Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

8am Hour - Ben & Paul Prank Woodsy + In-Season Sammy Calls In!

Ben & Woods start the 8am hour by unveiling the audio from an EPIC prank that Ben and Paulie pulled on Woods last week as he prepares to head off to Hawaii for a week.  Then the guys continue to talk about tomorrow's MLB trade deadline and what else AJ Preller may do between now and tomorrow afternoon. And at the bottom of the hour we're joined by Padres Pre and Postgame show host Sam Levitt and get his thoughts on the Padres acquisition of relief pitcher Jason Adam over the weekend! Listen here!

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29 Jul 2024
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Now today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. NerdWallet's experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact-based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. It's the most anticipated WNBA season in history and you know what that means. Court is back in session. Welcome to Queens of the Court and Odyssey Original Podcast. I'm your girl Cheryl Swoop and I'm Jordan Robinson. All WNBA season long will be bringing you interviews with star athletes, analysis on your favorite team and lots of hot tape. Order, order in the court. Follow and listen to Queens of the Court on the Free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. Well, we're halfway home on a Monday. Ben and Woods, 97.3, the fan. Lovely to be here with all of you guys listening. Not so much these two absolute knuckleheads for throwing one by me on Friday. Holy crap. Saver the moment, fellas. Saver the moment. Doesn't happen. It doesn't happen. Yeah, it doesn't happen very often. But man, did you guys get me good? I haven't heard this and I don't know that I want to. I haven't either because I had to pull it off. I had to leave the room. Correct. So really, Pauli gets the credit. He had to play with the straight face and sell you. Do the acting job to sell you on what we were trying to convince you was going to happen. Oh my god. When you're going on vacation. All right, well, and I don't feel bad about this because I've got I've I've worn it plenty when I play on vacation. So it only feels like somewhat fair that something had to happen when you're heading to Hawaii for six shows. Ben goes on vacation. I've never missed six shows in a way ever. I guess to set the scene for this about five minutes of audio that you're about to hear. Is it went on that long? Oh, yeah. So this was after the show. That's how upset this man was. We went into another studio to do our promo production work. Every Friday and every day after every show we do a 15 second promo. Hey, coming up on Monday. Here's what we got, you know, and it plays over the weekend. So we recorded that and then sometimes one of our both of us has to stay for other production commercials, things like that. But I told woods he had production. He didn't actually. Oh, that's not even a real spot. That gave me the excuse to leave the room and let Paulie talk behind my back. Right. And since you had a spot to record, we had a hot mic that I recorded every single word. So sorry. It only took me a couple of hours to censor all of your curses. But well, let's just take you to Friday afternoon. Friday morning. I guess if you have little ears, I guess, turn it down. They're believed. But well, no, here we go. Ready. All right, promo. Here we go. Three, two, one. Coming up Monday, tune in for woods is last show before he heads out on vacation. I mean, we'll also talk pod race Oreos and see how they did. Now that ran all week. OK. Yeah. I'm good to go. Yeah, you got it. Hey, everybody. See you Monday. Right about two. Real quick. Yeah. You got a second? Yeah. I am. Is he gone? Yeah, he's gone. I am freaking out right now. About next week. Like, I'm kind of in a rock and hard place here. Because me and Ben have been trying to come up with ideas. Like we told you about it was coming in on Thursday and all that. But like Ben is killing me right now. Why? You're going to freak out. He wants he wants Dave Roberts to come in. The Dodgers will be in town. And he's been texting with Dave Roberts about having him come in. The manager of the Dodgers, Dave Roberts. Yeah. In here. Me was like, if I have a chance to have an MLB manager in. There's no way. There's no way. There's no way. There's no way. I can do it. It's not a show too though. Like I don't know what to say. You fuck. It's it's like why the **** would you torpedo? Torpedo a show just to have like a San Diego in here when I'm gone. Like if you wouldn't do if you wouldn't already, you know, like three of his best ideas. Bro, if you wouldn't do an interview when I'm here, then you shouldn't do it when I'm gone. There's nobody on the planet that I would say, oh, I'm only going to interview them when Ben's out of town, right? That's in the best interest of Ben and not the best interest of our show and like our audience. And, dude, there's no chance. There's no way. Like, he's like, he is set on making this happen. Like I said, they've already been texting. Oh my **** and I'm like, uh, can I call him sick? Like, like, what do I tell him? I mean, if he's already going to, he wants, he's like, this is happening. Dude, I like the Ben and Woods show still goes on. It's, yeah, it's not the same when all three of us aren't there. It's not going to be as funny if you're not there, but we can't have the **** manager of the Dodgers and students. There's no **** chance. None. Like, it can't happen. I can't even, I can't, I don't know. Like, it is his show too, but like, we have like a brand and like, our brand is not, like, that's **** embarrassing. I'm embarrassed. I'm embarrassed that he would like, that he would like think of that. No, dude, there's no way. There's no way. There's no way. I, like, I don't want to get you in trouble, but clearly he's hiding it from me, clearly, because he hasn't told me. No, that's been just a direct text with me. Oh my God. Oh, I was like two days. I like, I was already, I, you know, you know, any time you leave, you're nervous about like, you know, how's the show going to go? But like, you can't just torpedo it when somebody leaves town. I don't do four, I don't do four hours of **** music talk when you leave, you know? I like, try to stay as close to the **** thing as possible. Oh my God, dude. I don't, yeah. This is like, makes my stomach hurt. It literally makes my stomach hurt. I don't know what to say. I mean, you can't do it. You can't do it. Like, do I tell Adam? Like, you can't, you can't be like, you can't be like, the producer of the show being like, hey, the host, because you know what Adam will say? Well, well, he is an MLB manager. He's a big guest, man. It would get a lot of publicity and **** dude. I mean, is there a good bit in it? Maybe, but like, I don't **** on it. You can't have that. That feels like one step forward, 69 steps. I just, I, you can't do it. You can't, you can't, you can't do it. You must be out of his mind. I was spun