Jesse Kelly Show

Michael Brown in for Jesse: Matt Drudge...Democrats Criticism of J.D. Vance...Subject of Weirdness

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01 Aug 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR. Hey, welcome to the Jesse Kelly show. Yeah, I know it's me again. I'm from around 40 years with Jesse Kelly. I know you're sick of me, but you know what? Sucks to be you. Well, sucks to be all of us right now. So Jesse is, you know, somebody got irritated because I was been joking that Jesse's in a straight jacket. And so I just nosing around to find out, you know, if that was offensive to anybody or not, as if I cared. And then I found out he really is in a straight jacket. That's the sad part. Now, the doctors say he may be released tomorrow. So you'll have to tune in to find out. So leave it be Jesse, partly in a straight jacket, completely have a straight jacket. Or, you know, it might be me again. Who knows? But I think Jesse will be back tomorrow. By the way, my name is Michael Brown if I didn't tell you that already. And because I'm filling in for Jesse, I still do my own rules of engagement. So there are certain rules that you have to follow. Even when I'm filling in for Jesse. And the number one thing is that if you want to send me a text message, if you want to leave me a comment, a question or anything, here's the number 33103. So you get your little phone message app out. And the number you use is 33103. And then you just start your message, your comment, your question, whatever it is, with either the word Mike or Michael, either one doesn't make any difference. And then tell me anything or ask me anything. That's rule number one. And then rule number two for right now, before we get started, just go follow me on on X or Twitter or whatever they call it now. It's @MichaelBrownUSA, @MichaelBrownUSA. Go do that right now. You're not doing anything else. So go do it right now. So I wanted to talk about Kamala Harris. And of course, I want to talk about Donald Trump went to the National Association of Black Journalists. I keep looking for the National Association of Asian Journalists, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, the National Association of White Journalists, the National Association of whatever. But anyway, Donald Trump went to that convention in Chicago today, and it turned into a complete feces show, which I think is absolutely one predictable and two hilarious. But before I get to all of that, I noticed something that has kind of been bugging me. And when I walked into this studio in Denver where I broadcast both my weekday program and my weekend program, somebody had the drudge report up. Now, I had been known to occasionally pull the drudge report up because, well, I kind of-- I shouldn't say I grew up on drudge. But I remember when drudge first kind of came out. It was back in the '90s. He really made his name with Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton and the infamous blue dress with a stain on it. Yeah, remember that? You young whippersnappers may not remember that. But anyway, there was a-- let's just say that you take Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, a cigar, and a stained dress. And man, you've got a story. You've got a story right there, baby. And so Matt drudge decided to put together with what, at that time, appeared to be MS-DOS, if you remember MS-DOS. And he had a very basic, simple page, the drudge report. And that's still what it is. It's And that became what's called a news aggregator. And what drudge would do is he would take stories that he would find, and at least my perception is, that in the good old days, he would aggregate stories that were pretty much across the political spectrum. He definitely had a leaning to the right, but it was pretty much across the political spectrum. Well, I pulled up drudge to look at it today, and it just really hit me. Let's go back in time, let's go back to that stained dress in Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. The impact that Matt drudge had on the late '90s political discourse, I think, was unparalleled. Truly unparalleled. It was kind of tabloid-like media. And he was a nerd. He wore this stupid hat, kind of like Dick Tracy or something. Well, there's a reference that most of you won't get. wore a little hat like Dick Tracy or some sort of little, old black and white detective. And he completely upended the entire political discourse with the site that I said looks like it was made with, I don't know, what's one of the early computer codes, basic or something, or MS-DOS, I don't know what it was, and then literally dumpster diving. He might go around and do some dumpster diving and find some tidbits about some celebrity somewhere or some political somewhere by digging through their trash. And it was amazing. It was really amazing. And he's been around for, or I shouldn't say, he's been around, but the site's been around for that long. But if you go look at it right now, look, if you look at it right now, let me just tell you what the headline. Well, he has a format that he typically uses, which is a, there's a big picture in the front, in the very