Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

6am Hour - IT Issues + Padres Take Game 1 Over Washington

Ben, Woods, and Paul are here for you on a Wednesday morning!  We start the show with a little foreplay which includes trying to get through a significant I.T. issue going on in the studio, and we give a special shoutout to Woodsy's mother Marcia.  Then Ben sets the menu for today's show before we get to a different edition of our Padres Wrap-Up as we look back at yesterday's 4-0 WIN as the Padres took game 1 over the Nationals! Listen here!

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Now today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. NerdWallet's experts will set future you up for success. With dependable fact-based insights, no financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation, find your next credit card, or loan for a big purchase, and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Now, with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories and breaking news right on your home feed. Follow the action with Game10, where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus, notifications can keep you connected to every pinch, every hit, every game. The MLB app. Baseball your way. Download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. Lock out another researching supply made your league baseball tray parts used with permission. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. Always feels good to hear that intro after a pod Padres win, a pop Padres win, pop, pop pop, pop Padres. Good morning, everybody, Ben and Woods, 97 3, the fan. Let's get our heads right on a Wednesday, July 24th, 2024. I'm Woodsy. That's Paul Reindel, the executive producer. Good morning. Good, good, good. Good morning. How is the, uh, how's the ankle over there? Oh, man. I've turned into a kenkel yet. Not really. Are you down to show everybody your, your, I put my feet on the internet last week. Pauli rolled his ankle last night at basketball. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Not fun. And he's got ice on it. Do. Is it kenkly? Um, no, it's like red. Just red. Okay. Well, it's probably from the ice. The ice makes it red. Real ice or frozen peas? It's high. Yeah. We'll get to that in a second. The bed laid me out yesterday. Is it all right? You got it. Are you going to tape it up? Yeah. Where does that put your status for the tier one game on Sunday? Should be okay. Okay. Day to day. Day to day. No aisle. Can I know of no aisle? I'm day to day. Yeah. Day to day. I mean, they can't, you can always retroactively make it move. Yeah, I can put them on the aisle. God. No, I, I'm going to have to do some roster manipulation and stuff. This is terrible. I screwed up big time yesterday, uh, hoping that the gym is open gym. I just run in a couple of games, I rolled my ankle halfway through the first game. God, I hate that feeling so much, man. Hold up. Ben Higgins is also here. Good. Thank you. Good morning. Everybody. How you doing? Good, good, good morning. Looking great. Matt on a max headroom Wednesday. Good, good, good, good, good, good morning. Um, I was telling my wife, she goes, I was like, yeah, I played, uh, like two and a half more games after I rolled my ankle, just why the hell would you do this after? It's basketball. And I said, look, I have played enough basketball in my life that when you go out there and you got these gym rats, yeah, these G's out there, they already don't like having the fat white guy on their team. They're like, my nose, what he's doing now I held my own. I was, I played fine, but I rolled my ankle and it was a very innocuous way. I didn't like get tangled up, you know, making a cool play or anything. I don't want it for a rebound. I just kind of landed on another guy's foot and it just rolled right under me and it hurts so bad. I don't have that gene, but my brother and my dad are that guy. They will not leave the basketball court unless they are perhaps dying and you know, like, I can't be the guy that's like, Hey, I'm out. I rolled my ankle four points into the game. So I just, I just ran. They'll just gut it out all the way to the end. No matter what. I was like, I know this is going to hurt even worse now, but I got to do what I got to do. Bro, the older I get the slightest twinge, I'm like, no, that's it. I'm shutting it down because for me, it's a long job. I want to play longer. I want like, not that day. I want to play longer and in baseball, you don't have that much, especially me. Like I'll play a few innings at first base. I usually just manage and hit, but when I even when I run the bases, I'm like, Ooh, there's a twinge in my growing. I'm out. Somebody pinch around. That's the difference though. They're, you know, my brother and my dad who played basketball all their lives and will never, you know, come off the court for an injury. They all, they have to do, you know, the, the cold stuff, you see kinetics and everything just to try to get every joint. Whereas I'm pretty good when it comes to the joints and the reason why is I feel like the tiniest twinge of anything. Shut down. I shut the mother down. Let's rest for a week. It's different for different sports and different injuries. It is. Like if I was playing baseball, if I was pitching especially, if I had an elbow soreness, I'm not going to, I'm not going to try to gut through that. Yeah, dude. But like a rolled ankle, you're like, I've already heard it. Yeah. It's going to hurt either way. I'm not going to snap on me. No. All right. No, I get it. You're young. I'm old. I, I, the, the twinges, I have had a twinge in my groin for like two years now and that's why so who was somebody who's in there making fun of me for sitting on this lacrosse ball and I just sit, I jam it down in my groin. I don't do it for pleasure. It's not a pleasure filled union that I seek with this ball, but I just try to like situate it. So I'm smashing that, that twinge all the time with this ball. So I get it, man. I hope you feel better, Paulie. I hope you're good to go on, on Sunday. We need you as we play the clam dusters. You know what that means? What does that mean? Guys, what are we referring to? What is the double entendre with the clam dusters? I think when you're doing like a clam bake and you dust it with spices just to make sure they, they taste fully delicious. You get them. They're a team full of mariners or sea men and they see men and you have to dust them dust each clam before you boil it. You boil clam? Yeah. Do you? I think so. I don't eat. I would never know. I would need the filthy things. You just gotta make sure they open before you eat them. You don't want to pry them open. Those are the bad clams, but if they're open and ready for you, you can eat them. I love eating clams. See my soul just leaving and flying out the window. This is gonna be a bit of a weird transition after that, a very weird one, but I wanted to give a shout out to my mom, Mama Woods, who is not that kind of shout out. Not that kind of shout out. No, God, no, no. This is not a shout out to her