
Showdown Episode 12 3-5-24

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
07 Mar 2024
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Welcome to showdown. I'm mark casein and Stephanie harm along side. Yes, you are. I I knew that and And you know what I was gonna say, and I know we've had a couple of false starts here But my question for you is still the same stuff Have you been thinking all day of nothing? But one month or actually less than one month until baseball starts is that the only thing that's been on your mind? All day, I like the Cardinals. Do you really okay? Yeah, but I also like the battle Hawks and they're getting ready to start up to the battle Hawks Excuse me who wait who What is the battle Hawks the ball oh Football we don't play football here. It's saying those football team not No, no, no, we we play baseball here that dev battle Hawks and Plus don't don't people pay play football in the fall Yeah, but you know battle Hawks comes in after that. Oh, so it won't take up so much We can just cheer them on Well, I'll definitely be cheering on the battle Hawks what whatever they are Yeah, okay, whatever Yeah, or as my daughter always said whatever Yeah, yeah, okay, so you know it's um What is this the fifth of March? So that's that's nice. Do you know what's on the 7th of March? That's fire stay right yep Well, I'm not gonna torture you hopefully or we don't hear something about Fanny whatever her name is yeah, funny Willis Yeah, fine. Well, it's fun. It's funny. Yeah, it's funny that you brought that up because Apparently there's some guy who just jumped out of the woodwork Screaming hysterically that he's got Information that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Fanny Willis has been lying to everybody and They have to end the Trump case Immediately so you know, that's not happening that Yeah, I'm just telling you this. I don't know who the guy is I'm so sick of this drama. Yeah. Well, there's a lot of drama But whoever he is he's out there. He's screaming. He he knows the facts He knows everything and he's held back up until now. I found I'm more casein. I don't know why Because it's chops it's chops curves and removed from the sick something like that I Think you might be right on that stuff. Yeah anyway, so Aside from all of that I think we're we don't have to worry about Fanny Willis because I I'm pretty sure That in less than two weeks she will be Running with the case and everything will be fine and all the rest of this silliness will have been forgotten and Let's hope I'm right I hope you write to yeah because I'll tell you that there would be a Horrible situation if all of that Trump tape that we've got went to nowhere and and We got nothing out of it, and you know, it's funny how the the Trump people when they hear that it's like Well, you're just looking for something to get them Well, you know in the case of Donald you don't have to look far And it's all there so you know people just go like this people 30s right there. Yeah, so Yeah It's fine. I'm sure Fanny Willis will will do great But anyway on March 7th. It's the 59th anniversary of bloody Sunday in in Selma where they they crossed the the bridge and and we're beaten and and it was bloody it was violent the the people from the South who were trying to hold on to every Vestige that they could of of segregation and Jim Crow They they just ran into a buzz saw when they went too far they they they really did a lot of damage and The result of that was the Voting Rights Act of 1965 so It's it's funny how a lot of times these people don't seem to realize That when they go berserk trying to do things that they shouldn't be doing Firstly, I say they shouldn't be doing they shouldn't be doing just because of humanity, you know, it's not it's not necessarily a policy issue but you know beating up people that cross a bridge that are trying to get freedom and That's that's just not gonna look good and and it's gonna lose every time and of course Here we are in 2024 59 years later, and they're still doing the same thing beating people up not maybe physically at the moment but but beating them up in in in the political arena and and You know like for example, I heard today a woman You as you know today was super Tuesday and so huge voting today and and and one of the the Nicki Haley supporters said of of Nicki that she was the voice of reason not the voice of treason and you know that That was probably the best line of the day and certainly, you know, Donald Trump is At least the voice of treason and much more than he's been up to right, so the point is there is going to be a Lot that's gonna happen here that this this situation in in in in oh well the dog in a dog sir I'm sorry Listen, I would have I'd bring my dog, but it probably wouldn't go over so well, but but No, it's it's okay, you know people, you know This is the other funny thing as you well know people watch network TV all the time now and see guests like you who are doing their programs out of their homes and they're dogs and other pets Jump into the screen and get involved and kids are doing that also. It's just that's the reality of 2024 There's nothing bad about it, you know, so yeah, don't worry But but yeah, it's funny. It's funny, but anyway clearly This is a a time when There's some very serious issues on the line and and yet The other side, you know