Jesse Kelly Show

Michael Brown in for Jesse: Political Issues...Joe Biden's Legacy...Kamala Harris

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01 Aug 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR. Hey, welcome back to the Jesse Kelly Show. Michael Brown selling in for Jesse. He's in a straight jacket somewhere. I think they're going to let him out of it tomorrow, but I'm not sure. At least I'm planning on being out of the straight jacket. And I'm sure you're hoping that he is too. Let's see, if you want to, if you've enjoyed, um, and who's to say you haven't, right? If you've enjoyed the program over the past few days, you might want to subscribe to my podcast. And that's pretty easy to do. I broadcast five days a week here in Denver every morning from six to ten. And on the weekends on the nationally syndicated weekend with Michael Brown from noon to three eastern time. And you can find all of those podcasts by searching for the situation with Michael Brown. On your podcast app, in the search bar, just type the situation with Michael Brown and then hit subscribe. And that will download all five days of the weekday program and the weekend program. So you'll get me, Evelyn and Jesse's not in a straight jacket. So yeah, how about that? Go do that right now. I'm just thinking, do I want to go down this path or not? I think I do. Simply because, well, let's do it this way. I haven't read the entire case yet. In fact, I've just seen a couple of summaries of it. But a floating barrier in the Rio Grande River, the buoys that the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott put in the middle of the Rio Grande River to keep aliens from crossing over into Texas. That floating barrier in the Rio Grande can remain in place for now. I just want to emphasize for now, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans ruled yesterday. And this this overturns a prior ruling by a panel from the same court of appeals, marking a new chapter in this ongoing conflict between Texas and the Biden Harris regime over illegal immigration along the border. And illegal immigration along that 1,200 mile frontier with Mexico. Now, last December, it was a divided court of appeals. It was a panel. So a court of appeals is comprised of, you know, depending on the size of the appellate division, let's just say 20 judges. So you might in panel a panel of three judges or it could be five judges. It could be, you know, an odd number of judges. But a divided panel last December of the Fifth Circuit sided with a lower district court in Texas, which ordered the removal of the buoys. But yesterday, the full court of appeals determined that the lower court, the trial court, had abused its discretion by issuing a preliminary injunction. Now, courts generally have discretion to issue preliminary injunctions. But just to put it in pretty simple layman's terms, a preliminary injunction is usually granted when there is more likelihood than not that the party that is suing is likely to win. Or the party that's opposing the lawsuit is likely to win. So they might get the injunction. So that's what a preliminary injunction is. It means that the court has said, I'm either going to make you do something or I'm going to stop you from doing something and we're just doing it temporarily until we can actually have a full trial in the issue. So you have a temporary injunction, you have a preliminary injunction, and then you have a trial and then you decide whether or not whatever the parties are fighting about who wins the case. The broader case, which was brought against the federal government, remains active in the district court, remains active in the trial court. There's a trial date set for sometime in August. I think it's early. In fact, it may start next week sometime. Now, the Biden-Harris administration, that regime is insisting that the floating wall somehow violates the Federal Rivers and Harbor Act. Now, for the life of me, I don't understand how it does because those are not, I guess you could technically say they're navigable waters. But it's not like there's a bunch of barges. There's not a bunch of cruise ships. There's nothing but probably bass boats going up and down the Rio Grande. And even then it's only in certain parts of the Rio Grande River. But the Attorney General of Texas, the guy by the name of Ken Paxton, who's an America-first conservative, he's had some political woes in Texas. They tried to impeach him and that failed. But anyway, he's been fighting back. And Greg Abbott's been pushing for all the states to have greater power over immigration control. The buoy barrier, which is anchored in concrete, extends about the length of three soccer fields that's in an area that is known for frequent illegal border crossings between the Texas border city of Eagle Pass. I know everybody's heard of Eagle Pass. And Beatrice Nigras in Kuala, I don't know every 10 pronounces, Spanish names, Quayila Mexico, I think is the name on the other side of the river. Anyway, the Department of Justice argues that these buoys in the middle of the river pose humanitarian and environmental threats along the international boundary, and they went after court order to get them removed. Now let's think about the humanitarian dangers. It's only a humanitarian danger if you cross the river. If you don't cross the river, it's not a danger. You know, a bridge is not a danger unless I jump off it. If I