FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Presidential Race and International fights - Mobile Mornings - Wednesday 7-31-24

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31 Jul 2024
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(upbeat rock music) - News, sports, weather from Dr. Bill Williams, traffic info from Kane, and one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's Mobile Mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. - Glad to get to this morning on this Wednesday. We'll talk with Jeff Poore from the Jeff Poore Show at the back end of the hour, heading into his show. - Also, Patrick Jump with Warrior Legacy Ranch. He'll join us just after 8.30. Fantastic organization that he has helped form, and they have a charity concert on the waist. We'll talk about Patrick in the second half of this hour. - Got a lot of notices on Facebook from them, they're very active, and it looks like they're moving forward. With this dream that Patrick has, it's more than just a dream now. It's as you get people who serve together, are able to get back together in the group again with their spouses and just kind of work things out emotionally and mentally. - It's kind of a retreat idea, very unique. - It's really smart, and we've heard his origin story. It's a good one. The origin story of Warrior Legacy Ranch and how he and he tried to get up with so many of the veterans he served with, and they booked an Airbnb and that just gets so expensive. And he said, "What if we had a retreat made "for veterans to get together with their old mates "and also bring by, have room for their families as well?" So we'll talk with Patrick about that coming up in the second half of the hour. - Got a lot of things to get to, including this, Tech giant Google has addressed concerns raised by prominent conservatives regarding its search auto complete function, particularly its censorship of searches related to the recent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, the masters of the universe claims they are working on improvements, including the auto complete function. That's when you type in something and it knows where you're going. - Yeah, auto complete. And yeah, I saw some of these screen grabs where you type one letter at a time to see when the auto complete changes and then they get to the assassination attempt on TRU and it's a Truman and it just kept coming up with everything except the assassination attempt on Trump. - So everyone right away is like, what's up with Google? Why is it doing that? Why isn't it letting me prosper forward? Like I would with any other given search, right? It would help me along, here it's not helping me along. Now they say they've got an explanation for it. - Okay, let's hear it, Google. - In response to the allegations that Google spokesperson provided clarification to Fortune Magazine, the company stated that no manual action was taken on the auto complete predictions and that they are working on improvements to the feature regarding the absence of suggestions related to the assassination attempt. Google explained that their systems have, quote, protections against auto complete predictions associated with political violence. So does that explain it? Like for, well, what do you think? - Well, remember a few months ago, I was telling you about an AI model or whatever you call them that I was using and I was searching, I would search for a story on Trump and they would say, well, that's, whoa, that's way too political for me to get into. Like, that's basically what the AI would say and then I would ask you the question about, you know, similarly, now maybe it was, I would ask it about Trump's criminal investigations and it would lay it all out. I'd ask about Hunter Biden's criminal investigations and it would say, that's way too politically charged for me to get into. And there's so many different AIs out there now and it's happening this week as well. Someone asked AI, I don't know if it was meta or which one they used to describe to Trump assassination attempt and it said, I have no knowledge of it, Trump assassination attempt and it said, tell me about Kamala Harris's 2024 presidential campaign and it laid out the planks of her party. And the excuse they were using was that it was only trained up until a certain day, this AI, and then they started, you know, putting it out there for people to use, but that wouldn't be the case if it knows all about Kamala Harris's 2024 campaign. - If it's you, but Kamala Harris was gonna run for president before she knew. - Yeah, I guess. So it looks like what Google is saying is that this was, there's no malice here. - There never is, Dan. - The controversy has sparked a broader discussion about the role of technology companies in information and their potential influence on the political discourse. Obviously it would, like you just said. - And you know, Google, they look for the results, but you don't