family because that would be bad. I probably don't, but this is a shout out. This is just a shout out. If you're the praying type, the, the, the, keep someone in your thoughts, please keep my mom, Marsha Woods, in your thoughts, she is undergoing a lump act to me today. She had had the, we had talked a little bit about the blood cancer that is dormant and she's got to go get it checked every, you know, 90 days or so. That's good to go. She's, she's really good there and healthy. And then they found a lump. So they got to take that out, take out her lymph nodes this morning. So she's in surgery right now. My dad's listening and I'm not going to cry about it because she's not at all like she is so such a positive person and I talked to her last night. She's like, I'm going to get it out and I'll probably have to do some radiation and then I'm done with this. And she said, it will not break me. It will not beat me. So I'm not going to get upset about it. I don't really know how to talk about it, but I just wanted to tell her that I love her and, and that, you know, she's going to be fine. So she's a beast and always has been a beast. So she will be in surgery for, I think another, about another hour. And then they've got a really nice set up there. My dad's going to take care of her. They think she can go home tomorrow. So which will be great. And then get this thing done. She thinks by September, she'll be, she'll be good to go. So shout out to my mom, but not, but not perfect. Yeah. That's it. Just a shout out. Just a tear ones as well. Yep. And if she's leaving the power of a positive thinking, lots of good vibes coming her way from here in San Diego and beyond. And I knew that would be an awkward transition, which is part of the reason why I did it. Talking about what we were talking about before. But anyway, great game last night, phenomenal game last night, a, a real testament to the starting pitching of this team. We will talk about a lot about a lot about that this morning. I got a new watch yesterday. I was very excited about you like that. Yeah. Very nice. That's cool. It's a Garmin. So this is one of those. You know, those are the kind that tracks everything. They tracks everything. But you know what else it does? GPS golf. Nice. You can load golf courses on here and it's like your, I can stand next to my ball and go. I got two, 10 to the flag or whatever. So it's got that capability steps, step counts your steps. Course it does steps. Yep. Good. And it does. It's all built into the watch because I have an Apple watch and I can have like the app that we use called the Grint. Yeah. For golfing. Load it on. It's an app through the watch. It's not like built in. Yeah. This is got like pretty good GPS. This has got really good GPS and also it is, it's waterproof. When I go do my cold tub, I can just get right in there and which is a big feature. We got a cold tub in the backyard now. And I remember it seemed like every other ad when I was growing up were for waterproof watches for scuba diapers, like going, are there that many people who scuba dive and then are there that many people that really need to wear their watch when they're going down, you know, 20 meters under the water. Is that, is that something that's a valuable desired commodity in a watch? You know, I don't know what, what, what there's probably amazing they wear. I certainly would not, I don't want my watch to stop walking, you know, working if you accidentally drop it in the sink or something. So you know, waterproof is good. But the ones that keep working when you're down like, you know, a hundred meters below the water, I'm going, I'm not going to be going to have any use for that. Yeah. I mean, for them, though, yeah, you want to know the depth and I thought hesitant to test it. Like, I mean, to the first time you're in a pool, this isn't going to work, taking a shower with your watch, like my Apple watch is like, Oh, it says it's waterproof. And I'm like, I'll be the one where it'll start shorting out. So we're going to Hawaii on Tuesday. We're going to be taking a ton of hikes, probably more, more than I desire, but we're going to do that. I've committed to it. And so I want to track. I want to know kind of where, where we are. And when you do your cliff diving, when we dive on the cliff, it'll be fine. I'll be waterproof. I'll be good to go. My wife rolled her eyes so hard when I told her what watch I was getting so hard. She's like, isn't that for like triathletes and stuff? I'm like, yeah, it's popular in the triathlete world. Don't worry. Hey, one thing I can promise you. I'm not about to start doing Iron Man, it's like my little brother who just finished another one on Sunday in Lake Placid, 15 and a half hours. He did another Iron Man, he finished it. And here's me over here. And I'm like, I just like this watch because it looks cool. It's got the golf feature and I can, I can take it in the cold tub with me. So yeah, she rolled her eyes pretty hard at me. But I love this thing, man. I love this thing. It's really cool. I haven't even messed with all the doodads on it yet. Got it last night when we got home from Frozen Robes, got it charged up and got to add a bunch of stuff to it. So it really says when you're in Hawaii, beware the waterfall flash floods. My neighbor was almost killed there last month in Kauai. So be careful Woods. We want you to come back safe and sound. I've seen all kinds of things. There's like jellyfish and man of war and it's something's going to happen. It's me. I'm not going to get through this thing unscathed. I mean, I think we all can agree today that it's not, I'm not going to come home unscathed from this trip. But really looking forward to it, leave on, leave on Tuesday was, was thinking about your response to me yesterday, Ben was in the grocery store and I said, man, Benny will absolutely knock one out of the park on you sometimes and I'm at the grocery store getting a couple of necessary things. We'd run out of bread, make the kids lunches. I think got to get some bread, had to get some grapes, had to get some plates and I had to get some protein waffles for both. That's what he likes to eat for breakfast, the Kodiak protein waffle. So I go in and get those. Do you like them or does he? Do you like him to like them? I don't, I never wouldn't you just rather have an ego waffle? Well, I think. Kodiak's good. They need, they need protein. Well, right. But I, I didn't buy, my wife bought these for him and she's the one that makes them. I'm not home at breakfast time. So she handles all that, but I, I went and bought them. So I was standing, standing in line and I looked at the dude in front of me and he goes, how you doing? I go, good. And I glanced down at the belt and what he had on the belt and he had a bottle of Hershey's syrup, a bag of frozen peas and a can of Crisco Lard. And I just those three things. And those, that's it. That's it. That is it. That was the extent of his list. And I said, no, I didn't do the thing where I like took a picture, but I did text you. I, I was a little bit invasive in that