Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Tuesday July 9th, 2024 - FULL SHOW

6h 34m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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Blackout and other restrictions apply Major League Baseball Trapparts used with permission. Nice. Today's episode is sponsored by Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. Nerd wallets experts will set future you up for success. With dependable, fact-based insights, no financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase, and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast ad. [MUSIC PLAYING] Well, happy Tuesday, everybody. Welcome in to Ben & Woods. Let's get our heads right on this Tuesday morning. Got a fun show planned for you today. All sorts of hijinks and whatnot going on. And our little sugar cookie is back. It is National Sugar Cookie Day. And he has returned from his vacation. We will talk to him in a moment. First of all, thanks for being here. However, you consume Ben & Woods. We really appreciate it. So if you watch us on YouTube, it's a good way to watch us. You can see kind of the reactions of the crew and a little behind the scenes. Go to, search for Ben & Woods. Give us a like, subscribe, all that stuff. Listen on the Odyssey app, your smart speaker, and of course, your trusty. Your trusty radio will really never let you down. Sometimes it does. I'm Woodsy, that's Paul Rindel. He's the executive producer. Good morning, Paulie. Good morning. To my left, our sweet little angel. Back from vacation. Good morning, Benjamin. Good morning, Nashville. [APPLAUSE] Thank you. Thank you very much. National sugar cookie day. There he is. Don't talk to me about food. I am-- Oh, no. I am overly stuffed. You guys know what the American plan is? Have you ever heard that expression used in a hotel? Yeah, it is. Work hard. No. Get underpaid. Feel-- That's the American dream. Feel like crap most of the time. Get on antidepressants. And then drop dead before you're able to enjoy anything. That's the American plan. That's the American plan. That's the American plan, right? No, the American plan is when breakfast and dinner are included with the cost of your room. Oh, yes. And you can eat whatever you want for breakfast and dinner. Oh, boy. And so what you end up doing, and this is where we stay, you're on the American plan. How did you gain all the weight? Yeah, American plan. You know, so you know-- Sounds very American, actually. You know what, breakfast. Well, I'm not going to have lunch. So let's go ahead and pick out, do the eggs benedict, we have those grandcheros. Together. You know, full thing. Oh, there's some pastries over here. Grab that, everything. And then I tried to at least be good and not snack throughout the day until you get to dinner. And then it's the full appetizer, main course. Chiant entrees, dessert is part of it as well. And you just eat so much. I am so, so full at this point. Is there a better-- Now, did you eat in your room? No, no, no. There's like a dining area where everyone goes to and gathers for breakfast and dinner every single day. There's a few things. Vacation, I love to get breakfast in the room. To sit out on the patio with my wife in our robes. You need to get breakfast, bring it back to the room if you want, but yeah. But like, eating dinner in the room, you're like, I feel like we're kind of giving up here a little bit. If it happens, it definitely happens. Eating lunch in the room is a huge no, no. Because they're going to come in and clean it and turn the beds over. But breakfast in the room is clutch. But I do love that feeling of getting on the elevator, going down into that lobby. And it's like that breakfast spot. It's just nothing better. About the vacation, especially. Let's crush some breakfast here. Head out for the day. It's just fantastic. I made this last month. I did my first Vegas buffet. Yeah, we did brunch. It was like 11 o'clock or something. We were just like, do I want breakfast? Do I want lunch? Yeah, it's all here. One of the dinners was a barbecue buffet with Tom Ockstake, ribs, brisket, lobster tails, salmon, and I ate it all. I ate all of it. I thought I had prime rib for dinner on a Sunday night. A shrimp and grits. Oh my gosh. I just went to town. I'd heard that in a while. It still makes me laugh every time. Wine, lots of wine. Oh, yeah. That's part of the included deal. So cocktails, wine, I mean-- That sounds so good, man. It's vacation. So you let yourself vacate a little bit. I saw a guy yesterday. And you know, whatever comes up in the algorithm sometimes on Instagram, I'll watch and see, what's this guy doing? And the literal topic of his Instagram-- he's walking down a beach, his shirt's off, and he's like this. Hey, just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you can just go ahead and totally give up. And he's sweating the-- Oh my god. I'm here. I'm so and so I'm in Greece. Just got my workout in. Four, I'm like-- Bro, that is the last. And I've told you guys this before. I take running shoes or tennis shoes, whatever. Every vacation, I take workout clothes. Every time I go anywhere, I have never-- ever once used them, never one time. But I take them just in case the mood strikes. Instead, I'm laying in my bed at 6 p.m. eating junior men, watching my workout gear in my suitcase. I took my peloton shoes because they have a workout room with a peloton. The first day, went in there, started doing the peloton. Go, you know what? I'm not feeling it really. Never brought him out again. No, how long did you make it? Five minutes? I got to about 12 minutes. 12 minutes. 20, 20 minute ride and get-- Yeah, I'm good. This is-- I did something here. I'm good. And most-- And most vacays, too. I mean, you're walking your ass off. So I'm always justified. My whole life has justification in my head for the things that I do. And I'm like, yeah, of course I can crush the four pieces of French toes. We're going to be walking all day. It's all good. It's all good. If I thousand steps, I'm good. Bro, it's all fine. We're doing one for my birthday. That's pretty bougie, actually. Hannah's booked a place for us. So this is like, what's the date today? This is next week. Yeah, well, end of next week, right? So as soon as we're off the air Friday, we're going to Palm Springs, your Palm Desert. And it's this resort called Two Bunch Palm, which is a very odd name, Two Bunch Palm. And Al Capone used to go there. It was his hideout. It was like his-- Maybe he stashed some of his loot there. Maybe there's loot. Peraldo never found. Yes, correct. So it used to be his thing. So I said to her, I've been wanting to go. Somebody recommended it to me. So she booked it. She goes, hey, have you-- by the by. Have you taken a look at the menu there at Two Bunch Palm? I go, well, no. Pull it up. And I said, well, I mean, it's a resort. Like, how bad could it be? She goes, well, let's just say we're going to have to stop it based on my palette of a seven-year-old. She said, vegan and vegetarian, but she was-- She goes, I'm excited. She goes, we're going to have to stop at Vons, all right? Because you're not going to eat for like two days. I'm like, I'm sure I can find something on there. I'm sure I can. Cauliflower and coconut curry. Spring pea, papardelle. Is there roasted eggplants? Nope. Black and salmon. Yeah, I'll eat that, I guess. What about breakfast? I don't like salmon, but I'll eat black and salmon. Hannah says, I just wish it was going to be hotter when we're there. It's going to be 140 degrees. Vegan key lime pie. Don't worry, you have a little green goddess avocado toast for breakfast woods. I'm going to come home and may see it. Spicy, hassled back, beet salad. It's literally my nightmare. There's like suffocated cup-quatt wraps. Yeah, hicomataco. I'm like, oh, baby. Let's just say I was the opposite of that this past weekend. But she said, so it's weird, and it's also this place. They're like, we value silence here. It is a, like, you're not allowed to, like, I don't think you're really allowed to, like, converse much, which, you know, I've been married a while. We don't have much to say to each other anymore. I'm like, that might be a good thing. Then you just have to, you go get these treatments on your body and stuff. It's going to be very weird, very weird. She's like, remember, this is your idea. I wanted to go somewhere else. And you picked two bunch palms. So that's what we're going to be doing for my birthday. But it sounds fairly relaxing, I guess, right? I mean, the water there apparently is different. And it has, like, lithium properties. It's, yes, it's like lithium water. She, it, like, calms you down in the pool, or, like, all the pools and they have. But it's cool. And she's like, the only reason you want to go there is because Al Capone stayed there. I'm like, yeah, 100%. That's really the only, I'm obsessed with the mafia. I'm obsessed with all of it. I don't want to go for Al Capone eating avocado toast. Nor do I, nor do I. I feel like they've changed the menu since he's gone. But I do. It was his, like, hideout in the desert. And so I was like, well, that's cool enough for me. But that's what I'm doing for my birthday. I'll have the Jackfruit toastata. See? Jackfruit toastata. I'm dead. And it's far enough to where we can't, like, drive somewhere to just go to a diner, like, three times a day. So she's like, here, I don't know what you're doing. You're an idiot. But we're doing it. We're doing it. The minibar will have some dried pineapple. And it goes between eating plants and fighting for our lives in the heat. It's going to be great. Yeah. It's going to be 140 degrees out there. July 19th, by the way, is what we're calling. So we went out there beginning of August last year, and it was 120 degrees. I told you when we took Taylor out there and Mo. Taylor, cut out of the carcass. [LAUGHTER] He started weeping because it was so hot. I didn't know the most about her. I remember this story. I remember that. What, last summer? Last summer. And I thought that would have been-- I was on the desert. I was on the desert. I was on the desert. Yeah, that chair thought that may have been the end of your middle of the summer desert vacation last year. We're doing it again. This time, we're doing it again in a nicer resort, but way worse food. I mean, way worse food. And as I tried to get a refund, only $800 to cancel. I thought the reason you go to the desert in the summer is that the places that are $700 a night are all of a sudden $28 a night. Right. That's it. He's going to be 114 degree. We went specifically not to leave the room. Just get out of San Diego for two days, sit in the room, go out to dinner when it's only 9/8 or something. And we were like, oh, wow, this is really cheap. I'm like, oh, yeah. There's nobody here. It's a ghost town because it's August. And it's 124 degree. That menu, when I looked at it, I mean, I was scanning. I mean, we're at this more. There's like, there's nothing I will eat as a meal. There's really-- like, what do I eat? What do I eat for breakfast? What do I eat for lunch? Like, you bring me the suffocated come-quat wraps, please. And it beats. I don't eat beats. I don't eat jackfruit. I don't eat hiccup. I don't eat any of this stuff. I don't know what I'm going to do for two days. And it goes, the good news is that we can leave the room to go to the hot springs. They do have hot springs there. Oh, God. [INTERPOSING VOICES] I cannot believe we're doing this. But yet another adventure. Did you relax? You have fun with us, golf? Some golf, pool time, very relaxing. Good. That was very nice. Excellent. Well, it's good to have me back. I think we've established that when the revolution comes, Woods and I are going to be the first to be hanging at the end of the Gallo as they take out the bourgeois class. Oh, yeah. Yeah, no question about it. Yeah, it's definitely a bougie trip. Yeah. But again, like, this lady told me you have to go. It's the most relaxing place on the planet. And I go, yeah, great. Sounds great. Sounds like every other poem springs resort. And then she said, yeah, Al Capone used to stay there. And I went, oh, that's it. I ran home. It was like, babe, we've got to go to this place. See where Al Capone used to hang out. I want to see you in a zoo. Soup. [LAUGHTER] So yeah, that's my birthday trip. Should be full. I mean, look, content alone is going to be gold. Going to be gold. Yeah, what happened to your horseback riding? You didn't ride horses. I went and petted a horse. We showed the picture yesterday. I didn't horse a horse to actually get under me, which I think would have been unfair to the horse. Now, did you see all the comments on the-- I did. They were-- They were fantastic. Caption this. Caption this. Terrific. I like horses. I do like horses. I like horse hair. Yeah. How's the golf? Golf was good. It was actually-- well, I mean, you don't need to go through my entire round. You know, I could. You could. It could take you through every hole I played twice. More than anything actually. Walking all the way through. I literally didn't make one single birdie or one double bogey in 36 holes. Sol-porgs and bogeys, boring as hell. You wore bogeys in pars, but I just-- you know, me would just like-- Steady-eddy. Steady-eddy-eddy. Steady-eddy-eddy. Here we go. What did you do on the sixth hole? Sixth hole is a-- that's a tough one. That's a par 5, but you have to lay up. I parted the first day to putt par. And then the second day, I bogeyed it. I swear to God, I could do this all bit. Well, you missed a fun show yesterday. That sounds like it. We had Tim Flannery came in yesterday and spent a couple hours with us. And obviously, we love Flan. He's just the salt of the earth, dude. And baseball needs more people like him in it. And that's one of the things, I think, missing from the game right now, or people like Tim Flannery. Being in a clubhouse-- are you telling me? You put Tim Flannery down in that locker room tonight. The team's going to be worse for it. There's no way. There is no stinking way. Nothing against the guys that are already down there, right? But you put Tim Flannery in any clubhouse. That clubhouse instantly gets better, instantly. Overnight, the guys got so much time and skin in the game. And he came in and just regaled us with stories from yesterday, and I could not get enough. I really felt like we could have done another two hours. And he had a lot more to say. He was so kind. Anybody that gives up two hours of their morning to come in, on the house, we can pay him or anything. We don't have any money. He didn't even have coffee or water for him. Did he have coffee or water for him? He spent it all on our vacation. He spent it all on our vacation. Yeah, our come-quot wraps. Yes, it's exactly right. My body treatments, hot stone treatments was 110 degrees out. Sorry, Tim. You'd have to wear this one. But I guess he went home, and he was raving about it, and everyone was raving about him. So I look forward to having him in again very, very soon. Because I want you to hear these stories, too, Benny. It was great. If you missed it yesterday, go back and listen. He actually said his mom, who he talked about, 92 years old. He's like, my mom is dying to listen. Where do I find this? So I said in the YouTube link. So she watched it on YouTube last night. He's just the best. So that was a fun one, Benny. But you know the rule. When you go out of town, when we come back, you get to rehash something. So we'll find out what that is next. And it's an easy call, and you'll set the menu. Set the menu, get ready for a-- what should be a very good Tuesday program. You're not going to want to miss a second of it. We'll get into all of it coming up next. Kelly's got our first check of traffic, and we are all back together. Good to be here on a Tuesday morning with Benny Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3, the fan. I'm skipping right to the end of the menu setting. Going straight to dessert, as it were. Don't usually do this. Didn't you get enough dessert on your trip? Yeah, I did. You didn't even get into desserts, by the way. No, let's see what did I have. I had peanut butter pie, cheesecake. I had cobbler or peanut butter pie. It's like-- I've never had that. It was really good. I mean, it's just-- Sounds incredible. It's like a tart, but made with a peanut butter filling. Little chocolate on top. Yeah, chocolate on top. You have the crust. Peanut butter good, pie delicious. Exactly. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. Why not put it all together? It's delicious. So going straight to what would be the dessert here on the program today-- and I do that, because Woods has brought props for the show today. A little something unusual. Polly has ramped up our board over here. Tell us what should we hit it. I'll just hit it. What you have going here, as we set up what is going to happen in our 9 o'clock hour this morning. Set up who's coming in. So joining us-- and this is a rare treat for the Ben & Woods program, especially given our morning hours-- we have a San Diego Padres player in studio. A current player is going to join us this morning. First time ever. Kyle Higashiyoka is going to be here in our 9 o'clock hour. And Woods, ever since we met Kyle at spring training, has threatened I want to jam with Kyle Higashiyoka. I actually just want to watch him jam. Well, you just want to watch him jam. And you don't know-- you want to make sure he's set up. So you have brought your guitar amp. We've got a board that's plugged into our board. Got the real thing. So you get the whole thing, and you're ready to go. How does that sound on the-- you guys let us know how it sounds on the-- Give us a lick. Give us a lick. A lick. I don't know any licks. [MUSIC PLAYING] Like, totally unprepared. Yeah, totally unprepared. Hang on. [LAUGHING] Is that a little-- Is that slightly over modulated or distorted? Yeah. [MUSIC PLAYING] This says a little quiet, but perfect. Oh, so we want some stairway. All right, no stairway. [MUSIC PLAYING] I kind of hear it a little bit there. Yeah, I recognize it. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] There you go. Now, Higgy is a certified shredder. He doesn't know we're doing this, by the way. Somebody said it does just the distortion. All right, we'll try. Why do you have the distortion button all the way? Max, Paulie. Turn off the distortion button. Why don't we turn it off the little way? Maybe a little clean. Yeah, so as soon as we signed him, somebody sent me a video of him shredding the trooper by Iron Maiden, and he's like a metal guy, and I'm a huge metal guy, so I'm just excited to see him. Now, he could walk in and look at it and go, I don't want to do this, so I have no idea. Well, he also happens to be kind of on the hottest, hot streak of his baseball life, at least professionally, here, over the last month plus. He has almost single-handedly kept the Padres in playoff position. Well, Luis Campusano was on the injured list and taken over as maybe the 1A catcher to Campi's 1B catcher at this point because of his plate, not only at the plate, but behind the plate as well, doing a great job by catching the Padres pitching staff and ended up being a critical addition in that Juan Soto trade. I thought it was the throw-in, just the catcher that went in the backup catcher, but where would they be? Without Kyle Hagashyoka over the last month, I ask you that. I mean, those are the things that you never thought you would say, and you said it, and you're absolutely right. He's been great. He's been great, and again, tasked with a really, really tough gig when he got here to San Diego, so very excited to have him in. He's a quiet dude. He's a very quiet guy, even when he hits walk-off homers. He's very -- very stater. Just once, I'd like to see him give him the airhome for something, but I'm excited to see if he'll jam a little for us, and I don't want to put any pressure on him. I just have a stratocaster sitting right next to his seat, so I wonder what he'll think when he walks in. That should be right at the end of the program. Last 30 minutes or so, hopefully we'll have Kyle Hagashyoka in studio before that. We'll do a round of report. Now, it is Tuesday. Jesse Agler will be with us, the voice of the Padres, called some big, big home runs over the weekend, especially on Friday. We'll talk to Jesse at 8.35. Get an Incorporated for him. Before that, we've got some giveaways on the program today as well, including Padres Mariners tickets for tomorrow's game, a quick two-game series against the Seattle Mariners tonight, and tomorrow night before another off day on Thursday. And speaking of music, we also have some tickets to John Fogarty, excuse me, to give away at the Brady Shell on September 4th, and we're gonna somehow incorporate Woods's guitar into our Fogarty giveaway as well. - There's a bad moon rising in your throat. - Ooh, yeah, there it is, right there. (laughing) First half of the program is gonna be most of our usual features, including take-on-woods. Don't do this in our seven o'clock hour. We'll get some Padres talk in as well as Woods said. Always have the authority when you have a day off to go back and talk about one thing that you missed, and I'm going to take us back to Friday night when we have that discussion, and we will do that coming up next if you're ready to go and talk about, I'm sure you've rehashed it, I'm sure you played all the highlights of everything yesterday, but I just need a moment to discuss what happened in Friday night's epic game goes in one of the top, probably three games of the season for the San Diego Padres, if not number one, I mean, they've had so many interesting ones this year, so you're giving me a look like maybe not. - When we talk about it next, it will be the first time we've talked about it. - Okay, well how about that? - Ah, that was a, it was a choice we made on the program. - We just programed so much time on the start of Lakers, Summerly, Ronnie James, scoring like two points. - Yeah, it was great. - We gave that a good two and a half hours, let's say. - Sure he did. - But before Flang got in, yeah, yeah, then we switched it to baseball. - So yeah, when we talk about last Friday's game, it will be the, it'll be the first time. - We will get to that coming up next before the Padres get on to another series against the Seattle Mariners again. Tonight at 640, it's Ben & Woods, glad to have you with us on San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3 to fan. So let me get this straight, Manny Machado, the Manny Machado hit a walk-off home run. - This is Manny Machado. - On Friday, then you guys did not play a single piece of audio related to said walk-off home run. - No, and really, I don't even think you can blame us at this point. I think you have to blame the San Diego Padres for that one because we did the math that was six straight Sunday losses for the team. And again, somebody had actually, after that win on Friday night, which was epic, it was amazing, it was so good and awful, it was awful. I mean, that gamut of that 15, 20 minute run there at the end almost killed a lot of people in this town. But somebody said, "Bro, Woodsy, can you guys please play the good game from the weekend on Monday instead of the bad game?" And I thought to myself, you know, it didn't feel right to me to come in and be like, "Hey, listen, I know we lost Saturday and got bodied yesterday. Let's talk about the positives." Because, well, let's be honest, people don't really like the positives. And I wasn't feeling positive after those last two losses, I wasn't. Those were big games, Benny. I thought we needed to win. But, you know, with Flann comin' in, and he was gonna, you know, do two hours with us, I just, we talked about the losses, we talked about the bullpen. - Both are true. Those were big games because they've given the Arizona Diamondbacks some new life in the wild card race, a team that you do not want. Chasing, you know, trying to chase you down the second half of the season. - Really don't. Now, there's got the experience. - They came back yesterday and blew a late 31 lead. They gave up two in the ninth, one in the 10th and one in the 11th to lose to the Atlanta Braves. - A real game. - Padres aren't the only one with the merchants on, you know, not winning games that you feel like they should have won. So, Padres two and a half games up for that last wild card spot. But I am going to use my authority and my positivity. - Good, it's fine. - When we come back from traffic to bring you back to Friday nights, walk off when featuring the drama of the most incredible ninth inning, you know, in some ways baseball is ever seen. There's certainly some historic things that happened in that ninth inning that we have not seen in baseball before. So, we'll get to that right after this check of traffic on 97.3 to fan. - Now, it's not entirely true. We did talk about this game for a few minutes yesterday, but that was when we had Sam Levitt on, we had him on an hour earlier. That's a whole nother story. - Yeah, 20 minutes we're going to dive into Levitt and his appearance. - We gotta get to the bottom of some things and you're gonna be really surprised here. - So, on Friday night, the one thing that you might not enjoy about where we spent our vacation is it's out in the country. They're trying to have you get away from city life as it were. So, televisions. But, you know, you can use your phone and the internet's a little spotty, but we were able to, on Friday night, call up the game was watching it on my phone and really at that point, I had just, dinner was over, I just wanted to see him close out what I thought was gonna be a pretty simple 72 victory. And at my brother, my mom, we're kind of sitting out on the patio, they've got the phone, we're all huddled around just to see what we think is gonna be the final out. And then, of course, Ennio de los Santos loads the bases up and we're going, this is so typical Padres. They've got to get Robert Suarez up and you think the worst of it is that they had to put Robert Suarez into the game. - Right, that's where you think that's, that's the damage is done already. - If you feel like you have that game one easily, you're just bummed that Suarez has even got to get up, get the heavy ball out, start doing his calisthenics. You, he should be in the bullpen going. - But that's the extent of it, I got off, you know what? We just blew that, could have had a nice, easy, simple 72 win rest to the back of the bullpen. Now, it's probably gonna affect the next couple of games and it may have, actually. But it actually did affect that night's game as well, of course, Alec Thomas, it's the Grand Slam. Then you get the second out and you're going, "Oh, it's a little more nervous than I want it." But I think they're gonna close it out. Corbin Carroll doubles and then Randall Grichock coming up as a pinch hitter, which no one understood why. - And it was, what was the reason? - To tell Marté had back spasms or something. - Back spasms, oh my God. 