Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

6am Hour - Foreplay Struggles + Padres Drop 4th Straight Game

Ben, Woods, and Paul are here for you on a Thursday morning! We start the show by wading through some technical difficulties and we give some thoughts on the Padres 4th straight loss after they fell to Seattle 2-0 yesterday.  Then we try again with some foreplay and discuss Woodsy's upcoming trip before we get to our Padres Wrap-Up and the few highlights from yesterday's game! Listen here!

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11 Jul 2024
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Now today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. NerdWallet's experts will set future you up for success with dependable, fact-based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Hey Fantasy Football fans, this is Zach from Upper Hand Fantasy. You don't want an embarrassing tattoo just because you lost a bet in your Fantasy Football League, right? If you do, I suggest I'm remade holding a football, but let's avoid that altogether. Bros and I are here to get you ready for your Fantasy Football Drafts with insights and advice from sleepers to busts. We've got you covered to give you the Upper Hand on your friends. Start your Fantasy Football prep now, join us and stay ahead of the competition. Follow and listen to Upper Hand Fantasy on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. You don't just live in your home, you live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. Good morning, everybody. It's been in... it's 97.3 the fan. Let's get our heads right on a Thursday, July 11th. Great to be here with you. I'm Woodsy. That's Paul Reindel. He's the executive producer. Hi, Paul. Good morning. Ben Higgins, your friendly neighborhood sports anchor. What are we doing? Good morning. Why are we whispering? Just didn't have the same zest this morning when I cracked the mic. Well, you're the one who's going on vacation in four hours. You should have plenty of zest. I couldn't even sleep last night. I was so excited. I'm playing in bed like, ooh, tomorrow night I can see one of my favorite bands. I'm so excited I'm going to have some bourbon and God only knows. God only knows what kind of trouble I'm going to get into tonight. And I cannot wait. Cannot wait for it. Good morning, everybody. Thank you. Get our heads right. Today is cheer up the lonely day. That's what we're going to try to do. The San Diego Padres do make you feel a little bit lonely from time to time. They do. You feel like you're alone when you're watching that team flounder. I have a problem with that. Do you? Yeah, I feel like cheer up the lonely day implies that the lonely or need sharing in need of help or in need of cheering up. It's OK to be lonely. You don't always need companionship all the time. You can be very comfortable by yourself. You know, the great Paul Stanley had a song and it was called Who Wants to Be Lonely. Meaning nobody wants to be lonely. Who wants to be with you tonight? Yeah, that's that's I don't know. I think I think that it's just cheer up the lonely. It doesn't mean that they have a problem like, hey, let me just make you feel better. It makes it certainly sound like if you're lonely, you're sad. I'm going to look up the Brandon says he needs a lot of cheering up. Yeah, man, you know, that's kind of our job in the morning to and people get mad at us sometimes for doing that. Like when we open the show after what a four game losing streak, right? We're like, hey, what's up, guys? Everybody good? Like, dude, you guys don't care blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's like, no, I'm I do care, but it can't consume you. You know, it really can't. It can't wear you out. Are you looking it up right now? I am not looking it up right now. So I don't know where that the origin was from that. It's very hard not to spin you out. I was trying to text Paulie because the Odyssey app is not playing our show. It's playing the network show right now. So we need to work some technical issues out apparently. We've been having issues. Well, we've had some technical issues this morning in the studio. I think I just reset something. Hopefully it's working for everybody right now. Yep. There we go. All right. Yeah, you guys are hearing Maggie and Perloff instead of, well, if you're not hearing you say that, if you're actually hearing Maggie and Perloff, all right. Well, listen, this has not been our best open of all time. It's fine. It happens. We're going to have some clonkers from time to time. The thing about us though, unlike the Padres, we will not have four bad shows in a row. That is a promise. We really never have four. No. Never. Maybe two. At most. At most. Two is like the maximum. Two is like the maximum. Like our literal record. Now, that's how we feel. There are people out there listening like my buddy Corn Holyo who's just been wearing me out on Twitter. He wants me to block him so bad. He. Especially not another exactly how fun it will be. What the hell is going on? Still playing the... Is it really? I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Well, if you're watching on YouTube, I guess good morning to you guys. So, if they're listening on the radio, what are they hearing? It should be hearing us. Man, that sucks. All right. Well, listen. We got a plow ahead. We got a forge ahead. People get mad at us though, if we come in and have a good time after a four game skid. You know? And I just listen, in the mornings, it's kind of our responsibility to get you guys off on the right foot. That's really what the job is. It took me a long time to realize that. Like, it's my duty to send you to work in a good mood or maybe calm down a little bit or get you fired up. You know, those are the kind of three places we operate from here on Ben and Wood. So that's what we're going to try to do today. I wish I had better news for you if you're a San Diego Padres fan. It's been a rough week, certainly. And I do feel bad. I did feel bad driving in this morning. I thought, man, I'm leaving today at 10 and Ben's got to do a round table on this team. And then Ben's got to work tomorrow with no game tonight, Benny and Paulie. And then you guys got Mike Schilt on tomorrow. I snicker because I would hate to be put in the same position. Is there anything I can do? Is there anything I can do to make it better for me? I'm rather not. I'm not in a bad place. Maybe you're not in a great place or the fan base isn't in a great place, but I'm trying to just keep perspective on everything. The potters are exactly where they've been all season long. Right around 500 right in the top three in the wildcard race really haven't separated themselves from anyone or been, you know, passed by anyone other than like the Philadelphia Phillies. There's really no team that I can say for sure is better or worse than the Padres in the National League. You know, obviously the record of the Rockies and the Marlins, they're out of it. But I would say every team between the Phillies