PHLY Philadelphia Flyers Podcast

PHLY Flyers Podcast | Philadelphia Flyers Draft & Free Agency Breakdown; What’s up with Travis Konecny?

It’s Canada Day, July 1st, which means NHL free agency has begun! While the Philadelphia Flyers aren’t expected to be big players on the UFA market, there’s still business to conduct, and the weekend’s Entry Draft still needs grading! Charlie, Kelly & Bill discuss Jett Luchanko and the rest of the Flyers’ picks while also reacting live to free agency news. Plus, what’s the latest on Travis Konecny? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 17m
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01 Jul 2024
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It’s Canada Day, July 1st, which means NHL free agency has begun! While the Philadelphia Flyers aren’t expected to be big players on the UFA market, there’s still business to conduct, and the weekend’s Entry Draft still needs grading!

Charlie, Kelly & Bill discuss Jett Luchanko and the rest of the Flyers’ picks while also reacting live to free agency news. Plus, what’s the latest on Travis Konecny?

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Company and MLS ID number one four six four seven six six. My name is Bill Matts. I'm your director of fun and games for the afternoon. Joining me today. Fresh back from Las Vegas. It is Charlie O'Connor and Broad Street hockey zone. I mean, really, she's just ours now. You're on every show for like a week. It is Kelly Hinkle. Happy Canada Day to you, especially Kelly, but to all who celebrate. Thank you. And a happy Bobi Boney a day. There is really no better day than a day we can laugh at the Mets. July 1st. I mean, it's every day, but especially today. Every July 1st is a built in. Let's laugh at the Mets day. Agreed. And then, I mean, I guess we did. What's that clip? Like this is when we all throw back our heads and laugh. Yes. So happy everything going on. It is also the opening of NHL free agency. Lots of lots of signings happening. The Flyers, of course, have brought back Eric Johnson, the Internet on fire because of a guy who's going to play like a dozen games this year. But we'll start with a few different things. I think the stuff I want to start with is the, like should I want to talk about least so we'll just get it out of the way. OK. Well, we'll start with the players who did get qualifying offers them all and break. Get QO. Again, unsurprising. Yeah, everyone assumed that they were coming back. We got your Mason Millman breaking news. Breaking news. Breaking news. Garnet Hathaway. What about going to have extended. Extended. Really? Really? Because that was something I was going to all right. So guess what, fam? That is some pretty interesting news. And this breaking news is brought to you by Indeed. The listeners of this show will get a $75 sponsor job credit to get your jobs more visibility at That's terms and conditions apply. Need to hire? You need Indeed. So we have breaking news. Garnet Hathaway extended. That's actually kind of interesting to me. Because recently, I don't remember who I said. It might have been on this show. Might have been on it. I don't know. We do so many shows. There's just so many shows all the time. We did like seven hours of shows over the weekend. I kind of thought, especially considering how much stock they are putting in this 2025 draft. Garnet Hathaway, an absolute trade candidate at this upcoming deadline, expiring contract. It's very much the type of player that a playoff team would covet, that playoff style. Every now and then you could put one in the net for you. What do we think about? What's the, do we have the terms on the extension of Garnet Hathaway? He got a $25,000 raise. Good for him. For two more years. Two more years. Why did we need to sign him immediately on July 1st? The year before his contract. It feels like a, it feels like a, it feels early. It feels, I mean, it's not that much money. No, it's not, but, but yeah, I mean, he's 30, 32. Yeah, it seems like a little bit of an unnecessary risk to sign him early. What's the point? Well, they really like him. That's the point. I know, but. And he is very good. He's a very good fourth liar. Yeah, he is a very good one. He's one of those classic guys where the, the hockey men love him because of hockey man reasons. And the stats people love him because by the numbers, he's also really good as he was again this season. Now listen, if that fourth line is going to be Hathaway with Cates and Paling, that is a very good fourth line. If they're going to, as they did for a lot of the second half of the season, Scratch Nick Deloria. He does bring that toughness element. He can fight basically anyone in the league. I can't imagine like, yeah, sure. If we're playing the Rangers, if we're, where's Reeves? He's still in Toronto. Like, we play a team with an actual heavyweight, maybe Deloria draws in, but he does bring that element in case, just in case. And you know, if the brawl breaks out, we're not undermanned, I suppose. So someone, someone in the grocery hockey slack, please like and subscribe, just made a good point. He could be the new lot and if you don't have a lot and anymore. That's a fair point. That's a very good point if they are going to move on from Scott Lawton, which a lot of us thought was going to happen at the draft. Me included. I didn't. All right. I didn't. I expected traded at some point this off season, but it's July 1st and he is still a Philadelphia flyer. But if you are going to move on from Scott Lawton at some point, he does bring a lot of those elements. They haven't used them on the penalty kill in the same way. Maybe not the scoring threat that Scott Lawton is, not that he's, you know, a 20 gold guy, but he does like the lamp from time to time. Garden half away a little bit less. But I just find it odd that we're re-signing a guy in his 30s when we're already kicking the can of this contention. Like, oh, yeah, the players who are going to be here in this draft now, we really don't want any of them. We want next draft. Like, it's already going to be a certain man. You'd want him here for the rebuild, I guess. What's the thinking here, Charlie? The thinking here is that they think he's a very good player and they want to keep him. Like, it truly, I imagine, is that simple. We love it to galaxy brain though. Like, the idea, like, I don't know. I'm not of the opinion that this is because they're going to trade law and I'm not to be opinion that this is like three-dimensional chess. They really like Garden half away. They think he's still good. They think he will still be good two years down the road. Now, for me, my point would be, why do you have to sign him on July 1? He's got another year left on his contract. You know, is it going to kill them if he drops off a cliff this season? Or if he gets hurt and is a shell himself for the two years on this extension? No, it's not going to kill them. It's $2.4 million, no big deal. It does seem to me to be a little bit premature. Like, you know, is he that essential that you have to sign him a year early? Like, I like him a lot. I'm glad we get to watch him on the team. He's fun. And based on his statistical performance last season, I think it is very possible that this extension is perfectly fine. That said, I don't know why you had to do it now. Oh, when we get in the connecting extension, then, three o'clock. That's a great question. It'll probably be as soon as the show ends because that's a thing. I see we have a couple of super chats. I'm going to get to them before we get back to the regularly scheduled programming of today's show. So, from Anthony Kalitas, when you talk about draft recap, can we compare the floor and ceiling for Hellenius and Luchenko? Yes, that is. We'll get to that later. Absolutely something we can get to. Thank you, Anthony. And from Dylan Phillips. Yes. Thank you. I'm panicking about taxes, taxes and no trades and no ELC. I had to ban him from the chat. He's banned. Kelly has been ranting all morning. I've been yelling about taxes since I got here. The first session that everyone on Twitter has about the locations that don't pay state income tax. Stop it. Please. I just think it's like, it's a very happy accident that many of those places have very good weather. And not all that much hockey media to bother them. Yeah. And not too many fans to bother them at the supermarket. This is true. I think those things all kind of line up. I will say that do I think that the lack of state taxes plays a bit of a role in these kinds of decisions? Yes. The idea that it is the driving force behind players going to these locations. No, people like to play in Florida because it's nice in their beaches. And the teams are good. And the teams are good. People like to play in Nashville because it's a really fun place to live. And as Bill hinted, if you don't particularly like being hounded by crazy fans or crazy media people, it's a great place to play. It's not to say anything. Listen, that Nashville fan base, for what it is, rabbit, but there might only be 20,000. If there's a good chance you don't run into them every day. Whatever impact it has on the decision, it is not enough that anyone on Twitter needs to be talking about it. If it's all right, my offers are LA and Nashville. And it's the same money. It's like, well, yeah, I'm going to go to Nashville. I'd rather go to California. And there's also the fact that this is something a lot of people don't talk about. You still have to pay state income