PHLY Philadelphia Flyers Podcast

PHLY Flyers Podcast | Philadelphia Flyers welcome Matvei Michkov

The day has finally arrived! This morning in Voorhees at the Flyers Training Center, Danny Briere sat alongside 19-year-old Russian phenom Matvei Michkov for the most anticipated introductory press conference the Flyers have held this century. On today’s show, Charlie & Bill react to the press conference, as well as Briere’s appearance on The Anthony Gargano Show from earlier Wednesday, and break down what we learned and what is to come for Michkov, the Flyers, and the fanbase. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 8m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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The day has finally arrived! This morning in Voorhees at the Flyers Training Center, Danny Briere sat alongside 19-year-old Russian phenom Matvei Michkov for the most anticipated introductory press conference the Flyers have held this century.

On today’s show, Charlie & Bill react to the press conference, as well as Briere’s appearance on The Anthony Gargano Show from earlier Wednesday, and break down what we learned and what is to come for Michkov, the Flyers, and the fanbase.

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Get started with Greenlight today and get your first month free at [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Hey everybody, how you doing? Well that's good. Welcome to PHLY Flyers. My name is Bill Matz. I'm your director of fun and games for the afternoon. Joining me today, fresh from the Flyers training facility, it is Charlie O'Connor, Chuck, you were just down at the Matt Vaymichkov introductory press conference. I was. Man, the Faraway New Jersey. Yeah. Your favorite place in the world, I love that you had to go there in the middle of July. Man, the excitement right now, people are, we haven't felt this way in a long time about it. And I realize we've been doing this, like, oh, this, but it's just another step. Like today you saw them put on the jersey and everything. It's, I'm just excited again. It's been a while since I've had this level of excitement. Like last season was fun. Sure. It was a nice change of pace. It wasn't a slog. Yeah, it was like, it was much more, much more enjoyable than recent seasons have been. But every step along the way of this, from the day they drafted him has been like a building to, and it'll continue to build in the preseason when he makes his debut and then the regular season and then the home opener. But today was a very important step, getting him out in front of everyone in a little bit, we're going to throw to a Breyer's interview on the Gargano show this morning. But before we do that, I just want to get like, I have a few, but I want your number one takeaway. Like Maffey Michkov, his interpreter, Danny Breyer sitting up there in front of the media for 20, 22 minutes. What was the thing you walked away thinking like, okay, that's what I took away from this. I, there are a lot of things. But one thing that was abundantly clear, and I, whether this is Michkov or whether this was him being coached by the flyers, he kept talking about winning, kept talking about the Stanley Cup that, you know, I'm here to win. It's not, I'm not here to, you know, yeah, I want to score goals. I want to produce points, but this is about the team winning games. And that was set on multiple occasions. Absolutely. My number one takeaway as well. This kid, whether like you said, the flyers also weren't stupid. Yeah. They're coaching him up a little bit, maybe, but he seemed, considering, I don't know what the hell he's saying, but he seemed polished and comfortable and he didn't seem to shrink from the moment, and that's something Breyer is going to talk about in the Gargano interview, just like he has a flare of a star already. And that's not something really the flyers have had in a while. But even when he was asked about individual goals, he was like, yeah, I'm going to keep those done. I have them. Yeah. Of course he does. They're for me winning. He just kept hammering winning. And it's, yeah, that's what we want to hear. I don't care how coach up of an answer it is. It's the right answer. And hell yes, that's exactly how that was, I'm really happy that was yours because it was mine as well. It was just the thing that was said on multiple occasions. There were a lot of things said. I thought it was a good, it was a good intro press conference. I thought he, you know, equated himself fine and Breyer answered questions well. There was nothing in that press conference that made me concerned, but the thing that was the mantra of the press conference was, I am here to help the flyers win. And that was very intentional whether it was on Mitch golf's part, whether it was on the flyers part, whether it was both of their parts. That was the message they wanted to combat. I assume most people watching right now at 11 o'clock were tuned in. I watched it on Twitter. It was down pouring here when I got here. It's like, oh, perfect. I can just watch this on my phone in the car. Wait for the rain to slow down a bit. I assume most of you watched that. If you're like me, you don't really wake up that early though. So you may have missed Danny Breyer on the Anthony Gargano show this morning. You can catch Gargano show every day, nine to 11 right here on the PHLY YouTube channel. Make sure you like and subscribe, et cetera. But we're going to throw to that now. I want to, there's a few things in here that maybe didn't come up with the presser I want to get to, but it was a great interview. We're going to throw to that and come back out of it and talk about it. So let's do that right now, Danny Breyer on Anthony Gargano show this morning. He's the general manager of your Philadelphia Flyers. Danny Breyer. Danny. Alright. Hey, guys. What do you say, buddy? What a day yesterday? Yeah, big day yesterday for us. Very exciting. Can you hear me well? We got you great. You look great. Awesome. We got you great, man. It was, I'll tell you what a wonderful picture of you. Josie and the kid and the kids where the Phillies had like that was priceless. It was a nice touch. Like the orange hat with the Phillies logo, Phillies has been, have been doing well. So make him feel like he's, you know, one of us in, in Philadelphia, you know, we're so excited about, you know, what you guys are doing and like you can almost feel it. And I always think there's a different realms for teams, right? There's the realm of relevance where I think this is where we're at right now. And this is an important realm, especially where it's been over the last decade. And since you and Josie took over, like there's a different vibe. There's a different feel. And I think we're, and then you got each cough and a kid and we all know to temper expectations because he's so young, but at least you have someone to get excited about. And I think that's a big deal, Dan. Yeah, it's been a while. Well, thank you for the kind words. And, and you know what, it's really exciting to have a player like that who's, you know, he's got the flair of a superstar already, which is really exciting. We haven't had someone like him in a long, long time coming in, you know, that early, our last, you know, big superstar was Preg Claude Giroux, but he didn't come in with, with that kind of flair at 18, 19 years old, he built himself up to that point to have someone that, you know, comes in with that, that kind of status already. Yeah, we haven't, there's probably, the last one was Preg Eric Lindross. Yes. So, you know, it's exciting, you know, we're trying to be careful because, you know, we don't want