PHLY Philadelphia Flyers Podcast

PHLY Flyers Podcast | Travis Konecny’s contract and Matvei Michkov’s rookie expectations

It’s been a pretty crazy week for the Philadelphia Flyers, especially considering it’s mid/late July. So Charlie, Kelly and Bill are foregoing SOME of the usual F-Around Friday shenanigans to finish off the week’s major conversations. First, we get into the Travis Konecny contract extension some more, and then we’ll talk about setting realistic expectations for Matvei Michkov’s rookie season, by looking at the best Flyers rookies of the past as comparables. We’ll also get into the Wells Fargo Center naming rights story. It’s a jam-packed summer Friday! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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It’s been a pretty crazy week for the Philadelphia Flyers, especially considering it’s mid/late July.

So Charlie, Kelly and Bill are foregoing SOME of the usual F-Around Friday shenanigans to finish off the week’s major conversations.

First, we get into the Travis Konecny contract extension some more, and then we’ll talk about setting realistic expectations for Matvei Michkov’s rookie season, by looking at the best Flyers rookies of the past as comparables.

We’ll also get into the Wells Fargo Center naming rights story. It’s a jam-packed summer Friday!

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[music], and I'm going to go to the next one. Hey, everybody, how you doing? Well that's good. Welcome to PHLY Flyers. My name is Bill Matts. I'm your director of fun and games for the afternoon. Joining me today is not only Philadelphia's number one hockey beat reporter Charlie O'Connor. We also have Broad Street Hockey's own Kelly Henkel. What's going on today, fan? You know, it's Friday. It is Friday. And even though it's like the end of July, Danny Breyer has made it so that it's not an F-round Friday. This was a busy week. It was a busy week. And we have a lot to do. Kelly wasn't able to join us yesterday so I want to get a little bit more of the Travis Connect, the reaction to the contract extension. We have a whole bunch of things to get to today. I'm just trying to talk about movies. I know. I really thought we were going to do the Slapshot Show at some point. Okay, so before let's do that first, reviews days, we're just going to hit reset and we're going to do Slapshot on Tuesday. We're trying to being Tuesday reviews days. Yes, yes. And at a certain point, it was like, let's just push this off because we have other things to talk about. And so we're going to hit reset. On Tuesday, we're going to talk about Slapshot and then I'll put out a poll asking what the next hockey movie we'll talk about the following week is and we'll go from there until, of course, they trade for, you know, Shane Pinto and everything. I do think they are probably done now because these were the last two truly outstanding pieces of business in that you knew Mitch Kalk was coming over eventually and you knew people were going to lose their minds when he did. And they said from the get-go that they wanted to have the Connecti contract resolved one where the other by the start of camp. So they just did it now. All their RFAs are resigned. They could theoretically make a trade yes, but everyone is at the cabins at this point. So probably not. Yeah. Like Danny, get to the cabins. So my guess is that they are now done and now the rest of the summer will be us just effing around. But this week was, this week was just as busy as like the first week of July was. All right. So the first thing I want clarification on is we were doing this like right before we went live and I was like, well, why not? Why not just do this? Because I want to, I need the clarification for our listeners too. The contract, the eight year contract extension, it comes with, we didn't know the trade protections during the show yesterday. Right. So really, what exactly are they, because I was very confused the way they, you apparently got it right in your reporting. There were a couple of different ways it was phrased. What are the protections in the eight year contract extension? Yeah, I think, I think Kevin Kurz was the first one to tweet it out. I got a confirmation a little bit later. It really only got confused when Puckpedia put out their tweet because I, my guess is that Puckpedia got the right information, but just didn't present it as straightforwardly as they probably should have and they'll get better. You can talk about it before the show that they have been, the duty of becoming the new calf friendly has a thrust upon them. They will get used to getting these contracts and fully right. But the first six years of the contract, there is a full no move clause and the no move clause essentially means he cannot be traded without any permission. He cannot be traded to any team. He has to approve and he also cannot be weighed. That is one of no move clauses. The final two years of the deal, the no move clause goes away. It's no longer a no move clause. It's replaced by a 14 team no trade clause, which gives the flyers the flexibility to theoretically trade connect me, but it gives connecty veto power on nearly half of the teams in the league. And is that 14 teams he can be traded to or 14 teams he will not go? I don't know off the top of my head, but usually it is 14 teams he can't be traded to. Okay. That is generally the way these clauses were. I can't say with 100% certainty that's the way this contract is. But generally it is these 14 teams I cannot be traded to and they spell them out. And usually it's the teams you would expect in like the win of pegs in places where nobody wants to go live. And then if a guy doesn't want to get traded, a lot of times what they'll do is the player will pick all the best teams because he figures well, you know, if I don't want to get moved, I'm going to make it so if like one of if like Colorado is looking to trade for somebody, they have to get my approval because they're a team that theoretically could be looking for upgrades at that time. And if not, they'll just pick all the cities in a little bit. Yeah. I mean, 14 at this rate, like, yeah, eight, nine years from now, there could be like 20, 30 teams that he could still be traded. I mean, they could go up to 33 or 34 by by, you know, 20, 20, 32, like that. I am positive it'll be 34 by then. More. We'll see if they go any further. You think it's going to be what? Yeah. I'm curious. Definitely. We'll do it. We'll do it f around Friday. How many teams are you expecting the NHL to have? I mean, like, in my lifetime, 100. What? Yeah. What? No, but it's a by 20, 75, you know, think they'll be like 50 teams in the league. No, that's crazy. I do not. They're already too many. I do not enough. I do not think they're just going to keep adding teams forever. No, I don't. That's crazy. I don't know. You guys in the season that for now, I was going to say now we're changing that to like what? 86. That's what we're going to do. You're being soccer. It just goes year round. There's 20 different groups. Yeah. Anyway, what was the other? Oh, so the other thing I wondered yesterday, and I think you came up with this chuck. This is if he's less the length of the contract, the largest sum total contract they'll pay out. Mike Richards got 69 million. But they didn't want to have a player sign for more. Indeed. Shae Weber. Shae Weber. It's just $110 million. It's just that. That's villain Montreal. They did that. Yeah. And then you never actually played. Yeah. Never played here. But that that is the most lucrative contract the fliers have ever signed. $110 million. That's wild. And like what 12 years ago, it is wild that they didn't get that guy. I've been to like 40 million less. It is wild how that when they when they put the cap on years and is like, yeah, we needed a rule. Rumor was a protect from them from themselves. Yeah. Yeah. Am I wrong? And then like they made all sorts of rules so you couldn't get out of them. I was like, but you signed these