Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

7am Hour - Is The NL West Within Reach? + Adam Jones Calls In!

Ben & Paul kick off the 7am hour with a check of the MLB standings as the guys discuss whether or not the NL West is within reach as the Padres are all of a sudden just 4.5 games back of the dodgers! Then we get to "Don't (And DO) Do This" before the birthday boy Adam Jones calls in and we get his thoughts on the Padres beating the dodgers, the trade deadline, and more! Listen here!

Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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already seen a little pushback on my comment that I made just kind of off the cuff in our last segment that if a if a trade was proposed straight up Jackson Merrill for Paul Skeens I think the pirates would do it and I think the Padres would not but that's that's because I think a position player is just more valuable also Jackson Earl is younger than Paul Skeens he's a year younger and you don't have as much of an injury risk with a with a position player as a pitcher we've seen dominant pitchers you know young like Mark Pryor and Kerry Wood with electric arms but is he really going to be able to do it day you know every five days for the next 10 years are you ready to commit to a 10-year contract for Paul Skeens right now because I'm about ready to commit to that projection exactly exactly and I'm not trying to take anything away Paul Skeens has been amazing I mean it might be the best pitcher in baseball already it doesn't always have to be a competition and it doesn't have to be a competition but it also got me looking ahead at the schedule and Jeff on our chat kind of pointed out because I had been under the impression that Skeens was going to start the series opener against the Padres coming up on Tuesday but the pirates have announced their upcoming rotation and they have announced the Paul Skeens will actually start this Sunday against the Arizona Diamondbacks at PNC Park which means he will miss the series against the San Diego Padres on Tuesday Wednesday Thursday now you can you can think whatever you want about that you can be disappointed that you're not going to see a head-to-head matchup between the Padres and Paul Skeens for a team that's trying to chase a playoff spot I'll tell you this you'd rather miss Paul Skeens than get Paul Skeens but if you follow that out that would mean that Skeens would then likely throw on Saturday against the Dodgers they have a off day on Monday three against the Padres and if they keep their rotation order he throws Saturday against the Dodgers and then the Padres would miss him again when they come to Petco Park the following week because he wouldn't be able to pitch until after that series so there is now six games in eight days against the same team yep missed their ace and there's a good chance the Padres will now not face Paul Skeens in either of those two series coming up maybe a fortuitous break from the from the baseball gods or maybe not I have no idea how it's going to play out but I do know that the Diamondbacks who are red hot and right on the heels of the San Diego Padres and one again last night they are going to have to face Paul Skeens on Sunday and the Dodgers who are now just four and a half games ahead of the Padres they will likely have to face Paul Skeens the following weekend and the Padres could very well miss Paul Skeens in all six games that they have in their season series against the Pittsburgh Pirates which will all be played within the next two weeks both at Pittsburgh and here in San Diego so maybe the maybe the the gods smiling down on the Padres we'll see how it actually plays out on the field but yeah this wild card race remains really tight four of the six top teams last night won again including the Diamondbacks who beat the Washington Nationals five to four they held on despite two more runs allowed in a safe situation by Paul Seawald and he has not he has not been pitching well in fact the the thinking is that he may have lost his closers job with the Arizona Diamondbacks they may go with their new AJ puck acquisition who's closed before he came in the sixth inning yesterday but Seawald hadn't been getting the job done lately didn't cost him the game though as they went on and swept the Washington Nationals or one again against the Washington Nationals last night Cardinals are hot Tommy fam acquisition is paying immediate dividends after his grand slam in his debut on Tuesday he went three for four with two run double as they they crushed the Rangers 10 to 1 so the Cardinals still right behind the San Diego Padres the Braves won they beat the Brewers six to two Craig mentioned it on the round table yesterday when I said the Braves could be the team that slips he said well watch out Matt Olson is heating up he hasn't had a really good season but he had 51 homers last year and he gets hot he can put the Braves on his back well he had two more home runs yesterday so he is heating up that could be big for the Braves they're a half game up on the Padres in the wild card race the Mets did lose the twins did avoid a sweet with an eight to three win helped everybody out and temporarily at least knocking the