to put him as the savior either. And it's going to take time. He's got still got lots to learn, but there's definitely an air of excitement to, to finally see him in the building. Well, I, I think the good thing is, is that we have a very smart fan base, right? And I, and I think they understand, you know, we, I talked about temper and expectations and I think that's pretty obvious. But just to be able to go and there are certain players, and I think he's one of them that when he's on the ice, he just pops like forget about results and, and that'll all come in the future. But when you just see him on the ice, there's that like wow factor. Yeah, there's, there's things he does that you don't see very often. And I think that's, that's really exciting and that, that for me, yes, the ultimate goal is, is obviously to win a Stanley Cup and that's what we're building towards. But also, you know, we're in the, in the entertainment business. We have to give our fans something to look forward to. And I think this, this kid that some of the stuff that he does is you don't, you don't see very often. We've said for many years that, you know, we don't have the high end skill yet. Well, this kid does have it and, and it's going to be a step in that direction as far as bringing some, some high skill level players to this team. So what, take us through yesterday? What did you do with him? You know, where'd you take him? And how, how, like, how was he, you know, he said, you know, he's young. Like, but tell us what he did with him. It's fun. Yeah. Great personality. We had a two hour car drive back from the airport with him. Great personality. Obviously his English is very limited, just a few words. But I was telling him when I was 19 and we were the same age I came to America or the US and, you know, I didn't speak English either. I have to learn and that's the beauty of things is, you know, hockey, the hockey terms are very similar and you'll be able to learn how to make sentences. Google Translate was very helpful on, on the car drive yesterday. And then when we got here, first thing you wanted to do when he got out of the car was he was asking us to see his equipment. So we showed him that the trainers took him in the back and got him all his equipment skates and shoulder pads and gloves. He was trying it all. And then he looked towards us and, and remember, he came off a 14 hour flight to our car ride. The next thing he wanted to do was to go on the ice and skate around. So we kept him off the ice. So then he wanted to go work out. So he got the gears and then, and when the gym rode the bike for a little bit like workout and we left him alone for a little bit. Next thing we knew we'd come down in the gym and we have a shooting room. He's in the shooting room, shooting pucks. So, you know, it's, it's pretty exciting. You could tell the kid loves the game, loves hockey, just wants to play, just wants to be out there. Very great personality, big smile on him, you know, he's got the flair to, to be a star. Now time will tell. We don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but definitely a great personality. So where'd you take him to eat? And Philadelphia? That's a question. Yeah, he didn't want to eat yesterday. He said he had a big meal on the plane. We took him here and he went back. He went back home. He's staying in a hotel and went back and he needed to crash. He was tired. So we haven't hit the restaurants yet, but that's going to be, that'll be fun because they'll introduce him to a lot of different food, a lot of different cuisine. So that'll be cool. Yes. Will you have, and this is the, this is going to be interesting for you guys to navigate. What kind of support will he have, you know, coming over to this country, the language, what's your support like, you know, without your family the whole nine? So the, the plan is his mother is going to come with his little brother to live here with him. Oh, gosh. So she's, yeah, they can't make it for another month, but he wanted to come and get acclimated. So that's all on himself, which is, is great to see is, he's dedicated. You can tell, you want to put himself in the best position to succeed. So he came early is his mom and his brother are going to come in, in about a month, month and a half, but we do have a few Russian players that are going to help them with the language. We're going to set them up with a tutor so we can learn the language and feel more comfortable. It's going to take a little bit of time, but having, we just re-signed Zemula. Oh yeah. A few days ago, you know, in last year, the goalie, Fedotov, came in like in a season. So there's going to be a little bit of a support system there around him. That's, that's so important just to kind of make him feel at home as comfortable as possible. I love like the planning that you guys have done is been intricate and impeccable. Well, thank you very much. It was a lot of work behind the scenes, but definitely exciting. And when, when we saw him walking in the building yesterday was, was definitely a good feeling. When did you get word that, like he was coming and what was that whole process like, you know, when you're talking about governments and, you know, and Russian players and you've done it before with Fedotov, what is that process like? Yeah, there's, there's a lot of hoops to jump through. Obviously with everything going on in the world. We started hearing rumblings after the season that there was a chance that the team there would be willing to, to let them go. We started working with his agents to, to find out if it was real and they had a lot to do with, with that as well. They helped us out. They, they got us through everything and, and then, you know, getting the proper visas, just because it's, it's not easy, obviously we don't have an embassy in Russia these days. So we have to go through a few hoops here and there, but, you know, when you, when you have a kid that really wanted as much as he did, that makes it a lot easier and, and exciting to, to put in the work. Hey, Danny, just a, I'm so fired up right now. And it's, and I'm going to be talking to the best GM in the city right now. Um, everyone thought he was coming over in 2026. So we're sped up two years. Is this alter your blueprint and your plans at all? Not yet. We'll see how things go. Obviously when we drafted him and then part of the reason why he felt is because he wasn't going to come over for three years. We were willing to, to, to take that and to, to take the hit. So it's, it's a big surprise, right? We, we didn't expect them to, to arrive so early. Uh, so this is good news and, um, no matter at what time if he came in three years, there still would have been a, a, an adjustment period, uh, for him, um, you know, that he comes so early, it's, it's kind of a bonus the next two years to have him in the building. One of the best thing for me is the, the, the chance for him to learn at 19 years old to, to play for a guy like John Tortorella. Uh, Tortorella is going to coach him, he's going to coach him hard, uh, but he's going to put a, a base in him. Uh, I think that's going to help him for the future and to get him as early as we have him and at 19 years old, that's what I'm really excited about. So, um, you know, at, at this point that the timeline hasn't changed, um, but the excitement has, has really, uh, definitely risen a little bit. I think that's the most important thing, right? Like where you can't skip steps. Like you said it and you don't want to, we, we've, we've tried that before skipping steps. It just never works. So you wanted to kind of build this foundation the way it is and having him, I just think