the the Trump people I mean they just live in another universe that they they really do and You know I was watching One of the the national shows a few days ago and in New York They have a a new production on Broadway Which is is back to the future In music and and it's a great play they say I'm afraid even hear what the tickets cost because I thought to myself Yeah, that'd be fun to go to New York and and go see the play I Used to do it many years ago But that says go see back to the future that I think that would be great now Would I pay a thousand dollars for a ticket? Of course not. I mean, that's ridiculous Yeah, that's insane and I don't know that it costs that much, but it probably does I doubt that it's 50. I can tell you that So anyway, but back to the future in in in New York comes at exactly the right time because Let's face it this whole thing about the alternate universe is Exactly the story that that Steven Spielberg told in the second issue of Back to the future the second episode where Biff ended up owning Biff Tower Which is Donald Trump? I mean it was Trump Tower and you know he pulled out the gun to shoot Michael J Fox and I'm sure Donald Trump would do it if he could or maybe he's already done it We just don't know but anyhow it's it's 59th anniversary of bloody Sunday and in Alabama and clearly It's still an issue here in the United States. None of this is over And I have to tell you years ago When I was doing the programs with onion Horton you know onion always said Keep going forward keep fighting keep trying to make things better and then also recognize that it's hopeless and People used to say onion That's terrible to say that it's hopeless. I mean you shouldn't be saying it's hopeless But I get what I'm saying though. Yeah, well sure look at 2024 It's it's it's no different We're still dealing with the same junk Hard to believe people trying to shut down black history You know what prejudice is prejudice prejudice and if you really think about it It's never gonna go away as much as we want to believe that Don't get me wrong Do I think it's better now than it was in the 60s and the 30s and the 20s and the 1600s. Yes But We are still in a world where we have to face reality that at the end of the day Right people still get paid less than whites black people are still pushed in to live in one area Instead of being able to live in other areas and and just to give you an example of that's bad self when my uh, I think it was 1975 My mother and father tried to purchase a house in fluorescent The same florist that's now populated with a whole lot of black people At that time we were the third black to move into the sub subdivision of cat our forest and My mom tried to purchase the same house Two years before she was allowed to purchase it and what she was told is They were not selling to blacks And that wasn't 74 sure and 70 in 73 and 74 and 75 she bought that house Yeah, and by the way, don't forget that in 74. That's right around the time when Donald Trump and his family were being sued For refusing to sell or not to sell but to rent to black people in their apartments that they owned But I'm sorry go ahead Yeah, so it's about the same time. Yeah, and then then from that I remember also is that Dad was coming home from work in his His unmarked police car and got pulled over by a white policeman Asking him where the hell was he going? Sure and my my father had to look in and say I'm going to my house. I Live here, right? So, you know, has that really changed? No That part has not changed You know, we're still not allowed in certain areas to live We're still getting pulled over because the color of our skin So it's a lot of things that that are still into play today So I'm not sure to say that I will I will be alive or you'll be alive to see That prejudice is gone. It doesn't exist. That'll never happen. That'll never happen Well, it won't happen and and I think that's really fair to say that it won't It'll not be the way it should but on the other hand It could be more like what's going on Generally with the Jews like me Where there are people who still hate us? I Mean they walk around all the time thinking about us for no reason what it For what? Take care of your own business, you know, but but on the other hand they are unable To affect our lives in the way that the Germans were able to do 80 years ago, so the thing that that might happen is that you might be dealing with the same situation where you know people would Think about what they don't like when they see you But at the same time they would understand that there's nothing they can do about it And they better just get on with their lives and leave you alone So you would think so, but you know, it as of today is still is affecting our lives. Oh, absolutely We are still getting beat in public. We are still, you know being mistreated by the justice system You know, we are we at the end of the day There's a lot that has not changed a whole lot that has not changed. We are still fight fighting for equality as African-Americans and it's sad that we would have to fight for something that we contribute to on a daily basis We work every day We contribute to society, but yet in all we're still not treated as the same and and that that's that just breaks my heart As a person led along a human being. Yeah, and you know years ago. There were there