Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Thursday July 18th, 2024 - FULL SHOW

6h 31m
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18 Jul 2024
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Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast ad. Hey Fantasy Football Fans, do you want to be the owner who was doing a crime session the night before the draft? I didn't think so. You need to start your prep now. This is Faraz from Upper Hand Fantasy. Zach and I are here to get you ready for your Fantasy Football Drafts with insights and advice from sleepers to bust. We've got you covered and give it the upper hand on your friends. Today is the day to start getting ready for the draft, so join us and stay ahead of the competition. You can follow and listen to Upper Hand Fantasy on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome in, everybody. Ben & Woods, 97.3, the fan. Happy Thursday to you. It is a roundtable Thursday here on Ben & Woods. I've been thinking about it all morning. Very excited for five hours of broadcasting today here on the home of the San Diego Padres. 97.3, the fan. I am Woodsy. That is Paul Rindel. He is the executive producer. Good morning, Paul. Good morning. My left is Benjamin R. Higgins, your friendly neighborhood sports anchor. Good morning, Benjamin. Good morning, officially the last day of the All-Star Break. John Ray's back in action tomorrow against the Cleveland Guardians and our summer break. We'll wrap up tomorrow morning as well. It's been a really fun week. Yeah, it has been a phenomenal week. So very proud of yesterday's show. A day where there was really not a lot to talk about. Came in and, you know, listen, I don't want to brag, but I feel like we knocked that SOB right out of the park. Yesterday I was driving home on a high and it felt really good. It has been a long, long week. You know, as it is summer break and we tend to explore the space a little bit more than we normally do, which is a lot, which is a lot. We have a very special guest this morning that we have brought in to the program. I'd like to introduce the Tier 1 audience to Dr. Ken Kern. He is a San Diego based cancer surgeon oncology research physician and the part we're interested in today. He's a medical hypnotherapist and Ken, first of all, welcome to Ben Woods. It's great to have you. Great. Thank you for inviting me. Appreciate it. Do you want us to call you Dr? Dr. Ken is good to have you. Dr. Ken is great. Dr. Ken is great. So it's great to have you here. It's something I've been interested in talking to someone about for a long time. I'm a pretty open-minded guy and I have a partner over here who's not as open minded and we've always had this kind of these discussions on the air. So it's been fun to talk about it and just get your perspective on hypnotherapy. And we had a great conversation this morning when you got here and we just wanted to have you in today and maybe you can educate some people and show people, kind of tell people what it is that you do. Excellent. And thank you for having me. You know, I am a medical hypnotherapist, but my main interest and one reason I'm really happy to be on the show is the ability of hypnosis to improve sports performance. I have a lot of experience with golfers, for example. And yes, golfers, correct? Yes. How often is your mind now? You know what? As closed as I usually am. Anything that can help me shave a few strokes. All of a sudden, I'm quite interested in what Dr. Ken has to say. And other athletes, and I've done some work with San Diego State and other athletes, but golf in particular, what it does, and I think Ben will agree with me, it brings out, it causes stress in a person and it brings out parts of a personality that override what they want to do, makes them tense and makes them not swing properly and aim accurately. Yes. So hypnosis gets into a deeper part of the mind. It actually works at a level in which you're not aware of things you're doing. And it helps change those things through the power of suggestion. When you're a little kid, you're actually in hypnosis all the time. And your parents are programming you and teaching you and giving you morals, and I know you have some great kids. And as an adult, you will hang on to those things as you're programmed. And sometimes we pick up programs that aren't good for us, and hypnosis can reverse those things. I picked up quite a few programs along the way that weren't exactly good for me, one after the other, after the other, after the other. And yeah, it's kind of the constant battle of making sure those programs are kept at bay. Correct. Yeah. I came here today and I worked with you a little bit before the show, mainly because I don't want to be teaching the public how to do hypnosis induction, which requires really a professional to do it. And this is the really, really fascinating part, and I didn't know this. You would talk to Polly first. And yeah, actually going on the air and hypnotizing me, attempting to hypnotize Ben, whatever. There have been cases of kids like learning how to do this on YouTube, trying to learn how to do this on YouTube, et cetera, et cetera. We don't want any of that. We don't want any of our audience messing with other people and our audience. We've seen injuries, kids fall down, hit their head very seriously. All kinds of things by amateurs looking on YouTube and trying to train themselves. So what I do is I came here, I work with you, precondition you, and why don't we do some of that right now? Okay. Can I leave? I would love to say the preconditioning that you just mentioned, that was one of the most unbelievable things I've ever seen in my life. Like when you did what you did to woods, he was completely, he hit the ground, you kind of caught him. I was like, this doesn't really happen. This happened before I got here. So I am with the audience here. I am fascinated by what we're about to see here. It was unbelievable to witness. This is a method from the 1950s called a little bit of a disequilibrium induction in which the mind is thrown off by disequilibrium and then it's able to accept the suggestions I gave them. So let's have you push your chair back a little bit and come a little bit closer to me. And that's good right there. Now we gave you some triggers and some responses. For example, we said sleep down and just like that. I want you to go deeper for me as I talk to you. I'll count from ten down to one. You're a superb person to be in hypnosis. We can tell you got a very smart, very creative mind. That's it going deeper and deeper. And you can see that woodsy is, looks like he's asleep, but he's not asleep. And he's not faking this. This was a stimulus response. I can guarantee you if he was not hypnotized, he would not be doing this. Woodsy, can you hear everything I say? Yes, you can. And yet you're completely relaxed. And now the interesting part about this is this is what we sort of show people, but this isn't the part we're interested in. The part we're interested in is how suggestions can be given to improve someone's life, to improve their performance at golf, to improve their performance in sports, to get rid of various bad habits. Because those are running in deeper programs. So, for example, woodsy is sitting here like this. What's your head up straight with your eyes closed, Woodsy? That's it. Now, your eyes are tightly closed, Woodsy. In fact, they're so tightly closed, the harder you try to open your eyes, the harder they are, the tighter they lock closed. When I count to three, one, two, three, try and open your eyes. You notice they lock tighter and tighter. Try hard now, so your audience doesn't think you're safe here. His eyes are twitchy. Yes, okay, now stop trying and just go down even deeper now. Now, this time, that's it. This time, Woodsy, put your head up. We're going to take your arm out like this straight. Now, it's going to become a rigid steel bar. When I touch the elbow, I touch the shoulder, rigid at the wrist, make a fist, Woodsy. It's a bar of steel, like a bar of steel. It is so locked in position at the shoulder that the harder you try to bend that arm down, the more it resists you bending it. Try hard to bend that, push that arm down. I can't push it down. You can't push it down. Really try. I'm going to push against it and it will stay locked like that. Now, the interesting part is, Woodsy, I'm going to have you open your eyes. I want you to look at your arm before you do. Yes, it looks like a baby's arm. It's all shriveled up. It's a tiny little stump. It's a little crooked thing, like a little crooked tree. I want you to remember this so that after you're out of this, you can explain to the audience exactly what it looked like. It's clearly not normal. It's a funny-looking tree branch, perhaps, or some odd-looking thing. When I tap on it, you're going to go back into hypnosis even deeper and relax your arm and sleep way down. That's excellent. That's excellent. Now, one of the things about hypnosis you've seen here is he has a trigger word and a response. The trigger word is sleep, but he's not asleep. He already said he's not asleep. If he was asleep, he wouldn't hear anything. The response is this relaxed state, but the real response is we want, obviously, would be improvements in things he do. All of this is a demonstration for your audience, but what we really want in hypnosis is improvement in behaviors, improvement in life, and improvement in things. Let me show you how the emotions can be altered by hypnosis in the sense you can actually control. In a moment, I'm going to have you look at a book. This book is the Fellowship of the Rings. It's just a story by J.R. Tolkien. I'm going to ask you to look at a page. Every page on the left side of this book is the funniest thing you've ever seen. In fact, you'll start laughing when you look at the pages on the left side. Then when you look at the pages on the right side, when I tell you to, you'll start crying. Now, would you open your eyes, take the book from me. There you go. Look at that left side. Look how funny that is. That's right. You can start laughing. You'll notice it comes up from it gets funnier and funnier and funnier, and you start laughing louder and louder and louder. I know, and it's so funny. Now you start laughing like a little kid, would you? Like a little tiny kid. Yes, like a little kid laughing and laughing. And now you're laughing like an evil witch. Like an evil witch. Yes. Well, like an evil, evil witch. Now, like an insane mad man, would you? Ah, yes, yes, yes. Dr. Evil, that's right. And now, like a little old lady, very sweet little old lady, that's a woodsy. Oh, like a little old lady. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Like Mr. Magoo, would you? Like Mr. Magoo. Yeah, like Mr. Magoo. Oh, yes, would you? Yes. Okay, stop laughing, would you? It's very good. Look on the left side now. Oh, it's so sad on that left side. Oh, I know, it's very sad. If face will turn down, you might get a little tear in your eye. It's very sad on the left side, I know. How, why, how could this even happen, would you? It's so sad, I know. I know. Look on that other side again. Look at how funny that other side is. Oh, you'll start laughing again. Oh, like an insane mad man, it's so funny. Evil would be evil, yes. Dr. Evil would be his name. Oh, yes, it is so funny. Okay, sleep now would be sleep now, that's it. Sit back. No, normally would be, if we were in a show environment, we'd have people applaud because you're done so well. Just take a breath in, Woodsy, and just let it out. You've done so beautifully. You've done so beautifully well. So you see, people can control their emotions if they can get to that inner mind and override a program that has them, perhaps unhappy in something that's happened a long time ago, they can get over it in the present. Very good. Now, the other thing we can demonstrate. We're talking to Dr. Ken here. He's a medical hypnotherapist in studio, and as skeptical as I am, I'm watching woods, and this is as authentic as I think I've seen anything. Yes, now, because you know Woodsy, and you know he would not be doing these things without deeper hypnosis, that's good. Now, sit back in your chair with your head up. Excellent, excellent. This time, I'm going to ask you to put both arms out straight in front of you, Woodsy. Put both arms out. Interlect your fingers like that, exactly. Now, what I tap on, I want you to imagine that these hands are locked together because they're carved from a single block of water stone woods, either carved together. In fact, they never were separated. In some way, you were born with your hands locked together. That's just the way you've been going through life. They're fused together, locked together now. They're tighter and tighter. Now, Woodsy, I'm going to have you try to pull those hands apart, and the harder you try, the more they stick together. Go ahead and give it a try. Now, open your eyes and look at yourself, try to pull those hands apart. That's quite amazing. Yes, try a little bit harder. That's it. Will they come apart? No. The harder you try, they will not. Now, when I tap on them, you just relax your hands and pull your eyes and go even deeper. There you go. There you go. Way down. And your hands come apart. That's very, very good. Excellent. Part they come. Now, you're going to sit up with your eyes, close, sit up with your eyes, close. Put your hands out in front of you, bend them with the fingers facing each other. That's good. Now, open your eyes, Woodsy, and look at your fingers. Now, you're going to start moving them in a circular motion, rapidly turning. Now, pick up the pace faster and faster. Now, that's good. When I stomp my foot, they'll instantly go the other way. And right now, they go the other way, deeper and deeper you go into hypnosis. The faster they turn, the deeper they go faster. Now, when I stomp my hand, they instantly go the other way. That's right. And now, when I stomp my foot, they start to go this way and that way and zigzag and diagonal. And there they go in a weird position. That's it. That's it, Woodsy. Now, when I stomp my foot, they'll go in the immediate opposite way, whatever that is. And now, they're going and that's it. This time, when I stomp my foot, the left arm will drop down. The right hand keeps doing what it's doing at twice the speed. And now, wow. And now, this time, the last time, when I stomp my foot, the hand goes down, you go deep asleep and right. Now, there you go. And down. Now, Woodsy, you know, at the end of the show, we're going to give you really powerful, positive suggestions for improvement in your life. Everything we've done right now on the air is just to demonstrate to people watching that you are hypnotized and that the suggestions I'm giving you are working. There's no possible way you could fake this of many things we've done. And we're not here to prove whether you're faking it or not. It's obvious you're hypnotized. You're deeply breathing in a way that is not in the normal state. You're in this deep, relaxed state. Your eyes are closed. You could not open them. Your hand arm was stuck. You could not open it. Now, put your head up and look at me. Look at me. What did your arm look like when you were looking at your arm? Like a club? Like a club? Like a kind of a shrively, like a club with a big knob at the end of it? Really? Yeah. Sleep now. Down he goes. Now, you see, I did not suggest to him that it was a club with a big knob on the end. He said maybe a tree branch or something. Exactly. So this is the creative element that comes out of the mind when you're hypnotized because you're getting rid of all self-criticism. You're getting rid of blockages to creativity. You're getting rid of things that get in the way. And that's a good example of that. So we are going to do some other things in the next segment. We're going to take a quick break. Okay. Let me say, would he open your eyes with staying hypnosis? You don't feel like you're in hypnosis now, do you? No. Look at right at me. Sleep now. Exactly. So we're going to do, we're going to let him now open his eyes. He will stay in hypnosis. He'll go through the break. No problem. And we'll do a couple more things. Remember, what we're demonstrating here is, and Woodsy's a great sport and we're not trying to make a fool out of him. We're trying to show that when you're open to this method, you actually will improve dramatically in terms of getting to that deeper mind to get rid of behaviors you don't want to have around if you're willing to do it and willing to go through it. And he is a wonderful person, a wonderful father, and a wonderful participant. So one, two, three, open your eyes back in the room. I think we're ready for you to continue your job. Okay. We will be right back with more of Dr. Ken, a medical hypnotherapist, and we'll see what else comes up this hour of Ben & Woods. Don't go away. Kelly's got some traffic and we'll be right back with more right here on 97.3, the fam. That goes down as the most interesting foreplay we've ever had in the history of Ben & Woods. Welcome back. We are live this morning with Dr. Ken, who's a medical hypnotherapist. He worked with Woods a little bit before the show started. Dr. Ken, so what did you do with Woods before he got here? Just to kind of describe to our audience a little bit, you don't have to go through exactly how you placed him under a state of hypnosis and implanted suggestions. But what was that process like? Well, Ben, we did what's called a rapid induction, induction being the process of kind of making a contract with the person that we're going to work together for their benefit. And once we got rid of some of the fears about hypnosis and explained to him that he's not going to be asleep, that it's a focused state of mind, that it might look like he's asleep, but he's really not. And that it's for his benefit. We're going to give him positive suggestions at the end, and we're just doing this to educate people. I then did a very rapid movement with him standing up, and this movement actually throws your mind off, and the mind in that moment is searching for some certainty. A certainty in Ben was he wanted to get down on the floor, which we put him on the floor. That's what got me. We were out in the hallway. And that was a little jarring, honestly, to see because I didn't know what was coming. Obviously, Woods did not know what was coming. Yes, that's why we didn't do it on the air, because we don't want people who aren't experts trying to do that. You could get hurt, but we put him down gently. And the mind, when it's in that condition, then we gave him suggestions that he's in what's called hypnosis. It's a state of taking suggestions to do things that are for his benefit, that we're going to do some things on the air that might be silly and funny, that we're not trying to humiliate him, but we are trying to, because he's a good sport, he's willing to demonstrate to people that suggestions have effects. The real suggestions we really care about later are you'll improve at golf. You'll improve in your behaviors. You will stop smoking. Ben, do you want me to talk about what you wanted to do? Yeah, baseball. Yeah, baseball, tobacco, nicotine, all of that. So, yeah, if you're listening on the radio, everything that he said, Woods has followed along perfectly. You can always go back later on our YouTube stream. You'll be able to see the video of what's going on in studio. But Dr. Ken, you said you had something else for Woods. Yeah, coming out of the breaks, go ahead. Take it up a step here. If Woods, if you don't mind, that's perfect. And now we're going to take it up a step and you know, you don't mind your good sport, and we're going to remind the audience one more time. Everything we're doing is just to show that suggestions under hypnosis work, and the suggestions that we actually care about are the ones to help you improve your life. That's how we're doing here. What we're doing here is demonstration. Good. Sleep now. There you go. And obviously, he's an excellent individual with an excellent mind. The smarter you are, the faster you can go into hypnosis, the more creative you are. You can hear, again, that deep breathing that's a sign of hypnosis. You just, you cannot fake that kind of stuff. That's real. You can see him completely relaxed, and he told us that he's never felt so relaxed. This is the critical part of hypnosis that relaxation gets you to perform better because you're able to not have muscle tension that gets in the way of sports performance. So here on this show, what really matters is improvement of sports performance in my mind. And so you can see, if you're relaxed, you can take suggestions, but also you can recall that relaxation when you're performing sports. Now, Woodsy, I'm going to do some things, and you'll forgive me. They're silly. They're even stupid. But you are the one of the most wonderful people I've met, and I know you understand that you're helping the listeners and helping your audience understand how they can use their inner mind to improve. So in a minute, I'm going to give you a bottle of water, and you're going to attempt to drink it. But you're going to find something very odd. You simply cannot get it into your mouth. No matter how hard you try, you can't get it into your mouth. The harder you try, the more it goes to the side, and you're going to keep attempting to drink it until I say sleep, in which case you will hold it in your hand. You won't spill it, and you'll hand it back to me. So go ahead and open your eyes. How are you doing there, Woodsy? You're a wonderful guy. And I know it can get to your voice by speaking all the time. Here's a bottle of water. Why don't you take a drink so we can continue. Go ahead. Come on. Just try your best. You might have to put it up even closer there. Mm-hmm. All right. You have a little trouble getting out of your mouth. Yeah. It just won't do it. All right. So let me have that bottle back, and why don't we have you sleep now one more time. Now this time, Woodsy, I'm going to hand you something that is really delicious. In fact, I'm going to give you a choice of which one you want. Now, when you see what I have, you're going to think it's the most delicious candy you've ever seen. If the audience looked at it, they would see six candles, quite honestly. We're taking all the wax candles. When you look at it, Woodsy, because your mind is so creative, because you have such a great imagination, that's it deeper and deeper and deeper. Deeper into your inner mind, you go, Woodsy, you're going to look at it and you're going to think, "Oh, my Lord, He's giving me six, a choice of one of these six candies to eat, and you can pick them and just chew on it, and you'll be as happy as can be." One, two, three, open your eyes, and Woodsy, look what I have for you. I've got some great candy here. Would you like to take one of these and eat it? Yeah, sure. Go ahead, pick one. Are you sure you want that one? Okay, go ahead, chew on that. You're going to... Delicious. Delicious, isn't it? Yeah. Good. And don't eat the wrapper, so if you feel that was string-like wrapper, take it out and put it on this plate. Let's have that string so you don't need that string. Yeah. Delicious. Good. You want another one? One's enough, probably. Okay. Well, while you're up there, I've got an apricot for you. Now, when you see this, you see an apricot. It's a lime. Delicious apricot. When the audience sees it, they don't know. They think it's a lime, but you can see it's a delicious apricot. Do you want to spit anything out? Woodsy, you can if you do. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Why don't you go ahead and take a big bite out of that apricot. Tell me how good that tastes. Isn't that good? Oh, yeah. It's just devouring a little half of a lime. That is such a good apricot. You want the other half? Yep. Yep. Well, that's another half of a lime. I think a big bite out of that thing. Oh, yeah. That's really good. Juicy. It's juicy enough. That's good. We don't have a napkin here, unfortunately. Go here, Woodsy. Here you go. And now I've got something else here. Um, when you look at this, you see an apple, the audience sees an apple, but when you bite into it, it tastes like, uh, uh, we'll go ahead and bite into it and I'll tell you what it tastes like. Take a big bite out of that. It tastes like gasoline. It's disgusting like super water. Spit it out. Oh, yeah. Gasoline is horrible. Yeah. It's like rotten here. Take another one. Take another one. When you bite it, you'll find out. It tastes like gasoline. Oh. Okay. Oh. Yeah. No spit it out. Yeah. It's not good. You don't like that. No, he didn't like that. Okay, Woodsy. So now, um, you got your hands all wiped off. Anything else? Okay. Now, I got a rope here. It's a little normal rope. You're going to find something very odd about this rope, Woodsy. When you try to tie it, it's impossible. No matter how, I just want you to try a simple knot. Tie a simple knot. When you try to tie it, it's impossible. You'll find you cannot tie a knot out of that. Oh, you know how you, do I need to show you how to do it? Here, let me see for one second. Let me see. Tie a knot as you go like that, and then you go like that. It's real simple. Okay. So here, but the funny part is the harder you try to tie a knot, the worse it gets. Yeah. We hold that up and they see how, you know, it's impossible to tie a knot impossible. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, whatever that is, very good. Very good Woodsy. Very nice try. Nice try. Nice try. Just tie the knot. Nice try. Now, the other thing is what we're demonstrating here, Woodsy, is to the, is the fact that people can have imaginary blocks. So actually sleep, Woodsy, sleep down. Let me explain something to your audience. What we're trying to show here is that people can have imaginary blocks in their life, for example. So far, we've had Woodsy think a candle was candy. Well, heck, you could think about yourself as not being good enough, not being strong enough to play sports, not being able to reach the score you want, but it's actually just something that you believe in. It's not real. We've had him eat a lime. Boy, he'd really chomped into that lime like was an apricot. Devoured it. Same principle that in your mind, you could imagine in this case, something bad was good. That's interesting that we'd all like to get to. We would don't want to keep judging ourselves as having bad sports skills, and yet we have good skills. And then he ate that apple and he did taste gasoline, spit it out. You can see for yourself, they've got a big plate full apple here. Normally you swallow an apple. And then I had him try to tie a knot out of this rope, which was impossible to do. Also, trying to show that you could have a block in the mind preventing you from performing something, and yet it's simply in your imagination. And that is something that can be corrected through the power of the mind. So I think that what we're coming to here is the belief, I believe that everybody understands that Woodsy is hypnotized, and we have demonstrated multiple ways that he is in a state of acceptance of suggestion. So I think what we should do with Woodsy right now is give him the reward that we wanted to give him. Of course. Because how much more can we give the poor man to do and demonstrate this? Okay. So Woodsy, you're in this state. I want you to go even deeper now, way, way, way down. I want you to go way down. That's it. And for the audience, if they were sitting here, what they would notice is your skin is warm. They would notice the deep breathing. They would notice the relaxation. In fact, I'm going to pick up one of your arms, and it should drop just like a rag doll, your right arm, and picking up just like a rag doll, just like that. Here's my left arm, just like a rag doll, and you just drop down even deeper with it. Now Woodsy, I know a little bit more about you, obviously, than I did this morning. And I found out you're a fantastic father that you have wonderful children who are even ready to donate their money from their piggy bank to charity. And this could only happen from a wonderful parent who's teaching them incredibly good ethics and a deep desire to help mankind, your children sound absolutely wonderful because they have that desire. And I want you to know that you, actually, are a wonderful person who is a creative person, who is someone who can actually look at wonder and not be afraid from it, and can face wonder, and who is open and honest and very much a, but on the other hand, a very dependable, almost spiritual type person who believes in humanity, otherwise you wouldn't be the host of this show. And as you go forward from today, I'm going to give you some positive suggestions. Suggestions will remain with you because, not because I say they will, but because your subconscious mind understands that you have taken suggestions to this point and that now the real work, the things that really matter, not the candles or the apple or the line, the things that really matter are going to take place. You're going to find yourself becoming more creative as you move forward, Woodsy. You're going to find yourself coming up with ideas right out of the blue, but are they out of the blue? No, they're not Woodsy. They're out of your deep subconscious mind, which we've been able to release with these demonstrations. And now your mind knows that that subconscious can be released, Woodsy. And so you'll find yourself becoming more creative, more able to come up with new ideas, new angles, new concepts, new approaches, new novel ideas. Not again because I'm saying that, but because you have shown us and you have given us the audience and me and your people here in the studio, given us the opportunity to see a real human being open themselves up and allow their unconscious spirit, if you would, to come forward. That takes courage, Woodsy. And we all thank you for that courage. And because of that, Woodsy, you're now open to these suggestions and the suggestions I'm giving to you are that the creativity that's deep within you, Woodsy, will be released. Most of you, you've released other things that have happened here. That creativity, that novelty, that ability to write new information, write new programming, come up with new ideas, come up with new ventures, come up with new things to not just entertain your sports audience, but also to educate them and to connect with them, Woodsy. Because we know that what people want at a deep, deep level is connection. And you have a baseball team, Woodsy, that has been able to create that connection. And I understand that all kinds of people showed up to be on the team. I think this is a testament not just to the fact that you have a great show, but that you're offering connection to other people, because this is what we all need. I think you'll find that when you play baseball, Woodsy, I hear it's fastball, and that takes good reflexes to hit that ball. And I think what you're going to find, Woodsy, when you're up at bat, is that ball is going to seem like it's moving in slow motion, and it's bigger than it normally is. I think Ted Williams used to say that the great baseball hitter that he could see the seams in the baseball, he must have had some odd, maybe he was making that up, but I don't think so. He must have had some odd thing about his vision and his life. Is this cheating? And if so, can I be a part of that as yet? You could talk to me after the show if you want. So what Woodsy will see is that Woodsy, you're going to see that ball moving slower and bigger, and you'll find your reflexes are faster. Most importantly of all, Woodsy, you're going to find yourself enjoying life better, feeling more loving, feeling more compassion, understanding yourself better, not being so self-critical, not judging yourself, and allowing yourself to be the human being, the wonderful human being that you actually are. And all these suggestions I've given you, Woodsy, are going to stay with you for the rest of your life. And in fact, there's one more suggestion I want to give to you. Whenever you see the color red, red, red, red, red, red, can be as small as a lady's nail polish. It could be a stop sign. It could be a billboard. It could be the brake lights on a car. When you see the color red, red, red, red, Woodsy, it's going to remind you of how creative you are, how imaginative you are, and what a wonderful person you are, and how much self-confidence you have to move your show forward, to move your career forward, to move your family forward. Red, red, red. It's going to trigger Woodsy, and that response is going to be deep in the mind to give you more creativity, more imagination for writing things for your show and coming up with ideas, and more, and the ability to become a better father, better human being, because you understand you have that in you inherently, and it's simply a trigger to remind you about that wonderful part of yourself. So when I count to three, Woodsy, you're going to open your eyes. So in fact, this time I'll count from one to five. When I get to from the number five, you'll be out of hypnosis completely. And you know, before the show started, we said if there was an emergency, you would come out of hypnosis, or if I had to leave the building, you'd come out of hypnosis. Now I'm taking you out of hypnosis by counting from one to five. Number one, energy's coming back into your fingers and toes, Woodsy, number two, sitting up straight, beginning to come back in the room, Woodsy, number three, that's right. That oxygen is circulating in and around, and through every muscle, nerve, and fiber in your entire body, you feel absolutely wonderful. Number four, your throat is clear, your nose is clear, your chest is clear. This is the most important thing, though, Woodsy, you're clear about a wonderful human being that you are. You know you've got the spirit within you to be a wonderful father, to be a wonderful radio host, and to move the show forward. Number five, eyes open now, Woodsy, eyes open back in the room. Put out your arms in stretch and notice how good you feel. All those suggestions are going to stay with you as we move forward. And he's back. And we're going to take one more quick time out here and wrap things up. Thank Dr. Ken for coming in and find out a little bit more. Maybe the last bit or so as we come back here with Ben & Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3 to fam. Welcome back, Ben Woods, 97.3, the fan, and what an interesting 47 minutes of the program today. Tyler in the chat, buddy, we're going to get back to sports, I promise you, man. We've got to relax a little bit, we've got another three hours and, you know, we will talk about the huge MLS slate last night. We will talk about certainly the two WNBA games yesterday as well. And we'll get back to it, man. You've got to relax. Breathe a little bit. So here's what everybody really wants though. Let's quickly go to traffic. While we were at commercial break, Dr. Ken worked on Benjamin and Higgins, and I can't wait to see where this goes. We'll be right back right after he's seen the traffic. Yeah. From the 97.3, the fan traffic center. Here's Kelly Dannock. Getting reports of the stalled vehicle partially blocking the transition ramp eastbound team freeway right at the northbound 15 connect to ramps, so just take it extra carefully. Westbound team freeway looking good all the way in a downtown, but we are starting to see some of the usual slowing in the usual spots. We're looking at you. Westbound 52 head net in Santi. I'm Kelly Dannock with Ben and Wood San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3, the fan. All right. So Dr. Ken is talking to Ben. Dr. Ben is talking to Ken. Ben, how do you feel right now? I feel, um, I feel okay. Yeah. A little more relaxed. Yeah. I think my brain keeps trying to fight it a little bit, but we'll see Dr. Ken thinks I am at least susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. He has perhaps one of the just from knowing him for six years. I mean, Benny is the very, very strong minded person works to full time jobs on a daily basis. Has the two worst shifts in media nights and mornings, and he does them almost every day and to be able to do that whilst managing, you know, a family, a home, everything else carries a huge weight there. He does that every day. So I mean, when you talk about strong of mind, certainly that's Ben. So he's had, he's at to. This is the kind of person we like to hypnotize, honestly, he's very intelligent. He's very analytical. And all we have to ask him to do is take that analytical side and set it aside. You have to set it aside. Well, it's just like the comedians have that inner critic that they have to set aside. You have to set it aside. Now I talked to Ben, I asked him what part of his golf game did he want to improve? He told me the chipping part that he gets tense, and he doesn't quite swing properly. Now you heard, would he say that he felt more relaxed than he's ever felt, and you said you actually felt more relaxed. So this is the part of the mind that will come up and do that for you when you're playing golf. So let's do this. Sit back in your chair. I only want you to do for you, Ben, take a look at this. Just take a look at that. Staring at it. Maybe even start counting the number of little tiny spots you see and as it comes down and gets closer and closer to your eyes, that's it. Just close your eyes and just relax, and just let yourself go, Ben, just let yourself go. That's it. Deeper. There you go. Deeper and deeper and deeper. And you're going to find, that's it. Find yourself. I'll count down. There you go. 10, 9, 8. Going deeper and deeper and deeper. Sleep now, way, way down. 7, 6, 5. You see, no one's going to be making a fool out of you, Ben. We know how smart you are. We know you're the perfect person to have hypnosis, and we know exactly how to give you those suggestions at, so just let yourself go, Ben. For once in your life, just let yourself go for 10 minutes, and just be that relaxed, be that's good. And at this point, Ben, no other sounds bother you. These are the sounds of normal everyday living. If you hear people talking, they simply make you go deeper and deeper and deeper into hypnosis. That's good, Ben. Way down. I'm going to lift one of your arms, your left arm. I'm going to drop it. Don't help me at all, Ben. Just let your body go loose and limp and become as passive as possible. I'm going to lift it up and drop it, and as it flops on your leg, I want you to go even deeper now. Here it goes. Just let it go and down. You go way, way down, Ben. Way down. Great. In this relaxation, Ben, I want your unconscious mind to remember this. This is the key thing about hypnosis. This relaxation that a brilliant guy like you finds so difficult to achieve, that a mind like you is an analytical mind, a hard-working mind, an incredibly energetic mind. It needs a break, Ben. Just like a car needs a break, just like any machine needs a break, it needs a break to rest. Now's your time to do it. Let yourself go now deeper for the 10 minutes where you're not having to work at this incredible level of excellence that you work at. I'm going to lift up your right arm, and I'm going to wiggle it, and it's going to go loose and limp like a rag doll. There it goes. Just let it go and way down. Down you go. Way, way down your hands. You're going to stay in your chair. You won't fall out. Any sounds you hear only serve to remind you that you are a wonderful human being going deeper and deeper, no problem at all. Now I'm going to do a couple of things with your arms. We're not going to do much with those other items that we had before, but I don't do a couple of... Two minutes. Okay. What we're going to do, Ben, is this. You told me about your chipping, so what I'm going to do, I'm going to tap both your arms. I've got both your arms. I'm going to wiggle like this and drop them. When you go out on the golf course and you go to chip, as soon as you touch that chipping club, you're going to notice something in a deeper level, that your arms begin to relax and become the way you want them to be just the way you're relaxed right now. That that tension, that stress that you live with will disappear when you touch that chipping club. When you touch that chipping club, those arm muscles are going to go loose and limp the way you want them to go. That when you go to chip, you're going to find that there's no resistance to it, just like you are right now, in this incredibly relaxed state, that there's no resistance to your swing, but it will be a controlled swing exactly the way you want it. You'll find, Ben, that every time you touch that chipping club, more and more and more, that you'll be able to swing it properly because there's less and less tension. Now for you also, whenever you see the color red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, the red signals to you, that your golf game will begin to improve, whenever you see the color red, small as a laser nail polish, as big as a billboard, with our signals, brake lights, color red, sends a trigger to your mind that your golf game, your chipping game will begin to improve. In fact, I want you to put a red dot on your chipping club, so that every time you see that signal, you'll know your arms will relax, and most importantly, they'll track exactly the way you want them to track, because you are a smart man. We all got 30 seconds, incredibly intelligent, as intelligence on a deeper level, will guide your club exactly the way you want it to go. So now I'm going to count from one to five, from one to five, Ben, and when I get to the number five, it will no longer be hypnotized, but all the suggestions I gave you in a wake pen out one, energies entering through your fingers and toes, number two, sitting up straight now, Ben, sitting up straight, number three, oxygen circulating in around and through every muscle, nerve and fiber in your entire body, your throat is clear, nose is clear, chest is clear. Listen, you're very clear, Ben, about what a great golfer you can be. Very clear. You gotta go to break here. Very clear. You will improve. Greater than the signal for number five, eyes open, no longer hypnotized, anything absolutely wonderful. You did great. You did great. Well done, man. You feel nice and calm? Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. This is incredible. Wow. We'll be right back. You divide it. Dr. Canty's been amazing. I loved it. I loved every second. I'm going to be right back. Better what's 97. Hey, fantasy football fans. 