The Dark Society Of War!

I'm With Stupid

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

do you know stupid people? we do and we talk about them

I'm B random and he's the king of controversy and we're your host here to talk about whatever the fuck we want, it'll get loud, it'll get messy and feelings will get hurt. Now it's time to pick a side, load up and strap in. Let's go. Welcome back to the world of the words. We have been on a little bit of a hiatus, but we are back now, don't everybody fret? I know you've been waiting patiently for our return, but we're here. Tell them why. Tell them why. You know, we get mad at each other. We've been friends for 33 years. I mean, we go through spouts of not talking for a while. I may have said things that were over the line. It's all good. So if you want to listen, go back to the previous episode. I heard a lot of feelings. Got a lot of angry DMS. And you know what? That's what we're here for. Honestly, it's in the intro. If people's feelings will get hurt, sometimes there are. On all of my shows. But anyway, today we're coming back with a bang. We want to talk about something that's near and dear to everyone's heart. People are stupid. I have a list. You want a list? People are stupid. Very stupid. And there's a lot of stupidity going around out there right now. And we just wanted to sit back and relax and talk about why we're not a part of it. Maybe we are. I used to find out. We're going to go. King will start us off as usual. You always have prime examples of things over where you're ready to go. I have a stupid radar around my house. It's so fucking thick. It is terrible. I like to the point, I don't want to go out in public anywhere because I've seen how stupid people are. But you're starting to be recognized. It's fucking weird, dude. I don't like it. I am the most living where people live and not in the middle of nowhere. I am the most unpersonable motherfucker on this earth. I don't want to shake hands. I don't want to hug. I don't want to say, "Hi. How you doing?" But yet, there it is. No, I am not a celebrity. I will give you the finger and walk away. I don't care. But the story I have is we went to the movie theaters this past weekend. I'm not going to tell what movie it was, but I'm going to say. When you sit there and you've browsed through the screen for food and you take a photo of every single thing in there to snapchat it to your dumb fucking friends is unbelievable. That is a fantastic place to start. The same person then went to the coke freestyle machine and went through every fucking category and landed on water. I don't fucking understand. If I had a brick, I would have thrown it at this bitch. How do you have 172 flavors of a soda and land on Dasani water is unbelievable? It's Dasani water. It's not to your park. It was fucking Dasani. Is this someone you know or you just follow him around watching the match? It was the same bitch. She looked like sexy red. If you've ever seen the rapper sexy red, this bitch looks just like her but a gremlin. Do you remember the gremlin with the red lipstick from the second? Just like her. My fist was three inches from her head and I did not care. How do you go through so many options and come back and land on water? It is unbelievable right? I don't get it. That's a fantastic place to get started on stupidity. Well, a lot of people say we're stupid because we know too much. You know what that means? We are living in the information age. We have information in our fingertips and yet we still seem to be the most embecilic people in existence ever. There are people from ancient times who are performing damn near miracles of architectural science and we're over here taking snapshots of our food so other people can see it. And posted on Facebook on Thanksgiving when everybody hitting the same fucking thing. Not even food that they're eating, just pictures of food. I see a picture of food. Now that you said that the memory bank I have of dumb people and fast food, that fucking do that. Do it. Dumb people and fast food. Hey, hey, I'm not calling you people out in the chat. I'm talking about the people in fucking public. You can do it in your house. If you're in your house, you can do it on you. But if you do it in public, I'm going to throw your phone against the ball. Okay. This is a time. I can just hear. I am not attacking you because I know you do it in your own home. That's why I'm not saying you. You can do anything you want in your house. But if you're in, for one, people are stupid for food and fireworks. Those are two things that I've seen within the last month. Fireworks is a whole nother level. A level of what? Is it stupid? Well, it's just a whole nother level of there's so many things you can talk about fireworks because they're everywhere. They're everywhere they shouldn't be and they're everywhere. And for me, I'm ex-military. I was luckily never deployed to a combat zone. I was spent all my time in Korea. But I know a lot of guys who did and who have some major PTSD issues and then people are setting off fireworks left, right and center, which a lot of places they're allowed to do, but a lot of places they're not and these guys I feel for them, there's nothing they can do about it. If a whore collides a day to go up into the mountains and disappear. If only I could use her guns sometimes. I have a list of people I would take out. So I was going through, I was, oh, stupidity. Oh, I was thinking, I was thinking my favorite kind of, you talk about drive through fast food, right? Yeah. My favorite kind of stupid is the people, one who like everything in society now has to be seen. You know, like we have to take videos, we have to have proof that we're stupid, okay? People want to prove to everyone else that they're a fucking idiot, okay? My favorite is when they go through the drive through the whole ice cream cone thing. They grab it upside down and run away. I'm like, first off, what a waste. I thought you were going to say something like ice cream. I thought you said something. We're going to say something else. Well, I'm talking about wasting fucking money to do make a stupid video that show people how dumb you are or one of your throw their drinks at the drive through workers. Yeah. Oh, yeah, even worse here. Let