always get the right results. What you Googled earlier, who invented the backstroke and it said, William McBack. - That really happened. - The answer from Google. - That was the first answer that popped up 'cause we were talking about the backstroke and the Olympics and I was thinking to myself, who thought it was a great idea to swim backwards and call it a race. - Yeah. - But it was not to William McBack or whatever it was. - That was from Quora? - Yeah, Quora, I guess, is a user forum kind of thing. - That's a forum, right. - Somebody making a joke there. - That's when it came up. - But Google believed him. So do you believe Google with this? - I don't know. How about this move? I think this is interesting, potentially genius. Former President Donald Trump scheduled to attend a panel discussion today at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago. And while the NABJ president is facing major backlash for the invitation to Trump, and he said in a statement, the group, quote, "welcomes the opportunity "to ask the tough questions that will provide "the truthful answers Black Americans want and need to know." It's Trump's first publicly announced visit to Chicago in years, and then of course comes a few weeks before the Democratic Party Convention is there. What kind of protest we'll be looking at then? What about potential protests today when Trump goes to speak? The mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, issued a statement saying the city is prepared for Trump's visit. The NABJ also invited Kamala Harris to participate. Her confirmation is pending, they say. It's a two or three day event, right? So they won't be on the stage at the same time. - It looks like it starts today and runs through Sunday. - Okay. - And they've had plenty of Politico's over the years speak there, mostly Democrats like Obama, the Clintons, Biden, Kamala's been there before, Corinne John Pierre. There've also been some Republicans over the years, including W, George W. Bush, former RNC chair, Rince Priebus, Rince Priebus went there a couple years ago. But Trump, you can imagine that a lot of the journalists there don't like him at all, and that's coming clear in the response to this. Let's see. One of the-- - Yeah, I was wondering who's people-- - Who's in backlash coming from? - So let's see, April, let's go with Jim Trotter. He was the NABJ's journalist of the year last year. He said this is such a poor decision by NABJ that it's difficult to put into words. Like many people said, this is where you, oh, this is a different person. Chicago-based journalist and author, Ariane Nettles, like many people said, this is where you go to get away from the hostility of your newsroom. It's supposed to be your safe space. And she said, so she's like not for it either. Tia Mitchell, who writes for the Atlanta Journal of Constitution, said she helped make the decision to host Trump, and said she stood by that decision. Members can disagree, no one is forcing them to attend, but there is precedent of such invitations and great care taken with this particular one. - He was president of the United States. - I know, and this is the National Association of Black Journalists. Like if you're a serious journalist, you would want to hear it from anyone, right? - And that should look forward to asking the questions you want to ask if Trump is such a divisive figure in your eyes. If Trump is somebody that you would never vote for, there he is. - But talk to him. - I don't think it's going to be, I don't think they're going to lob softballs, right? They're going to ask some probably pretty tough questions, probably pretty divisive questions, and how he answers those will be so interesting, especially if Vice President Harris accepts their invitation and also does the Q&A. And if these journalists grill her the same way they do Trump, maybe there's a discrepancy in how the two candidates answer those questions. And I think it's fascinating that he's going to do this. - I would agree. I think it's fascinating too. And I think if you are a journalist of, you know, any merit, well, how would you not want to talk to a man who's right in the middle of the, trying to become president again, regardless of your feelings, regardless of the echo chamber that you've been in, talk to the guy. - Yeah, and let me be clear. I don't think it's as fascinating because this is the National Association of Black Journalists, but journalists in general even are very much left leaning. Like if he went to the National Association of White Journalists, which there's no such thing, I would expect him to really get it there as well. - He would get it, yeah. - But I think, you know, they talk so often about the black vote all the time. And I think this might have some sway on it one way or the other. It'll be interesting to see how he handles those questions. That's noon today that he'll be doing that. - All right, you know, maybe it's the sites