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And so, but no, am I something really weird happened when he took Ben out of hypnosis. And again, he didn't have as long as he had with me, gave you the same now. I remember, I remember him talking to me, the thing I remember like the most, the thing that hit home was, was baseball and when he slowed the ball down in my mind, I had this weird connection with my forearms and a baseball coming towards me and seeing the laces. And then I know that he told me about red because he told you the exact same thing. When Ben comes out of hypnosis, he sits up and we go to break and Ben goes, I have to put red dots on my golf ball now instead of blue dots. A lot of golfers will mark their balls with dots, black dots, green dots. My dad draws little shamrocks on his, Ben, you're going to put red dots on yours. So that's, yeah. I mean, that was the first thing that I was thinking of, like, I can picture my golf ball with like red dots on it. And that's so, you know, that just like came to me instantly. That's crazy. As I came up. So that's like something that maybe unlocked in your mind. So I want to know, I mean, you guys say I look really out. You were so like, I was never totally sure. Am I doing this right or not? I guess, you know, I was always thinking, am I doing this or not? Am I not doing this? After talking to him a little bit beforehand, you know, you want to say like, Oh, Ben was asleep. He's not actually asleep, but that's just for lack of a better term. We're going to say you were asleep. You were out cold. He looked. He looked at that. For me, there was a one white dot and I just focused on the white dot. And when he started talking to me, my toes right now, or my toes are like tingly. I'm not joking. Like my toes are, I can feel relaxation in almost every muscle of my body. It's wild. He had you, of course, um, he, you did a couple of things while you were under suggestion, including he said he gave you a nectarine. Do you remember eating the, the nectarine apricot, apricot, apricot? I'm looking at it. It was a giant lime and like the, the apple, but it tasted okay to you. Your mind made it taste like an apricot. It was like one of the, it was so juicy and like, where I could feel it, like running down my chin. It was nice. Um, in a whole line, and the funny thing is, he's like, I know what he was like, I, I, I remember moving my hands, moving my arms. None of it felt funny to me. Like nothing felt like, do you remember reading Lord of the Rams? Yeah. Yeah. I, I, but you know what? I couldn't see it. I couldn't see anything. I was reading. Nothing. I couldn't see any words. It was funny because all I, all I was doing was, was looking down and he, he told me to laugh. So I laughed and he told me to be upset. So I was upset. Yeah. No offense. None of us are good enough actors. So, you know, you weren't performing some skits. No. You were really laughing. You were really, and then when he said you were sad and reading sad, you could see just in your face the, it just fell like you were crestfallen. See my hands dude, my hands trying to rip my hands apart actually freaked me out towards the end. When I was telling Dr. Ken how the show runs and what we're kind of looking for, I said, look, I got one guy that's a much of a, a very much of a free thinker and he goes, he'll be great. Yeah. And you were. And I go, and then we have Ben and Ben's a little bit more. I'm not sure I buy into it a little more skeptical and he goes, I don't know that it's going to work on him then. I just don't. I mean, you have to buy in. You have to, it's not even buy in. It's open. I don't know. It opened in your mind a little bit. And that's the, that's a tough thing to do. And I found myself kind of somewhere in the middle. I didn't have a grad night. I got canceled. So I didn't, I never seen like a hit to show in person and we literally had one at our grad night. Is that like required? Yeah. It's like the most cliche. I think, but in my head, I've seen videos and stuff and you go, all right, those guys are paid. They paid, they pulled 50 people behind stage, gave them 20 bucks or something and they're acting. And I saw him put you guys to sleep. Yeah. Like a better term. And I go, holy hell. Yeah. It was jarring and I'm jealous and I'm going to call Dr. Ken and schedule my own appointment. It was awesome. It was awesome. I mean, I really feel spectacular, spectacular right now, which I don't usually feel on a round table Thursday as you know, so I, he was great. What a super nice dude too, super, super nice guy. I think part of it is learning that he has a real medical background in oncology and cancer surgery. And you know, believes this helps his patients. He said, yeah, worked on like needle phobia and anti nausea that the brain is so strong that if you can just convince it that you're not feeling sick, then it actually does is a therapeutic. My wife, man. Resource for patients. My wife, my wife's ability to use her brain for her benefit is actually quite staggering at times. I think, Paulie, me, probably more trauma as kids, right, than, than you. But I think, you know, your mental state in your, like your mental state, just to get through life now, your brain is massively strong, massively, like you, it would have to be to do the things that you do on a daily basis without, without crumbling to the ground. Crumbly. Like just, I'm done. I'm spent. I cannot go back and do another nine hours and get home at midnight, then get up at four a.m. You would have to be. And I thought that's what would keep me from being able to do this because my, I do constantly think like, okay, what's the next, what's next? What comes after this? What comes after this? And while there was an element that I was still thinking. I was me. Yeah. I was still thinking. I wasn't stopping. I was incredibly relaxed and I'm not someone who ever really can get that relaxed. That's what I've always heard. I've always heard when you come out of hypnosis, it's, it's like feeling like you got the best night sleep of your life, like euphoric a little bit right now. And then again, just really calm and really happy to be here. Really happy to be here. So that was, that was really cool. I loved Dr. Nick and yeah, Paulie, we'll put up his info and everything else. That was a fun segment. You know, this is the perfect week for it. Yeah. Dr. Ken If you just want to go check it out at some point this morning that you'll get you all the information where you can find out about what he does, improving mental side and golf and other sports. If that is something that is interesting to you. Yeah. It's a nice guy. Really, really nice guy. All right. Where do we go from here is what I want to know. What did everyone do yesterday? I mean, we didn't really go foreplay. We just jumped right in with Dr. Ken. So I'm telling, I, he, I, he, I told him a story before the show and he brought it up during the show that I'll explain if you want. Yes. And I told you guys this morning and it was one of the cooler things that's ever happened. We were last night. So Bo got a piggy bank from his anti-E when he was born, little white piggy bank says, I love you Bo. Love anti-E. And we've been putting coins and, you know, dollar bills, it's got the little slot. So you got to fold up the $10 bill and slide it in there. So he said, dad, it's so full. Can we, can we open it up and count it? We're going on our trip. And I said, yeah, man, you want a little spending money? We'll put the rest in the bank. So we counted out. He had six. No. So I thought for a second we may have to, I had to dig my fingers in and like pull all the money. I took forever. Then we had to open it and fold it and count it. So he had, we're sitting at the table last night and did the kid six years old. We counted out $695 right over six years. And he was just like, it was big fat stack of cash. So we're sitting there and he goes, Hey dad, there you go. Can I give some money to charity? And I, my eyes got misty and I go, well, sure. I said, what would you, uh, what would you like to do? And he said, I want to help the people by Petco part. And I was like, like just, just sweet baby, sweet baby, right? So I said, okay. I said, well, you know, daddy and his baseball team, we, we do that. If you want to do the Peter Sideler legacy fund, you can any. And I said, is there something else that's really important to you? He goes cats and just like that. And I said, all right. How about this? So we'll call our friend dog at Rancho coastal humane. And I said, how much do you want to donate? He goes, how much did I get? I said $695. So almost $700. He goes, I'll donate $100. And I said, buddy, you don't have to give up. I said, how about 50? He goes 100. He goes dad, count out of hundreds. I gave him five, 20. He goes, mom gives her the hundred. He goes, I want to give this to, to cats, cats. So then I put him to bed last night and he's laying in bed. Just cats. Yeah. Cats. Feline society. Right. I know. Cats. Feline veterinary. Just show yourselves. By the way, no dogs. Like, I don't know that he wants this hundred to go to dogs at all. I think it's like, send this to the cat. He's just going to be going around the neighborhood. He goes, there's one for you whiskers. Yeah. He's the right one for you. He's cats are running up walking away with $10 bills. And so, so we're like, so, you know, we get everything done. And I take him. I put him to bed. I go, buddy, I am. I know of you. I said, that's such a beautiful thing. And if you give, you get back tenfold, you know, and he goes, I was thinking, if a bed for a cat is $10, then I can help ten cats. And I'm like, you have whatever they want to use it for, great. I said, but your head's in your heart, most importantly, is in the right spot. So, man, it was a really, you know, in a week of cool moments, it was a really special one. It was truly awesome. It must make you feel like you've done something right as a parent. That is interesting. 100% to do that with his money. 100%. 100%. I mean, it's hard enough just to get them to have the patience to save their money, keep it. And then, like, usually the reward at the end is I'm buying myself a, a PlayStation or something, you know, that I'm saving up for. But his first thought is, let's give and help something that I, you know, for charity. And I said, what do you, I said, you want, you know, we'll take some money to Hawaii for spending money by anything you want. How much you want to take? He goes, he goes, I don't know how about 90, 90 dollars, like a, not a hundred, he goes, no, just 90. All right, real 90 bucks it is, man. So, really sweet moment. And I know that he brought that up and wanted to explain that. But let's get into, let's get into the show. Let's get into, to, there's a couple of things I think we can talk about. Obviously, we want to know what's coming up on the round table today. We can do some of that because we're going to have some Padres baseball talk. You threatened me at 10 on the round table, yesterday by, by a text. You do not want to do the certain recap of the first half of the season. I really do not want to recap. It's, it's more of a look ahead round table today. All right. Not a look back here. We're kind of at the end of the all-star break. I feel like we've already, I think we've done what we're going to do. We've beaten it to death. We played our recap of the first half of the season yesterday. The heartbeat of the heart beat of the team and you're not, you can't change the fifth. I need to do that again. You can't change the 50 and 49 record right now. Suck. Suck. Suck. I can hear it again later. I could. It'd be fun. So, yeah, we're mostly going to look ahead. However, I do have one question that we're going to talk about looking behind. And I'm curious what some of the tier ones think about it as well. So if you want to think about it. And I heard Craig and Annie going through like the best games of the season. But what I want to know is what was your favorite moment, specific moment of the first half of the Padres season. Because I've got one clearly in my head. Maybe it was a day you were actually at the game and you just, actually I have two that I loved from the first half of the season because I was there for both of them. So kind of play around in your mind. A lot of things happen. That was a pretty eventful 99 games for the San Diego Padres. Good massively and bad. But there were a ton of big moments and things that happened in the first half of the season. So we'll talk about that. We'll take a quick timeout. It's a throwback Thursday. So let's play real or fake when we actually come back. We'll push out other things back, but we'll need a contestant to try to qualify for a trip to Las Vegas. If you want to get online during the break, you can 833-288-0973 game of real or fake and talk about our favorite Padres moments from the first half of the season coming up next the Benewoods after a check of traffic here at 97 through the fan. All right, you guys come up with a favorite moment from the first half of the season because I've got two that specifically stand out in my mind because I was at both games as a fan. First one was the we so rise home debut. Walk off single Friday night on a Friday night against the Dodgers. We were sitting down the third baseline and it was a great pitching performance by Michael King. But the moment was Luis. It was the first walk off win of the season. And to have it with Louisa rise first game at Panko Park was amazing. But what might have even been better and this game wasn't as close, but I was also there for the 13th consecutive strikeout by Jeremiah Estrada and as the fan as he came in and fans were kind of aware of what was going on and getting more and more excited on each pitch and standing up in that was that was another incredible moment I thought from the first half of the season. Mine was mine was Manny Machado grabbing Caber Ruiz around the, you know, the chest protector and pushing him away from his teammate jerks of pro far that hitting a home run. I mean it for me and honestly it was like some of the first. It's one of the first times I'd seen a teammate stand up for another teammate on this team in six years I'm I'm I'm trying to remember another time to new guys off the top of your head remember a teammate getting pissed at the other team for something it did to one of our guys. I really can't. It's not a signature of the San Diego Padres the last two years. I'll say that it's in fact a signature the other way in my opinion it has been. So it was nice to finally see somebody say not that's not going to happen. And then of course the Homer right after was like cinematic, it's just perfect. I mean that next day when we came in and got to talk about that was one of my favorite days of the year. It was just elite elite content and it was such a cool moment. Paul you got anything to add to that I really those are the good games I was going to pick you know specifically Manny's home run after the dust settled there against the nationals. I mean it I was already like so wired and amped up just near brawl that she's clearing you know you're always kind of perked up a little bit and then for Manny to take the first pitch he sees and just deposited tattooed it. I mean just crushed that by love the obviously the game where the Padres blew the lead to the Arizona Diamond Jack a couple weeks ago but specifically was jerks and profiles at bat coming out of the in the bottom of the ninth tying it up falling behind 0 and 2 and fighting back to 3 and 2 and then hitting the home run to tie it up and to me that was even better than the walk off you know by man a two batters later was that at bat by jerks and it just so encapsulated what he's brought to the team like the fight at the plate that you know that jerks in intensity that he is injected this team with this season that I think has made a real difference. Manny says remember when Woods puked because no one got him a 10 or a day to spring training that was not my favorite moment the the last 40 minutes of spring training where I don't know what happened to me but I just like I was it that was not like that was not like C20 Miranda says she'll asking the ump to eject him you gotta do what you gotta do man do you think do you think throw me out man hey look I love you I think you're the best y'all are the best at what you do I'm gonna need you throw me out what do you think he did we'll talk to him tomorrow on the program I can't I absolutely can't wait I can't wait to find out what he did I can't wait to find out I'm gonna I'm gonna grill him do you go back did you go back to Karen North Carolina for a couple days I want to ask him I want to ask him if he is the type of person that can actually relax like we need doctor can to help him out potentially but like is Mike shilt the kind of person that is like whoa work is done feed her up is he does he shut the mother down for a few days and just not think about baseball which by the way I think is massively healthy now in in the football world the football world Mike shilt would have been at Petco Park now I slept on the couch I was working on some new stuff it's so funny because we both praise those workaholics who are always striving to help you know get their team better at every moment but we all acknowledge it's not no one is at their best if they're working all the time do we take no time for themselves there's no way do we but that's the healthiest best strategy for you or your team do we correct do we praise baseball guys that do that I praise guys in baseball that work hard certainly but I I think the Tommy fans of the world sometimes I mean look every player after 567 like Jackson Merrill's routine in three years is going to be different than it was this year right it just is you nobody does the same thing every day baseball is different it's not football it's not it's not basketball even I mean I don't think it's that different I think football and basketball are the same that they all need time away from the game mentally to recharge and it's funny because you know with Blake Snell and you know the people who would criticize him for playing video games and streaming you know during the season and just think about that are you that oblivious to the fact that every human being on earth needs to whatever they do to recharge their batteries relax and refresh to be at their best for what they do professionally and I'll admit it fully that I you know even maybe five years ago but did not really have the I didn't have the ability and as you know as I've like four vacations book this year I have found the ability to recharge and and reset because it was going to it was going to kill me that pace back then of like 24 hours a day grinding on this four hour show was going to kill me was going to put me in the grave and I I go I gotta step back so I do wonder with shit like did he go where did he go what did he do what does he do for fun you know and and is he the type of person that's able to actually sit back and relax all right I'll get some colors on the line here you just sit tight and you can help out because it's time for a throwback Thursday edition of real or fake some are here for the compelling sports talk with Ben and Woods you can go plow through another donut it's time for real or fake on 97 3 the fan tell the people what they'll win today what people are we going to go with let's go with line five Russell you there yes I am all right are our contestant today for real or fake congratulations if you can I get four of seven correct you will be qualified for a grand prize drawing it is a two night stay at the Rio Las Vegas dinner for two day bed at the real pool the Rio is back new ownership newly remodeled rooms for sparkling new pools and a brand new food hole book now at real Las Vegas dot com and just to mix it up today real or fake brought to you by the craft taco in Soreno Valley craft taco is some of the best quality tacos in all of San Diego go to the craft taco dot com take a look at their happy hour specials today the craft taco dot com all right woods is here to help you I think he should be pretty good at this one today on real or fake Russell we'll see if you know the difference between a pot raise draft pick and a Charles Dickens literary character I will give you a name because I love Dickens well you are in English I was and you are a pot raise fan yes I'll give you a name you tell me if they are a real twenty twenty four pot raise draft pick from this week or a fake a character from a Charles Dickens story like Russell because the names are kind of weird on both Russell you ready to play I yeah let's give it a shot number one real or fake Joe Gargery real pot raise draft pick or fake Dickens character Joe Gargery I'll say fake fake what that is correct from great expectation so that's one for Russell all right Uncle Joe let's I don't know I don't know my Dickens I that was your that's your area of expertise all right round number two Russell let's try this one John jarn dice pot raise draft make real or Dickens character fake I'm gonna say real real that is the leak house I'm not read out all right one one all right one for one all right let's go to round number three here we go Brandon Butterworth real or fake pot raise draft pick or Dickens character Russell I think Dickens character Brandon Butterworth the 12 round pick shortstop out of North Carolina state mr. Butterworth that's all right all right let's get around number four let's try Tanner Smith make his mom mrs. Butterworth mrs. Butterworth he just glossed over that I just got it mr. Butterworth thank you Paul you're welcome I'm focusing on hosting here all right round four Russell Tanner Smith Tanner Smith oh god Tanner Smith I'm gonna say I think there's really a picture from harbors took in the 15th round all right you can ask me are we very well versed in these is that is that just one out of four that means you got to get the last three right all of a sudden we got round number five Cobb high tower real or fake Padres draft big Russell okay okay if someone helping me with yeah real this is kind of trying to help you over there what does he think it's real let's say real day it is real Cobb high tower was the third round pick shortstop of East Rowan high school in North Carolina all right still alive got two more all right here we go round number six Seth peck sniff real or fake let's go to help again what do you think fake fake I think they feel peck sniff is amazing it's a character from Martin Schussell who is peck sniff oh that dickens oh bad dickens all right for the go for all the marbles round seven is usually weird to real or fake we got you dude job trotter real or fake Padres draft pick Joe but trotter little help what do you think I think he says fake Russell what do you say fake to them and maybe he would be right the pickwick papers come from behind when for Russell real or fake congratulations Russell standalone Apollo get your information during the break we'll put you into the drawing for the the trip to Rio here at the end of the month did you know that one or you just I know the draft picks you just know the draft picks even the the third day ones we didn't even talk about it we didn't talk about yesterday but I got a fix yesterday I had an email that lined them all out and I perused it last night knowing that we had some some things to talk I would draft job trotter I would draft peck sniff. Seth peck sniff myself yeah job trotter is a hard ass name a little job trotter yeah Brandon Butterworth yeah mr. Butterworth 12th rounder I know I hope he makes it to the big leagues more than you know that Mary Lou's will be interviewing mrs. Butterworth mrs. when he makes his day. I want a great gig not if we can get to her first I promise track her down and get her number mrs. Butterworth mrs. Butterworth hi Steven what's up actually what was the guy in the story of the other day micky pancakes or mike pancakes or whatever maddy pancakes oh great it's greatness gotta get this guy together with mrs. Butterworth that was great fantastic all right we'll take a time out when we come back let's well we'll continue a little summer break but it is also final major of the year is underway and I'm trying to keep tabs on the open championship I'll tell you why it's a it's a bit of a struggle for me right now coming up with Ben Woods on San Diego's number one sports station 97 through the fan tough conditions it's a royal trune in the first round of the open championship and the scores are reflective of that they are about midway through round one of the open and the leader is Justin Thomas at just three under par and he's the only guy at three under par there's he finished he is done okay yeah all the best scores have finished it seems to only be getting tougher and tougher as the day goes on Alex nor and Nikolai Huygaard Justin Rose Russell Henley all in the clubhouse at two under Adam Scott part of a group at one under also at that group in one under just on the course for three holes Tiger Woods tied for sixth right now really at one under part I've got a long way to go long way to go but that's encouraging it has been a while since we've seen Tiger Woods on a leaderboard a major or anywhere else but he's currently in the top 10 after an early birdie but he's heading out apparently the front nine's playing really tough and then the back nine's playing even tougher today at Royal Trune I'd love to keep you updated and we put it up on the TV it's on a USA Network but unfortunately I don't know when they installed we have a dish up on the roof and wherever they put it it's like it's not good it doesn't get all the signals so you hit a channel sometimes we we're getting what we have right now just as direct TV signal loss other times it's kind of pixelated like you're watching the spice channel in 1992 but you didn't subscribe to it now what is the it's not really the spice channel I'm unfamiliar I've never heard of that yeah cooking like a cooking exactly why was it scrambled why wouldn't you subscribe to that your mom likes to cook the spice spice that would be a good cooking channel they would be a spice channel you're like who yeah if you thought it was cooking and signed up for it you were in for a big surprise well rude awakening or a very nice awakening did you guys ever put magnets on top of your television to try to no you didn't work well no but I mean I heard that my I heard that urban legend and so my parents would go to bed I'd run to the fridge grab all the mag it probably needed to be like a a real magnet not a you know not a thing of Ohio it's a shape of Ohio in a magnet you refrigerate your magnet and you stick a bunch of them on the TV to see if it would work all right good night folks how could that possibly work like it pulls the pixels together it wasn't it wasn't it doesn't make any sense at all but I certainly certainly tried it certainly tried it so um possibly with the internet so yeah it's so lucky poly so lucky so we're gonna check traffic possibly some changes coming to the Padres roster to start the second half of the season nothing official yeah but we will let you know what is being talked about at the moment to start the second half of the Padres coming up next year on 97 3 the fan all right gonna have to employ some of my high school Spanish if I can remember here but did see a tweet yesterday from Fernando by a stereo now you know you can just to hit translate tweet if you wanted to but I'd like to hear you try so let's see this uh it says hashtag altima ora which is what right like breaking news I think alerta lt1s say that someone from Tijuana tierso ornelas acedo a cindero a la kippo grande delos padres y sera el nattivo mejicano 149 el estoria de grandes legas so my high school Spanish tells me that tierso ornelas is being promoted ascending to the big club the San Diego Padres and kippo grande and it will be the 149th native mexican player in the history of major league baseball and it's it's if I hit I hit translate tweet it says tijuana native tierso ornelas has been promoted to the Padres big team and will be the 149th mexican native in major league history he's uh now no official move has been announced by your San Diego Padres correct which is not surprising as teams do not usually make moves until you have to and that would mean like three hours before the game tomorrow I'd expect to see a release and a tweet from the Padres if they actually do make a move like that but ornelas has been playing well I don't believe is he on the 40 I don't think he's on the 40 man so they'll have to make some corresponding I thought he was added yesterday was he added also okay so I didn't see any moves yesterday officially but uh I would expect tomorrow we'll see that official move and uh mike shilt will have another option and in the uh in the outfield uh when he uh comes back for the second half of the season yeah I you know at Bryce Johnson might be at his expense yeah I'll see you around maybe that's possible potentially the what we guys remember most about Bryce Johnson era uh honestly it will be that time he came up with the bases loaded and the camera panned him in the on deck circle that looked like he was hyper ventilated his hand was between his legs he was giving some hypnosis yes I mean rarely do you see a big league or act like oh this moment is too big for me and I I'll never forget it as the camera and he was like just please put the bat on the ball and he didn't and we lost that game and oh well not his fault man he really didn't have you know much business being there it's again not his fault now he he can say it he was big leader great absolutely and maybe we'll be again he was before uh you know he's got speed he's got some things you can't teach he's a good defender you know things like that you know what on a contending type team and like a real like a uh a fillies fifth out field they're fine and hopefully no one's hurt that we don't know about and that won't be the course one they move I I I I I don't know I mean I saw the rumor mill going around yesterday on Twitter I don't even want to give it any oxygen to be honest with you but it did involve somebody that could start the second half on the IL which is not not what we would need at all they've already put wandy on there and he'll probably still be there for a few more days even after the the second half starts okay yeah so there's a couple of different different things that they could do um you do you know you wonder if um uh Sean Reynolds you know breaks out of out of there's a lot that's going to happen in the next 24 hours or so now I have also not seen any official announcement on a pitching rotation matchups for the next three games is it because yes we did it yes pon has it yeah yeah they don't have it for most games but for the Padres Guardian series we do have some pitching provables that have been listed um Matt Waldron against Tanner Bibbe in game one tomorrow which is a four ten start three ten eco water so cal pre-game show with a four mentioned Sammy Levitt here a ninety seven three the fan that is also an apple t.v. plus game which means uh don and mud get an extra day on their all-star break before they have to return to work on Saturday so that is the probable matchup for tomorrow then Dylan Sees will pitch on Saturday against Gavin Williams and then Michael King against Ben Lively in game three of the series on Sunday both Bibbe and Lively have had pretty good season so far Williams is um it has not had as much uh opportunities to start I think he's only made three starts so far so um I think it's telling though if that is the first three for the Padres you can see the strategy they're not as worried about innings for uh Waldron and Sees King they pushed back you know he didn't start what five days before the end of the break so have a good 11 days or so between starts to try to you know stretch out as many innings as you can out of Michael King as he's already exceeded his uh his career best in innings pitch so they'll push him back to Sunday and then uh they'll probably have Randy Vasquez would be available for Tuesday which is the first game of the Washington Nationals series and then you figure out what you do after that whether you go back to Waldron or you need to find a new fifth starter um you know after Adam Major was sent down and maybe by then a trade is made or or you know as we get closer to the trade deadline yeah I and do we have any update on Joe Musgrove I saw somebody put in the chat that he he went kind of full yesterday through off the mound kind of he's probably waking up right now with an update and just telling the trainers how he feels today yeah cool hopefully that went well and uh you know he won't be eligible to come back until I believe start of August sometimes because he's on the 60s yeah and then nothing on you Darvish other than you know they keep sending their their love and support okay as you remains away from the team on the restricted list uh hopefully though at least the time off is you know allowing him to get fully healthy for when he may hopefully come back for the Padres sometime later this season so that's your uh kind of pitching preview for the series coming up against Cleveland Guardians who are one of the been one of the best teams in baseball really good story we can talk about it a little bit more tomorrow but their first year manager Stephen Vogt has taken over and I think expectations were not through the roof for the Cleveland Guardians this year not not really at all like they they I'd like to go back and look to see where I had them at the beginning I'm probably easy for poly to find I think he put it on our Instagram I don't think I had them doing very much from from if memory serves you know it was like oh that they they always have good starting pitching uh they have a great back end of their bullpen with Emmanuel Classe they have Jose Ramirez he's great and Stephen Kwan is a really great hitter but he's a singles guy you know they need more they they've been outstanding by a half game they actually have the best record in the American League they've been an outstanding 30 and had them finishing fourth yeah fourth in the central woods have them finishing third and I've got them finishing second I mean definitely the closest 58 and 37 which is 58 and 37 which is a half being better than the 58 and 38 Orioles and a game and a half better than the 58 and 40 New York Yankees so uh really outstanding first half of the season for the Cleveland Guardians it's it's staggering that's staggering and you saw some guardians if you're watching the all-star game yeah and you go on that guy's an all-star that guy's having a really good season like wow Josh Naylor his brother yeah there's uh there's there's some good players there man and and I think you know vote with longtime player who knows I mean brings these guys together Classe in the bullpen obviously Stephen Kwan has been great amazing for them he's kind of the American League version of Louisa rise I just said all of the same thing he's been healthy all season so do you remember when I said that yeah really good all right so that's the Cleveland Guardians and that's the first team out of the blocks and then he got the Orioles on the same trip which uh so the two best teams in the American right now are six of the next nine games and sandwiched in between as the nationals who have not been playing as well and are probably in cell mode at this point but you know this is a this was the rivalry you know this is the this is I'm sure they will be up to face the San Diego Padres after what happened at Peko Park when they visited a few weeks ago you know and I think what it comes down to and I'm sure we'll talk about the uh this on the round table today somebody had a great tweet I would give you credit I can't remember off the top of my head but it said listen Padres fans don't forget this team has essentially played 500 baseball since 2021 all right so while we all want to expect more there's this there's this hump that needs to be gotten over because when you look at it in that perspective Benny 500 in the second half is not going to get it done it's just not so you're gonna have to figure out a way to play I don't I'm not saying you have to play 20 over 500 but I know you can't play you can't play 50 and 49 you know one game over 500 but you got to be a solid baby eight games above 500 in the second half to make sure you get to the playoffs that would get you to you know 87 wins or so yep if you did that that's I guess you have an odd number of games left so seven games above 500 or nine games above 500 but somewhere around there is what it's going to take to get to the postseason and we saw the Padres play that level they have you know they got to six games above 500 they played that level for a while can they do it and sustain it in the second half of the season and obvious it's so obvious to say but when we played the heartbeat yesterday you can't have that five sucks in a row you just can't two is okay they've done it what four times this year I'm at 20 else in you know five at a time in those big chunks and outside of those four stretches of five games apiece which I'm not saying you can get rid of them but outside of that yeah five is our fifth suck suck fifth suck in 29 outside of those stretches had you just been able to mitigate damage in all four of those chunks just mitigated a little bit you know it's a totally it's a totally different feeling we've talked about them digging themselves into holes all season long I don't know do I expect it to change I don't I don't I'm hoping that it does but I don't there's no magic wand to wave unless it's hey we just added three new pieces to our rotation and a back end of the bullpen guy and another bat I just don't know I don't know enough about the health of Fernando Tatis Jr. when we can expect him back he's a huge part of this lineup a huge part of the energy of this team I don't know when we can expect Joe Musgrove and you Darvish back am I am I insane they were talking to them at the at the all-star game Ben as if talking to the Padres players as if getting into the playoffs with some foregone conclusion it's absolutely not you cannot depend on the Diamondbacks the Giants we know that as Padres well we know it right we can't you can't depend on any of those teams that are around you backsliding at all in fact they're all kind of getting stronger so whoo is everybody mentally prepared for what's to come in the next couple of months couple other baseball notes uh John Heyman report that the Phillies are eyeing Tommy fam in the Phillies yeah the Phillies hey they have the best record in baseball god it seems like a Philly doesn't he that's a time to go all in um you know they saw how well he performed in the playoffs obviously last season for the Diamondbacks he'd be like a fourth outfield for them probably would be a depth piece for them for the most part it's Castellanos it's uh Marsh it's um that young kid in center I think I don't know what their entire outfield is but yeah I mean I think that's a great fit I think it's a great fit I mean there's no guarantee that he'll play like he did in the playoffs last year but he certainly is fresh off a really good marsh season experience Rojas that's right Johan Rojas yeah I mean that's an upgrade Tommy fam is an upgrade over over Rojas certainly but um yeah Pashay still there as well he's he's an upgrade over Pashay as well so um yeah that'd be a that'd be a really really good fit and then all-star ratings are in and you can frame this either way it was the uh the second lowest rate at all-star game of all time but it was also up from last year which was the lowest rated so oh good trending in the right direction but still near and all-time low for interest in the all-star game I love it I love it every year hope it never goes away give Paul Skeen's a little credit for the bump gives Liddy Don a little credit for the bomb yeah let's be honest brought some new new viewers into the uh into the fold all right uh we will come back uh hour number three we're gonna reset Paul and Woods we're in some hysterics yesterday tell you why coming out with Ben Woods and 97-3 the fan stay here stay here all right my friends we are halfway home on a Thursday Ben and Woods 97-3 the fan great to be here with you this morning we had a hypnotist in for the first hour of the program and I mean it's it is wild it was absolutely wild or did we so I was told at least uh i'm woodsie that's Paul Rindel the executive producer Benjamin Higgins your friendly neighborhood sports morning we've got it it's already Thursday now it's Thursday it's almost over today is uh also it's it's national caviar day so I just wanted to say congrats you just call it Thursday Thursday can't see Ben yeah it's just Thursday little osetra formula today do you like caviar I don't dislike caviar you know not your way really willing to fork out the box necessary is it is it the box is it the box for it or is it like I'm trying like what would be your greatest guilty like that guilty pleasure of like look I'll pay for this indulgence indulgence that's the word it like I don't care the cost I'll pay for this hmm I would say that um I am always tempted to upgrade to the wagyu okay when it comes to the state yeah the really like the australian or japanese wagyu beef it's specially expensive like a five or whatever it's dollars like a bite yeah like yeah yeah pretty much but that yeah like the a five wagyu oh my it's that is really really good it's staggeringly good I mean it's staggering yeah good it makes you melt in your mouth you don't even need to chew it yeah just like put it in like just beef kind of just melts in exactly right it's like liquid beef yeah I think um so the funny thing about you is like you love golf you're a good golfer you know you know the difference in good balls and bad but if you didn't get all the free golf balls that we get I feel like you even then you'd be like I'm gonna get this big bag of of X out like you would play with X outs I feel like I don't know I don't splurge for do you and no I have to I kind of have to play with the the chrome tour level okay all right because I can feel I can feel the difference you can yeah absolutely can I add some some levels it doesn't really matter just get the get the Kirkland whatever right is good for you but at some point when you're trying to control your spin yeah and it becomes an actual factor that there's a difference like I'll hit up an old like range type ball and I can't control it when you're trying to chip it onto the green to make it stop so you do need a a better ball for that easy does it in the chat says two things you don't go cheap on stake and toilet paper I don't we also do the full Sherman I could not agree more my wife there was a moment there a couple of years ago where I went into the bathroom and I was like why do we have motel six toilet paper well this is more friendly to the environment I go I like the environment too but this stuff was 899 this was 699 I just paid I can't I've told you guys have I think you've probably both seen it with your own eyes every time we go anywhere and we have an Airbnb I low we low does get coffee and juice or waters brain brain toilet because I bring a roll in my bag yeah I bring a roll every time Airbnb toilet paper is 99 percent of the time now we know you're a bidet guy anyway so yeah I can't carry my bidet with me if I could a mobile bidet is maybe the invention of the future and you get it to fit in something like the size of his cell phone it just cleans you cleans you up once you go bidet you literally will never go back you will never it's so hard to go number two at another place without it you know so he said beef and beef toilet paper toilet paper cuts I got another one anything related to betting yeah you spend a third of your life sleeping yeah two thirds oh I meant betting like you know gambling gambling betting betting don't get the cheapest sheets you can find spread a little bit of money all these big unthreaded counts like I said you spend 33 percent of your life sleeping some of us some of us more some of us less some of us less he sleeps on top so his he actually doesn't need the betting is not quite as important but the bed is very the bed is very I still have my mattress makers which is adjustable I mean everything it's been great for me the comforter whatever the pillows and of course the bed spend the extra money you will not regret it yeah I used to be that guy I'd go to target or whatever and just be like I just need the cheapest sheet yeah you're like no oh you feel him you feel it you feel like you're like construction paper terrible you put yeah like you can hear it it's you pull your sheets of it I can give you a paper cut like this wrestling around your bed what in the world I love summer break I could be us about stuff like this all day so yesterday though not to change the subject I'm sure Ben is not super happy about this but after the show yesterday we went into the prod studio and sometimes like we're all Polly and I a little add whatever Ben has a different like where he just locks in on one thing he can't look at anything else so Ben was actually on his phone and Polly just for some random reason was digging around in the archives and just started playing these clips and it was one after the other we said we said one out loud and it was more of a recent Ben drop all girls all the time right and we started laughing and you're like well what else did we have this week I was like ah what else did we have and we started going through the folder of Ben drops that I have and that we just have not not played a bunch of and I had found it's fine I just have to remind everybody that these are all taken out of contact allegedly maybe from news stories right maybe from reading you know ganja aka cannabis what was that ganja aka cannabis when Polly played that yesterday I almost fell down and I said it said the thing that popped into my mind is Ben walks into his first bachelor party ever he's like the gift of Steve bashimi with the escape fellow kids hello kids how are you but when he's he walks into his very first bachelor party and like Ben what did you bring I got the whiskey I got the I got this and then Ben ganja aka cannabis what is that from that was actually a take on what's question was it really okay ganja aka cannabis was one of our favorites so parley the parley Paulie starts playing all of these talk to a I mean we know where that was from hoochie coo what in the world I think that's uh there's a saw rock and roll hoochie coo yep ask gasket ask gasket that's um that was what someone called the protective oh they're in for the uh toilet when you do and you put the little piece of paper what is it ask gasket I would just play with it constantly your son that could be anything butt cheeks he's laying me out every single time even better poops if you've been having trouble with those it's the farmer's dog sure of course this I have frozen my penis I you've no I have frozen my penis for real those were not altered by the way for real by the way for real for real for real don't know what that was in reference to actually stink fist stink fist don't know again like these this isn't a I didn't have no I learned Ben's boys are in the case dude these balls bouncing off my chest and off my arms my legs all over the place that was when we did the seals and I was in goal okay that makes more sense that makes more sense he got a nice thick one as well going out for a steak possibly a nice thick one athletic poop pubalgia no idea i don't know what even is that i don't know sounds like a medical concern so is it called it is called athletic poop pubalgia okay here it is it's pube pubalgia pubalgia i think you i think it's stuttered a little say it played one more time pulling athletic pube pubalgia pube yeah there's no extra pee in pubalgia pube pubalgia it's ternia spore ternia that's the official name somebody had a sports video i think yeah all right i remember talking about how real athletes do they get the spore ternia yeah athletic pubalgia yeah make it rain i know what that's from do you remember that remember it vividly oh god these are the time we were trying to end the drought in california i almost just got me out of mouth full of water it's totally crap i mean we had more where it's just i'm like do you even know how we do the noises do you remember the noises oh yeah yeah poly i mean we went we spent 30 minutes in here going over this do you have any explanation for yourself sir at all any explanation for that not really yeah what any no recollection i don't think so that actually sounds way off mike so did we get hidden audio of you somewhere that was like ben we made ben exercise or something yeah i think that was come back here's our breath and he just and the stroke stroke stroke we're talking about rowing of course that's the coxin that's his job is to announce he can't stop he can't stop pronounce the strokes competitive the coxics that's your tailbone he says oh he's just sitting in a sitting in a file cracker just sitting in a file rotting what can we possibly do with these to put them to good use the effort that you've gone to just to collect all of these though over the years i feel like we could feed nations within the energy from these i really do i've got about 500 500 just saved in one folder and some of them like i'm a huge became i don't even know what we were where we got that from we can't use it oh god all right look if we were if this was 1993 and they they used to do this radio station remember when radio stations ben used to send out cds to their their audience like best of cds we would put out a ben drop cd and it would sell like at least 500 copies at least it would be four hours of your coxics and stroke and your noises yeah we need to make a song out of them something something it is just incredible give it to daddy give it to daddy i like that one always like that one ah ben noises instead of ben likes yeah i'm down ben and jayna all right said and it's a heart it's like a heart serious heart conditions right you are you're a gym i'm just i'm just you're just you i'm just here that's the best part these when you hear these do they bother you i touch myself a little bit yeah they do i mean why don't i want to hurt your feelings no no i don't i said so they're not denying that i said all of them but there's a valid explanation for every single one of them i promise you yeah dealing with x here on the website you're dealing a little x here on the website dealing with x i mean that's criminal actually you're not allowed to do that ganja aka cannabis it's like the whole pharmacy here tournament of drops next year is going to be stacked turn of the ben noises that we have to go 64 i really think we have to we have a separate tournament