was the story the correct story of of at the sheriff's department a situation where they had nooses that were put up on the lockers of all the the black deputies and They just had that situation at the bus Yeah, one of the private school buses, and that's what I was gonna point out I mean here we are years later, and people are still trying to play games acting crazy and and terrorizing just innocent people for no reason with Things that just make no sense People are still being hung as a today right people are still being hung as of today Yeah, you know and and they can't seem to find out who ever done it you know if The one that gets me here in St. Louis as of today that young man, and I cannot remember his name But they found him right there off of Hall's Ferry And 270 hung from a tree And the last time I heard anything really about it. He was a big part of black lives matter Who was a big protester and they're a state thought or made us a lot of assumptions out there Thinking that the police had a lot to do with it as of today. They still do not have anybody In regards to being in custody for that young man's hanging and then just recently I want to say in Georgia. They just found another young black man hanging from a tree You know, I just Some things at some things I can see African Americans doing and some things I've had and in the panging from a tree It's not one up. Yeah, and in the meantime you think back to January 6th in Washington DC and a lady climbed through the window in the middle of the riot trying to bust into the the house chamber in the Capitol and She was shot by a police officer Guy happened to be black. I don't think that anything to do with any of it But the point is is that she was white she climbed through that window and today I mean this very day They're still screaming about this that this woman was murdered and she was climbing in a broken window with a riot going on around her and You explained to me what that's about, you know, so and are they not supposed to protect the Capitol period Period by any means necessary They're supposed to protect the Capitol and everybody that works in there including the president Especially the president so I That makes no sense to me. Well, especially the vice president who they were were threatening to hang and And when Donald heard about it, we all know the response He said well if he'd have done the right thing he wouldn't be dealing with this and and the point of all that is Here we are and and half the country that that part of the alternate universe is out here saying That nothing happened that right January 6th. It was a peaceful day It was a walk in the park and and if there was anything going on they say that the FBI Actually set it up and created a disturbance so that they could come back and and Somehow put Donald Trump in the middle of it When he didn't do a thing, you know, but but we we've seen it all on television We know what happened that the amazing part of it is the people who in the the wake of this insurrection stood up and said Enough's enough We're through with Donald Trump. How could he have done this? This man's insane and then In a short period of time they've all turned around and jump back on With Donald Trump as if he done if he did as if he had done nothing So, you know that it's it's amazing that we're dealing with this entire situation And we're dealing with it and and that's why I say If you if you think back to what happened back to the future you sit here and you wonder What's the date? that Somebody got their hands on that little magazine and and and Michael J. Fox has got to grab his hands on that magazine and and Get rid of it burn it right so that we can go back to the real Direction that this place was in and and and just dump this this alternate universe because it is exactly that and You know when you think about what people believe that first as I said they think that that the FBI actually attacked the Capitol it wasn't Donald Trump's people and and and then you go on from there and and it's the Haley people today These are Republicans who are saying that Nick Nikki Haley is the voice of reason not treason And and so this is not Democrats who are saying this and and by the way, here's a good one speaking of all these elections going on Take South Dakota because you know that was one of the places where there was an election couple days ago on right, you know and and what happened in South Dakota that is so amazing is the Trump won like by 70 points So big win for Trump in in South Dakota, but there's one problem He only got in the entire state 1,800 votes That's it. So the point is so few people participated That's gonna say didn't nobody participate in voting in that whole state. No in the entire state Nobody showed up and listen not to that extent, but certainly overall the voting numbers are way down So Trump is winning and he's winning with all these people who say they're MAGA but the truth is They're winning with numbers that absolutely cannot compete with anybody in the general election and You know, they've got polls right now that show both ways, you know, there's a there's a Wall Street Journal a poll out today that says that trumps ahead I'm sorry the Biden's ahead by 47 to 45 And then there's a New York Times poll that came out yesterday That says the Trump's ahead by 48 to 43 So they're all