I go to. Maybe it's the things that I read and that I see, but there's, I've seen many, many, many more black GOP members, black GOP voters out there that I've ever seen before. - Yeah, and you know, we were cracking on these groups that Kamala Harris put together, the white women for Trump, white women for Kamala, white dudes for Kamala, and someone noted yesterday, "What about blacks for Trump?" And I said, "You know, I don't really like that either." You know, I just wish, like, I think it's okay to talk about the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the whatever, Jewish vote. But when you start grouping your own constituents racially, either side, I just kind of have a weird thing about it. Now, if you want to have a famous black celebrity that comes out and endorses you, I mean, that's great, right? Or a black political leader says, "Hey, you know, "I really like what this candidate is doing "for the community, fine." But when you start grouping like that, that's when I start to feel weird about those things. - It was, yeah, and I think that, you know, the Democrats thrown around the word weird and everything, I mean, come on. Can you, you know, wear the t-shirt, weird, everything we're dealing with. But it was Donald's and two other black lawmakers, I believe, that did a little bit of a tour. Member Philadelphia was one of the stops, GOP, blacks in the GOP that are elected officials. They hit some big cities and did Q and A's. I think that was a great idea. - Yeah, I think so. And that was leading into the Republican National Convention that they kind of did that tour. Also some big news in the Trump campaign, I guess you can call it big news. Yesterday, the director of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 announced he was stepping down, Paul Dan's, and some members of the Trump campaign have really been pushing for this ever since it became kind of a drag on the Trump campaign, just because the liberal media has really kind of blown it all out of proportion. - Well, you know, it's any fumble you can pick up, pick it up and run with it. - But a lot of people are worried that Trump, in the midst of, you know, pushing back so hard against this project 2025, that a lot of people who have been really loyal to the movement are being cut loose just because of some bad press. The Trump campaign released a statement, and now people going after Trump's campaign managers as well, like Chris. - Over this. - Over this and other things, like Chris Lasavita, who has not always been a Trump supporter, but you could say that about a lot of people. But he was part of the statement they released saying, "President Trump's campaign has been very clear "for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do "with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, "it should not be associated with the campaign "or the president in any way." And in his departure email, Dan said, "We completed what we set out to do, "which was to create a unified conservative vision, "bringing together over 110 leading organizations "united behind the cause of deconstructing "the administrative state." So what this Project 2025 is, and what Heritage Foundation did here, is what the left has been doing forever. And you get all of these think tanks, non-profits, whoever is associated with your political leanings, and they put together their wish list. It's like writing, it's like the president's budget that they put out that never is really what it ends up being. - Sure. - It's a wish list. Yeah, political. It's like a child sending their list to Santa for what they want, they might not get it, right? And so you take, in this case, over 110 conservative think tanks, and they write altogether this over 900 page policy proposal book for what they would like to see for not just Trump, but any Republican administration who might make it into office. Well, the liberal media pushback was so hard on this, and Trump and his team trying to distance themselves, and now they might be pushing out some actual team members. And I've heard so many people talk about how evil Project 2025 is. I went to this, so I wouldn't say that's a conservative leaning site. God, we're guess not. They try to lay out the worst parts of Project 2025. And honestly, this isn't far out of the realm of what conservatives have been saying for years. And some of it, yeah, sure, major wish list, but for instance, government, they want to really pare down the size and scope of the federal government. And that means cutting a lot of bureaucratic jobs that aren't really getting things done. Department of Education? That's also part of it too. Liberals very concerned that the government might lose thousands of jobs. Yeah. And then like health and human services, they say they have a major problem with that. They also talk about relaxing child labor restrictions, writing, this would give a green light to training programs and build skills