Mets out of the wild card position and moving the Diamondbacks into that third position in the wild card race and then the pirates lost yesterday to the Astros five to four as the Astros avoided the sweep a racing of four nothing deficit so Padres currently in that that second wild card spot just a half a game behind the the Braves for the first wild card spot so it's really really tight right now however you really are on like full scoreboard watch already aren't you yeah but even even like Don Arcillo was saying last night during the broadcast that he's watching the scoreboard now and and mud said why not so this is kind of fun at this point we know who you're cheering for and who you're cheering against it's pretty obvious you know who the top contenders are for the nationally playoff spot so yeah Braves up up a half game on the Padres or up a half game on the Diamondbacks those are your top three then the Mets a half game back the Cardinals a game and a half back of the Diamondbacks and the Pirates two and a half games back of the Diamondbacks and then the Giants are kind of on the fringe and at four and a half in the Reds at five and a half out in the playoff race right now not that they're out of it but they'd have to get exceptionally hot to make a run right now but those are your six teams keep the scoreboard watching going probably for the next couple of months which is not great for the stress levels when you're constantly doing it but I've kind of jumped in and now it's it's hard to stop doing it now that I've started my nightly scoreboard watching to see who I'm cheering for and against every night 15 games coming up in the next couple of weeks three against the Rockies at home three on the road in Pittsburgh three on the road in Miami back home for three against the Pirates and then on the road for three against the Rockies anything goes of course field but man there are a lot of winnable ball games in those next 15 every time we have to take advantage of every time we think that Paulie that's when the the ground seems to give way beneath the Padres the magnetic pole back to 500 yeah but no you think this team has played over the last couple of weeks better than they have played in a couple of years you're right I mean 15 games and you got three last three series against last place teams like anything less than ten and five would be I would say a slight disappointment and then the Pirates they're they're not a they're not a bad team they're they're two games above 500 they're still chasing a playoff spot but you're a better team and if the math you know holds you're missing their stud rookie star pitcher in both of those series I mean yes this is a chance for the Padres you know ten and five at least get up to thirteen games fourteen games above 500 somewhere this is a chance to make some hay maybe even gain some ground on the Dodgers and and by the way that's a that's a race as well before I get into that we need a contestant for Real or Fake gonna play our game here in about two minutes so if you want to get online give us a call right now eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three eight three two eight eight zero ninety seven three we talked about it yesterday a little bit on the round table as well the Padres with the two game sweep of the Dodgers have officially brought the nationally West into play they were sad four and a half games back and they now have the tiebreaker if it ends up with the same record as the Dodgers at the end of the season they were on a tight rope you really you know if they lost either of those two and we're six and a half back or they got swept and they were eight and a half I'd say all right you're focusing on the wild card now but at four and a half the NL West is still in play and by the way if the NL West is still in play then a first round by in the playoffs is also still in play because the Milwaukee Brewers who lead the central are even for even closer to the Padres than the Dodgers are so you can chase down the Dodgers you can certainly chase down the Brewers and right now I mean shooting for the moon just think about how I was talking about how critical these next two weeks are three weeks whatever the 15 game stretch we have playing the Rockies the Marlins and the pirates you got it yeah shave a couple of games off well I'm looking at the Dodgers in that same stretch they got to play they go up to a yeah that shouldn't be a problem for them but then they got the Phillies they have the Pirates with Paul Skeens yeah as we just talked about and then they got four games against the Brewers so they have a much tougher next 15 these next two plus weeks for the San Diego Padres are critical when it comes to the NL West race well both so it's not going to determine the season of course but it will determine whether or not you really have a shot in making a run for the division or let's just say this if you keep playing the way you've been playing the Padres and they continue to to roll against that kind of schedule and the Dodgers play the way they've been playing which hasn't been great bullpen hasn't been good their lineup is missing a bunch of stars and they're playing that kind of schedule there's certainly pot the