I texted my buddies, Ben and Paul. And I said, uh, this is an odd combo. I said he's got Crisco and Hershey syrup and frozen peas on his deal. And what did you say? What did you respond? I said, maybe he's, uh, Oh, here it is. I got it. I got eating large Sundays after his vasectomy and I, it was, took him two seconds to write that joke. And I died laughing. I mean, you laid me out in the store as I was checking out, just trying to, you know, it's like chopped. You've got to put the ingredients together in some meaningful fashion and going, how can you put together frozen peas, Crisco, Hershey's chocolate syrup. He goes home and he puts the peas on nuts and then he gets a bowl of Crisco. Hershey's chocolate sauce, chocolate sauce and goes to town. I go, Benny, it was the way it was like, that's an odd combo. That's a very, very, that is a, it might be the honest combo I think I've ever seen. Really? Like you see some stuff and you, I like to piece together what they're up to. I'm like, Oh, you're making chicken and Oh, there's that you're going to make chicken and veggies a little stir fry sauce. I know what you're up to tonight. This I had no idea throw in like Pacific halibut and you have a chopped basket. Yeah, 10 minutes given you your ingredients are Pacific halibut, Crisco, Hershey's chocolate syrup and frozen peas. Yes, you can. You have 20 minutes to create an appetizer. I think you could do it with all of those with all the chocolate sauces, like the drizzle on top of the fish, which would be not good, but man, you laid me out with that yesterday, Benny. So let's get into some potteries baseball talk, Benny will, he'll set the mood and set the all we have an exciting show with these yesterday. If you missed it, I'll tell you who we have coming on later on the program today should be a very good Wednesday. Don't go anywhere. Kelly's going to check traffic and then we're right back with Ben Awards on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fan. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. Now with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories and breaking news right on your home field. Follow the action with Game Tip, where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus notifications can keep you connected to every pitch, every hit, every game. The MLB app, baseball, your way, download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. Blackout and other research and supply major league baseball trademarks used with permission. Nice. Today's episode is sponsored by Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. Nerd Wallet's experts will set future you up for success. With dependable, fact-based insights, no financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation, find your next credit card, or loan for a big purchase, and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. We are going full old school radio today as one of our main computer drives is down. If Holly is over there having to act like Merlin, the wizard, trying to put stuff together. I don't know how else to explain it. We have a shared network drive that the entire station uses, and in that drive there is a Ben & Woods folder. That Ben & Woods folder has literally, literally everything we have ever done, especially since we started here at 97.3 in June of 2019, and a little bit beyond that. Every Ben drop, and then it takes me, goes, "Yeah, the drives are bad. I've got new drives on the way. Hope to have it fixed, you know, sometimes some more." So if it's gone, like all of Ben's likes are gone? I think everything you've ever said is gone. So I have to like, start recreating them. Ooh, I like it creamy. Oh, I like the crispiness of the waffle. It's pretty good. Pretty good. You like a Nickelback song or two. Bro! I mean, it's all south. Perfect. Give me your... Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That's not bad. That's not bad at all. See, I have that one. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, good. I have some that were already like, they're logged in. They're not going anywhere. But yeah, if this were to happen. If we lose that stuff, my hair is going to fall out. I texted a firm filling. I texted our engineer, I said, "Now, when you get these new drives, I don't know anything about this. Will you be able to recover?" 'Cause we're talking years of material, buddy, and he has not responded yet. So I'm breaking out. I like chase two or two. You know, I told you guys like in the Rinder Report once I remember we were talking about the college football 25 announcers, how they had to sit in the studio. Yes, they do every word. Guns. AKA cannabis. That's what we're going to have to have Ben do. I'm going to lock you in a studio and you're going to recreate every one of the thousands of Ben drops that we've had. Yeah. You have to do the show. You've got to do it. You've got to do it. Must go on, man. I like big butts. I think what we have to do, so the Padres wrap up is obviously going to sound a little different today because we don't have the backbone before. That is coming up in some sort of weird version. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tune in back because you don't know what's going to happen. And we will go through the game. I think I got something good for you guys. Okay. We'll go through the game in our 635 segment, huge show today though. After our regular features 7/7/15 with take on Woods and don't do this, 735 begins our big league Wednesday. It's been a couple of weeks. We will catch up with Adam Jones. He went to the All-Star game. He's been all over the place. He's traveling the country, getting a lot of baseball in. So we will catch up with AJ at 735 in our eight o'clock hour. Brett Boone will be back with us as he has been most Wednesdays, always great talking to Brett Boone. And then at 9.25 we will be joined by the current holder of the Claret Jug, Xander Shoffley. Fresh off his Open Championship win and talk to San Diego's rising golf star two majors this year. And I thought about it. Xander Shoffley holds three of the coolest, like sports prizes possible. No. The gold medal. Gold medal. Yep, seen it. Seen his gold medal in person. Mind-blowing, the Wanamaker trophy, which you might not know as well if you're not a golf fan, but it's this giant PGA championship cup thing trophy that you win, Drake Booze out of it. And then the Claret Jug, one of the oldest coolest trophies imaginable. And he's got all three of them right now. The other one, he needs to win a Masters. Yeah, Grinch Jugby. And then a Stanley Cup and he's good. Stanley Cup. That's going to be more difficult, I think, unless he, unless he takes his money, buys a hockey team and they went, which, hey, absolutely feasible for him. He went 3.1 million just for the open record first place prize. So he's on his way to buying his hockey team and winning the Stanley Cup. That would be incredible. What's the other major? What am I forgetting? The US Open just has US Open trophy. Yeah, which is awesome. It's cool. Yeah. But the Claret Jug and the Wanamaker's amazing. The