Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

7am Hour - Could The Padres Be Making Some Roster Moves Soon

Ben & Woods kick off the 7am hour by starting over after a fun and WILD 6am hour with hypnostist Dr. Ken, as Summer Break continues this week! Then instead of "Don't Do This" we skip right to a game of Real Or Fake on a Throwback Thursday after we talk about some of our favorite moments from the 1st half of the Padres season.  And at the bottom of the hour we talk about reports on social media that the Padres are calling up Tirso Ornelas, and what other moves could be coming for the San Diego Padres. Listen here!

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Now today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. NerdWallet's experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact-based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. I'm Anna Garcia with True Crime News The Podcast. Every week, True Crime News covers breaking crime stories and the fight for justice. Listen to and follow True Crime News The Podcast on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. So something really weird just happened when Dr. Ken left and thank you so much to Dr. Ken. He was awesome. I'm not BSing you guys. I have literally never felt more still and calm. And that's not who I really am as a person at all. Not in the slightest. Nor am I. Something really weird happened when he took Ben out of hypnosis. And again, he didn't have as long as he had with me. Gave you the same now. I remember, I remember him talking to me the thing I remember like the most, the thing that that hit home was was baseball. And when he slowed the ball down in my mind, I had this weird connection with my forearms and a baseball coming towards me and seeing the laces. And then I know that he told me about red because he told you the exact same thing. When Ben comes out of hypnosis, he sits up and we go to break and Ben goes, I have to put red dots on my golf ball now instead of blue dots. A lot of golfers will mark their balls with dots, black dots, green dots. My dad draws little shamrocks on his. Ben, you're going to put red dots on yours. So that's yeah. I mean, that was the first thing that I was thinking of, like, I can picture my golf ball with like red dots on it. And that's, you know, that just like came to me instantly. That's crazy. As I came up. So that's like something that maybe unlocked in your mind. I want to know, I mean, you guys say I look really out. You were so like, I was never totally sure. Am I, am I doing this right or not? I guess, you know, I was always thinking, am I doing this or not? Am I not doing this? After talking to him a little bit before the hand, you know, you want to say like, Oh, Ben was asleep. He's not actually asleep, but that's just for lack of a better term. We're going to say you were asleep. You were out cold. He looks at that. For me, there was a one white dot. And I just focused on the white dot. And when he started talking to me, my toes right now, or my toes are like tingly. I'm not joking. Like my toes are, I can feel relaxation in almost every muscle of my body. It's wild. He had you, of course, you did a couple of things while you were under suggestion, including, he said he gave you a nectar. And do you remember eating the, the nectarine? Yeah, apricot, apricot. I'm looking at it. It was a giant lime and like the apple, but it tasted okay to you. Your mind made it taste like an apricot. It was like one of the, it was so juicy and like, I could feel it like running down my chin. It was nice. Um, I ate a whole line. And the funny thing is, he's like, I know what he was like, I, I remember moving my hands, moving my arms. None of it felt funny to me. Like nothing felt like, Do you remember reading Lord of the Rings? Yeah. Yeah. I, but you know what? I couldn't see it. I couldn't see anything I was reading. Nothing. I couldn't see any words. Because you thought that was the funniest thing. Because all I was, all I was doing was, was looking down. And he, he told me to laugh. So I laughed. And he told me to be upset. So I was upset. Yeah, no offense. None of us are good enough actors to, you know, you weren't performing some skits. No, you were really laughing. You were really, and then when he said, you were sad and reading said, you could see just in your face that it just fell like you were crestfalling. My hands, dude, my hands trying to rip my hands apart actually freaked me out towards the end. When I was telling Dr. Ken how the show runs and what we're kind of looking for, I said, look, I got one guy that's much of a, very much of a free thinker. And he goes, he'll be great. And you were. And I go, and then we have Ben and Ben's a little bit more. I'm not sure I buy into it a little more skeptical. And he goes, I don't know that it's going to work on him then. I just don't. I mean, you have to buy in you have to. It's not even buy in. It's just let go and open in your mind a little bit. And that's the, that's a tough thing to do. And I found myself kind of somewhere in the middle. I didn't have a grad night. I got canceled. So I didn't, I've never seen like a hit to show in person. And we literally had one at our grad night. Is that like required? Yeah. It's like the most cliche grad night thing. But in my head, I've seen videos and stuff and you go, all right, those guys are paid. They paid, they pulled 50 people behind stage, gave them 20 bucks or something. And they're acting. And then I saw him put you guys to sleep. Yeah, like a better term. And I go, holy hell. Yeah. It was jarring. And I'm jealous. And I'm going to call Dr. Ken and schedule my own appointment. It was awesome. It was awesome. I mean, I really feel spectacular, spectacular, right now, which I don't usually feel on a round table Thursday. As you know, I, he was great. What a super nice dude to super, super nice guy. I think part of it is learning that he has a real medical background in oncology and cancer surgery. And you know, believes this helps his patients. He said, yeah, worked on like needle phobia and anti nausea that the brain is so strong that if you can just convince it that you're not feeling sick, then it actually does is a therapeutic. My wife, man, resource for patients. My wife, my wife's ability to use her brain for her benefit is actually quite staggering at times. I think, I think, Paulie, me, probably more trauma as kids, right? Then, then, you know, but I think, you know, your mental state in your, like your mental state, just to get through life now, your brain is massively strong, massively, like you, it would have to be to do the things that you do on a daily basis without, without crumbling to the ground, crumbly, like just, I'm done. I'm spent. I cannot go back and do another nine hours and get home at midnight, then get up at four AM. And I thought that's what would keep me from being able to do this. Exactly. Because my, I do constantly think like, okay, what's the next, what's next? What comes after