possibility of the Padres could even catch the Dodgers in the next two weeks we could be talking in mid-August about a name the nationally West bringing on baby pushing it on but again this is the Padres we're talking about and just when you think you've got them figured out something unexpected happened so I I'm just we're just throwing it into the universe that was before the rally rally rally roach on the rally roach mmm it's an exciting time to be a boundaries man sure is man was talking last night with with Megan she is cuz this team just feels so much more fun and I go I yeah 100% I don't know what it is I don't know if it's pro far and just the vibes Jackson Merrill injecting some some fun energy that young rookie energy but this team has no quit they just are so much fun we've had so many more fun moments with seven walkouts along with everything else like a no hitter and everything else going on surrounding this team it has been so much fun to watch and I can't wait for these last two months of the regular season all right we got Adam Jones coming up at the bottom of the hour don't do this is ahead but right now let's play our throwback Thursday game it's time for a little real or fake some are here for the compelling sports talk with Ben and Woods you can go plow through another donut it's time for real or fake on 97 3 the fan tell the people what they'll win today all right here's what we're playing for and let's go with see Ollie you there check check one two hello can anyone hear my voice next let's go try Bill Bill are you there yes I am ah congratulations Bill he was prepared all these losses your game all right Bill you're our contestant today if you can get four of our seven right in real or fake you will qualify for our grand prize drawing which is coming up in just a couple of days to United stay at the Rio Las Vegas dinner for two a day bed at the Rio pool the Rio is back new ownership newly remodeled rooms for new pools a brand new food all you can book now and Rio Las Vegas dot com all right hope you know a little bit about some American history today for real or fake oh gosh haha with vice presidential nominees in the news this week I thought I test your knowledge of history today on real or fake I'll give you a name you tell me if they were a real vice president of the United States of America or if it's a fake in this case it's the the actual name of one of the Marvel Avengers so not their nickname but like their their human name vice president or avenger well Bill unfortunately usually we'll get some help with would you are gonna get much help I can't help you because I have to know the answer so yeah you're on your own today Bill would he wouldn't have helped you at all anyways all right so round one remember real is a vice president fake is an adventure round one okay James Rhodes real or fake vice president Bill let's go real real that's roadie that's Iron Man's friend war machine is is James right outside that's okay obviously round two Charles Curtis real or fake vice president Charles Curtis oh let's go real real yes Herbert Hoover's vice president back in the the 1920s during the depression all right one for you as we go to round number three Garrett Hobart real or fake vice president of the United States Bill I'm gonna go real real yeah that was one of William McKinley's vice presidents I think you may have died in office sorry Garrett rest in peace all right that's - pretty well all right let's go to round number four William Wheeler William Wheeler Bill real or fake vice president let's go fake fake and doesn't know that was Rutherford B. Hayes's vice president back in the 1800s that's all right you're still alive we've got two correct we got three left so you need to get two of the last three let's go with Hannibal Hamlin Hannibal Hamlin real or fake vice president Bill I heard that name I'm gonna go real you gonna go real you know why you've heard it he was Abraham Lincoln's vice president so very good that means you are just one one correct answer away from qualifying all right here we go James Barnes James Barnes bill fake fake yeah that is James Buchanan Barnes Bucky Captain America's best friend and you are a winner today the last one was gonna be Samuel Wilson which is also fake that is Falcon and the new Captain America so congratulations bill you have conquered real or fake you qualified for our grand prize drawing stand on stand hold Paul you'll get to you in a couple of minutes during our break to get all your information to make sure you get into our drawing so well done all right we've got a don't do this coming up before Adam Jones joins us at an incident a couple of days ago with a radio host who was broadcasting live from Tennessee Titans training campus this is why you'll this is the kind of thing that gives me kind of like the stress nightmares about being like a radio host on remote if something like this ever happened to us at Padre spring training we will play the audio for you and give you the fallout of what happened coming up next on don't do this after a check of traffic with Kelly Danick don't go away more Ben Woods on the way on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan don't do this don't don't do this listen