Jesse Kelly Show

Michael Brown in for Jesse: Independent Voters...Analysis of Both Democrat/Republican Parties...Terrorism

Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR and welcome back to Jesse Kellogg show Michael Brown filling in for Jesse. Jesse's now I know I know everybody gets pissed off when I say it but Jesse's in a straight jacket. But ostensibly he'll be released tomorrow depending on how the meds work so you might tune in tomorrow at this time and you find Jesse Kelly instead of me. However if you'd like if you like what you hear and you've heard the past couple of days maybe you'd like to go subscribe to my podcast that that will get you if you subscribe to this podcast you'll get all four hours of my weekly morning show here in Denver on 630 k h o w plus you'll get the weekend show the weekend with michael brown that airs on 300 plus affiliates around the country on Saturdays from noon to three eastern time. So here's what you do on your podcast app search for this podcast the situation with michael brown v situation with michael brown when you find that podcast hit that subscribe button and you should leave me a five star review hit that subscribe button and that will get you all five days of the weekday program plus the three hours of the weekend program and you'll have all of me you want it'll be fantastic you'll be you'll be glad you did and it will be weird yeah it'll be weird think about that you'll you'll have stumbled onto me and then you'll be following me and it'll it'll be all weird weird weird weird now why am I my my my my perseverating on the word weird well because democrats say that we're all in is running me are saying let's just play weird these guys are just weird that's where they are not as weird and creepy as jay vance a super weird idea you know i gotta pause for just a moment when crazy eric swallwell from california calls me weird or calls us weird you know there's a lot of projection going on baby because eric swallwell's about one of the weirdest guys i think i've ever run into yeah from shady vance yeah it's not i mean it's quite weird they're just playing weird just playing weird just playing weird that stuff is weird they come across weird and then they start being weird yeah they're weird being a really weird such a weird update all something is weirdo running mate they're weird deeply and profoundly weird these republicans just being weird it's just weird it's really weird republican weirdness goes even deeper he said a lot of things that are weird a weird style that he brings weird policies you know that that was peep booty jig first of all peep booty jig the guy that pretends to rise bicycle to work by loading it in the back of his suv and having a security detail drive him to within a few blocks of the department of transportation then getting out and getting on the bike putting on his little helmet putting on his little spandex and driving over to the department of transportation yeah i think that's weird with the weird thing because it is a thing that's playing weird what was weird was just talking about diet mountain do who drinks diet mountain do well i don't but i drink diet coke is that weird and and by the way i i know a lot of people like mountain do uh and what's wrong with diet mountain do huh oh i know they're elitist mountain doos but beneath them whoever seen the guy laugh that seems very weird to me that are that an adult can go through six and a half years of being in the public eye if he has laughed it's at someone not with someone that that is weird behavior weird and cultish these are weird people on the other side kind of doubled down on his weird ideas i think weird is probably generous simply weird these guys are just plain weird vance as weird you know as the campaign said weird it really is just plain weird shady vance plain weird i mean i don't know if you could read it weird it is kind of weird we're not afraid of weird people the other side they're just weird why are you being so weird vances don't something more extreme or weird no matter what kind of weird stuff they keep saying trump and vance are just weird in addition if you engrenders the boss it's the weird part that's the most engaging who me addressed as my beautiful christians which was super weird weird why why is that weird my ugly christians my demonic christians my satanic christians now that would be weird tech bro jd vance he's a weird guy jd vance uneasy and sort of weird frankly for lack of a better word daddy's weird castic remarks that aren't even funny and he kind of shows that you can't really deliver uh one liner so sam weird is the word here uh in terms of any impression weird yeah whatever i'm sick of their weirdness so they definitely rolled out the weird accusation at the exact moment when we were all laughing at well we were ridiculing Kamala Harris's laugh which goes on too long often comes at really awkward moments and sounds kind of weird to me no i'm not i would play her weird laugh but i it's too weird you know it could be that democrats consciously chose weird to blunt republican tax on democrats as weird or maybe it's a bit of unconscious projection maybe it's both of those things either way this weirdness accusation is honestly particularly powerful and here's why if you were listening to the very first hour of the program and i was talking about the drudge report and how the drudge report has gone decidedly back crap crazy and i find that sad because the drudge report