Drinkin‘ Bros Podcast

Episode 1318 - The Bump Stock Supreme Court Case

1h 35m
Broadcast on:
04 Mar 2024
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Michael Cargill joins the show with Gary Faust to talk about his Supreme Court case about the banning of bump stocks and how the SCOTUS hearing went. PLUS we rank the beers Anheuser-Busch owns.

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Say goodbye to your credit card rewards, greedy corporate megastores led by Walmart and Target are pushing for law in Congress to take away your hard earned cash back and travel points to line their pockets. The Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill would enact harmful credit card routing mandates that would end credit card rewards as we know it. If you love your credit card rewards, tell your lawmakers, hands off, my rewards, tell them to oppose the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill. Welcome to Drinking Rose, presented by Sit back, relax it, grab a fucking drink. Yeah, welcome to Drinking Rose, kids, that old Friday afternoon show that airs on Sunday night. Look at this piece of shit. What are you trying to cover your face for, dude? I just want to make sure my hair looks good, dude. This is a very serious topic, so I wore my Oxford button up. It is a serious topic. I've never seen you with a shirt on one. I'm wearing khakis. Come on. Why? Why, Gary? Because you guys are a prestigious news outlet, and I want to make sure that we represent our case. Thank you. Thank you. That means a lot. That means a lot. Who's your good buddy that you brought with you here today? Michael Cargill, my oldest associate in the book. We've been working on this case for seven years now, Mike. It's been quite a while. Yeah, quite a while. We started this case back in 2018, and the ATF decided that they were going to pretty much ban bump stocks, which is in their administrative agency. You really can't do that as administrative agency. You shouldn't be able to. Sure. Same thing happened with OSHA and Vaxman dates. Right. And that case got adjudicated for the people, right? So there is some expectation that this one will as well, but it has to do with guns. Highly politicized, so. Absolutely. It was in 2018. Tell everybody the name of the case itself. Right. So the case is a Garland versus Cargill. That's Merrick Garland, the Department of Justice versus Michael Cargill. And it's basically saying, hey, ATF, you cannot create a right law. And only Congress can do that. You know, we've all heard that schoolhouse rock song. How does the bill become law? Well, because someone writes a bill. It goes to both houses in the, you know, in Congress there. They vote on it. They pass it. It goes to the president. President signs it. That's how it becomes law, not because an agency decides to write it. So for the layman out there. What is a bump stock? And what is it typically used for? And what were you using it for in this case? Yeah. So a bump stock is just, it's a stock is what it is. You put it on the stock of a rifle, an AK, and then you bump fire. You use the recall, you know, the reaction of the gun pretty much to fire a little faster. You do have to, you know, do some forward pressure, you know, with the rifle there. But you pretty much use the recall to pull the trigger each time. It's called milking the trigger. That's what it used to be called. Right. But this is a device that makes that easier. Easier. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It can be replicated with a belt loop or a number of other things as well. But a bump firing is not a new thing. No, it's definitely not. You go with your finger. You can do it. You know what I mean? Yeah. No. Nobody knew what bump stocks were there before the Vegas shooting. That's right. Because they had never been used in a crime before and they haven't been used in a crime since. And maybe they weren't used in that one. Yeah. That's an alleged. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. I'm still a 65 year old dude. Carried 14 bags of guns up to his. Well, that footage I saw he did have a Mexican bellhop. He did have a Mexican bellhop. You wouldn't. I'm not kidding. The bags on that thing. Bob, you can find the photo of this. The Mexican bellhop pushing these bags. Even the bags you could have said. Hey man. What the fuck is in these? Like this is a lot and it's not golf clubs. And so it was just dozens and dozens of bags. Yeah. But 14 huge. I think right. 14 massive bags. And I mean. There he is. Yeah. But I. That's not all of them by the way. No. That was like the first round of like, oh hey, is it just you and the sweet? Yeah. I got more bags coming. Don't worry about it. So a bump stock again for the layman out there. Because it's a sexy term that everybody's fighting for but they don't necessarily know what it is. Why was it created in the first place? Ah. Just it really created for fun. You know guy wanted to basically be able to. It's a poor man's version of a machine gun. So you want to be able to fire a fast, couldn't afford a machine gun. Say, well, let's create this bump stock, this device that goes on the stock and use it. Well, it's created because Ronald Reagan was a cuck and banned machine guns for personal use. Okay. That's really why it was invented. And then did machine guns come back? No. Machine guns. You can still own them with a class three FFL. That's what I thought. Yeah. Yeah. And then if you're a regular Joe, then you just have to get a form for tax stamp and then you can have a machine gun. But you can only buy the machine guns that are in circulation. You can't build a new machine gun to make a new machine gun out of a like a 3D model or something like that. Yeah, you can't do that. Got you. Now with this bump stock, did you personally own one and were you using it at the time? Yeah. So we had several of them. We had a bunch of them actually and we sold most of them. I was down to like two left and the ban came about and I didn't want to give them up. I didn't want to destroy them. I definitely wasn't going to destroy them. So we decided to turn them over to the ATF, walked into the Austin ATF office, handed them the two bump stocks and then filed a lawsuit that day. Got you. Now with the name, you didn't, we didn't get the name of your business. Central Texas gun works. Central Texas gun works. And in here in Austin. How much is a bump stock? Well, back then, they were pretty cheap, you know, you'd speed forward now, they're, you know, you're talking about a couple of hundred dollars. Back then, I mean, you can get your bump stock for like, you know, 80 bucks or something like that. But now you're talking, you know, two, three hundred, maybe even four hundred dollars. Got you. And for you, as far as personal use goes, were you just using this at the range in the woods for hunting? Actually, I never used it at all. You know, it was just, it was just something that we purchased, never touched it, never even taken out of the packaging or anything like that. You know, even, you know, you sit it there by itself, it's a stock is all it is. And that you have to add it on to a rifle. And the fact that they actually decided they were going to ban this, I thought that was just insane. Yeah. Because it's not a gun. It's not the, it's not even a matter of what the functionality is. Right. The ETF doesn't have the right to ban something. Right. It's not. They don't have the statutory authority to do that. So Dan, what's funny about that is that a large part of the argument when we were at the Supreme Court was the definition of what the word function means and what a function of a trigger is. And if it's the pull of a trigger or the push of a button or blah, blah, blah. But that was, that was what Justice Jackson had a very hard time understanding. Well, she doesn't know what a woman is either. Dude, well, yeah. And I thought that was fucking ironic. Tell me, how is that, how is that not the maximum hypocrisy? She's, she, when she's being sworn in, she can't, she's asked to define what a woman is. She says, I can't define a woman. And the one thing in our case that she's picking at is the definition of a word. It's fucking ridiculous. Yeah. She's, she's a moron. But she's never fired a gun. Yeah. I don't think she's ever fired a gun. And so that's, that's kind of the difference here now. But that's something I've seen as a problem, like I, I, before you asked me if I had heard the oral argument, I've read some of the stuff, just, uh, uh, uh, synopsis. And it's mostly been about educating the justices on the functionality of the device. That is completely fucking irrelevant to this case. Correct. There's nothing about what it does or what it is that matters. The point is the ATF does not have the statutory authority to turn people into felons. Right. The end. And they spend a lot of time talking about 800 rounds in a second or 800 rounds fired in a minute, which can't happen, but it doesn't matter because the law does not say the statute does not mention rate of fire. So it doesn't, it doesn't matter if a rifle can fire a thousand rounds. That doesn't matter. What matters is, you know, the manual reloading and the single function of a trigger is what matters. Right. That's what's in the definition. Every poll that trigger is one bullet. And that's what Justice Jackson couldn't wrap her head around. She's an idiot. I could not believe that I went to the highest court in all of the land, arguably the world. And one of the people who's deciding the fate of how our justice system works, couldn't understand how a fucking trigger works. It was unbelievable. I can't believe you were in a court voluntarily, Gary, let's be honest. That's shocking. Yeah. How funny would have been if he showed up the Supreme Court and like, actually, you got a lot of warrants. Yeah. Wait. Gary's here. Have you some shit? You know what's funny? They actually lost my ticket and I had to get sat somewhere else. I was, for a minute, I was like, I didn't tell my thoughts. I was like, I got, I don't want to worry about it. And Kentucky. Shit. Now, as you're going through this process here, there's a ton of questions I want to ask you about the legalities of all of this. When you get a case that goes all the way to the Supreme Court, and according to you, this has been about six years? Yeah. Yeah, right? It's a long time. It's all the audiences all the time. Right. Tell them all the time about lawsuits, how incredibly difficult they are, and how expensive they are. You're not going to get instant justice. I was going to say so. How much does this cost you to even get to the Supreme Court in front of them? So you're talking about a million dollar case. God damn it. Who's paying for that? Because you're talking, you know, donations and stuff like that. It's a very expensive case. You're talking about the person, the person that argued the case in front of the Supreme Court used to be the Texas Solicitor General. He also used to be a clerk for a Supreme Court justice. So this guy's experience, he's actually the attorney who argued the case for President Trump in the Supreme Court a couple of weeks ago. He's also the attorney that argued another case in front of the Supreme Court for the fishermen. So he's very good at what he does, very expensive, by the way, and it's, you're talking a million dollar case to make it that far to the United States Supreme Court. Now what do you stand to gain financially off of that? Not a dime. Well, here's the thing. In most of these lawsuits, you can usually get legal fees back if you're suing the states and/or somebody else. And then some type of punitive damages for what happened to your business and what it caused your business. So does that happen to the Supreme Court because I've never had a case go there? So that does happen, but this is not that type of case. This case here basically talks about the administrative rule, can the ATF create a right law? This case talks about what the definition of machine gun is, well, this case is not about me recouping funds for anything. It's about just having, hey, I win, I won, and that's it. The principle of murder. And then after I, let's say the Supreme Court says I win this case, guess what? We still have to go back down to the lower court in Austin and argue in that court, can I get my bump stocks back? Because that judge there is basically said, hey, you won the case, but that's it. Yeah, because the Fifth Circuit has already ruled in his favor on this already. So it's going to a higher court in a favorable condition already. But the guy in the lower court, he's just pretty much flipped off the Fifth Circuit and say, hey, yeah, he won, but I'm not going to, I'm just still leaving at that. I'm not going to tell you, you get them back or everyone gets them back. They're illegal in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi. He