contracts. And now you're ruining the team because you what anyway. So the Connect the contract extension, believe it or not, fliers fans are divided on this. Can you believe it? Now like my big takeaway from yesterday was like, listen, I don't know if this is the best allocation of assets for a team that's in a quote unquote rebuild. But I think it's about right money wise. Like I don't think this is a massive overpay. It's not. This is basically what he's worth. And you kept a good player. Does he really fit the timeline? How is he going to age? That is a gamble. Like this is just one of those gambles Danny Breyer is taking. It's like, we'll never know until it's happening if it was a good idea or not based on like the law of averages. It's not the best idea, but maybe he's an outlier. There's no way to know until it happens. Yeah. I made the argument of like in my article, my breakdown that I released last night, it's like you're playing Blackjack and you have 12 and the dealer showing a six. The math tells you you should stay and bet that the dealer is going to bus because you assume the dealer has a 10. They're not showing and then they're going to bust. You can hit and there's a solid chance you're going to get a, you're going to get a, a not a face card. You're going to get a nine or less and you're going to have a better shot. But on the whole, the math is in favor of you. That's why I can't play Blackjack. I would definitely hit on 12 every time. Yeah. It's not close enough. It's not close enough. Exactly. My point is, my point is that overall, if you follow the numbers, you're going to win more. The flyers in this case did not follow the numbers. They went with their gut doesn't mean that their gut can't be right. It doesn't mean there are not a bunch of different scenarios where their gut ends up leading to a positive outcome. It just means that if you're purely betting on outcomes, this was a risk, a risk that maybe wasn't the smartest risk to take. Kelly, you are one of the reasons I want to get more into not doing enough around Friday to day. You weren't here yesterday. Yeah. And I saw some of your reaction on the old and wanted to bring that here to the real world. You know, YouTube, definitely the real world. How, how did you feel yesterday when the announcement was made? Travis, connect me eight year extension, $70 million. I had so many thoughts. I actually made notes. I didn't want to forget anything. So first of all, much like Charlie, I absolutely need to log off because it's extremely bad for my mental health to be reading your people's tweets because you're all crazy in a good way. So my thought is this. I don't know why so many of the online flyers fans seem to be treating this contract like the Andrew McDonald contract, like freaking out about how objectively bad it is. There's just nothing positive about this contract. You definitely should have moved him so that you would have cap space to presumably sign a player as good as Travis, connect me. I'm guessing that's what you would want to do with that cap space, but you already have him. So like my questions are these. What is the window? We don't know what the window is. We've all kind of presumed that the window is four or five years from now. We don't know that's what the window is and we don't know that's what Breair thinks that the window is. One of me thinks that like with Mitch Cough coming over early, I know that he says that this doesn't change their strategy and probably on a macro level, it doesn't. But I do think it's like, if you're the general manager of this team, it would almost kind of be malpractice to not try to maximize the ELC years. So like maybe you're thinking to yourself, okay, maybe we try to push it a little bit harder than we thought we would because we've got these three years of this guy that hopefully we're going to have to give a boatload of money to in a few years. Maybe we see what we can do in this three when he's making league men. So like, okay, like if you think about that logically, I think that kind of makes sense. And then also like as far as value goes, if Travis connect me for the first five years of this contract or so, is part of the reason why Tyson Forster gets better? He's part of the reason why Morgan Frost looks a little bit better. If he's part of the reason why other players that are younger, that we need it to be part of the core of this team, if they take steps forward because they're playing with a player as good as Travis Connectney, and again, Travis Connectney's really good. Like he's not a bad hockey player, he's not a mediocre hockey player. He's a very good hockey player. Then aren't we getting some value out of him? That's a little bit bigger than just score sheet value, I would say, yes, we are. So I do kind of think that people just kind of need to like chill a little bit and just like think that maybe your idea of what this rebuild is going to be is not what the reality is. Because none of us know everyone's guessing. We don't know what it's going to be. We don't know what their precise plan is. To be quite honest with you, if Travis Connectney not being that great anymore in five or six years is a big problem for this team, then the team's not good anyway. Like he needs to not be a factor in five or six years. That's the, I guess the downside, the real downside of this, which is always going to be the downside of a massive contract signed to a guy in his late 20s is like, well, what if he just gets her and then sticks and then they're screwed, but like that's going to be the case for any deal you saw here and also like find me a hockey player who signs the deal at this stage of the game that's not bad in the back half of it, like 90% of them are. That's just how it goes in hockey every single time. It's just that with a guy that's already on your team, you're not overpaying for him like you would a UFA. But every one of these deals signed in your late 20s, first of all, they're always long because it's hockey and they're always bad in the back half. But I think the ticket here is that Danny Breyer needs to make sure that Travis Connect Me is not one of the best two players on this hockey team in five years because if we're expecting him to be in five years, then everything's failed and then it doesn't matter anyway. So like we just need to, I guess at this point, there's no reason for me to yet believe that Danny Breyer can't do this because he hasn't shown me anything terrible yet. And I know a lot of people are calling this terrible. He lost the negotiations. He should have traded him. He didn't lose the negotiations. I know. That's not that. Like I am very open to the argument that they should have traded him that he doesn't have the timeline. What I, and this is why like I hate Twitter. I truly fucking hate it because like I get positioned by some people as a defender of this move when I'm actually not, you've said a hundred times, but because I think the argument that Connect Me is a not good player is fucking bondlessly, it's unbelievably stupid. And anyone who believes it is actively spewing moronic ideas. And I argue against that, then people are like, Oh, you think this is a good move? I'm like, no, I just think the idea that Connect Me is a six million dollar player is nuts. And you're wrong. Right. It's nonsense to say that he's not an eight million dollar player. He is just objectively based on the things that people say do the research. It's nonsense to say that he wouldn't be like a top two line player on a good team. That's nonsense. I mean, like there's just like a lot of people just like going all the way in the wrong direction to try to like make themselves feel correct. And there's also still this ongoing insistence on being negative about every single thing that this organization does in the hopes that one day you get to say, see, you idiot, see how smart I was. You thought Travis Connect Me was going to be good for four years and I was right because he sucks. Like, Oh, cool. Everyone's lives are miserable