Drinkin‘ Bros Podcast

Episode 1319 - Super Tuesday

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
06 Mar 2024
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It’s Super Tuesday and time might finally be up for Nikki Haley, Facebook and Instagram are suspiciously down on Election Day, and we break down Allan Lichtman’s 13 Keys to the White House for both Biden and Trump.

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(heavy metal music) - Welcome to drinking bros, presented by Sit back, relax it, grab a fucking drink. - Yeah, welcome to drinking bros, kids, happy Super Tuesday. Hopefully everybody's out there voting. Is it just the primaries today, Anthony, is there other shit on the ballots here? Do we know? - Yeah, there's other stuff, ballot measure stuff, I think, but. - Depending on where you are. - Yeah, it depends on where you are. It's these early, or the primary section they use for I think county stuff will do some ballot measures. - Okay. - And the primary season in the spring, 'cause they implement in the fall, but statewide ballot measures, they always implement in the following spring, like winter spring, so this will be in November. - For our district, there are a couple actual general races. - Yeah, like Hayes County stuff, right? - No, yeah, you're talking about not ballot measure, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, they're general races. So Chip Roy, our US representative is running right now. - Yeah. - And then Texas. - Because there's no Democrat that's gonna win here. - So it's, same thing with Brandon Herrera down in district two or whatever the fuck he's in. Like between him and Tony Gonzalez, that'll be the election right there, right? - Really? - Yeah. - Is Brandon, is there any polls for Chip like that? - I know, I haven't seen any, to be honest, I have no idea how he's doing, but yeah, and just what I'm saying is that the Democrats won't be able to win there. So whoever wins, they're probably in primary, yeah. - It'd be crazy if Brandon was a fucking congressman, you know, I'd love to see it. I wish I could go vote down there. We'll go back to my home states here. Bob, how's Herschel doing? - Oh man, I just had the graphic up. It's still a tight one for him. - Okay. - Let's see. - Ah! - Damn it. - Still down there, still down in Georgia. Hate to see it, hate to see it. Hopefully he's able to pull this out today and move on to November on the ballot, but not sure. Not sure. Always nice to check in on Herschel, though. Good for him. A lot of people are axing the question, though. Well, Nikki Haley, leave after today. What do you think? - Yes. - She will. - Mm-hmm. - Okay. Have you chatted anybody about this? - Yeah, I talked to Nikki this morning. (laughing) - Where was she at? - Well, I couldn't really hear what she was saying 'cause her head was bouncing up against a headboard. - Sure. - And there was a line of dudes out the door. - Yeah. - No, I haven't spoken to anybody about her specifically, just, you know, there's no, like, there's no reason for her to stay in. - None. - Obviously. I mean, even like, Super Tuesday is the, usually when the last candidates fall out. Typically what'll happen is the leading candidate will buy off people, right? So you give me some of your campaign war chest and you tell your followers to come over here and talk to me now, and in exchange for that, I'll give you an ambassadorship or a cabinet position or whatever the fuck. Hard to imagine that's gonna happen here. As a matter of fact, the other day, she animated that she's no longer bound by her pledge to support whomever the Republican nominee is. I don't know why she says that, but. - Good for her. It's weird to me because Trump appointed her a big position when he was actually president and now she's just gonna say, fuck you. - That's slow, my fo-fo make sure all your kids don't grow, which I don't like that at all. But she never needs to get the fuck out of here at this point, just for the money aspect of it. When I look at how much money these people are blowing to fucking lose races you know you're gonna lose, use it for something else, man. - I think she's the heir apparent to Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. I think when he retires and I don't think he's gonna be around much longer, I think she takes that seat. So she, like you really gotta be cognizant about getting your fucking shit pushed in. It's one thing to lose. It's another thing to embarrass yourself, right? - But it's too much, I'm looking at this right now. So, 15 states today. That's why they call it super Tuesday or holding for Republicans are doing this. If you get swept today and you lose 15 fucking states in one day, doesn't that kill your chances all together? - Yeah, she can't win. There's no question about that. I don't think that's the issue. I think she's just trying to rabble rounds and make noise, but that's not the best. It's what I'm saying. Like in the early stages, stick around, fuck with people, do whatever you gotta do, I guess, to make your point. 'Cause really what it is, what it's been historically is trying to pull the party into your direction, right? So that's how you keep your particular base energized. You wanna get some concessions from the main party, right? Like, you know, for her. Well, typically it's pulling people in the other direction. For her, it was like, I don't know what her concessions would be. Let's go do more war. I guess I don't fucking know, right? - I don't know. It's very bizarre to me because I'm not sure where she goes from here. Somebody last night, there was an article that was floating her as potentially running as an independent candidate. I don't think that's gonna happen. - I mean, she can try, but only people in DC would even vote for her. - Right, I mean, look, it might take some votes away, I guess, but no, that doesn't make any goddamn sense. - Now, there's like, people are running these stories, they only six out of seven Republicans support Trump. It's like, six out of seven? Like, who came up with this fucking number? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - You know, they're like, one in seven Republicans say they don't support Trump, really? Fuck outta here. - Dentists have better set, like six out of seven dentists. If we recommend it, you do it, obviously. They're just not doing it in the Republican party. - Chatterton's cigarettes, I believe, is the dentist recommended cigarette, I believe. - Sure is, sure is. - Bob, you have to check on them. - Yeah, no, that's accurate, yeah. - I'm a Winston's guy through and through, and then Winston's cigarettes, if you're out there, would love to advertise with you on drinking bros podcast. First time in podcast history, if somebody's promoting cigarettes, that would be great. I think we should bring it back. And then we got breaking news here out of Arizona, so Kristen's cinema will not run for reelection in Arizona. If you don't know who that is, that's the Democrat turned independence. She's gonna leave the Senate after one term. So what happens there, I guess? She's technically a Democrat who's swapping out of there. Arizona's got Kerry Lake, I believe, who's running in November. She'll be on the ballot there. - What do you think? Is this gonna remain blue? - Yeah, I think Arizona's been taking a pretty hard turn blue. I mean, it's been purple-ish for a couple of cycles now, but I think it's gonna turn blue now, for sure, yeah. And I think it's mostly due to election rigging and gerrymandering, to be honest. - They can't get it right in Marigopa County. - No, the woman who's the current governor right now was, she adjudicated the last election as Secretary of State to make herself governor. So it's like, you know, I feel like, we'll see how all this goes. I don't know, but I wouldn't move to Arizona, that's for sure. - Yeah, I'm looking at it now. So her exact statement was on why she's leaving because I choose civility, understanding, listening, working together to get stuff done. I will be leaving the Senate at the end of this year. So she's out of there here. Boy, they're saying this is gonna be a tough and expensive fight for that seat. I agree, the leading Republican is Kerry Lake over there, as I mentioned, and then Democrat-wise, Ruben Gallego. I don't know who that is, I don't know who Ruben is. And they're already running hard to replace her. So yeah, she's fucking out of there and that's it. - Well, when's that seat up? This is it, the end of this year, I guess. So I'm assuming this is November. - Oh, hang on. - Yeah, the race is in November. - Yeah, I don't know why she would wait until March, until super Tuesday to announce she's not running for reelection, for a Senate, for a statewide campaign. - Trying to get, trying to keep it quiet. - Maybe, maybe. - Trying to get out of there on what's the one day everybody won't really notice. Ah shit, super Tuesday, we fine, let's get out of here then. - The day that everybody's thinking about voting? - Yeah. - That doesn't seem likely. Let's dip on that one. Yeah, she had a, you know, a huge video on X. I'll spare you, we're not gonna play it. Compromise is a dirty word, we've arrived at that cross road and we chose anger and division. I believe in my approach, but it's not what America wants right now, it's sure the fuck isn't, okay? But we do need more attractive people in Congress. And Bob, you can pop that picture up for the people on Patreon here. - Let's get some, let's get the uggos out of there. All the way around. - Are you saying she's an uggo? - No, she's fine. - What about Kerry Lake? - Yes. - Yes, she's fine. Kerry Lake is attractive. - She's like a delusional Halle Berry, kinda. - Yeah. - Like a delusional Halle Berry. - She's hot. - And she is very delusional. - She's hot. That'll play, Kerry Lake will play. - She's a crazy person. - That's when we just, we gotta get the uggos out of office here all the way around. - I would settle for no fat people and no one over 65. - Okay, I like that. So what's your weight? What are you maxed out at? - It's not a weight thing 'cause obviously you gotta take height and consideration there. But if you're fat, you gotta go. - But what pound? I need a poundage. - While BMI is not a good, I don't like BMI. I would say