Kap & J. Hood

8/1 9 AM: Tom Thayer

Hour 3: It's a Thayer Thursday with former Chicago Bears Super Bowl Champion and Bears radio analyst Tom Thayer, joined Kap & J. Hood to preview the Bears Hall of Fame game and the latest Bears news. Bears backup QB Tyson Bagent will get the start tonight, he gives detail on who's the most important person in the locker room. Plus, USA Basketball update and the Kap & J. Hood Cut of the Day.

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01 Aug 2024
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What time is it? It's Thursday, Thursday. Tom Thayer. Thayer. 1985 Super Bowl Champion and Football Analyst for the Chicago Bears. Heat to win the division, win the division, get into a playoffs. Former offensive lineman. Do they need to get better? Do they need to give up less sacks? Yes, of course. Tom Thayer. Tom Thayer. It's Thayer Thursday on Captain Jaywood, ESPN Chicago. [MUSIC PLAYING] What's up, Chicago? And welcome in to the Captain Jaywood Morning Show on ESPN 1,000. And we are streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. With David Kaplan, Jonathan Hood with you, we've got Shay. We got Jay Moore. And we got you here on this game day, Thursday. As the Bears take on the Houston Texans, our coverage starts at 3 o'clock with the pregame show at Wildland Silly. Then the official Bears pregame at 5 o'clock. Then Jeff and Tom will have the call for the Bears and the Texans. And the Super Bowl Champion is with us on the hotline. Let me the car acts tired on a hotline. [CHEERING] Rattle, rattle, thunder, batter, boom, boom, boom. Throw it! Don't worry about the car acts now. Tom Thayer will be with Jeff Joniac tonight for the call. Tom, good morning. How are you? Jay Hood, Cap. How are you guys doing? Good to hear you. We're doing awesome. Been listening to you. Am I waiting to training camp every morning? So it's good to talk to you. Great to talk with you. So I want to start with the offensive line. There are people that believe why would Braxton and all these guys not be out there. There's been some cadence issues or false dark penalty issues. Why would they not use every opportunity in game conditions? I'm all good with Caleb not playing. Where are you on some of the other guys not playing? Well, Caleb's not going to play then the other offensive linemen, so why play them, but they do need reps together. They need reps with Caleb. But you know the thing about it, Cap, you know, my rookie year with the Bears, and when I came there in '85 after the USFL season, I did not play a snap at offensive guard until the second half of the fourth preseason game. And I was sitting there thinking, my God, I'm going to get cut. I'm not even going to get a chance to play. They're going to cut me without ever playing me. So I went into halftime in the locker room against Buffalo. And I said to Coach Dick, I said, are you not going to play me? Are you going to come out here and not even give it a chance? And so he grabbed me by the shoulder, brought me over to Dick Stanfeld. And he said, Dick, you put him in the game and you don't take him out. And so for the guys that are getting the opportunity to play reps and some meaningful snaps, you know that is going to really help these guys, you know, Jerome Carvin. And there's a center that has really looked good. You get Doug Kramer is a guy that's played a little bit at center since he's been here. And now he's getting some snaps at guard. We'll probably get some more snaps. Jake Kern. But you know, all these other guys that are here, Theo Benedet, a big guy from British Columbia. These guys are getting the snaps of their life. They're getting an opportunity to get some meaningful snaps that they may not get until a lot of decisions are made. So yeah, you know, I like to see the starters play a little bit. Yeah, but I don't care. But I'm really interested in seeing some of the backup guys play and get some meaningful moments of playing time that's going to do a lot for their value further evaluation. Tom, if the Bears didn't have four preseason games, don't you think that we would see Caleb in the ones against Buffalo? If Buffalo was the first game, we would see them, correct? 