Wanamaker's really like spectacular prizes to win and he's got both of them at his, you know, in his trophy case right now. I suddenly saw him at the wishbone over at Goat Hill, shout out to Goat Hill. He brought his gold medal there to show all the kids and stuff and he had it. And like it was, I was right there next to it. I'd never seen one up close. I've gotten the participation medals in school. You know, you finished fourth in the long jump or something at field day. You see this thing man in front of you and you just go, okay, I get it. That's unbelievable. So now he's got to be what in Paris? Well, I'm not sure. The tournament starts August 1st. So I'm sure practice runs, but I don't know if he came home and then his dad's back or if he stayed in Europe for that extra week. And it's just, I know, because I've been working with his team at this interview, I don't know if I should say where he's at, but he's, he's international. He's still international. Pamped it in. Down on. He's in room 326. Knock on the door. All right. So he's international. It doesn't make a lot of sense to fly back for like five days and then go all the way back to Paris. No, no, no, no, no. International does make some sense. So we will time shift and talk to Xander Shoffley coming up. That's scheduled for 925. Very specifically this morning, but if you're a golf fan or just, you know, love top San Diego athletes. San Diego fan. Boom. Yeah. If you don't listen to that interview, you clearly hate San Diego. I don't know what to tell you. That could never be me. So you're going to make sure you listen to that at 930. Xander's a great dude. Very happy for him. All right. We'll see what Paul has come up with. I got a curve ball for him, too. Make shifts. Love curve balls. Potrays wrap up in our next segment minus our usual opens and effects and highlights that we usually get. So we'll figure it out. We will figure it out. We will talk about last night's 4-0 win, third in a row for the San Diego Padres. We will be right back with more Ben & Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 three, the fan. Going to see what Paul is a come up with for our Padres wrap up minus some of his critical elements. Now, you have a few things that are left on like a different computer. Yeah. They're like a button bar. Yeah. Like you have random stuff. Yeah. But not booty booty booty. I'm stuck in everywhere. Bob Pilates. Yeah. You do a great job. I broke my back. I still have some. I still have some. Yeah. Yeah. A button bar is what it's called. And I got probably 100 drops. Okay. Saved on those. So we can get by. But we're talking like 10,000 drops on the drive that is still TBD. I don't even know what I would do. How did you gain all the weights? Oh my god. Oh my god. Haha. But yeah, so I don't know how this is exactly is going to sound, but I was able to put something together for a Padres wrap up because we have to do it. You got to do it. You know, it's sponsored by Humul Casino, Jamul. And so what I did is I just went and pulled from yesterday's post game show. If you listen to the Padres on the post game show, Sammy plays the highlights and he doesn't just play them back to back to back. He interjects and he goes and then we go to the sixth and with runners on. So we got that too. Nice. I just put it all together. Genius. All right. Game show for our Padres wrap up right after this check a traffic of 97.3 the fan. I love winning, man. I love winning. You know what I'm saying? It's like better than losing. Oh my god. Both young starting pitchers were locked in early on. DJ Herrs started his day with four score of the sinning score of the gnats. The Padres loaded the bases in the top of the fourth inning, but they did not score. Randy Vasquez was at just 40 pitches through four scoreless frames of his zone. That brought us to the top of the fifth inning. At first, it was more of the same for the Padres offense. Herrs went two up, two down, but then it was Louisa rise who dug in one of two rise hits it in the air to right. Feel pretty deep. Thomas is backing up. He's at the big wall. Looks up. Gonna go. Louisa rise with his third home run as a Padre and a couple of pitches after they knock him down. He takes one out, and the Padres lead it one to nothing. Padre's weren't done. Jerks and Profar was next. Now Profar sticks into deep left and gone over the Padre bullpen. And on back to back pitches, they hit back to back home runs, and it's two to nothing. Third home run for a rise, the 15th home run of the season for Jerks and Profar, and just like that, the Padres had a 2-0 lead lead. Meanwhile, Randy Vasquez kept rolling a 1-2-3 fifth inning on just 10 pitches. Manny Machado led off with a double. To begin the top of the sixth inning, he went to third base on a ground out. That set things up for Jackson Merrill. Pitch to Merrill is lined into right field. That's a base hit. That's going to add on. Manny Trotzel from third base. Jackson Merrill's second hit of the night is an RBI single, and the Padres up three to nothing. Vasquez needed 15 pitches for a score the sixth inning. He was at just 65 pitches through six brilliant innings. He pitched into the seventh, and allowed a lead-off double, Padres then decided to go to Adrian Moore-Hone. He finished the inning without a whole lot of trouble. Padres still had a 3-0 lead. Jeremiah Estrada came on in the last chance for Washington was James Wood. Oh, two-pitch wood swings and misses, strike 300 mile an hour heater to close the door, and the ball game is over. Padres come to Washington, and they continue to pitch a four-nothing shut-out win over the Nationals behind Randy Vasquez, and back-to-back home runs from Louisa Rise and Jurgson Profar. Well done by Sammy. Well done by Sammy, well done by Jesse, well done by Paulie, and well done by the San Diego Padres last night. That fired me up. It was a little bit of a disjointed Padres game for me. I got to watch a lot of it, then we had to drive up to Frozen rope, so Bo and I listened to it, then I had to watch an inning on my phone, and then I listened to the very end, and just what a great, great. I didn't see the Estrada error. I heard it. I heard Jesse talking about it in Tony as well, and that play, I don't know why it's such a bug move for pitchers, but it absolutely is. It abss the hot shot right back to you, and you see the guys usually will jog over and underhand. Yeah, and it looked like he kind of wanted to do that and then saw the runner was going a little faster than he was helping, so he decided to kind of overhand shove, push it, and then it just sailed right over Jake's head, I mean way over his head. And Jesse was talking about on the broadcast that Higgy came out and Zander came up, and it's just one of those things where you don't want to let that thing get away from you after a bone head. Giving away an out is such a tough thing to do, and having now to get four outs instead of three, essentially, it just, it guts you when you're on the mound and when you make a bone head decision, and good veteran leadership there to come over and