'Cause people were like, Tory LaVolo is the greatest manager in the history of baseball, but he didn't have a choice there. He had to put, Grich again. Grichock, of course, is a noted pottery killer who gets two strikes, okay, one strike away. They're gonna survive this, hits the homerun. - Was that a change-up he hit out? - I think it might have been to the Western Metal Supply Company. So, all of a sudden, it's a six run inning for the Diamondbacks. You're down eight to seven. - You're in hell. We are in hell with this pottery. - And at this moment, you're having a crisis of confidence as a potrace fan because the historic potrace fan in you has already chalked this up as one of the most devastating losses you can remember of any season, not just this season, but any season. And then there's the slight optimist that goes, but hold on, maybe these potrays are different. We've seen signs that this year's team is different from other potrace teams of recent vintage, where they don't, they take a punch, they get back up. They are counter punching. They can come back even from bad circumstances and find a way to win the game. - Jerksen Profar is that bad. I thought it was maybe even bigger than Manny Machottos. It's one thing, walk-offs are fantastic, but the game was tied at that point. When you're behind and know we lose in three outs, if we don't do something, to fight back from an O2 deficit in the count. And to do this was one of the biggest moments of the season. - They all pitched the Profar. - Jerksen swings, hits it in the year to deep right. McCarthy is back. He is at the wall. He leaps, good to go. Tied again, and in the bottom of the ninth inning, it's Profar, eight, eight. - Which of course is Profar. - Of course, it's Profar. - The weekend he, after he finds out he's going to the All-Star game, just keeps it going, which was absolutely incredible, and maybe even a bigger moment. But of course, the walk-offs are even better. Jake works the walk and Manny comes up and does this thing, which Manny has, it's almost been quiet how hot he got over the last kind of, without anyone even really noticing. - I noticed. - I know you noticed. But finally playing like Manny Machano over the last four weeks, and you cross your fingers, whatever you need to do. The longer this lasts, the longer that Manny can keep it going, hopefully through the rest of this season, you know he can carry the San Diego ponches. We've gone through those numbers in the past, not just this season, but in season's past, when Manny gets hot, he can carry the ponterase. And it was such a moment, you know, my family, we're sitting around this little phone, all watching it together and going absolutely crazy. So let's go back and listen to all of the calls, we'll start with Jesse, the walk-off from Friday night for Manny Machano. - See what it is set, here's the pitch. - And Machano swings, hits it in the air, deep to left field, way back, good to go. (crowd cheering) From gut punch to walk-off. Second home run of the inning for the ponterase, and Manny Machano wins it with a two-run homer. - Unbelievable, he leaned, the lean back on that was so gangster when he did it. I mean, my whole family was asleep, so I was doing, (laughing) that bit of like jumping around like, I couldn't scream, and even on a little tiny phone, once I saw that lean back, you know. - Oh, the lean back went so gangster, dude. - This is going, this for sure is going. - On the eve of his birthday too, so cool. - And then he rounds the bases and that fan comes in and gets just trucked by security. - Oh, I'm coming in and talk about that, holy cow. And the funny part was, was that kid ran in and he, obviously he was caught up in the moment, right? Which I guess happens, but Manny started to like dance with it for a second, then he goes, "Oh!" - It's like those old-school Hank Aaron home runs. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He runs onto the field and, - Yo, he's balling him over. - I mean, remember Morgana, the kissing bandit, who would come and, you know, like, give players, - There's go. - places as they're rounding the bases. They don't really allow that anymore. I don't know why they ever did, but they don't allow that anymore. - I'm glad that they don't. - But this guy came about as close as you can get to actually celebrating with the team before everyone realized he's not supposed to be here. - Right. - There's nothing about this. - He just gets trucked. - Brandon says, "Is there ever a moment important enough "that you'd wake the kids up to watch the finish?" Perfect game? - No, never, ever. - 'Cause then you gotta get him back to sleeping. - Ever. - Never, ever. - My, those two, one of them's here today. He's out there watching his iPad. - Well, Holy Cow, dude. - See, no. - Now my dad had fallen asleep, and my mom wasn't sure what to do, but she decided to let him sleep. - Let him sleep. - But then the morning comes, and it's, you know, it's like 6.30 a.m. - Why don't you wake me up? - It still doesn't know, so she says, I'm kinda poking him to see if he's awake going. You need to know what happened last night. - Steve went to sleep. - It's happening. How many walk-ups do we have? - What was your, like, nine? - It's happening. - She hasn't seen any of 'em. - What was the score when you went to bed last night? It was 72, did they not win 72? Oh no. Oh no, that's not, that's not the final score again. - So your dad, your dad just called it. Oh, we got this one in the bag. I'm hitting the sack. - And I know there are tons of Padres fans out there who did that on Friday night, long week. - You're tired. - I was close. - You're ready to turn in at 72. What could go wrong at that point? - Well, a few weeks ago, we were up 10, and I put the joke out on Twitter, and I said, yeah, I'm enjoying this 10-run lead, but we all know if you've watched this team this year, Robert Suarez will get up. Now he didn't, that game. It was a 10-run lead, and we, I think we gave up a couple, maybe, but we didn't have to get him up. But it's been a thing. We asked Mike Schilt about it. He was visibly upset about the question, as he usually is, when I ask him anything. He was mad about that game, 'cause these last three are hard to get, man. I'm like, yeah, bro, I know. But there's gotta be somebody that you can count on with that. You gotta be able to give big, big game Bob, you know, a night off. And we did the numbers on how much he's been used. It's not that much in comparison to other top closers. In manual, Class A's got more mileage on him. But I wonder if Class A gets up and warves up every game, 'cause that's what it feels like with Robert Suarez. - Yeah, Suarez has had a couple of weeks where they haven't needed him, that have kind of minimized his usage. But when they have used him, it's been pretty hot and heavy, pretty intense, and not something that you wanna keep trying to sustain over the course of the season. - No question about it. And, you know, I just, I realize those are the toughest ones to get, they are. - They are. - In any league ever, they're the worst ones to get. That's why elite closers are elite. But it should never have been there. And I just, if you're Mike Schilt right now, you're thinking to yourself, what lead is safe for this team? And it just, you can't have that. Obviously moving forward. - So, Jesse's call of the walk-off was outstanding. Don's was, I mean, I thought an all-timer. That's the one that we heard as we were streaming the TV broadcast. I mean, just unbelievable work by Don or Sillow here. - In the end of D-BLO's film, that ball is back and it's headed into it. And Sillow is standing against, Benny Baccato wants it off. - Unbelievable, just perfect. Great call by Don. The opposite, of course, would have been the Arizona Diamondbacks team broadcast, which went, let's just say minimalistic after they're raising the top of the ring. They're thinking this is gonna be the win that turns their season around. And it just didn't end well for them. - Way holds, looks shot off, sends everybody a hold. - And literally, that was it. - That's it. - We could play it for another 30, 45 seconds. - They don't say another thing. They just acknowledged that this did not end the way we thought it was going to end. - Yeah, I mean, what an incredible comeback for them. I mean, and again, they, it's weird. They lost that game, but they used that momentum of coming back in the ninth inning. And, you know, the next night, they were able to hold us off. And that was a, I mean, that game. - Oh, I thought, for the first time, I let myself think they're actually gonna pull this off. - Me too. - They loaded the base, they had to run in. It was seven, five after they had given up, what? Three in the top of the ninth, they're on the 10th. And I thought, they're gonna do this. - We got to count. - They're going to do this. - Yeah, they had an opportunity to do it. And, you know, again, they said, what has been the standard line? And I think I start, I'm starting to believe it. Jake said it the next day. We put ourselves in a position to win the game. And we didn't get the job done, but we continue to keep putting ourselves in positions to win the game. We're gonna win those more often than not. And honestly, like you hear a lot of coach speak, player speak from every clubhouse, I believe it with this team. I think in their minds, they think, oh no, if we can get, if we can get the tying run to the plate, that's mission accomplished. Yes, you wanna win the game, but they also know they're not gonna win every game. We put ourselves in a position to win that game. We didn't get the job done. It's okay. We're gonna try it again the next day. Now, the next day they went out and got bodied nine to one, but you know what I'm saying? Like it's a mentality they have. - I watched until Suarez's home run that made it three to one. And then I was kind of pooling and doing time with the family and the boys. That was a good game until the very end. - It was. - They could have won that game. - Listen, four hits isn't gonna get it done. Ryan Nelson has had been nothing to write home about, but he pitched off his ass and we just didn't hit the ball. We didn't strike out a ton. We didn't strike out a ton. Just kind of hit balls at people. - And Sees did have a good bounce start. - Got he did. He was really good. - He was really good. - He gave it a lead off home run, but was pretty darn good after that. - Well, you know, listen, again, I did see people yelling at Shilt for leaving him in to give up that two run homer. But again, man, who do you go to? - Well, we saw who he went to. - Right, who do you go to? - It was just, they clearly need help, a reset, a rest, whatever it is, but we're not going to go anywhere Ben without pitching and we got to get some more of it. - We got two more calls left from Friday nights. Manny Machado, walk off. Let's go to Eduardo Ortega, Pontre's Spanish language broadcast. (speaking in foreign language) - Hotline. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - That's not Eddie. - That's not Eddie. - Yeah, he has a night off or something. - Yeah, he must have a night off. - That was definitely not Eddie. - Yeah, 'cause that was the Spanish language. And then, of course, the Korean guys. - I've heard this one, yeah. - Have not heard of either, so I'm looking forward to this one. (crowd cheering) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - We're starting to play. Somebody there calls them, starting to learn a little. - Yeah, I know a little bit of truth. - I learned goodbye. - Goodbye. - I heard Manny Machado. - They seem to continue to ramp up their level of excitement and you think that there's none left. They've already hit 10 on the scale of one to 10, but they just leave a little bit in reserve for the next one that comes to see if they can add yet more enthusiasm to their walk-off calls. - When was the last time you were that excited about anything? - Anything at all. Anything. - I don't know ever. - I don't know either. - They get more excited about weekly calls of walk-off wins than I ever get excited in my life about anything. - It's, yeah. I mean, it was really, really special. - The pod is when the World Series, one of them's going to have a first tag. - That's it. Just done. Just out. Or he's not going to have a heart attack. He's just going to pass out from excitement, but I loved Friday night. And I, yeah, Manny, it really, now had they won on Saturday, we would have blown off Sunday entirely. We would have come in and talked about a series win. We would have played all the great highlights. Oh, two, those two games back to back if they had won on Saturday, would have been Italy radio yesterday. I do apologize. - All right, so what happened with Sammy Levin yesterday? - We're trying to dig into the mystery of Sammy's appearance. If you missed it, like I did, we'll get you caught up when we come back. Little take on Woods next as well. Don't go away. More Ben Woods coming up here on 97.3, the fan. - What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom?, those, these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools, including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings, and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team. It's also you can make the right decision for your family., we've done your homework. - Nice. - Today's episode is sponsored by Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. Nerd Wallet's experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact-based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow Nerd Wallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. - Now with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories, and breaking news right on your home feed. Follow the action with Game Tip where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus notifications can keep you connected to every pinch, every hit, every game. The MLB app, baseball, your way. Download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. Block out another research and supply major league baseball trade parts used with permission. - I offer my belated thank you to Sam Levitt for filling in for us on Friday. I did catch some of that show on my drive up to vacation and say it was a real nice job. - I did it good, it was solid, it was always great when it comes to the pot raise talk and it was good having some local radio to enjoy on my drive on Friday morning. So thank you to Sammy. But then apparently yesterday, and I did not hear this yesterday morning, Sammy had his weekly appearance with you guys and something went wrong, technologically. - Yeah, so he was-- - Still don't know what happened. - When Sammy calls in from his abode in Pacific Beach, there's an area that cuts in and out in his place. It's not uncommon. I've got the dead spot in my house as well. It just happens. And so we've had some issues with Sammy Levitt's call in. Sometimes he goes out and does it from like a coffee shop, which is better. But yesterday was one of those where he was a little bit sounding underwater. Paulie and I are giving each other the look like, oh God, do we, all right, Sam? - Such an uncomfortable feeling. - It's the worst-- - You're hoping it'll just correct itself in a second, but at some point you gotta just go, all right, this isn't sounding good. No one can understand what he's saying. We gotta pull the rip cord and do something else. - Yeah, pull the rip cord is exactly the right phrase. So we did, Paulie, I'll vamp for a minute. You send him the Zoom link. Now, yesterday you weren't here. So I was hosting and doing the mechanics of the show. It's not my favorite thing to do. But I'm pretty active in the chat when you're hosting. And when I host, I barely look at it. But I happen to kind of glance down at it. And people were saying that Sammy sounds different and that there's some lisp. And I didn't, I never noticed it. Really, I never did. It sounded in my head as I was thinking, I'm looking at the clock. We gotta be out at this time. Flance here, he's getting set up. So I'm like, I'm white knuckle in it, right? - I noticed it right away. I didn't do anything. He didn't even do anything different. - We've had him, we've had Adam Jones, Jesse Aguiler. We've had a hundred guests on Zoom. - So listen for the audio. - Listen to the before. I mean, this is what Sammy sounds like talking to him. Like everybody knows. - I could have won Sam Levitt with you inside the loft here at the Western Metal Building at Petco Park. - That's Sam Levitt. - He's got a bit of a, what is that? Long Island East Coast accent. But he's got a broadcaster's voice. - Of course. - So go back to yesterday. Here was Sammy on the phone early on before it started to cut out and we switched over to Zoom. - What do you even say about that? One inning alone, right? The roller coaster it was and losing the lead and having to bring Suarez in, which I'm with you, has happened way too often where probably Sam Levitt on the phone. - That is the same guy that you heard on the mic. That is him talking on the phone for sure. - Paulie sends him to Zoom Lake. - I don't know who this person was. - There's about a five foot spot in my kitchen and I swear to you, it's not like I'm standing in this spot where I have literally no service at all. So there is something about this apartment. I'm gonna have to stop doing it from here. - No. (laughing) - I, when Paulie played it for me after, it was probably two minutes between the phone and Zoom. I'm like, did he go put in his Invisalign in between? - One of my little nephews, like, have they losing their teeth? - Yeah. - Do you know when that happens? And you don't have the front teeth to talk to? - You know, winning three out of five against two good teams. That would be a really nice way to finish the half. And I just think for this group, the way they're constructed right now, the injuries, the guys, they're missing. You just have to avoid letting two games become a skid. - A skid, a skid. - A skid, a skid. Everyone was like, oh, look, it's spring training family and feed them family. He texted me out, like, within five minutes of us hanging out and going to commercial break and all that, he goes, what happened? What did you do? I didn't do any. - So one of my three-year-olds favorite things in the world to do, when he's screaming, when he's melting down, the one way I can get him to calm down is I go to Instagram and I go to the funny faces filter that puts the dog ears on him, makes him into a clown, it changes his voice, so we'll lay in bed and scroll through those. And I'm looking at Paulie and like, is there a zoom feature that you can be like, hey, make him sound Scottish, make him sound, 'cause if so, I want it more. I want to make Mike Shilt sound like an Irishman the next time he calls me. I want, let's have some fun with it. Paulie said, Paulie said, I did nothing different. Hey, it's up in the morning, it's my shield. - Like, I go, is there something different that you did? - You just have to avoid letting two games become a skid. - A skid, so I know what in the world, dude? And I can't believe it, and it sounded again, people were like, it sounded like he had a retainer in, whitening strips on his teeth. - Stump by a bee in his teeth. - Stump by a bee, right? (laughing) We just could not, we could not figure it. We could have figured it out. And I just, I go, I'm so sorry, Sammy. Like, obviously we would never do that to Sammy. - Let's do an experiment. I just, I sent you, recreating links. - The same zoom link that I sent to Sammy. - Say one. - It's a custom link for my email address or whatever, it's the same code, so-- - So Woods is gonna go off on a zoom link. - Just stand right outside of that window. - Just stand outside, go on the same zoom setup that Sam Levitt was on yesterday. And let's see if we can recreate this for Woods. And the same, same effect. - All right, now you're on. All right, close the door. All right, Woods, he's left the studio. He's gonna join us via zoom. Can you hear us? - Hey, guys. (laughing) Whoa! Wow. - What's up? What's up? It's Stephen Woods. No, how does it sound? Does it sound normal? - You sound like Mike Tyson. - Does it sound normal now? - Now it sounds normal, yes. - I'm outside of the studio. (laughing) - I'm blocking the back. (laughing) (laughing) Normal. - Normal. - You sound fine. - Yeah, you sound fine. Other than when you're-- - Okay, when you're not trying to sound off, it sounds like completely normal. We're sorry, Sammy. We're sorry that you had to endure an entire appearance not sounding like yourself. And that had no fault of his own. - It's so nuts. Michael says it's the noise reduction filter in Zoom. When he hits the hard S, it knocks it down. - 10-chat savvy. - So I wonder if that's on Sammy's end. Sorry, Sammy's end on his phone. - There's about a five foot spot in my kitchen and I swear to you, it's not like I'm standing in this spot. - There's a lot of S's. (laughing) You just gotta avoid the letter S, apparently. - Fuck you. Sammy. - What in the world? - Where I have literally no service at all. So there is something about this department. I'm gonna have to stop doing it from here. - It's incredible. It's incredible. It's just one of those weird, weird things that happened, certain first rule laws that sounds