
Showdown Episode 10 3-1-24

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
04 Mar 2024
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and welcome to showdown i mark asin and by the way it's the first of march time is marching on and it is friday so here we go first i did get a chance this afternoon to listen to the uh... closing arguments uh... in the fawnee willis case and i think uh... as i've said all along that fawnee willis will have absolutely no problems uh... achieving her goal which is to continue on the prosecution against donald trump and the other eighteen defendants although as we know a couple of them have uh... already uh... announced that they are convicted they are in trouble all that working out okay there joe we are right okay that's uh... a little bit of adjusting here in the studio no problem okay you know uh... little guy it okay so uh... yes uh... uh... it's going forward and i i like the way it's going forward uh... we've got two weeks now according to the judge uh... to find out it exactly what the decision is going to be uh... my guess is the same thing i said in the beginning it's over uh... fawnee willis is going to in my opinion stephanie harmon uh... uh... she is going to uh... continue prosecuting this case and donald trump is going to have to answer for his crimes in georgia how are you stuff you okay okay a little sound but uh... i know we have that sometimes either step you okay can you hear me all there we are there we go yep i got okay yeah we're fine we're fine so they did did you catch any of the the closing arguments this afternoon now okay well i have to say that the the uh... attorney for fawnee willis was not exciting uh... he was not uh... extremely uh... well-spoken any special way i mean he was okay uh... but but what he did is he nailed down the facts in the law and that's all they need that's what they need so you know i thought it sounded very good for her and i know in in listening to uh... uh... donald trump's people uh... they in fact interestingly uh... have come up with like i guess not a new theory but sort of uh... a little bit of a uh... sidestep because they're trying to say uh... that you don't need uh... the complete degree of of evidence and and and certainty of of misconduct uh... that actually the law requires so they're trying to wiggle out of it and i think they're not going to wiggle out of anything i think they're going to be right back where they were four or five weeks later and okay it's not a big deal uh... they're they're likely to get this thing uh... underway in terms of the the trial i'm gonna say august maybe september and and you know what i have to laugh because you know the first thing that donald trump and his lawyers are going to do is a gonna start screaming well this is too close to the election we can't do it and you know i hope that this trial is underway and flying forward in october i hope it is i hope it's right in his face in october and i hope every day that people wake up when they think about who they're going to vote for in that first week of november that they have to think about the fact that this guy played with the last election and and stephanie it doesn't matter whether donald wins or loses he is going to claim that he won isn't he yeah you're right so there's going to be chaos in november no matter which way this thing goes because he's going to say when he loses he's going to say i won and then he's going to ask his people to come and attack something again uh... if it's it's going to be chaos and i hope the trial is underway i hope it's underway and i'll tell you on the other hand he may say to himself well better to have the trial underway in october than to have already been convicted so maybe from his standpoint maybe this will be a plus but the conviction is coming and if it comes in november okay uh... some of the better i just want them just yeah this this trump stuff needs to go away it's just too much attention if we we can't even focus on the the real politics it's all about him and i'm sick of it well let me say this about how it's all about him in a way you know yesterday uh... both trump and biden were at the border they were both both they were both giving speeches and they were both answering questions and the point of it is is that that trump was saying crazy things like for example uh... talking about governor new some from california and calling him new scum so you know he thinks that that's clever and i suppose that there's a third of the country that that that wakes up in the morning want wanting to hear some new idea that that that donald has come up with in terms of of calling somebody a name you know sort of like fifth grade sixth grade but but okay everybody understands that that that's donald trump that's that's the way you know that that's what you do he called uh... that's how they named i mean that's what you do no that's a kind of your i mean if you just you i had to know anyone that is pure black and pure white when you meet that person you let me know well i'll say this it doesn't matter because we know that you're black and we know that the president of the united states who was brock obama was black and i love when people say oh no he's half black i mean the man is black you know in america if you're black you're black and by the way what is it that's wrong with these people that they have this this problem over the fact that somebody is black say it and by the way they don't want to say they're white you know that they it's like if you say they're a white man then they want to throw a fit like you're saying something bad about them you know so look uh... people want to call names fine play games that way uh... i'm gonna believe in this country in twenty twenty four that calling names is not going to win you an election it didn't win donald trump an election you know he lost by three million votes to hillary clinton now i understand he