The Mr.WooWoo Podcast

w/ Mr.WooWoo

Broadcast on:
20 Jun 2024
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Of course sweetie darling sweetie darling Darling sweetie Okay, I'll see you before that. All right. Bye. I'm all shelly Uh mom do you What's going on my brothers and sisters Anties and uncles monks kabbalists wizards mystics sons and daughters of god welcome to mr. Wu Welcome my friends to the mr. Wu podcast. I am your You know illustrious that's ridiculous if one says that in the first person. I am your joyful and grateful host of this wonderful program of the mr. Wu uh Today I found kind of a kind of a wonderful thing It's in The tempo of Neville Goddard, right The master manifesto. I've been watching a lot of his videos this week And I got to tell you it feels like almost everything is in my grasp But it feels like him during my spiritual path. I might have made a boo-boo because I at one point asked to be desireless because I had come to the conclusion like that that is That's desirable Is to become desireless that that I was like one of the pen ultimate goals Uh of the of the spiritual path when you know, there's god. Okay. Great. Now. You know, great game is oneness with him her it so You just okay. How do I how do I accomplish this? And uh, I made that mistake I did And uh, I paid for it I paid for it Anyway, that's neither here nor there Um neville goddard helped me uh find the truth to this By watching a bunch of his videos. I've been able to manifest like that there's very specific dynamics of the scientific use of your imagination that Is what will either make the thing happen or not happen and there's little nuances little clues He leaves like breadcrumbs through all of his work that gives you specific and you will hear uh a video or a sound bite makes you go oh shoot and it it kind of It kind of opens up the door to like new Dimensions of how to play that game if you were to want objects I'm kind of in an in-between state myself you guys like like the goals that I have are so lofty and so so insane that like it'd be like someone who's like yeah, I'm a cook and you know, I'm really you know down to start my journey and my goal is to be a three star Michelin chef That I'm gonna be in the mission link guide. I was like Naruto screaming like I'm gonna be the hokage You know, you just go. Yeah, right sit down puppy Sit down puppy, but now I realize I can manifest pretty much anything I want But you ever have that like I have It's like manifestations in one dimension could contradict manifestation in a higher dimension like to be able to Like if you accomplish one thing it negates all the other manifestations That you had up into that point it makes you go did I waste my time doing that Says there's so many like little caveats little um Little nuances to this, but I thought that this piece from never got it. It was on um Let me see. It's called manifest with Neville Goddard on the Pandora station It's a podcast like this one and just it just neville goddard lectures and the very first one that had popped out was uh Was this this one in particular prove it or disprove it and uh It's it's just we have two techniques in applying this law He has two techniques in applying this law of how to use your imagination to get whatever you want Whatever it is you want sounds pretty good, right? Like I used to be all about getting the riches of this world I wanted like 20 million 50 million in the bank, you know, this would be beautiful You know, that's a nice little something to sit on while it gets interest Any of your partying in Barbados or whatever thing that sounds like a pirate island, you know Getting tan with your loved one having fun But again Sometimes you find out that this reality is kind of like super mario brothers and you can go boop boop boop boop and and find another another world another dimension that you can uh Evolve in party and exist in and you know, sometimes you get caught between the oscillation of these two dimensions That's the problem with that's the current problem with my manifesting right now Because I realize I can't have it all but you can have even more than all more than You could have ever dreamed possible So then you go like well did then I do I ask for tuna fish sandwiches? Do I ask for like little things that I love and want it? Yes I realize now just speaking to you right now my friends and brothers and sisters. Yes even like going and allowing your mind to rest on experiences you want to have or think are are possibly impossible They're not You know all of them are possible you can get a tuna sandwich and end up in a in a caribbean island like living in a thatcha living that kind of dream life You can dream your way there and by dream, I mean Creatively imagine them and never got it is that's all he taught for like 20 30 years of giving lectures that your spiritual creative power is What we've been using for intellect that same apparatus if used properly can Attract in can tractor beam in can mold the experience the outer reality of experience Of creation itself that God's creative power is our imagination and that we fuel it with our hopefully controlled emotion But here he's giving action actual practical jitsu real techniques on how to Accomplish this act and this is as as simplified as I've ever heard him say it Thank God. I found this podcast. I'll invite you to again listen to it again if you want to empower yourself uh in the department of of magic of what we do here mysticism where we're talking manifesting holographic reality The station on pandora is called manifest with neville