100%. I don't-- yeah, I agree with you 100%, buddy, because you know, you know, this is kind of a luxury game. And I got to believe there's been some underlying communication between the stabs here going, OK, you're not going to play your starters. We're not going to play our starters. Let's get some reps with these guys that we need to evaluate to see how they're going to fit on the roster, or if they're going to fit on the roster. You know, you take Tyler Scott, for example. Here's a guy that we're all still waiting to really see what is going to become of his career. He's really fortunate that he's going to get meaningful snaps with Tyson Beijing, because he's going to go out there with a quarterback that has some experience and try to get him involved in the offense and put his speed and abilities on display. Excuse me, that we all need to see. So there's guys that need that kind of help. In terms of-- In terms of who's playing the best at camp, I'm here in Austin Booker looks outstanding, and I'm here in Montes. Sweat looks really good. And Jervon Dexter, who has been somebody that you're watching every snap of every practice of every drill, who's somebody jumping off the page to you? You know, TJ Edwards is having a really good camp. And I know that he's a starter, and he's expected to be that guy. But you know, last year, when he and Tremaine Edmonds came aboard, it was kind of a slow-starting process for the linebacker position, because they were getting ready to do a new system and a new division with a new defensive line in front of them. However, when I see the way TJ Edwards goes out there and plays an experienced veteran, I mean, he brings it. If you're a full-back and you have a lead block on TJ Edwards, you better bring your pads. You better get low. Excuse me, I just ate an almond and stuck in my throat. But anyways, you know, he's an experienced veteran that's really doing some good things. You do know, I just ate an almonds going to live on forever on this station. Good. I can't believe I did it. You know, you guys were playing the introduction. I go, oh, I got this bag of almonds in front of me. I'm going to eat one, and I did it, and then it does it every single time. So good. I'm OK. Sorry, guys. It's all right. Which was-- But, you know, one other guy, you know, there's another guy, Adrian Colbert. He's got some experience. He's been around the league a little bit. He's a safety. But, you know, he's 6-2-2-0-5. He's the kind of size you like to look at at safeties. He's not afraid to hit. And the other day, they were ahead of running play. Roshawn Johnson breaks it through past the second level. And Adrian Colbert came up, and I mean, he lit him up. He was not holding anything back. And then he's had a couple of interceptions that have been impressive. A couple of super impressive interceptions. Oh, for heaven's sake, Tom. For God's sake. Christ. No, I'm sorry, guys. By Tyree Stevenson. And, you know, even Caleb-- all right, clear it up. Caleb made a, you know, he made a couple of remarks about the intercepts, a couple of interceptions that Tyree Stevenson has had. The dude is legit. And for a guy that came aboard last year, who kind of was inserted in the lineup in John Hope, the corners coach, did a nice job of bringing him along. You know, he's a legitimate NFL cornerback right now. And he's got great hands. He's got great ball skills. He's got great interpretation of what the route is going to-- you know, where the route is going to conclude and how he's going to be in the most defensive spot. So, you know, there's a couple of other guys. But those guys are just that show up every single day and have made some impressive plays. Tom, we've been talking this summer about the position that we're not overly concerned with, where it's a position of peace. I can't wait to see this secondary all together. Jalen Johnson, Brisker, the veteran presence of Bayard, Young Stevenson, Collar Gordon, would you say that-- on everything you've seen, that's the area where you say, yep, solidified, locked in. You know, as soon as they get Collar Gordon healthy and back on the field, I agree. You know, the good thing about that too, buddy, is especially about that position and how sensitive of a position it is and how difficult it is to play. They've also been able to develop really good depth there. You know, they got guys like Jalen Jones and Elijah Hicks that have came up and played well. Greg Strowman has played and competed on special teams really well. So, it's not only and Terrell Smith is also another guy. So, it's not only, okay, yeah, we have the luxury of having a really good defensive backfield, but if we get an injury, God help us. No, I do think there's a group of guys that are, you know, having a hand in the development of depth in this position that is gonna be equally as important because those are the type of bodies that you need on the special teams these days. - You have a very unique perspective having played at the highest level, one at the highest level and then you've been broadcasting forever. As you look at this team, do you think that the level of expectation, the fan base and a lot of us that watch this pretty closely have where I expect them to win 10 football games unless the football gods have horrible injury problems for the Bears, if they're reasonably healthy, I expect them to win 10 games. Am I out of my minors that a legitimate expectation? - To me, they have to identify a quality offense and defensive line. And so, I'll give an example. The Bears are having a really hard time