Kap & J. Hood

7/31 9 AM: MLB Trade Deadline Recap

Hour 3: The MLB Trade deadline is over, the White Sox and Cubs made moves but how did the do? The Sox didn't move Garrett Crochet but may trade him during the offseason. White Sox GM Chris Getz spoke to the media after the trade deadline ended on the direction of the team. Grade the trades, how did the White Sox and Cubs do? Plus the Kap & J. Hood Cut of the Day.

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Good morning, Chicago. And welcome in to the Kappa Jayhood morning show on ESPN 1000. And streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. - The show. - Along with David Kaplan, Johnathan Hood with you. We've got, Shay, we've got Jaymore. We've got you here on this Waddle Wednesday. 312323777, six-star telephone number you can also watch the show on twitch, Also on our YouTube channel, just hit that subscribe button, that way you missed nothing from ESPN Chicago on YouTube. So the trade deadline has gone and come and here we are in the afterglow of the trade deadline. And boy, did the socks make some moves. They were kind of clean house. They didn't get everybody cap, but they have crochet and Robert's still here. So before we get to the other moves that the white socks were able to do, we were on pins and needles waiting to find out would a team want your crochet based on what crochet wanted. Like, hey, you can trade me, but I need to go to the other team. That team's got to be able to give me a deal and make sure that my future is taken care of. That did not happen. - It did not happen. He wanted because he soared past his innings limit this year or his career high, I should say. He said, you want me to pitch in October? Put my health at risk, you're gonna pay me for it. Or I'm not doing it, I'm sitting up. And so the Dodgers had some apprehension is what we're hearing. Hey man, we don't even know if this dude's gonna be available to us in October. We're gonna give up a huge package, pay him a ton of money and then find out, well, he's not even healthy now because he's throwing so many innings. So, look, I think Chris Getz was putting a tough spot. I think what's gonna happen is this winter, they will trade him and they will cut ties and they'll get a really good return. Maybe not the return they were hoping for right now 'cause teams do desperate things at the deadline, but he's a damn good pitcher and a good dude. He's gonna get paid. - Listen, I understand Tom Wiles' thoughts about Gary Crochet because there are a lot of Sox fans that feel the same way that Tommy feels that you gotta start someplace. Why can't he be the centerpiece for a rebuild? - The thing is, Cap, is that I can't say it any louder. People don't realize how bad this situation is at 35th and Vek. They don't understand how bad this is. They think that it's like the NFL, that you just turn it in a year or two or three years. That's not where the white Sox are. That's not how baseball works, usually, where you get a turn just like that. The Sox have a lot of work to do. The reason why the Kenny and Rick Hahn are not in this position is because they floundered at it at the end. They had to leave because they couldn't get a turn. And so now you bring him Chris Goetz, who was mediocre at best at his position in the minor leagues. And now you put him in the same situation that Rick and Kenny were in as a wheeler and dealer try to tear this thing down. He's negotiating with the likes of Brandon Gomes from the Dodgers and Sam Fold from the Phillies and JJ Piccolo from the Kansas City Royals and Michael Lyons from the Baltimore Orioles. Baltimore, Kansas City, Philadelphia, LA. Big markets that know what the hell they're doing. No matter who the front facing guy is as a GM, those organizations like, yeah, we can get this guy. Let's get this guy. Let's get him. This is what Chris has to deal with. Chris has never been in this position before. - Correct. Like on the other side, like Jed's been down this road for years. - Three decades. - Yes, years. - Yes. He's been in the games at 25 years. He knows what he's doing. Carter comes from Cleveland. You can debate, you don't like this move or that move, but you cannot debate that they're experienced at their job. - They don't under, Chris is not. He's a neophyte. - Listen, I understand Tommy's point. However, Cap, say you paid your crochet. And by the way, that's not the way Jerry Reiserff does business. I mean, it was enough to pay John Danks. They had to twist his arm just to get John Danks a five year deal. - Well, you know, pay for just a five years. He didn't want to do it. - He did not. - But he did it anyway. Because he thought it was best for the team. Cap, this team is up the track a lot, by a lot. You're going to be the worst team we've ever