and teenagers who may want to work in these fields. The Department of Labor should amend its hazard order regulations to permit teenage workers access to work in regulated jobs with proper training and parental consent. Again, you look at it the most evil way, you're picturing five-year-olds climbing through mines. Yeah. But if you think of it objectively, there's a lot of 14, 15, 16-year-olds who could start apprenticeships and working on their craft, rather than maybe sticking around for a college dream, they have no intention of doing so, right? And yeah, and going to a junior college or going to a big school and then not cutting it and then coming home and then what? And then a couple more here, they, as far as gay marriage, they said, the next secretary, well, not even just gay marriage, says the next secretary should also reverse the Biden administration's focus on LGBTQ+ equity, subsidizing single motherhood, disincentivizing work and penalizing marriage, replacing such policies with those encouraging marriage work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families. Again, where's the controversy? Conservatives have been saying that for years. And one here as well is the whole sex change thing. And they say, let's see, pornography manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children is not a political Gordian, not inextricably binding up, disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It's part of what they're saying. They want to reverse a lot of these LGBTQ, like especially the sex changes for children and teenagers. - Well, we might get to that later this hour in the UK, they're doing just that. They're reversing so much because beginning back in the 2000s, maybe around 2005 or so, they were that further ahead with actually transitioning children. And with disastrous results on a number of fronts, and now they're reversing it. Just the government saying, we're not doing it. - Well, I get the Trump screw up by a cutting bait with Project 2025, let's know on the text line. - 826, Dan and Dalton, and we've got a great event on the way for a really great organization as well. - That's right, the Warrior Legacy Ranch, offering military veterans the opportunity to reunite and Patrick Jump, who's been on with us before, and really growing this thing fast. Patrick, thanks for coming on the air with us this morning. - Hey, thanks guys, good morning. - So we'll talk about the Warrior Legacy Ranch again in detail in a second, but the concert coming up at the ranch there in Robert Stale. This will coincide with the Global War on Terror, Wall of Remembrance, which will be in Robert Stale, August 22nd through 25th, the show you have put on here, be on the 24th, and you've got some great musical guests. This looks like a great time, Patrick. - Yeah, so it's going to be a great time. It's free for the community, so we just want people to bring in care. I got Mason Holloway from Holloway Farms out there yesterday and a day, putting out like a half a football field worth of sod for us, I'm super excited about that, because finally starting to look like there's something out there. And Sal Gonzalez, Chris Turner, Steven Cochran, Lockbridge and Co, all of those people are veterans. They're all part of label 22 records out of Nashville. Sal is on America's Got Talent in 2014, so they're very talented artists. And then coastal event and design is providing us with like stadium quality sound. So it's really going to be a great show. - That's fantastic, and this coinciding with the Wall of Remembrance being in town, and you and so many veterans, you know that fought in that war, and this warrior legacy ranch meant to be, not just for those who fought in the Middle East, but veterans of all stripes. It's notable that you're going to have this concert during that week. - Correct, yeah, and so Roman Warrior Foundation is a nonprofit that actually owns the wall and they travel the country with it. It has the names of every service member who gave their life to their country from the bombing of the barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, all the way to the withdrawal in Afghanistan. And then even to add to it, I say this unfortunately that the other side of the wall contains an area where names can be added for the 22 a day from veteran suicide. And unfortunately that side of the wall will, in the end, likely have more names than the front side. And if anyone in the community has been affected by that, they're welcome to come out any time during the wall. We don't make a big deal about it. We won't have them on camera or take pictures during that time, but they can actually add their family members name to the wall if they're part of that 22 a day. - That's chilling, Patrick. And we've talked about the suicide and mental health issue among veterans before, and I know you were serious about helping in that aspect. And warrior legacy ranch, what you've been doing here