entirely yeah just for me it's a 64 when we could go 69 so matter of faculty oh you're such a gem dude such a gem as much as like no BS i can do this for another 45 minutes but i don't think people would like let's let's take a quick time out i i do have a question for you a sports related topic and a parenting topic as well that i want to bring up we'll get to that coming up next back after traffic with more benewood summer break continuing here on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fam so i hadn't really heard of this name until uh the story came out yesterday in woods i wanted to get your take on what kaven sullivan did in the mls yesterday for the philadelphia union when he took the field yesterday in their match against the new england revolution he said a new not just mls record but new highest level of professional soccer record or really any other sport nba nfl major league baseball by becoming the youngest professional top level athlete in american history 14 years 293 days old breaking the record sent by soccer player freddie adieu who was also just below 15 years old when he did it i was put into the game in the second half he's already signed a contract uh you know homegrown contract in major league soccer uh it's a big deal and it also stipulates then when he turns 18 he will transfer to english premier league power manchester city so his his next his path path for i mean probably the next decade or so he's already set in stone essentially and contractual ink of what is going to happen and and my question to you is i guess he he did find he came in didn't have a a ton of chances at the ball had a nice run late in the game ended with a shot on goal from outside the penalty area his older brothers already on the team but i guess as a parent and and maybe my my thinking has evolved on this and then neither of my boys you know gonna be a professional athlete and i suppose to the premier league any time soon and and as our 99.9 percent of parents out there your kids are not ever going to be professional athletes so it just 14 seems awfully young to put the kind of pressure that we put on pro athletes especially in this country on and you know any soccer i mean they're crazy about soccer in europe manchester city fans to put that kind of professional level pressure on a 14-year-old to me is is concerning actually what do you feel about it even if he seems like he's pretty mature and has handled it really well i think his brother being on the team is clutch is about his clutch i don't know that you could do something like that without it we have our own you know ethan salis here in in with the san diego potteries and you know i think there's measures in place to make sure um to make sure that ethan is taken care of and covered and and that's smart that's what you have to do the 14 yeah man does it seem young absolutely i think about my own kids that would be like bow going off to play professional sports in seven and a half years or six and a half years it's hard for me to wrap my head around certainly if he wants it though is i think the thing can you know that that's what you want even a 14 oh bro i don't think there's any question at all they manifest destiny for some of these kids that know the minute they pick up a bat a football a basketball those guys those the freddy i do is older than me so i don't do is not i he's not a cautionary tell but he would never he never became the superstar that they thought he would be when he debuted at age you know 14 which by the way there's how many people in every sport never became the superstar they were supposed to be even when they debuted at 22 or 23 or 24 and plenty of experience and life's wisdom and you know tail is oldest i mean a hundred percent i mean it happens the Lebron's are one in a building right i mean it's interesting maybe a bigger little tiger it's interesting Jordan went to college it's interesting you bring this up today i i don't respond on instagram very much to strangers and there's a podcast it's called the nine whole podcast it's a baseball podcast and they they had something to the effect of parents are putting way too much pressure on their kids you're seeing 12 year old kids playing baseball now and they're so worried about the results now and and i i i paused for a second and i wrote this i said they said you find these kids stressing about the outcome instead of just playing ball and having fun like we used to of course travel ball is serious but hang on i wrote i'm 49 years old and stressed about outcomes in every single game i ever played ever it's the nature of that game in particular i didn't stress playing baseball on the sand lot with my buddies but when the game started from little league on there was never a time that outcomes weren't stressed over ever it when you put a uniform on and you go out and there's umpires and your folks are in the stands or if they're not in the stands and you go up to the to the plate and you didn't get a hit i don't remember like it's fine i'm 12 i'm having fun with my friends no i was livid and that's in 1987 there's nothing wrong with caring about an outcome i know it i think at some point we've gotten to the point hey winning and losing doesn't matter winning losing is what makes it fun for a lot of us a hundred percent i wouldn't want to play golf if it was just hey go out and make some good swings we're not going to keep score no i need to keep score that's what makes it fun and yeah it's frustrating sometimes and it bothers me but as an adult i also know all right i played terrible yesterday but i'll get over it you know i'll get another chance can you do that as a 14 year old if he went in and he did it but let's say he gave up the winning goal or scored an own goal accidentally to lose the match for his team and started getting booed from fans in the stands which is a real risk when you're a professional athlete are you emotionally able to handle that at age 14 are you emotionally able to handle it at age 28 are you emotionally able to handle it at 49 when i get some guy chirping me on twitter that has a do-do emoji as a profile picture and his name is something with a bunch of numbers i'm 49 years old tomorrow am i emotionally strong enough to handle it not always not always so every person is different and i think this kid i think benny if he if this is what he wants to be doing i think it's it's brilliant and great and awesome and like if you have the ability and somebody thinks that you have that ability this is not a this is not a publicity stunt you know this isn't like we need we need asses in the seats let's get a 14 year old out here i don't see that i guess the way i look at it though is if he's truly this good then i can't miss prospect he'll also be this good when he's 16 or 17 or 18 but they got him they got him yes well for the team great they locked him in and man should say they locked it in but if he's not this good and he finds it out in a couple of years haven't you done more damage like what is the what's the harm of the rush in a couple years what's the rush i don't know maybe he's that good you know maybe he's that good and i think did everybody kind of agree at least we don't know anything about the development of players and and you know we we like to speculate that we do and but did certain people that maybe are more than the know that us did they think ethan sallis was rushed a little bit less you know isn't there a method though to that madness is in age 16 it's i it is very young i i've always hesitated every time they have the international signing period and they talk about these guys who just turned 16 and you know leaving their countries and maybe coming to arizona to play ball some of them go to the dominican but they're not all from the dominican they you know guys who signed in venezuela go to the dominican and to then play ball away from their families and it feels feels very young to me to do that uh you know that's the way it works but still they're in the minor leagues we're ultimately it's still there developing and hopefully the organizations they sign with are treating this as nurturing and fostering a good environment for them well once you get to the big big level you know and i'm including mls in this even though people are saying obviously it's not the same as the premier league or league or anything like that but it is the top level we've got in this country it's no longer about developing i mean you want to keep developing players it's about the results now and really only about the results once you get to the top level ethan sallis it's not about the results even if you go even at double a triple a it's still about developing no one cares ultimately if you win a minor league championship right you they care that maybe you show the ability to win and what it takes but for me but ultimately no one cares but at the top level they do and that's something that handle at the young age of fourteen sixteen whatever yeah i mean think about think about actors you know child actors the the the is some of it's gone awry certainly we know the the pitfalls of of that but i the the processes that are in place now are better than they were 30 years ago better than they were 60 years ago you know there's an evolution and hopefully this team um is is doing everything they can't foster you know because he's still kid i mean they have to you have to nurture him through that and um but if he wants it and he has the ability i'm all for it man i really am i think it's i think it's a cool story and and i i don't i'm hoping for the best form yeah of course and i i don't know i don't know anything about his parents but like i just think about my own kids and if if somebody was ready to make the jump you know to to something special you know you warn them you you're there for them and you let them know it's okay to fail i mean it's absolutely okay to fail um you're going to if you're if you're an athlete at any level but you're right about the pros it's about results really at that point but there was a reason they brought him up and it's probably because he's uh he's good and i think in in their minds you're like he's 14 and he's this developed he's only going to get better it doesn't always work that way it doesn't always work that way but um i think it's pretty i think it's a pretty cool story uh but definitely wanted to keep your eye on all right let's take a quick time out when we come back we rarely do this but i'm going to open the phones like completely 833 288 097 3 get the whole do you only open them partially sometimes well sometimes i direct you toward a specific topic like hey we're playing take on what's calling three lines are open this is all this is this is what kind of programs does this school have how are the test scores how many kids do a classroom those these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent that's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools including photos parent reviews test scores student teacher ratio school rankings and more the information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team it's also you can make the right decision for your family we've done your homework hey fantasy football fans do you want to be the owner who was doing a cram session the night before the draft i didn't think so you need to start your prep now this is for us from upper hand fantasy zak and i are here to get you ready for your fantasy football drafts with insights and advice from sleepers to bust we've got you covered and give it the upper hand on your friends today is the day to start getting ready for the draft so join us and stay ahead of the competition follow and listen to upper hand fantasy on the free odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Today's episode is sponsored by nerd wallet smart money podcast get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds nerd wallets experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact-based insights no financial misinformation allowed learn how to save on your summer vacation find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and best in your next index fund make smarter decisions in 2024 follow nerd wallet smart money podcast on your favorite podcast app tough conditions it's a royal trune in the first round of the open championship and the scores are reflective of that they are about midway through around one of the open and the leader is justin thomas at just three under par and he's the only guy at three under par uh there's he finished he is done okay yeah all the best scores have finished it seems to only be getting tougher and tougher as the day goes on alex norin nickel i hoy guard justin rose russell henley all in the clubhouse at two under uh adam scott part of a group at one under also at that group in one under just on the course your three holes tiger woods tied for sixth right now really at one under par and i've got a long way to go long way to go but that's encouraging it has been a while since we've seen tiger woods on a leader board a and a major or anywhere else but he's currently in the top ten after an early birdie uh but he's heading out apparently the front nine's playing really tough and then the back nine's playing even tougher uh today at royal trune i'd love to keep you updated and we put it up on the tv it's on a usa network but unfortunately i don't know when they installed we have a dish up on the roof and wherever they put it it's like it's not good it doesn't get all the signals so you hit a channel sometimes we we're getting what we have right now just as direct tv signal loss other times it's kind of pixelated like you're watching the spice channel in nineteen ninety two but you didn't subscribe to it now what is the uh it's not really that spice channel i'm unfamiliar i've never heard of that yeah cooking like a cooking channel like why was it scrambled why wouldn't you subscribe to that your mom likes to cook the spice spice that would be a good cooking channel maybe it would be a spice channel you're like who yeah if you thought it was cooking and signed up for it you were in for a big surprise well rude awakening or a very nice awakening did you guys ever put magnets on top of your television to try to no no you didn't work well no but i mean i heard that urban my i heard that urban legend and so my parents would go to bed i'd run to the fridge grab all the mag it probably needed to be like a a real magnet not a you know not a thing of ohio it's a shape of ohio and a magnet you should visit a magnet and you stick a bunch of them on the tv to see if it would work all right good night folks how could that possibly work like it pulls the pixels it backs together it was supposed to be it was an it doesn't make any sense at all but i certainly certainly tried it certainly tried it so um possibly i grew up with the internet so yeah it's gonna be so lucky poly so lucky so we're gonna check traffic possibly some changes coming to the pot raise roster to start the second half of the season nothing official yeah but we will let you know what is being talked about at the moment to start the second half of the pot raise coming up next year on 97 3 the fan all right gonna have to employ some of my high school spanish if i can remember here but did see a tweet yesterday from Fernando biesteros now you know you can just to hit translate tweet if you wanted to but i'd like to hear you try so let's see this uh it says the hashtag altima ora which is what right like breaking news i think alerta el tiwanese that's someone from tijuana tierso ornelas acedo acedido alequipo grande delo spadres y sera el nativo mejicano uh 149 ela historia de grandes legas so my high school spanish tells me that tierso ornelas is being promoted ascending to the big club the san diego pot raise i keep well grande and it will be the 149th native mexican player in the history of major league baseball and it's it's if i hit i hit translate tweet it says tijuana native tierso ornelas has been promoted to the pot raise big team and will be the 149th mexican native in major league history he's uh now no official move has been announced by your san diego pottery correct which is not surprising as teams do not usually make moves until you have to and that would mean like three hours before the game tomorrow i'd expect to see a release and a tweet from the pot raise if they actually do make a move like that but ornelas has been playing well i don't believe is he on the 40 i don't think he's on the 40 man so they'll have to make some course bonding i thought he was added yes was he added also okay so i didn't see any moves yesterday officially but uh i would expect tomorrow we'll see that official move and uh mike silt will have another option in the uh in the outfield uh when he uh comes back for the second half of the season yeah i i you know at brice johnson well might be at his expense yeah i'll be around maybe that's possible potentially the the movie you guys remember most about the price johnson era uh honestly it will be that time he came up with the base is loaded and it the camera panned him in the on deck circle that looked like he was hyper ventilated he has had between his legs he was giving some hypnosis it was yes i mean rarely do you see a big leaguer act like oh this moment is too big for me and i i'll never forget it as the camera and he was like just please put the bat on the ball and he didn't and we lost that game and oh well not his fault man he really didn't have you know much business being there it's again not his fault now he he can say it he was a big leaguer great absolutely and maybe we'll be again he was before uh you know he's got speed he's got some things you can't teach he's a good defender you know things like that i think you know what on a contending type team and like a real like a uh a fillies fifth out field or fine and hopefully no one's hurt that we don't know about and that won't be the corresponding move i i i i don't know i mean i saw the rumor mill going around yesterday on twitter i don't even want to give it any oxygen to be honest with you but it did involve somebody that could start the second half on the i l which is not not what we would need at all they've already put wandy on there and he'll probably still be there for a few more days even after the uh the second half starts okay yeah so there's a couple of different different things that they could do um you do you know you wonder if um uh Sean Reynolds you know breaks out of out of there's a lot that's gonna happen in the next 24 hours or so now i have also not seen any official announcement on a pitching rotation matchups for the next three games is it because yes we did it yes p on has it yeah yeah they don't have it for most games but for the padre's guardian series we do have some pitching provables that have been listed um Matt Waldron against Tanner bibby in game one tomorrow which is a four ten start three ten eco water so cal pre-game show with a four mentioned sammy leavitt here on 97 three the fan that is also an apple tv plus game which means uh don and mud get an extra day on their all-star break before they have to return to work on saturday so uh that is the probable matchup for tomorrow then dylan seese will pitch on saturday against gavin williams and then michael king against ben lively in game three of the series on sunday both bibby and lively have had pretty good season so far williams is um it has not had as much uh opportunities to start i think he's only made three starts so far so um i think it's telling though if that is the first three for the padre's you can see the strategy they're not as worried about innings for uh walter and seese king they pushed back you know he didn't start what five days before the end of the break so have a good the eleven days or so between starts to try to you know stretch out as many innings as you can out of michael king as he's already exceeded his uh his career best in innings pitch so they'll push him back to sunday and then uh they'll probably have randy vasquez would be available for tuesday which is the first game of the washington national series and then you figure out what you do after that whether you go back to walter and or you need to find a new fifth starter um you know after out of measure was sent down and maybe by then a trade is made or or you know as we get closer to the trade deadline yeah i and do we have any update on joe musgrove i saw somebody put in the chat that he he went kind of full yesterday through off the mount off the mount kind of he's probably waking up right now with an update and just telling the trainers how to see the idea cool hopefully that went well and uh you know he won't be eligible to come back until i believe start of august sometimes he's on the 60s yeah and then uh nothing on you darvish other than you know they keep sending their their love and support okay as you remains away from the team on the restricted list uh hopefully though at least the time off is you know allowing him to get fully healthy for when he may hopefully come back for the pot raise sometime later this season so that's your uh kind of pitching preview for the series coming up against cleven guardians who are one of the been one of the best teams in baseball really good story uh we can talk about it a little bit more tomorrow but their first year manager steven vote has taken over and i think expectations were not through the roof for the cleveland guardians this year not not really at all like they they i'd like to go back and look to see where i had them at the beginning i'm probably easy for poly to find i think you put it on our instagram i don't think i had them doing very much from from if memory serves you know i it was like oh that they they always have good starting pitching uh they have a great back end of their bullpen with a manual classe they have hose remirris he's great and steven quan is a really great hitter but he's a singles guy you know they they need more they they they've been outstanding by a half game they actually have the best record in the american link they've been outstanding 30 and had them finishing fourth yeah fourth in the central woods i'm finishing third and i have got them finishing second i mean definitely the closest 58 and 37 which is 58 and 37 which is a half game better than the 58 and 38 orials and a game and a half better than the 58 and 40 new york Yankees so uh really outstanding first half of the season for the cleveland guardians that it's it's staggering that's staggering and you saw some guardians if you're watching the all-star game yeah and you go on that guy's an all-star that guys having a really good season like wow joce naylor his brother yeah there's uh there's there's some good players there men and and i think you know vote with long-time player who knows i mean brings these guys together classe in the bullpen obviously uh steven quan has been great amazing for them he's kind of a american link version of louise arise i just said all of the same thing he's been healthy all season so do you remember when i said that yeah really good all right so that's the cleveland guardians and that's the first team out of the blocks and then you get the orials on the same trip which uh so the two best teams in the american right now are six of the next nine games and sandwiched in between as the nationals who have not been playing as well and are probably in cell mode at this point but you know this is a this was the rivalry this is that you know rivalry you know this is the this is i'm sure they will be up to face the sandy eagle ponteries after what happened at pecco park or when they visited a few weeks ago you know and i think what it comes down to i'm sure we'll talk about the uh this on the round table today somebody had a great tweet i would give you credit i can't remember off the top of my head but it said listen pod race fans don't forget this team has essentially played 500 baseball since 2021 all right so while we all want to expect more there's this there's this hump that needs to to be gotten over because when you look at it in that perspective benny 500 in the second half is not going to get it done it's just not so you're gonna have to figure out a way to play i don't i'm not saying you have to play 20 over 500 but i know you can't play you can't play 50 and 49 you know one game over 500 you got to be a solid baby eight games above 500 in the second half so you want to make sure you get to the playoffs that would get you to you know 87 wins or so yep if you did that that's i guess you have an odd number of games left so seven games above 500 or nine games above 500 but somewhere around there is what it's going to take to get to the postseason and we saw the pod race play that level they have you know they got to six games above 500 they played that level for a while can they do it and sustain it in the second half of the season and obvious it's so obvious to say but when we played the heartbeat yesterday you can't have that five sucks in a row you just can't two is okay they've done what four times this year i'm at 20 else in you know five at a time in those big chunks and outside of those four stretches of five games a piece which i'm not saying you can get rid of them but outside of that yeah five is our fifth suck suck suck fifth c in 29 outside of those stretches and you've just been able to mitigate damage in all four of those chunks just mitigate it a little bit you know it's a totally it's a totally different feeling we've talked about them digging themselves into holes all season long i don't know do i expect it to change i i don't i don't i'm hoping that it does but i don't there's no magic wand to wave uh unless it's hey we just added three new pieces to our rotation and a back end of the bull pen guy and another bat i just don't know i don't know enough about the health of franando tatiz jr when we can expect him back he's a huge part of this lineup a huge part of the energy of this team i don't know when we can expect joe muskrow and you darvish back am i am i insane they were talking to them at the at the all-star game ben as if they're talking to the pod race players as if getting into the playoffs with some foregone conclusion it's absolutely not you cannot depend on the diamondback to the giant we know that as pod race well we know it right we can't you can't depend on any of those teams that are around you backsliding at all in fact they're all kind of getting stronger so whoo is everybody mentally prepared for what's to come in the next couple of months couple other baseball notes uh john haman report that the fillies are eyeing tommy fam in trade talks yeah the flowers uh hey they have the best record in baseball god that seems like a filly doesn't he that's a time to go all in um you know they saw how well he performed in the playoffs obviously last season for the diamond bats would he be like a fourth outfield for them yeah probably would be a depth piece for them for the most part kesti kestianos it's uh marsh it's uh that young kid in center i think i don't know what their entire outfield is but yeah i mean i think that's a great fit i think it's a great fit i mean there's no guarantee that he'll play like he did in the playoffs last year but he certainly is fresh off a really good marsh season experience rojas that's right you're on rojas yeah i mean yeah that's an upgrade tommy fam is an upgrade over over rojas certainly but um yeah pashay still there as well he's he's an upgrade over pashay as well so um yeah that'd be a really really good fit and then all star ratings are in and you can frame this either way it was the uh the second lowest rated all-star game of all time but it was also up from last year which was the lowest rated so oh good trending in the right direction but still near an all-time low for interest in the all-star game i love it i love it every year hope it never goes away give paul skeens a little credit for the bump gives litty don a little credit for the bottom of yeah let's be honest brought some new new viewers into the uh into the fold all right uh we will come back uh our number three we're gonna reset paulin woods we're in some hysterics yesterday tell you why coming out with that was an eighty seven three to stay here stay here all right my friends we are halfway home on a thursday benham woods ninety seven three the fan great to be here with you this morning we had a hypnotist in for the first hour of the program and i mean it's is wild it was absolutely wild or did we so i was told at least uh i'm woodsy that's paul rindel the executive producer benjamin higgins your friendly neighborhood sports morning we've got it it's already thursday now it's thursday it's almost over today is uh also it's it's national caviar day so i just wanted to say congrats you just call it thursday thursday seben yeah it's just thursday little osetra formulator today do you like caviar i don't dislike caviar you know i'm not your way really willing to fork out the box necessary is it is it the box is it the box for it or is it like i'm trying like what would be your greatest guilty like that guilty pleasure of like look i'll pay for this indulgence indulgence that's the word it like i don't care the cost i'll pay for this hmm i would say that um i am always tempted to upgrade to the wagyu okay when it comes to the state yeah okay yeah the really like the australian or japanese wagyu beef it's specially expensive it's like a five or whatever it's dollars like a bite just like yeah yeah pretty much but that yeah like the a5 wagyu oh my it's that is really really good it's staggeringly good i mean it's staggering yeah good it makes you melt your mouth you don't even need to chew it yeah just like put it in like just beef kind of just melts in it's exactly right it's like liquid beef yeah i think um so in the funny thing about you is like you love golf you're a good golfer you know you know the difference in good balls and bad but if you didn't get all the free golf balls that we get i feel like you even then you'd be like i'm going to get this big bag of of x out like you would play with x outs i feel like i don't know i i actually splurge for i can no i have to i kind of have to play with the the chrome tour level okay all right all right because i can feel the difference you can yeah absolutely can i add some some levels it doesn't really matter just get the get the kirklin whatever right is good for you but at some point when you're trying to control your spin yeah and it becomes an actual factor that there's a difference like i'll hit up an old like range type ball and i can't control it when you're trying to chip it onto the green to make it stop so you do need a a better ball for that easy does it in the chat says two things you don't go cheap on stake and toilet paper i don't we also do the the full sharman i could not agree more my wife there was a moment there a couple of years ago where i went into the bathroom and i was like why do we have motel six toilet paper well this is more friendly to the environment i go i like the environment too but the good stuff was 899 this was 699 i was like just pay i can't i've told you guys have i think you've probably both seen it with your own eyes every time we go anywhere and we have an Airbnb i low-wheeled oil let's get coffee and juice or waters i enjoy the paper bring toilet paper because i bring a roll in my bag yeah i bring a roll airbnb toilet paper is 99 percent of the time now we know you're a bidet guy anyway so yeah i can't carry my bidet with me if i could a mobile bidet is maybe the invention of the future and you get it to fit in something like the size of his cell phone it just cleans you cleans you up once you go bidet you literally will never go back you will never it's so hard to go number two at another place without it you know so he said beef and beef toilet paper toilet paper cuts i got another one uh anything related to betting yeah you spend a third of your life sleeping yeah two-thirds oh i bet you meant betting like you know gambling gambling no no no no no betting betting uh don't get the cheapest sheets you can find spread a little bit of money get the higher thread counts like i said you spend 33 percent of your life sleeping some of us some of us some of us more some of us less some of us less he sleeps on top so his he actually doesn't need the betting is not quite as important but the bed is very the bed is very i still have my mattress makers which is adjustable i mean everything it's been great for me the comforter whatever the pillows and of course the bed spend the extra money you will not regret it yeah i used to be that guy i'd go to target or whatever and just be like i just need the cheapest uh sheets yeah you're like no oh you feel them you feel it you feel like like construction paper terrible you put yeah like you can hear it it's you pull your sheets of it that i think you pay for stuff like this rustling around your bed what in the world i love summer break i could be us about stuff like this all day so uh yesterday though not to change the subject i'm sure Ben is not super happy about this but after the show yesterday we went into the prod studio and sometimes like we're all uh poly and i a little add whatever Ben has a different like where he just locks in on one thing he can't look at anything else so Ben was actually on his phone and poly just for some random reason was digging around in the archives and just started playing these clips and it was one after the other we said we said one out loud and it was more of a recent Ben drop all girls all the time right and we we started laughing and you're like well what else did we have this week i was like what else did we have and we started going through the the folder of Ben drops that i have and that we just have not not played a bunch of right and i have found it's fine i just have to remind everybody that these are all taken out of contact allegedly maybe from news stories right maybe from reading you know ganja aka cannabis what was that ganja aka cannabis when poly played the yesterday i almost fell down and i said it said the thing that popped into my mind is Ben walks into his first bachelor party ever he's like the gift of uh steve washemi with the escape fellow kids hello kids how are you but when he's he walks into his very first bachelor party and like Ben what did you bring i got the whiskey i got the i got this and then uh Ben ganja aka cannabis what is that from that was actually a take on what's question was it really okay ganja aka cannabis was one of our favorites so parley and parley poly starts playing all of these talk to a i mean we know where that one's from hoochie coo what in the world i think that's uh there's a saw rock and roll hoochie coo yeah ask gasket ask gasket that's um that was what someone called the protective oh for the uh toilet when you do and you put the little piece of paper what is it ask gasket all right so i would just play with it constantly your son that could be anything but cheeks he's laying me out every single time even better poops if you've been having trouble with those that's the farmer's dog sure of course this i have frozen my penis i you've no i have frozen my penis for real those were not altered by the way for real by the way for real for real for real don't know what that was in reference to actually stink fist stink fist don't know again like these this is an ai i didn't have no i learned ben's voice he said these balls bouncing off my chest and off my arms my legs all over the place that was when we did the seals and i was in goal okay that makes more sense that makes more sense he got a nice thick one as well going out for a steak possibly a nice thick one athletic poo pubagia no idea i don't what even is that i don't know sounds like is it a medical concern so what is it called it is called athletic poo pubagia okay here it is it's pube pubagia pubagia i think you i think it's stuttered a little say it played one more time pulling athletic poo pubagia pube yeah there's no extra p in pubagia pubagia it's turdia spore turdia that's the actual name somebody had a sports video i think yeah all right i remember talking about how real athletes do they get the sports hernia yeah athletic pubagia yeah make it rain i know what that's from do you remember that remember it vividly oh god these are the time we were trying to end the drought in california he almost just got me out of mouth full of water holy crap i mean we have more where it's just i'm like i don't even know how we do the noises do you remember the noises oh yeah yeah poly i mean we went we spent 30 minutes in here going over there do you have any explanation for yourself sir at all any explanation for that not really yeah what any no recollection i don't think so that actually sounds way off mike so did we get hidden audio of you somewhere that was like ben we made ben exercise or something yeah i think that was come back here's our breath and he just and the stroke stroke stroke we're talking about rowing of course that's the cocksum that's his job is to announce he can't stop he can't stop announce the strokes competitive the coccyx that's your tailbone falling because i was always just sitting in a sitting in a file cracker just sitting in a file rotting what can we possibly do with these to put them to good use the effort that you've gone to i know collect all of these though i mean i feel like we could feed nations within the energy from these i really do i've got about 500 500 just saved in one folder and some of them like i'm like you jimmy came i don't even know what we were where we got that from we can't use it oh god all right look if we were if this was 1993 and they they used to do this radio station remember when radio stations ben used to send out cds to their their audience like best of cds we would put out a ben drop cd and it would sell like at least 500 copies at least it would be four hours of your coccyx and stroke and your noises yeah we need to make a song out of them something something it is just incredible give it to daddy give it to daddy i like that one always like that one oh ben noises instead of ben likes yeah i'm down ben jina all right said and it's a heart kind of heart yeah serious heart conditions right you are you're a jim i'm just i'm just you're just you i'm just here that's the best part these when you hear these do they bother you i touched myself a little bit they do i mean why don't i want to hurt your feelings no no i don't i said oh they're not denying that i said all of them but there's a valid explanation for every single one of them i promise you yeah the only little x here on the website you're dealing a little x here on the website dealing a little x i mean that's criminal actually i mean i'm not gonna do that ganja aka cannabis it's like the whole pharmacy here tournament of drops next year is going to be stacked turn of the ben noises that we have to go 64 i really think we have to do we have a separate tournament entirely yeah just for me it's a one i got a 64 when we could go 69 it's so matter of faculty oh you're such a gem dude such a gem as much as like no BS i can do this for another 45 minutes but i don't think people would like let's let's take a quick time out i i do have a question for you a sports related topic and a parenting topic as well that i want to bring up uh we'll get to that coming up next uh back after traffic with more benowood summer break continuing here on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan sorry i hadn't really heard of this name until uh the story came out yesterday and woods i wanted to get your take on what kaven sullivan did in the mls yesterday for the philadelphia union when he took the field yesterday in their match against the new england revolution he said a new not just mls record but new highest level of professional soccer record or really any other sport nba nfl major league baseball by becoming the youngest professional top level athlete uh in american history 14 years 293 days old breaking the record sent by soccer player freddy adieu who was also just below below 15 years old when he did it i was put into the game in the second half he's already signed a contract uh you know homegrown contract in major league soccer uh it's a big deal and it also stipulates then when he turns 18 he will transfer to english primary league power manchester city so his his next his path path for i mean by the next decade or so he's already set in stone essentially and contractual ink of what is going to happen and and my question to you is i guess he he did find he came in didn't have a a ton of chances at the ball had a nice run late in the game ended with a shot on goal from outside the penalty area his older brothers already on the team but i guess as a parent and and maybe my my thinking has evolved on this and then neither of my boys you know gonna be a professional athlete i was going to the premier league anytime soon and and as are 99.9 percent of parents out there your kids are not ever going to be professional athletes so it just 14 seems awfully young to put the kind of pressure that we put on pro athletes especially in this country and you know any soccer i mean they're crazy about soccer in europe manchester city fans to put that kind of professional level pressure on a 14 year old to me is is concerning actually what do you feel about it even if he seems like he's pretty mature and has handled it really well i think his brother being on the team is clutch is about his clutch i don't know that you could do something like that without it we have our own you know ethan salis here and in with the san diego potteries and you know i think there's measures in place to make sure um to make sure that ethan is taking care of and covered and and and that's smart that's what you have to do the 14 yeah man does it seem young absolutely i think about my own kids that would be like bow going off to play professional sports in seven and a half years or six and a half years it's hard for me to wrap my head around certainly if he wants it though is i think the thing can you know that that's what you want even a 14 oh bro i don't think there's any question at all they manifest destiny for some of these kids that know the minute they pick up a bat a football a basketball those guys those pretty a dude the freddy i do he's a year older than me so i really do is not i he's not a cautionary tell but he would never he never became the super star that they thought he would be when he debuted at age you know 14 which by the way there's how many people in every sport never became the superstar they were supposed to be even when they debuted at 22 or 23 or 24 and plenty of experience and life's wisdom and you know tail is oldest i mean a hundred percent i mean it happens the lebron's are one in a billion right i mean it's interesting maybe a bigger lebron it's interesting jordan went to college it's interesting you bring this up today i i don't respond on instagram very much to strangers and there's a podcast it's called the nine-hole podcast it's a baseball podcast and they they had something to the effect of uh parents are putting way too much pressure on their kids you're seeing 12 year old kids playing baseball now and they're so worried about the results now and and i i paused for a second and i wrote this i said they said you find these kids stressing about the outcome instead of just playing ball and having fun like we used to of course travel ball is serious but hang on i wrote i'm 49 years old and stressed about outcomes in every single game i ever played ever it's the nature of that game in particular i didn't stress playing baseball on the sandal out with my buddies but when the game started from little league on there was never a time that outcomes weren't stressed over ever it when you put a uniform on and you go out and there's umpires and your folks are in the stands or if they're not in the stands and you go up to the to the plate and you didn't get a hit i don't remember like it's fine i'm 12 i'm having fun with my friends no i was livid and that's in 1987 there's nothing wrong with caring about an outcome i know it i think at some point we've gotten to the point hey winning and losing doesn't matter winning losing is what makes it fun for a lot of us a hundred percent i wouldn't want to play golf if it was just hey go out and make some good swings we're not gonna keep score no i need to keep score that's what makes it fun and yeah it's frustrating sometimes and it bothers me but as an adult i also know all right i played terrible yesterday but i'll get over it you know i'll get another chance can you do that as a 14 year old if he went in and he did it but let's say he gave up the winning goal or scored an own goal accidentally to lose the match for his team and started getting booed from fans in the stance which is a real risk when you're a professional athlete are you emotionally able to handle that at age 14 are you emotionally able to handle it at age 28 are you emotionally able to handle it at 49 when i get some guy chirping me on twitter that has a do-do emoji as a profile picture and his name is something with a bunch of numbers i'm 49 years old tomorrow am i emotionally strong enough to handle it not always not always so every person is different and i think this kid i think benny if he if this is what he wants to be doing i think it's it's brilliant and great and awesome and like if you have the ability and somebody thinks that you have that ability this is not a this is not a publicity stunt you know this isn't like we need ashes in the seats let's get a 14 year old out here i don't see that i guess the way i look at it though is if he's truly this good and it can't miss prospect he'll also be this good when he's 16 or 17 or 18 but they got him they got it yes well for the team great they locked him in and man should say they locked it in but if he's not this good and he finds it out in a couple of years haven't you done more damage like what is the what's the harm of the rush in a couple years what's the rush i don't know maybe he's that good you know maybe he's that good and i think did everybody kind of agree at least we don't know anything about the development of players and and you know we we like to speculate that we do and but did certain people that maybe are more than the know that us did they think ethan sallis was rushed a little bit less you know isn't there a method though to that madness is at age 16 it's i it is very young i i've always hesitated every time they have the international signing period and they talk about these guys who just turned 16 and you know leaving their countries and maybe coming to