very narrow Numbers and they're all within this very small range of of the the potential error But the fact is this People are just not Really energized in any way for this yet. I don't know. I don't know why I mean that should be the story the people just are not here Frightened, you know, I'll tell you in Europe. They're scared That's no joke the Europeans think this could be the end of the world for them So that they're trying to figure out what are we gonna do if Donald J Trump is the president and they pull the United States pulls out of NATO and we back out of all of our other commitments and We go into business with Vladimir Putin and Victor Orban in Hungary who who? arrests Journalists and and and and is a dictator. I mean he is he's Anti-democracy he says it and Trump loves him Just had him down at Mar-a-Lago. You know, they're all hanging around down there Trump and his dictators and then people say oh He was kidding when he said he was gonna be dictator for a day other people say wait a minute You get to be dictator for a day You're not giving it back and and we know we've seen it You know this this is the man that told us that we should inject bleach That would save us Yeah, you know that look it's it's pretty sad and people died from that people listen to their food and Dad from it. Oh my god. I Mean the man told Woodward Bob Woodward The he knew that what he was telling the American people was untrue But then he did it because he didn't want anybody to panic You know and and and then When when Woodward put all that information out which? was on the record Was provided to him by Trump and then Trump turned around and started suing Woodward and saying How could you release all of this? well What do you think what do you think the meetings were about the interviews the tape recordings the whole thing? What do you think that was for? I mean right of course he knew he knew it very well He knows everything, but I mean I say he knows He may hear it. He may be there apparently. He doesn't know much at all and and you know If that's what we're dealing with as a country then then that's where we are But I'm just still dumbfounded to the fact that this man is still out and walking with every single thing That has came up against him If there was anybody else they would be sitting behind bars waiting for a trial date Yeah, and that's true. That's true Stephanie But but let me also say and I keep saying it I'm gonna say it again let's say it every time because Trump says it every time Trump says the lies over and over again, so we have to say the truth over and over again and the truth is in the United States our system would rather go so far to protect the the the innocent in our in our justice system that we're willing to take the risk That a guilty person might go free That that's our system if if if a guilty person goes free and we did it because we protected their rights in a way That was aimed at making sure that no innocent person would go to jail See that's what we do and if that's what's up Well, then we should respect that and we should realize that that's why Donald Trump's getting away with this Because our system does try to go to extraordinary lengths to protect people who are innocent and that means that sometimes someone who's guilty Might be able to get away with it. Now Trump has been able to get away with it for 40 years and that's a that's a sad situation But listen the system is coming down on him right now. So hard. There are 91 felony indictments out and I can tell you that if if Donald thinks That he's not going to get one conviction out of those 91 He's dreaming and when he gets one that's all it would take One and then he's in jail and it's probably for life at his age So really if he's not scared, you know what what I hear you mark But if he could sit out this long and not and and not have anything Taken away from him to be able to walk amongst everybody all the citizens that would have to have to pay For the same situation that he's in right now, then I I feel like, you know Tell the truth shame the devil because personally, he should be sitting behind bars Waiting on a trial date period. Yeah. Well, he should be he should be and and and and the truth is That the system is anybody else would but the system has gone to great lengths to protect his due process And and honestly I have no fear whatsoever. I am certain that they're going to get him and and look the first about money the first about money he's got no money Stephanie He's got no money. Look that man Was supposed to have enough money to put up the bond For his 500 million dollars that he now owes to different people He can't do it at first he said Well, I shouldn't have to put up that money. I'm a rich man Now it's gotten to the point where they didn't buy that story and so now he's saying I can't pay it. I don't have it and you know He could sell some things to take care of the the money that he owes And and if if I were Trump, which he's a we know he's a psychopath So it forgets on saying if you were he but the fact is I would sell something So that nobody would know That I I had no money And and in fact he he just won't do it. He's actually admitting now that he hasn't got the money And and when he doesn't put it up Letitia james has said she's coming for his property. It's that simple. She's gonna get everything he's got And