right now because the team sucks. I'm glad that you feel good about yourself. Like that's the only reason these people are like this. But anyway, I've always, look, I've always made the argument that being negative is like the cowards way. Exactly. Because if your negative and the team stinks, then you can at least feel good that you were right. If you're negative and the team is good, who cares? The team's good. Right. So. And only as you point out, like, Oh, yeah, they're not going to win the cup this year. No shit. 31 teams won't. The chances of the other thing, the chances of winning the cup are very low, even like for the New York Rangers and awesome team. It's like, yeah, probably not because like no one wins. One wonder, you know, like being negative, you're probably going to be right is the good thing is the rare out 31 times. You're correct. Cool. Good job. Can't wait for five seconds, just enjoy that we have good players on our hockey team. And that's fun that we've had so much fucking boring, miserable hockey over the last five or six years. He's a fun player to watch. He's fun. You know, Danny did say the other day, we are in the entertainment business. And like, and that's one thing I do appreciate here and like just trying to, because again, I'm not totally sold on this, but I'm trying to, I always say, I don't need to agree with you. But if I can see your logic, then I can be like, yeah, I guess. Yeah. And what I'm starting to think is like I've said a few times, this might take a little longer than we thought, they are putting a whole lot of stock into the idea of, we got to get these young kids playing meaningful games. And that's the only way they're going to learn to become winners is playing in these meaningful games. To get that to happen, I don't know if anyone's ever paid attention, but young teams don't win shit, like young teams, even with really good, like Conor McDavid missed the playoffs like four of his first five years, he might be the best player of all fucking time. Yeah, like it's very rare young teams win to get these players in a position in Maffee Mitch Cobb. Yeah, maybe he's an exception, because he's amazing, but Tyson Forrester, even Owen Tippett, Cam York, these guys in position to learn how to play these games, they're going to need these vets around to kind of get them those couple extra points throughout the season that keep them in that contention. So that maybe they make the playoffs, maybe they learn what playoff hockey is. And I'm seeing this kind of coming in two waves, like there's going to be a point where they're that, yeah, they're third division, they're a wildcard team. That's kind of where the, and that's probably more in the front half of this Travis Connect Me contract. And he's the catalyst for that. And then in the back half, it's like, yeah, we're overpaying, but we have a whole bunch of these young guys that came up through this organization that won some stuff early. And now they are ready to take the next step. And he gets to be the Jamie Ben Tyler Sagan. Exactly. He has he overpaid. Definitely. But he's still good. And we have all these other dudes that we can play them third by minutes. Yeah, I guess where I, and I, Bill, I would not be shocked if that is their entire idea is that they look at it as, yeah, in the first half of the deal, we might not be a cup contender, but we think we'll be a playoff team if we have connected. If we don't, we don't necessarily think we will be. If we have someone like connect me, we have a better chance of being a playoff team. And even if we don't have any real chance of winning a cup, we think that young players are going to benefit from being on a competitive playoff relevant team. I fundamentally disagree with that. Like I just fundamentally disagree with that philosophy. I think the flyers would benefit significantly more from having higher draft picks over that run than losing in five games to the Rangers two straight years. I agree. Like I fundamentally disagree with that premise, which is why I look at it as the only way this connect me deal works for me is if A, they're much better in the front half of the deal than I think they're going to be, which like they could be. If Danny has a great, and then you spoke to this, like if Danny has a great off season next summer and then a great off season in 2026 and they make some big trades and maybe they get lucky with some, some prospects who develop quicker than expect it. And then by year two, the flyers are where the devil's were going into last season. We're like, I think a few things break their way. They could win it all. Then the connecting deal makes perfect sense to me. And then B is if he just ages really well, which like not out of the wrong possibility, it's not terribly likely based on the way this usually works, but it could happen. He could be 33 and still real good. And then boom, we'll be looking back on this day and say, man, Danny made the right bet. You know, he bet on this guy, staying healthy and staying, staying in shape and, and having the competitiveness to, to find ways to succeed, even as his physical abilities dip a bit, then we're going to be like, that was a great move. But if one of those two scenarios or both, that would be, I guess, ideal, if one of those two scenarios doesn't play out, I do not think this contract works for me. And that is in part because I don't really see the value. And I know I'm certain the fliers do. They see the value in getting to the playoffs and losing a couple of times in blowout fashion because they learn. I don't think that matters that much. I think when you're ready to win, you win. And then you either sink or you swim, that, but that's my personal. I don't think I'm fairly right or wrong. That's just my personal. I just don't think like two years from now, we're talking about like what the capitals were in the playoffs this year. Like, I think they are a competitive team that could win a round or two. Are they cup contenders? No, but I do think there is a difference between getting in and having a chance to maybe go on a little bit of a run or just being a bad team that happens to be there. Right. Like, I don't think they will be in position to, yeah, they're in because the East stinks. Like, that's not what I think they're thinking. But no, I have said time and time again, I would like to have seen this thing torn down, but that is not the reality we're living in. Yeah. It just keeps like, I can't do a show based on some alternate reality. I mean, for the record, I would not have signed Travis Connecting you for eight years. If I were playing NHL GM mode, I would have traded him for a really good center and that would have been cool. I don't. You got to turn the cap off if you're playing. I don't really think it's that easy in real life, but then again, what do I know? But that said, I don't think this is detrimental to the team in the short term at all. It's not. I don't. It's going to be a breaker in the long term. I think it might be like, huh, I wish we weren't paying Travis Connecting eight million, but I don't. I can't see it being like, God, this is ruining our lives is I will trust have a contract that we can't get rid of. Like, I don't think it's going to be that. But it could. I mean, look at how we're viewing the criteria contract. If he gets hurt, like that's the big one is getting hurt, but like literally that's a gamble with every single guy that takes the ice every single one of these guys could have a career ending injury at any moment. Like that could happen. It's just not every guy that hits the ice has an eight year contract. Understandable. That's, that's the risk. I just don't, I don't think it's as bad as people want it to be. Would I have done it? Probably not. That said, I don't know how hard it is to trade for a center. It seems like it's probably hard. People like having good centers. There's probably not a ton of them available on the market. Maybe Anaheim didn't want an old man winger. And so we couldn't get Trevor