believable. Yeah, trust me, if we were doing a bit, we would have come in this morning and said, "Look what we did to Sammy Levitt yesterday." But we did, I would tell you if we did, and we did not, we would definitely-- - Not make in front of him. - We would definitely do it to Ben too at some point. - We could not believe that that happened. - Can you imagine you call in from the road and we would put a filter on you every time? - Of course. - That's fine. (laughing) - I don't think we had any qualifiers last week for our new prize to Las Vegas for take on Woods here. So if you wanna try to be the first to get in here-- - We gave one away yesterday. - Oh, you gave one yesterday, all right. So if you wanna be the second to try to get in for the trip to the Rio Las Vegas, call now 833-288-09738-833-2888-09738. Play our musical trivia game here in just a couple of minutes. Don't forget, coming up later in the program, Jesse Agler will join us at 835, and then in studio in our nine o'clock hour, if you missed it earlier, Kyle Higashiyoka is gonna join us. Woods is brought in his guitar, the amp, we got a board to plug in. We just don't have permission yet from Kyle Higashiyoka to make him play for us. - Correct. - Which is really what you want. Now, will he be able to play your guitar? Is it-- - That's all I'm talking about. - I'm not jamming with him. I'm just wanna watch your jam. - I know, I mean, his guitar, they all similar, like, you can play, it's not like personalized. - Well, I mean, everybody's-- - A little bit. - I'll prefer him. - But like, you know, he has his own bat. - Like if someone gave me a seven eye, or even if it wasn't my own, I could adjust quickly and try to hit it, at least. Might be my favorite, but-- - He doesn't swing Donovan Solano's bat. You know, he's got his own. - But he could. - But he could. - Yeah, but he could. - Yeah, it's not that-- - The theory is the same. The theory is the same, yeah. - The only difference is if he is a left-handed guitar player, which I've seen pictures, he's not from my understanding. He's not, he doesn't do anything left-handed from what-- - What I've seen of college-- - It's right-handed. - It's right-handed. - It's right-handed, so. - Beyond it, he just decided to play guitar. - Oh, sorry, bro, I'm a lefty, like Hendrix. So I think we're in good shape there. - All right, outstanding. All right, we've got some contestants on the line. Let's get to it, it is time for "Take on Woods." (upbeat music) - It's time for "Take on Woods." (upbeat music) - What? (upbeat music) - What? (upbeat music) - All right, let's get Guy in. Guy always is one of our great "Take on Woods" contestants. Good morning, Guy. Try to get in for the month of July here. How are you? - Good, how are you guys doing? - Good, all right. Woods has left the studio, five questions of musical trivia. If you can beat or tie him, you will apply for our grand prize drawing, "Tonight's Stay" and "Dinner" at the Rio Las Vegas, also a day bed at the Rio pool. They've got four sparkling new pools. They've got some redone rooms. It's looking great at the Rio Las Vegas. You can book now at Give you the chance to pick our category, give you a little advantage here. We've got "Give 'em a Hand," five-song titles, including the word "Hand." We got "Rush," all about the band "Rush" and our new category, "Oh Boy," five-song titles that include the word "Boy" or "Boy." So give 'em a hand, "Rush" or "Oh Boy." Guy, what would you like to play? - Let's try it, give 'em a hand. - Give 'em a hand, all right. We've got five-song titles, pretty simple. They all include the word "Hand," somewhere in there. You'll have 60 seconds. Answer as many of the five as possible. You don't know, you can say pass. We'll come back to it if there's time left on the clock. And then we'll put your score in. The woods will come back, same five questions. You know how it works. First questions are two-second song. Paulie's gonna play a little music. You need to give me the song title, including the word "Hand" and the artist to score that point. All right, Guy, you ready to play? - I'm ready. - Paulie, you queued up. All right, Paulie's good to go. 60 seconds on the clock. Category is give 'em a hand. Your time begins when Paul plays our music. Good luck, Guy, let's take on woods. (upbeat music) - I wanna hold your hand, the beetle. - Correct, Alanis Morissette plays the signature harmonica herself, in which 1995, single that ends with the line, and the other one is "Hailin' a Taxi Cab." - All right, one hand in my pocket. - Correct, indie band fits in the tantrums. You get a lot of radio play, with which 2016 hits. Ooh, incorrect, which 1994 single, yeah, was the breakthrough debut hit for "Hootie and the Blowfish." Former One Direction member, Niall Horan, had his biggest solo hit with his debut single from 2017. - No, please, it's tough. - Which 1994 single was the breakthrough debut hit for "Hootie and the Blowfish." - Cold of my hand. - Cold of my hand. Former One Direction member, Niall Horan, had his biggest solo hit, with which debut single from 2017. - Hand off, man. - I was slow hands, I know you got fits in the tantrums, hand clap after you said clap hands, but I gotta go with the first answer to this. We got three for you, I don't know, that might be enough. - I don't know, woods is a big One Direction fan. - I know, that's gonna trip him up. I think hand clap could trip him up. I think he'll get hold my hand. I don't, we'll see. All right, guys, score is locked in. - Oh, guys, geez. - Guy is here. - Always a beast. - Put 60 seconds back on the clock. Same five questions. Your time begins when Paul plays the music. Good luck, woods. Let's take on Guy. (upbeat music) - What's up, the Beatles? And it is, oh yeah, come back to it. Alanis Morissette plays the signature harmonica herself in which 1995 single that ends with the line, and the other one is Halen a taxi cab. - Ironic? - Incorrect, indie band fits in the tantrums, got a lot of radio play with which 2016 hits. - I played it every day of my life. I'm losing my mind. Come back to it. - What's 1994 single was the breakthrough debut hit for Hootie and the Blowfish. Hold my hand. - Correct, former One Direction member, Kyle Heran had his biggest solo hit with which debut single from 2017. - Hand job. - Incorrect, go back to the two second song. - Oh, what? (upbeat music) - I wanna hold your hand. - Correct, Alanis Morissette plays the signature, or you'll miss that one. indie band fits in the tantrums, got a lot of radio play with which 2016 hits. - Ah, that's gonna drive me nuts. Raise your hands. - No, and wow, Guy takes it three to two. - Oh, give him a hand, so I wanna hold your hand. - Okay. And you got hold my hand, but hand in my pocket was the-- - I got one hand in my pocket. - And the other one is hailing a taxi cab. Hand clap. - Hand clap. (clapping) - And then a slow hands, which neither of you got was, did I say that Nile Heran? - Is that correct, does anyone even know? - Yeah, one direction. I think that's right. - All right, Guy, congratulations. You have one outright today. You are into the drawing for the Real Las Vegas. Stay on the line, Paul. He's gonna get your information during the break. - Good job, Guy. - We got, don't do this coming up next. Former Dodger in the don't do this cross-air is today, unless you had this yesterday, which I think it was new. - I don't know what you're talking about. - Okay, we will have a former Dodger in heading to prison. And don't-- - What? - Yes, not this country. It's coming up next after a check of traffic here on 97.3 The Fan. - Don't do this. (upbeat music) - It's time for Don't Do This. - What were you thinking? - Three stories from the world of sports that make us all shake our heads. - Why? - How many times do I have to tell you? - I'm sorry, I fudged up, guys. - You idiot, you moron, you're so mad. - The apple sometimes does far fall from the tree. - Don't do this. - Do not tweet that. - With Ben and Woods. - I like a Nickelback song or two. - On 97.3 The Fan. - Don't do this. It's brought to you by The Craft Taco in Soretto Valley. Craft Taco is some of the best quality tacos in all of San Diego. Go to, take a look at their happy hour specials today. I will start in Major League Baseball where a former Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder, I don't know if you saw this, after his career, Raul Mondacy got into politics in his native Dominican Republic and actually served as the mayor of the city of San Cristobal from 2010 to 2016 then decided to try to run for Senate in the Dominican Republic didn't win. Unfortunately, during his time as mayor, apparently he embezzled $5 million of public funds and he was convicted in a court and sentenced Friday to six years and nine months in jail for his corruption during his time as mayor. - God. - Now, he does not. - How long? - Six years. - Six years and nine months. Now, here's the thing. He's already served his sentence. He spent the last six years under house arrest. - Oh my God. - While he was waiting trial. So this is part of a plea deal now, like time serves and he's free to go, but can you imagine? - I think I would sign up. - Spending six years under house arrest. My dream, my literal actual fantasy. Sexual fantasy, it's my fantasy to be on house arrest for that long. Once you can't go anywhere. Okay, sounds good to me. It's great. Now, here's the thing. So imagine you steal, you steal how much? - Five million. - Five million bucks. They start investigating. Yeah, we're gonna put you on house arrest. You get all the way through it, you're guilty. And you've already sat in your house for six years. You're good. You're off the hook. - Five million bucks to sit at home. - He was paid five million dollars to sit down. - He was fine. - He was arrested too, shit. - 507,000, I can't imagine just let him keep all the other 4.5 million he stole. That's a real good deal. - I give you five million dollars. You have to stay at home for six years. - Done, done. I get out, I pop out when I'm 54. - It's better than like big brother. - Bro, I could manage the tier one games on Zoom. No problem. I mean, my kids, I'll see you every day. That'll be home. This is actually not the worst thing ever. - Mondecy, of course, was the 1994 Rookie of the Year, part of that run of Dodgers Rookie of the Years in the mid-90s as an all-star in 1995 won two gold glove awards. And his son actually played in the big leagues as well. - Yeah. - Alberto, Mondecy was a shortstop. - Do you remember the cannon that that dude had? - Yes. - From right field. - I mean, the absolute. - Absolute back at the queue a few times. - Absolute hose piece from right field that he was just on a line. He was, he was a good player, really good player. All right, I'll go to the NFL where this is, I mean, this is NFL in a nutshell. Every single off-season Pittsburgh cornerback, Cameron Sutton suspended eight games without pay, violated the NFL's personal conduct policy. Now, he was actually wanted by the law for a few weeks early in, earlier in the year. And because he was charged with misdemeanor battery, he beat up a woman and has, you know, they have, he's done his court and everything else. And the NFL has gonna suspend him for eight games and not pay him. And he said, his quote, when they asked him about it, he said, my job is not to appeal to someone else. My job is to be the best version of myself. How do I give that off to the mass? Or do I give that off to everyone around me? I'm in full control of that. I'm never worried about a narrative. Everybody goes through adversity, everybody goes through things in their life that can change in both directions. So it's all about how you stand on that and what you do from that. He was in the first year of a 33 million, a three-year, $33 million deal. And he's gonna be sitting out. So it's pretty significant suspension. 100% of the player. Wow, half, I mean, for a very significant crime as well. You know, and that's the, that's the thing, man. That's the thing we talk about it a lot on this program. You know, and I did see as an addendum, Marcelo Zuna is going to be participating in the Homer and Derby. And I did see a lot of chatter about it online yesterday. And, you know, people are saying, well, if he's playing in the league, then if you allow him to play based on his, he got a DUI. And then we all saw the video of him and his wife just beating each other up. He had the cast on. Remember that? It was horrible. And, but people are saying, well, yeah, he's allowed to play in the league. Should we feature him in the exhibition that everybody's gonna be watching? Is he one of the guys we want to feature for Major League Baseball? Allowing him to play Major League Baseball is one thing. It is different to invite him to an exhibition. It's even different than, yeah, okay, if he got voted into the all-star game, I don't know that you would like, okay, but you can't come necessarily. 'Cause you're letting him play. There's no rules as to who can. And, you know, it's not like, well, he hit 21 home runs. So he has to go to the Homer and Derby. There's no rules in place that says who is and is not invited. Correct. They're making a conscious choice to invite him. To prop him up there and it's... That is troublesome. Yeah, it is. As Pauli's wife just said in the chat, it is a tale as old as time. And it absolutely is. Absolutely is. And you got a really good dude-- Oh, I think you're gonna like this one. I would love that little-- D.D. Mega doo doo doo. A little doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. Sometimes I think the Padres might be on this road occasionally. So this story comes from the Sioux City Explorers from the American Association of Professional Baseball. It's an independent baseball league, but it is an MLB partner league. So you got some guys who still have dreams of, you know, latching onto a club and making pro baseball. So they had over the weekend. They had to use 10 pitching arms in just two games deep into the bullpen. I think we have some extra innings and-- Sounds familiar. They ran out of pitching. And when I say they ran out of pitching, they literally ran out of pitching. It filled out the lineup card for the game. Two hours before the game, the director of broadcasting said Dan Vaughn sent the lineup. They had all the other eight names on there, then a big question mark where the pitcher's name is going to be. A literal big question mark, like who's it going to be? We don't know. We have the lineup card is submitted. We still don't know who is pitching in two hours. We have no-- we have no arms that can go or who are ready. Two hours before game time. So here was their solution. They knew that a guy who was about 10 miles away was volunteering at a music festival. He is a state representative in Iowa. His name is Dan Scultons, or JD Sculton. And he used to be a pitcher. He's 44 years old now, but he had pitched for the team before in the past. And they said, can you make it here in the next two hours? Suit up and throw a game for us. We need a pitcher badly. It's the most adult league thing I've ever heard in my life. And he said, yeah, I can be there. So he not only showed up, put on the Sioux City Explorers uniform, 44 years old, has been out of baseball for several years. What? Six and two-thirds innings allowed just two runs. And an 11 to two win. Not only the win, but a quality start. That is unbelievable. It's like the stories when they pull the play-by-play guy down to play goalie for some independent team. And it's just incredible. That's an incredible, incredible story. He says, walking through the tunnel again didn't realize how much that made me start getting nervous. But once you get on the mound, it's 60 feet, 6 inches. After the first inning, I was able to relax a lot more. Luckily, the boys got me some runs. I was able to get some innings, because they were stretched a little bit thin in the bullpen. Six and two-thirds. Yep, two runs. That was brilliant. Got a standing ovation as he walked off the mound. His wife's like, oh, God, you're going to do it again. You're going back, aren't you? You're going back. I knew you would. You said you would fill in for one game. Holy cow. I wonder if he's done. I wonder if they are having meetings about bringing him back. In a way, to just walk off, and that was the end, would be fantastic. It's a incredible story. Wouldn't you want to know if I could just do it again? I mean, he's 44. He's not-- No, he ain't going anywhere. He's not going anywhere. He's already elected official. He's moved on to his new life, his new career. That's incredible. But he got to relive his glory days one more time. And it went really well for J.D. Skoulton. Got a cool story. And do do this for a Tuesday. That was "Don't Do This" with Ben and Woods on 97.3, the fan. By the way, Ben Woods was brought to you by Valvoline Instant Oil Change. It only takes 15 minutes. You don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts. Go to That's When we come back-- all right, I think we finally-- I knew this was coming. But the injuries finally starting to catch up to the pod raise a little bit. What can they do about it now that we're starting to see the replacements running a little bit thin? Do we have any state representatives that can pop in and perhaps pitch a game for the pod raise? Don't know. But they're getting kind of desperate now. Trade deadline's coming up. What can the pod raise do about it? We'll get to that next with Ben and Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3, the fan. Baseball coverage in 97.3, the fan is presented by T-Mobile. Switch to T-Mobile. You can get tons of benefits. They'll save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon. Use their savings calculator to find out how at Pod raise have some clear needs going into the trade deadline later this month. But not as clear as exactly the best way to try to fill them. It's not as simple as go out and get this, this, this, and you're done. Because they also have players who may or may not be returning that can impact the decisions that AJ Preller needs to make over the next couple of weeks. It's interesting you say that because yesterday, Tim Flannery, Ben talked about, we asked him about the Giants teams, right? And he said, remember last year, do you remember what we talked about down the stretch last year when we did a little playoff preview? OK, the Texas Rangers are in. They're not going to go very far because of their bullpen. Their bullpen is absolute garbage. And they're not just not going to go very far. How did that work out for them? It went great. And Flan actually said, yeah, you know why? He said, Boach managing a bullpen in October is different than Boach managing a bullpen for 162. You take that fifth starter, he then goes. And you-- there's more bullets for guys. There's more opportunities. There's more-- More off days. More off days. Yeah, and that's exactly what he said. Do you get the time off? He said that's a different animal entirely. But we-- Benny, I don't know who would start-- I don't know who would start for us. Dylan sees Game 1, Matt Waldron, Game 2, and the 3-game series. And then Michael King, and then after that, what do you do? What do you do? There's a lot of what-ifs about the San Diego Padres. And honestly, I don't think it should stop you at all from going out and being as aggressive as you're financially able to be. OK, I agree with you. Where do you focus the most aggression, though? That's the question here. I honestly think the most aggression. Let's hold on to the thought. We're going to check traffic, and we're going to discuss this coming up next year with Beno Woods on 97-3, the fan. So somehow, the Padres, despite an increasing rash of injuries, have managed to play their best baseball of the season, essentially over the last month, where they've gone from what, four or five games under 500 to four or five games over 500. And they've done it basically thanks to unlikely contributions from players that, at least as fans, we weren't expecting to see those contributions from Kyle Higashiyoka stepping up. Our guests later in the show today and hitting just a bunch of home runs that you could have never expected from the pitching staff. Now, Waldron has obviously been a huge find in addition for the San Diego Padres to try to bridge the gap. Well, Joe Musgrove and you Darvisher on the injured list. And even in the bullpen, been a couple of surprises like Jeremiah Estrada, who's pitched, well, Adrian Morrie Hone, none of us really had him figure to be a critical member of the bullpen. But that doesn't change the equation, that all three areas of the Padres, starting pitching bullpen and lineup, are being hit by injuries, and we're seeing it. We saw it on Saturday, I thought, in particular, when the Padres gave up the three in the top of the tenth and loaded the bases, scored a run. But the bottom of the line it was coming up, including Bryce Johnson, a guy who, and again, I don't have anything against Bryce Johnson, but not an everyday Major League player, not someone you want to see up in a situation like that. And it finally came to the point that in a big moment, wasn't Jirksen Profar stepping to the plate this time, wasn't Manny Machado stepping to the plate or Luis Arise, it was Bryce Johnson, and he was overmatched in that at bat. - He was, honestly, they cut to, they were making the pitching change or whatever it was, but they cut to the on deck circle. My man had his head between his legs, like he was praying at that point. - Not his fault, he's forced into a situation that you don't want him to be into, which is, okay, Padres need an outfielder. I mean, but, you know, when Will Fernando Teti's junior be back, you don't want to spend a ton of capital on a rental who then you don't need for the last month and a half of the season of the playoffs, who's just going to be maybe a bench piece. So, all right, well then you need to focus in on starting pitches where-- - You do need a bench piece, you do. - You do, it just doesn't have to be, you don't have to go get a starting caliber right fielder right now, I don't-- - Maybe not, it would help. But if it comes with the expense of a starting pitcher, - Can't do it. - You can't do that. So you need a starting pitcher right now, because Adam Major's supposed to go again tonight, against an all-star and Logan Gilbert. You can't love that matchup if you're the San Diego Padres. Randy Vasquez has pitched pretty decently the last few times out, but you're asking a lot of these guys. Michael King's innings are climbing-- - He's one over, he's one over. - Beyond where he's ever been before. So you definitely need a starting pitcher. Except maybe Joe Musgrove and you Darvish do come back later this year. And now you're adding a starting, now-- - But that's okay. - You can't count on it, but that's just depth. So maybe it's the bullpen where you need the help the most. You absolutely need a higher-end leverage reliever to add to that bullpen, which we saw over the weekend, just the massive struggles at the bullpen, especially on the back end. Except don't forget about five days ago, before we went on our 4th of July break, by the way, his bullpen was locked in better than they had been all season. I mean, they'd gone almost a week without allowing a run. And like, okay, these guys are finally coming around. AJ Preller has a dilemma on his hands, because he has needs everywhere, but he also has some guys who have performed well everywhere, which makes it really, I think, tough to decide where to prioritize your absolute biggest need going into the trade deadline. - You know, it's gotta be pitching. And, you know, start a reliever, whatever. And I know that it's different, and it's gonna, the capital's gonna be more or less for either of those positions. But our buddy, letters to AJ, who just put out, the timing is impeccable, Benny. Just put out a really, really brilliant blog, as he always does. If you're not giving him a follow, follow him on Twitter. His blog is amazing. But he said, now listen, he said interestingly, potteries have won the last six games, where either Vasquez or Maser have made the