and the Rockies are essentially throw a hat over them. And you put them in a four game or five game series or a seven game series, it's tossed up in my mind. It could be Padres Dodgers. It could be Dodgers Cubs. It could be Brewers against the Reds. It could be any of the teams or pirates against the Giants. Put them all in a hat right now and it's basically any of those teams could beat any of those teams. The Phillies are the one team that look like they're a little bit better than everybody else. Obviously the Dodgers are in a more comfortable position, but they're there. I mean, they haven't done anything that makes me think that they're, you know, better or worse than anyone and just in the Padres could lose to any of those teams in any series at any given time. Did I see right yesterday that the Dodgers in their last 43 games are 22 and 21. That sounds about right. They're just kind of mediocre like everybody else. That's as mid. That's as mid as it gets. That's absolutely as mid as it gets. So all right, I guess there's a little bit of perspective for you, but you know, the difference in some of those teams that you mentioned in our team, a lot of those teams have massive reinforcements coming, massive reinforcement has to do the Padres. I mean, you're sweet, sweet, Andrew Bogart, it's for day to test East Junior, got a good report on Joe Musgrove yesterday is as good as you're going to get in the National League in terms of potential reinforcements, three guys, none of whom know how to throw a fastball. None of them know how to throw a sweeper. None of them, Joe could, they're saying he may not come back at all this year. Mike show yesterday was extremely positive about Joe's prospects are coming back. Wait, Mike show was positive. Are you joking? He didn't say he's done. He's done. Yeah. Pastor, no, of course, a lot of these teams you're talking about, they got the mound yesterday. It's got to be a positive step. They got a lot of reinforcements coming and again, we don't know what Tatise Zander played last night in Elsinore had a decent game. But yeah, I don't know. I'm excited about Zander coming back. I am lengthens the lineup length, lengthens the bench, you know, certainly gives you another option or two here or there, but yeah, it sucks, man yesterday was a, was a really, really rough one for the San Diego Padres. It wasn't as bad as the night before. We were texting about that yesterday. The day before was terrible yesterday, you're like little bit of a break here and there and the game's different. Obviously you, you know, you don't want to get, get hit in the five hole. If you're, uh, Louisa rise yesterday and it cost us a run, um, you know, which is a bother though. I mean, it was a two nothing game. Two nothing. And they had bases loaded. I think a couple of times. In the second had multiple runners on the eighth and the ninth, maybe one other opportunity somewhere. Yeah. Plenty of scoring opportunities. And yet really until ninth, eighth or ninth, when Merrill was up, I think with two on and I thought maybe he can hit one here up until that point though, even with bases loaded in a two run game, I'm like, I just don't feel like they got it in them today. They just didn't feel like that was going to go our way. I felt the magic was coming that night. I actually did say the magic was coming yesterday, which is nice to be in Pauli's cynical head because being in our head and be like, ooh, I'm going to get it. We're many walks. Many walks. I'm like, here we go. The Mariners literally, they had like no scoring opportunities. They're the one that was given to them by the Padres in the second inning. And then they have that two, two out singles that kind of just happened all of a sudden. Yeah. King otherwise King was dominant. Great. I mean, the Mariners couldn't do anything yesterday against the Padres. Padres had some chances. It, that was just a baseball game didn't, didn't work out. Yeah, it's been a rough week. But we've seen about six of these over the course of the season already and they've always just bounced back and come back and started playing well again after a four or five game skid and off they go again. I mean, I've got the numbers and we can get into them in the show today of what the Padres have done just in their last basically, you know, six weeks of back and forth up and down, riding the, and I know he hates that phrase, but they are riding a roller coaster this year. There's no doubt. I mean, there's just no other way you can look at it. Done whatsoever. I know that you don't like the phrase, but that's exactly what this team is, man. It's a roller coaster. It's a roller coaster for the fans. It's a roller coaster. The players just, they look at it as we're going to clock in to work every single day. Nothing changes. Routine changes. At the end of the day, you hope the results are where you want them, right? Like they don't, they don't, they probably don't look at it like that. They're not living and dying with each win in each loss, but to watch the team to cover the team and really be invested in the team. I don't know how you could look at it as anything else. I really don't, it is, it's just up and down and up and down and it, you know, that's something that they're going to have to figure out in the second half. Obviously, I just don't know how you quote, unquote, figure it out. I really don't. I mean, it's got to play better baseball, dude. The offense has disappeared. Our boy, Tommy on X posted and I'm assuming he's accurate here. Padre's past stretches. Yeah, this is great. From May 26th, go back to May 26th, five and one, oh and five, oh, five and one, oh and five, 12 and three, oh and four. So yes, we're, we're about a day away from the start of another really good stretch. So five, we should be feeling pretty good as Padre's fans, knowing that another is going to lose tomorrow for sure. Yep. And then a great stretch begins on Saturday. Yeah. But they'll start break hits and we'll just carry it right on through to the second half of the season. Yeah. Fantastic. Yeah, it's been great. It's been really, really fun. But I mean, you can, you can say factually one week ago, Padre's had the hottest offense in base. Correct. Absolutely. Number one. No doubt. Hotest offense in base. And now this week looks like they have no idea how to score a run. Same team, one week, how, you know, how do you make sense of it? How do you talk about this team? That's our dilemma that we've been dealing with all season long. But I'm going to try not to get too high or too low and you know, the next time they go on the run and they win five of six or eight of 10, not going to get overly excited about it either. No, I didn't. I really tried not on the last one knowing that magnet back to 500 is still in effect. It still exists. It's still going to pull them back at some point. And ultimately, the San Diego Padres are what we said they were at the beginning of the year. 500. They're a team that's probably going to play a couple of games above 500 this season and