seen in Major League Baseball. They're not getting that turn, but there's so many facets of the team that has to be fixed. We went over with Watami. It's the manager. It's the way you play. It's your minor league system. It's your major league system. All of these things, and like dudes, guys that you could say, "These are cornstones." You don't have any. You have zero. That's why you're starting from the bottom. - You want a great story? I don't think I've ever told this on the year. Great story. So I'm at O'Hare, flying to, I remember I was flying to, I was flying to St. Louis to do a basketball game, St. Louis U. My phone rings. It's like 6.30 in the morning, 6.15. It's a buddy of mine who's a radiologist. My buddy says to me, "Hey, we happen to have an MRI in our office "of John Dank's arm." Oh yeah? He said, "Do you know Kenny Williams?" - Yep. - I do. Well, he said, "You need to call him, "tell him not to sign that kid." There's no way he's gonna make it through that contract. No chance. I looked at it. I'm like, serious? He's like, "Yes." I call Kenny, 6.30 on a Saturday morning. Hello. Kenny, cap. What's up? It's early. I just got out the phone with a doctor. He saw Dank's MRI. He said he's gonna blow out. Do not give that guy an extension. I'll call you right back. He calls, I think, Herm Schneider. Wasn't he the old trainer? He was? Calls me back and tells your friend to stay out of White Sox business, he's wrong. I said, "Okay, this guy's really good at his job." He said, "There's no way that that arm "is gonna hold up that shoulder." He blew up and I bet Kenny dinner and he still hasn't paid it off. 'Cause now we don't speak. I can still pursue that if you care to though. No, I'll pass. You sure? I'll pass. Okay. I don't need to have dinner with him. Yeah, you don't need the backlash, what he would say on the other end of that phone. You'd rather not. Hello, Kenny, cap. What? Yeah. You owe me dinner and I'm in Arizona. Bring it, bring it on. I don't think you'd like that. Go after yourself. They didn't do, they should've done more the White Sox. As far as, if you're just gonna just take it down to the studs, keep going. It's one thing, Cap, to just like, okay, here's Paul DeYoung and we're gonna get rid of him, Michael Copec, who'll be a really strong arm and a good seventh inning guy for the Dodgers. You can't close, you can't start. He'll just be a good power arm. He's got electric stuff, but his stuff is straight as an arrow with the White Sox. No pressure, just the Dodgers, an opportunity to win the pennant, that's all. No big pressure. And then some of these other guys that they were able to, but Aloy Jimenez, which is amazing to me, out of everything we saw yesterday, for anyone to want Aloy Jimenez, when you know his injury history, that's the Oreo saying, let's do Chris Getz a solid. Let me take care of you, kid. Here you go, we'll take him, because Aloy can't play anywhere on that team. Not even DH, 'cause you can't risk it. He'd be in the old days, the old DH, the old pinch hitter. All right Aloy, we need someone in the ninth, come on up. He doesn't even do that anymore. I don't even know why he's on the ball club. Outside of, we'll take care, no, we got you. - I think they took him and went, you know what? As a pinch hitter, or as we need a bat, there's no waiver deals anymore. July 30th was the deadline. - All right, we can give him an arm who's never gonna do anything. Here he go, take a player. - Sure. - That's it. And we'll take a little bit of the money. - This is where it is. - I bought an insurance policy, that's all they did. - Shay, I mean, this is where the ball club is right now. You've lost 16 games in a row, you're 27 and 83, and there's no hope for the future. I don't care what anyone tells you, Cap. You don't get it turned quickly, unless there's gonna be a new ownership that I don't know about. - Yeah, that's why I think it's a grievous error, not moving Garrett Crochet, and I'm sure that they will in the winter, but-- - Why is it grievous if they could trade him this winter? - I feel like you probably missed your window to really maximize what you could have gotten from a team desperate to go to the playoffs. - Well, that's why he should not have gone public with his demands. This has all been kept quiet. - I'm not blaming anybody. I'm not putting blame on Chris, I'm just saying in a vacuum, I think it's mismanagement by all parties that Garrett Crochet is still on this team today. 