start. Well, because they scored seven, six, nine, nine, six, and 10 runs in those games. Don't see that happening tonight off of Logan Gilbert, necessarily. Stranger things have happened, but they're picking up their lower level starting pitchers with offense. Ben, he said, it doesn't look likely that the solution to the back end of the rotation woes will come from the currently rostered players. Brito sent down to AAA to stretch out as a starter Ben. He's got a 16, 20 ERA in his first two starts. He has not gotten through three innings in either start. Vasquez and Maser could take a leap. Musgrove could return. Johnny Brito could suddenly find it clicking. Those outcomes are improbable. Hoping that something improbable occurs is the opposite of a plan. It's a brilliant quote. Hope is not a strategy. It's just not. AJ Peller cannot hope. And AJ is not the kind of GM who relies on hope. He's really not. He usually is the relies on overkill. Stuff the pantry and we'll eat our way through it. Like, let's stuff the refrigerator here and somebody's going to eat it. We'll need it at some point. And I agree with that. But again, this isn't the AJ Peller of old, where he's like, yeah, I've got 30 top end prospects I can trade. You've already traded a ton. But I think the problem here is that you can only go shopping for items that are on the shelf. And there's a lot of shoppers. There's not a lot of items on the shelves. So you're going to be paying really high prices. We know that. And the more things you need to acquire, it makes it even harder to decide, well, I mean, yeah, this team wants this for my starting pitcher. But this other team wants the same thing for the relief pitcher. And this other team wants the same thing for an outfielder. I can't trade the same guy to three different teams. I got to decide which one is going to get them and which area I need to prioritize to get the player I actually want. And then maybe, you know, you get a couple of roll of the dice, you know, lesser guys, the Rich Hill, you know, G-Man Choy pickups as well. You can't-- you're not going to get a premium starter, a premium reliever, and a premium bat, you know, outfielder at the trade deadline. No team is going to get all three of those. You don't have the capital to get the best player at every position of the trade deadline here. So you're going to have to choose which area you're going to need to focus on as this trade deadline comes up. For me, it's still starting pitching. And, you know, the hope will be the strategy in some of the other areas. I know a lot of people say it's bullpen. But to me, the season falls apart fastest if you lose starting pitching. We saw it in 2021. You can't go down that road again. They need another starting pitcher. No matter how quickly they think you Darvish might come off the restricted list, or Joe Musgrove could return in August. You can't, like you said, hope is not a strategy, especially when it comes to starting pitching. You know, the guys down there, the Yuki Matsui's of the world, the Wandy Peraltas of the world, the Enniel de los Santos's of the world. I mean, they're here. You know, Wandy's here for a while. He needs to make an adjustment, get something figured out, easy for me to sit here in my chair and say that. But we are counting on those guys for big innings, you know, down the stretch. Again, with the lack of starting pitching, the bullpen has really, really got to step up here. And if not, you know, they need to be replaced. But how do you replace them? Offensively, the problem here is Zander Bogart's is about ready to return. It could happen in the next couple of days, could happen by Friday. It could happen today, today. He's in town, right? He's in town, he did. Went 2-4-11 in his AAA rehab with El Paso, had a double in his last start, so. - Got Sullivan posted a picture on his Instagram story. - Oh, yeah. - With Zander, this kid and all the guys in there. - But here's the thing. This doesn't solve any of your problems. - Bring Zander back. - Well, it's not just that he can't pitch, but who does it then push to the bench? - I know. - You could put, okay, put Jake back to second and Luis Arise can DH. And that's if Manny is healthy enough to play third because if he's not and needs a day off, then Manny needs to DH, which means Zander coming back, just pushes Zander, Jake, or Arise to the bench, and that's not good for your offense. You need someone who can play the outfield. Is there someone who can play out of position? I mean, I love Donovan Solano's bat. Where are you gonna put him in the line? You gonna put him out in the outfield? Can he play outfield? I mean, David Peralta has been out there against righties. You can put him out there, you know, a little bit in the outfield and not think it's gonna be a disaster, but against Arise to have a leftie out there like, you know, Bryce Johnson's your best field here, but he gives you nothing offensively. - Gimme Crow. Gimme Crow to worth out there in right field, holding it down. - Aggie's been playing, I think, one day in the outfield in Triple A. - How about a guy? You had a guy at third for right fields. Got a great arm, but is he ready on the big league level after one day in the outfield? - People are saying, "Kim to the bench." I don't know that you can yank your, and I know he's-- - Zander back to short and Kim to the bench? - Maybe. - Maybe. - Kim is a bench player. - Kim to the outfield. - Kim to the outfield. - They talked about it. - When they first acquired him. - They did. - And then they never did it. You just, Zander coming back, while it's great to have Zander back, especially if he can perform at all like Zander offensively, doesn't really solve your problem. And that is, you're an outfielder short still until Fernando Teti's junior returns. - Yeah, it's tough, man, it's tough. But again, the offense, you can figure out a way to get your best bats in the lineup. That, you can figure it out. That is one thing you can figure out. You have, you have good-- - Not really, though, as long as you need three outfielders out there. - But guys, you need days off. - Guys need days off, it's-- - Still, with, until Teti's comes back, you need three outfielders. And one of them is not gonna be a great offensive player. And perhaps not even a great defensive player either is the problem. And Zander coming back doesn't solve that issue. - So you look at tonight. This is looking tonight against a tough right-hander. - Right. - David Peralt is your right fielder tonight. - Maybe. - Or, well, I mean, Bryce Johnson has been out there a ton because Mike Shilth trusses defense. - Defense. Yeah. - I mean, how many runs do you need without a measure on the mound? Is it six? Is it eight? Is it ten? Now, Seattle has not been good offensively. Maybe this is the game where Adam Major can get locked in and hold them to a couple of runs and give you a chance to win a lower scoring game 'cause you're probably not gonna score a ton against an all-star like Logan Gilbert. Just not, it's a tough dilemma that A.J. Peralar is in here right now with his roster. - It is. Yeah, I mean, look, Timmy and everybody wants them on the bench, you know? He's still got ten bombs. He's stolen 17 bags. He's hitting batteries. Not chasing. - He's been pretty darn good. - He's not striking out. He's walking the ball. - He's very on the ball. - Lately, I mean, I don't want to take hustle and come out of the lineup right now. - I really, way better than he was earlier in the season. - I really don't either. I really, really don't either. And again, look, he's a better defensive shortstop than anybody else that we have right now. And I know he hasn't had his best year defensively, but he is a better defensive shortstop than anybody else. - Jose says the infielder be fresher with Zanderback. Great. That's true. You can get days off for Manny and Jake and Louisa Rhine. - But then they're out of the lineup. - But then they're out of the lineup. And you still have either Bryce Johnson in there or you have David Peralta's defense in there. And let's be honest, David Peralta have one big home run. - Yeah. - It hasn't exactly been Donovan Solano in terms of the pickup. Solano is an unbelievable pickup. - Yeah. - Pickup by AJ Preller. Unbelievably good. Can't believe that guy wasn't on another team at any point. Just maybe under the radar pickup of the year in Major League Baseball. - Yeah, he's been great. He's been great. - But David Peralta hasn't been that good. - No. - Had a really big home run. That was great. - Yeah, that was awesome. - I like him. I love his attitude. - I do too. He's great, great piece to have. - Not an image. Not an everyday player. Bryce Johnson's not an everyday player. Tyler Wade's not an everyday player. One of them has to be in the lineup every day though because you need an outfielder out there. Unless you're playing someone out of position, which they have not done yet for the most part. - Yeah. Yeah, it's a tough call. But I mean, again, I was just scrolling through this blog again, talking about Major. I mean, he gives up a ton of hard hit balls. I mean, again, it's your chart. - You're talking to the, you know. - Yeah, yeah. - The Major shouldn't be here number one, waving that flag for a long time. - Yeah, and then I think the Padres know it too. - Yeah, they still have any other options. - Jennifer says trade for Randy Orosarino. - Okay, well that, Rosarino's been not good this year. That makes him available and maybe lowers the price tag. - A little. - But let's say you focus and do that. Okay, so now you've got Randy Orosarino in your lineup for the next month. Then Tati's comes back. Well, what about the other holes then you did a fill? - What about Tearso Ornelle? - Tearso Ornelle, yeah. - He's been mashing right now. - Give him a shot, give him a shot. What's, we get hurt, man. You'll go for broke, you know? Swings it from the left side, doesn't he? - I don't know. Is that go for broke or is that just hoping? - That's hoping. - That's hoping. - That's not a strategy. - Don't we always, don't we definitely feel that he's a better option at the dish than Bryce Johnson? - Probably, yes. - You know, I found myself kind of softening on the Garrett Crochet idea, but does Tommy Pham also being on that team, possibly make it an enticing trade package for each of his problems? - Tommy Pham's like pretty ideal. 'Cause he can start every day and then he would be a good bench. - Yeah. - You know, fiery guy for a playoff run. I mean, not the worst idea. - Yeah. - I'd say they have to package the Crochet. - But here's the deal. - Just get Tommy Pham. - When you have Crochet, I was dealing with a guy about it last night. He said we should be skipping measure and starting king on four days rest. I said, Michael King is not the guy they're gonna ride. He's already one inning over his career high. Now he's been really good and I love him and I think he's, I'm confident when he's on the mound. I really am. - They love to see a chance to push back king and skip him and he'll probably be at the back of the rotation when they come out of the old stubborn. - Maybe even September, not necessarily July. - Yes, yeah, 100%. So it looked like Texas may be open for business soon, Ben. There's a couple of names on there that could be interesting, but AJ's dude is promise you. He's not sleeping much right now. Because again, we said this yesterday, I know you agree with this. Every year, AJ has gone for it. Do you agree that this team of all teams that we've seen in the last six years that we've uncovered? Don't they deserve a shot? - They deserve. - They deserve it. - They do, they really, they've earned it. - Yes, they may not be the most talented, but they're not. - They earned it. - But they have certainly earned some faith and some backing from the front office. - Yeah, no doubt. - All right, we'll come back. Jesse Agler's gonna join us in our eight o'clock hour. Don't forget Kyle Higashioka in studio in our nine o'clock hour all ahead with Ben & Woodson, 97.3, the fam. (upbeat music) All right, we are halfway home on a Tuesday. Ben & Wood's 97.3, the fan. The flan yesterday, Tim Flannery joined us. I didn't even make that show. - You never not won, even the flan. - No, 97.3, the flan. I didn't do it. He was spectacular. One of those, look, I rarely say, "Hey, you need to go back and listen." If you missed it, you need to go back and listen. It was really, really good stuff. The stories he told from his many, many years in the big leagues were just spectacular. The Boats stories, I mean, Benny, I'll tell you one of the men I'll introduce to the show. I'm Woodsy, that's Paul Reindel, the executive producer. You are Benjamin Higgins, your friendly neighborhood sports anchor. They, there's a really great story he told, 'cause we were talking about bunting. And he was the bun doctor. He was the guy who had to teach all the pictures how to bun. - You're the bunt hater. - Hater. - The bunt hater. - Talk word. - Yeah. I've just leaned into the bid at this point. The other night when Crody had that safety squeeze, my Twitter feed just went, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. And I'm like, bunting for a hit is cool, bunting for a hit is cool. Flan, you know, there was different. Pictures had to hit, so he had to teach them to bun. - I mean, compared to most teams, I think the potters are pretty good bunters, actually. - Yeah, they get it down. - They get the job done most of the time. - A lot of times they want to. - They don't get the run in, though. And for me, it's always situational. It's always situational, like, like, like Jerkson. You know, we're down to nothing in the fifth. You're my three-hole hitter. I need you, I need you Hackett, bro. And he's like, that's the way we play, that's the way I've played in Curacao. Mike Schilt, let's be played that way. Great, okay. So it's funny, we asked Flan about Boach and what were his thoughts. The giants of old, they had a team meeting without Boach. Just the players, and they said, hey, we're going to bunt more. But bunt on your own, they don't tell the manager. And Flan said, because their pitching was so good, he's like, we're in Colorado. And Marco Scudero lays down a sack bunt in the third inning. And Boach is like, screaming at me. He's like hanging over the dudger, hanging over the dudger. - He's hanging over the dudger. - He played for it. - What did you call that? He goes, I didn't call it. He goes, so they, after the game, he goes into Boach. He goes, they had a meeting without you, dude. I had nothing to do. They're doing this on their own. They wanted to get all of their starting pitchers a run or two, because they knew that the guys would go out and shove. They wanted to get him a lead. And he's like, yeah, they had a meeting behind your back. That's how, because they wanted to bunt more. So it was just, it was great. The stories, the insight, all of that was spectacular yesterday. I really, really enjoyed that. So go back and listen, if you are so able. - I mean, I can see the appeal as a player, especially if you're a good bunter. It's a low risk way to make you feel like you're helping your team. - It is such a lift to get the Aspats after that. - Yep. - That was a great job. - You get the Pat's on the back. You move the runner in a scoring position. And you know what you do? You put the pressure squarely on someone else. - The next guy. - The next guy. - You now has to come in with two outs and try to get a single and drive in that runner from second base. - Did my job? - I don't know that that's your job, though, is a major league baseball player. Maybe it's a college baseball player. - Not a three hole player. - Maybe it's a little leaguer, but as a major league baseball player, your job is not to pass the buck to someone else to come through an even tougher pressure situation without two outs and a guy on second. Thanks a lot, dude. I guarantee you that there are some thoughts in the head of a guy in the index circle going, I don't want you to bump this guy over to second and add to what is already a pressure out back for me. Thanks a lot. - I know, I know. And again, it was fantastic stuff. And again, guys are trying to do a lot. And he was talking about the Padres approach this year. He said it's the same type of guys that they had with giants. They just want to feel like they're helping. And so inherently, it's a good thing, right? They want to feel like they're doing their job and getting guys in, getting guys over. Problem is you got to get those guys in. You know, once you get them over, you got to get them in. And that's been a little bit of a bugaboo. I was texting with Jesse Agler. We're going to be joined by Jesse in about 30 minutes. I texted him the other day in the middle of a game about bunting. And he starts firing stats at me about Profar. And I think Profar's been successful. I think we scored runs 50% of the time with him and maybe 33% of the time when Merrill did it. And he's like, I see what you're saying, but I think it's recency bias on your part. - All right, Joey in the chat says, that's what taking a walk is Benjamin. Passing, essentially passing the buck onto the next guy. No, no, no. A walk doesn't add to the three precious outs. - Correct, it doesn't give up an ounce. - It doesn't count against your outs. A sacrifice bunt does. It's a third of your out, 33%. - I play with Joey. - With your valuable outs. - Joey does not like to walk. So I know I know exactly where he's coming from. - I'm okay with walks. Walks are good. - A sacrifice bunt. So I tend to think towards Woods' side of the equation. - Yeah, they're just that valuable. - And it's time and play, certainly. First and second, eighth inning, ninth inning. You're up one, down one, no problem. Man, drop it down, see the next guy can get it over or get him in. No big deal, especially if it's Tyler Wade, if it's Bryce Johnson, you know, whatever, fine. But if it's your some Profar and Jackson Merrill, now what's your swing in the bat? Man, even child, I want your swing in the bat. Fernando Tatiz, Xander Bogart. So what's swing in the bat? That's what you get paid. You don't pay the best bunters on the planet, $30 million a year or two. Blink to get the asspats after moving the guy over. - Do you hate the extra inning runner on second, bunting him over to third? - I kind of do. - It was top of the inning or bottom of the inning. - All right, so. - Well, if you're playing for a tie, then you want to maybe get, but he's in score. - Bottom of the inning, yeah, yeah. He's in scoring position. - I generally think it's not a great idea because, all right, let's say you're the top of the inning. I think the only argument would be, all right, it's the top of the inning. - Or the bit. - We got our closer, we still haven't used our closer. - Right, he's ready to go. - And he could possibly strand that runner out at second. So if we get our runner in, we got a chance to win it. But if it's the bottom of the inning, you've already probably used your closer. So it's more than likely you're gonna need two runs to win the game, not one. And a bunt moving a guy over from second to third. He's not helping you score the two runs you probably need to win that game. So you're generally not in favor of. - You're banking on him scoring on the fly, the sack fries, which is not here until now. - Yeah. - Whereas he's gonna probably score on a base hit from second. - No, yeah, more than likely. - More than likely unless it's shallow, but then you have two on with nobody out. Like, I'm with you on that. - Yeah, I just, again, you know, if you're, if it's one nothing in the, one nothing in the 10th inning and you're on second base and you have a chance to move him over, maybe try it, but also you can hit a single and you're probably gonna score. It's just giving up outs, they're so precious. And I think, like I said, time and place for it. Time and place, certainly. But yeah, people in the chat talking about Zander Bogart's coming back, we've been talking about that this morning. Yeah, I mean, again, your hope for Zander is that he returns to even just a little bit of the form that he had while he was in Boston. I hope this time away did him some good. Watching how his guys have grinded and, you know, played without him, wanting to be a part of that. I have a good feeling about it. I said it last week. I don't know why I do, I just do. I have a feeling he's gonna come back and play well. I've eaten my words many times. I don't want to eat them this time. I want to be right. - I would expect him to be activated like possibly today. - Yeah. - I mean, if he's in town, he was in El Paso over the weekend on a rehab assignment. So he's, we know he's in San Diego. He wouldn't be here if he wasn't gonna disagree with you, Woods, but I would caution Padres fans to have a little patience. - You're gonna have to. - When it comes to Zander coming back. If he doesn't look like Zander in the first week, like before the All-Star break, doesn't mean he won't ever. He hasn't played in, you know, a couple of months. Wasn't necessarily locked in before that either. You're gonna have to give him some time. He went down to AAA. What does he play? Three games in AAA? - Not that it matters, but forgive me if I'm wrong. Wasn't he starting to heat up when he got hurt? - He was starting to heat up a little bit. Yeah, he was definitely swinging about a little bit better, but to think that he's gonna come back, you know, Tati's is especially, you know, earlier in his career, had a couple of stints where he'd come off, injured list, not playing or COVID, and then have a three-home run game, two-home run game, will look incredible. That's the anomaly. What usually happens is guys take a few days against Big League pitching now to kind of get their timing. Everything locked in. I don't think that you can fairly expect Xander to just come in, guns ablazing, and, you know, putting up a 950 OPS for the first, you know, five games here before the All-Star break. If in fact, he is back today, maybe it's tomorrow, maybe it's Friday. I don't know when it's gonna be. Does seem like it's gonna be sooner, though, rather than later here. - Yeah, I mean, look, it's, it's, at some point he needs to start playing like the guy that we went out and signed, the Silver Slugger, Xander Bogart's. And, you know, with the injury, he's healthy. I know he wasn't lighting the world on fire in El Paso. It doesn't mean anything. We've seen the opposite happen. Guys light it up in El Paso. Can't hit Big League pitching. Xander has a track record. Not so far in San Diego, really. I mean, he was okay last year. Like he was better than people I think gave him credit for. But yeah, we need that from him, man. Because again, he's been a guy that's been through the Stretch runs and World Series and all that. Like he's a winner. Like he knows exactly what it takes. So the fact that he's coming back in the next couple of days, I think I'm gonna rest on the side of, I'm excited about it. This is good for the team. Yeah, it's gonna make Mike Schild's job and AJ Preller's job with the holistic lineup a little bit more difficult, but it also lengthens your lineup when you get a guy like that back. So I realized that there's a weird position shortage there. But it's up to them to figure it out. And if not, they're gonna have to find somebody bend to replace, to replace the guys out in the outfield. But I'm totally with you. I just, I'm gonna err on the side of you. He's gonna come back and hopefully do some damage. Keep in mind, Padres are gonna be going up against some tough pitching for this last week before the All-Star break. We mentioned today Logan Gilbert for the Mariners. He's an All-Star, really excited. There was a video of him calling you his family and letting him know that he made the All-Star team. Tomorrow is Bryce Miller. Another good young pitcher for the Mariners who's got a sub for ERA, maybe not dominant, but certainly has been a solid starting pitcher now for going on two seasons for the Seattle Mariners. And then this weekend, you've got the Atlanta Braves. Now, they've tinkered with their rotation a little bit, including Chris Sale got skipped over yesterday, but