don't jump off the bridge, it's not a danger. If I drive across the bridge in a structurally sound, it's not a danger. These buoys in the middle of the river are very visible from both sides, from both banks of the Rio Grande. You've probably seen, you can find pictures on the interwebs are pretty easy to find. So you can see them from the Mexican side of the river. So if you have any sense at all, you're like, "Oh, look, there's buoys over there." And I can see that there is fencing between the buoys. I don't think I'll cross here. So only if you cross, does it prevent some sort of humanitarian threat? But even then, it's just a threat. It's a danger. But there's a lot of stuff in life that's a danger. Driving's a danger. I'm going to get in my car when I finish the program this evening. And I'm going to get on the interstate. And I'm going to take the, well, at this hour of day, you'll take me probably about 10 minutes to get home. Well, keep your fingers crossed. I'll make it home safely. Actually, I'll just have my helicopter pick me up and then, you know, flying's much more safe. Maybe not so much in a helicopter. And then they claim that it's an environmental threat. These are buoys. There are buoys all up in, you go to the Gulf of Mexico, you can find buoys. You go to almost any, you know, large size lake, you'll find buoys. You'll find buoys everywhere, out in the ocean, buoys, buoys everywhere. And somehow they're okay, but they're not okay in the Rio Grande River. This isn't about humanitarian or environmental threats along an international boundary. This is about keeping an open border. And even worse than that, it's about preventing the state of Texas from doing anything to stop the invasion that's absolutely destroying that state. Now, the Biden-Harris regime is also suing to be able to cut the state-installed razor wire that protects the border. So, on the American side of the Rio Grande, and again, you can find pictures of these on the interwebs, is all of this razor wire that the Texas National Guard has put up as a deterrent to keep people from coming across and moving in the eagle pass. You also see that, well, razor wire, you might think, you know, Argentina wire, that you might think, that's pretty dangerous. No, who'd want to get near that? Well, you'll also see that some of the cartels have brazenly just crossed the Rio Grande, made it across the buoys, and then got on to the land where the, where the razor wire is, and just started cutting away through it. That's how out of control the border is. You know, it's kind of interesting, because I can remember when Trump's campaign manager was calling for Kim Paxton to be put in jail. Now, today he's busy out there trying to kill off Project 2025, and some other, you know, make America again, make America great again projects. Well, Kamala Harris is just running right all across America. This decision, part of which I was, again, I haven't read the entire opinion, but there is, and I don't have to pull up my constitution. I don't have my constitution with me, where is it? But the constitution grants the states the power to levy war if the states are being invaded. And Texas has exercised or has declared that under that provision of the United States Constitution, that this invasion by illegal aliens crossing the Rio Grande is indeed an invasion in that they have a right to defend against that invasion. Which is a really clever use of the Constitution. And the court, I think, in this case also said that, yeah, based upon that provision of the Constitution, Texas can do what it's doing. So, Texas lives to fight another day. Congratulations, Texas. It's the Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in for Jesse. Maybe he'll be back tomorrow. Mike, tune in and find out. You're looking back to the Jesse Kelly show, glad to have you with me. I appreciate you tuning in. It's Michael Brown filling in for Jesse, who's somewhere in a straight jacket. And I think maybe is slowly tearing his way out of it and might be back tomorrow. We talked a little bit yesterday on the program about all Kamala Harris's flip flops. She's against fracking and then she's for fracking. She was, she wanted an assault weapons ban. She was going to do a mandatory gun buyback. I mean, she wasn't for that. I mean, just about every major policy issue, she's flip flopping on. And the thing for us to remember about those flip flops is, yes, it's fun to play the sound bites and listen to her say one thing and then say another thing and we all get a good laugh at about laugh at it. But I think the more important thing first to focus on is how was she governed? Because here's what I've learned about most politicians having lived among them in the wild. And that is that they generally are who they say they are. And they don't, yes, I believe that everyone can have an epiphany. They can have a, you know, a moment on their road to Damascus where they recognize that, oh, I was really wrong about that. And if someone can pinpoint me to their moment of epiphany and explain to me the five W's the who, what, where, when and why of their epiphany and why they've changed their position or why their position has evolved on a particular social, cultural or political issue, I'll accept that. I will truly accept it unless you're a politician. And then you have to really prove beyond a reasonable doubt to me that you really have had an epiphany. And just