say, "Hey, don't worry about it." And he got out of it, got the next guys, and all was well, but a really, really great game last night, Benny. Yeah, this thing of like you throw up and in, and then we hit a homer, I can get behind that. So that was a great call by Jesse. Great call. Yeah, pointed out that Louisa Rice took one, I mean it was going to drill him, he ended up fouling it off, but it was right by his injured thumb, like way up on the handle, and clearly, you know, it's bothering him. You can see it. He hasn't been quite as locked in probably because of that thumb injury, but then three pitches later, the guy who rarely hits an extra base hit and had only two homeruns all season gets one, I mean, that didn't go out by much, but doesn't have to go out by much. Just first row out in right center, and that's what the Padres needed, rattled hers and then and jerks in the next pitch. I think it was, took one out to left field. It was a chain. They were off and running. It was a change up down the middle that it's, it's like jerks and knew what was coming. He leaned on that pitch, that ball. Well, I don't even know the exit, Vilo of it, but he tattooed that thing. I mean, he got it center cut and he was waiting on the change up and he just pounded it, pounded it. It was good. Yeah. He was really good. He was effective. He was, he was pounding the zone. He was 95, like very, very impressive outing. That's, that's another one of those kids to look out for down the road. Man, once he kind of figures it out, but the Padres had his number when they faced him the last time. They hit him pretty well last night. And it was nice. It was nice. The stat I heard on Sammy's pregame show was that he gets the third most swing and miss on his four seam fastball. That's not like anyone in baseball. That's nuts. Number eight was one above him, but he does have some nasty stuff. Yeah, he's got a good fastball that is hard for big league hitters to hit, but it wasn't a fastball that Jüreksen took out. Nobody could get, nobody could get it on top of the ball at all. I mean, everyone got on top of the ball. Everybody was grounding out early. It was just Randy Rollover followed by Randy Rollover every, you know, until, until a rise had that really good AB and then pro far gave us a lead and never looked back and a couple of really good moments last night, Jackson Merrill getting that insurance run in was really solid. Manny doubled. Merrill drove him in, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. More friends and family because he's from Merrill land and he will be, I guess there's going to have like 500 people going to the games in Camden Yards 500. Like Jackson Merrill has a crowd of 500 people going to the games this week and I think it's so cool. Obviously, his whole family able to be there when they're on these coast trips like that. And then his parents, I think they're both teachers, right? Yeah. So they have the summers off. Like they've been able to see a ton of his games whether they're here in San Diego. I know they were up in Boston like I think it's great that he gets to get like a traveling party with him throughout the year if either of my kids plays beyond high school. I will be at every, if they go to school in Vermont, I'll be there. I will move to Vermont. I can't imagine, I get such joy watching them play. I can't imagine what it's like to watch them play at Fenway park or stadium or like, can you imagine the terror that you feel every time he takes the field or takes an AB? How proud you are. Do you think, I mean, they're teachers obviously, is Jackson picking up the tab for all the travel? Got to. I think so. Got to. But as a parent, I would never want to ask like my child to pay for something for me. I just thought I would feel like that that would be so hard to do. Yeah. That's a question. I don't want to ask him that question. One of our business, how they get around, but I do think that that's, they just, they love being there. He's making the minimum, which is about $800,000. Anybody in Manny Machado's family wants to go on a road trip and watch him play. It's no brain. It's on the house. But Jackson's making League minimum. I mean, League minimum's still decent, really decent living. Oh, yeah. A couple of teachers, you know, like, yeah, he's going to find his way to sign a huge deal at some point. You can bet. You can hedge a little bit, right? Uh, mom and dad, I opened up a credit card with a massive limit. We're going to be fine. I'm going to put it on the card. We got it. Just got a thing in the chat. And I'm glad that Braves, let's see, Braves ear Robin 88 says this. This is great. Cause you tweeted about it last night. Hey, Woodsy was wondering what your take on Kim's two out, but hit was watching it last night. I thought the gnats were probably happy to get the left on left match up to get out of the inning. Braves, Robin 88. I could not agree with you more. Now I, I, I, I don't want to walk back. What I said, I did say yesterday and I always say, hey, bunting for a hit is pretty cool. But situationally there, you're going to, you're not playing well right now. If you're house on Kim, you're not hitting the ball well, you turn it over to Jackson, left side 95, you know, tough, tough lefty, Jackson, I think ended up striking out and not a bad. If I'm not mistaken, uh, I didn't particularly like that bunt from house on Kim, it's, it's a bad play. It's a bad play. I don't think there's really another sign to the argument. I tweeted it out, didn't like it. A couple of people pushed back. I mean, he got a base hit. He's been struggling. Do whatever you can to keep the inning going. I kind of understand that, but I really think and Mike Schilt will never admit it. In fact, I don't think I'm going to even ask him about it because it was a winning game, but I would imagine that there was a conversation, I would imagine there was a conversation after the game, like with Haas on Kim going, I know you got to hit there. That doesn't really help the team where you have to try to drive in that run in scoring position with two outs in that situation as opposed to sending a rookie left handed hitter up against a tough, hard throwing left handed pitcher that's not the matchup we're looking for. We're looking for you to drive the ball into the gap and drive in one, maybe two runs there. And I know you've been struggling. I know the third baseman is playing way back. You know, why he's playing way back? Because he's making you want that ball. He wants you to try to bunt that ball because the worst thing that happens for the Nationals is that you're on first, the bases are loaded and they've got the matchup they want. Yep. It's just you played it. You played right into their hands, right? You gave them a better matchup and I can certainly understand him struggling. I can understand him wanting to make a play. Now listen, there could be they could throw the ball away at first base running in on a bunt trying to make a play. Sure. That stuff happens. That's not Kim in that in that and I promise you not come from the