if I'm starting something bad I mean tell me I'm a bad boy you know just tell me I'm a bad boy why just why I get the argument you don't have to explain it to me I'm not a moron let me tell you why I am a dummy it is time for don't do this don't do this on 97 3 the fan don't do this is brought to you by the craft taco in Serenal Valley craft taco is some of the best quality tacos in all of San Diego go to the craft taco comm and take a look at their happy hour specials today the craft taco comm and this first story is something that I think you're always as a as a radio host and if you're on remote and you're broadcasting at a team facility as we do every year at spring training fantasy camps a little more relaxed but well actually this this actually happened to me during that was fantasy camp but with with full X facts yeah fact it's more likely that this will happen at the camp with a bunch of morons running out there like us buck reasing of the buck reasing show in Tennessee had his own goose gosage moment but it involved a Titan star Jeffrey Simmons outstanding who who had taken umbridge I guess I don't know why he's watching but reasing is kind of tweeting out you know some things critical a little bit of what he's watching on the field of Jeffrey Simmons and you know say hey he's gonna step up and and apparently the word gets back to Jeffrey Simmons who is not happy about what this radio host is tweeting about him so reasing is doing his live show and he's about to sit down with another guest from the Tennessee Titans but then Simmons comes up and while he's live on the air he starts airing his grievances including calling the radio host live on the air a p-word Paul he's edited it a little bit so we can play it on the radio and you can kind of hear he's not on the microphone he's just gonna he's sitting at the table yeah you know fold up table under a tent doing a radio show and they're welcoming a player on like you know hey Danny Machado joins his next and then imagine like Jake Kroneworth walks by and starts screaming at us yeah and this is what's going on Jeff Jeff you want to sit down we can talk whatever you want to talk Jeff we'll deal with that later Roger McCreary sitting down with us here on one oh four five is on Jeff I mean we're on the air right now I'm right here Jeff we can talk anytime you want to unbelievable we gotta make that well we'll deal with that later on Roger McCreary sitting down with us here on one oh four five the zone Jeff if you want to sit down and talk about this we can talk about this I'm talking to you right here Jeff we tried to talk to you last week I'm being rude to Roger we'll deal with you later Roger what's going on now we caught one Polly editor we had to dump another one I guess he hit it twice in his rant but yeah stop talking about me on social media I mean I ain't got a big NFL guy in your face I thought I thought the hosts Buck handled it fairly well um you know trying to hey let's talk about it and apparently they did afterwards they got together and Jeffrey Simmons actually yesterday issued an apology said he's sorry that you know did it he sat now understands where you're coming from you're doing a job said that's not who I am felt bad about the language that he used he doesn't want to be seen that way and they talked it out and I guess everything is okay now but stressful moment if you're live and hosting a radio show like that yeah that I was like tensing up just hearing it and thinking man somebody in the car in the chat here on YouTube says that could have been pro far when he blocked you guys but luckily we made a man I get it I mean it if I was a professional athlete and someone who doesn't play the game is spouting criticisms even if they may be fat well founded and even accurate it's never gonna feel good sure so I do understand they're doing their job but at the same time they are doing what they are supposed to be doing they are authorized to be there they if they weren't doing that they really wouldn't be doing their job right can't you can't have that sensitive of rabbit ears yeah you got to just let you do have to do that oh go ahead Paul alright talk a little Olympics here somebody's getting roasted for their social media post Katie Ledecky she is one of if not the greatest Olympian for the United States right now she is just spectacular 14 USA and she graduated from Stanford back in 2021 the Pack 12 she dominated there she won Olympics before she got to Stanford she won Olympics at Stanford and now she's winning Olympics after Stanford right and of course she deserves all of the recognition and all of the accolades and the ACC posted something yesterday they posted a picture of Katie Ledecky in the pool says Olympic record Katie Ledecky women swimming 1500 meter freestyle congratulations her and they wrote Olympic record with the siren emoji Ledecky bringing home the gold medal emoji and then they wrote hashtag accomplished greatness hashtag Olympians made here because well Stanford is now in the AC now they are they weren't when she was there they haven't been before I'm sure they are now I'm sure they've made some Olympians in the ACC they did not make Katie Ledecky not even a little tiny bit little the ACC