because you've gone from being the, and still are the vice president to being the new presumptive nominee for the Democrat party. To me, that's not an epiphany. That's not the kind of moment where you suddenly realize, oh, I was wrong about all of this. I'm so sorry. So we can laugh at it and we can mock it and we can see how stupid it is and we can play the sounds all day long. But here's what we need to remember. That's who they really are. And they're not necessarily going to change once they get in office. Once they get in office, because right now, what they're doing is they're running a race, literally running a race, and that race has to climax. The, the finish line is November five, whatever the polls close in your jurisdiction, in your state or your precinct or wherever you live. And so they've got to peak right at that moment. And the minute that is over and there will be a winner and there will be a loser and that winner will go on to then govern. That's when they fall back and they decide that they're going to actually be who they really are. And Kamala Harris is going to be no different. Joe Biden has been an example of that in kind of the opposite direction. Joe Biden was always a so-called moderate Democrat. Not, I mean, left of center, truly liberal. But since he came into office like half a century ago, the Democrat party has moved decidedly leftward to the point where I sincerely believe that the majority of the Democrat party is Marxist today. They're, they're all about us becoming some sort of European socialist state, or even worse. And they'll invent as well if they have their way. And Joe Biden over those years, I may always, I've always believed that Joe Biden's a racist. He was, you know, he was friends with, you know, Senator Bird, the grand wizard of the KKK, delivered the eulogy of his funeral, and bragged about it. And then when he got into office, he did something really interesting. He got capture. He got capture by the Marxist wing of the Democrat party. And that's the wing that he's governed with. Let's think about what Kamala Harris might do. It's a Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in. You'll follow me on X at Michael Brown USA. When we get back, Kamala Harris, how would she govern? I'll be right back. Hey, welcome back to Jesse Kelly show. Michael Brown filling in. I was just checking my Twitter account. I'm breaking news. I told you that Jesse's been in a straight jacket. Well, Jennifer tweets and says that, hey, at Michael Brown USA, the 100th circus of appeals has issued an injunction, per the request of America First Legal Foundation to immediately release at Jesse Kelly DC from the straight jacket. Details of when he will be free are forthcoming dot dot dot ellipses. That's pretty damn good right there. That's just really good. Back to Kamala Harris for just a moment. So how do you think she would govern? I think she would govern as a far lefty, just like her boss Joe Biden. She can't help herself from her days as da in San Francisco to the Attorney General of California to US Senator device president. She has been consistent, consistent, consistent, and consistent. She's been anti cop. She's been anti law and order. She has been, I mean, she she panders to the black community. And then when you look at how many people she threw in prison with hardcore sentences, young black men for smoking a little weed. And or, you know, she apparently has been involved in some shenanigans in terms of denying exculpatory evidence against a man who is still in prison to this day. That the that evidence may have resulted in a in an acquittal as opposed to a conviction has actually defended cop killers. I mean, the woman is just truly an abomination when it comes to the types of politics that she represents. Well, in an attempt to try to make herself seem electable, she's walking back whenever promises and that's to confiscate firearms. So if you go over to the New York Times, which I read so many of you won't have to. On Monday, unnamed officials with the campaign. Now, my antenna is a unnamed officials with the campaign. Well, wait a minute. If the campaign really believes what they've told the New York Times, why don't you give it? Why don't you give it? If you have press release, why don't you tell everybody besides the New York Times? Oh, because the New York Times is the mouthpiece of the Democrat party. And so we ask for a whisper. Listen, listen. They told the New York Times on Monday that the vice president no longer supports many of the progressive policy stances that she took during her first presidential run in 2019 in which she fell flat on her face. Didn't get one delegate, including a mandatory buyback of civilian owned so-called assault weapons. You know, every every gun that I've ever seen. Not that I would own any. But every gun that I've ever known is an assault weapon. Because if I decide to use that gun, it's going to be deadly and it's going to be an assault. So I hate the term assault weapon. Instead, her campaign said that she merely supports the banning the sale of those guns moving forward. Oh, really? So you're as bad as Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, you know, Diane Feinstein and Joe Biden got an assault weapons ban, so-called assault weapons ban passed back in the 90s. And then it expired. And then people like John Lott and other firearms experts and criminal experts went back and looked