body fat percentage, probably. - I think you just gotta do the sorority method. You put them on a running dryer. - Wash your machine or dryer. - Yeah, and circle the parts of them that jiggle. - That jiggle. - And say, hey, lose this or you're out of the house? - I think, I like it. I like it, Bob. - I think for a man 15% body fat. - Okay. - And for a woman 23, probably would be safe. - No more than 15 as a man. - Yeah. - Yeah. - No, the more than 15 as a man. No shit, dude. All right, I'm at like 16.3 in my last measurement there, so I don't know if I'd make it. You'd have to fucking kill me and I'm not fat. - No, no, we're not gonna kill him. You just can't run for office. - No, you're dead. If you can't run for office in this life, you don't deserve to live, I don't think. But Carrie Lake will definitely play. I hope she wins. I want that little box of crazy in there out of Arizona. You know, you want her doing weird shit at the border down there. She was a news reporter for what, 30 years or some bullshit? - It was a long fucking time for Carrie there. - Ah yeah. - She's got some roots, I guess, in the state. - One. - But-- - One trustworthy profession to another. - Which one? - Journalism to Politics. - When you're a local journalist in Arizona, Bob, you have your finger on the pulse of America. You know a lot about rattlesnakes, meth, and turquoise. And let's face it. That's who you want running your fucking state there. Somebody who's got a handle on meth, rattlesnakes, and turquoise. Because God forbid, God forbid, we have some form of civil war. And we all got to start trading turquoise again. You're gonna need a leader of the fucking turquoise minds. And it's gonna be Carrie Lake. So I'm amped about that. Also here, a bit of breaking news. Michelle Obama's is according to NBC News. Michelle Obama's office says the former first lady will definitely not be running for president in 2024. She hated, she didn't like being there as first lady. So, yeah. - Yeah, and she can't risk being seen by the White House doctor. - Wow. What do you think? Jamie Lee Curtis, Stitch? - Yeah. - She's got a hog on her, man. She's got a hog on her. It's gonna get exposed. She can't afford that. - Hey, Big Mike! Big Mike, hop on up on the thing here. Let's see that fucking ding dong. I know a lot of people have asked for her to do it. And I think she would have won in all sincerity. So I'm glad she's not doing it. But she hates that fucking job. She hates that life and everything else. That's B.O.'s job, dude. That's Barack's, you know? He loves that shit. I guarantee you. He's just like, well, Michelle, well, you just consider it? Just consider it for a little bit. We'll do it. We'll try to get done. And she was like, no, bro, I'm not doing this. She pulled out that dick. - He should go back to Kenya or wherever he came from to be king there, right? He wants to be king so bad. - Look, man, we're getting close to it. There's a lot of shit going on today. Here's far as the election, man. I'm looking at all this other fucking shit. RFK Jr. is talking about maybe changing parties to a libertarian party. Is that still going on the ballot? How does that work? - There is a zero percent chance that RFK will be on the libertarian ticket, zero percent. I could guarantee you that guaranteed. I'm actually doing a fucking event with minds, which is primary libertarian. I think it's April 27th here in Austin at Vulcan. We're doing a little speaking thing there. But I've talked to some of these dudes. There's no fucking way, man. He's not even close to being a libertarian. Nothing he believes is libertarian. Nothing. - Yes. - He's an environmentalist wacko. He's a fucking anti-gun wacko. He's like the two things that we've been fighting against that have been shaping our culture for the last 25, 30 years. He's on the wrong side of both of those things. I don't give a fuck what he thinks about vaccines. He's a clown. He's an ass clown. Completely incompetent. In no way qualified to be in public office at all. He's never done shit that qualifies him to be in public office. He's just got a last name that's familiar to people, but not for the best reasons. - Yeah. - Right? So fuck off, dude. - So I guess this speculation that he could join is so he could qualify in more states heading in November so he could actually get-- - Oh, yeah. - He didn't know that. - He wants to, of course he does. He's a fucking piece of shit. He wants to use the hard work of other people to get himself onto the ballot. - Yeah. - Of course. The libertarian party has spent years shaping their fucking platform ground campaigns to get themselves on ballots across the country. And now he's just like, oh man, thanks for doing all that hard work. Let me use my raspy voice and now shut the fuck up. How about that? Robert? - This says there's a lot of buzz going on. There's a lot of interest in him said Ron Nielsen who served as former libertarian presidents. Presidential nominee Gary Johnson's campaign manager in 2012 in 2016. - Yeah, Gary Johnson. The current iteration of the libertarian party wiped Gary Johnson off the face of the map. - He sure did. - Because he's not a real libertarian either. It was a fucking clown that was trying to capitalize on the national exposure. That's all that was. - He couldn't find Syria. He didn't know where Syria was on a map. And I don't know if you remember the back as far, but in 2016, they kind of gave us access to all the campaigns and all that other shit. I went to the Trump one. We sent, we sent Jared to Gary Johnson's dude. Do you remember Jared hung out with Gary Johnson for the entire day? - Yeah. - Up there. (laughing) And I was like, we Jared came back. I basically remember chatting about the experiences or whatever, and he was like, man, it was weird. It was fucking weird up there. And it was some place in Utah. What a weird fucking day, dude. So we sent Jared to hang out with that fucking guy. - Yeah. - He goes on to say if he were to say that he was going to accept the nomination of the libertarian party, that would probably change a lot of heads. There are people within the liberty movements that would like to help him. Is that true? - No. - Correct. - No, it's not. The people who run the main libertarian party, the one at least who's the biggest focal point is Dave Smith, the comedian from Legion of Scanks. - Really? - Yes, he is the, in my opinion, the sharpest libertarian mind on the planet right now. As far as the history, the modern application, dispelling a lot of the stupid shit like borderless countries and things like that. He's the smartest guy out there, and he's got immense power within the organization, and he's publicly stated many times. There's no way he will allow JFK to become, or RFK Jr. to become the candidate. And he's also debated in publicly, I would recommend watching it. - Okay. - 'Cause RFK is not anywhere in the ballpark of being a libertarian. - Yeah, it's interesting. The other interesting thing that happened today, with Super Tuesday happening and everybody out voting, is Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, everything went down at the same time today. Are we getting ready for what's gonna happen in November? Or that's what it felt like this morning. - Who knows, man, I mean, it's probably a cyber attack. Russia and China launched something like 3,500 distinct cyber attacks against the United States each month, right? Towards, I mean, a lot of it is towards corporate interest, especially to try to steal intellectual property, tech intellectual property specifically, so. - No shit, is that what it's really over? - A lot of the time, yeah, I mean, who knows, but I don't know what the fuck's going on. - All right, and then that fucking goddamn election guru, Alan Lickman today, we'll keep it all in the political family here as we go out and vote today. The masterminds behind the 13 point keys to the White House algorithm said, he still thinks Biden's gonna win this election. Coming up. - I would be surprised if a legitimate election put Biden back in on this, frankly. That would be a big surprise to me. - I agree. - Like it isn't just about the candidate polling specifically. The issue is polling, right? So this is the first time, this is the only second time in history that a sitting president has run against the guy who was president before, right? So the second time in history, it's happened. So it's kind of unique in that you're able to poll people on how they felt about the inaction policies of one versus the inaction policies of the other. And on average, Trump is winning by 40 to 50 points on every subject, right? Economy, foreign policy, so on and so forth. If Biden does win, the fix is in, right? - Yeah. - I don't believe that people are still upset enough about Trump's attitude issues that they wouldn't vote for him to be honest at this point. - Well, what he's saying is, you know, there's a possibility that he could be convicted or one of these cases is gonna go through. I don't think so. We were hoping to have that Fannie Willis decision. Oh, Fannie, Fannie, why Fannie? - But apparently there's more people that have stepped forward who are gonna testify against her. It's like, Jesus Christ, how many fucking people do it have gone against this woman at this point? Like, let's just end it. - Yeah, it reminds me, it reminds me of, remember the, at the end of fear and loathing in Las Vegas? He was like, our only hope now is that nobody, that we've gone so far that nobody in a position to bring the hammer down would possibly believe we actually did all this shit. I feel like that's gonna be Fannie's defense at this point. Just let, bring them all in. Let them all say shit and then hope like, maybe, I don't know, just get it all all the way now, right? - The other portion of this too was-- - 'Cause she's gonna have an only fans in six months, I think. Right? And I'm gonna be a subscriber. - Yeah, yeah. - Just for more of it, curiosity. - Well, you wanna see something go up her butt. - Yeah, the Gorilla grip, right? - I know. - Gorilla, Gorilla, Gorilla, Pussy. - Pow. - Yeah. - I wanna see it, I wanna see it in real life. But yes, she, apparently they, Senate, the Senate committee asked for the lawyer who's against her for that Michael Roman guy to come in and testify to Senate. I'm assuming that's over the misuse of campaign funds and things like that. And then more people are on the docket to testify. So they said they might not have a decision for two more weeks in this goddamn thing. But in the meantime, because of that, this case keeps getting pushed and pushed and pushed. So if this, if you're not getting something by the middle of March, there's no way this can go forward at this point. And you're gonna have to push it or it could be a mistrial, which is what they're also fighting. - Maybe, I don't know if they necessarily need to adjudicate this case to pull her off of the Trump case. That should have already been done. Now, I don't know if like how wrapped up the Assistant DA or whatever is in that as well, right? - Nathan Wade. - Yeah. Like is he facing potential criminal charges as well? 