helps the excitement around it to grow with it and you, you know, you see this fan base, you know, the patients, you know, look at the Sixers, right? This town went through the process and was captive during the process. And this is, you know, beyond that, you're ahead of that thing, but, you know, they'll, they'll be able to grow with you. That's what I think the most important thing is. Yeah. We, we tried to be as open as we can with, with the fans. That's why we weren't afraid to, uh, to, to speak up and tell them that it would take a few years. Um, but yeah, you're right. We don't want to skip steps and our goal is not to, uh, build a team that's going to make a playoffs, uh, the goal is to build a team that's going to be a, you know, have a chance to win a Stanley Cup for years to come. Now, you know, who knows what happens next season with Matt Vay in town if he catches fire and he's good. Maybe we sneak into the playoffs, but that's not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to, to become contenders for Stanley Cup for years to come. All right. So last thing is I know you got to run, but it breaks his game down for a minute. Like get, I want people to get excited to hear just his skill set. What do you see his skills take? Break it down for us. Well, it's offensively where once he gets, once he gets inside the offensive zone inside the blue line, um, the way he moves, uh, with the puck is something incredible. Um, I've never seen someone be as elusive, uh, as he is, uh, in a long, long time, especially in, in Philadelphia. Um, one of the things that I love about him so much is a lot of times when, when those, um, players like him, they make plays, uh, they play on the outside a lot and, and Niskit is not afraid of anything. He goes to the front and the net. He goes to the hard areas. He wants to score goals and they'll do anything else, sacrifices body to, to score goals. He goes to, to the danger areas. That's what I love about him on top of being so skilled and, um, you know, elusive. Uh, that's, that's what's so impressive with him. Now, uh, believe me, he's got a lot to learn, uh, you know, the rest of the ice and that's where John Tortorella and his staff will come in and, and teach him that part, uh, be good and sound defensively, but he's, uh, he's definitely going to get people out of their seats offensively. Yeah. Y'all think too is, like you mentioned it, he, he wants to score and G was a great, great player, but you know, he was a guy equally, one of the set guys up as much as put the pocket in that and we haven't had a guy that had that touch that needs, that wants to score. That's really what excites me. Yeah. It would have been fun to see them both together. Um, G and, uh, and Matt, they, uh, but, uh, we'll, we'll surround them. That's our goal in the future is to find guys that can play with him. Um, you know, we, we do have some good young players, uh, in connect me, tip it forster and, uh, others to come, uh, to play with him, but, um, you know, we're, we're going to keep looking to, uh, to find the best matches for him. That's awesome. Hey, Dave, real quick. What is the ride up? I mean, Keith Jones is someone that everyone wants to go on a buddy or road trip with. What is the ride up with, like, with Keith going up to pick him up? What's the music like? Are you guys giddy, laughing? What was that car ride like? How much music? Yeah. You know, a lot of jokes. I mean, there's never a dull moment with Jonesy, um, he's got the, the smart comments all the time. He's, he's a blast. And, um, you know, I always joke, I've probably spent in the last year since we started working together and these functions, I've spent more time with Jonesy than I, than we both have with our own wife. So, uh, it's been a blast and I feel very fortunate. Yeah. If I didn't see it with the glasses, right, give me that look. He, he's one of those people. You just look at him. You start laughing. He just got that. He just got that way. Danny is the best man. We're, we're the best man. We're, we're so excited and, uh, it's the realm of relevance is here. So congratulations on that. Let's enjoy the ride. Thank you guys. Thanks for having me. All right. That was flyers GM Danny Brier with Anthony Gargano this morning on the Anthony Gargano show. I'm going to talk about that interview and the press conference that happens like what? Two about two hours after that in just a minute, but first I got to, uh, pay some bills. Let's start with bet parks casino. That's right. Parks casino. It's perfect for after work get togethers date night or even girls night out. You can sip on tantalizing drinks and soak up those warmer weather good vibes right now at parks casino. This is how you win. 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This is how I know they listen because clearly I needed to know this and I can't count on the number one journalist to ask these questions, so he's just going to let me know via Gargano. So thank you, Danny, for that. The thing that came I came away with there was we've talked about his level of stardom and what it is already. Like we spent half the show yesterday talking about it. Like Claude Giroux was an outstanding player, one of the best in franchise history. But he didn't come with that level of hype, right? Like he played for the fannoms. He worked his way up. He was good. He was really good. Then all of a sudden it's like, "Oh shit, he's the man. We're building around him. See if former cornerstones and captains, like you're gone. It's called Giroux Show now." You're the guy. But like it took a while to get there. Sure. And then Eric Lindjoss, obviously, this is the most hyped player since him for this franchise. And it was nice to hear Danny say that. And like they acknowledge it. Yeah, they know. It seems like from watching the press conference, he's ready for this. And you had a question during the presser that was like, "Are you aware of it?" And he, you know, he is. He is. He is. He seems like he is. He understands English. Yeah. No. No, he definitely, I think his thing is less that he doesn't understand English because you could tell when questions were being asked that he was, it was registering, particularly the questions that were very straight forward, you could tell he got it. I just don't think he's comfortable speaking. Yeah. And Jesus. They're talking about setting him up with a tutor. And that's great. You know, help him with the transition, whatever you need. Can you imagine mastering hockey at the level he already has? Like this is a super skill set. Something you had to work thousands of hours to get to. Now you have to develop even further to get to the NHL level. And you're going to be developing at that level. Yeah. And on top of that, you're going to have freaking homework. I cannot imagine doing homework at this point. Granted, he's only 19, but like, I didn't do a ton of homework when I was 19, either. It is amazing the, Charlie went to an Ivy League school. I didn't. Like the amount of, they're tempering the expectations, but like the pressure and just expectation for him to do so much seems insane to me. It's going to be a lot. I think he can handle it. I'm not terribly concerned about his ability to, uh, to deal with the pressure, but I was, I did come away feeling good about the fact that yeah, he's, he's reading the Instagram messages. He, he gets it. He basically called the fan support unreal. Yes. Um, you know, said that it's, it's, it's awesome. He said all the right things. And granted, he said it through a translator. So it wasn't like we were getting direct quotes from him. If you know Russian, maybe you can get the direct quotes, but