tax. Yes. The other half of your games. All the other games you dummies, they pay income tax everywhere they were. Like if you play a game in Philadelphia, you pay Pennsylvania income tax. And city wage tax. And city wage tax. That's why all these guys have insanely wealthy and very good tax accounts. Exactly. It's very complicated. But you sign, say you sign in the central division, or you sign in the Atlantic. I know you're really out of break. You're signing in the Atlantic division. No, if you sign in Nashville, you also have to be like, it's not half of your games because you don't pay in Dallas when you go there. It's just, I'm just saying. But it's not a huge point I made before the show. Was that all this really is is sour grapes from mostly Canadian fans. Yes. It's mostly Canadian fans who are extremely pissy that they don't get all of the free agents. So when someone signs in Tampa or in Florida or in Nashville or in Dallas or whatever, it's like, well, they just sign there because of tax or law. No, maybe they don't sign there because you as famous. They want to be insufferable and they don't want to deal with your insane media and you're insane fans. Yes. That's definitely part of it. Much more so than the taxes. That's definitely a part of it. My theory on how this whole tax conversation started is the whole John Tavares thing. It's his dream to play here. There's the fucking pajama boy pictures like all that. It's like, well, how come we didn't get a discount on him if it's his dream and he was only ever going to sign here? It's like, oh, taxes. That's why. Not because Tavares just wants the fucking money. So he's not going to cut your break. It's the taxes. What can you do? Or because that's my theory offered him all of that money. So he took it like Andrew McDonald. You can get mad at him for signing that contract. They gave him all that money. What was he supposed to do? He could say no thanks. He could say no thanks. It's totally fine. Like guys turned down contracts all the time. All right, that's it. We're not talking about taxing. We're going back to that now. So going back to the Hathaway. It's over. We're not going to go for this. Let's wrap the bow on that since that just happened as we're on. Look, he's a good player. He's a good fourth liner. It's not going to kill them. I am unsure of why you had to do it a year early, given the fact that there's always the risk of like he's 32 years old. I believe I do not know when he turns turns 33 in November. It will be about to turn 34 and it will end in a year when he is 34 about to turn 35. So this will last until he is 35. Is it possible he remains quite good through that time? Sure. He's a good player now. It's only three years down the road, but it does seem a little risky unnecessarily risky to sign him a year early. I guess their thought processes. We really like him. We want to have Garnet Hathaway as our fourth line wing for the next three years. It's just one of those things where like, listen, we talked about this all season as a person who needs to watch 82 games. The flyers are a more entertaining team significantly with Garnet Hathaway on the ice. I enjoyed Garnet Hathaway's minutes much more than I did. Whatever the fuck the fourth line was the couple of years before that 100%. 100. I'd like him as a player, my kind of guy, absolutely my type of player. Just in terms of like roster management, I just, man, yeah, he's a real good fourth liner. Why the fuck can't we have a homegrown fourth line? Like, why does it need to be Ryan Paling who we had to go get, and this guy make up two thirds of it? We can't even come up with this. Don't give Ryan Paling shit. Ryan Paling is like 24. You're begging for a homegrown player to become as good as Ryan Paling. Yeah, sure. I get Hathaway because he's 32. And you're like, yeah, why don't we get a young guy. Paling is a young guy. You just happen to pick him up on free agency rather than draft. I'm just saying, if we're not able to pull out fourth liners from all these drafts, what are we doing here? That's all. That's all. I don't know. I'd rather get a good fourth liner. If it has, if I have the choice between like getting Ryan Paling who I know is good versus like giving Elliot De Noye a shot, and there's a 70% chance he will never be as good as Ryan Paling is now, I'm completely in favor of having Ryan Paling, the definitely solid player box out the probably not good prospect who is picking the fifth round. I just find it strange. It would be one that they have 30 best in free agents to play on the fourth line. That should be like, we have all these kids, we have all these prospects, none of them have a path. The only reason we're talking about this is because Breyer felt the need to do it immediately. Like if they had signed this contract in like December after a couple of months of him playing well, everyone would be like, all right, quit. I would still find it strange that he's not a top trade candidate of the deadline. Well, I find that odd that a dude at his age, given our situation, isn't like, oh, yeah, let's turn him into a third round pick. To be clear, he can still be traded is not like this contract is untradable. No, it's not untradable. You can still be traded. It's just true. By extending him on July 1st, it seems as if the intention is to keep him. And what does he mean? Not to trade him in a couple of months, like on an expiring contract, which other teams are much more willing to take on, especially for a guy who plays. I'm not worried about his game falling off because his game is like, I get to the net and then, you know, stink face everybody in my little bit. I mean, guys who are 35 years old generally aren't as good as they were in their 32 and he's already just a good fourth liner. He slips a little bit, then he suddenly becomes a bad fourth line. It's more so just about his the way he plays high potential for injury. He doesn't really got injured much as per it, but all it takes is one dude running him from behind because he's mad at him. True. And I realize that's everybody, but he's a guy who pisses everyone off. I just find it odd. Again, this is not a make or break deal. This isn't going to kill anybody. I just find it a little odd. All right. Like I said, the moolah and brink at their qualifying offers, that was to be expected. Mason Millman and Will's maulick, who's been around, not the headline, however, Carter Hart does not receive his qualifying offer. There was no extra consideration given to the teams with players involved in the hockey candidate investigation. It was just like they're everybody else, QO them or don't, and the flyers, as well as the other teams involved said, yeah, we're good on that. Carter Hart is a free agent. I realize this is and this is side topic on this. That 2016 draft now is a fucking does that like that's the reason they are where they are. Yeah. The 2016 draft is a fucking disaster. Yeah. It ends up with three second round picks, none of them out to anything. You completely blow your first round pick. Yeah. Wow. Like that's why Ron heck stalling here. Yeah. And obviously there's no way to know that this thing happened, you know, two years after they drafted. Yeah. From a from a talent standpoint, the car to heart pick was good. Yeah. Oh, he's a starting calibrate. We celebrated the pick for years. The results is. But the result now is just like a completely lost draft and granted again, this isn't like the Pascal, a Burge concussions, what can you do? This is a totally different conversation, but this is just man. What a wild ride the Carter Hart experience has been. And again, like as flyers fans, we are not the victims here. There's a lot more going on in this situation than, Oh man, we don't have that goalie. We liked, um, but it is. This is a flyer show. This is crazy. I, I give the flyers credit for cutting ties. Yes. It would have been very easy for them to talk themselves into. Oh, well, we can't lose his rights. We can't lose his rights for what if he's completed it's all like what if the evidence there's a video of him somewhere else, you know, like they didn't galaxy brain themselves into going, yeah, let's give him six million bucks. He's so good. Yeah. There were a lot of people in our discord that were very worried about them call off a part of heart and I was and I was good. Because they, the way that Breair and Jones have been speaking about this since January in terms of their future plans, like they are, they weren't even paying lip service at the idea that Carter Hart was involved. Yeah. It was Sam Harrison, Ivan Fido Tof, Alexi Colosov, maybe down the road, Carson Bjarnison, and Igor Subragan. It was never, well, we'll wait and see what happens with Carter. It was we're moving on. I got this as they were done. Then you add in the fact that the flyers are crammed up against the cap. They've been talking about this for the past month. And if you would have issued a qualifying offer to Carter Hart, that's it. That would have been about a $4.5 million cap hit for a guy who probably isn't even going to be allowed to play at all this year. Suddenly, a bad cap situation becomes an even worse cap situation. So purely even setting aside the fact that I think they pretty much made the decision that we're done with this guy from a cap standpoint, I don't think it made any sense. I also think that number one, I just don't think they want to be involved. This is very much like, this is an awful situation. We don't want our name on this anymore. Look, if it turns