should be a playoff contender for a wild card spot at the end of the year. Yep. They're exactly what we thought they would be. Maybe not in the way we thought it would happen. I would have, I was expecting more of a, you know, win three, lose two, win one, lose one, win two, lose three and, and Matt, not necessarily win five, lose five, win five out of the six, lose five, win 12 out of 15, lose five, it's been a little more concentrated in terms of the burst, but ultimately they're right where we thought they would be. Yeah. The big chunks, the chunks is what we're, we're, and they've done it despite massive injuries. You know, they've gotten some unexpectedly good performances from players and here we are at the all-star break. Would we have not signed up for a couple of games over 500 at the all-star break? I think we would have. I think most of us would have. I think we would have. I think that's a fair way to look at it certainly, you know, this week, notwithstanding, it's, it's yesterday again, one of those games where you're like, especially the night before two just stars aren't doing much, you know, at all, but, you know, Manny, not doing much at all. Need him to get going. Certainly. He was going. They were hot. He stopped going. They're not hot. It's very, that's always been the case. I'm going to see him today. I'm going to get in his ear a little bit and chew him out a little bit for if you guys want me to. What's up? What's the problem? My son's going to his camp today. He's playing at the camp. Now, I don't, my guess, what's your guess on how long you'll see Manny Machado at Manny Machado camp? 15 minutes? The camp, not, she drops him off in like an hour and a half to register registrations like seven 30 to nine. It's probably eight to nine. So call it nine to noon. Nine to noon. Yeah. I bet he'll be there for an hour. You think an hour? Yeah. Will he be down in the, yeah. Yeah. Sometimes the kids. I bet he's there at the end. I think he puts his name on it. He wants to at least, you know, have some interaction with all the campers. I don't know that he's there right at the start. Yeah. Not. He's not sitting in the table. No, no. What's your name, little buddy? One of the campers, you're showing to you at all here. Here's your shirt. Now I doubt he's doing that, but yeah, it'll be more than just like one five minute meet and greet at the ML. He's got to do a get in there for a little. He's got to do an entrance, right? They have to do. Oh, yeah. An answer. Ladies and gentlemen. Why didn't they ask me? I would come out and been this hype man. I'd do it every day here anyway. Be happy to do it. I'm excited for, for a bow man to get out there and, you know, show him, show him his stuff and, but I will go down after the show. That's why I'm actually leaving instead of the round table going down to watch him at camp. And yeah, if you need me to, to say something to Manny today, I'll say, man, get it going. We need you right on, we need to ride on those shoulders. Maybe that'll be a round table question. What should would say to Manny, please leave me out of the round table. I'm begging you. Don't even bring my name. All right. All right. Let's, let's have some fun today. Geez. Wow. That was in a fun segment. Technical difficulties. Technical difficulties. Sad. It was the worst. Forever. Nobody's. Nobody's happy with that. Let's start over. Start over. I want to. Let's play Barry White. Yeah. Let's actually foreplay it up before we get to our Padres wrap up. Yes. I would love that. Redoing foreplay when we return after traffic with Kelly Danick, Ben & Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3, the fan. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom?, those, these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools, including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings, and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team. It's also you can make the right decision for your family. We've done your homework. Hey, fantasy football fans. Do you want to be the owner who was doing a crime session the night before the draft? I didn't think so. You need to start your prep now. This is for Ross from upper hand fantasy. Zach and I are here to get you ready for your fantasy football drafts with insights and advice from sleepers to bust. We've got you covered and give it the upper hand on your friends. Today is the day to start getting ready for the draft. So join us and stay ahead of the competition. Follow and listen to upper hand fantasy on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Nice. Today's episode is sponsored by Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. Nerd wallets experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Alright, welcome in everybody Ben and Woods 97-3 the fan after some technical difficulties. We're back. Better than ever than ever. I'm Woodsie. That's Paul Rindel the executive producer. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Ben Higgins your friendly neighborhood sports anchor. Good morning to you. Good morning everybody. Great to have you guys. Happy 7/11 day. It's July 11th which means of course 7/11. What do you get? Like free slurpee or something? Usually like free small slurpees I haven't checked on the promotions. What's your go to a guilty pleasure? Cherry. Cherry and Cola combined together in the slurpees. Do you ever do anything from the roller? The hot, the roller you know that usually is for hot dogs but they have all those other items. I'm terrified of them. Not in years. I mean I have before. I've had a spicy garlic chicken roller. I've had many a 7/11 hot dog. Korean barbecue taquito. What always? Barbecue bacon cheeseburger roller. It's like a cheeseburger but in the form of a hot dog. No? I always see people in there eating them and I'm terrified. I am too. I don't know. Every one of the chats in there taquitos are amazing. I might try one then. I like taquitos a lot. I love taquitos. But I've tried to you know the older you get you want to limit your meals at 7/11 as much as you can. Purple calls are just chicken tubes. Chicken tubes. Yeah. Well I guess I'm always worried. You just don't know how long they've been rolling there. No. So like how long have they been there? I'm reading about today's free slurpee day. Yes. 7/11. You can walk into any 7/11 and get a free small slurpee. No questions asked. No questions asked. I love that part. I do too. And then if you are a rewards member on their app you can get another free slurpee between tomorrow and the end of the month. Okay. And then today's slurpees that are the free ones are all coming in a special cup designed by seven year old Nolan who beat cancer at age four. So awesome. I don't know what those look like. Exactly. That's killer. If there's a picture. It wins the 7/11 speakeasy opening up and you can go stay and spend the night for a weekend. I think they have. I'm sure they do. I'm sure they do. Now I want to say we started the show you mentioned your this is your last day of the week. Yeah. My Friday. Then