Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Faith, the Key to Your Miracle

Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] >> Somebody lift your hands to heaven tonight. I will trust in you. Thank you Holy Ghost. Let the weak say I am strong in the strength. Come on. Of the Lord, sing it. I will trust in you, mighty God. I will trust in you. [MUSIC] Let the weak say I am strong in the strength. Of the Lord, you are my hiding place. You are my hiding place. You always feel my heart with songs of deliverance. Come on, whenever I am afraid. I will trust in you. If it hits heaven and sing it, I will trust in you. [MUSIC] Let the weak say I am strong in the strength. In the strength of the Lord, I will trust in you. Tell him tonight, I will trust in you. [MUSIC] Let the weak say I am strong in the strength of the Lord. Let's get into the Word of God tonight. We're about to go into the Word Father in the name of Jesus as we prepare our hearts to go into the Word of God tonight. Open our eyes. Open our hearts. Open our minds. Open our understanding on tonight. God, faith is the key to our miracle tonight. Give us understanding. Give us revelation, knowledge tonight from the Word of God. In the name of Jesus, somebody say amen. I want you to open your mouth and say this, faith is the key to your miracle. You can't get around it, amen? Let's go into the book of Hebrews chapter 11, beginning at verse 1. I'll read this from the King James, and then we'll jump into the Amplified. The Bible says these words, "Now faith is the substance." I love that. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not saying. Glory to God. If you believe in God to do something that you have no way, no way to figure out how it's going to happen, but you just believe in your heart that God is going to do it, that's faith. Come on here, somebody. I say, come on. I just love that because people think you're crazy, amen? People think you are absolutely out of your mind because you believe in God to do certain things in your family, certain things in your life. Faith. And I want you to pay attention. Now let's take our time with this. Put that scripture back up there for me. "Now faith is the substance." I love that right there. Do you understand that faith is substance? Faith is substance. Glory to God. Faith is absolutely 100% positively real. Faith is the substance. And I want to take my time with that word right there, substance. Put the meaning up there for me, Josh. That word substance literally means, watch this now, that word substance right there means confidence. Now you know we make these notes available, but you can write them down, amen? That word substance right there means confidence. Faith is the confidence. Glory to God. Does anybody here have confidence in God tonight? Does anybody have confidence that He is able by God, by God? Glory to God. Now watch this. In the word substance it means confidence. The word substance also means a firm trust. My wife can tell you, when faith kicks in my heart, you can't talk passage on out. You might as well move out of the way. Come on somebody. You might as well get out of my way. And you see the Holy Ghost convinces me that He is about to do something in my life. I don't care if I'm in the middle of the desert, if the Holy Ghost says getting ready to ring, you might as well, I pull out my umbrella. I look like an idiot and I know the sun's out, but I'm pulling my umbrella out because I know come on somebody. Lord help me Jesus. That's just the way I trust Him. So faith is the substance, the word substance means confidence. Faith means a firm trust. No devil in hell can shake you out of it. No man, no woman, come on somebody, can talk you out of it, glory to God. And the word substance right there, it also means assurance, glory to God. It means assurance. Now faith is the assurance. Faith is the confidence. Faith is the firm trust of things hoped for, the evidence of things not saying, my God, my God, is anybody, is anybody and joined us on tonight. That's faith. That is faith. And I'm telling you, faith is the key to your miracle, whatever it is that you and I know for us we focus on healing a whole lot, that's the thrust of our ministry, amen. And I will always walk in the car with God, never walk away from it. But not only can you apply your faith to an area of healing, but in other areas, finances, your marriage. Come on somebody. Lord, I'm mercy here. Now watch this, I want to read verse one from the amplified translation of the Bible because the amplified gives you, I mean, it gives you a buffet table for this word right here. If I mean for that verse, let's go into it, listen to the Amplify, Hebrews 11-1. Now faith is the assurance, there it is, the confirmation, Lord of mercy, the title deed. Jesus, we can preach all that right from there. Now faith is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed of the things we hope for that being the proof of things, here's the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality. There's a convincing work of the Holy Ghost that goes on in our spirit man when God is getting ready to do something. It don't even make no sense. And people are just oblivious, how can she believe? How can she be so convinced? 