Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

9am Hour - The Reindl Report + Audio From Bogaerts And Musgrove

Ben & Woods kick off the 9am hour with The Reindl Report and Paulie's top headlines of the morning, including one of the strangest, best HR calls we've ever heard from a minor league game!  Then at the bottom of the hour we hear some audio from Xander Bogaerts talking about the Padres acquisition of Jason Adam, and we hear from Joe Musgrove about the latest on his rehab as he looks to possibly be back on the mound for the Padres sooner rather than later! Listen here!

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Now today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. NerdWallet's experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact-based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. This season the W is going to new heights and that means the queens are ready to take it to court and the court. Welcome to Queens of the Court and Odyssey Original Podcasts. I'm your girl Sheryl Swoops and I'm Jordan Robinson. All WNBA season long. You can count on us to bring you interviews with some of your favorite WNBA stars, analysis of all teams and hot takes you can only find in this courtroom. Listen to Queens of the Court, a WNBA podcast presented by AT&T on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. Do you think Garrett crochet gets traded or not here at the trade deadline? Braves are one of the teams now considering him. That was John Haman's report this morning. But he's got the poison pill that he's already thrown out there that he won't pitch in the playoffs unless he gets a contract extension. He's just loving you know white socks as he trying to like I don't know what it is. I know what's going to happen. You know when I saw former players coming to his defense certainly and I do understand where he's coming from. I do too. I absolutely do. As an organization you can't that's the thing. You can't be held hostage to give a guy a contract extension. It has to work for your team. Yeah. And there are teams that would love Garrett crochet but it doesn't necessarily work to give him an immediate contract extension. You want to see how he fits in with the team with the club and I could say yeah absolutely in the offseason we discuss a contract extension. Next year we discuss a contract extension. But just to have to do it right now site unseen. It's not a it's not a palatable necessarily road to go down for for a GM knowing they have to do that if he's going to pitch in the playoffs. But if he's not going to pitch in the playoffs I mean what's the point? Yeah maybe wins you another couple of games and and helps your wild card seed or something. I just if he's not in the playoffs then what are we doing? It's a couple innings that King might have had to use. But that's it. But again you're not giving up. Yeah. The price is is massive price. Absolutely not. Jack Flaherty another name mentioned with AJ Prowler potteries hoping to add starter discuss Jack Flaherty with the Tigers. He's having a really really good year. Makes $14 million on a one year deal with the Tigers. They're they're not really close. I mean they're five and a half game gap in the chase for the final AL wild card spot. They could hold on to them make them a qualifying offer. But there's a demand. There's a demand and they could get a couple of good prospects for them. They would probably consider it. Ben. He's got an ERA under three in 106 and two thirds innings. 32% strikeout rate 4.6% walk rate. Don't know what he's going to cost you. But on a one year, you know, come finish the season with us type scene, he would be a really nice addition. Don't know what it's going to cost. Don't know what they're asking for. But Debbie the price is right. It's absolutely right. Pro rated 14 mill. Done. No. Yeah. 14 million pro rated. So that's only going to be about six. Five. Yeah. Over the last couple of you could fit that in. No problem. And no. And well yeah, you could go over the luxury tanks again. I really don't think that's an option for the Padres for multiple reasons. Not just Colonel budget speaking here. It's more you want to have your maximum international signing bonus. If you're going after Rokie Sasaki, you can't keep taking these draft penalties. I mean, AJ can't rebuild the farm. If he doesn't have draft picks to rebuild the farm because they keep going over the CBT level. Right. And they keep getting punished, you know, with that. And it just keeps getting worse the more years you go over. They kind of they've gotten so close now. They have to reset it at this point. Oh yeah. Because it's not it's not going to be easier to reset it next year if you go over this year. I'm not mad at them at all for for trying to reset that thing. It's it's pretty brutal for a team like the San Diego Padres who have lost their TV deal and don't get any of that money. I have no problem with it at all. I want ownership to spend as much money as they possibly can without, you know, putting. And once you do, if the right player comes along, you can go back over again for a year or two without worrying so much about it. But this year after year, it's it does have to stop. And it's not this is not the owners need to make more money sort of thing. This is a competitive. This is competitive reasons that you can't keep going over the luxury tax every year, especially for the pottery. That's exactly right, man, especially with all the guys, you know, the long term deals are committed to these you just kind of know what you have. So yeah, man, it's going to be buckle in. I want I'm trying so hard to not be senioritis woods right now with an hour left going on vacation. But also that's not even it. It's the fact that I just keep scrolling Twitter looking for the next update of who's been moved and what the latest rumors are. So Pauli, that's when we leave it to you to take us home. Okay. And get things started here with our addition today's edition of the Rhyndal Report. Now to the to the mother greatest. Welcome to the Rhyndal Report with Paul Rhyndal. Hi Paul. All right. Two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet. We'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed. Are you laughing beyond? It's the Rhyndal Report. Hey, Paul. How you doing? Okay. How are you? On 97-3, the fan. Are you ready to blast the mood? I need some help please. That was good. Can I eat a whole year? Yeah. All right. All right. All right. All right. Good morning. Good morning. Let's see where to start, where to start, where to start. You know, I was um, trying to think of how we want to incorporate Olympics coverage over the next couple weeks. And it's weird. I didn't really want to just jam it into the Rhyndal Report because there's a lot to talk about. I didn't want to like isolate one particular event. So we got to figure out how we want to talk a little Olympics over the next couple of weeks. Well, if Woods was here, maybe we do the the Woodsy Olympic Report every day. The medal counts and whatnot. Yeah. How are we? How's everything going? We haven't been any medals yet, right? No, no. The US is one 12 medals. They leave the overall medal count. Three gold medals. They're second, I think, in gold medals. Mostly in swimming because, well, we're really good at swimming. Yeah. Well, I want to start with a local note and this is kind of actually selfish because it just gives me an excuse to make Woods laugh with one of the greatest pictures of all time that this show has ever come across. If you're coming up on the, if you're watching on