we dove right into Padres boom and it was not fun. But I wanted to say I we talked about it pretty in depth yesterday. I think it was our eight o'clock kind of reset. We talked about how you were going to see the same band three nights in a row, three different locations. Correct. And I'm not I'm really I'm not hating on it. I think it's interesting and fascinating. I don't know that I got that in me. I don't know that I would do anything three nights in a row that I do either. But I thought about it all day yesterday. You asked me up so bad yesterday when he said to me it's like going to see the same movie three nights in a row. And I went you stupid stupid bastard when when you look at their past set list and go there they're not deviating from it. I mean people go to like Padres game three nights in a row, but they're going to be different every single night. Oh, it's ever you will never see the same Padres. Actually feel like feel like you do something like yeah, but I was thinking about your trip. So you're you're heading out tonight. You'll be gone all weekend. Yeah. How does that play out at home? I'm like with the missus because you do this often solo vacation woods. I know you guys got a trip like next week. You're going to Hawaii in a few weeks. But you do this a couple of times a year. Yeah, where I'll just go see a show a lot of your balls ever like Hannah never busted my balls until it's the day to come home. The day to come home is when it's like panic has set in you've been gone. You get your ass home AS AFP. So it my two day trip really turns into a one day trip because there's no getting up and leisurely having breakfast on Sunday taking my money. My buddy now let's take a noober to the airport. It's fine. He's a big boy, you know, and I get my ass back home, which curtails my Saturday night as well because I can now not go near as hard as I was going, which by the way, probably a good thing I look, I'm going to be missing my kids. I'll see my kids today. I won't see them tomorrow at all and that will kill me. I'll be ready to get back Sunday for sure. No, she doesn't. Here's the thing. She would rather let me go by myself to see a band I love than go see that band I love with me. Does that make sense? Yes. She does not. By the way, now technically you're going with a friend. Yeah. Yeah. It's a buddy's trip. It's technically a buddy's trip. And I think everybody, guys and girls, need to have a buddy's trip every once in a while where they get away from their significant other, get with a different group of people and hang out for a couple of days. Right. Right. It's healthy. That's normal and healthy. But I've 100% gone up to LA to go see crosses or something solo. I know. That's true. You have to. I, and she's like, oh, have a fun time. You know, great. I think it's, you've got to have a little independence, I think, in your marriage because again, she goes and does these trips and I'm like, go have a ball. It's, I think we both, I think when she leaves, it's easier to parent. Right. Like, I think it's easier. Like I haven't, I don't have the hard, I don't have a hard time with my two boys. And she, I think has a little bit harder time when I'm gone. Cause I'm like the mean, mean one, you know, like, I know what you're saying when you're on your own. You sleep. You're on 24 seven. If anything happens with the kids, they got to get up in the middle of the night. You don't have anyone to assist you, but I know what you're saying in that. Anything goes. Well, it's also, you don't have to worry about what the other person thinks, like whatever decision you're making, it's good because it's your decision and you handle the situation. However you want to handle it when the other person is gone. Yeah. Correct. You what? The dishes will pile and pile and pile and pile. If you want that, you can do that. And then we just wash them all. At the end. She thinks I'm saying something out of school. I'm not. She's mad in the chat, but I am, I am, I am, it's absolutely easier. It's easier for me to parent. Like if she goes away, it should also be somewhat easier for her when you're gone. No, apparently it's not. Hmm. Maybe, maybe some of us should just build different as far as parenting goes. I don't know. It could be. I'm going to get dead. I'm going to get dead. I just said I'm going to get killed. I'm going to get deaded by her. Yeah. Listen, she's going to dead you. She is. She is. She's very mad right now. I mean, again, somebody in the gym possible you will be here tomorrow morning. No, it's your chance. It's your chance. Something in the chat said another soft offensive outing last night. And then right below that, Hannah goes another soft offensive conversation. Offensive conversation. Listen, I mean, I don't think I'm wrong. Many dads have agreed with me. Many, many dads in my circle have said, game this easy. It's a game. Really this easy. My wife's out of town. This easy. I have no children. So I have no comments. Yeah, there you go. It's easy. It's easier. But you know that because you know, you'll get right back to your routine in a couple of days. That's what makes it easier. If it was always like, Oh, yeah, I'd be dead completely. I'd be dead. I would be dead. It only worked for a short period of time, maybe a 48 hour burst. Yeah. So this is it. This is it. This is it. It's not a three. It's not a. This would be so much better if I could just have a month without help. No, no, no, no. Okay. It's you're talking about a short 48 hour burst. His mom's got to do three months in jail. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. There's no way I get through it. I fly my parents in the hell. All right. There's no chance. Yeah. Yeah. What does Hannah go to jail for? For her? Uh, assault on me. Just try to choke me out. Something beats me. You think that would get passed? Punches me in the face. Not with a judge. She probably would. But he goes on his radio show and pisses me off. That's really getting mad right now. It's very, really upset. I mean, I think babe, look inward on this one. Look inward. Ask maybe if it's something that you're doing differently. Look inward on this. But I, I like when it's just me and the boys sometimes because again, we are, we do feel a little bit less encumbered. Yeah. I know. It's probably not always the case, but probably in my case. In your case, our standards are lower and it's easier to meet lower standards. Correct? Yes. Yes. We have lower parenting standards. Next gen breaks as we whine more than women. I don't even think we're whining right now. I think we're just having a conversation, you know, this is a little misogynistic too. I think that's a little, I think that's very misogynistic. How dare you? Next gen breaks. I think men and women whine equally. How about that? Again, built different. That's how we do it. I apologize, I guess. I, I brought this up. I didn't mean it for it to go this way. I was genuinely interested in how that worked out because I mean, I'm going on a bachelor party next month and I'm so, I