make Katie Ledecky that's what everyone's calling you know this little stolen value you can't take credit for something you had absolutely nothing to do with just because after the fact you're now associated with that school it doesn't work that way the Atlanta Braves used to be in the N.L. West when they won the World Series a couple of years it's not a world congratulations the N.L. West champion Atlanta Braves won the World Series no they're they're in the N.L. East now it does it doesn't work that way you you can't take credit after the facts or a school that wasn't in your conference back then that's so funny it's sad enough that the Pac 12 is pretty much gone to the Pac 2 don't start taking all their historical records as well somebody said what are you doing the Pac 12 didn't die for this that's funny I finally a little do do this DD mega do do I love when um celebrities and athletes are just cool especially with young fans like are willing to engage willing to give them a few minutes and talk to them probably better than I am at it actually but this story involves a famous US soccer player Christian Pulisic who was at a Yankee Stadium this week and he was with a couple of other kind of big-name soccer players and this little young fan who's wearing I think was that a Manchester United jersey comes up to them they're like in a lounge area and he is he is just star struck Christian Pulisic is there please can I get a picture I would love to get a picture with Christian Pulisic he was absolutely so the kid says I need someone to take the picture and asks the lady who's standing next to them would you take our picture I am I just would love the picture the lady he asked is Rihanna to take the picture and Rihanna could not have been nicer about it she's absolutely and she takes a bunch of pictures of the kid and Christian Pulisic couple of other soccer players kid seems totally unaware of who he just asked to take the picture the billionaire iconic superstar Rihanna my beloved Rihanna yeah wow that is I mean we've got the video and she's awesome watch the video she's taking everyone's now now everyone's getting in the picture all the kids are getting in the picture everybody in there she's doing a great job but this it just doesn't know idea that's actually parents we got to do a better job of raising those kids I could see young young Ben taking the same mistake like oh I want I want to take a picture with Gary Templeton I hear Michael Jackson can you take the picture for me thank you because I am enamored with sports stars and don't know enough pop culture has no idea who she is that's that's unbelievable I hope someone said you might you might actually want to take a picture with a person is taking the picture as well if you don't want it now in a photo five years when you're like 15 or 16 you're actually gonna want this other picture more than the picture of you and me says Christian Pulisic yeah oh god that's funny I mean I'd be showing everyone the picture and go you know who took this picture Rihanna took this picture no she's not in it why did you picture with her well she's taking the picture what you mean no she was cool as hell shoot of God that's funny that's why I mean it's a cool moment and that's why it's absolutely something you would have done do do this yeah it is something I would do that on a Thursday that was don't do this with Ben and Woods 97 3 the fan Dominic said I took a picture with Gary Templeton when I was a kid my dad Sydney Sweeney can you take this picture of Ben and Steve Garvey come on all right it is a it's a big league Thursday Adam Jones it was his birthday yesterday give him the day off he continues to travel the country making his way toward the west coast we're gonna get to see AJ in a couple of weeks I believe but he is gonna join us his thoughts on the trade deadline the Padres and much more that is coming up next then Ted Leitner in studio at the top of the hour all ahead with Ben Woods on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan this hour on 97 3 the fan has brought to you by Express employment professionals if your supply chain demands a flexible workforce higher with Express employment professionals with contract and full-time workers from Express employment you get the staff you need and manage contingent labor costs learn more at Express pros calm that's Express pros calm quick update the Olympic golf tournament is underway this morning in Paris first round is wrapping up right about now and currently in a tie for second place none other than a recent men and woods guest and two-time major champion and defending gold medal winners and her shoply six under par one hole left to play he has two shots behind Hideki Matsuyama of Japan who shot an eight under in the first round Carlos Ortiz of Mexico is also six under and then you've got Carlos Joaquin Neiman is at five from Chile a money nearly on a grillo from Argentina at five Tom Kim at five and then Scottie Scheffler's part of a group at four under so there's your big golf update from the Olympics in Paris today all right Adam Jones is standing by we will get to the five-time all-star right after a check of traffic here on 97 3 the fan all right Pauli says actually is not