and realized, oh, it didn't do anything. It didn't do anything. But among Democrats, not allowing you and me to buy modern guns that are in wide use going forward, but at least referring from going door to door, confiscating those that we already have, would qualify her as a moderate. But don't believe her. She promises to take exact any of action to confiscate firearms the first 100 days of her term, and she is going to try to seize guns. If she's here, communism is here. And if she's here, it's going to be organized as some sort of bloodless coup to push Biden out of the way, which, oh, they did that. I think it's a great idea, but I mean, listen, I don't think we'd like for a great idea. As I've said many times, we've been having great ideas for decades. The problem is that Congress has not had the courage to act. And that is why, from the beginning, I have said, I intend to include attempting to get Congress to act, but if they don't, then the first 100 days of my administration, I'm going to take the second act. Because what we need is action. What we need is action. She's going to do it. So here's what you need to understand about Kamala Harris. She personifies end stage leftism. And I would say initial stage Marxism. If she takes power, it's not going to be feasible to impose her agenda on an armed population. This is why so-called assault weapons using air quotes will have to be confiscated and why the definition of an assault weapon will end up being expanded to include anything more useful for self-defense than a water pistol. Next, after America's rifle will all be semiautomatics, including handguns. As recently as October of last year, she was heard praising Australia's 1996 semi-automatic gun ban and their confiscation policy at a State Department event with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. Now, a semi-automatic man would leave you and me as gun owners with 19th century guns to defend ourselves from the 21st century authoritarian government and the well armed weaponized mobs that it might inflict. Look around you. Look around. I look around Denver, Colorado. Then as wailing gangs are operating in this state, the cartels are operating in this state. All of the domestic gangs we have are operating in this state. The criminal element in this country is completely out of control. You know, every during my weekday program, every Friday, I do a segment called taxpayer relief shots. And those are stories that usually make it into local markets, but they never make it into a broader market. And they're stories of individuals engaged in acts of self-defense, sometimes most often with a gun, but sometimes not. Sometimes it might be a baseball bat. It might be a nine iron, but they are acts of self-defense, which is a natural God-given law that doesn't really have much to do of anything with the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment is about the right to keep and bear arms in order for us to prepare and defend ourselves against a tyrannical government. But most people don't believe that. But anyway, back to Kamala Harris. If progressivism, this is why I call it in-stage leftism and first-stage Marxism. They really do believe that banning semi-automatic weapons. And I hope you understand the difference between an automatic weapon and a semi-automatic weapon. If not, go look it up. I'm not going to take time to explain it. The semi-automatic weapons are the most commonly used and commonly owned weapons current in modern American society. So if you understand the Second Amendment, those guns are protected as an individual right to keep and bear. I, Michael Brown, and you, Joe Smith, have an individual right to keep and bear arms, including, if you want to, the bazooka. You can own a tank in this country if you want to. You can own an RPG. Michael, oh my gosh, the people on those kinds of things will think of the havoc that they could wreak in our society. We'll look at the havoc that's being wreaked on our society now, and the one thing that happens in this country almost every single day are acts of self-defense using a semi-automatic weapon against a bunch of thugs and a bunch of gang bangers that are either trying to rape your wife, break into your home, break into your business, steal your car, do whatever they're trying to do. And we're supposed to be defenseless? No. Not going to happen. But that's what they want. That's how progressivism works. You start slowly, you go back to Woodrow Wilson or Theodore Roosevelt, and you see that slowly, but surely, step by step, inch by inch, they start, you know, pushing the door further and further open to their radical agenda. And from there, if they start banning, you know, leaving us with 19th century guns to defend ourselves from 21st century authoritarian governments or 21st century armed gang bangers, well, we're going to lose. So from there, progressives will progress until we are totally defenseless. And soon after that, well, that'll come extermination, all in accordance with their ideology. Now, if people think that that's radical and that those kinds of statements are radical, then you don't understand history. That's what happens in other countries where things get out of control, where crime gets out of control. And in fact, that's the very essence of the cloud pivot strategy. You overwhelm the system. Now, cloud pivot was about overwhelming the welfare system so that it eventually