out in a year and a half, two years that Carter Hart has found not guilty, and not only that, there is serious evidence that shows that Hart actually did zero things wrong. He wasn't really in the room, and if they let that, I guess they could theoretically then reopen the conversation with Carter Hart's agent and see if maybe there's a possibility of him coming back. But their view of the situation right now is he's been charged with something awful. And also, I don't know if Carter Hart was as forthcoming about his potential involvement in the situation with the flyers as he could have been because at the start of all this, I very much got the sense that the flyers were not worried. And my guess is it was because probably Carter Hart told the people up the top that don't worry about it. I wasn't there. And over time, it maybe became, "Well, I was there, but I didn't do anything." And then over time, it maybe became, "Well, I'm not going to tell you anything at all, Matt." Right. So when a player isn't forthcoming with you about something, you are probably less likely to trust them about anything, which made it extremely even more likely that given the opportunity they were going to be like, "Now we're done with this guy." It's a choice that I'm very glad that they made because it allows me to... Yeah, it allows me to not have a bad feeling about this organization. Yes. And even if they decided to do whatever to retain his rights, if there had been some sort of special list again, like there was for the... I wouldn't have been fine with that as long as it was an NHL driven thing where they all got thrown on this list, and the NHL basically told the teams, "Kick the can down the road." Just as someone who has to do this shit, I don't want to talk about that. This is fun. No, me neither. Fucking. I got into this to yell about stupid shit like Garnet half away, and eventually hopefully one day celebrates something. This is the opposite of fun. It's fucking horrible. So I'm glad that the Flyers made the decision that we can all kind of be like, "I'll see how it plays out." It's no longer... Good written. I hate to say like it's no longer our problem as if it was ever like our problem, but you know what I mean. We know. I think people understand what I'm getting at here. Now, as someone who reports on and covers the Flyers, it will be nice not to feel like I have to write an article every time there's a new update on the Carter Hart trial. No. That's... Yeah. You didn't get this to be... You're not a court stenographer. Yeah. I don't think that's... That was your goal when you got into this. It's just an awful situation all around, and while the Flyers will never have fully washed their hands of the situation, because obviously Carter Hart is still a part of their history, they directed him. He was their starting goalie for multiple years. They now no longer have to really pay close attention. It's no longer... Yeah. Like... Yes. Something that they have to account for. Right. Um, I don't want to go right into an ad from that. So, you mentioned Alexi Colesov and I wanted to just circle back to that. That thing's coming up again. He's not free. Is he coming back? Friedman tweeted it. Friedman tweeted about... And now he's not... He's not going to dev camp. All I can say is that everybody I talked to last month with the Flyers and around the Flyers were like, "We've got to resolve." Okay. So, it's Friedman enough to believe he must have heard something. I know that Kevin Kerr's reported yesterday that he spoke with somebody close to Colesov at the draft, and that guy said, "Yeah, he's coming." So, I don't know. I... I don't know. I can only... I don't want this to come off as far as sounding frustrated, but like, "There's only so many hours a day. I can't report on everything." All I can say is last month the Flyers didn't seem worried. Okay. That's good to know. You know, the show's going on. Maybe something has happened. Maybe it hasn't, but you have the two goalies at the NHL level. You have Cal Peterson. You need four. If this doesn't... They don't have another one. If this doesn't work out in the Flyers way, I don't think it has anything just to break the speculation. Now, it has nothing to do with the idea of like, "Well, I want to be guaranteed in an NHL spot," and by them signing fidotes off, it blocks me, has zero to do with that. It would have everything to do with Colesov deciding that he doesn't want to play in North America because he doesn't want to leave home. And it would be a homesickness type of thing. The discourse is going to be insufferable if this kid decides to leave because of the go-che thing, and now it's going to be Danny Breyer can't keep players, no one wants to play for the Flyers. It's going to be so stupid. And if it's anything, like Charlie said, this is a 22, 21, how is he? I don't know if I'm talking about him. A young age man who is Mrs. his mom and like, borshed or whatever they eat in Russia, like he just wants to go home. I mean, and to be clear, I was told the Flyers are planning to do whatever they can to ease his transition. One thing I did here, and I don't know if this is truly what is going to happen, but I know it's something they brought up, like they brought up the possibility of like, we'll get your girlfriend to come over too, so you have someone that like you can live with and like someone you're comfortable with, like the Flyers, by my understanding, are like doing everything they can to make this guy feel comfortable. I just wanted to think about the Bob situation, like he could have probably helped 15 years ago. But also like talking about to be a professional hockey player in a, no, don't bring them over. Maybe, maybe for a visit. That cracks me up. Let's get to this super chat from Nick to Christo. Why haven't they offered any sort of Jersey exchange for Carter heart jerseys? I mean, money probably. I don't even think it's the money. It's just there's probably some legal, like, like if you, if you as an organization, maybe they could do something now, somebody asked me this yesterday on Twitter, he's no longer part of the team. Maybe you do something now because he's no longer part of the organization. If you had done it before, I think it was still part of the organization, you were essentially telling people you think he's guilty and that and that's where you get lawyers involved where they're like, this is defamation that he hasn't been a, he hasn't been down guilty of anything. Now, maybe now that he's not part of the organization, you have a little bit more leeway, but there still could be lawyers involved because again, it's you're saying that you think that this situation warrants us basically erasing away from the history of our organization and we will pay for people to do that. I just don't think it's as simple as like organizational goodwill here. There are other factors you need to account for and if they're, if they're able to do it, that's cool. And I think it'd be a very nice gesture for the fans. I'm just saying that like don't necessarily expect it. I got to, the only time I can remember a team doing that is Michael Vick with Atlanta and I have to believe it was after he was convicted. I think it was probably after. Maybe I'm incorrect about this. But that timeframe was like, he was on trial while he was like, I didn't, I'm going to get, I'm going to be found out guilty of this. Like he's at the draft talking to the commissioner as it's like, yeah, I'm cool. Everything's fine. So I wonder about the timeframe of when they'd be able to do it. I have to believe that happened after the conviction. I would think so. I can't think of another time where that was done, but I would like to see them do it if they're able to. Yeah. It's just like these things aren't, I think, as easy and cut and dry as fans would like them to make. It's not just a choice that they can make. Like all of this shit is tied up in PA stuff and lawyer stuff and all kinds of stuff that we don't think about because it's not our job to. So, you know, that is what it is. And this other super chat over here from, what's that? Anime hems, nothing infuriates flyers, internet fans, more than the contract of the fourth liners and seventh eighth D men who barely play an account for about 5% of the cats. Yeah. Well, that's true. It's true. It's because they matter. It's not as if they've signed anyone else in recent history. Like these are the guys that they signed. So people are going to have opinions about these. I do. I do agree that the internet is overly focused on the moves that don't matter that much. But I will acknowledge that every move does matter to a degree. It does. So there's that. All right. Let me, let me get caught up here a second. Let me start up by telling you about our friends at Coors Light. Listen, between work, social media and the choices life throws our way. It's no wonder we're more worked up than ever. Coors Light celebrates rising above and choosing a chill mindset. Why not turn to ringed out barbecue into a karaoke house party or after a tough loss, settle the score with an ice cold peace offering, make the choice to choose chill, the reach, then reach for a Coors Light. It's mountain cold refreshment. Listen, man, I know this team drives us all insane. We're all probably a little more tense than we need to be about this team. And that's why sometimes even I need to choose the chill. And there's no better way to chill than with an ice cold Coors Light. So whether you're freaking out