Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

8am Hour - Shildt's Bullpen Usage + Bret Boone Calls In!

Ben & Woods start the 8am hour talking about Mike Shildt's decision to use Robert Suarez in a non-save situation last night, and how he will do whatever it takes when he sees a win within his reach.  Then the guys come clean with a confession that they did NOT know something about a Padres player before we hit the phones and have our weekly conversation with former MLB player and Audacy insider Bret Boone! Listen here!

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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Now today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. NerdWallet's experts will set future you up for success with dependable, fact-based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. I'm Anna Garcia with True Crime News, the podcast. Every crime tells a story. Every story demands justice. True Crime News, the podcast covers breaking crimes, investigating high profile and under the radar cases. Every week we dive beyond the headlines, exploring the effects of violent crimes on victims and search for justice. We hope you join us as your weekly source for True Crime News. Listen to and follow True Crime News, the podcast on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. Oh, yeah. Halfway home on a Wednesday, Ben & Woods 97 III, the fan, lovely to be here with all of you. I love it. Tier 1 is out there. And I always get the question, how do I become a Tier 1? Very easy. There's no form or anything. You've got to fill out. There's no donation. Send $100. Ben Willis, $100. Yeah. You're all the way. Or easy payments. Oh, you got to do this. Listen. And then tell your friends if you like the show. That's it. The word of mouth has been great for this show because we've never had one marketing nickel. So you guys are actually the ones responsible for our success, not us, not us at all. You guys telling your friends, hey, listen to Ben & Woods, it's great, it's great. If we ever did have a billboard or anything like that or a painting promoting us, I hope actually it doesn't look like the one that was hanging in the foyer, foyer, foyer, foyer. Foyer of our old building. It's something that's like a tradition there and they've been doing it forever. And I was so honored to work at that station and have my own picture in the Louvre now. And then they painted Ben and he looks. He was a bigger guy back then. I look fat. Let's just be clear. How did you gain all the weight? Oh, my lord. And then there's our old executive producer in the middle of us. And then... He looks great. He looks fantastic. He looks fantastic. Weird how that works. And then there's your old pal, Woods, who apparently... That's not Paulie. No. Apparently, I just went like four rounds with Conor McGregor who smashed my face in. I mean, it is a really bad representation of me. And I had no offense to this person that painted it. Maybe you were in a hurry. That's the only thing I can think of because I look like... That's... Do they go to the San Diego County Fair and have one of those guys, the caricature... Quick sketch drawers. What happened to my nose? I don't have that nose. No, that's not your nose. That's... Someone else's nose. So he's been... He's been looking very happy. Yeah, he's fat and happy. Fat and happy. Do you have a crustash there? What's going on? Yeah, there's a bit of the facial hairs. You got the double chin down. You would not have let you massage your wife. No, no, no, no, no, no. That is real... Paulie's not zooming in on it. I mean, it is just... It's the nose that really was... I mean, I'm tipping the scales at at least 370. I'm not thinking of that picture. When their eyes are like really close together, they are... Beatty. Beatty. Beatty eyes. It's not what you look like. Beatty eyes. No, you do not. That was fake glasses. Yeah, that was in the receptionist area when you walked into the station. First thing you were a guest, if you were there to pick up a prize, and they had them all on the wall framed. They looked good. Yeah, there's Darren Smith. Yeah, there's Jim Rome. Darren Smith, Scott and B.R. Everybody looked great. I'm hanging with these legends up here. This is amazing for me. I can't believe that the unveiling happened, and I felt like, was it Ronaldo when he saw his... Was it Ronaldo's statue that does not look like him? Yes. Yes. And that thing went on the wall and I went, "Oh, oh." Everyone's saying, "My hair looks good, and it does." Hair does look. Yeah. I... I just... Give you a little blue Padres hat on it. Yeah, man. Now, when that station went under, it's kind of free for all, everybody grabbed a bunch of stuff. Greg Elston literally walked out with like microphones, and I remember, he's like, "Hey, look what I got. I was college unit. What is going on? I didn't know that we could just take stuff. But before all that went down, my girl Elaine was like the office manager. Loved Elaine. She was the main angel. She pulled me aside and said, "Hey, I have something that you might want. You remember the guy that we replaced at the station." Oh. Yeah, yeah. And at this station. Yep. You can get the job at the number one station in LA or New York or something. I don't want to move, though. I know, but he falls up, and we can come in and replace him. It's true. She had his horrible caricature paintings. Oh. Who's the greatest? And I took it. And you haven't. And I still haven't. You still have it. It's in storage, and my wife goes, "Get rid of that." I said, "Absolutely not. Never. Never. I'll get rid of you before I get rid of that." Yeah, 100%. It's you or him and... It's a family heirloom. It really is. I can sell that for like four bucks. You see me? I bought his autograph on eBay. It was three dollars, I think. We hung it here in the studio. Yeah. Yeah. That is a rough look. Before we move on, and I do want to talk a little bit more about last night's Padres game, they always tell us in radio teasing is important. Yes. It's like what's coming up next. Keep them hanging on the edge of their seat. There's also something called horizontal teasing, where you tease what's going to be happening tomorrow at the same time, like yesterday. We told you about Xander Shoffley coming on. I'd like to tease that tomorrow at this time, our show will be over. We will be off the air. Yes! I'm excited I got to hit the microphone. Holy cow. Because our show will only run until 8.05 tomorrow morning, when we will turn things over to the Eco Water SoCal pre-game show at 8.05 AM with Sam Levitt for a 9.05 first pitch in the series finale against the Washington National, so there's your tease for 24 hours from now. We'll be on our way home. How about that for a day that ends at 8.05 AM? I'm all the way in. I'm all the way in on it. How does your coffee turn out this morning, by the way? You go back? No. Actually, I went to the bigger chain and spent a little bit more to make sure it was actually coffee in my coffee. You missed it yesterday. Oh, no. Got my McDonald's coffee, but the guy who was filling it up, and I watched him do it, put in, he started filling it up, and then halfway through I hear him go oops, and then he moves over to a different spigot and starts filling