didn't give a relief. He just said, hey, you won, and that's it. Yeah. Well, it's a two-tier justice system in America right now based on who appointed who and to where and why and all that other stuff. And we're seeing it obviously with all the Trump cases that are out there. I remember the, I think Dan and I covered this years ago, the case that went to the Supreme Court for the gay wedding cake. The guy didn't want to make the two gay dudes on top of a wedding cake and everything else. And I had asked the same question and I said, how much is that and what are you really fighting for? And it was, yeah, it was well over a million dollars. It's the principal. I was unaware that you didn't get money back though. Mm-hmm. God damn. So you're just going out and go fund me or how does that even start for a small business owner like yourself? So one, we do, donations are on our side, also the attorneys, they have donations on their side. They have a profit organization also, and so it's a lot that goes into it, asking people for money, begging for money because you're talking about hiring multiple attorneys to do multiple work. A lot of clerks go into different courts. You're starting your lower court. We were actually in court doing COVID in 2020 in the federal court in Austin. We were in the Fifth Circuit twice, first in the three judge panel and then once with all the judges after that. And so you're talking traveling back and forth in New Orleans, bringing attorneys here, the attorney that actually argued the case in the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday was actually from Austin. So the fight. No shit. Yeah. The fly him in from Austin who argued that case. Every time he goes to argue a case from the Supreme Court, he's leaving from Austin because he lives in Austin. Yeah. Right. So he's getting some more quiche. Absolutely. Going his way. So when this is all said and done here, do you think they're actually going to go your way? We'll see. I think there's a good chance that we're actually going to win this case. I was upset the fact that they spent an hour and a half arguing about the definition of a machine gun and arguing about the function of a trigger. We all know that when talking about a machine gun, one pull the trigger, one action of the trigger, one round goes out. That's a semi-automatic. You pull the trigger, one action of the trigger, more than one round goes out. That's a machine gun. And so that's it. It didn't take an hour and a half of me to explain that to you. No, but it takes them because again, you look at them and Gary, I'm going to ask you this question next. You look at those guys. You see them on TV and everything else. One, I would say out of all the Supreme Court justices, probably two are gun owners. Is that a fair assessment? Yeah. John Roberts isn't one of them. He's not one of them. I bet you Brett Kavanaugh is automatic. Kavanaugh is probably clear on some of his own guns. Probably the only two, right? That's who I had as well. I think Alito. You think Alito? Well, he was ex-military, right? Yeah. So he was very smart and very savvy about guns and firearms and stuff like that. Yeah. So the questions that he asked. The case, the argument being made from leftist is that it would be functionally the same, right? You're technically pulling the trigger more times. You're able to do it at the same rate. What happens if I just get really fast at milking the trigger? Is my hand outlawed now? Correct. Get the fuck out of here. Right, correct. Exactly. You know what I mean? It's just like a completely bankrupt argument. Yeah. What about your belt loop? Yeah. Shoot lace, you know? Yeah. And again, for the rest of us dummies out there, as far as a bump stock is concerned, other than using it for hobbies and everything else, why do they want this particular thing banned at all? Yes, it's something they can ban and get political points for that doesn't really affect most people. Right. And at the time, that's why people wanted to give them up, you know, because when the Las Vegas shooting happened, everyone came out, okay, bump stock, I don't have one. I don't care about bump stocks, let's go ahead and give them up if they want to take them. Right. You know, NRA came out and said, yeah, you know, we're in support of them taking the bump stocks, you know, they served no purpose. So even the NRA was against it, you know, against me in doing this and everything. But I said, no, because I said, if you give them this, if you take them up, they're going to go after other things when the next president comes in the office, and that's exactly what happened. They went in, they created this document, they said, we're going to ban bump stocks. They then Biden came into office, they took out bump stock, they put in brace, they put in trigger, you know, frames and receivers and use that same document to start banning stuff. And how did you meet Gary along this journey? I bailed him out of jail. Were you a bail bonds? Yeah. I was, when I was in college, I interned for him after meeting him because I did a project, like a short documentary on what he was doing. And so when I met him, that's that just of regarding this case? Yeah. No, it wasn't it. It was just everything. Really? Yeah. You know, gay, black Republican gun store owners trying to sue the ATF is pretty bizarre and I was like, I want to meet this guy. You're gay too? That's what they tell them. Two strikes. No, I'm kidding. No, I just look, you're here today, black history month ended. I got a ask. Yeah. It's, you know, that's the third strike brother. You should ask me that yesterday. Yeah. It's March now. It's March now. So we don't have to do shit. March Madness, which is ironically this is women's history month. Is it really? Oh boy. Oh boy. Caitlin Clark's the only one holding that up. He was the only one of us. He was the only one of us here smart out to avoid that bullshit. Yeah. Sure. Sure were. So for you, let's start from the beginning with you then. What made you want to even open up a gun store? How did you get into it? I wanted to, I wanted my family members to be able to defend themselves. I wanted them to know gun laws. I wanted them to be proficient with a firearm. I wanted them to learn how to shoot. And so that's why I did it. That's why I teach classes. That's why we sell guns and all that stuff because, you know, I didn't want my family getting in trouble. You know, I don't want, you know, what do you do when you pull the whole by police? I want them to know how to react. Sure. Sure. And have you ever had to, or you, or were your family have to use guns in a bad situation? Oh, absolutely. Just the most current thing is my parents. My parents were at home one particular day and this guy, these guys saw some, you know, stuff that they put out by the trash like electronics boxes and stuff like that. And so later on that night, early that next morning, they came back to the house. It's a two-story home, they actually broke into the, they broke into the shed, took a ladder out of the shed, laid the light against the house, climbed to the second floor of the home because on the second floor, the master bath, the window was open. So they crawled through the second floor, master bath, the window. And my dad ended up shooting, you know, the first guy, I shoot him in the face and killing him. The guy fell back outside the window there, laying on his back and died on the roof. Your dad's got a state side? And others, you guys, you know, got a state side, brother. That's right. That's something Dan doesn't have, dude. You see that look on his face right there? That's why he's always so pissed off. That's the only thing he's missing on his resume. He's like, hmm, that's state side. Son of a bitch, man, that's wild. Who is in the house? Just my mom and my dad, that's it. That's it. Wow, dude. You do something like that, dude. I bet the sex is extra special. I know you wouldn't think about your parents having sex, but man, dude, that's some baller shit. Yeah, when you demonstrate your power like that, oh, you almost want to do it over the dead body before you call 911, where you're just like, all right, cool, man, let me get this in. Well, you're on the phone? Yeah. Sorry. Okay. Sorry. Do you let the police know what you're doing? Okay. I know you're on the way over here. I just want to let you know what you're running into. I'm going to do that. Why? I'm in the middle of a reverse cowgirl over the body. We call that, you know, tampered with evidence. That's true. That's true. So walk me through this, the guy got shot in the face and then he's got semen all over his chest. How did that happen? It was like, well, officer, I got so excited about killing the guy. He actually brought that from home. And are you really gay? Or is that just scary fucking around? I don't know. You know, it's, it's, this is March. Yeah. Ask me in February. Okay. I'll ask you. Yes. Yes, I am. When's gay month? It's May, right? You know, Austin has a separate pride month, September. Well, I've seen a super gay, so it makes sense. Yeah, yeah. Good point. Look, you guys are the best parties. I think they have to do it. It's in September. Yes. Damn, it's hot as fucking September. Why would they do it then? It's hot as fucking September. June. They want to be on a sweaty run for September here than June. Yeah. Also, fuck that. You got to spend the first week in a September in New Orleans at Southern decadence. You don't want to be here. Oh, that's true. That's true. What's that? What's Southern decadence? Cute. Mardi Gras. I did that actual Mardi Gras. Yeah, of course you did, dude. Gay's fucking rape, dude. They've got the best drugs, best parties. Dress the nicest. Look at you. You're appropriating everything else. This piece of shit here. This is literally the only outfit that his buddy had and he was just like, "It's got a collar and khakis." No, no. I wore a really nice little suit up to the court, man. So when you walked up there, a guy like you, let's be real. Well, they don't know who he is, though. No, I know that. But a guy like you, you see all this shit on TV, this is the way I felt when I went to the White House a couple years ago, was you get up there, you see the people on TV and you're like, "Oh shit, all right, I know this person, this person, this person." Was Supreme Court what you thought it was built up in your mind or is it different? It was, the building itself is physically much bigger than I thought it would be. And then when you go inside, it's actually pretty beautiful. You know, there's those old Roman pillars in there and they're really beautiful. Like, I don't know if it's marble or what it is, but it, you know, it just, it has like that old school aesthetic to it. And the ceiling has this alternating red and blue stone flowers and it's just like this beautiful thing. And then we sit down and we're watching this unfold. They have secret service and there's a process and everybody's, you know, and locked up with each other. And then we have Justice Jackson asking how a fucking trigger works. And I went from being like, "Wow, man, this is really what America is all about. We got this justice system and it works a certain way." And then she doesn't understand what she's, what's the argument even, I was just kind of shocking to me. I had the exact same feeling. Seriously. It was a little bit jarring. When you meet these guys, you're like, "This is who's running our country?" Yeah. Dude. It's fucking crazy. I've had the exact same feeling when I was like, "Oh, shit." I mean, it was beautiful to see all this stuff is gorgeous and amazing in the history. Then you walk away saying our elected officials are fucking morons. Yeah. Maybe we shouldn't have lifetime appointments for jobs where like your job in jurisprudence is to apply the law under the circumstances that currently exist. But if you don't understand the circumstances that currently exist, how can you do your fucking job? Right. You know what I mean? I actually have a theory on that. Why she would ask that question. Why? Which is, if you explain it shittily or don't explain it well, then you've made a bad argument and she doesn't have to necessarily, you know, rule in your... Give him, right. No, no, no. I absolutely think that she was playing stupid the entire time. Trying to miss things up. I had a real evidence of that. It was just got a gut feeling I got. So I can't for sure say that she was doing that. So she's either an idiot or very smart or very manipulative. Well, she's a coward for sure. Yeah. Anybody that can't admit what a fucking woman is, is a coward. Yeah. And if you look, if you're looking for a particular case to go your way and you play dumb like that and ask the questions like this, then it could cause confusion with other justices and everything else that's going on. And that certainly helps her case for when she votes