
Showdown Episode 13 3-6-24

Broadcast on:
07 Mar 2024
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a big day because it is the state of union address now i also want to mention that step stephanie harman who is normally by my side here on the show is all on assignment today we love to say that that's a fun thing anyway so step will be back tomorrow uh... but she will uh... certainly be here uh... on friday when we can talk about the results of tomorrow's address anyway we also have a guest uh... the who will be here about a half an hour from now and that is bill monroe bill on rose and annex uh... st louis policemen and he is somebody who's been involved deeply in st louis education and so we're going to talk to him at four thirty so that's what's happening today and a lot is going on of course uh... all having to do with my favorite person on the planet and that's donald trump and let me say this about my friend trump you know i've had other people like him people in politics who i just got stuck on because they were just so horrible and the moment that they got off the political stage i didn't even remember their name because it's just not important that way but in the case of donald it's especially important important because here's a guy who as of today for example is filing furiously all kinds of motions for his upcoming court case that is the one in new york which they call the stormy daniels uh... porn case they call it uh... all kinds of things have to do with sex but the case isn't about that the case is about election interference and believe me donald knows it's about election interference and he is scared he is very frightened and how do you know how frightened he is well first thing is is he wants to get michael cohen prohibited from testifying in this case you might say michael coen's a liar michael coen is in an admitted purger yeah well he's all of that and in fact he's even worse because he was an enabler for donald trump for years that's how bad he was but the truth is now much different after going to jail and after being tossed aside by trump like so many other people michael has basically come forward to testify the truth that you might say well how can we believe them the man is a liar he's a purger he's told us he's that well he has but it's not just what he says it's what he says that can be corroborated that is important the fact that he was lying at some time doesn't mean that we don't want to know what the truth is and the truth is that he did things for trump and there are papers that allow us to see exactly what was done and this paper trail is not a purger the paper trail isn't a liar the paper trail is the documentation so the documentation backs up what the purger has said to us about this trial so you cannot believe him you don't have to but you have to believe the papers because the paperwork is factual now if they want to try to claim that is Donald's people that this was all made up documentation let them let them make that case in court instead what they want to say is that that michael colin shouldn't be allowed to testify well of course they don't want him to michael colin knows everything that donald trump did he knows it in absolute total detail any knows where the documentation is to prove his points so based on that if i were donald i'd be pretty frightened too it's a good time to be frightened this man has nineteen days before he has to face a jury before he has to face the prosecutors who are going to bring witnesses to the courtroom who are going to reveal everything that donald trump did sexually that's not the issue the issue is was this man trying to hide from the public in order to interfere with the election with what was he trying to hide from the public a story that would have cost him votes and in fact if he did that using fraudulent methods well the state of new york the city the prosecutor alvin brag i mean they're going to come down on this guy with everything they've got and they've got a lot they've got over thirty felony indictments people say he's innocent until proven guilty well of course he is now that doesn't mean that we have to acknowledge that that's for the court that's a protection for donald when he gets to the court and that's good he he should get his protections he should get his due process absolutely we don't want ought donald to miss one protection that he's got under the law let them have it all we don't have to stand here stupidly and say that what he's done is okay because we know it's not and we also can watch how the man reacts to all of this and so we know that he's one scared little puppy and he's doing everything he can to keep the evidence from becoming apparent in the courtroom i i don't blame him he should do that but every lawyer today after hearing all of these crazy motions that have been filed every lawyer that knows anything is saying clearly he's gonna lose he always loses these things but the way he's made it up until now that's benefited him is that in the process of filing things he's found ways to avoid the day of truth but you see now he's not going to avoid it and when the when the jury comes back at the end and says guilty believe me they're gonna find him guilty of something they're gonna find him guilty of one of those felonies then he's going to be sentenced he's gonna be sentenced well pretty severely probably i would think i don't think anybody's got much sympathy for him he calls the judges names he says that everybody's a liar course except for the real liar which is donald but anyway he'll he'll do all of this and there will be some kind of a guilty verdict i predict and then watch him squirm watch him come up with all kinds of motions and appeals and all and he's got the right to all of it but here's the interesting part if you're found guilty of felonies i mean the judge could put him in a court in a jail they're probably not going to put him in jail they're probably going to just put an ankle bracelet on him or something so he doesn't go running off to uh... who knows where it will Moscow i mean that would be the place for him to go and actually in my opinion what i would do is i'd let him go there just send them the Moscow let let Putin have them i have a feeling that that donald might not be too happy going to be with Putin because i don't