Arizona to play ball some of them go to the Dominican but they're not all from the Dominican they you know guys who signed in Venezuela go to the Dominican to then play ball away from their families and it feels feels very young to me to do that you know that's the way it works but still they're in the minor leagues where ultimately it's still they're developing and hopefully the organizations they sign with are treating this as nurturing and fostering a good environment fourth of what you get to the big big level you know and i'm including MLS in this even though people are saying obviously it's not the same as the Premier League or La Liga or anything like that but it is the top level we've got in this country it's no longer about developing i mean you want to keep developing players it's about the results now and really only about the results once you get to the top level even sallis it's not about the results even if you go even at double a and triple a it's still about developing no one cares ultimately if you win a minor league championship right you they care that maybe you show the ability to win and what it takes but form yeah but ultimately no one cares but at the top level they do and that's something that handle at the young age of 14 16 whatever yeah i mean think about think about actors you know child actors the the the some of it's gone awry certainly we know the the pitfalls of that but i the processes that are in place now are better than they were 30 years ago better than they were 60 years ago you know there's an evolution and and hopefully this team um is is doing everything they can to foster you know because he's still a kid i mean they have to you have to nurture him through that and um but if he wants it and he has the ability i'm all for it man i really am i think it's i think it's a cool story and i'm i don't i'm hoping for the best form yeah of course and i i don't know i don't know anything about his parents but like i just think about my own kids and if if somebody was ready to make the jump you know to to something special you know you warn them you you're there for them and you let them know it's okay to fail i mean it's absolutely okay to fail uh you're going to if you're if you're an athlete at any level but you're right about the pros it's about results really at that point but there was a reason they brought him up and it's probably because he's uh he's good and i think in in their minds you're like he's 14 and he's this developed he's only going to get better it doesn't always work that way it doesn't always work that way but um i think it's pretty i think it's a pretty cool story uh but definitely wanted to keep your eye on all right let's take a quick time out when we come back we rarely do this but i'm going to open the phones like completely 833-288-0973 get the whole do you only open them partially sometimes well sometimes i direct you toward a specific topic like hey we're playing take on wood like three lines are open this is all this is this is pretty much open topics in fact i'll steal from any and else because i like what they do they call it uh they're they're ama ask me anything okay you can ask us anything you want it can be pod rays related it can be just stuff about us that you're curious about please join us in our next segment this is summer break we're trying to be casual the phone lines are open 833-288-0973 get to us give us a call next on Ben & Woods San Diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fan my phone lines are jammed we're going to get out to the calls here in a second baseball coverage a 97-3 the fan is presented by T-Mobile switch to T-Mobile and get tons of benefits and still safe on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon use their savings calculator to find out how at and poly did confirm during the break that at least somewhere it is registered that the pod rays have officially selected the contract of Tearso or Nellis even if they haven't announced the move that's a fairly official website official transaction page yeah or Nellis uh having a really solid season a triple A now remember offensive numbers tend to be inflated in the pacific coast league but uh 3 16 batting average 390 on base percentage 515 slugging that's a 905 OPS has 12 homers 14 doubles 57 runs batted in for the Chihuahua so solid season and now we'll get the opportunity to show his stuff on the big league level to start the second half tomorrow in Cleveland we need we need all the help we can get my friend all the help we can get all right we're gonna get out to these phone calls ask us anything here pod rays or otherwise right after a check a traffic on 97-3 the fam all right let's go out to the phone lines uh richard is joining us richard welcome to a very a summer breaky venom woods here on 97-3 the fam thank you morning guys how you guys doing do well hey listen i'll tell you start briefly and ask you a question sure i recently went on a road trip to see the pod rays back east in boston it was my first time leaving the state of california going back east and i went back there to see the pod rays infinway park i went on saturday had the time of our life i tried the pod fans traveled well let me tell you and now my question for you is which picture would you pick up in the free agent trading deadline if you could sure yeah i'm seeing um you know i'm seeing a couple of rumors come in about tarek scuba from the tigers he's going to cost he's going to cost you everything you well he's got two more years of control he's an ace yeah i think you can i think salis or daverise are possibly both yeah everything you got pretty much for for uh tarek scuba which i don't i don't think you want to do garret crochet is the name you've heard but same i'm looking they're looking they're looking for the same is that he looked good at the all-star game but my worry is how many innings do you have left do you have another michael king on your hands which is great he's got great stuff and he's got another year of control but you need help right now and you need some innings which is why i'd probably see what you can offer the blue jays for you sake with you just give us yeah just gonna say kakuchi man i think he's a perfect fit for what we're looking for here don't think he's going to cost you a ton um at all and again i think you know once we all start speculating about what agie preller will do um rarely are we right in there's something that that pops up and a guy and you go why didn't i think of that you know why didn't i think that he was available so there's like three team trades and all that i mean this is now going to be the time to get extremely creative fortunately for us he's a really creative guy so i'm i'm like enam or i can't wait to see what he does good question to get us started let's go to brad you are next up here with benhamwoodz a 97-3 the fan i brad hey good morning gentlemen hey Brad hey this age thing remember freddy adieu from about 20 years ago yeah with like 16 so i mean he had a decent career but man that load was on him here's the question with the age thing having a daughter that was 14 potentially making the varsity volleyball team i looked at my wife and i said hey she makes that team you gonna let her hang around with seven to 18 year olds and go to their parties she goes of course not they're just too young i go didn't you're going to kill her socially so there's an age difference you know and a life experience difference you got to take when you put these 18 year old athletes about men that what do you do off field that's a really good point yeah that's a really uh excellent point and how do you maintain like team cohesiveness and unity when you've got if for the philadelphia union and and Sullivan a 14 year old who can't do you can't go out at you know for beers after the game or anything not for seven more years can you go out as a pro and couldn't until the you know first few weeks of his big league career still 20 is weighted in 14 it is it is it is it's absolutely different but uh the freddy adieu thing is is a great point and but i think the difference is this kid wasn't named the next heir apparent of soccer like freddy adieu was when he was 16 years old there like you we talked about very few guys brice harper on the cover of si libron james tiger woods those guys have done it they've reached the heights you know but for every one of those there's a billion guys that never got close i didn't think about the social even element of it i was thinking more professionally and the pressure put on you career wise but yeah can you maintain your friend like your school friendships is he i'm sure he's like home school there's no there's no way he's playing professional soccer and also going this is like to freshman year of high school at the same time this is like rookie of the year the movie number rookie of the year we have the rubber arm and and through like a hundred but he had trouble relating to his 34 year old teammates obviously yeah gary bucie is the ace of the staff yeah and gary bucie a kid for that fast ball like it's exactly like rookie of the year gary bucie the rocket yeah the rocket you get the rocket i guess 65 years old this must be a big leaguer throw in the high stinky chatter it's a great call though the social aspect is is kind of you know part of what did him in he missed being a kid for taking your phone calls ask us anything eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three we get some uh open lines now let's go to victor victor how are you this morning uh dolewell fellas good morning good morning but hey hey well i definitely want to bring it a little bit back towards uh the pajays and a great question i think you guys could definitely dive into this what do you think would happen to the organization if they happen to miss the playoffs once again this evening i know i know it's a little a little unlikely since it's late no it's it's not a lot more likely than unlikely yeah i think there's a great question we talked about it yesterday we talked about today their fan graphs projections which is strictly mathematical analytical odds uh their odds of making the playoffs are i think it was 39.4 percent if there's one it's more likely that they don't make the playoffs but if there's one thing we know about the sandy egal potteries they are in fact odds busters and not always in the best way uh fan graphs had last year have them projected well i mean what was their projection beginning here to make the playoffs 97 percent and we saw it just slide and so um you know i made the point earlier i saw that tweet 500 baseball since 2021 where is the magic wand you wave to make sure that doesn't happen in the second half i don't know that there is one i don't think you're gonna like this answer victor or maybe anyone listening i think i know what you're gonna say and i agree but i think if the pond rays miss the playoffs the major consequence will be nothing nothing nothing i don't even think a.j. necessarily loses his job because for the most part they're gonna want next year to look kind of the same they're going to have a lot of the same players back like michael king is under control they've you know the obviously guys like manny and you know hopefully they're gonna hope people the new guy cease or eyes yeah they're ceases back arises back if they don't do anything and they're gonna hope for a healthy year and they're gonna kind of be in wind now mode again next year and the idea will be hey this is still a.j's group these are his guys is a different gm really gonna make a difference this year is under contract but he's under contract my guess and and i know you hate hearing it but even if a disappointing finish comes for the pod rays they may roll it completely back now my shield has one more he had to get two-year deal right just a two-year don't give us a two-year so you've got one more you might be a lame duck manager coming back a.j. will be close to like a lame duck gm but they may just roll it back at least one more time and go they may say something like okay this is it this is uh this is it or or else i think we are expecting big things in 2025 and if we don't get it there will be serious consequences for everybody involved will make major changes very much they may say that very much like parenting but they never said that this year there was a hint to add a little bit but i gotta find the quote from cucenda and he said everybody will be evaluated essentially everyone has daggers everyone has goals everyone has you know everyone needs to do their job something like that but he never said and if we don't get there you're all fired sub question sub question how many games left 99 or 62 61 63 poly at first 63 breaking news good job poly does it matter how does that outcome matter how these next 63 games go and i mean if they go off the cliff does that maybe a little bit force their hand a little bit or if it's 20 and 43 right or if they grind it and grind it and they get so close you know we'll be in here well there's a what a what an effort right no we won't because we did that last year and we weren't thinking last we were just waiting for we did not no we did not remember the last 17 games or whatever they all and we thought man are they these guys gonna do this but we never got in here and said man we really i was so mad that it had to come down to that that i i can remember going i don't even want to talk about it support the plug already yes that's how i just don't know that what we think or even what fans fans think is going to impact their ultimate decision because they'll know if they think they're right and sticking with a j and mike shilt and the roster is the right thing to do they'll know fans will come around if they win next year and this is the best chance of winning that's the decision they will make if they feel like the best idea of going for change then they'll sell that and and we'll move forward on that all right let's go to our friend Lenny and l Misa hey Lenny it's been a while Lenny hey boys how you doing good all the time thank you buddy hey look i i i i i love this team compared to last year's team and i think we'll be in the on to the end the rest of the national league is right around the 500 mark uh you know the part the thing that's really hurting us we only have 60% of a pitching staff yeah and we need some starting pitches from a business standpoint the Padres have done a great job you know i mean the fans go out all the time 40,000 every game i see them on the road all the time so from a business that i think they're really happy we'll compete the thing that really really irritates me i'm all excited for Friday we're back on baseball like a four four o'clock start against Cleveland i'm driving home and then Chris Ello tells me it's Apple TV TV yeah this streaming kills me i mean i i'm not paying for another streaming service so i'm listening to the game on the radio Friday right here on 97 three the family i think they might have a free trial that you can get without paying but i know what you're talking about it's just again so many different peacock roku now roku they just had a roku game the other day it wasn't great it is very fractured i mean football in that sense does it it right you know exactly when and where to tune in for football games and you know what they move it around i mean they got amazon prime sure football now but at least you know where it's going to be all season long on Thursday nights Sunday nights is going to be on NBC Monday nights on ESPN you know where it is and then you get your red zone and your regular games on Sundays baseball it does feel like it's a little more of i don't know it could be here it could be there it could be anywhere depending on the day of the week and what city they're in to valid valid concern but yeah you can't go wrong listening right here on 97 three the fan home of your San Diego Padres jeff uh on the chances considering uh Peter Seidler passed early in the off season and then the cut in salary he says this year is probably a make the playoffs good if not okay sort of season i wonder i mean they would never they would never say that out loud no but do they do do they think that does eric could send it go to you know to aj proller and go i know we've kind of tied your hands and made you cut 90 million dollars in payroll the Rockies say hey if we make the playoffs great but if not as long as we stayed under our salary number like great no i hope that's not how they're thinking i really do yeah i mean there's no way to know there's just no way to know what what kind of i think that would be a bad sign if that's really i mean if you ask me honestly should be playoff in my bus yeah if you ask me honestly well i'd be disappointed if they don't make the playoffs the answer is unequivocally yeah and and i think probably in the moment i will be of the head should roll variety uh that's kind of the headspace i would be in you know we've talked about in some ways aj has done his best work given the fact the limitations and maybe the limitations are what has brought out some of the best in aj's creativity and finding the diamonds in the rough that you know other teams didn't find but at the same time you throw another 20 million dollars at this payroll you keep Seth Lugo you know maybe sign one more picture you'd be in way better shape right now than you would be and that has nothing to do with scouting that has simply to do with right your financial decisions that were made even above aj's head before the season for competitive reasons as well remember it's not simply hey we just need to make more money as the San Diego Padres there are reasons competitively to get under the CBT threshold sure you know you know draft pick uh penalties international signing penalties if you're going to go after roki sesaki you kind of have to get under that tax this year to reset the penalties yep so there are competitive reasons to do so but it does make the job harder on the major league love but I mean I will say this and you can write it down mark it down San Diego Padres Mike Schildt a.J. Preller you cannot go off the cliff in the second half again you just can't do it it this the people people will people will be that will be the end of a lot of people's rope not they'll watch but I think that another drastic meltdown of the club house whatever it may be people are going to be Mike Schildt the one thing he's always been consistent about is that's not going to happen yeah we're going to keep getting better we're going to keep fighting all the way through and he has a track record that proves that but I again you know a Cardinals team that won what 17 in a row but you need to ask a couple years ago like I said yesterday you can have all the want and the goodwill and we I love him and he loves me and he's got my back you got to have the guns uh to fight the battle you know and I don't know that they do right now today all right keep the phone calls coming eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three Paulie's got a couple of headlines to talk about in the round the report next is well more benefits on the way on San Diego's number one sports station ninety seven three the fan it is that exciting time of year though where john morosi and and all these guys start throwing out situations sources say there's one that john just tweeted the mariners and rays have you and this is great sources say that the mariners and rays rays have yet to engage in serious dialogue oh um about Seattle's interest in adding an impact back but the teams are frequent trading partners and talks could advance in the days ahead tamper bay will listen on a rosarena yondi Diaz or parade ace in the right deal see how's going we've had a lot of success at the trade deadline with the pod rays yes maybe we can have similar success with the tampa ray yes absolutely what you can't is it really a report that they sort of talk but not seriously talk sources have told them that they have not yet engaged in serious discussion but the tough one to refuse it is it is so no no our talks have been quite serious thank you very much yes they're just silly yeah there's access they're just silly talks they haven't had serious talks it's more silly uh yeah man so there's going to be a lot of that coming out you know i i i would say avoid the noise but i kind of like the noise i like i like those tweets i like to try to start putting the puzzle you can't completely avoid the noise because some of the noise ends up being true there's always a certain percentage of these rumors that do end up panning out it's just that usually like 80% of them don't so you also have to take it all with a big grain of salt but if you just ignored everything you'd also miss out on the real kind of trends and you know scoops that are coming out here before the trade deadline it this good i just i feel like there's going to be so i feel like there's going to be a ton of activity which if this year proves anything that means there'll be three moves total uh for all teams but i i just feel that there's so many teams that think they're in it there's so many owners that are under the pressure from their fan base like pittsburgh like baltimore you know i think filly's going to be really active dude they've gotten so close um i just feel like there's going to be so many buyers right now uh honestly i don't know if this is the right decision or not but i don't have a lot of trade deadline talks scheduled for the round table five by me at ten o'clock i feel like we've had those discussions over the past month yeah what we all know at this point kind of what the pod raised needs who the options are potentially out there what the costs could potentially be and how we feel about it i don't think anything's really changed in the last week or two yeah i need money in the chat says how do we add to the rotation and bullpen not trade our top two prospects and stay under the luxury tax it's the most unenviable job in big morning aj good luck i mean it's it's a really unenviable position but again we would like to have our cake we want to eat it too yeah yeah and then have more of it we need the several pieces of cake to eat but i think but then we also need to have cake left over afterwards correct well after we've eaten it we want it to still be sitting there still have a bunch left yeah it's the tough part and and look at again you can't let aj preller off the hook in that in that this is uh this is the corner that he's kind of painted himself into uh by going out which we love luisa rise we love dylan sees but you've now we wouldn't be fifty and forty nine without them so i shudder to think where we would be without arise and cease in particular um but this is the core this is the job he's painted himself into this and he's got to figure his way out well speaking of eating i believe we have the newest ballpark food extravaganza coming your way they did it again as part of this edition of the rindel report and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindel report now tuned into the month greatest welcome to the rindel report with paul rindel hi paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindel report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97 3 the fan are you ready to bless the mood i need some help please that was good all right all right all right all right good morning my friend morning how are you feeling guys good really good nice and refreshed from that hypnotherapy yes feel great woods sleep doesn't work no you don't know i'm out of hypnosis i guess not all right just checking what is that red door make you feel that's maroon yeah i hate maroon it's probably my least favorite color maroon i can't stand it really maroon loathe it like usc colors like that part of it i just i've never liked it i just always thought it was not great you're not a big fan of the band maroon five either you know that you know that i don't mind spending every day did they moves like jagger yeah yeah i just i mean there's no reason for it none it's no reason for that band there's been a lot of money and been very successful it's true they would say there's probably a reason for that song i don't get it man i do not get it we talked about it briefly a couple weeks ago watch that nickelback documentary like why did they get so much hate yeah maroon five just and we just buy we just put maroon five on a pedestal a hundred percent let's see how many things we can make uh adam lavin do yeah flip it that should be flipped flipped i agree yeah all right anyways uh look slow flow week and sports uh wednesday and thursday of this week slowest days of the entire year i think on the sports calendar but uh we got a couple stories here so yesterday now ben did you say this is the last wnba game for the next few weeks yeah so they have the uh the all-star break followed by the olympic break so i don't think there's another real game for almost like a month the all-star break already wnba season is not that long yeah that's great now the draft was like a month ago yeah it was calon clark calon clark was playing for iowa like six weeks ago it's it's a good adult ball season pretty much so uh yesterday in the wnba katelyn clarka made history once again uh on for women's basketball she had 19 assists uh in their loss to dallas they lost to the wings 101 to 93 but she had 19 assists for indiana and that is a wnba record what are your guys's honest genuine thoughts on the assist is it like you know how people argue against rbi all the time in baseball they argue against i i don't hitting with runners in scoring position driving in runs is hard it's hard to do but things have to go your way like is alex bomb truly a great rbi man or he obviously can't do it without the guys in front of this good question this is the assist guy this is a good question if i pass it to the best player on my team who makes everything no it's do i get credit not all assist are created equal you're absolutely right there's nothing prettier than the guy who drives the lane does the no look behind his back free to a guy who then dunks it they collapse on him he throws behind us that's an incredible assist so good but if i dribble up paulies i'm trapped paulies underneath and i go oh paulies got a foot advantage i throw in the ball he turns around and drops on it or the point guard or the ball up court and sees step curry wide open simple pass three ball that's an assist or even worse you've got like three on the shot clock and you wildly just throw it to someone because you don't want to take the shot and then they wildly throw it up and make it i just got an assist for that when your teammate calls it a time bomb i'm not this is sister important account i mean look i've i play a lot of basketball a recreational level and they're stoked when you get a good assist yeah actually sometimes and there's just times where you're like look i just don't have it offensively right now so i'm going it's another form of an assist i'm going to be setting off ball screens or i'm going to be moving without the ball i'm going to lock my guy down defensively because i can't score a lick right now you don't get that credit for that that's the that's the that's the but i kind of taking the extra base on a bobble things like that yeah i think the uh the katelyn clark haters and you know that they're out there they're very conflicted because they're going yeah well they lost again so what she said an individual record doesn't matter if your team doesn't have any success very selfish of her but it's an assist record it's it's in a record passing to other teammates being unselfish i bet you there are players though where the coach is like hey stone passes i don't watch you uh dishing as much as you're dishing i need you shooting yeah i i'm fine i vote you know triple double it's awesome it rebounds look at look like that like he throws a lot of passes that could be more assists and his teammates don't make a shot it's like why don't you just go ahead and take yourself by the way this is not take the hard fade away yourself luka this don't give it to your open teammates it's not an indictment on katelyn i've always had this thought about the assist of like oh all right so that's a stat in which you don't have a lot of control like i passed well somebody asked me the second guy can you get two assists yes lacrosse you have passed it to someone else who then makes the really good pass to someone for the assists they look across yeah i really didn't do anything at all but i got credit for an assist yep people in the chat are talking about uh what about angel reese's rebounds have you seen this going around they the she'd set how to streak of double doubles but somebody posted i saw it yesterday the um a screenshot of the play by play of their game and it was like angel reese angel reese missed layup angel reese offensive rebound angel reese missed layup angel reese offensive refund angel reese missed layup offensive rebound she just had a huge size advantage yeah just like yeah all these offensive accounts yeah in in some sense even on defense the offensive team clears out because they know they can't get it so they don't even contest it sometimes on the rebound gives her a lot of easy rebounds i do feel like i do but she has to be angel reese for that to happen this is incredible this is the incredible boomer i do feel like rebounds in the 80s were a lot tougher to come by than rebounds today i really do not all rebounds are created and you're absolutely right but i do the incredible boomer does support the ball from farther away it's going to be longer longer easier rebounds it's true yeah it's all part of it but anyways let's get to uh the big story here the kansas city royals they did it again they've done it again uh i saw the post from john boy media that says the royals have unveiled the mother of all ball park food you seen it yet that throw it up here i just saw two minutes ago okay yeah so it's called the taste of the k taco oh my god and i don't even know where to begin but it is a uh it looks like a hot dog no i can't tell if the hot dog's cut up john boy's got the description but it looks like the hot dog is cut up but there it is a hot dog wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla which again a lot of questions already what is a cheeseburger quesadilla uh topped with barbecue brisket french fries lettuce pickled onions sriracha cracker jacks which i didn't know existed and barbecue sauce this thing looks but no now remember i don't know why the lettuce is in there that's that seems completely it's healthy it's healthy now it's a salad basically it's it's healthy really the thing looks uh now again we did this whole story on the um reese's brisket right about yeah a little uh two years ago right yeah and i went there's the one that you had when i tried it you see that bad boy you know it was cut up reese's peanut butter cups inside a pork pulled pork barbecue sandwich bacon bits which made it by the way and barbecue sauce and i was like you'd have to be insane to eat it i bought one i ate it melts though that reese's just perfectly it was it was beyond spectacular it was beyond spectacular there's one of the best things i've ever eaten now this one looks a little bit different the one thing i think i would bang on this is the hot dog i would get rid of the hot dog not the cracker jack no the cracker jacks would be their sriracha cracker jacks so you got are they also sweet though they're like yeah the caramel and then they just add some sriracha to it for a little sweet heat i like sweet heat i think it looks like that i think it looks speck it take that there's that one wiener sticking out of it right there and i get that wiener out of there and just give me the i think i could i don't mind wrapping things in a case of dia i don't know that any cheeseburger inside the case of dia as well yeah like um tortilla meat and cheese tortilla yep and then a taco shell and then it's more of a melita with like two two tortillas and then sandwiched together then a case of dia i think my absolute kryptonite and san dia my favorite dish in san dia go that i've ever eaten it's my favorite burrito from true heos by san dia state right on campus wrapped in a case of dia it's the sigma pie is a california burrito wrapped in a cheese case of dia so it's like tortilla melted cheese burrito and it is i had it once like the first weekend of my freshman year in 2009 and it's been my go-to on their menu for what 15 years now like it's unreal i like the at taco bell when i've been the mood once a year when i eat my once a year taco bell i like that double decker the soft tortilla with the beans then the hard shell then the meat that softness into the crunchiness i love so i think i would all right i have to say that i have seen the the case of dia wrapped around the california burrito before and as much as i'd like to it's a line that personally i won't cross you won't do it i just feel like once i go to the case of dia wrapped burrito that's pretty much the end and as long as i stay away from that once a year i can have a burrito i can do it every once in a while but once you go to the burrito wrapped in a case of dia you've done something kind of evil yeah you feel like you can never come back from you feel like you just went to a massage parlor oh i want i want to go to massage now i want the case dia wrapped burrito i really do but i feel like the shame it's the shame i love it so much that i can't go back to a regular burrito after that that's the shame and then it's like oh no i know that i've tasted nirvana and then i can never go back because you can't just make a case dia wrapped burrito your regular order i mean that was my favorite i would make it six months i had a burrito with a tequito like pretty much jam right in the middle of the burrito you've done i've done that i can stay away from that one that's spectacular it's good but it gets a little bready inside with the tour with the tart double wrap tortilla this thing looks really good honestly except for the hot dog the hot dog would be the thing that threw me off it doesn't i don't think it belongs with the rest of it it's not really ballpark food without the hot dog in there sure it is yeah sure it is one more time the taste of cake taco is a hot dog wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla top it's a hot dog essentially this item is a hot dog everything else is just dressing for the hot dog it's a hot dog take that thing wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla top with barbeque brisket french fries lettuce pickled red onions nice little tanginess uh sriracha cracker jacks and eight one six sauce which is a barbecue sauce yeah okay that does look it does look pretty good do they have sriracha cracker jacks or those like made in the ball maybe it's made i've never heard of them specifically for that just what would six one nine if they have eight one six sauce in this barbecue sauce what would six one nine sauce be some sort of blending of chipotle salsa some sort of yeah yeah avocados you ever mix your salsa you ever mix the green and red and the the of the no no i have it's good try i mean i'll i'll have a breed on some bites i'll do red and some bites i'll do greens i don't never do both at the same time double dip it spectacular i feel like you're you're melding flavors that weren't meant to be melded that's that's why i you know it was one or the other they always say i have the palette of a six-year-old i think it's you you want to have a handshake if you want to have half the breeder with green and half with red i respect i love that put them together but not at the same time put them together try it next time it seems a little deviant it is very deviant well you know how my gone created red and green salsa for a reason they're totally different flavors and you want to add the tangy what's on the t-uness of the green great if you want to add the fiery red chilliness of the red great what's the other one what's the other one the habanari orange delicious that is also good delicious put it all makes it all in one try it so you think Mexican food after the yeah i was just thinking the same thing after my round table pizza of course which we're going to wrap in a quesadilla for you yes correct yeah some brisket stuffed in a full roasted chicken after a turduckin red versus green sauce discussions like the bloods and crips it's not it's you can put it all together it's all at the same time i'm a mixture yeah so you'd be both a blood and a crisp yeah i don't think they allow that i'm a rip a crud hey guys i'm going to hang it out with though hey crips i'm actually hanging out with the bloods today yeah i'm i'm i'm every man all right mix it together oh all right good job on the round of report and we will come back um we've got some throwback thursday material for you some summer break throwback material from our first half look back as well we'll get to all of it coming up next after a check at traffic here on 97 three the fam i'm starving starving now welcome back to salsa salsa salsa salsa oh you were so awesome salsa salsa so welcome back to salsa salsa salsa it's been in woods here on 97 three the fan there's some mixers in the uh in the chat there i get a lot of it all comes out in the same place in the end yeah it does i just feel like the flavors are very distinct on the red and green and i i do like them both but i i agreed with one of our listeners who said yeah green's better for like um like carnitas is good with green salsa if you're going to carne asada i think red tends to work a little bit better with that everyone has their own personal preferences i just feel like maybe i don't know i just feel like it's a totally different sauce if you mix them together which is the point i guess i have to try yeah try it i think you'll i think you'll like it what color does it turn into i know yellow and blue make green but what you green and red make i just pour like i do like a little dollop and then i take another dollop i don't actually put them together and mix them with a spoon or anything i just a little of this little of that boom i have to be very careful when i'm eating the burrito that when you put the sauce on you kind of bite all the way across to make sure you're correct falling off all over your shirt and stuff well the that made me but too much sauce on it's a problem that made me super hungry but the guy that made me the hungriest is our pal adio be roister from filly who is in for his yearly visit uh formerly lived in san diego and worked in the radio business always comes in to hang out welcome back my yearly vacation your yearly vacation to america's finest now he's a filly guy but he's a potter ace fan but he was just i asked him the straight dope on cheese steaks and filly i said do you like cheese steaks he goes oh yeah of course and i said what's the best and then you told me don't go to the the two famous places pat and gino's never go to pat and gino's pat and gino's are for tourists okay uh you go to jim steaks preferably on south street because they just did the big remodel but if you want your mind blown i do you go to delisandre's cheese steaks is right in the italian market three words guys garlic bread cheesesteak the thought of it good god the thought of it makes my i'm like that's the cheesesteak version of a uh quesadilla rap burrito right there and you gain all the weight yeah i would say garlic bread and you put the cheesesteak inside so here's the thing though garlic bread sometimes you get it from the italian restaurant you dip it it's kind of soft it's like uh what's the word like not flaky but like um super buttery it's it's way it's too buttery sometimes i don't think that i don't think that that phrase should exist too buttery yeah it's too buttery it can be too buttery i don't think so it can be but that place has been around long enough to wear like they get the consistency down each time but this is not like garlic bread like texas toast garlic bread it's not like that but they do have it's like a baguette i want to say yeah and then they just put just garlic bread ingredients on it they got toasted butter garlic yeah sometimes little cheese and then add the cheesesteak in between do you in and in filly they i know they do cheese whiz uh on whiz uh on whiz yeah whiz or without whiz do you put anything else on you just go meat cheese bread right it's just meat cheese bread i've covered onions this part uh the onions yeah yeah i've seen people put lettuce and tomatoes on cheese steaks with this is un ungodly yeah why you're doing that too perfectly i've seen people put mayo on them which i can get down with because i like mayo no absolutely not i can do absolutely not and there's no you don't dip it in anything no they don't need to although a french although a french dip cheese steaks probably a good idea like a uh like an all jiu would be good michelle and chad says dalasandras is fire oh my god i got to get see yes that it was trip man next year filly i want to see the ball park i want to schedule should come out like in the next month i want to see the crazy fans it's so far the flight the flight is so far speaking of uh pennsylvania this week uh coopers town now that's actually new york yes uh upstate yeah upstate new york uh yeah east coast i forgot about the hall of fame induction ceremonies this week yes speaking of philadelphia this town it's not even near it the white house you know i i do i do mess them up in my head because i've been to uh uh uh literally world series well you can yeah they're actually kind of similar sort of towns and the you know the back upstate areas of the state but anyway i totally forgot did you remember that this weekend's the hall of fame induction do you remember who is going in to the hall of fame this weekend zero percent so uh this weekend they're going to have sunday is the official induction ceremony and the uh the class is adrian beltray love it taught helton joe mower and then jim leland the uh the former skipper good class good class really good class doing in this weekend i have nothing nothing bad essentially yeah i i think i remember when they were doing because remember it was back in january when they announced and there was some talk about joe mower who had the didn't have the length yeah the length of his career yeah the girth was not necessarily length of his career but as good of catching seasons as anyone has really ever had just that he was awesome just didn't put up the 20 year numbers right some guys do to get to the hall of fame you know taught helton we got to see in his numbers you know some people said inflated by coars field but he was he was really good everywhere still got hit and adrian beltray was one of those guys so when you put his career all together unbelievably spectacular career you never thought sneaky quiet yeah because you never thought of adrian beltray i mean he was an all-star but you never thought oh he's the best player in baseball he was staggered but you never you never thought that about adrian beltray at any moment you always fit he's probably one of the best player two or three players on that team we're playing right now but you never went who adrian beltray is coming to town we're going to get to see the best player in baseball this week then one of our beloved mani michado's favorite third basement of all time as well he is uh beltray i was in texas uh for some of his run and he's beloved be loved by the players oh my god like one of the best teammates and and guys of all time so i'm excited to see these dudes and he was uh for me he was like he you know it reminds me it reminds me of pro-far intense super intense but he had a he had a good smile and was a really uh he had a lot of fun playing the game of baseball which i always admired so could be really really cool to see that this weekend what was his uh what was his quirky thing don't was there that don't touch me in the head can't touch his head the just later after the show then go on youtube and type in adrian beltray elvis andrews yeah there's like 10 minute long videos of the those two guys like no teammates have what kind of programs does this school have how are the test scores how many kids do a classroom those these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent that's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools including photos parent reviews test scores student teacher ratio school rankings and more the information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team it's also you can make the right 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All right my friends we are halfway home on a Thursday Ben and woods 97 3 the fan great to be here with you this morning we had a hypnotist in for the first hour of the program and i mean it's it's wild it was absolutely wild or did we so i was told at least uh i'm woodsy that's paul rinder the executive producer benjamin higgins your friendly neighborhood's good morning we've got it it's already Thursday now it's Thursday he's almost over today is uh also it's it's national caviar day so i just wanted to say congrats you just call it thursday thursday yeah it's just thursday little a setra formula today do you like caviar i don't dislike caviar i'm not your way really willing to fork out the box necessary is it the box is it the box for it or is it like i'm trying like what would be your greatest guilty like guilty pleasure of like look i'll pay for this indulgence indulgence that's the word it like i don't care the cost i'll pay for this hmm i would say that um i am always tempted to upgrade to the wagyu okay when it comes to the state yeah okay yeah the really like the australian or japanese wagyu beef it's specially expensive like a five or whatever it's dollars like a bite yeah yeah yeah pretty much but that yeah like the a5 wagyu oh my it's that is really really good it's staggeringly good i mean it's staggering really good it makes you nice when you're mouth you don't even need to chew it yeah just like put it in like just beef kind of just melts in exactly right it's like liquid beef yeah i think um so the funny thing about you is like you love golf you're a good golfer you know you know the difference in good balls and bad but if you didn't get all the free golf balls that we get i feel like you even then you'd be like i'm gonna get this big bag of of x out like you would play with x outs i feel i don't know i i actually search for i can no i have to i kind of have to play with the chrome tour level okay all right all right because i could feel i can feel the difference you can yeah absolutely can i add some at some levels it doesn't really matter just get the get the kirklin whatever right is good for you but