Tony Evans - The Blood of Jesus Christ

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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1 Corinthians 5-7, Jesus is our Passover. The blood of what the blood of the Lamb did in the Old Testament for Israel, the blood of Jesus does for us today. If you operate under the blood of Jesus, that is, if you operate in sync with Jesus Christ, his sacrifice on the cross, if you operate in sync with Jesus Christ, the blood covers you. Everybody here today on their way to heaven is only on their way to heaven because it covers about the blood. When I stand before God and God were to say, "Told the heavens, why should I let you do in heaven?" I just got one phrase, the blood. I have been covered by the blood. That is, the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ is what I am looking to for my eternal deliverance. Not good works, not being part of a church, not being a pastor, all that's nice, but I have nothing to do with my eternal destiny. My eternal destiny is tied to one thing, I let Jesus spread his blood on my heart and I am saved by the blood. But watch this, the blood did not simply deliver Egypt for eternity, the blood delivered them in history. It delivered them from the Egyptians. See, a lot of folk who have been saved by the blood for heaven do not let the blood save them on earth. See, the blood is not, it's good for eternity, but it's also good if you operate in sync under the rule of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice, he becomes the deliverer that we've been singing about who gives freedom from this, who gives deliverance from that, who gives peace that passes understanding, joy and tribulation, who takes you through the various ups and downs of life and makes you more than a conqueror, it says, "All that comes through the blood too." So, if you're only looking to the blood for heaven, you're going to miss the power of the blood on earth. That's why Jesus says, "If you deny me before men, I will deny you before my Father who is in heaven, but if you acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge you before my Father is in heaven." See, belief in God is not where your deliverance comes, your deliverance comes through the blood and that is your identification with Jesus Christ. So, if you are the only person who knows you're a Christian, you ain't covered. You aren't covered because it is the blood that is our Passover, the person of Christ who provides the covering. So, Moses' job was to convince them to put the blood on the door. My job is to convince us, this congregation, the them of us, to keep the blood on the door. That is, to keep your identification with Jesus Christ front and center. Not just your belief in God, but your identification with Jesus Christ. That is where God's deliverance comes, not only for eternity, but in history. Well, the reasons we take communion and one of the advantages you should use in taking communion is to call on the blood for whatever you need deliverance from in this life. Because it is the blood that is power in the blood. I saw someone on TV not too long ago that caught my attention. This man was in a fire and it burned a large part of his body and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, they laid him on a bed. You could see all of the burned tissues and then they went and they poured on top of him a bucket of leeches. The nastiest thing, one of the nastiest things I've ever seen in my life. They poured a whole bucket of leeches on this guy. And so this guy has leeches all over him, all over the burns of his body. Then they went on to explain, the medical people went on to explain. They said the leeches will eat the dead skin. The leeches will eat death. They will eat the dead skin. They went on to say the leeches also suck blood. So when the leeches eat the dead skin and begin sucking blood, they will draw blood up to the skin. So that while they eat the bad skin and suck up the blood, the blood being sucked up by the leeches will produce new skin at the place where the bad skin has been eaten. When they poured it, all I saw was ugly. But what I didn't understand was it would be through the blood in this ugly scenario that this man would get his life back. I know talking about the blood of Jesus may seem weird to you, but if you ever hook up with the blood as weird as it sounds like the leeches on this guy, when God starts doing his blood work in your life through your identification with Jesus Christ, he can destroy the death that's killing you and suck up the life that he wants you to have, which is why Paul said, "I can be crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live, yet not I. It's Christ who lives in me, the life which I now live. I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. So don't be embarrassed by the blood because it is the Passover lamb, the blood that gives you life, life to come, but also covering now." [MUSIC] You