the YouTube stream, I remember this. We'll show it there. But local news here, I saw it in Ben's notes because of course it was in Ben's notes. The Strike Force, the San Diego Strike Force won their first ever playoff game over the weekend. And any chance I get to show the original Strike Force team with our beloved Burt Grossman. That is a show. Looks like a player manager, but he was just a head coach. Any time I get to use that. This picture graces my mantle in my home, by the way. Paulie had it framed for me and it graces the mantle in our home. It's one of the best pictures of all time. And just as random as can be, outside of a chilies or something for a team dinner and it just kills me every single time. It's like they went to like fills right by the sports arena or something. One guy over here, he's just looking off the side top of his body. No, everybody's looking at the camera. Some are, some aren't. One guy in his eyes closed. One guy's got a Dodger can. Any of these guys still on the Strike Force? I don't think so. I don't think any single one of them has made it. You know, that team I think maybe won one game at first year. This team made the playoffs and just upset the number one seed, the Bay Area Panthers last night, 49 to 40. Carlos, receiver score four touchdowns. Carlos said, dude in the Raiders jersey gets me every time he's my favorite. And I want to be his pensive. He's looking, he's looking off the sides. He's thinking about a little bit. Yeah. I mean, the sun's in his eyes. Yeah, he's my favorite. He's thinking about about where this gig with the Strike Force is going to take him. He's like the Raiders. How's all the Raiders right now? How did I get here? Next to Bert Grossman in front of a chilis playing for the Strike Force. They will play the Arizona Rattlers in the Western Conference Finals in Glendale one week from today woods if you want to follow that from Hawaii. No, I'm sure you can. I think it's um, I just trying to disconnect a little bit. I think you can catch it on Amazon Prime via Stadium right now if you want to watch Strike Force playoff action. I was really just wanted to disconnect this week, cannot be on, you know, just be present for my family and to be a champ. Two wins away from a championship for San Diego. Love it. I'll take it. Take whatever I can get. Got some audio here from a low A, I think minor league baseball. And this was between, this was yesterday between the Asheville tourists. They are a minor league affiliate for the Houston Astros. And they were playing the Greensboro grasshoppers who I believe belong to the Pittsburgh Pirates organization. And yeah, just found this while scrolling awful announcing and listen to this home run call minor league baseball delivers time and time again with their home run calls. This one, I've never heard anything. Takes the cage before probably Houston Astros. Hard toward right field. This is getting toward the fence. This is going to be carry on my wayward son. That'll be truth and you're gone. Mike Hollywood used to say kiss that baby goodbye. Kiss that baby goodbye there for the tourists. Carry on my wayward son. That'll be truth and you're gone. That one's gone. Oh yeah, tourists add to their lead for nothing tourists. Fisher blast. That's another homeless fish on the season. Why? Why is he whispered? Sounds like someone asked him to incorporate. Yeah. Song lyrics into a home run call, but he very unenthusiastically like did it. Like this is a job requirement. My boss said I have to use song lyrics when I call a Kansas day of the Kansas. All right. Carry on my wayward son. Carry on my wayward son. That'll be truth when peace. You're gone. There's one person in the entire lower box. One person. And yeah. I want to hear it again. Much before probably Houston Astros. Hard toward right field. This is getting toward the fence. This is going to be carry on my wayward son. That'll be truth and you're gone. Mike Hogwarts is safe. Kiss that baby goodbye. Kiss that baby goodbye there for the tourists. Carry on my wayward son. That'll be truth and you're gone. That one's gone. Oh yeah, tourists add to their lead for nothing tourist. I feel like I'm on mushrooms right now. I can't. I'm like, it's not. I heard they're going, what? What the hell? I mean, imagine Jesse Agler calling like a pro far home run. And he's like, no, there's a lady who's sure all the glitters is gold and he's buying a stairway to heaven. When she gets there, she knows the stores are all closed with a word she can get what she came for. Kiss it goodbye. Kiss it goodbye. Stairway to heaven jerks and pro far. Wow. There's a feeling I get when I look to the west and my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts, I have seen threes of smoke through the trees and the voices of those that stand laughing. Home run. Manny Machado. Song lyrics for Jesse might be pretty elite. Based on that would be pretty far. It's a good time. All right. I tell you guys what to do. We have a confidence now. We can play that for Jesse tomorrow and then come up with a song lyric for him to incorporate straight out of Compton, a crazy mother effort named Ice Cube from the gang called ends with attitude. When I'm called off, I get a sawed off squeeze the trigger and bodies are hauled off YouTube boy. If you have with me, the police are going to have to come and get me off your ass. That's how I'm going out like a punk em effort that showed up. And the pod raised lead it three to nothing. I'd raise win. Tony's just in there like, uh, yeah. Yeah. You got to think what's the classic line from a song and have Jesse weave it into a broadcast? I think I think that is. We got to text me later today. I will. All right. I will make it happen tomorrow. Sounds Jesse. All right. And finally, another local note, Comic Con wrapped up. He talked about it very briefly on Friday, kind of a, oh yeah, Comic Con's happening this weekend. But did you guys see the reaction from the big announcements on Saturday? I saw Comic Con made quite a few headlines. Wolverine and Deadpool was kind of the big attraction, the biggest movie of the weekend. I saw Jennifer Garner got stuck in an elevator for like, oh yeah, hours dream to be stuck in an elevator with Jennifer Garner. What, like, what, what things might Ben say to Jennifer Garner? Oh my god. Trouble stuck in an elevator. Tell me about the Capital One Venture card. Yeah, I'm really interested. You do a great job at how's that farm going at for you? Yeah, and selling the Capital One Venture card. But, uh, it's like your dream girl, isn't it? Jennifer, what's in your wallet? Oh, she's like, just kill me. Kill me, dad. Who's this guy? Who's this guy? I think the biggest headline was Robert Downey Jr. was unveiled as Dr. Doom. I think this was on Saturday evening in Hall H and, uh, saw a video of it. He came out with the mask and he ripped it off and everybody had any idea who was behind the mask. Pretty awesome. And it was Robert Downey Jr. Now, that's a shocker. Woods is extremely out on the Marvel universe. I'm, I'm, but you've seen one step behind that Iron Man was Robert Downey Jr. He was in probably at least 10 different Marvel movies as Iron Man. Spoiler alert culminating in, in end game when, you know, he had a fairly, let's just say final ending to his character at the end of the movie. So everyone thinks he's gone, which is why this is such a stunner that he could come back. But, because of the, the multiverse and the fact that you have different characters crossing is kind of different people in different universes, he can come back kind of as him, but as