FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 7-31-24

2h 2m
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31 Jul 2024
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from Bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. I don't think they've done it this way. Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porsche what if I'm talking to six five. Good Wednesday party to you. Thank you so much for listening. Text line 251343 0106. You want to be a touch with the show? All you got to do is text me coming up on today's program. We'll kick it off here with you guys see Senator Rick Scott. That's about a half hour from now. I want to make sure you stay tuned for that. Let's tell the guys in the last segment here. The Senator Scott very outspoken as all the Republican senators were during the election. I don't know if you know that. Secret service hearing yesterday. Um really they had the acting secret service director. In front of them. We'll talk about that. We'll talk about his bid for Senate majority leader. Obviously you got to win the Senate to be majority leader. So we'll hit on that as well. But the be the Republican caucus leader and just just generally we'll have to be aware of this election cycle. Florida still, I guess. Technically a swing state, but it's it's maybe maybe light red and not bright red like Alabama. That's coming up here in about 30 minutes. Also in the program today. Joey Clark or when today or regular for news talk 93 one and Montgomery. And then we'll talk about that. Oh, a administrative law attorney. We'll come on and talk about just how out of sorts. The Alabama, marijuana can medical cannabis commission is operating just just how beyond protocol operating in ways that, you know, historically. They violate precedent. And I you know, I here it is what we do. I think we're going to get into this. And nothing's not a single prescription for medical marijuana has been filled. Like this was something that was going to do good. And look, I knew it the year or two to kind of get off the ground, but it's it's beyond the pale. It's ridiculous. This is another one that we'll always let you down. Anyway, 2513430106 is the text line. You touch with the program. Just hit me up on that text line and we will proceed accordingly. If you think Megan the stallion, I did not realize make the connection to WAP and Megan the stallion until earlier this morning. I don't know. It just seems kind of what we'd say doesn't seem presidential does it now? But she was the opening act for Kamala Harris yesterday in Atlanta. And it's just I don't know. I mean, it was a good crowd. Most of the people, you know, I know some people left before Harris spoke, but most state. I just say that you didn't have the if you did not have the opening act, what kind of crowd would Harris draw? Because because that was the media. If you watch the media, this is like one of Harris's first big splashes at a swing state. And they're very excited about the crowd. She was able to draw. But but take away the opening act. That's I don't think she's Harris is at impressive of a candidate. And let me tell you this. She had a good opening week. They executed. I don't want to say flawlessly, but they executed very well. And but there's just the impact is not is she's not showing a big enough lead, an impressive lead. She's not getting anything out of it. It's very underwhelming to me. With the full court press that the media have given and really what you got to say about it is sort of the marching and lock step of the media of all these surrogates, including Montgomery Mayor Stephen Reed with the talking points and just having it down to like a drill like precision here. And she's maybe turned numbers three four points. It Democrats want to win in November. If they want to win, they're got to win the top of the ticket. And they're going to have to win in the top of the ticket. They have to be they have to be that the way by the least Harris does has to win by a big, big margin because the electoral college. But I would argue that's probably true in the Senate. Maybe not the house as much, but certainly the Senate. Two, five, one, three, four, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, JD Vance. Um, he was all my friend Tucker Carlson show in 2021. And kind of off the cuff or maybe he had this all planned out all along. Was questioning. The agenda policy being set by so-called child is childless cat ladies. These are further like Elizabeth Warren and it ended up but it doesn't matter. Well, why am I supposed to be offended by this? You can be offended. You're a white male. As if, um, JD Vance who wasn't on a political candidate at the time. We'll sit there thinking, I'm gonna, I'm gonna hurt all these people's feelings. They can't have children. No, I think, I think the point holds true though that that you have people from a walk of life that does not necessarily in the mainstream. They never, you know, they just put their career ahead of family and I'm not saying that I'm not making it a judgment on that but they're the ones who are trying to engineer some kind of social welfare policy that it's a pretty clear observation. They don't have the worldview that a lot of people are trying to help have. And what bothers me about it? He made those comments in 2021 and that's he Brit Hume who's supposed to be kind of the Dean of Fox News and Dean Emeritus or whatever you want to call it and he's like, Oh, he said that, you know, I'm like, come on, like don't Republican talking heads so-called conservative talking heads. Don't help at all because they don't what they don't realize is this is an engineered manufacturer narrative and you don't have to respond to it while the old guard media types on the left are like actually taking the sheet of talking points and executing them. The old guard Republican talking heads right now are responding to them. They're responding to them and they don't need to respond to them. Like, if anything, I don't expected to be as disciplined or as loyal to whatever cause as Democrats because they were, they would be coming up with their own talking points, trying them out as if it's everyday conventional wisdom. And then it would become the narrative and the narrative would then the left would have to respond to that narrative on their stupid shows on MSNBC or wherever. But then it's not what's going on here, is it? This is why this is why they went in this arena. They just overwhelmed the system and this is what we're talking about. Childless, cat lady, back when Tucker Carlson had to show him Fox News. This is what these and I totally predict JD Vance while I had to apologize or something for this. And they'll win. If you're explaining, you're losing. Here's the deal. You make them start having to explain because I promise you there's a lot more video Kamala Harris out there saying dumb things than there is of JD Vance. I guess you've just given up on Trump because people are like $2. All right. You've been kicking him for the last 12 years or whatever. Let's see. 2015. Yeah, so nine years. Probably before that. I remember Donald Trump guys. Really got his foot in the door. He was a guest every Monday morning on Foxen friends for years. He would join him by phone and then he would just kind of talk and they had him on. He was good for ratings. And then that sort of launched him into no one ever talked about this. But there's a guy. I mean, I've been watching TV for a living for a long time. That Monday morning segment he would do a Foxen friends really, really catapulted him into the mainstream in the 2015 runs for president. I mean, he'd always always talked about running for president. But I don't think you knew what he was. I mean, a reform party. Maybe he's a Democrat. And he kind of finally figured out. No, the Republican party is probably more aligned with this traditional value. Get back to like the American working class. But it's kind of fascinating for Donald Trump has been into the public eye since the early 80s. It's a good after JD Vance. They're going into the bottom of the ticket here for whatever reason. Then I don't, like I said, I don't think she's going to win. I think she has done everything she could do to try to win or at least her people have. I don't know about her. I don't she's not an impressive political figure. But the establishment that surrounds her that wants her to win. It's very impressive. Like they have very they have very much put her out there made her stars as bright as bright as it could can. You know, just just put out talking black talking black talking point. The polling shows some movement. But with this sort of concerted effort, all hands on deck and she's only moved it. Maybe a fraction of what they had wanted. I don't think they can keep this up. I think you get the law of diminishing returns. And in fact, I think you go from diminishing returns to even hurting her because at some point, some of this becomes very cringey. It becomes jump to shark. She's not Barack Obama. She can't they can't hand her off the ball. I'd expect her to run up the middle and score. She's just not capable. She is not a good speaker. She is not a great candidate. She checks a lot of boxes. So I'm not trying to put the cart before the horse here or count my chickens before they hatch or whatever. But you watch this from the outside looking in and you're thinking very impressive from the media very impressive from the Democratic Party to to take a guy off the ballot in Joe Biden that 14 million people voted for and get him out of the way, take him out of the spotlight, put her in the spotlight, not have a lot of disruption there. And now trying to make her star rise as brightly as it can. And then this is all the polls are doing where they should just be through the roof. 25134306. Let's get a break it here and be right back. This is the Jeff for show what I'm talking about. Six five. So if I get a stone, I'm just carrying on and on and on. He's found it down, loading up and trucking. Are we going to do what they say can't be done? We got a long way to go. And it's short time to get there. These kind of what no man did run. Keep a little back to Jeff for showed up and talk about a six five nature stay with us on this Wednesday morning, 2513430106. It is hump day. But coming up here shortly, Senator Rick Scott in Florida will be with us. Please stay tuned for that. I named tax or do you think it benefits Trump to debate? Can I camel it? Sure. I don't think I mean, Trump is a very good debater. We saw this in 16. He took on the entire Republican establishment on stage. And just we just kind of like while these guys are that impressive. Now the moderators will will play fast and loose here. But I think I think he's I think he's got to get some assurances that it's a Dana Bash jake Tapper situation and not not to against one before he agrees to debate her. Chris Jeff, please tell me how we can win a how in the world we can put her up on the world stages present. Can you see her walking into a palace in the Middle East? It's laughable. She won't be the one to be here where Secretary of State is, which will probably be picked for her. On saw, Jeff Camilla does not understand the world moral Americans live in. She obviously thinks everything is fine and okay. And being said, my single wife was wanting to let everyone know that since 1918 when it became illegal to shoot seagulls that politics are just repeating history and that we have not clearly not learned from. King of all and a textures. If it's that big a deal, childless cat lady should look into adoption. Rock and roll doctor is Camilla Harris. A natural born American citizens. I understand she was born in Oakland, California. The parents who neither were American citizens at the time. Yeah, but if you if you're born on American soil, I think you are. James, Jeff, you absolutely put the cart before the horse through Republicans has always tacked their posts or viola. Come on, James, a vile