he is supposed to pitch today, which would put him in line to pitch on Sunday against Dylan Sees. The other two, a little more up in the air. Right now, ESPN has Spencer Schwellenbach listed for Friday night's game. He is a right-hander. I am and they have-- Sounds like a two-hit shutout. Yeah, and then they have Renaldo Lopez, who's been very good. Really good. Scheduled for Saturday's game for the Braves to wrap up the first half of the season. The converted reliever that everyone was worried about, he wasn't gonna be able to handle the starting pitcher workload, and he has done that and then some for the Atlanta Braves. So, yeah, man, it does not get any easier for this team. And I just, I said it yesterday, Ben, and you weren't here. Razor's Edge, you know, really. I do feel like they are on the Razor's Edge right now, with all the injuries, with you being on the restricted list. The depth issues right now, I do feel like it's a little bit of a Razor's Edge. It can really-- And give them credit. I mean, if they happen for a while-- Usually when a team's on that Razor's Edge of injury, you're hoping they can tread water. And they've actually done better than that. Despite the injuries, they play good baseball. But that hasn't taken them off the Razor's Edge. Correct. Still squarely there. It's a teeter. Getting Bogart's help, as we mentioned earlier, gets-- it helps a little bit. But doesn't really address any of the real issues, which is outfield, bullpen, and starting pitching. None of those issues are addressed by the return of Xander Bogart's this week now. Not really. Not really at all. All right, coming up in this half of the program, mention our guest, Jesse Agler, Kyle Higashioka. Also has some giveaways. We've got some potrace tickets to give away coming up against the Seattle Mariners for tomorrow's game. That's one of those not-quite-day, not-quite-night games tomorrow. I'll be there. It's a 340-40 first pitch. It's the 1984 day. They're honoring the 1984 team, Tim Flannery. You're going to sing the National Anthem tomorrow. Oh, very nice. Play the National Anthem. Yeah, play it and sing it. Very cool. We're going to do the whole family going. Can't wait. But when we come back, speaking of playing, we're going to give away some tickets to John Fogarty at the show. Name that tune. And Woodsie's got his guitar here for Kyle Higashioka's appearance. We're going to play a little John Fogarty. Name that tune. But remember, it's not going to sound exactly like John Fogarty because it's Woods. Yeah, I'm not that good. So you can have to try to think deeply and identify the Fogarty song. But if you want to get on the line and be a contestant, we need a full line of contestants because get one guess. Woodsie plays the tune. Name it, and you can win the tickets coming up next. 833-288-097-3, 833-288-097-3. You're going to take on Woods with Woods coming up next, 97-3 the fan. Tell me about your guitar, the one you brought in Woods. By the way, you can call in right now for your chance to win the Fogarty tickets by identifying Woods playing Fogarty/CCR here in a couple of minutes. But this is a fairly special guitar. Yeah, it is. So we've all heard the story of the Terminator, right? We tell it every year. Christmas, Christmas, holiday, extravaganza. I really wanted electric guitar when I was a little kid. And my dad for Christmas bought me a guitar called the Terminator. And it was a nine-volt battery-powered electric guitar with a speaker that was built-in like in the upper right part of it. And I was so disappointed. Because I'm in 80s. Yes, it's like I was in, I was probably 12, you know? So yeah, I mean, I just wanted to play poison and rat and everything else. It's like the play-school version of it. Yeah, that's exactly what it was. It was like the play-school version. You know, my old man was doing his best. He didn't know. And I remember being so disappointed. And of course, we've had so much fun with it over the years. So one year, he, for my birthday, he said, hey, meet me for lunch. I said, all right, so I went and had lunch with him. I was working like, I think I was in radio sales at the time and he says, come meet me for lunch. So I met him and he goes, oh, before you leave, I got a birthday present for you. So I go out to the car, he opens up the trunk and there's this case with this, it says Fender on it. And I went, oh, what the hell is this? And I open it up and there's this beautiful, beautiful Fender Stratocaster in there. American-made, it is stunning. It is a beautiful guitar. Now, it's completely wasted on me because I am straight rhythm. I don't really, I don't play a lot of licks and stuff. (guitar music) - Cry or sing. - I don't make it cry or sing. I'm strictly rhythm, but I love it. And I will pass it down to one of my kids who ever wants it, and it's just a beautiful thing. Now, the funny story is it's because it's my dad. He got a deal on it. - 'Cause an old guitar is all he can afford. (laughing) - So he was in, I think he was in Chicago and he was like, I'm gonna go walk in this guitar store. I've got some time to kill. And there was this guitar and it's cool. It's like, what color would you say that is? - I'd call that almost a baby blue. - Baby blue, mint. - Not like mint. - Mint. So he walks in and there was like, he started talking to the guys like my son plays and I wanna get-- - Perry Winkle. - Yeah, Perry Winkle. And he says, I wanna give him a guitar. And he goes, you know what's funny? He goes, I'll make you a good deal on this one. I made this for J. Guiles. From the J. Guiles. - Wow. - And he didn't like-- - Centerful. - He didn't like the color. Like he, there was something about it. He didn't like it. He's like, ah, so they sold it. So my dad got a good deal on it because it's my dad. My dad and I are very, very alike. It's scary. So, I mean, bro, I'll take it. I'll absolutely take it. But it's a beautiful, beautiful guitar and I wish I was better at playing it. - So you brought it in. We've got Kyle Lagashyoka, who's also a guitar player. - Yeah, he's like, he's like, he's supposed to join us in studio in our next hour. We thought, well, we're giving away these Fogarty tickets. Coming to the radio show on September 4th, tickets are on sale now at But we thought, why not do something fun to give them away? So we got collars on the line. We're going to bring you on the air. Woods is going to play like kind of like two-second song version, a lick. - Yeah, like two-second song. - And you need to identify the Fogarty/CCR song that he's trying to play at least for your chance to win. So let's bring on our first contestant. We got Andrew. Andrew, you there? - I'm here. - All right. If you can identify the Fogarty song here, then you can win the tickets. Woodsie, you are up. Andrew, listen closely. (upbeat music) Not bad. I kind of got it. Andrew, what song is that? - Come on. (singing in foreign language) - Yes, sir! - One and one and one. - Look at that. - Well done, Andrew. Stand the line. Paul will get your information. (upbeat music) ♪ I've never been the biggest Fogarty ♪ ♪ I've seen trouble all my way ♪ - Never been the biggest Fogarty. (laughing) - Okay, can we talk about centerfield? - We can. It's an awkward baseball song. It doesn't quite resonate with a like a real die-hard baseball fan. I think it's supposed to, but I don't quite feel it. I don't feel his love for baseball, necessarily in that song. - My six-year-old loves it. - Love? - Yeah, it's the kind of target demographic from centerfield, isn't it? - Do you think he hates playing it? - 'Cause my guess is that he absolutely does. - Maybe. - Yeah, I get the sense that he doesn't love it. - Let's do karaoke. Do you know the words? - Yeah, I think, oh. (singing in foreign language) ♪ I'm coming out today ♪ ♪ Born again, there's new grass on the field ♪ ♪ Around the third, I'm heading for home ♪ ♪ It's a brown-eyed handsome man ♪ ♪ Anyone can understand the way I feel ♪ ♪ Oh, put me in coach ♪ ♪ I'm ready to play ♪ ♪ Today ♪ ♪ Put me in coach ♪ ♪ I'm ready to play ♪ ♪ Today ♪ ♪ Look at me ♪ ♪ I can be ♪ ♪ Centerfield ♪ - Maybe part of it is that-- - I like the better that version. - You like this version. - You don't just go in and play centerfield without ever having played it before. At least that's what I thought until this year when Jackson Merrill did it and became an all-star by just basically saying, "Put me in coach, look at me." - Yeah. - I can be centerfield. - I don't think that's how it went down. - I think that's what your play centerfield-- - You can be. Look at you, Jackson. You can be centerfield. - And he said, "Oh, okay, put me in coach. "I can do this." - Well, Andrew, stay on the line. We'll get you those tickets. I'm looking at the set list. You will in fact hear centerfield. - Centerfield. - Oh, you will. - Based on previous shows of what Fogarty's been playing on tour. - It doesn't mean he doesn't hate playing it though. - Right, I was just curious if he's even gonna play it at all, but it looks like I looked through like four or five different shows recently from last month. - Yeah. - There's a checklist, top to bottom, and it's right there in the middle. - That thing out of tune. So we should tune that thing. Yeah, I've got a tuner. I'll tune it for Kyle. So it sounds good, all right. - That was well done though by Andrew. - Yeah, very sharp. And I thought you did a really nice job of making that song identifiable. - I'll just tune it live on the air. Gotta break if you wanna maybe just tune a little bit. How do you know what's, do you have a, how does that work? - This is a little tuner. - Does it like can identify the different notes and to make sure they're correct? - Oh. - I never knew how that worked. I thought you just had to know exactly what let's see sound of that. - Well, some people do. - I do not. - Pitch perfect. - Oh yeah, you're not. - Pitch perfect. - They can tune it by ear, I cannot. - What's this gonna tune as guitar? We'll come back. Jesse Agler is gonna join us. The voice of the pot raised. We need an Incorporated word. If you wanna throw one into the chat, during our break, please do. We would love the suggestion. Jesse coming up next on San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3 the fan. (upbeat music) Don't forget you can listen to Sam Levitt's podcast inside San Diego baseball. Sam covers everything going on with the pot raised. Just find it at The Odyssey app wherever you get your podcast that includes segments from the pre and the post game show Sammy's Always Doing. All kinds of interviews down on the field and you can get that at your convenience by downloading the free Odyssey app. All right, it is a Tuesday. We got Jesse Agler standing by to talk some pot raised baseball. He will join us right after a check of traffic here on 97.3 the fan. So I tweeted on a Friday night when the pot raised dramatically one 10 to eight on the Manny Machado walking off home run. Hey, better than a seven to two win. And of course he gets a pushback because obviously he had to use more bullpen arms. He stressed everybody out. But I think for an announcer, absolutely a seven to two no drama win at the end provides no opportunity to shine the way Jesse Agler was able to shine on Friday night in what was one of the wildest innings of the Major League Baseball season. And Jesse joins us right now here on a Tuesday on 97.3. The fan. Good morning, Jesse. - Good morning. Yeah, that was, that's one we'll remember for a very, very, very long time. - Now while it's happening, it's not that fun because you're looking like, oh, this. - Now with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories, and breaking news right on your home field. Follow the action with Game 10 where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus notifications can keep you connected to every pitch, every hit, every game, the MLB app. Baseball your way, download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. 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Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast ad. (upbeat music) - Baseball coverage in '97 through the FANIS presented by T-Mobile, switch to T-Mobile. You can get tons of benefits. They'll save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon. Use their savings calculator to find out how at Potterys have some clear needs going into the trade deadline later this month, but not as clear as exactly the best way to try to fill them. It's not as simple as go out and get this, this, this, and you're done because they also have players who may or may not be returning that can impact the decisions that AJ Preller needs to make over the next couple of weeks. - It's interesting you say that because yesterday Tim Flannery then talked about, we asked him about the Giants teams, right? And he said, "Remember last year. "Do you remember what we talked about "down the stretch last year "when we did a little playoff preview? "Okay, the Texas Rangers are in. "They're not going to go very far because of their bullpen. "Their bullpen is absolute garbage. "And they're not just not going to go very far "how'd that work out for them?" And he went, "Great." And Flan actually said, "Yeah, you know why?" He said, "Boach managing a bullpen in October "is different than Boach managing a bullpen for 162. "You take that fifth starter, he then goes, "and you, you, there's more bullets for guys. "There's more opportunities. "There's more-- - More off days. - More off days, yeah. And yeah, that's exactly what he said. Do you get the time off?" He said, "It's a different animal entirely." But we, Benny, I don't know who would start, I don't know who would start for us, you know, Dylan C's game one, Matt Walger in game two in the three game series, and then, and Michael King. And then after that, you know, what do you do? What do you do? There's a lot of what ifs about the San Diego Padres. And honestly, I don't think it should stop you at all from going out and being as aggressive as you're financially able to be. - But where, okay, I agree with you. Where do you focus the most aggression though? That's the question here. - I honestly think the most aggression-- - Let's hold on to the thought. We're gonna check traffic, and we're gonna discuss this coming up next year with Beno Woods on 97.3, the fan. So somehow, the Padres, despite an increasing rash of injuries, have managed to play their best baseball of the season, essentially over the last month where they've gone from, what, four or five games under 500 to four or five games over 500. And they've done it basically thanks to unlikely contributions from players that at least as fans, we weren't expecting to see those contributions from Kyle Higashiyoka. Stepping up, our guests later in the show today, and hitting just a bunch of home runs that you could have never expected from the pitching staff. Matt Walteran has obviously been a huge find in addition for the San Diego Padres to try to bridge the gap while Joe Musgrove and you Darvisher on the injured list. And even in the bullpen, been a couple of surprises like Jeremiah Estrada, who's pitched well, Adrian Morihone, none of us really had him figure to be a critical member of the bullpen. But that doesn't change the equation, that all three areas of the Padres, starting pitching bullpen and lineup, are being hit by injuries and we're seeing it. We saw it on Saturday, I thought in particular, when the Padres gave up the three in the top of the tenth and loaded the bases, scored a run. But the bottom of the line it was coming up, including Bryce Johnson, a guy who, and again, I don't have anything against Bryce Johnson, but not an everyday major league player, not someone you want to see up in a situation like that. And it finally came to the point that in a big moment, wasn't Jerrickson Profar stepping to the plate this time? Wasn't Manny Machado stepping to the plate or Luis Arise? It was Bryce Johnson and he was overmatched in that at bat. - He was, honestly, they cut to, they were making the pitching change or whatever it was, but they cut to the on deck circle. My man had his head between his legs, like he was praying at that point. - Not his fault, he's forced into a situation that you don't want him to be into, which is okay, Padres need an outfielder. - Yeah. - But, you know, when Will Fernando Tetis Jr. be back, you don't want to spend a ton of capital on a rental who then you don't need for the last month and a half of the season of the playoffs, who's just going to be maybe a bench piece. So, all right, well, then you need to focus in on starting pitches. - You do need a bench piece. - Well, you do, it just doesn't have to be, you don't have to go get a starting caliber right fielder right now, I don't-- - Maybe not, it would help, but if it comes at the expense of a starting pitcher-- - You can't do it. - You can't do that. So, you need a starting pitcher right now, because Adam Mayes, you're supposed to go again tonight, against an all-star and Logan Gilbert. You can't love that matchup if you're the San Diego Padres. Randy Vasquez has pitched pretty decently the last few times out, but you're asking a lot of these guys. Michael King's innings are climbing-- - He's one over, he's one over. - Beyond where he's ever been before. So, you definitely need a starting pitcher, except maybe Joe Musgrove and you Darvish do come back later this year. And now you're adding a starting, now-- - But that's okay. - You can't count on it, but that's just depth. So, maybe it's the bullpen where you need the help the most. You absolutely need a higher-end leverage reliever to add to that bullpen, which we saw over the weekend, just the massive struggles at the bullpen, especially on the back end. Except, don't forget, about five days ago, before we went on our 4th of July break, batteries, bullpen was locked in, better than they had been all season. I mean, they'd gone almost a week without allowing a run, and like, okay, these guys are finally coming around. AJ Preller has a dilemma on his hands, because he has needs everywhere, but he also has some guys who have performed well everywhere, which makes it really, I think, tough to decide where to prioritize your absolute biggest need going into the trade deadline. - You know, it's gotta be pitching, and start a reliever, whatever. And I know that's different, and the capital's gonna be more or less for either of those positions, but our buddy, Letters to AJ, who just put out, the timing is impeccable, Benny, just put out a really, really brilliant blog, as he always does. If you're not giving him a follow-up on Twitter, his blog is amazing, but he said, now listen, he said interestingly, the potteries have won the last six games, where either Vasquez or Mazer have made the start. Well, because they scored seven, six, nine, nine, six, and 10 runs in those games. Don't see that happening tonight off of Logan Gilbert, necessarily. Stranger things have happened, but they're picking up their lower-level starting pitchers with offense, Ben. He said, it doesn't look likely that the solution to the back end of the rotation woes will come from the currently-rostered players. Brito sent down to AAA to stretch out as a starter, Ben. He's got a 16-20 ERA in his first two starts. He has not gotten through three innings and either start. Vasquez and Mazer could take a leap. Musgrove could return. Johnny Brito could suddenly find it clicking. Those outcomes are improbable, hoping that something improbable occurs is the opposite of a plan. It's a brilliant quote. Hope is not a strategy. It's just not. A.J. Peller cannot hope. And A.J. is not the kind of GM who relies on hope. He's really not. He usually relies on overkill. Stuff the pantry and we'll eat our way through it. Like, let's stuff the refrigerator here and somebody's gonna eat it. We'll need it at some point. And I agree with that. But again, this isn't the A.J. Peller of old, where he's like, yeah, I've got 30 top-end prospects I can trade. You've already traded a ton. But I think the problem here is that you can only go shopping for items that are on the shelves. Correct. And there's a lot of shoppers. There's not a lot of items on the shelves. So you're gonna be paying really high prices. We know that. And the more things you need to acquire, it makes it even harder to decide, well, I mean, yeah, this team wants this for my starting pitcher, but this other team wants the same thing for the relief pitcher. And this other team wants the same thing for an outfielder. I can't trade the same guy to three different teams. I gotta decide which one is going to get them and which area I need to prioritize to get the player I actually want. And then maybe, you know, you get a couple of roll the dice, you know, lesser guys, the Rich Hill, you know, G-Man Choy pickups as well. You can't, you're not gonna get a premium starter, a premium reliever and a premium bat, you know, outfielder at the trade deadline. No team is going to get all three of those. You don't have the capital to get the best player at every position of the trade deadline here. So you're gonna have to choose which area you're going to need to focus on as this trade deadline comes up. For me, it's still starting pitching. And, you know, the hope will be the strategy in some of the other areas. I know a lot of people say it's bullpen, but to me, the season falls apart fastest if you lose starting pitching. We saw it in 2021, you can't go down that road again. They need another starting pitcher, no matter how quickly they think you Darvish might come off the restricted list or Joe Musgrove could return in August. You can't, like you said, hope is not a strategy, especially when it comes to starting pitching. - You know, the guys down there, the Yuki Matsui's of the world, the Wandy Peraltas of the world, the Enniel de Los Santos is of the world. I mean, they're here, you know, Wandy's here for a while. He needs to make an adjustment, get something figured out, easy for me to sit here in my chair and say that, but we are counting on those guys for big innings, you know, down the stretch. Again, with the lack of starting pitching, the bullpen has really, really got to step up here. And if not, you know, they need to be replaced, but how do you replace them? - Offensively, the problem here is Zander Bogart's is about ready to return. - It could happen in the next couple of days, could happen by Friday. - It could happen today. - Like today. - He's in town, right? - He's in town, he did. - He went two for 11 in his AAA rehab with El Paso, had a double in his last start, so. - That Sullivan posted a picture on his Instagram story. - Oh, yeah. - With Zander and all the guys in there. - But here's the thing, this doesn't solve any of your problems. - Bring Zander back. - Well, it's not just that he can't pitch, but who does it then push to the bench? - I know. - You can put, okay. But Jake back to second, and Luis Arise can DH, and that's if Manny is healthy enough to play third, because if he's not and needs a day off, then Manny needs to DH, which means Zander coming back, just pushes Zander, Jake, or Arise to the bench, and that's not good for your offense. You need someone who can play the outfield. Is there someone who can play out of position? I mean, I love Donovan Solano's bat, where are you gonna put him in the line? Are you gonna put him out in the outfield? Can he play outfield? I mean, David Peralta has been out there against righties. You can put him out there a little bit in the outfield and not think it's gonna be a disaster, but against a rightie to have a leftie out there, like Bryce Johnson's your best field here, but he gives you nothing offensively. - Gimme Crow. - Gimme Crow to work out there in right field, holding it down. - Aggie's been playing, I think, one day in the outfield in Triple A. - How's the guy? - He had a third for right field. He got a great arm, but is he ready on the big league level after one day in the outfield? - People are saying, Kim, to the bench, I don't know that you can yank your, and I know he's-- - Xander back to short and Kim to the bench? - Maybe. - Maybe. - Kim is a bench player. - Kim to the outfield. - Kim to the outfield. - They talked about it. - They did. - When they first acquired him. - They did. - And then they never did it. You just, Xander coming back, while it's great to have Xander back, especially if he can perform it all like Xander offensively, doesn't really solve your problem, and that is you're an outfielder short still until Fernando Teti's junior return. - Yeah, it's tough, man. It's tough, but again, the offense, you can figure out a way to get your best bats in the lineup. That, you can figure it out. That is one thing you can figure out. You have, you have good-- - Exactly. - As long as you need three outfielders out there. - But guys, you need days off. Guys need days off, it's-- - Still, with Intel Teti's comes back, you need three outfielders, and one of them is not gonna be a great offensive player. And perhaps not even a great defensive player either is the problem. And Xander coming back doesn't solve that issue. - So you look at tonight. This is looking tonight against a tough right-hander. - Right. David Peralt is your right fielder tonight. - Maybe. - You should be. - Or, well, I mean, Bryce Johnson has been out there a ton because Mike Shelton trusts his defense. - Defense. - I mean, how many runs do you need without a major on the mound? As you said, is it six, is it eight, is it 10? Now, Seattle has not been good offensively. Maybe this is the game where Adam Major can get locked in and hold them to a couple of runs and give you a chance to win a lower scoring game? 