The caffeinatedhebrew’s Podcast

State Media Magical Tales!

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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the hey welcome back to another episode of the caffeinated Hebrew podcast of your host and creator of this debacle Greg Parker you can listen to this podcast on podbean podcast this episode is brought to you by pot being podcast you can also listen on our radio, you can listen on spot and I heard I think I already said that yeah, so you can listen on spotify our radio Apple podcast and podbean listen in the state media has told Americans that Joe Biden is in the best shape of his life he's the best a best person for the job right they this the media the is his deep state counterparts of said he's in the he's the best commander in chief he's you know we have a strong economy, and we went for it even though we're living in a different reality then what these politicians and these corporations are are telling us we the people are living in a a a complete different reality than then the then those folks those people in power than the establishment and we were told that Joe Biden is the best president that he's that he's defending democracy that he's defending the soul of our nation and that anyone who opposes him as a a racist or a a mega Republican you know you know did demonizing 75 to 80 million people I mean I mean really he's demonized half of the population because they don't support him that for three years almost four years we were told that Camilla Harris is insignificant she's just a voice in the background not to really this dynamic figure at you know she's the borders are I mean really why do we even have a czar and in America but she's basically been a very unpopular person for the last you know four years I mean she barely got a vote in the primary in two thousand and twenty on she was destroyed in the debates by uh... Tulsi Gabbard uh... who I think would make an excellent president but Tulsi Gabbard was attacked by the establishment by the war hawks by the machine basically they lied about her they called Tulsi Gabbard a supporter of Assad which is not true Tulsi Gabbard is anti-war and actually one of the few people who is openly called to end endless american foreign wars and intervention we shouldn't be an interventionist government we should not be empire that is consistently trying to spread democracy and by the way we do not have a democracy in the united states if we do you're living under a rock your propaganda is do you believe what you're told so my point is this is look listen pay attention because what you're told by the state media and I call the state media because they the media the a_b_c_ c_b_s_ n_b_c_ fox news c_n_n_ m_s_ n_b_c_ all of these quote-unquote journalists news organizations right they all parrot the same message everything's fine we're safe we're secure and the economy's great will you and i both know i mean well you and i the listener we know that that's not true we know that we're not safe we know that we're not doing great financially people are digging into credit card debt to live i mean this administration the Biden administration the Biden Harris administration are committing genocides in Ukraine and russia and committing a genocar they're funding a genocide a war in israel and palestine and we all we've all been watching this for the last four years we've been watching gas go from a hot dollar fifty a gallon to six seven dollars a gallon we've watched uh... a five dollar you know four pound five pound pack of meat go from five dollars to almost nineteen dollars we're seeing the war machine ramped up uh... monthly daily in yearly and so we were told that these people in power are leading the country in the right direction and it was exposed in june during the early debate with trump and biden now here you have a former president who has been charged with i don't even know what he's been charged with there's so many crimes and then you have the current president who literally did a quid pro quo job in ukraine in twenty fourteen and then got his son hired on as a expert for this ukraine in energy company and this in almost non-existent vice president kamala harris kamala kamala whatever the vice president in charge of the border like you had one job and you fucked that job up so bad and you can't string together a coherent sentence here your sentences you didn't fall out of it a coconut tree you are what has been and what has been reimagined i mean that is makes sense now the state media has reported that biden is on top of his game and then he was exposed he was falling asleep i mean it's really elder abuse he was interviewed by a prosecutor who said he's not fit to stand trial he's not fit to be prosecuted because he doesn't have all of his faculties in place will then how the hell is he president and who knew about this the people in the biden administration they were they are very well aware of it the card the crackhead son hunter is aware of that i mean last summer if you'll remember they found cocaine in the white house and it magically disappeared now they want you to focus on january six which uh... january six twenty twenty one and there was a protest in washington d_c_ and d_c_ police allowed protesters to enter the capital and uh... there were essentially uh... riots now last week in washington d_c_ there were riots in protest on the left and who's in charge of d_c_ who's in charge of the country well it's supposedly joe biden and kamala harris now why aren't they out there calling for the arrests of the people involved and the let's say the july riots there dave they've defaced national monuments they they assaulted police officers and i would think that kamala harris would be upset about that because she's the she was the top cop of san francisco but all that said and all that put aside you are watching and living and experiencing i guess the x the exposed the expose a of the truth and you cannot look away from that kamala harris was not selected or issue she was not elected to office she was coronated by the coup or the overthrowing of biden because biden's out he's he's done and they knew this the whole time but they waited until the very last minute before the convention now that c_n_n_ is reported in the past that kamala harris was not