about, oh, is this goaltender coming over, do they make the right draft picks, whatever it might be, you need to find the blue mountains in your fridge and enjoy it but you're as cold as the Rockies because when everything surrounding your hockey team is on fire, and when isn't it, sometimes you just got to chill. Make the time, make the most out of the times you choose to chill, choose Coors Light, get Coors Light delivered straight to your door, then stick art by going to Coors Celebrate responsibly, Coors Brewing Company, Golden, Colorado. And now we get to the draft. What a time it was at Chickies and Pete's in South Philly. We had an awesome draft party along with our friends at Broad Street Hockey. Gritty was there. It was tremendous. He made me chug in ice cold Coors Light. It was a nice experience. He squeaked at me. It was very funny. But Charlie in Las Vegas, the Flyers, of course, are not able to trade up to the 5th, the 7th, whatever they were working on. The 4th, I think, was reported with Columbus. And they eventually trade back one spot. They're sitting at 12. Zevba Williams still on the board. They go now. We're good. We'll take a third rounder next year to move down to 13 and then go a little off the board with Jet Luchenko. Now, Charlie, we played yesterday or Saturday, whatever it was. We played your scouting, your pre-draft scouting video for Jet Luchenko and seems like there's some positives there. I like his promise. Dude, there's a ton of speed. We talked about his age. He doesn't turn 18 until August 21st, I believe. So he's a very young prospect, has some puck skills on an awful Juniors team. What did you make of the Jet Luchenko pick? Well, as I said, I like him as a prospect. I had him 20 on my board and I like him as a prospect. I think the upside is there. I like the physical tools. I like the player. He's a fun player. I really, really love Zevbaium. He was the number three player on my draft board. I think he's going to be really, really good. So for me personally, as someone who has watched these prospects and someone who felt, I mean, I certainly would never consider myself to be a draft expert. I'm certainly not a scout. But I did research before the draft, about two months worth of research. And I came away very excited about Booium's potential. I personally disagree with what they did because I would have ran up to that podium and picked Zevbaium at number 12, I would not have traded it down. And they didn't do that. So for me personally, it's disappointing because I think Booium is going to be real good. However, I am not of the opinion that my evaluation of this player and these players as a whole is infallible. I'm not a draft expert. I don't know. They clearly were of the opinion that Booium and Luchenko, for them, were around the same tier quality of player. And their view is that if we're looking at two guys who we have rated around the same, given our organizational weaknesses center and given the fact that we already have quite a few smallish defensemen that are in our projected top four for the foreseeable future, we're going to say tie goes to the center, we're going to go for Joe Luchenko. So I understand where they're coming from. I disagree with their evaluation of Booium. I think Booium is better than they think he is. However, we're not going to know who's right until two, three, four, five, six years down the line. I mean, that's what it boils down to. And I am not of the opinion that like I am the smartest hockey mind in the world. And just because I think Booium's going to be a stud and I think Luchenko is probably just going to be good, that that's definitely going to be the case. And I am 100% right and they're 100% wrong. I personally would have taken Booium, but it's not, I'm not necessarily right. One thing I do want to point out is those comments that they made explaining the, the Booium passing on him. A lot of people and not just flyers fans, but like national media people, like I saw a lot of people interpreting that quote as Danny Breyer doesn't like small players. Well, of course, it's Twitter, which is absolutely not what he said or what he meant. They've been saying, they've been saying literally since the day that like Keith Jones got hired, that they think it's important for there to be size on the defense. And it's actually kind of funny that the way it's been is that they traded for Jamie drive sale, that the guy, that the guy on the blue line go over late and they like the most is Cam York who's small. That's why you're like, okay, this is probably not the decore. They ideally want to build. And they're building it because of just the way things have played out. That's why it was definitely going to play a role in their draft decision. If they're going to say, they're going to take a guy 12. That guy is almost certainly in their mind going to be penciled into the future. They probably weren't ideally going to be taking another false defense. But unless they looked at that defense, man, and they said, this guy, we think he's going to be a number one game changing defense. I think Booyam is that so I would have taken it. They don't. So they didn't. And that's what it boils down to. Yeah. Oh, like Danny also told us, I think at that, um, pre draft presser, he did that diversity in the, uh, which again, yes, in the diversity. It's not so much that he doesn't like small defense men. It's that we have some that said, all right, if you want to bring up Jamie drives Dale, that's fine. Cause he is a slight guy. It's not necessarily called Cam York small, although he is on his six boys, five, 11 and almost 200 pounds. And I got to believe once he develops a little bit more, he's going to be bigger. I don't think it was going to be, it was going to be small either. He's just not big. But I just think like if you were accounting, like, Oh, and we have a meal Andre. They won. They really like, they really like a meal Andre and that should serve as a reminder that they really like him. They use view him as part of the future. I guess so. I just think of like, yeah, then why isn't it here? Like, he's not, he made the team last year, got sent down and there ain't no path for him coming up this year. Well, like there are always going to be injuries. They could make a wrist line and trade at some point. There's a lot of ways for him to come up here. It's just there isn't like a, we're penciling you into a spot because I think they could, they believe he could benefit from another year down in the minors because they personally, and this is another thing they probably disagree with you on. They personally look at it as there's nothing wrong with over cooking a guy in the minors. There's always more things he can learn down there. We don't need to rush him. That's their view. Again, you can disagree with it, but that's their view history disagrees with it. Speaking of history, I just who are these players that have come up from the fannoms and been great for us? Okay. Well, the fliers. I just feel like as there's Duncan Keith who was down there for years and then became a whole thing. He was in the AHL for two years. One of them was a lockout. I'm just saying a meal Andre is Duncan Keith, Charlie just said what I'm saying is that the idea that like guys can't come up at an older age and still be really good is faulty. I would just like to know who they are in this organization's history. Okay. Well, the fliers don't tend to develop defense and well. Maybe in part, maybe in part because they've rushed them in the past. Who? You only picking it, maybe? You only pick. That was 20 years ago. Well, you're saying you're the best. Sure. I'm giving you defense. Like Samuel Moran cooked for one, never came, I've been pro for off possibly. Everyone knew the Sam Moran pick was bad the second it was made though, like that wasn't a question. It took like three coaching staffs in the NHL to get something out of Travis Sandheim. Just saying like, I just don't know who these play like, Oh, yeah, we're going to do it like this. I'm not ready to write off a meal Andre because I think making determinations at the draft because there's a guy available at 12 because of some dude you got a few years ago, not in the first round. No, it was the second round because in the AHL, like, and they like it. Okay. They're looking at him as part of their future defense score. And that's three guys who they view is smaller. So they were basically looking at it as we're not going to take another smallish defense man, unless we think he's a stud. They don't think Booyam is a stud. My disagreement is I think he is, but like if Sam Dickinson was there at 12, I think they take him. I think Dickinson is one of the major reasons they, yeah, but that, but four, it's a different little bit. I know, but just getting back to this pick, like as Flyers fans, I feel strongly that over the last five, 10 years, we should have learned a lesson that like, analyzing this information two days after the draft is kind of useless. Like there have been consensus top three, four picks that turned out to be shit. We have one. Like Nolan Patrick, there have been players that go layer in the draft that everyone thought was going to suck. That turned out to be very good hockey players. Like Claude Drew. Like maybe we just need to say like, all right, maybe this isn't what I want to done because me on Twitter, I read a lot of stories and I wrote what Charlie wrote. So I wanted them to take Z boom, but I don't fucking know. Nobody does it. And none of us are