this? What comes after this? And while there was an element that I was still thinking, I was me. Yeah, I was still thinking. I wasn't stopping. I was incredibly relaxed and I'm not someone who ever really can get that relaxed. That's what I've always heard. I've always heard when you come out of hypnosis, it's, it's like feeling like you got the best night sleep of life like euphoric a little bit right now. And then again, just really calm and really happy to be here. Really happy to be here. So that was, that was really cool. I loved Dr. Nick. And yeah, Paulie, we'll put up his info and everything else. That was a fun segment. You know, this is the perfect week for it. But yeah, Dr. Ken If you just want to go check it out at some point this morning, that gets you all the information where you can find out about what he does, improving mental side and golf and other sports. If that is something that is interesting to you. Yeah, it's nice guy. Really, really nice guy. All right, where do we go from here? It's what I want to know. And what did everyone do yesterday? I mean, we didn't really go for a play. We just jumped right in with Dr. Ken. So I'm telling, I, he, I, he, I told him a story before the show and he brought it up during the show that I'll explain if you want. Yes, I told you guys this morning and it was one of the cooler things that's ever happened. We were last night. So Bo got a piggy bank from his auntie when he was born, little white piggy bank says, I love you, Bo, love auntie. And we've been putting coins and, you know, dollar bills, it's got the little slot. So you got to fold up the $10 bill and slide it in there. So he said, dad, it's so full. Can we, can we open it up and count it? We're going on our trip. And I said, yeah, man, you want a little spending money? We'll put the rest in the bank. So we counted out, he had six out the hammer and I thought for a second, we may have to dig my fingers in and like, pull all the money I took forever. Then we had to open it and fold it and count it. So he had, we're sitting at the table last night and did the kid six years old. We counted out $695 right over six years. And he was just like, it was big fat stack of cash. So we're sitting there and he goes, hey, dad. And he goes, can I give some money to charity? And I, my eyes got misty and I go, well, sure. I said, what would you, what would you like to do? And he said, I want to help the people by Petco part. And I was like, like just, just sweet baby, sweet baby, right? So I said, okay, I said, well, you know, daddy and his baseball team, we, we do that. If you want to do the Peter Sideler legacy fund, you can. And he, and I said, is there something else that's really important to you? He goes, cats. And just like that. And I said, all right, how about this? So we'll call our friend dog at Rancho Coastal Humane. And I said, how much do you want to donate? He goes, how much did I get? I said $695. So almost $700. He goes, I'll donate $100. And I said, buddy, you don't have to give a, I said, how about 50? He goes, 100. And he goes, dad, count out 100. So I gave him five, 20. He goes, mom gives her the 100. He goes, I want to give this to, to cats, cats. So then I put him to bed last night. And he's laying in, just cats, cat, cat, feline, society, cat, feline, veterinarian, just so you're so good. By the way, no dogs. Like, I don't know that he wants this 100 to go to dogs at all. I think it's like, send this to the cat. He's just going to be going around the neighborhood. He goes, there's one for you whiskers. Yeah. He's one for you. He's cats are running up walking away with $10 bills. And so, so we're like, so, you know, we get everything done. And I take him, I put him to bed. I go, buddy, I am, I am so you. I said, that's such a beautiful thing. And if you give, you get back 10 fold, you know, and he goes, I was thinking, if a bed for a cat is $10, then I can help 10 cats. And I'm like, you have whatever they want to use it for. Great. I said, but your head's in your heart, most importantly, is in the right spot. So man, it was a really, in a week of cool moments. It was a really special one. That's, that is truly awesome. It must make you feel like you have done something right as a parent that that is interesting. 100% to do that with his money. 100%. 100%. I mean, it's hard enough just to get them to have the patience to save their money, keep it. And then like, the usually the reward at the end is I'm buying myself a, a PlayStation or something, you know, that I've been saving up for. But his first thought is, let's give and help something that I, you know, for charity. And I said, what do you, I said, you want to, you know, we'll take some money to Hawaii for spending money by anything you want. How much you want to take? He goes, yes. I don't know. How about 90? $90? I got not 100. He goes, no, just 90. All right, real 90 bucks it is, man. So really sweet moment. And I know that he brought that up and wanted to explain that. But let's get into, let's get into the show. Let's get into two. There's a couple of things I think we can talk about. Obviously want to know what's coming up on the round table today. We can do some of that because we're going to have some Padres baseball talk. You threatened me at 10 on the round table yesterday via text. You do not want to do the certain thing. First half of the season. I really do not. It's more of a look ahead round table today. All right, not a look back here. We're kind of at the end of the all-star break. I feel like we've already. I think we've done what we're going to do. Beaten it to death. We played our recap of the first down from the season yesterday. And you can't beat a heart beat of the team. And you're not, you can't change the fifth. You can't change the 50 and 49 record. I could hear it again later. I could be fine. So yeah, we're mostly going to look ahead. However, I do have one question that we're going to talk about looking behind. And I'm curious what some of the tier ones think about it as well. So if you want to think about it. And I heard Craig and Annie going through like the best games of the season. But what I want to know is what was your favorite moment? Specific moment of the first half of the Padres season because I've got one clearly in my head. Maybe it was a day you were actually at the game and you just actually have two that I loved from the first half of the season because I was there for both of them. So kind of play around in your mind. A lot of things happen. That was a pretty eventful 99 games for the San Diego Padres. Good massively and bad. But there were a ton of big moments and things that happened in the first half of the season. So we'll talk about that. We'll take a quick time out. It's a throwback Thursday show. Let's play real or fake when we actually come back. We'll push other things back. But we'll need a contestant to try to qualify for a trip to Las Vegas if you want to get online. During the break, you can 833-288-0973, game of real or fake and talk about our favorite Padres moments from the first half of the season. Coming up next with Benawoods after a check of traffic here at 97.3 the fan. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities and even things like median lot size and a noise score, We've done your homework. I'm Anna Garcia with True Crime News, the podcast. Every crime tells a story. Every story demands justice. True Crime News, the podcast covers breaking crimes, investigating high profile and under the radar cases. Every week, we dive beyond the headlines, exploring the effects of violent crimes on victims and search for justice. We hope you join us as your weekly source for True Crime News. Listen to and follow True Crime News, the podcast on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Today's episode is sponsored by Nerd Wallet Smart Money podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. Nerd Wallet's experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact-based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow Nerd Wallet's smart money podcast on your favorite podcast app. Hi, you guys come up with a favorite moment from the first half of the season because I've got two that specifically stand out in my mind because I was at both games as a fan. First one was the Louisa Rise Home debut. Walk off single. Friday night. On a Friday night, against the Dodgers, we were sitting down the third baseline and it was a great pitching performance by Michael King. But the moment was the first walk off win of the season and to have it with Louisa Rise first game at Pekko Park was amazing. But what might have even been better and this game wasn't as close. But I was also there for the 13th consecutive strikeout by Jeremiah Estrada. Oh, yeah. And as the fan. That's gotten lost in the show as he came in and fans were kind of aware of what was going on and getting more and more excited on each pitch and standing up. And that was another incredible moment I thought from the first half of the season. Mine was. Mine was Manny Machado grabbing Cabaret Ruiz around the, you know, the the chess protector and pushing him away from his teammate, jerks of pro far that hitting home run. I mean it for me and honestly, it was like some of the first. It's one of the first times I'd seen a teammate stand up for another teammate on this team in six years. I'm I'm I'm trying to remember another time. Can you guys off the top of your head remember a teammate getting pissed at the other team for something it did to one of our guys? I really can't. It's not a signature of the San Diego Padres the last two years. I'll say that it's in fact a signature the other way. In my opinion, it has been. So it was nice to finally see somebody say not that's not going to happen. And then of course the Homer right after was like cinematic. It's just perfect. I mean that next day when we came in and got to talk about that was one of my favorite days of the year. It was just elite, elite content. And it was such a cool moment. Paul, you got anything to add to that? I really those are the two games I was going to pick. You know, specifically manning's home run after the dust settled there against the nationals. I mean I was already like so wired and amped up just from the near brawl that she's clearing. You know, you're always kind of perked up a little bit. And then for Manny to take the first pitch he sees and just deposit it and tattooed it. I mean just crushed that by love. So the obviously the game where the Padres blew the lead to the Arizona Diamonds the next couple of weeks ago. But specifically it was jerks and profiles at bat coming out of the in the bottom of the ninth tying it up falling behind 0 and 2 and fighting back to 3 and 2 and then hitting the home runs and tie it up to me. That was even better than the walk off. You know by man a two batters later was that at bat by jerks and it just so encapsulated what he's brought to the team. Like the fight at the plate that in you know that jerks in intensity that he has injected this team with this season that I think has made a real difference. Then he says remember when Woods puked because no one got him a 10 or a day to ring training. That was not my favorite moment the the last 40 minutes of spring training where I don't know what happened to me but I just were like I was it. That was not C 20 Miranda says shilt asking the ump to eject him. Yeah I do what you gotta do man. Do you think? Do you think throw me out? I know it's hard. Hey look I love you. I think you're the best. Y'all are the best at what you do. I'm going to need you throw me out. What do you think he did? We'll talk to him tomorrow on the program. I can't I absolutely can't wait. I can't wait to find out what he did. I can't wait to find out. I'm going to I'm going to grill him. Do you go back? Did he go back to Karen North Carolina for a couple days? I want to ask him. I want to ask him if he is the type of person that can actually relax. Like we need doctor can to help them out potentially but like is Mike shilt the kind of person that is like whoa work is done feed her up and does he shut the mother down for a few days and just not think about baseball. Which by the way I think is massively healthy. Now in the football world the football world Mike shilt would have been at Petco Park. Now I slept on the couch. I was working on some new stuff. It's so funny because we both praise those workaholics who are always striving to help you know get their team better at every moment but we all acknowledge it's not no one is at their best if they're working all the time and they take no time for themselves. There's no way do we that that's the healthiest best strategy for you or your team. Do we correct? Do we praise baseball guys that do that. I praise guys in baseball that work hard certainly but I I think the Tommy Fams of the world sometime. I mean look every player after five six seven like Jackson Merrill's routine in three years is going to be different than it was this year right. It just is. You nobody does the same thing every day. Baseball is different. It's not football. It's not it's not basketball even. I mean I don't think it's that different. I think football and basketball are the same that they all need time away from the game mentally to recharge and it's funny because you know with Blake Snell and you know the people who would criticize him for playing video games and streaming you know during the season and just think about that. Are you that oblivious to the fact that every human being on earth needs to whatever they do to recharge their batteries relax and refresh to be at their best for what they do professionally and I'll admit it fully that I you know even maybe five years ago but did not really have the I didn't have the ability and as you know as I've like four vacations booked this year I have found the ability to recharge and reset because it was going to it was going to kill me that pace back then of like 24 hours a day grinding on this