think Putin loves donald i think Putin uses donald and how he's able to do all that i predict and i've always said this but someday we're going to find out we're going to find out exactly what this relationship is why is donald meeting with Putin's buddy victor orban at mar-a-logo how you you notice that that donald isn't meeting with the the the top person in france or the top person in england or the top person in in in germany i mean no one in europe wants to talk to him he's not meeting with people from the united nations he's not meeting with anybody he would meet with net yahoo maybe if net yahoo would be willing to but none of them yet certainly not any of of net yahoo's appointment of opponents none of them because no one wants to be with donald except for victor orban honestly if you don't know who victor orban is i mean don't believe me go look it up on google it's a very bad person who is very good friends with flatimer poutin who by the way has threatened to attack the united states fourteen different sites with nuclear weapons at almost anytime and i think it's sort of interesting i in fact i think it's incredibly interesting that in twenty twenty four no one's worried you don't hear people running around saying what are we going to do the nuclear weapons are coming none of that now in nineteen sixty three oh everybody was scared that they were frantic the nukes were coming at any moment cruist off could attack us with the weapons that you know if if the ships coming out of cuba were going in a the wrong way and look then they were frantic today nobody nobody's thinking about it i mean here poutin says we're coming to get you we're going to launch the missiles no one's worried and i'm not saying they should be because i don't think there's a chance that he's going to launch a missile now it's easy to say that because if he launches any missiles you won't have to make fun of me on showdown you won't be here neither will i no one will be so that's easy but i'm telling you flatimer poutin is not going to launch any of those missiles that he's threatening and yet in nineteen sixty three everybody was freaked out everybody thought the missiles were coming any moment you know we hear all these stories about poutin putting satellites up in the sky with nuclear missiles aimed at our satellites and aimed at the earth and all come on you don't think any of that stuff's happening do you i mean at the movies yeah maybe but they're not going to do anything that they might put something up in the sky sure but they're not going to aim it in anybody all that a report is going to do is count on the fact that he can use a man who was once president of the united states that's what he's got that's what he's got his pocket and he can do a lot of damage with that man that's his nuclear weapon that he can use against us and and he'll try and he's going to do everything he can but there's not much he can do about what's going to happen in that courtroom is there because that is where the line is drawn no one's going to get into that courtroom no russian no one is going to get beyond donald trump that's their hope that they can use trump and and look if they could get him elected president they haven't made this would be the soviet union and here we'd be one of the soviet states that would be wonderful what do you think he's meeting with victor or bond about i mean they're not down there just having a party no they're talking about business what are they going to do how are they going to run this place if donald gets into office and he can take everything you remember dictator on the first day course the question is what happens on the second day donald says hahaha it's a joke well sure everything's a joke until he does it i guess there were a lot of people who thought hitler was a joke oh he's just kidding you don't think he's going to do that the man tells you what he's going to do and you don't believe them and especially after he's done all that he has how much more do you need the guy who stands up in front of the united states of america in the middle of the worst pandemic in a hundred years and he tells you inject yourself with bleach oh yeah that must be a joke too everything is apparently there were some people who didn't think it was a joke i'll give you an example lynn cheney did not think it was a joke lynn cheney was pretty smart she stood up and and thought against donald trump and i'm sure she knew that it was going to result in her not only losing her seat but really she lost everything every bit of credibility in the republican party whatever that is so she lost credibility i guarantee you liz cheney is sitting around right now thinking to herself that the day is going to come when everybody looks around and says where were you in the middle of all of this and and people are going to say well there's lynn cheney she stood up at the right time she was somebody who you could rely on she was a truth teller who was willing to take all the risk in the world she was but the fact is that when all of this gets sorted out in a courtroom cheney is going to look awfully smart as will adam kinsinger another guy who is losing everything he's it's all gone all credibility totally wiped out in the republican party now what's interesting is where this puts nicky haley because at the beginning she tried to play it both ways and then in the end she stood up and said donald is not fit to be president of the united states and he's not and and so many of us know that in the people on the other side that is you know in that alternate universe you know that uh... back to the future beef tower universe all those people they think that this is all set up by the f_b_i_ to destroy trump we know that's not true those people on my side the people who read the wall street journal the new york times you know newspapers have been here close to two hundred years and have credibility even as we note that one is liberal and one is conservative but somebody's out there the thinks that it's all uh... uh... all uh... a conspiracy set up by joe biden that brilliant the manipulator of men who of course when the republican party wants to tell the other story they say that he's an in feeble old man who knows nothing who can't speak who met messes upwards i don't get all bent out of shape over the