the rest of my iced coffee up, and then just hands it to me, and I realize quickly that half of it is iced tea and half of it is iced coffee. It didn't start over. It's an awful combo. He gave it to me, and that's what I had yesterday, and I could not go back this morning, so I will go back at some point, but I decided to treat myself today to actual iced espresso actually. Coffee. You know, the first thing in the chat this morning, the very first comment was McDonald's guy one. Oh, look, it's that Ben Higgins guy, McDonald's guy two. Throw some cranberry juice in his coffee this morning. They're just going to get you every day. So I, hey, listen, man, that's a classic misstep. You know, they made a customer unhappy, and that customer then went to a, I guess, competitor in the next morning for his coffee, and actually spent a little bit more money on it. So I can see why you didn't want to go back. I want to talk about Mike Schilt just for a second here, because we're definitely been learning the personality of the Padres manager, both in our conversations, but also through the decisions that he makes. And one thing that has become very clear is that Mike Schilt, when he sees a win, you know, within his grasp, he's going to try to take it. That's correct. It doesn't matter if it's a safe situation or not. If he thinks that there's any chance of the other team coming back, he's going to, he's going to step, step on it. And he used his top relievers yesterday for nothing game, did not have any qualms with going with, with, you know, Robert Suarez. And I'm okay with that because you can't predict the future. You don't know if you'll need Robert Suarez today or tomorrow. You could have saved him and not pitched him at all and then, you know, had him completely fresh for today, but with the difficulties that the Padres have had in the bullpen beyond their top. I'm going to say three guys, three Suarez, Estrada, and Morihon. That's it. Beyond that, there's really no lead that you feel is that safe. No. And you have this chance to win a third in a row, take the first game of the series, hitting a series, I'm okay with the decision to just step on their throat and put the best guy in and make sure you win that game. And then you take your chances with the next game tomorrow, today, you know, maybe you're up by seven this time and you can go with a different option or maybe you're down by three and you're like, boy, I wish we had you Suarez yesterday when we had a chance to get, get him some work with a lead. I'm all right with that, but that's clearly part of Mike Schilt's makeup. He sees a win and he does not want to take any chances in letting that win get away. He doesn't pussyfoot around with it at all. I got a DM last night from Steve and he said, his Vasquez on a pitch count, six innings, 68 pitches, they pull him or an innings limit and bring in Suarez in a non-safe situation. What if we need him the next two games? Make these pitching decisions make sense. As far as Vasquez goes, guys, he is such a, um, he is such a unknown commodity still and he gave up the double. I have no problem because what happens if the next guy yacks one out that leads now cut in half. You know what I'm saying? Like I had given up. I think two doubles. Two doubles. Three batters. So yeah, like, hey, man, let's, let's, let's take this good fortune. Let's send him out on a high note of really doing a great job and hanging a zero on these guys. And let's let the bullpen come in and continue to hand zeros. Keep in mind and again, the pitch count was low and if they needed him, I mean, if they were up eight now, they probably would have just let Vasquez go. But it is the seventh inning. It's the deepest he's ever pitched. And even though it's not that many pitches, it's still up and down is seven times to get out there and Vasquez does not get a lot of swing and miss. So you can, I think it only struck out one batter the entire game. So you know, a runner on base, the next guy's probably making contact somewhere, contact could then fall in. It could be soft contact, but you blew it in, bring in Moray home. You've got a better chance. He gives up almost no heart contact. He gets a lot more swing and miss, ended up getting out of that inning really quickly. He got the force at third on the, on the base running mistake and the nice play by Kim and Manny and then quickly got a double play to end the inning. So, you know, I'm sure he's available today if they needed Adrian Moray home again with how little he was used yesterday and you got Randy Vasquez out with a really good feeling, another good start, a confidence builder for him, someone that you're probably going to need to rely on continually down the stretch here because at this point he's your fourth starter, even if you get Musgrove back or even if you make a trade, he's still five, six at best. You're going to see him over the course of the rest of this season and that was a good outing for Randy Vasquez. Yeah. And I just, I just don't have a problem with that. What bugs me sometimes is is, again, it's not, it's not a Mike Schilt problem, right? It's not a Mike Schilt problem at all. It's a Yuki Matsui, Austin Davis, Sean Reynolds and Steven Collek problem. That's where the issue lies is that there is not a lot of trust to there. And I think for good reason. Now he can, he has given guys shots in high leverage. He gave Yuki one last Friday against Cleveland and Yuki got the job done. He gave Yuki another shot the next day and way less high leverage at all. It was a very low leverage and he got the job done, gave Collek a shot in high leverage, didn't get the job done. So you're a little bit up against it when you don't, we don't have the, the Phillies bullpen. Ben, we don't have the Diamondbacks bullpen where you just like every guy comes in throwing 98, you know, with movement, it's just they have what they have for now. That's why the bullpen remains something that's very important to address. Bill says, yeah, no need to put Suarez in in a non-safe situation. Now he can't close if the next two games are tight. Yeah, it's, there's the risk there that they'll have one run leads the next two days. I'm sure he'd be available for at least one of them. Absolutely. And they had a day off on Monday. Yeah. We just had the all-star break. If he had to go again today, he could. Now, if he went today, he'd probably be down tomorrow morning. Yeah, but if he goes today, you feel like you're going to, you're winning that ball game. Right. And he's already won the series and you take your chances. And if he doesn't go today, then obviously he could go on look right on Wednesday. You need some things to break in your favor. You need to put up some numbers to where an Austin Davis, a Sean Reynolds, a Stephen Colick is not going to hurt you tremendously. Last night, I didn't feel was one of those games. I didn't feel like this team's out of it. We had an eight run lead against these guys and they came back on us, right? Does everybody remember that? So you don't five and they had the time run at the plate, the tying run at the plate and they hit one like looked like it was gone. Correct. So you don't think Mike Schilt remembers? We had an eight nothing lead against these guys. I'm not going