against it saying, "Well, they couldn't properly describe how no trigger works." I... She's going to be a no vote anyway. Regardless. Right. Right. Regardless, exactly. So it doesn't really matter. But here's a question I had for you and we kind of talked about this afterward but I think Dan's going to be very interested in this, is the fact that they didn't touch on the ATF's overreach as an agency of the government who shouldn't be writing or enforcing or creating, you know, not necessarily enforcing, but writing or creating laws, they didn't touch on that very much and that's possibly because they get that brief at the beginning, right? And they've already sort of thought that through or what was your thought process on that? I think there's no question about where they're going to, how they're going to vote on that. I think that's going to be a long, so to speak, part of your lines. Part of lines. Yeah. Five, four. Yeah. Or six. Six, three, maybe. Right. Let's get in there, you know, Justice Jackson and try to muddy things up and confuse people about the definition of what a machine gun is. Because she's aware she's going to be audio recording. Right. So she's playing the chess game. If there were cameras allowed in there, her reactions and her confusion and holding her face and being totally helpless and lost and incompetent, it would have gone viral. People would have been like, "Who? What? Who is this?" Yeah. It would have been as viral as when she said she couldn't define a woman because she literally was explaining that she doesn't understand how a trigger works. Who's the one that was doing the, what was their name? Oh, the... Who's the... Who's the... Just talking about it? No. No. No. She's... Yeah. She was talking about that. She kept going like this. She said, "Well, do I do it like this?" Yeah. I don't like that. That lady did not realize the optics of what it looked like she was doing. She was... Only if they were cameras. She, you know, because he's explaining that you have to, you have to push forward on the bump stock. You have to maintain force forward, right? You have to fire it repeatedly, and she didn't understand it, so she's like, "Do you do it like this?" And it looked like she was jerking off. Jerking off. It looked like she was jacking at cock-off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which is it? Look, it's important. You know, I think it's... But I think she actually genuinely was trying to understand it. I didn't get the vibe like she was being, using some sort of malevolent manipulation to throw off whatever the argument was or the understanding of the process, you know, trying to like actually argue it. But Justice Jackson, I really do think she's... And again, either totally incompetent or a total fucking idiot. Just give it insight into just how big deal this was on Wednesday. There were like 800 people trying to get in that couldn't get in. You know, a lot of people couldn't get in. So I had a guy call me up, he says, "Just fans or supporters?" Just people that wanted to be, you know, either for, against whatever standing in line to get in line. And there was a protest when we were headed there, right? Correct. Yeah. And what was the protest, Palestine? No, no, they were against what we were doing. Oh, no shit. Yes. God damn. I says, I don't... Because here's the other thing too, is where do people find the time for this shit? I've said this all the time on the show. College students, dude. I know, but you... There's so many cases the Supreme Court has to hear that you're like, "Alright, great. We've got to show up on this day for this one thing and do it and get out the word on it. How many people were protesting? It was quite a bit. Quite a bit. You know, people will go to your website, you know, I have a website, you know, People will actually go to the website and they have no qualms in telling you, you know, how they feel about you. Guys says, you know, you are a shit, you're a hook. I've got to find this. Hold on, Mike. There you are right there. There you are, Mike. Look at that, man. Look at that. Jack stud, dude. Hey, I've got a funny... I've got a funny thing. Mike, you remember when we were eating... So we're eating dinner afterward at this bar. We're having some bar food, whatever. And he gets a text from one of his employees and he said, a guy just called from an anonymous number and said, "Tell Mr. Cargill to go fuck himself." Really? Yeah, he started getting the, you know, spam hate calls. That'll end. You know, you give it three months. Everybody forgets, America forgets, and nobody fucking cares and they move on. For you to even do this in the first place is nuts, especially when you have nothing financially to gain out of this. That's what the shocking part is to me with people who take up causes all the way to the Supreme Court. The reason why a lot of people don't do it is for that exact reason. You're on year six of this. You don't have enough fucking money to do it. You might be right. And there's a lot of cases out there that are probably right, but people financially just don't have the means to do it. So it's pretty wild in what you're doing there. How is Kavanaugh? Does he sniff one a lot? He was totally kidding. That was all we saw in that hearing, unless he was getting sworn in. He's pretty quiet. He didn't ask you a whole bunch. I don't think. Yeah, he was, I think he was with the shits. Yeah. Any surprises out of any of those guys? No. No. Gorsuch, the guy with white hair, had a couple of, when the, the government's attorney was just like a little rat bastard looking mother fucker with no hair bald guy. And when he was up there, talking real fast, like a fucker, dude, this guy looked like a fucking caricature of a bureaucrat. You would have hated him. You would have hated this guy. I hate you for even explaining it to you. Yeah. Damn, it's everybody. It was, this guy sucked. But, uh, why he's up there fucking, you know, like speaking extremely fast and trying to like sound smart. By using words that he cried, I didn't even understand. Gorsuch, I don't remember what he said, but he said something that was like real like, you know, kind of a smart ass remark and everybody in the courtroom started laughing at the dude and I just remember to be like, fuck yeah, dude, fuck this guy. I like this. That's really funny. Uh, as far as the older ones there, House Clarence Thomas, he, I know you're black. Is that why you cleared your voice? No. I didn't know. I was like, okay, cool. What? Michael, I gotta know, dude. No, he was okay. He wasn't bad at all. I, I figured that they were going to ask, you know, other questions. I didn't think they were going to spend like an hour and a half talking about triggers and fucker that would trigger. So that's, that was, you know, that part of it was disappointing, you know. I guess they've decided that that's the crux of the case. Is it a, is it a machine gun under the existing law or not? And it's clearly not. And I think it, it, it, things was just so convoluted. I think in the end, they're like, okay, this has to go back to Congress. Congress is going to have to do something if we're going to change the definition of a machine gun and include bump stocks. Yeah. I mean, so Texas AG versus Department of Labor, that's the case, the OSHA case. Yeah. They got adjudicated. It's the, it's identical. Yeah. And agents, he doesn't have the statutory authority to start fucking creating and enforcing new laws that didn't go through Congress. Because if you listen to the, the government's attorney, he wanted to ban what modern, modern energy guns, according to him, the way the trigger work you would ban laser guns. Wait, wait, wait. Yeah. Yeah. If you listen to what he was saying, your energy guns will be banned, what would fit under this definition of a machine gun and also laser guns would fit on definition machine gun because it's the function of a trigger. These are the fuckers are trying to ban weapons that don't even exist yet. Dude, that's what I was, that's what we were saying. You know, 70% of murders are by handguns in inner cities. Like rail rail guns. Ah, the fuck. What is this? I can't, I can't get my hand on tungsten right now. So I think the rail gun is going to be safe. What do we, what do we got here, Bob? What is this? This is a rave K 47. Is that a machine gun? That's a machine gun. Is there a dildo on the back of that stock right there? What is that? It appears that a cheek stock. You power this laser with your own thermal energy. Oh, so you fucked that hole now. That's beautiful. Or fuck you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a nice and rave gun. Yeah. That's right up your house. Beautiful little rave gun there to get the party started. Take some acts. Hey, shit, maybe I should put some LED lights on my guns. Why not? Dude. See what happens. Get fun and flirty with it. Do some MDMA. Yeah. Exactly. You know, plenty of trace around, yes. Dan, you're saying that they're going to, they're trying to ban guns that aren't even in existence yet. But I also think they're also using this to set a precedent potentially where the flood gates open and then they're going to start banning things like even like scopes and red dot and. Oh, yeah. That's all. I mean, all sorts of shit. They can start chipping away at it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They can ban Bofa. Bofa these nuts. Bofa these nuts. Sure can. Fuck what laws they make. I'm not following them. Yeah. No matter what they are. Fuck that. It is your duty as a citizen to not follow any kind of law that restricts your ability to do a couple of things. One is defend yourself, right, and that includes your property. And the second one is the right of association. Those are the two most important fundamentals in human society. The right to defend myself, including my property, right, and the ultimate version of property rights is the set your physical person. So that includes defending myself with whatever tools I have available and then the right of association. If I don't want to make gay cakes, I'm not going to, right? You can't compel me to do something that I don't want to do. It's fucking against everything we stand for. Now maybe that's hateful. Fine. If go make your go fuck it, start a gay bakery, right? If you hate that dude so much, go start a gay bakery and make that money. That's capitalism. Yes. Stupid fuck. Yeah. Yeah. I think he's combining a bakery. Yeah. Nice little bakery. Some people call me a genius. Some people don't. There's one, Gary. One. I forget that porn star's name. How many bump stocks were sold in America leading up to the banning of bump stocks? Half a million by 500,000. A year? No. Total. Total. Total. Okay. So forgive me. Those still exist. You don't have to turn those in or anything else. Oh, no, they're done. Yeah. Supposedly, you have to turn them in or destroy them. Supposedly. No, there's a lot of-- Yeah. A lot of boat accidents. Turn them in or destroy them. There was no getting a tax stamp. You know, paying a fee, you know, filling something out, getting on the innovatilist. It was destroyed them or turned them in or your fellow. And Mike, what happened? What happened? Oh, I didn't know that. Overnight basically turned all those people into felons. No. No shit. Now let me ask you about the brace because Dan brought that up. When was that? About a year ago? Two years ago, I think the pistol brace thing they tried. Yeah. It was '22, right, when they tried that. Did that go to the Supreme Court or that? No. So the pistol brace right now, that's a judge's rule, you know, they've done an injunction. So currently right now you can have your pistol brace, but prior to that injunction, you know, when that ban went to effect, you either had to get a form 1, turn it into an SBR, show it better a rifle, get a tax stamp for it, or you were a felon. No shit. I was a felon. Yeah, you were. Fuck about their law. Yeah. It's still weak though. You should pee on your hands like moist as a loo if you want to grip your handgun better. I agree. Now what we're talking about yesterday or this week, it's very important. That's how you used to grip a bat. Because even though there's an injunction and you know, there's nothing that stops the government from, let's say this makes us way up to the court and then they say, okay, well, they're going to uphold the ban and say, okay, the ban's going to stick in place. There's nothing that stops when we're coming back and prosecuting you because you never did. Turn them into the first place. Yeah, they can prosecute. That's nuts, man. You got to be careful. Fuck those guys. Well, even be on a show like this. And I'm, yes, I'm being sincere when I asked this question. Listening to you say, hey, I've got this brace. Does that make you a felon now and could the ATF come to your house? Currently not, currently not now, but then