a evil version of him, who instead of being the big hero, is going to be the big baddie. Well, people say that he'll be Tony Stark. Probably or the same. Yeah, essentially the same, a different backstory, but the same person. What would have happened if he had become the super villain of evil? And now all the Avengers have to stop him instead of, you know, him leading them. It's going to be interesting. I see people are like, well, this is completely unrealistic. And I'm like, hello. Are we on the same planet? It's like, so is all of it. It's all completely hungry. It's all completely unrealistic. It's all fantasy. So go with the flow, because he's a bad ass. He's good in anything. I mean, if you if you're really getting into the weeds, Marvel's kind of gone downhill since Avengers Endgame. Some of the following movies have not done as well. So they're just going back to what kind of let's bring back the stars that worked and see if we can juice up our franchise a little bit that's been slagging in the last few years. I saw that night, Sports Center of all accounts on Instagram posted the picture of Robert Downey Jr. And they said, Robert Downey Jr. will play Dr. Doom in Marvel Studios. Avengers doomsday, I believe that comes out in like summer of 26. And then it said, explain this in sports terms. And I got more than a few chuckles from the comments. I saw a lot of people were saying, oh, this is Jordan coming out of retirement or Jordan, you know, the I'm back facts that was sent. And then other people go, no, no, no, no, no. This would be like Kobe Bryant resurrecting, and then returning to play for the Boston Celtics. All right, it makes sense. Okay, that actually I can I can wrap my head around that having no idea about anything with the Marvel universe. I'm like, that actually made some sense. Thank you, Paulie. You're welcome. You see Harrison Ford was also at Comic Con, he's going to play a Marvel character. It's like red Hulk in we in one of the upcoming movies. Well, he's like 80 years old. So I mean, are we going to keep the same energy for him? You know, being 80 or whatever. 82, 82 years just turning the funniest tweet I saw was Harrison Ford is on stage, you know, one of the big halls and he's looking kind of disheveled as a, you know, he does with his hair. Yeah. And he's on stage. He's got the microphone is all the people and someone said this, they switched the samples. Devlin McGregor could bring you pro-pass. He said that or something. Someone tweeted that like he's doing his doctor Richard Kimball bit at the dinner. He switched the samples. I love it. Also find their research. I love it. Devlin McGregor could bring you pro-passic. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Twitter is on a match sometimes. Next for you guys have a little tease. I've got a golf tip that could save your game. Ooh, well, I'm all in. Save your game. I am all in. I did the hypnotism sort of work for like eight holes and then Saturday morning kind of kind of blew up on me. So I'm still willing to listen to golf tips. Yeah, you're going to want to hear this one. Also going to give away some Padres Dodgers tickets for tomorrow. So that's coming up next. Do not move a muscle. More Ben & Woods on the way after traffic here on 97 through the fan. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. This season the W is going to new heights and that means the queens are ready to take it to court and the court. Welcome to Queens of the court and Odyssey original podcast. I'm your girl Cheryl Swoops and I'm Jordan Robinson. All WNBA season long. You can count on us to bring you interviews with some of your favorite WNBA stars, analysis of all teams, and hot takes you can only find in this courtroom. Listen to Queens of the court, a WNBA podcast presented by AT&T on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Today's episode is sponsored by Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. Nerd wallets experts will set future you up for success. With dependable fact based insights, no financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Sometimes you forget people listen. Oh my god. I always forget there are people listening. It's actually I think healthy sometimes to just forget and just be three buddies in here doing bits and pranks and stuff. And if you missed it, I was pranked by the guys on Friday. They told me that while I was gone to Hawaii on my Hawaiian vacation, Ben was going to have Dave Roberts, manager of the Dodgers in Ben knows Dave covered Dave and it freaked me out and I got really panicked about it. Paulie told me that Ben was very adamant about it. We played it right at eight. So if you want to go here and go back and listen, it was a really good prank and you guys got me good. But I just got a DM from somebody that said, Hey, yeah, by the way, I think his wife works at a golf course. And apparently Dave Roberts is golfing with Trevor Hoffman right now as we speak. Oh, so it's okay for Trevor to hang out with Dave, but not me. Yeah, they're a fraternity. They were pro ball players played together. Right. They know each other just teasing you. And so my wife told me Trevor was talking to her about your bit about Dave. So there's a decent chance now that Dave Roberts has heard that dead. So again, it's nothing personal. But so we have been led to believe that Trevor Hoffman was listening at eight o'clock heard the bit and told Dave Roberts all about it. Yeah. Yeah. So glad I'm getting on a plane. Ben, you do a great job. I'm dead. Well, now that I hear they're out on the golf course, I've got a tip. Yeah, perhaps it could help all of us, including them out on the golf course. You know, I play, I had not played in a while. And I was asked by our buddy Travis Devlin to come out and play on Saturday at Rancho Bernardo in home, former home with the abandoned woods open. And I cleared it with the message. She said, Yeah, kids are going to be with our uncle. Feel free, go have a boss. Thank you so much. Be nice to get out there. Went out and no warm up swings, no nothing. And I played like I'd never touched a golf course or a golf club before the first five holes were just extremely rough, lost, you know, two balls a hole was like, this is brutal. Travis goes, dude, your swing is your way fast, your way, way, way fast. You just got to have the right tempo. And he goes, it's funny. I saw something on Twitter that a nice tip for tempo is our beloved there's a video of a guy in his swing, hot, and I started dying laughing, give me a break. So I got about 120 yard shot, grab my attack wedge. And I go, all right, well, I mean, at this point, nothing is going to hurt me at this point. I'm already playing like pass. So I get up, address the ball, 120 out, and I give it the old hawk to a crisp flush. Next time step up on the team. Very next tee box step up line up my driver. I give it the old to 90 to 90 down the middle into the wind. I mean, I murdered it the rest of the day. So they were up big on us. I birdied 13 for our team. The only birdie of the day, we ended up flipping the match in both 180 bucks a piece from the guys we were playing with. We play for high state. Yes, there's someone who doesn't play very often. I'm an idiot. Do you know that? But the tempo, the tempo of that, I just put it in my mind. It's a good observation. You do have a tendency to get a little quick, a little sometimes in your backswing. Is that working baseball hot? I tried it yesterday. Didn't work for me. It worked in it worked in golf. It really did. I'm not I just it was my only swing thought was just get up and have good