fact that donald trump the other day was talking about think it was saudi arabia something like that maybe was that is what one of the other and in in the middle of this thing he started doing this last year no problem okay it happens i mean that part has that happened to me i'm happy to say but i miss words i miss names that we all do everybody does but what we're not talking about that we're talking about a man who will say anything and has lied day in and day out not just during his time in politics but even before that the man was a liar and everybody knew it and he's gone through his court cases and he's had his problems but he's always snuck through listen no big deal al Capone did exactly the same for decades al Capone was killing people everyone knew he killed people they just couldn't prove it in the courtroom because there are standards that have to be met but the day finally came when al Capone went to court and they got him on tax evasion and that was the end of it and they're going to get donald now i have to admit i never thought it would go on this long but it doesn't matter what i think because there's a system operating here and it protects the innocent and that means that sometimes the guilty get to go free that's just our system we love that we say we do it's funny how you you can ask people about that and they go oh no that's not right we don't want guilty people going free but that is our system we take the chance that a person who is guilty might go free because we know that there are innocent people who could be convicted if we don't follow our standards that's our system it's great to learn to live with it and enjoy it because it really protects every single one of us the people who set all of this up never envisioned that it would be used this way by a former president of the united states nobody thought that was the the possibility here well so in the meantime we're gonna find out what the supreme court has to say about that because they're going to rule after they hear the april twenty-fifth oral arguments and there that's when they're coming on the immunity claim of trump now you know just logic tells you the donald trump is not going to get immunity for things that had nothing to do with being present in the united states donald gets up there and he's just overwhelmed with anger and how he's being treated and he says how could i make a decision in the oval office if i don't have immunity i must have immunity you can't let me be put in that position how could i protect you if i'm not protected but nobody's talking about that because of course those things that he's talking about that's a completely different story yes he should be protected in that regard but that's not what we're doing here we're coming after him for things that he did before he was president things that he did after he lost the presidency oh sure he's got immunity for things that have to do with making decisions for the united states but when you call up the secretary of state of georgia and you ask him to find eleven thousand votes and then when the guy says i can't do it and trump says come on you can tell them you miscalculated you think the jury isn't going to understand that that's why they want to get rid of fawnee wilson i'd get i want to get rid of her too if i were donald trump they got that guy now who came out of the woodwork in the last minute will not even the last minute it's past the last minute and he says oh i knew all along she was a liar donald will do anything he's a very frightened man and he will do anything and i don't know he may just be frightened for more than what we think for example maybe if he messes all of this up maybe vladimir will come looking for him with some of that poison that he uses on people so who knows why donald's afraid maybe he's not afraid of us maybe he's afraid of his russian handlers oh i know i'm really crazy saying that but you know what if you read the muller report no one wants to say that i say that all the time because it's true i've read it right read it it's all through there all the meetings that he had with the russians which muller had a problem with but couldn't do anything about because like he said he said you know this report does not exonerate donald of course bill bar turned around and said oh this report exonerated donald so all the millions of people who didn't read it which of course why would they who would read four hundred forty eight pages you'd have to be nuts unless you wanted to actually know what's going on then you might read it but you know if you're happy not knowing then i guess you don't have to read it if you're enjoying every night watching reruns of the apprentice you could be very happy without knowing any of the facts but there are some facts here and they are all being tied together in this first case that we're going to see coming up in new york city this is significant everybody says it's the least significant of all well of course in a way it is it's the least significant when you consider that donald had unbelievably high-level documents sitting in his bathroom and and look maybe nobody was going to get into the bathroom that's not even necessarily the danger we have pictures this is as good as tape we have pictures you can go walk watch the video which is actually it's not moving it's just single pictures but it's part of a video presentation on youtube and and the picture shows but we saw on t_v_ live and it was donald handing over documents to lazarov in the oval office russia's guy just giving them everything right in front of us we saw it that you can go see it go watch it on google on youtube google anyway it's all out there on the internet watch it that's reality it happened and in fact not only did he hand over things to the russians but on top of that he refused to allow american journalists to go into the oval office with the russian journalists and we found that the information by watching russian television i know this sounds crazy but it's true and and and i guess the point is the the the biden people and and all the the democrats and everybody that wants to stop trump they don't want to talk about any of this anymore because it sounds so ridiculous how could it be true how could donald have shown classified information to the russians in the oval office excluded