dugout. No, you know, that that's a that's a Kimmy move and again, he's trying to make a play. I tip my hat to it, but I also think in that situation, you got to swing away. You got to. I do not subscribe to the Padres fans who think that Hassan Kim is a low IQ baseball player. He's not. He but he when he is pressing, he does tend to make some mistakes. Base running mistakes. We've seen him fielding mistakes this year and now just a bad decision at the play because he's been pressing and, you know, he's feeling it, but he's a smart baseball player. He knows what he's doing. Oh, you can tell. I mean, you can tell the play. He made. I mean, it was a terrible base running job by Yep is, but, you know, the the wherewithal to make the throw to third, get that lead guy there for your house on Kim. He's a smart baseball player. He's a good baseball player. He plays really, really hard. But yeah, they absolutely played into the Nationals hands and that they again, they got the match up. They wanted and they got out of that inning. So and by the way, even if Jackson Merrill had hit a grand slam, yeah, it's still the wrong. You can't, you can't go by the results. Someone said, you tweeted that out after Jackson struck out. It doesn't matter what Jackson does. That's baseball. The idea is make the most right decisions possible and hopefully like 30% of the time it works out for you, but you know, and sometimes you'll make the wrong decision and it works out because that's baseball, but that was not in, in my opinion, the right decision by how son Kim to lay down a bunch. Yeah. I mean, listen, that's, it's nitpicky after a four nothing win and he did make that nice defensive play and but yeah, to get him going, you know, he needs to root a yak one in the gap and score two runs there and he's absolutely capable of doing it. Now if we lost some of the audio question is, do we still have the Incorporated from Jesse Aguirre last night? I was able to pull that. Okay, good. And the execution. Great calls there from Jesse, especially on that arise home run. Did you hear his little snark early in the game when jerks and pro far came up? Jesse Aguirre said, Oh, and the dozens of fans here boo him. Oh, God, I love, I love snarky, Jesse, just, just, just boo. Gonna see what Paulie's come up with for our Padres wrap up minus some of his critical elements. Now you have a few things that are left on like a different computer. Yeah. I'm like a button. Like you have random stuff. Yeah. But not booty, booty booty, booty, rockin everywhere. Pilettis. Yeah. You do a great job. I still have some still have something like I have these, yeah, the button bars, what it's called. And I got probably a hundred drops saved on those so we can get by. But we're talking like 10,000 drops on the, the drive that is still TBD. I don't even know what I would. How did you gain all the weight? I got that. Thank God. Ha ha. But, uh, yeah, so I don't know how this is exactly is going to sound, but I was able to put something together for a Padres wrap up because we have to do it. You know, it's sponsored by a Humul casino, Jamul. And so what I did is I just went and pulled from yesterday's post game show, if you listen to the Padres post game show, Sammy plays the highlights and he doesn't just play them back to back to back. He interjects and he goes, and then we go to the sixth and then with runners on, so we got that too. Nice. It's genius. All right. We will repurpose Sammy's post game show for our Padres wrap up right after this jacket traffic on 97 three, the fan, I love winning, man. I love winning. You know what I'm saying? It's like better than losing. Oh my God. Both young starting pitchers were locked in early on. DJ hers started his day with four scoreless innings for the Nets. The Padres loaded the bases in the top of the fourth inning, but they did not score. Randy Vasquez was at just 40 pitches through four scoreless frames of his zone. That brought us to the top of the fifth inning. At first, it was more the same for the Padres offense hers went too up, too down, but then it was Louisa rise who dug in one of two rise hits it in the air to right feel pretty deep. Thomas is backing up. He's at the big wall. Looks up. Gonna go. Louisa rise with his third home run as a Padre and a couple of pitches after they knock him down. He takes one out and the Padres lead it one to nothing. Padres were in done and jerks and pro far was next now pro far sticks into deep left and gone over the Padres bullpen and on back to back pitches. They hit back to back home runs and it's two to nothing. Third home run for a rise, the 15th home run of the season for jerks and pro far and just like that, the Padres had a two with nothing lead lead. Meanwhile, Randy Vasquez kept rolling a one, two, three, fifth inning on just 10 pitches. Manny Machado let off of the double to begin the top of the sixth inning. He went to third base on a ground out. That set things up for Jackson Merrill pitch to Merrill is lined into right field. That's a base hit. That's going to add on. Manny trots home from third base. Jackson Merrill second hit of the night is an RBI single and the Padres up three to nothing. Vasquez needed 15 pitches for a score the sixth inning. He was at just 65 pitches through six brilliant innings. He pitched into the seventh and allowed a lead off double Padres then decided to go to Adrian Moore home. He finished the inning without a whole lot of trouble. Padres still had a three to nothing lead. Jeremiah Estrada came on the last chance for Washington was James Wood. Oh two pitch would swings and misses strike three hundred mile an hour heater to close the door and the ball game is over. Padres come to Washington and they continue to pitch for nothing shut out win over the Nationals behind Randy Vasquez and back to back home runs from Louisa rise and jerks and pro far. Well done by Sammy. Well done by Jesse. Well done by Paulie and well done by the San Diego Padres last night. I was that fired me up. It was a little bit of a disjointed Padres game for me got to watch a lot of it. Then we had to drive up to frozen rope so bow and I listened to it. Then I had to watch an inning on my phone and then I listened to the the very end and just what a great great I didn't see the Estrada error. I heard it. I heard Jesse talking about it and Tony as well and that play. I don't know why it's such a bug move for pitchers but it absolutely is. It abs the the hot shot right back to you and you see the guys usually will jog over an underhand and it looked like he kind of wanted to do that and saw the runner was going a little faster than he was helping. So he decided to kind of overhand shove it and then it just it just sailed right over Jake's well way over is it and Jesse was talking about on the broadcast that he came out and Xander came up and it's just one of those things where you don't want to let that thing get away from you after a bone head giving away and out is such a tough thing to do and you know having now to get four outs instead of three essentially it just it guts you when