rhetoric that only serves him. If you guys lose this little, I shall be due to Republicans losing your identity as a party to bag a extremism. What do they win it, James? Are you going to embrace magazine extremism or you get a credit back at extremism? James, you can't have it both ways. You may not like Donald Trump. You may not like what he stands for, but you can't you can't you got to acknowledge the Republican party's not going back to Rockefeller. Okay, it's just it's just not. We're at a different place in this country. Just as the Democratic party's probably not going back to John F. Kennedy. This is the world we live in now. Populism. And I think Democrats have missed the missed their opportunity to tap into the populism right now in this country by going by going with the alphabet people by going with all these social issues. And they they just dismissed them as racist, this homophobic as big it's and they're going to pay a price to ballot box. It'll be over time. It's like I mean, just one election, but it's going to be over time. They don't this is just instead of a 2016 by saying, Hey, we need a course correction here and quit playing to the elites in this country. They doubled down on elitism. They manufacture some phony baloney Russia collusion narrative to make them feel better about having Hillary Clinton lose the Donald Trump. James, at some point, you got to give us some credit maga extremism and kind of understand sort of how politics works in this country, rather than just what you're going to yell at me about the Trump Bible or something again. I named texture. They are planning the Maduro thing to pull some and tighten it up to the clear victory after a few voting irregularities worked once. It'll play until it stopped. I don't know that the sack of clothes though. And I told you this. Democrats had to win by big, big margins in the popular vote. It's just the way the country is. The red states are for the most part, are in the rural parts of America and the blue states are in the most populated parts. So it gives the Republicans an advantage in the electoral college. Damn Yankee, apparently, Kamala has a southern action amazing considering sure we can enough. And then finally fired on one word solid paragraph from Kamala in a debate and it's over. I think you are right. I think she is not. She has had to disappoint to be prepared for a debate. She did once. He should do it again, I guess. We're right back. This is the Jeff Moore show. I've been talking about 065. Lord, I'm free to have a real good morning. We'll back to the Jeff Moore show of the talk. Well, they just stay with us on this Wednesday morning. Text line 251343 0106 would be in touch with the program. All you gotta do is hit us up on the text line real quick. I still come on a program by an hour from now from news talk 93 1 in Montgomery. Joey Clark. And then we have administrative wall attorney John Moore Smith coming up in the 11 o'clock hour. So stay tuned for that. But joining us now is my pleasure to introduce my next guest from our friends over nearby Florida. United States Senator Scott joins us on the line. Senator Good morning. How are you? Good morning. I think it's just a thought up here that is down there. It is a it's muggy, I guess, and then you know, be it from Florida. The humidity is what gets us. Senator, you get to talk about big picture stuff at a moment. But I can watch it yesterday during the secret service, the acting Secret Service Director's hearing. I mean, they're still just it just looks like a lot of obfuscation. A lot of things that they're not willing to give just straight up answers to about the attempted assassination. I get it. What they're doing to themselves is they're making the public feel like they're to cover up. Think about this. When somebody doesn't give you information, what's your first reaction? I wonder what they're hiding. That's exactly what they're doing. It's been 18 days, no press conferences. What should be happening is what I did. I had I had two big night shootings in Florida. The Pulse Night Club shooting in Orlando, the Still Marjory Simmons Douglas School in Parkland. And when that happened every day, two or three times a day, I had a press conference with local state and federal law enforcement. We answered everybody's question. So no one ever thought that there was a cover up. What's happening now is 18 days in, they can't answer some basic questions. They don't want to talk to the to the press. So what they're what they're doing to themselves is they're making people feel like, Oh, gosh, there's something to hide here. So and I, the truth don't send you as an example. I I got asked, Hey, do you think it was the second shooter? And so I don't think there's a second shooter. But guess what? Days a little bit is still that right away. They know exactly where the bullets came from. So they should be able to do it and they're not. If this doesn't make sense to me, I don't know why they're doing that to themselves. And and and then the other thing is, there's no accountability so far. It's makes no sense. If people that there's a local law enforcement shooting in Florida and probably to around the country. And what happens is that person, no one says there's anything wrong. They go on it. Ministry believe we have the state police or department law enforcement do it independent investigation. And then if there's no problem, they go back to the regular duties. In this case, we have no idea if they're responsible with the next Trump rally or the next terrorist rally, we don't know. So and I think I think the service is a great job. The people who took the service, I mean, they're great. FBI's they're great. The homeless theory, they're great. Leadership is lacking in that family transparency. Yeah. And like I said, did they operate on this need to know basis? And I don't I don't think that they understand the need here and it'll appreciate it. I guess maybe they understand it. But like you said, people are going to kind of like come up with their own explanations for things if they're not upfront and more transparent. And I think that's just that's just bad government. Yeah. How is that good for them? It's good. I tell you, it's not good for government. Right. So, but how I even have, you know, in their standpoint, the lost credibility. And every time I talk to the leadership at the FBI, I tell them the same thing. And you guys go do things and you don't tell the public and bring the public along. What do you think the public's going to think? Yeah. And here we are today. And do you anticipate this, Senator, will we ever fully know the circumstances? I mean, here's what it looks like that there's a lot of unanswered questions and people kind of got their ideas about what's going on. But it's sort of a CYA thing that are a blame shifting thing. And no one really wants to take responsibility here other than maybe rhetorically. But that's maybe what's really going on here. Will you ever fully know the entirety of the circumstances here? I'm going to do everything I can to get the information out. The public deserve it. The guy that is the leading Republican candidate almost was killed. The president was almost killed, right? This doesn't happen every day in our life. You know, it's not like this is normal. This is supposed to be never, right? If that had happened, what would happen in the country? No one knows. I we are political leaders have to be safe. They've got it. They've got to take this seriously. And then when they when they make the decision, they're not going to tell us things. They're not taken seriously. So I'm going to do everything I can to make sure the public knows I'm going to I'm going to, you know, talk about this every day that they got to be doing a press conference. So there, let's move on election. Despite what's happened in your former colleague there, Kamala Harris, now the the top of the ticket for the Democrats, you know, I think maybe slightly and things have improved for Democrats. But you look at the top of the ticket all the way down and send it absolutely within reach. How are you feeling about November? So the only of the incumbent senators, the only two that have competitive races are Ted Cruz and Nate. So, you know, we just got to, you know, raise the money, get our boat out and we can win. We're good to win West Virginia. So that will put it at 5050. Then we've got a great chance in Montana, Ohio, Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania and others. So if we, you know, if it, you know, people want change, if our candidates run good races, then I think we have a chance to have a significant majority in the Senate. But I think we're going to get a majority. Nothing ever, you know, easy, right? But we have good candidates. But, you know, I don't know which one is probably our 51. You get it already in Montana or Ohio. Could be Sam Brown out in Nevada or Kerry Lake. The great candidates. So I'm optimistic. The country wants change. I can see it sort of is a travel estate in my reelection campaign. People want change. They know that we can't keep going down the path of going down. It's not, it's not working. It's not, and it's not good for our families. I grew up in a poor family. I live in public housing. What's happening to poor families today in our country is so unfair because, you know, the inflation is just to wreck their lives. Their wages are not dead with inflation. This is totally unfair. The in you're right. I you get the sense that I mean, Democrats, he's last now looked at the Republicans have had the House and that's a whole different story. But Democrats will just send it in and the presidency. And I mean, it's they got this weird thing going on right now with J.D. Vance and attacking him and trying to like, I guess, reestablish Kamala Harris is, you know, something different than what she is. But they don't really have like a winning track record here at all. I mean, it seems like it'd be shooting fish in a barrel to run against them. Well, the problem they have is that they have a record. The, you know, now Harris has been acting like she was a border czar. She'll probably say she wasn't vice president and then shocked that she'll say she never met Joe Biden. That's what she's going to try to do. But reality is, is that the public realizes the democratic agenda is a bad agenda. They've all supported it. If they have them voted on it, they supported it. They've supported open borders. They've sort of Matthew said they must cause inflation. They've supported a work military. That's not what the country wants. And so, as long as, you know, Republican, we explained who the Democrats are. I know some guy who had campaign up now explaining who Biden to Harris is. Well, we explained it. The American public is smart. I think we'll get the House bill by House in the Senate. I ask you to play pundit here, but I mean, as far as these last couple of weeks with a new candidate at the top of the ticket for the Democrats, I think the Trump guys, they've done a fairly decent job kind of stand out of the way here, letting this sort of play out. And then once things really, really settle down and then this impacts the entire ticket, then will they reassess it from there and proceed accordingly. Yeah, I think I think they've done a good job. I think Trump has done a great race. He clearly, everybody knows he's a fire. Everybody knows he wants to, you know, make this country great again. So, you know, I'm not I'm actually very optimistic. Now, in the internal politics of the United States Senate, let's talk about that. Obviously, you're going to need a new leader of the Republican caucus there. You're bid for that. Talk a little bit about that. And what what like what needs what what direction do Republicans and the Senate need to go in? And there seems to be you know, you have you have the Ted Cruz's and the Rand Paul's and that wing, our friend Tommy Tuberville. Then you have sort of the guys have been there a while