'Cause I get what Waddles Point was that, well, look at things differently and extend Crochet and pay him a big deal and then go out and buy free. They're just, they're never gonna do that. - Right, have you told me that he was a Met? - Yeah, they'll sign him. - If you're gonna extend Crochet, I get it, but then you have to add $75 plus million in payroll this off season. And no team is doing that, unless you're gonna be the Texas Rangers and spend a billion dollars in an off season, you're not doing it. When I look at your farm, God know with Schultz, one of the best pitching prospects in baseball, he drafted Hagen Smith, you've got Drew Thorpe, you're working him in. - Jonathan Cannon was great last night. - You've got pitching everywhere and proof of concept as an organization that you can develop it and turn it into great things. You use Dylan Cease and Garrett Crochet as evidence that you're good at this. Where are the bats that I care about? - Well, there you go. - You don't have them. So move Crochet and get somebody else's bats. - At this point in time, the White Sox are developing pitching that's gonna be in the All-Star game, but that won't necessarily be in the playoffs with the White Sox. That's what you're developing, because when it comes with this ownership, with this ownership, when it comes down to contract time, they won't be there. Sorry, go someplace else. - Right, that'll be all. - I mean, that's what it is. Now listen, you and I talked about this off the air. I wanna talk about this on the air. You tell me whether that's a good idea. If you're a Crochet and his representation. Just like in the NBA, there's a player that will be grumbling underneath the surface. I don't wanna be here. Especially if you like Brooklyn, right? I don't wanna be in Brooklyn anymore. Trade me to a contender, okay. So there's a short list of teams. Shh, quietly, that I'd like to go to. Now I know that on the other side they gotta pay me, but can you just give me to LA, Atlanta? Can you give me to New York, the Yankees? Can you give me to Baltimore? Just a few teams, right? - Correct. - And would they be willing to do this? Like I wanna be here, I don't wanna be here. Trade me to those teams. Now on the other side of this cap, there might be some teams that saw Crochet being babied by the White Sox and go, this guy had one Tommy John, how many bullets does he have in the gun? - No question, like afraid, like saying like, I'm not sure, like I know in a short sample size what a bad team is good, but in a pressure scenario, do I give this guy four or five years? What kind of arm does he really have when we blow it out? Seven, eight innings, does he have that? - And you're talking about down the stretch? - Yeah. - Leverage innings. Kerry Wood wants said to me, dude it's not the number of pitches. You know if you're laboring or if you're cruising along, but he said when you're pitching the last two, three weeks of September, trying to get to the postseason, every pitch matters so much, there's so much stress on you, that it's physically taxing, it is. - And this is where I think they're really screwed because you take the extension stuff and Gary Crochet doesn't want to be in the bullpen, he wants the extension, take that out of it. Teams are worried about if he can pitch 160 innings, right? Well, your risk now is if you let him pitch 160 innings and prove he can do it, you are running the risk of him blowing his arm out again and then not being able to move him in the winter. So you have to shut him down now if your plan is to trade him this winter. And if you do that, you can't prove that he can pitch the innings, everybody's curious, he can pitch. I thought the deadline was the perfect time to do it because now you're really in a tough spot. You cannot let him pitch again this season. - Well, you know, it takes two or three teams to tango, Che, and so I don't know what was on the other side. All we know is that Baltimore said no or Baltimore wouldn't pay, I'm sure the extension or a new contract for Gary Crochet. I wonder who else gets talked to? 'Cause I mean, it's one thing to say, I'm shipping this guy, I'm shipping this guy, but the other side of it is like, this guy worth the money that I want to pay him. Can he go 160 innings? Can he give me six plus every fifth day? 'Cause that's the great unknown. He didn't know he was gonna get the ball on day one. - Ever when he said twice? - You're gonna start over the day. - What, seriously? Like he had no idea. - If your team, but that, but that, and by the way, I'm not saying that Crochet can't do it. Cap, I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is, is that if you're a ball club, you are weary, aren't you? - And committing that kind of money, yes, that's a problem. - They're already pitching him two innings a start. What are they gonna do? Dap the rest of the season? - He's not gonna pitch. No, I'm not shutting him down. - You can't pitch. If they pitch him again, that is a grievous error. - It's too bad that this is not the NBA or the NFL. You keep Crochet out, you definitely will