with consistency within the cadence and then the concentration level and the discipline of the Snapcom. So at the end of practice on this past Saturday, the Bears have had 373 teamwork plays. And within those 373, Caleb has probably taken about 240 of them. Maybe give a take a little less. And so, for me in my mind, in order for a offensive line to understand the discipline of the cadence where you can use it as a weapon under some of the most difficult circumstances and that'll come week two in Houston, Caleb Williams better have at least a thousand reps with the same offensive line before that happens. And so, now I know they've had a couple more throughout the course of the week, but you gotta get Nate Davis in place. You gotta have Braxton Jones there every day. You gotta understand who your center's gonna be and how he understands the tempo. You gotta keep Darnell on the field. So with all of this going on, and we wanna say, okay, this is a 10-win football team, you mentioned Austin Booker, who I think a guy really has some pass rush skills. But I need seven defensive linemen that are in a rotating process of defensive lineman to keep them fresh against as many offensive plays as they'll go against this year in the NFL. So receivers, tight ends, running backs, defensive backs, line backers, and even Caleb and running back for that situation. I'm all in in terms of seeing that this team could be a 10-win team. But if they don't get the same guys in the same jerseys in the same stance on the offensive defensive line and be in productive, that is gonna be the biggest, telltale sign of success and success in the future. If they don't get it, it's gonna be hard to have that 10-game win success. Bears and Texans tonight at seven o'clock with Jeff and Tom right here on the home of the Bears, ESPN 1000. Tom, because of the difference of the conferences, you didn't play the Houston Oilers very often, but we always like to get a log on the fire. What do you remember about Houston? There was one game in which you and the Bears won 20 to seven on your way to a six-and-no record. Gentry with a 21-yard run. Walter with a one-yard run. And then the rest of it was butt-head with the field goals. What do you remember about playing Houston or playing in Houston? - I remember getting the attitude of a lifetime by DICA at halftime in the locker room, where you're playing the Oilers one time. In the old, you know, in the old, what was that, the seventh wonder of the world or something? - The Astrodome. - Houston, Astrodome. - Yeah. - And we weren't having a good game. We were unproductive on offense and DICA brought us in the locker room and, you know, gave us a 12-minute chewing that I don't even know if we, I don't even remember the outcome. I don't think we won the game, but-- - You won 20 to seven. You won that game, 20 to seven. - Oh, no, I thank God. Thank goodness. (all laughing) The thing about it, you know, so I play against the Houston gamblers in the USFL and back in that stadium as well as the Houston Oilers. So I don't, you know, have a lot of great memories of that stadium, but my college roommate, one of my college roommates ended up getting drafted by the Houston Oilers at that time. And so I was down there for a couple of their games as a watching participant. And being in the locker room with Earl Campbell and stuff, I was just in awe of, you know, being in his presence that it was kind of a unique experience to see it from the inside in, but then having a chance to play against them. I had a lot of, you know, good memories because we played them in Chicago a couple of times as well as on the road. - Tom, we appreciate all of the time. Love talking the technical parts. I told you I want to watch some film with you. - I'm excited for this season. Do you think they have a move left in them to go out and get Connor Williams or somebody out there to address something on the O line? - You know, don't bring in a project. Don't bring in a guy that you think is a four weeks away from really being a legitimate contender. Don't bring in a guy that you hope has a year left and is a gas tank if he's a 30 plus year old pass rusher. I know there's a lot of conversation about Judon, but you know, what position does he play? Can he get in a three point stance and stop the, you know, have the requirements of stopping the run to get the right to rush the passer? So I need a guy that is, you know, still in a good timeframe of football life instead of a guy that you hope can, you know, catch fire at the end of his career and pay him too much. - All right, Tommy, what a great weekend. Get Mongo, Devin Hester, get Julius Peppers, three bears going in. - We consider Peppers a bear also. There's three bears going in. - Yeah. - Yeah, I can't wait, you know, I'm gonna be at McMichael's house when he gets the presentation and I'm so happy and proud for him. I