'Cause then you can't do anything. If the DA and the ADA are both fucked right now, then there's no, like you can't just put some fucking junior level person in charge of the prosecutions for a county like that. - Well, both of them committed perjury and that's on the record. I mean, they got text messages and all that shit that they were banging three years before. They said they were, that alone could get them convicted if they wanted to go for a conviction in this. But obviously, I think they're just trying to chuck 'em out of there and then they'll probably deal with the rest of the campaign shit afterwards. One would imagine, one is really sitting pretty and this is the goddamn ex-wife, you know? She's watching all of this unfold and there's no doubt her diverse attorney has been leaking everything in the other over there. So she's gonna win big in this. That's the one to keep your eye on here. But as far as these 13 points, this key to the winning the presidential action, I wanted to ask you about this. I've heard of it. I've never actually taken the time to read it here. So here's Alan Lickman's 13 keys to the White House. Number one, the incumbent party has more seats in the House of Representatives after the midterm elections compared with the previous set of elections. - Yeah, and by the way, I don't know how good of a... Well, Republicans have that now, right? As opposed to the last one? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean it's... But each, let's say for the sake of argument that this is accurate, whatever he's saying, each one of the points is just one individual data point. It doesn't, like proving one wrong does it prove the whole algorithm wrong, I guess. But he's, this guy is a fucking lunatic, by the way. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - And he says, like, he was in the news yesterday talking about how the, how the Supreme Court fucked up on the Trump ruling this week, right? - Right. - So he's clearly got an axe to grind here. - He does, but I will say this. He's correctly predicted the outcome of every presidential election since 1984. - Yeah, well, it's probably a lot easier when they're not real elections. When somebody just calls him and tells him who's gonna win, right? (laughing) - Well, that's number one. So that would be the Republicans, that would be Trump. Number two, there is no primary contest for the incumbent party nominations, that would be Biden, right? - Mm-hmm. - Number three, the incumbent president is seeking a second term. - That's what incumbent means. - Right, but in this one. - He's saying that the incumbent is actually running. - I'm not, not. - Okay, gotcha, gotcha. Is that Biden? - Yeah. - Okay. Number four, there's no significant third party challenge. - We don't know about that yet. - We don't know, actually. - There could be a very significant one from Tulsi Gabbard and RK Jr. - Is that still a thing that you're really? Okay. And what if he's able to get into the libertarian party, then what? - That won't happen. - But according to the support that he allegedly has from the shit that I just read you, who's their other hope? Who else would they slot in there? - I don't know, but not him. - I don't know. - I'm telling you, I'm telling you, the people there in control, the Mises caucus that is gonna control the libertarian party right now, they would shut the party down before they would let him run. - If he was the nominee from the libertarian party, would you fucking bounce on that whole organization? - Yes. - Okay. - Yeah, I would withdraw my support from that party permanently if that were the case, 'cause they would have just capitulated to a fucking status turd just for popularity's sake. - Number five here, strong short-term economy. - No, no, you don't have that. That's Trump. - I guess it depends on how you frame that. Like, and it depends on how the incumbent party sells it as well, right? Because they're trying to do it now. Fucking Pete Buttigieg was in the news. CNBC getting lit, the fuck up yesterday. - Oh, yeah, I crushed it, sir. - But was trying to make the politics, the economy was actually doing good. Yeah, if you're like rich, if you're like, for me and you, the economy's okay. But if you live paycheck to paycheck, the economy is not okay. - No. - It's very not okay for people who are spending way more money, 300% more on groceries right now still, than they were when he entered office. They're spending two to two and a half times more for gas than they were when this piece of shit came into office. So let's not pretend like the economy, when we say the economy's good or bad or strong or weak, one is the value of the dollar, which is doing okay for now, right? Although inflation is still way up, right? - Right. - And then it comes down to how the majority of people, the 280 million or so adults in this country actually spend their dollars with the purchasing power is for the shit that they buy on a regular basis. Cars, homes, food, right? They're all up. - Yeah. - So it's not true. - All up and then a housing man is just fucking stuck right now, except for Florida. Florida's actually fucking through the roof. Next up, strong, long-term economy. I don't know. I mean, look, is that going into the future here? Because if you get that old fucker out of there and Trump's in there, sure. I can see the economy turning around and inflation and all that shit. - It's a big problem for Biden that rates have not come down. - At all? - Yeah. - They've not dropped once. - I had a phone call about it yesterday. - There's a lot of time left in the year, right? So who knows what's gonna happen. But between now and November, that's an eternity, right? But if rates don't significantly drop between now and then and people don't start buying homes again, actual people and not conglomerate companies, then it's gonna be an issue for him, I think. - Yeah. Next up, major policy change enacted by the incumbent administration. - Does that happen? - I mean, they opened the border. That's not great. - It's not great, obviously, but that's not a policy change, I guess, right? - Well, it was a policy change. What does he mean by that? - So I'm assuming this is like a big one, like let's say Obamacare, for example. That would be a big policy change there. - I think they would probably try to lean on the student debt thing, but that was not a big needle mover, right? - As a matter of fact-- - Did he even pass or go through? - Some of the federal student debt, but it's like a minimal amount of money from the federal government. Yes, some of that went through, I don't know, I can't really think of anything major. - I can't either because on all these networks, I see everybody in the left touting Obama's policies, but I can even mark Cuban dinner in an interview today saying, "Oh man, his policies are great." What are they? What was one thing that he did over the last three and a half years that was like, "Yes, that was awesome and my life is better," and it's changed. - Yeah, I mean, again, nothing, nothing. The Afghan pull out was a fucking disaster. - The border's a fucking disaster. - The border's a disaster. - The relations are a fucking disaster. - The way that we've handled Ukraine is wildly unpopular amongst ordinary people. I mean, you see plenty of fucking blue check marks on Twitter with Ukrainian flags in their bio and shit, but the ordinary average person you run into on the street doesn't want to be involved in any of this bullshit. So no, I mean, it's been an unmitigated disaster in every fucking possible way it can be, in my opinion. And I don't like, there might be a bright spot here or there like, "Oh, we had a good jobs report." I'm like, "Okay, one, that's a quarter worth "of people going back to work. "We're not talking about the people "who have left the job market entirely. "You don't count them anymore." 'Cause this is the way that the government's always juked the stats for lack of a better phrase. They just like change the threshold. It's like this trope you've heard of the last couple of years that gun violence is now the number one killer of children in America. Only if you exclude zero to three-year-olds and include 18 to 21-year-olds, which are not children, those are adults by law, right? So, and it's by the way, you can guess which 18 to 20-year-olds are getting killed by guns. - I don't have a guess. - It's not suburban white kids, right? - They don't have a guess. - So, this is how it works. This is how it works. They just kind of move the flagpole or the goalposts around a little bit and then try to message around that. But there are no reasonable people. I mean, seriously, I have friends who lean to the left. Our buddy, Francis Foster, was on the show the other day, leans to the left. He's like, I would say probably something, after the last couple of years, he's probably more of a left-leaning libertarian, but he was a liberal before. And nobody that I know that's like that is talking about how good Biden's doing. They're all like, what the fuck and why? And then who, what, when, where as well? - Yeah, no idea. Next up, no social unrest. Well, that's not true. That fucking-- - Well, there haven't been riots this year yet. - Sort of. - We'll get some. - But Palestine, the pro Palestine bullshit going in the White House, the insurrection on '08, never forget, October eight would happen there. - Seven. - Sad day, was it '07? No, that was when-- - No, it was October 7th. - Yeah, so that's when the incident happened. I'm talking about when they stormed the Capitol. - Oh, I don't know. - I believe that was '08 or '08, and either way, it's a moment marked in history forever. - Then you can't remember the date of it, that's where it was. - That's exactly. 