tempo. And you got to give him that hook. Bad on that thing for the rest of the day. I really did. It was awesome. Who knew she was a PGA professional as well. She's the next Hank Haney. She's out there working with that. No, I'm serious. Oh, he's hot German. Yes, Cuomo. Yeah, and hot to a girl to a girl with great golf coaches of our day. I couldn't believe it, dude. I know that's what I want to think about every time I swing the golf ball. But what's what better to think about than that? Well, you're swinging a golf ball was so good. So good. All right, we have we have some audio we haven't gotten to yet. Xander Bogart is well versed on the pot raised newest acquisition, Jason Adam. We're going to get his scouting report. Plus maybe here from Joe Musgrove as well on his plans for rehab starting tomorrow in Arizona. That is coming up right now, though, going to give away a pair of tickets to tomorrow's game pot raised Dodgers at Petco Park. The fifth caller eight, three, three, two, eight, zero, ninety seven, three, get a win, a pair of tickets to see pot raised Dodgers series opener of the two game series at Petco Park eight, three, three, two, eight, zero, ninety seven, three. And if you don't win today and get through, we'll have another pair tomorrow for Wednesday's game, which by the way, Dylan Cease's first game since the no-hitter always a little extra juice. See if a guy can pull a Johnny Vandermeer. Is that going to be that's Cease Kershaw tomorrow? Yeah, or Wednesday and then tomorrow is a wall drain and glass now. Wow, it's going to be great. It's going to be great. Hi, good luck. Phone lines are already blinking. If you didn't get in, you're probably too late. You got to have fast, fast dialing fingers. We'll come back with some pot raised audio to wrap things up with Ben and once the ninety seven, three, the fan. So I heard on the post game show yesterday, but really insightful scouting report essentially from Zander Bogart's on the new pot raise acquisition. Welcome back. It's our final segment. Congratulations to Alec, Alec, who won our pot raise tickets. Thank you for calling in. Alec, kind of like the pot raise relief pitcher, Alec Jacob, who has done nothing but succeed at the big league level. He gave up a base runner. I think that was only the second he's ever given up in his career. Give up one last season before they had to shut him down after just what five appearances back and look good. Maybe another option out of the bullpen to go along with Jason Adam, who was acquired yesterday in exchange for three minor leaguers. Dylan Lascaux, of course, Homer Bush Jr. and J. D. Gonzalez catching prospect of pretty hefty price tag. But when you hear Zander Bogart's talk about Jason Adam, you're going to go, okay, I feel pretty good about who the pot raise are acquiring. Here's here's what Zander had to say about his new teammate. Four messages to send you guys from their active making trades. I've never already made a couple seats in a rise in the earlier in the season. But like today, in theory, they might mix one of what messages to send them about. I mean, I don't know, I don't know, I have personally, you know, what I face him. And I could tell you that he's pretty good. You know, he's pretty tough, he's bad, very uncomfortable, he's bad, especially for a variety. Please, this stuff plays against both sides. One of the young lefties, to be honest, but it's very uncomfortable. I mean, but like, they felt like, just a little bit should we might have needed a little bit of help, you know, and probably we had some guys in the back of the booth and that we've been using a lot. So, being in a high leverage now, like this guy with a ton of experience, it's just lengthens out the booth and so much more. What is it about him? Specifically, that maximum comfortable? So much and then he has this weird, you know what I'm saying, but they always, they have come down here and they have up here. They have so many different variety of arms, but he's a weird something like coming out of here. I remember it was very, very weird, nice to see him change up, big, like sweeping. So, I mean, then he throws strikes, you know, it's not like, he's effectively wild. He throws strikes, he knows what he's doing up there. So, that's very, very important, come big situations for sure. Doug J wants to know if they were in the shower with Xander. I think you can hear some shower sounds coming in the background. It's about the most you'll ever get from a hitter about a pitcher, honestly, until their career is over. They don't like to give pitchers much credit at all. It's a compliment though, when a hitter says they're very uncomfortable at bat, that's one of the better compliments that a hitter can give to a pitcher. They're never going to concede like I can't hit that guy, but just knowing he owns me, knowing I don't feel comfortable when he's on the mound is a good thing. If you were a, you know, one thing that I love to see is that Jason Adams, actually a guy who makes a pitching ninja, rather regularly, there was an at bat earlier this month, when he faced one so. Oh my God. And absolutely made four so to a part with three of his change up. Made him look like a fool. I mean, even so to like looked at him with the side like the side I glare like, you can't throw that. That's not allowed to throw a pitch like that. That's a wizard saying you don't see one so to miss by his on the swing that he could not even come close to that had him shaking his head going. What did I just see? So there's some really good stuff in there from Jason Adam, uh, that sweeper and that change up are filthy, nasty, top of the line major league level that I'm looking forward to seeing it this week. Me too. Let's keep it that way. You know, let's absolutely keep it that way. And hopefully you get into a position, uh, in these next two games where, where Jason Adam comes in and a high leverage situation to help you win a game against the Los Angeles Dodgers, Ben speaking of pitching. We also have an update from the horse's mouth on Joe Musgrove's return here from Joe after a check of traffic here on 97 three, the fan. This hour in 97 three, the fan is brought to you by the farmer's dog from a healthier way to more energy when you switch your dog's food to the farmer's dog. The effects can feel magical. What sorcery is this? None at all. It's just real food made for the health of dogs. Get 50% off your first box at the farmers slash radio. So yeah, uh, it seems as though the rehab for Joe Musgrove is, is coming along fairly nicely. They obviously, it hasn't been perfect. Joe has said, yeah, you have to work through some, some soreness and, you know, the things that you go through when you're trying to stretch back out, but he has taken the steps. He continues to get closer, have not shut him down. And the next step, uh, should be tomorrow in Arizona, Joe, uh, spoke this a little back and forth with Joe, I think before the game yesterday and reporters in Baltimore on what, uh, it's looking like for his rehab and return to the Padres. Cool. I think it's easier that way to guarantee that I can get, you know, 20 pitch inning and then another 15 pitches instead of, you know, rehab server. I struggled defense struggles or something happens. I don't mean not able to get through an inning and then, you know, finish up in the bullpen. It's not really what we're looking for. So, um, Tuesday, mid day, sometime, something like two innings probably. Yeah. 120. Yeah. Yeah, we're great. Yeah. So that and then, um, I think it's kind of ages call after that. If he wants to put me