going to know for like three years, so we can revisit this and be mad about it later, but like it couldn't be fine. General Chango might end up being one of the top three players in the draft. I have no goddamn idea that I'm not disagreeing with the pick. It's the process here is more what I'm worried about like, I don't know if Emil Andre was going to be something that we really had to account for, like he'd be in the NHS. Well, see, here's my counter to that though, because obviously one of the things that we justifiably give the flyers a ton of shit for is flubbing the Nolan Patrick pick. And what's the story of the Nolan Patrick pick? The story of the Nolan Patrick pick was you had a guy at two who was the consensus top two pick, who if the flyers had passed on Nolan Patrick, the day of the draft, we us and then we in the media in general would have absolutely raked the flyers over the polls for how dare you how dare you not take the what are you do the guy because he was the guy and everybody says he was the guy. So they took the guy and Ron Heckstall, by all accounts, more or less overruled his scouts who told him mirror, Hey, skin is the better of the two players. He's the higher on our board. And Heckstall was like, no, I'm taking Patrick because we need a center. And also, I you can't say this didn't influence him even a little bit. If I don't take Patrick, I'm going to get killed. And then in retrospect, it's like, well, man, they should have frickin taken Hayskine and not just because the injuries that Patrick double because it looks like Hayskine is just a damn much better player than Patrick ever was going to be even without the concussions and everything. And what we've said is like, you know what, it's your job to be right. It's your job, who cares what the consensus was, who cares what everybody said, Patrick was going to be. It's your job to be right. And we're going to give you shit because you fucked up. Well, in this case, it seems like the fliers. I think Williams better. I thought Patrick was better back then than Hayskine. And so did most of the most of the public people in terms of being versus Luchenko. What did Breyer do this time? He went with his scouts. His scouts think Luchenko is going to be the better player. Right now, I think he's wrong because I think who is going to be better. But at least he went with his scouts, like he picked the guy who thinks is going to be better. And a lot of this depends on how much you trust Danny Breyer and that's fair. Maybe he hasn't earned your trust and if so, you're going to be more angry than the people who he has earned their trust. But he went with the guy who he thinks is going to be better and we'll see if he's right. And we also, we talked about this while you were out, Charlie, that a lot of people seemed pissy that he seemed to be drafting for need because the fliers need centers. But my argument is that he's drafting for need three years from now, like he's thinking about a Mitch Koff team and what does he need? He needs someone to get him the puck. And by everything that I've read over the last few days, Luchenko's very good of getting people the puck, which they're going to need. So like, yeah, will he be like the best number one center that comes out of this draft? Probably not. He fits in three years onto a fliers team that needs a guy that's able to get our sick goal score, the puck over and over again. Like that seems good. So like maybe they are thinking about building that team and not building this team. They definitely are. I mean, they have a vision of what they want this team to be and they're just really high on Luchenko. I mean, it's abundantly clear that they've loved him all draft year. You know, somebody asked them at the draft, that's S Brier at the draft, did Luchenko's very strong performance at the under 18 world championships, influenced your decision to take him. And Brier base is that no, actually we didn't want to see him do well at the under 18s because we kind of were hoping we could get him with the second first round pick. That's what we were hoping all year. And then when he goes out there and blows it away at the under 18s, it's like, well, shit. Now we might have to frickin take him with the first one if you like course, Florida gets all the way to and wins to stay. So if you're hoping for like 22 and 32, a little bit of a different situation, indeed. Get ready for the season ahead with quality shades built to last. Our friends at Shady Ray's have you covered with premium polarized shades that won't break the bank. Shady Ray's is an independent sunglasses company offering a world-class product rated five stars by over 300,000 people. Their shades have durable frames and crystal clear optics, making them the perfect choice for all outdoor adventures. They have hundreds of options to choose from, so you're bound to find the perfect pair to match your style. Listen, I wear Shady Ray's pretty much every day. I need sunglasses to drive. I also need a GPS, wherever I'm going, constantly lost without the GPS. When you talk about these crystal clear optics, I know a lot of times they polarize shade. 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Try for yourself the shades rated five stars by over 300,000 people at Shady Ray's use that code PHLY 35% off. It's a hell of a deal. Hey, you got a couple of pairs with it myself. That was one of them. All right. Let's get to the super chat. Yeah. We had this one that we got the beginning of the show for Anthony. When we talk about draft recap and we compare the floor ceiling for Casa Hellanias versus Jet Luchenko. This is an interesting question. It is because there's really when you're breaking down the Luchenko pick, there's really two either wars. First there is either you take Booyam or Luchenko because they ended up with Luchenko and they could have taken Booyam at 12. But they trade out at 12. They pick up a third round pick which they end up essentially turning into the Spencer Gill pick because they moved up to get Spencer Gill in the late second and which I actually like that. I think it was all pick. They go down to 13. Then they have the opportunity to get either Casa Hellanias or Jet Luchenko because now you're like, all right. We're picking a center. Hellanias was the guy who was consensus higher on most public draft boards than Luchenko. They take Luchenko anyway. I in retrospect do not mind this even though like I so I I had Hellanias higher than Luchenko to be sure what that no problem. Hellanias. I do get the argument because I probably agree with this that the reason why I had Hellanias higher on my board than Luchenko is because I think Hellanias has significantly higher certainty to be a top six forward. But I think Luchenko has a better chance of being a top line center. You know what I mean? Like if I was to break down Hellanias as plausible outcomes, the reason why I was not super duper high on Hellanias was that I found it pretty difficult to imagine him as a 1c. I found it very easy to imagine him as a 2c. Like we're maybe talking about like a 5 10% chance he could be a 1c, a 50% chance he could be a 2c, a 40% chance he's a solid bottom six center and then a 10% chance he bus. Whereas Luchenko we're talking about like, you know, maybe there is a 20% chance he is a 1s or I mean, that's probably too high. But there's a significantly at least 10 to 15% chance that he has the tools. He's extremely fast. He has really good playmaking ability. I think he has much better skating ability than Hellanias and flashes much more dynamic playmaking ability than Hellanias. And that's something that could potentially turn into a 1c much easier than I think Hellanias who I'm like, he's your 2c set and forget it for the next 10 years. I think there is a pretty high possibility that Luchenko could end up just being a really good bottom six center that he's just a high energy 3c 4c type. Like his floor to me is Palin, which like that would suck at 13. It's still an NHL player, but it would suck at 13. However, I think Luchenko also has the tools where if it all comes together for him, he could be a much better player than I think Hellanias had the plausible upside for me at least to be. So if we're talking about taking big swings and you're going between Hellanias and Luchenko, I get taking the bigger swing on Luchenko. That's like, I remember us talking about NHL readiness with Hellanias and it's got here very early. He might be able to come over almost right away, if not now, a year from now. But it seems like, and then what he is, is what he's going to be for the most part. Whereas... And Todd Lundell type. Yeah, given Luchenko's won the age, he's not even 18 years old yet, also the speed and playmaking, yeah, maybe a project, but higher scene. Like, that's kind of what this felt like in terms of projecting why maybe they made the determination. Also, they changed the offense last year. They changed it to be a rush-based offense. Well, you got one of the fastest guys. I know, since I have been aware of the Philadelphia Flyers, there's one thing they've never been and that's a fast team. Yeah. We've been begging them to get faster for 30 years. And they are. They actually are. Like, now, they're faster right now. Travis Connectney, Owen Tibbitt, these guys can fucking fly. Look at the defensemen they have. Brian Paling as well, and the defensemen they have all pretty decent skaters, the Sandheim and dries they'll legitimately plus skaters. York is a good stater. York is at least, like, yeah, good. The