WBCA Podcasts

Life Matters

Host Brendan O'Connel interviews social media personality "Pro-Life Spiderman" Maison Des Champs

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31 Jul 2024
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Host Brendan O'Connel interviews social media personality "Pro-Life Spiderman" Maison Des Champs
The following commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of WBCA or the Boston Neighborhood Network. If you would like to express another opinion, you can address your comments to Boston Neighborhood Network, 302-5 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 0-2119. To arrange a time for your own commentary, you can call WBCA at 617-708-3215 or email Hello, welcome to Life Matters. I'm your host, Brendan O'Connell. Well we interview the broad mosaic of the Right to Life movement, and while we believe all individuals are unique, we have a very unique guest today. He is a pro-life Spider-Man. His name is Mason Deschamps. So welcome Mason Deschamps. Thank you for having me on. Mason, how did you get involved with the pro-life world and also climbing buildings like Spider-Man? Yeah, I was always pro-life, but nominally, right? The way most people are, they say, "Oh yeah, I'm pro-life, I think abortion is bad." But one day I was sitting at home on my phone when I saw a picture of a dead baby. She sat in a Ziploc container with a smash skull and one eye open, and I tell people like until you see the victims of abortion, it's very hard to understand what abortion truly is. Our words, they can be twisted, they can be misconstrued, but our eyes cannot lie to our hearts. And so I saw this dead baby, and suddenly I realized that the pro-life movement is not just some issue like taxes, or I don't know what other kind of issue, but it is a holocaust. When we say we're pro-life, we mean to say that we believe abortion is murder, and 70 million babies have been murdered in the womb since Roe v. Wade. And so when I seen this photo, I felt like how that verse in James, the book of James and the Bible, it says, "Men who hear and do not do are like men who look at themselves in the mirror, walk away, and immediately forget who they were." That's how I felt deep inside, as if I didn't do something to save these babies, that almost as if, I don't believe that we're safe by our works, but almost as if this sin of omission is so great that my salvation in some way would be in jeopardy. And so I was a rock climber. That's what I did. When I was 16, my whole family moved out to California from a little small farm town in Michigan, and I started climbing out there, and when I was 18, I moved to Yosemite, and I was climbing in the mountains, and very quickly, I started climbing with the professionals and doing the sort of out there kind of style of climbing. And so I was going to school at the time, and rock climbing. School was mainly just an excuse for me to rock climb more, and I had no money, no influence, what could I do to make a difference? And in 2008, there was this guy, his name is Alon Robert, and he was known as the French Spider-Man, but he had climbed skyscrapers all over the country from, I think his first one was in 1994, but in 2008, he climbed the New York Times building in New York City to protest climate change. And so I saw that he had done that, and he hung these banners that said, "Climate change kills more than 9/11 every week," and I thought to myself, you know, this would be something really cool to do for the pro-life movement, and I think also, like, Christians, we get this sort of rap that we're these square sort of guys, I know I'm wearing a suit and tie right now, but, you know, really, like, the most outlaw thing you could do nowadays is stand for Christ. You want to make people mad, stand for what Christ took for, and so I thought it would be an interesting way to share the message and get people's attention, because the media can ignore the pro-life stories. You saw this with the Justice for the Five, the babies that I saw, they very quickly swept into the rug, and the stories they did print labeled Lauren Handy as this sort of crazy lady with baby's inner freezer, which is just not true. But they can quickly sweep things under the rug, but it's really hard to ignore a crazy guy climbing a skyscraper, we're able to get the stories out pretty quickly. Yeah, I see. I was down in D.C. at that time when Lauren and others and the hotel that they stay at was right across the street from the morgue, and so a bunch of us went out there after the 115 forum, and we took pictures and sang, and we had a sales or public display of what was going on, and I've interviewed a couple of the people that are going to prison, one pilot, Harlow, who's here in Massachusetts, and it's really an injustice what's going on the way they're using the Face Act. What do you make of all of that? Oh, I think those people are my heroes. I think when I go out in Sidewalk Council and you stand there and you call out to these women, like, "Man, please don't do this. Please don't do this. I'll pay your rent." See my bank account, just please do anything but murder your child. Most of them just go right through the door and ignore us, and it's really easy to forget that when a woman goes into that abortion clinic, she's not going in there to clean her teeth. She's going in there to murder her baby. Philosophically, if we say we're pro-life, that's what we believe, and again, under the same sort of idea, let's say your neighbor stole your child and was drowning in his pool next door, what are you going to do