me let me buy something that's obviously more than $5, I mean, I don't have expendable income. Okay. I live paycheck to paycheck. Says the guy with star worship behind him. Listen, this is a lifetime of collecting, okay, this most of this was gifted. See all these like I'm pointing to you, these were all gifted. If you're trying to get sponsored by Mountain Dew and make sure your fingers not covering up the label, I'm sure the classic green can talks for speaks for itself. I love the green can. Yeah. I've moved on from Dr. Pepper to Mountain Dew for a while. Yeah. All right. But stupid. I found a funny website. Before you get to the website, I got something better. People still trying to open a push, pull door. Oh, yeah. People don't know how to, how to, people that's, that's my favorites. This motherfucker pull in and it says push or push in when it says pull, but it's still my favorite outdoors and just keep going. That too. I've seen that plenty of times going around about doors and try to go the opposite way. It's spinning. Yeah. Those are always my favorite. They get stuck. I am the asshole that will stick my foot in the door so that I can't move anymore and they have to be stuck there for a minute just until they figure out what the fuck they're doing wrong. You are an asshole, man. I will absolutely, if they're trying to go the wrong way, I will stand there until it starts moving the right direction. It's like settle down mouse boy, so terrible. There's a lot of stupid out there and you know what, we're, we're not immune. I mean, we're all pretty stupid. We're making, we're making podcasts, you know, we got nothing to do with our time. Yeah, I'm stupid in itself, but I did find a, I was just, these are a lot of just text messages and things that just made me, made me giggle. Like there was one, it was, it was a, some woman on a red carpet was talking to a Korean director about a movie that, a movie that he made about that criticizes the, it's a social criticism piece about Korea, right? Oh Jesus. And she asks, what made you decide to have the film in Korean? It's filmed in Korea. Welcome to Korea, Korean director speaks Korea, has a Korean cast of Korean characters that make criticisms about Korean culture. And she asks, why is it, oh there's another one that made me giggle. This guy says, Bernie Sanders should be forced to give away 90% of his birthday cake. Any of the first comments said, this is generally, that's how birthday cakes work. Pretty much. You don't, you, you get a little sliver in air by us because we're, you get a piece 90% goes to everyone else. I don't do birthday cake for that reason because I'm like, I will do individual birthday cakes. Just give me a cupcake, like, just treat me like a child, that's what I ask. What was, there was one who says, uh, if you use facial, facial recognition, the government has your face now. And someone says, wait until someone tells them about their driver's license. Yeah. Did, did you see the thing where you can put your driver's license in your phone now? Do you trust that? Yeah. So, do you trust that? So basically, if you lose your phone, somebody has your entire life. Your bank accounts, your face, you're so security number. Okay. Okay. How about this? If you have my face that is not on my face, you can have whatever you want my phone. There's nothing good in there. I'm telling you, there's nothing good in that phone. It is a bunch of receipts and bill receipts. Congratulations. My bank account is enough for a reason to worry. Mine's not, mine, I don't have the face thing on my phone. I don't even have a passcode. I don't even have the biometrics on mine, man. I don't, I don't, you know how long it takes me to go through my wallet? It takes just as long as for me to put a fucking number on my phone. I'm not hiding anything. You can look in there, ain't no naked bitches. I'm like, just saying. What else? What do you have? What do you have? I know you had some ideas of stupid people. Yeah. I used to be married to one. Yeah. I mean, that, that one goes without saying that's, I used to be married to one that kept calling me so I had to change my phone number. How about that? Is that why? Is that really why? You want to get into it? Oh, I thought I'll tell you. I mean, is that why you? She, she was blowing up my phone about the podcast. Not only does she follow, followed all of my show pages, but she had to keep sliding in my DMs. I'm sorry. You married a worthless fuck. Stop calling me. Sorry. You cheated. I'm sorry. You ran away. You ran the Clayton, North Carolina. Who gives a fuck? Hey, that falls right into the line. Stupid. Oh, by the way, shout out to Will. What up, Will? Don't you even start with me? What? I said, what up? Okay. We had a call to talk offline the other day. What? Now, I told Justin, I said, so help me. If I hear tomorrow that you and Will back in good terms, I just said hi. I know why you're saying hi to these fucking stupid. No, I must confirm ignoring these allegations you have against me. I just said hi to one of my friends. And now the show is canceled. I'm just kidding. I've like, you know, me, I like having fun, good. I'm just saying. More examples of stupid. Here's a message that says, I wish we could choose our baby fathers. Your kids would agree. Oh, I can't read that one. That was bad. What? This one says, my sister is pregnant. I can't wait to see if I'm an aunt or an uncle. Um, that's not how it works. Oh, my God. This was a picture of someone saying, goodbye America, hello, New York. What? Yep. Oh, yeah, with pictures of the, uh, the miniature artistry outfits in New York. Yeah. What? Yeah. Oh, yeah. With pictures of the, uh, the miniature artistry outfits in New York. Yeah. What in New York? The day of, um, for a, uh, chick that was going to Hawaii and the woman at the counter wouldn't let her go, wouldn't let her get on the plane without a passport. She's saying, you know, why I don't need a passport. Hawaii is a state and she goes, now it's an international flight. You have to have a passport for international flights. She goes, Hawaii is a state, but you have to leave this country to get there. So it's international flight. This woman. Oh my God. This, this girl went off and I, I mean, I pray that this woman was fired on the spot. I