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Článek Jitky Lubojacké. S prvními jarními dny přichází nabídka nových filmů, takže pokud milujete napínavé, romantické i dokumentární příběhy na velkém plátně, máme pro vás přehled toho nejlepšího, na co se vyplatí zajít do kina.

Příběh biatlonové královny, napínavý krimi thriller, přímý přenos z newyorské Metropolitní opery nebo nové české komedie… Letošní jaro v kinech bude velmi pestré a bohaté. Tak co vás láká nejvíce?

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  • Proženy jsou nejčtenější lifestylovým online magazínem v České republice. Každý den přinášíme aktuální témata týkající se společenského dění, psychologie i zdraví, která máme podložena odborníky. 

Broadcast on:
06 Mar 2024
Audio Format:

Článek Jitky Lubojacké. S prvními jarními dny přichází nabídka nových filmů, takže pokud milujete napínavé, romantické i dokumentární příběhy na velkém plátně, máme pro vás přehled toho nejlepšího, na co se vyplatí zajít do kina.

Příběh biatlonové královny, napínavý krimi thriller, přímý přenos z newyorské Metropolitní opery nebo nové české komedie… Letošní jaro v kinech bude velmi pestré a bohaté. Tak co vás láká nejvíce?

Celý článek čtěte zde

  • Další články, ale také tipy, rozhovory a poradny najdete na lifestylovém serveru Prož
  • Své názory, návrhy, otázky, stížnosti nebo pochvaly nám můžete posílat na adresu
  • Sledujte Proženy na sociálních sítích: Facebook // Instagram.
  • Proženy jsou nejčtenější lifestylovým online magazínem v České republice. Každý den přinášíme aktuální témata týkající se společenského dění, psychologie i zdraví, která máme podložena odborníky. 
(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) and we will be able to understand what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to know what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to understand what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to understand what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to know what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to understand what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to understand what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to understand what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to understand what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the last few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to understand what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years. We will be able to understand what is going on in the next few years and what is going on in the next few years. . [BLANK_AUDIO]