kind of kind of talk about like the Senate and Republicans and really what where they need to how they fit it to the puzzle. The so, you know, the question is going to be is are we going to get changed, right? Do we want to change the direction of the Senate? We I don't think, you know, we've been doing what the public wants. We got a great Republican party. And if you look at the leadership up here with these massive spending bills, infrastructure bill, it's not what it's not where a Republican voters want. And so I'm running on a campaign to change the direction. We didn't have a steep change in leadership up here. We can't have a little bit of change just given the economic leap. And we can't go back and run the place like McConnell has because we're actually not getting results. Look at where $35, $30 of the debt. We got massive inflation or, you know, you can't, you can't say under this leadership that, you know, Republican principles have been part of the equation because they haven't. So I've run on that teaching it a vote of whoever is serving in the Senate into this, at the end of this election cycle. I think, I think people are going to vote for change. But you know, it's a once in. I'm going to make sure that people know that what I stand for. And I think we ought to be able to represent our states and we ought to fight like helpful out improved, you know, Alabama and Florida and whatever state you represent. Well, we talk about policy. I mean, maybe we could hit some specifics here. Like, oh, is there sort of a checklist here you got? You're at least thinking about what what needs to be done in this country? You know, what's Republicans? There's the quest to win these elections and we saw this in 2016. And then they wanted to send it. They wanted the House and they had the White House and it kind of felt like walking in quicksand. What changes this time? Well, I think, well, first of I think Trump is going to walk in. He had had the experience out being present. He's going to walk in with a very aggressive agenda, which had to be great. But we have to start doing what you do in business. I'm a business guy. I don't business is all my life in a business. You live in reality and you go to solve problems. So we know that in places out of control, that's going to get back, fixed by bouncing our budget. We know the borders secured, that's going to get fixed by actually securing the borders. We know we have a work military that's going to require leaders that are not focused on being woke, that focus on being lethal. We've got a lot of problems and we're going to have to get leadership that says, you know what, we're going to fit in the room. We're going to take as much time as takes the country's conclusion to fix the problems of this country. And I'm actually optimistic that that's what's going to happen. That's what I did when I was a governor for that. We are walking with a big budget deficit. I balanced the budget. That was not easy. I say I get 700,000 jobs. We actually added 1.7 million jobs my eight years because we worked with the private sector to go jobs. It's most important that you do for somebody to get them self-sufficiency. So I'm actually optimistic that we can do it, but it's going to take a complete sea change in how this place is one. Talk about Florida. I mean, you know, during the Obama years, it was sort of swing state. But I mean, I look at it and I look at what you and your colleague Marco Rubio, you as governor, and then your successor there with Ron DeSantis. I mean, it's it's really showing as a it's serving as a blueprint for the GOP. This is how you take a kind of precarious situation. You get it on the right track. But I think what people mean, if we if we elect governors that do what the voters want, and I think typically we'll hear what people want. They want a good economy. They don't want inflation. They want a great education system for the kids because that's their future. They want to be safe. And whether that's safe is because the federal levels are U.S. military or at the state levels because of primarily local law enforcement, that's what they want out of government. They don't want government to dedicate their lives. I mean, I was told that I loved my mom. She was a wonderful person. They she taught me, you know, so many wonderful things. But I didn't like being told what to do. I don't think we need government to tell us how to lead our lives. And so we've got if you do that, then you guess what? People are going to vote for you. They're going to say, you know, a couple of leadership is pretty good. Let's let's keep doing that. And so we've taken Florida. And I got elected as governor in 2010. It's five hundred and sixty eight thousand more Democrat voters than the Republican voters registered. And now we have 950,000 more Republican. And I think what's happened is they said, you know, there's public leadership work. And so we're going to get more of that. People who are state because they know in Florida, you have the end of your screen. You're not going to have government dictate your life. Senator, you've been very kind to make time for this audience just want to best elect to you. And hopefully we could talk to you again sometime. But once again, thanks for coming on the program this morning. I take care of my wife, my mobile. So you have a beautiful state. You're very kind to say that as a senator, Eric Scott there, we got to get a break in here. We will be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show. What if I'm talking one oh six five. Just what I had. But honey, now. And don't make my browns. Don't make my browns. Don't make my browns. I'm back to the Jeff Moore show. What if I'm talking about those six five days or stay with us on this Wednesday morning to five one three four three zero one zero six. You want to be a touch with the program. I do is text me still to come Joy Clark in the next hour. So stick around for that James. James just just chatterboxing away this morning. Wow. This is what you put on your show, Jeff. During his tenure as a chief executive, the company, the fraud and Medicare, Medicaid, other federal programs, part of the Justice 114 felony convictions against the company. I didn't know that you could criminally charge a company in James, which was fine. 1.7 billion. And what was the largest health care fraud settlement in US history? Why is he not in jail? He's well, why that's if he's as bad as you says, he said he is in the what and he won election several times since Florida. Then I need to be Bill Nelson, by the way, a very popular Floridian in 2018, which should have been a Democrat cycle. I mean, I think I think maybe your talking points are a little dated here, James. He speaks to the poor yet. He was still in benefits from him. That's not true. It's sometimes you settle in court just to you don't want to face the fight. I don't I don't buy this. I think that is manufactured conventional wisdom as are most of the things you lay out here, James. Tim, Jeff, do you really think the Democrats approve of uncontrolled immigration? Do you think they think that this is the best thing for our country? I think right now they do. They got to do something to shift the demographics of the country. The problem for them now, I mean, long term, this is this was sort of the I mean guys, you go back to Ted Kennedy and the changes to our immigration laws and it was all masked in this like the Irish immigration, but it turned out to be used by immigrants from south of the border, but probably just say this. I don't think I think you're playing a long term game. I don't think that they look at this right now. Tim and it's as such as well. Yeah, immediate impact will be on the labor market and that's a dirty little secret. That's why Republicans, some Republicans aren't as outspoken about the immigration problems, but the the real thing is like once this takes, once they put roots down, once these illegal immigrants put down roots and they're given the ability to vote, or they're all spring are then then what happens next is then you see states turn like California and that's the danger here. It's not in a bunch of illegal immigrants who come across the border, across the Rio Grand, and they're going to vote in this election. They're just they're not that nimble. And if you're here legally, you're not going to go fill out a piece of paper, go hand it in at the courthouse. Think if you were here illegally, is that something you would do? Probably not. A rational person would do that. So yeah, I think I don't think they think it's good for the country. Maybe they think it's good for the country and just in a different way. We could elaborate on that in a moment. We'll be right back. This is FIT Talk 10065. From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Poor Show. I don't think I've done it this way. We'll back to the Jeff Poor Show at FIT Talk 10065. Thanks for staying with us on this Wednesday morning. 251343 0106. That is the text line that is up there. I come up here at a half hour. We'll have Joey Clark from News Talk 93.1. If you stay tuned for that or Wednesday regular. And then in the 11 o'clock hour, we're here from a gentleman named John Morsmith. He is an administrative law attorney and has an op-ed for 18-19 news up yesterday about the Cannabis Commission, Medical Cannabis Commission, and just what a it is. It is unquestionably a disaster. It's a disaster. It just hasn't hasn't performed up to par, but we could talk about that in the 11 o'clock hour. Number two now officially underway. There's not entirely unpredictable. Just a few things that are much not much different from yesterday. Obviously the strike it to ran. I guess it's almost official. What does the world look like beyond that? Well, I ran. I mean the day there was an airstrike on Iranian solo soil. It's almost official. How would we feel about that as somebody like another country City went out to Netanyahu on American solo say and well I don't know who it would be. It wouldn't be a Hamas fighter jet because there's no such thing. It doesn't say an Iranian fighter jet took out Benjamin Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago or something. So I think Iran's going to respond. I don't know how, but they tend to be more bark than might. This is a different world that is 11-2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6 is the text line as I said. That's the big one. Iran talking about going now north to the Lebanon. Take on Hezbollah. Let it moving parts and pieces to that situation and we're going to try to do more with that. Here in the next few days. Also there's a Venezuela situation. Hard, I mean, will Moderno. Maduro keep his hold on power there. A lot of South American nations are turning against Moderno. Let's see what we got here, text line. Got a bunch here. Oh, Tim, I need to get to this one. Jeff, the city can't push the city council until it looks like we are getting Amtraked. This has no future, and after the honeymoon has very little riders. They got Josh Woods who came on this program and they got him to flip. But remember, he came on my show about a month ago. Said that he just didn't think it was a wise use of money. It's not, but the dirty little secret with that is guys. The railroad chutu trade people made a deal with the port authority. The port authority is going to get the tracks improvements to the tracks to get the shipping containers in and out of the port. And then in return, the choo choo train comes back. It's a mobile. The choo choo train that you can ride. Jeff, don't everybody's in a hurry like you. Jeff, not everybody. Who's some people just want to stop and smell the roses? Look, the government's got to subsidize transportation. Subsidize my airplane tickets. Don't subsidize the choo choo train. Especially mobile. And mobile has a very checkered, very strange relationship with the airline industry. And what's going on at mobile regional airport for decades? That there is just, historically, the