Zegres in this particular deal. I don't know. Like I just don't, I think everyone needs to just like chill for a second. Like it's fine. We have it later. We have it later. I would have gone into it. Damn. No, before we do take our first break, there's one more thing I just like, I know people and I'm one of them. Like impatient. We want the acquisitions to happen yesterday. I was just like, so when do we get these great players that you tell us we need them? We're not going to be drafting them unless we get super lucky. No in fairness. How do we get them? We just met one in person three days ago. Okay. That's one. We need like I agree. I agree. I agree. I feel just sad for me or his somewhere between the connect me and Mitch Cobb level. I was going to say, you need two to three guys. Most teams that when the cup don't have two or three, Matt, they Mitch Cobb, Conor McDavid, Conor Bader level players on them. Sure. People like to pretend that they do, but they don't, like do you need better? And Colorado teams changed a lot of percent. Yes. Like those were super teams. Yes. They really were. And I've said it before that you can look at Florida and you can see a path. Will he have to do everything really, really well? Absolutely. Will he have to get lucky? Absolutely. But you can absolutely see a path from this version of the flyers to a version of the flyers that looks like this year's Florida Panthers. I really do think that that can be done. I will say while I'm like, no, we need more great players. Go get them. Go in here. There are like a number of guys that we know we just don't know. Like, are they going to be great? Probably not. But like, are they going to be big contributing pieces to this thing? They just really don't know like what driesdale is, what York is, what Forster is and what brink is and farby and all even throw cakes in there. Like, maybe they have another level. You think you know what they are. And they could be nice pieces in different roles or they could be even considerably better and you're not sure about that yet. Yeah. I think that if this season and in no way share form expecting it, but it's a plausible outcome. If this season one or two guys take the leap into being, I'm not even talking about Mitch Cough and we don't even know what Mitch Cough's level is going to be. Like, the dream of Mitch Cough that we think he's going to be the shining light of the franchise. If one or two guys can take the leap to reaching current Travis Connectney levels, I feel a lot better about where this is going because suddenly then it's like, okay, well, you've got Mitch Cough as you're the guy, hopefully you've got Connectney locked up. Then you have an 80 point Joel Fairby too. And you have a Jamie Drysale who looks like a top pair defense spin of the maybe not of the kale macar elk, but maybe in the like Aaron Eckblad Gustav Forzling level where you're like, yeah, they're damn good. And they're clear cut top pair defense. If you have that, then suddenly I'm looking at the team and I'm like, yeah, they probably need like one more really good guy. Like you need one more true Robin to Mitch Cough's Batman. And then you have Mitch Cough, that guy, Connectney Fairby Drysdale and like, all right, now we're cooking with gas here. So this could our perception of the talent level this roster could change dramatically if a couple guys currently on the roster can reach current Connectney levels. And I don't think that's out of the realm possibility. So much. I just think so much is this year, I came in thinking like, oh man, is this year kind of like, what's the point like it just kind of seems a lot like last year. And then of course, Mitch Cough changes that, but really just looking at this roster. No, there is a whole lot of evaluation that needs to be done, like to really determine what these things are and what you're going to, you don't really know exactly what you need outside of, yes, we need a one C, we need a one D, but like, how do these pieces fit? Where do the, what are the support pieces we still need going to answer all those questions this year? I figure at least have a lot clearer of an answer. So that's that. All right. And I think Danny actually said that in, said more or less, I'm trying to find the exact quote because he was specifically asked when I did the transcription, he was specifically asked about like, how's the team going to get better? Here it is. Because I believe it might have been Kevin Kurz at the end of the press conference asked him, okay, like Mitch Cough's here, but how do you think the team is going to get better? You really haven't done a lot other than that. And he said, a few things have changed, but for me, it's the internal growth. For younger guys, we're getting a year older, a little bit more mature. So to add a player of his talent level is just hopefully eventually going to make us a better team. So what he's basically saying is, yeah, I know I didn't do shit this summer, aside from bringing Mitch Cough over, I know I get it, but I think at least a couple of our guys, if not a lot of them that are on the team now, we're going to take big steps forward. We will see if the players justify his faith. And here's the thing. Just one last thing. As a fan, speaking from a fan perspective, isn't it more fun to go into this season hoping that the young guys take a step and thinking that they might know we got eight votes. Who isn't that more fun than just like moping around and people rather be right. Traverse Connect needs stinks. You should only be making 7.95, not 8.75, this is ridiculous, like lots of people are afraid to be wrong. Go to the phone. We're being wrong. Go to the fog. Bye. Oh, it's not the foggy. We're still hard for now. We're going to get to that. Go to the fog. Buy a Mitch Cough, Jersey. Have fun. As William Matt says all the time, you buy the ticket, you take the ride. We have all purchase. We can do. We have purchased the flyers ticket. Like let's just fucking ride it and see where it goes. I feel like people think if they can be negative enough, eventually they'll listen. And I'm going to be honest with you. He's not reading your tweets. No one's listening to any of us for ever. They physically listen to us and they're not listening to us, so they're not listening to you. Sorry. They simply aren't going to listen to the fans. They don't think you know what you're talking about. Well, they have a plan and they think their plan is smart. Yes. Yeah. Whether it is or not. I don't know. Because I don't know either. No. I'm just saying. Listen. And so you might as well just. You don't know. We don't know. I'm going to be back every now and then. Have a beer. I do think my before you get into these reads, because I know we put them off for quite a while. Do it. One of my big frustration points with social media is not even the arguments that are presented because I love debate. I love having conversations about what you think might happen. What you believe is the right thing to do. What do you think the right way to build a team is? What frustrates me is the lack of self-awareness on the part of a lot of people. That it's like the idea of like the sign of intelligence to be able to hold like two opposing ideas in your head at the same time and not go insane. There's a lot of people who just cannot fathom a world where their preferred way of doing it is not the only way to do it. Like you can have your belief as to what you think the fliers should do. But that doesn't necessarily mean like you can't look at it as I am 100% right and I will always be 100% right and anyone who disagrees with me is 100% wrong. Have a little bit of self-awareness and acknowledge that well you might have very strong opinions of what you think the fliers should do. And you might be right. It's certainly possible. You're not certain to be right. Just have a little bit of less certainty in your own infallibility and I think we'll have significantly more reasonable discussions. All right. We're talking Danny Breyer. 