wish, I wish circumstances were different 'cause I think the public would have really appreciated Mongo given a acceptance speech up there, but I'm happy that he's getting the credit that is due to him. - Have a great day, brother. - All right, man, see you guys, we'll see you. - There he is, Tom Thayer on the Carx, Tiring Art All Hotline. ♪ Rattle around a hundred matter, boom, boom, boom ♪ ♪ Don't worry about the correct snare ♪ - Don't eat almonds before an interview while you're young aspiring broadcasters. - Oh, God. - Where was Jeff to pat him on the back to get it out? - Give him a hindrance. - Oh, man. I'm glad he was able to survive it though. He's all right. - He's a tough guy. - Yeah, he's a tough guy. - I love that, dude. - So not only, Cap, are we gonna talk to one Super Bowl champ, and we're gonna talk to two Super Bowl champions this hour. You know that, right? - I don't. - The great Chris Canty will be with us at 935. - That's right, Canty. He's the one that survived the purge of unsportsmanlike guests on this show. - Who will talk to Chris Canty, kill me with 935 getting his thoughts about the Bears in their future. He's our teammate from unsportsmanlike five to seven right here on ESPN 1000. - And then you've got to hear Tyson Beijing on Mercedes-Louis. - Got it here. - All part of the mix as we keep your company here until 10 o'clock, don't forget Bears and Texans. Our coverage starts at three o'clock right here on the home of the Bears, ESPN 1000. (upbeat music) - Kevin J. Hood, our back. - I appreciate your show. I'm an over driver and from seven to 10 every day I've got you locked in. - Chicago's home for sports, ESPN Chicago. - Training camp coverage of the Chicago Bears brought to you by the Hard Rock Casino, Northern Indiana. Captain J. Hood on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. Don't forget Bears and Texans started seven o'clock. That'll be the play-by-play with Jeff and Tom right here on ESPN 1000. Camp Tyson Beijing will get the start tonight for the Bears at the quarterback position while the ones sit and watch. Tyson Beijing talks about how Mercedes-Louis, the tight end for the Bears is so important to the team. Listen. - I think the world of Mercedes-Louis, he is the most important player on the team in my opinion. And I think that, you know, he's just kind of the glue to everything going on around you. Like he's, you know, the way he speaks every time I had a conversation, one of my wish I was just writing some of it down. Like just, you know, 20 years in the league, you know, playing at the level that he is playing, especially just, you know, and even talking to him, he's, you know, asking him how his body's feeling in year 18 last year. And just kind of asking him about how he feels and how much longer he thinks he can play and all that stuff. And he literally is convinced that he's just in a different prime. Like, I think the first 12 years, I think he was, you know, he was a dangerous pass catcher, a good one-on-one match-up that you could take advantage in the red zone. And I think from then up until this point, he's just in a pass blocking, run blocking prime right now. You know, he's jacking dudes around, young guys, you know, he's saying he's talking trash just like, you know, everybody else out there. And then just post-game speeches, pre-game speeches, after practice speeches, during practice speeches, he certainly, you know, he certainly didn't get signed because he's the best athlete in the league. He got signed because of just a wisdom and just, you know, such a high character level cat. So I think the world of Mercedes-Louis, so I don't think that's a hot take at all. - Tyson Beijing, courtesy of... He was on a podcast back in this hometown in West Virginia when I heard that sound and I went, wow, the most important guy in our locker room is Mercedes-Louis. Like he is the guy everybody goes to about anything. What a great signing. He was a late add-on to come back again. He's played, this is his 19th year. Across team sports, I think that we've lost the value of the old head in the room. - Yeah. - We've lost the value of it. For years, Cap, us watching basketball, there'd be a guy, he can't play anymore, but he'd be a coach in the room. The latest we got with this is Yudanas Haslam. - With the heat. - And that'll probably be all. For someone that old, not really utilize it all, but a guy that was able to control the room. Heat culture goes through Pat Riley and Eric Spostran, you know, the ownership, but it also went through him too. - David Ross was that on the 2016 Cubs. - Old, and it could play some, not ineffective completely, but could play some if you needed them. But that's why Mercedes-Louis is on this team. We're all into roster structure. Oh, you can't play him, he's too old. He'll never, he's just taking up a roster spot. A guy like that's valuable. Every team, every