out. And look, if Dave Roberts was from Cleveland, he wouldn't be here. He wouldn't even consider it. But because Dave Roberts went to RBV, he's going to be like, come on in. Let's talk some Padres Dodgers. Holy ****. Like, you could tell me, was he oral hershizer and Joe Davis want to come by the studio? I'd be like, there's no **** over my dead body, over my dead body. Well, two, the one guy won a World Series. The other guy said, you know, the heir parent, there's no **** way, Paul. No way. There's no way. How does he ruin my vacation? I mean, left. I'm going to throw up. I'm going to do it. I'm literally going to throw up. Do I tell him I told you? Like, I don't, that's not good either. It's not. I don't want to, he's, he honestly doesn't want you to know. He clearly doesn't want me to know because he didn't **** say anything. Oh my God. I was shaking. I don't know. Let me do this spot and I'll think about it. Flush it down the toilet layer. What a clown. Oh, I can't believe you're trying to do it. I cannot believe, actually I can't. Actually, I believe, I believe every second of it. What is it? Do you see? Yeah. Well, there it is. I, I listen, so, so our plan was just to let you still. Always get. Fume all weekend long and then reveal it this morning. As we're saying goodbye to you for the next week, send you off with that and reveal that, hey, it was just a prank. But we had to speed up the timeline just a little bit. Yeah. Because you guys thought Woods was a psychopath from that audio. This guy called me, he called me twice on the drive home. Yes, twice. It's a 20 minute drive, he called me twice. Probably three more times on Friday. And finally, I had enough and I said, I'm not doing this all effing weekend. Yeah, I mean, and I would have let him stew all weekend, but imagine like the first two hours of the show him thinking that I'm still planning to have like Dave coming in the morning and he's not knowing it and how like internally like seeding, you would have wrecked the show today. So he had to, we had to let him. I told Ben, I said, you need for text woods and just let him know. It was a prank. We're just messing with you. Ben's buddy's not coming in on Tuesday morning. It's the best prank that's ever been pulled on me. No, never. And I didn't doubt it for one single solitary second. Not one because it's bad for me. That's been a great job. It happened before. I was out one time and this was a few years ago. I think were we at the old station? I think we're here. Were we here? Pretty sure. And you had DR on. I'm never going to despise Dave like you do, but I'm not going to have him in studio. It's nothing personal, but it's also like it's- Go Dave Roberts. So personally, my old accounts a really good guy, but it's just the fact of the matter of like, you can't be in here. And I just thought it's all started to make sense in my head. Of course, they know each other. Ben, you do a great job. Dave comes in here and chops it up with you guys for an hour about the Dodgers. And they're, you know, I just, I'm like, I pictured myself sitting on a beach in Hawaii with my head between my legs. Now, just to confirm, that's not happening. That's not happening. I haven't even texted. Yeah, take on Dave. How about that? Take on Dave. Share. I don't know. I mean, you guys, you guys. Crushed. And you don't actually come off looking at it badly. You're defending San Diego. You're defending everything about the show that people love. So that's fine. I do have a note or so. I apologize for calling you a clown. And not that, not a word that. He was very upset. I believe the quote may have been something as though. I guess it's his show. It is, it is. I guess. It's your show. It is your show too. I said that. I said, look, it's, this is Ben's show too. Yes, but you kind of sort of agreed with that comment. I think you're taking it a little bit. I said, like, well, I guess, I mean, it's his show too. Oh, I'm, I'm pouring sweat. I apologize for my passion and fervor, Ben. I don't think you're a clown. If you had him in though, I would have called Ben. And I would have, I would have, I would have. You guys got me, you should feel my underarms right now. I mean, I'm just pouring, pouring sweat. I'm glad I didn't have to be in the room for it. Paul, he had the hard job. He had to be in the room and play a lot. Oh, yeah, crackle a smile. You acted, you were like Marlon Brando in there. You had me so convinced the rock in a hard place. Yeah, because that is an impossible situation for a producer. Impossible. One hos, but one host trying to like, do something that you know is not going to be right. And you have to be like, hey, bro, I don't think this is a good idea. Ben's like, no, I'm, I'm dead set on it. I feel so much better about vacation now knowing that it's not going to happen. But Friday afternoon, I asked my wife, I was in a, I was in a tizzy, a tizzy. I had a haircut. I had to go to, I was pouring sweat. And then once you guys let me off the hook, I slept like a baby. I didn't mention it to anyone to no one because I knew we would play that today. You guys, well done, both of you. I didn't want to give you, I'm, I'm actually very proud of both of you. You guys crushed me. Now, what are we going to do for the next six days? Well, most importantly, I know you can't do. I definitely know what we can do over and over and over. That's out and over. Now, I want you to have a good time. We will, we do have some fun stuff. Hold down the fort. We do have some fun stuff. Some actual San Diego type gessos coming in. That didn't go to our TV. Didn't go to our TV. Not, not the manager. Oh, okay. Oh, he did, didn't he? Dave did. Dave, our actual guest host, I don't think is any RBV guys. Oh, you guys, man. What the ultimate prank like Enrique just said? Oh, no, Jonathan just said the ultimate prank would be for him to come in now. Now that you, we told you, we literally literally told him he was coming. What if he came in, but I was just grilling him relentlessly? You wouldn't do that. No, and you wouldn't. Yeah, I couldn't do that. That's why I was not coming in. I'm still saying. Oh my god. All right, let's, let's take your time out. We'll come back. We have more Padres talk certainly on the way in season. Sammy is going to join us here at the bottom of the hour covered all the pre and the post game shows with a very eventful weekend and road trip. I mean, we get a, we got to just kind of the whole road trip in terms of of what it means for the rest of the Padres season. That is coming up with Ben and Woods check traffic and then right back with more on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 three, the fan. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom? those, these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools, including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings, and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team. It's also you can make the right decision for your family. we've done your homework. It's the most anticipated WNBA season in history. And you know what that means. Court is back in session. Welcome to Queens of the court and Odyssey original podcast. I'm your girl Cheryl Swoop and I'm Jordan Robinson. All WNBA season long will be bringing you interviews with star athletes, analysis on your favorite team and lots of hot tape. Order, order in the court. Follow and listen to Queens of the court on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast. Nice. Today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet's smart money podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. NerdWallet's experts will set future you up for success. With dependable, fact-based insights, no financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's smart money podcast on your favorite podcast app. It's exhausting. You guys have killed me. Feel good about yourself? I don't feel good about taking any years off your already limited lifespan. I guess when you put it that way. You can feel my heart. I'm glad we didn't let you stew all weekend. There's no way I would have ended up. I think if you yelled at your children or something. Yeah, just over it. You know, my kids were actually great this weekend. They have no complaints. They're just saving it all up for the flight tomorrow. I imagine the six hour flight to let it all out on the way to Kawai tomorrow. So yeah, man, I'm going to miss you guys. Now I'm just sitting here thinking of payback and what a what a B it actually is. See, now you make me not want to do it. I don't want to be stewing over payback. I feel like that was payback for you and now we're good even going forward. Speaking of going forward. Yeah, Padres go forward after what goes down is one of the best road trips in franchise history. I've had they won yesterday. It would have been their best record in a road trip of at least nine games. Is that right? All time. They had never won eight in a row on the road in franchise history either. Got to seven. Couldn't quite get it all the way. But it was really a tried, man. It was it was really a season changing sort of road trip. Not that not that they would have been sellers at the break. Had they gone four and five or even three and six. I don't I think they were always kind of buying, but it puts them in such a different position. I mean, look at look at the standings this morning in the nationally wild card race and think about where the Padres would be. We all agree they could easily go on three and six on that road trip without missing a beat. And we all would have come here today and go, well, it could have been worse. I mean, that wasn't ideal, but we always knew that was going to be a really tough road trip. So instead they go seven and two. They're now one game behind the Atlanta Braves for the wild card lead, the first wild card spot. And they are half a game ahead of the Mets who are the third wild card team. But the Arizona Diamondbacks are just a half game back from the Mets. The Cardinals are another half game back and the Pirates are just one game back. So had the Padres gone even four and five, so three more losses, they would suddenly be looking up at the Pirates, Cardinals, Diamondbacks, Mets, and Braves right now on the eve of the trade deadline. Not that it would be insurmountable. They'd only be a couple of games out of a playoff spot, but still look at what a difference that road trip makes seven and two versus even four and five where they are right now with, by the way, the season ends two months from today. Two months. September 29th is the last day of the season. So two months from today, it will be over, not quite the final push, but we're getting close to the, what we would say though, the playoff chase is really upon us. And you really can start officially kind of looking at the standings and, you know, watching the scoreboard a little bit, getting an idea of which teams you'd like to see lose at this point in the season, it's starting to take coming to focus a little bit more. Yeah, you'd like to get to a point two and you look at their schedule and listen, I'm not dumb enough to sit here and fall for it and come in here and tell you guys, hey, don't worry, August is very light should be there. I mean, there are some very beatable teams there, very beatable teams. You cannot have a backslide. This is a real chance to separate, you know, in August, but you still got to play the games, man, those teams are trying to win too. You're going to have teams with guys that are playing for a career. You're going to have guys that are playing for their first time in the big leagues that want to impress. They're finally making big league money. They want to be back next year. And I'm talking about three against the Rockies, three against the Pirates, three against the Marlins, three more against the Pirates, three more against the Rockies. And then you get a little meaty with the twins, the Mets, the Cardinals, the Rays at the end of August. August starts off where you look at it and go, this is a really good chance to do some damage to separate yourselves. And what happens remains to be seen, but it's right there. It's right there in front of you. You cannot backslide. You got to fortify this team and you got to keep playing the inspired baseball that you've been playing bill in the chances. I think 27 and 27 gets us in. That would be 84 and 78. And well, I think maybe like a month ago, I would have said, you know, 84 wins might actually get you in. That was when, you know, teams that were below 500 were still in the top three. You've had the Mets play a lot better. The Diamondbacks have played better. The Cardinals have held on. I'm not sure. I'm now thinking maybe 86 to 87 is more of a safe target, which means instead of 27 and 27, 30 and 24, that gets you to 87 wins the rest of the way. I mean, it's not an insane clip that you have to play 30 and 24 the rest of the way, but it also, that's six games above 500. That's what the Padres have played this entire season. Yeah, 57 and 51. So you do need to play a little bit better than you've played over the first 108 games over the last 54 games. And you're off to a great start since the break. So, you know, and again, you know, all these things factor in certainly the schedule softens a little bit. You could potentially be getting some guys back from injury that that helps a little bit. Mike Schultz teams typically in his career play a little bit better down the stretch. So all these things coming into play. Hopefully, it doesn't set us up for massive failure, but the rally roaches here. And I've choose to believe in the rally roach. And I have it here and I'll kiss it again. Yeah, I need you while I'm going to kiss it. Okay. Signs are good. But yes, I will kiss it every single day while you're gone. Thank you. Signs are good. But the the rapids, the the rocks are still out there that you can hit, pitching injuries, you're still thin and you're starting rotation. We'll see what they do in the next 28 hours plus until the trade deadline. There's problems potentially. But as you said, there's a lot of reasons for