four hour show was going to kill me was going to put me in the grave and I go I gotta step back so I do wonder with shit like did he go where did he go what did he do what does he do for fun you know and is he the type of person that's able to actually sit back and relax all right now he gets some colors on the line here you just sit tight and you can help out because it's time for a throwback Thursday edition of reel or fake some are here for the compelling sports talk with Ben & Woods you can go plow through another donut it's time for reel or fake on 97 3 the fan tell the people what they'll win today here what people are we going to go with let's go with line five Russell you there yep yes I am all right you are our contestant today for reel or fake congratulations if you can I get four of seven correct you will be qualified for our grand prize drawing it is a two night stay at the real Las Vegas dinner for two day bed at the real pool the Rio is back new ownership newly remodeled rooms for sparkling new pools and a brand new food hole book now at real Las Vegas dot com and just to mix it up today real or fake brought to you by the craft taco in Serenno Valley craft taco is some of the best quality tacos in all of San Diego go to the craft taco dot com take a look at their happy hour specials today the craft taco dot com all right woods is here to help you I think you should be pretty good at this one today on real or fake Russell we'll see if you know the difference between a pot raise draft pick and a Charles Dickens literary character ooh I will give you a name because I love Dickens well you are in English I was and you are a Padres fan yes I'll give you a name you tell me if they are a real 2024 Padres draft pick from this week or a fake a character from a Charles Dickens story why did Russell because the names are kind of weird on both Russell you ready to play I yeah let's give it a shot all right number one real or fake Joe Gargery real Padres draft pick or fake Dickens character Joe Gargery I'll say fake fake what that is correct from great expectations so that's one for Russell all right uncle Joe let's I don't know I don't know my Dickens I that was here that's your area of expertise all right round number two Russell let's try this one John jarn dice Padres draft fake real or Dickens character fake I'm gonna say real real that is the leak house all right all right all right one and one all right let's go to round number three here we go Brandon Butterworth real or fake Padres draft pick or Dickens character Russell ah say Dickens character Brandon Butterworth 12 round pick shortstop out of North Carolina State Mr. Butterworth that's all right all right let's go to round number four let's try Tanner Smith that would of course make his mom Mrs. Butterworth he just glossed over that took him a second that's one of my best jokes of all time I just got it Mr. Butterworth thank you Paul you're welcome you're coming in and saving the day by the way you know I'm focused and I'm hosting here round four Russell Tanner Smith Tanner Smith oh god Tanner Smith I'm gonna say uh fake Thomas Smith is real and he's a pitcher from Harvard he took in the 15th round all right you can ask me are we very well versed in these is that is that just one out of four that means you got to get the last three right now all of a sudden all right here we got this round number five Cobb high tower real or fake Padres draft fake Russell real okay uh if someone's helping me with yeah real it's just kind of trying to help you over there what does he think it's real let's say real then it is real Cobb high tower was the third round pick shortstop out of East Rowan High School in North Carolina all right still alive got two more all right here we go round number six Seth Peck sniff real or fake let's go with the help again what do you think fake fake I think fake do peck sniff is amazing it's a character from Martin Chuzzle who is peck sniff oh that dickens oh that dickens all right for the here we go for all the marbles round seven is usually weird too real or fake we got you dude Job trotter real or fake Padres draft pick Job trotter little help what do you think fake he says fake Russell what do you say fake do then and they would be be right the pick with papers and that is a win come from behind win for Russell and real or fake congratulations Russell standalone Paul will get your information during the break we'll put you into the drawing for the trip to Rio here at the end of the month did you know that one or you just I know the draft picks you just know the draft picks even the the third day once we didn't even talk about it we didn't talk about yesterday but I got a text yesterday I had an email that lined them all out and I perused it last night knowing that we had some some things to talk about I would draft job trotter I would draft peck sniff step peck sniff peck sniff myself yeah job trotter is a hard-ass name absolute job trotter yeah Brandon Butterworth yeah mr Butterworth 12th rounder I now I hope he makes it to the big leagues you know that Mary Lou's will be interviewing mrs Butterworth mrs when he makes his day what a great gig not if we can get to her first I promise track her down get her number mrs Butterworth hi Steven what's up actually what was the guy in the story of the other day Nikki pancakes or mike man cakes or matty pan patty pancakes oh great it's great you got to get this guy together with mrs Butterworth that was great fantastic all right we'll take a time out when we come back let's well we'll continue a little summer break but it is also final major of the year is underway and I'm trying to keep tabs on the open championship I'll tell you why it's a it's a bit of a struggle for me right now coming up with Ben Woods on San Diego's number one sports station 97 through the fan tough conditions it's a royal trune in the first round of the open championship and the scores are reflective of that they are about midway through round one of the open and the leader is Justin Thomas at just three under par and he's the only guy at three under par there's he finished he is done okay yeah all the best scores have finished it seems to only be getting tougher and tougher as the day goes on Alex norin nickel I hoeigard Justin Rose Russell Henley all in the clubhouse at two under Adam Scott part of a group at one under also at that group in one under just on the course your three holes Tiger Woods tied for sixth right now really at one under par now you got a long way to go long way to go but that's encouraging it has been a while since we've seen Tiger Woods on a leaderboard at a major or anywhere else but he's currently in the top 10 after an early birdie but he's heading out apparently the front nine's playing really tough and then the back nine's playing even tougher uh today at royal trune I'd love to keep you updated and we put it up on the tv it's on a USA network but unfortunately I don't know when they installed we have a dish up on the roof and wherever