fares have been higher than New Orleans, Gulfport, and Pensacola. Valprezo, like it's expensive to fly out of mobile regional airport compared to these other places. Significantly more expensive. Maybe that changes? I don't know if they move it downtown. For a lot of people, it's like, well, I'll just pay the extra hundred bucks or 200 bucks. But we're going to bring in the choo choo train now. Which, if you want to go from mobile to Chicago via Amtrak, it not only will cost you significantly more than just flying, it takes about 10 times as long. You know, it's about three hours, four hours to Chicago. Try three days of Chicago by train. Maybe I'll tell them. Maybe two days. I don't know. But a lot longer than it. And you just act like, well, not everybody's in a hurry. Well, most of us are. I'm sorry. You're in the minority. Go hitchhike. If you're not in a hurry, take a Greyhound bus. I don't care. I'll give a damn. Jason! Jeff, you think James holds everybody accountable or just the ones he disagrees with? Just the ones he disagrees with. Well, the thing about James and even here when he called in those couple of times, it's just faux intellectual, is a pseudo intellectual smarter than you, sneering at the masses. He's read a book or two. So he puts himself on a pedestal. And that's fine. These are all qualities that make him the official troll of the Jet Force show. Hey, when life gives you lemons, you're going to make it lemonade here, right? And James, we're making lemonade out of you, buddy. You just keep him coming. You just keep your snarky remarks coming because, I mean, we see right through them. I know Mama said you never be something someday, but by golly, you are the official troll of the Jet Force show on FM Talk 10065. If I had the budget to make you a placard, I wouldn't make it, but we don't. Martin! Even Hillary spoke in favor of controlled immigration several years ago, right? Yeah, but it's just it's too easy to demagogue now, Martin. What they do is if you're anti-immigration, anti-open borders immigration, you're so kind of big it. You just don't like Hispanics. We can't have the discussion. And I mean, look at the way they have handled this. They're trying to blame Donald Trump for their failures. We can't do anything because Donald Trump told Congress to kill the immigration bill we wanted, so he would have something to run on. Does anybody believe that? James Langford tried to, I think a goodwill, good faith gesture. But it was just not what, not what the country, not at least what the Republican party wants as far as immigration policy goes. Joe, they're going to bomb you. You know what out of Israel, that's what they're going to do. I don't think they have the capability of the Iranians. Unnamed texture, maybe Russia airstrikes Washington DC to eliminate Victoria Newland, fair comparison. Probably not. Uh, or then that seems to be direct at a US official. No, this will be a dignitary from another country in Washington. Unnamed texture, we're going to keep operating two airports in two places. I think you will, but I don't think it'll end me in a theme just different kind of freight or something like that. There, there is, uh, there is justification to have two airports going, but not commercial airports. Paul, James, he wasn't going to vote when he, when he called Sean Show, and I think he is always Kamala, and he didn't sound that smart either. He tries. David, sorry, this will be lengthy. Do not underestimate the power group over there controlling the Democratic Party direction. They control the media, talking about more than Republicans, few examples about the Hunter Lab and buying laptop into 50-something intelligence officials. They sign the letter, blah, blah, blah, blah. See, Anthony Blinken playing a part here, about Secretary of State. Large part of the media not mentioned by his issues until after the debate, acting as if it caught up by surprise. I do not believe the media. I call it the domestic election interference by withholding important information for the American voter. I can understand millions of Americans are being a call of card by President Biden health issues, because it wasn't covered heavily by a lot of the media. Well, I'll tell you this, David. I, I don't think people are, I don't think people are stupid. I think they're aware. They were aware of all of this. Well, lost Trump the election in 2020 was COVID. He got, he got blamed for COVID. And had you not had COVID, had you not had the changing of the rules, moving the goalposts, I think it'd be, it would have been a different election. They'd be buying moved heaven and earth. Are people, I'd say Biden to do anything. People supporting the Biden cause moved heaven and earth to make it possible for Biden to win. And look, he just barely won. You know, you guys don't remember this part, because this stole an election or whatever. But even with all the stealing, it still took them a week to call the election. They're not going to get that this time. A lot of states have changed their voting laws. There's not COVID anymore. You could go to the ballot box in 2022 proved it. This house of cards has got to collapse. You know what they do to fix it? I don't know, but we'll see. Oh, Shane, I will gladly pay for the plaques. But you're buying my company GoPro forig. Let me know how you want it to read. So you want a, you want a plaque for James? Can we do this? James, the official troll of the Jeff Porschow brought to you by GoPro flooring. I don't know. That part of this radio business is beyond my pay grade. Josh, awesome. Now I can take Amtrak and drink all the trade from Mobile to Biloxi into Orleans to gamble a party. It's a shame that it is something I don't do anymore. Maybe after the kid has grown out of the house, but, but. This is from Josh. Josh, Josh, Josh, it's not going to be that awesome. One or two trains a day at weird times. It's not going to be convenient. It's not like there's a train every hour. It's not going to be, it's not going to be convenient. That's going to be the struggle here. Amtrak logistically just doesn't work on your schedule. That our population. You found one three four three zero one zero six. You'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porschow on FM Talk. One of six miles. Right here at the floor of Bama. At the floor of Bama, I fly a starship across the universe. Divide. And when I reach the other side, I'll find a place to risk my spirit if I can. Perhaps I may become a highway man again. Welcome back to the Jeff Porschow on FM Talk. One of the six five that you stay with us on this Wednesday morning. We do appreciate it. Get over to the next segment. Joey Clark of Duce Talk 93.1 in Montgomery. James, I'm smarter than 99% of your collars, Jeff, including you. See, James, you keep telling yourself that. Here's the deal, James. You're so smart. I can be done with a radio show. Instead, James, smart people don't live on the FM Talk 106.5 text line like you do. Not a smart investment of your resources. James, let's actually hold the debate for your collars. Are you like Trump and Cower out? James, James, James drinking the juice this morning talking a big game. Paul, let's see here, James. They are going to try the very same middle of the night. Sham as they did last time, but does that work? Shane, I'm going to head to the trophy shop today at 1130. Thank you. Call you with details. You sure you want to associate your brand name with James, the official troll of the Jeff Porschow? And a textor. As someone who has been on the construction barges and observed firsthand how river tugboat operators maneuver and factoring the conditions of the bayou rail bridges, I'll just try to do oral and thank you very much. On a textor, Jeff Victoria Newlanders, responsible for tens of thousands of dead Russians that have been killed since the 2014 coup to she and Obama orchestrated to put in Ziliski in power. Yeah, I mean, I understand that, but my point was this. The analogy only works if it's a. It's not like Israel flew in to Tehran and took out some kind of Iranian leader. It took out a Hamas leader. So it would be essentially fine into Washington taking out. In this case, a Ukrainian leader, if Vladimir Putin decided to launch Russian jets in the air and take out Ziliski while he was here. I mean, I keep James is so smart. Why is it he at work? Maybe he is. Maybe he's multitasking. Toothless bammer James has a lot of time on his hands. Let's hope that's all that he has on his hands. Uh, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. If you want to be in touch with the program, that's the best way to go about it. Uh, anybody swayed out there? Um, you were kind of on defense or maybe you were even in the Trump camp. But then you saw Megan the stallion twerking at a Kamala Harris rally yesterday. And you're like, whoa, this is the one for me. Anybody? You're like, as I was, who is Megan the stallion? And then I had, then I realized she, uh, she has probably epitomizes a lot of what's going on in the culture right now. Um, let's see what else we got here. Oh, this is just in this, uh, this story from the attorney general's office. A Democratic candidate for Clay County, a mission, a commissioner original seven voter fraud charges, but I was told that we didn't have voter fraud in Alabama absentee ballot fraud. We don't have absentee ballot fraud. This is a solution. Looking for a problem. Um, you wascally Republicans are just trying to make it hard for old people to vote absentee. Why do you hate old people? Why do you hate voting? Why do you hate the serving process? Yes, but wait. There is, there, there turned out, at least that's what's being alleged. All parties are, um, innocent until proven guilty. Um, yeah. Yeah, let's just, this was added, uh, and the rest of the war is merely an accusation. Defend is preserved innocent until us perfect guilty. So there you go. Let's get a break here. We're right back. This is I've been talking about those six five. [Music] [Music] Welcome back to the Jup4 Show at the talk. What oh six five hates for staying with us. On this Wednesday morning, two five one three four three zero one zero six. Keep the text coming. We do appreciate the feedback. Uh, even if it is James, the official troll of the Jup4 show and James, it's not, and not exactly being the official troll may sound prestigious and it may give you, um, more meaning in your life, but it's not necessarily something, um, I don't know. I would put it on my resume, but maybe, maybe you will. Anyway, enough of that joining us now on the line. He comes to us from Montgomery every Wednesday. Joey Clark from News Talk 93 one. Uh, Joey news and views. Uh, Joey, how are you this morning? Doing great. How are you doing today, man? Doing well, doing well. Sorry, I just turned up a little loud there. Uh, we had Rick Scott on who kind of mumbled into his phone. So, uh, uh, anyway, uh, digress. Hey, um, I've seen any, um, any Olympic opening ceremony, sort of, uh, acts that have caught your interest lately. And I didn't even watch it live. I wouldn't pull the new jet pole moving on. All that was going on, which is much better than that, uh, monstrosity. And you know, I'm, you might as you've gotten to know me and, uh, if your audience knows I'm a bit of a mythology nerd and I've been that way since I was a kid. And, uh, so as soon as I saw it, I'm like, oh, this is not just the drag queens you're getting together and they're mocking the Last Supper. I'm like, this is pretty profoundly messed up, uh, this, you know, because Dionysus has always been the competing God, taking God, say, with Jesus Christ throughout a lot of Western history. So this is pretty provocative stuff. I definitely wanted to point that out to folks in 1819 news, what I wrote about this week. Oh, we were told, uh, the, the, the, uh, everybody on the left who has like, uh, the elite, uh, smart set of our country knows who Dionysus is. I mean, there are stupid rubes out there. How did you not see