used to be a pretty good aggregator of the news it's because of what rush limbaugh referred to as low information voters that marx referred to as useful idiots that i often refer to as the useful idiots that you know look to your left feet over there if you're on the highway right now now if you're home be careful don't do this at home because it might cause problems but if you're on the highway or maybe you're still at work or you're in a meeting or something look to your left yeah okay there's a useful idiot over there now slowly look over to the right there's a useful idiot over there now these low information voters these useful idiots who really are i i would like to think i'm not convinced of it but i would like to think are a tiny percentage of americans who simply don't understand what the parties stand for an often attempt to vote with the majority it's powerful because for those people pointing out that somebody is weird it's human nature to then think yourself well yeah those people are weird and i'm so much better than they are so if you're not now i know this doesn't apply to you although it might apply to you but not necessarily you um people tend to think that well um those people are weird and i'm pretty normal or those people are really dumb dummies and i'm a lot better than that and oftentimes you're really not then you think about swing voters on the one hand swing voters highly conformist and on the other so uninformed about politics that they claim that they're not sure the positions of the two parties or they just simply can't make up their minds and so they're fence straddlers you know i've never decided like in colorado we're about one third democrat one third republican about one third so-called independent or unaffiliated voters and i just refuse to do that i refuse to do that because i believe that when when i go to vote i'm voting for a coalition i'm voting for a team i'm voting for a group of people that bet that most closely represent my values and my beliefs and so to be unaffiliated is is to proclaim that well i just i don't i don't want to take sides everybody takes sides if you don't think you don't take sides or you don't think you're well i'm i'm a very non-judgmental person michael we make micro judgments all the time whether whether you want to admit it or not we always do believing one candidate to be weird and another candidate to be normal that might be persuasive among voters who just want to vote with the majority regardless of what that majority or who that majority is but this tactical explanation i don't think explains the democrats deeper motivation to demonize something that they had been celebrating up until just a few days ago how did the democrats come to see weird as bad in the first place and how did so much of the public come to agree with the democrats i think a lot of this has to do with the fact that Kamala Harris is the establishment status quo candidate she truly is oh i know everybody can talk about oh well she's she's a female oh my gosh she's uh Jamaican or she's um uh south asian uh and somehow that equals to black i haven't quite figured that one out yet but somehow that whatever it is and and she's the current vice president and there's no one that's more establishment than Kamala Harris she's the status quo candidate bill clinton in brock obama could and did run on change rebellion non-conformity to the democrat party's older traditions at least at the at the most basic branding level if less so at any substantive level i don't think they really did at a substantive level they just branded it as change hope and change but you think about the weirdness accusation it resonates not just with swing voters but i think it resonates with the democrat base because the democrat party just isn't what it was it has become this college educated party of the professional managerial class other in other words the elites the democrats have become the elites in other words a time when everybody looked upon the republican party the the party of the rocket fellers the the party of big business well we're anything but that now we're we're actually we believe in in basic economics we believe in the bill of rights we believe in constitutional values we believe in in all of these values that really think that people are created equal and that that everybody ought to have you know an equal opportunity to go pursue their dream um even though you're going to fail well yeah you're going to fail so you know pick your ass up and and try again but democrats have become the elites and republics are now the party of small business owners the entrepreneurs the non-conformists well we've encountered elitism in other issues and i just real quickly when we get back let's talk about where we found elitism because this whole weirdness i think points to the elitism of the democrat party it's a jesse kelly program jesse kelly show it's michael brown filling in if you want to send me a text message the numbers 33103 you want to tell me something or ask me something just start your question or comment with the word mike or michael i'll be right back welcome back to jesse kelly show might have you with me michael brown filling in go follow me on twitter let's do that this hour or this segment at michael brown usa get over on your twitter app follow me at michael brown usa we're talking about this weirdness thing and i and some of you disagree about we we should ignore it well no you can't ignore it because the