is great, putting a place together for veterans to come together and we'll commune together and get better together. Get better together, it's fantastic stuff. We'll talk more about this in depth down the road as I want to get you on before this concert. But again, August 24th, the concert at the ranch, you've got some great musical talents. They're free for folks to come out, bring your own chair or blanket, and also Patrick, the website warriorlegacy, correct? - Yeah, yeah, that is correct. Thanks for your time this morning, well, man, and we'll enjoy the show. - All right, good time is always, thank you. - Yes, sir. - All right, Patrick, jump. Also, there's a donation button there at warriorlegacy Fantastic organization, he's putting together right over there in Robertstown. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Thank you, K-A-N-A-35, FM Talk 106-5 and Mobile Mornings. Right now it's time to head to McConnell Automotive and speak with Louis Arrata, hey Louis? - Hey, good morning guys, how are ya? - We're hot, that's what we are, just like everyone else on the Gulf Coast is summer and that means it is blazing outside. Good news for everyone listening. They wanna ride with some nice, cool air conditioning and we have plenty of those on the lot. - That's right, and you know what? You can search inside your home on your computer at the new car you want, and we've got a great selection on the internet, so you can check all that stuff out. Got some great deals on some new cars. Buick is one of the hottest cars going right now in SUV, so we've got a great selection of those. Got the Enclave, the Acadias, the Envision, and we just got a great selection. You can check everything out, like I said, online at It's cool inside your house, so check that out and I'll come by here, we got the air conditioning blowing and we can check out cars here. - Yeah, you also keep the service department cool, which means they do better work, right? - That's right, we do have an air conditioning shop back there and all those guys are hot, happy, happy, happy back there, especially now. - Good stuff, we appreciate it, Louie. - Hey, thank y'all, come and see us. - That's Louie, we're out at go see him at McConnellautomotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65, and the website, - Quick response to Patrick on the text line, it's quick and short, but in any event, Rick says thank you, Patrick, Rick is a retired army, so we appreciated what Patrick had to say about the show, about the whole concept. - Yeah, and let me do a little crowd sourcing here as well while we're talking about our veterans and it's not that far off, Veterans Day, always November 11th, of course, and they just opened the Mobile Bay Area Veteran of the Year Award nomination period, so if you know any veterans that live in Mobile or Baldwin counties, check that out, I think it would be a great thing is if we can nominate as many of these heroes as possible, but here at FM Talk 1.0.65, and we've been doing this several years now at the, under the direction of Sean Sullivan, we make it Veterans Month for November and try to feature as many local veterans as possible in telling their stories on the air, so in addition to nominating veterans for the Mobile Bay Area Veteran of the Year Award, let us know, if you have anyone with great stories, any veterans in your family, and you want those stories to be heard, or maybe if you want to tell a story of a veteran who is no longer with us, let us know, email me, Dalton, D-A-L-T-O-N at, or Sean, S-E-A-N at, and let us know about these veterans that you know in your life or that you have stories of, and we'll try to put something great together for November once we do our Veteran of the Month. - Yeah, yeah, we need to, we are very focused on November being an entire month for the veterans, obviously the Veterans Day. Parade when we're downtown, that's things can get emotional, but in a good way, thanking those who've done so much for all of us. - Yeah, no doubt. Firedog says, "I wish I could hear your broadcast "over all of the fans running." It's just Firedog's trying to stay cool right now. What was it, 84, like 5 a.m. this morning? - The low temperature in Montrose was 84 degrees and the Metastore going back up. - The mugginess, it's not fun. Let's see, go through some more of these texts. "Doesn't have Metas as the Irish have started "to fight back in the streets. "They are winning. "If it gets mainstream attention, "I think it might gain traction internationally." - I've been seeing more and more of that. Immigration, immigration, and they are moving a lot of immigrants right into, literally moving them into the homes that they're moving the Irish out of. The Irish who are proud people who have lived there forever. I mean, have you met an Irishman who hasn't been proud of being from Ireland and it's, they are being overrun. Just like so many. - Kind of a Gregor was one who said he