won in the bill the electoral college but he lost by three million votes then he lost by seven million votes to joe biden and if he loses by eleven or twelve million votes this time there won't even be a question about the electoral college because that'll just be too many you know you keep you if you win if you lose the election by enough the electoral college won't save you and i i'm pretty confident that it's not going to save donald trump not this time do you believe it's going to be an i-type three now what do you mean by that our top three uh... presidential possible elix well i mean it's it's it's going to be joe biden you make it just get reelected the bill of joe biden is going to win uh... just look at me first of all uh... robert kennedy jr he may get fifteen percent of the vote which is insane but but if he does well he he's not going anywhere with fifteen and and and i do believe that that many of those robert kennedy votes are going to come out of of donald trump uh... i i think so you know and the reason i say that is because those are the people who don't believe in vaccinations and who think that uh... uh... that there's some kind of a conspiracy to to kill us uh... through some kind of microbes you know i mean where those people come from i mean out of the woodwork somewhere uh... i i always thought they went back inside the woodwork uh... after the john birch society disappeared fifty years ago and of course joe joe mccarthy just a little bit before that uh... so yeah i i thought that was over i i didn't think there was a chance of this uh... i i don't understand what's wrong with people in fact maybe you can help me with this stuff uh... this business of waking up in the morning and people are angry do you have any idea what they're angry about you know what i i wake up every morning and i'm happy that i was getting another day it's like you know some people go to bed angry and wake i wake up angry i i don't know i mean you you blessed every morning you wake up 'cause you could you could be having dirt spread on your on your face so i'm gonna get i can tell you why people wake up angry i just think that people who wake up angry they're just miserable yeah i'll tell you there's there's there's something wrong with them they're miserable i've tried to find all the good out the bed and just continue on with my life yeah well i'm gonna say this stuff the day that i wake up with somebody dumping dirt on my face i am going to be very angry on that day oh i'm gonna be curious when i come into the studio that day and i have to just you know wipe all the dirt off and you know clean it up maybe i'll brush my teeth you know and all that you know i i have to say uh... i'll be i'll be furious on that day well no babe if you if you waking up with first of all you won't be waking up if you got dirt when it sinks feet under you'll be nice and stiff and sweet though you won't be coming into the studio okay well it you might be wrong you might be right uh that's possible that's possible oh my lord you played the piece on that day yeah i'll i'll i'll tell you i'll be hoping at that point that Shirley McLean is right you know what Shirley McLean has always said you know the actress you know she's she says that uh she has that she has evidence that we do come back so it's what well i don't know exactly exactly is what well i don't want to come back as a slug no no no you know some some of that theory is you come back and try to get it right next time oh okay yeah so okay you know however that works but um so i might have a chance of running into me again somewhere along the way something like that i mean Shirley Planet squares it's true squares it's true by the way let let's do a little business here because in about uh let's see what time is it 14 15 minutes we're going to be visiting with James Ingram from the st. Louis america uh this time he is coming uh okay great yeah last time in fact he was here at the end but it got messed up anyway James is coming tonight so James Ingram in about 15 minutes and i would say it's a little bit early you know 4 15 i usually think of you know more like about 430 or so but 4 15 it's all right food is good and wenties is a great restaurant and it is it is at 18,500 Chesterfield Airport Road and it is great because they have baby back ribs they have my favorite onion rings you know how long it's been since i've had onion rings i've got to have some and they'll they'll only be at wenties i can tell you that you know i don't like onions but i love onion rings that's popular sounds a little crazy but i don't i don't like onions everything is with no onions but onion rings awesome well be careful what you say about onions because as you know our our our great mentor and and friend and and and just unfortunately not here at the present onion Horton you know he that was a name that you know it made onions palatable for everybody so yeah except for maybe some bad white people but okay that's another story but you know and by the way let me say and i can say it i i've said it before and uh it's it's fine uh Washington University is is putting up uh onion Horton programs and so far they've already put 30 of them up on the air in fact they are the old showdown programs from from the the ones that that they sent me that i saw were from 2004 so that's 20 years ago and when you when you look at how we all looked uh you know it sort of knocks you out but did you have hair no no not no four not no no no no earlier earlier than that it left but but um yeah onion rings they're great and we we you know we love onion Horton and and there's gonna be a whole lot more on this uh in fact next week i'm going to be on Freeman Bosley's show with Jamila and and and we're going to be talking about a lot of things but but certainly about this honor that has been brought to onion by the the Washington University library which is putting these episodes of onion Horton's