standing by I saw you dialing it up I figured you know he was gonna answer cuz you told me like five minutes ago yeah he's confirmed he's all ready to go what do what he did for his birthday I know he was gone yesterday now that's you know once you get addicted and he is he has become addicted to the game and just the last what three or four years that you know since he kind of finished his baseball career I didn't get the sense that he golf much until now recently run the game but now he's got the bug you know he broke did he break he broke 90 for the first time and then I think he broke 80 for the first time he's getting better I think he said one course well he's he's calling in now so we'll get an update on what he did for his birthday and his golf game yeah well we got to play his intro music so go ahead and fire that up for for Adam Jones I'm putting you right on the air happy belated birthday to you AJ what'd you do for your birthday yesterday well today is my actual birthday oh it is well that happy birthday today I thought it was yesterday thank you knows today so I'm multitasking I'm sitting in a board meeting right now as I talk to you guys hey you already know but yesterday I spent my last day in my 38 year I played BCC out here in Baltimore I shot a 86 from the 2's which was 66 hundred yards and I'm extremely happy the short game was working and it's a good way to go into 39 I said you got the bug now and now it's hard to give it up once you've got the golf bug so technically you are starting your 40th year on this planet today congratulations happy birthday I appreciate you guys all right let's let's talk about what happened at the trade deadline obviously there were a lot of moves maybe more quantity than then quality but the Padres were busy adding to their bullpen just give us some of your thoughts on what went down in the last couple of days in major league baseball well I mean I think the bigger names didn't go obviously the school ball snail were the top two names crochet they didn't give me crochet yeah didn't be moved you know what I have a John erosio my podcast would choose today anybody a good point you said okay if these teams aren't going to win in two and a half years what's the point of keeping them like if they're Detroit is Detroit this offseason going to sign Alex Bergman or sign something be it to where okay we got a lot of young talent we got some young pitching are they going to do that this offseason I don't think so why not get rid of him not give it up I see trade him and get some really good young players that can fill the holes you need I think last year we talked about old time the angels blew that we all know that come on you could have rebuilt your whole organization with that one trade and they just decided to just like oh it's just kidding for two months and then what eight august six and third for the rest of the year so that was a big miss miss thing too and it's just about what's your real goals with it you know I like the Orioles moves obviously they need pitching they need pitching for next year because they have three guys that are in possibly four with Corbin Burns we can be looming for creating so they got starting pitching for next year with effluents under contract and Rogers is two years in the contract so you they might not be the biggest thing and everybody's wanted the Orioles to get school obviously but I think with Rogers in a new place his record doesn't look good in Miami but Miami is not a good team is with playing in Baltimore I think who might like a little bit more pitching the intellect to writers and letting them hit that hit as far as they could three 400 feet to left it as you just got the seeds out here in Baltimore so I think the moves are good they're not big blockbuster but I think they fit the needs of what the Orioles need speaking of the Orioles obviously it was a fun series Padres and Orioles since we last chatted pro far had his big two home run game and then Manny got one in his return to Camden Yards and of course the Orioles won that series finale just what are some of your observations from that series I don't know did you go to what games were you there for yeah I was there for the Friday and Saturday Friday and Sunday so I congratulated my guy Machado on his uh thousandth RBI that's a great yummy is that his first one there and has that a thousandth there is I think that's a hell of an accomplishment and the game of baseball but no it was a good it was good I mean obviously the Orioles their plan well they're fighting for playoffs the Padres obviously fighting for playoffs I think it's really good it was a double-edged sort but who he's really rooting for I'm like the Padres need to win a little more you know I mean just a little more than the Orioles need one but again it was a good series I'm glad you know I was able to achieve both sides of it but again the Padres look good the feasts looked really good the the offense is look good the most important thing obviously we know going down a stretch there's no more moves to be made so you're going to have to really again be dynamic I played a game to win and it's not about numbers anymore you got six new games to go we always talk about that this is