they put it it's like it's not good it doesn't get all the signals so you hit a channel sometimes we we're getting what we have right now just as direct tv signal loss other times it's kind of pixelated like you're watching the spice channel in 1992 but you didn't subscribe to it now what is the yeah it's not really that spice channel i'm unfamiliar i've never heard of that yeah cooking like a cooking channel like why was it scrambled why wouldn't you subscribe to that your mom likes to cook the spice spice that would be a good cooking channel maybe it would be a spice channel you're like who yeah if you thought it was cooking and signed up for it you were in for big surprise well rude awakening or a very nice awakening did you guys ever put magnets on top of your television to try to no no you didn't work well no but i mean i heard that urban my i heard that urban legend and so my parents would go to bed i'd run to the fridge grab all the mag it probably needed to be like a a real magnet not a you know not a thing of ohio it's a shape of ohio and a magnet you reiterate yeah and you stick a bunch of them on the tv to see if it would work all right good night folks how could that possibly work like it pulls the pixels it packs together it's supposed to be it was an it doesn't make any sense at all but i certainly certainly tried it certainly tried it so um possibly with the internet so yeah it's so lucky poly so lucky so we're going to check traffic possibly some changes coming to the pot raise roster to start the second half of the season nothing officially yeah but we will let you know what is being talked about at the moment to start the second half of the pot raise coming up next year on 97 3 the fam all right can have to employ some of my high school spanish if i can remember here but did see a tweet yesterday from fernando bierceros now you know you can just to hit translate tweet if you wanted to but i'd like to hear you try so let's see this uh it says uh hashtag altima ora which is what right like breaking news i think alerta el tiwa nece that's someone from tiwana tierso ornelas acedo a cindero alequipo grande de los padres y sera el nativo mejicano uh 149 en la historia de grande's legas so my high school spanish tells me that tierso ornelas is being promoted ascending to the big club the san diego padres y quibo grande and it will be the 149th native mexican player in the history of major league baseball it's it's if i hit i hit translate tweet it says tiwana native tierso ornelas has been promoted to the padre's big team and will be the 149th mexican native in major league history he's uh now no official move has been announced by your san diego padre correct which is not surprising as teams do not usually make moves until you have to and that would mean like three hours before the game tomorrow i'd expect to see a release and a tweet from the padre's if they actually do make a move like that but ornelas has been playing well i don't believe is he on the 40 i don't think he's on the 40 man so they'll have to make some corresponding i thought he was added yesterday look also okay so i didn't see any moves yesterday officially but uh i would expect tomorrow we'll see that official move and uh mike shilt will have another option in in the uh in the outfield uh when he uh comes back for the second half of the season yeah i i you know at brice johnson well might be at his expense yeah i'll see around maybe that's possible potentially the what we guys remember most about the price johnson era uh honestly it will be that time he came up with the base is loaded and it the camera panned him in the on deck circle that looked like he was hyperventilated he has had me between his legs he was giving some hypnosis it was yes i mean rarely do you see a big leaguer act like oh this moment is too big for me and i i'll never forget it does the camera and he was like just please put the bat on the ball and he didn't and we lost that game and oh well not his fault and he really didn't have you know much business being there it's again not his fault now he he can say it he was a big leaguer great absolutely and maybe we'll be again he was before uh you know he's got speed he's got some things you can't teach he's a good defender you know things like that i think you know what on a contending type team and like a real like uh a fillies fifth out field or fine and hopefully no one's hurt that we don't know about correct that won't be the corresponding move i i i don't know i mean i saw the rumor mill going around yesterday on twitter i don't even want to give it any oxygen to be honest with you but it did involve somebody that could start the second half on the i.l which is not not what we would need at all they've already put wandy on there and he'll probably still be there for a few more days even after the uh the second half starts okay yeah so there's a couple of different different things that they could do um you do you know you wonder if um uh Sean Reynolds you know breaks out of out of there's a lot that's gonna happen in the next 24 hours or so now i have also not seen any official announcement on a pitching rotation matchups for the next three games is it because yes we yes bn has it yeah they don't have it for most games but for the padre's guardian series we do have some pitching provables that have been listed um matt walter it against tanner bibby in game one tomorrow which is a four ten start three ten eco water soCal pre-game show with a a four mentioned sammy leven here on ninety seven three the fan that is also an apple tv plus game which means uh don and mud get an extra day on their all star break before they have to return to work on saturday so uh that is the probable match up for tomorrow then dylan cease will pitch on saturday against gavin williams and then michael king against ben lively in game three of the series on sunday uh both bibby and lively have had pretty good season so far williams is um uh it has not had as much uh opportunities to start i think he's only made three starts so far so um i think it's telling though if that is the first three for the padre's you can see the strategy they're not as worried about innings for uh walterton and cease king they pushed back you know he didn't start what five days before the end of the break so have a good eleven days or so between starts to try to you know stretch out as many innings as you can out of michael king as he's already exceeded his uh his career best in innings pitch so they'll push him back to sunday and then uh they'll probably have randy vasquez would be available for tuesday which is the first game of the washington national series and then you figure out what you do after that whether you go back to waldrin or you need to find a new fifth starter um you know after adam azure was sent down and maybe by then a trade is made or or you know as we get closer to the trade deadline yeah i i and do we have any update on joe musgrove i saw somebody put in the chat that he he went