'Cause you're in in the prayer closet with me, 'cause you're in in my daily devotion when I'm up at two, three in the morning, hanging out with Jesus and reading my Bible and the Holy Ghost lightens the scriptures up to me and he's talking to me, he's communing with me and that's how we get convinced. We're not crazy, we're not into fanaticism, it's just that we are walking with God and when you walk with God, he is a God who talks. Come on somebody, he is a God who communicates, are you hearing me? He is a God who have fellowship with his children, the Bible said Jesus said in John 10, he said, "My sheep know my voice and the stranger, they will not follow." And so it's the work of God, it's the work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost to convince us that God's getting ready to do something. Come on somebody, think about it Abraham and Sarah, they're 75 years old, they way past the age of child bearing, come on, and this man is setting up his nursery, ah, ah, glory to God, Lord have mercy, you understand where I'm coming from? So Abraham, the Bible says, Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. He was in out his mind, he was out of the, he was out of their mind, but he was in his right mind, he was in the mind of Christ. So, so you see, God convinces you, when God begins to speak to you, that's how we get faith. Now you're hearing me tonight, let's go back to that amplified translation of the word right there, I mean that scripture. Now faith is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed, I, ah, Lord help me Jesus, I don't know if that gets you excited, but it sure gets me, ah, ah, y'all paid attention to this tonight, let's take our time. Faith is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed, let me give you a good example of this. Let me give you a good example of this right here, faith is the title deed, pass the song with the word, are you going crazy tonight? No, I'm not going crazy, I'm not going crazy, let me tell you what I'm talking about. So when, remember how God promised Moses and the children of Israel, that he is going to give them the promised land, who know what I'm talking about, who know what I'm talking about, guess what Moses did? Moses, I just, I just can never get over this. Moses, Moses begin to, Moses begin to hand out papers to the different tribes. Keep in mind the Jebusites and, ah, hivites and, ah, you can call them parasites, whatever kind ofites, all of them were still on the land, you got the point, right? Yeah, all of themites, they were on the land and Moses is handing over paperwork and telling the children of Israel, that piece of land over there with them, theites are on, that's for your, I mean Moses, now you tell me that ain't some radical, crazy faith. This man is handing out paperwork, ah, Jesus, I wish I had a witness here tonight, Moses is handing out paperwork for the land, wilds of a folk, I still living on it. Now who can I, now I feel like preaching to somebody, I can't help it right now, I dare somebody to say faith is the title. You pull out a piece of paper and say, that piece of property, it's mine, it's mine, having a healthy marriage, it's mine, healing from cancer, it's mine, a financial breakthrough, it's mine because God told me, my God shall supply all your needs according to hell riches. I dare somebody, I dare somebody to say I got the title deal, I found it in the word of God every place that the souls of your feet shall tread, I'm going to give it to you. You still may be sitting down in a wheelchair, but if God says by his strikes you are here to pull out your title deed until the devil, jump of a cliff, God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should have to repent, if God said it, he's going to make it good, if he's a polka, he's going to bring it to pass, I dare somebody to wave a piece of paper and say, I got the deeds, I got it, I got it. Lord, how mercy, now think about it, faith is the title deed. I thought, listen, you know, years ago when the Holy Ghost started helping me understand how faith works and how it, and how it operates, it began to revolutionize, my wife will tell you, the gift of faith works the strongest in me, when you see the Holy Ghost gives me faith, and tell me something's going to happen, you might as well move out of my way, come on somebody, that's when you don't lean to your own understanding, that's when common sense goes out the window, come on somebody, Lord, how mercy, it's going to rain, that's what he told me, it's getting, it's going to, it's never rain a day and nobody's life on the earth, and the Bible says no, the Bible says by faith, Lord help me, nor being warned of things to come, he move out and begin to build an ark, all he looked like an idiot out there, come on somebody, hammering and nailed it and cutting down trees, and Lord help me Jesus, nor look like an idiot, Lord have mercy, but once the door of the ark was closed, guests who look like an idiot now, when the clouds begin to gather, and the rain begin to come down, guests who look like an idiot then, it was all the folk who was saying no is out of his mind, all of a sudden they realized, wait a minute, this man isn't his right man, but it was too late darling, I got faith, come on somebody, I'm not waiting for the flood to come, to start building my ark, you got to build it by faith, come on somebody, who I'm preaching to, I'm preaching to somebody that believe God can do the impossible that can believe that he is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all, that we can ask our faith, according to the power that works in us, somebody sound I believe God, my situation is God to change, God told me my situation is going to change, God told me my sick body is going to be