pray she is the same person on your flight to Hawaii. Oh, I had a, um, I remember a joke from back in the day when we saw it. It was my favorite, my favorite, uh, example of stupid people, stupid is a stupid dose. So this guy, uh, Robert convenience store, got in, robbed it was getting out as he was getting out. The police were pulling up. So he runs into the woods, right? He's got a good, a bit of a head start. Wait. Are you talking about spray? No, I said he runs into the woods. Oh, okay. Then he asked by the other room, but he was, uh, he was running, he could hear the police behind him. They're a little ways back. No. So he turns this way, he turns that way, trying to lose them, but they're still on his tail. And eventually they catch up and they, and they nab him and he, he's sitting there and he goes, I mean, I, I went all over the place. How did you guys find me? And they said, Oh, we just followed the flashing lights on your tennis shoes. Did you ever hear the story of the guy that wrapped the bank with his bank statement? He robbed a bank with his bank statement. Like he, he took something out of the bank and had his information on there. And he wrote on the back, this is the stick off and robbed the bank. Wow. Dead ass. This is a stick up. Just so you know, this is me. This is where you can find me. This is my account. This is how much I have my bank account. That's right. You know what? At that point, you just give them all his money, maybe like you just went to prison for your own money. Right. Have a good day, pal. Yeah. Give me all your money. Well, let's see. Your account has this much money. All right. This is how much we'll give you. Here you go. All right. I'm out. You just hand him two pennies. It's not even a crime at that point. You just hand him two pennies and be like turn around, sir. Assume the position because they're going right back where they came from. Now we both familiar with Baltimore. No. Let's talk a little bit about something that bothers me sometimes, is it like I'm a, like I said, low income, hard working guy. All right. I mean, I feel for hard working people, but Baltimore back into the 2015-14 somewhere around there had a rash of, um, it was back during the, the Black Lives Matter movements and people were getting hurt. And they were riding. Do you remember the riots? I was there when it started. Okay. So my biggest thing is I believe I've thoroughly believed there are people out there who instigate or start these riots just so they can steal stuff from other people. And some of them are my friends. There is, there is video clips of these, of these Baltimore riots. And I only looked up the Baltimore riots because, you know, we're, you know, we're both from there originally. Hmm. Hasn't been proven for me. And, uh, and there's these people that are like running through target, taking everything at site, burning down Walgreens. Right. And I'm like, that's not a, that's not a protest. You're not gaining anything from that. You're just taking shit. Like I understand the purpose of the riot was to gain, uh, awareness for someone who had got hurt. I don't remember which one it was. It was Freddie Gray. Freddie Gray. Yeah. There you go. Why do you got, he got, he got killed, right? He got choked out and then died later and everybody got mad. Right. Everybody got mad about it. And what does that mean? Oh, now it's time to get free stuff because that's how we protest these days. So the thing I have about this is you're mad. I get it. You're mad, but you're going to burn down your own neighborhood. Right. I'm pretty sure you're going to need that Walgreens. You're fucking neighbors. The guy who owns the store and you're in there taking his shit. Yeah. I'm pretty sure you're, you're going to need that target later on too. Right. Like what the fuck, man, now all for protest happens, uh, once the riots are died down, maybe like it's a week or two later. And these people go to Target to shop like normal, like, are they arrested at that point? Their, their mug shots should be on the fucking entrance by then. Well, but the, the point is is that the system set up where they can't be arrested because it was part of protest, but it was peaceful protest. Nobody got hurt. They consider it still peaceful protest. And that's protected because of that. I will raise you one better. All right. Let's hear it. If you're on a bridge, right, crossing a bridge, going into wherever, right? And you see these motherfuckers link arms and protesting in a bridge. What do you do? I want them over. Thank you. Have you seen what they're doing in Philadelphia? Yeah. Oh, did you see the video of the dude in the truck? Yep. Yeah. I'd be that guy. That's fantastic. Part of that though, was because it was a parade. It was a protest parade that they were doing. I don't like parade off all the exits for like miles. And he just said, I'm not having this shit anymore and he just drove off the exit. I would too. Yeah. But that's the thing, like your protest, I was fine. Just all you want, have a, you know, your opinion, have your say, I don't give a crap. Just don't get in my way. Just don't block entrance of the net in exits. Don't, don't make other people's lives miserable because you're miserable. Because you're mad because you don't, you don't, uh, agree with the government. No, but why do I agree with the government? That's here. Right. Like, Hey, it's, it's a lot of people. I swear they do it. I know they made movies about this, but I swear that it's a, this is from people's jobs. Are you getting a matter for there? Well, it's, it's like, you see it during a lot of times during, um, uh, and we're going to talk about this in a minute, but during presidential campaigns, you see people cause trouble so that the people who are campaigning can, especially if it's like the, uh, the president's campaigning again, they can, they can fix it and then look good, like this job. We could do an episode on that. Oh, we could, we're talking about it. Like, let's talk about the whole assassination attempt on Trump. Oh, Jesus Christ. Why? Right? I don't care, but it's, it's just so, it's funny. I'm not just think about it. I think about this for a minute, right? Um, as far as I'm tracking, I could be wrong. Kamala has dropped out, right? Biden's dropped