to stop him? Are you going to physically intervene? Are you going to trespass on his property to save the life of your own child? You take that same concept with the Bible. He says, "Love that neighbor as ourselves," and we apply that to rescue. We should do anything and everything we can to save these children. I like to ask people because they say what I do is crazy because I get arrested and I go to jail, but it's like, "How many nights in jail would you spend to save your own child?" I always started out by saying, "Would you save one? Would you spend one night? Would you spend two nights?" Three, four, "How many nights are you willing to spend in jail to save just one of your own children?" How much money are you willing to spend? Most of us would be willing to empty our entire bank accounts. To sum it up, I guess I see what these rescuers are doing and I think they are the most principled and non-compromised pro-lifers that exist. These are the red rose rescuers who you talked about. The red rose rescuers are different than the ones who had blocked the doors. We consider blocking the doors because it's modeled off of the operation rescue idea that if these women are going into murder the babies, we block the doors and that's the most biblically obedient incursion thing we could do. The rose rescuers are a little different. It's kind of like a step up from sidewalk counseling. I've done them before and it is quite an experience. It's basically, you go inside an abortion clinic and you talk to the women, you sit in the lobby and you give them flowers and you try to convince them to leave with you. It's a little spooky sometimes because the police will get called on you and if they want to hit you with a face violation, you're kind of at their will but it's a little different than a traditional rescue that is an obvious violation of the face act. I would say it's civilly disobedient but it truly is biblically obedient because we're not standing for child killing and you look at the Bible, you look at Gideon. He was threshing wheat in his cave and the angel of the Lord came down and started talking to him and told him to go into the city and tear down the idols. He didn't say go in there and try to change the hearts and minds. He said go in and tear down the idols. So I see these rescuers upholding the sort of proverbs 24 rescuing those who are being wounded at but also upholding what God has told us to do with these idols. I see. Now you sent us along a few pictures, I'd like to take the first one, I think you're rock climbing and I'm wondering if it's in the Sierra Nevadas. When I was 40 I climbed Mount Whitney and one day I didn't realize how long it was 22 miles round trip to the Whitney portal and I hope to climb Mount Elbert in Colorado here later this month. But there's a picture of you, where is that and it looks like you're climbing the face of a mountain. I can't see the picture right now, I assume it's probably in Yosemite. One of my favorite, oh I didn't mean to send that photo, that's funny. What is in the Teton? So that's on Mount Moran. So yeah, there's Mount Moran and then you have the grand Teton, those are like the two biggest peaks and that one's kind of neat because it's a, you have to climb up a glacier to get to the base of the mountain depending on the time of year and I'm not much of an ice climber so it took a little bit of courage to kind of figure out how to do it. But it's kind of fun going up the snow. I'd say my favorite style of climbing though is big walling. So I really like going to Yosemite and climbing El Capitan or even mountains in the Wind River range. That's one of my favorite places in Wyoming. You get these 2,000 foot mountains and there's not a lot of people there because it's a 10 mile hike out and I really like the solitude and I honestly, I wish I had more time to climb now. I really do, I see climbing as sort of this vanity if you will and to be really good at rock climbing you have to be a slave to it. So I've had to decide over the last few years like do I want to be a slave to climbing or do I want to be a slave to Christ? And it's been hard because you see all your friends run off and they're having fun, breaking records on El Cap and I have to sort of sit back and lift through them in a way but also realize that when we get to heaven, God's not going to ask me how hard of a route have I climbed or how many mountains have I climbed. He's going to ask me, Mason, what did you do to save my children? And I really want to have an answer prepared for him. And honestly like I think even the climbing the skyscrapers thing, it's a little silly in a way. It's a sort of circus act. But we have one picture here on the screen right now and we can't see your head but we see your body and legs. I find it silly that we have to climb skyscrapers to convince the public that killing children is bad and we shouldn't do it. I wish we could just get people to stand up and donate their money to these causes like the pregnancy centers and let them live and go out on the streets with us and hold signs and really stand for Christ. But at the same time, God's called me to this and I'm grateful that I'm able to use it and have this platform where I'm able to speak for him and what he stands for. Right and we had one final picture or is it a slight video that we hope to put on the screen. Which building is this that you're climbing here? That is the Accenture Tower in Chicago. So funny thing about that one, in climbing all of us climbers were after what is called a first ascent, which means you are the first person