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Patrick Leine, I want Patrick Leine to be the guy that he was for that one season, that one time that everyone liked him, but he's just not that guy. I'm pretty sure he scored more goals as a teenager than he has in his 20s. That sounds about right. I'm fairly certain I did that math, but if not, it's kind of close and considering he's like, in his 20s now, it's insane. I feel like the last time we had this conversation about Patrick Leine, Bill, you kind of brought me around on the idea where it's like, look, Patrick Leine is very much not the kind of hockey player that I like. He's just there are so many parts of his thing. There's so many parts of his game that annoyed the hell out of me, but he's really, really good at one thing. It happens to be the one thing that a lot of flyers fans want more than anything. So I get the appeal, but you brought me around on the idea of like, yeah, if they, if they went for it, I wouldn't hate it. Just because he's probably going to cost so little that 50% retention. I bet you're not giving up anything for him. They're in such need of high end talent guys and taking big swings. That would be a low risk high reward, big swing. I would not have a problem with them giving it a go because he does clearly have high end talent. There might not be high end talent in the way that I like high end talent to be, but he does have high end talent and he showed it before. So if they went for it, I would be like, you know what, if you could call Don, I'm not saying it's a great idea. But if you could call Don Woodell and be like, Hey, that's second round, pick your lowest, keep it, you retain 50% for free, sure. For literally nothing. Okay. I mean that second round pick is going to be like 34th overall probably, like it's going to be a decent second round pick, but if they retain 50%, I'd be interested. This isn't going to happen. No. It's just like a type of move. If they're going to get this high end talent and they're not going to tank to do it, they're going to have to take some risks. Yes. They're probably better risks you can take. But in the right circumstance, and I don't know if it's possible, but in the right circumstance, I would not be opposed to taking this swing. That's all. It's not a big deal. You don't need to talk about free. Yeah. If they'll give us Patrick line A for a second round picture, I'm just saying you brought me around on this as a noted Patrick line a hater. You brought me around on the idea of buying low on Patrick line. There's worse ideas. I don't know, maybe not a ton, but there's worse ideas. You were a juicy hats. That's fun. Yeah. I didn't even really care to talk about the Wells Fargo Center story because like a ship. But Charlie, the other day, when you started talking about the curse of the Wells Fargo service, honestly, maybe this is good. Maybe this is we've talked about for a long time. Eventually, their luck just has to change, right? Time lined up, fam. Maybe this is it. Just say, I have covered this team for, I mean, in some form or another for over a decade. And it would be one thing if it was just organizational incompetence that has led to this downturn. And don't get me wrong. That's a big part. Oh, it's the pie chart. It's the end. It's the typical part. The pie chart is mostly that, but there's some other shit, however, however, the sheer amount of just general zanniness and just like, how does this really happen to the flyers types of things that I have seen up close for over 10 years. Like, and then in addition to that, watching the Sixers from afar, maybe the only team in North America that more crazy as shit happens to than the flyers, like, there's one common thread here. It's that all of that like, look, it's always been crazy, Philadelphia. It's been especially crazy for these two franchises since 2010 and what happened in 2010, they changed the name of the arena that both the team is playing. You know, I don't know. I'm just saying maybe there's a link here, maybe not like Wells Fargo is run by good humans. Fair. They're not true Mark financial. They are not. That is one thing we can say. True Mark financial arena. Yeah. Let's do it. True Mark. They're a run by good. That's probably, yeah, they probably have the money for like, you know, Navy, right? So this did lead to some pretty good name suggestions, but do we have the graphic from yesterday? Some of the name suggestions. Now some of them funny, some of them not. I broke them down to the three categories. The first being other, just things that other people just came up with some of these. We've got around that around Friday. Yeah. I had to do something. We were going to do this yesterday, honestly, and some of these names on this list aren't too bad, the copy of the old Pistons arena, the Palace of Philadelphia. I don't like copying something else, but I do like maybe take away the, I know they'll never do it because it's like trillions of dollars we're talking about. Oh, the Navy rights. Don't do a corporate sponsor. You're fine. You're Comcast. Yeah. Like you, it's not like you need the money. Yeah, I was going to say. You have more money. Nice to have. Right. That one from Andrew Stevens, Xfinity Spectrum boom, no licensing fees needed. Here's the thing about that. If they're not going to have, because it's owned by them, yeah, why have the corporate name on there? If you're not going to reap the benefits of them, Oh, so it's advertising somehow going to make Comcast bigger in Philadelphia, the city owns already, like, I don't see the point of when you have no choice, but she is. Yes. So here's an interesting question though, based on that. Because I think I have a, I think I have a stance on this, but I want to hear your stances. Would you have a problem if they switched it from like whatever the naming rights is or whatever, but if they switched it from the center back to the spectrum, because when the center was created, they couldn't do that because the spectrum was still there. Yeah. Would it be a delightful nod to the past to switch it from the center to the spectrum? Or would it be how dare you claim that this is the spectrum is the spectrum and needs to be retired? People would think that. Because it's only the spectrum. I'm just, I'm just like, what are your views? They let me smoke inside. It's fine. Is the roof going to fall in? I, I don't know if you could call it the spectrum and nothing else. I think there's something, like there is a suggestion later that it's like, like the spectrum center, like at, yeah, like, but that would make the spectrum to the middle of the spectrum at IBX center or something like that. I'm not even saying it. I'm saying that like, let's say, I mean, that this won't be the case, but if wah-wah spawns or the thing, like could you just change instead of making it the wah-wah center? You call the wah-wah spectrum. We do have, we do have a wah-wah suggestion coming up that is very funny to me. It's the wah-wah arena. Okay. That's hilarious. There it is. That's one of the others, but just, uh, cycle through a couple of these. Yeah. Just the FU center, not even first union. That was the best one. Just FU. Just FU. It fit up very well. We don't even need first union. Just call it the FU center. That would be very funny. Um, yeah. The wah-wah mega dome. That's a mega dome. That's mega dome. That's mega dome. I am still mad. And I just, I'm sure that Michigan mega, I'm sure that there was a, uh, you know, there was a, a copyright thing that prevented from doing it. I am so mad that Seattle and like, you know, it's climate pledge arena. I am so mad they didn't call like the climate pledge sound guard. It would have been so perfect, you know, a nod to the grunge history in Seattle and just cause like, you already have Matt as a square guard and you could call the sound guard. It'd be a great, a great arena title, not the name, but the title. It wouldn't be bad. That would be pretty good. Yeah. So we have a, the spectrum center arena, which I thought