and you know there the other problem is a lot of what are we waiting for if he already Established the fact that he doesn't have the money Then he lied and said that he didn't want to give up the money. What are we waiting for? He's got 30. He's got 30 days Again, it's his due process. He gets his 30 days Not the end of 30 days They're gonna start taking things from him And and I do process only works for certain people remember that mark. Yeah, I do remember, but you know what He Although he doesn't have any money He's got people and these people Are it's it's the tami fey baker thing That the people that support him Are people who are eating dog food? They're they're in total poverty But they've got one dollar And so they take that one dollar And they send it to trump so that trump can pay his legal bills And so I i'm just telling you he he he does have money for for lawyers And he better have money for lawyers because everybody knows that throughout his entire history He hired lawyers and he never paid them So he better pay him up front because these lawyers aren't so stupid They know if they don't get their money up front they'll get it never However Here's something that you can get but you do have to pay for it And that is great food at wenties But but you have to pay you know, I I suspect that Any restaurant or you know, you'd have to know if trump's coming to your restaurant Make sure he's got some money because This man doesn't pay But but anyway, whether you pay or not You know, they're going to serve you with some really great food. Hopefully everybody pays Yeah, don't try the trump routine, but but wenties is at 18 000 Chesterfield airport road and that's Right here in Chesterfield valley. It's great great food And you know, baby back ribs I like that because that protein is what I I really go for Chelsea Now they've also got great pizza. They've got excellent onion rings, which I love but i've stayed away from for a long time, but You can get it at wenties. Look, most people aren't acting like I do. You know, my brother says i'm Uh, how are yous? You know, i'm afraid of everything But other people are normal and so they go to wenties and they enjoy themselves So do that 18 000 Chesterfield airport road that's wenties now if you want jewelry Well, you can go get that over at 4506 hampton and one thing about the jewelry You won't gain any weight But you're going to have but you're going to have to spend some money and I promise you that I mean Our friend al isn't in business for nothing but It's a great place fair outstanding Buys that you can get on jewelry that that is created By by al and and his people. I mean they're very creative and They buy and sell coins and all the kinds of things you would expect at at jewelers Where this stuff happens and and overall it's just a great place If you're looking for jewelry and you need to sell some jewelry You're looking for the good creative pieces that that al puts out at Jules on hampton, but finally this is the key for me Yes, my 44 year old gold watch Which is a seiko you can even get that repaired at jules on hampton so check them out 4506 hampton and finally Do you like my uh tie and and and my shirt today my yellow I was getting ready to say you look kind of stiffy today, sir It's it's my yellow Although I have to say this and and this is really you can't beat this You would say yellow, right? I would say yellow But if you're two years old You say Yeah, yo And I tell you When when when little re My my two-year-old grandson does his yay-yo Thing I mean, that just melts you, you know how that is I'm gonna say this deals you a little hard. Yep. It's it's amazing Anyway, that st. Louis suit company quarter of four scythe and central in claton and they've been there for 29 years And I love buying new suits there You know one of the these days I got I got some suits in the closet that I haven't even worn Maybe once or twice. I mean, I'm just silly that way But but I'll I'll show up here with some of it some of it is really nice There I mean the things I wear every day that that's nice too But but there's some really nice suits that I have that I just don't wear very often But anyway, I'll I'll break them out and bring them here on the air Because we want to show everybody all the great things that you can get At the st. Louis suit company and I also know and I mentioned this early on A couple weeks ago when we were starting the show that that they have really nice seersucker suits for for $99 and you know There there's seersucker and there's seersucker in other words in the old day it sort of looked a little crumpled and You know not so nice, but but today it really looks nice. It's it's good Excellent. I'm thinking about buying one. I haven't had one in years and it's just spring It's the right time to buy seersucker coming into summer and all anyway uh, they're they're in claton Corner of four sites and central and they've been there for 29 years. I'm sure they'll be there tomorrow Oh and don't forget those ties Because you know the the important thing about the ties. I mean five dollars for a silk tie that's just nice But I I always want to warn people Don't buy them for 50 dollars from trump because he'll he'll choke you Yeah, the those those trump ties they they choke you But but not not at st. Louis suit company. Those are great ties five dollars Not five