the point where you want to be fighting for a playoff spot on August 1st and uh it's time to play unselfish baseball the numbers are going to be what they are and it's about going after wins now Adam Jones is with us here uh Woodsies in uh in Hawaii he's doing his best Adam Jones impression this week on his vacation to Kawhi but he'll be back next Wednesday for you AJ I wanted to ask you so last night pod raised uh they took a part Clayton Kershaw pretty good and you know it's just his second start I'm not I'm not saying that it's time to to hang it up however didn't look like the Kershaw of the past didn't get a strikeout first time in four hundred and twenty four career starts that he didn't get one we talked to you as you were wrapping up your career and you went over to Japan what is that like at the end when you're not you know you're not the same player that you used to be you're not five-time all-star Adam Jones but you still feel like you got something to contribute you know what's that calculation like like when you're trying to decide when it is time to to end it or maybe I can squeeze another year or two out of this I mean if you I had two instances that exactly told me I was done and it was in Japan so the first one was I was in right field I bolted down right to the line and I was as I'm getting the ball I'm just like alright it's a double just throw it to the cut off man as I'm getting up and throwing the guy damn near sliding the third base and I look so I go inside I look on video I'm moving like a slug okay I'm I'm like there's no I've never allowed a triple in the ball I didn't hit the wall and kicked away and then the next one was I hit a ball into left center field line drive as it doesn't never been through I've been thrown out one time by Alex Gordon at second base okay and I was on bullet to left and he got it mean great this is to left center field I coast on means as I'm running I look up the ball is already on its way about to beat me there I just slid into the out as I'm running off the field I just said this is it my wife called me and said yeah your son said um he cussed a little bit he said oh my damn when I got thrown out he was like six years old he said that to my wife as I'm getting as they're watching the game in his pajamas so either you know I knew it but I just had it was a humbling moment and for me nobody got to see it for a Kershaw people are getting to see it people are seeing you know obviously the injuries and the the not not being the greatest of what he was and you know what that's part of it and the best thing about him is he's reinventing himself like Cece has he studies those more breaking balls more cutters he's still effective is he gonna go and give you 150 and no but can he be effective and can he be a mental tool for your organization can he come out and give you uh you know a few good starts in the playoffs does he have those experiences so I think more of a Kershaw than minds is more minds is I mean obviously or physical but Kershaw's going to Hall of Fame you know what I mean he's of course he's pat he's patting his numbers me I was a solid player that was over in Japan you know in uh all the meat and drinking all the whiskey I was all you know I mean you look we're a little bit different but when you when the fall from grace happens you just have to let it happen you don't have to don't don't fight it because again the reason why we're tired is and this is the truth there's no way I can compete with these 25 year old players no more there's just no way like just just no way so once I realize that hey it's time to step away it's time to go uh next chapter in my life and you know a Kershaw you made a lot of money I obviously I want you to win another ring and I actually I don't know what I do I mean I don't I don't like you that much but I love you uh you know the organization but like you know he's going to Hall of Fame and you know there's going to be a point where you just have to call it up is this is this is year was it a was last night a a point to where he said you know what this this this this is it this is could be my last year I care my care my I said that he said hey my body is telling me I can just you know he's made a lot of money he's got a beautiful family like it's it's okay to walk away from the game on your own terms and put your head head held high you don't always have to walk away with that injury with you know walking off with the trainer you know what I mean you can walk away with your head held high it's totally okay poppy he walked away with his head held high it's totally okay but uh you know he's still walking to the Dodgers Kermeyer is one of their pickups and uh that's an age you know they've got some aging guys and they look a little vulnerable right now Adam I'm sure when you're in town you're going to see the excitement of Pekko Park Pottery is now just four and a half games back and you know the division hasn't been in play really for the Padres in a very long time and there's some excitement building here what do you think I mean obviously the Dodgers are going to get some guys back you mookie at some point you know Freddy's only gone for a few days on the on the personal list but are the Dodgers