'Cause you're probably not gonna score a ton against an all-star like Logan Gilbert. Just not, it's a tough dilemma that AJ Peraler is in here right now with his roster. - It is. Yeah, I mean, look, Timmy and everybody wants them on the bench, you know? He's still got 10 bombs. He's stolen 17 bags. He's hitting batteries. - Last month. He's been pretty darn good. - He's not striking out. He's walking the ball. - He's very kicking the ball. - Lately, I mean, I don't want to take hustle and come out of the lineup right now. - I've been way better than he was earlier in the season. - I really don't either. I really, really don't either. And again, look, he's a better defensive shortstop than anybody else that we have right now. And I know he hasn't had his best year defensively, but he is a better defensive shortstop than anybody else. - Jose says the infielder be fresher with Zander back. Great, that's true. You can get days off for Manny and Jake and Luis arrived in Zander. - But they're out of the lineup. - But then they're out of the lineup and you still have either Bryce Johnson in there or you have David Peralta's defense in there. And let's be honest, David Peralta have one big home run. - Yeah. - Isn't exactly been Donovan Solano in terms of the pickup. Solano was an unbelievable pickup by AJ Peralta. Unbelievably good. Can't believe that guy wasn't on another team at any point. Just maybe the under the radar pickup of the year in Major League Baseball. - Yeah, he's been great. He's been great. - But David Peralta hasn't been that good. - No. - Had a really big home run. That was great. - Yep, it was awesome. - I like him. - I love his attitude. - I do too. - He's great. Nice piece to have off the bench. Not an everyday player. Bryce Johnson's not an everyday player. Tyler Wade's not an everyday player. One of them has to be in the lineup every day though because you need an outfielder out there unless you're playing someone out of position which they have not done yet for the most part. - Yeah, it's a tough call. But I mean, again, it was just scrolling through this blog again, talking about Major. I mean, he gives up a ton, a ton of hard hit balls. I mean, again, it's, you're talking to the, you know. - Yeah, yeah, the Major shouldn't be here number one waving that flag for a long time. - Yeah, and I think the Padres know it too. They don't have any other options. - They still don't have any other options. - Jennifer says trade for Randy O'Rosa Rain. Okay, well, that O'Rosa Rain has been not good this year. That makes him available and maybe lowers the price tag. - A little. - But let's say you focus and do that. Okay, so now you've got Randy O'Rosa Rain in your lineup for the next month. Then Tati's comes back. Well, what about the other holes then you did fill? - What about Tierso, or Nail, that would I say, Tierso. - Or Nail, yeah. - He's been mashing. - Give him a try. - Now, give him a shot. Give him a shot. What's, well, you're hurt, man, you'll go for broke, you know? Swings it from the left side, doesn't he? - I don't know, is that go for broke or is that just hoping? - That's hoping. - That's hoping. - But I'm not a strategy. - Don't we always, don't we definitely feel that he's a better option at the dish than Bryce Johnson? - Probably, yes. - You know, I've found myself kind of softening on the Garrett Crochet idea, but does Tommy Famm also being on that team possibly make it an enticing trade package for each other? - Tommy Famm's like, pretty ideal. 'Cause he can start every day and then he would be a good bench. - Yeah. - You know, fiery guy for a playoff run. I mean, not the worst idea. - Yeah. - I'm not saying they have to package the crocheting. But here's the deal out and just get Tommy Famm. - When you have crochet, I was dealing with a guy about it last night. He said, we should be skipping measure and starting King on four days rest. I said, Michael King is not the guy they're gonna ride. He was already one inning over his career high. Now he's been really good and I love him and I think he's, I'm confident when he's on the mound. I really am. - They love to see a chance to push back King and skip him and he'll probably be at the back of the rotation when they come out of the old star brand. - September, not necessarily July. - Yeah, 100%. So it looked like Texas may be open for business soon Ben. There's a couple of names on there that could be interesting, but AJ's dude has promised you. He's not sleeping much right now. Because again, we said this yesterday and I know you agree with this. Every year, AJ has gone for it. Do you agree that this team of all teams that we've seen in the last six years that we've uncovered? Don't they deserve a shot? - They deserve. - They deserve. - They do. - Yes, they deserve. - They really, they've earned it. - Yes. - They may not be the most talented, but they're not. - They earned it. - But they have certainly earned some faith and some backing from the front office. - Yeah, no doubt. - All right, we'll come back. Jesse Agler's gonna join us in our eight o'clock hour. Don't forget Kyle Higashiyoka in studio and our nine o'clock hour all ahead with Ben & Woods, a 97-3 to fan. - All right, we are halfway home on a Tuesday. - Ben & Woods, 97-3, the fan. The fan yesterday, Tim Flannery joined us. - I didn't even make that. - You never not once on the flan? - No, 97-3, the flan. I didn't do it. He was spectacular. One of those, look, I rarely say, "Hey, you need to go back and listen." If you missed it, you need to go back and listen. It was really, really good stuff. The stories he told from his many, many years in the big leagues were just spectacular. The Boach stories, I mean, Benny, I'll tell you one of the men I'll introduce to the show. I'm Woodsy, that's Paul Reindel, the executive producer. You are Benjamin Higgins, your friendly neighborhood sports anchor. They, there's a really great story he told, 'cause we were talking about Bunting. And he was the bunt doctor. He was the guy who had to teach all the pictures how to bunt. - You're the bunt hater. - Hater. - Of the bunt hater. - Talkward. - Yeah. I've just leaned into the bid at this point. The other night when crony had that safety squeeze, my Twitter feed just went, "Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing." And I'm like, "Bunding for a hit is cool. "Bunding for a hit is cool." Flan, you know, there was different. Pictures had to hit, so he had to teach them to bunt. - I mean, compared to most teams, I think the potters are pretty good bunters, actually. - Yeah, yeah, they get it down. - They get the job done most of the time, it's the one, they don't get the run in though. And for me, it's always situational. It's always situational. Like, like, like Jerkson, you know, we're down to nothing in the fifth. You're my three-hole hitter. I need you. I need you hacking, bro. And he's like, that's the way we play. That's the way I play in Curacao. Mike Schilt, let's be playing that way. Great. Okay. So it's funny, we asked Flan about Boach and what were his thoughts? The giants of old, they had a team meeting without Boach. Just the players. Like, we're going to bunt more. But bunt on your own, they don't tell the manager. And Flan said, because their pitching was so good, he's like, we're in Colorado. And Marco Scudero lays down a sack bunt in the third inning. And Boach is like, screaming at me, and he's like, I'm in over the double. Hey, what did you call that? He goes, I didn't call it. He goes, so they after the game, he goes into Boach's office, he goes, they had a meeting without you, dude. I had nothing to do. They're doing this on their own. They wanted to get all of their starting pitchers, a runner or two, because they knew that the guys would go out and shove, they wanted to get them a lead. And he's like, yeah, they had a meeting behind your back. That's how, because they wanted to bunt more. So it was just, it was great that the stories, the insight, all of that was spectacular yesterday. I really, really enjoyed that. So go back and listen if you are so able. I mean, I can see the appeal as a player, especially if you're a good bunter. It's a, it's a low risk way to make you feel like you're helping your team. It is such a lift to get the asspats after that. Yep. You get the, you get the pads on the back. You move the runner in a scoring position and you know what you do? You put the pressure squarely on someone else. The next guy who now has to come in with two outs and try to get a single and drive in that runner from second base. Did my job. I don't, I don't know that that's your job though, is a major league baseball player. Maybe it's a college baseball player, maybe it's a little leaguer, but as a major league baseball player, your job is not to pass the buck to someone else to come through an even tougher pressure situation without two outs and a guy on second. Thanks a lot, dude. I guarantee you that there are some thoughts in the head of a guy in the on deck circle going, I don't want you to bump this guy over to second and add, add to what is all ready of pressure at bat for me. Thanks a lot. I know, I know. And again, it's just, it's just, it was fantastic stuff and you know, again, guys are trying to do a lot and he was talking about the Padres approach this year. He said it's the same type of guys that they had with Giants. They just want to feel like they're helping. And so inherently it's a good thing, right? They want to feel like they're doing their job and getting guys in, getting guys over. Problem is you got to get those guys in. You know, once you get them over, you got to get them in and, and that's been a little bit of a bugaboo. I was texting with Jesse Agler and we're going to be joined by Jesse in about 30 minutes. I texted him the other day in, in the middle of a game about bunting and he starts firing stats at me about pro far and we've been, I think pro far has been successful. I think we scored runs 50% of the time with him and maybe 33% of the time when Merrill did it. And he's like, I see what you're saying, but I think it's recency bias on your part. All right. Joey in the chat says that's what taking a walk is Benjamin passing, essentially passing the buck onto the next guy. No, no, no. A walk doesn't add to the three precious outs to get everything doesn't count against your outs. A sacrifice bond does. It's a third of your out 33%. I play with Joey. Valuable out. Joey does not like to walk. So I know. I know exactly where he's going from. I'm okay with walks. Walks are good. Let's sacrifice months. I tend to think towards woods is side of the equation. Yeah. They're just that valuable. And it's time and play certainly, you know, first and second. Like eighth inning, ninth inning, you know, you're up one down one. No problem, man. Drop it down. See the next guy can get it over or get get them in. No, no big deal, especially if it's Tyler Wade, if it's Bryce Johnson, you know, whatever. Fine. But if it's your some pro far and Jackson Merrill, I want you swinging the bat, man even child, I want you swinging the bat, Fernando Tatiz, Xander Bogart, I want you swinging the bat. That's what that you get paid. You don't pay the best bunters in, in, on the planet, $30 million a year to blink, to get the asspats after moving the guy over. And do you hate the extra inning runner on second, bunting him over to third? I kind of do. In the top of the inning or bottom of the inning. All right. Well, if you're playing for a tie, then you, you want to maybe get, but he's in scoring position. He's in scoring position. I, I, I generally think it's not a great idea because, all right, let's say you're the top of the inning. You know, I think the only argument would be, all right, it's the top of the inning, we've got our closer is we still haven't used our clothes. He's ready to go. And he could possibly strand that runner out at second. So if we get our runner in, we got a chance to win it. But if it's the bottom of the inning, you've already probably used your closer. So it's more than likely you're going to need two runs to win the game, not one and a bunt moving a guy over from second to third, he's not helping you score the two runs you probably need to win that game. So you're generally not in favor of your banking on him scoring on the, on the fly, the sack fry, which is out number two now. Yeah, whereas he's going to probably score on a base hit, no, more than likely, unless it's shallow, but then you have two on with nobody out. Like I'm with you on that. Yeah, I just again, you know, if you're, if you're, if it's one nothing in the, one nothing in the 10th inning and you're on second base and you have a chance to move them over, maybe try it. But also you can hit a single and you're probably going to score it just giving up outs. They're so precious. I think, like I said, time and place for it, time and place certainly. But yeah, people in the chat talking about Zander Bogart's coming back. We've been talking about that this morning. Yeah, I mean, again, you're, you're, your hope for Zander is that he returns to even just a little bit of the form that he had while he was in Boston. I hope this time away did him some good watching how his guys have grinded and, and, you know, played without him wanting to be a part of that. I have a good feeling about it. I said it last week. I don't know why I do. I just do. I have a feeling he's going to come back and play well. I've eaten my words many times. I don't want to eat them this time and I want to be right. I would expect him to be activated, like possibly today. Yeah. I mean, if he's in town, he was in El Paso over the weekend on a rehab assignment. So he's, we know he's in San Diego. He, he wouldn't be here if he wasn't going to disagree with you woods, but I would caution Padres fans to have a little patience. You're going to have to. That comes to Zander coming back, if he doesn't look like Zander in the first week, like before the all star break, doesn't mean he won't ever. He hasn't played in, you know, a couple of months, wasn't necessarily locked in before that either. You're going to have to give him some time. He went down to AAA. What has he played? Three games in AAA, not that it matters, but forgive me if I'm wrong, wasn't he starting to heat up when he was starting to heat up a little bit? Yeah, he was definitely swinging the bat a little bit better, but to think that he's going to come back, you know, Tetis is especially, you know, earlier in his career, had a couple of stints where he'd come off injured list, not playing or COVID and then have a three home run game, two home run game will look incredible. That's the anomaly. What usually happens is guys take a few days against big league pitching now to kind of get their timing. Everything locked in. I don't think that you can fairly expect Zander to just come in guns a blazing and you know, putting up a 950 OPS for the first, you know, five games here before the all star break. If in fact, he is back today, maybe it's tomorrow, maybe it's Friday. I don't know when it's going to be does seem like it's going to be sooner though, rather than later here. Yeah, I mean, look, it's it's at some point he needs to start playing like the guy that that we went out and signed the silver sluggers and her Bogart's and you know, with the injury, he's healthy. I know he wasn't lighting the world on fire and El Paso doesn't mean anything. We've seen the opposite happen. Guys light it up and El Paso can't hit big league pitching. Zander has a track record not so far in San Diego. Really? I mean, he was okay last year. Like he was he was better than people I think gave him credit for. But yeah, we need that from him, man, because again, he's been a guy that's been through the stretch runs and world series and all that like he's a winner like it's he knows exactly what it takes. So the fact that he's coming back in the next couple of days, I think I'm going to I'm going to rest on the side of I'm excited about it. This is good for the team. Yeah, it's going to make Mike Shields job and AJ Preller's job with the holistic lineup a little bit more difficult, but it also lengthens your lineup when you get a guy like that back. So I realized that there's a weird position shortage there, but it's up to them to figure it out. And if not, they're going to have to find somebody been to replace to replace the guys out in the outfield. But I'm totally with you. I just I'm going to err on the side of he's going to come back and hopefully do some damage. Keep in mind, Padres are going to be going up against some tough pitching. Yeah, really this last week before the all star break. We mentioned today Logan Gilbert for the Mariners. He's an all star really excited. There was a video of him calling his family and letting us really know that he made the all star team tomorrow is Bryce Miller, another good young pitcher for the Mariners who's got a sub for ERA, maybe not dominant, but certainly has been, you know, a solid starting pitcher now for going on two seasons for the Seattle Mariners. And then this weekend you've got the Atlanta Braves. Now they've they've tinkered with their rotation a little bit, including Chris Sale got skipped over yesterday, but he is supposed to pitch today, which would put him in line to pitch on Sunday against Dylan Cease. The other two, a little more up in the air. Right now, ESPN has Spencer Schwellenbach listed for Friday night's game. He is a right hander. I am. They have like a two hit shutout. Yeah. And then they have Renaldo Lopez, who's been very good, really good scheduled for Saturday's game for the Braves to wrap up the first half of the conversion to reliever that everyone was worried about. He wasn't going to be able to handle the starting pitcher workload and he has done that. And then some for the Atlanta Braves. So yeah, man, it does not get any easier for this team. And I just, I said it yesterday, Benny, you weren't here. Razor's Edge. You know, really. I do feel like they are on the Razor's Edge right now with all the injuries, with the, you know, you being on the restricted list, the depth issues right now, I do feel like it's a little bit of a Razor's Edge. It can, can really and give him credit. I mean, if they happen for a while, usually when a team's on that Razor's Edge of injury, you're hoping making tread water and they've actually done better than that. Despite the injuries, they played good baseball, but that hasn't taken them off the Razor's Edge. Correct. See there. Teeter. Getting Bogart's help, as we mentioned earlier, gets, it helps a little bit, but doesn't really address any of the real issues, which is outfield, bullpen and starting pitching. None of those issues are addressed by the return of Zander Bogart's this week now. Not really. Not really at all. All right. Coming up in this half of the program, mention our guest, Jesse Agler, Kyle Higashioka, also has some giveaways. We got some pot raised tickets to give away coming up against the Seattle Mariners for tomorrow's game. That's one of those not quite day, not quite night games tomorrow. I'll be there. It's a 340 first pitch. It's the 1984 day, the honoring, the 1984 team, Tim Flannery, going to sing the National Anthem. Oh, very nice. Play the National Anthem. Yeah, play it and sing it. Very cool. We're going to do the whole family going. Can't wait. But when we come back speaking of playing, we're going to give away some tickets to John Fogarty at the show. Name that tune. And Woodsie's got his guitar here for Kyle Higashioka's appearance. We're going to play a little John Fogarty. Name that too. But remember, it's not going to sound exactly like John Fogarty because it's Woods. Yeah, I'm not that good. So you can have to try to think deeply and identify the Fogarty song. But if you want to get on the line and be a contestant, we need a full line of contestants because get one guess, Woodsie plays the tune, name it, and you can win the tickets coming up next. 833-288-097-3, 833-288-097-3, you're going to take on Woods with Woods coming up next, 97-3 the fan. Tell me about your guitar, the one you brought in Woods. By the way, you can call in right now for your chance to win the Fogarty tickets by identifying Woods playing Fogarty/CCR here in a couple of minutes. But this is a fairly special guitar. Yeah, it is. So we've all heard the story of the Terminator, right? We tell it every year. Christmas, Christmas, and holiday, and I really wanted an electric guitar when I was a little kid, and my dad for Christmas bought me a guitar called the Terminator, and it was a nine-volt battery-powered electric guitar with a speaker that was built in like in the upper right part of it. And I was so disappointed because I'm in 80s. Yeah, it's just like I was in, I was probably 12, you know, so yeah, I mean, I just wanted to play poison and rat and everything else. It's like the play school version of electric guitars. Yeah, that's exactly what it was. It was like the play school version. You know, my old man was doing his best, he didn't know. And I remember being so disappointed, and of course we've had so much fun with it over the years. So one year from my birthday, he said, "Hey, meet me for lunch." I said, "All right." So I went and had lunch with him. I was working, I think I was in radio sales at the time, and he says, "Come meet me for lunch." So I met him, and he goes, "Oh, before you leave, I've got a birthday present for you." So I go out to the car, he opens up the trunk, and there's this case with this, it says Fender on it, and I went, "Oh, what the hell is this?" And I open it up, and there's this beautiful, beautiful Fender Stratocaster in there. American made, it is stunning, it is a beautiful guitar. Now, it's completely wasted on me because I am straight rhythm, I don't really, I don't play a lot of licks and stuff, I don't make it cry or sing, I'm strictly rhythm, but I love it. And I will pass it down to one of my kids, whoever wants it. And it's just, it's a beautiful thing. Now the funny story is, is it's because it's my dad, he got a deal on it. Because an old guitar is all he can afford. So he was in, I think he was in Chicago, and he was like, "I'm going to go walk in this guitar store, I've got some time to kill." And there was this guitar, and it's cool, it's like, what color would you say that is? I'd call that, no, almost a baby blue. Not like mint mint, so he walks in and there was like, he started talking to the guys like my son plays, and I want to get him wiggling, and he says, "I want to give him a guitar." And he goes, "You know what's funny?" He goes, "I'll make you a good deal on this one." I made this for