the art in this and not know immediately as Dionysus? I mean, everybody knows who Dionysus is. Come on, guys. Well, no, I'm sitting there like, well, I do know that it is a pretty familiar, uh, I would ask him those things. So how was Dionysus born? How did he become 12,000? He's turned into a story real quick, guys. But then to say, like, I think that he'd take away from me is it wasn't like, oh, Dionysus was there at that feast of queens and drag. You know, he's being presented as the feast. It was pretty explicit. And they started playing this game. It's actually based on a Dutch painting of Bocchanalia and, like, no, like all the organizers were calling it the last summer on the set for as they were leading up to it, the programming. They knew exactly what they're doing. Again, it's just more gaslighting. Don't believe your own line. Well, it's damage control. Like, I don't think they realize. I mean, Julia, the last, like, this group of the culture, I guess, it's all about shock value. And then they keep trying to, well, who could outshock who? And they target Christianity because it's one of these things that you can, you could gen up a lot of outrage, I guess, and not really feel any sort of any consequences for. Yeah. And I think a lot of what's going on is the folks, I bet a lot of those performers who are in it, a lot of the people that are saying, rolling their eyes, calm down Christians, are largely shallow and ignorant of the symbols that are being played with here. And I think the folks who are organizing a lot of these things know exactly what they're doing. But I imagine there are a lot of folks that they're told, well, we're just being tolerant and having a good time and relax. They hide behind that sort of shallow excuse. And the idea here is these opening ceremonies is to showcase your country, the host country's culture. And I'm not familiar with, like, France, but I know it has a longstanding historical legacy. There's many, many works of literature. There's a lot of things about French culture that you can showcase. To me, the drag queen last supper, just drag queenism in general. I don't think the first thing that comes to my mind is it France. Maybe it will now. But prior to this Olympics, you know, I think about French culture. Well, you know, they got a really, really strong presence of drag queens in their mainstream culture. I would say what we saw was pretty modern French culture, even if you go to the French Revolution, what they, they were thrilled that, you know, you kept it clean. I guess that was featured in that opening, too. But they like renamed the Cathedral Notre Dame as the temple of reason or something. So there's a streak in France and you get into postmodern thinkers. They can change the moods. Who said the right frame for Western thought should be Dionysus over Jesus. So there is a strain of this stuff. And France had been around for, say, a couple of centuries. And so I wasn't shocked that the French did this a lot. Well, let me just let me revise my remarks. Maybe the theme that they were trying to convey, that they claim they were trying to convey, maybe aligns with French modern French culture. But guys with their testicles hanging out of their little, their little thong there. I don't, that just, I don't think that is, maybe I'm wrong here. Maybe the French are known for showcasing their, their bulge and their pants. But, but I just, that's not the first thing that comes to mind. I mean, there's lots of other things in French culture that come to mind. Oh, yeah. And then I think this is, it's, I think it's a bunch of shallow queens who are playing with symbols that have time to understand. And it's just a matter of being transgressive and shocking. A lot of folks, and I guess they got what they wanted and that I find, make apologies. We're just trying to be colored in front. You can love it. Well, you know, I'm sure, okay. Well, I, you know, and I, like you said, I think you're hitting on the, on the head here. It's shallow because I think these people can really tell you what, really what, what any of this was about. But I, they're caught up in their own little bubble and they're, you know, I guess trying to rationalize or validate it for us ruse, but I was watching this kind of live. I was sitting at a restaurant, a Delta grocery down at Bardwell. And he's kind of watching the people who were there like, what the hell is this? You know, you got a guy over at a corner. He's playing like he's covering some David Allen co-song or something. So the client hell there is like just watching this. And I, I, you know, sometimes I personally, oh, this is just what they do guys. Here we go again, you know, but like the rest of America, maybe they're not outraged by it, but they see it and they think this really isn't the right direction for the country. Well, it isn't. And I, I don't know. I'm sometimes the bad, bad judge of this stuff because I really am becoming an old man in my sensibilities. So like if I turn on the sp's or the grandmays or if I see any network TV for that matter, I just kind of go, oh, what the heck is that? Like I'm like the world's passing you by too quick. And it's all just so, it's like in movies, everything CGI and spectacle with no good character development. Thank you, Marvel. And I just, I see that in so much of what mainstream corporate culture pushes now. It's, it's very contrived, very prepackatory, more than glistening land, but there ain't a lot there. And that's what worries me down the road. There ain't a lot there. Well, they, they've, they've more to bar so much that they're all the way, but at some point they'll, they'll be a revival. They'll have to be, but I, I just, I don't know. It's also a lot more competition out there, Joey and people, I, I know like everybody, when I was a kid, watched the Olympics, everybody. And you know, you were, you had three choices. You had ABC, NBC and CBS. And this time of year, every four years, everybody watched the Olympics. And we were in a throws the, well, we were nearing the end of the Cold War, but it was still Soviet Union versus US. I just don't think this is that big of a cultural phenomenon anymore of the Olympics. It's, it's less relevant. It's, it's less relevant than it's ever been in our lives. Like a lot of you, like a lot of old traditions, they go to the 20th century, I think you're absolutely right. I mean, the only thing I watch in the Olympics are more the oddities, like a field hockey or water polo, like weird stuff you never see. I'm like, well, let's watch that. Well, it's, it's all paved. I mean, we already know, I mean, if you, if you miss hyper connected world, you already know who's winning and losing and who won gold medals. And, you know, it's all, because everything you're watching in prime time is all pre-taped because of the time change. So like, you know, it's just there's something about this like stale broadcast too. Whereas in the 1984 88 or whatever, you're watching it about as well been live, you know, there was not, you know, the internet and the word didn't get out who won or lost. Well, exactly. And I think you're right, that this is not the cultural phenomenon it once was. And very much like the Super Bowl, it's less about the actual athletics and more about the spectacle surrounding it. And yeah, that's, that's our problem. No, I don't think that's getting any better on politics, but I've had to choose yet between Paul Kogan, who told me to take my vitamins as a kid. And Megan Dee Stallion, who just seems really proud and always bragging about her thing. Like I just, I don't even know a whole token, but either way, I feel like we're adding towards any accuracy. Well, talk about Megan Dee Stallion because now I knew about her hit single WAP, but I did not know, I did not make the connection until Dale Jackson explained it to me this morning on his radio show. Of all people do it's like, I was like, you know, come on, you have no idea who this woman is you treat works like Sharon and like, come on, man, you know about the song and like, okay. But like, I mean, is that just, okay, number one, if Megan Dee Stallion is not at this event, what kind of attendance is it? Number two, I mean, that's such an odd, odd thing to associate your campaign with. Now, this is what the let's be doing to us. Look at what, you know, all the problems with Hulk Hogan or whoever kid Rock, but I don't know, I just, this doesn't seem like it's really, really that big of a deal like they were acting like it was yesterday during the news coverage. Yeah, the enthusiasm seems fake to the extent that they actually love, come on, think everything's great with her and what the party's doing. I think their enthusiasm is still rooted and we must be Trump. So we won't pretend to love any crap we put in front of people. And there were definitely people sharing videos on Twitter or folks leaving about 10 just a minute in the complex speaking, who clearly just came from the three times. Joey, I don't think that, now, look, I will applaud them for this transition and the way they've handled it is the Democrats, I would have thought would have gotten some serious pushback for just sort of naming their nominee with those sort of process or anything, but like they have really rallied that they have until like a, like a religious almost dedication been wedded to these talking points about their opponents. The problem for them is this, the execution worked, but they're not getting any kind of results from it. They just, the polls have moved, the polls need to move a lot. And I would have expected with this much effort, this much planning, this much like cult like dedication, they would have gotten at least five, six points out of it. They've gotten nothing. They've gotten two points at most, three points at some polls. I, this, they can't sustain this level of intensity for the next 97 days. There's some problems here. And I think there is a little bump in the polls, though, a lot of these that show Harris are, they are shifting the sample size, how many Democrats are including in their independence of Republicans. I think anybody who's wise about politics knows most public opinion polls are not telling you the truth. There's a reason they have those polls they pay for, they don't show the public. Yeah, I think you're right too, that this is, well, it's not actually what we were talking about with spectacle around the Olympics or so much mainstream culture. It's a lot of spectacle without much there. And I've been saying on my show that, you know, for too long Republicans are like, who is so-and-so the next Republican? So guys, nobody else will ever be Ronald Reagan, like nobody else will ever be Donald Trump. So nobody else will ever be Barack Obama. They're going to have to be their own person. And the idea that you can make common all of a sudden the female Barack Obama and get this cultural moment I think is not working out for them. And I'm very fascinated to see where younger black men say 45 and under are going to go this election. I just, they, they, they act as if they have the win to their sales. I mean, all of this like Astro Turphy sort of white dudes for Harris and black women for Harris. And then all of, I mean, if they had the momentum as they think that they do, then all of this weird, like kind of Astro Turphy stuff they got going on would, would be they wouldn't need it. They would have something that felt a little more authentic. Oh, and I think also the Republicans really haven't gotten to work. I mean, you've seen a lot come out about Harris, but I think there's going to be more where she has to talk. And she actually has to do interviews. And she, I think she's going to fall apart like she did in 2020 in many ways. And I think Republicans messaging will start to be a little more pointed and get the point across. I hope more about policy and not play into the stupid things we're doing about it, but how weird everybody ends or whatever. Feel that way. Like, let's talk