was like-- - He's been up with the whole thing. - Right, he's been one of the leaders in this whole thing and so many more that are saying enough is enough. We're being taken, we're out of, being pushed out of our housing. Our kids are being displaced in schools. - In Ireland, it's Middle Eastern immigration. - Middle East and I believe a lot of African immigrants too. And same thing with a lot of Europe. France is kind of going through the same thing. They are just as politically charged as anywhere. And we saw just half of that in the opening ceremony just last week. Let's see, Jean says 4% representation of blacks at GOP convention, so much for outreach. Jean, I'm starting to worry about, well, not starting to, I've been worried about you. Why do you, why are you keeping tabs, you know? Why are you counting how many black folks go to the GOP convention? You counting the white folks to go to the DNC? What is with you in keeping numbers and statistics on who's black and who's white and who's Asian? - That's what Democrats do. - Yeah, but they're anti-seen color or whatever, I don't know. - Yeah, no, they're not. I mean, I don't know. Anyway, go ahead. - Another texture, why would any black person like Trump, he doesn't like black person, he pushes racism. I think he meant racism. - I don't know, there's a, go online, go online and see if I'm wrong, but there are many, they're black conservatives. They're black and they've seen a failed system in place for a long time that they will tell you it's failed because it's failing them and so now they're just, they're just trying to find out what their options are. I think Trump is an equal opportunity hater, right? I think he doesn't like a lot of people and on it very rarely do I think it has anything to do with their skin color. - Yeah, I'd agree with that. - He holds grudges, there's no doubt. But he's not the racist that he's made out to be. Just look at some of his past, okay? That's all I'll say, he's, I mean, Mike Tyson, there are plenty of black celebrities, especially athletes because Trump is such a competitive person and loves that world, especially the boxing world. But it's, he's got his back. - Watch his interactions with black folks that come up compared to Biden or so many other politicians. Trump, he's a natural. - Trump is Trump regardless of, you know, I hate him or like him, he is genuinely who he is. - Now if you think some of his policies are worse for the black community, that's vote on your heart. But don't say that he's an incredible racist because at this point it's proven that it's just not true. - Yeah, I think he's been framed and all that. And you have so many people that have wanted to take him down for so long, the coverage that you may be seeing about Donald Trump may not be as down the middle as you would have hoped. And some on both sides, white and black, are realizing that and it's changing their vote, that's all I'm saying. - Damien, he says apparently Kamala now has a southern accent. - Yeah. - I saw that yesterday in the, - Let me tell you what I'm gonna do. - The Atlanta rally, yeah. - She said, yeah, she went southern on it just like, you know, Hillary did, it's a political move. They all kind of do that. - Yeah, I gotta find that real quick. - It's the old rolling up your shirt sleeves when you're walking amongst the union folks, right? And you say, hey, I'm just like you. I get up and I work hard from dawn to dusk, moving heavy things around. It's like, no, you don't, you're a politician. - Anybody. - You've been flying on planes and riding in cars this whole time. - I mean, Biden would have, you know, he grew up in and around black churches. Biden would let you, he crossed country trucker, cross country trucker, Kamala, she's tackling inflation. He had what she's gonna do. - When we win this election, here's what we're gonna do about it. (audience laughing) - On day one, I will take on price gouging and bring down costs. - I've never heard her sound like that. - The texture Atlanta, the texture noting she grew up in Canada, right? Not in the Southeast. Jason says, it's just like Facebook saying, the iconic Trump picture after the shooting is an altered image, total BS. I haven't seen that. Larry in Atmore, okay. You played a clip from someone earlier who was saying that Trump needs to be careful when he debates Kamala to not look like he's bullying a woman. - Andrew Sorrell, right, the state auditor. - Larry says Trump has already debated a woman. He says, the guy doesn't remember the Clinton debate. She was even giving the questions ahead of time. Don't know who this guy is, but he's, well, let's say Andrew Sorrell, yeah, he's not an idiot. Maybe his take was idiotic if you feel that way, but yeah, some of Trump's best moments have come in verbal disputes with females. I mean, whether it's Meghan Kelly or Hillary over the years, yeah, I'm not too, but you know, maybe it can be taken. The thing he needs to