dollars. Absolutely. Well, actually you can get them for less. I'll tell you how if you buy five ties It's $20 Oh wow. Yeah Even lowers it at that point I keep telling them, you know that the ties really make me laugh The price and he's keeps saying over the years he keeps saying yeah, I really Should raise the price on those ties But he never does and they're they're great Anyway, st. Louis suit company and claton 29 years. They're there and they are outstanding Sounds like a nice place to go and buy some gifts That too. I'll tell you well, that's right because you can go there and buy up the ties And by the way, I have done that too. I have bought hundreds of ties at a time And and given them away to my students It's really fun. Nice. No, it's really fun. And the thing about it is is that You know a lot of these schools where the kids wear uniforms I mean, it's one thing if they wear Just like a certain color shirt or something, which I hate right but what I love like my school where the kids wear Ties and bow ties So they they dress up nice and there are plenty of places where where students do that and so That's a great opportunity to get get the students ties and then also uh Are you good at tying ties? Okay, well regular the long ties. Yes. I don't know how to do a bow tie yet Yeah, I can't do a bow tie. I never learned that one But I do teach the kids how to to tie a tie Because I I did learn many years ago You know everybody I love when people say well my dad this or my dad that you know But in this case actually, you know my dad who was wrong about a lot of stuff But but but he sure knew what he was doing when it came to ties He was good. Yeah, he knew how to tie a tie and he taught me how to do it. So there you are Anyway, um, you know one of the things about this super tuesday, uh election Stephanie is that tonight, uh, if you go to the networks and especially msnbc where I go Where they actually tell the truth I mean, that's a amazing thing, but it's the truth. Hey, and by the way, how do you know if something's the truth? What do you think? You know what mark, it's not a trick question. I mean how how would you go? It's not a quick. Yeah, it's not a trick question, but you know what To me you got to prove it You know, you got you got to prove it to make a determination if it's true or not. So Yeah, well in the first believe everything you hear you can't believe everything you read so no you can't but one thing For sure. There's a lot of truth in for example university research in the in the united states I mean when universities publish journals and and peer-reviewed articles and so forth generally You know like 99 percent of the time It's true Whatever's in there It's true. It's peer-reviewed It goes around to lots of different people that are professors and at different universities and it's checked out Very thoroughly and and it's it's true I know people don't want to hear it because for example on the website talk There are are articles for as an example. There's one that that shows that for decades people who have crossed that border commit very little crime And the people who live in the united states that are born here are the ones who are committing crimes I mean that's research and that's peer-reviewed by universities go read it On talk and I guarantee you it's true Now people will say I mean I don't I have never denied that part. I haven't denied that part You know when it comes to crime that was never my issue. No, that's not you. No, not you right? Yeah But i'm just saying you know there there are ways to find things that are true You know if you go to the wall street journal in the new york times And both papers tell the same story One is very conservative one is very liberal And they both say the same thing happened Well, it it probably happened You know now I have to say it's a sad fact, but if you read the washington examiner Which have you ever read that one? I hear okay, so you read the washington examiner I mean it just blows me away that they make such stories up because they're often Not true and and how do you know? Well, you go to the new york times you go to the wall street journal and they're telling a different story It's not true Because the new york times in the wall street journal just don't allow the reporters to make things up They have to fact check everything Over and over and over and by the way if they do tell something that's not true They they'll end up firing the people and then They'll print retractments. I mean they'll they'll tell you We we inadvertently did this and and we're we want you to know the truth But people still think that these publications are lying because donald trump has said A thousand times and then ten thousand times that they're the enemy of the people and that they're making everything up Now they're not They're just not But yeah, but he says it and if he keeps saying it then people will believe it and and you know There's a guy gurskovich who's sitting in jail in in in Moscow And and and he's from the the wall street journal And he's in he's in jail because in those countries They they say the same thing That the media is the enemy of the people And then they round them up And they jail them and sometimes they kill them I was going to say sometimes they kill them they come up missing or they did Absolutely And and the thing about it is We