healed, God told me he got a better neighborhood for me and my kids to live in, it might not happen yet, but God is going to do it, somebody's sound, he is going to do it, he is. Lord, how mercy, let's go back to that scripture, we're talking about faith is the key tonight, come on somebody, we're talking about faith is the key to your miracle, and this, and this is, well let's just go back to it, back into that Hebrews 11 and amplified, faith is the assurance, does anybody, I dare someone to type in the live chat wherever you are, Facebook, YouTube, zoom on the website in the app, and I'm just type, just type, I got assurance, my God, now faith, this is how you know you got faith, and this is why the devil wants to choke this out of you, because faith is the assurance, it is the confirmation, it is the title deed, can you imagine how Moses, can you imagine how Moses, look, he went over to the tribe of Judah, Lord of mercy, he went over to the tribe of Judah, and Moses said, you see that piece of land, yeah, Jerusalem, all of that, yeah, and all of that whole thing, yeah, all of that, that's yours, now wait a minute, all kind of people live in there, and Moses is handing out paperwork, and telling the folks, God said that piece of land, that's yours, Judah, Esica, that piece of land over there, the tribe of Esica, he said that one right over there, yeah, where all the houses are, yep, yep, yep, yeah, close by the nice canal, right there by the river, yep, all of that, yeah, so, Moses said, you, can you imagine, did you, did you all realize Moses actually did that, I'll never forget when I first read that, I thought as Moses out his mind, no, Moses wasn't on his mind, Moses had the mind of Christ, he had the mind of God, he knew the will of God, and that's what faith is, faith don't wait for nothing, for that, that's why I laugh at these so-called hindsight prophets, the millions of them come to pass, all of a sudden they want to prophesy about it, you ain't no real prophet, you a joker, come on somebody, a real prophet will tell you something way before coming to pass, come on here somebody, and you listen to me, so, so Moses was handing out title deed, come on somebody, you fill in the blanks, I'm handing out title deeds here tonight, you, you, you, you, you fill in the, you, you fill in the blanks, come on somebody, you, you, you put on there what it is, what, what, what have God been speaking to you tonight, so let's put that scripture back, faith is the assurance, faith is the confirmation, faith is the title deed of the things we hope for, being the proof, Lord of mercy, you want proof, I'm gonna give you proof right now, being the proof of the things we do not see, if you believe in thought and you can't see it in the front of you in the natural, that's faith darling, that came from the Holy Ghost, watch this now, watch this, faith is the of the things hope for, being the proof of things we do not see, and a conviction of their reality, faith perceiving as real fact, what is not revealed to the senses, to the natural senses, are you still here, but your spiritual senses can pick it up, Lord of mercy, that's why, that's why the scenes of all came up with these terms, I feel, I just, I sense it in my spirit, come on somebody, who know what I'm talking about, I just, I, and you know the saints used to say, I got a knowing, who know what I'm talking about, I got a knowing, does that happen to you, when something good is about, when something good is about to happen, you just get us, you just get to sensing it in your spirit, you'd be there reading your Bible one morning and a verse of scripture, just leap off the page out here and all of a sudden your heart is excited as ever, you find yourself, you find yourself in the living room, my three in the morning weeping, crying, blowing your nose, come on somebody, walking around, you didn't even plan on doing it, but what's happening to you is the Holy Ghost, he is convincing you and that conviction, that conviction is faith, are you listening to me, that conviction in your heart, that's faith, who know what I'm talking about, when God begins to convince you of something that have not happened yet, Hebrews 11 verse 6, this is an amplified, but without faith, without faith, it is impossible, that one sentence right there is loaded, without faith, it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to him for whoever would come near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that he is the reward of those who earnestly and diligently seek him out, come on, is anyone earnestly and diligently seeking him out, wow, let's go into verse, let's go into the next one, Matthew 17, 20, and Jesus said unto them, because they wanted to know why could not they cast the devil out of the young boy, and Jesus said, because of your unbelief, and then he said, for verily, I say unto you, and I want you to pay close attention to the words of the Lord, he said, for verily, I say unto you, if you have faith, if you have faith, come on somebody, if you have faith, as a, come on, come on saints, as a grain, as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say, Lord of mercy, real faith talks, are you hearing me, real faith talks, real faith has a voice, he said, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you ain't going to keep your mouth shut, you can't, that's why you got to talk about it to everybody, and you promise yourself, let me look into that camera, you promise yourself that you ain't going to tell nobody, Lord