to f around with a four run lead when I've got these guys rested and healthy and he won a ball game. Why are we complaining about winning a ball game? You know, he's not. I don't think he's going to put his pitchers in harm's way, right? And if Robert Suarez says I can't go, he's not going to make him go. So again, that eight, that eight run lead that they blew is definitely fresh in his mind as it should be. What a great turn all the way through the starting rotation though for guys. I think I saw after the game, the stat was 0.69 ERA since the all star break for the starters. One run in 27 innings. The last 27, no, well, because they had the bad, they had the eighth inning on Friday, which was just for the starters though. Oh, sorry. So Waldron gave up one in what seven innings and then see set his gym and then King had a gym and now Vasquez with six shutout innings. So and then since that eighth inning, it was something like one and one hit on or one run on eight hits. I think in 26 innings or something ridiculous. Now I saw someone in the chat earlier, I was talking about the starting pitching. Yeah. It was really, really good. It's been really, really good. Do we need to continue? Do we think that it's going to continue? I hope so. Is there any reason? Is there any reason to think that, okay, now they're good with their number one through four. They just need to find a five. Not yet. They, the one thing that they still have lacked all season law is consistency. So you don't want the tractor beam to show up today and back to the 500, you got a really tough series in Baltimore. Really tough. And I get every starting pitcher is going to have clonkers throughout the course of the year. Yeah. You don't want to be the one though that breaks the streak. Matt Waldron today is going to, and he is, he is really, really pitched. Well, it doesn't get any run support, got another lefty on the bump today. That, is that gone away now? The left-handers or the bugaboo, and we scored four runs last night. It feels certainly a little better than it did for a while where they just could not be the left-hander. Yeah. So, you know, I think Donovan Solano has helped. Getting Zander Bogart's back will help with the lefties. So it's a different lineup. Is Don, it was, he going to play? I think he'll play today would be my guess. Maybe even the next two days, we'll talk about that coming up. Let's take a quick time out. I got some Sebastian Maniscalco tickets to give away. Also, you know what, I'm not throwing you under the bus. I'm going to throw us both under the bus here. Oh, this sounds great. Embarrassing Padre's things that you should probably know of your radio host. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. I'm embarrassed. Ben and Woods edition. I'll wear it. I'll wear it. I'll wear it. I'll wear it. Oh god. Oh, after traffic here on 97. You can't be the only ones. You have to be honest with us. I could admit that you're going to say, "Oh, I also did not know that." Next on 97.3 of Fan. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom?, those, these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools, including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings, and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team. It's also you can make the right decision for your family. We've done your homework. I'm Anna Garcia with True Crime News, the podcast. Every week, True Crime News covers breaking crime stories and the fight for justice. Listen to and follow True Crime News, the podcast on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. NerdWallet's experts will set future you up for success. With dependable, fact-based insights, no financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Go to NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Ben & Woods Confessions Time. I'm not proud of this. I'm not either. I'm actually really embarrassed by it, but I'll... But I would like to know if you're in our chat and want to chime in on YouTube or you can tweet us at Ben & Woods if you were unaware of this as well. Because Woods texted and I had to nod in the same thing. And the Padres put the lineup together yesterday and they had Bryce Johnson out in the outfield, batting ninth. And then he came up to the plate for the first time in what was that, the third inning, I think? Yep. And he was batting from the right side of the plate, not the left side of the plate. Yeah. We were both kind of shocked. Did you know he was a switch hitter? I did. I thought he was a lefty. I thought he was just a lefty. I thought he was strictly a left-handed bat. Are we sure that he wasn't just doing some bit or something? I could have sworn that that guy was just a lefty. I have a... There's a guy on my team that he's hitting really well and he'll just sometimes when we're up big, he'll go, "I'm going to hit left-handed." And he does that. And I thought, "Is Bryce Johnson doing a bit right now?" Drew a walk. I mean... Didn't really have to swing the bat. I feel a little better. Oh, okay. Some other people are... Same thing. No, he doesn't. It's actually, we don't even know if he's a hitter. That's a good point. Fair. I did not know that. You guys don't... You know this about me. My attention span is not great always. It's weird that I like baseball. Don't you think? Like, doesn't it weird that that's my greatest love is baseball of all things when my attention span is what it is and I'm oftentimes at home, you know, it's bedtime and everything else and it's hard to sit and watch a ball game. And holy smokes, man. When he walked up there right in, I was like, "Who's this?" I was like, "I think we even said in the air yesterday, "Well, Bryce Johnson won't be in the lineup. Who can play right field?" Because obviously he's a left-handed hitter. I had no earthly idea. I'm trying to call up his splits for the season as a versus lefty. Apparently he has ten at-bats this year versus left-handed pitching when presumably he was batting from the right side of the plate. And yeah, I don't remember any of them. That's really... He doesn't have any hits from the... No. Maybe that's why. From the right side of the plate. He's an 0-4, 0-0-0 average. Doesn't have many hits from the left side. He has walked three times including once last night as a right-handed hitter, which, yeah, neither of us were aware of that. I mean, as a lefty, he's batting a robust 1-82. And as a righty, he's batting a not-so-robust-0-0-0. Got some good defense. Good wheels though, and you know, plays defense. Yeah, they need tattoos to get back. I mean, I know you can't rush it because then you're risking even longer-term injury with the stress reaction, but man, that would be a major upgrade. And Peralta's done a nice job against righties, which is why we haven't seen Bryce Johnson as much lately since he's been out there. But defensively, you know, David Peralta's not the same player that he used to be, and Johnson does give you that speed in the outfield. Yeah, I... There's the latest in the rumor mills, I believe this is from Dennis Len's latest. It's the Padre's League sources said, continue to inquire about both hitters and pitchers ahead of the July 30th trade deadline. I can kind of assume, baseball players, they're interested in