to climb a specific mountain. And the same thing sort of applies to skyscrapers and there's maybe only like three or four of us climbing skyscrapers around the world. There's me, Alexi Lando, he's in Paris, you have Alon Rober, the French Spider-Man, the guy who invented it. There's a Polish guy, Marcin, and then Leo Urban is another one and we all kind of talk online and we'll talk about our projects and what we want to do. I had called Alon Rober at the night before that I climbed the Accenture Tower and here I am thinking that I'm going to get a first ascent on this building and he had told me that the Accenture Tower was actually the first building that he had climbed back in 1994. It was the very first one that he'd ever done, a watch company had paid him money to promote their new line of watches so he had went and climbed it as like an advertising promotion. But that's what started all of the building climbing was that tower right there so it was kind of neat to learn that. I was a little upset that I wasn't going to get the first ascent but it doesn't matter. Well I wanted to turn your, ask you about, you live in Nevada I believe and we have a Republican candidate, Lake is her name and has she flipped on the pro-life situation? What's going on over there? Yeah so Kerry Lake is running out of Phoenix. I do work all over the country and I was in Phoenix when she announced that she was going to oppose their 1864 bill that would have outlawed abortion entirely. It was one of the best bills that we could ever have and before she had said that she fully supports it, life starts at conception and then all of a sudden she decided that she was going to fold. What was happening there is that, you're seeing it now, yesterday the RNC decided that they're going to vote to remove two things from their platform. One is that marriage is between man and a woman. The other is that life starts at conception and so what you're seeing is that these people are trying to buy votes with the blood of the unborn. It's really sad to see because if you read 2 Chronicles 714 and the Bible it's like if my people will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then God will hear from the heavens and restore our land. When we're in these times of trial, the last thing we want to do is turn away from God but because of really the biblical literacy in the Republican Party and I would say honestly like the lack of Christianity, I think most people call themselves Christians are probably just that in name alone, we're seeing the Republican Party completely abandon Christian values which is kind of sad because they're claiming to be pro-family and you can't really create families through sodomy or killing children. So I don't understand how getting rid of these two things from your platform makes you more pro-family but they're going to try to claim that and I really do see the pro-life movement. We get treated like the fat kids on the playground and the reason why that is is because we keep rewarding these politicians that we considered our allies, we keep rewarding them after betrayal. We say this is the best we can do, we're going to choose the lesser of two evils and so there really hasn't been anybody that has been made an example out of through the pro-life movement because our people end up voting for them anyways. We end up sending them money anyways and really I truly believe that we need to draw a hard line and say that if you support child killing, you will lose, you will not have our votes, you will not have our money, you will be shamed publicly, we will come to your events with bull horns, we will make your life miserable and until we start doing that, we will continue to be treated like the fat kids on the playground. Speaking of making life miserable, could you talk about another area that you're involved in? There's a late term abortionist, Dr. Adam Levy. What's gone on with him and why are you making an example of him? Yeah, so we discovered that Dr. Adam Levy was charged with seven counts of sexual assault against minors, six under the age of 14 and one under the age of 16. I don't think the numbers are really that relevant because he took a plea deal, an Alfred plea and he pleaded down to child abuse in the gallette. So I just got done serving six days in jail for trespassing and meanwhile, we're watching abortions who are pedophiles receive plea deals and get nothing but probation, it's kind of insane. But yeah, Dr. Adam Levy, I have to use the word allegedly for whatever that's worth. But according to the court documents, Adam Levy allegedly raped his own daughters, ages six and ages nine. According to the court documents, it happened repeatedly over the course of a number of years. According to his divorce papers, he beat his pregnant wife because she wouldn't get an abortion. I mean, this guy is a terrible, terrible evil man and the craziest thing about this is that if you're a doctor, you can lose your medical license for something as simple as a DUI. But if you're an abortionist, it seems as though you can rape children and still perform abortions. And so I flew out a group of people through my organization, the anti-abortion front, flew out maybe 15 people to Las Vegas and we demonstrated outside of his businesses. We had big signs that said, Dr. Adam Levy is a pedophile, we chalked all of the sidewalks around the places he works. I mean, we went scorched shirts on this guy and from what I hear, I'm not sure if it's true. I haven't received any kind of statement from the hospital. But I hear we were able to put him on leave from