middle. And then below that is usually, if it's a red font, that means, oh my gosh, I gotta screen this at you. Sometimes you'll have like a little siren, a little like an old car 54, where are you? I may not get too many old references today. But what, you know, like an old gunball machine, like the Blues Brothers, but have on their car. And it would be flashing, 'cause there's some big news story you gotta read. Well, here are the headline, here are the main headlines, Rogan, referring to Joe Rogan. She is going to win. Below that, people want no Trump, no matter what. And then of course, his iconic drug report, had his iconic drug report, Masthead. But up here in the corner, he always puts like, you know, the subheads, Trump launches race attack on Kamala, was Indian all the way, became a black. Somebody should look into that explosive interview. Don struggles to blunt momentum. His swing state lead vanishes in a week. Pull, Harris up won. She holds a, she holds a rockus rallying Atlanta. Say it to my face, dares him to debate. He hates being laughed at, so she's laughing. Don and his D-list celebs. And then you scroll down, and here's a story, here's a bunch of negative stories about JD Vance, and some drunken college photos, who's afraid of Josh Shapiro. Kamala offers clued of Veepstake, Sweet, Sweet, Mark Kelly, meaning Senator Kelly from Arizona. It could help on challenging issue immigration. Hundreds of Harris for President golf carts roll through Magga Stronghold. A story from CNN, in the halls of Capitol lawmakers, hunt for smoke field room, video, Trump assassination, Tim victims point of view, shows figure moving on roof moments before gunfire. Maduro moves to silence opposition, election results presented by opposition, Venezuela, Venezuela, a chimpanzee speaking English. Yes, 50 cent, the rapper on conquering TV, a beef with Diddy, and why he brought $3.5 million to a photo shoot. Well, I can't wait to read that story. And the perfect storm times three, crime, political chaos divide open. Well, there's nothing new there. Or man posed as team to coach girls to self-harm and be anorexic according to the feds. And EVs might be obsolete sooner than you think. Than you think. I can't talk today. I'm talking like Kamala Harris down south. Then stories over here on the right side, Justice Alito's frustration, UK police, open criminal investigations, celebrity suicides, trigger contagion, Facebook ads for Coke, opioids, other drugs, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's basically become a total corporate hack for at the time it was Joe Biden. And now it's Kamala, Kamala Stan. It's kind of amazing that this isn't something that I really just hadn't really paid much attention to before. It's like if you remember Andrew Breitbart, the happy warrior, the original happy warrior conservative, if he suddenly started, you know, if Andrew Breitbart was still alive, he suddenly started advocating that, you know, all cops are bad, ACAP. Or it might be, let's see. Well, we'll just use Jesse Kelly. Maybe Jesse Kelly starts advocating for the Green New Deal. It would at least cause you to go, hmm? What the hell's going on here? The whole thing's bizarre. But it's playing out on a constant basis in front of our face. If that's what you go to on a site that seems to be updated, maybe once or twice a day. The New York Post ran a story, I think maybe about a year ago, that suggested openly that Matt Drudge no longer runs the site at all. And in fact, that he had sold it to some liberal billionaire. Well, if he hasn't done that, it actually looks like he's done that. His site is really, the enemies of the Drudge report now are Donald Trump, Elon Musk, BB Netanyahu, Fox News. And in fact, anybody that's on the right or center of the political spectrum, he's gone full hardcore left. Now, the site's referral traffic, I got to digging around to look at the, you know, you can go to Google List websites and you can see, you know, the number of visitors, he likes to brag sometimes or whoever runs it, visits to Drudge on July 31st so far today, 21 million, 13,922 in the past 24 hours and 7.1 billion in the past year. So it always ranks in the top 10 of websites. So it means that somebody's still going to it. But the referrals, meaning that do people actually click on the links and read the stories, that's in the toilet. Now, whether this is still true or not, but at least there was, I see if I can't find it right now, there used to be a, used to be a dead link to a Candace Owens video that doesn't exist anymore or at least has been taken down. But I think it's something that we ought to think about. It's the overwhelming nature of news coverage. And I think it's that if you think about just the past couple of weeks, say since Biden withdrew, had his little emergency in Las Vegas or whatever it was, that people have just kind of gone crazy. And they've started to avert their eyeballs, literally avert their eyeballs. And now they're just going to see Deadpool or Wolverine, Deadpool, Wolverine, whatever the movie is. And they're trying to avoid the news. Well, I don't think that's good for America. I don't think that's as I like to say on the Democrat side, that's not good for democracy. It's not good for Republic either. It's the Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in for Jesse Kelly. If you want to on your podcast app, be sure and subscribe to the situation with Michael Brown. You find that the situation with Michael Brown, that will get you all of my weekday program plus plus the nationally syndicated weekend program. Hang tight, we'll be right back. Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in. Glad to have you with me. So, let's see, I should be the next. You know, I'm just like, which rules of engagement are to give you right now? Oh, I know, if you, if you, if you like what you hear now, you can listen to me on most of these affiliates on the week, on the weekend, on the weekend with Michael Brown, on 300 plus affiliates around the country. You can also hear me Monday through Friday from six to 10 mountain time at a Denver, Colorado on 630 KHOW. So you can find those on your iHeart app or however you happen to listen to radio online. And you can listen to me during the week day and on the weekend. So yeah, you can get, you can get more of me, even if Jesse escapes his straight jacket. So let me go back to this thing that struck me as I was looking at the drug report when I walked into my studio this evening. I think everybody's on overload. And I think we're rightfully so on overload. Again, just kind of scrolling through the things that Drudge has up right now. It's, I mean, everything is chaos, it's utter chaos right now. I mean, I've got so many, those of you who have not heard me before, the way I used to do show prep by, I would print out my stories, mark them all up, make notes in the margins about things I wanted to talk about or things that I thought were important. And I just, I got tired of doing all the printing and trying to keep track of all the paper. And so now I've just do everything electronically. And then I keep over here a POS, a pile of stuff, the stories that I have printed out that I don't want to save online, but I want to keep a hard copy of them because I like to let things marinate a little bit because I'll read a story and I'll think to myself, there's more to that. So I'm going to set that aside and I'll see what happens in a day or two. So I keep that in a POS, a pile of stuff. And then I keep not a rundown, but a list of just things that I want to make sure on different tabs that I keep open on my laptop. I keep like three browsers open and every browser has a minimum of five tabs and sometimes up to 20 tabs. And these are all stories that I somehow want to get to during a program. Well, as I look at these tabs and I looked at the drudg report right now, of course it's overwhelming and a lot of it's negative. You look at what's going on in Ukraine and Russia right now. I mean, it's not very good. We just had both Russian and Chinese nuclear bombers for the first time ever invade Alaskan airspace. There's some kind of no fly zone that they made an incursion into that area. And of course, NORAD detected it and we scrambled a bunch of jets to go tail them and push them out of our airspace. Israel to their credit took out one of the Hamas leaders and they did so in Tehran in the middle of the capital city of Iran. And they took out some 17 hours later, they know their Hamas leader in Beirut. Now, is that going to, in the words of the Biden administration, is that going to escalate things to the Middle East? I don't know. I mean, it could. Look at what's going on in the, not in South America. You want to talk about trying to save democracy? Well, look at the Venezuela elections. And now the Nicholas Maduro, the thug dictator of Venezuela is sending his thugs out to find all of the people that either voted against him or that led the opposition against him. And they're literally just assassinating people in the streets. It's, it's amazing. Just everything that's going on in the world right now. And so it is, it is easy. In fact, sometimes it's comforting to avert your eyes, go to the movies, go out to dinner, go play with your dog, do whatever it is, you know, maybe, maybe actually have a conversation with your spouse. Do do something that, you know, is unusual. But the sad part is we can't do that. Is I tell my local audience, probably incessantly, they probably get tired of me talking about it. We have to learn to become discerning consumers of news. Because this cabal that I describe, this unholy alliance of the big tech giants, the ruling elite, the dominant media, that's what they want us to do. They want us to ignore all of this stuff because that allows them to push the narrative and there are enough useful idiots in the country that don't pay attention to anything going on in the news. And they're just like, you know, my morning show producer likes to joke that he's a headline guy. He doesn't really read the story, he just reads the headlines. He's smart as a whip, but he just likes to read the headlines. Well, if all you ever do is just read the headlines, you would never really understand just one, how serious things are right now and how you need to be involved at any possible level that you can get involved in. So the drug report just kind of reminded me of all of that. And I will remind all of you, pay attention to the news, even when it's uncomfortable. It's Michael Brown filling in for Jesse Kelly. Don't forget to send me a text message. The numbers 33103, just start the text with the word Michael, hang tight. I'll be right back. Hey, welcome back to this dude. I started to get the name of my program. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly show. Michael Brown filling in for Jesse. Jesse's still in that straight jacket I told you about earlier in the week. He'll be out tomorrow, maybe. It just depends on what the doctors decide. So you've probably heard by now if you haven't even hear it again. But apparently those of us on the right side of the political spectrum, well, we're weird. - Some of what Ian is running me are saying, well, it's just plain weird. (audience laughing) - These guys are just weird. That's really hard. - As weird and creepy as JD Vance, a super weird idea from JD Vance. - Yeah, it's not, I mean, it's quite weird. They're just plain weird. - Just plain weird. Just plain weird. - That stuff is weird. They come across weird and then they start being weird. Yeah, they're weird. - Being a really weird. - He's such a weirdo. - Tom Tump and his weirdo running mate are weird. Deeply and profoundly weird. - They are weird. - These Republicans just being weird. It's just weird. It's really weird. - Republican weirdness goes even deeper. - He said a lot of things that are weird. A weird style that he brings. - Weird policies with the weird thing. Because it is a thing. - Just plain weird. - What was weird was talking about diet Mountain Dew. Who drinks diet Mountain Dew? - Whoever seen the guy laugh, that seems very weird to me that an adult can go through six and a half years of being in the public eye. If he has laughed, it's at someone, not with someone. That is weird behavior. - Weird and cultish. - These are weird people on the other side. - He kinda doubled down on his weird ideas. - I think weird is probably generous. - Simply weird. - These guys are just plain weird. - Vance as weird. - You know, as the campaign said weird. - It really is just plain weird. - JD Vance, plain weird. - I mean, how the hell are you gonna read it? - Weird, it is kinda weird. - We're not afraid of weird people. - On the other side, they're just weird. - Why are you being so weird? - Vance has done something more extreme or weird. - No matter what kind of weird stuff they keep saying. - Trump and Vance are just weird. In addition, if you're gonna judge us as a boss. - It's the weird part that's the most engaging. - Who me addressed as my beautiful Christians, which was super weird. - Weird tech bro, JD Vance. - He's a weird guy. - JD Vance, an easy and sort of weird. - Frankly, for lack of a better word, that he's weird. - Classic remarks that aren't even funny. And he kinda shows that he can't really deliver one liner. - So Sam, weird is the word here. - Weird is the first one. - Just weird. You ever say a word over and over and again here in your head and you realize suddenly that the word sounds weird? Yeah, well, weird sounds weird. The weird, weird is a weird word. Weird, weird. I wonder how they get those talking points spread so quickly. Do they fax 'em? Like, do Democrats still use a fax machine? Do you still own a fax machine? I don't think, I can tell you the last time the last place I saw a fax machine. But you may have noticed that Democrats have been successfully labeling various statements and positions by Republicans in general. And of course, the candidate JD Vance in particular, as weird, weird. Now, in response Republicans had pointed out all the stupid things that Democrats do that are weird. I saw, as I was doing some prep for this particular segment, I found a video of Chuck Schumer and Stephen Colbert and I don't know some other people, out in the middle of some places during COVID because Schumer has a mask on. You know, remember the beautiful mask that protected us? Oh my God, the masks. And they were doing, I don't know, they were dancing some weird dance. And I thought, wait a minute, everybody's weird. I think everybody's weird. You're weird, I'm weird, we're all weird. But if both parties agree on anything, it's that I guess it's that being weird is bad. I thought being weird was kind of cool, kind of nerdy, kind of weird, whatever. But that ought to be surprising because until recently, it seemed like Democrats and liberals were all about celebrating weirdness, which is really just another word for strange or maybe another word for a non-conformist. You know, I'm a non-conformist. When I reached a point in radio, where I'm a little inside baseball here, and many of you have noticed this, and I'm glad that you like it because I have found that most listeners do. I don't do phone calls. Because I believe that radio is a very intimate medium. You're listening to me in your car. You might have earbuds in. You might be listening to me while you're working around in the office or something. And I mean, I think that radio is a very intimate medium. And I also don't talk about you