submit your opportunity to be the worst team in the NFL. If it's too bad, you can't get to the number one pick this way. - Right, they're picking time. (laughing) - It's too bad. - Yeah, that's the other reason they should have traded him because you can shut him down, but you get no reward for being as awful as you are. - Correct. Chris gets what his thoughts about the White Sox, next on Cap and Jay Hood. (upbeat music) Follow Chicago's home for sports on Twitch at ESPN 1000 Chicago. Cap and Jay Hood are back on Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. - Cap and Jay Hood on Chicago's home for sports. ESPN 1000 with you 'til 10 o'clock. And then my Greenberg attend, Carmen New Yorko at noon. White Sox Royals at 1230. While on Sylvie after the White Sox. Then is Jeff and Tom with Bears Weekly at 630. And Black and $1,738 right here on ESPN 1000 for show. 312332, 3776 our phone number. Cap, how do White Sox fans feel? It's one thing to be apathetic, but if you've been a lifelong White Sox fan, how do you feel this morning? Knowing that, again, this team has just been picked apart. The White Sox, my favorite team, grew up 20 minutes from the ballpark. It's my dad's favorite team, grew up in a White Sox household. And I never thought I'd live to see this. Seeing teams in these pop-up championships, and these playoff appearances every now and then, but when you see this, this is the end. It is because I could easily just spin it and say that this is the beginning. It's the end, the end. It doesn't get any worse than this. When you're making history the wrong way, it's the end. And again, if I'm Jerry Reinsdorf, we talked about this 24 hours ago yesterday, I could not be seen in the meetings with the other owners. I couldn't be seen in town. You wouldn't see me, I'd be in Florida. I said to you yesterday, how do you walk into a meeting? No. Hal, Steinbrenner, nice to see you again. This guy wants to fill his stomach, rickas, whoever it is. They're gonna smile on your face, but they're gonna look at you strange, internally like this old cotger. When you walk away, they're gonna be like, "That guy's got the worst team ever." You know, I still wish we had it all David Eckstein. Huh? They're saying, he's washed. Yeah, I mean, he's such a good man. He is a good man. Jesus, you talk about running a team in the ground on this baseball side. Sweet mother of God, what are you doing? Couldn't do that. Meanwhile, Tommy Pham. Trim into the gap right center fan. That ball is gonna be God. One grand slam, and Tommy Pham. Holy cow. His first hit bat, Tommy Pham, wow. Chris Morrell. Fantastic starter here for the-- Rest it for Morrell, get to this one. High deep deluxe, set it up, baby's gone. Home run, Morrell. Dwayne Stets. There you go. Enjoy Chris Morrell out of here. You know the other one, hoodie we never talk about? He's Kevin Polar. I almost forget that he was on the White Sox at the start of the season. That's right. And he was in the news dissing him after he got shipped out of here. He was horrible with the White Sox. Only 32 plate appearances hitting 160, 650 OPS. Goes to the Angels. Sitting 308 with an 853 OPS. You leave this team, you become gold. It's unbelievable. Chris gets, crochets, future with the Sox, or someplace else? Tough to say. I mean, we're obviously just closed the door on this trade deadline. We feel very good about the moves that we have made. And we've got a sizable chunk of the season here to get to the finish line. And we're going to figure out what's best for the White Sox, what's the season's over? Trade value in the off season for crochets. For all the haters. Yeah, I'm not concerned with the value. I mean, what Garrett has done is it's a bold statement. What he's become this year. And the arms like that just don't come around. And the interest, perhaps, could be even stronger being that it's the off season. And the urgency can change for a handful of clubs. So I anticipate the attention on Garrett and the interest in acquiring him is only going to go up. But with that being said, we're very happy that he remains here and being able to watch him compete the remainder of the season. Thoughts there from Chris Katz? Look, he said we're very happy that he remains here. That's a lie. And I will tell you, there was a report in town from Shane Ridden who said that Pedro told the players that, if this ends up with the worst record in history, it's on you guys. I'm being told that that's fact, that he did indeed say that. Yesterday, he walked that back and said to the media, I'm the manager. It all starts with me. Everything's on me. But yes, I did talk to the players about not making history. I'm here, and that's not how it went down. No, speaking of Pedro, Jesse Rogers asked the question, is Pedro safe? You