goddard and there's like lectures Okay Anyway now that i've given them advertising without their knowing or carrying or you know Whatever not affiliated but their message is beautiful and the recording the two that i've listened to were really crisp So here's neville in his word saying what these two uh techniques are buffering Still buffering Okay, this is creating a dead air moment That's wild such it's such a powerful teaching You know, we it's it's just having difficulty expressing itself Which I love Anyway, one of his techniques is and we've already discussed this on this program is revision Okay, we're gonna back back out of this geez electronic issues Plus i don't get really good internet in this room yet, you know if I up the ante on the production of this program It's uh, it's going to be sweet. It's going to be sweet to be able to have things work appropriately and quickly It will be great Yeah, oh well Oh, I love him something this happens. Okay. Well, what he was essentially going to say via pandora here Is that there are two main techniques of manifestation that you can do And the caveat is when you're imagining the scenario try to make it like personal So you wanted to go to paris Now a lot of people when they imagine like okay, I'm an imagined paris. So I could see the scenes. There's even pictures online Where I can see the shot, you know, okay, see the the avenues And then there's the eiffel tower and there's the way the lights are strong and then they see themselves outside of themselves On walking down the street like they're watching themselves on a screen what neville says to do Is to place yourself in the first person you have to be the actor You're the one In the manifestation you have to be the one you don't watch yourself shake hands with someone to complete an act And that's the thing you have to pick an action That would connotate that your manifestation Happened that your wish happened that your desire happened the way you want it to And uh So that's the feeling imagining the feeling of warm lips pressed against yours It's feeling a wedding ring and playing with it with your imaginary hands With your finger if you want marriage if you want a deeper relationship It's Imagine the street view like you have google earth you can actually google any location and it's absolutely uh Like you can imagine yourself you have to sit in the chair and look out at that view You have to feel that that person or that being in your arms You know that when gals are like, I want to have a baby and like they're like, should I see myself pregnant? Nope See yourself holding the baby Shout out to my little nephew Nico who got born just a a few Weeks ago, I got to hold him first for the first time And I had to like hold back my energetic urge to just completely nuke him with every every system that I had But uh, he's so cute so perfect. I love him He's handsome You know Takes after my dad's side of the family, you know, that's how it's Though you're very my sister married a handsome man though, you know, so thankfully you're just keeping it all in the family Oh man, I've held a baby in like two Decades or something like that, you know, because I felt like it's such a precious cargo That if there's like the fraction of a chance of like, huh, you know, like not holding it properly You're like, oh no, it's like arms pinned all that kind of shit I didn't want to have any kind of imprinting on people's infants and I was explaining this to a client's like there's there's an imprinting that goes into the aura of the subconscious mind Of that baby, you know, and I was just like I don't need my energetic fingerprint in this baby's face You know It's just You know, people are always about like let me touch that lady's pregnant belly. Let me sniff your kid's head like joe biden Dude, if you like that, don't do that don't do that Those are these are some like obvious no-no's You know, don't Don't touch people's gemstones Don't just reach out and and put your fingerprints you put your energetic fingerprints uh on those gemstones Because now they have to cleanse your essence your electromagnetic imprint and you If you were doing that, you probably weren't coming from your soul. You're coming from your ego You know, it's like grabbing someone's breasts. You don't just reach out and you know That's that's how serious it is, you know now Just to dive back into what never was saying take a big u turn uh not only do you want to like Like a like if you really wanted to meet someone you have to imagine shaking their hand You know You have to complete the act but you have to do it from the first person Not see yourself do it but to feel the handshake yourself What kind of grip would you give would your hand be dry would it be sweaty? What kind of outfit would you be wearing? Can you feel the clothes on your on your body? So whether you wanted to shake obama's hand or trump's hand you got to imagine like seeing them and gripping their hand and and like feeling it, right and the bringing in that tactile awareness into your imagination Or hallucination of what you're trying to create same difference That tactileness and playing that over and over again and not thinking about something else after that But really just feeling that anchored state if you're going on a cruise turning around at the bow or outside of your Sweet, hopefully you manifest a suite and being able to Smell sier and have that satisfaction moment where your hands lean me against the ropes outside of your you know outside your bungalow You have to bring the tactile awareness into The imagination and he says the second technique is for those who is difficult if you can't do the first If it's really hard for you to bring sensation and feeling into an imaginative scenario where you have already succeeded in getting the thing Or an accomplishing the fact he said if you can't do either of those things you can just think about the desire And then what you would say or hear Should the desire have happened and he said you treat it like a mantra, especially as you're going to sleep so Very generally if something you were to say happened like a major accomplishment or a major success or manifestation happen That you would turn to your to your either spouse or loved one or someone that's also in your millionaire mind group and go Isn't that wonderful? Isn't it wonderful was one of nevels great Not mantras, isn't it wonderful And you can go around while thinking of what you want going isn't it wonderful that it's sunny out Isn't it wonderful that my uh family's health is in in perfect order? Isn't it wonderful and you'll be it It's like a form of prayer. You'll be imprinting that anyway. You said also If that doesn't appeal to you then you can imagine receiving because Whatever you ask for will be facilitated by either one or a great number of people to be able to bring your like your One of those private just g6, you know Madden and a g6 whatever it is Well, that part like the the successes that happen will be via Like an accountant calling you or that hey, you have this money Hey, you got your jet pilots coming to you like there will be people that facilitate that so Anyway, he was saying that the the thing you would probably say over and over again and hopefully with as much emotion as you could manage And authenticate is thank you Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. If you got that jet if you got that if you got the woman in your dreams Wouldn't you be like grateful to the universe? Say thank you, but you'd have to say with thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you over and over and over again Until it became the way that will describe is like that you become so awash with gratitude that it would It would fill every pore. It would fill every space. You would have nothing but a grateful mind And then you get everything you want a grateful mind attracts what it needs And wants even if you're grateful, you don't have to have a mental template of it It just keeps coming to you like a conveyor belt of blessing right but If you're more visual and you don't like saying things over and over again, you could just hold the picture in your head instead of repeating the The mantra of either isn't it wonderful? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you and really meaning it because when that person gives you that diamond necklace or they get a what will you say? How are you feeling side when you finally manifest that thing you'd be like, thank you. Oh my god. Thank you is probably how it would sound But you don't have to do that in your mind over and over the universe gets thank you like really like man. Thank you There's a difference between thank you and like thank you like yes, dude Thank you Oh my god, like you get tickets to pearl jammin. Oh look their backstage passes. What? Thank you You just explode with it's like a happy. Thank you. It's a happy gratitude an excited gratitude because you're thrilled that you what you You either thought about or spoke on now is happening So you just have to have the subject and say thank you or have the subject and say isn't it wonderful that that happened And that you're congratulating those people for that It's like amazing. It's an amazing technique And you can make of yourselves now know exactly what he wants. There you go. Here it is You must know that if you do not get it tonight, you will still be his desire Let's see if we can get this going finally. All right in the wizards own words To the silence period. I shall briefly explain the technique again We have two techniques in applying this law Everyone here must now know exactly what he wants You must know that if you do not get it tonight You will still be as desirous tomorrow concerning this objective When you know exactly what you want construct in your mind's eye a single simple event Which implies fulfillment of your desire an event wherein self predominates Instead of sitting back and looking at yourself As though you were on the screen, you be the actor in the drama Restrict the event to one single action If you are going to shake a hand Because that implies fulfillment of your desire Then do that and that only do not shake hands and then wander off in your imagination To a dinner party or to some other place Restrict your action to simply shaking hands and do it over and over again Until that handshake takes on the solidity and the distinctness of reality If you feel you cannot remain faithful to an action I want you now to define your objective and then condense the idea which is your desire Into a single phrase a phrase which implies fulfillment of your desire Some phrase such as Isn't it wonderful or If I felt thankful Because I thought someone was instrumental in bringing my desire to pass I could say Thank you And repeat it with feeling over and over again like a lullaby Until my mind was dominated by the single sensation of thankfulness We will now sit quietly in these chairs with the idea Which implies fulfillment of our desire condensed to a single phrase or to a single act We will relax and immobilize our physical bodies Then let us experience in imagination the sensation which our condensed phrase or action affirms If you imagine yourself shaking another person's hand do not use your physical hand let it remain immobilized But imagine that housed within your hand is a more subtle more real hand Which can be extracted in your imagination Put your imaginary hand into the imaginary hand of your friend Who stands before you and feel the handshake Keep your physical body immobilized Even though you become mentally active in what you are now about to do Now we will go into the silence Now we can go into the silence Think of that Noun that place That person I'm told it's wiser to start with yourself What is the perfect you like if you took a perfection serum You know and You start to change into some version of yourself. It's like a superhero What would it be like to be that person? And then you start to imagine it what traits would they have You know, it's usually like minus our shortcomings, you know You know with like a slightly more built physique, you know more youthful, you know, no tension in it You're that super person your your soul is that five-dimensional being That's the real you projecting into your physical body All you have to do is be interested enough in the real you Start to try to give it attention. It's beating your heart by the way And then try to surmise what kind of perfect thoughts and experiences and places That it's trying to manifest through you Because when you care about spirits will then it begins to very much care about you In a more hands-on way, it does anyway, beats your heart does your liver processes all that stuff Without any thanks without any acknowledgement or even attention But the universe will give you a lot of attention If you start to care about You know, the fathers will being done in your life The divine parents the source And then it goes, oh you want to work for daddy That's kind of put weird, but you know what I mean And you'll be like, yeah Daddy's a multi-gigillion area the source of volume coming money. Yeah, I'm not working for you And a word is you're just And the source of everything that could be construed as goodness in creation Or even pleasantness That's some total of it. So yeah, makes sense to kind of put your Put your application and your resume in there And dad's he's a you know, he's a nepo guy, you know God likes to hire his children That's the only people he can't hire, but a lot of them don't give a flying rat's ass so If you start to give a flying rat's ass about his plan All you have to do is become that person What would the feeling be like? How would I hold myself? How would I sit? How would I breathe? What tone of voice would I use? If I were that perfect version of myself now And perfect keeps evolving over time whatever you think that is To me my hypothesis is and you'll bear with me That it has to do with being your utterly most pleasant self Like the the most pleasant version where people can't Not be around you when you're around That you're like Honey to a bunch of flies That you're utterly pleasant. Not that you have to be a people pleaser You're just so pleasant inside of yourself That it radiates to what looks like environment, but it's really just the shells of the aura And the air element and your ambiance and your your mood Your atmosphere all of that has to do with your emotions and mind So If you feel like you need a cleanse in that department I can either help you in person or right now you can call on what you call the elo heme of purity To pour through you now With his energy and to purify your soul your mental body Your astral body or your emotional body Your etheric body and your physical body ask for purification in all of those respects and then be born anew you can be you could be New all the time right You are the phoenix you can rise and rise and rise again. You're not stuck how you are You know, I well this happened to me. So now i'm like this you can change that And change your expression, but you'll only express perfectly when your love when you're pleasant Or kind it's also called For charity All those things are expressions of loveliness perfection and upliftment in our dimension Everything else is kind of like just an artful discord, you know, and we worship like all of those avenues all those expressions and mechanisms of discord But really it's just a delay it's a delay of your own perfection It's you know at what point is a flower perfect. I don't know it just keeps blooming and blooming and blooming You know So that's what you got to do this week bloom Let your imagination bloom do those two things do those techniques Of course, he explained it way more eloquently and gorgeously poetic god, man. I'm so jealous of people Good speak like that in that day and be like, oh, yes, of course As you will see Every explanation is called with absolute abundance and verbosity. It's absolute perfection Just fabulous Like being able to use big words and everyone's expected to understand Man that will such a poet Really let spirit speak for him I'll do better. I'll let spirits speak for me more too Or say more often than I you know than I let it Should let it come as a great flood, you know, that's how we got to be a spirit a great flood Anyway, I fled my love and my joy and gratitude for your time and your grace Uh, may you be blessed by the source of creation May all who you love be uplifted and blessed And whatever religion or a spiritual path that they're in may they find ever increasing oneness and dissolvement within the tissues Of spirit that is all that is everything that we are one So may spirit bless you. I love you all peace and aloha