showdown on the internet where you can go to their library link and and there are there are 250 of those old programs it was on the air for five years i mean five years is a pretty good run and and the only reason it went off is because kdhx dropped television so that was that but uh but but for five years and and i've seen some of them and so of my students at school and it's really knocked them out because they can't believe that i was once young young and younger but i was so anyway um i think we are young if i'm point yeah well yeah but it's believe me put 20 more years on you Stefan you'll understand what i'm talking about that's that's an age but don't get me wrong i have to say it is great being 72 years old as long as you have your health right yeah and if you have your health 72 is phenomenal don't don't don't fall that's not good yeah my brother my brother was water skiing in his 60s and broke two ribs not smart that ended that ended his water skiing career the whole family we were all water skiers but no you don't want to do that anyway we're still at wenties and and and we did the onion rings and don't forget the pizza great pizza at wenties and more we'll we'll talk about all their other things next week but that's this week's menu okay so let me move on to the jewelry and you know if you go to uh 1456 Hampton you will find i'm sorry what am i forty five oh six you know i can't i i shouldn't read because you know that'll kill you i know it's 45 or six anthem and you know if i tried to read it and that yeah i was killing me anyway fanta man that reads dictionaries you know i'm i'm far-sighted and i'm sitting here wearing my glasses so these you know far away i can't really see but you know anyway 4506 Hampton al won't be upset that i read it improperly and it is jules on Hampton al is the owner aj is his son you can go and visit them any day they are terrific they sell all kinds of jewelry they make they make their own jewelry there they will fix watches even my 44 year old seiko this is a nice watch it's a nice gold seiko watch 44 years old very nice i want to see this watch oh it's nice it is anyway uh jules on Hampton so you don't want to miss them and finally uh tell me what you think here tonight this is a new tie of mine i don't know if you can see it Stephanie can you yeah i can i like that good yeah so i really like that yeah you know it's i like it it's um it's it's blue i think or maybe it's blue or maybe is it purple i don't know i can't look like it's blue it's blue i like that okay but it's a different kind of blue and at any rate uh with a white shirt i i know i'm i'm safe you know and a charcoal suit so that yeah i'm okay but anyway st louis suit company is on the quarter of four scythe and central in clayton been there for 29 years and i love to say that you can buy these ties for five dollars or you could go looking for donald trump in jail and he'll sell you one for 50 dollars and by the time you get it around your neck it'll choke you just because it's from chump yeah so anyway okay so we did oh my god we did a little business there these are all wonderful advertisers that that make it possible for us to be on the air and and and have fun how did you like last night by the way did did you did you love eric yes i had a wonderful time i did yeah that was a wonderful interview yeah eric is a good good good person now it's nice to see him he looks good he looks good he looks healthy he does right yeah i still think that he's gonna come back well i i've always thought he would and last night i think really uh told us he will because as he said he wants to serve with it whichever way he can and i think that is like saying uh if i can do it i'll do it so so i i i look for eric to come back i like eric and i i want to see him come back but i will say this and and you know i wasn't going to be too difficult i i i threw the the uh ukraine thing out of my new he wasn't going to be wildly in favor of ukraine and but but it did sort of take me a little by surprise when he used the donald trump talking point of uh discussing how nato has pushed too far into the east toward of latimer pouton and thereby somehow justifying poutons move to try to take the the territory back and that is a republican trump uh talking point and i'll just give my say that that's you know he's a he's a republican what would you expect well you know there are republicans today who admit that it that right now we're looking at 1938-39 in in europe you know eric's response was he doesn't see uh pouton going for paris well i don't think he's going for paris either because i think if he tries poland and i think he will yeah i mean i shouldn't say that he will if the united states doesn't back ukraine the next move he'll make after he he takes you crane that would be in my opinion poland now if he does try poland and if they're if the united states still has a president at that point as opposed to an authoritarian autocrat dictator uh i i think joe biden will do what he said which is defend every inch of nato territory now i i agree that donald trump uh he has said it and i believe him he won't do it i think he'll he'll tell russia exactly what he has all told all of us to go do whatever the hell they want and that's what what trump has promised us and i think that's what trump would give us if he had the chance i don't believe he'll even come close to getting the chance but i understand that's what he would like to do um i'm not sure why anybody would want to even give pouton the opportunity to get into ukraine any further although there is a great new article that i started reading tonight and it's it's by a lady named an apple bomb and she's a very famous writer for the atlantic magazine and and this is an article that is explaining according to her way of thinking why trump wants pouton to win in ukraine it's a really good article she writes all excellent things and so i'm i'm looking forward