know, we just wrapped up the debt. You know, we just wrapped up the deadlines. And just wanted to focus on that. And then we'll get through tonight, and kind of once again, kind of debrief, and look through the players that we acquired, and we'll move forward. Ah, but there's always a backdoor to ask that question, Cap. Well, we're just going through a deadline. We don't want to talk about that. All right, the way Cap would have done it back in the day in the scrum, he won't answer that. Cap would have asked, how do you evaluate Pedro for the rest of the season? Yeah, I mean, it's been about getting players better on a daily basis, you know, and you look at what Gary has accomplished this year, and obviously the value that he's brought to the White Sox and, you know, to our game, and Eric Fettie, and where we got him, you know, from the KBO, and what he's been able to accomplish at the Major League level, Paul DeYoung at a bounce back, you know, Michael Copock, where he was at the end of the year to where he is now, and being able to, you know, you know, we moved some of those players and for her to return, that we re-endressed within the organization. So I think that there's a lot to be set there. We're Pedro and the staff have done a nice job with those guys in position to show what they're capable of doing, and it allowed me to capitalize on that. So without being set where we are now, we've got to go out there and continue to find ways to put these guys in position to have success, and that'll never change in terms of not being the priority for success. You've lost 16 in a row. Look, if they lose today, how am I going to say this? If they lose today and it gets to 17, they're off tomorrow, right? - They're off every day. - I think they have a day off, don't they? - I don't know. - So miserable. - For white socks. - Goddamn miserable. (laughing) - Yeah, they're off tomorrow. If they lose today and they get to 17, I would not be shocked if Pedro's done. They fire him. - What do you mean? Now, now, that's the, live demarcation is now. Now fire him. - He, Jesse just asked him about Pedro. - Well, we wanted to get through the, if you want, Jesse, we're not making any managerial changes. - That's what he would have said. They lose today. - We're moving on. - They're just not moving on. - No, Shay, tell him he's got to stay on so he can get that 24, right? - Yeah, yeah. - Once you get to 24, then do whatever you want. I don't care. But we got to get to 24. - We're going to work hard every day and we're going to find a way to kick your ass. - If they-- - What he said. - If they lose today and they can Pedro tomorrow, I will bet the house on the White Sox winning Friday. I will. And I don't want to do that. - The opposition has a bazooka and this guy's chewing bubblegum. We're going to find a way to kick your ass. - The road to 24 has been so fun, man. We got to get them on the front page for the ineptitude. We got to get the national heat up, make them feel like they really need to act different. - He's got a pea shooter trying to talk about how he's going to kick someone's ass. - Again, my question would be for, like if Jerry was sitting here, I'd have a billion questions for him. - Yeah, good. - Jerry, you saw this thing slipping away. Tony was sick. He left. What did Pedro, who the royal said, get out. He was on their staff and they changed managers and they let him go to with the vision rival. What did Pedro say in the interview that did you hand with him, whatever, that convinced you, Rick and Kenny, that that was the guy that saved the whole thing? 'Cause he sucks. - He's a good baseball man from a good organization. And he became highly recommended. Pedro growth home. He deserved his opportunity. He gave the game his opportunity. That's what we did. I missed David next time. - I wish me a little ball play like that. It is so good for the ball call. - Number 24, wow. - If you want to fire him-- - Wait a minute. - If you want to fire him, just do it on August 30th and then do the September call-ups and have a new manager so that you don't poison young guys, then whatever. - So you'll be disappointed if tomorrow morning when we come in, they go, white techs have relieved Pedro to fall of his duty. - Yes, I think they'd win on Friday if they didn't. - Who do they play? - Minnesota. - Where? - Had Minnesota. No shot. - Who do they get their ass kicked in Minnesota? Are you crazy? - It's Martin Crochet's shut down spot and flexing. - The post managerial firing win, the post head coach firing win. It's the most sure thing in sports. - It's, wait, it's hoop pitches? Martin. And then the open spot of Crochet, if he pitches or not on Saturday, Martin. - From Rowan and Martin. (laughing) - The comedy show, remember? - Who is Martin? - The