you're on the mound when you make a bone head decision and good veteran leadership there to come over and say hey don't worry about it and he got out of it got the next guys and and all was well but a really really great game last night Benny yeah this thing of like you throw up and in and then we hit a homer I can get behind that so that was a great call by Jesse calm you know pointed out that Louisa rise took one I mean it was gonna drill him it ended up fouling it off but it was right by his his injured thumb like way up on the handle and clearly you know it's bothering him you can see it he hasn't been quite as locked in probably because of that thumb injury but then three pitches later the guy who rarely hits an extra base hit and had only two home runs all season gets one I mean that didn't go out by much but doesn't have to go out by much just a first row out in right center and that's what the pot raise needed rattled hers and then and jerks in the next pitch I think it was I took one out to left field it was a they were off and running it was a change up down the middle that it's it's like jerks and knew what was coming he leaned on that pitch that ball well I don't even know the exit vilo of it but he tattooed that thing I mean he got it center cut and he was waiting on the change up and he just pounded it pounded in hers was good yeah he was really good he was effective he was he was pounding the zone he was ninety five like very very impressive outing that's that's another one of those kids to look out for down the road man once he kind of figures it out but the pot raise had his number when they faced him last time they hit him pretty well last night and it was nice it was nice stuff the stat I heard on Sammy's pregame show was that he gets the third most swing and miss on his four seam fastball that's not like anyone in base that's not Kirby AIDS was one above him but he does have some nasty summer yeah he's got a good fastball that is hard for big league hitters to hit but it wasn't a fastball that jerks and took out nobody could get nobody could get get it on top of the ball I mean everyone got on top of the ball everybody was grounding out early it was just Randy rollover followed by Randy rollover every you know until until a rise had that really good AB and then pro for gave us a lead never look back and couple of really good moments last night Jackson Merrill getting that insurance run in was really solid Manny doubled Merrill drove him in right yeah yeah cuz I'm Merrill Merrill was had a really good really good two for four and then had the other with the at least made contact with the bases loaded to get the other run home so really solid game for Jackson who had about I think ten you know his mom and dad were there as they usually are but he had more friends and family because he's from Merrill land and he will be I guess there's gonna have like 500 people going to the games in Camden Yards 500 like Jackson Merrill has a crowd of 500 people going to the games this weekend I think it's so cool obviously his whole family able to be there when they're on these coast trips like that and his parents I think they're both teachers right yeah so they have the summers off like they've been able to see a ton of his games whether they're here in San Diego I know they were up in Boston like I think it's great I think it's again like a traveling party with him throughout the year if either of my kids plays beyond high school I will be at every if they go to school in Vermont I'll be there I will move to Vermont I can't imagine I get such joy watching them play I can't imagine what it's like to watch them play at Fenway Park or Yankee Stadium or like can you imagine the the terror that you feel every time he takes the field or takes an AB how proud you are you think I mean they're teachers obviously yeah is Jackson picking up the tab for all the travel got to I think so got to but as a parent I would never want to ask like my child to pay for something for me I just thought I would feel like that that would be so hard to do that's a question I don't want to ask him that question ever it's none of our business how they get around but I do think that that's they just they love being making the minimum which is a hundred thousand dollars anybody in Manny Machado's family wants to go on a road trip and watch he's got play it's it's a no brain it's on the house but Jackson's making League minimum I mean League minimum still decent really decent living yeah a couple of teachers you know like yeah he's gonna find his way on his way to signing a huge deal at some point you can bet you can hedge a little bit right mom dad I opened up a credit card with a massive limit we're gonna be fine I'm gonna put on the card we got it just got a thing in the chat I'm glad that Braves let's see Braves ear Robin 88 says this this is great because you tweeted about it last night hey woods he was wondering what your take on Kim's two out but hit was watching it last night I thought the gnats were probably happy to get the left on left matchup to get out of the inning Braves Robin 88 I could not agree with you more I could not agree with you more now I don't want to walk back what I said I did say yesterday and I always say hey butting for hits pretty cool but situationally there you're gonna you're not playing well right now if your house on Kim you're not hitting the ball well you turn it over to Jackson left side 95 you know tough tough lefty Jackson I think ended up striking out in that a bat if I'm not mistaken I didn't particularly like that bump from us on Kim it's a bad play it's a bad play you know I don't think there's really another sign to the argument I tweeted it out didn't like it a couple people pushed back I mean he got a base hit he's been struggling do whatever you can to keep the inning going I kind of understand that but I really think and Mike Shelton will never admit it in fact I don't think I'm gonna even ask him about it because it was a winning game but away from I would imagine that there was a conversation drug tested I would imagine there was a conversation after the game like with Hassan Kim going I know you got to hit there that doesn't really help the team where you have to try to drive in that run in scoring position with two outs in that situation as opposed to sending a rookie left handed hitter up against a tough hard throwing left handed pitcher that's not the matchup we're looking for we're looking for you to drive the ball into the gap and drive in one maybe two runs there and I know you've been struggling I know the third baseman's playing way back you know why he's playing way back because he wants you to want that ball he wants you to try to blunt that ball because the worst thing that happens for the Nationals is that you're on first the bases are loaded and they've got the match if they want yep it's just you played it you played right into their hands right you gave them a better match up and I can certainly understand him struggling I can understand him wanting to make a play now listen there