of mercy, I try all the time, I said, I'm not going to tell nobody about this, but you do you care, help it, because faith has a voice, faith has to communicate, faith has to release it into the atmosphere, now some you can use, I think, can you all see that mustard seed between my hands there, can you all see that mustard seed, come on, who can see that, I want to ask you tonight, do you have that much faith, look at the tiny seed, Lord of mercy, do you have at least, do you have at least that much faith, come on man, come on saints, come on Christian folks, do you have at least, I want everybody watching me tonight, talk back to me, do you have at least that much faith on tonight, do you have it, talk back to me, I mean communicate it to me, type in the, if you on zoom type of you on, YouTube, if you on Facebook, talk to me, do you have at least that much faith tonight, I tell you, I'm the yeses going out through the roof, come on, come on, my God, my God, my God, my God, do come on somebody, did they seem too complicated, let's don't complicate it, that this is why I love sticking with my Bible, because people, the devil himself will try to convince you, you ain't got no faith, and he'll try to make you think he nothing happened and Cheryl all the way out there and judging, God is not asking you to have the greatest faith in the world, because you, everyone, come on, come on, everybody, lee, lee castler, everybody got to start somewhere, pop, everybody got to start somewhere, this is what I love about Jesus, listen to what Jesus is saying to his children tonight, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say under this mountain, remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove, and listen to what he says to everybody here that have mustard seed faith on tonight, Jesus said nothing, come on somebody, nothing, somebody said nothing, someone said nothing, shall be impossible unto you, who I'm preaching to tonight, I'm here to tell somebody, if you have faith, the size of a grain of mustard seed, your mountain is getting ready to move, your cancer is getting ready to move, your blind eyes are getting ready to be open, your death is getting ready to open, your paralyzed legs are getting ready to work, your broke bank account is getting ready to be blessed, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, somebody's sour, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, shall be impossible unto you, I'm here to tell somebody, faith is the key, somebody give me a key, faith is, faith is the key to your miracle, if you have faith, I'm here to tell you, you got the keys of the kingdom of heaven, I'm whatever, you pine on earth, shall be bound in heaven, wherever you loose on earth, shall be loose in heaven, somebody open your mountain, begin to speak, begin to loose, begin to beg, use your authority, fake talks, fake talks, do you have the key tonight, I dare somebody to lift your hands in heaven, say I got the key, somebody grab some keys and shake it in the devil face and say I got the key to my miracle, I got the key to my breakthrough, I got the key to my healing, I got the key to make my marriage work, I got the key to my financial deliverance, I got the key to turn my family around, I got the key, somebody said I got it, I got it, I got it, I got faith, I got faith, I got faith, and the Bible says in March of tonight verse 23, all things are possible to him who believe, sound yes, sound yes, to give in this offering you can visit us online right now at, you can also give through the ministry pay pile account that I address is ministries, you can also give through the ministry app, many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones, you can also give through the ministry cell account, the ministry cell email address is, you can also give through the ministry cash app account, the ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, shanpinda ministries, you can also text to give, all you have to do is text the letters spm to the number four five eight eight eight and a link will automatically be sent to you, you can also mail your donations into the ministry, just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shanpinda ministries two seven two six mckinney texas seven five zero seven zero and listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible made past Amy say thank you you are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world continue to support this work of god we love you and we appreciate you deli we will never take you for granted god bless you see you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast god bless bye bye get ready to experience the extraordinary in plano the lamb of god the lion of the tribe of Judah is headed in your direction you are getting ready to get a miracle shall yes pastor Sean and any penner are hosting three nights of miracles and planal tases you found devil of sickness come out come out come out young lady had fibromyalgia pounds but what happened tonight i got healed now there's no more peace go run across the platform for me sir come on somebody come on somebody come on somebody come on somebody the dates august 13 through 15 doors will open at six p.m. 90 the event will start at seven p.m. nightly venue the plano event center two zero zero zero e spring creek parkway plano texas seven five zero seven four join hundreds in this life-changing encounter to experience extraordinary and witness god's power click on the link below and register free today