UMC hospital. And again, I'm not sure if that's true. I believe it is. But the sad thing is is UNLV, University of Nevada Las Vegas and other hospitals that he works at, he works at the Women's Care Center, they have failed to take appropriate action. According to public records, they had accessed Dr. Adam Levy's court documents showing that he allegedly raped his own daughters and they have failed to fire this person. They accessed these back in 2022 and they failed to take action. And what may be the most mad about it because I actually attended University of Nevada Las Vegas and when you sign up, you have to take this 12 hour course about why rape is bad and why we shouldn't rape people and it's just this total virtue signal for the sake of insurance. But they want to seem like they're this big school that's against rape and sexual violence yet when their own people are accused of it and they're looking at a possible scandal, they turn a blind eye completely and honestly I'm ashamed to have attended their school now before I had a bit of school spirit but that's gone out the window with Dr. Adam Levy. But you know, I started my own work very recently, the anti-abortion front. If people want to help us out, then go to And our goal is to expose these abortionists and hold them accountable as well as politicians like Kerry Lake. To show how they're flip-flopping and they're either lying before or they're lying now, either way, I don't care, they need to be held accountable. And sometimes, you know, you hear this phrase, if you want a politician or an abortionist to see the light, sometimes they have to feel the heat. Mm-hmm, embrace. And so let me ask you then, can you do a freedom of information acting with the UNLV and find out whether or not he's still employed there and that sort of thing? Yeah, as of right now, his name is still on their website as an employee. I haven't heard anything from the vice president or the president. I went through to every school board meeting, every Nevada Board of Regents meeting. We did a sit-in at the president's office at UNLV. Four activists were arrested doing that. And we collected over 400 signatures from the student body demanding appropriate action be taken. And Dr. Adam Levy's name is still on their website. So, you know, FOIA is a beautiful thing. I think it's such an amazing thing that our country allows that because you can find so much out, just like obtaining these documents on Adam Levy, that was all through FOIA request. And the craziest thing was, and this is really where God's providence comes into play. Back in January, Dr. Adam Levy applied to have his records sealed. And so thankfully, we were able to get them just in the nick of time. I'm sure he was very angry at it. Well, I know he was angry, he texted me, he said he will make my life hell, and I will rue the day that I started this crusade. Those are words of Adam Levy. And you know, the problem we're running into really is the mafia that exists. A lot of the government is pro-abortion, and a lot of these politicians have their campaigns funded by the abortion industry. And so, you're watching the medical board right now, the Nevada State Medical Examiner's Board, rather than revoke Adam Levy's medical license for being a pedophile, which I can legally say, I can legally say that he is a pedophile, you know, they're coming after the pregnancy center in Las Vegas, first choice pregnancy center. They're trying to revoke their doctor's license rather than the pedophile. And the craziest thing about this is, too, is, you know, Dr. Adam Levy, he's a pedophile, and his window of his office at his abortion clinic looks out onto an elementary school playground. This is like the comical evil that's happening in Nevada right now. I think it's a real shame. We're going to try to meet with the Governor Joe Lombardo and see if we can get Adam Levy put on the sex offenders list, that's really our next step. But yeah, this battle is not against flesh and blood, and we have to remember that at the end of the day. Our goal, and this is why I support Rescue so much, our goal is to treat abortion like its murder and let God do the rest. Truly, like, if we cannot trust in God, we cannot fight in this movement, we will lose, we will be stricken with sorrow. We really have to put all of our faith in Christ, in Christ alone, and trust in Him, that, you know, His good will prevail. Well, thank you so much for sharing that with us, and you've done some great stuff with the pro-life movement, continue on. I know here in Massachusetts, the government has now put aside a million dollars to go after pregnancy help centers, which have like a 99 percent approval rating by people that use the pregnancy help centers, and it's just a terrible thing, and they're going after the doctors, if there happens to be a doctor associated with the pregnancy help center, and I just look at it as pure evil myself. Well, Mason Deschamp, thank you so much for being on the show, we really appreciate it, and folks, we hope you found today's show to be unique and formative, content-rich, truthful, and thought-provoking. Thanks for watching, I'm Brendan O'Connell, your friend for life. The preceding commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of WBCA or the Boston Neighborhood Network. If you would like to express another opinion, you can address your comments to Boston Neighborhood Network, 302-5 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02119. To arrange a time for your own commentary, you can call WBCA at 617-708-3215 or email radio at (upbeat music)