baseball players. I had assumed it was going to be pitching only, and I don't want to read the tea leaves. Hopefully it's just a big nothing burger, but it says they're interested in the former being the hitters. Might have something to do with Fernando Tati Jr's uncertain timeline and a possible desire for insurance in case a rise re-aggravates his thumb injury, which I thought he did last night before hitting a home run. Their need for pitchers is well known. So AJ, checking in on both the ball here. Yeah, I mean, yeah, you do need, you could upgrade with another bat that can play the outfield. Yes. He does come back in a month. Now you've got a couple players that, but you also have a couple players that are expendable at that point. Yeah. I mean, you don't even, you haven't even gotten Donovan Solano into a game yet the second half of the season, like a right handed hitting right fielder would be decent right now. But then, you know, when Tati's comes back, you really have no spot for that person that you just acquired. Tati could D H is a pinch hitter, yeah, but you already need your D H in the infield every single day. Yeah. Potentially. If everyone's still here. Or you're sitting in a rise or you're sitting a Bogart's or you're sitting at Cronoworth. If everybody's healthy, yeah, you need your D H in the infield. So you can't really add another bat that you can get into the lineup. Oh, but you can. You can add a bat because a bench, as we know, is still very important in the playoffs. And if you make it to the playoffs, it's important down the stretch. And again, Tati's coming off an injury, how much can he really play? Yeah. So there's, there's a lot of moving pieces to this, but I guess it doesn't surprise me that he's, he's actually certain bench is more important for the hundred and sixty two. Once you get to the playoffs, you don't really need much of a bench. I mean, I don't know about that. I do. You got a designated hitter, you're going to keep your best hitters out there. How many times did a Bob Melvin uses backup catcher in the playoffs? That's an anomaly. He should have. He should have. I don't know what happened. You're absolutely. You're going to play your best for now. You're going to play your best players. Occasionally you've got a platoon guy where you're going to go right and left. And in that sense, you'll use your bench. But once you get to the playoffs, it's very, very rare that you see bench players getting in that much. A pinch runner here or there. Important. Yeah. They have plenty of pinch runners. That's not the issue right now. But in terms of the bats, it's just not a nut. There's not a need for pinch hitters without pitchers hitting anymore. Just very rare that that happens. They're putting in more defensive replacements at the end of the game than offensive replacements. That's true. That's true. That's true. Let's take a timeout because Brett Boone is going to join us next. It's a big league Wednesday host of the Brett Boone podcast talking about everything going on with a trade deadline coming up on Tuesday next with Ben Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fan baseball coverage on 97 through the fan is presented by T mobile switch to T mobile. You can get tons of benefits and still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon. Use their savings calculator to find out how a T mobile dot com slash switch and some of our best baseball coverage every week comes in the form of our conversations with Brett Boone host to the Brett Boone podcast. Did you see who he just had on was Bo Jackson, Bo Jackson. I will ask him about that and more right after a check of traffic here on 97 through the fan. Boone knows baseball were joined by Odyssey MLB insider Brett Boone insider calls presented by Granger with supplies and solutions for every industry. Granger has the right product for you. Call click Granger dot com or just stop by Brett also the host of the Brett Boone podcast featuring the most notable names in MLB and around sports every week. I'd say Bo Jackson qualifies as a notable name. Brett. Good morning. Good morning, guys. How you doing? Doing well, man. But Bo Jackson. Oh my god. Never saw anything like that guy. Never saw, never, never saw anything. Would you, I would never just kind of agree with you just for the radio, radio drama. Sure. But you know, when I, when I, when I interviewed Bo and I knew him as a kid, played against him a little bit when he was rehabbing in the minor league. But when I just started thinking back to Bo and I was going over highlights and stuff, I kind of agree with you. I don't think we've seen anything like him. I mean, he was just a freak of all freaks. And I say that in a very endearing way. But yeah, he was, he was something that the arm, the arm. I mean, the every day, the hose that he had, and he would, he made some of the gnarliest shows that the catch he made in Yankee Stadium where he ran up the freaking wall and ran around it. Like it's, he was a magician, it was like a, it was like a cyborg. Yeah. But here's the football. See that white line at the end, go get it extends, go, go. That's good. If you, if you go past that, he was, he was like a man, he was, he was unbelievable. And when he ran into the tunnel, all the way through him, a touchdown, his presence on the field, it's almost like on the baseball field run on the base. It's almost like you heard him run by you. It's bizarre. It's bizarre. He was, he was something pretty darn special. I asked him. Oh, yeah. I asked him how much money, how much money he'd make in the, in the NIL. If he was at Auburn right now and he just started laughing and he said, I would have never gone pro. Right. I mean, I heard, we were talking about it. I was talking about with somebody yesterday at my son's baseball practice and I think the backup, I think arch manning with all in this year as the backup at Texas is going to make millions of dollars, like multiple millions of dollars as, you know, the backup, the air apparent, the incumbent, but that's insane to think about guys like Reggie Bush, Bo Jackson, how great they were Vince Young, all those guys in college, what they would have made. It is beyond. Yeah. Deon. Oh my God. It is a brave, brave new world out there. Booney. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. It's awesome. Did you go? You went to the all-star game. Yeah. I did not. Oh, you did not go. I thought you did go. Did you watch it? I was, I was going. I wasn't going. I ended up having it in the veterans Seattle, so now I didn't do the other. You know, I caught bits and pieces. I'm a bit, I'm a bit in pieces all the time, I'm a bit, you know, the homerun derby and, you know, I'm a bit in pieces guy. I did find something, I finally, then finally came clear. I said, well, how are these BP pitchers throwing such good strikes? They're throwing from like four feet. Yeah. Super hands-off toss with, with, and I know those balls in the all-star game. They're always pumped up pretty good. So I mean, they're like pentacles, you know, so I, so I know, you know, they want the show. I get it. I hit the homerun derby and those balls are just jumping, but it's like you're throwing from four feet. It seems like it's kind of easy and it turns into kind of a marathoner who's got the best cardio who ends up winning the homerun derby. So I think we're at a time. I think it's run its course. It's been entertaining. It's been great. I think we got to change the rules up a little bit. What those rules are. I don't know. I'll leave that to the, to the, to the nerds. I'll leave the, I'll leave that to you. Yeah, it's a bet. Well, I had, I had my idea for the all-star game to change up the rules this week was now that the American and National League distinctions are kind of lost with interleague play and you don't really feel like you're playing that much for your league anymore. I thought it would be very interesting to divide the game by age and have like the young players under 28 against the older players over 28 and I thought that might ramp up the stakes a little bit because veterans would not want to get shown up by the young guys and the young guys would love to show up the swag and play against the vets in the all-star game. Well, how about this? How about the unis? Let's talk about the game. Oh, well that's everyone agrees on that. No, no, no, but it's, but it's, do you remember the old commercials? The less filling? Yeah. Yeah. Bob Euchar tastes great. Yeah, it's like, yeah, the Euchar or, or, uh, Rodney Dangerfield. That's what those unis look like because I'm all, you know, I'm, I got kids now. I'm not, I'm the traditional. I love the whites at home. I love the grays on the road. I didn't like the alternative uniforms. I didn't feel good at them, but I've come around a little bit. I liked kind of some of the new unis I'm seeing, some of the new look for 2024. I think it's cool, uh, the all-star game, you're pushing the envelope guys. You got your, you're losing me now. You're losing my progressiveness. I, I'm pulling back on you. Get rid of those. I know everybody doesn't like them, but I've been trying to, trying to roll with majorly baseball in their new way. I couldn't roll with that one. They make it difficult sometimes, Boonie. I'm with you 100% talking to Brett Boonie here on Ben & Woods this morning and, uh, they, they can. They can make it. I've kind of fallen somewhere in the middle of traditionalist and, and I, I like a lot of the new stuff as well, but man, it, uh, trade deadline is something that we can count on every single year. Being a part of, uh, you know, the, the pod raise team essentially, nobody is safe, you know? I mean, you got to be feeling, if you're a prospect right now, you're probably a little bit on pins and needles. Uh, if you are a couple of guys in that clubhouse, you're probably a little nervous about what could happen, uh, in a week or so. You got to go ahead and get some pitching, you know, you've got to go with some pitching. I don't worry that much, Tatis, to me. You need to have him back. Yes. You have a healthy Tatis. I know he's, uh, starting to do baseball activities now, um, but you need a healthy Tatis. You get him, couple him with, with the veteran, Machado and the rest of that too. I think the offense is fine. I wouldn't mind seeing him going out and adding a bullpen piece as well. Yep. You know, Suarez at the end of that, at the end of that line is pretty, pretty darn good, but I'd like to see him at a bullpen piece. I think there's a playoff team. I think this is a team that can go deep in the playoffs. And I think with that roster in place right now, you got to go out and really add, you know, offensively, I think you're fine. I wouldn't, I wouldn't, it wouldn't be a big deal to me if you didn't add anything offensively. You got to go at it. You got to start and venture and you got to add a piece in that bullpen with the, with the up in the era of Darvish and Musgrove. So I think you got to definitely add a piece there as far as the negation. Now, you know, you know, the interesting thing around baseball, it's not just the Padres. It's every fan base, every team, are we going to add? Are we going to, are we buyers or we sellers? If you look at the, if you look at the landscape, there's so many teams at this stage with them moving that, that trading deadline to two months versus one month, there are so many teams still, there's so much parity. There are so many teams still in it. There are very few that you can say, Oh, we're sellers. We're out of it. Yeah, there's the bottom teams that everyone kind of knows, Hey, it's over for you. But never has there been so much parity. So many teams that possibly could be buyers at the deadline where the inventory is going to be down. So everybody wants Google, maybe a crochet from, from the Chicago White Sox. But you know, if you look at the big offensive, the Vladimir Guerrero, that could be a viable piece that could be added. I look at him, but outside of that, who is a big difference maker, offensive guys that could possibly be available at the deadline? Maybe a Robert from Chicago, but how much do you trust his health? You know, he's been a guy that's proven he can't stay on the field. So maybe he looks great. He doesn't look so great because you don't know if you can count on him. So it's going to be interesting in this deadline. A lot of buyers, not that many sellers and the guys that are sellers don't have that much to sell. I think you look to the Blue Jays though, from a perspective, they're talking about keeping that that group intact for another year. I don't think so. I think when push comes to the show, everybody's available on that team, glad he'd be in the shiniest object, but you got a gossum and you got a burials. You got a kukuchi and guys like guys like that, a Bassett in that starting rotation. That could be a good fit for a lot of teams down the stretch. Our Odyssey insider call with Brett Boone is brought to you by Granger and Brett, I wanted to ask, what was your experience with the trade deadline like as a player? Whether your name, you know, up in rumors, you certainly teammates that you had that were dealt or new teammates coming in, any stories from the deadline you have to share with us. Well, I think as a player, you know, I was never really worried that I was going anywhere at the trade deadline, but it was always pins and needles for, I know we've got a really good team this year. You know, I'm doing a hypothetical, you got a really good team and I wonder what ownership is going to do. It's amazing. This shot of adrenaline that could be pumped into that clubhouse. If that front office and your ownership group gets behind you and goes and makes a splash at the trade deadline, it can turn that clubhouse from what are we going to do here to wow. The big boys, the guys upstairs, they got our back. That could be a difference maker at the trade and deadline. I've been on three or four real, real contending playoff teams and the years that we went for it definitely gave us a rush in that clubhouse and a feeling like we're holding this together. I've also been on really good teams that at the deadline, we just kind of stood there and stood pat and it was almost like, oh well, you know, the 25 guys at the time. Now I know the rosters are 26 and kind of look at each other in that clubhouse to go. Guys, I guess we're on our own. You know, we're going to do it without management. So it can really be a difference maker from a psychological