J. Guiles, from the J. Guiles, and he didn't like the color, like he did there was something about it, he didn't like it, he's like, "Ah." So they sold it, so my dad got a good deal on it because it's my dad, my dad and Ben are very, very alike, but it's scary. So I mean, bro, I'll take it, I'll absolutely take it, but it's a beautiful, beautiful guitar and I wish I was better at playing it. So you brought it in, we've got Kyle Lagashyoka, who's also a guitar player, who's supposed to join us in studio in our next hour. We thought, "Well, we're giving away these Fogarty tickets, coming to the radio show on September 4th, tickets are on sale now at, but we thought, "Why not do something fun to give them away?" The colors on the line, we're going to bring you on the air, Woods is going to play kind of like two-second song version, a lick, and you need to identify the Fogarty/CCR song that he's trying to play, at least, for your chance to win. So let's bring on our first contestant, we've got Andrew. Andrew, you there? I'm here. All right. If you can identify the Fogarty song here, then you can win the tickets. Woodsie, you are up, Andrew, listen closely. [Music] Not bad. I kind of got it. Andrew, what song is that? Come on. [Music] [Music] [Music] Yes, sir! One and one and one. Look at that. Well done, Andrew. Stand the line, Paul will get your information. [Music] Never been the biggest Fogarty. Okay, can we talk about centerfield? We can. It's an awkward baseball song. It doesn't quite resonate with a like a real die-hard baseball fan. I think it's supposed to, but I don't quite feel it. I don't feel his love for baseball necessarily in that song. My six-year-old loves it. Yeah, it's the kind of target demographic for centerfield, isn't it? Do you think he hates playing it? Because my guess is that he absolutely does. Maybe. Yeah, I get the sense he doesn't love it. Let's do karaoke. Do you know the words? Yeah, I think, oh. Born again, there's new grass on the field around the third heading for home. It's a brown-eyed handsome man, anyone can understand the way I feel. All put me in coach, I'm ready to play today, put me in coach, I'm ready to play today. Look at me, I can be centerfield. Maybe part of it is that, I like the better that version, I like this version. You don't just go in and play centerfield without ever having played it before. At least that's what I thought until this year when Jackson Merrill did it and became an all-star by basically saying, put me in coach, look at me, I can be centerfield. I don't think that's how it is, I think that's what, you're playing centerfield. You can be, look at you, Jackson, you can be centerfield. And he said, oh, okay, put me in coach, I can do this. Well, Andrew, stay on the line, we'll get you those tickets. I'm looking at the set list, you will in fact hear centerfield. Oh, you will. Oh, yeah. Based on previous shows of what Fogarty's been playing on tour. It doesn't mean he doesn't hate playing it though. Right, I was just curious if he's even going to play it at all. But it looks like I looked through like four or five different shows recently from last month. Yeah. Same set list, top to bottom and it's right there in the middle. The thing out of tune, so we should tune that thing, yeah, I've got a tuner, I'll tune it for Kyle. So it sounds good. Sounds good. All right. That was well done though by Andrew, very sharp and I thought you did a really nice job. Thank you. Thank you. It's viable. I'll just tune it live on the air, I'm going to break if you want to maybe just tune a little bit. How do you know what's, do you have a, how does that work? This is a little tuner. Does it like can identify the different notes and to make sure they're correct? Oh, I never knew how that worked. I thought you just had to know exactly what let's see sound about some people. Some people do. I do not. Oh, yeah. You're not pitch perfect. They can tune it by ear. I cannot. All right. Woods is going to tune his guitar. We'll come back. Jesse Adler is going to join us. The voice of the Padres need an Incorporator word. If you want to throw one into the chat during our break, please do. We would love the suggestion. Jesse coming up next on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fan. Don't forget, you can listen to Sam Levitt's podcast inside San Diego baseball. Sam covers everything going on with the Padres just find it at 97 through the fan Only Odyssey app wherever you get your podcasts that includes segments from the pre and the post game show. Sammy's always doing all kinds of interviews down on the field and you can get that at your convenience by downloading the free Odyssey app. All right. It is a Tuesday. We got Jesse Adler standing by to talk some Padres baseball. He will join us right after a check of traffic here on 97 through the fan. So I tweeted on Friday night when the Padres dramatically won 10 to eight on the man in the shot of walking off home run, hey, better than a seven to two win. And of course he gets a pushback because obviously he had to use more bullpen arms. He stressed everybody out, but I think for an announcer, absolutely a 72 no drama win at the end provides no opportunity to shine the way Jesse Adler was able to shine on Friday night in what was one of the wildest innings of the major league baseball season. And Jesse joins us right now here on a Tuesday on 97 through the fan. Good morning, Jesse. Good morning. Yeah, that was that's one we'll remember for a very, very, very long time. Now while it's happening, it's not that fun because you're looking like, Oh, this is going to be the worst loss of the season here blowing a five run lead in the in the ninth inning. But in hindsight, that was a fun one to call. It was, and you know, what was neat for me was as somebody who watches literally every single pitch of this, you know, team, when it went to the bottom of the inning, I in my brain, and it's really for the first time since the beginning of last year, I was like, I think they're going to do this, you know, because last last season there came a point where I stopped feeling that way, sadly, you know, I mean, it was just sort of the reality of how last year went. And for the first half of last year, you know, it seems like they had the right guys coming up in those spots time and time again, whether it was extra innings or just down by one in the ninth or whatever. And it just never happened. And it was flummoxing and we've never been able to explain it and we never will be able to explain it. And so I kind of lost the ability to be like, all right, I'm confident in this moment with the way this team has played this year, even after, you know, the heartbreak and the gut punch at the top of the inning, you know, when you look down and you saw who was coming up in the bottom half, like during that commercial break in the middle of the ninth inning, I legitimately thought to myself, I was like, they're going to win this game, aren't they? And I mean, it took three batters. They didn't record it out. And really one of the crazier finishes will ever see. Now, Jesse, that thought was so pervasive with you and it was pervasive with me too, that when the next night rolled around, I went, oh, we got this. I mean, this is, this is going to be an unlikely hero in Bryce Johnson. But I'd have every confidence in the world that will get it done. They didn't. And I was still like, oh, it was still pretty cool. I mean, they got really, really close. And I know there are no moral victories, but man, you just, it was, it was weird. Like I didn't get that dopamine rush that I was used to getting like the night before. Yeah, it's great. You know, I mean, because they're the crazier thing about the second game was like, in a weird way, right? They kind of did the hard, the first run, they loaded the bases, they had nobody out. And at that point, you know, I don't know for me, and maybe this is crazy, but like, my sense was kind of like, all right, you know, you kind of, you kind of did what you needed to do. And now let's see what happens. Right? Like, you know, you did the hard part. You got the guys on base. You know, you made the guy sweat. And you know, at the end of the day, I guess credit to Alberto Castellanos and his 90 mile an hour fastball for being able to get out of the thing, but, you know, it's the beauty of baseball. There's a million different ways to do it. But yeah, like it wasn't discouraging in the way that so many games were last year, because this team has proven, you know, from Jump Street that they're capable of making this thing happen. And it's great, you know, I mean, that might show from literally day one in spring training has been obsessively speaking publicly and privately. And the guys in the clubhouse have been speaking obsessively, publicly and privately about having, you know, sort of this mentality and this identity, and they're going out there and they're walking the walk all season long. So it's great. It's fun. It never feels like they're out of a game. You know, they had the eight nothing come back in April. And I think that was the one that kind of set the tone where it was like, all right, you know, they're capable of doing this this year, you know, you win your first three extra inning games. That certainly didn't hurt after what happened last season. So it's a fun team. It really is. Jesse, your thought on the Padres slate of all stars obviously had the two voted in last Wednesday in pro foreign to T so then three more named to the team on Sunday. And honestly, the one that I saw the most pushback at least nationally on wasn't Jackson Merrill, who really does absolutely deserve to be there. I saw more pushback in Louisa rise than any of the other Padres all stars. And I think that goes to what you really considered to be the most valuable part of an offensive player. It's almost like a personal preference sort of thing. There's definitely that. I think there's also the element of like, he was on the ballot as a second baseman and he hasn't really played much second base since coming to the Padres. So like talking to some of the Arizona people over the weekend, because remember a rise in could tell Marte with a finalist at second base, they were all like, this guy's not even a second baseman. And I was like, well, he was, you know, and then he came here and dander got hurt in the Padres had to kind of mix everything up and they decided to stick him at first base. But you know, I think there's a couple of things that play there, but there's no doubt. You know, I mean, it's not new news that there's a lot of people in baseball who don't look at batting average, the same way that maybe we did, you know, 25 30 and beyond years ago. But you know, for me, all stories about a few different things. It's not a cut and dried black and white. You know, one, I think quote unquote star powered does matter. I do think that goes in and having name recognition. And he's got that because he's won a batting title the last couple of years beyond that. How do you compare to the guys at the position you play? That's obviously a little bit of a weird one as we just discussed. And then further, all right, what is your skill set and how does it compare to other people of that skill set. And Louisa rise is the best when it comes to that skill set, when it comes to hitting for average, when it comes to collecting base hits. I think he pretty much stands alone in the National League here in 2024. So, you know, for all those reasons, you know, for me, Louisa rise is absolutely an all star. Having two guys voted in is a big deal. It really doesn't happen often. You know, it hadn't happened here. But since 1997 that the Padres had two guys voted in. The fact that they're both outfielders who never played the outfield before last year kind of makes it that much more special. What a credit to both Fernando and, you know, pro far, I guess, Jason's been an outfielder, you know, a little bit the last couple of years, but he came up as an infielder, then you add in Merrill, obviously, what a phenomenal story. Suarez really, you know, hadn't had a hiccup before the other night when, you know, he was kind of on fumes out there. All really, really well deserving five is a big number. It's a really, really big number. And this team is a lot to be proud of talking to our pal Jesse Agler here on Ben & Woods this morning. And, you know, we are all, we all compare. You just did it talking about last year. We've done it in here a million times. You know, when it comes to the job of a general manager, though, you know, is it fair? You have to treat each season as its own, its own silo, as Mike Schilt likes to call it, the vacuum, right? And we were just talking about this. We talked about it a little bit yesterday, Jesse, when you look at this team and you call these games every night, you see a team and you go, all right, we have to do whatever we, if you're the front office, we have to do whatever we have to do this. This is truly the team that deserves, you know, a frontline starter or a, you know, excellent bull pen piece. Obviously, AJ has been willing to do that many, many times in his tenure, but you can't really look at what he's done in the past. You just kind of have to focus on the team that you have in front of you. Do you agree also when you watch this team that they've absolutely earned, earned, you know, some moves, some help, whatever they may need to try to push this thing over the finish line? Yes, of course. But also, you know, I would say that we all, and I include myself in this, have a tendency to oversimplify the trade deadline when we talk about it. Big time. You know, we, we, we say, hey, a buyer or seller, right? Okay. Obviously, if you're going to make it that black and white, the Padres are buyers. You know, they're in playoff position. As you said, they, they have a team that has earned the opportunity to push forward and try and make this thing happen, but a, you know, complicated deals coming together. It's complicated. So it's not going to be as straightforward as like, all right, we need a starter and a reliever. So let's go out and talk to this team and that team and we'll get it done. You know, there's so many moving parts that make it happen. And then the other thing to always keep in mind is, you know, a, there's the cliche of like, hey, the best moves are the ones you've ever made. But then also that, you know, it's, it's the thing of you think you're making a move that's like a no brainer. Of course, this is going to work out, but it doesn't always. Yeah. And I mean, I don't, I don't have to, we, we can go down Adam Frazier, Boulevard, and I, you know, Austin, Nola Road or whatever you want, right? Like, you know, moves that in the moment, you thought we're like, Oh, of course, like this is great. The guy's hitting. What was, what was Adam Frazier hitting when he got here a couple of years? There's like 330 something like 340 and the change of scenery. The change of scenery was brutal for him. And you know, I don't blame AJ for that because like, we all would have made that move. Yeah, we're going to, that's exactly the kind of guy we need right now. You know, I mean, so like that landmine is out there on all these potential deals. You say, Hey, we need a frontline starter. You look at whatever name you want to of the guys that might fall into that bucket right now who could be available. And like it is not automatic that that guy is just going to continue to have the ERA and the sort of, you know, strikeout rate that he does wherever he is now when he comes here. It's just not the way baseball works. On the other side of that, you might acquire somebody who you go, huh, that's a little bit odd. That doesn't seem like the kind of guy they're going after, but it clicks, right? And maybe, you know, Ruben has a conversation with him and they look at something together and all of a sudden he's even better than he was somewhere else. So again, it's just not as simple and straightforward as like, all right, here's our laundry list or grocery list and, you know, let's go out and get one of each because you just never know how it's going to end up going and, you know, that's, that's not even getting into the chemistry issues that can arise, you know, both with departures and arrivals. So it's a really, really kind of, you know, perilous tightrope that any general manager has to walk this time of year, particularly if you have a team, as the Padres do, that is performing well. Look, there's no doubt they need pitching help, right? Because of injuries, because of the Darvish situation and because quite frankly every competitive team probably could always use more pitching, but it's, it's again, it's just not that easy. And I think that's an important thing to keep in mind these next couple of weeks. I love what you said about chemistry too, because we had Tim Flannery in yesterday and he was, you know, part of the three World Series championships for the Giants. And he talked about what Brian Sabian did, bringing in guys that hadn't won before and that were really, really hungry. And I thought about that for a second and I went, oh yeah, the 100 penses of the world, the Marco Scooteros, the world, the guys that were like, all right, I'm on a winner now, I'll do anything. I have to do. Pagon. Yeah, Pagon, right? You guys who have championship pedigree, who know how to get it done already, right? You can always go. You can go the other way. Yeah. For sure. For sure. No, it's interesting to think about. Both have value. I've talked to GM's about both of those things before and it's a real thing. You know, it's, you can go back, you know, like it's kind of a random example, but it's relevant with the 84 celebration. And you mentioned Flannery, Terry Kennedy is one of those guys in the like mid late 80s. He kept popping up on really good teams. Yeah. That's not an accident. Like, that's the kind of guy that, you know, if you're a competitive team, you wanted to go out and get and say, Hey, this guy knows what it takes. This guy has sort of been there and done that. And there's no doubt. Like chemistry, I think when we talk about that, often people think about personality and, you know, quote, unquote, leadership, you know, leading by example or reading by voice, whatever it is. And that exists. I'm not trying to poo poo it, but, you know, chemistry can also mean, you know, the kinds of guys who have had certain experiences or at certain points in their careers. If you've got a bunch of guys who are going into free agency, you know, on a given year, obviously they're going to be concerned about themselves, you know, not just about the team. If you've got a bunch of guys who have contracts, are they, you know, it's like you can go a million different directions with that. So yeah, I'm with you. Like, I think that's an important thing to always consider, you know, kind of mixing in the hungry guys with the guys know what it takes, you know, come August and September and October to try and get it done. And that's sort of like the magic recipe that any head of baseball operations is always trying to con. Now, Jesse, the Padres should be getting one of those championship players back probably sometime this week in Zander Bogart's two rings under his belt, good chemistry guy. Don't know what the production is going to look like, obviously right away, especially after missing, you know, two months here with the shoulder fracture, but and might you'll be asked about it either day or tomorrow. But how do you kind of envision the Padres lineup working as Zander comes back and where to put him back at second as Jake move back to first is a rise to do what Manny needs to get a day off. It kind of adds some, it's some complications to Mike Schultz job, certainly a good, good complications, but complications nonetheless. Yeah, and I like to your word choice. It's because I think a lot of people will be like, Oh, it's a good problem to have, you know, cliche. And, and I think complication is better than problem because I don't see it as problematic. And, and yeah, I think generally, and I'm speaking out of turn here because I haven't asked Mike or anybody else about it, but like, you know, I think you can move it around a little bit, you know, Manny's been playing more third days. So you know, all right, is that, you know, DH spot now a little bit less of a Solano and a little bit more of an arise, you know, quite possibly, but you know, they can mix and match every single day, right? They can kind of look at who's in there and move some things around. So yeah, there's definitely some options, you know, I'm not going to pretend to be the expert. I certainly, in my opinion, but it's not really worth much of anything and, and they'll figure that out. Well, the key thing for one of these things and everybody involved knows this is, is communication. And you know, just kind of getting with everybody and Mike Schilt is tremendous when it comes to this. You know, just kind of getting with everybody and saying, all right, here's the plan. Here's the idea. Here's how we kind of want to handle this, obviously, subject to change, you know, based on, you know, how things go, but here's, here's sort of how we're going to do and to get everybody on board. You know, that's part of the job of the manager and I have no doubt he'll be able to do that. But yeah, you know, it'll look a little bit different when Zander returns than it looked in the last couple of months. But look, these things always end up kind of working out also, like, you know, somebody else gets hurt, unfortunately, or somebody's not performing, or somebody just needs a little bit of a break and you kind of do this. So it's a positive, obviously getting somebody of Zander's caliber back and it's only going to make this team better. All right, Jesse. Last Incorporated for a couple of weeks, next week, of course, you're off all-star break. You deserve at least a few days before hitting the road for another East Coast trip, right? Coming up right after the break again. So enjoy this time in San Diego. I guess you're that few that fall between now you mentioned last week you were going to bring your own Incorporated word to the table. Do you still want to hold to that or do you want us to come up with something? Sure. No, I'm ready to go if you want. Let's do it. All right. So now, Jesse gets to announce to us today's Incorporated word. So I honestly forgot about this until about four minutes ago that I would do it. But it pops in my head as we were talking here. And as I'm sitting in a random parking lot of Acosta somewhere after dropping my son off at camp, I am hearing his Tamagotchi beeping away in the back seat because those are apparently back and as annoying as ever. So I thought the word Tamagotchi might be a fun time. Tamagotchi. It's like, okay, so what does that for people who don't understand or know? Sure. For those of you lucky enough to not know what a Tamagotchi is, it was like really popular. I mean, when I was, I don't know, in middle school, in the back now, they're like these little electronic quote unquote pets that kids have and it's got some buttons and it beeps very, very loudly at all hours. But you don't take care of it. You can die. Yes. And then you reset it. It's a great life lesson. You just hit the button to reset it after it died, just like taking care of a dog, right? So yeah, that's what a Tamagotchi is. And it's a funny sounding word, obviously, I think it's a Japanese word. So it might sound a little bit out of place on the broadcast. Yeah. Perfect. If those were big when Jesse was in middle school, I'm a few years younger than Jesse. I think those were like happy meal toys at one point. At one point, Ben, if you're Ben in my age, we played with cigarettes when we were little kids. That's all we got to play with. Yeah. Yeah. Ben in particular. Yeah. You guys have it. Switchblade knives. Yeah. Butterfly knives. Cigarette. Rambo knives. Jackson. Morgan. Yeah. I actually did play Jack. I did too. Let's get it going. I'm serious. It's better. It's summer break. We're going to literally we're going to explore this thing. Literally, the game is trying to