if they uphold it, they say, okay, we're going to go ahead and keep that ban in place. If it goes to the Supreme Court, they keep it there, then boom, they can come back and get you. They can fucking try because me and all my buddies will be right down the street. They're waiting for you. Yeah. Well, here's why I asked, right? So let's say you don't follow the news or you listen to a podcast like this or something. I wouldn't know. I wouldn't know the bump stocks were banned. I wouldn't know the braces were banned and then all this. That was my point. That was one of the arguments that the, that the, what do you call it, the majority opinions in the Fifth Circuit made was that you're turning people into felons and they don't even know. That's correct. Yeah. Because what if you call 911, you call the police because something happened at your house and you needed their assistance. They come over to your house. The police report, you know, give you some assistance, whatever. And they're looking around, oh, and they figure out, oh, you got a brace right there. Oh, you have a bump stock right there. You're a felon. It's another charge too. Right. So let's say you. Yes. A felony charge. And then you lose your gun rights forever. And when you're a felon and you're in prison, you're losing your right to vote. I mean, the, the, the domino effect of that is fucking out of control because you called the police to your house for help for assistance and they found that in your living room. This is a very like a communist way to go about. Yes. So Russia has this law that's very vaguely written that was written in the 1970s that essentially criminalizes everything, like literally everything, breathing, even. And it is selectively applied, however their whomever is in charge wants to apply it, right? That, that's the, the real telltale sign of an authoritarian government is that they're trying to criminalize ordinary behavior or, or broadly criminalize things so they can fucking take away the fundamentals down the road, the fundamental rights, like the right to sell protection, the right to vote. So on and so forth. And, and those ambiguous laws like that. And I would, I would honestly throw red flag laws in there with this as well. Those ambiguous laws are what allows a two tiered justice system to take place because they are selectively applied. Yeah. And again, how do you prove that you didn't know these things and that you don't follow the media or these court proceedings? Like, I have no fucking idea what's on the docket. We'll come in and talk about Trump and big, big things, you know, big issues like who's running for president and things like that. But some of these other cases that are going up to the Supreme Court, I don't really fucking hear about it. I don't know the outcome and something this big where you would become a felon and tack on potentially five, 10 years onto a prison sentence or lose your gun rights for the rest of your life. Forever. It's a big fucking deal, dude. Which by the way, that's another thing that needs to go through Congress or something at some point is reinstating the rights of felons to own guns. It is absolutely ridiculous. You can commit a financial crime, right? You can make a mistake or even maybe your dick or something and you steal money from people or whatever happens and you get longer than one year in prison that counts as a felony, right? Now you can never own a gun again for the rest of your life. And what is the relationship between those two? You never will be able to pay your debt to society to forget that. So that's insane to me. If somebody's deemed acceptable to be released back into society, they're deemed not to be a threat to society, then why would they not be able to defend themselves, inset society, if they were considered a threat, so they should still be in prison? Yeah. It's weird to me. I know you've got an interview with the Washington Examiner coming up here. So now is the point of the show where we get to this thing called the drinking bro of the week. You stand by because I want your shirt off after he leaves. We can't not have you on the show fully clothed. Out of context, that sounds really gay. Well, stand by. Take off your clothes. You are the one who brought the black gay guys, so that's all new. Which is two things. We were ready for one. We were not doing this. Not today. Care bear. Okay. Drinking bro of the week is someone who has inspired you or helped you become the person you are today. Who would you like to give the drinking bro of the week to? Oh, man. Come on. I know. You should have prepped it for this piece of shit. Wow. You've been on the show like ten times. How would you know? I would never prep it. It needs to be on the spot. It needs to be organic, authentic, genuine response. I bought you some time right there, Mike. You're going to keep me on the spot. I know, right? Oh, man. So the thing about organic is exactly he's going to start singing spirituals pretty soon. I'm going to give it to Clarence Thomas because I think anyone is going to hold this court together and give me the victory that I need is going to be Clarence Thomas, so that's who I'm going to give it to. All right. Cheers. Funny thing about Clarence Thomas. He's going to be a black one on there, you know? I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Wow. He's very pointed. Clarence Thomas, the guy. That's the guy. The Kintanji Brown Jackson is. Kintanji writes. She's not, but she's female. Kintanji. Yeah. You know what's funny? That's actually the female form of Keanu. He sure is. A lot of people don't know that. What? What kind of forever? Made that up. Gary, this is making things up. I don't like it. Um, but we appreciate you being here. Uh, Gary Bear, we're going to need you to strip down here. Yes. Hey, hey, Rob. Can somebody grab me a Cody? Absolutely. Right there, dude. Dan, then we got some sponsors that put this shit wagon on the air. First and foremost, go forward slash drinking, bros. They're back. And they're better than ever over there. Took a little break because they're coming up with new mattresses, new goodies over there at forward slash drinking, bros. They got a ghost bed flex hybrid. Now in the old store, look at that at 50% off. Shit. That's a big boy savings over there. Uh, they got the ghost bed Lux. What else they got the ghost bed 3D matrix is on there and they got the classical, the ghost bed classic, uh, as well as those mattresses for RVs. Um, look, they've been really fucking dialing this in and, uh, and honing in on these, these mattresses for RVs. A lot of people, man, are on the move just traveling, going to see shit. Uh, one of my beef fries, Chris Klaskis just got this fucking mattress. He loves it for his RV, uh, has been traveling all over the United States of America. They don't come with great mattresses. That's why ghostbed stepped in and said, you know what? Fuck it. We'll do it. We'll do it live. We'll make some mattresses for RVs. They also have the best sheets in the business and, uh, don't even get me started on that adjustable base. I can't live without that goddamn thing in my life. New products. Uh, the same old quality ghost forward slash drinking bros is back. Everything's 50% off site wide head on over, uh, and check out all their new items, love forward slash drinking bros. Next up, we got first form dot com forward slash drinking bros talking about those micro factors. Shit. Anthony, where are the micro factors? I'm out, dude. I'm out. It's a hidden box somewhere. I need to keep them right on my desk next to me or I will forget to take these. I'm sure you guys at home are the same way as I am of like, dude, taking fucking vitamins is, uh, it's a chore. Well guess what? Uh, first forward slash drinking bros, uh, takes the pressure off. Yeah, they just fucking put them all in a nice little plastic pouch. You pop in your mouth and you're good to go for the day. No more lining up 80 jars on the counter and the medicine cabinet and scraping them off with a butter knife into a fucking cylinder. You're done with that. Uh, nice little cardboard box comes with a trap door in there, one for every day of the month. Boom. You pitch it and you're good to go. Get a subscription of these things. I do. They're always sent to the studio and, uh, again, with vitamins, you're taking them anyways. You might as well take it from a company that supports the veterans. Uh, what's in them? You got the coke you tens, you got the fruits and veggies, the EFAs, all the good stuff in there to keep your heart pumping, your guts, uh, pumping out waste and, uh, and keep your mind focused over there. Huge fan of this company, uh, love, love, love, love their energy drinks as well. Right now you're getting free shipping on orders over $75 over there. I don't know what the, the new American can, uh, flavor is over there. I just saw it walking out of the gym before we, we, uh, walked onto the stage today. I got to find out what they are. I didn't get a chance to order them. I love the lemon lime ones. Uh, gigantic fan of everything these guys do. Go to forward slash drinking bros today. Get the micro factors, try the energy drinks, get it all shipped right to your house. You're going to get free shipping on orders over $75 at forward slash drinking bros. Last but not least, we got a hard AF Let's go baby. Five tasting tonight at H.E.B. I know the show goes out on Sunday. You can't hear it right now. I'm sure it went great. All right. Uh, but we're in every, uh, almost every H.E.B. in Texas. What are we in Ryan? What, what's your reckon? They're 45 45 H.E.B.s. How many Kroger's Ryan five Kroger's are they all in the, the Houston area? Boom. Houston. We're inside of you. We're in the Kroger's there. Uh, we're in all the, we're in 45 H.E.B.s right now where we're in every single total wines in the state of Texas where you're expanding rapidly here. Ryan Mills is with us to, uh, to help that expansion throughout the state of Texas. We're also live in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, in Ohio, uh, North Carolina and Wilmington out there. If you're in Wilmington, join the beaches this weekend, man. Grab a 12 pack from total wine out there, stop on into brunches, any location over there and grab yourself a hard AF seltzer or whiskey creek trail, get yourself some of those Buffalo chicken tendies out there in Masonboro, uh, before you head out on the boat this weekend. We're also on, uh, almost every single major college campuses and all those states, uh, University of Georgia, ABC Lickers, Auburn, we're at Tiger Lickers, uh, University of Alabama. We're all over Tuscaloosa out there. Uh, forks, uh, I'm sorry, quarks and tops out there that Shell station on 1405, University Boulevard, uh, UCF were in Pat's Lickers down there, uh, the Ohio State University were at the standard hall, urban Myers pint house out in Dublin, shortened North pint house as well. 14 and a Lickers on campus over there. And Tennessee, I didn't forget about you. I love the volunteers, man. I hope you guys are good this year. We're on, uh, University Lickers there. Got total wines and Knoxville as well. And then maybe old favorite frugal McDougal's down there in Nashville. Load up over there for, uh, St. Paddy's Day. You're good to go. Go to today, uh, click on that store locator, enter your city or zip code and it'll take you to the, the closest location nearest you, or if you're not one of those states or one of the surrounding states, we still ship right to your house at Put us and support the show. Oh, there he is. Garber's back. Hey, baby. It's like, it's like over the top when slide turns his hat around. You know what I mean? This is when you get the real piece of shit right here. We got a two tiered justice system for two tiered man. You sure do. Hey. You did get your haircut and the mustache trimmed and all that other shit. Yeah. I did. I did want to look nice. Seriously. You do look nice. You do look nice. What's your self here? Well, you know. Was it itchy? Was the, was the collared shirt itchy? Yeah. You're like, you're like Randy from trailer park boys. You're allergic to shirts. I started getting hives. Well, dude, when I was where did I just felt like I was in a fucking cage, man. Yeah, no. Had to rip it off. A guy like you up there. Damn, dude. Yeah. Damn. A lot of people asking about your son, um, how's the, uh, the, the reuniting situation going on? Well, look, uh, Larry. Not good. Gary. He's Gary. He's Gary. The son is Gary. Is Gary. Is Gary for? Is it really? Yeah. Gary. Gary for God damn it. And then on Mike Eaton's arm, that's what we called the tattoo of me on Mike's arm. The Quattro. That's Gary five. Yeah. That'd be Cinco by the way. Yeah. For the arm, but your kid is the Quattro. Yeah. Yeah. Because he's a Mexican. Not because he's a quadriplegic though. No, not yet. He's fine. Not yet. Little tan, little tan