american journalists and only let in the russians how could that have happened if you don't understand now how it happened ninety-one indictments later ninety-one federal counts for indictments ninety-one federal counts later if you don't get why all of this was able to occur i don't know what to tell you i mean you consider and say all joe biden has as weaponized everything joe biden didn't weaponize the pictures of the oval office with donald trump turning the keys over to the russians you know i love to say that because somebody will say all case and saying things that are true he didn't give him any keys no i didn't he gave them classified documents he showed them wasn't supposed to everybody knows he wasn't supposed to it was a problem we pretend like it's it's not happening in front of our eyes but let me say in nineteen days this will go into the courtroom and then watch donald shaking or watch him laying under the table or should say lying under the table it's i don't mean it that way but i want to say it you know good english but look he'll be lying under the table in the fetal position as everybody comes into the courtroom and tells the jury what the story is i don't think that's funny and i feel sorry for my truly do but you really have to throw the book at him and you have to get them because this guy will wriggle out of it if you don't really come down hard in this case in every case you've got to get them because he's done it all now you just have to prove it okay so let me prove to you where you can get fabulous food and it's right here in Chesterfield Valley and that's wenties and wenties is at eighteen thousand Chesterfield airport road and they've got baby back ribs and they've got onion rings which i love onion rings i really do now you know i've told the story a thousand times not just here but i just watch my weight i'm not going to go berserk so i'm careful but i promise you they've got great food at wenties and actually at after the show after showdown then will be the real food showdown because i'm going to go down to wenties with vick fast and we're going to talk to the owner we're gonna have some fun down it at wenties and you can have fun at wenties any night just go on down there eighteen thousand Chesterfield airport airport road and i promise you you're going to love their food i promise i'll report on all of this tomorrow for you and for Stephanie as well now let's talk about the jewels i'm talking about the jewels on hampton and i did speak to al today and in fact i'm gonna spend a little time with them on saturday and i can tell you right now al is always up to things he's got so many things going on uh... you just wouldn't believe it and really if you go to their website uh... you can find all kinds of things about their jewelry store there uh... jewels on hampton dot com honestly great stories about what's going on at that place i promise you al is so busy down there he's selling jewels he's creating jewelry he's meeting with people he's making deals al smart he really is and you'd be smart to go to forty five oh six hampton and meet al and meet his son a_j_ and do some business down there having to do with jewelry you'll love it they know what they're doing when it comes to jewelry they're the best and coins they buy and sell they're good that's jewels on hampton forty five oh six hampton and now here i am dressed as usual and i have to tell you this is one of my favorite ties i really like this color you know i'm color blind i've told that story many times but this is a blue color that i'd just like and if somebody said well case and you know there's some purple in that thing uh... i don't know what's in it but i like the color and i believe it's blue so that's good enough and i follow what they tell me over at the st louis suit company on the corner of force i think central in clinton i do whatever they tell me because they know the colors i don't it's a great place to buy suits and ties five dollars for the ties you know my favorite thing is you get a five dollar tie it's it's all silk and and you get that tie over at the the suit company and honestly you could buy that tie from donald trump he'd sell it to you he probably has a bunch of them laying around the house over next to the documents but but here's the thing those so ties that he's got he'll sell them for fifty not for five and remember be careful because when you wrap those things around your neck you don't know what's gonna happen i worry about that for you i don't you know i i go to the suit company so i'm safe st louis suit company on the corner of central and force i great suits great ties shirts everything searsucker suit i'm looking at that right now thinking about it for summer i'm probably going to get one i i love buying new suits i'd i'd just like that okay so that's little business right now and uh... in a short period of time right now it's what uh... four thirty seven in a short period of time we're going to be joined by bill monroe who is a former st louis police officer swimming he can figure out how to work as computer i think he you can probably handle that and we'll get him up here and we'll talk about what he's been doing for decades now having to do with with charter schools so that's that's coming up and we will we'll talk to him one of my other favorite topics is immigration and united big argument with my brother this morning uh... because he's always explaining to me that i have this completely misunderstood i just don't get it because it's really a problem that all these illegals are coming across the border and they're swamping southern california where we grew up and you know so i i i sort of know what it's like there i i i remember well as a a kid a teenager with long hair they used to say don't go to mexico you go to mexico with long here they'll steal everything you've got and they'll put you in jail so i did stay out of mexico maybe uh... maybe i've been fine i don't know but i do know that today there is a problem with immigration people coming up from the south into the united states and the problem is not what you think it is the problem is not that the people are coming across that border because they can come across the border they can keep coming we've brought people in over the years lots of people many we brought him in from