out. No, Kamala's still running. How are you talking about? I'm pretty sure she dropped out like, no, she's all over the news, man. She's still running. She, she had a statement that she said that she's not a billionaire and she can't afford to run anymore. Cause she knows she can't, she doesn't have the money to win. How about this? I'm going to vote for nobody. Listen, I'm an independent. That's what happens every time. I'm going to independently not vote. That were fucked either way, like, bless you. Anybody but Donald Trump have a thought. And I can have opinion. I can have opinion, ma'am, I have the show. I have an opinion. What? Take a third party and vote for them like I do. I'm voting for President Camacho. I want to, I want to vote for Akuma from Street Fighter. Akuma. Can I put Akuma from Street Fighter on there? I'd vote for him. But you could put whoever you want on there. No joke, like people put celebrities on there all the time. I want to vote for Bill Clinton. I know the Rock was talking about running for a while. He can't. I don't, I don't, I don't think he can. Well, so the thing with the whole Trump thing, right, is that it's well documented now that they knew that person was there. Like it was out there. The information was out that there was that person, there's actually two, but that person was there. Yeah. And nothing was done about it. And that's why they're calling for the head of the Secret Service to be, um, fired. Because they did not try to stop an assassination attempt. And now had it gone through, who would be president? Harambe. Who would win this? Harambe. Harambe. I mean, I'm all it would, would end up winning because she was the only one left in the running. Because as, as it looks up, looks like Kamala decided to stay in the running since everyone else dropped out. You know, I was reading this on Facebook earlier. I don't know. I forget who posted it. If Kamala Harris run like wins, I have no issue with whoever wins. I don't care. I really don't give a fuck. But you know, how many races as motherfuckers are going to come out of the woodwork for this? Well, if you think about it, if I was Kamala, right? I don't know, it had it had the assassination gone through, right? I would not want to run anymore. Because I won. I don't want to be, you'll be a target. Well, not that. I don't want to be the first female president who, because no one else is against there. Pretty much. I shouldn't win the presidency, you know, she was just handed it because there's no one else left, you know what I mean? So it's like, as a female running for president, this is a historic thing. If she wins, it's a very historic moment, you know, and I personally would not want to be handed it and say here, you know, nobody else cares, here you go, can we, can we vote for Mickey Mouse? You can vote for Mickey Mouse. I want to vote for Mickey Mouse. They're little. If you go to a ballot, you can write in to everyone. I want. God damn, I got to register to vote them and shit. I'm registered as independent. I want to give a shit anymore. I want Mickey Mouse just to do a campaign in the Mickey Mouse voice. Oh, well, for me. I'd be it for me. Fuck yeah, I'd vote Mickey Mouse 2024. I would vote for Jim Henson. Jim Henson. Jim Henson and all of his cabinet members have to be muppets. Vote for Bob Newhart. Hey, he would have been a great professor pro time. Yes, please. He would have been fantastic. He would have been fantastic. I'd go to war for that, man. You know, people are going to listen to this and be like these guys are assholes. Oh, here's another one, right? Is there any sort of book subscription for kids that exist where you order books and once they read them, you can return them. Someone said, yeah, it's called a library. I think they want the books delivered to their house. It's called a library library. But do you want to know what else goes with stupid people? Lazy stupid people. Oh, yeah. There's a lot of different kinds of stupid. Lazy stupid is a good one. Lazy is phenomenal. I'm going to tell you my favorite lazy stupid. Ready? Okay. When it's 26 degrees outside and people don't want to get out of their car to pump gas, so they jump in the backseat and they reach out the window and then they put it in the end of the actual door and I'm like, but you're still letting cold air in. Hopefully their car is not running. Please let the car be running. I don't want to be at that gas station if that car is still running while they're trying to pump gas. But it's probably going to take out other morons too, so I'm not really. Oh, I found a thing that the varieties of stupid right now. The first one is pure stupidity, AKA the shit for brains. These are people who, there's no reason they're just stupid and you see them everywhere. And they are what they are. And the second one I like is ignorant, ignorant, ignorant, listen to me, ignorant stupidity. Ignorance stupidity are the people who just don't know what the hell is going on or just don't know anything about what's going on, but they still want to have a say. And I know we've all seen these kind of people. Why are you describing me? You are describing me to a fee. I don't like this very much. Is this about you? You at least will look something up before you have an opinion, depending on just listen to public opinion and I guess is what I'm what's going on. But the last one, the last one is my favorite fish out of water stupidity. And those are people who don't know what the hell is going on. They're in a place or a situation that they don't know anything about. And similar to ignorance, stupidity, just yeah, let's go for it, you know, let's talk. Let's do something. Let's be a part of it. Don't know what it is. Don't know what I'm doing. But let's do it. That's like all the people in the riots. You know, like, hey, what's going on? Oh, they're writing? Okay, let me go get a free microwave. I wish it was that easy. Let me be the guy running out on camera with a 72 inch television. You know, he'd be easy to spot running from the police. Yeah. And especially when everyone else is watching that video, who knows who he is and says, Oh, okay. I'm going to go rob him next. Yeah. He got a 72 inch TV. Oh, piggybacking off of what you said about Baltimore. Yeah. Yeah. I've been there