Gary, but we do actually call him Larry all the time, which was funny that you said that. Yeah, he should. Is he Mexicans? You knock up a Latino broad? I don't think we went into that. I sure did. That's my only type. Do Italians Portuguese and Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, just tan. They're real fertile Gary. Tan fertile violent women. Man, that's crazy. They're real fertile there. Real violent too. Yeah. So have you guys spoken or what happened there? No, dude. Actually, I don't really want to get into this that much, but I would always bring it up. I flew out to LA, got a hotel, he's there for four days to go see him, hour after I land. She texts me, "Hey, I decided to take Gary out of town for the weekend." No fucking way. And that's all I'm going to say about that because I think I'm actually going to try to go back to court. I think I got some grounds to go back to court. That's... And you know some Supreme Court justices now, so I feel like you're good. Did you get any autographs? Yeah, or selfie? Shh, dude, come on. Do you selfie it up with Kavanaugh? Do Kavanaugh definitely likes to have some beers at the end? Oh yeah. I bet if you showed up with a tall pack of Coors Light, he'd have been like, "All right, both socks are cool." Because I can't do it. Automatic, dude. Can we take a fucking 25-minute recess? Bump that up to 30, you know? Yeah. Just because there's a rack back there that I need to clear. Dang. Get a couple of talkins, but dude, I was trying to hold back a little bit because I got a bit of a dirty mouth. And when I'm with Mike, I got to look professional. I understand. I understand. The brand. I've worked for Mike forever, and I was being serious. I interned for him when I was in college because I did a documentary on him, became an intern. Perdue... And then I was actually like his boots on the ground shoe leather reporter for a while. Really? And we did a radio show. It was a radio show for years, and I was always trying to tell him, "Hey, man, we got to move this to making a podcast and put it on YouTube because I can blow this the fuck up." You're a gay, black, gun store owner in Texas that's not only in Texas, but in the blue star and the red state, Austin, liberal Mecca, you're one in a million, plus he's suing the ATF. No. He doesn't give a fuck, dude. That's wild. Wait, is it liberal here? You know what, man, actually, if you go to somewhere like DC, you realize that Austin's not even that liberal. Yeah. That's true. Yeah, a hundred percent. People always are like, "Yeah, you live in Austin, it's like..." You run into some annoying young kids, but it's also a college town, right? It is, yeah. So that's part of that. It's not that bad here at all. Yeah, but also think about how many conservative, you know, influential type figures are here. We got Infowars, we got Drinking Bros, we got Joe Rogue, and we got all this fucking, you know, like not even super conservative per se, but this, you know, maybe libertarian conservative angle on things because even the liberals in Austin are like, "Yeah, we like guns. Yeah, we like..." I mean, we talked three years ago, we talked to Matthew McConaughey about this, like literally on the show, talked about is like, "What does it mean when people say keep awesome weird?" It's like the way he described it, I didn't say it at the time, but what you're describing is just libertarianism. You just want to be left alone. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And like, feel free to do whatever the fuck you want. Just be nice to people and leave everybody alone and don't let the fucking government decide anything. Exactly. And I feel the same way. Like, I don't give a fuck what you do behind closed doors or any of the other shit. I just don't want to hear about it and don't bother me. Now, as far as Austin on its own, I'll agree with you on that. It's a big college town, regardless of what you think of the football team, Delco. And in college... Wait, is Delco off-season hatin' on the fucking football team? He always hates on a UT. Why are you off-season hatin', dude? No, I mean, both me and Rob hate Texas as a university, just 'cause they're fan-based. You know what I think it is? They came here after their frat glory days. No, it's not. They're still in their 20-year-olds. No, no, no, no, no. It's literally, they're just a bad college sports town. They're not. I actually agree with you, but it's mostly because of the infrastructure. Yes. Like, it sucks that the stadium is in the middle of a downtown area and they didn't build around it. Why not? I don't know. They have one of the highest two missions of the entire country, the second, right? I think. Yeah, it's up there. Are they second or are they first? Uh, tuition-wise? I don't know. Like, student-wise. Oh, student-body-wise. UT. Yeah, they always flip-flop with Ohio State and UCF. So those are the times... It has nothing to do with that, though. It has everything to do with going to a game of soulless. It's like going to a pro game. Well, yeah, it does have a pro-field stadium. I like the fact that I can get vodka there 'cause they don't do that in a lot of college games. They've just boiled babies for how little success they've had as a blue blood. And they never go to their basketball games. Are they really a blue one? No, they're a good one. Yeah, by the way, that new basketball... That new basketball arena is fucking dope, shit. Dope. I just saw Olivia Rodrigo there the other night, Bob. That's not true. It is true. Super jealous. Why are you fucking with him? Leave him alone, man. That's Bob, that's true. I was true. Can you not look at him and tell he's going through enough? Are you? That's just tough, dude. Knowing that Olivia was here. I got a video of it. Um, it's just great, too. I see pictures of that Olivia Rodrigo concert and then I just, like, look at my wife and it's just like... Oh, my God. Bob, I said the same thing. I turn to Jesse and I go, "Man, Bob, right now, 'cause we were right there." Um, and if I was like, "Bob, right now, would be jacking off in front of all of these people 'cause she looked great, by the way." Holy shit. She lives up to the hype. I would have stored it for later. Hey, Bob, she lives up to the fucking hype, too. She's gorgeous. Um, but going back to college here, um, I think colleges in general are mostly liberal because as a kid, you think, you know, you're full of hope and you're like, "Yeah, we should change the environment. Guns are bad and everything else." And then you get out of college and you're like, "All right, people are trying to steal my shit. I need guns to fucking kill them. Um, I'm paying too much in fucking taxes. I hate the goddamn government." Yeah. Um, and then financially, you usually end up conservative by the end of it. Start off liberal. Yeah. And then those hopes and dreams get thrown out the window when you walk into the real world. If you make it out of the college ivory tower complex with your fucking brain intact, some of those people get so brainwashed, they're, you know, you see these, like, you'll see chicks that are beautiful, you know, and they go through, they go through that process and they come out, no, they have no hair left. They shave their head, they're, they're covered in like weird, shitty tattoos. They got nose piercing. You know, you've seen the pictures. Shave the pussies. Yeah. No, no, no. That's good. You're wearing shit. It's just fucking weird. Yeah. So Winston Churchill said that a young conservative has no heart and an old liberal has no brain. Uh, that's probably true. I just shortened your argument down to one sentence. That's probably true. Um, so real. It's definitely true. And you can tell, there are very easy ways to tell about this, right? So the most stalwart, consistent liberal voter in the entire country, black suburban women, are the number one, fastest growing gun owner in America, right? So that's how you know that particular tide is shifting. There's nothing about liberalism or even progressivism, right? It's, it's retarded cousin that implies that there should be some, uh, rule against self protection. Like that's not a thing. It's mapped on. We talked about this a couple of months ago, that Nate Silver thing where like 65% of the people who are, I'm sorry, that's right. That's a different data point. But the, the, the people who were against our, were for mask and vaccine mandates, that group of people are the same people who are quote unquote pro-plat Palestine. Now those two things have nothing to do with one another, not conceptually and not rea, not in reality. They have nothing to do with one another, completely separate. That's just what my team believes, right? That's how you know it's just religion now. It's nonsense. So the average human being absent this fucking stupid ass ideology would progress through life normally, they would be slightly more liberals as a kid probably, right? Until they're in their twenties to start paying taxes. The first, and then it would be like the first time they get that, you know, the fuck is FICO, fuck them on the fuckers, right? And that's where you start to become conservative a little bit, right? Like you at least start paying attention. Well, where exactly is this money going? Okay. Well, I don't agree with that. So let's not do that, right? That's conservative. Right. Right. Uh, and then I think, you know, just going back over the years, the only Democrat who was in office where the country was booming was probably Clinton. Yeah. Like that was it. Um, everyone else it, like this Biden shit's got a fucking end. Well, I don't want to, I'm, I'm tired of being poor. Dude, I, if it's even really Biden, well, what do you, what do you think? What are your honest thoughts here because, uh, I, I, we can share some info with you on this show. Take card A of Seltzer, for example, um, there is stores that are keeping the price really fucking high. That's it leaves our warehouse at a, at a certain number. That's it. Like we don't, we can't raise it. We don't do anything more than just drop it off at that point. And then they'll set the prices in the store. Ryan Mills is back there are a Texas rep and he can testify to this because there's conversations where I've had of like, Hey, did we get to drop this price in stores? And it's like, well, so-and-so's got to make their fucking nut. And it's like, yeah, but I understand that, but you're just fucking over the consumer. And that doesn't have anything to do with our company or, or the president or anything else. You're doing that right now and fuck you for doing that. So that's, that's the best question I have. Even if Trump gets in in November and swaps it out, do business and business owners drop their prices on shit because it'll go back to normal inflation will go back to normal? I don't know the answer to that. And that's what I've been, uh, stuck on with all this other shit. Cause once you're used to making X amount of dollars, you don't want to drop that number back down if people are going to fucking pay it. Um, I'll look at, uh, fucking, who's barstools? Uh, high noon, $28.99 for a 12 pack inside and you got to go in a fucking liquor store in Texas, all throughout the Bible belt. I know that those cans costs like fucking 60 cents all in, it should be the same as white car or anything else because there's only four and a half percent and vodka is cheaper than it is making a regular seltzer. So they're just keeping it up there because they can and they have the highest margins in the fucking business. Uh, and that's what I worry about with the next, you know, president coming in or, uh, Senate or Congress or whatever is if somebody's going to actually roll back these prices and be like, Hey man, you're just fucking gouging people at this point because you can. And I don't know that answer, um, for you, a guy like you, when you walk out, you know, the only thing you have is Bud Light now, because Bud Light's the cheapest I've ever seen a fucking can of beer these days. Uh, no lot. Bud Light tastes like shit. I understand that. Do you, do you see Shane Gillis and Kid Rock and all these people that were, uh, well, I guess Shane Gillis was ever against Bud Light, but Kid Rock was all against Bud Light, now he's drinking Bud Light. Well, they paid him a shit ton of money and it happened a while ago. Is that really just what everything boils down to? Are we back on it? For Kid Rock, it is. If you're a piece of shit. Yeah. Yeah. But I don't think, uh, Shane never had an issue with them. And to be honest, I don't, he's, he's drank them for years. Yeah. Let's go to it. I don't care what Bud Light does. I don't want to fucking advertise the fucking weird trannies and shit. That's their business. I don't care. I never used the product in the first place, but I don't, I never thought they owed anybody an apology either. It's like one employee