about 2020 real quick, because, and then I say this whole time on the show, especially when they were talking about her being a nominee earlier. Look, I mean, she had a good debate, that one debate against Joe Biden, she started punching him, had him back to the corner. And then they had to ring the bell and then went back to the corners. And then she just like disappeared. I just don't think she is in it for the long haul. I mean, she certainly was not in it for the long haul as a vice president. This is a big risky gamble for Democrats, Joey. And let me tell you why. I mean, they, they, they should have had a different nominee in 2020. You don't, we don't finish fourth in Iowa caucus at fifth in the New Hampshire primary and then go on to be the nominee. I mean, the fix was in for Joe Biden in 2020. And that was, you know, and then he ended up winning, but just barely. Now they are telling their voters, hey, that stuff about, we said about Biden, well, we need to change horses here. We need to go in a different direction here. If the Democrat establishment lets down the rabid Democratic base again, and this is it, this is the Waterloo moment potentially. This is a big, big bet for them. If they lose the Donald Trump, and I think that they will, I think the remaking of the Democratic party to something less establishment, less Wall Street, less Silicon Valley, and more sort of AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Bernie Sanders even, is what it's going, going to turn into after that. Yeah, I think the populist interviews that are across the country will start to show up a lot more in the Democratic party and keep in mind that the power brokers that essentially pull the two against Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, they're not getting any younger. And I think even Barack Obama, the further he gets away from his time in office, will not have the same sway as he does say today. Yeah, to cleanse all these, all these old, like sort of throwback Democrats that run the party now, that have been the adults in the room, are, are, aren't really, they're giving bad advice. It seems, I just think the energy is there, and this is what they're afraid of. This is sort of it. I always thought Kamala Harris was playing B. Oh, we're going way longer. Anyway, we got to, we got to wrap it up. Joey, folks want to find you online. They want to check out News of Us. How can they do so? Joey Clark's live on YouTube at the Joey Clark on Twitter. You can't even say, I'm going to talk about B and B. We got to wrap it up. Yes, come on. Well, that was a good play on words for me there, unintentional. Joey, as always, we appreciate your time. I'll talk again soon. Thank you. All right, we'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porchow on FM Talk 10065. Welcome back to the Jeff Porchow on FM Talk 10065. They just stayed with us on this Wednesday morning. Kind of bid the next hour, John Moore Smith. He's an administrative lawyer. We talked about Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission, and just what an invisible object failure it is. We get through the through text. We'll probably have to save a lot of it. We went way along, and that last thing, but I just looked down the clock, and there it is, 52 minutes after the hour. Maybe James has smarted up the level of the system, and it doesn't like to work like so many others. Tucker, Jeff, I think you're struggling this morning to make your analogy worked out. Mosley, there's not a head of state. He's a terrorist. Well, I tell you what, though, it's not this isn't the point that I'm trying to make. It's about the U.S. It would be like if Israel flew its jets across the international boundaries into Iran, and hit a target on Iranian soil, so what would be the equivalent of that? I mean, the international community will still arrest Benjamin Netanyahu. What would it be like if Iran flew a jet and put out a head and hit Netanyahu in Washington, D.C.? It's the violation of the sovereignty, which raises the stakes in this whole saga here. That's the point. Just let the players and actors, whatever, it doesn't really matter. We'll be right back. This is FM Talk, one of those six, five. From Buck's Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchow. I don't think Hank done it this way. Welcome back to the Jeff Porchow it up and talk about what it's six, five. Hey, if you're staying with us on this Wednesday morning, 2513430106 would be a touch with the show. All you got to do is text me. We do appreciate the feedback. I caught up in about 30 minutes, Sean Moore Smith, administrative law attorney, has an op-ed out at, 1890news. Check it out discussing the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission. We'll get into it with him here shortly. So stay tuned for that. The text slide seems to be burning up here. The James Controversy here. Tim, let's see. Jeff, if you remember back, Bess Rich told us that if you don't go along what Sandy wants, he cuts off funding to the area. Maybe Josh Woods got told to play ball. Well, I find it strange that Mayor Stimpson would use would play that card, especially as it pertains to Amtrak, which, you know, at best their lukewarm on and at worst they were against. Josh, James is far too argumentative, which leads more toward a mental disability, more than high intelligence. Though some people with a mental disability do have high intelligence. Did you say we're Jeff from Paul and they text her? Jeff Biden is currently still the president. Why is all the attention of Harris? It's like an old toy that gets pushed aside. She is not qualified at all for the position. The old ones, the person like her to run our country. Come on, people, wake up and take off the blindfold. They threatened him with the 25th amendment. I don't think they could have executed it. The palace coup doesn't doesn't work, but Biden gave in. Biden was going to run. Biden thought he could still win. They had to play some hard ball with the people around him, I think. Let's see. Well, James, you're having to get through James tax guys. There's a lot of work here. James says he's down to radio because I use my degree that pays more than radio. Oh, I bet it does James. Radio doesn't pay a lot, by the way. Well, at least not for me. I'm real pays a lot if you're good at it. I'm not very good at it. I'd rather be called to troll every day with my integrity intact versus selling your soul twisting yourself into a principle and defending Trump and defending failed policies from Republicans. We think you're already a make sure you're special or something. It doesn't. In fact, it makes you be educated. You're vocabulary so limited, you regurgitate more on talking points. James, settle down there trooper. I'm just calling you a pseudo intellectual. You're not. I don't. I don't think you're quite as smart as you think you are, but that in itself is the silver lining because you're the perfect heel for the Jeff pore show. You're like an unlikeable person who thinks you're smarter than you are. And when you appreciate your feedback, so James, there's a little backpack, yeah, a little headpad for you. You're doing a good job. Don't get your feelings hurt. He goes on to add a centiator sitting on an Israel shoot down a commercial airplane. Did it? Maybe it was a what did that? So I shut down a commercial airplane in the 80s. I don't know. Somebody will correct us here. Tucker. So the sovereignty of Israel in the October of the emosive evasion and killing it should be real soccer field doesn't count. We hamstring ourselves from retaliated with the appropriate force. All right, Tucker, listen one more time. Now, maybe Iran was funneling arms and munitions to Hamas. I, you know, that's that that's fine. And I'm not I'm not. And don't mistake what I'm saying is some kind of indictment for what Israel did. Okay, I never said that. So put that aside. But the point is, I mean, Tucker, what you cross international boundary, it's a new ball game. It's an escalation. It may be the escalation for all the right reasons. It may be an escalation for all the wrong reasons. I'm not making that judgment, Tucker. The judgment what's important here, and this is the important point is once you do this, once you say that we're going to send our aircraft into Iranian airspace, and we're going to shoot, we're going to kill somebody on Iranian soil, that is an escalation. Justify not just fine. It doesn't matter. That's not the point I'm trying to make forget. Just just let that part of it go. Look at this objectively and say, tell me that that's not an escalation. If it's valid, if it's warranted, if it's justified fine, it's not the argument. The net impact is an escalation of this tension and it's going to, I think, make Iran retaliate. So the analogy I was trying to make here, sure, we took sides in your Russia, Ukraine analogy here, we're taking sides in that conflict. There's a list he's over here in the US and Russia sends aircraft into Washington, D.C., it assassinates or kills or through an airstrike on US soil. What kind of escalation is that in US, Soviet relations or US Russia relations? Nothing Israel and Iran had relations, but you didn't violate their sovereignty. Maybe it was justified. It probably was. This was a bad guy. He was cheering on the October 7th attacks. He's on video. He's a strange, strange character. But the point is, whatever you think of that doesn't matter. What matters is that they cross that boundary. That's the point I'm trying to make. I don't know why this is hard. Jeff, what the heck? Israel is getting routinely shilled for Lebanon. Why is it questioned when they counter attack? Is that questioned when they counter attack? They go into Lebanon and hit Hezbollah. Are they going to Gaza and hit Hamas? Would you have to fly over Saudi Arabia or Iraq or whatever the route they took to get to Tehran to do this, to do what they did? That is, it's not questioned. It's just merely an observation that the stakes are now higher, that things have changed. And they texture what makes Trump qualified for the officer. He was president once before. A lot of people liked the job he did, so that's, it's not really a question about the qualifications. It's the how he could win in the eyes of the voters, a name texture. Jason, how long before James joins Ricky on the ban list? The reason I put Ricky on the ban list, he would just send me this just hateful anti-Semitism. Well, he went to the Jews for everything. And it was so, it was so bigoted. That's why Ricky got put on the ban list. So, James hasn't done that yet. But who knows? Ben, you only regurgitated more on talking points because you had to read James' text. Otto, Jeff, I can't understand what James thinks would care about what he thinks. He said that he wasn't even going to vote. Adam, Jeff, I am obviously not as smart as James, but this troll being in this context also, it seems that he has become much of an animated entry called in and taught the shot on the air. He called in to me too, Adam. The thing about James that makes him a troll is just, I, at times, I think James is just trying to be a provocateur. He just wants the reaction. He doesn't really believe a lot of what he says, or maybe he does, but he is not as passionate about it as he tries to be. Tony, the Israel Iran conflict will be the United States next to Vietnam. Write it down, Mark Moore. If you're old enough to remember, uh, Vietnam was the one democracy in Southeast Asia that we could not allow to fall. Now, Israel is the one democracy in the Middle East. We cannot allow the fall. Those who do not understand the pastor do not repeat it. Tony, I don't think so. There's a lot more religious implications here, scriptural implications. There's also more of an economic interest, at least right now with the Middle East. The culture in Israel far more Western. I just think people in this country will be big supporters of Israel. Politically, there even though there's a lot of support for South Vietnam