vulnerable enough that you think the Padres could chase them down in the last two months oh 100% vulnerable I mean Padres have won 9/10 it proves that they can play at the highest level you know what I mean we all know that and then again it's just the ball the average you get on the skid and I'm not putting a bad juju out there I hope they won't stay on another 9 or 10 but the Dodgers are definitely reachable I mean yeah again the looming return of Muncie and uh of monkeys I mean those are two very very good dynamic players and right now with uh with Freddy out dealing with some family issues um some personal things I think that it's this is the time to attack this is the time to you know you have sports you kick you kick them when they down you don't care that you don't kick people in society when they down but in sports you kick the teams whole ass when they down so this is the time and uh I just you know again hope that they stay on this you got 60 games man or I don't know exact number but you got two months it's time to kick it in our last year uh I want to see that young dude Meryl I want to see that that because this is this rookie year I want to see him you know learn in the dash of this august because we all know it's the dog days of august that start today and uh you know the weather on the west coast helps out with that because you're not sitting out here sweating all day like you are on these coast but uh I hope that he continues to to carry the team because I told him at the also again I said bro you been the reason why the Padres have stayed you know he's playing great center field he's made it he moved up from ninth to sometimes in fifth like in a rookie year I know the different lineups and structures nowadays but the Padres still have more traditional lineup so um you know I'm just hoping for some real good baseball and the Dodgers are catchable they are and it's just a matter of getting you Darvish back getting uh must grow healthy like it's just everybody got to get healthy and then you know there's no excuses who would you have for your rookie of the year Meryl or schemes in the national league it's not over yet it's obviously not over I mean I think schemes my first off by his numbers they're just starting to all start getting um it's I'm not going to use the popularity contest because he's actually disgusting you know what I mean it's not like if he if he was a popularity contest I would say that it's so hard to do it though as a position player right Adam I mean doing it every day is harder to send yeah I think doing every day is harder but what he's been able to do and you know he's drawn fans to that ballpark like those are those are things they're schemes day but again there's two months to go jacks again Jackson can finish with 20 plus and you know 20 20 30 gold glove possibilities like there's a lot that still is riding on it's two months to go and to me you know rookie of the year to me is similar to an MVP I like it when they're on winning their team and both teams are fighting for the playoffs so I think both of them both of their impact should be felt and we should be able to calculate that uh Jeff in our chat wanted me to pass along because he made the recommendation last week to get the the crab egg rolls uh from jimmies and he says they have changed his life Adam so thank you for the the recommendation there from Jeff in our chat last week from baltimore awesome i i just try to be a recommendation you know i mean i don't mess with it i don't i ain't gonna tell you something bad to put in your body with food so um it was a yeah oh i had a few myself Adam uh appreciate it looking forward to seeing you in town in a couple of weeks should be a lot of fun have a great rest of your birthday today celebrate uh 39 and uh we'll talk to you again soon man I appreciate you gentlemen there is Adam jones the birthday boy and five time all star i find something one of the most satisfying like simple pleasures in life is when you give someone a heartfelt recommendation and they absolutely love the thing that you recommend right isn't it isn't that just a great recommending things all the time but like to be like no you're gonna die you have to get this and then you're always worried well but maybe it's just me maybe i it's i'm the only one who thinks that but then when someone goes and pressure tries something like when i tell you the kung pao chicken is really good and then woods finally has and he goes oh my god you're right it is the best kung pao chicken at sammy's at seven month if you hyped it up for a year yeah and he was like it doesn't feel good so yeah when when recommendations are taken and then appreciated it's such a great feeling all right uncle teddy should be arriving shortly can't wait that is coming up next here on the fan trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with north sides and bollion is you're not so secret ingredient you can skip the drive-thru and do dinner at home nor taste combos provide a menu of delicious affordable and well-balanced meals that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less visit to get quick and easy recipe ideas for your home cooked weeknight dinners it's not fast food but it's so good