to really reading this article but it's it's just odd it's brand new and and she's on all the the network shows uh explaining herself and talking about the entire situation so that that's a good one uh let me also say that on our website which the showdown website is talk that's talk t-a-l-k on that website there are some articles and one of the articles in in in that section where you can find them uh is about ukraine it's about the history of ukraine it's a really excellent article and i suggested that anybody that's watching go to the website and go take a look at this article it's excellent however there's one other one on their stuff and this one is really important and it is an article by a couple of people aussie and kuban and and they are from william and mary college and george washington university these are university scholars they've done the research they've got the numbers and they have they've shown that over the 20 years from 1980 to 2000 that when people have come across that border the migrants who have come across by far they have not only not committed crimes but they have committed crimes at a far less rate than native americans and i think that that that you know this this article is written in 2009 and and so okay 15 years ago native american well us us native we're both okay yeah i'm sorry oh okay i'm sorry born here born here yeah so you know we commit crimes at a at a higher rate than migrants who come across that border i believe that it's i can't i will not dispute that yeah well donald trumpwood and and and so would millions of people that that are fearful of the the thousands and thousands of people who are come across that border every day and and and i know you know if burger were here he'd be talking about how it's illegal and all that but but i'm going to say that that if they come across that border the chances are very high that they want a job that they want a life that they want to find a a a degree of security in america that they can't find in the country where they live and and somebody could say well it's illegal and my answer is going to be make it legal because if you make it legal and let them across and if we send a million high school students graduates down to the border through the peace corps say and and you have them help the migrants learn how to live in america get a job learn the language fit into the country i can tell you right now we could move on to other problems and stop talking about immigration i hear you but i mean it's quick it's still questionable with me first of all you said a million teenagers yeah you did say you did say high school graduates all right high school graduates i was going to say because it's a million students out there that can't read the right and don't spell no i want to send high school graduates down there okay we send them to we send them to bally we send them you know all the way around the world to places who knows where that that they are in great danger i think we can send them to the border and and and they'll be in pretty good shape yeah and i'll say this it would i mean there's a war going on there's a huge war going on at the border i mean the war is between us and them and it's a war going on in mexico um to where we're not safe going to mexico meaning americans we aren't oh we no no doctor i mean it to me i wouldn't want nobody none of my children's going anywhere close to that border let alone trying to teach them because at that given point of time i mean where are we housing these individuals right now there's no place to house them at the border oh i agree and i don't know what do what are we doing to house them cold them feed them i think and mike's on now um and i think he said something yet the other day and i yesterday and day before yesterday when i was saying that they're legal they're coming over here they're uh utilizing their medicaid system our health care system and they're getting paid under the table i think he said something about uh bringing them over and making them citizens or something like that which they can't automatically they have to be here a certain amount of time but they you know that's even to put into the medicare system they have to physically work so many years before they can even start collecting anything so at the bottom line we're still putting into something that they can't get as far as medicare but they can get medicaid and other things that we work hard for on a daily basis now you know i can't get medicaid i remember a time where i had all three of the kids and my one income and i was told no i couldn't get medicaid and it just you know astonished me to the fact that i worked all these years put all these tax dollars into our state and they looked at me and said that i couldn't afford it okay let me see mike said i said that if they worked legally they could start paying taxes and not just freeloading you're right if they would if they work legally but they don't well because we don't allow it they don't i don't know maybe michael agrees with me uh i i think if you brought those people over here and and and help them to fit in it would be such a positive thing for this country and we could not you think they're taking jobs from us already i mean people are coming over here one we're outsourcing to other countries jobs that are needed here in the united states we're outsourcing and then so if we are outsourcing jobs that we already need in the united states for our own people you're saying that now we're going to allow other people to come across the board and then we're going to allow them to take those jobs as well well i'm going to make somebody very upset and but i'm going to say it this way okay if we would send all of our american people to the university and pay for them pay for college then everybody would be educated at a level that would far exceed the people coming across from mexico venezuela central america i'm just telling