'Cause I don't give a shit about any of it. If you wanna drill January 6th into my fucking head, I wouldn't have given a shit about that date. It just would have been five days after New Year's for me. Next up is Noah Scandal. Well, that's Trump on that one. - Biden too, Hunter and all that other bullshit. - Like that's a wash, both sides like classified docks and legal troubles for both. - Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot. But the one, he was fine though. It was just a scene I old man. - Yeah. - So that nothing to see here, and he just willfully took it and you're fine on that one. Or is Trump still going to trial for that? Next up, no major foreign policy or military failure. (laughing) - Well, that one's not going for Biden on that one. - No, but they're trying to, Biden's trying to play both sides right now. And I don't know how it's gonna work out, maybe it'll work out for him, but he's trying to continue to support Israel, so the Jewish lobby in America doesn't come after him. And he's been more or less okay on that so far. And he's tried to also kind of pressure Israel into cease fires and shit and leak that information, which you shouldn't do during a negotiation, but they've been constantly leaking it. - Yep. - To try to appease some of the fucking pro-Palestinian crowd, which Palestine again, one more time, not a real place, not ever mentioned in any historical document until like the middle of the fucking 20th century when we just made it up. But anyways, yeah, he's trying to play both sides right now on that. And I think it's gonna backfire probably. We're probably gonna see some major Middle Eastern terrorist attack. - Yeah. - On a Western country and in a Western country sometime between now and November, and that might be the thing that decides the election, frankly. - Swing it for Trump. Give me one cup. - Yeah, like when you're, if you've got two uncles and one of them is wearing a MAGA hat and cut off sleeves and he's got a gun in his back pocket. And the other uncle is like pruning flowers in the corner. And some dude shows up and kicks your door in. You don't look at the pruning flowers uncle. - No. - Those shears aren't gonna do anything. - No. - Those shears don't run. Number 10 on his list of 13 keys to the White House. Major foreign policy or military success. - None, right? - So, well Biden will once they have some kind of peace deal, if should they have a peace deal in Israel and Gaza, we'll try to tout that as a foreign policy success. But I mean, we've had very little to do with any of that, frankly. Now, maybe they try to wrap up Ukraine, Russia, because we're the only ones keeping that going and try to fucking find some kind of way to make that look like a success at some point. And because they obviously like, military operations have been held up for political reasons many times. As a matter of fact, when our buddy, Rob, went to murder Osama bin Laden, they pushed it by a day for weather, though there was no weather, right? There was no weather. They pushed it for day because of the White House correspondence dinner. Barack Obama made that decision. And then the next day they did have weather and a fucking helicopter crashed on site. - Yep. 'Cause it happened on a Sunday night. I remember exactly where I was and then they broke into the news. 'Cause that White House correspondence dinner is always on a Saturday nights. - Yeah. So that's don't put it past a politician to do anything, really, but especially not to throw dead people down to use as a bridge to get to their next fucking position 'cause they'll do that every day. - Well, what's interesting about this is, let's say Ukraine and Russia stops. I don't know any American who would view that as a win for Ukraine. - There is no win for Ukraine, but I don't give a shit. So the win would be negotiating a settlement, right? Like America flexed his power and did this Joe Biden's a statesman. He's respected by Russia. You know what I mean? Like our boogeyman that's not Russia's no threat to us at all, ever. And if he did, they would have to give up a shit ton of land. So then how would you be able to say, all right, yeah, there was a huge success for us. Giving up a shit ton of land back to Russia. I just don't think that's a win. As far as the Israel-Palestine thing is concerned here, let's say he does get that ceasefire. Cease fire, the deal that has been leaked to the press over and over that you keep talking about is only 90 days. - Yeah. - So that's not gonna do it. - No, I mean, not this particular ceasefire. I mean, if they negotiate some kind of end to this-- - A permanent? - Well, permanent. I mean, say that for two years. - Yeah. - Yeah. I don't know that he would be able to do that. The rumor is their relationship is very strange. And then BB from Israel, 'cause he wants to fucking nuke him off the plane. - Well, Netanyahu is gonna be in prison as soon as this thing's over, right? So he's trying to keep it going as long as possible. - Well. - As a matter of fact, Netanyahu created Hamas. So, you know, I'm not sure what he's gonna play in about. - How old is he? Is he probably just trying to ride this out? - 68 or 68. - No, he's gotta be older than that. - He looks older. - He's 74. - Yeah, 'cause he was in both of the original wars, and he was prime minister before this, too. - Okay. Let's see, number 12 here is charismatic incumbent. - Nope. (laughing) - Come on, man. You're losing your chance. - Has anybody been keeping score on this? 'Cause maybe the problem with this is these are judgments on a lot of these things, right? - Right. - They're subjective, so. - Well, before we get to 13, we're at 10-2 right now, okay? Number 13 is uncharismatic challenger, and that's got an asterisk next to it, which I really don't know why, but. (laughing) You don't have that either, so yeah, you're looking at 11-2 here. - I don't think that goes for Trump necessarily either. He's kind of like divisively charismatic, whereas George Bush, Clinton, those guys were more like, even if you didn't like him, you're like, "All right, but he's pretty funny." - I mean, the point of the charisma. - So yeah, it depends on what the point of it is, right? - I think the point of the bullet on this particular list is whether or not they're gonna rally their base to actually get out the vote and independence to vote for them. - Yeah. - Right, so that might be a wash as well, 'cause I don't think Trump's charisma, specifically he's pulling people out the vote. Now there are, the Bernie bro people are probably voting for Trump this time, for sure, right? 'Cause they're tired. The Bernie bro people are people who are like, man, the left has gone so crazy now I can't even fucking deal with this shit anymore. So they'll probably vote for me the way, but I don't think the ordinary, the pre-2016 independent, right? Who is somebody who just kind of went one way or the other? - I'm not sure that's what of interest to them. I think it would be one of the other things, obviously. - Yeah, and if you're looking at charisma, and I'll just kind of go back to the first president that I remember just kind of voting and all that other shit would probably be Clinton. And with Clinton, he was a very charismatic guy and you knew he was just a fucking poon hound, just out there spreading cheeks in the streets. - Yeah, that's a rooted for that. - That's another thing, I think, that we should add to the weight thing. Like if you can't, if you're a politician and you can't talk somebody into bed, you probably shouldn't be a politician. - No. - Right. - And the weird thing was about that one was he was up against a senior, George Bush senior, and then Bob Dole. - And then Bob Dole. - Yeah, and they were all dead grandfathers at that point. - Yeah, Bob Dole fell off the back of the fucking stage. - You did, remember that dude? Who was Bob Dole's running mate, Kemp? - Yeah. - Oh God. - Brett, not Brian, what was his name? - Brian Kemp's the governor. - No, the first. - It was, wasn't he like a quarterback for the Bills? - Or wait, who was the basketball player? - Jack Kemp. - He was a Senator. Jack Kemp, yeah. - Jack Kemp. - Yeah, he played at Notre Dame or some shit. - Yeah, he was a big, Jack Kemp was his running mate? I didn't know that. Shit. - Anthony, we got some sponsors that put this shit wagon on the air. - First and foremost, go to 50% off, sight wide for super Tuesday. Or every Tuesday. Who knows? I don't know how long they're gonna do this. I know all the beds are made in America, and I know they got some of the best deals in the business, if not the best deal in the business. Let's face it, man, you're taking half off a goddamn mattress, that's a lot, dude. Half off adjustable bases, everything. Anything you put in the cart is 50% off with the promo code drinkingbros at checkout. Love the sheets, love the goddamn pillows. Just bought some of those from a wife and myself at Christmas. Over there, it's always nice to refresh your pillows from time to time and your mattress. Look, we're gonna all watch the world burn this year for the election. Might as well do it from the comfort of a ghost bed at Use that promo code drinkingbros at checkout for 50% off. Next up, we wanna welcome back our good friends over at Diet Smoked. We've mentioned Diet Smoked Shroom Gummies in the past. What we're here to tell you today is Diet Smoked just dropped two new Shroom Gummies this week. Let's fucking go. 