standpoint for the guys on that roster. There's 26 guys down there. If you make a move, whether you stand pat or you're heading for bid, if you sell at the trading deadline, when you're still in the hunt, man, that's a real quandary where you go, wow, management, I guess they're telling us what they think of us right now. They don't believe in it. So it can be a psychological positive or a psychological negative that I don't think anybody really ever factors in. Well, we will definitely be keeping our eye on all the news over the next now six days until the trade deadline next Tuesday at 3 p.m. Pacific and Brett, I'm sure we'll catch up with you again, maybe next week, right after the trade deadline to get your reaction to all of it. Appreciate it, as always. You got it, guys. Thanks, brother. There he is. Odyssey MLB insider, Brett Boone, insider calls presented by Granger with supplies and solutions for every industry Granger has the right product for you. Call or just stop by, check out the Brett Boone podcast and the Odyssey app, his latest guest, of course, Bo Jackson this week. And yeah, I mean, we know that that's what they always say, you know, player comes in trade deadline, shot of adrenaline, injection, we're really going for it. Padres have been there a couple of times, and you see what happens. I mean, when Juan Soto arrived, one of the most electric days in podcast in Padres history, right? Yep. And then the first game when Brandon Drury hit the Grand Slam, and I mean, I was like, we're never losing. There was really a thought that the Padres might go something like 58 and two down the stretch on their way to winning the World Series. It was like, yeah, I'll never forget it as long as one of the most fun, like 36 hours ever. Like the three of us that morning just refreshing every just silence by the way, I mean, every insider pretty much had it at one point. Yeah, it's done deal, but we're like, no, no, no, not until passing, not until passing, not until passing. But ultimately that that shot of adrenaline or even the disappointment, it wanes and you still have to then just go and play baseball down the stretch. The high was around for like three days. Yeah. And then we got the T suspension. Yeah. Because that was the other part of it. We're like, oh, we just traded for one Soto and to T's is coming back this week. Like it's over. It's over. It's over for all of you. What might have been is it's hard to lament. It's not hard to lament, but you know, nothing we can do about it now. You know, the pieces that AJ Preller goes out and tries to acquire, you know, look, man, it's not rocket science. It's got to be there. It's got to be the right guys and the health of this team moving forward is what's ultimately going to propel them into a postseason birth or not. I mean, you guys got to stay healthy. They got to produce. They got some really tough games coming up. They have a stretch. I saw somebody made the point yesterday. There's a stretch in late August, Benny, that is just nasty as you could imagine. So it's going to be a tough road when today, when today you win a series, got open champions Andrew Shawfully coming up in about 30 minutes before we get to the top of the hour, though, I still have those Sebastian Maniscalco tickets to give away. If you want to win them, let's do it right now. Comedian Sebastian Maniscalco coming to VA Haas Arena on August 16th. Tickets are on sale now at, but you can win a pair by being the third caller right now, 833-288-097-3, 833-288-097-3, win a pair of tickets to Sebastian Maniscalco coming to VA Haas Arena on August 16th next month. Less than a month away. Yours moving quickly. It is. Potter is now less than 60 games remaining, 59 games left, less than the shortened season. They have a season like they did in 2020. What do they go? I'll say 37 and 23. That'll get it done. That'll get it done. No problem. They do 36 and 23, let's say, over the last 59 games. That would leave them 16 games above 500, which would be like 89 wins. Easy. Yeah, you're in. You don't even probably need to be that good. That would be their pace, a little under their pace from the 2020 shortened season. It is right there in front of you. This season, by the way, last season was the most draggy season of all time. This season is flying by. I'd like to continue with this frenetic pace. It is. That mud saying doesn't feel like Korea was like six months ago. No, for me. You think it was just not that long ago. This season has flown by because it's been a pretty enjoyable product to watch. It really has. It's been a pretty enjoyable product filled with really good moments and so many more than last season. Last season was excruciating moments. I've had a couple bad losses, but not like court, which I mean, you're based on your use to that. You know, you're totally. That's just the abundance of one run losses and extra inning losses last year. I mean, they were. Oh, and what baseball coverage on 97 through the fan is presented by T mobile switch to T mobile. You can get tons of benefits and still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon. Use their savings calculator to find out how a T mobile dot com slash switch and some of our best baseball coverage every week comes in the form of our conversations with Brett Boon, host of the Brett Boon podcast. Did you see who he just had on? Bo Jackson. Bo Jackson. I will ask him about that and more right after a check of traffic here on 97 through the fan. Boon knows baseball. We're joined by Odyssey MLB insider Brett Boon insider calls presented by Granger with supplies and solutions for every industry. Granger has the right product for you. Call click Granger dot com or just stop by Brett. Also, the host of the Brett Boon podcast featuring the most notable names in MLB and around sports every week. I'd say Bo Jackson qualifies as a notable name. Brett. Good morning. Good morning, guys. How you doing? Doing well, man. But Bo Jackson. Oh, my God. Never saw anything like that guy. Never saw. Never. Never saw anything. Would you? I would never just kind of agree with you just for the radio radio drama, but you know, when I when I when I interviewed Bo and I knew him as a kid, played against him a little bit when he was rehabbing in the minor league. But when I just started thinking back to Bo and I was going over highlights and stuff, I kind of agree with you. I don't think we've seen anything like him. I mean, he was just a freak of all freaks. And I say that in a very endearing way. But yeah, he was he was something that the arm, the arm. I mean, the every day, the hose that he had and he would he made some of the gnarliest shows that the catchy made Yankee Stadium, where he ran up the freaking wall and ran around it. Like it's he was a magician, it's like a, it was like a cyborg. Yeah. Like here's the football. See that white line at the end, go get it extends, go, go. That's good. If you if you go past that, it was he was like a man. He was he was unbelievable when he ran into the tunnel all the way through on the touchdown. Oh, his pre his presence on the field, it's almost like on the baseball field run on the base. It's almost like you heard him run by you. It's bizarre. It's bizarre. He was he was something pretty darn special. I asked him. Oh, yeah. I asked him how much money how much money he'd make in the in the NIL if he was at Auburn right now, and he just started laughing and he said, I would have never gone pro. Right. I mean, I heard we were talking about it. I was talking about with somebody yesterday at my son's baseball practice. And I think the backup, I think arch manning with all in this year is the backup at Texas is going to make millions of dollars, like multiple millions of dollars as, you know, the backup, the air apparent, the incumbent. But that's insane to think about guys like Reggie Bush, Bo Jackson, how great they were Vince Young, all those guys in college, what they would have made. It is beyond. Yeah. Deon. Oh my God. It is a brave, brave new world out there, Boonie. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. It's awesome. Did you go? You went to the All-Star game. Yeah. I did not. Oh, you did not go. I thought you did go. Did you watch it? I was, I was going. I wasn't going. Ended up not going. I ended up having an event in Seattle. So now I didn't do the other. And, you know, I caught bits and pieces. I'm a bit. I'm a bit in pieces. I'm a bit. You know, the home run derby and, you know, I'm a bit in pieces guy. I did find something. Finally came clear. I said, how are these BP pitchers throwing such good strikes? They're throwing from like four feet. Yeah. It's like overhand soft toss with, with, and I know those balls in the All-Star game. They're always pumped up pretty good. So, I mean, they're like pentacles. You know, so I, so I know, you know, they want the show. I get it. I'm getting the home run derby and those balls are just jumping. But it's like you're throwing from four feet. It seems like it's kind of easy. It turns into kind of a marathoner who's got the best cardio who ends up winning the home run derby. So, I think we're at a time. I think it's run its course. It's, it's been entertaining. It's been great. I think we got to change the rules up a little bit. But those rules are, I don't know. I'll leave that to the, to the, to the nerds. I'll leave the, I'll leave that to you. Yeah. It's a bet. Well, I had, I had my idea for the All-Star game to change up the rules this week. Was now that the American and National League distinctions are kind of lost with interleague play and you don't really feel like you're playing that much for your league anymore. I thought it would be very interesting to divide the game by age and have like the young players under 28 against the older players over 28. And I thought that might ramp up the stakes a little bit because veterans would not want to get shown up by the young guys and the young guys would love to show up the swag and play against the vets in the All-Star game. Well, how about this? How about the uni? Let's talk about that. Oh, well, that's everyone agrees on that, Brad. Everybody terrible. No, no, no, but, but it's, do you remember the old commercials, the less filling? Yeah. Yeah. Bob Euchar. Tastes great. Yeah. It's like, yeah, the Euchar or, or uh, Rodney Dangerfield. Yeah. That's what those uni's look like. Cause I'm all, you know, I'm, I got kids now. I'm not, I'm the traditional. I love the whites at home. I love the grays on the road. I didn't like the alternative uniforms. I didn't feel good in them, but I've come around a little bit. I like kind of some of the new unis I'm seeing. Some of the new look for 2024. I think it's cool. Uh, the All-Star game, you're pushing the envelope guys. You got your, you're losing me now. You're losing my progressiveness. I, I'm pulling back on you. Get rid of those. I know everybody doesn't like them, but I've been trying to, trying to roll with major league baseball in their new way. I couldn't roll with that one. They make it difficult sometimes, Boonie. I'm with you a hundred percent talking to Brett Boonie here on Ben & Woods this morning. Uh, they, they can. They can make it. I'm, I kind of fall somewhere in the middle of traditionalist and, and I, I like a lot of the new stuff as well, but man, it, uh, it, trade deadline is something that we can count on every single year being a part of, uh, you know, the, the pod raise team, essentially. Nobody is safe, you know? I mean, you got to be feeling, if you're a prospect right now, you're probably a little bit on pins and needles, uh, if you are a couple of guys in that clubhouse, you're probably a little nervous about what could happen, uh, in a week or so. A.J. Preller's always super active. Your thoughts on, on the pod raise, what they need to do and what they will do. You got to go out and get some pitching, you know, you got to go with some pitching. I, I don't worry that much Tati's to me. You need to have him back. Yes. You have a healthy Tati's. I know he's, uh, starting to do baseball activities now, um, but you need a healthy Tati's. You get him, couple him with the veteran, Machado and the rest of that too. I think the offense is fine. I wouldn't mind seeing him going out and adding a bullpen piece as well. Yep. You know, Suarez at the end of that, at the end of that line is pretty, pretty darn good, but I'd like to see him add a bullpen piece. I think there's a playoff team. I think this is a team that can go deep in the playoffs. And I think with that roster in place right now, you got to go out and really add, you know, offensively, I think you're fine. I wouldn't, I wouldn't, it wouldn't be a big deal to me if you didn't add anything offensive. But you got to go at it, maybe a starting pitcher and you got to add a piece in that bullpen with the, with the up in the air of Darvish and Musgrove. So I think you got to definitely add a piece there as far as the deviation. No, you know, you know, the interesting thing around baseball, it's not just the Padres. It's every fan base, every team, are we going to add or are we, are we buyers or we sellers? If you look at the, if you look at the landscape, there's so many teams at this stage with them moving that, that trading deadline to two months versus one month. There are so many teams still, there's so much parity. There are so many teams still in it. There are very few that you can say, oh, we're sellers. We're out of it. Yeah, there's the bottom teams that everybody kind of knows, hey, it's over for you. But never has there been so much parity, so many teams that possibly could be buyers at the deadline where the inventory is going to be down. You know, everybody wants Google, maybe a crochet from, from the Chicago White Sox. But you know, if you look at the big offensive, the Vladimir Guerrero, that could be a viable piece that could be added. I look at him, but outside of that, who is a big difference maker, offensive guys that could possibly be available at the deadline? Maybe a Robert from Chicago, but how much do you trust his health? You know, he's been a guy that's proven he can't stay on the field. So maybe he looks great. He doesn't look so great because you don't know if you can count on him. So it's going to be interesting in this deadline. A lot of buyers, not that many sellers and the guys that are sellers don't have that much to sell. I think you look to the Blue Jays though, from a perspective. They're talking about keeping that group intact for another