too many times. But then the last week I hated there, yeah, it's not fun anymore. Like it that plays a fucking parable. We saw somebody's car run over a pothole and it moved the super cover and knocked the wheel off the car. I want out of this town right now. Well, let's be, let's be honest when, when they were having the 4th of July ceremony down in the inner harbor years and years ago, and a four year old got shot in the face. That was the end of it. I was like, not going back. That is the only city you can play gunshots or fireworks and be right 50% of the time. I mean, this is the same town that when I was a kid, I wanted to work with my dad one day and we were walking out of where he was working at the time. And you hear gunshots down the road, like, pop, pop, pop. And I'm like, dad, they're shooting and my dad just walk, he's walking to the car and he's like, come on. And then she's going, not perturbed, used to it. Just thought of something I'm going to go on a rant. Oh, let's hear it. This is the same motherfuckers that want to swim in the fucking inner harbor. Flute all. I'm sitting here going, what disgusting motherfuckers is going to openly, openly jump in the inner harbor and jump out looking like the plastic avenger. Do you remember the flute all that came in, the red bull flute all that came into town? Yes. A lot while back, where they had each of the companies that wanted to be part of it, had to make a flying machine on their company and then they had to see how far into the harbor logo. Yes. Did you see them when they pulled them out of the harbor? They were green. They literally had the people who pulled them out of the harbor were wearing hazmat suits and they had to spray them down like they do. You always see it in the movie, you know, spray them down so that they don't contaminate anyone else. But I did a little research about this because I was seeing these motherfuckers jump in the harbor. They said it's progressed well, that it's swimmable now, but it's still a D plus. I'm not swimming in no D plus, abs are fucking lutely not. Well, let's have a little context though, what's a D plus compared comparatively? We were F minus, bro. Well, like Hawaii, Hawaii's got crystal clear blue water. Is that an A? That is an A plus. That's an A plus. Okay. So the rivers in France are brown, but that's probably a D lower. Okay. So now we're going down. So that's we're getting close, we're trying to find our happy medium here. Like can coons probably like an ARB, right? Right. Ocean in general is probably at least a B or a C and the fucking waterfall on the deer park or fucking destiny bottle. That's probably an A too because you can drink up that motherfucker. Let's be real here, if you're on the side of a bottle, you're probably an A plus. It might take you 170 decisions to get there, but you'll drink it like and you know what I did is me and Chuck signed up, Brian, to us women. He was so mad about that. He was selected. And you know, there was 2,000 people that signed up for that shit? 2,000 people give me their addresses so I can take them off this planet. So it makes you think what the mentality is. It's like, is it better to swim in the harbor or walk two blocks down and put your life in your own hand? Well, that's a double side of the sort of right there, Herman. Number one, you know they make bad decisions. They live in Baltimore. That's number one. Number two, you're going to swim in the harbor and they had the Olympic swimmer swim the Chesapeake Bay channel. Get the fuck out of here. There's the one that did the English channel. I didn't hear about the Chesapeake Bay. Yeah, somebody swam like from one side to another and she got sick to be clear. Yeah. No shit. She probably grew a third year. She has like three hands now. Yeah. She's a better swimmer now. She's a great swimmer. She's as good as what's his name? It's fucking terrible. I ever tell you, I used to work for hotels back in the day and I used to drive, I worked the front desk, but I also drove the shuttle and I used to drive the, no, it was a shuttle for a private airstrip in Arizona and I would take the pilots who were, they, pirates fly for all the rich people in the celebrities and they would come in and the pilots would stay at the hotel until the next day and I had these one pilots because they came up that I was from Baltimore and they said, oh yeah, we went to Baltimore and went down the inner harbor. I was like, oh yeah. The inner harbor is great. And then they said, yeah, and we decided to go for a walk. We said, oh, don't decide to go for a walk. You said they walked for one block. They just walked straight up from the harbor and they just want into the city. They walked for one block and it was okay. They walked two blocks and they noticed they started getting some, some looks went away. They walked for three blocks and then people were really starting to look. I'm funny. And if four blocks, people started to get up when they saw them and walk towards them. That's when they turned around and walked back. Were they, you probably saved your life. Were they, no, you should just pilots, you should just people that were there because their celebrity or whatever wanted to be there and they were just, but were they. You realize I can't see that on the guy or they, I don't know what that means. Were they of the, oh, they didn't say you just said that the people in the city started walking towards them and it scared them and they left. Yeah, but were they of the white persuasion? I don't know. It wasn't important. You saw their, you were talking to them. What color were they? Oh, the pilots? Yeah. Oh, yeah. The pilots were white. There you go. Okay. Sorry. I thought you met the people that were. No, I already know the answer to that question. That is, that is, you can throw a rock at one. Come on now. I, I am Italian. I used to love going to look literally. They had, uh, cars down in Baltimore is the best Italian, uh, dessert place there ever will ever be. And I've heard that you can't even walk down Pratt Street anymore. Nope. Without being fucking shot at Pratt Street has two bling and two bling and blue lights when I'm a fucker now, just as good as Gay Street, you know, Gay Street's even worse. You know, the worst part is that people, the people