I do not. So, so it's tough to know exactly what he said, but we got through Slavik who's that soft, uh, who used to function as a fire skating coach. Now he's something of a consultant, none as yeah, lower third. Exactly. Exactly. Something of a consultant at this point, but I liked everything I heard from, from Mitch golf. Granted, it would have taken a lot for me to not like what I heard. Like, I don't, I don't know how he could have bombed the interview. Fuck you. Trade me to the ring. But he certainly did not bomb the interview. You learned those words? He didn't say that. So that's cool. Yeah. Take, take that Jimmy Sullivan. Yeah. This guy was the player. It is funny though. Um, Kevin Kurz put, uh, his actual answer to the Philly's hat question through Google Translate and he just tweeted it a little bit ago. He says, everyone knows, uh, this was his actual answer and this is basically what, uh, who's next off said, but everyone knows that there was a good baseball team here. The best team I would love, uh, to go to it in the near future and get to know the players and the team. Therefore, we will root for this team, uh, fucking one of us, baby, he's, he's on board. I love it. He doesn't speak much English, but he can pander. And like we said yesterday, that's a good, it's a very good, it's a very good thing. Very, very good. One thing that came out of the, uh, the interview with Anthony, uh, that I thought was really interesting and I specifically asked Danny about this in the, uh, the presser, the fact that they are going to do their best to try to get Mitch cough's mom and younger brother to come over as well. That's really cool. That's exactly the kind of thing. Cause we talked about this yesterday that that was a big thing for me is how are you going to make it so he is as comfortable as possible in this new environment. If they're able to get his mom and his brother over here, that's enormous. And presumably, like, I, I think he, he walked it back a little bit probably because they have to get like visas and all that stuff. Like it's not, it's a whole thing, but like, I would assume like they might just like put them on the payroll. Like this, but this is the kind of stuff that like as the flyers you can do, like you are, you have Comcast behind, you have a crap load of money, like, yeah, you can't go over the cap. And if you have, if you're, if you're doing Vegas style, but like there's a cap and you can't spend above that cap, you have to be cap compliant. But if you want to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on other things that aren't related to the cap, they got the money. And my guess is, is that they will be helping the Mitch cough family to settle in the Philadelphia area. And that's exactly, this is the kind of shit we're like, yeah, flex your financial muscle. You know, do everything you can do to make this kid feel welcome and make this kid feel comfortable. And the fact that Breair leads with that that, yeah, we're working on getting his mom and his brother over. Like, that tells me they get it. I don't want, I don't want to call a soft situation where he's just homesick. And like, well, I don't know how that's going to work out. No one does. We'll see. But like, okay, we've identified a problem. Young kid coming over to a country where he doesn't know anyone, it doesn't speak the language. Yeah, he's homesick. No shit. You know, I don't want Mrs. Mishkov house shopping, you know, like that doesn't need to be. She needs to like, she's a freaking immigrant. Yeah, this is going to be difficult for her and the younger brother as well. Let's help them all. And that seems to be like what the plan is. And that's really smart. Like you said, it's, this is one of those instances where having the, having the corporate financial backing is so big. Can you go over the cap? No, but you can spend on everything else. Exactly. No cap for everything else. And that's what Toronto does. Yes. Like Toronto knows they can't go over the cap. So they spend gobs smacking Liam, not some money on everything else because they can. And this is a situation where the flyers can do it. They can spend money to make sure he's as comfortable as possible. And I like the fact that it appears they are doing that. It just, it makes me feel better about the, I'm not going to say the assimilation process, but like just the overall, you know, not even immigration process, but just, just the fact that he's, he's getting used to a new country, a new culture. And it seems like the flyers are prioritizing, making that as seamless as possible. And that makes me feel good. I went to, I grew up in South Jersey and went to Temple. I was 25 minutes away at 19 years old. It's different. Like you're living on your own. It's just like a different process. This is a whole other thing. You know, like, yeah, this is, this isn't 25 minutes. This is a 22 hour flight that he just got on, you know? So it's, it's good. I am very happy to hear that they do have a plan in place and it seems like they are as things come up going to continue to like evolve the plan. Like, okay, what do you need? And they're going to figure that out. And that's great to hear because I know Danny said it. He said it in the Gargano interview. He said it in the presser as well. And we're not looking at him as a savior. But the fans are, but we are and he's the closest, maybe not savior, but whatever step below that is, like, you know, he has to be this thing and we're going to do everything in our path. Listen, the end of the day, it's up to him. He has to live up to his potential. He has to continue to get better. Now, everything we've seen, the work ethic stuff, my God, this kid loves hockey. That's one of the thing that I've heard things I've heard come up since yesterday today again. He gets to the facility after, you know, spending two days on a plane or whatever it is and then two hour car ride from JFK back to back to the facility in Jersey and he wants to see his equipment. Let me get out on the ice. And I think there was sled hockey or something. Yeah. So he couldn't get out on the ice. So he went to the gym and they just leave him alone in the gym and then they go find him. He's in the shooting room. He's just firing some pucks. The shooting room is cool. That's all. I've seen that because the when they redid the facility a couple of years ago, they let the media go back and see all the new changes and whatnot. It's basically like a small rink and then you can like they have a small rink. It's basically just for like ball hockey, essentially, and then they have a shooting room. It's real cool. So I imagine, I mean, I'm not saying that like the Scott St. Petersburg's facilities aren't great because they probably are because they probably are because they're like one of the four teams in the KHL that has month. Feel like a real team. Yeah. So I'm sure they're fine. Like the fire still is pretty cool. I'm sure he was, I'm sure he was impressed. That's, it seems like he was happy with everything. Something that came up on Gargano show, the tempering of expectations. And like I get that they want to be like, listen, he's 19, he's got this is almost an unprecedented situation considering there have been plenty of guys who've come over from Russia. That's not new. But this time in the world and like why he even fell to them and getting the contract, this is, the flyers haven't dealt with anything like this. I don't believe other than the craziness of Fedotov, that was a whole other thing. They are working hard to make sure it's like, listen, it's going to be a little bit. He's still developing. They're tempering the expectations. At the same time, I