baseline is a lot higher than you. Raspousers to line him, especially for his size. He can fucking skate. Yeah, he's okay. The baseline higher, they have raised the pace of this team. The first thing on the elite prospects draft guide is, as soon as you add Jet Luchenko to your lineup, your pace increases twofold, like he is a dude who, if we're going to continue this rush-based offense thing, he could be a weapon. Yeah. And Helene is not a bad skater, like Alex Appoyard said, that his top speed is quite high. He's not dynamic. You watch him and I watch him quite a lot. You don't see a dynamic element to his game, and that's not just playmaking and skill. That's also skating about it. He doesn't have that burst. When you watch Luchenko, he plays fast. He can fly. And the big hope with him, you hinted at this as well, though. He's young for his draft year. He's one of the younger guys in the draft. Those guys tend to have higher upside, because they just haven't had as much of a developmental length as other guys have in their class. And the optimistic argument for Luchenko, because his draft year production, just fine. Overpoint per game, it's solid. It's not what you necessarily love to see out of a top 15 pick, that said, believe it was better than Beckett Seneca's. And Seneca went third, so whatever, I guess, you know, upside matters to them, and that was a kind of a crazy pick to me, but whatever. Anyway, Luchenko played for a really bad team. And the argument you can make that I think the fliers will make, probably more behind closed doors, is they don't want to slander the, you know, the, the, the, the hallowed name of the Guelph Storm. That team is bad. And there are him, it would be, if he was on a better team with better teammates, the 74 points would be that would be nice. Yeah. And I've seen that from lots of people who watch way more juniors hockey than me, which would be the world juniors and nothing else. Listen, man, how much time are the hours over there in the day, you think I'm watching the Guelph Storm? And I'm like, that's why I am not upset about the Luchenko pick. It was just when I saw like the reasoning we didn't take Z, vis these other guys who might not be as good. It was really just the inclusion of Andre that drove me nuts. I'm like, cause what is this guy going to be? Like, come on, what do we really think it's all the honest with each other? If you, the best possible outcome for a meal Andre is what? See my second, second power play, third pair guy, I'm not that worried about it. I think he can be a second pair of quality defense. But my point is, is I actually came away from that feeling like, oh, I'm happy they still like Andre because I wasn't sure how much they still did. I absolutely, I hope he turns out it's just like, there's no way he's as good of Z as Z. So what's the point? Like, I mean, who knows? Who knows? I think he's going to be great, but he might not be. I've been complaining about how small they are, William. And that like, so trade one of the dudes who isn't as good. So you can have, if we're going to have small guys, let's make them dynamic small guys. Listen, again, I don't know, it's just more the thought process that I had an issue with. But the Jet Luchenko pick, I want them to be fast. They're going to be faster. That's cool. I'm fine with it. I have no idea if Cox, the Hylenius can play. I like his name. I also like Jet Luchenko. So it's kind of like, you made our list, right? They both made the list. Yeah, they were both in the top five. So like, that's a wash, you know, I'm just saying, I just didn't love the thinking in that quote. But it wasn't the way everyone else was upset about it. Yeah. It wasn't a well. We can't be too small. I was like, well, I agree with that. I'm not upset about that. It's just the, yeah, Emil Andre, okay. But maybe he's awesome. I don't know. Just on the other draft picks, listen, go to, become a diehard, three Charlie's breakdown of the draft. If you want the been doing the right, if you want the Charlie's written like eight articles in the last week, maybe 12, I don't know, but go to, become a diehard. I tell you about the other benefits all the time. You get Charlie's awesome analysis. That should be enough for you, God damn it. Anyway, is there anyone else that you think was either a great value pick or kind of a head scratcher that you think deserves mentioning on the show today, the rest of the week to talk about this stuff? Yeah. I didn't love their draft, but again, like there's only so much you can do in the moment. I really, the pick that really I think rubbed me the wrong way because the other ones are fine. I didn't like the Jack Berklee pick and I, that seems to be one that's causing some. I watched him. I did. He did not make my top 50 board, but like that wasn't because I didn't know him, was just because I didn't view him high enough to burn to make my top 50. It concerned, he's the pick where the process concerned me the most because we interviewed Brent Flair after day two and I straight up asked Brent, what do you guys view his upside debate? The answer was, well, our guys are hoping he could be a three C possibly more. I don't love taking a guy who you think his probable ceiling is three C in the second round. Like the reason why I like the Spencer Gill pick is because that's a big swing on a project. A guy who has legitimately good tools, who hasn't quite put it all together yet. He's a big right hand shooting defenseman with serious offensive instincts, with physicality, who needs to improve the skating a little bit. He needs to get significantly stronger because he's rail thin for his size. But if he hits, he'd be a top board defenseman. He could be a top half of the lineup defenseman if he hits. The reason why he slipped as far as he did is because there's a lot of risk there, but I like that pick to take Berglen, who if everything goes well, he's a fine, slow third line center. I would have been happier if they would have taken a swing on and it doesn't even have to be like a guy I love. My perfect, my preferred choice there would have been Teddy Stieger. I love Teddy Stieger. I had a first run great on him. I think he can be a really, really good player, potentially even a top six for at the very least the middle six for it. But if they would have taken someone who I look at and I'm like, yeah, there's a top half of the lineup ceiling if all goes right, rather than like, well, we're hoping he's a three C, I would have been significantly happier. The other picks like Gill perfectly fine. Rehonen, I don't even know really how to pronounce his name yet to be totally honest with you. I had a lot of, I had a lot of, I've been, I've been flying around. I don't, I have not learned how to pronounce his name yet. I will learn a development camp, but that's fine. You know what? There's upside there. He's got size in the fourth round. You take a swing. I get it. I know about, you know, you're going with a redraft guy, but he's got real talent. You got to fix the skating, but in the fifth round, fuck it. Take a shot on a guy who's power for power, playmaker, potential with really good hands, good instincts, who was the breakout player in the USHL this year. Pals off. Basically what flair told us after the draft is Kenny Hodeckoff, who is their Russian scout, pound at the table for him and more or less said, get this guy. He's going to be a stud. I don't know. I certainly have watched like zero minutes of this guy. I know nothing about his skill set, but hey, you know what? Ken Hodeckoff. That did a lot of work behind the scenes to get them off a Mitch cough, both drafting and also getting him to come over here. If you, if throwing him a bone is letting him pick the sixth round guy, you know what? That's right. Go for it. You deserve it, bud. Take a laugh. Just five of the seven picks forwards and it seems as if like just even in the first round, Luchenko, yes, speed, but he ain't a sniper, like he scores his goals when he does. He's more of a playmaker. Yeah, but when he scores, it's in and around the net, whether it's on a break or gets there. It seems as if whether it's a guy who gets to the net with his give and go game like Danny Brier or just straight power, getting to that fucking net was very much an archetype that they wanted. And when we talked about how this team changed their offense this year, yeah, rush first, especially top three lines, rush based offense, the only team, the only line that could sustain a four check at all, get a second opportunity every now and then was K Tathaway and paling when they were together, like filling out the lines and who knows like you're talking about guys in the fourth, fifth, sixth round, good chance they never play in the NHL. Really, really good chance. Most likely they won't, but it's a player archetype that's like, we need more dudes who do this thing. Yeah. So I don't really have a problem with that just based on what I'm reading in their scouting reports, like whether it's a faster guy, a more skilled guy or just a power forward, these dudes can get to the net and maybe play a little physical behind it. Seems good. Yeah. We'll get to see what happens. We should, you know, be rooting for all of these guys to be good. Okay. Do we, do we have anything else on the agenda or should we just close it out with more super shot? I have to tell you about Park's Casino, his Park's Casino is perfect for after work get together is date night or even girls night out. You can sip on tantalizing drinks and soak up the, those warm weather good vibes right now at Park's Casino, Park's Casino. This is how you win. It's my casino of choice. Park's now offers an epic $5 happy hour with great food and drink every Wednesday through Sunday at the Liberty Bell Gastropub. Back when I worked at another outlet, we used to do remotes at Park's weekly. 