was very funny. Just throw them all together. Yeah. Yeah. The ducks had the pond. Can we go with the john? Go ahead. Pawn. John. The john. That would be not bad. Not bad. Spectrum two, which was like the working name for the center at the time. Was it? Yeah. Uh, so do we have any more others? I can't remember how many of these there are. Uh, this person was just mad. This person was just mad at me because it's like, just call it to Phillip. It's like a Philadelphia center or something. Like 50 years. The cup. Okay. Cool. No. I hope other people realize that's not an insult to me because I don't run the team. Yeah. No. Yeah. I called them and competent every day. I get paid a lot of money to do it. Yeah. Like, yeah, I wish they'd want a cup, but like I wish for a lot of shit. Like it's the idiots who run the team that have failed me. I didn't. This isn't some moral failing on my wall. Right. Shit. It's like our fault. I just fucking happened to live here. I don't know to tell you, man. It's your problem. You got to come up with something a lot better than that to insult me. Michael, go outside this weekend. Okay. But all right. Yeah. You go powerhouse is awesome. That's a good one. That's a good one. That's pretty cool. Yeah. That would be me. And now we have the, everyone assumes IBX. Yeah. It's a fair assumption. The Jersey. The Jersey. The hell for the hell for the connection. All that together. So we got a bunch of these. Yeah. IBX center. Yeah. We got a few of these. That feels like a chalk pick. IBX. IBX fanatic fandom. Think someone was just. I mean, if you're going to do it. So it's trolling me. Yeah. And the spectrum at IBX center. That's the one that I'm like, if they were to do it, it would be that. Yeah. Yeah. The Camden Yards. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I could deal with that. Yeah. Yeah. I think that would be okay. Going back the spectrum moniker, would it be received well or would old heads be pissed off? Oh, there would be people pissed off about it, for sure. Oh, sacrilege. How could you? I would like it. Yeah. Yeah. People would be mad because people would be mad. There's always people that are mad. I do wonder if like they would have immediately just called the center of the spectrum if the spectrum wasn't still standing when they built. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like if they would have knocked the spectrum over. I know it logistically would have been pretty hard to do it all in one summer. Like if they would have knocked the spectrum over and then rebuild it in a summer, would they have just called the new building the, you know, what was it? Core States to start. Yeah. The core state spectrum and just rad with it. Maybe. Now they obviously could because the spectrum doesn't actually exist anymore. But for like five, how long was the spectrum? It was like a good like 10 years when the spectrum still existed. Yeah. It didn't knock it down until I got nine. Yeah. It took a while. Yeah. So over 10 years, I guess. So like 12, 13 years, something like that of a, of when the spectrum in the center about there. Whatever the feelings around the world series is the year that I could ask. Yeah. It's the Yankees year. Yes. Yeah. That would have been oh nine. Yeah. So I don't know. I just, I do wonder if it's a, it's something that's in consideration of like, is the time to bring back the moniker spectrum. And then we got to the Snyder category, a lot of people just had the, a lot of people have the first Snyder arena, Snyder spectrum. We got a bunch. Snyder. Oh, yes. Snyder arena. Yeah. If they were to do something like that, I think that would have the most universal, like because there would be people who's like, Oh, you're calling spectrum. It's not spectrum. It will never be the spectrum. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you just call it the Snyder arena, like that would be sick. No one can be mad at that. Yeah. I feel like that is, I don't, I don't know if they're going to do it because my guess is they want the, they want the money. They want the revenue. Yeah. I would think the only way they even consider doing that is if they know for sure the six was relieving. Mm. Okay. That would be really funny. No, for sure. The six. They're going to go to. They're still trying to keep them. Yeah. And what I'm saying is that it's not like, like, all flyers fans have a very positive view of that. Sider. I'll fill out the advance. Understandably do. I give a shit about the six No, it was very funny how much he didn't care about the sixers. So those are, yeah, we have a whole bunch of those names. Before we get to the Mitch Cobb stuff, I, you know what I got to do reads, you know what we've been talking a lot about sometimes, even if you're just fired up about something, even if you think like things are, this is incorrect. Like I just need to freak out about this. Sometimes you need to take a step back, man, sometimes you need to chill. And that's why you need ice cold course light because between work, social media, the choices life throws our way. So no wonder we're just worked up all the freaking time. Coors light celebrates rising above and choosing a chill mindset. 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But I had the whole thing mapped out. I was planned to go home yesterday after the show, write it, publish it around three. Instead, I had to write it and publish it around noon, which is fine. Now you have two articles to read. If you're a diehard reward, this man for his effort. And that's not you. Don't just get Charlie O'Connor's premium content. You don't just get the fliers premium content. You get our whole roster of awesome writers and everything we have. Exactly. It's pumping out a bunch of diehard articles. He's covering training camp, but just starting camp has begun six or season really never ends. Yeah. And then the Phillies, as we push towards the playoffs, you're going to want everything we have. You're going to want to be a diehard sign up now at all Now, I want to talk some Mitch Cobb stuff. But first, this is something we talked about off the air the other day. I think it was after the press conference, I guess, but the social media posts the fliers put out announcing Mavé Mitch Cobb, ladies and gentlemen. We got him. It's like, this is a reference. Yeah. That was a little, they talked about it on what chaos the other day, the all city national show. And this is really funny. I just wanted to play it because it was basically the conversation we had off the air. We're like, yeah. You're right with that one? I want to cue this up for everyone if you didn't say it. Puff has arrived in the United States as a player who was drafted with a lot of mystery around him. Couldn't get scouted. People didn't know whether he was going to be able to be released from his KHL contract. There was just a lot of mystery and uncertainty around Mavé Mitch Cobb. The fliers said, all that. We're going to take a chance. What do you know? Here he is. The most important part of this is that the fliers noted his arrival with a tweet that said, ladies and gentlemen, we got him and that is just about the most insane reference I have ever seen a team make about a good thing that they are adding to what they are doing. Ladies and gentlemen, we got him is from 2003 when a person said that sentence, ladies and gentlemen, we got him. And him was Saddam Hussein, a person, the United States in general did to kill like having a kid and being like, ladies and gentlemen, we got him crazy thing to do. Amazing. Amazing. We were talking about it off the air, like, I don't know if this person understands that what that reference. I don't know how old their social media person is. Maybe they weren't alive in 2003. I feel like it may have been one of those things where the person who wrote that, like, remember that quote from somewhere, but didn't exactly know where it was from. I was like, oh, yeah, this will be funny without realizing like, yeah, that's probably not the representation. It's hilarious. Like, when you hear a song so many times and it's like, oh, man, that's a cover. Like, I thought for the longest time, "Fortunate Son" was a dropkick Murphy song. Did you really? And I was like, oh, shit. I didn't even know this. It's fascinating. It's like college. I didn't know this was a CCR song. I knew it was a CCR song because, well, I was never a big old school music fan, but one of my professors, he ultimately ended up being my thesis advisor, was the subject of that song. No shit. David Eisenhower. Yeah. Yeah. It was about basically the origination of the song was Eisenhower, who was obviously in the Eisenhower family, was married in Julie Nixon, and the idea was like the CCR guy was like, neither of them are going to ever have to do anything that we have to do. So you wrote a song. Oh, wow, neat. Yeah. Ryan Reynolds here from Mint Mobile. 