collapsed on itself. And then you would have state run everything, a true socialist state. But the cloud pivot strategy also applies to things like crime. You allow crime to get so far out of control that people throw up their hands and they say, "Oh my gosh, we want more authoritarian government because we want to live in safety and security." And that's when people start giving up their freedoms for security. And that's what people like Kamala Harris stand for and that's how they will govern. You know, they're already taking steps to move the Constitution out of the way by doing what? Joe Biden's Supreme Court reforms, which would absolutely subordinate the Supreme Court to what? Oh yeah, the Democrat Party. You see, this is precisely how progressivism works. Slowly but surely, things that to a useful idiot sounds good. Oh, term limits on the Supreme Court? Sure. Okay. No. You want the court to remain independent and separate like it is now. It's the Jesse Kelly Show, Michael Brown filling in. You'll follow me on X at Michael Brown USA. Coming up next, a few final thoughts on hosting the Jesse Kelly Show. I'll be right back. Hey, welcome back to the Jesse Kelly Show, Michael Brown filling in. I, if I get to this last story about the attempt of assassination on Trump, I just want to say thanks to all of you because I know, I know what it's like when I have somebody fill in for me. Each of all of us who are talk show hosts. We had our brand and we, we, uh, jealously guard our, our brand and we guard our, our time slots, our programs. Because everybody, myself included, Jesse, anybody that you listen to, if they're good at what they do, they put their heart and soul into it. For me, show prep is a 24 hour a day, seven day a week job. I'm always, it drives my friends nuts. My friends have learned when we're at dinner to tell me that if we're talking about something and they may look at me because they see my eyes kind of like, oh, this is kind of interesting. And they'll say, now, this is, this is off the record. You can't use this or I might respond. Well, if I change the names to protect the guilty, can I do that? So it's, it's this, it's this disease that we have. They were always looking for the stories and we, we always want to, at least I do. I, I want to be informative. I want to be entertaining. I want to make you mad. I want to make you happy. I want to make you cry. I want to make you sad. I want the whole gamut of, of emotions. And most of all, I want you to think. I never do anything but be who I am. And some people, you know, I'm not for everybody and I, I'm totally fine with that. So you carve out your little part of the radio talk show world and you make the best of it. And I've been very fortunate to be very successful in it for the past 18 years. And so I know that when I come in and fill in for someone else, I know how that feels because when someone feels in for me, and I, and I have a horrible habit of not taking my vacation time, which I should. And I've got to get better at doing that because we all need a break. Just like I, we talked at the very beginning of this program. I mean, how people need a break from the news. I was talking about the drug report and how many people are starting to turn away from the news. Well, we all need a break from it, but we can't turn away from it because it affects our very lives, our livelihoods. It affects our way of living and everything. So when you fill in for someone else, you're always, or someone's else filling in for you, you always worry about, what are they going to do? And, and there's always that little bit of insecurity about, gee, I hope they're not better than, than I am, which I don't really worry about too much, not that I'm that great, but I'm just comfortable with who I am and what I do. But I know on the other side of the microphone, for those of you listening, you tune in because we all have these habits to begin into. And so you, you're accustomed to tuning in on a certain hour and you're accustomed to hearing Jesse. And so when someone else's voice comes across the airwaves, you're, you're first startled and you're like, well, damn it, I wanted to hear Jesse. And so my job is to, okay, I understand that, just give me, give me a moment and see if you don't like at least some of what I have to say and see if it doesn't make you think or make your laugh or cry or what, what are that gamut of emotions might be. So I never take an audience for granted and I always want to tell an audience, whether it's my local audience or it's my nationally syndicated audience, I always take a moment out to tell them, thank you, thank you for sticking, you know, with me. And if I'm filling in in particular, thanks for sticking with me, because I know I wasn't, I was not what you were expecting, you were expecting something else. But there's a lesson in that, for all of us. And I know that it's that we all become very comfortable in our lanes, in our day-to-day routines. Learn to be uncomfortable. Learn sometimes to step out of your comfort zone. Learn sometimes to take a risk. You know this country will only survive by people like you and me who are willing to take risks. Run for a city council position, run for a school board, serve on a board or commission. Do something to be actively engaged in your community. Do that for me, would you? Thanks for tuning in. I'll talk to you soon. This has been a podcast from WOR.