really think I was thinking very long and hard about it. My friend group, I go, this has got to be the last one, like for a while begging you guys to make this. For a while. Thanks for the $1,000 bill guys, at least went to another one in November, got one coming up next month. Like obviously that one, it's not, it's a no brain or making it's like, yeah, go have fun. Go for it. But then like the next trip I go on, I'm sure she'll be there with me, we'll be planning a trip together. Right. And I just was like, huh, what's does this a little bit two or three times a year? I'd say. I do. I, I, I, we both enjoy our independence and that's fine. I think it's great. I was just, I just was curious. It's, it's a fascinating trip to me. She will not, she does not expect me. I don't have to like call a bunch, check in a bunch. You've actually learned that's probably the worst way to do it. Just go have your fun, let me know you're alive. And then I'll see you when you get home. But when she gets panicked is that morning of the morning I'm supposed to come home. There are no leisurely. Hey babe, we were going to get a hike in before. Oh no. Get your ass. We were going river rafting today. No, there is no river rafting today. You get your ass in the car and get your ass home. I've got work. I've got this. Are you? I've got this. I've got that. Get home. Good morning. I'll be driving back at probably 6.30 in the morning. So it's fine. No, I can't wait, man. I'm really looking forward to it. And tonight, if you're out in North Park, we'll be at the observatory, seeing the Afghan Whigs, probably be at seven grand as well. You want to come by and have a, have a drink? I'll buy you a drink. Come on out. Bottom line, get your free Slurpee today on 7/11. Yes. That is the point of that. Yes. That's about all we've got now. All right. Let's take a time out. We'll come back. Yes, people. Today's Padres game to nothing lost to the Seattle Mariners. They were swept. They've lost four in a row. We are all feeling it. We know how this works now at this point. It's not nothing new. Padres fans. You've been going through it all season long. Get to the highlights and our Padres wrap up coming up next with Ben & Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fan. Oh, yeah. We've got a Padres round table coming up at 10 o'clock this morning, which means, yeah, we've got five hours to talk about this lovely, lovely baseball week we've been having here in San Diego. You're not going to since I won't be on it. We can, you can grill me now, test some of your tests. I will. I will test out some of the questions for sure. I just want to make the point. So last Friday, Padres had one of the most memorable, spectacular wins that come from ahead, come from behind, walk off, Manny Machado, home run on Friday night. That captor on where they had won 12 of 15 games. Yes. If you're sitting there on Friday night going, is this a good sign or a bad sign for the San Diego Padres playing really great baseball that just had an incredible walk off win? Do you think this means good or bad things for the Padres going forward? Six games above 500 season high, six games above 500. Are they trending in the right direction or the wrong direction to the moon? You would have said, of course, the exact wrong answer. Yeah. And then the very next night, loading the bases with a chance to win that game had that had they walked that one off. You win that series. It's the tenor and tone of the week is entirely different. We're unable to get the big hit in that one. We're unable to pitch well in that one, really. Yeah. Also. So yeah, I had two bad games. They really did. Sunday and Tuesday were both pretty bad games overall, just didn't do a lot well. Yesterday wasn't one of those. We'll go through it. I don't think yesterday was a bad game yesterday was was a game between two fairly evenly matched teams that you lost. Yeah. And it's, it's, you know, the moral victory thing and I'm moral victory, moral victory, the hell out of Saturday night. I left Saturday nights game going, Oh man, who this team, they sure do. They sure do grind and fight man and kudos to them. This loss doesn't even feel like a loss. Be a bounce back tomorrow when a series BSD will get at it tomorrow and then to go out and just on Sunday and then to go out and on Tuesday and then to go out and lose yesterday. The moral victory crowd is, I don't think they're going to want to hear that right now and that's, that's okay. I mean, it's the logical way to look at it. Hey, they hit some balls hard yesterday, didn't find holes. They didn't make some plays or that they should have made that cost them rounds. Michael King absolutely pitched his tail off yesterday. There's a lot to be excited about for him, but you can't lose those games when you're starting pitcher, picks you up and gives you exactly what you've been looking for. And again, off of a guy that had a 70 array on the road, man, the guy comes in and he looks like, you know, prime Garrett Cole or Justin Verlander against you. That can't happen. Now there's no reason why he should have a 70 area on the road. He's a good pitcher. He's an, he does. He, he does. But that could just be random noise. He's a good pitcher. I think it's good on the road. Yeah. He's a good pitcher. Why does he pitch good on the road? Yeah. I mean, maybe, well, you had him on the ropes. You had him on the friggin ropes and you had him back to pitching like crap on the road and you let him off the hook. Let's go through the, let's go through the game. We'll have our Padres wrap up coming up right after this check short traffic on 97 through the fam. It's a shame, it's a shame, it's a shame, it's a shame, it's a shame if they lose. Oh, a shame indeed. It's a complete crap. Oh, I did not like that. Here are the low lights from yesterday's game. Are you kidding me? Boo. It's the Padres wrap up presented by Hamoul Casino. With thrilling slots and tables in all the best rewards, Hamoul Casino has all the fun you're looking for. Hamoul Casino, fun above all else. We'll give it 16 minutes of salt and then we'll, you know, get back on the bump and figure it out. It's not your fault. The long go batting left handed swings of the first pitch, grounds it to a rise and it goes in between the wickets into right field. Probably will come in and score and that's stolen base pick for the Mariners. They take a 1-nothing lead here in the second. King delivers, that's a line drive, base it into right center field. Barely rounding third on his way, Merrill's throw is cut by a rise, an RBI single for Polanco and the mariner lead is now 2-0. 