that are complaining about the quality of life and talk about stupid, right? They're complaining about the quality of life in Baltimore and yet they're shooting at everybody who comes around. Yep. Like, what exactly do you want to accomplish here? And their governors are no good either. Oh, I don't even know. I'm gone that far. We're going to do a whole thing about politics. You got Florence, uh, Florida pew or whatever name was, whatever name was the one that looks like Jar Jar Binks steals, uh, stole all the gift cards. Are you talking about the, the Black Widow? What do you mean Black Widow? No, wait. Pew was the name. Pew. Yeah. The Catherine pew. Oh, Catherine pew. Okay. Yeah, she stole all the gift cards and shit. From the church. Oh, like she. Took all. Yeah. Florence Florence pew is an actress. I said, Catherine pew. Okay. Now you said Florence originally. That's why I was like, wait a minute. What are you talking about? Dude, I was. It was Black Widow. I was, I was, I was watching the San Diego comic contract, or leave me live. Hey, that, um, Thunderbolts looks good. I think they can keep that. Why? It's, it's great. It's the, uh, Marvel's version of, um, suicide squad. So all American rejects, we get it. The suicide squad for Marvel, you know, that's, no, no, that's just why that's what they do. They copy, copy and paste. I am all, I am all for Dexter coming back to the TV show. Yeah. I thought they already did that. Dexter resurrection. It's called. But they did that. They had us spin off. He did his new blood, they air by handed it. So they're redoing it. The redoing. Okay. So that, that I get. I'm all for that. Yeah. Dexter was a fantastic show. I was going to say that. It's been awful. It was terrible. It was six episodes of pure nonsense. What do you want to, uh, segue into TV? We're going to start a new segment on this show where we lose viewers. Oh, just where, uh, Justin and I are going to be talking about, who are we watching shows? King shit. King shit. And I am talking about shows that we're watching. What the fuck is the prime example? You can't get sponsored by a friend. No, the prime example is stupidity. Oh, okay. I thought you would have got that. I like that. Yeah. I knew you liked that. This is the only thing I could think of that you weren't, you wouldn't change. But yeah, we're going to do something where we're, um, we're both watching, um, for those about to die, there's, uh, the new show on Netflix, it popped down, uh, about gladiators in ancient Rome. And it's basically a TV show based on gladiator and it's fantastic. I absolutely love it. I was a little worried though, you and I tend to be different on, um, on shows, but you said you love the show. What do you mean different? Different in, in, we look at TV and movies differently. Like I, you look at content and, um, the ability for a show to continue. And I like, I don't mind things for their own standalone nature. You know what I mean? Like, you look more at story. I look more at cinematography. No, let's tell it for what it is. You like King Kong. I like Godzilla. Well, that's just because King Kong is better. King Kong sucks. King Kong is. Okay. Okay. What? We've been promising this for a long time. We will get to it. Godzilla eats King Kong for breakfast. Listen, listeners. I'm going to put a poll. You said listen, listeners, listen, listeners. That's like what you're doing right now. No, we're going to put a poll on Facebook. Um, and I want to know of our viewer, of our listeners, where everyone stands on the King Kong versus Godzilla, if you, if you vote for God, they'll all give you five dollars. See, he's got a, he's got to bribe his voters. Hey, I'm bad of a position. He knows he's in the fucking government does that. I don't want to hear that. Yeah. But those are subsidy checks. Okay. They're more than five dollars, no more than five dollars because they're going to still go off cars later. It's the same thing that they fucking do on their campaign trial gift card. That's what you could do. You could start getting gift cards as like regal cinemas. There is no regal cinemas are in the theater. Do you do? He goes away. What, what theater do you have by, by, by your house and the, B and B theaters. You have B and B, B and B is a small mom and pop, uh, own franchise. So funny story here, we, me and D walked, not walked, went to AMC to get the popcorn buckets for Deadpool. Yes. And we got the Wolverine looks like he's ready to give you a good time. You mean this? Oh yeah. Big mouth. It's this one right here that I have three of it's a little big for you though, uh, depends what day it is. So, so I got the whole list of where, what, um, each theater has, and me and Brandon go, what the fuck is a B and B theater? Because we have, cause there's only a couple in your house. We have AMC's. We have the new, um, cinema going up now. Yeah. We have a Regal and Hunt Valley, huh? Putting up a theater. Yeah, they're putting, they tore down the one AMC by my house and they're putting up a cinema. Yeah. But I'm sick. Why? Who decided to do that? Talk about throwing. Because it was a independently owned AMC or it wasn't a chain AMC. No, no, I get that. But who decides to put up another theater, like talk about throwing away money? Dude, you want to talk about throwing away money? They, they labeled the stretch and bellaire. Ready for this? Yeah. Chicken Avenue. What? Chicken Avenue. Do you know why it's called chicken avenue? Chick-fil-A has something to do with it. Chick-fil-A and Popeyes are on the same strip. I'm deleting Facebook because they, they call that little strip there of a block. Chicken Avenue, because a Chick-fil-A and a Popeyes is there now. The pinnacle of stupidity for this show today. We have now reached the pinnacle of stupidity. Chicken Avenue. Chicken Avenue. Chicken Avenue. Who makes these decisions? And do you know what's going by the Popeyes at Pete's cycles? Remember Pete's cycles? Yeah. It's going to be a raisin cane. Still there? No, it's going to be a raisin canes. It's going to be like KFC. That KFC finally closed, though. Raisin canes. Nice. Raisin canes is delicious. Ever had slim chickens? What? Slim chicken. What the fuck is a slim chicken? It's a chicken, or, or Zaxby's, you ever had Zaxby's? I've had Zaxby's before. Slim