith. Through the wisdom of God. Not with enticing words and man's wisdom. Let me finish reading this. For what man knoweth the things of man saved the spirit of man, which is in him. Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the spirit of God. Now, we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit, which is of God. That we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. It's the only time you're ever going to see what he's freely given. It's through the spirit. We find the next spirit. But the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolish unto him. Neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. You ain't never going to understand it. You remember me telling the story about being a little boy, going in there in that family Bible all the time? And I look, and I see these thou red letters and black letters. That's all I could get out of that. I couldn't have figured it out. And you're through the spirit and place ideally is my life of God. And I still don't know the life of God. But you'll know something. I still hang on to the first scripture that y'all let me see in the spirit. And if you know me, you know my scripture. So if you think that you're a young, without any, you can remember that. The first scripture that the spirit of God opened up to me. Originally, I don't think people would put this for me. It's still this day when it's the first time. The first time I met the Wolf in the North with me. The first time, the quick time to figure out a future. The first time I met the spirit in here. And it never left me. It won't never left me. It's more than precious times I met people who lived in here. They just kept by what he said. It's been a while for a minute. They just walked me into the spirit for a little while. The big place of God would be carried out. And it's free. It's a free gift. The reason it might not be much to some people. They're trying to figure it out. What would you just quit trying to figure it out maybe? Just reach out and get ahold of me and tell you. Just walk with you. Just get to have a little wash. It's just amazing. The whole time I was going, all the time I was doing was having a period of history. The whole time I wanted it. But believe in the North. Keep it up to take a big one time. Two times, three times, four times, five times, six times. And that's it. I'm going to chill out. You're going to be like a new child. He's going to be one of the ones you might be facing. The thing was to go out there. He didn't go away just for facing that prophet. But he professed that God was the prophet. He was preaching the truth. Let me tell you what will happen. When you truly get ahold of God. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You won't go away. You know what that man is? He's going to walk away and send a light to him. Don't know what I'm thinking. Don't know what I'm thinking. The man that hurts or expects the printer to do it. Even he doesn't do it. He can't. Thought he's supposed to fix my problems. Thought he's supposed to straighten it right now. No. No, it's free to play. You deal with your life to Jesus Christ. That's what's called Fixie's Rob. You bet what's going to help you through this life. Fixie's right here. I won't be here for you to lay known as much as you can. But I ain't where you have to come from. But it's through the Spirit of God. There'll be no way to do that. That's what gets the job done in my life. That's what gets the job done in my life. That's what gets the job done in yours. That's what gets the job done in yours. Listen on this. He says, "But the natural man receiveeth not the things of the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness unto him. Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judges all things. Yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him. But we have the mind of Christ. We get to think of him sometimes. Who's known the mind of God that they could instruct him? No man. But you know what we have? The mind of Christ. I can't instruct God. You saw him in the name of the third. He talked about the laws of God. Why? If I tried to instruct God, I'd tag him with all the things that he may have. That's right. So the preacher, I wouldn't say something like that. Hey, every way a man is right in his own eyes. You know what I'd do to where I could be right? I'd change God's law. I would in my flesh. I'd fry it. In my old sinful nature. But you know what I've done now? I've got the spirit of God listening to me. You know what that does? I know we instruct him. You know what it does? It instructs me. It leads me. And it's not of my wisdom. It's not of man's wisdom. But it's of the spirit of Jesus Christ. That's what saved me. That's what's leading me. And that's what we all better follow. That's what we're thinking inside of. Oh, as long as we're thinking about it, we're thinking about it. See everyone gets their kind. When we step out on some fight. And get to believe them. We'll see if she's coming back. That's what we'll give them now. And I thank the Lord. I'm a weird guy I don't know. And if I did. I ain't fired yet. Because it's a message that God laid off my heart. And it's hung in. I'm grateful that it ain't right. It was to take us two seconds. Tonight we've been leaving. But this is the wisdom of God. I love Israel.