at some point when you're trying to control your spin yeah and it becomes an actual factor that there's a difference like i'll hit up an old like range type ball and i can't control it when you're trying to chip it onto the green to make it stop so you do need a a better ball for that easy does it in the chat says two things you don't go cheap on stake and toilet paper i don't we also do the the full charm and i could not agree more my wife there was a moment there a couple of years ago where i went into the bathroom and i was like why do we have motel six toilet paper well this is more friendly to the environment i go i i like the environment too but the good stuff was 899 this was 699 i was like just pay i can't i've told you guys have i think you've probably both seen it with your own eyes every time we go anywhere and we have an airbnb i low we load i let's get coffee and juice or waters brain brain toilet because i bring a roll in my bag yeah i bring a roll airbnb toilet paper is 99% of the time now we know you're a bidet guy anyway so yeah i can't carry my bidet with me if i could a mobile bidet is maybe the invention of the future and you get it to fit in something like the size of his cell phone it just cleans you cleans you up once you go bidet you literally will never go back you will never it's so hard to go number two at another place without it you know so he said beef and toilet paper toilet paper cuts i got another one uh anything related to bedding yeah you spend a third of your life sleeping yeah two thirds i think bedding like you know gambling gambling bedding bedding uh don't get the cheapest sheets you can find spread a little bit of money all these big on thread counts like i said you spend 33% of your life sleeping some of us some of us more some of us less hello he sleeps on top so his he actually doesn't need the bedding is not quite as important but the bed is very the bed is very i saw my mattress makers which is adjustable i mean everything has been great for me the comforter whatever the pillows and of course the bed spend the extra money you will not regret it yeah i used to be that guy i'd go to target or whatever and just be like i just need the cheapest uh sheets you're like no oh you feel them you feel it you feel like construction paper terrible you put your like you can hear it it's you pull your sheets of it i can give you a paper cuts like this rustling around your bed what in the world i love summer break i could be us about stuff like this all day so uh yesterday though not to change the subject i'm sure ben is not super happy about this but after the show yesterday we went into the prod studio and sometimes like we're all probably an i a little add whatever ben has a different like where he just locks in on one thing he can't look at anything else so ben was actually on his phone and poly just for some random reason was digging around in the archives and just started playing these clips and it was one after the other we said we said one out loud and it was more of a recent ben drop all girls all the time right and we we started laughing and you're you're like well what else did we have this week i was like what else did we have and we started going through the the folder of ben drops that i have and that we just have not not played a bunch of i and i had found it's fine i just have to remind everybody that these are all taken out of contact allegedly maybe from news stories right maybe from reading you know ganja aka cannabis what was that ganja aka cannabis when poly play that yesterday i almost fell down and i said it said the thing that popped into my mind is ben walks into his first bachelor party ever he said the gift of uh steve was shemmy with the escape fellow kid hello kids how are you but when he's he walks into his very first bachelor party and like ben what did you bring i got the whiskey i got the i got this and then uh ben ganja aka cannabis what is that from that was actually a take on what's question was it really okay ganja aka cannabis was one of our favorites so parley and parley poly starts playing all of these toa i mean we know that one's from hoochie coo what in the world i think that's uh there's a saw rock and roll hoochie coo okay ask gasket ask gasket that's um that was what someone called the protective oh the she for the uh toilet when you do and you put the little piece of paper what is it ask gasket all right so i would just play with it constantly your son that could be anything but cheeks he's laying me out every single time even better poops if you've been having trouble with those that's the farmer's dog sure of course this i have frozen my penis i you've no i have frozen my penis for real those were not altered by the way for real by the way for real for real for real don't know what that was in reference to actually stink fist stink fist don't know again like these this is an ai i didn't have no i learned ben's voice you're in the cash aid dude these balls bouncing off my chest and off my arms my legs all over the place that was when we did the seals and i was in goal okay that makes more sense that makes more sense he got a nice thick one as well going out for a steak possibly a thick one athletic poop pubagia no idea i don't know what even is that i don't know it sounds like a medical concern of some is it called it is called athletic poop pubagia okay here it is it's pube pubagia pubagia i think you i think it's stuttered a little say it played one more time point athletic poop pubagia poop yeah there's no extra peeing pubagia poop pubagia it's ternia spore ternia that's the official name somebody had a sport yeah i think yeah all right i remember talking about how real athletes do they get the spore ternia yeah athletic pubagia yeah make it rain i know what that's from do you remember that remember it vividly oh god these are the time we were trying to end the drought in california he almost just got me out of mouth full of water holy crap i mean we have more where it's just i'm like i don't even know how we do the noises do you remember the noises oh yeah yeah poly i mean we went we spent 30 minutes in here going over do you have any explanation for yourself sir at all any explanation for that not really yeah what any no recollection i don't think so that actually sounds way off mike so did we get hidden audio of you somewhere that was like ben we made ben exercise or something yeah i think that was come on back here's our breath and he just and the stroke stroke stroke we're talking about rowing of course that's the coxom that's his job is to announce he can't stop he can't stop pronounce the strokes competitive the coccyx that's your tailbone he says always just sitting in a sitting in a file cracker just sitting in a file rotting what can we possibly do with these to put them to good use the effort that you've gone to just to collect all of these though i mean i feel like we could feed nations with the energy from these i really do we got about 500 500 just saved in one folder and some of them like i'm like you just became i don't even know what we were where we got that from and we can't use it oh god all right look if we were if this was 1993 and they used to do this radio station remember when radio stations ben used to send out cd's to their their audience like best of cd's we would put out a ben drop cd and it would sell like at least 500 copies at least it would be four hours of your coccyx and stroke and your noises yeah we need to make a song out of them something something it is just incredible give it to daddy give it to daddy i like that one always like that one oh ben noises instead of ben likes yeah i'm down ben and jina all right said and it's a heart it's like a heart serious heart conditions right you are you're a gem i'm just i'm just you're just you i'm just here that's the best part right when you hear these do they bother you i touch myself a little bit yeah they do i mean why don't i want to hurt your feelings no no i don't i mean i said all of them they're not denying that i said all of them but there's a valid explanation for every single one of them i promise you yeah the only little x here on the website you're dealing a little x here on the website dealing a little x i mean that's criminal actually i mean i'm not gonna do that ganja aka cannabis it's like a whole pharmacy here tournament of drops next year is going to be stacked turn of the ben noises that we have to go 64 i really think we have to if we have a separate tournament entirely yeah just for me it's a 64 when we could go 69 it's so matter of faculty oh you're such a gem dude such a gem as much as like no BS i can do this for another 45 minutes but i don't think people would like let's let's take a quick time out i i do have a question for you a sports related topic and a parenting topic as well that i want to bring up we'll get to that coming up next back after traffic with more ben & wood summer break continuing here on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fam sorry i hadn't really heard of this name until uh the story came out yesterday and woods i wanted to get your take on what kaven sullivan did in the mls yesterday for the philadelphia union when he took the field yesterday and their match against the new england revolution he said a new not just mls record but new highest level of professional soccer record or really any other sport nba nfl major league baseball by becoming the youngest professional top level athlete in american history 14 years 293 days old breaking the record sent by soccer player freddy adieu who was also just below 15 years old when he did it i was put into the game in the second half he's already signed a contract uh you know homegrown contract in major league soccer uh it's a big deal and it also stipulates then when he turns 18 he will transfer to english promor league power manchester city so his his next his path path for i mean probably the next decade or so he's already set in stone essentially and contractual ink of what is going to happen and my question to you is i guess he he did fine he came in didn't have a a ton of chances at the ball had a nice run late in the game ended with a shot on goal from outside the penalty area his older brother is already on the team but i guess as a parent and and maybe my my thinking has evolved on this and then neither of my boys you know gonna be a professional athlete i suppose to the premier league any time soon and and as or 99.9 percent of parents out there your kids are not ever going to be professional athletes so it just 14 seems awfully young to put the kind of pressure that we put on pro athletes especially in this country on and you know any soccer i mean they're crazy about soccer in europe manchester city fans to put that kind of professional level pressure on a 14 year old to me is is concerning actually what do you feel about it even if he seems like he's pretty mature and has handled it really well i think his brother being on the team is clutch is about his clutch i don't know that you could do something like that without it we have our own you know ethan salis here in in with the san diego potteries and you know i think there's measures in place to make sure um to make sure that ethan is taking care of and covered and and that's smart that's what you have to do the 14 yeah man does it seem young absolutely i think about my own kids that would be like bow going off to play professional sports in seven and a half years or six and a half years it's hard for me to wrap my head around certainly if he wants it though is i think the thing can you know that that's what you want even a 14 oh bro i don't think there's any question at all it manifests destiny for some of these kids that know the minute they pick up a bat a football a basketball those guys the freddy ados he's a year older than me so i already do is not he's not a cautionary tell but he would never he never became the superstar that they thought he would be when he debuted at age you know 14 which by the way there's how many people in every sport never became the superstar they were supposed to be even when they debuted at 22 or 23 or 24 and plenty of experience in life's wisdom and you know tail is oldest i had a hundred percent i mean it happens the the LeBron's are one in a billion right i mean it's interesting maybe you're bigger labor it's interesting Jordan went to college it's interesting you bring this up today i i don't respond on instagram very much to strangers and there's a podcast it's called the nine whole podcast it's a baseball podcast and they they had something to the effect of uh parents are putting way too much pressure on their kids you're seeing 12 year old kids playing baseball now and they're so worried about the results now and and i i i paused for a second and i wrote this i said they said you find these kids stressing about the outcome instead of just playing ball and having fun like we used to of course travel ball is serious but hang on i wrote i'm 49 years old and stressed about outcomes in every single game i ever played ever it's the nature of that game in particular i didn't stress playing baseball on the sandalot with my buddies but when the game started from little league on there was never a time that outcomes weren't stressed over ever it when you put a uniform on and you go out and there's umpires and your folks are in the stands or if they're not in the stands and you go up to the to the plate and you didn't get a hit i don't remember like it's fine i'm 12 i'm having fun with my friends no i was livid and that's in 1987 there's nothing wrong with caring about an outcome i know it i think at some point we've gotten to the point hey winning and losing doesn't matter winning losing is what makes it fun for a lot of us a hundred percent i wouldn't want to play golf if it was just hey go out and make some good swings we're not going to keep score no i need to keep score that's what makes it fun and yeah it's frustrating sometimes and it bothers me but as an adult i also know all right i played terrible yesterday but i'll get over it you know i'll get another chance can you do that as a 14 year old if he went in and he did it but let's say he gave up the winning goal or scored an own goal accidentally to lose the match for his team and started getting booed from fans in the stands which is a real risk when you're a professional athlete are you emotionally able to handle that at age 14 are you emotionally able to handle it age 28 are you emotionally able to handle it 49 when i get some guy chirping me on twitter that has a do-do emoji as a profile picture and his name is something with a bunch of numbers i'm 49 years old tomorrow am i emotionally strong enough to handle it not always not always so every person is different and i think this kid i think benny if he if this is what he wants to be doing i think it's it's brilliant and great and awesome and like if you have the ability and somebody thinks that you have that ability this is not a this is not a publicity stunt you know this isn't like we need we need asses in the seats let's get a 14 year old out here i don't see that at all i guess the way i look at it though is if he's truly this good and i can't miss prospect he'll also be this good when he's 16 or 17 or 18 but they got him they got him but yes well for the team great they locked him in and man should say they locked it in but if he's not this good and he finds it out in a couple of years haven't you done more damage like what is the what's the harm of the rush a couple years what's the rush i don't know maybe he's that good you know maybe he's that good and i think did everybody kind of agree at least we don't know anything about the development of players and and you know we we like to speculate that we do and but did certain people that maybe are more than the know than us did they think ethan sallis was rushed a little bit less you know isn't there a method though to that madness is at age 16 it's i it is very young i i have always hesitated every time they have the international signing period and they talk about these guys who just turn 16 and you know leaving their countries and maybe coming to Arizona to play ball some of them go to the Dominican but they're not all from the Dominican they you know guys who signed in Venezuela go to the Dominican and to then play ball away from their families and it feels feels very young to me to do that you know that's the way it works but still they're in the minor leagues where ultimately it's still they're developing and hopefully the organizations they sign with are treating this as nurturing him as nurturing and fostering a good environment fourth of what you get to the big big level you know and i'm including MLS in this even though people are saying obviously it's not the same as the Premier League or La Liga or anything like that but it is the top level we've got in this country it's no longer about developing i mean you want to keep developing players it's about the results now and really only about the results once you get to the top level even solace it's not about the results even if you go even at double a and triple a it's still about developing no one cares ultimately if you win a minor league championship right you they care that maybe you show the ability to win and what it takes but but ultimately no one cares but at the top level they do and that's something that handle at the young age of 14 16 whatever yeah i mean think about think about actors you know child actors the the the is some of it's gone awry certainly we know the the pitfalls of that but i the processes that are in place now are better than they were 30 years ago better than they were 60 years ago you know there's an evolution and hopefully this team is is doing everything they can to foster you know because he's still a kid i mean they have to you have to nurture him through that and but if he wants it and he has the ability i'm all for it man i really am i think it's i think it's a cool story and and i don't i'm hoping for the best for yeah of course and i i don't know i don't know anything about his parents but like i just think about my own kids and if if somebody was ready to make the jump you know to to something special you know you warn them you you're there for him and you let him know it's okay to fail i mean it's absolutely okay to fail uh you're going to if you're if you're an athlete at any level but you're right about the pros it's about results really at that point but there was a reason they brought him up and it's probably because he's uh he's good and i think in in their minds you know like he's 14 and he's this developed he's only gonna get better it doesn't always work that way it doesn't always work that way but um i think it's pretty i think it's a pretty cool story uh but definitely wanted to keep your eye on all right let's take a quick time out when we come back we rarely do this but i'm gonna open the phones like completely eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three get the whole do you only open them partially sometimes well sometimes i direct you toward a specific topic like hey we're playing take on wood like calling three lines are open this is all this is this is pretty much open topics in fact i'll steal from any and else because i like what they do they call it uh they're their ama ask me anything okay you can ask us anything you want it can be pod rays related it can be just stuff about us that you're curious about please join us in our next segment this is summer break we're trying to be casual the phone lines are open eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three get to us give us a call next on better wood sandy it goes number one sports station ninety seven three the fan my phone lines are jam we're gonna get out to the calls here in a second baseball coverage in ninety seven three the fan is presented by T-Mobile switch to T-Mobile and get tons of benefits and still safe on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon use their savings calculator to find out how at T-Mobile dot com slash switch and probably did confirm during the break that at least somewhere it is registered that the pod rays have officially selected the contract of Tirso or Nellis even if they haven't announced the movie MLB dot com that's a fairly official website the official transaction page yeah or Nellis having a really solid season triple A now remember offensive numbers tend to be inflated in the pacific coast league but 316 batting average 390 on base percentage 515 slugging that's a 905 OPS has 12 homers 14 doubles 57 runs batted in for the Chihuahua so solid season and now we'll get the opportunity to show his stuff on the big league level to start the second half uh tomorrow in Cleveland we need we need all the help we can get my friend all the help we can get all right we're going to get out to these uh phone calls uh ask us anything here pod rays or otherwise right after a check of traffic on 97 three the fan all right let's go out to the phone lines uh Richard is joining us Richard welcome to a very uh summer breaky venom woods here on 97 three the fan thank you morning guys how you guys doing well and listen i'll tell you start real briefly and ask you a question i recently went on a road trip to see the Padres back east in Boston it was my first time uh leaving the state of california going back east and i went back there to see the Padres in Fenway park i went on saturday had the time of my life and traveled the poverty fans traveled well let me tell you and now my question for you is which picture would you pick up in the free agent trading deadline if you're correct sure yeah i'm seeing um you know i'm seeing a couple of rumors come in about tarik scuba from the tigers he's going to cost he's going to cost you everything well he's got two more years of control he's an ace yeah i think you can i think solace or debris or possibly both yeah everything you got pretty much for for uh tarik scuba which i don't i don't think you want to do garret crochet is the name you've heard but same they're looking they're looking for the same is that he looked good at the all-star game but my worry is how many innings do you have left do you have another michael king on your hands which is great he's got great stuff and he's got another year of control but you need help right now and you need some innings which is why i'd probably see what you can offer the blue jays for you say because i was just gonna yeah just gonna say kakuchi man i think he's a perfect fit for what we're looking for here don't think he's going to cost you a ton um at all and again i think you know once we all start speculating about what aj preller will do um rarely are we right in there's something that that pops up and a guy and you go why didn't i think of that you know why didn't i think that he was available so there's like three team trades and all that i mean this is now going to be the time to get extremely creative fortunately for us he's a really creative guy so i'm i'm like enamored i can't wait to see what he does good question to get us started let's go to brad you are next up here with benhamwood's a 97-3 the fan hi brad hey good morning gentlemen hey this age thing member freddy adieu from about 20 years ago was like 16 so i mean he had a decent career but man that load was on him here's the question with the age thing having a daughter that was 14 potentially making the varsity volleyball team i looked at my wife and i said hey she makes that team you know let her hang around with seven to 18 year olds and go to their parties she goes of course not they're she's too young i go didn't you're going to kill her socially so there's an age difference you know and a life experience difference you got to take when you put these 18 year old athletes about men that what do you do off field that's a really good point yeah that's a really excellent point and how do you maintain like team cohesiveness and unity when you've got if for the philadelphia union and and Sullivan a 14 year old who can't do you can't go out at you know for beers after the game or anything not for seven more years didn't go out as a pro and couldn't until the you know first few weeks of his big league career still 20 is waiting in 14 it is it is it is it's absolutely different but the freddy adieu thing is is a great point and but i think the difference is this kid wasn't named the next heir apparent of soccer like freddy adieu was when he was 16 years old there like we talked about very few guys brice harper on the cover of si labron james tiger woods those guys have done it they've reached the heights you know but for every one of those there's a billion guys that never got close i didn't think about the social even element of it i was thinking more professionally and the prepressure put on you career wise but yeah can you maintain your friend like your school friendships is he i'm sure he's like homeschooled so there's no way he's playing professional soccer and also going this is like to freshman year of high school at the same time this is like rookie of the year the movie the rookie of the year we have the rubber arm and and threw like a hundred but he had trouble relating to his 34 year old teammates obviously yeah gary bucie is the ace of the staff yeah and gary bucie again for that fastball like it's exactly like rookie of the year gary bucie the rocket yeah the rocket you get the rocket i guess 65 years old this will be a big leaguer throw him behind stinky cheddar it's a great book it's a great call though the social aspect is is kind of you know part of what did him in he missed being a kid protecting your phone calls ask us anything eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three we get some uh open lines now let's go to victor victor how are you this morning uh do well fellas good morning good morning but hey hey well i definitely want to bring it a little bit back towards uh the Padres and a great question i think you guys could definitely dive into this what do you think would happen to the organization if they happen to miss the playoffs once again this evening i know it's a little a little unlikely no it's it's not a lot more likely than unlike yeah i think there's a great question we talked about it yesterday we talked about today their fan graphs projections which is strictly mathematical analytical odds uh their odds of making the playoffs are i think it was 39.4 percent if there's one it's more likely that they don't make the playoffs but if there's one thing we know about the San Diego Padres they are in fact odds busters and not always in the best way a fan graphs had last year had them projected well i mean what was their projection the beginning year to make the playoffs 97 percent and we saw it just slide and so um you know i made the point earlier i saw that tweet 500 baseball since 2021 where is the magic wand you wave to make sure that doesn't happen in the second half i don't know that there is one i don't think you're gonna like this answer victor or maybe anyone listening i think i know what you're gonna say and i agree i think if the pond rays miss the playoffs the major consequence will be nothing nothing nothing i don't even think aj necessarily loses his job because for the most part they're gonna want next year to look kind of the same they're going to have a lot of the same players back like michael king is under control they've you know they're obviously guys like manny and you know hopefully they're gonna hope even the new guys cease arise yeah they're ceases back arises back if they don't do anything and they're gonna hope for a healthy year and they're gonna kind of be in wind now mode again next year and the idea will be hey this is still aj's group these are his guys is a different gm really gonna make a difference this year he's under contract but he's under contract my guess and and i know you hate hearing it but even if a disappointing finish comes for the pod rays they may roll it completely back now my shield has one more he had to get two-year deal right just a two-year don't give us a two-year so you've got one more he might be a lame duck manager coming back aj will be close to like a lame duck gm but they may just roll it back at least one more time and go they may say something like okay this is it this is uh this is it or or else i think we are expecting big things in 2025 and if we don't get it there will be serious consequences for everybody involved will make major changes very much they may say that very much like parenting but they never said that this year there was a hint to it a little bit but i gotta find the quote from could send a and he said everybody will be evaluated essentially everyone has that everyone has goals everyone has you know everyone needs to do their job something like that but he never said and if we don't get there you're all fired there's a sub question sub question how many games left ninety nine or sixty two sixty one sixty three poly at first sixty three breaking news good job poly does it matter how does that outcome matter how these next sixty three games go and i mean if they go off the cliff does that maybe a little bit forced their hand a little bit or it's twenty and forty three right or if they grind it and grind it and they get so close you know will be in here well there's a what a what an effort right now we won't because we did that last year and we weren't thinking last but we were just waiting for we did not know we did not remember the last seventeen games or whatever they all and we thought man are they these guys gonna do this but we never got in here and said man we really i was so mad that it had to come down to that that i i can remember going i don't want to talk about it support just pull the plug already yes that's how i just don't know that what we think or even what fans fans think is going to impact their ultimate decision because they'll know if they think they're right in sticking with a j and mike shilt and the roster is the right thing to do they'll know fans will come around if they win next year and this is the best chance of winning that's the decision they will make if they feel like the best idea of going for change then they'll sell that and and we'll move forward on that all right let's go to our friend lennie and lamesa hey lennie it's been a while lennie hey boys how you doing it was all the time thank you buddy hey look i i i i i love this team compared to last year's team and i think we'll be in the hunt to the end the rest of the national league is right around the 500 mark uh you know the part the thing that's really hurting us we only have sixty percent of a pitching staff yeah and we need some starting pitches from a business standpoint the Padres have done a great job you know i mean the fans go out all the time 40,000 every game i see them on the road all the time so from a business desk i think they're really happy we'll compete the thing that really really irritates me i'm all excited for friday we're back on baseball like a four four o'clock start against cleveland i'm driving home and then chris elo tells me it's apple tv yeah this streaming kills me i mean i i'm not paying for another streaming service so i'm listening to the game on the radio Friday right here on 973 the fair lady i think they might have a free trial that you can get without paying but i know what you're talking about it's just i get it so many different peacock roku now roku they just had a roku game the other day it wasn't great it is very fractured i mean football in that sense does it it right you know exactly when and where to tune in for football games and you know what they move it around i mean they got amazon prime do your football now but least you know where it's going to be all season long on thursday nights sunday nights is going to be on nbc monday nights on espn you know where it is and then you get your red zone and your regular games on sundays baseball it does feel like it's a little more of i don't know it could be here it could be there it could be anywhere depending on the day of the week and what city they're in to valid valid concern but yeah you can't go wrong listening right here on nine seven three the fan home of your san diego ponder jeff uh... on the chances considering uh... peters idler passed early in the off-season and then the cut in salary he says this year's probably make the playoffs good if not okay sort of season i wonder i mean they would never not they would never say that out loud but do they did did they think that does eric could send a go to you know to a j proller and go i know we've kind of tied your hands and made you cut 90 million dollars in payroll the Rockies say hey if we make the playoffs great but if not as long as we stayed under our salary number like great no i hope that's not how they're thinking i really do yeah i i mean there's no way to know there's just no way to know what what kind of i think that would be a bad sign if that's really if you ask me honestly should be playoff in my bus yeah if you ask me honestly well i'd be disappointed if they don't make the playoffs the answer is unequivocally yeah and and i think probably in the moment i will be of the head should roll variety uh that's kind of the headspace i would be in you know we've talked about in some ways aj has done his best work given the fact the limitations and maybe the limitations are what has brought out some of the best in aj's creativity and finding the diamonds in the rough that you know other teams didn't find but at the same time you throw another 20 million dollars at this payroll you keep Seth Lugo you know maybe sign one more picture you'd be in way better shape right now than you would be and that has nothing to do with scouting that has simply to do with right your financial decisions that were made even above aj's head before the season for competitive reasons as well remember it's not simply hey we just need to make more money as the San Diego Padres there are reasons competitively to get under the CBT threshold sure you know you know draft pick uh penalties international signing penalties if you're gonna go after roki sisaki you kind of have to get under that tax this year to reset the penalties yep so there are competitive reasons to do so but it does make the job harder on the major league love but i mean i will say this and you can write it down mark it down San Diego Padres mic shield aj proller you cannot go off the cliff in the second half again you just can't do it it this the people people will people will be that will be the end of a lot of people's rope not they'll watch but i think that another drastic meltdown at the clubhouse whatever it may be people are going to be mic shield the one thing he's always been consistent about is that's not gonna happen yeah we're gonna keep getting better we're gonna keep fighting all the way through and he has a track record that proves that but i again you a Cardinals team that won what 17 in a row but you need to ask a couple years ago like i said yesterday you can have all the want and the goodwill and we i love him and he loves me and he's got my back you got to have the guns uh to fight the battle you know and i don't know that they do right now today all right keep the phone calls coming 8 3 3 2 8 8 0 97 3 paul is got a couple of headlines to talk about in the round the report next is well more better woods on the way on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan it is that exciting time of year though where john morosi and and all these guys start throwing out situations sources say there's one that john just tweeted the mariners and rays have you and this is great sources say that the mariners and rays rays have yet to engage in serious dialogue oh about Seattle's interest in adding an impact back but the teams are frequent trading partners and talks could advance in the days ahead Tampa Bay will listen on a rosarena yandy Diaz or parade ace in the right deal sales going we've had a lot of success at the trade deadline with the pod rays yes maybe we can have similar success with the Tampa rays yes absolutely what you can't is it really a report that they sort of talk but not they seriously talk sources have told them that they have not yet engaged in serious discussions but the tough one to refuse it is it is no no no our talks have been quite serious thank you very much yes they're just silly yeah there's access they're just silly talks they haven't had serious talks it's more silly uh yeah man so there's going to be a lot of that coming out you know i i i would say avoid the noise but i kind of like the noise i like i like those tweets i like to try to start putting the puzzle you can't completely avoid the noise because some of the noise ends up being true there's always a certain percentage of these rumors that do end up panning out it's just that usually like 80 of them don't so you also have to take it all with a big grain of salt but if you just ignored everything you'd also miss out on the real kind of trends and you know scoops that are coming out here before the trade deadline it this good i just i feel like there's going to be so i feel like there's going to be a ton of activity which if this year proves anything that means there'll be three moves total for all teams but i i just feel that there's so many teams that think they're in it there's so many owners that are under the pressure from their fan base like Pittsburgh like Baltimore you know i think Philly's going to be really active dude they've gotten so close um i just feel like there's going to be so many buyers right now uh honestly i don't know if this is the right decision or not but i don't have a lot of trade deadline talk scheduled for the round table five by me at 10 o'clock i feel like we've had those discussions over the past month yeah what we all know at this point kind of what the Padres need who the options are potentially out there what the costs could potentially be and how we feel about it i don't think anything's really changed in the last week or two yeah i need money in the chat says how do we add to the rotation and bullpen not trade our top two prospects and stay under the luxury tax it's the most unenviable job in being morning aj good luck i mean it's it's a really unenviable position but again we would like to have our cake we want to eat it too yeah yeah and then have more of it we need the several pieces of cake to eat but i think but then we also need to have cakes left over afterwards correct well after we've eaten it we want it to still be sitting there still have a bunch left yeah it's the tough part and and look at again you can't let aj apeller off the hook in that in that this is uh this is the corner that he's kind of painted himself into uh by going out which we love luisa rise we love dill and cease but you've now we wouldn't be fifty and forty nine without them so i shudder to think where we would be without arise and cease in particular um but this is the core this is the job he's painted himself into this and he's got to figure his way out well speaking of eating i believe we have the newest ballpark food extravaganza coming your way they did it again as part of this edition of the rindle report and get things started here with our edition today's edition of the rindle report now tuned into the month greatest welcome to the rindle report with paul rindle hi paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindle report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on ninety seven three though fad are you ready to bless the mood i need some help please yeah that was good can i get a whole year all right all right all right all right all right good morning my friend good morning how you feeling guys good really good nice and refreshed from that hypnotherapy yes feel great woods sleep doesn't work no you don't you're just out of hypnosis i guess not all right just checking what does that red door make you feel that's maroon yeah i hate maroon it's probably my least favorite color maroon i can't stand it really yeah maroon loathe it loathe it like usc colors like that part of it i just i've never liked it i'm just always thought it was not great you're not a big fan of the band maroon five either you know that you know that i don't mind spending every night did they moves like jagger yeah yeah which is i mean there's no reason for it none no reason for that band they've made a lot of money and been very successful it's true they would say there's probably a reason for that song i don't get it man i do not get it we talked about it briefly a couple weeks ago watch that nickelback documentary like why did they get so much hate yeah maroon five just stages by we just put maroon five out of pedestal a hundred percent let's see how many things we can make uh adam lavin do yeah flip it that should be flipped flipped i agree yeah all right anyways uh look slow slow week in sports uh wednesday and thursday of this week slowest days of the entire year i think on the sports calendar but uh we got a couple stories here so yesterday now then did you say this is the last wmba game for the next few weeks yeah so they have the uh the all-star break followed by the olympic break so i don't think there's another real game for almost like a month the all-star break already wmba season is not that long yeah that's great now the draft was like a month ago yeah kalen clark kalen clark was playing for iowa like six weeks ago it's like in a it's a good adult ball season pretty much so uh yesterday in the wmba kalen clark i made history once again uh on for women's basketball she had 19 assists uh in their loss to dallas they lost to the wings 101 to 93 but she had 19 assists for indiana and that is a wmba record what are your guys's honest genuine thoughts on the assist is it like you know how people argue against rbi all the time in baseball they argue against i i don't hitting with runners in scoring position driving in the rounds is hard it's hard to do but things have to go your way like is alex bohm truly a great rbi man or he obviously can't do it without the guys in front of this good question let's this is a good question if i pass it to the best player on my team who makes everything no it's do i get not it not all assists are created equal you're absolutely right there's nothing prettier than the guy who drives the lane does the no look behind his back hungry to a guy who then dunks it they collapse him he throws behind it that's an incredible assist so good but if i dribble up paulies i'm trapped paulies underneath and i go oh paulies got a foot advantage i throw him the ball he turns around and drops on it or the point guard raise the ball up court and sees step curry wide open simple pass three ball that's an assist or even worse you've got like three on the shot clock and you wildly just throw it to someone because you don't want to take the shot and then they wildly throw it up and make it you just got an assist for that when your teammate calls it a time bomb i'm not i think assists are important account i mean look i've i play a lot of basketball a recreational level and they're stoked when you get a good a good assist yeah actually sometimes and there's just times where you're like look i just don't have it offensively right now so i'm going it's another form of an assist i'm going to be setting off ball screens or i'm going to be moving without the ball i'm going to lock my guy down defensively because i can't score a lick right now you don't get that credit for that you don't get those in the in the step that's the that's the that's the but i kind of take in the extra base on a bobble things like that yeah i think the uh the katelyn clark haters and you know that they're out there they're very conflicted because they're going yeah well they lost again so what she said an individual record doesn't matter if your team doesn't have any success very selfish of her but it's an assist record it's it's in a record passing to other teammates being unselfish i bet you there are players though where the coach is like hey stone passes i don't i don't want you uh dishing as much as you're dishing i need you shooting you know i you know i'm fine i've got you know triple double it's awesome it rebounds look look at that like uh he throws a lot of passes that could be more assist and his teammates don't make the shots like why don't you just go ahead and take it by the way this is not take the hard fade away yourself luka this don't give it to your open teammate this is not an indictment on katelyn i've always had this thought about the assist of like oh all right it's uh it says stat in which you don't have a lot of control like i passed you know somebody asked me the second guy can give you get two assists yes lacrosse you have passed it to someone else who then makes the really good pass to someone for the assist same across yeah i really didn't do anything at all but i got credit for an assist yep people in the chat are talking about uh what about angel reese's rebounds have you seen this going around they the she set how to streak of double doubles but somebody posted i saw it yesterday the um a screenshot of the play by play of their game and it was like angel reese angel reese missed layup angel reese offensive rebound angel reese missed layup angel reese offensive rebound angel reese miss layup offensive rebound she just had a huge size advantage yeah just like yeah yeah all these offensive it counts the count yeah and in some sense even on defense the offensive team clears out because they know they can't get it so they don't even contest it sometimes on the rebound it gives her a lot of easy rebounds i do feel like i do but she has to be angel reese for that to happen this is incredible this is the incredible boomer i do feel like rebounds in the 80s were a lot tougher to come by than rebounds today i really do not all rebounds are created and you're absolutely right but i do the incredible boomer does say the ball from farther away it's going to be longer longer is your rebounds it's true yeah it's all part of it but anyways let's get to uh the big story here the Kansas City Royals they did it again they've done it again uh i saw the post from john boy media that says the royals have unveiled the mother of all ball park food you seen it yet man throw it up here just about two minutes ago yeah so it's called the taste of the k taco oh my god and i don't even know where to begin but it is a uh it looks like a hot dog now i can't tell if the hot dog is cut up john boy's got the description but it looks like the hot dog is cut up but there it is a hot dog wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla which again a lot of questions already what is a cheeseburger quesadilla topped with barbeque brisket french fries lettuce pickled onions sriracha cracker jacks which i didn't know existed and barbeque sauce this thing looks but no now remember i don't know why the lettuce is in there that's that seems completely it's healthy it's healthy it's healthy now it's a salad basically a salad it's healthy really the thing looks uh now again we did this whole story on the um reese's brisket right about yeah a little uh two years ago right yeah and i went there's the one that you had when i tried it you see that bad boy you know it was cut up reese's peanut butter cups inside a pork pole pork barbeque sandwich bacon bits which made it by the way and barbeque sauce and i was like you'd have to be insane to eat it i bought one i ate it melts that well that reese is just perfectly it was it was beyond spectacular it was beyond spectacular it was one of the best things i've ever eaten now this one looks a little bit different the one thing i think i would bang on this is the hot dog i would get rid of the hot dog not the cracker jack no the cracker jacks would be their sriracha cracker jacks so you got are they also sweet though they're like yeah the caramel and then they just add some sriracha to it for a little sweet heat i like sweet heat i think it looks like that i think it looks speck it take that there's that one wiener sticking out of it right there and i get that wiener out of there and just give me the i think i could i don't mind wrapping things in a quesadilla i don't know that any cheeseburger inside the quesadilla as well yeah like um tortilla meat and cheese tortilla yep and then a taco shell and then it's more of a mulita with like two two tortillas and then sandwich together then a quesadilla i think my absolute kryptonite and san dia my favorite dish in san dia go that i have ever eaten it's my favorite burrito from true heos by sandy state right on campus wrapped in a quesadilla it's the sigma pie is a california burrito wrapped in a cheese quesadilla so it's like tortilla melted cheese burrito and it is i had it once like the first weekend of my freshman year in 2009 and it's been my go-to on their menu we'll leave that what 15 years now it's unreal i like the at taco bell when i've been the mood once a year when i eat my once a year taco bell i like that double decker the soft tortilla with the beans then the hard shell then the meat that softness into the crunchiness i love so i think i would i have to say that i have seen the the quesadilla wrapped around the california burrito before and as much as i'd like to it's a lime that personally i won't cross you won't do it i just feel like once i go to the quesadilla wrapped burrito that's pretty much the end and as long as i stay away from that once a year i can have a burrito i can do it every once in a while but once you go to the burrito wrapped in a quesadilla you've done something kind of evil yeah you feel like you can never come back from you feel like you just went to a massage part oh i want i want to go to massage no i want the quesadilla wrapped burrito i really do but i feel like what i love it so much that i can't go back to a regular burrito after that that's the shame and then it's like oh no i know that i've tasted nirvana and then i can never go back because you can't just make a quesadilla wrapped burrito your regular order i mean that was my favorite i would make it six months they had a burrito with a tequito like pretty much jam right in the middle of the burrito i've done that i can stay away from that one that's spectacular it's good but it gets a little bready inside with the tour with the tart double wrap tortilla this thing looks really good honestly except for the hot dog the hot dog would be the thing that threw me off it doesn't i don't think it belongs with the rest of it it's not really ballpark food without the hot dog in there sure it is yeah sure it is one more time the taste of cake taco is a hot dog wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla top it's a hot dog essentially this item is a hot dog dog everything else is just dressing up for the hot dog it's a hot dog take that thing wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla top with barbecue brisket french fries lettuce pickled rend onions nice little tanginess uh sriracha cracker jacks and 816 sauce which is a barbecue sauce yeah okay that does look it looks pretty good do they have sriracha cracker jacks or are those like made in the ball maybe it's made i've never heard of them specifically for that just what would 619 sauce if they have 816 sauce in this barbecue sauce what would 619 sauce be some sort of blending of chipotle salsa some sort of yeah so blend avocados give her mix your salsa give her mix the green and red and the the of the no no i have it's good try i mean i'll i'll have a breed on some bites i'll do red and some bites i'll do greens i'll never do both at the same time double dipping spectacular i feel like you're you're melding flavors that weren't meant to be melded that's that's why i you know it was one or the other they always say i have the palette of a six-year-old i think it's you you want to have hatcher if you want to have half the breeder with green and half with red i respect i love that put them together but not at the same time put them together try it next time seems a little deviant it is very deviant well you know how my god created red and green salsa for a reason they're totally different flavors and you want to add the tangy tomatillos of the green great if you want to add the fiery red chilliness of the red great what's the other one the habanieri orange delicious that is also good delicious put it all makes it all in one try it so you think Mexican food after the yeah i was just thinking the same thing after my round table pizza of course which we're going to wrap in a quesadilla for you yes yeah some brisket stuffed in a full roasted chicken after a turducken red versus green sauce discussions like the bloods and crips it's not it's you can put it all together it's all at the same time i'm a mixture yeah so you'd be both a blood and a crib yeah i don't think they allow that i'm a rip a crud hey guys i'm going to hang it out with them hey crips i'm i'm actually hanging out with the bloods today yeah i'm i'm i'm every man all right mix it together oh all right good job on the round of report and we will come back um we've got some throwback Thursday material for you some summer break throwback material from our first half look back as well we'll get to all of it coming up next after a check of traffic here on 97 three the fam i'm starving starving now welcome back to salsa salsa salsa salsa oh you were so awesome salsa so welcome back to salsa salsa salsa it's been in woods here on 97 three the fam there's some mixers in the uh in the chat they've got a lot of it all comes out in the same place in the end yeah it does i just feel like the flavors are very distinct on the red and green and i i do like them both but i i agreed with one of our listeners who said yeah green's better for like um like carnitas is good with green salsa if you're going to carne asada i think red tends to work a little bit better with that everyone has their own personal preferences i just feel like maybe i don't know i just feel like it's a totally different sauce if you mix them together which is the point i guess i'll have to try it yeah try it i think you'll i think you'll like it what color does it turn into i know yellow and blue make green but what do green and red make i just pour like i do like a little dollop and then i take another dollop i don't actually put them together and mix them with a spoon or anything i just a little of this little of that boom i have to be very careful when i'm eating the burrito that when you put the sauce on you got a bite all the way across to make sure you're correct falling off all over your shirt and stuff well that that made me but too much sauce on it's a problem that made me super hungry but the guy that made me the hungriest is our pal adio b roister from filly who is in for his yearly visit uh formerly lived in san diego and worked in the radio business always comes in to hang out welcome back my yearly vacation your yearly vacation to america's finest now he's a filly guy but he's a padre's fan but he was just i asked him the straight dope on cheesesteaks and filly i said you like cheesesteaks he goes oh yeah of course and i said what's the best and then you told me don't go to the the two famous places pat and gino's never go to passe and gino's passe and gino's are for tourists okay uh you go to gym steaks preferably on south street because they just did the big remodel but if you want your mind blown i do you go to delisandre's cheesesteaks is right in the italian market three words guys garlic bread cheesesteak the thought of it good god the thought of it makes my i'm like that's the cheesesteak version of a uh quesadilla rap burrito right there did you gain all the weight yeah i would say garlic bread and you put the cheese steak inside so here's the thing though garlic bread sometimes you get it from the atalian restaurant you dip it it's kind of soft it's like what's the word like not flaky but like um super buttery it's way it's too buttery sometimes and it's like it's like a flaky like i don't think that that phrase should exist too buttery yeah it's too buttery it can be too buttery i don't think so it can be but that place has been around long enough to wear like they get the consistency down each time but this is not like garlic bread like texas toast garlic bread it's not like that but they do have it's like a baguette i want to say yeah and then they just put just garlic bread ingredients on it they got toasted in the oven garlic yeah sometimes little cheese and then add the cheesesteak in between do you in in in filly they i know they do cheese whiz uh on it whiz yeah whiz or without whiz do you put anything else on it you just go meat cheese bread right it's just meat cheese bread peppers and onions is part of the onions yeah yeah i've seen people put lettuce and tomatoes on cheesesteak slices ungodly yeah why are you doing that to a perfectly i've seen people put mayo on them which i can get down with because i like mayo no absolutely not i can do it absolutely not and there's no you don't dip it in anything no you don't need to although a french although a french dip cheese they's probably a good idea oh yeah like a uh like an all jiu would be good michelle and chad says dalasandras is fire oh my god i got to get see yes i didn't want to trip man next year filly i want to see the ballpark i want to schedule should come out like in the next month i want to see the crazy fans it's so far the flight a flight is so far speaking of uh pennsylvania this week uh coopers town now that's actually new york yes uh upstate yeah upstate new york yeah east coast i forgot about the hall of fame induction ceremonies this week yes speaking of philadelphia this town it's not anywhere near the white house you know i i do i do mess them up in my head because i've been to uh uh uh little league world series which is really will you yeah they're actually kind of similar sort of towns and the you know the back upstate areas of the state but anyway i totally forgot did you remember that this weekend's the hall of fame induction do you remember who is going in to the hall of fame this weekend zero percent so uh this weekend they're going to have sunday is the official induction ceremony and the uh the class is adrian beltray love it tod hilton joe mower and then jim leland the uh the former skipper good class good class really good class going in this weekend i have nothing nothing bad yeah i i think i remember when they were doing because remember it was back in january when they announced and there was some talk about joe mower who had the didn't have the the length yeah the length of his career yeah the girth was not there necessarily length of his career but as good of catching seasons as anyone has really ever had just he was awesome just didn't put up the 20 year numbers right some guys do to get to the hall of fame you know tod hilton we got to see in his numbers you know some people said inflated by coars field but he was he was really good everywhere still got to hit the ball trade was one of those guys so when you put his career all together unbelievably spectacular career you never thought sneaky quiet yeah because you never thought of adrian beltray i mean he was an all-star but you never thought oh he's the best player in baseball he was stagnant but you never thought that about adrian beltray at any moment you always fit he's he's probably one of the best player two or three players on that team we're playing right now but she never went who adrian beltray is coming to town we're going to get to see the best player in baseball this week that one of our beloved manny machano's favorite third baseman of all time as well he is uh beltray i was in texas for some of his run and he's beloved beloved by the players oh my god like one of the best teammates and and guys of all time so i'm excited to see these dudes and he was uh for me he was like he you know it reminds me it reminds me of pro far intense super intense but he had a he had a good smile and was a really uh he had a lot of fun playing the game of baseball which i always admired so gonna be really really cool to see that this weekend what was his uh what was his quirky thing don't was there that don't touch him in the head don't touch his head the just later after the show then go on youtube and type in adrian beltray elvis andrews yeah there's like 10 minute long videos of the those two guys like no teammates have ever loved each other more than those two in protein for sure and they would mess with each other like there'd be a high pop fly to short and beltray would move about five feet to andrews right and pretend he was gonna catch it and try to throw him off maybe nervous every time he did i'm like stop dude you're gonna kill me they have a pitchers meeting on the mound you know making a pitching change and all the guys the whole infield would be in there and elvis andrews would come up and just try to grab belcher his head and he's like kind of me touching you like you hate to be touched and i like to give you a good point yeah very much like that i would i would say watch that before the induction uh the hall of fame ceremony this weekend because i guarantee you all this andrews will be a part of uh adrian beltrays this is traveling party or something i just looked up a story and i just this quote introducing him from joey gallows stands out he says adrian beltray is never actually really mad at anyone he's fake mad a lot he's fake mad a lot i love that fake mad i love it it's greatness all right we have a one segment left and then of course around table we're gonna throw it back on a thursday a little grand slam talk if you remember uh something that paul is pulled from the archive so we'll get to that coming up next with vena woods and san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan final segment of vena woods on a thursday but not the last you'll hear from us today or she'll be here um the other rest of the gang is uh on their way in and the gathering in our uh sound stage where we'll do the round table coming up from 10 to 11 o'clock this morning minus of course tony guin jr or is he gonna be here why don't know they're flying out i assumed to cleveland today you don't you know wait until the last minute potters have a game tomorrow so my guess is that uh there's some travel going on with san diego pardres today i don't know what their their schedule is i'm assuming uh well no when we talk to mike shilt tomorrow he will be in cleveland as they have a game exactly tomorrow night so my guess is to get there today they are on i know what time they leave it in the morning to believe in the afternoon i think any chance you get you take to get to cleveland as early as possible you take it you know to take in the side to go down to the flats uh flats are actually a really fun part of cleveland cleveland's not that bad and they're once they have a rock and roll hall of fame it's phenomenal so much fun so it's a really cool cool looking building it's it's incredible if you actually been in the rock hall of fame oh yeah yeah i we used to tell me about it we used to go uh from shickers weird you'd leave chicago for a weekend which he does a little intense go to cleveland go down to the flats hang out and then which is like a bar area on the water and then we went to the rock and roll hall of fame because i had to go and it was it was awesome i mean you're like oh that's keith moon's drums like it's just if you like halls of fames then that's one for you well it's one for me and he's just halls of fame halls of fames many fames holes in one holes in one holes in one holes in one holes of fame halls of fame it's a good one it's a really good one they do a good job they don't and i thought this is 25 years ago so i'm sure now they're like you can actually be jimmy pay he's like where is guitar i have no idea what it's like now but it was great then not a uh it's a ball parker wouldn't mind seeing progressive field yep formerly uh jake the jake the jake was definitely one of the the first of the retro type ballparks that really revolutionized baseball out of course an influence on pecko park um pecko park i think straddles the line between the old and the new really really well it's not the it's not a full old timey ball park it's very modern and new but it's also got some of that older look especially with the western metal supply company and such there is the best ballpark they do it really well but uh you wouldn't have that without candy yarns and jakeups field were two of the first that changed things from cookie cutter round stadiums to uh to the new style that we we have come to enjoy now i would trade uh i would trade petco park's look and ambiance for the record of the cleveland guardians right now though 2019 games over 500 which it's staggering what it what a great job um steven vote has done and and the team and hosey remere is like it's again it's one of those guys where like we're playing them and i hope he goes over 12 this weekend but a guy that every time i watch play i'm like he's absolutely elite and i love everything about him and uh they got they got a couple guys on that team i really enjoy watching play steven quands another one um i it's gonna be a tough it's gonna be a tough tough series now we'll talk about it more tomorrow and again mike chilt will join us at nine o'clock in the manager's report right now though we'll take a traffic and then we get some throwback thursday fun for you on the other side here on 97 three the fam all right poly what if you pulled from the archives for us today let's see we are going back to april early april the beginning of the padre season this is earlier this year we're doing yeah this yeah we're doing a first half review of throwback thursday it's kind of a throwback thursday but it's we've been doing the first half benin wood's lookbacks uh fun moments in benin wood's history for this year and let me pull up the call we had a uh grand slam from jerks and pro far earlier in the year believe it was april seventh and of course when we have a big moment we like to go and pull all the calls right and uh it's dawn it's jesse maybe you get the opposing team we'll get eddy ortega and of course we get our friends from the korean broadcast and uh so we played pro far as grand slam i'll play it back for you here this was april sixth against uh the giants incredible i i don't know if those are the same guys that we heard later in the season though i don't either i'm not even sure they're all elite yeah every call uh from the korean uh folk are just phenomenal so i believe that was on a weekend and because we came in a couple of days later and well did this segment and so i'm wondering do they have a boss that's like hey he's making the call or is their boss just like hey do whatever you guys want because like right then do some play by play for this home run and i'll be his partner it's the it's and you play you make the noises in the background don't i want that one's ready i'm gonna yeah because like they just they just talk over each other the whole time it's so good all right here we go base is loaded here's the pitch to pro far swung on and driven deep and hide on the right field line is it good if it's safe on your way to work if you want to keep listening to us you can't just download the app or visit search 97 here read the fan they click on the show runs the band's download the obviously i have to get started in this game they take the lead over the giant tune in every thursday at 10 a.m. between 97 3 the fan round tape and driving nuts like i love it everybody just talking over each other if i was their boss i'd be like fellas you gotta come in here for a minute and have a little conversation can we do hand signals some sort of some sort of cue because when it happens they just start going both of them one kind of off mic one calling the action and it is i mean i love it because it's like it's trainwreck radio but it's for radio purposes it's probably not the best do you remember when we first started the show and we're trying to figure out like what what each hand signal would would mean like we actually like talked about it like all right yeah i do this or i do that you know and you know you know now i don't we never even think about it i thought you were going to talk about so in the when you were doing the play by play there before i started screaming and before woods jumped in and started reading odyssey liners i could hear you you had a call back to one of our earlier moments as a show you said take your trot jurison pro trotter and that was when we tried to all do our own home run what would our home run call as be our signature catch phrase and yours was take your trot frenchy gordero that's right i but no back in those are i'll never forget the first like week on the air on the very first show i was on the first time i got the hand to my face and then one hand to your face was i was like oh then you would get the two hands out then it was like i'll just i'll just sit back and i didn't realize that that's how you you know you have you have to do it sometimes well yeah you i mean you've been hosting for by yourself for a while a lot of things you don't need to worry about any other people talking no no i not our show the very first show yeah very first show i was on and i didn't know anything about this business and the first time i got the hand up the Heisman and i was i felt like an idiot you know and then the the two would come out when the two came out it was like go ahead you know and it i was i took it personally but then you realize it's actually better you need like let me get through this do i not do it enough i feel i don't think any of us do it enough i i i also don't want you to feel bad if i'm like i'm trying to cut you off woods i don't feel like your contributions are less valuable no it just need to stop talking so i can start talking that's not what it's going that's not what's going on no but there's a there after a while you know the chemistry starts to kick in and i can look at your face and go he's ready or i'm ready you know whatever so you have to do that we do that with interviews a lot hey i got one little follow-up i'll give you the little the little pinch you know like the hang one reset the name of this guest reset the little finger wrap it up wrap it up is a bigger a bigger finger swing is remember when Ben got chewed out at our old station out i tried to give because our old executive producer a hand signal and he was we had a pivot about it we did a hand signal we'd go like this uh to each other quietly off the air that said hey reset well tell everybody what you're doing you're like rolling your hands over each other like traveling traveling whatever and it was uh that was reset the subject reset hey we're talking to you know whoever the hell we talked it was it's been a while we've been a while we are on means yeah new listeners are popping in they hear a voice that's unfamiliar part of radio mechanics is you should probably you know doesn't even have to be with an interview it could just be like anyways we're talking about the Padres you know top 10 draft picks or whatever and our old boss was talking and he saw Ben give that hand signal to woods saying hey when he come back reset when he's done talking reset what we're discussing here for the audience you got your ass chewed he thought he was telling him to wrap it up wrap it up and after the show he left first of all he did not come back to the show that morning yeah he just went in his office and and did not talk to us the rest of the day and then we had one of our daily show meetings that we had to do the boss's office every single day after our show and he ripped into Ben the likes of which it's pro he's almost certainly the maddest of bosses ever been at me in my life hundred percent and it was the most we're like oh you don't know no no no i'm not trying to tell you like you don't get it but you don't get it like bro you're misinformed it was not directed at you at all it was actually talking to woods the trauma that i've endured we've endured and this job is staggering when i think i don't let myself think about it very much because i never had a panic attack in my life till i started working in radio and it was it was a jar it was a jarring moment for me jar i'm used to usually just getting praise from bosses like the job and the work Ben it's just pretty much how it's always gone so to really be like have an angry man chewing me out about where at it and when i explained what he thought i was doing i could see okay that that would be very rude if i had just done that in the middle of what he was saying wrap it up yeah you're idiot wrap it up we don't want to hear what you don't hear anything you want to say come on just wrap it up if that's what he thought i can understand why he took offense to it even though that wasn't my intention at all yeah you're gonna want to get clarification on something first before you go chewing somebody out like that i i guys again i had blocked that from my memory and i think to his credit after we explained it he did kind of cool often well what what's the alternative you can't still be mad have you met people before i thought once you're mad they just stay mad no matter what for the rest of their lives some people have a problem admitting i might have been wrong there correct yeah 100 oh my god i've forgotten about that you had the hand signals uh we don't really have to do them during the round table because you go to people not much sometimes right at the end if i know because we have the hard out one hour of commercial free radio and i'll have to like you know all right we got keep it short sort of thing and i'll give a look at least or i'll even stay out loud hey do you have 30 seconds for this last answer just because i know we're approaching the end of the hour and we are approaching the end of this hour we are only to go and do another hour right now but um i don't know uh keep stay tuned keep the local listings for when the next round tables are going to be because the schedule gets weird there's a morning game expiration and then we talked about a special round table for the trade deadline while you're gone so you don't think he would move it to a Wednesday or we're off early next week that's that's what i'm saying next door you don't think he'll move it it's not like it's set in stone no you're i'm about to chew your ass out after the show what you think he does he's not going to notice like oh that's our hope but you certainly wouldn't bring him i don't think that was ever mentioned to it they play at 9.05 next thursday he's the guy he's going to make him do a round table at like two o'clock thursday will already be in like the third or fourth inning at this point he's he's the kind of guy that's like hey you forgot to give out homework yeah teacher he's gonna text Adam hey i just noticed the schedule is pretty light should we move it to a tuesday or wednesday which you know he's gonna do no i can't move it to a tuesday i'm busy that i'm washing my hair i am slammed that day all right i'll see you uh in a minute we've got something fun tomorrow morning what's got planned it is also someone birthday tomorrow oh boy and uh we got some surprises for woodsy so that is coming up tomorrow with been a once thanks to poly as always we'll talk you on the round table coming up next year on sandy egos number one sports station 97 three the fan back in a minute what kind of programs does this school have how are the test scores how many kids do a classroom those these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent that's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools including photos parent reviews test scores student teacher ratio school rankings and more the information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team it's also you can make the right decision for your family we've done your homework today's episode is sponsored by nerd wallet smart money podcast get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds nerd wallets experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact based insights no financial misinformation allowed learn how to save on your summer vacation find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund make smarter decisions in 2024 follow nerd wallet smart money podcast on your favorite podcast hat. Hey fantasy football fans this is Zach from upper hand fantasy you don't want an embarrassing tattoo just because you lost a bet in your fantasy football league right if you do i suggest i'm mermaid holding a football but let's avoid that altogether bras and i are here to get you ready for your fantasy football drafts with insights and advice from sleepers to busts we've got you covered to give you the upper hand on your friends start your fantasy football prep now join us and stay ahead of the competition follow and listen to upper hand fantasy on the free audency app or wherever you get your podcasts. My phone lines are jam we're gonna get out to the calls here in a second baseball coverage in 97 3 the fan is presented by T-Mobile switch to T-Mobile and get tons of benefits and still safe on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon use their savings calculator to find out how at T-Mobile dot com slash switch and probably did confirm during the break that at least somewhere it is registered that the potteries have officially selected the contract of Tearso or Nellis even if they haven't announced the movie an MLB dot com MLB dot com that's a fairly official website official transaction page yeah or Nellis having a really solid season a triple A now remember offensive numbers tend to be inflated in the pacific coast league but uh 3 16 batting average 390 on base percentage 5 15 slugging that's a 9 0 5 OPS has 12 homers 14 doubles 57 runs batted in for the Chihuahua so solid season and now we'll get the opportunity to show his stuff on the big league level to start the second half uh tomorrow in Cleveland we need we need all the help we can get my friend all the help we can get all right we're gonna get out to these uh phone calls uh ask us anything here Padres or otherwise right after a check of traffic on 97 3 the fan all right let's go out to the phone lines uh Richard is joining us Richard welcome to a very summer breaky venom woods here on 97 3 the fan thank you morning guys how you guys doing well hey listen i'll tell you to start briefly and ask you a question i recently went on a road trip to see the Padres back east in Boston it was my first time uh leaving the state of California going back east and i went back there to see the Padres in Fenway park i went on saturday had the time of my life i tried the poverty fans travel well let me tell you and now my question for you is which picture would you pick up in the free agent trading deadline if you could sure yeah i'm seeing um you know i'm seeing a couple of rumors come in about Tarek scuba from the Tigers he's going to cost he's going to cost you everything well he's got two more years of control he's an ace yeah i think you can i think Salas or DeVries are possibly both yeah everything you got pretty much for for Tarek scuba which i don't i don't think you want to do Garrett crochet is the name you've heard but same they're looking they're looking for the same is that he looked good at the all-star game but my worry is how many innings do you have left do you have another Michael king on your hands which is great he's got great stuff and he's got another year of control but you need help right now and you need some innings which is why i'd probably see what you can offer the blue jays for you say kukuchi just gonna yeah just gonna say kukuchi man i think he's a perfect fit for what we're looking for here don't think he's going to cost you a ton um at all and again i think you know once we all start speculating about what ajd preller will do um rarely are we right in true there's something that that pops up and a guy and you go why didn't i think of that you know why didn't i think that he was available so there's like three team trades and all that i mean this is now going to be the time to get extremely creative fortunately for us he's a really creative guy so i'm like enamor i can't wait to see what he does good question to get us started let's go to brad you are next up here with Ben & Woodson 97-3 the fan i brad hey good morning gentlemen hey Brad hey this age thing member freddy adieu from about 20 years ago with like 16 so i mean he had a decent career but man that load was on him here's the question with the age thing having a daughter that was 14 potentially making the varsity volleyball team i looked at my wife and i said hey she makes that team you don't let her hang around with seven to 18 year olds and go to their parties she goes of course not they're too young i go didn't you're going to kill her socially so there's an age difference you know and a life experience difference you got to take when you put these 18-year-old athletes about men that what do you do off field that's a really good point yeah that's a really excellent point and how do you maintain like team cohesiveness and unity when you've got is for the philadelphia union and and Sullivan a 14-year-old who can't do you can't go out at you know for beers after the game or anything not for seven more years can you go out as a pro and couldn't until the you know first few weeks of his big league career still 20 is weighted in 14 it is it is it is it's absolutely different but uh the freddy adieu thing is is a great point and but i think the difference is this kid wasn't named the next heir apparent of soccer like freddy adieu was when he was 16 years old they're like you we talked about very few guys Bryce Harper on the cover of si LeBron James tiger woods those guys have done it they've reached the heights you know but for every one of those there's a billion guys that never got close i didn't think about the social even element of it i was thinking more professionally and the pressure put on you career wise but yeah can you maintain your friend like your school friendships is he i'm sure he's like homeschooled there's no there's no way he's playing professional soccer and also going this is like to freshman year of high school at the same time this is like rookie of the year the movie number rookie of the year we have the rubber arm and and threw like a hundred but he had trouble relating to his 34-year-old teammates obviously yeah gary bucie is the ace of the staff yeah and gary bucie again for that fastball like it's exactly like rookie of the year gary bucie the rocket yeah the rocket you get the rocket i guess 65 years old it's supposed to be a big leaguer throw the high stinky cheddar it's a great book it's a great call though the social aspect is is kind of you know part of what did him in he missed being a kid for taking your phone calls ask us anything eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three we get some open lines now let's go to victor victor how are you this morning uh dolewell fellas good morning good morning but hey hey well i definitely want to bring it a little bit back towards uh the Padres and a great question i think you guys could definitely dive into this what do you think would happen to the organization if they happen to miss the playoffs once again this evening i know i know it's a little a little unlikely because it's late no it's it's not a lot more likely than unlikely yeah i think there's a great question we talked about it yesterday we talked about today their fan graphs projections which is strictly mathematical analytical odds uh their odds of making the playoffs are i think it was 39.4 percent if there's one it's more likely that they don't make the playoffs but if there's one thing we know about the San Diego Padres they are in fact odds busters and not always in the best way uh fan graphs had last year had them projected well i mean what was their projection beginning here to make the playoffs 97 percent and we saw it just slide and so um you know i made the point earlier i saw that tweet 500 baseball since 2021 where is the magic wand you wave to make sure that doesn't happen in the second half i don't know that there is one i don't think you're going to like this answer victor or maybe anyone listening i think i know what you're going to say and i agree i think if the pond rays miss the playoffs the major consequence will be nothing nothing nothing i don't even think aj necessarily loses his job because for the most part they're going to want next year to look kind of the same they're going to have a lot of the same players back like michael king is under control they've you know the obviously guys like many and you know hopefully they're going to hope even the new guy cease or eyes yeah they're ceases back arises back if they don't do anything and they're going to hope for a healthy year and they're going to kind of be in wind now mode again next year and the idea will be hey this is still aj's group these are his guys is a different gm really going to make a difference this year he's under contract but he's under contract my guests and and i know you hate hearing it but even if a disappointing finish comes for the pod rays they may roll it completely back now my shield has one more he had to get two-year deal right just a two-year oh don't give us a two-year so you've got one more you might be a lame duck manager coming back aj will be close to like a lame duck gm but they may just roll it back at least one more time and go they may say something like okay this is it this is uh this is it or else i think we are expecting big things in 2025 and if we don't get it there will be serious consequences for everybody involved will make major changes very much they may say that very much like parenting but they never said that this year there was a hint to it a little bit there was a good i gotta find the quote from cuzenda and he said everybody will be evaluated essentially everyone has daggers everyone has goals everyone has you know everyone needs to do their job something like that but he never said and if we don't get there you're all fired sub question sub question how many games left 99 or 62 61 63 poly at first 63 breaking news good job poly does it matter how does that outcome matter how these next 63 games go and i mean if they go off the cliff does that maybe force their hand a little bit or if it's 20 and 43 right or if they grind it and grind it and they get so close you know we'll be in here well there's a what a what an effort right no we won't because we did that last year and we weren't thinking last but we were just waiting for we did not no we did not remember the last 17 games or whatever the oh and we thought man are they these guys gonna do this but we never got in here and said man we really i was so mad that it had to come down to that that i i can remember going i don't even want to talk about it support yeah all the plug already yes that's how i just don't know that what we think or even what fans fans think is going to impact their ultimate decision because they'll know if they think they're right and sticking with a j and mike shilt and the roster is the right thing to do they'll know fans will come around if they win next year and this is the best chance of winning that's the decision they will make if they feel like the best idea of going for change then they'll sell that and and we'll move forward on that all right let's go to our friend lennie and lamesa hey lennie it's been a while hey lennie hey boys how you doing good all the time thank you buddy hey look i i i i i love this team compared to last year's team and i think we'll be in the on to the end the rest of the national league is right around the 500 mark uh you know the part the thing that's really hurting us we only have 60 percent of a pitching staff yeah and we need some starting pitches from a business standpoint the parties have done a great job you know i mean the fans go out all the time 40,000 every game i see them on the road all the time so from a business that i think they're really happy we'll compete the thing that really look really irritates me i'm all excited for friday we're back on baseball like a four four o'clock start against cleveland i'm driving home and then chris elo tells me it's apple tv yeah this streaming killed me i mean i i'm not paying for another streaming service so i'm listening to the game on the radio Friday right here on 97 3 the family i think they might have a free trial that you can get without paying but i know what you're talking about it's just again so many different peacock roku now roku they just had a roku game the other day it wasn't great it is very fractured i mean football in that sense does it it right you know exactly when and where to tune in for football games and you know what they move it around i mean they got amazon prime doing football now but at least you know where it's going to be all season long on thursday nights sunday nights is going to be on nbc monday nights on espn you know where it is and then you get your red zone and your regular games on sundays baseball it does feel like it's a little more of i don't know it could be here it could be there it could be anywhere depending on the day of the week and what city they're in to valid valid concern but yeah you can't go wrong listening right here on 97 3 the fan home of your san diego podriff jeff uh on the chances considering uh peters idler passed early in the off season and then the cut in salary he says this year is probably a make the playoffs good if not okay sort of season i wonder i mean they would never they would never say that out loud but do they do do they think that does eric could send a go to you know to a.j. prowler and go i know we've kind of tied your hands and made you cut 90 million dollars in payroll the rockies say hey if we make the playoffs great but if not as long as we stayed under our salary number like great no i hope that's not how they're thinking i really do yeah i mean there's no way to know there's just no way to know what what kind of i think that would be a bad sign if that's really if you ask me honestly should be playoff in my bus yeah if you ask me honestly well i'd be disappointed if they don't make the playoffs the answer is unequivocally yeah and and i think probably in the moment i will be of the head should roll variety uh that's kind of the headspace i would be in you know we've talked about in some ways a.j has done his best work given the fact the limitations and maybe the limitations are what has brought out some of the best in a.j's creativity and finding the diamonds in the rough that you know other teams didn't find but at the same time you throw another 20 million dollars at this payroll you keep Seth Lugo you know maybe sign one more picture you'd be in way better shape right now than you would be and that has nothing to do with scouting that has simply to do with your financial decisions that were made even above a.j's head before the season for competitive reasons as well remember it's not simply hey we just need to make more money as the San Diego Padres there are reasons competitively to get under the CBT threshold sure you know you know draft pick uh penalties international signing penalties if you're going to go after roki Sasaki you kind of have to get under that tax this year to reset the penalties yep so there are competitive reasons to do so but it does make the job harder on the major league love but i mean i will say this and you can write it down mark it down San Diego Padres mic shield a.j. preller you cannot go off the cliff in the second half again you just can't do it this the people people will people will be that will be the end of a lot of people's rope not don't watch but i think that another drastic melt down the clubhouse whatever it may be people are going to be might shield the one thing he's always been consistent about is that's not going to happen yeah we're going to keep getting better we're going to keep fighting all the way through and he has a track record that proves that but i again a Cardinals team that won what 17 in a row but you need to ask a couple years ago like i said yesterday you can have all the want and the goodwill and we i love him and he loves me and he's got my back you got to have the guns uh to fight the battle you know and i don't know that they do right now today i keep the phone calls coming 833 28093 Pauli's got a couple of headlines to talk about in the round the report next as well more benefits on the way on san diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan it is that exciting time of year though where john morosi and and all these guys start throwing out situations sources say there's one that john just tweeted the mariners and rays have you and this is great sources say that the mariners and rays rays have yet to engage in serious dialogue oh um about seattle's interest in adding an impact bat but the teams are frequent trading partners and talks could advance in the days ahead tamper bay will listen on a rosarena yandie Diaz or parade ace in the right deal sales going we've had a lot of success at the trade deadline with the pod rays yes maybe we can have similar success with the tamper rays yeah absolutely what you can't is it really a report that they sort of talk