year. I don't think so. I think when Push comes to the show, everybody's available on that team, Blatty being the shiniest object, but you've got a gossum and you've got a burials, you've got a kukuchi and guys like that, a basset in that starting rotation that could be a good fit for a lot of teams down the stretch. Our Odyssey Insider call with Brett Boone is brought to you by Granger and Brett, I wanted to ask, what was your experience with the trade deadline like as a player? Whether your name, you know, up in rumors, you certainly teammates that you had that were dealt or new teammates coming in, any stories from the deadline you have to share with us? Well, I think as a player, you know, I was never really worried that I was going anywhere at the trade deadline, but it was always pins and needles for, I know we've got a really good team this year. You know, I'm doing a hypothetical. We've got a really good team and I wonder what our ownership is going to do. It's amazing, this shot of adrenaline that could be pumped into that clubhouse. If that front office and your ownership group gets behind you and goes and makes a splash at the trading deadline, it can turn that clubhouse from, what are we going to do here to wow the big boys, the guys upstairs, they got our back, that can be a difference maker at the trading deadline. I've been on three or four real, real contending playoff teams and the years that we went for it definitely gave us a rush in that clubhouse and a feeling like we're holding this together. I've also been on a really good team that at the deadline, we just kind of stood there and stood Pat and it was almost like, oh well, you know, the 25 guys at the time, now I know the rosters are 26 and kind of look at each other in that clubhouse to go, guys, I guess we're on our own, you know, we're going to do it without management. So it can really be a difference maker from a psychological standpoint for the guys on that roster. There's 26 guys down there. If you make a move, whether you stand Pat or you haven't forbid, if you sell at the trading deadline when you're still in the hunt, man, that's a real quandary where you go, wow, management, I guess they're telling us what they think of us right now, they don't believe in it. So it can be a psychological positive or a psychological negative that I don't think anybody really ever factors in. Well, we will definitely be keeping our eye on all the news over the next now six days until the trade deadline next Tuesday at 3 p.m. Pacific and Brett, I'm sure we'll catch up with you again. Maybe next week, right after the trade deadline to get your reaction to all of it, appreciate it as always. You got it, guys. Thanks, brother. There he is. Odyssey MLB in center. Brett Boone insider calls presented by Granger with supplies and solutions for every industry Granger has the right product for you. Call click Granger dot com or just stop by. Check out the Brett Boone podcast in the Odyssey app. His latest guest, of course, Bo Jackson this week. And yeah, I mean, we know that that's what they always say, you know, and player comes in, trade deadline, shot of adrenaline, injection, we're really going for it. Padres have been there a couple of times and you see what happens. I mean, when Juan Soto arrived, one of the most electric days in Austin, potteries history, right? Yep. And then the first game when Brandon Drury hit the Grand Slam and I mean, I was like, we're never losing. There was really a thought that the Padres might go something like 58 and two down the stretch on their way to winning the World Series. It was like, yeah, I'll never forget it. As long as one of the most fun, like 36 hours ever, like the three of us that morning just refreshing every just silence by the way, I mean, every insider pretty much had it at one point. Like it's done deal, but we're like, no, no, no, not until passing. Not until passing. Not until passing. But ultimately that that shot of adrenaline or even the disappointment, it wanes and you still have to then just go and play baseball down the stretch. The high was around for like three days. Yeah. And then we got the T suspension news. Yeah. Because that was the other part of it. We're like, oh, we just traded for Juan Soto and to teases coming back this week. Like it's over. It's over. It's over for all of you. What might have been is it's hard to lament. It's not hard to lament, but, you know, nothing we can do about it now. You know, the, the pieces that AJ Preller goes out and tries to acquire. You know, look, man, it's, it's not rocket science. It's got to be there. It's got to be the right guys and the health of this team moving forward is what's ultimately going to propel them into a postseason birth or not. I mean, the guys got to stay healthy. They got to produce. They got some really tough games coming up. They have a stretch. I saw somebody made the point yesterday. There's a stretch in late August, Benny, that is just nasty, as you could imagine. So it's going to be a tough road when today, when today you win a series. Not open champions, Xander Shoffley, coming up in about 30 minutes. Before we get to the top of the hour, though, I still have those Sebastian Meniscalco tickets to give away. If you want to win them, let's do it right now. Comedian Sebastian Meniscalco coming to Vieja Serena on August 16th. Tickets are on sale now at, but you can win a pair by being the third caller right now, 833-288-0973, 833-288-0973, win a pair of tickets to Sebastian Meniscalco coming to Vieja Serena on August 16th next month, less than a month away. Yeah. Yours moving quickly. It is. I don't know. Less than 60 games remaining. Oh, my God. Games left. Less than the shortened season. They have a season like they did in 2020. What do they go? I'll say 37 and 23. That'll get it done. That'll get it done. No problem. They do. Sprint time. They do 36 and 23, let's say, over the last 59 games. That would leave them 16 games above 500, which would be like 89 wins. Easy. You're in. You don't even probably need to be that good. That would be their pace a little under their pace from the 2020 shortened season. It is right there in front of you. This season, by the way, last season was the most draggy season of all time. This season is flying by. I'd like to continue with this frenetic pace. It is. That mud saying doesn't feel like Korea was like six months ago. No, for me, you think it was just not that long ago. This season has flown by because it's been a pretty enjoyable product to watch. It really has. It's been a pretty enjoyable product filled with really good moments and so many more than last season. Last season was excruciating. And less excruciating moments. They've had a couple bad losses, but not like. Of course. You're not like my fan, you're used to that, you know, you're totally just the abundance of one run losses and extra inning losses last year. I mean, they were Owen, what Owen 10 at one point an extra inning game. This is also part of it was I and Tony Soto and Snell and Hader. You're like, you're supposed to be so much better. Yes. Yeah. It's definitely a problem. Definitely a different feeling. All right. People calling in for Sebastian Meniscalco. 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