cabal is going to be pushing this in the face of of everybody and you're going to have people in your sphere of influence that are going to be influenced by this by this new narrative that somehow we're weird and you're going to have to learn and be able to counter that because remember if europe are exercised about the useful idiots the low-information voters you can't tell me that you don't know somebody in your sphere of influence that's a low-information voter they're everywhere i mean it's pretty much the democrat party well anyway this is not the first time that i've talked about the fact that democrats have become the party of elites the elitism of the democrats is something that was driven home in every time i think about my battles for free speech it's the democrats more than the republicans who demanded that for example social media platforms sense their speech more and then we've encountered that elitism in other issues that we have to deal with the environment where democrats went from supporting energy and agricultural modernization during the mid 20th century to now promoting some sort of malthusian scarcity since the 1960s and at the same time the democrats war on weird betrays i think their own insecurity about really how weird they've become change carvel lizard lizard head can i be so crude as to calling lizard head david axler odd van jones they're constantly warning their fellow democrats to avoid being viewed as too weird on issues raging arranging for everything from like woke racism to transgenderism and the democrats are vulnerable to being attacked not just as weird on race and gender but also for putting vulnerable people in danger from black people in violent neighborhoods who actually need the cops to to gaze to anxious and autistic adolescents who become convinced by trans activists that somehow they are the opposite sex the liberalism the open-mindedness and the rejection of traditional values by democrats actually made them indiscriminate about what's just weird and quirky like people dressing as the opposite sex you know like the um the drag shows again drag shows are a perfect example of where somebody somebody like me a conservative republican i've been to a drag show i found it kind of fascinating now is it my cup of tea no it's the kind of like been there done that and so don't need to go do it again but my opposition is not to drag shows it's to drag shows in elementary schools or for kids you know underage in public libraries the liberalism the open-mindedness and the rejection of traditional values by democrats that's what made them weird and quirky anybody who's as successful in political life as either JD Vancer for that matter Kamala Harris is going to be more than a little weird and i know that because having spent my entire life in politics i know from from local politics all the way up to the president's cabinet i understand that it takes a little weirdness for anybody to put themselves out there and to run for something as simple as school board so we want our leaders to be dynamic to be a little weird what we don't want is for that weirdness to cross the line to where it starts hurting other people so be prepared to push back on the weirdness got it got it this is Jesse Kelly show michael brown filling in don't forget follow me on twitter sat michael brown usa send your text messages to 33103 i'll be right back so if you'd like to subscribe to my podcast if you like what you've heard over the past few days on your podcast app search for this podcast the situation with michael brown the situation with michael brown when you find that hit the subscribe button and then you'll get all five days of the weekday program plus the nationally syndicated weekend program that airs on Saturdays from noon to three on a three hundred affiliates around the country a core group uh and this story is personal for me and i'll tell you why in just a minute but a core group of jihadi's that were responsible for planning and executing the attacks on September 11 back in '01 have agreed to plead guilty in order to avoid the death penalty the Biden Harris administration has once more betrayed the american people and they've now left us on the hook for subsidizing the cost of keeping those alamas barbarians alive for what another 40 maybe 50 years depending upon their age and their health clique shake Muhammad the big fat ugly hairy guy maybe he's obese enough that quite honestly maybe he'll die sooner than later and i as i said this is really kind of personal for me on on september 11 '01 i was in big sky montana at the time i was the um general counsel at fema and i was delivering a speech to a national association of emergency management lawyers around the country at a conference and my my speech that day was about the role of fema and acts of terrorism i mean no kidding no joking aside that's what my speech was i never gave the speech because that morning so i i was in big sky montana as i said so it was mountain time so around 9 9 30 some time after we after the rest of the country knew that we were actually under attack bush had been informed down in florida air force one was in the sky my my phone rang and it was my deputy for staff and he simply said you've got to turn on the television the white house situation room is going to be in contact with you render attack they hung up the phone that was that was all i knew so i turned on the television and i don't know to this day whether i saw a replay of the second