have like three or four apps that I use to sports gamble. Ain't none of them where he is in the favor to win the Calder. Like he's the favorite over Macklin celebration, over guys who drafted higher, guys whose names maybe ring out a little more throughout the NHL as a whole. Because, yeah, I mean, listen, if we know how it is, the Russians don't get the love that the Canadians do, just the way it is. But he's the favorite to be the best rookie in the league this year. How are they going to like, how are we going to handle this situation really, like if he doesn't score in the opener, like, how do you think we're going to react to like trying to temper our expectations? Do you think we as a fan base are capable? No. I mean, that's the answer, no, no, flyers fans fell off the fans are not. Look, there's a, there's a non insignificant section of the fan base that during the height of the Clodgeroo era actively dislike Clodgeroo. Yeah. Like not even were annoyed by him, like actively rooted against him because they thought he sucked and was overrated and they were sold a bill of goods that he was the best player in the world. And they like would call in a radio station saying the Clodger stinks, like, no, there is always going to be fans in this fan base who are bonkers and like Mitch Koff will not be universally loved. I think he will be almost universally loved. But yeah, if he doesn't score 30 goals or an 80 points in his rookie year, people are going to get frustrated. The flyers are doing everything they can to temper expectations, but no, fans are going to fan. Like, and that's just part of it. Luckily, you know, fans that listen to this show will hopefully hear, you know, a more balanced perspective of the Mitch Koff rookie year, which is not going to be perfect. I would be shocked if there aren't some bumps in the road. But what we're looking for is for him to have a promising rookie year more than anything else. And I think the vast majority of fans will, they might be frustrated if he goes five games without a goal or whatever, but they know that this is a process. He's 19 years old, 19 going on 20. He's not what he's ultimately going to be going to become. I said this yesterday, like he was good last year in the KHL. He wasn't one of the five best players in the KHL and the NHL is a better league than the KHL by a lot. So if you're expecting Mitch Koff to come in and dominate right off the bat, that's probably a little much. But if you're expecting him to come in and press right off the bat, I think that's reasonable. That said, between Calder trophy and over 46 and a half points, I really needed to come through for me here. Matthew, I got my mortgage on this. I don't. I thought VG asked a pretty good question, you know, does this alter the plan to damn Danny? And Danny had a great answer. Not yet. Not yet. We'll see. I'm good. Like it's not. Yes. It's a reasonable answer because yeah, if this gets a superstar right away, yes, it does. Then it's like, okay, well, full speed ahead. Yep. Oh, he's in a 20, 25. I guess we're buying. Yep. But if he's taken some time, which I think is the reasonable expectation, then no, I think we're still looking at 20, 26 as the summer where they really push the gas pedal. But yeah, if Mitchkoff scores 85 points this year and the power play is good, shockingly, and a few because they're playing with Mitchkoff or because they just developed a few of the other guys take big steps for this year, you know, let's say, you know, I obviously, Travis Connectney is already Travis Connectney, but like, let's say Jamie drives the score is 50 points or, you know, Joel Farribby scores 80 and then you're like, oh, well, shit, you know, we don't just have Mitchkoff and Connectney, assuming he gets resigned, we have Mitchkoff and Connectney and Tippin and Farribby and these guys are all, you know, those second tier impact players then, and yeah, maybe it does get sped up. One thing that you mentioned in our outline, but definitely want to talk about this because through the entirety of the pre termination process, Danny and everyone related to the flyers both on and off the record were downplaying their impact in the negotiation process. They were even downplaying how much they talked to, they were saying they don't talk to them, which was obviously bullshit, like, there isn't a world in which if that was true, it's like you need to be fired, but like, especially, and I know there's like different rules and we don't want to run a foul of the league or anything and we definitely don't want to piss off the KHL and the oligarchs over there, because like, we got to get his family over here, we got to get other players over here. So it's all right, we're not, but like, Michkoff in the press conference said, oh, the flyers, the flyers negotiated this thing and also they were talking to me all the time, like, what do you need to work on? They've already told me what I need to work on. The cats out of the back, yes, Mitchkoff straight up sick because he was asked, I forget who asked him, but somebody asked him, you know, how much contact did the flyers have, and he was like, oh, yeah, I talked with me all the time, you know, we were texting, you know, we had an app, and I had heard about the app last season, which is why it was so funny. Remember when we talked about this in May about like the freak out about that interview Danny gave with the French language podcast where Danny's like, yeah, we don't even talk to him. And I said, I said on the show, I was like, that was the one I realized that he was not doing that interview for the fans. He was doing that interview for people in Russia and having them feel better that the flyers were, you know, getting their hands in the cookie jar because I knew for a fact that the flyers were regularly talking to Mitchkoff all year. So it was the most ball-faced lie possible and Mitchkoff just straight up is like, yeah, they were talking to me all the time. I'll tell you, man, Danny fucking wigs up and lies. Like, this guy is just lying all the time, which is great. I want you lying. Yeah. Like, you know, who lies a ton? Howie Roseman, who's won a Super Bowl. That's true. You're lying. Howie's not lying. You're not doing your job. But there are some shit that was just like, my face is just like, yeah, man, like we've been, do you know what you need to work on? Yeah. Like, I talked to them all last year. Yeah. I've talked to them for the last two years. Like, I know what I need to work on. They've already told me, listen, before we go any further, it's, you might not need them today. Today might not. And that's why I'm not wearing my shady race for this read because like I drove in and it was pouring. So I didn't actually bring my glasses today, but you know what it's like out there most days. 