in for three innings to start or if he wants me to get one more and then come back at four innings. So regardless of that, like this is almost like skipping a step, like, you're not having to face your teammates this last week, how it's gone, how much, how encouraged are you? Yeah, I feel really good about it. I think I needed to prove to then that I was ready. My bullpen's been really good. The, you know, the velocity in life is there. The pitches are there. I've been recovering well. Um, I was kind of pressing to get, you know, the live BP skipped. I feel like with the intensity, I'm throwing my bullpen, I'd rather face, you know, an opposing team where I can work all my pitches and work the inner half or as if I'm throwing the toddy or guys back home, it's eliminating the whole side of the plate and pitches that I'm not going to take a chance of running one hit in those guys. So, um, yeah, I think it's maybe skipping a step, but it's, this is very similar to a live bullpen or a live batting practice, you know, controlled scenario. There's, you know, make the rules up as we go if we need to stay out for extra outs, whatever the case is. So I can't. I said it'd be up to AJ, but ideally would it be just this one in Arizona and then think it out? I think ideally, probably be two, like three and four. I'd love to be back at three innings, but it's not, it's not fair to me. It's not fair to them to go out there with, you know, 50 pitches to work with and make a start and have the bullpen cover that. So depends on where we're at, you know, bullpen wise, but the usage has been like how the starters have done, you know, if we've gotten a lot of length of the starters, maybe they'll let me go and start for three innings and just kind of be an opener. But I think that all depends on how this homestand goes. I think the next day I would be the last game of the homestand will be Sunday, if after a Tuesday. So good slot in somewhere there. Possibility for you with how you're feeling that you may be able to use. How I come out of this live. I mean, the live is, you know, the same game is, you know, a bit more intensity, I guess, but I've been on the 40 pitch pan. I've done it up down. So, I feel like I'm ready to go. Yeah, we did that 20 pitch rest for 10 minutes and then another, you know, 15. So, but you're going to be coming back with not even coming back in any way. Yeah, at one point, I think you wanted to be like up to five by the time you go. Yeah, I would have liked to, but, you know, the whole process of building and getting to the bullpen took a little longer than we thought. So trying to make up for it on the back end and still be smart and not just, you know, rush just to get back. But it's hard to go out there when you know you only have 45, 50 pitches to work with one bad ending kind of whole day up for everybody. So it's up to Adrian. If he went, he's ready and he trusts me to get out there, I feel ready to go. So I'm pretty good news there. I didn't hear a word he said, except I was just into the music in the background trying to identify what it was. Joe sounds like if he gets through tomorrow when he pitches against Mariners minor leaguers in Arizona, then he's pretty close to being able to return. That doesn't mean they'll put him right back out. They may want him to extend out a little bit and throw minor league rehab starter too. But if they needed him, feels good after tomorrow, he's ready to give him 40 pitches, 45 pitches and start building up from there. I see his point though. If you bring him back and he throws 45 pitches, but let's say he throws a 27 pitch first inning and then a 20 pitch second inning and he's done. All of a sudden, now you got to cover seven innings in the bullpen that day. That puts you in a precarious position when it comes to your relief pitchers. If you bring them back too soon, you can get that work in on the backfield against minor leaguers and not at the big league level and torpedoing maybe a series. But you know, if he's efficient, he comes back and throws four good innings and it's Joe Musgrove throwing four good innings. And you're, you know, it's that or at a major throwing two and two thirds, then you go, maybe we do want Joe to come back. You know, there's is a calculation and a give and take, you know, there's an opportunity cost. So the Padres will have to decide what they want to do to get it. I need three and a half minutes and resets every 10 minutes, but I will have it before the end of the show. I saw the chat. Pretty incredible flove, apparently. I miss possibly potentially. I like the tape. I like the waiting game. You've thrown the old challenge flag and they're going to the review sometimes as we've seen, the review takes a little longer than you'd like, but we're just kind of tensely waiting to see what the the decision is from New York on a potential flub that I made during my farmer's dog, live liner, read a couple of minutes. Yeah. Yeah, that was something. I'm praying that by the way, just even if Joe does come back, that doesn't mean they don't need another start. Correct. They still absolutely need another starting picture. Absolutely. Guess what? Even if Joe and you come back, they still need another starting picture down the stretch likely and you status remains pretty. I honestly, we don't know any more than you do. AJ Preller said he talks to you every three or four days just to see where he's at, but there's no pressure on him to return. You will tell them when he feels comfortable with whatever's going on, you know, with the personal situation, when he is able to do that. But at this point, we have no more information than you do. I'd like to say that we can give you a hint one wearing the other. Really don't. Wouldn't be surprised if he comes back. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't see him again the rest of the season. Math question for you, right? So he's on the restricted list. So you don't have to pay him a salary. You can then use that salary to help you with trade deadline and acquisitions. Correct. Correct. Then he does. Let's say he comes back in three weeks, starts counting against the team again. So whatever he misses three weeks, you just subtract three weeks of the season out of the 20 million he's going to make this year and that does not go against the luxury tax. So if the Padres go out and get a guy expensive, expensive on the break, then he then he comes back. No, no, but then you are to assume that he's not probably. Right. Okay. Okay. Because he's he's not going to want to. But we don't know exactly how that math works anyway. There's, you know, Major League Baseball will calculate it all at the end of the season. It doesn't really get calculated until the season is completely over. So it remains kind of a work in progress. It's not a final math problem until after the season is completely done. And then we'll find out if they stayed under the luxury tax number, or they didn't. And part of that equation will be how much time you actually misses over the course of the rest of the season. Okay. But from what we heard, they were about eight to 10 million under, you know, going kind of into this month. Now they did pick up Adam, which is not a huge, what is he making like three something this year, which means the pro rated about a million. So that gets them a little bit closer. See what other moves they may or may not make over the next 24 hours that pushes them a little bit closer, but they can make sure they stay under whether or not you comes back because that eight to 10 was before you went on the restricted list. That