in the 70s and 60s, there's way more support for the existence of the Jewish state than there was protecting Vietnam. I don't think we're quite, I don't think that's quite the analogy. Fire dog, James, name a Democrat state that is a loser population in States. Dimms killed California in New York. They are losing population, Florida, Idaho, and Texas. Democratic policies are so great. Why would people leave? But he said he said he's not a Democrat fire dog. He's just like a chronic malchodin about everything. Uh, subsequent hand, a poll has Harris up for in Pennsylvania, the Shapiro, give her that much of a bump. I'll see if he can believe polls this early. No, I don't. Um, I think that number goes back down to more within margin of error, maybe another point or two. The, the bump here in theory, why, why is, why is Harris perform better than Biden did? Is it because of, is it something substantive? Like policy is it like, oh, she's got this great plan for homeownership or is it like a, a gimmick thing like her McCain and 999 or whatever? It's none of that. It's just she's not Joe Biden and she's not Donald Trump. So people, she's not taking votes away from Trump. She's just generating a little more enthusiasm that makes the creates more likely Democrat voters. It's not, she's creating more Democrat voters. She is creating more likely Democrat voters. I think number goes back down the other way. The longer people get used to her, get to know her. She's just another politician. In fact, she's like intellectually vapid. Um, just not the cackle will come in. She'll have the same impact of, you know, people are superficial. They won't like her. It's just, it's always been that way with her and a number settles down a little bit right now. The bump is, I mean, it's, it's not insignificant, but it's just because she's not Biden or Trump and she's making more likely Democrat voters out of the Democrat voters. They were just going to sit this one out. Please send me James last name. I'm on the way to the trophy shop. Now I'm thinking of a projection re one of six five troll 2024 James brought to you by GoPro. Uh, but I will have to make them make it really nice. Maybe a yearly thing I will order today, but I'm headed to Vegas to the AM. By the way, you rock man. The shade on problem is I don't know James last name. But, uh, maybe that's part of the mystique. Uh, let's see here and they text your question from the simple minded Democrats, are you better off now than you were when Trump was in office? If you think you are, you need some help. I don't think you could say you better up now than you were four years ago. Other than if you want to blame Trump for COVID, but that doesn't seem like a very good sale. Jeff, I do think Tucker is going to do an ABC. He's not going to ABC. Uh, Pat, I'll say this again. She's a black female. I'd say 30% of her voters slowly vote because of that, but they were going to vote for Biden anyway. Pat, I mean, it's not like a big swath of voters. Like, wow, now we got a black woman on the ballot. I'm going to vote. I'm actually going to go vote for her. She doesn't move votes away from Trump. I think for Kamala Harris to win, she's got to start taking votes away from Trump. Like, not just dispirit them to the extent that they stay home and they sit this one out. She has to literally take votes away from Trump. And she's nothing she's done thus far, including her allies in the media. I have done that have accomplished that. We'll be right back. This is at the talk. One of six, five. You got to know when to hold up. Know when to walk away. Know when to run. You never count your money. When you're sitting at the table, there'll be time and love to count. When the deal is done. We'll go back to the Jet Force show of the talk. Well, those six, five, thank you for staying with us on Wednesday morning. 251340106 is the text I need to be in touch with the show. All you do is text me. And we will get to your text time permitting programming note coming up tomorrow. Brian Holly hand got a book out. You sign in books. We'll leave Friday at Page of Palette over here in Fair Hope. We will talk to him tomorrow about his book. Also, all the program are Thursday regular April Marie and a guest to be named later. If you're curious, do that third guest will be. But going to effort that, a verb there, effort that in the next hours or so. We get to these texts. We're almost done it. I wouldn't say so. Yesterday for two people specifically taking time off work to go vote for the first black woman president. And that's immobile. Got to be a way more people thinking about that in big cities. Yeah, but my point was, I guess, I don't think she's moving votes. These two people taking time off work, were they ever going to vote for Trump? They may have stayed home. Anything to be president. Kamala Harris has to take votes away from battle Trump. I think there's just enough votes right now. Enough people want change that when they go on offense, they got to start taking votes away from him and not building up their own case. And right now, that's all they're doing. This is all for the base. This is all to get all the childless county ladies out there excited about voting for her. The real Sam has changed how to to explain how the Republican policies have failed. And then I'd like to hear your response, please, Jeff. Oh, he tell us. I don't know what he would tell us, but he would tell us something. Leo, if you're better off today than you were three years ago, you're probably an illegal. I would say better off five minutes ago, even depending on your circumstances here in this country. Who's better off? Who's better off now than they were when Trump left office. And what I mean, like, if you had a tangible improvement in your life. Sorry, I forgot to mute that pot. Anyway, I've had a tangible improvement in your life at this point because this struggle with this to me is as such. That whole, are you better off down to your three, four years ago is predicated on the idea that government has something to do with your success. The government can do things to get out of your way. What can government is government responsible or is that you personally? James to bait me live. No, James, you are the official troll of the show. So, trolling works best. Trolling is best preferred of you just sending me nasty text. I need texture. There's no more Republican party. It's the Trump party. Well, no, I mean, that's why do you people say that? Trump is the Republican party. The Republican party may not be what you wanted to be populism. This brand of populism is what the Republican party stands for now. James, just like Trump cowards, no, you had your chance. You got your voice heard on radio. James, Trump will debate Kamala Harris, but I will not debate you on these airwaves. Now, I would suggest that you have a prominence as high as mine, and you don't. You're like your court jester, and I'm like the king, and I'm not going to do this, not how this works. It's the Jeff Porsche, not the James and Jeff show. 2513430106. This is FM Talk 1065. A couple guys in first class on the flight from New York to Los Angeles. We'll go back to the Jeff Porsche show that the Talk 1065, they just stick it around on this Thursday morning. Text line type remaining 2513430106. We will respond to your text, including you, James, the chronic, you could get a new title, chronic malcontent, but that's reserved for me, I guess. I don't know. But joining us now on the line, he has an op-ed up at 18 19 news, 18 19 about just what a disaster the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission has been. The implementation, there's a lot of issues there. We're like three, four years into this thing, and I don't think there's not been a single prescription filled, and it's just government functioning as government does sometimes. It almost does not want the function, but join us now, John, more Smith and administrative law attorney on the line. John, good morning. How are you? Doing fine. How are you doing? Doing well. Doing well. My take from your op-ed yesterday, really this, the way the commission, the Medical Cannabis Commission is going about its business here. It's just a violation of so many precedents and so many norms when you look at administrative law, and that's sort of your gripe with it. Kind of walk us through it. Right. Alabama, let me back up. Back in late 1970s, I was on the board of directors of the administrative law section of the Alabama State Bar, and the State Bar asked us to draft an administrative procedure act that was to be a minimum procedural standard for all state agencies to ensure basic fairness. Before that, the bar had gotten a lot of complaints from practicing lawyers before agencies that it was a disaster that was like appearing before Judge Roy Bean in the old Wild West. Agencies had no rules. They met in secret. They basically did whatever they wanted to with complete, unfettered discretion, and did not pay any attention whatsoever to do process of law, which is simply a synonym for fundamental fairness. Anybody who appears before the state simply wants to be treated fairly, and agencies weren't. So we passed that law. It was enacted in 1981 and has been the law ever since, and it sets up a procedure where, for example, with an applicant for a license, they will apply if another person or party has a private interest as distinguished from a public interest, making them up with a law cause and effective party, they can intervene. And if they intervene, there has to be essentially an administrative trial where the applicant puts on evidence and supported their application. The intervener has the right to cross the examiner witnesses, challenge the evidence, put on their own witnesses. The goal of being to get to the truth, because anybody can write anything they want to down in an application. And it's all under oath. It's got rules of evidence, cross-examination, there's a court reporter who makes a complete record, and that way a reviewing court can review everything that's happened and determine if the agency followed the law or not. All of that has been totally ignored by this commission. It's a throwback to the way agencies worked in the '60s and '70s, where they simply want to exercise their own judgment without being bothered by evidence, facts, or anything else. It's been a complete travesty. It violates the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act in almost every way that it functions. It also violates constitutional due process of law in the state of Alabama. The act itself even says that the licenses themselves are a quote "revocable privilege," which is not a property right. What that means legally is they're saying that if there's no property right, there's no right constitutionally to do process of law. Well, that's completely wrong in the state of Alabama because the Alabama Supreme Court has held specifically that the right to enter into the practice of medicine, or albeit any occupation, is a property right. You have to accord that applicant due process of law. That is the law of Alabama. This commission has just run a rough shot of it. That's why all of this litigation is going on. In fact, it's a travesty for the people of the state for the simple reason that if they had just done what they were supposed to do, while the Administrative Procedure Act have proper hearings before they awarded licenses, people would be getting medical marijuana now in the state of Alabama. But it's mired in just a mess. And it's even now questionable whether this commission can even give due process because they've already decided who should be awarded and who shouldn't be. And even if it goes back to them, the three major elements of due process of law are noticed. So you know what to prepare about. A hearing, but before an impartial tribunal, there is no way any member of that commission could be impartial since they've already made a subjective decision of who should be awarded licenses