you that that we could all have our people at high level jobs and and let the people coming over here the immigrants let them start off at the bottom of our society and work their way up as they get educated themselves and when somebody is going to say well wait a second you can't pay for everybody's college wait a second we paid for all those people that came back from war war two and you know when i say that to Jamie Almond he says well of course we did because those people fought so you're telling me that we only pay for people if they fight to go to college no i'm saying let's put everybody into college let's pay for them to go to college because you know what we've already proven since the end of world war two that the more people you have with a with college degrees the more explosive this economy is in growing because you have very productive people i'm jumping in here sure there are millions of people who have college degrees who are in positions that they're not even using those college degrees sometimes that's true yeah and on top of that so they they then went to college three two years four years eight years whatever and they're not even in those positions to utilize those degrees then on top of that majority they would i think they do it every year but a majority of the high-paying jobs don't even require a college degree look at a lot of the union jobs they don't require college degree and a lot of those individuals can make six figures and they don't need a college degree that's true so you know having a college degree what does that really mean i have two degrees i have two degrees one in business one in health care now because of how i was raised i'm in health care um and i love it but because i'm giving back to the people but at the end of the day everybody is not like me you know i did find myself several times in a different position besides health care you know so the degrees didn't mean anything two degrees fourteen certifications and none of those certifications do i use in the position that i mean today okay well let me say this Stephanie it makes you a different kind of person when you go to college then then people who don't and believe me i have this argument with my brothers iran less all the time and james engram i happen to know that not only did you go to college but you went to a great college boston university right yeah mark and uh good evening good evening to you and your guests uh yeah i guess that they say it's a great college so i i must you know you say it so it must be it must be true i mean i know how smart you are and and let me say this uh it's true that everybody doesn't use their college degree but on the other hand uh james do you think if you didn't go to college that you would be a columnist for the st louis american i think that had i not attended college i wouldn't have had probably my five career changes i probably wouldn't uh be able to think critically right i probably wouldn't have uh the the social skills and the ability to network and and relate to people in the way that i did there because uh boston university was and still is today uh a uh international hub as far as uh students coming from all over the world so it it it sensitizes you to uh global perspectives and uh it teaches you how to debate issues uh how to interact how to uh access information and disseminate information so irrespective i started out as an engineer so i'm not that's the the least of what i've done so but it does teach you how to think and that's uh that's that's very important it doesn't matter what your degree is in but i think um if you look at the data i know you're a numbers person people who have uh gone and gone on to higher education their salary tends to be higher than someone who does not so that kind of speaks um to the the the value of it but i i do think that uh those in higher education need to do something in terms of making uh higher education more affordable so that people don't spend the income that they earn after they get these degrees paying back student loans and and paying for that education and it it really devalues the the you know the degree yeah and the point that i made before you came on the air when i was saying this to Stephanie is that the the united states are paid for all of those soldiers who came back from war war two to go to college and the result of paying those people's college expenses was one of the greatest periods of economic growth in the history of the united states or the world so we've already proven what it does it creates tremendous productivity now i agree with you Stephanie it it may affect other people in a different way sometimes but you have to look at the overall situation and and in the for the most part you know a 50-year-old college graduate is not going to be mowing lawns now a 50-year-old college graduate might own a company that mows lawns and hire people to go do that but you do you follow what i'm saying Steph don't you think there's something to that i mean i understand and i follow that yeah i mean i i don't disagree with that but i like i said that you just can't say that everybody has to have a college degree to make it in the united states they don't well no that that's true but we're but we're talking when we talk about taking our jobs i'm just saying that the college level jobs are not going to generally be taken by immigrants crossing the border who who have just gotten here don't speak english and are just barely trying to put their lives back together in a new country they're not going to take all of our jobs away you know and and and here's the other thing Stephanie you know last night the one area that i didn't get into with eric rightons was this immigration thing because i had i had a feeling if i did it was going to take over everything and i didn't want to do it um now i might be wrong and eric might support what i'm talking about but i doubt it because people on on the