comedy show. Rowan and Martin. The NBC show, remember it well. - Yeah, I do. - Davis Martin. - He's back, yeah? - Well, we got this. Stop laughing. - This is not good, man. - Wow. - This Martin, the open spot of Crochet and flexing. - It was like, but the cub two years ago was running Ildamaro Vargas and some guy named Alcantra out there and buddy of mine called you. - Ooh, these two young kids. I'm like, cub, they're in the thirties. - I don't know, I get these kids, kids. So it's the twins and then off to Oakland where Steve Stone will not be there. Another vacation. - See off? - He's not working that series. He's with the dogs in Arizona. That'll be all. (laughing) Take your trippin'. - Get Gordon in here. - Yeah, Gordon will do it. - Wow. - He's not going, are you kidding me? Stone? - Hey. - First of all, he started off the second half on vacation. I've never seen that before. Start off, I've had enough. Storing you're not comin' in? After this. Gone. So start the second half of the season. The color analyst isn't there. They're gonna go to Minnesota, he'll do that. - Minnesota, he'll go there. - Oakland? No shot. Absolutely not. I don't even know a schedule. I just know he won't be there. Don't look for him on TV. Oakland. Take it, Gordon. I don't care. See in Arizona. See it back at home against the Cubs. That's what it's gonna be. - Yeah, you never know. (laughing) - Exactly. Captain J. Hood, week day morning seven of the day. - We're so good. (upbeat music) - Captain J. Hood, I'm back. - We're back, baby. - We're back. - We're back. - What? - On Chicago's home of sports. ESPN Chicago. - It's a Captain J. Hood morning show on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. And the Chicago Bears are the only team in town going for it. We look at the Chicago sports landscape cap and we get, the Bears are on their way. Sky trying to improve their ball club. We got two rookies that everyone's talking about. Cardoso and Angel Reese, the Hawks are again, trying to build around Badard. They actually made some noise here just trying to put some veterans around them so we can learn the teenager. But then it's the Cubs and the Sox. And it's just like, you know, it's funny what the Cubs, we have not talked to you and I about the morale trade together. I'm sure you talked to Nick about it a lot on Monday. You know, I had a penny stock on morale from the beginning. I said, I love this guy's enthusiasm. When the Cubs are just down, here's a guy that was smiling, talking to the umpires, talking to the... Just happy to be in the big leagues. But Jesse's the reason why that morale is in Tampa right now, because Jesse called it out first, swinging for the lake, huh? They saw it too. - And Craig was not happy with Jesse. - That's a bad take, Jesse. - Yeah, and it's a bad take, he said. - Yeah. - It's a bad take. - But ultimately, the Cubs saw something and which they said, okay, he's not getting better. Let's move along. And he'll be a good igniter for the Rays, I believe. I like Morrell's upside. He's not where he needs to be now. He's going backwards, but I believe that he'll be a better ballplayer than what we said. - I think there is a chance that Christopher Morrell becomes a star down there. - Possibly. - And if he does, Paredes better work out. - Did you like the deal by the way? You like Paredes being on the team? - I do, okay. - It would be disingenuous for me to say I don't like it. Yeah, I do. I said I liked it when they did it. Just disappointed that the Morrell thing didn't work out 'cause he brought energy and guys loved him around there and he got a lot of pop and power. Unfortunately, he's not there. - He needs a position. I think that's, it starts there. Before we talk about offense, I said at the beginning of the season, if you recall, I said, you know, you're trying to piecemeal the third base spot by putting Morrell there. I'm like, well, he's not third baseman, but they want his bat in the lineup and his excitement. I get that. But I think that that's where the rubber meets the road with him in which he needs to be more than just a replacement player or just above replacement player. He needs to be able to have a position in which you can rely on him, not DH. He's got to have a position where he could trust him out there 'cause he was horrendous defensively. He just was. He was a liability. - He got better as the season went on. Like last week I sent out a tweet. There was three plays in one inning, sensational plays. I'm like, oh, getting better. But when you're hitting, what, a buck 90 something? And you're not elite defensively. Yeah, he's hitting a bunch of home runs, but no. They made the move and Paredis is a good player. - I thought you liked Hunter Biggie. - I did. You know, hadn't proven anything in the big