optimism, how they're playing who's coming back. It's hard. It's hard to to be a Padres fan and over the last few years and be optimistic and to be to be confident, right? To be like, there's no way like I have a really good feeling about this team, but I'm not dumb enough to actually put it on paper or tweet it or anything like that. I'm I'm as optimistic as the next person, but you're really only as good as as the last series you played. And that bodes well. These two games against LA while they're they're big games in the fact that it's the Dodgers. It's just two games. It's just two games. So, you know, find a way to beat glass now, find a way to beat Kershaw. If you win one of, you know, you split it, big deal. Yeah. I mean, Padres are with the seven game winning streak. There's seven and three in their last 10. So are the Dodgers. You didn't gain any ground over the last 10 games. So you're still six and a half back. If they did win both of these in San Diego, you get to four and a half. And then I would say the division is at least somewhat back in play for the Padres. You split or you lose the next two divisions, probably out of reach. I mean, you need the Dodgers to play really badly. We'll see if they do anything at the at the break, but they're getting healthier with their pitching rotation. So you really would have to be kind of within five in the last two months to say that at this. I'd love it. I mean, go out, win the next two, give yourself a shot at it. But we'll be keeping a closer eye on the standings going forward from this point on. You guys are going to be just monitoring Twitter all day tomorrow. I will be on a plane, but I will, I can't wait to land and see what has happened. Hopefully something comes down today. You know, I'd love to love to land a starting pitcher. What else do you guys think that they're actively looking for right now? I mean, you could, you could run another outfielder for a while, you know, to help out, but until Tetis comes back. But honestly, if all they got was even a fourth or fifth starter, I wouldn't hate where the Padres are for the last couple of months of the season. Do you think based on the seven and two road trips that we just had, and we've been talking about it all morning, did that change AJ Preller's mentality, his aggressiveness, maybe over the next 30 hours or whatever? I think it has to. I think human nature tells you, wow, okay. Like what were they? They were 500, right? At the all-star break? I don't know that, I mean, maybe for our perspective, but for AJ's, he doesn't go with the swings as much as we do. I think he can maybe, if he was already trying to argue, hey, we want to buy and was getting some pushback from upper management, maybe it's easier to sell it a little bit now. Did he go from buying on the fringes to possibly going for a home run? I just still don't think, I still don't think that it's, it's that. I still don't think it's, it's, he's going to go out now because of a seven and two and go trade debris. I think he already believed in the team before they were seven and two. I don't think it changed anything. He and Mike Schilt believed in this team, and they will continue to believe in this team, but they're not necessarily going to trade Leodalis de Vries, or Ethan Salas to benefit this team. Anybody else? Yeah, but those two guys, I'd still be surprised if either of them left 100% in the next 24 hours. We'll get some thoughts from Sammy Levitt covered the whole series, obviously, doing our Padres pre and post game show. He'll join us for his weekly in-season Sammy segment coming up next on San Diego's number one sports station, 97. Three of the fam always lets you jump back to the moments you missed on 97. Three of the fan. You can see what you missed. Click to listen on demand. So if it's a guest, a feature, a prank, something else that happened from earlier, we got you covered. Just download the free Odyssey app search 97. Three of the fan and tap earlier today to get started. There was a lot that happened over the weekend in Baltimore. Sam Levitt was covering it all on our pre and post game shows. He's going to join us in season Sammy right after traffic here on 97. Three of the fan Sammy. Enjoy the day off today because tomorrow going to be a busy one pre game show just hours after the trade deadline. It's the calm before the storm. It's not an off day. It's not a day off for Sammy. It's an off day for the Padres, but rest assured if there's a trade that goes down, Adam's going to have Sammy do it. Oh, he was reacting at like 5 30 in the morning, I think, yesterday to the Jason Adam trade. That's why I woke up to a video on my phone and go, I usually get up pretty early. Sammy's already reacting to trades before I even got up on a Sunday. Well, you know the drill the moment there is breaking Padres news that I get a text from your friend Adam Clue get what about like 7 15 a.m. Hey, can you can you make a video as you're getting ready for everything else you got to do at the 935 for the pre game show. But guess what? I thought I got it done and we got the video out. So you know me. I'm always a very good soldier. I think he did not even text me. Do you think Adam? I know. Do you think it crossed his mind? Should I call better woods? I know it's like 7 15 on Sunday morning and he might be asleep, but he have one of us to come in. Well, just put a video together like a reaction video. Like I would have been asleep if he had called me. I actually was still asleep at like 7 15 on Sunday morning, just pretty late for me. I was up, but I was at Bo's baseball like I was getting him ready for baseball practice. I don't know. I was so busy this weekend that I don't know that I would have had the time, but you know certainly like the move Sammy and you know helps. It helps somebody made the astute point of hey man, you know, you get a guy like Jason Adam that typically should mean that now Robert Suarez doesn't necessarily need to always be counted on for, you know, four out saves, which would be great because you do worry about wear and tear on these guys as the season goes on. Yeah, I think when trades like this are made and it's as steep of a price as the Padres had to pay for Jason Adam. I think there's a lot of going to each of the extremes of the sides of the argument right either. It's absolutely what they needed and you got to win right now or it's the other way and people think they got fleeced and I think I think the truth, you know, there's some truth in all of it, right? Like obviously just from the purely 2024 perspective, the Padres desperately needed a guy like Jason Adam, a high leverage guy with great stuff, swing and miss that they could add into the trio of more honestrata and Suarez and it lengthens the bullpen. You're right. It takes some pressure off of Robert Suarez. Maybe it takes some pressure off your starting pitchers who, you know, a couple of them are already above their career high in innings. So it makes a ton of sense going and getting this guy. Was it a steep price? Yeah, have the Padres, you