'Cause I love those goddamn things. So whether you're looking for a micro dose, a boost of positive energy, or a full trip, Diet Smoked has the Shroom gummy for you. The team at Diet Smoked sent us one of these, loved them so goddamn much, that I just kept ordering them after that. So I can break this down to you 'cause I take them all the time. They come in five milligrams. And me, I'm usually a 10 guy on the THC ones 'cause the THC gummies are fucking lights out. I have one of those usually every night, just a chill. It's great for sleep for me. If I'm partying and the kids are down and I'm watching a movie late, I'll take two five milligrams, 10 total of the Shroom gummies. And I'm exactly where I need to be the rest of the evening. I don't have a fucking hangover or anything the next day. Gigantic fan of this company, man. I know they've been with us a long time, but I don't know anybody else who's doing this for real. I mean, they put a fucking QR code on the goddamn bag so you can just scan it with your phone. Make sure that every single gummy is the same on the THC side of things. They got milligrams from five all the way up to 150 there. It'll say bold on the bag, right? It'll tell you, hey, bro, you're about to go some places you don't want to go to. How is it legal? No idea. I don't fucking care. They're sending shrooms and THC gummies right to your house. Now, if you have a job where it requires a piss test, you will piss hot, okay? So take that into consideration for our drinking bro's listeners. Diet smokes offering 50% off any pack of shroom gummies. What does that mean? Well, it means for as little as $20. You can have your new favorite gummies delivered to your door in 48 hours. Super fucking quick, dude. Their shipment is all their products are backed by their 30-day money back guarantee. Shot now at That is and use the code drink50. That's drink50 to get 50% off your first pack of shroom gummies. That's Dietsmoke, your guide to bliss. They sure the fuck are, dude. Love those goddamn guys over at Dietsmoke. Next up, we got Bob's All these products take pretty much on a daily basis here. I'm sleeping at a ghost bed every night. I take a gummy from Dietsmoke every night, same with Bob's Naturals. I pop two scoops of MCT oil powder and collagen protein at my coffee every single morning. It'll serve that MCT. It'll serve as your new favorite functional coffee creamer. It's great. You can pretty much just chuck it. I'm with inflation right now. I don't want to pay that for the fucking coffee creamer. This is great, dude. And let's face it. This is shit you should be taking every single day. Anybody over the age of 25, you're not taking collagen protein and MCT oil powder. You're just going to let your body and your skin go to shit. I can promise you that. Since you are going to be taking this every day, you might as well buy it from a company that supports veterans. The reason why it's called Bob's Naturals is it's a tribute to former Navy SEAL Glenn Bob Doherty, the national hero who laid down his life, saving Americans in Benghazi. Glenn's call sign in the Navy was Bob. And Glenn Bob Doherty stood for self improvement and was always helping others. And that DNA is woven into the Bob's brand. Bob's donates 10% of all profits to charity and Glenn's honor, starting with the Glenn Doherty Memorial Foundation. And on Veterans Day, 100% of the proceeds go to the Glenn Doherty Foundation. When you're over there buying that collagen protein and the MCT oil powder, grab a little jar of those apple vinegar gummies. I popped two of those in my mouth in the morning as well. And a big fan of this company, go to, use promo code DRINKINBROWS for 20% off at Last but not least, I see they're manscaped. Manscapes on the board today. Top of the morning to ya. This little episode for right down, we're heading towards St. Patrick's Day here. It's for our little shamrock shavers out there. Manscaped this year, don't just chase rainbows, make your own pot of gold. And groom your little leprechaun with the leaders and below the belt kill. Oh my God, they did it. They said below the kilt care. These sons of bitches, dude, their copy's the best in the biz, dude. And I just, I beef their joke. I beefed it live on air. Fuck you, these guys are good. Big fan manscaped. Whoever's writing this copy for ya, best in the biz over there. Say goodbye to your clover for us with Manscaped's lawnmoor 5.0 and let your confidence shine bright. Embrace the luck of the Irish and join 10 million men worldwide who trust Manscaped. Head over to use promo code drinking bros for 20% off plus free shipping. Ever since I've used it, I can proudly say that I've found my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And I think these guys have been with us for four or five years here. It is the best fucking ball trimmer in the game, dude and pubes and all that other shit. All their products are fucking lights out. If you go into a dude's bathroom and they don't have Manscaped equipment in there, you're fucked. Run right the fuck out of there if you're one of the six girls that listen to this show. So you can meet your lucky charm on St. Patrick's Day and make sure you're using that lawnmoor 5.0 ultra over there. They've also got the Signature Beard Hedger Pro Kit plus the Handyman electric phase shaver, which is also great. So whether you're sculpting your beard or cleaning up your neckline, these are always the right tools for the job. Get 20% off and free shipping with code drinkinbros at It's 20% off plus free shipping with code drinkinbros at This St. Patrick's Day, make sure your little Harry leprechaun is luckier than ever with Manscaped. Best copy in the business over there. Love 'em, love everybody Manscaped. But yeah, so looking at that, like, so as you could see how he could pull, in my opinion, how Bill Clinton pulled younger voters and all that other shit where it was like, oh, he seems cool and he was playing saxophone and shit with his brother doing fun stuff. Bush, when he was in there in 2000, he was just a goofy dude, you know, just a lovable kind of goofball. - Total, like piece of shit, more criminal coped. - Well, he turned out to be that, right? - Yeah, I mean, the whole campaign from the Bush side in 2000 was how we're not gonna do nation building anymore. We're not gonna be bombing Iraq or we're not gonna be in Bosnia and Kosovo for years at the time. - Worked out pretty well, didn't it? - Yeah, I mean, we only spent 20 years in Afghanistan. - I don't know if there's been a campaign promise more broken ever than that one, 'cause that was the majority of his campaign, which was just about foreign policy, how we're going back to more of a hegemonic, like a Monroe Doctrine style thing, and we were immediately involved in foreign conflicts. - It's wild, man, if you don't have Will Ferrell playing him on SNL, and you don't have that first pitch at 9/11, what do you really take away from his presidency for Bush? - Watch this drive. - Oh, yeah, that's, that or looking through the binoculars with the fucking lens caps on, that's a famous picture that I enjoy. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, George, I'm told by people who have worked with him and know him. - Like, oh, George, a great guy. - Like, yeah, no, he's not. - He's either incredibly weak and incompetent or he's a fucking war criminal, and I don't want to have anything to do with either one of those things. - Right, right. - And then in '08, when Obama ran, I thought that was easy. If we were going back to this 13 point, this 13 keys to the White House, charismatic, brought out the rallies the same as Trump did. Matter of fact, when I went to, in 2016, we got to, we had access to all the candidates. That was the first thing I thought of, where I was like, holy shit, I haven't seen a crowd like this for Trump since Obama was running in 2008, and I knew that was never going to be close. And I was like, all right, shit, well, this one's over. 2012 was Mitt Romney, you want to talk about the most uncharismatic guy on the planet? - Yeah, and then the next one was Hillary, who was the least likable candidate of all time. I mean, to be honest, you could have run somebody who had just been convicted of murder and probably done better than with her. - Yeah, so I, like I think anybody-- - Anybody, something to it? - I think Biden, Trump in 2016, Biden wins that election. - In when, where? - In 2016. - Unquestionably. - If Biden versus Trump is the election in 2016, Biden 100% wins. I mean, Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million, I think. Right? He, Biden would have 100% won over Hillary in that election, and Trump never would have been president. - Well, I will say this. Again, having access to all that shit, the excitement for Bernie, man, likes those events, 'cause we went to all of them across the board. The only one who backed out, and she backed out for a good reason was Hillary, 'cause she fainted at the 9/11 thing, because she had the, fuck, I can't, I always forget the goddamn name and that disease, but no, it wasn't AIDS, it wasn't fentanyl. You gotta wear the blue sunglasses, and then you have a-- - Blue blockers? - A seizure. You have a seizure afterwards from the lights. - I don't know. - Fuck, epilepsy. - Stupid bitch disease. - Epilepsy, so when she went down at that thing, and then they sent Bill down there to North Carolina when we were there, and it was bad, 'cause I went to it, and I like Bill Clinton, and he's a fun dude, and he was looking frail and pale and weak, and it was only like 150 people there. - Yeah. - He was pretty weird. - His skin, he's like, got Jimmy Carter's skin, and he's 15 years younger. - He might have a cancer that they've been hiding for years. - Maybe, 'cause he's serious. - You can almost see through his skin at this point. Which he was always kind of a pale dude, but-- - But not like this, and when I saw him in 16, I was like, "Holy shit." But yeah, and then, man it might have been Bernie, to me, in 16, Bernie might have done it. - No. - No? - No, he didn't have the base DNC support. - Well I know that, 'cause they got him out of there. - And they wouldn't want-- - The DNC got him the fuck out of the twice. - But even if he had somehow managed to win, they wouldn't have supported him in a real way, they may have given lip service to it, but they didn't want to set, you don't want to set that precedent that an outsider can come in and fucking take over your party like that. - He wasn't a Democrat. - Look at what the RNC's dealing with with Trump right now. You know what I mean? Say whatever you want about Trump being the party leader and he is now, but they did not want that. - No. - That was forced upon them. - There sure was, 'cause all those motherfuckers