leagues yet, but guys that throw 100 miles an hour, I like. We need more of those. - Surprise, like for Christopher Morel, you don't need to cubs give up too much. Biggie, Johnson and Morel. - So there's a site that I go to that breaks down trades. They use all these different analytical formulas. And I think I sent it to you guys on the text chain. They said by their evaluation, Chicago wins as they underpaid for Itsak Paredis. Underpaid. - Do you think the Cubs gave up too much for Paredis? - I do not. - Okay. - 'Cause that's the price. Because the Yankees and Dodgers were in the bidding all the way to the end. But they really wanted Morel, the race. - Well, partner, you know, I got nothing over here. I got zero over here as far as Southside baseball. The National League Ball Club for Chicago, Illinois is gonna be very interesting in the off season. 'Cause you're slip sliding away now. The owl's not a factor. You're seven games out of the wild card. You're done. You're cooked. That'll be all. - Yeah, that'll be all. - How is Otis the owl doing? - He's fine. - He's dead. - He's gonna get his regular job back out on the dock keeping the birds and building a nest. - He's not coming to dinner with you anymore. He's not going to the concert tomorrow. - He'll not be at the concert. He will not be at the concert. - I may, you know, start fresh next season. - I need you to leave Otis on the sideline next year. - Since I've taken him out, Otis says over 500. Way better than the dead-ass club that plays it, Riggly. - Let me tell you something, Cap. If you want to bring Otis the owl out, bring him out during the winter meetings. That's what he knew him the most. You want to get some good luck going? The winter meetings. 'Cause what are you going to do? This has not been good. - It's horrible. This has not been good. - But I actually think that people are more intrigued by the White Sox story to see how bad they are. Like, it's like a car wreck. People want to see. Are they going to actually lose 24 in a row? Are they actually going to be the losingest team in the history of the sport? - Well, here's the thing. Diana, a ride behind you. She's not in here to talk about how great the traffic is. She's here to talk about the car wrecks. People are more intrigued in the car wrecks. - Diana, Matthew? - Yes. - She's concerned more about that than how smooth the roads are. - Correct. - I tell you, we talk about compelling stories in this town. The bears, I think, have a stranglehold on it right now with how exciting and the hype around them. - Give me more compelling other than the bears. - It's the White Sox. - Yes. - Number 24. - The cubs, they just suck. - They're just eh. - Whatever. The bulls, they're a joke. And the Black Hawks, they're in a rebuild. Whatever's not other than Badard. There's not a lot compelling. - A quick side-barmy approach. - Yes. Brought to my ink and law, 3-1-2-6 million for that great. - How are they? - It's on my ball. - Because there's nothing interesting in Chicago baseball. We're just wrapping up the deadline because it's bear season. And that's going to be the focus of the show moving forward. However, Shay, last night was a baseball nirvana. I got a little Yankee fillies yesterday. Got a little Dodger's Padres. I didn't watch the whole thing. Of course, Miller in the night's afternoon shift can stay up and watch that great come from behind victory for the Padres against the Dodgers yesterday. But here's the thing. - No, no, tell me that. The Padres came back and won that game. We're done 5-0 in the first, right? - 6-5, you're final. - Oh God, I had another... - So, I'm sick. - I had two parlays last night, a 6-teamer. Of course, the 6-leg. I went 5-0, the 6-leg was the Cubs. My wife was all over me. Why would you bet the Cubs? The other one I bet. - Good night, Mindy. - I had like a 7-teamer. I threw the Padres in there. Of course, the other leg was the over in the cup. - Yes. Dodgers lost that one last night, 6-5, and come from behind a fashion thanks to... Thanks to the game-winning hit by Machado, I believe. Yeah, Machado had two home runs in the game. So, the whole thing is... - No, it was Cubs' money line, sorry. - So, here's the thing, Shay. We have to be careful. Not likely we're going to be talking about him very often. But already in New York, I've heard three examples of them not being able to pronounce the new New York Yankee. Jazz Chisholm. Jazz Chisholm. - Yep. Big Homer last night. If you say it too fast, you'll be saying something else. Jazz... - Careful. - Exactly. It's like when I worked with a sports anchor years ago that could not say wild card hunt properly. - Oh boy. - And it became something else. It became wild hard something else. - Oh boy. - You got to be careful of that, right? - The