know, got rid of a lot of what their depth was in the last few months in the minor leagues between the rise trade, the cease trade and now this trade. Yeah, those things can all be true at once, but this front office and AJ Preller has shown time and time again that when they're in it, they will err on the side of being aggressive and this was another aggressive move to get a piece that they really, really needed. And look, I understand that the price was high, that's partially just what the market is right now. Look at the trades right now across the game and even for some relievers like Hunter Harvey or the trade for Carlos Esteban, the Phillies gave up maybe two future major league starting pitchers for a rental in Esteban, an atom is two years of control. What will Dylan, let's go maybe be a front line starter one day, maybe who knows, but you know, there's a strong, strong argument to be made that you've got the team you've got with stars on it that are in their primes. You're right in this thing and you're in wind now mode and you've got to keep operating like that for the most part. I understand that I do. Sam, do you agree that there, there has to be a starting pitch you're coming by tomorrow because the alternative is more out of measure or a Johnny Brito who's had some, what a tightness in his forearm. I mean, there's just, there's really no other options, right? I mean, you can't, you're going to have to need that fifth starter, even if Joe Musgrove comes back pretty soon, then you're, you're counting on Randy Vasquez and how many innings he's got left. You're already worried about Michael King's innings. Well, and you're worried about Musgrove's pitch counter 50, you know, I mean, even if it's a number five guy that can just chew up some innings, I feel like there has to be a starter coming by tomorrow at three o'clock, right? If you would have asked me 24 hours ago or I should say a little bit more than that before the trade for Adam, I would have said absolutely. I can envision a scenario where they get through tomorrow afternoon and there's not a starter added, but I'll tell you what, and again, I'm just speculating here, but when you heard AJ Prellar after the trade talk about, you know, he was asked pretty point blank, you know, about adding a starter. And the first thing he did was start talking about the internal options they have. And again, are we going to, are we going to read into, are we going to read into that answer from AJ? I don't think so, right? I mean, he never says much about any trade he's going to make or any of them. That could be poker, you know, poker face as well. Absolutely. No, absolutely. And I agree with that. But with that said, once you start looking at the prices for some of this stuff, I mean, if Jason Adam cost what he cost, what's the starting pitcher going to cost, unless, unless, you know, they go outside the rental market and they do something really big. And that's a crochet, that's a scuba. Are they willing to pay the price for one of those guys, which may have to include one of their top two prospects? I don't know the answer to that. What I do wonder, and again, I'm just speculating here, what I do wonder is this, you know, with Joe Musgrove pitching on Tuesday in Arizona, he's going to pitch in a controlled scenario, you know, basically a simulated game against Mariners minor league hitters. You know, he talked after the game yesterday. And, you know, throughout the idea, the next day he would pitch would be Sunday, you know, if the Padres won. And I look, I don't know how much this is Joe being optimistic versus reality. But he throughout the idea that, hey, if he was good to go for three innings on Sunday, you know, and they had a fresh bullpen, could they look to do something like that? Or, or could he come back, you know, after making another rehab start, come back at four innings. And, you know, look, is there a scenario where they're kind of looking at it with, you know, Joe, maybe on the precipice of returning in some capacity and saying, maybe we can get through this and get through the regular season with the guys we got. Maybe that seems a little ambitious, because I think we all agreed, you know, a couple of days ago that they needed a starting pitcher in a really bad way. Look, I still would be surprised if they don't add a starter, but meanwhile, we're almost 24 hours away from the deadline. It hasn't happened yet. And man, those prices are going to be really high for anybody as we've seen. But I think, you know, talking to Sammy Levin here on Ben and Woods this morning, I think, I think teams absolutely can overplay their hands. I do. And I think it's the needle that you have to thread. I mean, if you're the Colorado Rockies and you're asking the moon back for Cal Quantrell, you're probably not going to get it. And if you continue to ask for the moon for Cal Quantrell, up until the deadline, you're probably not going to get it. Would Cal Quantrell help the steep? Yes. Tyler Anderson, you know, shouldn't take two top 10 prospects to get a Tyler Anderson. So, I think it goes both ways. I think teams can absolutely overplay their hand, just like A.J. Preller has hyped up prospects that other teams are willing to take where you look at it and you go, wow, I can't, I didn't know that guy had that much value. And that happens all the time. So, I think in the interest of sometimes getting a deal done, you know, you may overpay a little bit. But these guys, if they want to move these guys, they're going to have to take one of the deals that they get. Right. And look, I think there is a reality about the situation this team is in right now. Okay. They've got big time contracts, guys in their prime. They've got Dillon seats here right now. They've got Michael King here right now. Look, the situation from what we've always thought over the last few years that it's not changed despite, you know, the farm system getting rebuilt and the necessity for having younger players like a Jackson Merrill who don't cost a lot and are under control. Yeah, you need those guys. But the window is right now. That is not changed through all of this. And meanwhile, you've got a team that is right in the thick of it. And I think we all agree, if they can get there, they have a real chance to make some noise. They really, really do. So yeah, look, they're they're living in kind of, you know, an interesting scenario that a lot of teams don't don't necessarily live in where, you know, they typically tend to go one way or the other. You know, I don't blame the Padres and AJ Preller for me be having to overpay to go get something they really, really need for a team that is capable of winning right now. Sammy, I don't expect Leo Dallas, DeVries or Ethan Salas to be traded even. I mean, we saw some reports this weekend, including in the in the race trade that they went for Taj Bradley. I'm assuming that the reason it didn't work out is that the Braves said, okay, but we need one of those guys at least and the Padres are saying no to those players. And I'm okay with that. I don't know that Ethan Salas and or DeVries is going to be a star. But I know there's a lot of potential that those guys could be well above average major league baseball players for at least 12 years of control coming up. And I'm willing to gamble on that. And if it means that you only get a fifth starter here at the deadline, I can live with that. That's that's my take. Me too. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm with you. I think where I land on it is I'm in the mindset of, hey, you've got to try to improve this team any way you can without trading those two guys. And so to me, everybody else should be available. Whatever you have to do beyond trading those two, I'm okay with that. And that's what yesterday's move felt like to me, right? Okay, we're going to overpay for a reliever who does have two years left of control, but he is a reliever. It is a steep price. But you know what? We're going to try our best to make this team as good as it can possibly be and get to October and we'll take it from there. And yeah, I'm with you. I think if you're in the camp of people like you've been who have a mindset of, I'm cool with whatever, as long as you don't touch those degrees and salads, then I'm really okay with that strategy. And I think you just have to accept that. Yeah, the cupboard may be a little bit bare beyond those two, you know, heading into the off season. But yeah, no, I'm very much also in that mindset right now. I don't blame them for going that way. If that's the way they go. Sammy, as always, I really appreciate it. I know you'll have your, your finger on the pulse of what's going on with the San Diego Padres, even if we don't hear from you until the pregame showed tomorrow, you're going to be all over on social media. Give them a follow at Sammy Lev. And we will talk to you again next week, if not sooner. And don't forget Wednesday, the round table, I will be there. Are you in for once? Oh, thank you for coming in filling in. That's right. As Sammy mentioned, this week's round table is going to be a day early on Wednesday at 10 o'clock, a special wrapping up the trade deadline round table. So join Annie and Elston going in Chris and Sammy Levitt in for Stephen Woods from Wednesday from 10 to 11 o'clock for this week's round table round table. You've made a lot of people very happy Sammy, me being the first. Thank you for for subbing in. I really appreciate it. And I will have a Mai Tai or a Pina Kalata in your honor. Which one would you which one would you choose? Which one would you choose? I'm a Mai Tai guy. I love a Pina Kalata. I love a Pina Kalata. I used to have a virgin Pina Kalata. Yeah. When I was younger. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. The list tastes like it tastes like a suntan lotion. My favorite. What do you feel about getting caught in the rain? Oh God. Sorry, Sammy. Caught in the rain. I assume this has to do with the prank call. Like, no, no, it's that song the Pina Kalata song. Oh, I got it. It was just a bad joke. I can't wait for my flight. You guys have a week of that, by the way. I think you can stream the honesty up on the plane if you get the, can I? Yeah, if you get the internet cell. Oh, I think you can listen to the whole show while you fly from no, I say, Sammy. Thanks, Sammy. Thanks, Sammy. Can't have a good day. I'm not going to. You're not going to? No. I'll let you guys do your thing. It's not paradise. If I'm coming along with you. I don't want what you're saying. I don't longer paradise. If I'm there in your ears the entire time. I don't want to be, you know, junior pro. We're already playing junior GM today. I almost wore my junior GM shirt, but it's a little snug now. So I decided to, I don't want to play junior PD tomorrow. How much do you listen when you're off? No, not a lot. I will listen. Like if I'm in the car, like driving away, obviously, I've always let you jump back to the moments you missed on 97 three, the fan. You can see what you missed. Click to listen on demand. So if it's a guest, a feature, a prank, something else that happened from earlier, we got you covered, just download the free Odyssey app search 97 three, the fan and tap earlier today to get started. There was a lot that happened over the weekend in Baltimore. Sam Lovett was covering it all on our pre and post game shows. He's going to join us in season Sammy right after traffic here on 97 three, the fan Sammy enjoy the day off today because tomorrow going to be a busy one pre game show just hours after the trade deadline. It's the calm before the storm. It's not an off day. It's not a day off for Sammy. It's an off day for the Padres, but rest assured if there's a trade that goes down, Adam's gonna have Sammy do it. Oh, he was reacting at like five 30 in the morning, I think yesterday to the adjacent Adam trade. That's I woke up to a video on my phone and go, I usually get up pretty early. Sammy's already reacting to trades before I even got up on a Sunday. Well, you know the drill the moment there is breaking Padres news that I get a text from your friend Adam Clue get what about like 7 15 a.m. Hey, can you can you make a video as you're getting ready for everything else you got to do at the 935 for the pre game show. But guess what? I got it done and we got the video out. So you know me, I'm always a very good soldier. God, they did not even text me. Do you think Adam? I know. Do you think it crossed his mind? Should I call Ben or Woods? I know it's like 7 15 on Sunday morning. Would he be asleep? Would he have wanted us to come in? Well, just put a video together like a reaction video like I would have been asleep if he had called me. I actually was still asleep at like 7 15 on Sunday morning, just pretty late for me. I was up but I was at Bose baseball like I was getting him ready for baseball practice. I don't know. I I was so busy this weekend that I don't know that I would have had the time. But you know, certainly like the move Sammy and you know helps. It helps somebody make the the astute point of hey man, you know, you get a guy like Jason Adam that typically should mean that now Robert Suarez doesn't necessarily need to always be counted on for you know, four out saves, which would be great because you do worry about wear and tear on these guys as the season goes on. Yeah, I think when trades like this are made and it's as steep of a price that the Padres had to pay for Jason Adam, I think there's a lot of going to each of the extremes of the sides of the argument, right? Either it's absolutely what they needed and you got to win right now or it's the other way and people think they got fleeced and I think I think the truth, you know, there's some truth in all of it, right? Like obviously just from the purely 2024 perspective, the Padres desperately needed a guy like Jason Adam, a high leverage guy with great stuff, swing and miss that they could add into the trio of more honestrata and Suarez, it lengthens the bullpen. You're right. It takes some pressure off of Robert Suarez. Maybe it takes some pressure off your