were talking shit beforehand, and then all of a sudden he gets in and they were like, "Oh boy." We love him, he's great. Everybody throw your support behind him now. Same with Rubio and those guys. Once he started trouncing 'em, everybody in these primaries they were like, "Well, that's it." Also Trump didn't have to do any fucking speeches throughout any of this primaries season at all, or debates, I'm sorry, speeches he does every goddamn night, but in rallies and stuff. But yeah, he didn't have to do any debates, he didn't have to do any of this shit, but I didn't have to show up for anything, nothing. Clean walkthrough for him too. So yeah, I'm interested to see how many people will turn out today, overall, because what happens when you already know the outcome of both sides? - Yeah, I mean usually when there's not, well, I guess it depends, if it's an obvious landslide, a lot of times, or sometimes rather, that will bring more people out to vote because people wanna be part of the winning team. Like, "Oh, I voted for him now." - Yeah. - Yeah. - Maybe, yeah. - Get the little gay ass sticker. - I always like, stop it with the stickers. Stop trying to give me stickers. - I love it, dude. I love that vote sticker. - I know those stickers, I think, are endocrine disruptors. They're trying to steal your testosterone away from you. I don't trust these people. (laughing) Receipts are, right? Paper receipts that you get from the store, don't touch those. - I don't. - If somebody tries to hand them to you, tell them to put it in the bag and then throw that shit away. I'm serious, if you touch them, it'll make your testosterone levels go down. - What song? - It's some of the chemicals they use to make the ink stick to the paper. - Okay. That's a real thing. - They don't give receipts anymore. That's always, do you want to have a receipt? No. - H.E.B. does. - Nobody wants it. - I go to Walgreens every day, get an eight mile receipt. - Oh, that's right, shit. - I'm blasting hot, fertile loads. - Wrap it around your fucking whole body. - Yeah. - Sure, dude, dude. You gotta stay blessed. - I'm like the money. - My wife does want to look at me and we're kind of, you know, economy's not great, I got to use Walgreens receipts. - Yeah, you gotta wrap it, dude. - And to be honest, the color of the receipt and the color of your skin are not far enough apart that she can tell probably. - Yeah, no, not at all, yeah. - Matter of fact, you probably just lay it down in bed and say, yeah, I'm sleeping. And she wouldn't know over there. - If I want to sneak out and have a little boy's night, I'll put the receipt doll in the bed and just let her think I'm sleeping. - What if you come home and she's peeing on the receipt doll? You know what I mean? - Well, that would be a fun time. - Then you know that she's down to pee on something. - Yeah, I might be mad, I missed out. - Yeah. - And I covertly slide the sleep doll out and slide myself in. - This sounds at the beginning of a lot of porn I watch. - Sure does, dude. - It's like a doll, sex doll wrapped up in a blanket. And then somebody comes in the season, they move the doll all the way and then get in there. Like, hey, you're hot, girl. You don't have to trick me then to fucking you. You know that, right? You just come put your butthole in front of me. - That's it, that's it, just a clean butthole. - Wow. - A clean jumper, that's all you need. You don't want a dirty butthole. - No. - You want this one behind me, right? - You know what? I don't know, I guess the close up nature of that fucking Hope solo butthole picture, we would've known if it wasn't clean. - Beautiful duke around there. - Have you ever been with a woman unclean? - Unclean before and in the past? - Yeah, that's what Jared said on the show the other day with Black Kevin. I don't know what the fuck that means. - That's a thing, that's a fucking thing, bro. - I think it's from the Bible. - Is it from the Bible laid with a woman unclean or something like that? - Yeah, God damn it, there's a fucking huge, huge celebrity that is into that. I can't say who it is. I'll tell you all fair about it. - No, we've talked about this on the show before. - Which one? - Celebrity. - He told her not to wash her, it's OBJ. - Yeah. - Yeah, he told her not to wash her plus for three days. - I got another one, it's not OBJ, it's not OBJ. But it's a fun one. - I smelled it in person, I smelled it in real life and I was like, oh. - Oh yeah, so Leviticus has-- - It says a woman's unclean if when she's menstruating and for seven days after. - So when a man, this is Leviticus 15, 18. When a man has sexual relations with a woman and there is an admission of semen, both of them must bathe with water and they will be unclean until evening. Which means if you're fucking during the day, you gotta wait, you gotta go take a bath or wash off and then you can't fucking get until nighttime, which I guess, here's how I would do it. Four p.m. fucking and then technically five p.m. is when evening starts. So take a shower, fuck around for an hour, get some food and then go back to fucking. Just if you want to be a Christian. - Absolutely. - That's all I'm saying, dude. - That's all you gotta do. - Don't be a fucking asshole about it. Please don't. Speaking of receipts, a receipt rent viral today from Five Guys. Pull up Wall Street Silver. - I know one of those guys. - From Wall Street Silver? - No, from Five Guys. - Really? - One of the OGs, yeah. He was the kicker for-- - And he was an owner of the company? - Yeah, he's one of the original, one of the Five Guys. - No fucking way. - He was a kicker for the Redskins. - Yeah, there it is. So he put the fucking receipt up online and said, Five Guys, prices are getting out of control. We did a story like this on RPR last week here about the price of fast food getting more and more expensive. One bacon cheeseburger on this receipt was $12.49. - Five Guys has always been like this. - Yeah, it seems like normal Five Guys to me. - Yeah, and by the way, that little fries is like, if you get a regular fries, that's enough for three people. - Okay, so a little, but $5.19 for little fries? - That's an increase. I think little fries used to be cheaper. - One regular soda, $2.89. - Yeah. - So many. - Don't buy soda. Don't drink fucking corn syrup, he's sugar water. That'll save you some bucks. - The burger seems normal though for Five Guys. - $12.50 for a fucking burger. - Yeah, they charge you $12.50 for a bacon cheeseburger, but it's two patties, first of all, right? And then, secondly, you can put all of their, like, 28 toppings on there if you want for free. They don't charge for any of that. So what I do is I get, like, triple on all those toppings and I scrape them into a separate bowl. - Okay. - Then I have to buy toppings for a while, you understand? - Yeah. - So this is, I just looked it up from, I did Five Guys Prices in 2012. - Okay. - Or whatever, a bacon cheeseburger, which, by the way, is 920 calories. - Fuck yeah, dude. - Yeah, that is. - 859 in 2012. - So it's a $4 increase. And I'll be real, so-- - It's 10 years. - That's a 50% increase over 10 years. That's not like that. But to put that in perspective, Bob, with that exact number, because people are bitching about the Big Mac meal, that's 899 right now. And then with taxes, you know, you're looking at roughly $10, that thing used to be $4.99. I would still, I'd still take a fucking Big Mac meal for half the price of this goddamn thing. - Not me. Five Guys is the best burger in fast food. - You're kidding. - Yeah, it's obviously the best. What are you talking about? - It's not the best, dude. It's not. - And cheese and bread quality are the best, and you get a mountain of fucking fries. I'll pay 25 bucks for it. - I won't do it. I won't do it. - Is it fast food? - It's borderline. - Borderline. - Yeah, if you can order it and be out the door within 10 minutes, it's fast food. - It's fast cash. - No drive-through. - Fast cash. - Yeah, that'll do drive-through, is that true? - Yeah, man. - What's that drive-through? It'll be a shit show, 'cause you put toppings on everything. - So they asked this guy, they said, "Hey, what were you expecting the price to be?" And so he said, "I guess I was expecting it to be about $12 to $15 a person at five guys." And he just said, $22 for the goddamn meal seems to cross the line. He also puts in here without tip. Are we fucking doing that? It, fast food, joints, like at five guys? - No. - And then asking for a tip on this? - No, no. - Okay, no. If it's a delivery person, I'll tip them because, and not because, by the way, the delivery companies suck. - Oh, they're awful. - They're just fucking people. - They're fucking awful. - Like the drivers get fucked over so hard. Those tips that you give them, by the way, don't even always go to the heart. - They don't go to them, yeah. - But, so I usually try to tip and cash, to be honest. But, yeah, it's like, I always tip well, no matter. Whenever it has anything to do with food, I always tip well, because I don't want buggers and cum in my food. - Yeah, I'm looking at this now, so. - It's just called a binder. - There was, and this was like a huge Reddit thing. There was another guy who said, look, I went to get the same bacon cheeseburger from five guys in Culver City, which is over by my old office in Los Angeles there, and it says that was $14.39. - Right, but back to the tip, and if I get the food from the cashier, I'm not gonna tip. - No, no, no, I agree. I agree. That spot we love with the airport Taco Deli that we always go to for all of our flights, it is mandatory that you put in at least like one cent as a tip. - You can take money off. - Yeah, you can. Somebody brought that up the other day, so is that real? - I've never tried it, but I will next time I go there. Next time we fly out of Austin Airport, it's a gate 23. - It is. - That Taco Deli. - That's how many times we've been there. - Yeah, I'm gonna try to, I'm gonna try to fucking take off like half the amount. - You need to go to a brick and mortar though, that's a limited menu at the airport. - Yeah, Taco Deli, that's actually really good. - It's my favorite spot. - But the menu they have at the airport's good too, those fucking just regular tacos are good. - So this gets