Chicago Cut Steakhouse. Cut of the day. Before hoodie gets us in big trouble. - I'm just leading you into it. I will not say it because I'm smart with this. I know radio very well. - Kathy, how about Mark Leiter Jr. last night? Your guy, on in the 10th inning for the Yankees. Big hold, saved things for them. - I hope they got a good prospect or two back. - Jazz Chisholm. Careful with that. - Oh, get me in. - Oh, no. You're not going to say anything. I'm just telling you that we all have to be careful with this. Four home runs and three games. It is a new uniform. Chisholm. - Pretty good. - Shirley's kid. The cap and J-hood cut of the day. You ready to run the quarter? On Chicago's Home for Sports. - Follow Chicago's Home for Sports on Twitter at ESPN1000. Cap and J-hood are back. - On ESPN Chicago. Chicago's Home for Sports. - Cap and J-hood on ESPN1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. Now time for the Cap and J-hood Cut of the Day. - And that's brought to you by your Cardinal Cut. Stick out. Sit on the south, on the north side of the Chicago River. You'll be sunny this afternoon. It's a great day to sit on their amazing patio. Try the burger. The fries. Get avocado. Get your healthy fats. Cold beer. Thank me later. Cheers. - Yo. - Yes, it's boring, but it's a sport. - Oh. - Whatever. - It's not boring. - Okay, then you're boring. - All right. Head. - All right, two sides of the coin. Evan Cohen thinks extend him for a year right now. Chris Canty says no, he's got to prove it. Are you Team Cohen or Team Canty? - Well, I'm Team Canty, but Evan Cohen, this is what happens cap when you're on the year six hours a day. Because he's filling in for green more times than not also. Evan Cohen. Did you hear the comment of, well, this part right here? - Give him a contract extension, even if it's for show. - Who does that? - Yeah. - You don't give a contract for show. - Right. What does that even mean for show? - Right. - Did they give DJ Moore this new deal for show? - For show. There's an 82 million guarantee. - What the hell's for show? - Hey, just do it for show, just so that way the controversy. So can't Williams feels comfortable? - No. - No, he's just been Evan from our show for 30 days. - No. - Just for show. - That's. - Like that, Evan. - For show. - And that's all, folks. - The cap and Jhood cut of the day. - Brought to you by Chicago Cut, Steak House, Lonnie Sal, north side of the Chicago River, best patio in the city. David Flom and Matt Moore's dining creation is amazing. - For show. What constitutes a mutt? - A mutt is a mixed breed dog. I have two purebreds. I have a purebred golden retriever. We just got named Maverick, a purebred Siberian husky named Sparky. But we have a mutt named Stanley. - Name Polly. - Name Polly. - Stanley. - Purebred. - Sweet Polly, purebred from Underdog. - That's right. - My favorite cartoon of all time. - That's right. - That and the McGilligurilla hour of power with little OG. Yeah, those were my two favorites. Today is National Mutt Day. - That means I go home later today and give a big hugging kiss to Stanley for being National Mutt Day. - You know, why over the years, Cap, is that a negative connotation to call someone a mutt? - It just means you're kind of a mixed breed. - Hmm. - Like a little Irish and a little Greek. I'm a little this. I'm a little that. Yeah. Where Sparky is purebred sight. A very husky, baby. - Say your dog is a what? - Burn a doodle. - That's a mutt. - Just straight ahead of it. Nothing mixed with anything else. - It's a birdies mountain dog and a poodle. - Poodle. - So that would be a mutt as well, right? A mixture of different breeds. - I feel like mud is more applied to like when you rescue a dog and it's got some, like, seven different breeds mixed in. You can't track it. It's just a test of a bunch of things. - There's a mutt. - Does he? - Okay. - I've had him. I had a golden doodle. That is golden retriever poodle. - It says a doodle is technically a mutt. I just wouldn't call my dog a mutt. - 'Cause it's a negative connotation. Or just 'cause you'd know exactly what it is. It's not a mutt. You know exactly what it is, right? - Yeah, I can tell you. Exactly. And I did was like, we got it from a breeder and to purebred parents. So I'm talking about it that way. It's just to me and Danny. He's a burn-a-doodle. I wouldn't say, oh, my dog's a mutt. - So, is it going to be two or more? Could it be three or four? To be able to make a mutt? - Sure. - At one time? - Sure. - Wow. - Is there a video about? - Oh. - We thank you for listening and calling in the big-father program here on Kam and Jay Hood. - - It is, man. - It'll be a deal breakers Thursday tomorrow. Thank you, Shay. Thank you, Jay Board. So long, everybody. - Take that. - From Chicago. (dog barks)