could be they could throw the ball away at first base running in on a on a bunt trying to make a play sure that stuff happens but Hassan Kim in that in that and I promise you not come from the dugout no you know that that's a that's a Kimmy move and again he's trying to make a play I tip my hat to it but I also think in that situation you got to swing away you got to I I do not subscribe to the Padres fans who think that Hassan Kim is a low IQ baseball player he's not he but he when he is pressing he does tend to make some mistakes base running mistakes we've seen him fielding mistakes this year and now just a bad decision at the plate because he's been pressing and you know he's feeling it but he's a smart baseball player he knows what he's doing out there you can tell I mean you can tell the play he made I mean it was a terrible base running job by yep is but you know the the wherewithal to make the throw to third get that lead guy there for your Hassan Kim he's a smart baseball player he's a good baseball player he plays really really hard but yeah they absolutely played into the Nationals hands and that they again they got the match up they wanted and they got out of that I think so and by the way even if Jackson Maryland hit a grand slam yeah it's still the wrong gym you can't you can't go by the results someone said you tweeted that out after Jackson struck out it doesn't matter what Jackson does that's baseball you the idea is make the most right decisions possible yeah and hopefully like 30% of the time it works out for you yeah but you know and sometimes you'll make the wrong decision and it works out because that's baseball but that was not in in my opinion the right decision by Hassan Kim to lay down a bunt yeah I mean listen that's it's nit picky after a four nothing win and he did make that nice defensive play and but yeah to get him going you know he needs to root a yak one in the gap and score two runs there and and he's absolutely capable of doing it now if we lost some of the audio question is do we still have the Incorporated from Jesse Agler last night I was able to pull that okay good up and the execution great calls there from Jesse especially on that arise home run did you hear his little snark early in the game when jerks and pro far came up Jesse Agler said oh and the dozens of fans here boo him I said god I love I love snark just just just boom he will just get you and you don't even expect it alright so at Jesse on yesterday every Tuesday I gave him his Incorporated word here's what it was Jesse since you're heading back to Baltimore scene of the original crime I thought we do a little throwback a food related Incorporated for today but of course they've gotten much more challenging over the years so Polly if you would please fenugreek fenugreek an Indian spice with bitter seeds and aromatic green leaves that have a maple like aroma and are less bitter than the seeds fenugreek oh alright fenugreek was the Incorporated word for yesterday and Jesse did accomplish the task yeah he he texted me he did it in the top of the ninth inning and he said top of the ninth got it done dot dot dot meh he wasn't very proud of this one oh no I'll let you guys decide I thought it was fine but he said I had a way to do it and then there was a double play the ending ended and things just kind of went quickly after that so here we go top of the ninth inning Jesse Aguiler on the call come back from commercial break out of the ninth inning Padres trying to close this thing out against the Nationals the Nats remember that won three straight five out of their last six and the pods here tonight have done it all different kinds of ways a little bit of this little bit of that one of those recipes that calls for a lot of ingredients said they have all been perfect here this evening starting pitching relief pitching little power little small ball and it adds up to a four nothing league. Those dishes that has the fenugreek and curry this powder and that power it's all in there yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep I like this East County Chris is what if you guys did song or rap lyrics for the Incorporated I could I could be swayed on that I could absolutely be swayed might be the next evolution yeah you never know that was great I thought he did a great job he's always so hard on himself but he's really brilliant it's all in there yep yeah it's all in there yep all right Jesse you do a great job I see some people pointing out including my mom that Stephen Coronado probably happy that Hassan Kim laid down a perfect bun oh he loved it but he got a perfect ten score on the the bunting scale for his buns oh yeah yeah what was his grade on that it would have been a one five I give it a zero it's pot I give it a zero part of the grade it's got to be situational based yeah man and you don't want to lay down a month there even a perfect bond the other interesting part of last night's game and post-game is that apparently the Ben & Woods show caught caught a stray in Sammy's post-game and Paulie heard it and he sent it over to me this morning and then we'll play that for you next I have some thoughts our number two take on woods as well just ahead on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan you don't just live in your home you live in your neighborhood as well so when you're shopping for a home you want to know as much about the area around it as possible luckily has got you covered each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood including the number of homes for sale transportation local amenities cultural attractions unique qualities and even things like median lot size and a noise score we've done your homework now with the MLB app you can get baseball your way pick your favorite team your favorite players and get customized highlights stories and breaking news right on your home fee follow the action with game tip where 3d replays add another dimension plus notifications can keep you connected to every pitch every hit every game the MLB at baseball your way download it now for free from the app store or Google Play block out another research and supply major league baseball tray parts used with permission trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with nor sides and bully on is your not so secret ingredient you can skip the drive through and do dinner at home nor taste combos provide a menu of delicious affordable and well-balanced meals that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less visit nor dot com to get quick and easy recipe ideas for your home cooked weeknight dinners it's not fast food but it's so good nice today's episode is sponsored by nerd wallet smart money podcast get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds nerd wallets experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact-based insights no financial misinformation allowed learn how to save on your summer vacation find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund make smarter decisions in 2024 follow nerd wallet smart money podcast on your favorite podcast app