number has been ticking back up like every day it ticks up a little bit more that they have to play with as long as you doesn't return from the restricted list. Yeah, interesting. Very interesting to see how this all plays out. And yeah, obviously, you know, our position hasn't changed. We wish you Darvish the very best. And if anybody has earned this situation, it's certainly have no questions about it. Don't feel bad about it in the slightest as far as I don't need an explanation from you, Darvish right now. You Darvish is handling to personal matters. And that's really all we need to know. So, but onward and upward with the team, certainly, and they're going to have to make moves, you know, probably planning for him not to come back, but, you know, strange things have happened. So, I wish him the very best in his family as well. At this point, though, if you really what you're counting on, if the Padres get to the postseason, Dylan Cease and Michael King are the Padres number one and number two pitchers at the moment. Absolutely. Now, Waldron probably a solid three. And then we'll see what they can get from from anyone else beyond that the rest of the way. Truly, I'm just a trade alert, but I haven't seen anything. So maybe he's doing this to do a bit and prank me again. Anybody see anything? Nope. I haven't seen anything yet. Have not seen anything. Don't just say trade alert with exclamation points and then don't put the trade in. Oh, wait. Hold on. Thai France to the Reds. I got that's the one. Oh, my God. Cash considerations back to the Reds. The Mariners acquire catcher Andrew Salcedo. Now, France was designated for a sign. Yeah, this is a this is a very minor deal. If that's the that's the one they're talking about, but there was a trade in the last couple of minutes, breaking news on Ben and Wood makes you think that the makes you think that the Reds aren't selling though. If they're picking up Thai France, then maybe they're still thinking they're on the fringes of the playoff chase, which makes guys like Jonathan India not necessarily available here at the trade deadline. Yeah, but you're talking about moving Nick Martinez still, right? Maybe they're not. Maybe they think I mean, didn't they do this weekend? I think they actually won this weekend. If I'm not mistaken, the I mean, there's still like four or five games under 500 though, not out of it certainly, but also not necessarily in it. So if they're not they're in a very limbo limb, they lost two of three to the Rays over the weekend. The Rays are just trading everybody after winning two three. That's the Rays way. That's the Rays way. Meanwhile, behind the scenes here, we went to the tape and Ben's okay. Oh, he's okay. Go ahead. I'm Kelly Donick with Ben and Wood San Diego's number one sports station, 97 three the fan. This hour in 97 three, the fan is brought to you by the farmer's dog from a healthier way to more energy when you switch your dog's food to the farmer's dog. The effects can feel magical. What sorcery is this? Not at all. It's just real food made for the health of dogs. Get 50% off your first box at the farmers slash radio. Perfect. Somebody thought they heard you say real food made from dogs. That would be not that would be not made for the health of dogs for the health. You guys got us all excited for nothing. Just like that trade alert in the chat got us to the new part. I don't want to announce the reputation that I make that many mistakes. I make some mistakes. I don't think I make that many mistakes. No, no, no. It's not like we have hours of flowers and literal hours of them. You're right. You're you're over six years. It's a long time. You're right. It's a long, long time. What are we saying, Paulie? The potter's announced their newest concert, Wild Horses Returns on December 30th. That's the country festival, I think, right? Yep. And headlining it is new country star Post Malone, new country star. Post Malone. I loved his song about the potrays losing on Sunday. That was not him. Well, that wasn't him. Though it could have been. Well, gentlemen, that's where I bid you bid you a dude. Oh, we're saying goodbye to wood. Yeah, that's it for me. I'd like to say I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss you desperately. I'm going to miss you guys too. They will miss you as well. So I heard on the post game show yesterday, but really insightful scouting report, essentially from Zander Bogart's on the new potter's acquisition. Welcome back. It's our final segment. Congratulations to Alec. Alec won our potter's tickets. Thank you for calling in Alec. Kind of like the potter's relief pitcher Alec Jacob. Yes, who has done nothing but succeed at the big league level. He gave up a base runner. I think that was only a second he's ever given up in his career. Give up one last season before they had to shut him down after just what five appearances back and look good. Maybe another option out of the bullpen to go along with Jason Adam, who was acquired yesterday in exchange for three minor leaguers. Dylan Lasko, of course, Homer Bush Jr. and J. D. Gonzalez catching prospect of pretty hefty price tag. But when you hear Zander Bogart's talk about Jason Adam, you're going to go, okay, I feel pretty good about who the potter's are acquiring. Here's what Zander had to say about his new teammate. One message to send you guys from their active making trades. I've never already made a couple seats in our eyes earlier in the season. But like today and in theory, they might mix one of what messages to send to the clubhouse. I mean, I don't know, I don't know, personally, you know, but I face him and I can tell you that he's pretty good. It's pretty tough and bad for him to come to a lot of bad, especially for a variety. Place this stuff basically on both sides, one of the lefties, to be honest, but it's very uncomfortable. I mean, it felt like, it felt like just a position we might have needed a little bit of help, you know, and probably we had some guys in the back of the booth and that we've been using a lot. So being in a high leverage now, like this, I would have had a ton of experiences just lengthens out the booth and so much more. Specifically, that maximum comfortable. So much and then he has this weird, you know, but they always, they have come down here and they have up here. They have so many different variety of arms, but he's a weird something like coming out of here. I remember it was very, very weird, nice to see him change up, big, like sweeping. So, I mean, and he throws strikes, you know, it's not like he's effectively wild. No, he throws strikes. He knows what he's doing up there. So that's very, very important, come big situations for sure. Deb J wants to know if they were in the shower with Xander. I think you can hear some shower sounds coming in the background. It's about the most you'll ever get from a hitter about a pitcher, honestly, until their career is over. They don't, they don't, they don't like to give pitchers much credit at all. It's, it's a compliment though. When you, when a hitter says they're very uncomfortable at bat, that's one of the, the better compliments that a hitter can give to a pitcher they're never going to concede. Like I can't hit that guy, but just knowing he owns me, knowing I don't feel comfortable when he's on the mound is a good thing. If you were a, you know, one thing that I love to see is that Jason Adams, actually a guy who makes a pitching ninja, rather regularly, there was an at bat earlier this month when he faced one so, Oh my God. And absolutely made more so to a part with three