team can't have a Mercedes-Louis, but every team could have a guy. I've been there and done that. I've been around for a long time. Let me show you the pitfalls of what could be happening. And it's okay to do that because sometimes with the coach, it doesn't resonate with the young player, but someone who's got the same uniform you've got on, he could be able to help you. And I think that's a good thing to have on a roster. We've gotten away from that in the sports. Baseball, basketball, football, it's good that Louis is on this team. He takes up the last roster spot. So what, go right. - He still can block, they say blocking, he's outstanding. Outstanding. But when you hear a player, a young player, second year guy go, most important guy in our locker room. That's the first thing he said. Most important guy in our locker room is Mercedes-Louis. - Doesn't mean that Beijing like his coaches or his other teammates, but that guy's sage. - But then when you hear him say that and then you hear Mercedes yesterday talk about, Caleb Williams is the real deal. I've been around a lot of him. I see a lot of Aaron Rodgers in the way he plays, in the way he processes. Yeah, there's no doubt what Mark Potash said to us a week or two ago, the Bears upgraded at quarterback. That is a fact. - Yeah, but Louis is very high on Caleb Williams. - Just wants to be great. You can tell if he doesn't do some 100% correct, he's correct himself. Like he's gonna make every throw, Louis, Aaron Rodgers, he's just there. And I'm just, I'm looking forward to him going out there and competing and showing everybody what he's been working on. Because even within his first week, I mean, he's doing things that are, you don't see from a young guy. And this guy's a lemon for him. I mean, ask all the right questions. He's a leader like naturally. It doesn't walk around like you know it all. Like he's just, I'm impressed so far. - Yeah, not only Marseille's Louis, but also DJ Moore, brand new deal with the Bears. He's also impressed with Caleb Williams. - So just how you handle our defense? He dice them up, they show something new at him. He go around asking them questions on how he could be better with it. And I know he takes everything in one ear and it just stays there. And then you go out there and carve them up, like probably the next two plays. And it's just amazing to watch. When I first met him before he even dressed him, he was cool. You're gonna fight for the quarterback dad. That's what you got. You're gonna rock with during the season. So, I mean, Justin is my guy, but I mean, he's also, he was at the quarterback last year. Now we got Caleb, he's my guy times two because he's gonna be here. So, you know, that's how we gonna rock. - There you go. How about that? - That's good to know. - You heard that, did you hear that? The gasp from the cult? - Yes. - They heard that one. - But I thought Justin was your guy. - Yeah, we'll exchange Christmas cards. We'll hang out in the off season, but guess what? Caleb's my guy times two, he said. - And that's not how sports works. You might love the guy that used to be in your locker room, but time moves on. It moves on. - If you announced today that you are going to whatever, some national, huge dip, I'd be elated for you. Heartbroken for us, elated for you and we'd be friends for the rest of our lives. And that's how this'll be. They'll be friends for the rest of their lives. Justin's a good dude, DJ's a good dude. - He's not here anymore, right? - That's correct. It's the way it works, man. Guys that you wish there was with you for a decade, it doesn't work that way. You move on someplace else. - That's it. - It's how it works. - That is it. - Fans have to move on as well. - By the way, our friend, the guy we hung out with at the basketball games, Tariq Cohen. - Yeah. - Announced this morning, he's done. He's retiring from the National Football League. He had so many injuries. What he tears, ACL here. Blue is a killer, he's trying to rehab. He's done. - Mazeltoff. - And Gordon Hayward just announced he's done. - Okay. - There you go, couple of notes. - Any stories about Gordon Hayward you like to share? - Not really. - He had a horrific leg injury, didn't he? Didn't he break his leg? - Yes, he did. - Yeah. So I'm sure that has affected him. - Is Tariq getting his office back at Hell's Hall? - Well, limp back into the house all. In the bowels of the building, still getting paid. - Remember that? - Tariq, what are you doing in here? - Take a look at the books here. This guy's got Cohen Cohen. - Accounting? Where is he? Where is he? Is he a coach? Running back? - Oh, bring him in. - Hello? - What are you still doing here? You're still in the books. - Uh, rehabbing this. - Pretty much. - We have it for us. - How many years? - Get out. - Polls called him. (phone ringing) - Hello. - Hello? - Who's this? - Tariq Cohen. (laughing) - Who is