chickens is similar to Zaxby's. That's huge in Virginia. Zaxby's. Zaxby's is the best chicken I've ever had in my life. And I am a die-hard KFC fan because I love the KFC balls like the best thing you can, you can eat and drive at the same time. How would you know? Oh, I know. And then they made the KFC ball where it's not mashed potatoes, but macaroni? Fuck you! Their macaroni is like the equivalent of eating plastic. No, they got homestyle mac now. We don't have homestyle mac. Homestyle mac with the break from topping. This is coming from the same fat fuck that is getting stationed in Hawaii, and the first thing he fucking looked is that they have a Chick-fil-A. Listen, okay, I live in a life without Chick-fil-A, okay? It's been three years. Chick-fil-A. I've been a Chick-fil-A maybe five times in three years when we go to... We make it a point to go to Chick-fil-A when we go to St. Louis. That's how bad it is. Do you have withdrawal? You people who are spoiled and have all the best food in five minutes from your house. Yep. Yeah, you who can go to Boxhill, Pizzeria and get the best fucking food in the world. And fortune out of brothers. Fuck you. Fortune out of brothers are the best pizza in the world. Or yours if you really want to go that far? Or you can invite somebody over to have fortune out of brothers, and they will dump their sub on your own on your on your on your own countertop for you. What? Yeah. Who is that? He knows what I'm talking about. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are you telling me somebody? Somebody came over to my house. And we got fortune out of brothers and this motherfucker dumped half of his cheesesteak on my counter and left it. That's blasphemy. And his name rhymes with B. His name rhymes with B. A letter of his name that we know. And I go, what the fuck? He goes, I'm like, talk about a facelab moment. It's just all over my counter. I, the hurt in my heart right now, for the fact, just fear fact, the sheer fact that I just don't have access to that. And he wasted it. Yeah. My arteries are closing up just thinking about it. I was pretty mad about that. But yeah, no. Chick-fil-a. And the fact I had a yell at him, and he's still there and looked at me. He should have made him eat it with, eat it without his hands. I would have, I would have snorted it with my nose. I could have had a good cheesesteak in years. Huh? Now we're going, now we're on it. This is our tangent of the day. Best food in the world. I fucking love cheesesteak's tuna. Every time I come to visit this man, we go to at least fortune out of brothers. And then box it right, right as a tail end. Yeah. And he says the same thing every time he goes, yep, that's good enough for two years. And he's like, I'm going to have you, I'm going to have you mail it to me in Hawaii. I'm not mailing anything, Hawaii, but a bomb, but no, shut up. I'm going to mail me, you're going to get some freeze, some fortune out of brothers pizza, and then mail it with some, some, uh, by the time it gets there, it's going to be. Oh, the ice. Well, they call that the ice. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. How about this? I will fly over there and throw some dry ice in your face. It just airdrop me some, airdrop me some dry ice in the pizza box way. By the way, we just had box, old crab cakes the other day. Well, she did not did not. But they got bigger. They're the size of a softball now, dude. And you get a softball sized crab cake with a large fry for $19.99. Jeez. They said box, old crab cakes Brandon is getting a heart on right now. I am. I am hurting. You know what I had for lunch? A hot dog. Good. You deserve that hot dog, you bitch. You know what I had for lunch today? I tried the foot long dipper from Subway. Fucking delicious. What the pretzel one or the, but it's a pepperoni and cheese and a, uh, um. It's a four cheese roll up and they are fucking delicious. They're $2. Candice, I don't know how far they will deliver them. I'm pretty sure Hawaii is not on their, uh, map quest. We're talking about 6,000 miles, no, about 5,000, 5,000 miles. The shipping and handling, it's three or more digits. I know. It's sort of crab cake, $120 for shipping combined out to $2,500. It painted out our mouth. How about this? I got an idea. I will buy you crab cakes, send them. And then I will have Moana go, what can I say, you're welcome. How long have you been waiting to use that? Oh, like two shows. Dude, I had a, um, I have a friend in Alaska who makes poor decisions. He's just like you. I know. No, no. He has a cabin out somewhere, but the only way to get there is by seaplane. So they literally have a deliver, a pizza delivery service on the mainland that will see plane over to them to deliver a pizza. He deserves to be on the same plane. You plane. You do. He loves the only he has to get there by sea plane. You have to take a tiny little sea plane to deliver a pizza. If they deliver it frozen, you got to, you got to put it in the, in the, if I, if anything involves a plane, I don't want no part in it. After fucking that grandma up in, uh, on Chicago, no, I'm not going to a new plane ever again, dude. Dude, I elbow that grandma so hard in the throat. Yeah. I remember somebody's grandmother is fucked up because of me just so I hope you, you make it to Hawaii. Cause I'm not making it there. If you ever, if anyone ever sees this man on an airplane on a Southwest flight, don't sit next to him. Leave him be. Please. No. He's got the whole exit road to himself. Is anybody sitting here? Yeah. My elbow in about three minutes. I like she wants, you don't know where she wants, she wants to go to Vegas. I want to go to Vegas too. That's fine. But I love to have you. Nobody wants to stay with your parents, free pool, free place to stay, free food. Dude, Yuri told me your dad hates this show. My dad doesn't listen to the show because he doesn't like profanity. Well, you don't have me then. I feel like, uh, he would not do well listening to him. He would turn it off. Fuck it. Fuck. Fuck. Three seconds and go, what is wrong with these people? Is his son, he's, it doesn't like me to curse in front of my kids. And we had that one episode with Juni, I was letting it fly on that episode. I didn't care. He did. He did not, did not hear that one for, but, but