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All right. Uh, yeah, when anything else here that we need to get to the Eric Johnson thing, we never talk about our people are people are people are outraged it's people have been outraged about that for the three weeks that it's been heavily remembered. Yeah, one year, one million for Eric Johnson, he made it official on Twitter, like a little bit before the show. He's 13 game shy of a thousand. I'm hoping he only plays the 13 game. This would be this would piss me off if we didn't have last year of Mark Stoll as evidence that unless we need to, he's not going to play like Mark Stoll played 35 games. I'm fine with that. They clearly think there's some kind of value in having a defense daddy for these kids. Yeah. And Eric Johnson's the new defense. Yeah. I mean, the argument that you hear from the fans who are very opposed to this, and I have a couple of people might mentions telling me this in like the last half an hour of how many of these guys you need, how many veterans you need. And they're the people who just want to trade everybody basic. Of course. This is that like having Scott Lawton as the culture building vet doesn't do much in terms of like helping Kim, York know how to play a two on one or helping, you know, Jamie dries they'll learn how to box someone out in front of the net. That's the value they think and Eric Johnson provides because he's actually a defense man. Like Nick Sealer isn't here because he's the defense man daddy. Nick Sealer is here because he blocked shots and because he's actually a pretty darn good hockey player. Like he's not, you can't just lump everyone into this culture thing like, Oh, well, they're only here for the culture. Like, no, Scott Lawton's here because number one, they think he's a good player. I know he didn't have a great year last year, but I think he's a good player. And number two, because he creates that welcoming environment in the locker room that they really want. Nick Sealer is here because they think he's good and they think he had to have him on a good contract. And also he does a lot of the little things in terms of like blocking shots and selling out his body and things like that where the coach can point to and say, that's what you got to do on a nightly basis to maximize your potential at the NHL level. Gone and half the way. Again, they also think he's good. And also they look at him as a guy who, you know, great dude in the locker room, nice guy. But like these are all guys kind of playing different roles. I get the argument of like, well, how many do you need? But like they're, they're good players too. That's the press box dude. Who cares? That's the thing with this one specifically like press box. This was a Chris van de Veldy situation where he's going to play 81 games straight. I would have an issue with it based on the Mark Stahl usage. I don't believe that's an issue. So I'm not as upset about it. The other part of this just in terms of overall is Charlie was just the culture guys, the veterans. I've made my piece with the like, yeah, I'd rather just like, you know what? I'm Neil Andre, if we're so high on him, fucking play him. Here's the thing. By kicking the can the way that they did, they didn't love this draft class. But like, it's very obvious like, oh yeah, those guys next year, we want them and we're kind of, well, that pushes everything a year. This is going to take longer than we all wish it would. And that's probably a good thing. Like they're not going to half ass it. They're not going to just band aid this thing. They're going to build it slowly with the players that they think will fit and ultimately hopefully build a champion. We'll see if they're right. If they have these dudes, they're not boxing out anyone here. What happened? The ELC has happened. The ELC has happened. I need to talk for a second while I find the thing I need to read. I don't have it in front of me. There's, there's only so long I could talk about this because Danny is speaking at three thirty. All right. So we got to go. But well, no, we can do a little bit longer. It's just like, we can't turn this into another half an hour. No, we can't. This emergency segment is brought to you by indeed listeners of this show. We'll get a $75 sponsor job credit to get your jobs more visibility at slash all city. That's slash all city terms and conditions apply. Need to hire? You need indeed. And we have them. Mafé, Michkov is officially a Philadelphia flyer. The, the outrage and consternation over him not having signed the ELC can now end. We can all point our outrage at Eric Johnson. Now, didn't I, didn't I tell everyone last week that this was probably going to be a July 1st thing. Didn't I report that? Charlie, Charlie. It doesn't matter. I remember what happened yesterday. I'm not telling this to you. I don't remember how we started the show. I'm saying this to everyone who was like, why is it decided? And I said, probably next week, because they're not sure if they're allowed to do it until July 1st. It's July 1st. It's what happened. Machkov is signed. The only man I trust, ladies and gentlemen. And if you want to celebrate, because we deserve to celebrate this, the best way to celebrate it is go to and get yourself one of these Michkov mania shirts. Because I'm an ego maniac, Charlie, you did a great job with the mad Russian design. That was your baby. This one's me. And I want to outsell Charlie, God damn it. So you need to go to, get yourself a Michkov mania shirt because it's going to be running wild all season long. He signed that means he's here, right? He's going to be a dev camp this week? No, no, probably not. He's not all the development camp roster, which they announced this morning. What does it mean? It means he's going to Alexi Kolosov and being like, listen buddy, come on, just come with me. Come on. I'll upgrade to the first class. You see this deal I just signed? Come on. I got all these bonuses. You can fly with me first class. Come on. Let's go, my friend. We'll be besties. Yeah, I'm sure there's a show of it, right? I would imagine there are a lot of bonuses in this contract. I would imagine that he's probably going to achieve as many of them as he possibly can because they're going to set it up so that he's going to be able to maximize the money he can make because I'm sure that there was some money on his side tossed back to Scott St. Petersburg to get him out of that contract. But the most important thing is that my main Michkov is under contract. My main Michkov is going to be a Philadelphia flyer starting next season because I do not envision a scenario where he starts out on the AHL. He's got me a flyer and it's going to be a lot of fun. If he starts out the AHL, Charlie, I am going to lose my shit. I am going. I'm just waiting for John Tortorella to not like his work ethic and camp. I am going to fight John Tortorella. No, I will know why I'm not that man is I don't care if he's only four and a half feet tall. He is a scary guy. He's just scary. He's just a he's quite intimidating, but now Michkov is here. That's awesome. The ELC is signed. That is a lot of fun. Let's get to these. I mean, the major UFA signings around the league, you can hear about that anywhere. I'm sure we'll get to it this week or something. Listen to Elliot. That's what I'm going to tell you about Stan Cozen Nashville. Let's get to whatever the super chats we have left from Blenson as someone else said. Jamie Baskow said on Twitter, his work. I beg people to consider the source. So I looked up. It's possible. No, I looked up this tweet because I wanted to see what he was talking about. He tweeted that his tourist visa probably ran out. So he had to go back to Belarus. No, no, no, that strikes me as speculation. That's 100% speculation. And also he wasn't here for a year working on a tourist visa. I'm sure he had a work visa. Yeah, again, this is something I don't I don't know the details. Just because people tweet a lot doesn't mean they know stuff. Okay. Charlie, the work visa thing only only, I don't know what it's like people. No, just Charlie. I don't know what it's like now because things in Russia have changed. You don't necessarily need a work visa for development camp. They said Ivan Fedotov didn't have one to do development camp. So it could it could be any number thing. We don't know. Hopefully we get some clarification at some point. The next one from, oh, wow, we have a bunch of Stewart Bell love the content. Guys, you keep me up to date in the UK have a cup of tea on me cup of tea. That is so UK. I love it. Thank you. I was hoping to say spot with the kettle on with the kettle on as a teacher. I can see Kelly being so we have to do the pinky thing. Yeah, I tried to make myself into a tea person once it didn't stick. I'm like, I'm a coffee person. I need the disgusting American. I need £5 pounds. What if I'm obsessed with this? Stewart Bell. That's like $100 per year. I know. It's a lot of money. Based on whatever my like transaction fees were when I got back from England, I was like, holy shit. I spent like double what I thought I spent. All right. Thank you. Stewart. Now from who is