kind of full yesterday through off the now off the mound kind of he's probably waking up right now with an update to tell him the trainers how he feels to the end yeah cool hopefully that went well and uh you know he won't be eligible to come back until i believe start of august sometimes he's on the 60s yeah and then uh nothing on you darvish other than you know they keep sending their their love and support okay as you remains away from the team on the restricted list uh hopefully though at least the time off is you know allowing him to get fully healthy for when he may hopefully come back to the pot raise sometime later this season so that's your uh kind of pitching preview for the series coming up against cleveland guardians who are one of the been one of the best teams in baseball really good story uh we can talk about it a little bit more tomorrow but their first year manager steven vote has taken over and i think expectations were not through the roof for the cleveland guardians this year not not really at all like i think they i'd like to go back and look to see where i had them at the beginning it's probably easy for polydufine i think you put it on our instagram i don't think i had them doing very much from from if memory serves you know it was like oh that they they always have good starting pitching uh they have a great back end of their bullpen with a manual classe they have hosey remira's he's great and steven quan is a really great hitter but he's a singles guy you know they they need more they've been outstanding by a half game they actually have the best record in the american league they've been outstanding 30n had them finishing fourth yeah fourth in the central woods have been finishing third and i have got them finishing section i mean definitely the closest 58 and 37 which is 58 and 37 which is a half man better than the 58 and 38 orials and a game and half better than the 58 and 40 New York Yankees so uh really outstanding first half of the season for the cleveland guardians it's that's staggering that's staggering and you saw some guardians if you're watching the all-star game yeah and you go on that guy's an all-star that guy's having a really good season like wow Josh Naylor his brother yeah there's uh there's there's some good players there men and and i think you know vote with longtime player who knows i mean brings these guys together classe in the bullpen obviously uh steven quan has been great amazing for them he's kind of the american league version of luisa rise i just said all of the same thing he's been healthy all season so do you remember when i said that yeah really good all right so that's the cleveland guardians and that's the first team out of the blocks and then you get the orials on the same trip oh god which uh so the two best teams in the american right now are six of the next nine games and sandwiched in between as the nationals who have not been playing as well and are probably in cell mode at this point but you know this is a this was the rivalry this is that you know rivalry you know this is the this is i'm sure they will be up to face the sandy eagle ponteries after what happened at pecco park or when they visited a few weeks ago you know and i think what it comes down to i'm sure we'll talk about the uh this on the round table today somebody had a great tweet i would give you credit i can't remember off the top of my head but it said listen pod race fans don't forget this team has essentially played 500 baseball since 2021 all right so while we all want to expect more there's this there's this hump that needs to to be gotten over because when you look at it's in in that perspective benny 500 in the second half is not going to get it done it's just not so you're gonna have to figure out a way to play i don't i'm not saying you have to play 20 over 500 but i know you can't play you can't play 50 and 49 you know one game over 500 but you got to be a solid baby eight games above 500 in the second half so you want to make sure you get to the playoffs that would get you to you know 87 wins or so yep if you did that that's i guess you have an odd number of games left so seven games above 500 or nine games above 500 but somewhere around there is what it's going to take to get to the postseason and we saw the pod race play that level they have you know they got to six games above 500 they played that level for a while can they do it and sustain it in the second half of the season and obvious it's so obvious to say but when we played the heartbeat yesterday you can't have that five sucks in a row you just can't two is okay they've done it what four times this year i'm at 20 else in you know five at a time in those big chunks and outside of those four stretches of five games apiece which i'm not saying you can get rid of them but outside of that yeah five is our fifth suck suck fifth c in 29 outside of those stretches had you just been able to mitigate damage in all four of those tough conditions it's a royal trune in the first round of the open championship and the the scores are reflective of that they are about midway through round one of the open and the leader is Justin Thomas at just three under par and he's the only guy at three under par uh there's he finished he is done okay yeah all the best scores have finished it seems to only be getting tougher and tougher as the day goes on Alex Norin, Nikolai Huygaard, Justin Rose, Russell Henley all in the clubhouse at two under Adam Scott part of a group at one under also at that group in one under just on the course for three holes Tiger Woods tied for sixth right now really at one under par now he's got a long way to go long way to go but that's encouraging it's uh it has been a while since we've seen Tiger Woods on a leaderboard at a major or anywhere else but he's currently in the top 10 after an early birdie uh but he's heading out apparently the front nine's playing really tough and then the back nine's playing even tougher uh today at royal trune i'd love to keep you updated and we put it up on the tv it's on a USA network but unfortunately i don't know when they installed we have a dish up on the roof and wherever they put it it's like it's not good it doesn't get all the signals so you hit a channel sometimes we we're getting what we have right now just as direct tv signal loss other times it's kind of pixelated like you're watching the spice channel in 1992 but you didn't subscribe to it now what is the yeah it's not really that spice channel i'm unfamiliar i've never heard of that yeah cooking like a cooking channel right like why was it scrambled why wouldn't you subscribe to that your mom likes to cook the spice spice that would be a good cooking channel maybe it would be a spice channel you're like whoo yeah if you thought it was cooking and signed up for it you were in for a big surprise well rude awakening or a very nice awakening did you guys ever put magnets on top of your television to try to no no you didn't work well no but i mean i heard that i