all or all of you. I try to make everyone believe that I'm speaking to you. And so I'm a non-conformist when it comes to most talk show hosts. But when you look at my ratings and when you look at my time spent listening and you look at all the metrics that we use to measure how successful a radio host is, it shows that even though my bosses at iHeart looked at me and said, "Well, that's a little weird. "Are you really wanting to do that?" Well, I'm, yeah, I'm gonna do it. And I did it and it's proved to be incredibly successful. And it's non-conformist. You know, for probably at least 25 years, I shouldn't say even 25 years. For as long as I can remember, the liberal city of Austin, Texas has had keep Austin weird as it's unofficial and then it became an official slogan. And Apple, remember Apple corporations? Remember theirs? Think different that advertising campaign? That's still an iconic advertising campaign for celebrating society's non-conforming rebels, all of whom were somewhat weird and some of whom were and still are very weird. Oh, my gosh, I look around. I have nothing but Apple products in front of me. You know, celebrating weirdness has really been kind of the center of liberal pop culture for decades. Portlandia, remember that liberal TV show? It gently teased but also celebrated the weirdness of Portland. Now, I don't know whether Jesse's carried, this program's carried in Portland or not, but I used to spend, well, I shouldn't say a lot of time, but I was on board of a company that had their headquarters at the time in Portland. So I spent at least, you know, have a go to Portland at least six times a year for board meetings or committing meetings. And yeah, Portland is kind of weird. And then you think about popular movies, everything from the Breakfast Club to School of Rock, Booksmart, what do they all have in common? They're all about recognizing the importance of strange and weird characters and then showing how they really aren't so strange and weird after all. The course of one of the best songs of the 1990s is "Creep" by Radiohead. Quote, I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo. I would sing it, but I can't sing. I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here. And the hero of most teenage dramas, isn't the popular kid, it's the weird kid who refuses to conform and then goes on to save the world. Steve Jobs, think about him. Now, it is true that most people fantasize more about being cultural rebels than actually being a rebel. We kind of love watching movies about non-conformists that I think most people don't really want to be a non-conformist. Why? Well, because the social consequences are simply too high. If you're too weird, if you're too much of a non-conformist, you might alienate family or friends or colleagues. Hell's bells, I hate alienate people all the time. But again, I've kind of reached the age where, you know, call somebody that cares. But for seven decades since World War II, the Democrats have been the party most open to why we consider it to be the weird and the non-conformist and it's been Republicans who've been the party of normality and conformity. Conservative culture traditionally doesn't celebrate weirdness. It mostly celebrates order and conformity from, you know, like my dad taught me a military guy, make up the bat every morning, and you'll have always accomplished something. And of course, then he taught me to make it up military-style too. And then, you know, go to school, go to college or, you know, get a, you know, learn a trade or whatever, and they get married and raise a bunch of kids. That was kind of conservative culture, right? Well, the problem for Democrats is that I think they've lost the ability to distinguish between what's weird and what's actually harmful. For example, the problem with the transgender movement is that it's actually harmful, not that it's just weird to some people, but it's actually harmful to people. Giving drugs and performing surgeries to children, to adolescents, or for that matter, to vulnerable adults who might have some mental problems, all in an effort to change their sex, isn't just weird, it's actually harmful. Psychologically, physiologically, physically, and then enabling addicts and the untreated mentally ill to camp, to camp out just wherever they want to in public property, to use drugs, die on the sidewalks. That's not just weird, it's harmful. So worse, when anyone criticizes Democrats for hurting people, whether on transgender or the homeless or any other issues, they turn around and accuse their critics of being weird, for being concerned. So today, these Democrats are labeling things weird in the same way that some conservative Republicans have labeled some things deviant since the 1950s. But calling something deviant or weird is something points out that it's outside the norm, not why it may or may not be wrong. Consider that Democrats' main line of attack on JD Vance is for his statements in support of people having children, and yet his policies to financially incentivize parents to have children are hugely popular, even with Democrats, and I would say, therefore, by definition, not weird at all. So as such, Democrats are making, I think, a fundamentally authoritarian attack on Republicans. In calling Republicans weird, Democrats are emphasizing not that they think Republican policies hurt women, kids, or the environment, which is the traditional Democratic message, but rather that Republicans are outside the norm. When Republicans like JD Vance, Democrats are saying they hold fringe, deviant, and strange views? Wait a minute. Is that really true? Is the Jesse Kelly Show, Michael Brown filling in? Text the word "Michael Michael" to this number 33103. Go follow me on Twitter @x. It's @MichaelBrownUSA. Hang tight. Weirdo will be right back. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly Show. Apparently we do have listeners in the Portland area. Keep Portland weird, huh? Yeah. Well, that shouldn't be too hard because Portland's already weird. If you want to read more about who you're listening to, you want to read my bio. I'm the former Undersecretary of Homeland Security for President Bush. I've been on radio in Denver for, I don't know, 18 years or so. But you can go to this website and you can see all the information about me and my other programs and stuff at a website called Michael says Go check it out. So this is a authoritarian attack, authoritarian attack that Democrats are making Republicans calling us weird. I think Democrats are emphasizing not that they think Republican policies hurt women's children or the environment, which is what they're all about, right? Which none of us want to hurt children or women. And I think we, I don't want to hurt the environment, but I think we go overboard about the environment. That's all a traditional Democrat message. But they want to claim that somehow Republicans are outside the norm. And I think this is proving to be somewhat of a powerful line of attack. So it kind of leaves us as Republicans to protest. But you know what Democrats? You're even weirder than we are, thereby accepting their framing of us as weird and as weirdness is being bad. So don't, it's like I always tell people when you're debating someone about politics or you're having an argument with anybody or somebody asks you a question. Listen first and foremost. And second, don't always accept the premise of the question. When I was practicing law, I would tell clients, now we're going in for this deposition. If they ask you a question and you don't agree with the premise of the question, tell them that. Tell them their premise is wrong. Or if you don't know the answer, don't be afraid to say I don't know the answer to that. In fact, I wish more politicians would learn to do that. I don't know. Let me find out. I'll get an answer for you. But when you accept their framing, them Democrats framing of us Republicans as weird, you're also saying that weirdness is bad. And I don't think that weirdness is necessarily bad. So what's going on here with this weird, weird, weird stuff? How did the Democrats go from being the party of all these non-conforming rule-breaking weirdness to be the party of conformity, rule-following and enforcing norms in just the blink of an eye? And why does it seem to be working? In so many other situations, in a lot of other situations, weirdness actually sells. I think the first and perhaps the most obvious reason that Democrats are branding us as weird is that it deflects from them an obvious criticism, which is that Democrats have become deeply weird themselves in recent years, particularly around the transgender issue. And I think they're particularly vulnerable on that issue. I know it may be politically incorrect to say that you're opposed to transgenderism, so let me make it clear about what I'm opposed to. If you're over the age of 18, in fact, I think you ought to be over the age of 25, and you want to go cut your penis off, well, you know what? I find that kind of weird, but if you want to do it, you're an adult, you can choose to do that. I just hope you get psychological help, psychiatric help before you decide to do that, because that's going to have lifelong consequences. And if you're a woman, and other than suffering from breast cancer and you need a double mastectomy, if you're a woman that just wants to have a double mastectomy because you want to be a boy, well, if you're over the age of 18, I can't stop you, but I have a real problem, a serious problem with parents or anybody else, teachers, whom are of else it is, saying that for kids under the age of 18, particularly grade school kids, I saw a great meme on, you know, memes are hilarious. Some guy was saying, you know, if your six-year-old comes to you and says, "Hey, daddy, look, I'm a pirate." You don't just automatically chop off his arm or his leg. Well, come on. Weird? Ah, hang tight. There's a couple of other things I want to talk about, weird, because I think it's just weird that they're trying to frame us as weird. And I'll explain further why. It's the Jesse Kelly Show, Michael Brown filling in. You'll follow me on Twitter right now. I'm sorry, X. It's @MichaelBrownUSA. Give me a follow right now. Let's build those numbers up at @MichaelBrownUSA. I'll be right back. This has been a podcast from WOR.