2-2 now, Peralta swings, loops it up the middle, caught by Crawford, just onto the outfield grass and the ball game is over. Munoz and the mariners hold on, they shut the Padres out 2-0 this afternoon and they sweep this two game set. Well, we weren't able to catch the big hit when we needed it. We faced really good pitching, faced up to a level pitching, you know, these guys have good arms, they were through the ball well, just like Gilbert, like Nelson, commanding in all those pitches, throwing away 1-2, thought their bats were tough, thought we created some opportunities. You faced good pitching, there's not going to be an abundance of them and when you do get them, got to get that proverbial big hit, we just weren't able to do it today. That's fair, that's fair, let's be honest. So when Peralta, if you were watching on television at least, I don't know if it looked different if you were alive in the ballpark, but when the ball left the bats, two run single games time, right? No question. That's the thought everybody had seen it. Yeah. Yeah, one of those just quirks of perspective and not knowing exactly how hard a ball is hit off the bat, but the trajectory and the angle of which it headed toward the outfield screamed two run single to me at that moment. It did and had that ball been screaming a little bit more, it may have fallen. But listen, man, the weird thing about this week. When you were out on Monday, we had Tim Flannery in and we specifically asked him about the art of coaching third base and we asked him about Tim Leeper in particular. Now, he knows Tim, he loves Tim, thinks Tim's a great, great dude. And I must have gone over the plays yesterday and the second inning a thousand times in my head. I'm like, all right, the base hit by a runners on first and second with David Peralta up, he hits a soft knock through the right side. Yeah, he's got a slow runner at second and so on. Very slow. A lot of people were saying, oh man, you got to send him there based on, you know, who's coming up behind you. And then he didn't. He didn't. He held him there, which by the way, less than, you know, with one out, a decent move. Then he set him on the Hassan Kim lazy pop fly to center, which Julio Rodriguez played it absolutely perfect. The full circle around it had full momentum coming into the plate through a one hop strike, right to home. And he was thrown out at the plate, inning over double play and he just got roasted on Twitter yesterday. I was in, and I was asking Timmy about, you know, when that happens and he said, I would vomit. I would vomit after a game like I did something like that. I would absolutely vomit, you know, it's very convenient for us to blame umpires or third base coaches or blah, blah, blah, blah. You have to hit. You've got to hit the baseball. You've got to hit the baseball with authority. Okay. One run. One runs not going to get it done. Yeah, the whole tenor of the game could have changed, but it didn't. You got to pick yourself up. You can't, you can't then go cold for five more innings at the dish. I'm not blaming Tim Leeper at all. It's damned if you do damned if you don't. I would have probably, if I was going to send him on one, it probably would have been the Peralta and not the Rodriguez. And in hindsight, that's pretty easy to say that that was probably the better opportunity to send. Now, he, you don't know what the next number is going to be. You could have sent him on the single. He gets thrown out at home and everyone loses their mind. It's not even Solano. And then, you know, Hassan Kim lines a single to left and they end up not scoring because they sent him, or you can not send Solano on the fly ball to center and Brett Sullivan then just makes it out and you don't score that way either. Just because, just because you made an out at home plate doesn't necessarily make it the wrong decision. Now, you always in hindsight, you go, well, I would have liked to have tried something else because we know it didn't work the way I did it, but it doesn't necessarily mean it was the wrong decision. Sometimes there are no right decisions in baseball, right? Maybe there was no way the Padres were scoring that inning. Perhaps every decision that Tim Lieper could have made in that, in that choice would have been wrong. If there's ever been a, if there's ever been a situation like that where both choices were wrong, I think you found it yesterday. I really do. And again, you know how I am. This isn't, I'm not writing for, I put it on the players and their lack of execution to not win that baseball game against a pitcher that is not pitched well on the road at all. And again, you had him on the ropes and you didn't take advantage again. And then, and your offense is scuffling right now. You got to get it, got to get it together. The break's going to do them well, but we're not on vacation yet. You know, we're not on vacation. They're not on vacation. They got three games left. They got to show some heart and some fight in these last three. But ultimately, like yesterday's game wasn't that different than the rest of the games this season. They put the ball in play, Bryce Miller won strikeout over his six innings. They put the ball in play. They just, they just didn't, you know, a lot of the times the Padres have scored a lot of runs. They don't hit the ball any harder. They just find holes. They string together hits. They have that four run inning. It's not all screaming line drives all over the place. They need bombs. They need the ball to fall in sometimes to put together their rallies. It didn't yesterday. That's a, it's, it's a flaw of the San Diego Padres, but it's a flaw of a lot of teams as well. Michael King was terrific. Strikeout hacked much more dominant than Bryce Miller was much more on the mound, much more dominant than Bryce Miller Padres, though, just didn't take advantage of any of their opportunities. You know, they had more hits, but not the right times. That does happen in baseball sometimes. I, you know, it doesn't, doesn't mean the Padres are okay, but it also doesn't mean that, you know, everything's a disaster as well. They could go on this. This is why. Tomorrow. And I, you know, I wouldn't be surprised if those started falling in and they, they have a big inning and score six or seven runs. So final score, Mariners to pottery zero Mariners at two runs, four hits. They're expected batting average for the game for the game was one 77. We had zero around six hits. Our expected batting average was two 42, which that's nothing crazy, but it's certainly better than them. They found holes. They took advantage of an error. That was brutal. That was a brutal, brutal sequence from Lisa rise and, you know, again, that's the, that's the knock on Lisa rise. I mean, it's just, you've, you've pretty much had one bad game at defensively, but pretty much he got through the entire time of Louisa rise playing at first base. Yeah. Okay. He like, he did okay. And then the final game likely that he's at first base because Andrew Bogart's is probably back and Jake Cronoworth returns. He commits the critical error that puts you behind in the second inning. It's like just one more day that we had to get through. That was the Billy Buckner from being town. Play there. It sucked. It went right through his legs. So listen, but again, it's one run. Remember when errors were fatal at the beginning of your house on Kim would boot one next one guy with a next guy with a three run homer? You got