uh... popular human being and now she's uh... now she's the most popular president joe candidate ever so you're witnessing what my in in my estimation you're witnessing um... a political coup i mean we have such a fast and i want to use this word lightly we have such a loose news cycle i mean less than thirty all thirty days ago trump biden debate each other it's a disaster and it's exposed at joe biden is effectively a non-existent person i mean there i don't know what they're pumping this guy but he's he's effectively a you know a ghost meet that the guy is done he's cooked his goose is cooked and his goose has been cooked for about four years now but now we're just but well we're not just finding out about this i mean i knew this because i have a brain and i can see because i i don't unlike an idiot i knew this and uh... millions of people knew this but now we're getting this live at this basic i mean top cop and i want to stress this again common here is kept people in prison well past their sentences for prison labor she threatened parents in the poorest neighborhoods in san francisco to threaten them with jail because their kids were true this administration they are liars war criminals responsible for a genocide of people they're not heroes and they are not effective leaders the only people this administration this collective group of fucking garbage people the only people they benefit are white wealthy coastal blue check democrats the wealthy folks the wealthiest people are who they benefit they are not for the worker let me say this again this establishment administration regime they are not for the worker do not be fooled by this bullshit they're trying to feed you we have a here in washington state we have like a forty-eight sent to seventy five cent gas tax now who does that affect well that affects you yet to understand when these people raise the price it doesn't affect them when they take the free the free way lane the you know the express way lane when they mark that up seven dollars that doesn't affect them and they say well we'll give you a minimum wage of fifteen dollars or sixteen dollars whatever it is here in washington state i think it's sixteen fifty in seattle it's upwards of twenty dollars they're still raising the prices so the wealthy elites they don't care about you they'd give you i think governor endsley of washington state he's given a two hundred dollar rebate to people that two two hundred dollars what where where's the two hundred dollars gonna get you what is two hundred dollars get you i'm asking you so well what is it get you you're not allowed to criticize biden you're not allowed to criticize harris uh... you're not allowed to say anything really so what's the point you ask well what is the point what is the point of having an election what is the point of having a constitution if the wealthy population the donor population the lawmakers what what's the point of having all that if it's if they're going to just trample over it there's there is no support for kamala Harris there is no support for joe biden there is on the right their support for trump on the left their support i mean i'll say it for trump but what you're being told by the state media is that things are just going to get better they're going to continue to get better so highlighting policies is not a bad thing it's actually critical to society it's critical i mean american people deserve to know the truth whether you're left right center you deserve to know the truth and we're we're told hey you gotta be satisfied with you will you only have two choices so that's what you want you only want two choices what you have three you have kennedy you have r_f_k_ but the establishment has done their best to disparage him they did their best to disparage tolsey gabbard and this who this reckless avoidance of any election is proof of that the uh... the d_n_c_ the debt that the democratic party they actively stopped the primary process in this whole time they were telling us that you know biden's ready to go he's ready to go for another four years and now he's been overthrown and the person that has replaced him has known about his let's say obvious inadequacies and that's putting it lightly so they put the top cop they put cop who enforced the ninety four crime bill that decimated communities kamala did so poorly in twenty twenty she had to drop out of the race she did so poor even in california her home state she was not elected so you can keep trying to massage the truth but the truth will come out these people have ruined families the uh... these establishment elites excuse me and i think it's san francisco they're called the san francisco mafia because nancy polosi hakeem jeffries and chuck schumer those three fucking maniacs war criminals threatened joe biden with the twenty-fifth amendment they threatened to twenty-fifth amendment him unless he dropped out and he did not want to drop out now i feel like that's very unfair to joe biden and actually more importantly that's unfair to the voters because they the voters did not vote for kamala Harris they didn't vote for kamala Harris they voted for joe biden the twenty-fifth amendment proposed by congress and ratified by states in the aftermath of the assassination of john f kennedy provides that procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death removal resignation or incapacitation the watergate scandal of the nineteen seventies saw the application of these procedures first when Gerald Ford replaced spiro agnew as vice president spiro uh... and then replace richard nixon is president and then when uh... nelson rocker feller filled the resulting vacancy uh... to become vice president this is according to the uh... cornell law school legal information institute uh... section one in case of the removal of the president from office or his death or resignation the vice president shall be shall become president when there is a vacancy in the office of the vice president the president shall nominee a vice president who shall take office upon confirmation so the twenty-fifth amendment up to this point has been bypassed when it is clear biden is unfit for office he was unfit to stand trial he's unfit for office that's what they've told us before a month ago two months ago they were saying that he's fine his best version