did some stupid shit. Okay. Okay. I mean, maybe they're on the wrong track there. Who knows? But like, I guess I'm coming at it from a, uh, but, but Kid Rock the next day was shooting cases with his fucking shotgun. That's, that's, that's what I'm saying. I'll never drink Bud Light. Fuck Bud Light. It's a completely fabricated character. Nothing about him is real. Gary, you understand you are more real than Kid Rock. You're way more real. Kid Rock grew up in a fucking gated community and a fucking 5,000 plus square foot. Right. Yeah. Right. And the only reason I, I even brought them up today at all is we're doing a live, uh, tasting tonight, which you guys won't be there because this airs on Sunday nights, um, at HEB, which is our biggest grocery stores here in the state of Texas, I looked at their prices for a 24 pack of Bud Light. It was $23 and I was like, holy fucking shit, man. I mean, I've never seen prices like that on any beer, including like natty. And I was a big natty guy back in the day. Right. Um, I've never seen prices that low. You're doing Keystone. Oh, fuck yeah. Keystone. Keystone and South Paw was super popular for a while because they were like, I think it was like eight bucks for a 12 pack or something like that, but for a Keystone? Uh, yeah. Yeah. Both of those two brands. Somebody's fucking bathtub. So I'm going to be honest. Well, but get more yeast in there. I can't taste it. Right. But take the case of Bud Light and this will go back to where I'm going with inflation is, uh, it used to be 30 bucks for a 24 pack. And I remember it, um, because they were one of the, the, the big ones to do it at the time. And it was like, Oh shit, it was getting a 30 rack. And, uh, and now they've dropped a price, six entire dollars, which, you know, they're a big enough company that you're still able to turn a profit off of it, but not a lot. They're not even American owned anymore. No, no. They're not here. Yeah. Well, but we keep rocking a fuck anyways, cause, cause what Dan said, I don't know why anyone can, like, I get it. I understand like I won't participate in the pronoun game at all. If you show up and you are a dude, I don't care how much surgery or whatever you have, you're a dude. So you still have X and Y chromosomes and I'm not going to participate in your fucking delusion. So no matter what. Don't give a fuck about that. Okay. No, under under no circumstances. What I love to hear it. Where are you going Gary? Where are you going Gary? I love people that are based and what, and what they believe. That's why I've always respected Dan a lot because he really doesn't give a fuck. And I would say that I'm probably also in the realm of people that I just don't give a fuck dude. If I think something I'm going to say and I don't, that's the problem. That's why our society's becoming so pacified. Like what George Carlin was talking about is we're, we got all these people that are fucking worried about being hurt or hurting other people or whatever like, dude, that's fucking life. You're going to get hurt period. You know? Yeah, like telling someone that, well, let's put it this way. We created safe spaces to make ourselves and others feel safe. And then we invented self care as a concept to make that effort seem noble somehow, right? Like we've completely diluted ourselves because the reality of life as I say this all the time is the weight doesn't get lighter. You get stronger. And that is the case in every facet of life from calluses on your hands to the muscles in your fucking body to the resilience in your brain. It is always the case that you get stronger, right? So like pretending that that's not the case. So it isn't that I don't give a fuck. It's that I do give a fuck. And that's why I refuse to participate in this delusional nonsense. Well, you know what I mean by don't give a fuck the royal, the royal don't give a fuck. Well, that's not what that means. Come on. What you mean is that I don't care if people have a problem with me stealing my ground, which is absolutely correct. I couldn't care less. I just called out fucking Nikki Headboard Haley on Fox News the other day for banging dudes while her husband was deployed. She was doing that? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Those two people. Headboard Haley, dude. Headboard Haley. Yeah. We might have some T-shirts soon. We do. They're on the site right now. Are they really? Oh, yeah. Pop it up, dude. No, it's real. I called it late at night. He's just out here making their head shirts. Headboard Haley unisexts are now available on Does anybody like her? No. No. The donors because they want to keep the wars going over. Well, but they're also Democrats who are funding her, but the other part too is right now. Wait, wait, wait. So that is verified. Yes. The Democrats. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The Supreme Party on either side, though, Republicans have probably done it. Yeah, actually, I just read a whole fucking Reddit thread a day that gave me brain cancer about how no one wants on Reddit wanted to vote for them. Again, I forget his name, but the guy running against our shitty DA in Travis County. Oh, Jeremy. Yeah. Yeah. So it's a bunch of progressives are all but hurt that Republicans are donating to them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But like. It happens on both sides so often and all of it should be illegal. Well, I mean, wouldn't that be something that if regardless of your political party, you actually supported the person that you agreed with the most? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. What the fuck? That's crazy. Yeah. That's the whole. Yeah. But that's why progressives are mad because they live in a truly delusional existence. And it's a it's a it's an us first them mentality for sure. But I think all these super packs and packs and all that shit should be fucking banned and like, hey, dude, you got $80. You know, make it work or you know, you know what I'm saying? Like $80. I think you get a sort like, you know, I don't like his policies, but Bernie Sanders did it. Like, what was it? $30 or something? And nobody could. Yeah, but he's all so full of shit. 130 or 130. He is. But I'm just saying if we're going to funding, I think funding should happen in ways like that. I don't think you should be. The Koch brothers. You shouldn't be able to raise any. Right. Right. You shouldn't be able to raise any money. You should get for a federal election. You should get a lot of amount of time on federal networks, like nationwide networks, like nationally synagogue. I like that. Would you expand it then to like maybe 12 appearances instead of just two? Whatever. Yeah. I don't think I could get the gist. But none of the constant commercials running during football games and all that bullshit. I agree. I hate them. You would get it would all be town hall style. No ads. Okay. So, so this would be like an instance where you would actually want the government. No, no, no. The government doesn't do this. The media does this. But how would how would you implement those rules? What do you mean? How would you implement the rules? Do you force you? You don't force anybody to do anything. You make a law that says you can't fucking raise and spend money. The government's creating the law. Well, no, no, no. The law is already in effect. It's Citizens United, right? Correct. Yeah. But then the government's enforcing the law. Yeah. Right. So that's what I mean. Citizens United says that you can raise unlimited funds for the government to do whatever it will do. So then, okay, let's say we did do that in what way could that go wrong? As always, well, I mean, I don't know. We would have to red sell that a little bit, yeah, certainly, but trying to not that you're trying to do this, but if someone was trying to shoot it down because while you're getting the government involved, it's a fucking election. They're involved. Right. No, regardless. I agree. So they set the FEC sets the rules for what is and isn't allowed in the election. And for the entirety of human history here in America, it was against the law to fucking take spooked money like that and fold it into a campaign until Citizens United in 2011 and 2012. And now it's bulls on fucking parade, right? We went from spending somewhere around 50 million in a presidential election cycle to now. Each candidate this year will spend $2 billion. Yeah. Holy fuck. $2 billion each. Yeah. Each. God. Not including Congress and Senate and DAs and all that other shit, which means it's gotten that bad. Oh, yeah, dude. So having the vote is you're giving people power over their own lives. That's essentially the purpose of that. When you turn the vote into an ad campaign, you give the people money power, right? And they get to dictate policy at that point. And that is exactly like we set this country up specifically not to have that particular brand of hereditary hierarchy, but now we have political dynasties, we have corporate dynasties that are fucking buying their way into American politics and reshaping the fucking constitution. It's fucked up and it cannot continue. Yeah. And like as far as elections overall, I mean, it needs a complete fucking overhaul to this fucking bullshit. Even looking at the people who mailed in primary votes and that Michigan one, I mean, that's the craziest shit I've ever seen. Let's go to the fucking like you can't get it because even here in Texas, I'm going this weekend, right? Early voting is what two weeks in Texas or three weeks, I think two weeks, yeah. You can't find one day on a weekend to just go by at a courthouse. Plenty of time. Like do it in person mail in voting should be banned forever. I don't give a fuck if you're in if you're sorry, if you're hospitalized in a bed somewhere, then what sorry, you just don't get to vote. Because last the way, like get up out of fucking bed, you lazy bitch. Yeah. You're going to die and you shouldn't be voting anyway. It's like when I was in the hospital in a fucking coma, I shouldn't have been voting. I can tell you that because it wasn't me what you mean because you were in a coma. Yeah. And I was I was I had fucking AIDS dude and and I beat AIDS and I'm just better than the average man and that's fine. But it was originally set up and correct me if I'm wrong, Dan, for military. If you were deployed overseas and then that way you could vote in the election, right? Absentee voting would be an exception, sure for for people that are deployed or something like that. Yeah. Can we can we get back to something that we all can, you know, enjoy. But sex in the rain. Yes. What are you going to say? What do you guys think about rolling rock? Rolling rock. The beer. The beer. It's owned by AP in Vev, which owns Bud Light. They own everything. Yeah. They own every fucking tranny piece of shit. I'm going to cut my dick off after the show. I know. They own a hundred and ten. I've never so rolling rock was kind of for me and I don't know about your story with the rolling rock. But my story was kind of right after college rolling rock was like the step above like naddy ice where you were like, Oh shit, if I bring bottles, these green bottles of rolling rock, people would think I'm cool. Yes. To a house party. They'll be like, Oh shit, Ross must be fucking expensive. God, we're assholes. Dude. The reason I started shitty beer though. I hate rolling rock. Okay, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. The reason that I started drinking rolling rock was because when I lived in Santa Barbara and was going to SBCC studying film, I was a complete alcoholic and the rolling rock at the store by where I lived was actually the cheapest beer for whatever reason than everything else. So I would go buy 12 packs for like, dude, like it was like six place. It's so in LA. They were expensive. We would, I would bring them to my neighbors because my neighbors were all just like, you know, my homies and I would, we wouldn't even put them in the fridge. We would just throw them up on the fucking table in the house because if he'd drink them so fast, they'd still be called by the time. Yeah. It's pretty cheap. It's a go to a Delco. It tastes like water. So we could just go Bob, I actually love what you're doing here. I saw it out of the quarter of my go back to the first one here and we'll rate these beers live on air. Oh, hell yeah. Okay. So are these all AB beers? Can you zoom in on that? I can't really. Not all their beers, but it is a certain amount because Rolling Rock wasn't on here. But I know they're owned by AB and Veb. Okay. So who's the first one here? What do we got? Yes. Didn't they hit a little bit? Uh, we can. Hold on. Let's squeeze far away. Got. Uh, Aguila. Is that, is that how you pronounce that? I've never heard of Columbia. Yeah. It's Columbia. Yeah. It's Columbia. Yeah. Columbia Columbia. I've never had that. Never had. Is any good? Because it's in Columbia. Okay. I've never. Never had, man. Sometimes words just sound like the language they're in. No. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, like cheese. Yeah. That's Wisconsin. Yeah. That's a fat person Wisconsin. Yeah. Next up we have Bex. So Bex is another version of Rolling Rock to me. Bex is awful. I never but fucked with, with, with, uh, Bex. Bex is really fucking bad. I don't think I've ever actually had Bex. I tried it recently for the first time because I was looking. In years I bet. Right? Yeah. And I was just like, oh, it's like German. Maybe it's like a Stella situation or it was so fucking bad. No. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Are you a fancy beer guy? IPA guy? See, I'm a cheap beer guy. So we might. I'm definitely a fancier beer than you probably, but, uh, I, I'm not, I, like, I'm more pilsners than IPA. Surprise. Surprise. I like cheap beer too. Exactly. Uh, last row Lopez walked in. Give him a microphone for this one. Um, if you can, uh, we're going through beers here of AB. Uh, what's that next one, that Brahma? This is in Brazil. So I've actually had this beer. I haven't had this one either. It's good. In Brahma. Brahma. Brahma. Yeah. It means bowl. It means bowl. I enjoyed it. I think a lot of people were drinking the bowl. Dan just know everything. I mean, what's the sign? No, because the rock was the Brahma bowl motherfucker. You guys don't remember this shit? I don't. I don't know. No, it's, it's a, it's a Buddhist thing. But you know what he's talking about? You know what he's talking about? The last row has never had that beer. Yeah. You know what you're talking about either. Dan, I think you might be a genius. Like a real genius. I don't think so. So I, and Brahma is like Hindu for something. Sure. The greatest principle. It's like fucking, I don't know. Absolutely. Last row, Budweiser's up next. So a Bud, grab a mic. Give me a mic if you can. For Budweiser there. So I actually like Budweiser. I like a Bud heavy. I enjoy a Bud heavy. I've never not enjoyed a Bud heavy. How about you? Dude, that's the best beer ever, America's beer. It's pretty good. It's pretty good there. Grab a little. Your head's cut off. Yeah. We'll grab a little chair. Yeah. Take a knee, bro. It's like a Bud in the life. You know what, for a Budweiser, hell yeah. I still, I still fuck with a Bud Bud heavy. Yeah. I think they'll be fine. I don't know if Budweiser's life. They do give me the shits afterwards. Every single time I do a Bud heavy, heavy night, I'm shitting my brains out the next morning. But it's worth it. Why do you think that is? You're doing key bumps and Taco Bell, like that's not a good combo. It's usually not good choices after you drink America's beer. No. Not a good life choice there. What's up next, Bob? What is that? Cass? Cass? I've actually had Cass. Oh, you have? That's a Korean beer. Is it real? It's fucking terrible. Okay. All these beers are just horrible. It's so bad. I, like, I chugged, like a, like a leader of it and I puked because it was so bad. Like, I immediately puked it up just because it was so awful. Hey, hey, hey. I think you might have some sort of digestive problem. No. It's fine. Dude, I'm a fucking champion. It's fine. It's for sure. Look at that man. Put the camera on him. He doesn't have fucking 80s. He doesn't, dude. You, you do. That's like sort of like an 80s faggot. It's got to. Thanks, Gary. 80s, specifically. An 80s one. They were built different back then. They sure were, dude. They were like a respectable group of people. Yeah. Not anymore. Now it's a bunch of Jared Leto's walking around. Real thin, wavy. They were a respectable group of people. Spreading 8s. Dude, I have a friend who's a personal trainer, and he said that he was training this gay dude, right? Training him to do what? Hold on, hold on. And he said that in like the late 80s, he went to a fucking bath house and got fucked by like 60 dudes in the three day period of time. David July. David July. That is one of the only episodes that has been deleted in drinking bro's history. Oh, so I should shut my mouth? No, no, no. No, it's fine. Dan and I wanted to air it. Evan was the one that deleted it. He goes, "Nope. Running a... Some of the CEO of Black Gravel Coffee were deleted in this one." David July. That. God damn it, dude. If we could find that episode. It doesn't exist. It probably doesn't, right? No, it doesn't. Like he literally watched the deleted. Yeah. The point though, is that they, uh... They fuck? They fuck. And if AIDS was a thing and they knew it was a thing that was affecting the gay community, they definitely knew what they were doing. I'm just saying. Yeah, nobody was getting butt fucked by dudes in the 80s raw dog not knowing what AIDS was. That's not right. That's right. Right. It was pretty prevalent. The point of that is going to life with your eyes wide open. Sure do. With eyes wide open. So anyways, castle beer. Yeah, castle. That's a mess. I've never even heard of that. Is that like English or something? Oh, it's South African. Yeah. Say it's the African. Oh, is that the guy? That's the beer that's... The beer of vending legs. That's drinking when he murdered his girlfriend. No, that's the beer of a parkhouse. The beer of white genocide. What do you think about that? Why either way, was it on? Well, it's flipping now. They handed everybody a castle beer and they drank them, broke them on the fucking table, and stabbed each other. Yeah. And you've heard the stories coming out of South Africa, right? Oh, yeah. I heard all of the new ones. All of my friends who lived there have left. Yeah. Yeah. They got... They're using government backpack radar jammers to prevent people from calling the police when they go and murder his farmers. They're taking back what was there, dude, is what they're doing. Yeah. I actually agree with that. I agree with that. I think South, these white South African farmers should hire private military contractors to come there. And if anybody shows up, kill everybody. Yeah. I think they have started doing it. They should. This is the same thing I said about the fucking India. You should have fought harder. Yep. You know what I mean? That Earth isn't stolen. It's conquered, motherfucker. Okay. I didn't steal it from you. I didn't wait until you left and then fucking moved in. No, I killed everybody that you loved. And same with Georgia. Then I took it. So, like, with Georgia, some from a Georgia originally, like... That's a hot take, but I understand the sort of the principle of what you're saying. It's a very warrior mentality, yeah. It is the case, and on every piece of land, on the entire world, except for Antarctica, basically, right? Whoa. Well. You know, it's going up in AK with a bump stop, dude, right? Oh, I don't know. Santa Claus, but a Hitler. What about him? He has a bunker in Antarctica. He's still alive. He's got to be what? A hundo, now? Well, he's got his... He was born in, what, 1895 or something like that? Yeah. So, he's got to be 130 right now. But they got him on that. They have him on meth. 1889, damn. Did you know that, actually? No, yeah. They attacked him with meth everywhere. Meth does, in the extend your life, Gary, I don't know what your experience of meth has been. Oh, shit. Oh, dude, that was an attitude, book of queers. All right, well, I don't, we're doing after the show, let's go, boys. Exactly. Got to get a couple light bulbs. Next up on this list, we got Corona Extra over there. I always fuck with Corona. Wait, but what's Corona? What's Corona Extra? Is that different than just regular? It does the same one. Oh, okay. Well, they have a light now. Corona. So, light, Corona. But it's not extra. It's just regular. It is. Yeah, it's... Why do they call it extra? The same reason you buy a can of soup and it says homemade. Exactly. What do you mean homemade? Homemade means made in a fucking home asshole. Yeah, not a factory. Right. What's this next one? It's a Chinese beer. Harbin. Oh, it's a Neezer beer? I didn't know that. Okay. Never had it. Last row, you ever had a Harbin? I don't know that one, either. You can go get that at a store right now down the street. Yeah, yeah. The Hogarden's good. What is this? This is Belgian. I'm not sure. We can skip Halloween. Yeah. What's the next one? This one I've seen in stores. I've seen it, but I've never had it. I've never had it. That's ultra. That is just fucking flavored water, dude. Yeah, but that's what you have to drink when you have a fucking drinking problem. If you're trying to stay hydrated, like if you're doing cocaine all night and drinking, this is a good fucking instead of just pounding vodka sodas and cocaine, this is a good one to switch to. Yeah. For a couple of beers. Very true. You drink melor. You drink melor. You drink melor. Or even mick's melor. Of course, like that's why all I drink is light beers, but the one light beer I can't drink is Bud Light. It actually just tastes like shit. Yeah, it's not very good. But this should come with a Coke spoon with every box where they're just like, hey, like a parlman cigarette. Yep. Where you're just like, dude, oh, you drink and make culture a cool man. Enjoy your Coke. Enjoy your eight ball with your friends. Make sure there's no fentanyl in it. You're going to go cycling in the morning. Midello is my dad's favorite beer. He loves Midello. I think he dislikes the gold foil at the top. Makes him fancy. You know what I mean? Well, isn't that half the battle there where you're like, oh, I'm the fanciest guy at the party. He takes all the gold foil off and just puts it all over himself. Yeah. And he just, he has an Elton John moment every time he drinks it. Yeah. Oh. You know what I mean? I was telling you Danza. Oh, Jerry, if you're watching, dude, I love you. He probably is. He probably is. Yeah. Probably is. What do we got up next there? What's that? These two ones, Argentinian. Guillermo. And then this one's Brazilian. Skoll. No, that was. Skoll. Skoll. And Chiama is whatever. All right. No one's ever had this. And here's Stella. Thoughts on Stella. This Stella is polarizing to people. It's Belgian white, right? Yeah. You like Stella? It's fine. The Belgian whites are good with a piece of fruit or something. Yeah. They taste all right. But it's like, you're not drinking that to get fucked up. I agree. Like, you stuff a piece of orange down in a Stella and it tastes really good, right? Yeah. Like if the flavors compliment each other really well? Oh, no, no, no, no. It's not a Belgian white. Like the, like you're talking about a blue moon. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm thinking of. It's just a logger. It's a little gross. Loggers are for fucking poor people. They are. Oh. Look, I feel the same. Stella's a rolling rock to me. It's just a step above a rolling rock. I like Stella. I did. No matter how wealthy you were to get in life, you're going to behave like a poor person. Yeah. You know what? And that's why I'm a man of the fucking people, Dan. Oh, you're all right. That's what it is. That's true. It's not that you're fucking hopeless white trash. You're a man of people. Oh, dude. Don't even go there with me. Look, I've been to the Supreme Court, dude. You sure have. I'm fancy. You sure have. One of the people, you know, the rules here, drinking bro of the week, who is the person or people you would like to give drinking bro of the week to. We're going to give this to the new civil liberty alliance. I like how you pulled out your wallet and you have $4 in it. Yeah. Well, let's see. How much money do I actually have in my wallet? What do you got there? Garber. It's a bag. $23. Nice. Jordan. And the fucking black card from a strip club. I do. Really? Yeah. I do have the black card. I'm even grain out all the blacks rubbing off because I don't care. When you do it, you'll be able to give that. One of those days you'll be able to give that to Larry. To Larry. To Larry. To Larry. Well, I have like seven credit cards though. You should put that in your will. You should. Son, when you're doing cocaine, this is the card. You got a lot to get on with, right? I also have like three or four extra backup black cards in my drunk drawer at my house. Funny enough. Drink of brother week's going to be new civil liberties alliance. Okay. And are they helping you guys out with the Supreme Court case? That's Cargill's. Those are Cargill's lawyers. Those guys are fat ass dude. They've been there from the from the get and they have you know, he's also argued some cases for Trump in the Supreme Court. Okay. Are they out of Texas? Well, they have different they have different lawyers for different levels. Yeah. The guy that argued at the Supreme Court was who represented Trump. Yeah. Same exact guy. Yeah. But they have many other fucking counselors. They we go in there. They got like 20 fucking lawyers. It's crazy. Where are