to pick him up offense. You got to pick up Michael King that's out there chuffing his ass off for you. K and nine guys just doing a brilliant, brilliant job already over his innings, you know, previous innings pitched in the season, he is grinding for you. Get out there and get that guy a win yesterday off a pitcher that you should have handled and you didn't. So Padres will take today off. They will have their final series of the first half starting on Friday when the Atlanta Braves come to town and obviously you don't want to go into the all-star break like seven straight losses and under 500. So pretty, pretty important series coming up this weekend against the Atlanta Braves. Want to make sure you win that season series as well. We'll come back. But real or fake on a Thursday throwback Thursday chance to qualify for Las Vegas, some injury report updates on the Padres as well. Next on the fam. Oh yeah, we've got a Padres roundtable coming up at 10 o'clock this morning, which means yeah, we've got five hours to talk about this lovely, lovely baseball week we've been having here in San Diego. You not can get since I won't be on it. We can, you can grill me now test some of your tests. I will. I will test out some of the questions for sure. I just want to make the point. So last Friday, Padres had one of the most memorable, spectacular wins that come from a head come from behind, walk off, Manny Machado, home run on Friday night. That captor on where they had won 12 of 15 games. If you're sitting there on Friday night going, is this a good sign or a bad sign for the San Diego Padres? They're playing really great baseball. They just had an incredible walk off win. And do you think this means good or bad things for the Padres going for six games above 500 season high, six games above 500? Are they trending in the right direction or the wrong direction to the moon? You would have said, of course, the exact wrong answer. Yeah. And then the very next night, loading the bases with a chance to win that game had that had they walked that one off you win that series. That's the tenor and tone of the week is entirely different. We're unable to get the big hit in that one. We're unable to pitch well in that one, really. Yeah. Also. Yeah. I had two bad games. They really did. Sunday and Tuesday were both pretty bad games overall. Just didn't do a lot well. Yesterday wasn't one of those. We'll go through it. I don't think yesterday was a bad game. Yesterday was a game between two fairly evenly matched teams that you lost. Yeah. That's, you know, the moral victory thing and I'm moral victory, moral victory, the hell out of Saturday night. I left Saturday night's game going, oh man, whoo, this team, they sure do, they sure do grind and fight man and kudos to them. This loss doesn't even feel like a loss. Bounce back tomorrow when it's here BFD, we'll get at it tomorrow and then to go out and just on Sunday and then to go out and on Tuesday and then to go out and lose yesterday. The moral victory crowd is, I don't think they're going to want to hear that right now and that's, that's okay. I mean, it's the logical way to look at it. Hey, they hit some balls hard yesterday, didn't find holes. They didn't make some plays or that they should have made that cost them rounds. Michael King absolutely pitched his tail off yesterday. There's a lot to be excited about for him, but you can't lose those games when you're starting pitcher, picks you up and gives you exactly what you've been looking for. And again, off of a guy that had a 70 RA on the road, man, the guy comes in and he looks like, you know, prime Garrett Cole or Justin Verlander against you. That can't happen. Now, there's no reason why he should have a 70 RA on the road. He's a good pitcher. He's an idiot. Yeah, but he does. He does, but that could just be random noise. Oh, he's a good pitcher. Yeah. He's a good pitcher. Why does he pitch good? The road. Yeah. I mean, maybe. Well, you had him on the ropes. Yeah. And you had him back to pitching like crap on the road and you let him off the hook. Let's go through the game. Let's go through the game. We'll have our Padres wrap up coming up right after this check for short traffic on 97 through the fan. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. If they lose. Oh, a shame indeed. It's a complete crap. Oh, I did not like that. Here are the lowlights from yesterday's game. Are you kidding me? Boo. It's the Padres wrap up presented by Hamul Casino with thrilling slots and tables in all the best rewards. Hamul Casino has all the fun you're looking for. Hamul Casino fun above all else. We'll give it 16 minutes of salt and then we'll, you know, get back on the pump and figure it out. It's not your fault. Long go batting left handed swings at the first pitch grounds into a rise and it goes in between the wickets into right field. Holly will come in and score and that's stolen base big for the Mariners. They take a 1-0 lead here in the second. King delivers. That's a line drive base in into right center field for Haley rounding third on his way. Meryl Sproul is cut by a rise. An RBI single for Polanco and the Mariner lead is now 2-0. 2-2 now. Peralta swings. Loops it up the middle caught by Crawford. Just onto the outfield grass and the ball game is over. Munoz and the Mariners hold on. They shut the Padres out 2-0 this afternoon and they sweep this two game set. Well, we weren't able to get the big hit when we needed it. We faced really good pitching, faced up to level pitching, you know, these guys have good arms. Miller threw the ball well, just like Gilbert, like Nelson. Commanding most pitches, throwing away one or two, thought the bats were tough, thought we created some opportunities. You faced good pitching, there's not going to be an abundance of them. And when you do get them, got to get that proverbial big hit, we just weren't able to do it today. That's fair. That's fair. Let's be honest. So when Peralta, if you were watching on television at least, I don't know if it looked different if you were live in the ballpark. But when the ball left the bats, two run single games time, right? That's the, that's the thought everybody, Patsy, yeah, yeah. One of those just quirks of a perspective and not knowing exactly how hard a ball is hit off the bat, but the trajectory and the, the angle of which it, it headed toward the outfield. Yeah. There's two run single to me at that moment. It did and had that ball been screaming a little bit more. It may have fallen, but listen, man, the weird thing about this week, when you were out on Monday, we had Tim Flannery in and we specifically asked him about the art of coaching third base and we asked him about Tim Leeper in particular. Now, he knows Tim, he loves Tim, thinks Tim's a great, great dude. And I, I must have gone over the plays yesterday and the second inning a thousand times in my head. I'm like, all right, the, the base hit by, he had runners on, uh, uh, you had runners on first and second with David Peralta up. He hits a soft knock through