Mike mall is the fliers attempt to trade up to the top 10 a tactic acknowledge a tacit acknowledgement that their competitive rebuild is a bad strategy for a team that needs stars. Ooh, this was, this was a talk, this was a talking boy that was very popular in our discord from the, the people in our discord that are very, very negative about the fliers. The answer is no. Well, this is, this is a question that like could be an entire episode. My short answer is, and I will go back to what I've been saying for the last month. Top 10 picks. Point into the sign. They don't get trained. That's, and that's a tool. Charlie, Charlie is going to be tapping that side. And the problem was was that because there were so many rumors, a lot of the online section, the fan base convinced, convinced themselves that the flyers were inevitably going to trade up in the top 10, got excited about it. And then when it didn't happen, got real annoyed and then started this whole thing. I was always skeptical that the flyers were ever going to be able to trade up in the top 10. I've, I said this on multiple occasions. I said it a lot in our discord. I said it on the show. I think I even tweeted down on Twitter a couple of times, even though I'm trying to be on Twitter less because it's good for my sanity. Oh, I love that. I really love that for you. So does it, is it a tacit acknowledgement that the competitive rebuild is a bad strategy? No, it is not a tacit acknowledgement on their part because their view is that, look, we had guys in the top 10, we liked. So we were going to try our best to move up, even knowing it was unlikely we were actually going to be able to move up. So is it a tacit acknowledgement on their part? No. Is it, does it speak to one of the concerns about their plan? Of course it does because we've been talking about that for years that like, okay, they're trying to do this without getting top 10 picks. And if they don't get top 10 picks, which is where you have the highest likelihood of getting stars, it's a concern and it remains a concern. But like, I don't think the fact that they tried to is them, is them acknowledging that all those concerns are like correct. They tried to move up into the top 10 because they wanted to try to move up into the top 10. Why wouldn't you try? And this was a year where I feel like there were way more rumors about these top picks being moved than normal years. Like, this was the year where it kind of seemed like, oh shit, maybe they will. We're obviously none of them were true. However, it would be malpractice for him not to hear that they were shopping the for and try to. I think I wouldn't try. I think the way the flyers looked at it this year and obviously it didn't work because again, point to the sign, top 10 picks rarely get traded, top five picks never get traded. Going back to what I was saying though, the, like, I think they kind of wanted to try to have it both ways because like, it's not that Breair and Jones and everybody, it's not that they don't realize that you have a higher likelihood of getting a star player in the top 10. They know that. Everybody knows that. It's just a fact. They just think that the tear it down tank to get the top 10 picks in their mind and again, you can disagree with this if you want it in their mind, it's counterproductive because the benefit you get from getting the stars is outweighed by the fact that you have nothing around them, your culture suffers, and then those guys don't develop into the guys they could be unless they are Connor McDavid, Sydney Crosby, Alex Ovechkin style. We're going to be good if we play literally in an organization with a gigantic pile of shit sitting outside of our facility because they're just that good. They think that the negatives of tanking outweigh the benefits, but the way they look at it is, hey, if we can not tank, be pretty good and then move up in the draft and get those top 10 picks anyway and get the best of both worlds, we're going to give it a shot. Now, do they know the top 10 picks rarely get traded? And then it's a long shot? Sure. But it's not going to stop them from trying to get the best of both worlds. Now, they didn't and does it remind you that it's going to be harder to get those stars if they're not taking picking in the top 10 because of the way that they're doing this? Sure. And there's no guarantee that you get one. True. True. And I don't, but to answer your question, Mike, no, I don't think it's a tacit acknowledgement from them that secretly they know this is going to fail and they're just lying to everyone. They think that their plan is the best plan, but would make their plan an even better plan is if they cannot tank and still get the top 10 picks the other way. One of the things I wanted to bring up today, because I saw it on Twitter a lot, like closing deals, being a concern for Danny. And I think people took a lot of the rumors as something like the team is putting out there to get fans excited. And like that's not the case. And I put it to Kelly before the show, like Danny Brier, have you ever like gone to Amazon and put some shit in your cart just to check the price? Like, yeah. All right. Columbus. Maybe you want to move that top four pick. Let's see what they want for it. Yeah. That phone call gets reported as, oh, the flyers are trying to move up. And everyone thinks like Danny's doing this and then the deal gets cold feet at the end and says, no, never mind. Like maybe he's just checking the price because it would be stupid not to. Right. And then when it's three first round picks, it's like, well, we like next year's draft better and simply by as we've talked about, like the devils and maybe two or three other teams in the East are going to be better definitely than they were this year. The flyers will have a top 10 pick without being any worse just because other teams got better. Like that's a definite possibility. Before we get to the last couple of super shows, I do want to know because this is very funny that my name, Mitch Cough on his Instagram posted a story of the, uh, basically reposted the story of him signing his contract with the line clearly written by him. Let's go flares. I would die for him. That is extremely endearing. I am obsessed with him. Let's go. A milestone moment creates a beautiful memory for years to come. And now is the time to celebrate it with 35% off select pieces at Blue Nile. Blue Nile makes your most valuable moment sparkle with jewelry gifts of the highest quality offered at the best price. You'll also find expert guidance and the level of convenience you'd expect from the world's leading online jeweler. Right now take advantage of 35% off select pieces at blue Nile dot com. That's blue Nile dot com. Let's get to this next super chat from Garrett Davis. $20.80 is like. Just wanted to say you threw your badge together and your show is fantastic. The Mitch Cobb mania t-shirts look deadly. Sure. Thank you very much. Sure. Thank you. Thank you. PHL why Mitch Cobb mania shirts. All right. Let's get to the next super chat from UK birds fan one Charlie, I need you to put a word into Danny about trading for Pinto well, well, thank you for all the draft coverage all weekend. Matt Vay just got an answer so UK UK birds fan wants Pinto. I'm going to be talking to Danny about 45 minutes. I do not think I'm going to ask him about Shane Pinto though. I'm sorry. I got some tweets that I need to go to dev camp and I'm like, I'm not doing that Charlie's job. All right. And this next one from Gary B. Charlie has the Mitch Cobb ELC detail has the Mitch Cobb ETC. Gary Gary. I love you. I'm sure it'll be up. I love you man. I very much appreciate you watching the show like like you've watched me get the news while sitting here. I haven't looked at my phone. I have in text of the source. I've done nothing. But so no, I have no idea. I'm sure I'll find out sooner than I am. Danny's talking about 45 minutes. I got to believe some time between now and then it's we're going to know a little bit better. But no. Fortunately, I wish and if you give you no way for this to happen, like this information doesn't get beamed in my brain. I don't know. All right. Is that in on super chats? All right. Thank you all for listening. Thank you for hanging out. If you haven't already, you got to hit that subscribe button. Follow us right here on YouTube. Make sure you set those reminders so you never miss a live show little bit different schedule this week in order to account for development camp. Our shows on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday are all going to be at four o'clock. So make sure you're prepared for that. It won't be live. Um, Mitch cough, uh, deleted the, uh, the story and then reposted. Let's go flyers. Right. We've got the screen. Right. The internet doesn't forget it. It's forever. And we love you for it. Make sure you're following us on Twitter at Ph.L.Y. underscore flyers and the podcast. Ph.L.Y. flyers. Wherever you get those. That'll do it for us. Again, make sure you're here for tomorrow. We're off for the fourth on Thursday, but Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at four p.m. A little bit different this week. Uh, it's miss cop day, baby. We did it. He is sorry. And that is what matters. He's most, uh, so awesome. We can all go celebrate. And I am going to go celebrate my wife down and see aisle. That'll do it for us. I'll be back tomorrow at four o'clock until then. Stay loose and sexy, Philly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.