right freak out over you know the the different countries that are represented in crossing the border it freaks them out and and and i think that actually i think eric personally would maybe favor that but i know his his people on his side would certainly not and so you know he's not going to get out there and support that but um and i i just didn't want to get crazy with that but but i did uh uh james i did ask him one thing which was uh about Ukraine and uh i got back the the talking points uh suggesting that uh Vladimir Putin was worried that we were moving NATO too far to the east and that therefore he might have had some justification in in being fearful of us you want to comment on any of that james let me let me say this first uh uh in terms of mr. griton since you know you know some of the work that i do is in uh with justice involved individuals speaking of eric griton right so eric gritons is going to do well with his education because he's a white jewish man in america who uh despite his uh his uh his uh his uh brush with the justice system is going to do well. Stephanie has a point in that uh the justice involved individuals that we deal with we don't necessarily push them toward trying to get a uh a four-year degree because there to an extent in america is very biased in terms of how they perceive justice-involved individuals however we steer them toward a lot of blue collar uh trades and things that they can make six figures for instance we had recently had a gentleman uh who was interested in truck driving so we we have a program they paid for uh his uh his truck driving certification and he's gonna make six figures he's gonna make a hundred up to a hundred thousand dollars a year driving a truck without a degree he doesn't have to worry about being discriminated against because of his uh his uh justice-involved background the same thing applies to other individuals we have a gentleman we're going to be sending through uh to a carpentry school i believe so carpenters, boomers, electricians they make very nice salaries uh a lot of the in particular to individuals gifted with their hands everybody uh is not an academic as you are a mark uh and and uh other people who are academically inclined and want to you know sitting off of some people that would drive them crazy and there are ways for them to make money outside of the academic realm that's not to say that uh there are a lot of individuals who would benefit from going to college so i just want to give some balance sure sure as long as they have a plan and some strategy in terms of doing something that they're gifted for or they have interest in they'll do well now the point you said about greatness is what was the position he had about ukraine oh that that uh uh we had pushed nato too far to the east towards russia and therefore uh putan may have had some justification for fearing that we had gone too far in his direction yeah you know i don't know i you know without having really you look examine what mr. grinds has said and i take your word for it i know he's a friend of yours i love a guy you know yeah i don't i don't have a ping in the bottom yet but uh you know i this is what i this is what i think i think that uh we need to be balanced uh in terms of how we look at this palestinian uh the the the ukraine and russian situation uh uh Putin is a thug we know this uh we we we we saw a funeral uh today and which i i'm most assured that he probably had something to do with the poisoning of this gentleman and he's a no he's a media guy like i am to an extent so uh you know he you know this this you know Putin uh is uh you know i i i i mean i can't you know i don't know i tend to not uh i tend to not take seriously anything that Putin says because i have to look at the prison uh through which it comes uh i don't know i i don't know what mr. grinds you know fits into this this argument in terms of what he's saying because i didn't hear his words but yeah well i could say but as far as the funeral is concerned there were a thousand people at that funeral and and and Putin thinks that he can you know put a lid on this whole thing and i have a feeling that over time uh this is going to grow and grow against him in a very significant way because people do not like to be constrained they don't didn't have a blackout didn't see in and see in and initially have a blackout on the i'm covering the funeral because he didn't want it uh he didn't want people to to to see the violins they mortar yeah that may have been i don't know yeah they were having problems with the signal and they were saying well you know Russia controls everything they control the media uh i know you've been there probably but they control the the media they control everything is disseminated uh from there there's no free press uh there obviously they've had a couple of journalists that have gone missing in in Russia that we know about so uh yeah so it's uh you know it's it's it's it's uh it's saying i'm just i'm just i'm just more concerned and obsessed and i don't know i'm just popping in now uh about the uh the orange guy getting in the in the white house because we know he's a uh a buddy of uh Putin's and he as he he uh aspires to be like Vladimir Putin yes he does yes he does you wouldn't have showdown you wouldn't have your shell mark because uh he probably try to eliminate your ability to come on and talk about him well he said he would he he said that people who criticize him uh and he was speaking of msnbc but all the way down the line i mean he said he's gonna stop that of course yeah and in fact he it's even worse than that uh there is a a thing uh you bring up an important point here James there's a thing called the 2025 project have you heard of that no i haven't okay you hear about that Stephanie i thought we discussed that the other day yeah i think i might have said it anyway the 2025 project is an attempt by a group of people out here led by trump to wipe out all of the civil service in the united states eliminate all the agencies just set it all up so that he can just pick whoever he wants and he'll just have these people running at the way he wants including controlling the media which he of course hates you know all the enemy of the people stuff that he began with you know all those years ago um it's it's ridiculous it's it's hard to imagine that there are americans out here who listen to that who listen him talking about the blood of america being poisoned by immigrants from africa see when he says that he's not lying you know i played that for my students at at cardinal ritter because you know some of the kids you know they think you know i don't know it's just politics whatever that is they don't you know it's just doesn't mean anything to them i let them hear the words and i ask them when this man says that black people coming from africa are poisoning the blood of this country do you think that has any connection to you and i think you know a number of them don't they're young mark they're young mark i don't understand they don't understand they don't understand because they don't see the relevance of politics but i you know i will say this you know i was disgusted but not surprised you know with these it's a group of uh black republican uh uh donors in south carolina i believe it was the other night in trumps you know they paid they paid good money for this black tie reception for trump or fundraiser and he gets in the room and he just proceeds to insult the whole room yep and i don't know if i'm more disgusted trump or more discussed that these Negroes that that stood in the room and allowed themselves to be insulted and didn't leave and then they paid they paid for it and then he made he made racist insult after racist insult about we relate to him because of his criminality that he looked out in the audience and he couldn't even see him which is one of the biggest racist people that he could have said you know and i and i see some black and it's a dangerous because we have people who have selective consumption of media and they'll tell you well trump is better uh for black people but simply because he said it but they can't cite anything that would would would would justify that but then i i tell him you know well let's look at trump and look at his daddy when they were denying black applicants housing in new york let's look at the center park five when when trump came out against them and made something in the most racist way even after they've been vindicated so this is the this is the authentic Donald trump this is not this just because he says you know and you know i've done more for black people and anybody's done for black people you know black people love me yep you know i should wear my black wear my african-americans you know and they get out and look at this it's laughable but you know there's nothing funny about what he does in back rooms in terms of black people he had the least diverse administration and recent memory from what i saw oh no he did that they're all white he does not what he says he says a lot of stuff sure most of it lies and he does it in real time nobody fact checks him you know if you know he wants to shut you down if you do try to fact check him so it's you know this it is it is just i never thought i lived long enough to see how you know how the politics always has been scummy but to see it devolved to this level right with the Donald trump where nobody cares this guy you know he's his case after case after case after case and you know federal charges against this guy he's a potential felon and when you interview these these uh his minions and his his cult that voted for him and i don't care they don't care he's a potential felon they don't care that this guy uh uh molest women they don't care let but let it be an african-american let it be one of us they would already put us in jail we'd be sitting there waiting on our trial of course can you imagine president obama saying he grabs women by the genitals and they like it oh that would have gotten him right then and then they capture him recorded saying it and laughing about it right you know and then you know they put this guy in office this is like it doesn't matter but we also know what that was about that was that was uh not backlash but backlash for obama being in there for eight years we're tired of this black guy contaminating the white house so we're gonna put this fully in you know well don't forget though he he lost by three million votes to hilary sure you do yeah so i mean you know it wasn't that the country was overwhelmingly for him but it's a a problem on the system it's a problem on the system using this electoral college he snuck in right of course he snuck in that needs to be changed yeah well i'll tell you what needs to be changed before that and that is the supreme court because what we need is four more supreme court justices picked by joe biden and of course the only way that's going to happen is to re-elect biden and then make sure that you've got a house and a senate in the democratic party and then let's get ourselves four new justices let's get up to 13 we did the mark we did that was the same time some of this stuff is self-inflicted wound we had Ruth Bader Ginsburg just hang on yeah on life support instead of being humble enough to step down knowing that her health was feeling and we could have got gotten a democrat or or if somebody a far less conservative in that role so we you know just you know it's just crazy about they the number of opportunities that republicans have had to place people in those seats and they took full advantage of it and not only that when they place them in there they place young people in there so do they get to sit in there for 30 years you know we're putting people in there that are already starting to have health issues yeah i have a feeling that bader Ginsburg felt that at her age number one uh she didn't want to give it up because she probably loved it i'm sure she did you know and and and plus i think she believed that hillary clinton was going to be the president so i don't i don't think she worried from that standpoint obviously she was wrong and and and and we're all suffering for it but but it's not her it's it's mitch mcconnell that did the damage yeah and he was the hypocrite and and and you know even on the way out right now he's saying things that are so pathetic and so difficult to even hear because he's he's just so he's so content with himself you know well he's gonna check out in office he's letting us know that he's not he's gonna he's not gonna run again but you know he's probably gonna die in office i mean that's you know he puts this term up in 80 in a 2027 or something like that uh well see 24 apply 26 i guess okay yeah yeah well there's some other things going on by the way let me let me ask you on this and i i commented even before stephanie jumped in um what do you think about the the fawney willis uh closing arguments today do you hear them i heard some of it and i i've not seen anything that moved the needle one way or the other i think obviously uh you know in in terms of judgment she could have done differently in terms of you know dating somebody was prosecuted in the case however that's not illegal and they didn't prove anything one way or the other that says that there was some kind of a conflict of interest on her part if she paid this gentleman back in cash when they took vacations or it was a tip attack thing that's how relationships go it had that they did not prove that she benefited financially she didn't profiteer from the thing she was in a relationship and what's interesting is i i realize as an officer of the court there's a double standard in terms of uh what they require but i mean i can i can point to the last five jobs i've had and you got all kind of relationships going on sure sure so that's how it goes particularly with jobs where people work long hours uh that's just a reality but obviously they're going to pretend as if they're oblivious to that in proceedings because he's a trumpeteers trying to get her off the court because she has a slam dunk case uh against Trump yeah but if you listen and i hope you do over the weekend to the lawyer giving those final arguments i mean he wasn't wildly articulate he wasn't he wasn't he didn't sound so great that you know you thought he was you know perry mason with a script but but i'll say this he hit the the key facts and the law in a way that that i believe that the judge is is hearing in a way i think it resonates with him uh perfectly the the questions that the judge has asked i think you know point to the fact that that fawnee willis is going to move forward with this case and i'll tell you this she was always going to get trump but i guarantee you when she moves forward from here yeah she's going to get him i'll tell you what you don't want to you don't want to piss off black women it coming court when fawnee when fawnee showed up unannounced and and switched up to that stand yeah it crossed that leg i knew it was on right there and when she told that woman that you know you might you know i'm not on trial as much as you want to put me on trial i'm not and she i mean i knew it was on yeah and uh you know she you're right if this is allowed to proceed it's going to be held to pay on trump's part and probably some of those people that were in that room and the other thing about it is i know he he loves delaying things but but if he's by delaying it the way he's he's done this thing could be on trial in october right before the election and he deserves every day that he has to listen to this in his ears as he's trying to run against joe biden well mark the fact the very fact that they're trying to shut fawnee down lets you know that this is the case that he doesn't want to see go forward i think that's true they've got the fake electors lined up yeah they got they they got them 12 ways of sunday trump knows it he wants to shut her down and it doesn't help that laticia james is about to put a pad lock on trump force one and uh trump towers so she's gonna kick him in the tag team whooping his butt she is gonna get all of that and let me say because i love the fact that this is true i've said all along and i'm now talking back to to 2015 when i sat up there with with jamie on channel 30 i have said that donald trump is broke and you know what he's proved it now he can't he can't come up with the money i mean just he hasn't got it and that's what you know the latest you know the latest thing now mark is he's trying to move everything to florida yeah oh i know but they're not going to let them they're not stupid they're not stupid by the way we we've got a couple of minutes i want to quickly before we get to that last minute i want to say that we love wenties at 18,500 Chesterfield airport road we love the st louis suit company on the corner of central and foresight in clayton and we really love the jewellery at jewels on hampton don't forget allen aj and they are at 4506 hampton and we love them yes we love them okay so uh how about a final word from you james i'm so glad you made it up here well glad to get on here mark we got to get you a producer so that this stuff is out on your social media so people know we're here talking to ourselves no no they no they actually do because it's it's all out all over youtube it's it's on spotify uh it's it's on um well facebook of course but but they're putting they're moving it out all over the place right now so and and right now we're out there and it's it's growing by the day right yes sounds good okay okay this uh the end and uh we'll see you next week monday with all kinds of great things happening over the weekend i'm sure watch all the political shows i'm mark casein this is showdown good night good night