resist is looking like a bully. So I think if that's the point Andrew Sorrell was making, it's probably pretty accurate. - I think that's the point he was making. - Let's see, I'm having a little trouble with the text on this morning. - Yeah, this text, I think you said it earlier. If I could remember where I was sitting in 1973 to see Led Zeppelin at the Civic Center, I'd love to have that seat. Someone else said they would love to have the toilet that they threw up in after one of the-- - At the Contees Mardi Grasball. - At the Contees Mardi Grasball. That's too good. CB Carl, looking forward to the show and getting up to the ranch and checking the whole thing. Laura and I will be there. Yeah, that show, again, that we were talking with Patrick about in the last segment is August the 24th at the Legacy Ranch there in Robert'sdale. And at the same time, they'll have the global war and terror wall of remembrance in Robert'sdale. That will run from August 22nd through the 25th. Doesn't that matter? All these folks bashing Trump on here this morning can feel free to meet me out in the parking lot. I'll show some true Irish values. This text says not hiring blacks. - Okay, about Trump. - Yeah, is that true? - Why would any black Trump, he doesn't hire blacks. I don't know, it was hiring a record. He owned, how many pieces of property does he own? Like, I wouldn't know. - Yeah, 845 FM Talk 106.5. We'll talk with Jeff Poor here in just a few minutes about what's coming up on the Jeff Poor Show. There's so much going on internationally. And the Israeli strikes over the last, now 18 hours, I guess, where we were wondering when and how they'd hit back after the bombs lobbed over the northern border of Israel onto that soccer field that killed 12 kids. Well, they acted in a big way. So yesterday they killed, I believe they're saying the third in charge, the third highest Hezbollah commander, and they got him in Beirut with an airstrike. And then they weren't done. I had lined that up to be the second big story for this morning, just after that first assassination. But then overnight, they assassinate Hamas's top political leader and didn't just kill him, but killed him in the capital of Iran. So you're talking about, of course, two associations, two terrorist organizations, closely linked to Iran about as close as you can be linked without calling them Iranian assets, that they smoked both of them and did one in Iran's backyard. So now Israel's on edge or just waiting for the counter punch to punch back. The US is probably more on edge than we really don't want to see everything pop off there in the Middle East. You have, of course, what's going on in Ukraine, which is really taking kind of a back seat to all the political and international news over these last few weeks, and then Venezuela. And people dying down there as they protest what appears more and more to be a stolen election from Nicholas Maduro. The opposition is saying they have the stats to show that they won 70% of the vote. Yeah, so they're saying that Maduro's people say, "Hey, it was close, 51.2%, okay." The decision by now they made a decision, I don't know what this will necessarily mean, but any government that's Latin government that is questioning all of this, Venezuela's saying, "We're not gonna be your friends anymore." So that will include Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay. So there are no more invites to Venezuelan parties. And then you have their socialist allies and countries in South and Central America that are closely tied now with Russia or even China that are kind of backing Venezuela, or at least remaining quiet in this case. As of yesterday, 11 people had died during clashes out there on the streets, and the riot police, so they're calling it riot police for Maduro, but I've seen them describe basically as regime supporting motorcycle gangs that are trying to deter people and doing it their way. They've been on their bikes and in armored vehicles, firing tear gas on crowds of the opposition protesters, and Maduro, so before the election, he promised a bloodbath if he lost. And-- Luckily he won. Luckily he won, and there's been only 11 people killed. Say that obviously sarcastically, but this is, they talk about restricting restoring the sanctions on Venezuelan oil because U.S. is looking at how to get back for this, like an obviously stolen election. The Biden administration lifted those sanctions when they came in in order to coax Maduro to hold fair elections. So they took away the sanctions on the oil. Maduro didn't hold a fair election. Now, if the Biden administration restores those sanctions, gas prices go up. Well, there's an election coming up. They're probably not going to want to see gas prices go up. Also something they could, go ahead, but also the immigration part of this. The immigration part of this is real. The immigration part of this is, now I know it's a long way to get to the United