heard that urban legend and so my parents would go to bed i'd run to the fridge grab all the mag it probably needed to be like a real magnet not a you know not a thing of ohio it's a shape of ohio in a magnet or a visitor in a magnet and you stick a bunch of them on the tv to see if it would work all right good night folks how could that possibly work like it pulls the pixels it packs together it's supposed to be it wasn't it doesn't make any sense at all but i certainly certainly tried it certainly tried it so um possibly i grew up with the internet so yeah it's so lucky poly so lucky so we're going to check traffic uh possibly some changes coming to the pot raise roster to start the second half of the season nothing officially yeah but we will uh let you know what is uh being talked about at the moment to start the second half of the pot raise coming up next year on ninety seven three the fam all right gonna have to uh employ some of my uh high school spanish if i can remember here but did see a tweet yesterday from uh fernando biesteros now you know you can just to hit translate tweet if you wanted to but i'd like to hear you try so let's see this uh it says a hashtag altima ora which is what right like breaking news i think alerta el tiwanese that's someone from tiwana tierso ornelas asido asindiro aliki pogrande delos padres y sera el nativo mejicano uh 149 en la historia de grande slegas so my high school spanish tells me that tierso ornelas is being promoted ascending to the big club the san diego padres i keep on grande and it will be the 149th native mexican player in the history of major league baseball it's uh it's if i hit i hit translate tweet it says tijuana native tierso ornelas has been promoted to the padres big team and will be the 149th mexican native in major league history he's uh now no official move has been announced by your san diego padre correct which is not surprising as teams do not usually make moves until you have to and that would mean like three hours before the game tomorrow i'd expect to see a release and a tweet from the padres if they actually do make a move like that but ornelas has been playing well i don't believe is he on the 40 i don't think he's on the 40 man so they'll have to make some corresponding i thought he was added yesterday look also okay so i didn't see any moves yesterday officially but uh i would expect tomorrow we'll see that official move and uh mike shall we'll have another option and in the uh in the outfield uh when he uh comes back for the second half of the season yeah i i you know at brice johnson well might be at his expense yeah i'll see you around maybe that's possible potentially the the what we guys remember most about the price johnson era uh honestly it will be that time he came up with the bases loaded and it the camera panned him in the on deck circle that looked like he was hyperventilated his head was between his legs he was giving some hypnosis it was yes i mean rarely do you see a big leaguer act like oh this moment is too big for me and i i'll never forget it as the camera and he was like just please put the bat on the ball and he didn't and we lost that game and oh well not his fault and he really didn't have you know much business being there it's again not his fault now he he can say it he was a big leaguer great absolutely and maybe we'll be again he was before uh you know he's got speed he's got some things you can't teach she's a good defender you know things like that you know what on a contending type team and like a real like a uh a fillies fifth out fielder fine and hopefully no one's hurt that we don't know about correct that won't be the corresponding move i i i i don't know i mean i saw the rumor mill going around yesterday on twitter i don't even want to give it any oxygen to be honest with you but it did involve somebody that could start the second half on the isle which is not not what we would need at all they've already put wandy on there and he'll probably still be there for a few more days even after the uh the second half starts okay yeah so there's a couple of different different things that they could do um you do you know you wonder if um uh chan Reynolds you know breaks out of out of there's a lot that's going to happen in the next 24 hours or so now i have not also not seen any official announcement on a pitching rotation matchups for the next three games is it because yes we did it yes the end has it yeah yeah they don't have it for most games but for the padre's guardian series we do have some pitching provables that have been listed um matt wall dread against tanner bibby in game one tomorrow which is a four ten start three ten eco water so cal pre-game show with a four mentioned sammy leven here on ninety seven three the fan that is also an apple tv plus game which means uh don and mud get an extra day on their all star break before they have to return to work on saturday so that is the probable matchup for tomorrow then dylan cease will pitch on saturday against gavin williams and then michael king against ben lively in game three of the series on sunday uh both bibby and lively have had pretty good seasons so far williams is um uh it has not had as much uh opportunities to start i think he's only made three starts so far so um i think it's telling though if that is the first three for the padre's you can see the strategy they're not as worried about innings for uh wall dread and cease king they push back you know he didn't start what five days before the end of the break so have a good 11 days or so between starts to try to you know stretch out as many innings as you can out of michael king as he's already exceeded his uh his career best in innings pitch so they'll push him back to sunday and then uh they'll probably have randy vasquez would be available for tuesday which is the first game of the washington national series and then you figure out what you do after that whether you go back to walledren or you need to find a new fifth starter um you know after out of measure was sent down and maybe by then a trade is made or or you know as we get closer to the trade deadline yeah i i and do we have any update on joe musgrove i saw somebody put in the chat that he he went kind of full yesterday through off the map off the mound kind of probably waking up right now with an update and telling the trainers how you feel today yeah cool hopefully that went well and uh you know he won't be eligible to come back until i believe start of august sometimes he's on the 60s yeah and then uh nothing on you darvish other than you know they keep sending their their love and support okay as you remains away from the team on the restricted list uh hopefully though at least the time off is you know allowing him to get fully healthy for when he may hopefully come back to the pod race sometime later this season so that's your uh kind of pitching preview for the series coming up against cleveland guardians who are one of the been one of the best teams in baseball really good