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Get your first month free when you sign up at All right, now I'm going to actually, with the little bit of time we have left, talk about Matt Vey Mishkov because we've talked about tempering expectations. Nope. I said the other day. Yeah, I'm going to try, but also, I'm not going to, like I already bet his points over. I bet him to win the Calder and he is the favorite everywhere to win the Calder trophy. It's like the expectations from the outside world, at least from an odds-making standpoint, are like, he is the best rookie coming into the league this year. I got to tell you, yeah, like Mack and Celebrini, who's told of his like a generational talent, like they are, they have, he's some books, everything, just the number one overall pick. Do we have to call every number one overall pick a generational talent? I don't know if he's thought of the way, like, he's not the dart. The dart is, yeah. No, he's just a good player. He could be the best player on a Stanley Cup team is how I think he's thought of. Probably. Like, that's the- I'm just not calling Nico Heecher a generational talent. But, like, I don't think anyone thought he could be the best player on a Stanley Cup team. Yeah, that's fair. All right. So, regardless, like, he is, in some books, they're tied, but, uh, right here, as you can see, Mishkob is the favorite. The other flyers have never had a Calder trophy winner. Never. Is that why I hadn't realized that. Yeah. Well, they've had six finalists, no winners. Ghost finished second and 15, 16, Panerin won, uh, Wrenberg was third, 93, 94. 37-year-old, our Tony Panerin. Yeah, Hexett Hall was second and 86, 87. Wrenberg was fourth. Yeah. That shot. Yeah. It's like, all right. Salani went nuts the year. Yeah. Salani went nuts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The call had 70 goals. Yeah, yeah. But, like, and then you see Fields Potvin in there. Like, I do wonder, now looking back, how much, uh, like the media was like, oh, he thought he was better than a good, but, like, the numbers are what they are and he didn't miss a bunch of games. Yeah. Yeah. He wasn't even a finalist. Lindross. We talked about this yesterday before the show, and we thought we were going to be discussing this, this debate that the fact that Potvin was above Lindross and the Calder voting is 100% because half of the professional hockey writers association voters were probably based in Toronto. Yeah. And they watched it. It was like, oh, he has a 910 save percentage and he plays for the Maple Leafs. You know how the operators are. Am I right? It's professional hockey writers. So I wanted to go back, like, yes, we're expecting big things out of Miskov and maybe it's not fair to like compare him to all these other flyers, rookies, because we haven't had a flyers rookie come in with the hype of Miskov since Eric Lindross, who did have was a 75 points in 61 games. Like that was incredible, pretty good, but, you know, the last flyers rookie to have more than 48 points, Michael Wrenberg, Mike, but it's been since Michael Wrenberg. And like, just going through the list of some of these flyers, rookies like Tyson Forrester's 20 goals. We talked about this during the season. That was good. They were the most by a flyers rookie since Matt Reed. Matt Reed. Matt Reed. No, no, no, Kate's two years ago, no, no, Kate's two years ago, 38 points in 2022-23. Most by a flyers rookie since Shane Goss is bears 46. Most by a rookie forward since, yes, Matt Reed. Matt Reed. But, hang his number up. First round pick, Morgan Frost, 16 points in 55 games, Oscar Limblom, 33 and 81, Nolan Patrick, second overall pick, 30 points, Travis Connects me 20 and a half. Yeah, he was just invisible in the second half. Like, connect the Improver of 28 and 30 respectively. There's got like, Brayton Chen at 18 points is rookie. It's really hard to score as a rookie is what, uh, is what this list tells me, because even like Jeff Carter 42, Mike Richards, 34, okay, Kanye, 48, like, and that's the most. Kanye's 48 in 80 games were the most since Renberg and they've been the most since then. Like it was, it's really difficult even for these guys who ended up having really good careers. JVR 35, Drew 27. And in fairness, Drew, like looking at his play 42 games. Drew's pace is 50. Yeah. He's on a 50 point pace. He just got sent down. He just refused to move to the suburbs, so he had to play half a year with the fandom. Yeah. But it's just very difficult. That said, the over-under is at 46 and a half points. He's the call to trophy favorite. What are you expecting? What's realistic? What's fair? Okay. So I don't really know what either of those things are. I'm expecting him to be awesome. And here's the thing, because I kind of, I think it was you that mentioned this, and I don't know if it was yesterday's show or another show about people like being pissed off if he's not as good as we think he's going to be. And I don't really think that's going to be the case. I kind of have a feeling that like he's going to be art, like he's our baby. Like we're going to expect him to be incredible. And if he falters a little bit, we're going to be like, all right, it's okay. He's our little mat. He's going to be okay. And we're just going to love him as we should as fans. So you're saying it's going to be like the Gordon Ramsay meme where like Morgan Frost is the like you don't. Yeah, exactly. Yes. And it's like, no, it's okay. He is the children's version of Master Show that I'm 100% expecting and rooting for him to win the Calder trophy, score 80 points, all kinds of crazy things. I think it's possible. It's not. Unpossible. It's definitely possible. Yeah. He is that town. He's really good. I think I am. I'm expecting around 50, but I'm not expecting it to be like 50 points in 82 games. Yeah. I'm going to miss some time. Probably. I think he will get injured probably at least once he's still he's pretty built, but he's still on the smaller side and he plays a very, not physical game because it's not the right way to put it. But like he will fight through contact. He is not going to shy away from contact. And I do think that maybe once or twice is going to get banged up a little bit because he's playing against the strongest players has ever played with. Like I could see him finishing with like 51 points in like 67 games where like the point for game rate is pretty darn good. But like he missed 15. I can see that. I just don't know that I'm prepared to understand like if you've been to the Grand Canyon, you know when you go to the Grand Canyon and like in your mind, like you got hole in the ground. All right. Yeah. And your head like that's probably going to be cool. And then you see you're like, holy fuck. I was not prepared for this level of incredible. I don't like I don't watch a lot of Black Hawks games. I don't watch a lot of Oilers games. I'm asleep. Like I don't experience the best players in the game on a night-to-night basis. I'm not sure I'm fully like prepared for what I'm going to see on my hockey team every single night for Mavay Mitch Cobb. And that's so exciting. I think the consistency is the hardest