plane going in the second tower or whether it was live i don't remember but all i knew was that my staff and i found ourselves greening down the mountain road trying to get back to bozeman montana where we boarded a c 135 to head back to andrew's air force base now at the time i didn't know it but once we landed at andrew's the first thing that my security detail did was take me straight to the white house we had meetings in the roosevelt room that evening the president had delivered his his uh his speech to the nation and we were having a meeting in the roosevelt room in the next morning we had more meetings in the roosevelt room and then my detail took me over to the pentagon and i was working with the because we had deployed all the urban search and rescue teams from all over the country to both the ground zero and to the pentagon and so i asked one of the one of the usar members the urban search and rescue teams i asked one of the members to take me into the into the breach into the whole that you if you remember that photo of the pentagon of that gaping hole on the east side of the pentagon and so they took me in showed me around a little bit and i came back out and my personal assistant was waiting for me and i looked and i said one what what are you doing here and how did you get past security and he said we wanted to wait until you had come out before we told you but your friend Barbara Olson was on that plane that went into the pentagon it just i mean it took my breath away literally i mean i just i i didn't know what to do what i did do was i said thanks for letting me know and i walked around to the side where the usar teams had established because i had an i had a real affinity for the dogs that do the search these dogs are trained to to search for human life or human bodies and the dogs get they always get frustrated because they they want to work so hard they want to please their masters and they and they really do they search and they were and they wear these booties to keep their their paws from getting chewed up from the rebar and the concrete and the glass and everything else and so the the handlers take them over to an area away from where they're working so that they can relax eat and then they love to play with tennis balls so i just found myself mindlessly throwing a tennis ball while i tried to process that Barbara Olson she was married to Ted Olson who was a solicitor general at the time we had dinner my friend Joe and i had dinner with with Ted and Barbara maybe a week before she died in that plane screaming into the Pentagon i get emotional thinking about it talking about it so this is personal for me now that day everyone has a story six degrees of separation is actually smaller than that i think there's probably two degrees of separation everybody knows somebody and everybody has a story but the one common denominator is that horrible day forever changed our lives and i will tell you it absolutely changed my life and then i spent so much time at the Pentagon and then after everything kind of settled down after several months we then began we then started you know focusing on you know what could come next what what might happen next starting to get you know to to reinforce all the programs that we have all the black ops programs that that FEMA now homeland security have that makes sure that you know if something happens we can keep the government operating it's this it's this it's the programs that create all the conspiracy theories about FEMA which i can just tell you are not true but the firefighters the people that died that day the people that were on the planes the rescue workers i think about all those dogs that at ground zero and the Pentagon you know all those dogs have long been dead and to this day we still have reminders and i still have reminders i have a piece of rebar that i keep in one of the flags that flew over ground ground zero and so every day in my office i'm constantly reminded of 9/11 now the the pre-9/11/01 era was really a peaceful time compared to today and i think the good times have left american people so caught off guard about the ideology that inspired the likes of Osama bin Laden and his allies and unsurprisingly we kind of launched launched admittedly we kind of launched the war on terror in in almost a Helen Keller mode powered by our hubris there having no clue what we were really getting ourselves into and the results speak for themselves the withdrawal from afghanistan was an unmitigated disaster Iraq my personal opinion is i know i go against my old boss but i i never thought we should have gone into Iraq but we all learned a lot didn't we we all learned a lot from all the mishaps the boondoggles the mistakes international failures some successes here and there but still never in a million years would i have ever imagined that clique shake mohammed ksm in his group in his crew of dirt bags or down at guantanamo bay would be alive some 23 years after 9/11 and yet here we are and not only are they alive but now we just learn now that they're going to avoid the death penalty too now granted guantanamo get most bin a complete feecy show for so many years it's it's a place that we ought to keep we we should never let it go but the fact that we're going to let these dirt bags off to live a taxpayer expense for the rest of their natural lives well you probably can understand based on what i'm talking about that i'm in favor of the death penalty if you mastermind the death of almost 