they out of by the way? Where they based out of? They're out of DC. Yeah. They're in DC. Okay. if you're if you're trying to sue the ATF or the government or you know, if you're trying to get your kid back or something, I'm sure they can help with that too. You know what? Maybe I'll do like some some trade work for that as well. My kids back. Give me back. My family. Let's go full Harrison Ford on them. But yeah. Or you'll get off my plane. That's a good one of his to remember what was that shitty movie Air Force one. Get off my plane. Great movie. It's not great. Great movie. Hey. You hit the fugitive. Fugitive is good. I know. Yeah. I was sorry. What about Blade Runner? You got like Blade Runner. To be honest, some of those old dystopian films are just kind of. Did you see the new version with Gosling? Yeah. It was better. Frankly. I thought it was better. But I think the fact that they did better on a cult classic was even more impressive. Why? I think it's because the visual aspect of that idea is so important. Like I think if they did running man today, it would be way better too. Okay. So how do you do like, what's his name? What's the family feud guy's name? Steve Harvey. Steve Harvey. Oh god. Damn it. The one from running man. He died. Yeah, he's dead. Steve Harvey. The original host. A family feud. I know he's dead. Steve Harvey. What's his fucking name? The guy. Steve Harvey. The original guy. No, he's talking about the older, the other dude. The dead guy. Yeah. He's talking about the dead guy. The white guy, right? The dead white guy. So he's talking about. Yeah. What the fuck was his name? He wasn't the original. Rest in peace to that guy. Now it's Steve Harvey's. Richard Dawson. Richard Dawson. Yeah. Richard Dawson. All right. Yeah. Richard Dawson was awesome. I don't know how you replace Richard Dawson, Arnold, Jim Brown, Jesse Ventura. I mean, that's pretty specific. Hey. It is something again. Another movie that I'm thinking of that I want to pick your brain about while we're here. Yeah. The other Schwarzenegger futuristic. People have to have every conversation on camera, you know. They're right. Go ahead, yeah. Fire away. It's just been drinking fire. It's Friday. It's Friday. No. What's the other fucking movie? Now I'm going to space out on the name of the movie with Schwarzenegger where he goes into that thing. It's total recall? Yes. Yeah. What are your thoughts on that? The second one sucked. The second one was great. The second one was great. That was Colin. It was a reboot. It was a reboot. Whatever the fuck. What's it? Colin Farrell. What I'm asking about. No. You didn't think that remake was better. The original was good. So it's not always about the visual aesthetics. No, well, I mean, it depends on the film, right? I don't think total recall was conceptual. Like it may... The idea... Guado was hilarious, like, and then the scene, the last scene where he's on the service of Mars in his head is like inflating, which is not at all what would happen in reality, right? No, no, no, no. But anyways, like, it's too iconic, I think. You know, to recreate that. I feel like... Okay. But you don't think Blade Runner is? No. Not really. Because it's more a visual... Blade Runner was like a fucking... If you took Star Wars, kind of it mapped it on to modern life a little bit, you know what I mean? I don't... When they... The way they did it back in the day, I mean, the sets and the fucking costumes and shit just looked like it was the 1980s, and that was weird to me, because that's not what it's supposed to be. Yeah, it didn't actually look like it was okay. And with the new technology, Gary, this weekend, right, and this weekend is doomed too. Oh, fuck. I got to see an extended trailer in my iMacs theater. It's called iMacs with Laser. Yeah. I've never fucking seen footage like this before. I'm all in with my kid this weekend. We're going that, and the trailer that was also extended was Mad Max. And so, like, because that was one of those, like, I didn't live in the Mad Max remake world either. The technology that is up on the screen right now has never been seen. The reviews for Dune II are the best I've ever read. Every single reviewer is calling this the best sci-fi movie ever made. What? Really? Correct. I think... I mean, first of all... All right, cool, fuck yeah. I'm in. Most... Most turn of the century... Or not turn of the century. Most sci-fi films were based on Dune, right? Yes. So, Star Wars, he ripped everything off from Dune. Correct. He's got novels here. They can't know what it was. But all that shit, like, the Betty Jezzeret, he just like kind of made them the jett-eyes, right? Yeah. Like, the whole fucking the sand worm is the same. You know what I mean? Oh, shit. Yeah. Like, George Lucas stole everything from Dune. Everything. And then... But here's the thing, with the new generation, because we've been pumped full of Star Wars shit for 50 fucking years now, everybody thinks Dune is ripping off Star Wars. Yeah. But you can tell who was first, and you can also tell who was best. Right. As a concept, it's so much better than Star Wars. You know what fucking Pablo Picasso said? Where's my ear? Good art. No, that's a wrong way. No, that's a wrong way. Good art is made, great art is stolen. Well, there's some art right there behind you. You know what that is? Sure, it is. It's so solo. It's crooked, too. Has it been crooked the whole show? Yeah. For the whole fucking time, it's been out there. Hey, Delco, you want to... You're talking about people that have zuff on that? You're talking about the Hope painting. That's... I can't control the painting. Bob, you can even... Bob, can you pull up the... That's the Obama painting, right? Can you pull up the source? No, that's Hope Solo's asshole. Yeah, it is the Obama painting, yes. Originally. Originally. Now it's... We should just keep this like handy, Bob, because I feel like everybody that comes in... Yeah, come mark this. I want to see it. Look, mark this. It's Hope Solo. She was a goalkeeper for... Oh, okay. The US. Keep going down. Keep going down. Keep going down. Keep going down. Yeah, you're close. There it is. Right there. So... That's her face. Right there, looking up over her pussy and asshole, which I love. And some fans sent that in. We didn't know what it was at first. Tight hole. Yeah. We didn't know what it was, and we almost threw it away, and then we figured it out. All of this is great, dude. I'm a Hope Solo fan, okay? Dude, that's a balloon in the background. Best goalie we've ever had on the female women's soccer. What are you talking about? That's the best hole we... The hole we've ever had. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? What are you doing? Use gloves. Okay. I like that. Can we play the audio that I sent you, Dan? I sent that to you too, Rob. Just so we can get back to the Supreme Court thing, I just wanted to get your take on this. Gary, this show's been over for 20 minutes now. Or do we have to end? No, we don't have to end. Okay. Well, we do have to go soon. That's right. We do have a live team. This is not long. I just wanted to play this when Cargill was here, but it is... It's... Oh, is this Kenji? This is what I was telling you guys. Yeah. Katanji, Brown, Jackson... I don't know if you heard it or not, but it's just... It's so fucking ridiculous. Yeah, God. We'll close out the show with it. And when, you know, function is defined, it's really not about the operation of the thing. It's about what it can achieve, what it's being used for. So I see Congress as putting function in this. The function of this trigger is to cause this kind of damage, 800 rounds, a second or whatever. And so the classification of weapons that we're trying to identify with this statute are those that function in that same way. So Justice Jackson, I agree with most of that, but I want to be careful because our view is not that because Congress ban machine guns, because they're dangerous, anything that's dangerous or that shoots fast is a machine gun. We draw the evident purpose of Congress that we think my friend's interpretation would frustrate from the text that Congress announced. Right. And so how about anything in which the trigger functions in the same way? And by function, I don't know that that necessarily means it has to move in the same way. It has to operate in the same way. And the function in the same way in so far as it automatically allows for 800 rounds to be released. So exactly. We think the function of the trigger is what lets the shooter start the firing sequence. And we think all of the parts of the statutory definition are aimed at, we're worried about guns that let you shoot many shots without repeated manual actions, right? So it's a single function of the trigger. It's the shooter have to do one thing or many things. There's a huge manual action though. The action of holding the trigger down and then pushing forward on the barrel. Is 800 rounds possible? 800 rounds a minute. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. She said a second. Didn't she? Can you put that back? No, I think she said a minute. She said a second. But 800 rounds a minute. No, no, no, it would not be possible with any kind of rifle that it's used on because there's no. You have to reload 100 round mag. I was going to say you'd have to reload. Like it's on a belt fed fucking weapons platform. So no, that's impossible. Right. Bumstocks can fire 400 to 800 per minute. Why didn't the lawyer, why didn't the lawyer call her out on that? Dude, if you, if you listen, I don't think he wants to get down into the minutia on that part because that's not the fucking point. Okay. Yeah, I think she was potentially trying to like go at him into doing that. But the, the point is like, that's what it was for fucking 30 minutes. Oh, I'm, I have no doubt. It was, it was insane. That's mind numbing. Yeah. Yeah, dude. I mean, I, at one point I, somebody scoffed in the, in the, in the, they were just like, what? How do you not get this? It was fucking ridiculous. That's the American justice system dude. She, she probably, I mean, honestly, she probably had some trap laid for him and he didn't walk into it. Yeah. Yeah. I would agree with you on that. Yeah. But the fact like Kargil said, the fact that they did not bring up as much about the ATF's ability to. No. They know that that's not illegal. Yeah. I mean, but that's true. Like fuck it. Hopefully that means we're good. Texas AGV fucking board of labor is already decided two years ago, right? So we already know what that outcome will be. And it was the same aside from Contingi Brown, Contingi Brown Jackson. It was the same iteration of the court, same composition as well as six, three. So they're not, they wouldn't win on that mirror. They may, they look, the Supreme Court may decide that the old Congress law includes this weapons platform, right? That's possible, but they'll never decide based on, they're not going to overturn their own fucking judgment. Last question here before we get out of there. When are they expecting a decision? June. June. I think great. And then also, as far as breaking news goes, we will cover this on Friday. They are very, very close to a decision in the Fannie Willis trial right now. Give me Monday. Yes, we will cover this on Monday. On fake news here, they're very close to that decision now. They're hearing closing arguments as we speak. So that decision should be either tonight or Monday morning, which we will cover on fake news on Monday. I hope she gets fired and then we should offer her a job. I'd love to. Like no pay. Yeah. I don't know or just expenses. Yeah. We'll give you, we'll give you an expense to amex and do whatever you want. 700K. But you got a fucking party with us now. Yeah. Gary, where can everybody find you on social media? The.scary.Gary and you can also check out the podcast that I produced for Michael. The YouTube channel is come and talk it, like come and take it, but come and talk it. There you go. Proud of you, Gary Bear. All right. Glad you're staying alive. If you're out there, go to iTunes, rate the show a five star and leave a quick review. Also head on over to Spotify, it's just a five star and you can walk away for Anthony Anthony Holloway, the world's biggest piece of shit. Gary Falsam Ross Patterson, this is the Drinking Bros. Podcast. Good night everyone. Say goodbye to your credit card rewards, greedy corporate mega stores led by Walmart and Target are pushing for a long Congress to take away your hard earned cash back and travel points to line their pockets. The Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill would enact harmful credit card routing mandates that would end credit card rewards as we know it. If you love your credit card rewards, tell your lawmakers hands off my rewards. Tell them to oppose the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill. [MUSIC]