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Bridget Jones otevře čtvrtý deník: Jako padesátnice se vypořádává se změnou doby a hledá muže na netu

Článek Renaty Vyšínové. Umanutá a neudatelná, s větším zadkem a smůlou v lásce. Taková byla Bridget Jones, jakou známe ze tří dnes už legendárních filmů. A teď se potvrdilo, že by se měl začít natáčet čtvrtý díl!

Kdo by nemiloval ztřeštěnou Bridget? I když občas mluví sprostě, pije, kouří a pochybuje o sobě – přesto je roztomilá, vtipná a většina žen jí rozumí. Nebo alespoň rozuměla. Od posledního filmu Dítě Bridget Jones se totiž svět hodně změnil a změna zřejmě postihne i novou Bridget.

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Proženy jsou nejčtenější lifestylovým online magazínem v České republice. Každý den přinášíme aktuální témata týkající se společenského dění, psychologie i zdraví, která máme podložena odborníky. 

Broadcast on:
04 Mar 2024
Audio Format:

Článek Renaty Vyšínové. Umanutá a neudatelná, s větším zadkem a smůlou v lásce. Taková byla Bridget Jones, jakou známe ze tří dnes už legendárních filmů. A teď se potvrdilo, že by se měl začít natáčet čtvrtý díl!

Kdo by nemiloval ztřeštěnou Bridget? I když občas mluví sprostě, pije, kouří a pochybuje o sobě – přesto je roztomilá, vtipná a většina žen jí rozumí. Nebo alespoň rozuměla. Od posledního filmu Dítě Bridget Jones se totiž svět hodně změnil a změna zřejmě postihne i novou Bridget.

Celý článek čtěte zde

  • Další články, ale také tipy, rozhovory a poradny najdete na lifestylovém serveru Prož
  • Své názory, návrhy, otázky, stížnosti nebo pochvaly nám můžete posílat na adresu
  • Sledujte Proženy na sociálních sítích: Facebook // Instagram.

Proženy jsou nejčtenější lifestylovým online magazínem v České republice. Každý den přinášíme aktuální témata týkající se společenského dění, psychologie i zdraví, která máme podložena odborníky. 

(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) The first thing I'd like to say is that this is the only thing that I want to say. I'd like to say that this is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to say is the only thing that I'd like to I want to say that this is the only thing that I want to say is that this is the only thing that I want to say. The first thing I'd like to say is that this is the only thing that I want to say is that this is the only thing that I want to say. I'd like to say that this is the only thing that I want to say is that this is the only thing that I want to say. I'd like to say that this is the only thing that I want to say is that this is the only thing that I want to say is that this is the only thing that I want to say is that this is the only thing that I want to say is that this is the only thing that I want to say. of the country, where the country is still in the middle of the country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle, where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle of a country, and where the country is still in the middle