3,000 americans and to this day that organization al-qaeda still exists you have all the offshoots like isis k and isis that are actually in this country and now we're going to let them off i shouldn't say well i guess we because it's it's our government the Biden administration is going to let them off they've cut a plea deal after 23 years they cut a plea deal how much more crap like this are we going to see between now and the end of the Biden administration so yeah this is really personal for me this is not what i intended to do this segment it just popped up the friend of mine just sent me a email with a link to the story and yeah they're gonna let those 911 plotters live so clique shake mohammed and all those little buddies down in guantanamo bay they'll be there until they die in natural death it should have been put to death i i'm a i'm a i know many people disagree with me about the death penalty and some studies show that in terms of of typical criminals in this country murderers that the death penalty maybe does not work as a deterrent but in this situation i don't care they killed three thousand americans on american soil they're enemy enemies combatant and they should have been put to death hey i'm that notes jessie kelly show michael brown filling in hang tight let me regather my thoughts and i'll be right back back to the jessie kelly show michael brown filling in for jessie yeah he's still in a straight jacket and i think maybe i should be in a straight jacket too go follow me on twitter go follow me on x that michael brown usa get go get go get that done right now so there's way you know i i've got to get my mindset out of that last story i i got to get my head out of that last story so uh this is why in dictator nicholas meduro this is so this is comic relief he is challenged he is publicly challenged elon musk to a fight on national television pay-per-view baby pay-per-view uh apparently musk um let's see let me see if i get the story right yeah meduro has publicly challenged billionaire tech mogul elon musk to a fight on national television following musk social media claims of widespread election fraud in vidders away those recent presidential election okay i okay now i got the gist of it here yeah so i remember this now musk went on on he went on x formally twitter posting what the opponents uh meduro's regime say are the actual election results and then he added this major election fraud by by meduro apparently uh people get upset when you talk about election fraud in addition to that uh musk let me see if i can find this it's i'm like yes here it is musk reposted a message from argentine's president how they are malle stating quote meduro leave vidders awaylands chose to end the communist dictatorship of nicholas meduro the data amounts of crushing victory the opposition and the world is waiting for you to recognize the defeat after years of socialism misery decadence and death yeah well that's true vinizweight has turned into a crap craphole country thanks to the nationalization of their oil industry so meduro apparently has gone on television and responded to musk characterizing him the tech billionaire as a threat to vinizuela really how's how's elan musk a threat to vinizuela hmm is he going to send some spacex rockets and blow the country up or something social media creates a virtual reality and who controls the virtual reality our new arch enemy the famous elan musk do you want to fight let's do it elan musk i'm ready well now this is where it gets interesting apparently musk has responded to the challenge adding i accept if i win now this is musk writing on twitter i'm sorry x i'm never going to get accustomed to that musk writes this i accept if i win he meduro resigns as dictator of vinizuela if he wins i give him meduro a free ride to mars that's now that's pretty damn good you have to them if that's pretty good now in in a this is really bizarre now the dictator claim that uh musk intended to use an army to invade vinizuela aided by his space rockets you kind of think that maybe nicholas meduro is a little backcrab crazy now it was a contentious election as i told you i had a friend that escaped uh caracas a couple years ago and and moved to and and moved to spain well the election saw both meduro and his opponent gonzalez they both are claiming victory and the exit polls show a suggested win uh for gonzalez the the opposition but the regime controlled national elect should electoral council declared meduro the winner with a total of 51 percent of the vote wow just enough to get over that 50 mark you you want to cheat but you don't want to cheat too much the carter center which is this us based organization has expressed concerns over the electoral process citing a complete lack of transparency and their inability to verify the election results they also report that the election did not meet international standards and thus cannot be considered democratic yeah this is hilarious i'm just i'm looking at elah musk's account right now major election fraud by meduro uh vinizuela invents new percent for election results turns out you can have more than a hundred percent according to local tv one hundred nine percent of the votes divided between the candidates came up to this 51 percent for meduro plus 44.2 plus 4.6 percent anyway it all is up to 109 percent wow it's a jessie kelly show michael brown filling in for jessie follow me on x at michael brand usa i'll be right back this has been a podcast from WOR