story uh we can talk about it a little bit more tomorrow but their first year manager steven vote has taken over and i think expectations were not through the roof for the cleveland guardians this year not really at all like i think they i'd like to go back and look to see where i had them at the beginning i'm probably easy for polly to find i think you put it on our instagram i don't think i had them doing very much from from if memory serves you know it was like oh that they they always have good starting pitching uh they have a great back end of their bullpen with a manual classe they have hosey remieras he's great and steven quan is a really great hitter but he's a singles guy you know they they need more they they've been outstanding by a half game they actually have the best record in the american league they've been outstanding 30n had them finishing fourth yeah fourth in the central woods have been finishing third and i have got them finishing second i mean definitely the closest 58 and 37 which is 58 and 37 which is a half game better than the 58 and 38 oriles and a game and a half better than the 58 and 40 new york andky so uh really outstanding first half of the season for the cleveland guardians it's that's staggering that's staggering and you know you saw some guardians if you're watching the all-star game yeah and you go on that guy's an all-star that guy's having a really good season like wow just nailers brother yeah there's uh there's there's some good players there man and and i think you know vote with long-time player who knows i mean brings these guys together classe in the bullpen obviously uh steven quan has been great amazing for them he's kind of the american league version of luisa rise i just said all of the same thing he's been healthy all season so do you remember when i said that yeah really good all right so that's the cleveland guardians and that's the first team out of the blocks and then you get the ariles on the same trip which uh so the two best teams in the american right now are six of the next nine games for the sandwiched in between as the nationals who have not been playing as well and are probably in cell mode at this point but you know this is a this was the rivalry this is then you know rivalry you know this is the this is i'm sure they will be up to face the san diego pontres after what happened at pecco park or when they visited a few weeks ago you know and i think what it comes down to it i'm sure we'll talk about the uh this on the round table today somebody had a great tweet i would give you credit i can't remember off the top of my head but it said listen pod race fans don't forget this team has essentially played 500 baseball since 2021 all right so while we all want to expect more there's this there's this hump that needs to to be gotten over because when you look at it's in in that perspective benny 500 in the second half is not going to get it done it's just not so you're gonna have to figure out a way to play i don't i'm not saying you have to play 20 over 500 but i know you can't play you can't play 50 and 49 you know one game over 500 but you gotta be a solid baby eight games above 500 in the second half so you want to make sure you get to the playoffs that would get you to you know 87 wins or so yep if you did that that's i guess you have an odd number of games left so seven games above 500 or nine games above 500 but somewhere around there is what it's going to take to get to the postseason and we saw the pod race play that level they have you know they got to six games above 500 they played that level for a while can they do it and sustain it in the second half of the season and obvious it's so obvious to say but when we played the heartbeat yesterday you can't have that five sucks in a row you just can't two is okay they've done it what four times this year i'm at 20 else in you know five at a time in those big chunks and outside of those four stretches of five games a piece which i'm not saying you can get rid of them but outside of that yeah five is our fifth suck suck suck fifth c in 29 outside of those stretches had you just been able to mitigate damage in all four of those chunks just mitigated a little bit you know it's a totally it's a totally different feeling we we've talked about them digging themselves into holes all season long i don't know do i expect it to change i i don't i don't i'm hoping that it does but i don't there's no magic wand to wave uh unless it's hey we just added three new pieces to our rotation and a back end of the bullpen guy and uh another bat i just don't know i don't know enough about the health of franando tatiz jr when we can expect him back he's a huge part of this lineup a huge part of the energy of this team i don't know when we can expect joe mosgrove and you darvish back am i am i insane they were talking to them at the at the all-star game ben as if they're talking to the padrese players as if getting into the playoffs with some foregone conclusion it's absolutely not you cannot depend on the diamondbacks the giant we know that as padrese we know it right we can't you can't depend on any of those teams that are around you backsliding at all in fact they're all kind of getting stronger so whoo is everybody mentally prepared for what's to come in the next couple of months couple other baseball notes uh john haman report that the fillies are eyeing tommy fam in the trade talks yeah the flies uh hey they have the best record in baseball god it seems like a filly doesn't he that's a time to go all in um you know they saw how well he performed in the playoffs obviously last season for the diamondbacks would he be like a fourth out feel probably would be a depth piece for them for the most part cast it's castianos it's uh marsh it's um that young kid in center i think i don't know what their entire outfield is but yeah i mean i think that's a great fit i think it's a great fit i mean there's no guarantee that he'll play like he did in the playoffs last year but he certainly is fresh off a really good marice season experience rohan rojas that's right rohan rojas yeah i mean that's an upgrade tommy fam is an upgrade over over rojas certainly but yeah pashay still there as well he's he's an upgrade over pashay as well so um yeah that'd be a really really good fit and then all star ratings are in and you can frame this either way it was the uh the second lowest rate at all star game of all time but it was also up from last year which was the lowest rated so oh good trending in the right direction but still near an all-time low for interest in the all-star game i love it i love it every year hope it never goes away give paul skeens a little credit for the bump gives litty don a little credit for the bomb yeah let's be honest brought some new new viewers into the uh into the fold all right uh we will come back uh hour number three we're gonna reset paulin woods we're in some hysterics yesterday tell you why coming out 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