the, uh, right side. Right. Yeah. You got a slow runner at second. Very slow. A lot of people were saying, oh man, you got to send him there based on, you know, who's coming up behind you, um, and then he, but he didn't, he didn't, he held him there, which by the way, less than, you know, with, with one out, a decent move, then he sent him, uh, on the Haas on Kim, lazy pop fly to center, which Julio Rodriguez played it absolutely perfect. Did the full circle around it had full momentum coming in the plate through a one hop strike, uh, right to home and he was thrown out at the plate and he go over double play and he just got roasted on Twitter yesterday. I was in, and I was asking Timmy about, you know, when that happens and he said, I would vomit. I would vomit after a game like I did something like that. I would absolutely vomit, you know, it's very convenient for us to blame umpires or third base coaches or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You have to hit, you've got to hit the baseball. You've got to hit the baseball with a 40. Okay. One run, one runs not going to get it done. Yeah, the whole tenor of the game could have changed, but it didn't. You got to pick yourself up. You can't, you can't then go cold for five more innings, uh, at the dish. I'm not blaming Tim leaper at all. It's damned if you do damned if you don't. I would have probably, if I was going to send him on one, it probably would have been the peraltic. I agree. And in hindsight, that's pretty easy to, to say that that was probably the better opportunity to send now. He, you don't know what the next opportunity is going to be. You could have sent him on the single, he gets thrown out at home and everyone loses their mind. It's not even Solano. And then, you know, cause some Kim lines a single to left and, and they end up not scoring because they sent him, um, or you can not send Solano on the fly ball to center and Brett Sullivan then just makes it out and you don't score that way either. Just because, just because you made an out at home plate, doesn't necessarily make it the wrong decision. Now, you always in hindsight, you go, well, I would have liked to have tried something else because we know it didn't work the way I did it. But it doesn't necessarily mean it was the wrong decision. Sometimes there are no right decisions in baseball, maybe there was no way the Padres were scoring that inning. Perhaps every decision that Tim Leaper could have made in that, in that choice would have been wrong. If there's ever been a, if there's ever been a situation like that where both choices were wrong, I think you found it yesterday. I really do. And again, you know how I am. This isn't, I'm not riding for, I put it on the players and their lack of execution to not win that baseball game against a pitcher that is not pitched well, uh, on the road at all. And again, you had him on the ropes and, uh, you didn't take advantage again. And, and, and your offensive scuffling right now, you got to get it, got to get it together. The brakes going to do them well, but we're not on vacation yet. You know, we're not on vacation. They're not on vacation. They got three games left. They got to show some heart and some fight in these last three, but ultimately like yesterday's game wasn't that different than the rest of the games this season. They put the ball and play Bryce Miller one strikeout over his six innings. They put the ball and play. Yeah. They just, they just didn't, you know, a lot of the times the Padres have scored a lot of runs. They don't hit the ball any harder. They just find holes. They string together hits. They have that four run inning. It's not all screaming line drives all over the place. They need the ball to fall in sometimes, to put together their rallies. It didn't yesterday. That's a, it's, it's a flaw of the San Diego Padres, but it's a flaw of a lot of teams as well. Michael King was terrific. Nine strikeouts. Hackers. Much more dominant than Bryce Miller was much more on the mound, much more dominant than Bryce Miller. Padres though just didn't take advantage of any of their opportunities. You know, they had more hits, but not the right times. That does happen in baseball sometimes. I, you know, it doesn't, doesn't mean the Padres are okay, but it also doesn't mean that, you know, everything's a disaster as well. They could go on this. This is why, tomorrow. And, and I, you know, I wouldn't be surprised if those started falling in and they, they have a big inning and score six or seven runs. So final score, Mariners two, Padres zero Mariners have two runs, four hits. They're expected batting average for the game for the game was one 77. We had zero around six hits. Our expected batting average was two 42, which that's nothing crazy, but certainly better than them. They found holes. They took advantage of an error. That was brutal. That was a brutal, brutal sequence from Louisa rise. And, you know, again, that's the, that's the knock on Louisa rise. I mean, it's just you, you've pretty much, he had one bad game at defensively, but pretty much he got through the entire time of Louisa rise playing at first base. Yeah. Okay. He like, he did okay. And then the final game likely that he's at first base because Andrew Bogart's was probably back and Jake Krunow worth returns, he commits the critical error that puts you behind in the second inning. It's like just one more day that we had to get through. That was the Billy Buckner from being town. Play there. It sucked. I mean, I don't think it hit his glove, man. It just went right through his legs. So listen, but again, it's one run. Wait, remember when errors were fatal at the beginning of your house on Kim would boot one. Next one guy with a next guy with a three run homer, you got to pick him up offense. You got to pick up Michael King that's out there, chuffing his ass off for you. K and nine guys just doing a brilliant, brilliant job already over his innings, you know, previous innings pitched in the season. He is grinding for you. Get out there and get that guy a win yesterday off a pitcher that you should have could have handled and you didn't. So Padres will take today off. They will have their final series of the first half starting on Friday when the Atlanta Braves come to town and obviously you don't want to go into the all-star break like seven straight losses and under 500. So pretty, pretty important series coming up this weekend against the Atlanta Braves want to make sure you win that season series as well. We'll come back. We got real or fake on a Thursday throwback Thursday chance to qualify for Las Vegas. Some injury report updates on the Padres as well next on the fam. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities and even things like median lot size and a noise score. Las, we've done your homework. We're going to get you a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a bit of a little bit. You can get your tickets. All right, we're going to get you a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit