The Narrative Podcast

Episode 348 - The Narrative Podcast

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement about original people and original people culture.The Narrative Podcast provides positive frames of reference about original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast; Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

Tune into the Narrative Podcast and become a Narrator.

Let's change the Narrative!

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2h 31m
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen. The narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time. (dramatic music) - Hello, what's good, family? Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. Welcome to another edition of the narrative podcast. The narrative podcast is the home of original people, original people peace, original people responsibility and original people positivity. The narrative podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture. The narrative podcast provides positive frames of reference about original people and original people culture. Welcome to the narrative podcast. I am your host, Halsey Allen. Welcome all my narratives. Well, back at it. Another week, the edition of the narrative podcast. Doing a timely broadcast this evening for a change. So welcome to the narrative podcast. So what I basically do here is provide positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. Yeah, but I just want to get interpersonal with you. You know, today's Wednesday hump day. We over the hump. We made it. You know, like weekends right around the corner. This year is almost out of here already. I only got a hundred more days. So it's time to cast, you know, your vote for people that like to vote and spoil alert. I want to be talking a little bit more about that later on in the broadcast. But, you know, how's everybody doing? People that got children, you know, it's back to school shopping. All the deals are already getting any deals. Pray everybody's doing well. But, um, without any further ado, I'm going to dive right on into the content. So for people unfamiliar with me and my platform, I usually start things off as I give a brief overview of the content before diving into the content to better familiarize the listening audience with my platform. So all my narrators, they're my target listening audience. They're the people that tune in every single week. So they already know, you know, the deal. But for those that don't are unfamiliar with me and my podcast, I want to give you a brief overview before diving into the content this evening. Before that, I just want to make them also where I broadcast. I have two different formats. One format is a weekday format, and another format I have is a weekend format. So obviously, today is Wednesday. I'm going to give you my weekday format. And, um, I'm over 300 episodes in. So, you know, listen to the narrative podcast where you ever get your podcast, um, sources from and download this episode and I previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast. So, you know, having said all of that, I'm going to dive right on into the synopsis of the narrative podcast. So let's start off at the top tip, even name. I named my podcast the narrative podcast as I don't like the false narrative and that the media weaves about original people and original people culture. So to counter that, I designed my own platform where I'm actually celebrating everything we do right and I'm highlighting our accomplishments. And, um, up playing all our contributions to the world. So, you know, that's kind of the focus of the narrative podcast. What I do here because the media intentionally provides, um, you know, negative frames of reference about our people and our culture. They try to portray us in the most negative light they could possibly can. So, you know, what I want to do is dedicate, design a platform, you know, to, you know, counter their negative influence and how they negatively, um, depict our people's images and likenesses. Um, so, you know, I think that's a perfect segue, actually, to my tagline, the narrative podcast, to change even narrative one episode at the time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture. How do I destroy the negative stereotypes about our people and our culture by providing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. Hence the title, The Narrative Podcast. So, I'm changing the narrative one episode at a time with my content. And my content is positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. So, my mission statement is to, you know, bring awareness to the listening audience of how important it is to you properly utilize your, um, digital platforms to share positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. So, that's what I do here on the narrative podcast. Now I'm gonna go over some little brief misnomers. Um, just all the nuances you need to be familiar with, um, before, uh, attempting to, you know, attentively listen to, you know, what I'm presenting to you this evening. Um, and I'm going to give you an example. Uh, attentively listen to, you know, what I'm presenting to you this evening. So, first up, I refer to my target listening audience as my narrators. I call my target listening audience my narrators because it's actually just basically, um, acknowledging the times we're living in. We're living in the digital information age and people, um, you know, we, we, uh, we socialize online. We gather information and we share information online digitally. You know, that's, you know, the, um, era that we're living in. We're living in a digital information age. Um, we all occupy a digital space. The majority of this, whether it's for recreational purposes or whether it's for business purposes. Everybody that has, you know, a device, a cellular device or, you know, a computer or something pretty much has a digital platform. Whether it's Facebook, whether it's Instagram, whether it's Twitter, or formerly, or, you know, now it's called X, but formerly Twitter, whether it's, you know, TikTok, whatever, everybody, you know, has a digital platform. And on the digital platform, there is generally a section, a bio section, you know, for whatever, uh, person or business occupies that digital space. And in this bio section, you can read it and learn a little bit about, you know, the person or business or entity that occupies that digital space. And when you read their bio, generally, typically, everybody that has a digital platform tries to upload the best possible content that can possibly upload. Everybody's, you know, telling their own story. They're telling the best possible version of themselves or their product or whatever it is that they're trying to do online. They're telling or narrating their own stories. So that's why I call my target listening audience my narrators. I feel as narrators, when it comes to our people, original people, I get to the original people part, a little later on in the segment. Um, I feel it's important for us to tell or narrate the best possible versions of ourselves as possible. Because the media exists solely to, you know, vilify our people and, you know, paint us out to be, you know, deviant in nature and have irredeemable qualities. And, you know, just basically spew propaganda about our people and our culture. So, you know, it's up to all of us to tell or narrate our own stories. If history hasn't taught us anything, it's taught us this. If you don't tell your own story, your own story will be told for you. And that's precisely what the media has always been doing. Since it's been around, they've been telling our story for us. And they tell it from a warped, skewed, inaccurate place. So it's up to us to, you know, pull it back into perspective by telling or narrating our own stories. Um, so next point of, uh, next point that I'm coming to the narrative podcast. This is a positive space. Um, I exist solely to, you know, uplift and edify our people. I'm bringing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. Um, so this is a gossip-free zone. It's devoid of gossip. Um, negative talk, name calling, um, put downs, all that. Um, I don't engage, I don't engage in it. I don't endorse it. I don't stamp it. I try to discourage against it. I feel, um, you know, uh, negative talk and, um, gossip is destroying our community. Um, there's literally like a billion dollars a year or possibly more generated by, um, faceless, rich and 500 companies, um, to, you know, cash in on us being messy online and us being at eyes at one another online. So, you know, the purpose of why I exist is basically just to uplift, edify our people. Um, you know, try to promote positive reinforcement. You know, compliments. Um, you know, just basically saying what we're doing right in the world instead of pointing out what we're doing wrong because it's easy, it's very easy to, you know, point the problem out. It's a little bit more difficult to, you know, have a solution for the problem. And that's all the media does. Uh, when it comes to our people and our culture, is they point out the problem. They point out all the things that we're doing wrong. They don't see all the positive things that we're doing and how we impact influence the rest of the world. Um, so yeah, this is a positive space. Um, no negativity, no gossip, no slander. Um, and then the sidebar, I want to tackle onto that. Um, I do, uh, you know, delve into commentary. I commentate, um, on whatever is going on in the world, whether it's globally, nationally, or just something within our community. And the purpose of me doing that again is to, you know, enlighten and, uh, tell our story in the correct way. So the way our story needs to be told, it needs to be told from the correct perspective and what's the correct perspective from the perspective of, uh, our true nature. What's our true nature? Genius and queens, gods and goddesses of the universe. And it's never needs to be from the perspective of, you know, being disenfranchised, down, tried, um, the media exists to play up the negative stereotypes and stigmas within our community. They play up, you know, um, gun violence culture. They play up gang bang culture. They play up, um, you know, they romanticize, uh, criminality within our community. Breaking and entering, um, you know, stealing from one another. Uh, being violent towards one another and alive in one another. Um, they, uh, you know, they glorify, um, you know, deviant, uh, degenerate behavior. You know, they want to try to over-sexualize our women. They want to try to, you know, make them appear to be whores and thoughts and, you know, they want to push that narrative, that, you know, coming out the house, um, barely clothed. And every time they hear music, they got to drop a boat to the floor and make it talk. You know, that's what they want to push on our women for our men. They want to, you know, use the images of the gangster, the thug, the gangbanger, the pimp, the drug dealer, the drug user, the alcoholic, the absentee father. These are the images they want to, uh, promote and push when it comes to our people and our culture. So that's why I want to, you know, have my platform be the safe space and have the real conversations that need to be had. Uh, focus the light on things that need to have the light focused on. Um, another thing is sometimes being that I do deliver commentary. Um, if it's a trending topic, you know, usually somebody in the entertainment industry from our community. The only time I will generally, you know, bring their name up is basically to shed the light on, you know, give an accurate, uh, account of why whatever negative things happening to him is happening. And how I try to frame it up on my platform is I try to frame it up, looking at the bigger picture scenario. And the bigger picture scenario always points like anything. You know, that happens in our community. That's negative. It all points back to, you know, can usually be traced back to systemic programming and conditioning, you know, what the media is doing, like how they're negatively. Um, using using our images and our likenesses to pan out negative pictures. It's a form of psychological warfare. It's systemic programming and conditioning. You see, we see these negative things. We hear these negative things all the time. And it uses in a text root in our psyches and we on a subconscious level act out on it. Like we don't even know we're doing it because we've been programmed to do it. We've been programmed to, you know, talk about each other in a negative way. We've been programmed to, you know, commit crimes against each other. We've been programmed to not trust one another and not one, um, unite and build one another. We've been programmed to see each other as adversaries. So, you know, it's not a conspiracy theory. This is a fact. If you look at, you know, our community in the whole, here in America and abroad, our people, the way we're living, how we communicate with each other. How we did just automatically distrust one another without really knowing each other's full story and where they've been in life and, you know, why they do what they do. We're just naturally on the defense. That's not by design. We've been programmed in condition to behave that way. So that's the only reason why I would ever bring, you know, a famous person's name up if they're like trending a trending topic. It's never to put them down or, you know, try to clout chase or build momentum. You know, try to like build some type of momentum on my platform using their name just because, you know, they're the hot topic. It's just basically bringing awareness to, you know, why whatever's happening to them is happening to them. From that perspective, from the, you know, systemic programming and conditioning perspective, you know, never to speak negatively or down on them or call them names or whatever or scold them. Now, you know, but what I do do on my platform, it is also a platform of truth. I do tell the truth. If one of our brothers or sisters in our community is intentionally, you know, irresponsibly using their platform or using their polarizing public image to play up negative stereotypes. Stereotypes and stigmas about our people and our culture. For monetary gain, I will call said, I will put said individual on blast because they need to be put on blast for that. You know, we got too many problems for people within our community to be part of the problem. So, you know, I will call them out for that, but, you know, I try not to like do the name calling and all that. And the gossip and the slander. I try to steer clear away from all that because that's very self destructive and, you know, disruptive to, you know, our growth and progression as a people. So, yeah, next, this is a time sensitive platform. I try not to exceed one hour per broadcast. And the purpose of me doing that is number one, I don't want to bore my listening audience to sleep. This is all audio platforms, so I want to keep you attentive, keep you enthralled into the content that I'm presenting to you. Keep also keep you entertained. You know, I don't want to be redundant with my content. I don't want to bore you to sleep. I want to keep you attentive, entertained and, you know, more apt to tune in and listen again. And I can't do that if I'm, you know, boring you to sleep talking in circles and not really having a clear point. Just rambling, which is what, like, a lot of audio podcasts are just like somebody just rambling trying to get something off the chest. No real clear point, you know, if that's the type of content you like to each their own, no judgment, but on here, I would like to thank. I'm intentional and, you know, purposeful and purposeful is a word, intentional and having a purpose for the content that I'm presenting to the listening audience. And, you know, I want to engage, you know, everybody at every level. I don't want to leave anybody out. I want to shoot over anyone's head. I also don't want to dumb myself down. So I want to just engage everybody and make everybody feel included in the content because, you know, on the narrative podcast, my target listening audience is original people. And, you know, we all have a stake in this. It's going to take all of this working together, you know, on this, you know, liberation to it. So, yeah. And then last but not least, I refer to our people, black people, Negro, African, American, whatever you want to refer to us as. I refer to our people as original people on my platform and the reason being that's really just to point out the historical accuracy of that word. We were and are the original beings of this planet or physical plane for those that don't believe in, you know, round earth. We was here first. We was here thousands of years before everybody. So, you know, I refer to our people as original people to point out the historical accuracy, you know, about our people, you know, because we're not black, black is a color. We were, you know, black is not a nationality. There are many of us that are extremely dark skinned, so dark. They almost have like a purplish or bluish hue to them, but they're not black. We come in all flesh tones. Darkest of the dark, lightest of the light and everything in between, but, you know, we're all original. We all came first. We was all here first. And then one sub point that I want to tack on to that being original people and that we was all here first, I will always, you know, have to point out, you know, a false narrative. That keeps on getting perpetuated by the powers that shouldn't be about slavery. They want to make slavery the most poignant, relevant, significant part of our existence. And like I just said, if we was here first, doesn't it stand a reason we had a whole identity before the transatlantic slave trade? We inhabited every single corner of the globe you can name. The seven continents we was already on, all seven continents, way before the transatlantic slave trade. Especially here in the Americas, you know, why slavery did happen. Not all of us came on slave boats to, you know, the Americas, like the large quantity of us was already here. As well as the large quantity of us was in other Americas, all the Spanish-speaking nations you can think of, there was already a large quantity of us. They're located already before slave boats, and then keyword boats, you know, is scientifically impossible to carry all those "slaves" from the continent of Africa. Because they generally didn't even hold over 100 people in the early, you know, days. We get shown these pictures and images, these hand-painted pictures and images at that of, you know, these ships that had, you know, slave the galley down below. Shackled, and they're like by the rowboat, and they're rowing, and, you know, they had somebody overseeing and whipping them to make them row, and that's just, it's false. Because nobody was selling in ships, they were selling in boats. And the typical boat only held 20 to 30 people for crew. The crew would have went over there, and then, you know, they would probably only have enough room for like 20 or 30 more. So how was, like in history, as I recorded, there was getting thousands upon thousands of slaves from the continent of Africa. It don't even, like, legitimately make sense when you, you know, sit down and have a real critical, you know, thought process behind me. You know, we just, people just say stuff, and we accept it as truth. And there's too much information at the tips of our fingers to keep going for that, to keep on letting them perpetuate this myth that we all came. We all got to wherever in the world on slave boats. You know, it's physically impossible. We already existed. What the colonizers did is they took the people that already lived wherever at in the world, and they did what colonizers do. They colonized, they enslaved the people, the original indigenous people of those lands, created systems to make them conform to their way of life. And that's, you know, really kind of how slavery started. They didn't just be our religious, really believe that we just stayed in one place, the original people that was here before every single body else. Our presence on this planet, you know, supersedes every other ethnic group, every other race, every other religion, you know, every other culture you can conceive of. We was here before everybody was everywhere, was on, you know, in the Americas, was in the UK, was in Europe, was in, you know, every Spanish-speaking nation you can think of Cuba, Brazil, Spain, Venezuela, was everywhere. I understand it was like on the continent of Asia, now Asia, Tibet, Mongolia, China, Japan, Korea, was there. Japan was in Australia. The islands of Hawaii, the Philippines, you know, any place that we ever existed, all you ever got to do is look at the artwork and look at the statues and who do they resemble. That's how you know it was there. Ireland, Scotland, there, there, there. Russia, Germany, there, even in North Pole and South Pole, it was already there. Got a little long winded on that, but I just, I can't let that slide, you know. They try to point out, you know, slavery was our most important, our most like, like they want to just try to attach our images and our likenesses to slavery, trying to make that the most impactful part of our existing, and it wasn't. It was tragic, it was barbarous, it was barbaric. They did some horrible, wicked, despicable, disgusting things to us during slave times, but it wasn't the most impactful, it wasn't the most definitive part of our existence, it wasn't. We had a whole identity before the transatlantic slave training, and that's all I was really trying to get apart across from, you know, a wild refer to our people as original, from the historical part. And then lastly, I refer to our people as original to, as an attempt to unite us as a people, because there are so many different types of us, hailing from so many different land masses, believing in so many different, you know, spiritual, religious purpose like practices and political views, cultural upbringings, you know, everything and anything, the divided sets of people, we have that within our, you know, about our people. But the one common thing that we all have in common is, you know, we're all original people. You know, we can all trace our lineage back to the original point of origin for all civilization. You know, we can debate about where that point of origin really was, because, you know, that's a two-sided debate, like where was it originally before, you know, the colonizers drew the mat, you know, what was, what was it called before the colonizers named it that. You know, that's a whole another debate for another time, but, you know, we can all trace our lineage back to the original point of origin for all civilization. And then, you know, we all also possess high concentrations of carbon, aka melanin. You know, that's the common tie that binds us together. As a people, you know, we're all one, we're all united, no matter what language you speak, no matter your nationality. You know, you are an original man or an original woman. So, yeah. So now that you're pretty much briefed about the narrative podcast, I'm going to dive on into the content. If I glazed over anything or left anything out, I'm over 300 episodes in, so remember to download this episode. And all previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast where they get your podcast information from. So diving into the content this evening for this weekday edition of the narrative podcast this Wednesday. So, like I said, the whole sole purpose of this podcast is to provide positive frames of reference about our people and our culture, and to encourage the listening audience to do the same. So this is a weekday edition of the narrative podcast and on the weekday editions of the narrative podcast, the positive frames of reference that I share about our people and our culture come in the form of positive news articles. And why positive news articles is like, you know, just like I said, we're constantly being bombarded with negativity from the media. It's, you know, it's in the news, it's, you know, in television, movies, it's even in literature, you know, books, periodicals, magazines, ads, radio, like, we don't get a break from negativity. That's all they constantly show us is, you know, us going to jail, us getting underlined at disproportionate rates, us committing crimes at disproportionate rates, you know, us just being the lower of the low on the totem pole. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, negativity, negativity, negativity, negativity, cramming it down our throats every single day. And we can't unsee it. Like, yes, you can put yourself in a positive state of mind and choose how you feel about certain things, but, you know, for the most part, they don't give us a reprieve from negativity. They're just constantly trying to fear mongorus, constantly trying to traumatize us with the content. So, you know, that's why I'm sharing positive news articles to, you know, counter, you know, the psychological attacks that the media inflicts on our people and our culture. You know, I want to showcase and highlight us living good, you know, us defying the odds, us trying thing in the face of adversity, us, you know, beating the odds, you know, basically being the opposite of the way the liberal media portrays our people and our culture. You know, it's like I said, it's their influence that influences us and others around us. So not only do we have a negative self image of ourselves, people outside of our culture have a negative perception of us automatically because they're only given negative frames of reference about our people and our culture. They watch a movie, a television show, or just the local news, and they think, you know, they make a generalization. They think all of us are like that. They think all of us speak that way. They think all of us act that way. They think all of us carry and conduct ourselves in a degenerate type of manner. So, you know, that's why I'm sharing the positive news articles just to set the record straight. You know, we do positive things on a daily basis. The positive news outlets to cover the positive things are very few far and few in between. There's a few out there that, you know, deliver a brief snippet about somebody from our community doing some positive. I will say, you know, the Good Morning American show that's really like, that's a good medium to see us doing positive things. They usually have somebody from our community have some type of innovative product or, you know, have done some type of something above and beyond being humane, some type of humanitarian story. As well as 60 minutes to, you know, but like, it's not a lot. It's not a lot of media platforms to share positive stories about our people and our culture. So that's why I'm doing the positive news articles after I'm done with the positive news articles. Then I deliver commentary on whatever's happening on in the world. And I already told you why I do that. So without any further ado, I'm diving into the content this evening on this week, the edition of the narrative podcast. So my first positive news article on this week, the edition of the narrative podcast, the headline reads. Seven year old black girl gives back to the hospital, where she was born, inspiring the community and the tale of this young lady, or this young lady's name is Julia Scott. Julia ran a summer snow cone business. And she donated the proceeds that she earned from her snow cone business and donated donated to children's health care of Atlanta and Brookhaven. She raised $350 and donated to the children's health care of Atlanta. So that's, we got things, you know, off to a tremendous start, you know, selflessly giving to the community. You know, she could have kept that little money. I think she probably just enjoyed making the snow cups, just doing something snow cones, pardon me. Just doing something creative. And that's really good at that tender age to learn how to do things. To have a sense of community. You know, we need to have those early year fundamentals instilled in our children to, you know, give back. We need to instill it in our, in our youth. So when they do get up A's to start earning their own money. You know, they can have a sense of community because that's kind of what's wrong with our community right now. It's all everybody got this me in mind mentality. As long as me in mind straight, you know, I don't, you know, I ain't got to worry like, you know, I ain't gonna worry about another grown man, another grown woman if they don't got that song new, you know. They got the same 24 hours I got. I'm just worried. I'm hustling for me in mind. I'm worried about me in mind. You know, and that's why we don't have a lot of things that we used to have in our communities, in our communities. We used to have businesses. We used to have our own, you know, movie theaters and coffee shops and laundromats and basically anything we need to venture outside our neighborhoods. In present day, we all, we had all the comforts of that in our own communities, but, you know, segregation came and then that me in mind mentality came with it. As long as me in mind straight. But anyway, you know, that young lady is a tremendous service for the community and she needs to be commended for that and stories like that need to be commended. So anytime you hear something like that, post that, you know, on your timeline or on your platform, if you're a content creator and just keep on putting out that positivity. Because like I said, you know, the media intentionally misrepresent our people. You know, they are ran by some horrible wicked people with a horrible wicked agenda. But at the end of the day, it's a business and the first rule of business is supply and demand. So if we don't regard to take the negative content, these faceless corporations will keep quit manufacturing that negative content. When they see there's not a need for it, because the first rule of business is supply and demand. And right now, as a people, we're creating the demand for degeneracy where, you know, we're recycling the trauma online. We're doing their job for it then. So we need to circulate positive stories as much as possible. So like, like what this young lady is doing. So join me into giving our young sister, Julia Scott, a warm narrative podcast round of applause for giving back to the community and back to the children's health care of Atlanta. [Applause] Alright, next article on this week's edition of the narrative podcast, the headline reads, "Black Couple Launches Backpacks/Luggage Line with Diverse Characters Donates Free Backpacks to Students." And this married couple's duo's name is Sister Kelly and Brother Donovan Charles. And they're the founders of duchess and dukes. This is a backpack line. They founded it in 2023, and it's a unique line. It basically features young, original people, young original men, young original women. Just the positive images of our children. And so we need that. We don't have a lot of that. And so like that's important. They understood or understood the importance of positive images, seeing people that look like you, happy and smiling and being productive. And being positive and carrying themselves with pride and dignity. So that's what we want our youth to do to carry ourselves with pride and dignity. And it's really just sad that they don't. You can just see a lot of our children going to school just broken, having hope for the future, not knowing tomorrow is going to be a better day. Because of all the negative imagery they're exposed to. Because of all the tales of violence in the music, in television, in movies, even in cartoons these days, you know, the destitute. You know, just like not providing away. Not, you know, putting out no imagery, you know, a steadfastness of trying to think in the face of adversity. Like, yes, it's going to be rough and choppy. But you know, smile will get through this. We don't see no, you know, sunshine and roses when it comes to our images and our likenesses. But more about the brand. All of their merches have positive, positive visual images of our images and our likenesses. They're guaranteed to increase a child's self-esteem. That was their goal, their mission statement. And so this year that they have partnered with family firsts and family firsts is a nonprofit organization that's been serving Atlanta for 130 years that are back to school mixer. They had where there was giving away the backpacks. There was also giving away groceries and other school supplies as well as free haircuts and, you know, free hairstyles for the young ladies. But yeah, so that's what they do. It's an annual thing that they donate, you know, their backpacks since they've been in business. If you want to find out more about their products, you know, what their product looks like, you can go to Or if you have any questions, you can forward all your questions and info at duchessanddukes, pardon me, duchessanddukes. I don't know why they named it duchessanddukes, you know, that's like, you know, Europeans, you know, they got the kings and the queens and the lords and the duchess and the duchess. But anyway, yeah, the name of their brand is duchessanddukes. So if you have any specific questions that you have about the brand, go to Or call them directly at 1-800-646-7128 and that's duchessanddukes. Let's give a warm there the podcast round of applause for Sister Kelly and Brother Donovan Charles and their brand duchessanddukes. Oh yeah, and then I also forgot not only do they sell backpacks, they also sell luggage and travel accessories. Next up, next positive article where the weekday edition of the narrative podcast, the headline reads 30 year old owner of $1 million black family owned business launches educational platform complete with a free master class and the brother's name is Malcolm X. Yeah, you didn't hear it. You heard it right. Malcolm X Bowser. And the name of the school is called the School of Excellence and it's excellence with the X, not an E. So is letter X and then salence C-E-L-L-E-N-C-E. Brother Malcolm is an author. He's a motivational speaker. He does TED Talks, travels around the country, you know, he does, you know, for like Fortune 500 companies. He does those type of speeches too and he's written a book. He's the author of a book called excellence, unveiling extraordinary stories by everyday people. So, like, I don't know if you're familiar with a guy named Hill Harper, but it's kind of like a corporate version of letters from a young brother or letters to a young brother, whatever that Hill Harper book is, it's like a corporate version of that. So this is like, you know, stories of, you know, brothers and sisters that have changed their trajectory in life and started their own business. So it's a story. That's what his book is about, basically. So, his online school focuses on three pillars of success, mindset, personal development, and online business skills. You need digital skills. If you're going to live in this modern world, if you can't work a computer, you can't do nothing, you need the basic digital skills to survive in this world. Back in the day, yeah, analog, we didn't have the internet and people were selling stuff and writing books and everything without computers, but, you know, in this modern world, you need those digital skills and he's going to give them to you in his free master class. So to find out more about it and book your free session, go to, register for masterclass and all questions will be reviewed. Guaranteed to have packages that will, you know, speak to you directly, you know, personal, individualized, tailored sessions just for you, you know, whatever goal you're trying to achieve in life, he's going to, you know, point you in the right directions, give you the resources. You know, of course you can lead to a horse to water, you can't make him drink, so the entire success of whatever you're trying to get out of his classes up to you. Of course, you got to, you know, show up, do whatever the curriculum says do, and then at some point I'm guessing pay for the source material. But check it out, you know, what do you got to lose? I know you done blew a bag on something very frivolous in life, so why not invest in you? Check it out. Schoolofexcellence. Join me in giving this brother Malcolm X, Bowser, a warm narrative pie cast round of applause for the School of Excellence. Moving right along here on this week, the edition of the narrative pie cast. Yeah, this is the last article, positive news article I have for this evening. Here on this week, the edition of the narrative pie cast. So for my last positive news article, the headline reads, the only black owner of a pharmacy in Missouri that delivers meds for free. And this is made possible by a brother by the name of Marcus Howard, and the name of his practice is called Greater Health Pharmacy and Wellness. It's the first ever black-owned pharmacy in Missouri that delivers medications for free, and they also offer telehealth services. So like you can get free healthcare over the phone, you know, they'll hook you up with a specialist, you can describe your symptoms and everything. If you're alien, they'll prescribe meds to you and, you know, get you the help that you need without ever having to really lead the comfort of your home because, you know, that's a whole trip and a half. I know why most people hate going to the MD. That triage, that's like the whole, that's like a whole deal. You sit there for an hour, hour and a half. You just like talk to two or three nurses before you see the actual doctor for whatever you came in there for in the first place. So, you know, this service basically, you know, cut your wait time and have. You go see whoever you need to see immediately. Now, me personally, I don't believe in modern medicine. I would never, you know, find believer in holistic health, proper diet, nutrition and all that. I would never go to, you know, a doctor for, like, stuff that you can, you know, solve for, like, proper health and exercise. But, you know, there's those rare instances where things happen in your body. You know, you might happen, you know, that's out of your control, such as, like, a broken or fractured limb. First, second, third, or fourth degree burn. Or if you're like an accident in either your inside of a motor vehicle on public transportation, recreational accident, you know, riding your bike, canoeing. You know, if you, like, on a boat, something happens and you hurt yourself, you're going to need to go to a doctor's sample. You know, but for everything else, you know, I'm a firm believer, no go, like, no. But, yeah, you should checkups when your health depletes to the point where you're going to need medication. You know, you're going to need a doctor at some point. But, um, definitely this service in our community is definitely needed. As many of us do not have health care. So, when you don't have health care, it's extremely hard to see a physician. If you're, like, receiving, if you're on the county, you know, whatever the free county help you. So, this service is excellent for that. And if you want to know the full scope of, you know, the services that his practice offers, go to You know, that sets you up with, you know, whatever you're looking for. At fair, affordable prices, and then they also offer a wealth of, you know, of education. You know, they tell you about, you know, health-related issues, you know, early signs, early warning signs of whatever the case may be. You know, tutorials on how to, you know, proper diet and sleep and, you know, even oral health, like brushing your teeth and stuff, all that's on their website, go check it out., and join me in giving our brother the May that are possible. A warm narrative round of applause to brother Marcus Howard. This concludes the positive news articles for this week, the edition of the narrative podcast. So now, so now's a part where I break down, you know, commentary, where I'm going to be commentating on various topics. This section I refer to as my speaking point section, and basically it's just commentary. I'm commentating on things that happen globally, nationally or just things in our community. And the purpose of me doing that is, that's me controlling the narrative. As the media have go out of its way to have us all looking and sounding all type of crazy. So, you know, this is me just pulling it back into focus and breaking down whatever is going on around the world or within our community, you know, from our perspective, you know, what that means to us, how that relates to us, and, you know, breaking it down from our perspective. So, the first thing I want to talk about is something that happened in Chicago, Illinois. It was a local story happened a few days ago. Y'all, as we're getting closer to these elections, you know, like I said, you know, it's not a conspiracy theory. Horn has sounded. You know, these white, I call them "delusionists" because they're not supreme about them, they're delusional. You know, thinking they're superior to people, they're coming out in droves, and it's going to get really bad for us in the next coming months. So, we're going to be seeing more carrins and more kings and more of these white "delusionists" that think they can run over us. Now, with this particular story, it involves a system by the name of Glenda Harris. Glenda owns a business called Epic Signature Suites. It's their own hair salon, and it's located in the strip mall in the River Forest area of Chicago. And, basically, what happened was this other dude by the name of Robert Palomor, Palomor, Palomor. Palermo, excuse me, Palermo. I don't know what nationality that is, I'm about to look that up. Palermo, I believe that's an Italian last name, and it makes sense because it happened in Chicago. And if you didn't know, that's like the birthplace of organized crime. There's a heavy, a very large Italian community in the city of Chicago in Illinois. Well, Robert Palermo, he owns a business in the same strip mall. His sister was located in, he owns a dog grooming business. It's called Diamond and the Rough. And so, he got off on the bad foot with the sister when she opens up her business. Her hair salon, they was having friction on the first day. So, he or the sister, they don't have a sign parking. And I'm guessing, since he was there first, he parks in a specific spot. And, you know, he started calling the sister names. He started calling her out of her name and, you know, calling her bees, but particularly the inward, hard are. It comes to a head a few days ago. He goes up to her business with a hammer and, you know, knocks out the camera on her, the ring camera on her, on her business, on the door of her business. So, what he didn't know is that they had also another camera located inside the salon and that captured him doing it. So, he was captured with like two, on two instances. They caught him, you know, doing it in the act from the ring camera, you know, the last little bit of footage from the ring camera before, you know, it went out because he destroyed it. And then, you know, the other footage of caught him in the act from inside, you know, the salon. Then he has another interaction with the sister, her daughter. Her daughter was coming up to the salon to get her hair done and, you know, she got it on a camera phone, him yelling obscenities, invading her personal space, trying to physically assault her again over this, you know, spot. It's not his, it's not a sign parking, but I guess she parked in the spot. He comes out of his, you know, place of business and calls her out of her name, calls her the n-word, heart, r, she got it on camera. And this idiot, you know, his wife's recording too. And from the video, the cell phone footage on his wife's camera, he's calling her the n-word and walking towards the sister in an aggressive manner. And threatening physical violence, threatening to put his, on his wife's cell phone camera. This is how bright this idiot is. So twice, they got him twice, they got him three times. You know, but the city of that district is talking about some Mr. meter charges, it could be a felony charge. If they got the proof that, you know, if the, if he save your receipts and he did more than $5,000 of damage. He got to do $5,000 worth of damage for it to be a felony charge. Now, come on, y'all, we know that ain't right. We do anything. They bringing the, they bringing the jail to us. We ain't even got to go to jail. We do anything. They bringing the jail to us. Had the situation been, been reversed. They bringing the jail to us, y'all. They bringing the jail to us. We ain't got to do nothing. So, you know, we know what that is. This is a prime textbook example of just what I'm talking about, you know, the systemic programming and conditioning. How they use the media to make us look degenerate in nature. So, they responded in kind. He's, you know, of Italian descent. In the frames of reference, he has about our people, our negative ones, movies, television, music, literature. He approached her violently in a violent manner, approached her like an animal, tried to treat her like an animal. If it was a parking spot, excuse me, man, I usually park here. I know you're new here, but this is kind of, you know, I've been here 30 years. I think, you know, can you park somewhere else? I'm explain to her, you know, I have a dog company, a lot of my, um, clientele that come through with their canines and the way you guys are parked. That's why I park right there so they can, you know, brand their dogs and get there safely, but no, none of that. He approached her with malice. He approached her with aggression. He approached her with a chip on his shoulder. He wanted to try to prove a point. He's F-U, you black B, you in, you inward, hard R, you know, and not for nothing. You know, our communities were not united. It ain't no secret like a whole bunch of Italians. I don't like make general, generalizations about people, but I do tell the truth. We don't have a good relationship. We don't have a long-standing relationship of our, our respective communities. Peacefully coinciding with each other. I mean, it's actually depicted in movies. Like, um, what is that movie with Robert De Niro? Um, yeah, I believe it was called a Brock's Tale. Like, we see me, you know? The main character, he became smitten with his sister and, you know, it's all rainbows and sunshine, but then, uh, that, that, hey, that filthy beast came up out of him. Caught her brother, uh, caught her dirty, or caught him as stupid, inward, hard R in that movie when, um, his guys jumped him. Like, that's the relationship in real life that our respective communities have. But, um, yeah, going back to the, uh, origin, everything and everybody descends from us. And, uh, yeah, we was in Italy originally, too. So, you know, those darker, complexed Italians, like, yeah, they don't never want to admit it. It's the civilians and, nor, nor than our, nor than the darker Italians. Yeah, y'all black too, y'all want to admit it. Y'all original people too, a whole lot of them don't. This newer version, this newer generation, they kind of embrace it. 'Cause they got the knowledge and they, they're doing the research. But, uh, you know, these second, these, uh, first and second generation wins, they don't, they're not too receptive to our, our people. They don't really like us. And I say all of them, but, you know, generally, like, yeah. If I had my choice, if, like, if I had to go to a redneck bar or, uh, an Italian bar, if I had to, like, if, if this was a life and death type of choice, I would probably, I think I would turn out better in a redneck bar than I would in an Italian bar. I'm just saying, that's just how much, you know, culturally, that, that, that they don't like us. They got a deeper disdain, uh, towards us then, you know, hate to say it then, like, redneck white people. And the deeper disdain is, is self-loathing because they know their history and they know, you know, deep down in their Roman history, you know, we was the original Roman, so, they can't come from us too. You know, they don't want to embrace it. Like a whole lot of people that, you know, reject our culture, like, you know, pretty much everybody came from us. For some odd reason in Italian culture, they don't want to acknowledge us. But, um, you know, I kind of got a little long winded on that story, but, you know, it was, it was cowardness at its best. Um, he only pressed them because they were sisters. And I had have been a brother that owned a, uh, barbershop. He wouldn't have wanted no smoke. He wouldn't have came out. He wouldn't have turned up like that. He turned up like that because they were sisters, because they were women. And he was confident. He could beat them, push, come to shove. He can beat them physically. He wouldn't have tried that with no brothers. I don't believe he would have tried that with no brothers. So he tried it with some sisters, because he's a punk. He's a mother flipping punk. But, um, yeah, like I said, as this election draws nearer, we're going to hear more and more stories like that. They're going to get the confidence to feel they can disrespect. They're going to get super comfortable. Like it's happening every single day. It's a new story like that every single day, somewhere in the nation. Like, you know, they're getting too comfortable. But, you know, that's just my first story. I want to, uh, you know, break that story because it hasn't been trending a lot on any platforms. And, you know, we have to keep stuff like that, the little stuff in the eye of the public or to get swept up under the rug. So, yeah, we got to make a big deal with big stink out of that when stuff like that happens because it can happen in your neck of the woods at any given time. So more of the story is, you know, you got to, uh, carry that, uh, you know, phone on you, make sure your phone is fully charged when you leave the house and make sure that you got a phone with a good camera on it. It's not difficult to, you know, hit that record button because you never know. You know, when you're going to need to pull it out to start recording because, like, if they call the police first, they get to that phone and call the police. You already know, you know, they're going to take their side immediately. If you don't got it on camera, if you're not recording from the time it happens. It's sad, but it's real. But, um, that's all I really had to talk about. Um, next order business, um, address the elephant in the room. Uh, these 2024 elections. I want to address this. Uh, first thing about it, I want to address. Are very confused. Very mentally ill. And I call it mentally ill because self-loathing. Is a form of mental illness. When you hate yourself, you can't say anything positive about anybody that resembles you or has similar characteristic as you. You can't say anything positive about them. That's a mental illness. And this sister has a mental illness. She hates herself very, very much. She loves herself. She loves people that resemble herself. She loves people that remind herself of herself. And the sister in question is none other than, um, Candice Owens. I've been following her career. You know, she's a highly intelligent sister, very articulate. Um, she's one of them. 50-50 people, when she's right, she's right. And when she's wrong, she's super wrong. So there's some things she says that I agree with. Um, I agree with her stance on abortion. I agree with her stance on, um, you know, um, certain communities. People identifying as certain, I agree with her on that stance. I'm not going to call a man, man, just because he wearing the dress. I'm not going to call a woman, sir, because she got facial hair and she wearing jeans. Not doing it. So I agree with her on that perspective. But a lot of things she says coming out of our, our community, about our people, is just dead wrong. And so her ladies, um, her latest things that she said about, you know, our sister, uh, Sonia Macey, is just, is wrong, wronger than wrong. To even see, to even like have the opposing view about the, when it is clear, it's clear as like the nose on your face. He came in with aggression. He came in disrespectful. She called the man, sir, respected his title. She called the police. She called for her safety. She feared a prowler. All she was doing was boiling some water and got unaligned. She said, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus and he did what he did. So in that, in her self-loathing, self-hating mind, she sided with the police officer. She tried to give the opposing view, trying to look at it from the police officer's perspective, trying to give the police officer an out, saying the job is stressful. They don't know what to come, what they're going to, uh, you know, come in contact with, especially in that neighborhood. And I can see how, you know, he was threatened by her actions. I mean, there was like, no, there's, he don't got a perspective. You don't got a opposing view. So yeah, I'm not even going to go digging to her to say, you know, why she was wrong. I'm going to say simply to not give her, you know, energy. Don't utilize your platform feeding her because that's what you're doing. You're feeding her. Um, like I said, she's a very smart intelligence system. And we know the machine we're up against and the machine that we're up against produces people in our community like her. So not only females, there's a whole lot of men in our community. I'm not going to say their names. You know, it's the same ones. They're in sports entertainment every time something in our community happens. They don't never have anything positive to say. They always have something negative to say always without Phil. These men in our community. So she's not the only one. It's a big game, y'all. It's a finesse. They, they pay these people to have the opposing view. They pay them. And then fortunately, I don't want to hate to bust your bubble. A lot of us just don't stand on principle. A lot of us worship the almighty dollar. A lot of us have been, you know, resisting our true nature. Our true nature is virtuous. Our true nature is righteous. You know, a whole lot of us have been corrupted. We've taken on the characteristics of the oppressor, which is the conquer, which is the lie, which is the deceit, which is the steal, which is the kill, which is to destroy. A lot of us are embodying the oppressive. So what's going on with our sister, Candice Owen, is that plus self-loathing. Stockholm syndrome at its finest. Stockholm syndrome, she's married to a white man. I'm not, you know, bashing people in interracial relationships. I'm a firm believer in love. You love who you love. You can't help who you love. The person's treating you right. Respecting you, giving you what you need, who's anybody to judge. I'm just nobody in the interracial relationship. My family treat. Just speaking on my family treat, I would say the 60% of my cousins are products of interracial relationships. Meaning I got mulatto cousins. Like 60% of my cousins are mulatto. They're either, you know, they're most of them are their mom. Like, you know, my male first cousins, they had an affinity for Caucasian women. You know, I got a few sisters cousins, you know. They didn't have children by white men. So as a result of that, I got a whole lot of mulatto cousins. So it's not a slight, I don't, you know, you know what I mean? I don't look down my nose at people in interracial relationships. But the majority of them that are in interracial relationships gravitate towards people outside of their culture because, you know, it's self-loathing. They hate themselves, they don't want to be with somebody that reminds them of themselves when they look in the mirror. So that self-loathing is a form of mental illness. When you hate yourself so much, you want to be like the furthest away from yourself as possible. You don't want to be with somebody that resembles you or reminds you of you because you hate yourself that bad. So that's what our sister does, you know, says some of the things that she says is because she hates herself. She hates, you know, being an original woman. But also because she loves money. She lusts after it. And a lot of people in our community, they lust after money just in different ways. So she says, "Hey, I'm for sale." Yeah, I say it. If you give me enough money, yeah. I say it. I have the opposing view saying something I know is wrong. When it comes out of my mouth, I know it's wrong. You know, that's disrespecting all the people that look like me in my family. I don't care as long as you pay me enough money. And there's this unfortunate lead. There's this people in our community willing to compromise their integrity, morals, beliefs, values for that money. She's one of them. So I say that to say that everybody, all my people, don't waste your time. Don't waste your precious time and resources airing out people that's not worth airing out. We know industry plants. When we see when she's an industry plant, she's there for the ruckus, she's there for the drama. She's there to have the opposing view. There's other content creators that have platforms that say like super duper doto brain stuff about our people and our culture. They intentionally do it. They do it to garner the likes. They do it to upset the algorithm to line their pockets with the money. So it's a big finesse. Don't get distracted by that big finesse. Like letter, keep on finesse and stand their lane. Like she's one of them people that lose their power when you stop paying attention to her. Like you start paying attention to her. Unfazed, unworthy, like unfazed, unbothered by her. She'll quit saying this stupid doto brain stuff. Just for an example, our sister, our sisters, like there was back in Trump in his first run. Yeah, I called them my sisters. They was playing up that stereotypical mammy, diamond and silk. I believe that their nicknames was, but one of them ended up passing a lot, passing away and the internet was rejoicing, which was like sick and demented. You don't sit up here and rejoice somebody's death because they don't support your political views. We don't do that in our community. So see what I mean by that systemic programming and conditioning that it has over our people. Like we want against our nature because even though she was supporting Trump, there was people online, sitting up there, turning, like celebrating because she passed away. Like we don't do that. We can using queens. We better than that. Now, so bottom line is like when you see the industry planting seeds, planting industry seeds, like don't even fall for it. We're going to take that banana in the tailpipe. Don't even waste your energy being mad about it. Because we know what they're there for. We know what they're there for. We're all intelligent. We all got common sense. We know what they're there for. They're there to say that clown stuff that they'd be saying, that clown stuff that they'd be doing, that's what they're there for. They'll let them play themselves out of their own position. They all end up having a downfall, like look at Stacey Dash. Couldn't wait to come back when she got her little dose, a reality. Trying to come back harder than the mud. She wants to come back so bad. Candice, she's going to get her wake up car too and all these brothers, I ain't going to say their names because I ain't going to give them no press. I'm ignoring them. They fig me some of my imagination. I ain't going to give them no energy, but we know who they are. They're going to get their comeuppings for the stuff they say. That karma's going to come back around, you know. They're going to get it. You don't have to waste your platform, air them out and roasting them like they're going to play themselves out. We got to keep our nose to the grindstone because we got some working head. We got some work ahead of us, which brings me to my next point about this election. Y'all, we taking this so super personal. Like this is politics. All politicians lie. If you bother, like we're in the digital information age, all you got to do is just Google. Like anything you don't know about politics, you literally can just type it in your Google browser and educate yourself. Type in the Google browser and then you can pull up videos on YouTube, educate yourself. You can become an informed expert in a matter of mere minutes as opposed to back in the day when you didn't know something you had to get to dictionary. You had to get to encyclopedia and go to the library, re-read, re-read. Now you can become an informed expert in mere moments. And people sitting up here on these smart phones doing and saying part of my language stupid shit. I try to not curse on my platform because I feel that it takes away from the message I'm trying to convey. But you know, sometimes you just got to say it like people on their smart phones doing stupid shit. And sitting up there worrying about a politician, what they're going to do in the next four years is stupid. To believe any of them is going to keep any campaign promises, do anything for you, for your community, no matter what backgrounds you are. You know, black, white, Asian, whatever. You think an elected official is really going to keep their campaign promises? They end there for four years. And then in that four years, you know, for the first, they don't even really start doing anything, signing papers and doing stuff until like the fifth or sixth month of that first year in office. So they don't even actually start doing work until like six months in. So like they're like the fourth or fifth month in the office, they don't actually start doing work. So that's not how that go, which goes back to systemic conditioning and programming. It's not just on our people, it's on everybody else too. It's like religion, believing in skydaddy, that you just pray and things are just naturally going to happen like you don't got to do nothing on your end. You pray and you put some money in the little offering plate, but then you don't have to do nothing on your end. You sitting up in church, 400 pounds obese, you praying to your lord and savior to make you slim. But you don't want to take your big back behind to the gym and work out. After service, you go into the all you can eat buffet and then wonder why you got to have a triple bypass surgery. Why you got high blood pressure, because you don't want to do nothing on your end. You don't want to take responsibility and accountability for your actions. You want to think something outside of yourself is going to take care of yourself. The Bible that you read says faith without work is dead. Meaning you got to do something. And why I'm picking on religious people because our great nation, the United States of America is founded on biblical principles. Everything in this, like our system of government is founded on like what's in the Bible. Martine law, Bible, Black law, Bible, everything is founded on Christianity in America. So if you don't believe in Jesus Christ, you better read that mug from back inside the side so you can maneuver in this society. If nothing, do it for that if you don't believe it. You better get a stern understanding of it so you can maneuver. Because our system of government is based on the Bible. And there's a whole lot of people, religious people, you know, that got a false perception of the Bible, which translates into government. We sitting up there thinking we cast our ballot and then we, it's over. We don't have to do nothing on our end to see changes in our community that we want to see. We thinking this elected official is just going to do everything. When in reality, they can't do too much. If you pay the attention in government class, you know what the President of the United States can do and what they can't do. So breaking it down even further, Fortune 500 companies run this country. America is a company, is and always has been. And so for the maximum efficiency to get what you want out of your elected officials, you better get out of your feelings and develop a corporate mindset and start conducting business. Start conducting business and taking care of business and start getting so emotional about this election. Because they're both the devil. Both of them are devils. Republican Party, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, devil, devil, devil. Not saying all Caucasian people are the devil, but the ones in power, they just happen to be Caucasians. They are the devil incarnate. They don't care nothing about you. They don't care about your vote. They don't care about your community. They don't care about your concerns. They don't care about your issues. You better start conducting, you know, your voting preference like your business. Like, you know, you're like how you handle business at the bank. If you're in corporate America, how you, you know, selling the deal with another company, getting the account. That's how you better handle your voting status and quit operating out of emotion. And quit letting these politicians tug your heartstrings, especially in my community. So that's why I'm going so hard on religion right now, because I'm so sick and tired of these politicians manipulating our love for religion. Especially Christianity in our community. Once upon a time in our community, original people community, the Black Church was the hub, was the cornerstone of our community. It meant something. It was a place of refinement. It was a place where you can feel dignified. And now it's just like a laughing stock, a joke. Like, the Black Church has no power anymore. Like, the Black Church was a cornerstone of our community. It was the internet before the internet. Like, you needed something, you went to church. You need the job. You go holler at somebody at the church. You go to church. You know, somebody owns their own business. They need somebody to work. Like, that was, you know, the lady in the church. She announced it. What's available in the community. In the church announcements. You know, little lady with the funny hat. You know, they selling dinners over here. And, you know, if you need a job. Ray, God is on. You know, he got his own car shop. They need a, this position or that position. You don't have to have no training here training. Putting people to work in our community. They selling dinners over here. Raising church money for the church. You know, not bagging. Giving stuff away. People doing philanthropy, doing in the community. You hungry. They giving this thing a third away over here and here. And, talk to brother this. Talk to sister that. They got the details. You know, we took care of each other. That was our safe space. Black church. Now, you know, it's turning to the devil's den for real. Like, that, that, the black church is the politicians first stop. They get on TV and they sit up here and get this, uh, shucking and jiving pastor. Revving doo long, doo long, dirty shirt. Up in there they smile next to them and take the pictures. And not one of these suckers got the balls to ask about reparations. They sitting up in the dim folks face and they make, making them address nothing that their people needs. They ain't talking about, um, you know, what they're going to do for the community. Education, job training, nothing. Health care, nothing. They sit up there and shake their hand and hug them. Throw a, a choir robe on them and let them sing in the choir pit in the pole pit. And then, um, and then the other photo out, they sitting down, uh, holding hands in the prayer circle or, uh, they kneeling at the bench praying. And what they praying for is that you believe that cockamaming, uh, bull crap lie that they're selling you. That's what they praying for. They praying for your downfall. They praying for your enslavement. That church, y'all need to get it together and quit letting these politicians make a fool of us through you. If you say you love God, act like you. And quit fearing these devils. Rebuking cast the devil out, right? If you a Christian, that's what y'all say y'all believe in. You're going to sit up there and let the devil into the house. You take authority in the spirit. Make them tell the truth. If you, if you really believe what you read in that book you read, you're going to sit up there and let them lie to you and smile in your face and mock you. Say it, bro, let's say the black church is officially a joke now. The politicians have made the black church a joke. Laughing stock. So, which brings me to my next point, Kamala Harris. Yeah, she's a politician, she's lying. That's what she gets paid to do. That's what she's here for. She's here to lie. She's here to deceive you. Voting is a finesse. Learn the voting process. Learn about it. Educate yourself on it. She already knows she can't win. Before you get the candidates, they have to be selected. There's a whole process before the ballot even happens. These Fortune 500 companies, these faceless entities, they select the people on the ballot to run. And the policies they enforce is the ones they want them to. Republican, Democrat, independent, it don't, grassroots, it don't matter. Why are there, why she running when she knows she can't win because she gets to keep the money. That two million, that's why she's always sitting up there smiling and dancing. Because she's going to keep all that money off. That's why she knows she ain't going to win. That's how she ain't going to win. She gets to keep it. Any money that they don't get to use, any money left over when they have a presidential elections, the candidates get to keep it. That's why some candidates run back to back every year. They get to keep all that money. We don't need to be arguing amongst ourselves about who you're going to vote for. If you want to vote, if voting makes you feel good, go ahead, vote out, vote until your little heart's content. Vote away, no judgment. Vote for whoever you want to. For whoever you think's going to make it feel good and make you feel better, vote your heart out. But do not turn on your brother or your sister because they don't vote the way you vote. That's what we got to stop, y'all. We got to stop it sitting up here politically gang banging. That's what we doing, we politically gang banging. Because somebody, or Republican, they voting for an old boy or somebody a Democrat. They're voting for an old girl. Who cares? Why are we sitting up there letting this election live rent free in our heads? What's ever going to happen is going to happen. It don't matter who's in that seat, it's predetermined. You know, the Senate and Congress, they don't even Capitol Hill, they don't even rent it no more. It's this faceless corporation, the higher Echelon, the elite class society. They rent this country. They rent it. Now if you pay attention to government classes, we're supposed to be renting. It says we the people. It says we the people in the preamble, preamble is of the constitution. So the constitution is supposed to be the big piece of paper that the entire ideals and belief system and values of this country is centered upon. It says we the people. It don't say we the president. It don't say we the governors. It says we the people. We have the power. We've always had the power, but we're too busy being divided to, you know, band together and overthrow this wicked regime. Because there ain't no way you can sit up here justifying taxes. Why are we paying taxes and we're broke? Make it make sense. It's how we paying taxes, but we don't got money. We're broke. Our nation is broke. But we steady paying taxes. We let them take our money every single year. And we don't question it. We don't revolt against it. We just let them take it. Oh, we're going to send you the jail if you don't pay it. They can't send all of this to jail if we don't pay it. Oh, well, you lose your job. Hell with that damn job. We the people. What part of we the people don't we understand? We run it. Without no us, there is no them. But we sitting up here Republican Democrat, Red, Blue, Left, Right. And they don't give a damn about us, especially our people. There ain't nothing in this legislation for us at all for either party, but you're sitting up there wasting your time voting. I'm not telling you not to vote if you want to vote vote. But what we shouldn't be doing is attacking each other over this nonsense. And that's what it is nonsense. The voting process is nonsense. We shouldn't be judging each other. We shouldn't be attacking each other. We got literally bigger fish to fry. What we should be doing is preparing. We got 100 days. There is no tomorrow. There is no tomorrow. We got to stop putting stuff off thinking we can do it tomorrow because tomorrow might not come. Because if we thought 2020 was bad, 2021 was bad. Like after this election, it's going to be. The most horrible that has ever been for our people. Through any other administration, this is going to be the worst administration for our people ever, no matter which one of them guys wins. It's like I said, the people behind this scenes controlling it, controlling this whole election, they got some wicked diabolical things planned for us. Believe that. Believe that. They don't mean us any good. We got to stop fighting each other and just start working on ourselves and start preparing, start getting our minds, bodies and spirits right for what's about to happen. And what's about to happen is not good. It's not going to be good at all. We got to stop letting this election live rent free in our heads. We got to focus. We have to make the changes in our community and stop believing this fairy tale that this person is going to sit in this seat in this building that we built. By the way, our people built is going to make decisions that will help us. We have to help ourselves is what I'm saying. We have to be the change. We can't expect them to, you know, change when we watch the administration, after administration, after administration, after administration, fail us, fail us, fail us, fail us, fail us, and fail us. Abandon us, abandon us, abandon us, abandon us, abandon us, use us, use us, use us, use us. And we still believe in them. And we still trust them. [silence] We got this like man, bruh, it's war time. It's time for our people to put that war paint on and, you know, strap up. I'm not advocating violence. When I say strap up, I mean like shoulder pads and that, but, you know, it's not going to be nice. We're going to see an influx of violence in our community. They're going to infiltrate our communities like they do. They're going to start unaliving a whole lot of us and try to make us look like we're doing it to each other when it's really them. We're going to get attacked left and right. So these small like Sandra Macy, like that's just the tip of the iceberg. The call already went out. The call has gone out. We're going to see violence continue to skyrocket and soar. We're going to see it in drastic numbers before the election. We only got a hundred days and in this hundred days watch how many of our people get unalived by political supporters of either party. Both of them is going to be both of them. They're going to try to put it on the other party. They're going to try to say it's Trump supporters doing it when it's really they're all in the same game. It benefits, you know, both of them. You know, the demon cracks and the reptilicans. That's who we got to choose from. There ain't no lesser of the two evils. They're both equally evil. They're both equally wicked, equally diabolical. There ain't no best case scenario. We're screwed either way. We got to get it together, man. We got to get it together. I love us. I love us. I love us. I love us. I love us. I love us. But we got to get it together. We got to get a plan. We ain't got no time to be sitting up here being mad at each other for voting for the orange guy or voting for the wicked witch of the west. Or Canada or wherever that lady's from. So like I said, this election is one big finesse. Like don't lose sleep worrying about this stuff. If you really want change in your community, you have to be the change. You're stronger than you think. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for. You got information at the tip of your fingers. Use it. Just get off your ass and do something time. You can't sit up there waiting for these em efforts to throw us some crumbs because they not. They done show this and show this and they've improved it. They've improved it. They're not going to do it. It's not in their best interest. Like study the 48 laws of power. You know? We're the most impactful influential people in the world. Everybody's trying to be like us. Why in God's name do you think a politician would ever pass some legislation that would potentially usurp their power? Do you think, like in a job interview when you don't get the job, you don't win to school. You don't win to an Ivy League college. Got good grades. You know how good you look on paper. You think that person is sitting across the table that you're interviewing for is going to hire you. Somebody that can potentially replace them. You think they're going to hire a potential replacement? Nobody hires a potential replacement. And they know we definitely can replace them. That's why they'll never give us nothing to empower ourselves. Where they'll replace me. You get it, we do everything better than them. And they know it. And they're scared of it. And they're intimidated by it. Well, scared and intimidated, I guess that's the same. But you know what I'm trying to say? So come on, y'all. We got to stop tripping off of this election. But the one big silver lining we got is that we are strong. We are resilient. Like look at slavery. Look how far we done came since slavery. They enslaved us. They couldn't break us. We got better after slavery. Silver rights. They couldn't break us. We got better after the civil rights. Jim Crow. They couldn't break us. We got better after Jim Crow. I know I might not be going in the chronological order, but what I'm basically saying, everything that I'm through at us, we overcame and got better. We're still getting better. We're still improving. Like look at our youth. Do you know how many millionaires we have under the age of 21 in our community? It's literally a one every single day being born, seeing it on the internet. That made a million before age 21. We got innovative people like that in our community. And now we got the mindset of, you know, the stepters. I hate to say in the violence, like, we don't care about nothing no more. We don't, if we don't, we'll do that to each other. We'll do the, you know, blank black to each other. You don't think we'll, you don't think they think we'll, blank, blank then? They know it. And so when we get to that mindset, then things will change. As we fearful of going to jail over one and in, but we ain't fearful of going to jail for one of ours. Do you see how sick that mentality is? Do you see the number that they did on us? We afraid, we afraid to blank blank then, but we ain't afraid to blank blank each other. I'm not advocating blank blanking anybody. We don't need to be blank blanking at all. They're coming together, loving each other, kumbaya and all that. But the war mentality, they've waged war on us. How again, if this voting process stuff, how do we got two equally toxic people? Two equally toxic candidates to select from. They're equally, they both have equally wicked agendas as far as our people are concerned. They don't got nothing in their legislation for us. Either side, either side. First time when it was the orange guy against the other guy, he was like, "Well, for me, what do you got to lose? You don't have anything. What do you got to lose?" Orange guy, he said that. And then Biden was like, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black." So see, the two ways they, um, sitting up there insulting our intelligence, he's one white man say, "You don't vote for me. If you don't vote for me, you ain't black." Other white man said, "Hey, you ain't got nothing else. Might as well vote for me. You ain't got nothing to lose because you ain't got nothing anywhere." See how they taunting Marcus? And now we got a sister that's not a sister who got a daddy that identifies as white. A African daddy that identifies as white. Middle Eastern mom that identifies as white. She's from Canada. But she's sitting up there, everything that comes out of her mouth is a black trope. I'm going to fix me some greens. I fix so many greens. One year I watched them in this tub. Bro, that's how we know you ain't black anyway because you know within our culture, one thing we don't play is our food. Your ass and your private parts don't go around food, we don't play that. We ain't going to stick our food somewhere we wash our ass in. So whoever's writing your material, tell them to get their stuff together, get it right. You're sitting up there just making yourself look dumb. I'm going to wash my greens in the tub. Get your hell on, I'm out here in these streets. What streets you out here in? Just repeating stuff. Watch. And the next thing she finna do, she finna have a bonding on before the end of the election, pop my words, that lady going to have a bonding. Y'all sitting up there celebrating their foolishness. Yeah, we going to have the next madam black president. Yeah. Damn fool. But like I said, don't take this, you know, don't get in your feelings. Don't get in your feelings about this emotion or this election. Don't let your emotions override you. Overrise your common sense. Overrise your intelligence. Overrise your emotions. Like, you know, like our sister said, it's chestnut checkers. Like, ain't neither one of them got nothing in it for us. And it ain't never been nothing but us. It's going to do for us but us. And that's the way it always been. So we can get in all these little respective spaces and talking this political mumbo jumbo and jargon. We know at the end of the day, they don't care. They ain't got nothing for us. They ain't going to produce nothing for us. Period. Now, are we wrong to expect reparations to expect what they owe us? No. But to get what they owe us, we got to conduct business. We got to be business minded and we got to be persistent and we got to be strategic in getting it. We might have to do a hostile takeover. So are you got the bars to do a hostile takeover? That's what we got to find. We got to find people that got the bars to do a hostile takeover. I think the smartest thing I've heard about this whole election came from Mike Tyson. Vote for who you want to vote for. He told you who he's voting for. Like, what you going to do to him? It's going to beat him up, shoot him so what? Because it don't matter. It don't matter if you vote for Trump. It don't matter if you vote for a Kamala. It don't matter if he actually even vote. The only thing we got going for us right now is our conviction and what we need to do. So we know what we need to do. Let's do it. Let's do it. We know we can do it. We don't need their validation. We don't need their acknowledgement. We just want what's owed to us. And we got to keep that by any means mentality to get it. And stop asking them and start demanding it. If we keep asking them, they're going to keep on brushing us off. There's too many of us in here. We're not the minority. That's the systemic programming and conditioning. We haven't been the minority in this country for over 40 years. Stop letting them folks call us a minority. We're not the minority. We start demanding stuff and then you can't deny it. So, you know, that's just, you know, how I'm calling, how I see it. Final word. Stop letting this election. Live rent-free in our heads. It's time to get up. It's time to put the war paint on. This is not a drill. This is real. Neither candidate is for us. There is no lesser of the two evils. They're both equally evil, both equally wicked, both equally diabolical. There is no one, you know, there is no, like, positive spin on it. There ain't. We know what we need to do. It's time to get off our butts and start doing it. We all have unique talents, skills, and abilities. If you feel you don't have a unique talent, skill, or ability, you got the time to go create one. Get good at something and figure out how you can have the whole benefit from your gift. But we need to do it today and ain't no tomorrow. Well, that's it, and that's all. Thank you for listening to this episode of the Narrative Podcast. Join me this weekend for a full episode of the Narrative Podcast. Don't forget to download this episode. In all previously recorded episodes of the Narrative Podcast, wherever you get your podcast information from, the best way to stay current with the most recent episode of the Narrative Podcast is to follow me on YouTube or X. And the reason why you want to follow me on those two mediums is because this platform that I'm broadcasting on is, you know, after I'm done broadcasting, it automatically uploads the YouTube and X. So, you know, follow me on YouTube. I'm Halsey Allen. And you want to click the subscribe button, notification button, and the notification bell all. And, you know, and then on X also follow me on X. I'm not too proficient with that. The alerts and everything. But, you know, if you follow me on X, you will see the most up-to-date recents episode of the Narrative Podcast. And X is actually the best place to follow me for my broadcast. Because when you click on the link on X, you will go right to, you know, the podcast. And you will see all the options. You will see that little heart-shaped like button. Please click that. You will see the download button. Please click that. Click the little downward arrow. Please, please, please click that. You will see the comment box where you can leave me a comment on my podcast. Please leave me a comment. Greatly appreciated. That helps the platform. And then also those little three bubbles on the side. You can click that and share it to your favorite platform. That helps the platform. So I can keep on coming back here, bringing positive frames of reference to change the narrative. So yeah, follow me on YouTube or X for the most recent episodes of the Narrative Podcast. The next thing I want to promote is my book. I write poetry. I'm a poet as well. There's so many other things that you will find out a little bit later on. I've written a book of poetry. It's titled "The Black Card" and what it's about. It's basically, it's an all-encompassing look at us as a people. It's 30 poems reflecting everything that we go through as a people. Positive and negative. All the nuances of our culture is reflected in that book. It's basically like a survival guide of being black. When you read it, you're guaranteed. If you're an original man or original woman, you're definitely going to come across a poem that's going to resonate with you immediately. Really the whole book will immediately. And currently, it's only available on If you're not familiar with poetizer, what that is, is a community of novice writers, aka hobbyists, people that don't write at the professional level, but want to. It's where our genres of writing, specifically poetry, it's in the name poetizer, but they also welcome people that like to write essays, people that like to write novels, and also, you know, genre writing is encouraged. Any type of writing you can think of is encouraged on that platform,, but what they have also is a virtual online bookstore. Everybody that participates and shares their work in that community, they have a function which will allow them to turn their work into a book, and they have a virtual online bookstore on, and that's where you'll find everybody's books that create books on that platform. They turn their work into books on that platform. So go support my book on It's titled The Black Card. Visit their online bookstore. Click on bookstore when you get there, and look for my title, The Black Card, written by me, Halsey Allen. I still at $23, go ahead, go get that, and our proceeds will go to building a better narrative podcast experience. I'm trying to transition into, you know, video footage. You know, I'm trying to make a video version of this, so on YouTube and all that, and have guests and all that, and interview people doing positive things, and provide you guys with more positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. So go check that book out. It's called The Black Card on It'll make a good coffee table read, travel book, or just, you know, if you like poetry, or if you're looking to get into poetry, you will love that book. And then it's even good for people outside of our culture. If you consider yourself open-minded or want to become educated about different cultures, it's definitely the book for you. Go get it today on It's called The Black Card, go get that today, right now. The black card on, virtual bookstore, go get it, or get your black card revoked. And then last but not least, I want to promote my personal poetry blog on It's called Haussies Poetry Corner, and the tagline for that is Haussies Poetry Corner. Poetry with a passion, poetry for all occasions. And when you read one of my poems posted on Haussies Poetry Corner, you will see it lives up to that tagline. To visit, it's on To visit it, it's at And what that blog is, it's just basically a collection of just poems that I write in my spare time. Poetry is ranging from a wide selection of topics. What's unique about the poems on my poetry blog is that they're so detailed and specific and intentional. You would be under the impression that, you know, I drafted them before I posted them. But that's quite the contrary. All the poems featured on Haussies Poetry Corner. I wrote them spontaneously. You know, I just wrote them off the cuff. In the moment, I didn't contemplate about anything that I was going to write about. I didn't contemplate about what I was going to title each peach. Literally, all the content just flowed to me. You know, I wasn't thinking about anything, nothing in the outside world influenced it. I do have several poems. Specifically, you know, capturing our experience, original people's experience, but for the most part, all the poems on Haussies Poetry Corner is just like, you know, anybody can enjoy it. White, black, Asian, whatever, you know, ethnic background you are. You definitely can read a poem posted on that poetry blog and get immersed in it. Find a little piece of yourself in it. Relate to it. And the poems on there resonate with you. So go check that out on Haussies Poetry Corner at and the way you can support that is, you know, visiting the link to Haussies Poetry Corner and sharing the link, across all, you know, digital platforms, whatever your preferred platform is. Share the link to Haussies Poetry Corner, or a poem featured on Haussies Poetry Corner across all platforms. So whatever piece on there you like, you know, share it to your favorite platform. And then, you know, of course, hit that little heart shake like button when you get to the Earth site. And then for the love of God, comment. There's a comment box in there. Leave me a comment. Talk to me. Let me know what you like. Let me know what you don't like. Give me some feedback. You know, give me any type of feedback you got. Any type of smoke you got for me. For one of those poems, I'm witty. I ain't going to get mad. You know, it's all about the art form. It's all about the creativity. It's all about the art form. But go check them out. Haussies Poetry Corner on, Poetry with the Passion, Poetry for All Occasions. Check it out today, not later. So that's it, and that's all. This episode of the narrative podcast is officially a wrap. Check me out this weekend for another full episode of the narrative podcast as well as all for the rest of this weekday. I'm gonna try to do Friday. I'm gonna try y'all. Try try being operative word. My goal is to do at least three weekday episodes of the narrative podcast. 'Cause I want to make my presence more pronounced during the weekday. 'Cause that's quite frankly when most of the negative things happen is during the weekday in our community. Not too much on the weekend. Not so much on the weekend. It's really like all the negative news articles is like during the weekday. And I want to be the, you know, your positive alternative. You want to listen to something positive. You can have this to listen to during the weekday. But anyway, check me out this weekend for sure with a full episode of the narrative podcast. And then probably tomorrow and probably Friday for a weekday editions of the narrative podcast. But this episode is a wrap. It's out of here like last year. Join me y'all next time. We're gonna change the narrative together. We gotta change this narrative. I'm Halsey Allen and I'm changing the narrative one episode at a time. I'm asking you to join me. Join my mission to change the narrative by becoming a narrator and while I'm changing the narrative on my end one episode at a time. As a narrator, you can help me change the narrative on your end one social media post at a time. Until next time, Halsey Allen and the narrative podcast signing off and it's like that. [Music] [Music] [Music] You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen. The narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time. [Music]