but not seriously talk sources have told them that they have not yet engaged in serious discussion but the tough one to refuse it is it is no no our talks have been quite serious thank you very much yes they're just silly yeah there's actually there's just silly talks they haven't had serious talks it's more silly uh yeah man so there's going to be a lot of that coming out you know i i i'm i would say avoid the noise but i kind of like the noise i like i like those tweets i like to try to start putting the puzzle you can't completely avoid the noise because some of the noise ends up being true there's always a certain percentage of these rumors that do end up panning out it's just that usually like eighty percent of them don't so you also have to take it all with a big grain of salt but if you just ignored everything you'd also miss out on the real kind of trends and you know scoops that are coming out here before the trade deadline it this good i just i feel like there's going to be so i feel like there's going to be a ton of activity which if this year proves anything that means there'll be three moves total uh for all teams but i i just feel that there's so many teams that think they're in it there's so many owners that are under the pressure from their fan base like Pittsburgh like Baltimore you know i think Philly's going to be really active dude they've gotten so close um i just feel like there's going to be so many buyers right now uh honestly i don't know if this is the right decision or not but i don't have a lot of trade deadline talks scheduled for the round table five by me at ten o'clock i feel like we've had those discussions over the past month yeah what we all know at this point kind of what the pod raise needs who the options are potentially out there what the costs could potentially be and how we feel about it i don't think anything's really changed in the last week or two yeah i need money in the chat says how do we add to the rotation and bullpen not trade our top two prospects and stay under the luxury tax it's the most unenviable job in me morning aj good luck i mean it's it's a really unenviable position but again we would like to have our cake we want to eat it too yeah yeah and then have more of it we need the several pieces of cake to eat but i think but then we also need to have cakes left over afterwards as well after we've eaten it we want it to still be sitting there still have a bunch left yeah it's a tough part and and look at again you can't let aj a prior off the hook in that in that this is uh this is the corner that he's kind of painted himself into uh by going out which we love luisa rise we love dylan sees but you've now we wouldn't be 50 and 49 without them so i shudder to think where we would be without arise and cease in particular um but this is the core this is the job he's painted himself into this and he's got to figure his way out well speaking of eating i believe we have the newest ballpark food extravaganza coming your way they did it again as part of this edition of the rindel report and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindel report welcome to the rindel report with paul rindel hi paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindel report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97 3 though fad are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please that was good all right all right all right good morning my friend good morning how are you feeling guys good really good nice and refreshed from that hypnotherapy yes feel great woods sleep it doesn't work no you don't know i'm out of hippos i guess not all right just checking what does that red door make you feel that's maroon yeah i hate maroon it's probably my least favorite color maroon i can't stand it really yeah maroon loathe it like usc colors like that part of it i just i've never liked it i've just always thought it was not great you're not a big fan of the band maroon five either you know that you know that did they moves like jagger yeah yeah which is i mean there's no reason for it none it's no reason for that band they've made a lot of money and been very successful it's true they would say there's probably a reason for that song i don't get it man i do not get it talked about it briefly a couple weeks ago watch that nickelback documentary like why did they get so much hate yeah maroon five just scages by we just put maroon five on a pedestal hundred percent let's see how many things we can make uh Adam Levine do yeah flip it that's you should be flipped flipped i agree yeah all right anyways uh look slow flow week in sports uh wednesday and thursday of this week slowest days of the entire year i think on the sports calendar but uh we got a couple stories here so yesterday now then did you say this is the last wnba game for the next few weeks yeah so they have the uh the all-star break followed by the olympic break so i don't think there's another real game for almost like a month the all-star break already wnba season is not that long yeah that's great now the draft was like a month ago yeah it was calon clark calon clark was playing for iowa like six weeks ago it's like in a it's got adult ball season pretty much so uh yesterday in the wnba katelyn clark i made history once again uh on for women's basketball she had 19 assists uh in their loss to dallas they lost to the wings 101 to 93 but she had 19 assists for indiana and that is a wnba record what are your guys's honest genuine thoughts on the assist is it like you know how people argue against rbi all the time in baseball they argue against i i don't hitting with runners in scoring position driving in the rounds is hard it's hard to do but things have to go your way like is alec bum truly a great rbi man or he obviously can't do without the guys in front of this good question it's the assist guy this is a good question if i pass it to the best player on my team who makes everything no it's do i get not ready not all assists are created equal you're absolutely right there's nothing prettier than the guy who drives the lane does the no look behind his back clunky to a guy who then dunks it they collapse him he throws behind it that's an incredible assist so good but if i dribble up paulies i'm trapped paulies underneath and i go oh paulies got a foot advantage i throw in the ball he turns around and drops on it or the point guard lays the ball up court and sees step curry wide open simple pass three ball that's an assist or even worse you've got like three on the shot clock and you wildly just throw it to someone because you don't want to take the shot and then they wildly throw it up and make it you just got an assist for that when your teammate calls it a time bomb i'm not i think assists are important account i mean look i've i play a lot of basketball a recreational level and they're stoked when you get a good assist yeah actually sometimes and and there's just times where you're like look i just don't have it offensively right now so i'm going it's another form of an assist i'm going to be setting off ball screens or i'm going to be moving without the ball and you don't i'm going to lock my guy down defensively because i can't score a lick right now you don't get that credit for that you don't get those in the in the step that's the that's the that's the but i kind of take in the extra base on a bobble things like that yeah i think the uh the katelyn clark haters and you know that they're out there they're very conflicted because they're going yeah well they lost again so what she said an individual record doesn't matter if your team doesn't have any success very selfish of her but it's an assist record it's it's in a record passing to other teammates being unselfish i bet you there are players though where the coach is like hey stone passes i don't i don't want you uh dishing as much as you're dishing i need you shooting you know i i'm fine i vote you know triple double it's awesome you rebound look at look is like that like uh he throws a lot of passes that could be more assist and his teammates don't make the shot it's like why don't you just go ahead and take it by the way this is not take the hard fade away yourself luka this don't give it to your open teammates it's not an indictment on katelyn i've always had this thought about the assist of like oh all right so that's a that's a stat in which you don't have a lot of control like i passed the wall somebody else maybe the second guy can get you get two assists yes lacrosse you have passed it to someone else who then makes the really good pass to someone for the assist if i cross yeah i really didn't do anything at all but i got credit for an assist yep people in the chat are talking about uh what about angel reese's rebounds have you seen this going around they the she set how to streak of double doubles but somebody posted i saw it yesterday the um a screenshot of the play by play of their game and it was like angel reese angel reese miss layup angel reese offensive rebound angel reese miss layup angel reese offensive rebound angel reese offensive rebound she just had a huge size advantage yeah just like yeah yeah all these offensive accounts yeah and in some sense even on defense the offensive team clears out because they know they can't get it so they don't even contest it sometimes on the rebound gives her a lot of easy rebounds i do feel like i do but she has to be angel reese for that to happen this is incredible this is the incredible boomer i do feel like rebounds in the eighties were a lot tougher to come by than rebounds today i really do not all rebounds are created and you're absolutely right but i do the incredible boomer does support the ball from farther away it's going to be longer longer is your rebounds it's true yeah it's all part of it but anyways let's get to uh the big story here the Kansas city royals they did it again they've done it again uh i saw the post from john boy media that says the royals have unveiled the mother of all ballpark food you seen it yet that throw it up here i just thought two minutes ago yeah so it's called the taste of the k taco oh my god and i don't even know where to begin but it is a uh it looks like a hot dog no i can't tell if the hot dogs cut up john boy's got the description but it looks like the hot dog is cut up but there it is a hot dog wrapped in a cheeseburger case idea which again a lot of questions already what is a cheeseburger case idea uh topped with barbecue brisket french fries lettuce pickled onions sriracha cracker jacks which i didn't know existed and barbecue sauce this thing looks but no now remember i don't know why the lettuce is in there that's that seems completely it's healthy it's healthy it's healthy now it's a salad basically it's healthy really the thing looks uh now again we did this whole story on the um rieses brisket right about yeah a little uh two years ago right yeah and i went there's the one that you had then i tried it yeah you see that bad boy you know it was cut up rieses peanut butter cups inside a pork pulled pork barbecue sandwich bacon bits which made it by the way and barbecue sauce and i was like you'd have to be insane to eat it i bought one i ate it melts though that rieses just perfectly it was it was it was beyond spectacular it was beyond spectacular there's one of the best things i've ever eaten now this one looks a little bit different the one thing i think i would bang on this is the hot dog i would get rid of the hot dog not the cracker jacks no the cracker jacks would be their sriracha cracker jacks so you got are they also sweet though they're like yeah the caramel and then they just add some sriracha to it for a little sweet heat i like sweet heat i think it looks like that i think it looks speck it take that this is that one wiener sticking out of it right there and i get that wiener out of there and just give me the i think i could i don't mind wrapping things in a case of dia i don't know that a cheeseburger inside the case of dia as well yeah like um tortilla meat and cheese tortilla yep and then a taco shell and then it's more of a melita with like two two tortillas and then sandwich together then a case of dia i think my absolute kryptonite and sandy egg my favorite dish in san diego that i've ever eaten it's my favorite burrito from trichios by san diego state right on campus wrapped in a case of dia it's the sigma pie is a california burrito wrapped in a cheese quesadilla so it's like tortilla melted cheese burrito and it is i had it once like the first weekend of my freshman year in 2009 and it's been my go-to on their menu for what 15 years now it's unreal i like the at taco bell when i'm in the mood once a year when i eat my once a year taco bell i like that double decker the soft tortilla with the beans then the hard shell then the meat that softness into the crunchiness i love so i think i would all right i have to say that i have seen the the case of dia wrapped around the california burrito before and as much as i'd like to it's a line that personally i won't cross you won't do it i just feel like once i go to the case of dia wrapped burrito that's pretty much the end and as long as i stay away from that once a year i can have a burrito i can do it every once in a while but once you go to the burrito wrapped in a case of dia you've done something kind of evil yeah you feel like you can never come back you feel like you just went to a massage part oh i want i want to go to massage no i want the case dia wrapped burrito i really do but i feel like it's a shame it's a shame i love it so much that i can't go back to a regular burrito after that it's the shame and then it's like oh no i know that i've tasted nirvana and then i can never go back because you can't just make a case of dia wrapped burrito your regular order i mean that was my favorite i would make it six months they had a burrito with a tequito like pretty much jam right in the middle of the burrito you've done i've done that i can stay away from that one that's spectacular it's good but it gets a little bready inside with the tour with the tart double wrap towards this thing looks really good um honestly except for the hot dog the hot dog would be the thing that threw me off it doesn't i don't think it belongs uh with the rest of it it's not really ballpark food without the hot dog in there sure it is yeah sure it is one more time the taste of cake taco is a hot dog wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla top it's a hot dog essentially this item is a hot dog everything else is just dressing for the hot dog it's a hot dog take that thing wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla topped with barbecue brisket french fries lana's pickled red onions nice little tanginess uh sriracha cracker jacks and eight one six sauce which is a barbecue sauce yeah okay that does look it looks pretty good do they have sriracha cracker jacks or those like made in the ball maybe it's made i've never heard specifically for that just what would 619 what would if they have 816 sauce in this barbecue sauce what would 619 sauce be some sort of blending of chipotle salsa of some sort of yeah some blending avocados you ever mix your salsa you ever mix the green and red and the of the no no i have it's good try i mean i'll i'll have a burrito and some bites i'll do red and some bites i'll do greens i don't never do both at the same time double dip it spectacular i feel like you're you're melding flavors that weren't meant to be melded that's that's why i you know it was one or the other they always say i have the palate of a six-year-old i think it's you you want to have hat if you want to have half the burrito with green and half with red i respect i love that put them together and not at the same time put them together try it next time it seems a little deviant it is very deviant well you know how my gone created red and green salsa for a reason they're totally different flavors and you want to add the tangy what's on the t-uness of the green great if you want to add the fiery red chilliness what's the other great what's the other one the habanieri orange delicious that is also good delicious put it all mix it all in one try it so you're getting mexican food after the yeah i was just thinking the same thing after my round table pizza of course which we're gonna wrap in a quesadilla for you yes correct yeah some brisket stuffed in a full roasted chicken after a turduckin red versus green sauce discussion is like a bloods and cribs it's not it's you can put it all together it's all at the same time i'm a mixture yeah so you'd be both a blood and a crib yeah i don't think they allow that i'm a rip a crud hey guys i'm going to hang out with them hey cribs i'm actually hanging out with the bloods today yeah i'm i'm i'm every man all right mix it together oh all right good job on the round of report and we will come back um we've got some throwback thursday material for you some summer break throwback material from our first half look back as well we'll get to all of it coming up next after a jacket traffic you're a 97-3 the fan i'm starving starving now welcome back to salsa salsa salsa salsa oh you were so awesome salsa salsa salsa salsa so welcome back to salsa salsa talk it's been in woods here on 97-3 the fan there's some mixers in the uh in the chat there's a lot of it all comes out in the same place in the end yeah it does i just feel like the flavors are very distinct on the red and green and i i do like them both but i agreed with one of our listeners who said yeah greens better for like um like carnitas is good with green salsa if you're going to carne asada i think red tends to work a little bit better with that everyone has their own personal preferences i just feel like maybe i don't know i just feel like it's a totally different sauce if you mix them together which is the point it's totally different try it yeah try it i think you'll i think you'll like it what color does it turn into i know yellow and blue make green but what do green and red make i just pour like i do like a little dollop and then i take another dollop i don't actually put them together and mix them with a spoon or anything i just a little of this little of that boom i have to be very careful when i'm eating the burrito that when you put the sauce on you kind of bite all the way across to make sure you're right falling off all over your shirt and stuff well that that made me too much sauce on it's a problem that made me super hungry but the guy that made me the hungriest is our pal adio b roister from philie who is in for his yearly visit formerly lived in san diego and worked in the radio business always comes in to hang out welcome back my yearly vacation your yearly vacation to america's finest now he's a philie guy but he's a potteries fan but he was just i asked him the straight dope on cheesesteaks and philie i said do you like cheesesteaks he goes oh yeah of course and i said what's the best and then you told me don't go to the the two famous places pat and gino's never go to pats and gino's pats and gino's are for tourists okay uh you go to jim steaks preferably on south street because they just did the big remodel but if you want your mind blown i do you go to delisandre's cheesesteases right in the atalian market three words guys garlic bread cheesesteak the thought of it good god the thought of it makes my i'm like that's the cheesesteak version of a uh quesadilla rap burrito right there did you gain all the weight yeah i would say garlic bread and put the cheesesteak inside so here's the thing though garlic bread sometimes you get it from the atalian restaurant you dip it it's kind of soft it's like uh what's the word like not flaky but like um super buttery it's it's way it's too buttery sometimes i don't think that i don't think that that phrase should exist too buttery yeah it's too buttery it can be too buttery i don't think so it can be but that place has been around long enough to where like they get the consistency down each time but this is not like garlic bread like texas toast garlic bread it's not like that but they do have it's like a baguette i want to say yeah and then they just put just garlic bread ingredients on it they got toasted in the oven garlic yeah sometimes a little cheese and then add the cheesesteak in between do you in and in filly they i know they do cheese whiz uh on with witwiz yeah witwiz or without whiz do you put anything else on you you just go meet cheesebread right it's just meat cheese bread i've covered the onions is part of the onions yeah yeah i've seen people put lettuce and tomatoes on cheesesteaches this is un ungodly yeah why are you doing that too perfectly i've seen people put mayo on them which i can get down with because i like mayo no absolutely not i can do absolutely not and there's no you don't dip it in anything no they don't need to although a french although a french dip cheese taste probably a good idea oh yeah like a uh like an all jiu would be good michelle and chad says dollar sondras is fire oh my god i got to get see that in wood strip man next year filly i want to see the ballpark i want to schedule should come out like in the next month i want to see the crazy fans it's so far the flight the flight is so far speaking of uh pennsylvania this week uh coopers town now that's actually new york yes uh upstate yeah upstate new york uh yeah east coast i forgot about the hall of fame induction ceremonies this week yes speaking of philadelphia not even the white house you know i i do i do mess them up in my head because i've been to uh uh little league world series did you say well you know they're actually kind of similar sort of towns and the you know the back upstate areas of the state but anyway i totally forgot did you remember that this weekend's the hall of fame induction do you remember who is going in to the hall of fame this weekend zero percent so uh this weekend they're going to have sunday is the official induction ceremony and the uh the class is adrian beltray love it taught helton joe mower and then jim leland the uh the former skipper good class good class really good class doing in this weekend i have nothing nothing that's absolutely yeah i i think i remember when they were doing because remember it was back in january when they announced and there was some talk about joe mower who had the didn't have the the length yeah the length of his career yeah the girth was there necessarily length of his career but as good of catching seasons as anyone has really ever had just he was awesome just didn't put up the 20 year numbers right some guys do to get to the hall of fame you know taught helton we got to see in his numbers you know some people said inflated by coars field but he was he was really good everywhere still got to hit the man and adrian beltray was one of those guys so when you put his career all together unbelievably spectacular career you never thought sneaky quiet yeah because you never thought of adrian beltray i mean he was an all-star but you never thought oh he's the best player in baseball he was staggered but you never you never thought that about adrian beltray at any moment you always fit he's he's probably one of the best player two or three players on that team we're playing right now but you never went who adrian beltray is coming to town we're going to get to see the best player in baseball this week that one of our beloved many michado's favorite third basement of all time as well he is uh beltray i was in texas uh for some of his run and he's beloved be loved by the players oh my god like one of the best teammates and and guys of all time so i'm excited to see these dudes and he was uh for me he was like he you know it reminds me it reminds me of pro far intense super intense but he had he had a good smile and was a really uh he had a lot of fun playing the game of baseball which i always admired so could be really really cool to see that this weekend what was his uh what was his quirky thing don't was there that don't touch me in the head you can't touch his head the just later after the show then go on youtube and type in adrian beltray elvis andrews yeah there's like 10 minute long radios of the those two guys like no teammates have ever loved each other more than those two in particular and they would mess with each other like there'd be a high pop fly to short and beltray would move about five feet andrews right pretending he was gonna catch it and try to throw him off maybe nervous every time he did i'm like stop dude you're gonna kill me they have a pitchers meeting on the mound you know making a pitching change and all the guys the whole infield would be in there and elvis andrews would come up and just try to grab beltray's head and he's like kind of me touching you like you hate to be touched i like to give you hope it's a good point yeah very much like that i would well i would say watch that before the induction uh the uh hall of fame ceremony this weekend because i guarantee you all this andrews will be a part of uh adrian beltrays this is traveling party or something i just looked up a story and i just this quote introducing him from joey gallows stands out he says internet beltray has never actually really matted anyone he's fake mad a lot he's fake mad a lot i love that fake mad i love it it's greatness all right we have a one segment left and then of course a round table we're gonna throw it back on a thursday a little grand slam talk if you remember uh something that paul is pulled from the archive so we'll get to that coming up next with vena woods on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan final segment of vena woods on a thursday but knuckle last you'll hear from us today or she'll be here and the other rest of the gang is uh on their way in and the gathering in our uh sound stage where we'll do the round table coming up from 10 to 11 o'clock this morning minus of course tony gwen jr or is he going to be here why don't know i they're flying out i was assumed to cleveland today you don't you know wait until the last minute potters have a game tomorrow so my guess is that uh there's some travel going on with san diego pardres today i don't know what their their schedule is i'm assuming uh well no when we talk to mike shilt tomorrow he will be in cleveland as they have a game exact tomorrow night so my guess is to get there today they are on i know what time they leave it even in the morning didn't leave in the afternoon i think any chance you get you take to get to cleveland as early as possible you take it you know to take in the side to go down to the flats uh flats are actually a really fun part of cleveland cleveland is not that bad and they have their wants they have a rock and roll hall of fame phenomenal so much fun so much too it's a really cool looking building it's it's incredible if you actually been in the rock hall of fame oh yeah yeah i we used to tell me about it we used to go uh from shickers weird you'd leave chicago for a weekend which he does a little intense go to cleveland go down to the flats hang out and then which is like a bar area on the water and then we went to the rock and roll hall of fame because i had to go and it was it was awesome i mean you're like oh that's keith moon's drums like it's just if you like halls of fames then that's one for you well it's one for me he's just halls of fame halls of fames many fames holes in one holes in one holes in one holes in one holes of fame halls of fame it's a good one it's a really good one they do a good job that you know and i this is 25 years ago so i'm sure now they're like you can actually be jimmy pay he's like where is guitar i have no idea what it's like now but it was great then not a uh it's a ball parker wouldn't mind seeing progressive field yep formerly uh jake jake field jake the jake was definitely one of the the first of the retro type ballparks that really revolutionized baseball i have course an influence on pecko park um pecko park i think straddles the line between the old and the new really really well it's not the it's not a full old timey ball park it's very modern and new but it's also got some of that older look especially with the western metal supply company and such course they're because of the best ball park they do it really well they do but uh you wouldn't have that without candy yards and jakeups field were two of the first that changed things from cookie cutter round stadiums to uh to the new style that we we have come to enjoy now i would trade uh i would trade pecko park's look and ambiance for the record of the cleveland guardians right now though 2019 games over 500 with it's staggering what it what a great job um steven vote has done and and the team and hosey remeras like it's again it's one of those guys where like we're playing them and i hope he goes oh for 12 this weekend but a guy that every time i watch play i'm like he's absolutely elite and i love everything about him and uh they got they got a couple guys on that team i really enjoy watching play steven quands another one um i it's gonna be a tough it's gonna be a tough tough series now we'll talk about it more tomorrow and again mike shilt we'll join us at nine o'clock in the manager's report right now though we'll check a traffic and then we get some throwback thursday fun for you on the other side here on 97-3 the fam kai pauli what have you pulled from the archives for us today let's see we are going back to april early april the beginning of the padre season this is earlier this year we're doing this yeah we're doing a first half review of throwback thursday it's kind of a throwback thursday but it's we've been doing the first half bed and woods look backs uh fun moments in bed and woods history for this year and let me pull up the call we had a uh grand slam from jerks and pro far earlier in the year believe it was april seventh and of course when we have a big moment we like to go and pull all the calls right and uh it's dawn it's jesse maybe you get the opposing team we'll get eddy ortega and of course we get our friends from the korean broadcast and uh so we played pro far as grand slam we'll play it back for you here this was april sixth against uh the giants judic sim pro pauli japan tasa chuker that incredible i i don't know if those are the same guys that we heard later in the season though i i don't either i'm not even sure they're all elite every call uh from the korean uh folk are just phenomenal so i believe that was on a weekend and because we came in a couple of days later and well did this segment and so i'm wondering do they have a boss that's like hey he's making the call or is there boss just like hey do whatever you guys want because like right then do some play by play for this home run and i'll be his partner it's the it's and you play you make the noises in the background don't want that one's ready i'm gonna yeah because like they just they just talk over each other the whole time it's so good all right here we go base is loaded here's the pitch to pro far swung on and driven deep and high down the right field line is it good on your way into work if you want to keep listening to us you can't just download the app we'll visit search 97 here read the fan and click on the show the bands download the orsy app today to get started in this game they take the lead over the giant tune in every thursday at 10 a.m. putting 97-3 to fan round tape. I'm driving nuts like i love it everybody just talking over each other if i was their boss i'd be like fellas you gotta come in here for a minute and have a little conversation can we do hand signals some sort of some sort of cue because when it happens they just start going both of them one kind of off mic one calling the action and it is i mean i love it because it's like it's trainwreck radio but it's for radio purposes it's probably not the best do you remember when we first started the show and we're trying to figure out like what what each hand signal would would mean like we actually like talked about it like all right yeah i do this or i do that you know and every you know now i don't we never even think about it i thought you were going to talk about so in the when you were doing the play by play there before i started screaming and before woods jumped in and started reading odyssey liners i could hear you you had a call back to one of our earlier moments as a show you said take your trot juris and pro trotter and that was when we tried to all do our own home run calls would our home run call this be our signature catchphrase and yours was take your trot frenchy gordero that's right i but no back in those are i'll never forget the first like week on the air on the very first show i was on the first time i got the hand to my face and then one hand to your face was i was like oh then you would get the two hands out then it was like i'll just i'll just sit back and i didn't realize that that's how you you know you have you have to do it sometimes well yeah you yeah i mean you've been hosting for by yourself for a while a lot of things you don't need to worry about any other people talking no no i not our show the very first show yeah very first show i was on and i didn't know anything about this business and the first time i got the hand up the Heisman and i was i felt like an idiot you know and then the two would come out when the two came out it was like go ahead you know and it i was i took it personally but then you realize it's actually better you need like let me get through this do i not do it enough i feel i don't think any of us do it enough i i i also don't want you to feel bad if i'm like i'm trying to cut you off woods i don't feel like your contributions are less valuable no i just need to stop talking so i can start talking that's not what it's going that's not what's going on no but there's a there after a while you know the chemistry starts to kick in and i can look at your face and go he's ready or i'm ready you know whatever so you have to do that we do that with interviews a lot hey i got one little follow up i'll give you the little the little pinch you know like the hang one reset the name of this guest reset the name finger wrap it up wrap it up is a bigger a bigger finger swing is remember when Ben got chewed out in our old station i tried to give because our old executive producer a hand signal and he was we had a pivot about it we did a hand signal we'd go like this uh to each other quietly off the air that said hey reset well tell everybody what you're doing you're like rolling your hands over each other like traveling traveling whatever and it was uh that was reset the subject yes reset hey we're talking to you know whoever the hell we talked it was been a while we had new listeners are popping in they hear a voice that's unfamiliar part of radio mechanics is you should probably you know doesn't even have to be with an interview it could just be like we're talking about the Padres you know top 10 draft picks or whatever and our old boss was talking and he saw Ben give that hand signal to wood saying hey when he come back reset when he's done talking reset what we're discussing here for the audience you got your ass chewed he thought he was telling him to wrap it up wrap it up and after the he left first of all he did not come back to the show that morning yeah he just went in his office and and did not talk to us the rest of the day and then we had one of our daily show meetings that we had to do the boss's office every single day after our show and he ripped into Ben the likes of which it's probably it's almost certainly the maddest of bosses ever been at me in my life hundred percent and it was the most we're like oh you don't know no no no i'm not trying to tell you like you don't get it but you don't read it like bro you're misinformed it was not directed at you at all it was actually talking to wood the trauma that i've endured we've endured and this job is staggering when i think i don't let myself think about it very much because i never had a panic attack in my life till i started working in radio and it was it was a drawing it was a jarring moment for me jar i'm used to usually just getting praise from bosses like good job Ben the work Ben it's just pretty much how it's always gone so to really be your ugly like have an angry man chewing me out about war at it and when i explained what he thought i was doing i could see okay that that would be very rude if i had just done that in the middle of what he was saying wrap it up yeah you're idiot wrap it up we don't want to hear what you don't hear anything you want to say come on just wrap it up if that's what he thought i can understand why he took offense to it even though that wasn't my intention at all yeah you're gonna want to get clarification on something first before you go chewing somebody out like that i i guys again i had blocked that from my memory and i think to his credit after we explained it he did kind of cool often well what what's the alternative you can't still be mad have you met people before i thought once you're mad they just stay mad no matter what for the rest of their lives some people have a problem admitting i might have been wrong there correct yeah hundred percent oh my god i've forgotten about that yeah the hand signals uh we don't really have to do them during the round table because you go to people not much sometimes right at the end if i know because we have to hard out one hour of commercial free radio and i'll have to like you know all right we got keep it short sort of thing and i'll give a look at least or i'll even stay out loud hey do you have 30 seconds for this last answer just because i know we're approaching the end of the hour and we are approaching the end of this hour we are only to go and do another hour right now but um i don't know uh keep stay tuned keep the local listings for when the next round tables are going to be because the schedule gets weird there's a morning game expiration and then we talked about a special round table for the trade deadline wall while you're gone so you don't think he would move it to a Wednesday or we're off early next week that's what i'm saying next Thursday he'll move it it's not like it's set in stone no you're i'm about to chew your ass out after the show but what do you think he does he's not going to notice like oh that's our hope but you certainly wouldn't bring him i don't know his attention to it they play at 9.05 next Thursday he's the guy he's gonna make him do a round table at like two o'clock Thursday we'll already be in like the third or fourth inning at this point he's he's the kind of guy that's like hey you forgot to give out homework yeah teacher he's gonna text Adam hey i just noticed the schedule is pretty light should we move it to a Tuesday or Wednesday which you know he's gonna do no i can't move it to a Tuesday i'm busy that i'm washing my hair i am slammed that day all right i'll see you uh in a minute we've got something fun tomorrow morning what's got planned it is also someone birthday tomorrow oh boy and uh we got some surprises for woodsy so that is coming up tomorrow with been a once thanks to poly as always we'll talk you on the round table coming up next year on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan back in a minute it is that exciting time of year though where john morosi and and all these guys start throwing out situations sources say there's one that john just tweeted the mariners and rays have you and this is great sources say that the mariners and rays rays have yet to engage in serious dialogue oh um about seattle's interest in adding an impact back but the teams are frequent trading partners and talks could advance in the days ahead tampa bay will listen on a rosarena yandie diaz or parade ace in the right deal sales going we've had a lot of success at the trade deadline with the pod rays yes maybe we can have similar success with the tampa rays that's absolutely what you can't is it really a report that they sort of talk but they seriously talk sources have told them that they have not yet engaged in serious discussion but the tough one to refuse it is it is no no no our talks have been quite serious thank you very much yes they're just silly yeah there's access they're just silly talks they haven't had serious talks it's more silly uh yeah man so there's going to be a lot of that coming out you know i i'm i would say avoid the noise but i kind of like the noise i like i like those tweets i like to try to start putting the puzzle you can't completely avoid the noise because some of the noise ends up being true there's always a certain percentage of these rumors that do end up panning out it's just that usually like 80 of them don't so you also have to take it all with a big grain of salt but if you just ignored everything you'd also miss out on the real kind of trends and you know scoops that are coming out here before the trade deadline it this good i just i feel like there's going to be so i feel like there's going to be a ton of activity which if this year proves anything that means there'll be three moves total for all teams but i i just feel that there's so many teams that think they're in it there's so many owners that are under the pressure from their fan base like pittsburgh like baltimore you know i think filly's going to be really active dude they've gotten so close um i just feel like there's going to be so many buyers right now uh honestly i don't know if this is the right decision or not but i don't have a lot of trade deadline talk scheduled for the round table five by me at ten o'clock i feel like we've had those discussions over the past month yeah what we all know at this point kind of what the pod raise needs who the options are potentially out there what the costs could potentially be and how we feel about it i don't think anything's really changed in the last week or two yeah i need money in the chat says how do we add to the rotation and bullpen not trade our top two prospects and stay under the luxury tax it's the most unenviable job in being morning aj good luck i mean it's it's a really unenviable position but again i'd like to have our cake we want to eat it too yeah yeah and then have more of it we need the several pieces of cake to eat but i think but then we also need to have cakes leftover afterwards as well yeah after we've eaten it we want it to still be sitting there still have a bunch left yeah it's the tough part and and look at again you can't let aj a preller off the hook in that in that this is a this is the corner that he's kind of painted himself into uh by going out which we love looser eyes we love dill and cease but you've now we wouldn't be fifty and forty nine without them so i shudder to think where we would be without arise and cease in particular um but this is the core this is the job he's painted himself into this and he's got to figure his way out well speaking of eating i believe we have the newest ballpark food extravaganza coming your way they did it again as part of this edition of the rindel report and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindel report now tuned into the month greatest welcome to the rindel report with paul rindel hi paul all right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major link baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindel report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97-3 the fan are you ready to bless the mood i need some help please yeah that was good all right all right all right all right good morning my friend morning how you feeling guys good really good nice and refreshed from that hypnotherapy yes feel great woods sleep doesn't work no you don't know i'm out of hypnosis i guess not all right just checking what is that red door make you feel that's maroon yeah i hate maroon it's probably my least favorite color maroon i can't stand it really maroon loathe it like usc colors like that part of her i just i've never liked it i've just always thought it was not great you're not a big fan of the band maroon five either you know that you know that i don't mind spending every day did they moves like jagger yeah yeah i just i mean there's no reason for it none it's no reason for that band they've made a lot of money and been very successful it's true they would say there's probably a reason for that song i don't get it man i do not get it we talked about it briefly a couple weeks ago watch that nickelback documentary like why did they get so much hate yeah maroon five just staging by we just put around five out of pedestal what a percent let's see how many things we can make uh adam laveen do yeah flip it that should be flipped flipped i agree yeah all right anyways uh look slow flow week in sports uh wednesday and thursday of this week slowest days of the entire year i think on the sports calendar but uh we got a couple stories here so yesterday now then did you say this is the last wnba game for the next few weeks yeah so they have the uh the all-star break followed by the olympic break so i don't think there's another real game for almost like a month the all-star break already wnba season is not that long yeah that's great now the draft was like a month ago yeah what kalen clark kalen clark was playing for iowa like six weeks ago it's like it it's a good adult ball season pretty much so uh yesterday in the wnba katelyn clark i made history once again uh on for women's basketball she had 19 assists uh in their loss to dallas they lost to the wings 101 to 93 but she had 19 assists for indiana and that is a wnba record what are your guys's honest genuine thoughts on the assist is it like you know how people argue against rbi all the time in baseball they argue against i i don't hitting with runners in scoring position driving in the runs is hard it's hard to do but things have to go your way like is alex bomb truly a great rbi man or he obviously can't do it without the guys in front of this good question this is the assist guy this is a good question if i pass it to the best player on my team who makes everything no it's do i get credit not all assists are created equal you're absolutely right there's nothing prettier than the guy who drives the lane does the no look behind his back clunky to a guy who then dunks it they collapse him he throws behind it that's been incredible assist so good but if i dribble up paulies i'm trapped paulies underneath and i go oh paulies got a foot advantage i throw in the ball he turns around and drops on it or the point girl raise the ball up court and sees step curry wide open simple pass three ball that's an assist or even worse you've got like three on the shot clock and you wildly just throw it to someone because you don't want to take the shot