europe because you know we felt comfortable with people who looked like us we course did some bad things to the chinese we didn't like it that they didn't look like us but in the meantime here we are we're we're dealing with a problem and the problem is that we don't just bring the people across the border and and find out you know who they are where they're going to live how they're going to survive here and help them to fit into the united states we don't do any of that so given the fact that we don't do anything to help the people well don't don't you think that we would have a problem and we do and they have a problem the people coming across and let me ask you this why are they coming donald says they're coming to steal everything you've got and to rape all of your women that's what he's told us over the years now the numbers don't show that at all not even anything close the numbers show that actually these people are better behaved than our own people the people who were born here the people who live here those people the ones from here are the ones who cause problems now i have the numbers it's on the website you go to my website right here talk stl dot net there's a section a little tab that tells you that there's some articles there go to it and find the article on migration and you'll see all the statistics these people don't cause problems these people come over here and try to survive oh they send some money back home sure is that a problem are you worried about that they come over here and and and they want a job well it's tough to get a job when you don't have a card that says you're allowed to work so that makes you a criminal right away so guess what if you don't want them to break that law give them a card give them a social security card and tell them to pay their taxes and to live here peacefully which they do anyway and you won't have to worry about these people breaking the law because they won't have done it because they'll be here legally now i happen to say that we should send kids talk about eighteen nineteen twenty-year-old kids that graduate from high school send them to the border send a million of them to the border and one of the reasons i say it aside from the fact that we've done the peace corps and we know it works but aside from that there is so much university research that says but these young people mentoring others actually learn tremendously it's an outstanding opportunity for them so let's do it instead of rushing them off to college and some of them don't want to go that fast send a million of these young people down to the border they'll help people down there they'll help them to fit in they'll help them to figure out how to get signed up for some kind of a an education course i don't know what they may help them do other things they may help them buy things from the grocery store i don't know they may help them to learn english at the research says that this is tremendous for young people to let them mentor others that there's just it's it's a vastly positive experience why don't we do it we've already done it with the peace corps we know the peace corps works now people will say case and you can send all these kids down to the border all those terrible murderers and criminals are gonna murder all those kids well i know that because i'm reading right here that the migrants crossing the border are violent criminals and murderers all i'm sorry that was donald trump who said that all well okay so let's not worry about that because it's university research that tells us that the people who come across commit the least number of crimes cause the least number of problems well we know that they're all committing a crime when they come across the border today because we make it illegal well sure if you make it illegal look if you make it illegal for people to eat ice cream cones then when they eat an ice cream cone they're gonna be criminals but you don't want to do that and you don't want to do this other thing either because really it benefits us to let the people cross the border come in become productive citizens we've we've all got family that did this they came across Ellis Island legally because we didn't make it illegal so we let them in and they cut they came here and you know what they did fine they did great they became the backbone of our country they all went to college they got these degrees because you know they fought in the war war war two and then they came back out of war and got degrees as we're obviously the kids of of these immigrants but that's the point this is so dumb we know it works we have done it this isn't me giving you some kind of crazy story this is something that we've done we did it in a big way and it worked tremendously so why would we be against it well because Donald Trump tells you that these people are murderers and criminals oh well sure let's just believe what Donald Trump says a man who has been lying for forty years and now has ninety one felony indictments against them because the system has decided that it's time to get this guy so let's just believe what he has to say about the people coming across the border let's not believe our universities because obviously they're lying what's their purpose for lying you've got to remember and I've said this before here all of this is peer reviewed let's assume that the the people at these universities are just a bunch of liars well once they lie then the the peer reviewers would step up the the other professors they'd read it all and they'd say well this is a lie can't publish this lie but that's not what they do is it what they do is they publish it all because it's the truth that the people who come here don't commit crimes they come here and they want one thing to live a great life like everybody who's living here that's why they're coming across our border they're not going anywhere else these people are fighting to get into see Vladimir Putin they're not fighting to go see Kim Jong-un they are fighting to come here because this is a great country it's not a great country that has to be made that way by Donald Trump it's a great country that just works everything works here how about the bureaucracy it works you know there was something called the spoils system a long time ago where people just got jobs because of who they knew we changed