thing for young guys. So I think like we're not going to see 82 games of Mavay Mitch Cobb even like the best for what he can do is a rookie. Sure. We have to see flashes of what he's going to be one day. And as long as we get to see those flashes, like that'll be enough. But you're insane if you think they're going to be part of the fan base like, Oh, correct the one guy we have isn't even good enough, but you are insane if you don't think that's going to happen. And thank you very much to our to our diehards. We couldn't do what we do without you here at PHLY so sign up to be a diehard at all But yeah, you're nuts if you think people aren't going to lose their money. When I see complaining about Mavay Mitch Cobb even once, I just, I don't know, man, it's going to be so much fun. I'm really excited about it. What did OV score his rookie year? That's what I'm expecting base level 52, I think 50 goals, perfect. That's what I'm expecting. One of them has to be as he's falling down behind a goal. I remember I used to have that. This is this is dating me, but I used to have that goal on my iPod video, my iPod video and I would like, I had like clips of like great hockey plays and I had them on my iPod videos. So I could watch them like I love these classes in high school. Amazing. That's outstanding. Everyone who played anyone who had access to ice, tried that goal had to try to give a shot. All right. And that is pretty much all the time we have for you today. Thank you. Super chats. Again. Super chats. All right. Let's hit these super chats. Guys, space lettuce, when can we admit that cutters agent is a problem? That's kind of a random question to be asking today. But like, is it, you me might be, I mean, it's a problem, if it's a problem, they need to address it because Kurt overhaul while he worked Kurt over hard while he's not one of the like Pat Brisson level agents represents a lot of good players. So if there is a problem, the fliers need to work to address it because he's going to keep representing players, they might be interested in drafting or signing or trading for. So if there is a breach, they need to figure out a way to fix it. But I don't think we know for sure that there is an alternate question, when can we simply admit that William Gautier is the problem? He's an asshole. He's got an ego on him the size of who knows what we saw it with the friggin comments before the world juniors game that bit him right in the network, well, maybe, maybe it's just him family. It doesn't have to be that complicated. He's just a little dickhead. The Eagles, I know you won't because you're a professional. The Eagles continued to work with Drew Rosenhouse clients after T.O. The Phillies continued to work with Scott Morris clients after JD. These people are professionals. They'll figure it out. Yeah. Like if it's that big of a problem, then like we need different management, like if this dude is an issue, you're going to have to deal with them because you need players. You can't just like black out part of the league because you don't like the guy who negotiates the consciousness. And it would be foolish for him as an agent to black ball and entire hockey team in a large market. Like, why would you do that? That doesn't make any sense. It would be silly. Yeah. I mean, like, I don't know. Just like Jonesy's the guy everybody likes just, you know, fly Cotsie in, have Cotsie and Jonesy take good out for drinks. Everybody gets sloshed, yell at each other, you get all your anger out, and then everything's good. Right? Yeah, bring Jake too. Why not? It's sorted. Now it's a party. All right. From, uh, from JH, what would happen if the armchair G hems the flyer social media got to run the team for a season? Think of the vein of Twitch, please. Pokemon. I'm definitely sure. I don't understand. I don't know. But what are the people I'm sure I think if I got to run the team, we wouldn't be worse. I'll tell you that. I don't think we'd be worse. You, I don't think we would be better specifically, I wouldn't allow like the random Twitter user, they would be the, the Buffalo sabers are worse. They would just be consistently trying to tear it down and draft your way to success and never get there. I do think that I think that the armchair G hems on Twitter, particularly during certain regimes, I'm thinking the Chuck Fletcher regime, I think they would have been better at avoiding obviously bad moves. What I do think though is that the vast majority of people are fans, and this isn't, this isn't a shot at fans. It's just a reality like fans don't understand how difficult it is to negotiate anything. So like, it's not just as simple as, well, make me the GM and I'll do trades like, yeah, why do you do trades like the problem isn't that easy now, it's the GM's job to do them. So I'm not saying that like, I'm giving Danny Breyer a pass, but a random Twitter user could not negotiate a trade with. You build Zito. You go into roster management, you click trades, you find the team you want to trade with and you keep mixing and matching players until the bar turns green. Like that, that is the part of the job that the random Twitter users would not be able to do because it is significantly more difficult to execute trades than I think you were. You are a good GM. You would do every single trade that you wanted to do. No problem. Don't Charlie. Yeah. He must be a bad GM. And finally, the latest one from Angela. He's an A in there. Wow. Yeah. That made me funny. Every time I see Angela Rizzo pop up, I immediately think is Angela Ritchie. Is Angela Ritchie watching? Angela Ritchie, the skills coach, like it's commenting and then my owner, it's Rizzo. So sorry, Angela. It's Massimo's brother. Yes. Massimo Rizzo's. Right? Could be. I don't know what Massimo Rizzo's brother's name is or even if he has it. I saw the chance, Angela, if they named him Massimo, it's not off the table. And now, and one more, as I'm about to wrap up again from Bill and Phillips, thoughts on new KHL deal also. I hate flyers. Twitter now. What new KHL deal? There's a new KHL deal. Did it just happen while we've been reporting this? I've been focused on covering Mape, Mitchkoff and the Travis Connectee thing. I saw there was a person in shadow asked like six times today about it. I don't know because I haven't read about it yet. Sorry. So here's the other thing. Like we don't have to care about the KHL anymore. Like he's here now. Stop with the super shots. This is the last one. I'm not reading anymore from EPB zero one. Max deals are cost of talent in this area. Maybe not worse to keep TK. You just have to trade slash sign and you're for another max because no one else lets free agents walk. I get what he's saying and he's making a lot of sense. If you want to re-sign your guys, this is what you do. Every NHL team does it. Well, I know that some of them do. I agree with you to a point. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. But well, and also like our boy Tolsky. Our boy Tolsky does not sign guys to eight year deals just because it's what you do. He trades them rather than give them contracts that might be bad. I know. But there's one organization who's success. I would like to mimic its town. I know. But you know, not everyone is going to be that good. They got to do something eventual eventually. That's all. Sure. That's all the time we have for you on PHLY Flyers today. Thank you all for listening. Thank you for hanging out. If you haven't already got to hit that subscribe button. Search. I'm going to say search bro, Trigocchi. Search. Where? Just subscribe to our YouTube. PHLY Flyers. All city. Whatever the hell it is. PHLY Sports, I think. Make sure you hit those reminders. Never miss a live show. We'll be back Monday. I believe at one o'clock. Follow the podcast. PHLY Flyers. Wherever you get those. Follow us on Twitter @PHLY_FLIRES. All right. Until Monday, fam. My name is Bill Matt. That's Charlie O'Connor. That's Kelly Hinkle. Stay loose and sexy, Philly. a lot of people are going to be happy.