of his changeups. Made up of the fool. I mean, even Soto like looked at him with the side, like the side, I glare like, you can't throw that pitch. That's not allowed to throw a pitch like that. That's what you're saying. You don't see one so to miss by his on the swing that he could not even come close to that. I'm shaking his head going. What did I just see? So there's some really good stuff in there from Jason Adam, that sweeper and that changeup are filthy, nasty top of the line, major league level. And I'm looking forward to seeing it this week. Me too. Let's keep it that way. You know, let's absolutely keep it that way. And hopefully you get into a position in these next two games where, where Jason Adam comes in and a high leverage situation to help you win a game against the Los Angeles Dodgers, Ben. Speaking of pitching, we also have an update from the horse's mouth on Joe Musgrove's return here from Joe after a check of traffic here on 97.3. This hour on 97.3. The fan is brought to you by the farmer's dog from a healthier way to more energy when you switch your dog's food to the farmer's dog. The effects can feel magical. What sorcery is this? Not at all. It's just real food made for the health of dogs. Get 50% off your first box at the slash radio. So yeah, it seems as though the rehab for Joe Musgrove is is coming along fairly nicely. That obviously hasn't been perfect. Joe has said, yeah, you have to work through some, some soreness and, you know, the things that you go through when you're trying to stretch back out. But he has taken the steps. He continues to get closer, have not shut him down. And the next step should be tomorrow in Arizona. Joe spoke this a little back and forth with Joe, I think before the game yesterday and reporters in Baltimore on what it's looking like for his rehab and return to the Padres. They get easier that way to guarantee that I can get, you know, 20 pitch inning and then another 15 pitches instead of, you know, rehab server. I struggled, defense struggles or something happens that I'm not able to get through an inning and then, you know, finish up in the bullpen. It's not really what we're looking for. So Tuesday, midday sometime, something like two innings probably. Yeah. 120, it'd be nice. Yeah, we're great. Yeah, so that and then I think it's kind of ages call after that. If he wants to put me in for three innings to start or if he wants me to get one more and then come back at four innings. So regardless of that, like this is almost like skipping a step like you're not having to face your teammates this last week, how it's gone, how much, how encouraged are you? Yeah, I feel really good about it. I think I needed to prove to them that I was ready. My bullpen's been really good. The, you know, the velocity in life is there. The pitches are there. I've been recovering well. I was kind of pressing to get, you know, the live BP skipped. I feel like with the intensity, I'm throwing my bullpen. I'd rather face, you know, an opposing team where I can work all my pitches and work the inner half or as if I'm throwing the toddy or guy's back home. It's eliminating the whole side of the plate and pitches that I'm not going to take a chance of running one hit in those guys. So yeah, I think it's maybe skipping a step, but it's, this is very similar to a live bullpen or live batting practice, you know, controlled scenario is, you know, make the rules up as we go. We need to stay out for extra outs, whatever the case is. Go inside. I can. I said it'd be up to AJ, but ideally would it be just this one in Arizona and then take it out? I think ideally probably be two, like three and four. I'd love to be back at three innings, but it's not, it's not fair to me. It's not fair to them to go out there with, you know, 50 pitches to work with and make a start and hope the bullpen cover that. So depends on where we're at, you know, bullpen wise, but the usage has been like how the starters have done. You know, if we've gotten a lot of length of the starters, maybe they'll let me go and start for three innings and just kind of be an opener. But I think that all depends on how this homestand goes. I think the next day I would throw would be the last game of the homestand. It'll be Sunday. I've got three Tuesday. So good slot in somewhere there. Possibility for you without your feeling that you may be able to use. That's how I come out of this live. I mean, the live is, you know, the same game is, you know, a bit more intensity, I guess, but I've thrown a 40 pitch pan. I've done it up down. So I feel like I'm ready to go. Yeah, we did that 20 pitch rest for 10 minutes and then another, you know, 15. So it should be cool. Come back with, come back and any more. I think you wanted to be like up to five by the time you get out. I would have liked to, but you know, the whole process of building and getting to the bullpen took a little longer than we thought. So trying to make up for it on the back end and still be smart and not just, you know, rush just to get back. But it's hard to go out there when you know you only have 45, 50 pitches to work with one bad ending kind of whole day up for everybody. So it's up to agent. If he went, if he's ready, any trust me to get out there, I feel ready to go. So I'm pretty good news there. I didn't hear what he said, except I was just into the music in the background trying to identify what it was. Joe sounds like if he gets through tomorrow, when he pitches against Mariners, minor leaguers in Arizona, then he's pretty close to being able to return. That doesn't mean they'll put him right back out. They may want him to extend out a little bit and throw minor league rehab starter too. But if they needed him, feels good after tomorrow. He's ready to give him 40 pitches, 45 pitches and start building up from there. I see his point though. If you bring him back and he throws 45 pitches, but let's say he throws a 27 pitch first inning and then a 20 pitch second inning and he's done. All of a sudden, now you got to cover seven innings in the bullpen that day. That puts you in a precarious position when it comes to your, your relief pitchers. If you bring them back too soon, you can get that work in on the backfield against minor leaguers and not at the big league level and torpedoing maybe a series. But you know, if he's efficient, he comes back and throws four good innings and it's Joe Musgrove throwing four good innings. And you're, you know, it's that or Adam Major throwing two and two thirds. Then you go, maybe we do want Joe to come back. You know, there's, there's a calculation and a give and take, you know, there's an opportunity cost. So the Padres will have to decide what they want to do. Did you get it? I need three and a half minutes and resets every 10 minutes, but I will have it before the end of the show. I saw the chat. Pretty incredible. Flove, apparently. I missed possibly potentially. I like, I like the tape. I like the waiting game. You throw in the old challenge and they're going to the review. Sometimes as we've seen the review takes a little longer than you'd like, but we're just kind of tensely waiting to see what the, the decision is from New York on a potential flub that I made during my farmer's dog. Live liner read a couple of minutes ago. Yeah. Yeah, that was something. I'm praying that it's by the way, just even if Joe does come back, that doesn't mean they don't need another structure. Correct. They still absolutely need another starting picture. Absolutely. Guess what? Even if Joe and you come back, they still need another starting picture down the stretch likely and you status remains pretty. Honestly, we don't know any more than you do. AJ Preller said he talks to you every three or four days just to see where he's at, but there's no pressure on him to return. You will tell them when he feels comfortable with whatever's going on, you know, with the personal situation, when he is able to do that. But at this point, we have no more information than you do. I'd like to say that we can give you a hint one way or the other. Really don't. Wouldn't be surprised if he comes back. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't see him again the rest of the season. Math question for you, right? So he's on the restricted list. So you don't have to pay him a salary. You can then use that salary to help you with trade deadline acquisitions. Correct. Correct. Then he does, let's say he comes back in three weeks, starts counting against the, the team against or whatever. He misses three weeks. You just subtract three weeks of the season out of the 20 million. He's going to make this year and that does not go against the luxury tax. So if the Padres go out and get a guy expensive, expensive, like right on the break, then he then he comes back. No, no, but then you are to assume that he's not coming back. Right. Okay. Okay. Because he's he's not going to want to, but we don't know exactly how that math works. Anyway, there's, you know, Major League Baseball will calculate it all at the end of the season. It doesn't really get calculated until the season is completely over. So it remains kind of a work in progress. It's not a final math problem until after the season's completely done. And then we'll find out if they stayed under the luxury tax number or they didn't. And part of that equation will be how much time you actually misses over the course of the rest of the season. Okay. Well, from what we heard, they were about 10, eight to 10 million under, you know, going kind of into this month. Now they did pick up Adam, which is not a huge, what is he making like three something this year, which means a pro rated about a million. So that gets them a little bit closer. See what other moves they may or may not make over the next 24 hours that pushes them a little bit closer, but they can make sure they stay under whether or not you comes back, because that eight to 10 was before you went on the restricted list. That number has been ticking back. Like every day, it ticks up a little bit more that they have to play with as long as you doesn't return from the restricted list. Yeah, interesting. Very interesting to see how this all plays out. And yeah, obviously, you know, our position hasn't changed. We wish you darvish the very best. And if anybody has earned this situation, it's, it's him certainly have no questions about it. Don't feel bad about it in the slightest as far as I don't need an explanation from you, darvish right now, you darvish is handling to personal matters. And that's really all we need to know. So, but onward and upward with the team, certainly, and they're going to have to make moves, you know, probably planning for him not to come back. But, you know, a strange of things have happened. So, I wish him the very best in his family as well. At this point, though, if you really what you're counting on, if the Padres get to the postseason, Dylan Cease and Michael King are the Padres number one and number two pitchers at the moment. Absolutely. Now, Waldron probably a solid three. And then we'll see what they can get from, from anyone else beyond that the rest of the way. Julian just said, trade alert, but I haven't seen anything. So maybe he's doing this to do a bit and prank me again. Anybody see anything? Nope. I haven't seen anything yet. Have not seen anything. Don't just say trade alert with exclamation points and then don't put the trade in. Oh, wait, hold on, tie France to the Reds. I got that's the one. Oh my God. Cash considerations back to the Reds, the Mariners acquire catcher Andrew Salcedo. Now, France was designated for a sign. Yeah, this is a, this is a very minor deal. If that's the, that's the one they're talking about, but there was a trade in the last couple of minutes. Breaking news on Ben and Woods makes you think that the first, makes you think that the Reds aren't selling though. If they're picking up tie France, then maybe they're still thinking they're on the fringes of the playoff chase, which makes guys like Jonathan India, not necessarily available here at the trade deadline. Yeah, but they're talking about moving Nick Martinez still. Right. Maybe they're not. Maybe they think, I mean, didn't they do this weekend? I think they, they actually won this weekend. If I'm not mistaken, the, uh, I mean, there's still like four or five games under 500 though, not out of it certainly, but also not necessarily in it. So they're on a, they're in a very limbo land. They lost two of three to the Rays over the weekend. The Rays are just trading everybody. Everybody. Everybody. Yeah. That's the Rays way. That's the, that's the Rays way. Meanwhile, behind the scenes here, we went to the tape and, uh, Ben's okay. Oh, he's okay. Go ahead. I'm Kelly Donick with Ben and Woods San Diego's number one sports station, 97 three, the fan. This hour in 97 three, the fan is brought to you by the farmer's dog from a healthier way to more energy. When you switch your dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can feel magical. What sorcery is this? Not at all. It's just real food made for the health of dogs. Get 50% off your first box at the farmers slash radio. Perfect. Somebody thought they heard you say real food made from dogs. That would be not that would be not made for the health of dogs for the health. You guys got us all excited for nothing. Just like that trade alert in the chat got us to the new, uh, pirates concert announcement, the reputation that I make that many mistakes. I make some mistakes, but I don't think I make that many mistakes. No, no. It's not like we have hours of flux. A literal hours of them. You're right. You're over six years. It's a long time. You're right. It's a long, long time. What are we saying, Paulie? The potters announced their newest concert, Wild Horses Returns on December 30th. That's the country festival, I think, right? Yep. And headlining it is new country star post Malone, new country star post Malone. I loved his song about the potrays losing on Sunday. That was not him. That wasn't him. Though it could have been. Well, gentlemen, that's where I bid you bid you a do. Oh, we're saying goodbye to wood. Yeah, that's it for me. I'd like to say I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss you desperately. I'm going to miss you guys, too. We'll miss you as well. The rally roach will be here in my stead. Let's get some dubs. Let's please not go off the cliff. Like I'm going to in Kauai. It's win some games. Am I going to get a lay when you come back? You have no idea what kind of lay you're going to get, buddy. Thanks. Are you going to call in the halls? Yeah, I'll call in. You guys, you don't like macadamia, right? I'm not going to bring them on. All right. All right, Paulie. Got 50/50. Annie and Elston coming up next. Let me rest your Monday, but in the fall of the year, 97-3, the fan. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom?, those. These are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools, including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings, and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team. 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