don't do that And the people here do have the right to make up a story They can tell stories now if they tell stories like Fox news did about the voting machines They're going to end up with a one billion dollar bill for defamation one billion dollars Now How many people still watch Fox news And think that these people are telling the truth When they have been fined Or you know charged by the court a billion dollars And and listen, that's not the end of it. There's another one coming You know another one of these voting machine companies that's got a I think it's a 2.5 billion dollar Lawsuit that they also have against Fox as well Maybe they won't get that much. Maybe they will. I don't know what they're going to get but i'll tell you this You can't lie maliciously against people And and harm them To the point where they you ruin number one their reputation or number two their business Because they're going to come back and they're going to get you And and I guess That the people that support Donald They hear these things Apparently it just doesn't register I mean if I were watching a news program Believe what they want to believe though, you know, they the people honestly they believe what they want to believe and they hear what they want to hear Yeah, apparently that's true stuff, but If i'm watching something And I find out That it's a lie I'm not going to come right back to it the next day and say well Okay, it was a lie yesterday, but today it's the truth Right, I won't I know that and I know it because I listened to it this morning You know on the air, you know Right-wing stuff The voting machines They've got to be tossed We can't have voting machines because it's nothing but false information It allows People to put Donald Trump's enemies into office They've got it all figured out The only problem is Fox News pays a billion dollars Because they told this lie Now You know, you can sit out here and say Close your eyes Put your hands over your ears And and go Make all kinds of noise so you don't hear it But but the fact is These people are lying The voting machines are safe They're fair And they allow us to run free elections So You know the people who are out here pretending That fox is not paying a billion dollars for this Well, that's just stupidity True Nah, I know I know they're there No, but again, people don't believe what they want to believe They hear what they want to hear so You know, you can't make them No, you can't make them anything That's true And we don't want to make them You know, you're a lot of believe anything you want to believe But If you tell the story And if you're malicious And you're lying about it You're gonna pay That's our system That's why Donald Trump owes 88 million dollars To a woman who he raped Right, I mean, ejine step in right now I want you to jump in right now Yeah, ejine carol. I mean She was raped Yeah, yeah, go ahead Uh Mike just jumped in He said all voting should just be mailed in I agree, but I don't agree because then you're gonna have issues with mail getting lost Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, then you're gonna have those issues So I get where you coming from. That's why they only have certain people that can mail in their votes My personal opinion is not to have electronic voting Those can be altered. I think if you're gonna vote go in and everybody has to do the old school handwritten ballot Yeah, now here's let me say this on on on that point and by the way Thanks for reminding me that the chat is up there and I just pulled it all up So I see and how michael, sorry about that, but listen Uh first on the voting The day is eventually gonna come when See this cell phone Yeah, you're gonna push a button Now I understand it may not be safe to do that today But but it will get there I mean that you won't stand in line You know, you'll you will push a button And electronically we'll find out what the vote is and it'll be the end of it It may not be as much fun that people screaming at each other and you know Accusing of all these different things, but computers are man-made they can be hacked They can be altered. Yeah today today Yeah, you're right Today But I don't know eventually You would think that they might get to the point where this would work. What do you think? Nope, never, huh No, because as long as they are computers and they're man-made there's somebody out there That's going to be able to access What do you think michael period give us a give us a word here Tell me if you think that the day is going to come when you can just push the button and and it'll be registered I I mean it might be a hundred years from now stuff But I think that someday they'll they'll do it and by the way michael also said here because I just did pull it up That the cardinals need a new manager Which yep, you know, I said that the other day and you know the story is that it will be Molina And I've heard that yeah, and I think that's what should happen. I really do. I think that would be great I think the poor ollie is just I don't think he's it's not a question of them finishing last although they did Uh, but also I think he's made horrible decisions Through the year And they still could have come out higher with those decisions, but the point is I I would toss him And and I I think this if they toss ollie after the cardinals lose for two months very idiots Because what they should do Is toss them now And maybe the cardinals won't lose for two months Because they've definitely done some things to to strengthen the team And and you know, we're gonna get there and it's it's baseball and You know, if if if you win that's fun and if you lose it's still fun. It's baseball Yeah, they've been getting real close every year And then they get there and they just fall off. I don't know Well, listen Burger says all the time that none of this Business is really determined by how good the team is That the ultimate decision on how it works out Comes from the baseball gods You know, they they they run it You know, the baseball gods are more powerful than anything in the universe And when they want a team to do something then it it happens So, you know, you can't go against the baseball gods and you could have the greatest team there is and believe me The New York Yankees have had some great teams on paper They they keep buying all the best papers or best players and then they don't win But that's because the baseball gods have the ultimate power That's true. Yeah, you can't you can't forget them. They're everything So, you know, that's that's important, but um Anyway, we're we're we're running down, you know out of time. We have a a few minutes left stuff um I I just want to say And this may be a conversation that that you know is longer than what i'm about to give it but I don't know if you saw the the headlines the other day where Missouri is getting 1.1 billion dollars From uh, or I don't know if i take it back It's marijuana sales I think the sales reached 1.1 billion dollars and so they're getting yeah, and they're getting a lot of money from it Okay So first of all What do you think about that? Okay, so in the marijuana sales, they so they're way high they're way high. They're way I believe that Well, I believe it with all of the dispensaries you talking about with the dispensaries. Well, this is your own recreational marijuana, too Right, okay, so They're they're making that much and now they're the government is stepping in and snatching the money up What are they going to do? They're going to tax them that you know, that's understood Yeah, but what they're going to do with the money. Oh, I I don't know give it to donald trump probably But but but let me let me ask you this Does it bother you and and don't get me wrong all my friends Use marijuana for years And it was everywhere it is everywhere. It's it's ubiquitous. There's no question about it but and but my my argument would be that I just am not real excited about the idea that we're trying to promote marijuana for Tax purposes. I I think we should let's let's tax the rich You know, the rich need to be taxed fairly You know, not not the little guy all the time Well, you knew when they passed that as a as a law that they were going to tax them Well, I have no problem with that. I mean, you know, and I think it's fair I mean, marijuana should be legal. So just like you know alcohol is We don't want all people going to jail over this Of course not. We'll stop all that. But I'll tell you this I don't like the idea of raising These drugs Including alcohol As you know, some kind of great money makers for the state You know, we should be so proud You know I just I'm not I'm not a drug person. I really don't like it I'm not saying make it illegal, but I just don't feel like praising it I did what you're saying. I did what you're saying um I don't think that that's what they're trying to do, but I could see where you would see that um the bottom line is is You know, marijuana It is a control substance. Yes, you can get addicted to it, but it's also For additional purposes as well. It is so It's it's unlike, you know crack cocaine. Yeah fitting all You know, it's something like all of those other drugs. Well, I'm going to tell you one funny story and then we'll get out of here Um, and it's a short one I when I had long hair when I had hair and and and I was in the stock market and Yeah, it was like 20 years old at a brokerage firm And I was I loved it great business and There was a at that time when you turned in orders that to go to New York You turned it over to a guy that put it on the wire and sent it to New York and the guy who was running the wire was a relatively young guy like I was and You know, he was Smoke of marijuana while he was putting the orders in and he was High as could be and I mean I don't care if you're high But I went to the manager and I said look I'm not worried about the guy being high But he's sending my orders in and he's high and I don't want this guy messing this thing up And anyway, they fixed it never but I just I'm just saying, you know, there's a time and a place And in if you're somewhere where you you your head needs to be clear You probably should not be using those drugs Correct. Yeah, and there's a and even though they have legalized it There are millions of companies out here who are who are very strict on Being under the influence at work Smelling like marijuana coming to work. They I mean it does those Policies and procedures have not changed. Absolutely. So we'll end it with this wenties St. Louis suit company And jules on hampton That's the great people that keep us on the air will be here tomorrow Stephanie you have a great evening You do the same part you all good night. Good night