this? - You know who it is. - Chicago Bears, man. - You get out. - Tariq Cohen, great dude, man. - Great. - Best of them is a great dude. - Great dude. - We'll talk to another Super Bowl champion. How about Chris Canty? - Let's do it. - Look at his thoughts about the Bears. That is coming up next. Captain Jay Hood on the home of the Bears. ESPN 1000. (phone ringing) - Here's to Dave's headline. - headline. - Where's Captain Jay Hood? (dramatic music) - Copies were winners last night blowing out. A hapless Reds team, 13 to four. Take that Tommy Waddle. Big Knights offensively for Itzak Paredes. Big Knight for Sayyazuzuki, Cody Ballinger, Ian Hap. Kyle Hendricks got the victory. The bullpen four, shut out innings, Cubs and Cardinals at Riggly had opened a four game weekend series tonight. White Sox lost their 17th straight. They are headed off the play in Minneapolis tomorrow for a three game set against the Minnesota Twins. Tristan Worfs is the highest paid offensive lineman in NFL history. He gets a deal done with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The left tackle gets 141.1 million dollars and the Bears and the Texans tonight. Here on ESPN 1000. Pregame covers the waddle at Sylvie starts three to five. The official pregame show then right five o'clock with Sylvie Dion and Lance. And then the game with Jeff and Tom against the Texans. Jay Moore. ♪ Welcome back ♪ ♪ Welcome back to Captain Jay Hood ♪ ♪ On Chicago's home for sports ♪ ESPN Chicago. Captain Jay Hood, weekday morning seven to 10. Here on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. Don't forget we're with you till 10 o'clock that Mike Greenberg comes in at 10. Followed by Carmine Yerko at 12. It'll be the Bears pregame show with waddle and Sylvie starting at three. The official Bears pregame network coverage starts at five and then Bears and Texans. The first preseason game of the season will take place at seven o'clock with Jeff and Tom on the call right here on your home for the Chicago Bears ESPN 1000. It's our main approach. Brought to you by Angen Law. Three, one, two, six million for the great Howard Angen. It's on my ball as we wait for Chris Canty. I want to ask you. So for the Olympics, there's a three on three basketball tournament that's taking place like the old ice cube with his big three. Correct. And the men's and the women's teams I think are both oh and two for Team USA. On the, I do have a question about Jim or for that's on the team. Also Kareem Maddox and Canyon Berry. Who? Canyon Berry who is Rick Berry's son. Okay. I want to ask you, Cap. We're not trying to win huh? What's wrong with your for that? Who is the guy? I mean, you're not gonna get spring chickens in this spot. I mean, you'd rather play full court if you could. I guess my question is, is that for your team that you coach, your 10 year olds, would you ever teach them to shoot free throws underhanded? Cause I watched some of this yesterday. Berry's doing just like the old man. He's shooting free throws underhanded. Yeah, Rick has always believed that's the most efficient way to shoot in and make the most. And he tried to check that when Shaq was having all his struggles. I don't know if I agree with Rick. Maybe for some guys, it's good. Now again, I'm not in the basketball hall of fame and I didn't play at the level Rick Berry did. I just don't believe that everyone should be taught to shoot under him. But yeah. I guess if you're a Berry, he's like, you're my son, you're gonna shoot that way. I mean, it's at a high percentage too. I see, I saw him get fouled a couple times, those games I'm like, what's he gonna do? And then he did the old underhand. Spin it up there. Right in, swish. Like, okay. Cause it's Rick Berry's son. You're gonna shoot the way I tell you. Cause Rick told Shaq that's how he should shoot those baskets. Because if Shaq would have done that cap, 80% free throw shooter probably, 85%. Oh, I don't know about that. Cap is just underhanded. It is, but Shaq said he tried it for a while and couldn't do it and when I'm done, I'm out. Yeah, just, I want to ask you, like, would you ever do that? So we have some news here, Cap, that Chris Canty will not be on the show today. And once again, this is the influence of Evan Cohen and Michelle Smallman over here, Cap. The influence of Michelle Smallman and Evan Cohen. It is so, so bad for them to just tell Canty don't be on the show. If we're banned, then you don't go on. How about that kind of strong army? Can you believe that? These are our friends. These are, this is a show that comes out before us, the idea that Canty's told by Evan and Michelle, don't go on the show. Huh, how about that? I would have expected Chris, big, strong, tough man, wanting super balls, great dude, to say, sorry you guys got banned, I'm going on. But then told not to. How about that? Who runs that household from five to seven? Obviously it's Evan and Michelle. Hmm, you got to tell a Super Bowl champion he can't call? What, they got his phone locked up in a bag? He can't open in his own phone. Wow, how about that? Yeah, about that. I mean, Canty comes across like a flat, you know, a furnace blast of information every day. Are we going to find out he got one of those fake contract extensions to that Evan was talking about? Didn't Evan say just do it for show? He did say that, yeah. Damn. He did say that. I'm surprised because we had a nice spot for him, just getting a breakdown like what he is, his expectation for the Bears and all that. And now the morning show, before us, no Canty, you can't come on, there's an embargo. Here, I thought he was going to play wartime constantly airy for unsportsmanlike and instead they've played into it. I'm efforting to see if Canty would like to change this stance tomorrow and join the show. Why? For show. They talked it up big time on our and by the way, we're grateful that they talked about our show. Yeah. On a big big big big big boy platform like unsportsmanlike. But the idea they they must have had meetings because their show is over at nine. Had their meetings in New York and they said, Canty, you can't go on now. Hmm. Hmm. How about that? I'm disappointed. It's not going to end this feud quickly. I'll tell you that much. Absolutely not. I thought we had a chance to draft a peace treaty today. Yep. That's all right. Just wait. By the time Smallman's band runs out, Cohen's right behind her. Yes. And Caleb will be just slicing and dicing. They'll be like, oh, oh, I guess I undersold Caleb a little bit. Caleb Williams is going to go to the Super Bowl. That's what we're going to hear from five to seven. That's it. So as soon as he starts really cooking it up, I'd like to also find out, Cap, because Chris Canty is not allowed to be on the show this morning. I like to find out what you ate yesterday. You're pretty high. You did not tell me, but there's something that you did where you actually a dude yesterday. Let's hear what it was. You were actually acting like a dude. Yes. So yesterday after the show, I went up to Brynmore Country Club where they had the Evan Scholars dinner for all the kids that win the Evan Scholarship. They pay for your college from the whole area, the head of the Western Golf Association was there. It was super, super cool. And they asked me if I would come in and be the keynote speaker. I said, absolutely. So come on out earlier in the day and play golf with one of the guys on the board, Barry, and the head pro there, Scott Baines. It was great. Oh, your shot. Your spot was there for you to play golf yesterday, huh? Yeah. Go ahead. So I played golf. Ironically, 45 years ago, I was the valet parker there, 45 years ago. And then I got up there to give the speech. Well, while I'm waiting while they're eating dinner because I don't eat at any of these banquets, ever, I don't enjoy eating and then getting up to speak. I'll eat after. I said, you know what? My brother texts me. You're in Lincoln. What? Right on the border there. Lincoln, Chicago. You got to go to Dairy Star. Dairy Star is the greatest ice cream in the world. Oh, really? We grew up going there. I'm sure Sylvie did. And it's awesome. So I said, OK, you know what? If the Cubs find a way to beat this dead-ass boring red steam, I'm going to treat myself. I'm going to Dairy Star. Cubs win 13 to 4. I drive to Dairy Star. The line's all the way to the street. It's only outdoor place. It's not. You can't go in and eat. When I stand in line, I wait my time. I buy the waffle cone, like with Oreo around it. The vanilla ice creams you like small, medium, or large. I go, large, piled in the vanilla, got to crunch topping a little cup of the extra. So when the first few bites, it's gone. I could put more on, crushed it, crushed it. The waffle cone also works between five and seven here on ESPN 1000. Go ahead. His name is Evan. I'll take the oven. Woody, is this being a dude or is this being a little league baseball player? He went to get ice cream after a baseball win. Yeah, I understand the point. But I mean, here's a guy here that is always judgmental on everyone else that's doing something like this. So for him to do it, it's pretty huge. It's pretty huge because he's always judging everyone else that that dares to have something that's a little bit sweet and it's a treat for someone else. But for him, that's pretty close to being a dude. Pretty close. So I crushed that ice cream. If you are ever in that area, north side of the city, Lincoln would border right there. It's on Devon Avenue. It's called Dairy Star. It's open till 11 at night. Wow. It is freaking sensational, sensational. So I played golf. I gave the speech. Had a good day. Got to work with you before that. It was awesome. Well, yet your day had to start better from there working with me, then it just went