and then they wildly throw it up and make it you just got an assist for that when your teammate calls it a time bomb i'm not i think assists are important to count i mean look i've i play a lot of basketball a recreational level and they're stoked when you get a good assist yeah actually sometimes and there's just times where you're like look i just don't have it offensively right now so i'm going it's another form of an assist i'm going to be setting off ball screens or i'm going to be moving without the ball i'm going to lock my guy down defensively because i can't score a lick right now you don't get that credit for that you don't get those in the in the that's the that's the that's the but i kind of taking the extra base on a bobble things like that yeah i think the uh the calon clark haters and you know that they're out there they're very conflicted because they're going yeah well they lost again so what she said an individual record doesn't matter if your team doesn't have any success very selfish of her but it's an assist record it's it's in a record passing to other teammates being unselfish i bet you there are players though where the coach is like hey some passes i don't i don't want you uh dishing as much as you're dishing i need you shooting yeah i you know i'm fine i vote you know triple double it's awesome you rebounce look look at that like uh he throws a lot of passes that could be more assist and his teammates don't make the shots like why don't you just go ahead and take it off by the way this is not take the hard fade away yourself luka this don't give it to your open teammate this is not an indictment on katelyn i've always had this thought about the assist of like oh all right so that's a it's a stat in which you don't have a lot of control like i passed the wall somebody else maybe the second guy can give you get two assists yes lacrosse you have passed it to someone else who then makes the really good pass to someone for the assist same across yeah i really didn't do anything at all but i got credit for an assist yep people in the chat are talking about uh what about angel reese's rebounds have you seen this going around they the she set how to streak of double doubles but somebody posted i saw it yesterday the um a screenshot of the play by play of their game and it was like angel reese angel reese miss layup angel reese offensive rebound angel reese miss layup angel reese offensive rebound angel reese offensive rebound she just had a huge size advantage yeah just like yeah yeah all these offensive accounts yeah and in some sense even on defense the offensive team clears out because they know they can't get it so they don't even contest it sometimes on the rebound gives her a lot of easy rebounds i do feel like i do but she has to be angel reese for that to happen this is incredible this is the incredible boomer i do feel like rebounds in the eighties were a lot tougher to come by than rebounds today i really do not all rebounds are created hey you're absolutely right but i do the incredible boomer does support the ball from farther away it's going to be longer longer is your rebounds it's true yeah it's all part of it but anyways let's get to uh the big story here the kansas city royals they did it again they've done it again uh i saw the post from john boy media that says the royals have unveiled the mother of all ballpark food you seen it yet that throw it up here i just thought two minutes ago yeah so it's called the taste of the k taco oh my god and i don't even know where to begin but it is a uh it looks like a hot dog no i can't tell if the hot dogs cut up john boy's got the description but it looks like the hot dog is cut up but there it is a hot dog wrapped in a cheeseburger case idea which again a lot of questions already what is it cheeseburger case idea uh topped with barbecue brisket french fries lettuce pickled onions sriracha cracker jacks which i didn't know existed and barbecue sauce this thing looks but no now remember i don't know why the lettuce is in there that's that seems completely it's healthy it's healthy it's healthy now it's a salad basically a salad it's healthy really the thing looks uh now again we did this whole story on the um reese's brisket right about yeah a little uh two years ago right yeah and i went there's the one that you had when i tried it you see that bad boy you know it was cut up reese's peanut butter cups inside a pork pull pork barbecue sandwich bacon bits which made it by the way and barbecue sauce and i was like you'd have to be insane to eat it i bought one i ate it it melts though that reese's just perfectly it was it was beyond spectacular it was beyond spectacular it was one of the best things i've ever eaten now this one looks a little bit different the one thing i think i would bang on this is the hot dog i would get rid of the hot dog not the cracker jacks no the cracker jacks would be their sriracha cracker jacks so you got are they also sweet though they're like yeah the caramel and then they just add some sriracha to it for a little sweet heat i like sweet heat i think it looks like that i think it looks speck it take that is that one wiener sticking out of it right there and i get that wiener out of there and just give me the i think i could i don't mind wrapping things in a case of dia i don't know that a cheeseburger inside the case of dia as well yeah like um tortilla meat and cheese tortilla yep and then a taco shell and then it's more of a melita with like two two tortillas and then sandwich together then a case of dia i think my absolute kryptonite and san dia my favorite dish in san dia go that i've ever eaten it's my favorite burrito from true heos by san dia state right on campus wrapped in a case of dia it's the sigma pie is a california burrito wrapped in a cheese quesadilla so it's like tortilla melted cheese burrito and it is i had it once like the first weekend of my freshman year in 2009 and it's been my go-to on their menu what 15 years now it's unreal i like the at taco bell when i'm in the mood once a year when i eat my once a year taco bell i like that double decker the soft tortilla with the beans then the hard shell then the meat that softness into the crunchiness i love so i think i would i have to say that i have seen the the case of dia wrapped around the california burrito before and as much as i'd like to it's a line that personally i won't cross you won't do it i just feel like once i go to the case of dia wrapped burrito that's pretty much the end and as long as i stay away from that once a year i can have a burrito i can do it every once in a while but once you go to the burrito wrapped in a case of dia you've done something kind of evil yeah you feel like you can never come back you feel like you just went to a massage parlor oh i want i want to go to massage parlor no i want the case dia wrapped burrito i really do but i feel like the shame it's what i love it so much that i can't go back to a regular burrito after that that's the shame and then it's like oh no i know that i've tasted nirvana and then i can never go back because you can't just make a case dia wrapped burrito your regular order i mean that was my favorite they also had once they had a burrito with a tequito like pretty much jam right in the middle of the burrito it does i've done that i can stay away from that one that's spectacular it's good but it gets a little bready inside with the tour with the tart double wrapped tortilla this thing looks really good um honestly except for the hot dog the hot dog would be the thing that threw me off it does it i don't think it belongs uh with the rest of it it's not really ballpark food without the hot dog in there sure it is yeah sure it is one more time the taste of cake taco is a hot dog wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla chocolate top it's a hot dog essentially this item is a hot dog everything else is just dressing for the hot dog it's a hot dog take that thing wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla topped with barbecue brisket french fries lettuce pickled red onions nice little tanginess uh sriracha cracker jacks and eight one six sauce which is a barbecue sauce yeah okay that does look it does look pretty good today's one nine sriracha cracker jacks are those like made in the ball maybe it's made i've never heard of it specifically for that just what would six one nine sauce if they have eight one six sauce and it's barbecue sauce what would six one nine sauce be some sort of blending of chipotle sauce of some sort of yeah some avocados you ever mix your salsa you ever mix the green and red and the the of the no no i have it's good try i mean i'll i'll have a breed on some bites i'll do red and some bites i'll do green so i'll never do both at the same time double dip it spectacular i feel like you're you're melding flavors that weren't meant to be melded that's that's why i you know it was one or the other they always say i have the palette of a six-year-old i think it's you you want to have a hat if you want to have half the breeder with green and half with red i respect i love that put them together but not at the same time put them together try it next time it seems a little deviant it is very deviant well you know how my gone created red and green salsa for a reason they're totally different flavors and you want to add the tangy what's on the t-uness of the green great if you want to add the fiery red chilliness of the red great what's the other one what's the other one the habanieri orange delicious that is also good delicious put it all makes it all in one try it so you're getting Mexican food after the yeah i was just thinking the same thing after my round table pizza of course which we're going to wrap in a quesadilla for you yes correct yeah some brisket stuffed in a full roasted chicken after turducken red versus green sauce discussions like the bloods and crips it's not it's you can put it all together it's all at the same time i'm a mixture yeah so you'd be both a blood and a crisp yeah i don't think they allow that i'm a rip a crud hey guys i'm going to hang it out with them hey crips i'm actually hanging out with the bloods today yeah i'm i'm i'm every man all right mix it together oh all right good job on the round of report and we will come back um we've got some throwback thursday material for you some summer break throwback material from our first half look back as well we'll get to all of it coming up next after a check at traffic here on 97-3 the fan i'm starving starving now welcome back to salsen sausa sausa sausa talk oh you were so awesome sausa sausa so welcome back to sausa sausa sausa talk it's been in woods here on 97-3 the fan there's some mixers in the uh in the chat they've got a lot of it all comes out in the same place in the end yeah it does i just feel like the flavors are very distinct on the red and green and i i do like them both but i i agreed with one of our listeners who said yeah green's better for like um like carnitas is good with green sausa if you're going to carne asada i think red tends to work a little bit better with that everyone has their own personal preferences i just feel like maybe i don't know i just feel like it's a totally different sauce if you mix them together which is the point i guess i'll have to try yeah try it i think you'll i think you'll like it what color does it turn into i know yellow and blue make green but what do green and red make i just pour like i do like a little dollop and then i take another doll i don't actually put them together and mix them with a spoon or anything i just a little of this little of that boom i have to be very careful when i'm eating the burrito that when you put the sauce on you kind of bite all the way across to make sure you're correct falling off all over your shirt and stuff well the that made me too much sauce on it's a problem that made me super hungry but the guy that made me the hungriest is our pal adio b roister from filly who is in for his yearly visit formally lived in san diego and worked in the radio business always comes in to hang out welcome back my yearly vacation your yearly vacation to america's finest now he's a filly guy but he's a potter ace fan but he was just i asked him the straight dope on cheesesteaks and filly i said you like cheesesteaks he goes oh yeah of course and i said what's the best and then you told me don't go to the the two famous places pat and gino's never go to passe and gino's passe and gino's are for tourists okay uh you go to jim steaks preferably on south street because they just did the big remodel but if you want your mind blown i do you go to delisandre's cheesesteaks is right in the italian market three words guys garlic bread cheesesteak the thought of it good god the thought of it makes my i'm like that's the cheesesteak version of a case of iraq burrito right there did you gain all the weight yeah i would say garlic bread and you put the cheesesteak inside so here's the thing though garlic bread sometimes you get it from the atalian restaurant you dip it it's kind of soft it's like uh what's the word like not flaky but like um super buttery it's way it's too buttery sometimes i don't think that i don't think that that phrase should exist too buttery yeah it's too buttery it can be too buttery i don't think so it can be but that place has been around long enough to wear like they get the consistency down each time but this is not like garlic bread like texas toast garlic bread it's not like that but they do have it's like a baguette i want to say yeah and then they just put just garlic bread ingredients on it oh my god toasted in the butter garlic yeah sometimes little cheese and then add the cheese steak in between do you and and in filly they i know they do cheese whiz uh on it whiz yeah whiz or without whiz do you put anything else on it you just go meat cheese bread right it's just meat cheese bread i've suffers and onions is part of the onions yeah yeah i've seen people put lettuce and tomatoes on cheese steaks which is just un ungodly yeah why are you doing that to a perfectly i've seen people put mayo on them which i can get down with because i like mayo no absolutely not i can do it absolutely not now there's no you don't dip it in anything no need to although a french although a french dip cheese say it's probably a good idea oh yeah like a uh like an all jiu would be good michelle chad says dela sondris is fire oh my god i got to get see yes and it will strip man next year filly i want to see the ballpark i want to schedule should come out like in the next month i want to see the crazy fans it's so far the flight the flight it's so far speaking of uh pennsylvania this week uh coopers town now that's actually new york yes uh upstate yeah i'm upstate new york uh yeah east coast i forgot about the hall of fame induction ceremonies this week yes speaking of philadelphia it's not even near the white house you know i i do i do mess them up in my head because i've been to uh uh literally world series did you really will you yeah they're actually kind of similar sort of towns and the you know the back upstate areas of the state but anyway i totally forgotten did you remember that this weekend's the hall of fame induction do you remember who is going in to the hall of fame this weekend zero percent so uh this weekend they're going to have sunday is the official induction ceremony and the the class is adrian beltray love it taught helton joe mower and then jim leland the uh the former skipper good class good class really good class doing in this weekend i have nothing nothing bad yeah i i think i remember when they were doing i because remember it was back in january when they announced soon there was some talk about joe mower who had the didn't have the length yeah the length of his career yeah the girth was not necessarily the length of his career but as good of catching seasons as anyone has really ever had just he was awesome just didn't put up the 20 year numbers right some guys do to get to the hall of fame you know taught helton we got to see in his numbers you know some people said inflated by coars field and he was he was really good everywhere he was good still got to hit the and adrian beltray was one of those guys so when you put his career all together unbelievably spectacular career you never thought sneaky quiet yeah because you never thought of adrian beltray i mean he was an all-star but you never thought oh he's the best player in baseball he was staggered but you never you never thought that about adrian beltray at any moment you always fit he's he's probably one of the best player two or three players on that team we're playing right now but you never went who adrian beltray is coming to town we're going to get to see the best player in baseball this week that one of our beloved mani machado's favorite third baseman of all time as well he is uh beltray i was in texas for some of his run and he's beloved be loved by the players oh my god like one of the best teammates and and guys of all time so i'm excited to see these dudes and he was uh for me he was like he you know it reminds me it reminds me of pro far intense super intense but he had he had a good smile and was a really uh he had a lot of fun playing the game of baseball which i always admired so gonna be really really cool to see that this weekend what was his uh what was his quirky thing don't was there that don't touch me in the head don't touch you can't touch his head the just later after the show Ben go on youtube and type in adrian beltray elvis andrews yeah there's like 10 minute long videos of the the those two guys like no teammates have ever loved each other more than those two in particular and they would mess with each other like there'd be a high pop fly to short and beltray would move about five feet andrews right for ten percent he was gonna catch it and try to throw him off maybe nervous every time he did i'm like stop dude you're gonna kill me they have a pictures meeting on the mound you know making a pitching change and all the guys the whole infield would be in there and elvis andrews would come up and just try to grab beltray's head and he's like kind of me touching you like you hate to be touched i like to give you hope so good point yeah and very much like that i would i would say watch that before the induction the hall of fame ceremony this weekend because i guarantee you all the sanders will be a part of uh adrian beltray's traveling party or something i just looked up a story and i just this quote introducing him from joey gallows stands out he says adrian beltray is never actually really mad at anyone he's fake mad a lot he's fake mad a lot i love that fake mad i love it it's greatness all right we have a one segment left and then of course a round table we're gonna throw it back on a thursday a little grand slam talk uh if you remember uh something that poly's pulled from the archive so we'll get to that coming up next with beno woods and san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan final segment of beno woods on a thursday but not the last you'll hear from us today or she'll be here um the other rest of the gang is uh on their way in and the gathering in our uh sound stage where we'll do the round table coming up from 10 to 11 o'clock this morning minus of course tony gwen jr or is he gonna be here why don't they know they're flying out i assumed to cleveland today you don't you know wait until the last minute potters have a game tomorrow so my guess is that there's some travel going on with san diego pardres today i don't know what their their schedule is i'm assuming uh well no when we talk to mike shilt tomorrow he will be in cleveland as they have a game exact tomorrow night so my guess is to get there today they are on i know what time they leave it even in the morning to believe in the afternoon i think any chance you get you take to get to cleveland as early as possible you take it you know to take in the sights go down to the flats uh flats are actually a really fun part of cleveland cleveland is not that bad and they're once they have a rock and roll hall of fame phenomenal so much fun so it's a really cool cool looking building it's it's it's incredible go if you actually been in the rock hall of fame oh yeah yeah i we used to tell me about it we used to go uh from shickers weird you'd leave chicago for a weekend which he does a little intense go to cleveland go down to the flats hang out and then which is like a bar area on the water and then we went to the rock roll hall of fame because i had to go and it was it was awesome i mean you're like oh that's Keith moon's drums like it's just if you like halls of fame's then that's one for you well it's one for me and he's just halls of fame halls of fame's like many fames holes in one holes in one holes in one holes of fame halls of fame it's a good one it's a really good thing they do a good job that you know and i this is 25 years ago so i'm sure now they're like you can actually be jimmy pain he's like where is guitar i have no idea what it's like now but it was great then not a uh it's a ball parker wouldn't mind seeing progressive field yeah formerly uh jake the jake the jake was definitely one of the the first of the retro type ballparks that really revolutionized baseball had of course an influence on pecko park um pecko park i think straddles the line between the old and the new really really well it's not the it's not a full old timey ball park it's very modern and new but it's also got some of that older look especially with the western metal supply company and such they're because of the best ball park they do it really well but uh you wouldn't have that without candy yards and jakeops field were two of the first that changed things from cookie cutter round stadiums to uh to the new style that we we have come to enjoy now i would trade uh i would trade pecko park's look and ambiance for the record of the cleveland guardians right now though twenty nineteen games over five hundred with it's staggering what it what a great job um steven vaud has done and and the team and hosey remarris like it's again it's one of those guys where like we're playing them and i hope he goes over twelve this weekend but a guy that every time i watch play i'm like he's absolutely elite and i love everything about him and uh they got they got a couple guys on that team i really enjoy watching play steven quands another one um i it's gonna be a tough it's gonna be a tough tough series now we'll talk about it more tomorrow and again mike shilt will join us at nine o'clock in the manager's report right now though we'll take a traffic and then we get some throwback thursday fun for you on the other side here on ninety seven three the fam all right poly what have you pulled from the archives for us today let's see we are going back to april early april the beginning of the padre season this is earlier this year we're doing yeah we're doing a first half review of throwback thursday it's kind of a throwback thursday but it's we've been doing the first half benin wood's look backs uh fun moments in benin wood's history for this year and let me pull up the call we had a uh grand slam from jerks and pro far earlier in the year believe it was april seventh and of course when we have a big moment we like to go and pull all the calls right and uh it's dawn it's jesse maybe you get the opposing team we'll get eddy ortega and of course we get our friends from the korean broadcast and uh so we played pro far as grand slam we'll play it back for you here this was april sixth against uh the giants judix and proprayupa ta ta yeah credible i i don't know if those are the same guys that we heard later in the season though i don't either i'm not even sure they're all elite yeah every call uh from the korean uh folk are just phenomenal so i believe that was on a weekend and because we came in a couple of days later and well did this segment and so i'm wondering do they have a boss that's like hey he's making the call or is there boss just like hey do whatever you guys want because like right ben do some play by play for this home run and i'll be his partner it's the it's and you play you make the noises in the background don't i want that one's ready i'm gonna yeah because like they just they just talk over each other the whole time it's so good all right here we go bases loaded here's the pitch to pro far swung on and driven deep and high down the right field line is it good if it's safe on your way to work if you want to keep listening to us you have to be part of the pro just download the app or visit search 97th here read the fan they take the lead over the giant tune in every thursday at 10 a.m. p nine seven three to fan round tape i'm driving nuts like i love it everybody just talking over each other if i was their boss i'd be like fellas you gotta come in here for a minute and have a little conversation can we do hand signals some sort of some sort of cue because when it happens they just start going both of them one kind of off mic one calling the action and it is i mean i love it because it's like it's trainwreck radio but it's for radio purposes it's probably not the best do you remember when we first started the show and we're trying to figure out like what what each hand signal would would mean like we actually like talked about it like all right i do this or i do that you know and if you know now i don't we never even think about it i thought you were gonna talk about so in the when you were doing the play by play there before i started screaming and before woods jumped in and started reading odyssey liners i could hear you you had a call back to one of our earlier moments as a show you said take your trot jurison pro trotter and that was when we tried to all do our own home run what would our home run call us be our signature catchphrase and yours was take your trot frenchy gordero that's right i but no back in those are i'll never forget the first like week on the air on the very first show i was on the first time i got the hand to my face and then one hand to your face was i was like oh then you would get the two hands out then it was like i'll just i'll just sit back and i didn't realize that that's how you you know you have you have to do it sometimes well yeah you yeah i mean you've been hosting for by yourself for a while a lot of things you don't need to worry about any other people talking no no i not our show the very first show yeah very first show i was on and i didn't know anything about this business and the first time i got the hand up the Heisman and i was i felt like an idiot you know and then the the two would come out when the two came out it was like go ahead you know and it i was i took it personally but then you realize it's actually better you need like let me get through this do i not do it enough i feel i don't think any of us do it enough i i i also don't want you to feel bad if i'm like i'm trying to cut you off woods i don't feel like your contributions are less valuable no it just needs to stop talking so i can start talking that's not what it's going that's not what's going on no but there's a there after a while you know the chemistry starts to kick in and i can look at your face and go he's ready or i'm ready you know whatever so you have to do that we do that with interviews a lot hey i got one little follow-up i'll give you the little the little pinch you know like the hang one reset the name of this guest reset the little finger wrap it up wrap it up is a bigger a bigger finger swing yes remember when ben got true yeah at our old station out i tried to give because our old executive producer a hand signal and he was we had a pivot about it we did a hand signal we'd go like this uh to each other quietly off the air that said hey reset well tell everybody what you're doing you're like rolling your hands over each other let's traveling hey traveling whatever and it was uh that was reset the subject yes reset hey we're talking to you know whoever the hell we talked it was a while we had a while we're new neutron means yeah new listeners are popping in they hear a voice that's unfamiliar part of radio mechanics is you should probably you know doesn't even have to be with an interview it could just be like anyway we're talking about the Padres you know top 10 draft picks or whatever and our old boss was talking and he saw ben give that hand signal to wood saying hey when he come back reset when he's done talking reset what we're discussing here for the audience you got your ass cute he thought he was telling him to wrap it up and after the he left first of all he did not come back to the show that morning yeah he just went in his office and and did not talk to us the rest of the day and then we had one of our daily show meetings that we had to do the boss's office every single day after our show and he ripped into ben the likes of which it's pro it's almost certainly the maddest of bosses ever been at me in my life hundred percent and it was the most we're like oh you don't know no no no i'm not trying to tell you like you don't get it but you don't get it like bro you're misinformed it was not directed at you at all it was actually talking wood the trauma that i've endured we've endured and this job is staggering when i think i don't let myself think about it very much because i never had a panic attack in my life till i started working in radio and it was it was a drawing it was a jarring moment for me jar i'm used to usually just getting praise from bosses like the job and the work been it's just pretty much how it's always gone so to really be your ugly like have an angry man chewing me out about what it and when i explained what he thought i was doing i could see okay that that would be very rude if i had just done that in the middle of what he was saying wrap it up yeah your idiot wrap it up we don't want to hear what you know i hear anything you want to say come on just wrap it up if that's what he thought i can understand why he took offense to it even though that wasn't my intention at all yeah you're gonna want to get clarification on something first before you go chewing somebody out like that i i guys again i had blocked that from my memory and i think to his credit after we explained it he did kind of cool often well what what's the alternative you can't still be mad have you met people before i thought once you're mad they just stay mad no matter what for the rest of their lives some people have a problem admitting i might have been wrong there correct yeah hundred percent oh my god i'd forgotten about that you had to hand signals uh we don't really have to do them during the round table because you go to people not much sometimes right at the end if i know because we have to hard out one hour of commercial free radio and i'll have to like you know all right we got keep it short sort of thing and i'll give a look at least or i'll even stay out loud hey do you have 30 seconds for this last answer just because i know we're approaching the end of the hour and we are approaching the end of this hour we are only to go and do another hour right now but um i don't know uh keep stay tuned keep the local listings for when the next round tables are going to be because the schedule gets weird there's a morning game expiration and then we talked about a special round table for the trade deadline while while you're gone so you don't think he would move it to a Wednesday or we're off early next week that's that's what i'm saying next Thursday you don't think he'll move it it's not like it's set in stone no you're i'm about to chew your ass out after the show what you think he does he's not going to notice like oh that's our hope but you certainly wouldn't bring him i don't know his attention to it they play at 905 next Thursday he's the guy he's gonna make him do a round table at like two o'clock Thursday we'll already be in like the third or fourth inning at this point he's he's the kind of guy that's like hey you know you forgot to give out homework yeah teacher he's gonna text Adam hey i just noticed the schedule is pretty light should we move it to a Tuesday or Wednesday which you know he's gonna do now i can't move it to a Tuesday i'm busy that i'm sloshing my hair i am slammed that day all right i'll see you in a minute we've got something fun tomorrow morning what's got planned it is also someone birthday tomorrow oh boy and uh we got some surprises for woodsy so that is coming up tomorrow with been a once thanks to poly as always we'll talk you on the round table coming up next year on sandy egos number one sports station 97 3 the fan back in a minute final segment of been a woods on a Thursday but not the last you'll hear from us today or should be here the rest of the gang is on their way in and the gathering in our sound stage where we'll do the round table coming up from 10 to 11 o'clock this morning minus of course tony guin jr or is he gonna be here why don't know i they're flying out i assumed to cleveland today you don't you know wait until the last minute potters have a game tomorrow so my guess is that uh there's some travel going on with sandy egopadre's today i don't know what their their schedule is i'm assuming uh well no when we talk to mike shilt tomorrow he will be in cleveland as they have a game exactly tomorrow night so my guess is to get there today they are on i don't know what time they leave it in the morning to believe in the afternoon i think any chance you get you take to get to cleveland is early as possible you take it you know to take in the side to go down to the flats uh flats are actually really fun part of cleveland cleveland's not that bad and they have their wants they have a rock and roll hall of fame phenomenal so much fun so it's a really cool looking building it's it's incredible if you actually been in the rock hall of fame oh yeah yeah i we used to tell me about it we used to go uh from shickers weird you'd leave chicago for a weekend which he does a little intense go to cleveland go down to the flats hang out and then which is like a bar area on the water and then we went to the rock and roll hall of fame because i had to go and i was it was awesome i mean you're like oh that's Keith moon's drums like it's just if you like halls of fames then that's one for you well it's one for me and he's just holes of fame holes of fames many fames holes in one holes in one holes in one holes of fame holes of fame it's a good one it's a really good one they do a good job you know and i this is 25 years ago so i'm sure now they're like you can actually be jimmy page like where is guitar i have no idea what it's like now but it was great then not a uh it's a ball parker wouldn't mind seeing progressive field formerly uh jake the jake the jake was definitely one of the the first of the retro type ballparks that really revolutionized baseball and of course an influence on pecko park um pecko park i think straddles the line between the old and the new really really well it's not the it's not a full old timey ball park it's very modern and new but it's also got some of that older look especially with the western metal supply course and such they're because of best ball park they do it really well but uh you wouldn't have that without candy yards and jakeops field were two of the first that changed things from cookie cutter round stadiums to uh to the new style that we we have come to enjoy now i would trade uh i would trade pecko park's look and ambiance for the record of the cleveland guardians right now though twenty nineteen games over five hundred which it's staggering what it what a great job um steven vogue has done and and the team and hosey remarris like it's again it's one of those guys where like we're playing them and i hope he goes over 12 this weekend but a guy that every time i watch play i'm like he's absolutely elite and i love everything about him and uh they got they got a couple guys on that team i really enjoy watching play steven quands another one um i it's gonna be a tough it's gonna be a tough tough series now we'll talk about it more tomorrow and again mike chilt will join us at nine o'clock in the manager's report right now though we'll check a traffic and then we get some throwback thursday fun for you on the other side here on ninety seven three the fam all right finally what if you pulled from the archives for us today let's see we are going back to april early april the beginning of the padre season this is earlier this year we're doing this yeah we're doing a first half review of throwback thursday it's kind of a throw back thursday but it's we've been doing the first half ben and wood's look backs uh fun moments in ben and wood's history for this year and let me pull up the call we had a uh grand slam from jerks and pro far earlier in the year believe it was april seventh and of course when we have a big moment we like to go and pull all the calls right and uh it's dawn it's jesse maybe get the opposing team we'll get eddy ortega and of course we get our friends from the korean broadcast and uh so we played pro far as grand slam we'll play it back for you here this was april sixth against uh the giants i don't know if those are the same guys that we heard later in the season though i don't either i'm not even sure they're all elite yeah every call uh from the korean folk are just phenomenal so i believe that was on a weekend and because we came in a couple of days later and well did this segment and so i'm wondering do they have a boss that's like hey he's making the call or is their boss just like hey do whatever you guys want because like right ben do some play by play for this home run and i'll be his partner it's the it's and you play you make the noises in the background don't know what's that one's ready i'm gonna yeah because like they just they just talk over each other the whole time it's so good all right here we go bases loaded here's the pitch to pro far swung on and driven deep and high down the right field line is it good of a state on your way to work if you want to keep listening to us you have to depart the part that's honestly out and honestly dot com for jerks and pro car is the bottom race we'll visit ossie dot com search 97 here read the fan and click on the runs the bases download the ossie app today to get started and send this game out they take the lead over the giant tune in every thursday at 10 a.m. ninety-seven three to fan round tape and drag you nuts i love it everybody just talking over each other if i was their boss i'd be like fellas you gotta come in here for a minute and have a little conversation can we do hand signals some sort of some sort of cue because when it happens they just start going both of them one kind of off mic one calling the action and it is i mean i love it because it's like it's trainwreck radio but it's for radio purposes it's probably not the best do you remember when we first started the show and we're trying to figure out like what what each hand signal would would mean like we actually like talked about it like all right yeah i do this or i do that you know and you know you know now i don't we never even think about it i thought you were going to talk about so in the when you were doing the play-by-play there before i started screaming and before woods jumped in and started reading odyssey liners i could hear you you had a call back to one of our earlier moments as a show you said take your trot jerks and throw trotter and that was when we tried to all do our own home run what would our home run cause be our signature catchphrase and yours was take your trot frenchy cordero that's right i but no back in those are i'll never forget the first like week on the air on the very first show i was on the first time i got the hand to my face and then one hand to your face was i was like oh then you would get the two hands out then it was like i'll just i'll just sit back and i didn't realize that that's how you you know you have you have to do it sometimes well yeah you i mean you've been hosting for by yourself for a while a lot of things you don't need to worry about any other people talking no no i not our show the very first show yeah very first show i was on and i didn't know anything about this business and the first time i got the hand up the Heisman and i was i felt like an idiot you know and then the the two would come out when the two came out it was like go ahead you know and it i was i took it personally but then you realize it's actually better you need like let me get through this do i not do it enough i feel i don't think any of us do it enough i i i also don't want you to feel bad if i'm like i'm trying to cut you off woods i don't feel like your contributions are less valuable no it's just to stop talking so i can start talking that's not what it's going that's not what's going on no but there's a there after a while you know the chemistry starts to kick in and i can look at your face and go he's ready or i'm ready you know whatever so you have to do that we do that with interviews a lot hey i got one little follow up i'll give you the little the little pinch you know like the hang one reset the name of this guest reset the name of the little finger wrap it up wrap it up is a bigger a bigger finger swing is remember when Ben got chewed out in our old station out i try to give because our old executive producer a hand signal and he was we had a hand vid about it we did a hand signal we'd go like this uh to each other quietly off the air that said hey reset well tell everybody what you're doing you're like rolling your hands over each other like traveling traveling whatever and it was uh that was reset the subject reset hey we're talking to you know whoever the hell we talked it was uh it's been a while we've been a while we've been trying means yeah new listeners are popping in they hear a voice that's unfamiliar part of radio mechanics is you should probably you know doesn't even have to be with an interview it could just be like anyway we're talking about the Padres you know top 10 draft picks or whatever and our old boss was talking and he saw Ben give that hand signal to wood saying hey when he come back reset when he's done talking reset what we're discussing here for the audience you got your ass chewed he thought he was telling him to wrap it up and after the she left first of all he did not come back to the show that morning yeah he just went in his office and and did not talk to us the rest of the day and then we had one of our daily show meetings that we had to do the boss's office every single day after our show and he ripped into Ben the likes of which it's probably it's almost certainly the maddest of bosses ever been at me in my life 100% and it was the most we're like oh you don't know no no no i'm not trying to tell you like you don't get it but you don't get it like bro you're misinformed it was not directed at you at all it was actually talking to woods the trauma that i've endured we've endured and this job is staggering when i think i don't let myself think about it very much because i never had a panic attack in my life till i started working in radio and it was it was a job it was a jarring moment for me jar i'm used to usually just getting praise from bosses like the job and the work Ben it's just pretty much how it's always gone so to really be you're unreal like have an angry man chewing me out about war at it and when i explained what he thought i was doing i could see okay that that would be very rude if i had just done that in the middle of what he was saying wrap it up yeah you're idiot wrap it up we don't want to hear what you know i hear anything you want to say come on just wrap it up if that's what he thought i can understand why he took offense to it even though that wasn't my intention at all yeah you're gonna want to get clarification on something first before you go chewing somebody out like that i i guys again i had blocked that from my memory and i think to his credit after we explained it he did kind of cool often well what what's the alternative you can't still be bad have you met people before i thought that once you're mad they just stay mad no matter what for the rest of their lives some people have a problem admitting i might have been wrong there correct yeah hundred percent oh my god i've forgotten about that yeah the hand signals uh we don't really have to do them during the round table because you go to people not much sometimes right at the end if i know because we're at the hard out one hour of commercial free radio and i'll have to like you know all right we got keep it short sort of thing and i'll give a look at least or i'll even say out loud hey do you have 30 seconds for this last answer just because i know we're approaching the end of the hour and we are approaching the end of this hour we are only to go and do another hour right now but um i don't know uh keep stay tuned keep the local listings for when the next round tables are going to be because the schedule gets weird there's a morning game next Thursday shut up and then we talked about a special round table for the trade deadline wall while you're gone so you don't think he would move it to a Wednesday or we're off early next week that's that's what i'm saying next Thursday he'll move it it's not like it's set in stone no you're i'm about to chew your ass out after this what do you think he does he's not going to notice like oh that's our hope but you certainly wouldn't bring him bring that was everything to it they play at 905 next Thursday he's the guy he's gonna make him do a round table at like two o'clock Thursday we'll already be in like the third or fourth inning at this point he's the kind of guy that's like hey you know you forgot to give out homework yeah teacher he's gonna text Adam hey i just noticed the schedule is pretty light should we move it to a Tuesday or Wednesday which you know he's gonna do no i can't move it to a Tuesday i'm busy that time i'm washing my hair i am slammed that day all right i'll see you uh in a minute we've got something fun tomorrow morning what's got planned it is also someone's birthday tomorrow oh boy and uh we got some surprises for what's he's so that he's coming up tomorrow with been a what's thanks to poly as always we'll talk you on the round table coming up next year on sandy egos number one sports station 97 3 the fan talk to you in a minute nice today's episode is sponsored by nerd wallet smart money podcast get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds nerd wallets experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact based insights no financial misinformation allowed learn how 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