starting pitchers who, you know, a couple of them are already above their career high in innings. So it makes a ton of sense going and getting this guy. Was this the price? Yeah, have the Padres, you know, got rid of a lot of what their depth was in the last few months in the minor leagues between the rise trade, the cease trade, and now this trade. Yeah, those things can all be true at once, but this front office and AJ Preller has shown time and time again that when they're in it, they will err on the side of being aggressive and this was another aggressive move to get a piece that they really, really needed. And look, I understand that the price was high, that's partially just what the market is right now. Look at the trades right now across the game and even for some relievers like Hunter Harvey or the trade for Carlos Esteban. The Phillies gave up maybe two future major league starting pitchers for a rental in Esteban. An atom is two years of control. What will Dylan, let's go maybe be a frontline starter one day. Maybe who knows, but, you know, there's a strong, strong argument to be made that you've got the team you've got with stars on it that are in their primes. You're right in this thing and you're in win now mode and you've got to keep operating like that for the most part. I understand that I do. Sam, do you agree that there has to be a starting pitch you're coming by tomorrow? Because the alternative is more out of measure or a Johnny burrito who's had some, what, a tightness in his forearm. I mean, there's just, there's really no other options, right? I mean, you can't, you're going to have to need that fifth starter, even if Joe Musgrove comes back pretty soon, then you're, you're counting on Randy Vasquez and how many innings he's got left. You're already worried about Michael King's innings. Well, and you're worried about Musgrove's pitch counter 50, you know, I mean, even if it's a number five guy that can just chew up some innings, I feel like there has to be a starter coming by tomorrow at three o'clock, right? If you would have asked me 24 hours ago or I should say a little bit more than that before the trade for Adam, I would have said absolutely. I can envision a scenario where they get through tomorrow afternoon and there's not a starter added, but I'll tell you what, and again, I'm just speculating here, but when you heard A.J. Prellar after the trade talk about, you know, he was asked pretty point blank, you know, about adding a starter and the first thing he did was start talking about the internal options they have. And again, are we, are we going to read into, are we going to read into that answer from A.J.? I don't think so, right? I mean, he never says much about any trade he's going to make for any of them. That could be poker, you know, poker face as well. Absolutely. No, absolutely. And I agree with that. But with that said, once you start looking at the prices for some of this stuff, I mean, if Jason Adam cost what he cost, what's the starting pitcher going to cost unless, unless, you know, they go outside the rental market and they do something really big. And that's a crochet, that's a scuba. Are they willing to pay the price for one of those guys, which may have to include one of their top two prospects? I don't know the answer to that. What I do wonder, and again, I'm just speculating here, what I do wonder is this, you know, with Joe Musgrove pitching on Tuesday in Arizona, he's going to pitch in a controlled scenario, you know, basically a simulated game against Mariners minor league hitters. You know, he talked after the game yesterday and, you know, throughout the idea, the next day he would pitch would be Sunday, you know, if the Padres won and I look, I don't know how much this is Joe being optimistic versus reality. But he throughout the idea that, hey, if he was good to go for three innings on Sunday, you know, and they had a fresh bullpen, could they look to do something like that or could he come back, you know, after making another rehab start, come back at four innings and, you know, look, is there a scenario where they're kind of looking at it with, you know, Joe, maybe on the precipice of returning in some capacity and saying maybe we can get through this and get through the regular season with the guys we got, maybe that seems a little ambitious because I think we all agreed, you know, a couple of days ago that they needed a starting pitcher in a really bad way. Look, I still would be surprised if they don't add a starter. But meanwhile, we're almost 24 hours away from the deadline. It hasn't happened yet. And man, those prices are going to be really high for anybody as we've seen. But I think, you know, talking to Sammy Levin here on Ben and Woods this morning, I think, I think teams absolutely can overplay their hands. I do. And I think it's the needle that you have to thread. I mean, if you're the Colorado Rockies and you're asking the moon back for Cal Quantrell, you're probably not going to get it. And if you continue to ask for the moon for Cal Quantrell up until the deadline, you're probably not going to get it. Would Cal Quantrell help this team? Yes. Tyler Anderson, you know, shouldn't take two top 10 prospects to get a Tyler Anderson. So I think it goes both ways. I think teams can absolutely overplay their hand. Just like A.J. Preller has hyped up prospects that other teams are willing to take where you look at it and you go, wow, I didn't know that guy had that much value. And that happens all the time. So I think in the interest of sometimes getting a deal done, you know, you may overpay a little bit. But these guys, if they want to move these guys, they're going to have to take one of the deals that they get. Right. And look, I think there is a reality about the situation this team is in right now. Okay. They've got big time contracts, guys, and they're primed. They've got Dylan seats here right now. They've got Michael King here right now. Look, the situation from what we've always thought over the last few years that has not changed despite, you know, the farm system getting rebuilt and the necessity for having younger players, like a Jackson Merrill, who don't cost a lot and are under control. Yeah, you need those guys. But the window is right now. That has not changed through all of this. And meanwhile, you've got a team that is right in the thick of it. And I think we all agree. If they can get there, they've a real chance to make some noise. They really, really do. So, yeah, look, they're living in kind of, you know, an interesting scenario that a lot of teams don't necessarily live in, where, you know, they typically tend to go one way or the other. You know, I don't blame the Padres and AJ Preller for me be having to overpay to go get something they really, really need for a team that is capable of winning right now. Sammy, I don't expect Leodalis to breeze or Ethan Salas to be traded even. I mean, we saw some reports this weekend, including in the, in the race trade that they went for Taj Bradley. I'm assuming that the reason it didn't work out is that the Braves said, okay, but we need one of those guys at least and the Padres are saying no to those players. And I'm okay with that. I don't know that Ethan Salas and or DeVries is going to be a star. But I know there's a lot of potential that those guys could be well above average major league baseball players for at least 12 years of control coming up. And I'm willing to gamble on that. And if it means that you only get a fifth starter here at the deadline, I can live with that. That's my take. Me too. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm with you. I think where I land on it is I'm in the mindset of hey, you've got to try to improve this team any way you can without trading those two guys. And so to me, everybody else should be available. Whatever you have to do beyond trading those two, I'm okay with that. And that's what yesterday's who felt like to me, right? Okay, we're going to overpay for a reliever who does have two years left of control, but he is a reliever. It is a steep price. But you know what? We're going to try our best to make this team as good as it can possibly be and get to October and we'll take it from there. And yeah, I'm with you. I think if you're in the camp of people like you, Ben, who have a mindset of I'm cool with whatever as long as you don't touch those in degrees and Salas, then I'm really okay with that strategy. And I think you just have to accept that. Yeah, the cupboard may be a little bit bare beyond those two, you know, heading into the offseason. But yeah, no, I'm very much also in that mindset right now. I don't blame them for going that way. If that's the way they go. Sammy, as always, I really appreciate it. I know you'll have your finger on the pulse of what's going on with the San Diego Padres, even if we don't hear from you until the pregame showed tomorrow, you're going to be all over on social media. Give them a follow at Sammy Lev and we will talk to you again next week, if not sooner. And don't forget Wednesday, the round table. I will be there. Are you in for woods? Oh, thank you for coming in, filling in. That's right. As Sammy mentioned, this week's round table is going to be a day early on Wednesday at 10 o'clock, a special wrapping up the trade deadline round table. So join Annie and Elston going in Chris and Sammy Levitt in for Stephen Woods from Wednesday from 10 to 11 o'clock for this week's round table round table. You've made a lot of people very happy, Sammy, me being the first. Thank you for for subbing in. I really appreciate it. And I will have a Mai Tai or a Pina Kalata in your honor. Which one would you have? Which one would you choose? Which one would you choose? I'm a Mai Tai guy. I love a Pina Kalata. Me too, but I love a Pina Kalata. I used to have a virgin Pina Kalata when I was younger. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. The list tastes like it tastes like a suntan lotion. My favorite. What do you feel about getting caught in the rain? Oh God. Sorry, Sammy. Caught in the rain. I assume this has to be with the prank call. Like, no, no, it's that song, the Pina Kalata song. You guys have a week of that, by the way. I think you can stream the honesty up on the plane, if you get the, can I? Yeah, if you get the internet. Oh, I think you can listen to the whole show while you fly from. No, I say. Thanks, Sammy. Thanks, Sammy. Can't have a good day. I'm not going to. You're not going to? No. I'll let you guys do your thing. It's not paradise if I'm coming along with you. I don't want what you're saying. I don't. It's no longer paradise if I'm there in your ears the entire time. I don't want to be, you know, junior pro. We're already playing junior GM today. I almost wore my junior GM shirt, but it's a little snug now. So I decided to, I don't want to play junior PD tomorrow. How much do you listen when you're off? No, not a lot. I will listen. Like, if I'm in the car, like driving away, that's about the extent. But usually it's not, it's not a vacation if you're just like living and dying with everything that's going on. Yeah. And I'm sitting there going, what kind of tease was that? What's coming up? You've just forgot, just forgotten what you said. Like, I don't want to play junior PD when I'm gone. I just let you guys do your thing. Explore the creative space. Have fun with it. Probably a lot of trade deadline talk this week. I would imagine. I would imagine a game against a couple of huge games. That's great. Now when we get to Friday after a Thursday off day, that's the day you can really stretch your legs. Let's see. Let's see what you're made of. Special guests. Do we have that confirmed Friday? Yeah. That's a good question. Because we had both. We're in between listed. Dave Roberts. Dave Roberts. No, it's not Dave Roberts. Well, let's see. What day did we end up? It's going to be deciding on that. No prank. It's going to be a Thursday now or no. It's going to wait. Yeah, it's Thursday. It's confirmed. Uncle Teddy's going to be. Yeah. Yes. I mean, who better in the city to come in and tell some stories than Uncle Teddy Lightner? Oh, that's so sick, dude. So, so cool. I love that. That'll be fun. That'll be fun to sit in with him. I've never done a radio show with Ted Lightner. Obviously, we've interviewed him, but it's actually sit down in studio with him for an hour or two. I think that'll be a lot of fun. That's fantastic. We're looking forward to that. That is that is really real. Are you intimidated a little? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, dude. I want me to. Just hey, just wind him up. Wind him up. Well, yeah, that's that's the part I'm looking forward to. Just make him kick back. Just lean back to my chair. Let him go. Make sure he tells you again. He's told our audience before. Really get him into the Dodgers. Get him talking about the Dodgers. It'll be perfect day. It's a perfect day for it. He said that when you call the store to. Yes. He said he said. He said. He's went on Wednesday. So bad. He told the story about like a Dodger that got traded to San Diego and sought him out and was like, Hey, by the way, we hated you or they hate you. I guess I have to like you now, but you are hated in there. And I went. Oh, Uncle Teddy. I love it. I mean, Dylan Cease is pitching on Wednesday. So hopefully carries on right through and we'll have a really fun Thursday show. I'm actually jealous. I'm actually a little bit jealous. I don't really get jealous when you had Flannery in when I was gone. So you can be jealous with Uncle Teddy in studio. Oh, I love that. I'm right on the report. A little Comic Con wrap up with Bali coming up next year on the fan. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom? Those, these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools, including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings, and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team. It's also you can make the right decision for your family. We've done your homework. 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