up from there. That was already at a pinnacle. But again, I could, I don't know who owns Dairy Star. They told me the lady told me I was checking out. I said, I came here. I've been here in 40 years. I was here as a kid. She said, well, same family still owns it. That's crazy. Yeah. But if you're in that area, take it from me. Go to Dairy Star. Oh, that was good. And another reason why Chris Canty's not on the show is because of things like this. Quarterback I'm rolling with that will be a top 10 guy at the end of the season, Justin Fields. Justin, I love everything about Justin Fields game. His physical ability checks every single box for which you would want your franchise quarterback can be. He can throw. He can run. He's big. He's got, he's got elusiveness. I mean, when this guy tucks the football and runs, he looks like a running back. And so I think that Justin Fields is absolutely ready to ascend into me. The comp for what we saw last year from Justin Fields is Jalen Hertz. Okay, Chris, it's a bad take. That's a bad take, Chris. I expected higher from you top 10 quarterback. Are you out of your mind? It's a bad take. We went over this last September. That's when that was. Hey, he doesn't mean now. He doesn't mean now. I could have, I could have captured that way. I could have said, you know, what can he said this morning about Justin Field? But I didn't want to set him up that way because he's a teammate top 10. So the cap and Jhood cut of the day and by the game, again, for clarity. This is what he said last year. That's not AI. Wow. It's a bad take. Cap. I wouldn't throw a stone. I think if I rolled the tape on an old shot or no shot, I could find you saying the same thing. Oh, probably, probably not. I don't think I did. Justin. No, I asked that question. I can't remember how either of you answered. Yeah. I don't think I answered it that way. Mitch? Yes. I follow my sword for that. I was an idiot. The cut of the day is next on Chicago's home for sports. If you missed something, get the podcast on the ESPN Chicago app. Jeff and Jhood are back on Chicago's home for sports, ESPN Chicago. It's time now for the cap and Jhood cut of the day brought to you by. That would be Chicago cut steakhouse, David Blum, and Matt Moore's dining gem on LaSalle, north side of Chicago River. Today, I'm going to tell you to eat the lobster salad with the champagne vinaigrette. Passing, simply, spectacular, and then for dessert, splurge a little, mint Oreo ice cream pie. Oh, doctor. Chamber. Yo. Yes, it's boring, but it's a sport. Oh, whatever. It's not boring. Okay. Then you're boring. All right. That's been in the bloodstream for a while, like if you're a wide receiver and you worked worth anything in this league, you will die in Chicago. You'll die. Never had a quarterback and now, you know, all the fields, cult members are, we'll get into it when we talk with football, which I am sure. Dude, there are cult members. Do you see Justin through six touchdowns in a practice so far? Shut up. Wow. We got heated cap this morning and I hate that term shut up, but some of these idiots out there, I'm looking at one of them. He's got this, like, you know, he's him fan account, idiot who you ran for a touchdown and Caleb threw a pick on this guy. Shut your mouth. You're an idiot. Move to freakin Pennsylvania and get out of our life. Massage yourself. Justin's gone. He's not coming back. Please, like a room is going to fall apart. They're not going to want to be here, honey. They can't handle it. They want Justin. They're all wild. Oh, Caleb. Hey, man. I got a camp up in Deerfield. You come speak to the kids, sign some out of it. I'll be there. Hey, man. This guy's showing great leadership. Shut up, cult. It's over. That's right. Lee Allen. Yes, sir. All right. And two minutes. We'll give you a shot. No shot. And that's all. Folks. Wow. They can't be Jhood. Good of the day. Brought to you by Chicago cuts. La Salle, north side of the Chicago River. Awesome patio. Best in the city. What do you think? Uh, Texan one and a half. What do you think? Is that the line? Yeah, one and a half. Texan, what do you think? I'd play the over. Okay. This 30 and a half is a total. Go over. Over 30 and a half. Over 30 and a half. Okay. Yeah. But you like the Texan though tonight? I wouldn't bet the side. Okay. I'd just play the over. Beijing's going to get the job done in that first quarter though. Bam. Touchdown. That's amazing. Lazer babe. Tyler Scott. What? You know, we're going to have tomorrow cap for ball Friday, a football Friday indeed. We will review the Bears and Texans. They take Bears Friday as we like to call it here and the whole little bear. It's a football Friday. We'll have it for you tomorrow along with the Bears and Texans conversation. Thank you, Shane. Thank you, Jay Moore. We'll talk to you tomorrow. So long, everybody. For Bears Friday. Take that. I'm Kago NFL.