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It was just the flyers and Scott, you know what, you know, maybe, maybe we have not given Danny in the front of us enough credit for what they did to get him over. I don't want to spoil anything, Chuck, but say perhaps you have a piece coming out soon about what went on today. Maybe it's going to be behind a paywall. Maybe you want to go to all and become a die heart. There has never been a better time to sign up than right now, because right now is when it's all happening, man. Get ready for the season with Charlie O'Connor and Alex Appleyard also available behind our paywall for diehards only. There's so many benefits to becoming a die heart. I tell you about the discord all time where you can yell at Charlie in real time and he has to answer. It's his job. You get the content, not only the great flyer stuff that we promote here every day, but our entire roster of outstanding premium content. You get a discount on events and merch and when you sign up, you get a free shirt. Who doesn't love free shirt? So make sure you go to all, become a die heart so you can keep up with all things Matt and Vay Mishkov. Get into the ground floor. Do it now because the bandwagon is filling up. Sure is. All right, Chuck. Yeah. He mentioned winning a ton. Like that was the biggest takeaway. The flyers were in contact a lot was very funny. It was extremely funny. That was great stuff. The negotiation thing was great. Um, yes, the flyers were negotiating with Scott. They were. Yeah. The flyers were negotiating with Scott. Sorry, they were. Yeah. They were 100 percent. They were far more involved than they were letting on, which again, good we we know, but understandably, the flyers are not technically allowed to do that. So they're not going to say they did. And it surprised you at all when he said, like they, they asked who's reached out and they said, obviously we heard about Eric Johnson, like Zamoula and Fedotov have reached out and he said, I believe the captain of the team, um, little surprising to you. He hasn't met or spoken to Torterrell. Uh, I get the sense that John Torterrell is a, is very much a, it's the off season. That's like, I'm not like leave me alone kind of guy. Like he was obviously a development camp, but it doesn't surprise me. It seems like that's going to happen in the next day or so that they're going to chat. Um, I don't think that Torter is going to want, I don't think he's going to want Mitch Cough to feel like, you know, he's special if that makes that fair. I think that is going to be a big thing with Torterrell and Breair straight up said it. Then he's going to coach him. He's going to coach him. Heart that there's, there's not going to be, he's not going to give him shortcuts. It's not going to be like, well, there's one set of rules for Mitch Cough and one set of rules for the rest of the team. Now there is to a degree because Danny Breair straight up said the kids making the team. So like not everybody has that same certainty of like, Oh, you're a prospect that's definitely making the team. But again, there are promises they had to make in this process to him to get him over here that they didn't, they don't have to make to Bobby brick. So, but, and like for the most part, I think Torterrell wants to, he wants to make it clear to Mitch Cough that like, look, you might be really good, but you're not special in my eyes until you improve that you're special. And like, I always, I think it was, I can never remember the big tune. Who was the coach for the Cowboys, Tortercells, that's it. He said, I don't treat everyone equal. I treat everyone fair. And yeah, there are like Travis Connectney does get more leeway than everyone else because he's going to score 30 goals. Like, yeah, he blasted the zone because he's trying to score on a breakaway. You can't handle the puck. So you're probably not going to score. You need to play better defense, you know, like there's just going to be those different rules for different players. But it does seem as if they are very much focused on, and I love to it. Danny said, like talking about Mitch Cough's skill set. He's like, listen, I know we're in the entertainment business and people are excited about this. And he's going to get, he's going to get people out of their seats in the offensive end. John Torrella is going to, and it's one of the things we talked about how Danny's like, yeah, we made a deal out of it. Oh, he's here now. He's going to play for Torrella. I was like, Oh, does that mean in a couple of years he might not be? But like at 19, rather than at 22, he's going to be like ingrained with this skill set and this mindset of how to play the right way. And they're very excited about that. But they are making sure to be like, Oh, he's got a lot to learn, even though, yeah, man, in the offensive zone, he's going to kill it, like he's going to be really good. I think that now it remains to be seen whether that's how it ultimately plays out. But that is obviously their, their dream center, where Mitch Cough's offense fully translates. He's this, you know, puck wizard, super computer type player in the offensive zone that just outthinks and outworks everybody and his dominant. And then you take that existing skill set and you slap on the John Torrella commitment to structure and defense and everything like that and getting held accountable when he does slip. And then over time that becomes second nature. And then suddenly you don't just have a guy who's only good in the attacking third of the ice. You have a guy who's dominant in all three zones and it's, it's unclear whether that's ultimately how it's going to play out. Maybe Torrella, Mitch Cough will clash, maybe Mitch Cough will, will chafe at, at being pushed to, to improve the other sides of his game. But the fliers are hoping that he does, the fliers are hoping that he, he rises through the challenge and becomes a better player because he played under Torrella than he would be if he played under John Stevens. Absolutely. And it was, I've got to say, I know that he came in with the, like, oh, yeah, there's some character concerns. And then like, oh, it's really, he just expects so much of his teammates and he's so much about winning. But it's one of the, I wish we could have got the direct quote from him because when he was talking about like, it's his dream and everything, he's like, basically what he said was a lot of guys play in the NHL, not a lot of guys win. And he wants to be one of those guys. And maybe he's just saying what he's supposed to say, but by all accounts, this dude fucking loves playing and he loves practicing and loves getting better. I think the relationship with Torrella, it's going to be rocky because he's a confrontational asshole, but I think they're going to get along. And I mean, not in the most endearing way possible. Some coaches need to coach that way and be confrontational, he is one of those coaches. It's going to be rocky at points. I do think they might compliment each other kind of well. Just in terms of, yeah, like he, Torrella has no idea what generates offense. And that's why he's like, I don't know, we're going to just play this way and then hopefully offense comes from it. Having that wizard in the offensive zone and having this opportunity to mold him, I feel like is going to like rejuvenate, not that he needs it, like Torrella as well. And I see these as the more I hear about Mavé Mishkov, the more I think they're going to be a good pairing. Like, I think this is going to work, at least for now. I certainly hope so. And again, like there's also an element to where I don't think John's perdural is going to be coaching this team for years and years to come. When Mishkov lifts the cup, I very much doubt it'll be Torrella. This is going to be a couple years of going in, you know, going to school at the Torrella school of hard knocks, like that's what it's going to be. And Mishkov will probably get frustrated at times, but the hope is that because look like it's great if he isn't as a fantastic offensive player. I would rather, and I see this with Winnipeg, like Winnipeg to me is the perfect example where that is a team where all of their best players give zero shits about defense and they will never, ever win anything meaningful because of it. Like Mark Shifley, great offensive player, awful defensively, doesn't care, is terrible at it. And the rest of the team takes their cues from the best players. And if the best players don't give a shit, like there's a reason why