deep by the way. So according to one of the posts from a person in Arbor, Michigan, or University of Michigan's at the cost of a customer's to go to meal rows from 779 on February 25th, 2021, just my birthday, happy birthday Ross. I'm proud of you, big boy. You've really grown and matured in the person I knew you would become one day. - To $10.79 a year later, so that's a fucking $3 increase in one year. - That's a lot, dude. - What I've noticed a huge increase in recently is like paper towels and laundry detergent. - Yeah, it's insane. - Yeah, it is, that's fucking nuts, dude. We order ours off of Amazon for the office and shit, so it just kind of shows up. I should probably look at the prices 'cause it's on autopay right now, but man, it's, you're right, man. All this shit is-- - Six pack paper towels is like, for the generic brand, 13 bucks. - Fuck. - For a six pack dog? God damn, man. Yeah, it's not great, but the other part is, you know, with this shit, if Trump gets in, does this, do these prices go back down? - We'll see. I mean, Trump tripled the national debt, too. The, so we're at our current pace right now, we're adding, I think, $1 trillion to the debt every three months, I think. So, my point is this, it probably doesn't matter who's in there as presidents, if people are willing to pay fucking $25 for a bacon-chee at five guys here, it's not like Trump's gonna get in and fucking the owners of five guys are gonna be like, well, we're gonna lower the prices back to where they should be. - Prices are not. - Yeah, they don't go down. - They don't go down, they never go down. It'll never go down. - And I do think a lot of these companies are using inflation, which is real, as an excuse to just kind of inflate their own prices. - Sure, they 100% are. And we've talked about this with a seltzer, 'cause some of our listeners will go to some stores and they're like, "Hey dude, this is over 20 bucks." And I was like, "We don't set that fucking price." - I don't know if I would be bitching about a 12 pack of 8% booze being 20 bucks. - I wouldn't either, but it's still, you look at it and you're like, what's the price supposed to be? It was like, $16.99 to $17.99 is what it's supposed to be. And those guys are marking it up at different stores and all that other shit, but that has nothing to do with us. Nothing to do, like they're just taking advantage of saying it's inflation right now, where it's like, that's not, it's not what it costs us. So why are you doing this? - Maybe they are. I mean, we don't know what their back end costs are. - I mean, you cost the same amount, like at Walmart, a white claw 12 pack is $17. - Yep, and that is 4% or 5% seltzer. - Per ABB, we're like fucking 70% cheaper, I think, or 60% or something like that. - And by the way, if you don't want to slam all 8 ounces, or all 8% at once in 12 ounces, I do this when I record for softcore history. - You sip. - I go half Topo, half fucking hard AF. - Don't be diluting our product. Nobody told you you could step on our product. - Is mixing it? You got to mix her with it, dude. - I'm trying to sip. - Which is funny because Lopez was telling people at HGB that he had vodka to his. - Yeah. - That's two very different people. One with a successful marriage. - Sure. - Scott Lopez. - Yeah, last row Lopez. - Who may have picked a girl up actually at the thing. - He did, he got her number. - She was cute, she was like a fucking massage therapist or something. - So I said this on-- - I knew something was gonna happen with this woman, by the way, and I'm not, I don't even know her name. - I don't think it was Veronica, but I don't remember. I think it was Veronica, but she was cute, and she sat there and explained to Scott the difference between a massage therapist and a rubbing tug. So I was like-- - Oh shit. - I was like, yeah, she's probably cool. - Yeah, she's probably cool. - It makes sense that she wandered over to our AO. - Yeah. - She started talking to people. Sounds like our kind of people. - And I will say this. I said this in Ron's Paterson Revolution earlier this morning. Well, we're sending, 'cause Lopez came out and did this event for us, and we're sending him to Oliver Anthony Pit tickets here in Round Rock on Friday night for him and that girl. So I just said-- - Oh, she going with him? - I tied to hit him up today, and it's a lot-- - He said he was gonna ask her to brunch this weekend. - Yeah, so I said take it to Oliver Anthony. Then you'll know if she's cool. And I just said, look, obviously we need you in the last row of Lopez gear while you're out there. - Yeah, I don't think it'd hurt him. I mean, he turned around and showed her his ass. - Yeah. - It's like, look, it's got my face on the ass too. And she was into it, so hopefully she'll be pregnant by the weekend. - I hope so. - Yeah, 'cause he needs some kids. - I hope she somehow doesn't see the Hillary tattoo until she-- - Oh, she saw it. - He was wearing fucking-- - He was wearing the thigh huggers. - I was looking somehow like she would be pulling up from the end of a blowjob and just see that. - No, and it's one of those things where we had a bunch of listeners show up who were like, hey, dude, is it real? I wanna see it. And he's like, yeah, what do you think we fucking fake this on air? And those thigh huggers, you can see the whole goddamn tattoo. And what was that? - Two years ago, three years ago at this point. - It's old studio. - Oh, yeah, it was the old studio. - Yeah, it was at least shit. We've been here two years. - Okay. - Right? Fuck, I don't know. - Maybe three. - Maybe it's two years in August. - Two and a half years, yeah. No, I think it'll be three years in August. - It'll be three years, yeah. - We've been here, right? - Yes. - EA. - Yeah, so two and a half years ago. - So it was not only real, but people were asking to see it, take pictures with it, all that other shit. That is, I didn't think about it at the time, but that is a hard combo starter if you were trying to bet a liberal. Or, I guess you could spin it and just say, hey, I did this because I love Hillary Clinton. And then that probably buys you more bonus. - Yeah, you can do either one. - Yeah, I don't think about it. I don't think about it. But it is shocking to see in real life. But if you are in Round Rock, Texas on April 5th, Lopez will be in the pit for Oliver Anthony. I don't know how crazy it's gonna get down there, but that's a whole lot of America going on that night. I might pop out with my kid and just be like, all right, cool. Let's see it, let's see this all go down and see if this guy's really talented in real life. 'Cause I'm curious now. I'm really fucking curious. He did take the fucking record deal and all that shit, so we'll see what happens there. And then lastly here today, college basketball, Dartmouth men's basketball team, has taken the steps to unionize. I know we've been talking about that for a while. What does that mean for a fucking college kid? - I don't know yet, man, to be honest. I mean, at its base, what it means is that according to the U.S. Department of Labor, college athletes are not considered employees of the university. - Right, so do they have to pay for them? - I don't know yet. I don't know if they're gonna be able to sue for minimum wage or minimum working conditions or like health benefits or what. And honestly, I don't know how this is gonna affect the downstream sports, the not, well, I mean, it would have to be a varsity sport for them to be included in this, but the vast majority of varsity sports are subsidized by that school's football team, right? So our university's gonna be put in a spot now where the fucking women's lacrosse team has to get full healthcare coverage or something. I'm talking about five, 10 years from now, when they adjudicate all this stuff. Are they gonna have, start getting sued over healthcare coverage down the road and it become cost prohibitive and they cut, start cutting varsity sports? That's what's probably gonna happen, right? - I don't even think about that. - I mean, in terms of just straight up pay, those fucking athletes for any non-revenue sport, men's or women's, they're probably getting more than their value just out of the scholarship. - Yeah, we'll see how they're gonna value that, right? - Yeah. - For real. - That's gonna be part of it. There's gonna be a dollar amount associated with the university you're going to and what that education is worth. That's from the university perspective, that's one of the only ways you're gonna be able to safeguard yourself about that. - There's gonna be such a reckoning too with some of these guys that did not save money for taxes. - Oh, yeah, fuck. - Holy shit, they're gonna get buried. So yeah, this is an unprecedented step. It says here toward forming the first labor union for college athletes and another blow for the NCAA's deteriorating amateur business model. Man, the other part is about this. And let's take football as that example. So the NFL is really pushing for 18 games and then knocking back preseason games to two because they want that extra game for everybody to gamble on, obviously. And then that would push, I think, just based on the dates that I've seen, push the NFL into presidents' weekend. So everybody would have Monday off, which I would love, and that would be great. College football's already pushed back to January 20th of next year's, one of the national championships it's gonna be. And that's gonna be 17, 18 games if you're a playoff team. - Yeah, that makes sense, though, because isn't that, that's usually all like the pro bowl thing, right, that we can-- - Yeah. - So nobody watches that shit anyways. - No, nobody cares. - As a matter of fact, the NFL might do away with it entirely and just have a, what they should do is have a funny award ceremony somewhere. They should have a funny award ceremony where the Super Bowl is so everybody can come there, generate more revenue for that city, make it a bigger attraction for the fucking city that's hosting the Super Bowl. More people come in, the fucking two teams that are in it are already there, shit like that. That's what I would do. - That's what they did this year. So they did have that award show on Saturday night before-- - Nobody fucking watched, though. Like they didn't promote it very well. - No, they didn't. - 'Cause that would be the most interesting way to go about that. Forget about the game. Have ambassadors, let Gronk have his fucking beach football game or whatever the fuck. Like hire a couple like they did with the music with Jay-Z for the halftime show. Just let an ambassador handle that shit. You know what I mean? - I don't know. - Now it'd be fun, but looking at it though, if they do end up unionizing sports in particular football here, you're gonna have a real serious argument to say, hey, we're playing the exact same number of games as a fucking NFL team here at this point. So we wanna be compensated for it from the universe. - Now, it should be noted that Dartmouth does not award scholarships. - No, they don't. - So these guys are paying for their own shit. - They're not so sucked. - They're five and 21. - They should get fired. If they think they're employees, you're up, you're getting cut. - Yeah, but you can get cut anytime. That's already a thing. - That's already a thing. - You can't cut the whole team. - Sure you can. - I mean, you're the employer. They gotta write to cut the whole team and shut the program down if they want. - Or you could just have walk-ons if you wanted to. Now obviously you'd get trounced, but-- - I don't know. - Let me ask you this. What's Air Bud doing these days? - You know, I think he died. - I think he's got a year of eligibility left. - I know he's got eligibility left, but I believe he's dead. Bob, is Air Bud still alive? - Yeah, were you original Air Bud? - Where did he play his college ball? - Which one? - I just assumed the soul of Air Bud transfers into a new golden tree. - No, it was Colorado State. - It's kind of like Ugga, where they just have like 10 different-- - Oh boy. - Air Buds. - He had like a lot of child stars. He had a rough life after he fell out of his life. - Oh fuck, what happened to him? - He had his right hind leg amputated. - Jesus Christ. - Yeah, 'cause where is it? - 'Cause he was dunking on fools too hard. - Yeah. - Dude, you can't-- - I want that leg. - Yeah, I want the leg. - I mean, we've got a walrus dick back here. I want a fucking leg. - I want a bronze-- - Air Buds leg. Yeah, he died in his sleep from cancer, February 10th, 1998 in San Diego. - Shit, 25 years ago. - He was only nine. Man, he gave so much though. I mean, it's not in that nine years, he left it all on the court. - And he'd be-- - Beerware says Michael Vick bought him. What do you think he did with him? - Well, you gotta throw the weaker dogs in to get this stronger one, yeah. - No, he did appear at the Kids Choice Awards shortly before his death, where he was nominated for an award. - He was already missing the leg? - Yeah, I think so. - Oh man, they brought a Gampi Air Bud up there. We have any footage of this. This reminds me of wheeling out Kirk Douglas under the Golden Globe stage at 101 in the fucking wheelchair here. You don't do that to Air Bud. Respect Air Bud for Christ's sakes. Jeez, man, that's dark. Do we have any footage of Air Bud on the red carpet? - He got slimed. - The dog got slimed? - Yeah, probably. - That's a lot. - You can't slime a three-legged dog. - Yeah, that's a lot, dude, that's super dark. - That's actually what gave him the cancer. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Slime. I'm not seeing any footage. - Of Air Bud it? - Yeah, I did find a funny scene from Air Bud though. - Oh, we're on Patreon, play it. - Yeah, Ross, I think you could take some notes for your basketball team. - Yeah, please do, play this. - This is gonna drop another ball against her. - Oh, God. - You can do that. Just meet the ball. Get it, just. - Children's doing it. - What's going on here? - She's trying time for a little drill. - That'll be enough, Joe. - Is that? - That'll be enough. - Shane Gillis? Shane Gillis is dad, isn't he? - Oh, fuck, dude. - Good boy. - I was hoping-- - Yeah. - The old coach of Rutgers got fired for that. - Sure did. Sure did. So did Bobby Knight. No, no, can't choke a kid out. You can't hit your fucking kids, dude. Sorry, that's not what it is. Yeah, we lost right before the championship on our basketball team. I didn't have AirBud. Now I know why, he's fucking dead. You're trying to trot out a fucking three-legged AirBud and sliming him on our green carpets at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards. - He also appeared as the dog on "Full House." He was comin'. - Was he really? Fuck, dude. What a career. - He had range. - What an IMDB career. He was great. Great in "Full House." Holy shit. I was unaware that that was comin' in "Full House." What a fucking career. - Wait, what's the SNL thing with a Confederate flag in the top right corner right there? - Oh, that was a white supremacist trying to figure out where to go 'cause they're not welcome anywhere and they decide on Vermont. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I remember that one. - 'Cause it's only white people there. - And this is Bob, is this your feed, dude? - I am logged into this, yeah. - Yeah, I knew it. Slavery, they're listening to us. - Yeah. - They're listening to us. - They're listening to him. - Yeah. - Listening to his thoughts. - We'd like to listen to you. Go to and submit for "Drinking Bro" the week. I'm about to read one here. When you go there, it just pops up live in our feed and we're able to share it with the world. If you're in the Austin area, though, pop 'em on the studio and have some hardy-off cellters. Those guys yesterday got black out drunk yesterday and then they allegedly went to a comedy show after, although I'm not sure that happened. - Do you think they let 'em in? - They had time to sober up before, so maybe. - They took an entire case of hardy-off, dude. There's no way. - Well, I think that was for the after party, but-- - Okay. - You never know, right? - Even Joel was concerned. Joel goes, "Get an Uber, just grab an Uber, okay? Guys, go safely into the night." Why you're over on The merch store's all stocked up over there. I love those foam chucker hats, dude. I just talked to our merch guy today. Got the Creed 2024 shirts on. Those are fucking crushing right now. Big fan of those. A lot of people in the message boards on the private groups on Drinking Bros on Facebook, we're asking about the yard signs. Those will be available here in about, I think, a week, right? - I think next week, yeah. - Okay. - Sure, that's the, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - So-- - And it's limited, by the way. Deaf on politicians and Creed, I think we only bought 100 each. - We did, yeah. - To start, we'll see how it goes, but I wanted it to be limited edition first. - So many people have asked for those things, so those will drop next week. Just get there quickly over at And again, while you're over there, if you want to submit for Drinking Bro of the Week, comes in directly to the inbox and we'll read it live on air. Today's Drinking Bro submission is Chris Knight from Oklahoma. Been a listener since 2016. He's nominating Jen Stoller, and he put it all in caps. I'm not gonna fuck up Stoller, bro. Living, thank God, she's still alive. All right, Jen is still alive. - Congratulations, Jen. - Yeah, Jen. - On doing that. - Yeah. - Joel, did you order food? Or am I about to fucking have a stroke 'cause I'm smelling like burning hair? - Made food. - Oh, he made food, okay. Thank God, dude. I was like, man, maybe I'm gonna fucking stroke out in here. Couldn't wait 'til after the show, Joel. Yeah, fuck. So Jen is still living. - Don't tell a man what to do in his own home. - That's true. - That's true, he lives here. It lives in that fucking trailer of that. Everybody who comes is always asking, they're like, can I stay on the trailer? I think Joel's charging $50 a night, he said. So you can sleep on the trailer for $50 a night if you're fucked up here. Jen is an army vet that is working on opening a new tactile store. She's been working 18 hour days plus by herself as a one person wrecking crew. She's working to open the most American as fuck tactical store in Conroe. I don't know where Conroe is, do you? - No, I don't care. - Conroe, look up Conroe, Oklahoma. If he's from Oklahoma, I'm assuming she's from Oklahoma. I don't know Conroe. What do we got there? That looks like a lovely town. It looks like a Forrest Gump town. - That's, this is a... - Is it all gumped up? It looks like there's like Spanish moss? - That's Texas. - Maybe it's Conroe, Texas. - Maybe it is Texas, yeah, I mean, we are right next door to Oklahoma. - I did search Conroe, Oklahoma, and Conroe, Texas came up. - So maybe it is Conroe, Texas. - It's outside of Houston. - Is it really? Look at that, dude. I know the four, well, I know five cities here, let's face it. The rest of them I don't know, and it's all just to fucking make them up to me. They're always asking us to go up to a love-acking party and I'm like, I, we gotta get a good football team there, bro, sorry. We can't show up for that bullshit until you guys are good, all right? Work on it. It's all you can do. We appreciate tuning in, kids. Go to iTunes, rate the show a five star and leave a quick review. Also head on over to Spotify. It's just a five star. You can walk away. Over 8,000 on Spotify. You guys aren't doing shit on fucking iTunes. Just break the goddamn show on iTunes. It's all the advertisers care about, okay? We're at 7,000, I think 100 to 200 on iTunes. We'll get to 10,000. I will shut the fuck up forever. I promise ya. Enjoy your voting today, kids. This is for Dan, the day of the day of the day and the day of the day all the way. I'm Ross Patterson. This is the Drinking Bros podcast. Good night, boys. (rock music) What's so special about hero bread, soft, fluffy and delicious breads, buns, and tortillas? These ultra low net carb baked goods contain zero sugar, fewer calories, and more protein than the leading brands. Enter high in fire and support death out. Shop now at Okay, you're deep in the jungle, hanging with a friendly Jaguar. Or how about an outer space playing the base? Let your imagination run wild with the new generative AI tools in Adobe Photoshop. Create anything you can dream up just by typing a text prompt. 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