all that we created the civil service people take exams they get jobs and they work for us in the government or maybe they become foreign service officers and go to other countries and work for us tens of thousands you know Donald will tell you I alone can do this but I'm sorry that's not the way it works we have tens of thousands of people who do this for us and no those tens of thousands of people are not part of the deep state whatever the heck that is because there is no such thing what they are is they are people who go to work every day come home take care of their families and work for us and they are part of the executive branch they work under Joe Biden you know that that in feeble old man I know he has trouble walking but everybody on our side makes the case probably every day that just because you can't walk doesn't mean you can't talk doesn't mean you can't think remember a guy named Franklin Roosevelt the man couldn't walk so stop it with the walking thing I know he's old I'd prefer somebody young but I happen to also think that Joe Biden is probably right when he says that he's the man to beat Trump because he's done it already once and you know Joe Biden is pretty tough I know you don't believe it maybe you'll watch the speech tomorrow night maybe tomorrow night you'll watch Joe Biden who is going to show you how tough he is he's going to give a great speech he did last time he's going to give a great speech I'm sure that the adrenaline is flowing this guy knows think about it he's running for president everybody says is a moron he can't think he's in feeble he can't walk you know that the adrenaline is going to be flowing for him tomorrow night to show everybody that he's capable and he's going to be excellent I'm just predicting it I don't know but I think he will I think he'll do that I think he'll be outstanding and I think when he does I don't know the Republicans will say oh no it's AI they they made it up it wasn't really him or something I don't know what they'll say but they won't admit what you're going to see tomorrow night is as good as it's going to be I just know it because I know what happens when people stand up with adrenaline flowing and they have ability and Joe Biden's got ability and he's going to stand up and he's going to speak and he's going to be very effective and he's going to say some things that are very important for understanding what the country needs number one and number two he's going to make a political case against Donald he's going to do a great job of it and of course he's got the help in nineteen days the help from Alvin Bragg coming in New York City and it's funny how Donald's been running around trying to shut down all of these other cases but now here it comes the first one and it was supposed to be nothing of course it was never nothing it's a lot more than nothing it's a great deal of something and when it hits this guy's going to be knocked out and maybe he'll stop talking about these migrants who are coming across the border who honestly are generally good people and they intend to try to better themselves to have a great life make it legal and they won't be criminals because they won't break the law they will not if you make it legal now if you say everything that they're doing is criminal then yeah they'll be criminals but they won't steal anything from you because they don't want to they want to get a job you want to give them something give them a Social Security card that's what they need you give them a Social Security card I'll tell you right now they will go to work gee what a shock who would do that give them a card they go to work they'll pay their taxes they won't have to hide they won't have to hide their children all of this is so sensible why aren't we doing it when we know we've done the Peace Corps why won't we send all these kids down to the border and give them a chance to get great experiences helping other people it'll make them better and it'll make the people coming across better and by the way why don't you check out some statistics on crime in general just in general because I think you're going to find out something it's not so much crime in fact it's amazingly low look it up look it up I'll give you some stuff on that tomorrow but in the meantime you know I'm sort of missing my good friend Monroe but it doesn't matter because he'll be here he'll want to come tomorrow that's fine we'll let Monroe come tomorrow he probably tried something on his computer and it didn't work but I can tell you right now uh... bill Monroe is a great story he's a great st. Louis story and he'll he'll help you to see some things about education in this city that you need to know about I have some other people also coming on to talk about education and you know they'll have maybe a different perspective but I think all in all what you have to find out here is that there's some good people out here trying to do the right thing and unfortunately somebody is always benefiting by trying to point at the good guys and say oh they're out to get us everybody's out to get us all these people are so fearful what happened to them in their lives that's made them so fearful now if in fact that you you've experienced trauma in your life and that that's the reason you're fearful okay fine you know we should help you I'm serious now we we provide help for people all the time for all kinds of things I know you've possibly forgot possibly forgotten that this is the wealthiest country in the world and that there are things that we can do that others can't like China who doesn't own us people say that all the time no China actually has an overall debt ratio I mean it is far in excess of ours China's got trouble and they're desperately trying to hold things up and it's not really working for them so well while we're benefiting from a good system a great system and a very competent president of the United States who will show you tomorrow night what he can do he's going to be good and I am going to jump out of here so you can see the next show and let me say that this is all brought to you by wenties jewels on Hampton and the St. Louis suit company great people and we appreciate their support and I am going to say to you this enjoy tonight enjoy the speech tomorrow we'll be back tomorrow this is showdown i'm mark casein