the name freaking Adam Lowry is the captain. Yep. He's not, he's, he's a perfectly fine player. But the reason is, is because it was like, yeah, don't watch Kyle Connor and Mark Shifley watch Adam Lowry, young kids that are coming into the organization. So I think it's important for Mishkov, he looked, I'm not expecting him to ever become like a silky winger or anything, like anything crazy like that. But he will be a better player if he is, if he develops his off-put game to the point where he is at least fine defensively at the NHL level. And John Twitter L is going to demand that of him and as long as the two don't end up beating the shit out of each other, it likely will make him a better player five years from now that he spent the first two years getting yelled at by John Twitter L. Absolutely. No, it's even like, when I played in middle school, my favorite coach was a dude who busted my balls nonstop, like, benched me for scoring a goal once because he told me stop pinching. I was like, we're losing. We're losing. It made me bet like some guys respond to that and it seems like his love for hockey is what will propel him even through these times where he is at odds with the coach because that's going to happen. My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friends still laughing at me to this day. Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. 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He was like, eventually you start to get the jokes and like that's when you really become part of the crew. Like when you're sitting around just bullshitting. And he, they talked about the tutor and everything, but he talked about the leaders in the locker room. And that is while a lot of us may not agree with every minor roster decision they've made because ultimately like the Garnet half way thing, all the, all these guys that were like, does this really make sense? It's not going to matter in a few years. They probably won't be here. They're all in their 30s or late 20s. But now that he's here and here early at this age, does this, does it make more sense to you? Like I don't want to just totally like, Oh, Danny was right the whole time and all these guys. It's actually smart to have them. I don't know if that's true, but it makes more sense to me now that they know he's he here. And they're going to have the culture. I think, look, whether you agree with it or not, I think Breair made it abundantly clear today that the, the emphasis one might even call it obsession with culture that they seem to have is in no small part driven by the fact that they want Mitch cough to work that like, you know, yes, they want to have a strong culture because they think it's important because they're hockey men who play the game and believe that having that tight locker room, it's really, really important. But you can't tell me that they didn't have in the back of their heads. We need the culture to be strong for Mitch cough because we know that there are, you know, that there are some concerns about his competitiveness that he rubs the teammates the wrong way. And also he has the talent in theory to be a superstar. So we want him coming into a room that we feel like can foster him and foster his talent best. And I do think that, you know, and again, you can disagree with that prioritization. Certainly. You certainly can. But I don't think the emphasis on culture can be removed from the arrival of Mitch cough. I think that the culture, the culture building the emphasis on that is very much linked to trying to get the most out of Mitch cough, like it is, it's an if a, then be kind of thing. And I know like this is, it's not the only reason, like he's shrunk to a longest tenured guy. Been here a while. Well respected. I mean, the whole locker room was pissed when he got scratched, maybe more so that he was, you know, like, but when you were just mentioning the jets and it's like, yeah, man, that team, they don't give a fuck about defense. They, they had a great year because their goalie put up a nine 30. And if he doesn't, they will not make the playoffs, you know, and I just look at Sean couturier as, yeah, maybe his offensive game never comes back. But he at least knows what to do. Like he will always be good in the neutral zone. Yeah, like he knows where to stand and where to put his stick. And if you're going to look for an example of just like, okay, this is what we're asking from you, Sean couturier is that example. Like if he sets that defensive standard, that's got to be a good thing. Like that can only help Mitch Cobb and all the young players, like I feel like the decision to name couturier captain, even that makes more sense now. Is that a stretch? I mean, I don't know, maybe, maybe that's part of it that the idea of like setting a good example of like couturier sets of defense is a defensive example in a way that Scott Lawton does. Like why? Like, cause that was the question. Why isn't it lawton? Well, the only reason he's here is like captain and tangible shit. Yeah. So why not just slap the sea on him? Well, other than his contract, like he might not be here for eight years, like Sean couturier is going to have to be, but like just, I don't know, it just that seems to, and it could be a stretch. I might just be looking for reasons to be happy today because it's a really fun fucking day, but it just makes more sense to me today. That's all. Look, I do think that all of their moves, all of their decisions have been colored by the knowledge that Mitch Koff is coming. Like we talked about it, I think, yes, I mentioned in my article yesterday that in November of last year, John Twitter, Elle more or less said, we changed our playing style to be more rushed focus in anticipation of a Mitch Koff. And that was before it was coming this year. The mad Russian. That was actually something because we're never going to know the full answer because there's so many things they can and can't say. Danny said, like when this process started, he's like, well, at the end of their season, we started hearing rumblings that it might be possible he could come over early. Does John Torrella say in a press conference? Now, again, he said the mad Russian because he forgot Matt Faye's name, get your mad Russian gear at Does he say that though? If there's not some inkling, like does he change the way this team plays? Now part of it is like, yeah, we can't score. We need to figure out a way to score. And they did. At least until they traded Sean Walker. But like I get that that's part of it. But do you change the whole way you play the game if you don't have an inkling that he might be coming sooner than three years from now? Look, all I can say is that everything I heard during the season was that they did not expect him to be here next year. And the plan, the timeline, it doesn't really line up with him coming this year. Like there's a reason why they made the trades they did and they took on dead money for the next couple of years and they want to buy guys out and retain salary and things like that. Because it's always been with an eye on 2026 and 2026 that summer would have been the summer had Mitch got played out of his contract in the KHL that would have been the summer he comes over. So I think like there's nothing that I heard that leads me to believe that back in October they knew he was coming over. But I guess it's theoretically possible that lean look, Mitch got straight up said today that they were talking to me all year like they were talking to him regularly. And I'm sure Mitch cough was telling them like, yeah, if I have any way of getting out of that contract, I'd love to come over next year. I want to come