States, but if there's another big group from Venezuela that make their way to the border right before, or anytime in between now and election day, don't you think that would fall on the borders are? Would that be a bad look for the borders are? It could be. It could be some politics favoring one candidate or another because of Maduro's win in air quotes. He put down in Venezuela. He's driving people out of the country. A wild, wild world right now, and we'll see what Jeff Four thinks about it. We'll join us next as we prepare for the Jeff Four Show. It's going up right after nine. (upbeat music) (airplane engine roaring) 854, FM Talk 106.5, and Mobile Morning, talking with Jeff Four here in just a second. This segment brought to you by Tobias and Comer Law, the local personal injury law firm. In our area, they've been doing great work for decades from their office down on Dauphin Street, and a reminder, school is back very soon for most schools in our area. Next week, I think most get started. They've already got started at Fondie Elementary on my drive home. I saw him training up the crossing guards for other schools. I imagine, just a couple of days ago. And so this is your reminder from Tobias and Comer Law to be prepared. School buses will be out. You'll have kids walking across crosswalks. You will have the, of course, crossing guards, and it is very easy to forget that you need to be as safe as possible when school is in session and people are going in and out and taking these kids in and out of school. And bus stops as well as those can be very dangerous. It was just last year where an eight-year-old in Alberta was hit by an SUV illegally passing a school bus. And a tragic, tragic story there. The eight-year-old did live, but was injured in that incident. You don't want anything like that to happen to you or your kids. So make sure you talk with the children about safety as well as that you're ready for school. Tobias and Comer Law, that is a top priority for them, keeping everyone safe. If you want to check out their website, they have all kinds of really great information there to Also have phone number for a free consultation. Any time of the day, that number is 251432501. Check them out online to Morning to Jeff Ford, Jeff Ford Show on the way. How you doing, Jeff? Good morning, guys. Thanks for having me on. How about you and Senator Rick Scott from Florida, your guest at first hour this morning? Yeah, so we'll talk to him. He's obviously making a move for the Senate majority leader to fill the void that's going to be left behind by Bishop McConnell after this Congress. But also kind of part of the Secret Service hearing yesterday and then we'll talk to him about some other things as well. Yeah, is that race going to be crazy? I mean, Mitch McConnell has been in position of power in the Republican party for so long in the Senate. And in the House, I'm wondering if they're going to try to move Mike Johnson as well. Like, how competitive do you think those two races will be if there are races for Mike Johnson? See, I don't know about Mike Johnson. He seems to be kind of handling this about as well as you could. I mean, there's some real divisions in the Republican party in the House. The Senate, I mean, it's a different ball game. It really is like kind of old school, how much money can you raise for the cause? Scott's been very good at raising money. But he'll have, I think you'll see, maybe a John Cornyn or maybe even like Thune or somebody like that make a run for it. The problem for Rick Scott was he ran last time against McConnell, really kind of upset that ling of the Republican party in the Senate a little bit. But I do think looking from the outside looking in and who knows what the politics of the Senate are, there is kind of an appetite for a change there. Interesting, oh, I'm sorry. As you can say, I don't think he's the only one who's upset that wing of the Republican party. Not including the vice presidential nominee for Trump. Yeah. An interesting political occurrence today, Donald Trump meeting with a group of black broadcasters in Chicago, the National Association of Black Journalists. Yeah, yeah. Talk about that, Jeff, real quick. Yeah, I don't know how that's gonna go. It seems fine to me. I know it's probably gonna be kind of hostile. I don't know, there's probably not very much upside for Donald Trump, but at least I guess it shows he's willing to talk to folks. Hey, he's kind of making that a theme with the debate earlier this year. And other things, just kind of walking into hostile environments and walking out. I'm interested to see how that all they go is a dip and we will have you ready to go. I know your show starts in about a couple of minutes, so best of luck and we'll be listening. All right, thanks guys for having me on. All right, Jeff Porsche on the way. That does it for Mobile Warnings back and at it tomorrow morning at six right here on FM Talk 106.5.