and who should be denied the licenses. That's why in the court litigation is going on right now, the challengers have asked Judge Anderson to, in essence, take it away from the commission to appoint a special master who will conduct the hearings that should have been done by the commission to start with and essentially take it over. But it has been an absolute disaster by an agency that has just determined not to follow the law in any manner. Is there anything in the statute that created this cannabis commission that created the way we're going to do business that would suggest that it isn't that the administrative law doesn't apply to it, that they operate on a different playing field? That's a good question. And we protected against that when we drafted the administrative procedure act because we thought agencies would try to avoid it. And the act itself states that in any subsequent creation of agencies, if they want to exempt themselves from the administrative procedure act, the legislature has to specifically do that in the law itself. In the Compassion Act, they not only did not do that, but they have a provision in there where they make themselves expressly subject to the administrative procedure act and then ignored it. It's frankly, it's crazy. Well, because I mean, that's what it looks like to me. And I mean, I'm, you know, my eyes goes over. Well, I look at a lot of this, but John, they look like they kind of make it up as they go along. I mean, is that a fair assessment? It's a very fair assessment. And they don't care what laws they violate. When they made the decision on these licenses that were supposedly to be awarded, they did it in secret in an executive session. That's a complete violation at the Alabama Open Meetings Law. This is where the judge has issued temporary restraining orders against them and everything else. It's like they are absolutely determined to make the decision on who gets the licenses in private based on just their own wishes and nothing else. I've practiced administrative law for 50 years now, and I have not since the administrative procedure. I've never seen anything like this. I mean, it is so far beyond the pale. It's ridiculous. I mean, and the other problem with this, and I didn't excuse my ignorance on it, but early on, like they operated kind of with a cloak of secrecy that not all the applications were like to say when you lay them out and when they evaluate them, the criteria, I mean, it wasn't clear was kind of at their own discretion, which either they're grossly misinterpreting the law or the law, it's just not very good. Well, the Compassion Act itself isn't where the problem is. The problem is in the rules and regulations that they adopted, and in their attitude, where they frankly do not want to follow the law. It's like, for some reason, they don't want their discretion entangled any way by the law. They simply want to make their own decision on who is licensed and who is not. In fact, the licenses that are awarded, you don't even know why they were awarded, and the ones that are denied, you don't know why they were denied, they just simply did it. And that is so vialative of the Constitution and the law of Alabama that it's unquestionable. Well, tell me this. Now, here we are here, and like you said, it's been three years or so. July 31, 2024, we're still talking about this. What do we do today? Is it just a matter of, hey, these guys need to be told to follow the rules that are on the books, or does the legislature need to intervene here? Actually, that's a very good question, and I honestly don't have an answer to it for the simple reason that it is so messed up right now. And like I said, even from a constitutional standpoint, I don't know if the Commission themselves could vote on it. My attitude would be that the only way that it, under the present law that can work is with what the lawsuits have asked for, which is for the judge to take it over, a point in essence, a special master would be a hearing officer, take evidence, make decisions on who the best applicants are, and then have those awarded the five licenses that are available. Other than that, the legislature's going to have to get back involved and start all over, which is a shame. But this Commission has just messed everything up. Well, I mean, did they overcomplicate it? I mean, like, you know, like, I don't know, like, couldn't they have, could the legislature have made this like a lot simpler or a lot more cut-dried that say, okay, this is the criteria or whatever it may be. But they've tried to like be too cute by half and have Alabama growers and Alabama distributors and all of these like things that I don't know, like, if it's the way they view it, the way they wanted to do it, it just made it very, very hard to execute. Well, they did and it's almost like the way their rules were written. They intended to avoid the law and to just like I said, go back to the throwback before the administrative procedure act back in the 60s and 70s, just do whatever they want to do and, you know, act arbitrarily, capriciously, whatever they want to do in making their decisions. And like I say, they have really their own actions created all of these problems. And in essence, for the award of licenses, they'd have to go back to square one and actually create a situation where everybody would have to apply and other parties would have a right to intervene in that. And you would, in essence, have these evidentiary hearings on whether they meet the criteria or not and who's better and all that kind of thing, you know, which they just did not do. They refused to do it and they wasted a tremendous amount of time and money. Well, the second me says this. I mean, if this were something else, the state really, really wanted to roll broadband or be it some kind of economic development or something that I mean, this would have been ironed out. This would have been straight down a lot better. We wouldn't be in this kind of precarious situation. It's almost as if the powers that be look at this and are kind of okay with this dysfunction as long as it delays inevitable. To be honest, that may well be the case. I don't know. I mean, there has to be some reason why an agency simply refuses to be fair to applicants and creates monstrous amounts of litigation. I mean, frankly, their actions make no sense, not logical sense. And it makes you wonder if there is some kind of private agenda going on, but you know, nobody knows. Yeah, it's just and I guess this is the like if they can't get this right, John, I mean, like, why and I know this is totally separate from what you've written, but they want us to vote in the change that Alabama Constitution allowed gambling and gaming. And I think a lot of this is just because there's so much on the line here with these medical marijuana dispensaries and growers and licensees and so much that they can't get this right. I mean, is this a prelude to what would apply if they tried to do gambling or anything else for that matter? Well, maybe they would wake up and put some provisions in the legislation or the amendment that comes about for gambling that makes sure that agencies do, you know, accord due process to people so that it doesn't get all tied up. This one is just this is unique in my experience. I've never seen anything like this where an agency just blumps the law and does what they want to do and then gets it tied up in major litigation with multiple parties involved. There is no logic behind it. And I got to think this. I mean, this cannot be without some kind of significant expense in the state of Alabama. Oh, it's been very expensive, I'm sure, to the state of Alabama. I mean, there have probably been 20 court hearings on this thing so far. And, you know, they're lawyers involved. The state's got, you know, the state has the, you know, the expenses for the commission. I would imagine the state spent seven figures on this in legal fees already. But they're just guessing. But given the sheer volume of litigation that's gone on, I mean, there are probably 15, 20 lawsuits and different things that have gone on in this one case and the state's involved in every one of them. John, it's a ridiculous money as well. Joe, we got to leave it there. We'll keep our eye on this stuff. But thanks for making time for us this morning. Oh, it's been a pleasure and a good talking to you. Have a good day. John Moore Smith, ladies and gentlemen, got an op-ed up at 18, 19 news about the medical cannabis commission. We'll be right back. This is up in talk 106. Try to tell me to stay away from the train line. She said that all the railroad men just drink up your blood like wine. Hey, I was country, country, wasn't too, yeah, I was country, I'm from my town, I still am and look back to the Jet Force show that we're talking about a six five nature sticking around almost left of this Wednesday morning, coming up tomorrow on the program. Brian Hollyhand, I got a book out. We'll talk to him about that. He's a new teenager from Tuscaloosa, but give him the forum here. Talk about that in the upcoming election. April, Marie Fogle, as we do every Thursday and probably one other guest, maybe two, to be named later. James. Oh, I'm like a jetty official diaper of the Jeff Porsche show. That's fine. James C, you don't get to make names. I do. This is Jeff Porsche show. It's not the James show. James, we got to understand your role here. Get stay in your lane, bro. Finally, Jerry says the one thing the state of Alabama is really good at is making the lawyers rich. I don't disagree with that. I haven't forgotten for worse, but they're very, very good at that. Come up here shortly. Midday Mobile, Sean Sullivan. What you got for Sean? Hey, Jeff. Yeah, come up. Cameron Smith joins me in our number one plus Erica Thomas from that place. Have you heard of that 1819 news? I've been there a time or two. So she's going to join me. I get a question though. This is I have not died. I don't think the concrete is fully dry. It's just something I thought about listening to you on the way in earlier. What if Israel, and I agree with you about the escalation, you can discuss this reestat being turned up towards a wider regional conflict while still saying Israel has right to defend themselves, but this idea that you can't question anything. I'm not on board, but I started thinking what if Israel, the US support for Israel comes from there's a political side, and then there's a biblical side, right? What if Israel was for some reason had developed and it had those tendencies early as a communist nation, or sometime a totalitarian nation, but we still had the same resolve and support for them because of what the Bible says. You know, I just wondered if that would change it because they did have a little communist vibe for quite a while, you know, I don't know. I mean, but I at least in the eyes of evangelical Christians, Sean, I think that the support largely stems from that and maybe interesting like if they were that, you know, they weren't a Republican democracy. And we were looking at them and say, okay, well, biblically, it says this, but look at this form of government, they are, you know, they're communist or something like that. It was anywhere else in the world that we have a friendship with that has maybe, maybe strong socialism, you know, or I mean, about like the Swedish feel-goody French socialism, but like, we have live with the Saudis so enough said, right? Yeah, so that's what I don't think, you know, that they, I'm not sure that that would matter as much, but it might. Maybe, maybe, maybe it's just something, I don't know, concrete's still wet on that one. We'll see where the folks let me know in the text line what you all think about that. All right, well, guys, it has been a pleasure. I will try to do better tomorrow, James. Keep thinking of clever names. You're not quite there yet. Sorry, fellas. I forgot to say goodbye. This has been in the Jeff Gore show on F.I.P.T.A.T.A.L.K. 10065. [Music]