of best version we've ever seen he's got a golf handicap of nine you know dude can swing up there with the likes of tiger woods and uh... you know are no palmer the dude is he's ready to go you could run a marathon if he could stay on the bike so nothing is fundamentally changed is biden is promised in twenty twenty nothing fundamentally has changed nothing will fundamentally changed uh... the insider elites have made that clear so and it's the same thing they did in twenty twenty in twenty sixteen they did it to sanders and they did it to clinton and that's it i mean this is not a democracy that we live in you're there you're the democratic process has been stolen from the voter you know kamala Harris said that she wanted to work hard to earn the nomination she didn't earn it it was given to her it was given to her she did not exercise the twenty fifth amendment which which was told to biden he was told if you don't drop out Harris will initiate it that's how they got him out that is not democracy that is a dictatorship and you when you want to sit there and tell me that january six was a cool are you out of your fucking mind seriously like put your put your allegiance to the elites aside for one second please please put your hatred for donald trump aside put your hatred for conservatives aside put your hatred for republicans aside put your hatred for democrats aside put your hatred for biden in Harris aside what just happened is a dictatorship move straight out of a communist country which you've been told but I in my opinion I think other countries probably have it better than us they just they know they're being lied to so they are in a sense more free than us but put your hatred of the party aside and put your hatred of ideology aside you just witnessed a dictatorship move these were not delegates these were the powerful elites making an installation there is no getting around it and you're gonna tell me that and again i'll put my bias aside and say okay for what it's worth you know i'll admit there are some there are some problems with conservatives and there's problems with i mean fuck there's problems with everybody nobody's perfect but you're not going to convince me or any anybody else with common sense that we are experiencing democracy you know they keep saying democracy is on the ballot democracy is on the ballot freedom is on the ballot both sides are doing it the two sides that we get to pick from our saying your freedom is on the line your democracy is on the line you're right to health care is on the line you don't have fucking health care you do not have health care in this country you do not have a choice already you don't you want to talk about women's health care you don't have women's health care if you get sick in america it will bankrupt you if you don't have a job you don't have health insurance and they want to talk about well if trump gets into office he's going to take social security away fuckers social security is a fucking pyramid scheme okay it's a pyramid scheme it will not be there today all of these fundamental issues that's women's rights to choose health care your second amendment those are already under attack by each ideology they use those inflammatory topics to get you to vote but it's never going to change Barack Obama ran on codifying Roe v Wade and I want to remind you that was 2008 that was one of his core campaign promises he vowed he promised to run on codifying Roe v Wade that was it that's what he was going to do 2009 comes around he's asked hey are you going to codify Roe v Wade well you know things come up no no that's that's not at the top of our agenda well well was at the top of his agenda was take a take a wild fucking guess what his top agenda was I'll do give you a hint Iraq Afghanistan Syria these maniacs they could they purse they continued the war the illegal war started by George W Bush in fact they got more done under Obama the talking about the war machine the war machine got more done under Obama than Bush could have dreamt about and Bush got more done than Clinton could have ever dreamt about because he had that kind of like whole rednecky thing like he appealed to you know the really stupid that he just appealed to the just the the worst people he appealed to appeal to appeal to the worst in us and he got things done that Clinton could have got could have never dreamed of getting done Clinton got things done that Reagan could not have just so you see the theme here each year things get progressively worse despite these bullshit promises made by these people who you idolize and you have millionaire celebrities telling you to quit complaining because you have it good and there's millions of jobs out there yeah there are millions of shitty exploitive low wage paying jobs and you have the audacity to keep fucking telling us that democracies on the line are you who are you fucking kidding workers parents single or not sing whether you're a single cat lady who gives a fuck I mean who fucking cares them the state media wants to focus on these one word slogans that are you folks it doesn't fucking matter whether you're a single cat lady or not you're still paying the same price that your conservative dickhead neighbor or your your liberal dickhead neighbor pays I mean you're you're we're paying the same thing we're all paying the same price we're all we're all surfs to the same liberal elite establishment and when I say liberal I mean liberal as in the republican and democrat because they're the same party they have the same donors I know this you know this you know it's not real just like you know wrestling isn't real just like you know and I'm sorry to say this if you believe it just like you know Santa Claus is not real like you know the Easter Bunny is not real like you know the tooth fairy is not real it's fake it's designed to get you to take a side and that's not good hey listen I want to thank you for tuning in to the caffeinated Hebrew podcast you can listen to this podcast on podbean network you can listen to it on Apple Spotify and iHeartRadio I want to thank you for tuning in today I just want to remind you that I do love you and I do care about you and I miss you kind of hey thanks for tuning in thanks for listening have a good week maybe don't I don't know it's up to you you you (upbeat music)