over here as soon as possible. And with that knowledge, they're like, well, you know, we're not saying it's definitely going to happen. But we should prepare for the possibility because clearly this kid who we're talking to a lot more than we were admitting we were talking to, is going to do everything he can to get over here as quickly as possible. And thank you very much to our diehards. Like I said, sign up at to become a diehard. We couldn't do what we do without you very much appreciate all of our diehards out there. And appreciate our super chatters as well. Let's see if we did we get any super chat from our boy Gary B always can depend on a super chat from Gary B very much appreciated. He said he should have said he should have said fuck the pens. He would be a legend that would be very like he knows three words. It's those three that would be hilarious. That would be good stuff. But now outside of like something like that where and while he does have kind of flair for the dramatic, he's an entertaining kind of player. And I think he kind he knows like you asked, does he aware of the hype and everything? He's like, yeah, man, I am. But like, I guess that's that level of stuff is like he doesn't speak English. What can we? Well, that's the one thing we can't expect is maybe he picks it up soon. Maybe I did find it funny at the end of the press conference when he was talking about the Phillies hat and then somebody somebody asked him, like, who's your favorite player? And then he would he like it was very clear that they had told him a name to say yes. And then he's just like, I forget it's like they probably told him Bryce Harper and he's like, I don't remember that name that that that American name that they told me 24 hours ago. It'd be hilarious. Sorry if he just pulled out like Nick Castellana, it would be a layer like I just I just like the way he dresses. He's handsome man. Oh my God. That would be very fun. Because if I was allowed, if our jury's is allowed us to unbutton buttons, I'd be unbunded them all. They got to get tie up Jersey so he can pull the strings out of them like Coots does. He's staying in a hotel. Do we have any idea what the accommodations are going to be beyond this if you were able to talk to anyone? I don't know if you know the answer to this like because I wasn't sure about this yesterday. It seems like he is not like he is here. He is not here for a week or two and then going back and then going like he's here. So I imagine over the next couple weeks, he's going to be looking for an apartment. We need to pull his passport so he can never leave. I don't even know where this hotel is. I don't think that's a good idea, Bill. I'm going to find his hotel so I can steal it so he can never go. William. William, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. Don't be many to crimes on a time. I guess I shouldn't. Yeah, this is this is parody, folks. It's two oh two is a very exciting day, but before we wrap up, Charlie, it was there anything else that really stood out there. I think we did a pretty good job of really getting to the meat and potatoes of this, but was there anything else that you thought was like, this is this was interesting. Oh, I don't think so. I think we we hammer home a lot of it. I did think it was interesting that when I asked Danny about integrating him to into the organization, into the country, into the city, that he very quickly pointed out the veterans and we talked a little bit about this, but it seems like they do view the you know, the guys like our Johnson and Nick DeLorean, the joke he made about. We showed him the fight that Nick DeLorean had against the Rangers. You looked it up. Presumably it was the one against Matt Rempeh, an epic brow at first, at first, I thought he met new sealer. So I went to hockey fights and couldn't find a sealer fight against the Rangers. And then I was like, Oh, you're a fucking idiot, dude. He means DeLorean the fight of the year later. He got very stupid in that moment, but he brought he brought that up a base. We said like this is your best friend, your best friend. So I think DeLorean is a very jovial person. He is a great choice for a for a best friend. And again, it goes back to what we're saying earlier, like, do I love the fact that Nick DeLorean is like is part of this team? Do I think he's a particularly good NHL player? No. However, well, I said a few weeks ago that like, I don't really think that anybody on the flyers, any of the flyers, young players are doing anything that's going to get them punched. So I think Mitch golf is going to do things. And he's probably going to try things that are going to piss off. It's going to piss off the other team and piss off his own head coach and probably, but seriously, like, like, he's going to be trying Michigan. He's going to be doing, doing dangles that are going to, that's going to make people like fall over, like he's going to do those kinds of things and having a DeLorean there to, you know, stand up at the bench when somebody's trying to mess with Mitch golf, like maybe it's not the worst thing. At least in the early part. I'm on his left wing playing 20 minutes a night. Who cares? It's going to be great. Let's not do that. No, I've just been trying to think I, it's the Michigan. It will always be the Michigan. It doesn't even make sense to call it the lacrosse goal because like you can't stand that close to the net, whatever. It's the Michigan. Were you his player? Yeah. Interesting. His name is Mishkov. He does the Michigan. There has to be something here. Like, Mish again, like there's something here, but I got to tell you, Matt Fay, save it for the home opener. Don't pull one until your first time in the Wells Fargo Center regular season. Okay. Save it. Cause the place is going to, if we've seen it a couple of times, listen, they're going to go nuts regardless. But if it's the first time we see it up close, buddy, you're going to have the number one selling jersey in the league when that half chef's cast just abs, I'm begging you to save it for that one. But, I mean, if you do it, it's a bummer that they start to season out of a road trip. That is, and not just a road trip, but a West Coast road trip, but they, four straight ten o'clocks are going to be late. That stinks at least fliers after dark. There is a reason. There's a real good reason this year to stay up for those. And we'll be here with post games. So make sure you're on the road. Yeah. Well, but I, but I will be the royal week. I'll be calling in the royal week. PHL I fly. We'll be. We'll be here for those post games. So make sure you're subscribed to our YouTube channel. So you never miss any of those and never miss a live show. Set those reminders. We'll be back tomorrow at one o'clock. We're finally going to do this Slapshot episode. Yeah. Until they trade for fucking zebra stuff like it's July 24th. We haven't started our real off season bullshit yet. Well, you're pretty nice. Here's a question though. Should we because I've been forever around Friday with Kelly is not going to be on the show tomorrow. We'll be on the show Friday. So we'll do it Friday. I think it makes sense to save it forever on Friday at this point. So the Slapshot show will be Friday tomorrow will be I don't know more of your regularly scheduled fliers discussions, more michkov probably. Yeah. So make sure you follow us on Twitter and get the people what they want. Play the hits at PHL why underscore flyers. Follow the podcast. PHL why flyers wherever you get those until tomorrow. My name is Bill Matts. That's Charlie O'Connor. You stay loose and sexy, Maffee. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.