here's the thing though. Your kids know better. Are your kids running around going, fuck you, dad, my son did say shit. That's great. He repeated me. Like I said it. I was like, Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Classic. Great. Put him on the sound board and be like, Oh, shit. Yeah. I know. Right. Get him to say it again. Oh, shit. Boop. We'd be like, that was easy. Someday we're going to have a sound port. We have a sound port. We started talking about a TV show. Now, fuck it. We're not even getting to it. Nope. But we will do a segment where we talk about shows and movies, um, I, I'm good. I have to go see Deadpool. And then we can have a whole show talking about that. You mean watching it? Wink. Wink. I have to go see Deadpool. Wink, wink. In the, in the theater. Wink, wink. AMC, AMC, wink, wink. B&B. No. No, B&B. No. Thank you. We, we do one, uh, I don't know if I could even do it. Like you, you, you get, you, cause of your other show, you get to see movies, what do you call them screenings? I'll get screenings every day for shit. You get screenings all the time. You, I do have a movie for you to watch. It's, it's called Kill K-I-L-O. It is an Indian film that got sent to me, an Indian film, an Indian film, an Indian film. Like Dunkin' Donuts, Indians. Dunkin' Donuts, Indian. It's called Kill. What, like, what, what word do you want me to say? I like how you said that. Well, you guys, I'm looking at it. It's fucking fire, bro. Is it? India has been putting out a lot of good shit. It's really good movies. And I think it's, it's honestly, it's not that they're putting them out, is that they're finally dubbing them. I don't even care about dubbing. Well, I don't have any martial arts movie, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I don't work that fast. Dude, I watch anime. Leave me alone. I can't. I cannot watch anime that's, unless it's dubbed, and a lot of people like, tell me it's terrible. Are you fucking kidding me? I can't, because I can't read fast enough to know what the fuck is going on. So your shit has to be down here reading while everything else is up here going on. I don't even know what the hell is going on, so I'm just trying to read. Are you fucking kidding me now? I can't read that fast. You just said you can't read it. I'm talking with that. Pick up my words apart again. No, I can't, I just can't read fast enough. I'm a very slow reader. I take in a lot of information. I understand everything that's happening, but I just can't read that fast. That sounds like a personal problem. Check out the chat. Yeah. She abandoned us. No, no, no. Undo that. What? B's trying to justify spilling cheesecake on the counter. He can justify. It was a couple pieces of meat that came off the wrapping when I took it apart, and you apologize for it because I didn't even see it happen. No excuses. That was $12. You just wasted. You wasted fantastic food, and you made my heart and my arteries hurt, and you do that on your own, and you paid for it, and you paid for it. So you want some breaking news, guess who came out of the woodwork and slid it in my DMs? Not again. And I'm going to quote what he said. I don't appreciate people messaging me on my email address, calling me an asshole. Whoops. Whoops. Sorry. No. Brandon, don't please vote. Brandon's selling me pictures of food now. W. One last time. He's going to change it, it's changed by now. He said he got 76 emails. Damn. I wish I could see him. I have one. You want me to send it to you? You have his password. Brandon. Just go and get him off. Brandon, send him the email I sent you. You have his password, just log in and copy all the emails so before you can get rid of them. He changed it. Wow. That's funny. Yeah, but me and him, I have a meeting on Friday. I thought you were waving to your friend earlier. I'll see him Friday. And then we'll see if there's a show on Tuesday. If he's breaking news, Justin got shot on Friday. I'm going to get stabbed, leave me alone. That's my biggest fear with you. I'm afraid I'm going to get a call one day. It's going to be Ashley going. That's a young shot. Somebody didn't like what he said. I don't leave the house anymore, man. Yeah, but he's the next in the window. Not for long. New setup coming. I'm excited. New shit. You've got your desk finally. New setup is coming. We're going to see now I have to. Now I have to come back. I see what you're doing. You're making it so I have to come back so we can set up your shit. You're not going to come back. I will come back and visit. When? I can't tell you. I'll come back. I want to come back before I leave. But again, it's hard to do because she's on a schedule. So it's all her fault again. Great. No. It's the Army's fault. For sending us here. We didn't choose to be here. It's her fault for following directions. You're a fault for doing what you're doing. On the next episode, I don't know. We will talk about, I do want to start talking about the movies and shows because we have varying opinions on cinema. Everything. On everything. But in cinema, we definitely have different opinions. I think it'll make for good content. I think everyone who will try to be mainstream will try to stay relevant to what's going on during, you know, at the time. I know there's a delay between these episodes coming out and shooting them. But yeah, no, it'll be fun. Look for the Facebook page. We will continue to put out there when things are posted, and we're going to put that poll out. I really want to know. God's delivers. Kong. We got to do it eventually. Godzilla. It'll be the season finale. Because we got to do least 20, so. That'll be our season finale. 21. We will get canned. And we'll see if season two comes out. That is strictly on user. But until then, check us out on Facebook. Don't forget made made. If for any of your custom needs, custom made things, very good at what she does. And check us out on Spotify and Apple and have a good day. [MUSIC] This has been War of the Words with me, Random and the King. Thank you all for hanging in on with us, and we hope you enjoyed the ride. Please stay seated until the ride has come to a complete stop. Make sure you grab all your belongings and get the hell out of here. Until next time. 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