pick things up off of the ground. That was entertainment. Yeah. Back in our day. Yeah. What about barrel of monkeys? Barrel of monkeys. So stupid. We had barrel of monkeys. We also used to, you know, like barrel of monkeys. Picking up sticks. Yeah. Pick up sticks. People love picking things up back in the day. Really did. Now it just is like a pain in the butt. Yeah. Can I not pick things up anymore, please? I know. Ah. Yeah. Thank you, Jesse. Jesse, have a good broadcast tonight. Rest of the week. Enjoy your All-Star break. We'll talk to you in two weeks. Sounds good, guys. Jesse Agler, voice of the San Diego Padres. Tomagachi is tonight's Incorporated Word. Jackson. I think Tony Gwynnes Jr. is back after a weekend off as well on the broadcast. So hopefully everything goes as planned. Bounce the ball. Bounce the ball. And you're going to grab the jack. But you go in the ball before it lands. Here's one, right? Here's two. Three and three at a time. But you take them, you sprinkle them out. It's a game of manual dexterity. Manual dexterity. It was really good hand-eye coordination stuff. I'm going to get some jacks for the kids. Then you leave them out and you step on one with their foot. And it's agonizing. It's over. You sons of bitches. Who left these jacks out? You did. You brought them home. It's 2024. It's 2024, dude. All right. We've got a round of reports and headlines coming up next have been Kyle Lagashioka in studio all in our final hour of Betawoods coming up on 97.3 the fan. Thanks again to Jesse Ackler had a nice discussion of playground games when he was gone. And I don't even think anything we played like, you know, fifth grade, sixth grade out on the playground at elementary school is even allowed anymore. You say that, man, but I've, you know, I picked up both from school last year and he would do soccer after school one day a week and I mean, look, they were playing basketball, but it wasn't basketball. I mean, it was, you know, it was rough. Like there's, I didn't see a teacher in sight. So I mean, I think it's, I think there's still a little bit of fend for yourself up there. You bring up a good point because you can try to regulate it out. There's no more dodge ball or butts up or lots of well, the games that we all played when we were in the playground and it was, you know, it was Lord of the flies out there really was, and you can try to legislate it out, like make a bunch of rules and these games can't be played, but that aggression is still inherent, especially to, you know, 10, 12 year old boys and they just haven't played soccer or basketball. They're just going to make it rougher that way when they're not getting their aggression out in the somewhat unsanctioned games that we used to play. A hundred percent. I mean, I love them. I mean, I was not a fan of, because I wasn't one of the more aggressive kids, obviously. Recess was, recess was like, like you said, Lord of the flies. I mean, it was fend for yourself. How many recesses do you guys have in elementary school? Just one. We had recess. Then we had lunch was mostly recess. Like you'd eat for five minutes and then you could play in the 30 minutes and go out and play. That's about right. And then there was a PE in the afternoon, which was more of a organized outdoor time. So you had the three times outside. Adam says they don't allow Red Rover in the elementary school district. Yeah, Red Rover was rough. I got banned at my elementary school at some point when I was there. Choked out. Close line. Yeah. Red Rover and Rover. Send woodsy right over there. He's like, oh God, I'm dead. You try to find the smallest kid and try to break through those arms. Yeah. Megan says, Tetherball. Tetherball was a. Oh God, I love Tetherball. Tetherball was great. And yes, there was the smear of the slur that we used to play as well. Not that no one could be proud of it, but that was the worst of all. It was literally no rules other than just mauling. Throw the ball up in here and kill the guy that catches it. Just kill him. I mean, just like a punt return, essentially. But yeah, it's a four square. That was a game I never liked. Tetherball was even pretty gnarly because that ball when it started swinging around and around. Could do some damage. You get in the face. That was not fun. The greatest game though in elementary school, I think bar none was kickball. There was nothing like kickball. How do you want it? Baby bouncies. Yeah. Baby bouncies. Slow rollers. That was the best. It was baseball with a good kick, you know, kicking. It was so much fun. But yeah, it's, I watch him and out of there, their little recess and it's, they're playing hoops and they don't know how to dribble. So they just ball people over and then chuck up shots and it's, it gets, no, he's gotten in trouble like 20 times this year playing too rough, the basketball. So, but. Dude, I loved that was so much fun, like basketball or something like that where, because like I said, my elementary school, we had three recesses morning, lunch and afternoon. So you would get like three games in and you'd have the same teams. You're like, oh, we're going to get your ass in the next recess break or whatever. Oh, yeah. You went out there and sweat. You're running your ass off 10 or 15 minutes. Come back in. Go back in. Social studies, you learn. Learn about it. And then there was the completely overwhelmed playground monitor with the whistle. Yeah, there's nothing. Who was in charge of 400 kids who were out there at once. There was one, you know, woman with a whistle who was supposed to keep everybody in line the entire time. Good luck to you, ma'am or sir who was job that was at both school too. It's like volunteers. The teachers at recess are like, they're like, they're going to break. This is our break. We're going to the break room. We're leaving it to the playground monitor to monitor seven, eight classes that are all out there together at the same time. I told you guys a while back, it's one of my favorite stories, Miss Bromfield. That was our playground monitor and elementary school and for years, I mean, years. She called me Carl. I don't know if you're good at that, Carl Rindall. She kept calling me Carl. And finally I got in trouble for you. Do you know that? It's wrong. Yeah, I got in trouble for running or something where you weren't supposed to be running. And she goes, Carl, Carl, come over here. And I turned around and said, my name's not Carl. I used to call my brother Carl as an insult when I was a kid. No offense. I don't think we even had a Carl at the school. We never actually met a real Carl. They don't exist. No, but I used to call him Carl and it used to make him so mad. I was already pissed because I got in trouble for something. And then I just snapped and screamed at her and got detention. Mom's like, well, what'd you do? Well, it's time. It's actually time for the Carl Rindall to work with. Get out of the Rindall. Take it away, Carl. Hey, get things started here with our addition today's edition of the Rindall report. Now, tune into the Muff, greatest. Welcome to the Rindall report. With Paul Rindall. Hi, Paul. Hi, Paul. Two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet. We'll start off in Major League Baseball. And one story that you didn't know you needed. Are you laughing, beyond? It's the Rindall report. Hey, Paul. How you doing? Okay. How are you? On 97.3, the fan. Are you ready to blast the moon? I need some help, please. That was good. I need a hoe here. All right. Carl. Take it away, Carl. Famous Carl's. Carl Lewis. Carl Riner. Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr. That's a good one. Carl Sagan. I don't have any other Carl's out there. George Carl. That's the basketball woods. That's the game. That comes up with George Carl. That's all I think about. 24/7. Hoops, hoops, hoops. He was the head coach at the Sonics. I think he was. He was. He was. Yes, he was. Yeah. All right. We'll start off in the NFL. Interesting story. Fun, fun story here. Two-time defensive and pro bowler, Josh Allen. Not quarterback for the Bills, but the Jaguars' top defensive player, Josh Allen. He is changing his name, heading into the upcoming NFL season. He's changing his last name to read Hines, Hifen Allen, Joshua Hines Allen. And he's doing this to pay tribute to, says, his maternal side of his family and other relatives who have worn Hines and Hines Allen on their jerseys. That's a good story. It is. It is a really nice story that he is concocted to hide the real reason. There's another way more famous Josh Allen in the league, and you never want to be the second most famous player in the league with a name, right? Yeah. Do you think he cares? Yeah. I think he cares. I think that's a big reason why he's changing his name. I think he's doing it to honor his. What was it? Grandmother? Yeah, his mother's family side. And it says here on ESPN, so his sister plays for the Washington Mystics and the WNBA, and she has Hines Allen on the back. His sisters both play college basketball or played college basketball. They had Hines Allen on their backs. Makes sense. And his uncle was drafted by the Warriors in 1983 after a Hall of Fame career at Hampton University, also had Hines Allen, so he's paying tribute to the whole family. That's his story. Ben thinks he's just covering because he doesn't want to be also Josh out. He is so negative. You're so negative. You always think the worst of people? His quote on his Instagram. It's not a bad thing. I think it's smart, actually, to not have the same exact name as a more famous player in the league. He's been the least established though, isn't he? Yeah. I mean, he's a Carl, not Carl. Yeah. Josh Allen's a two-time pro baller. He's a very good defensive player. Now Carl Allen. But when anyone says, you know, NFL player Josh Allen, who do you think of? Josh Allen. Josh Allen. Yeah, exactly. The quarterback of the Bells. So you need to do something to differentiate from the Josh Allen everyone thinks you're referring to. Mikey agrees with Miley in the chat agreement. He posted a picture of the New Jersey pointing to the back to the name plate and he says on Instagram, "Legacy is forever and I'm proud to carry that tradition on the back of my jersey following in the footsteps of my family who have donned the Heinz Allen last name with so much pride and joy. There is a reason that, I mean, why didn't he do it sooner? But somebody just said in the chat, Ben, you're the second most famous Ben Higgins after the bachelor guy. You should go back to Dan Stevens. I will never get over Dan Stevens ever pick a name, kid. You need a different name. Dan Stevens sounds very radio like, yeah, also sounds made up and like a porn star. Dan Stevens. All right, Dan Stevens, I don't like this second story because look, I, and I think Woods would also agree with this. I love a good commitment to the bits, but sometimes I think it can be dragged out too far. Well, sometimes it gets ridiculous and skip Bayless for a long time. You're like, this is a bit that's the worst opinion that's the worst take I've ever heard. You have to just be doing this for the clicks. You know, you know, you don't believe this and you're doing this because that's your stick. What's his latest? The latest has to do with LeBron James, Johnny James, right? LeBron James Jr. So he was on his pile with the skip Bayless show, I think, and well, here's what he had to say. I think he'll be more calm, cool and collected in the eye of next year's storm than even his father will be. No. I think he'll play pretty well alongside his father. I think Ronnie would be pretty good. I think he'll, he'll become a clutch three point shooter. I've always gotten a feeling that Bronnie had a bigger clutch gene than his father does. I mean, you have to tip your hat. Absolutely. The fact that he's able to say it with a, with a straight face is astounding. It's astounding. I think Bronnie, who have scored like four points in his summer league debut and he's gonna be averaged three points a game and his one year of college basketball, got the bigger clutch gene in the family, then dad, game winning threes in the final for 20 straight years on LeBron is overrated at some point, you feel like I'm eventually gonna be right. I am going to stick with this until he retires that this guy is overrated. I mean, doesn't it do him? I guess, isn't it like better to come in 10 years ago? You know what? I was wrong. I'll wear it. I would think so, but I would think so too, and there's nothing wrong with being wrong about a player. It happens all the time to all of us. No, yeah. All of us have been wrong. Now LeBron did in a way agree when he said, Bronnie is probably gonna handle all of this attention better than I would have. I care, I unfortunately care too much what people say and think, yeah, Bronnie doesn't really care. He's got that gene where he doesn't care that much. I heard that LeBron also said, like, it's two different tales, like, Bronnie, you know, think everything that has happened in my life, Bronnie doesn't have to play basketball. Bronnie's gonna be good. He's fine. He's gonna be just fine. Whereas LeBron's like, I had to make it. It was the only way out from Akron. I had to make it. Bronnie doesn't necessarily have to do that. Yeah, he said, if we want to be a chef or a gamer or whatever, like, I'm gonna take care of him. He's fine. We got plenty of money. He could have done whatever he wanted, but he put the work in to get to basketball to get to this point. Yeah. And let's not also act like he's not a massive Nepo baby too. I mean, both things can be true. It's not his fault. It's not his fault. He's wrong. I think he can't help who his old man is. Somebody asked in the chat, how much does this dude get paid? Skip Bayless. Well, he's in the middle of a four year, $32 million contract. They signed with Fox Sports, a couple of years ago, $8 million a year for takes like that. It's something else, man. And then finally, this should probably be defined as punishment, I would say, but I was reading one of our favorite websites, Woodsie turned us on to it, consequence of sound. They do music, television, movies, a lot of pop culture stories. So I like to check that out in the morning for some Rind Report stories and they've got one here that says that Bob Dylan, Earl Buddy, has announced a massive new 431 song box set collecting every single surviving soundboard recording from his legendary 1974 tour with the band. Like a 100 format for vinyl, yeah, it looks like vinyl, 75 record. It's the it actually they drop it off in one of those moving boxes that you use to pull the record out coming out 400 container like you're coming out on September 20th. The new box set will feature 431 newly mixed songs across 27 discs, including 417 of them being never before released tracks. I can't believe it. I absolutely can't believe it. You see who's here already did. He's early. Oh, my man. Kyle Higashiyoka is in the building. What would you say? What were you talking about Bob Dylan for? What would you say is the average length of a Bob Dylan song? Four minutes. Four minutes. Four to five minutes. 431 songs times four minutes divided by 60 minutes per hour. So they would take you probably around 29 hours straight to listen next week. There's no baseball. We just start at six and we play all of the tracks of Bob Dylan. We'll talk through them over for hours a day. I'll take it like the entire all star break the whole break. We get through as much as we can next week on the show comes out in September. This will take us through like the entire month of November. You know, I like avant-garde radio. I don't think there's much more avant-garde radio than that. We'll wrap in for next week. It's going to get real weird. All right. Well, now that Josh Allen is changing his name, I don't know if there's going to be room for two Higgies in the studio at one time. We're going to have to fight over the nickname. When we come back though, Kyle Higashiyoka, Pondrais Catcher, going to be with us. Don't go anywhere. Check traffic and then returning with more Ben & Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97-3 the fan. It's already started. It's already started. It's already started. I don't know if this would happen. Woods, he was so excited. I'm excited as well. Obviously, we'll talk some baseball with our next guest in studio, but the music talk has already begun because joining us right now in studio, this is a real treat, Pondrais Catcher, Kyle Higashiyoka is here during a homestand. Here you've got the all-star break coming up, but appreciate you stopping by this morning. Kyle, good to see you. Yeah. Thanks for having me, guys. It's good to see you again in person and what a, well, we want to do baseball first or what? No, we got a short segment here. Let's just get comfortable. Let's just get comfortable first. Dive in here. So we were talking about the fact that you use rats, lay it down for your walk up. I love it so much and I love hip hop and I like country, but with everybody having a hip hop song or Morgan Wallen song as their walk up and you go with rats. San Diego, by the way, legendary band Mickey Rat went to LA and became rat. I love that about you. My favorite. Yeah, I think it's like a nice little tribute to wherever you're playing. I try to choose a song that's from hopefully a local band and rats one of my favorites, so it's like that was an easy choice for me. Lifetime contract for Kyle Higashiyoka. Yeah, I wear the boss. So it makes sense, though, Woods, you're 48, almost 49 and you kind of grew up in the 80s like we did. Now, you're younger. You're 34. Yeah. So rat was already well established by the time you were probably kind of getting into different music. How did you become a fan of a band that was not necessarily in their prime when you were in your teen formative music years? Yeah, I mean, I didn't really listen to that much when I was growing up. It's just when I started playing guitar, that was probably my first spring training. I started playing guitar. And so I really started diving deep into the world of hard rock guitarists. And I discovered all these bands from the 80s that were just incredible. Shredder. Yeah, I mean-- To the best in that band, too. You got the-- I mean, it's still like a mainstream sound. It's like a more of like a pop vocal, so it's super catchy. All the songs are super catchy, but then you got more of a heavy metal style guitar, which is-- Yeah. That's kind of right up my alley. So rat was one of them, you know, Warren D. Martini, he's one of my favorites. Yes. George Lynch. Yeah. One of my favorites. From Doc and Eddie. Eddie Van Halen. Eddie Van Halen, of course. Legendary. Yeah. I love that. I love that you use it, too. I tried it every time, because if I was a big leaguer, I would play it. But they're like, well, of course you would. You're 48 years old. You're going to play rat, and you shouldn't be in the big leagues, because you're 48 years old. You can't hit. You can't play defense. You can't run. There's nothing really that you bring to the table. But hey, what a great-- what a great-- what a great run that you guys are on, and of course, you personally, I know, you know, it seems like a locker room, Kyle, that everyone's really pretty friendly and tight and pulling for each other right now. It's been some pretty magical moments for you and the team. These first, you know, the half of the season. Yeah. I mean, the thing that's impressed me the most about this team is just the resilience. You know, I don't think I've ever been on a team that's been so prone to coming back anytime, anytime we're down. You know, it's just every game that we're within, you know, a few runs at the end. We just-- we're always feeling like we're going to-- we're going to make something happen in the ninth, and, you know, it doesn't always happen, but it's-- it's happened enough to where it's like, wow, this is, you know, we might have something special here. I think people forget, anytime you get to the big leagues, obviously, you were a phenomenal player growing up, high school, all the way through to get to the big leagues. But you haven't had a chance to play as regularly as you have lately that often in your career. You've just-- you've kind of been in that backup role with the Yankees and then started with the Padres in that same role. When was the last time you felt like you were kind of on a-- a heater like you've been on for these last few weeks? Yeah, I mean, I've-- I don't think I've ever, you know, played-- had a month like that. Yeah. Like I had in June, so-- yeah, I mean, to me, it's like, you know, I believe that I'm capable that it's just baseball is all about-- it's good to actually see it, though. Yeah, yeah. When you always hear guys, when they get on those heaters, and I would ask you the same question, when they get on those heaters, they're like, I don't want to go home. I don't want to have to wait until tomorrow. I want-- it's like a good golf round. You always have your-- me. I always play really well on 18, and then I'm done, and I'm like, I just want to keep playing. Is that-- was that what this last month has been like for you? Like, I cannot wait to get back there and get after it again? Yeah. I mean, you always want to be-- you always want to be playing when you're playing well. So-- but yeah, I mean, the game's all about consistency, though. So, you know, the best players, they have months like that, more often than just once a year. So, you know, that's what I'm striving for, trying to keep that going for the rest of the year. Talking to Kyle, and Gosh, Yoko is in studio with us, and I heard-- I've heard talk of like a slight stance adjustment and things that have worked well for you. But, you know, you started a new team. You come to San Diego, and there was like an 0 for 20 stretch, where you're only getting to play once every few days. Did you feel at the time that you were like close, though, like you were going to-- you're about to break out of it, and how frustrating was that to come to a new team, come back to your home state, and get off to kind of a slow start before this-- this latest stretch? Yeah. You know, you always want to-- you want to impress when you go to a new team. So it's definitely tough when you're not exactly swinging the bat so great. But I mean, you know, historically I've been kind of a slow starter, and I mean, I tried to make adjustments this year to mitigate that, but obviously still got off to a slow start. So it didn't really-- it wasn't-- I wasn't in full panic mode, but it's definitely, you know, when you go-- when you have a stretch like that, where you hit list in 20 at bats, you start to try new things, and sometimes it's actually, you know, you come out better on the other side for it. It's going to break. Yeah, okay. We're going to take a quick timeout. When we come back, I want to ask Kyle, obviously, about catching Matt Waldron, which is-- Oh, God, man. --something he's been asked to do that no other catcher in Major League Baseball has done in several years now. Yeah, man. And he's got to do it every fifth day for the San Diego Padres, and I don't know if you noticed, but Woods did bring the guitar in. Yeah, that's all-- that's not always here, just for the record. So we've got it run into-- we've got run through a board, and everything. It's possible he may ask you to pick it up at some point. I'm on it, sir. So we'll see what happens after the break. Final segment of Ben & Woods, Kyle Lagashio in studio, coming back next year on San Diego's number one sports station, 97-3, The Fan. Sorry, 97-3, The Fan is brought to you by the Frozen Robes Baseball and Softball Training Facilities. Frozen Robes signing up athletes age 6 through 12 for baseball softball summer camps after day full day options available. Make it a Frozen Robes summer, like Bow Woods over there. For more information, visit San at San Yeah, we haven't even mentioned the little guys here today. You know, it's summer. He needs to-- we need care for him, so his old man just brings him to work. You had a question for Higgy you wanted to ask yesterday, you said, right? Yeah. Go ahead. What does it take to break in a catcher's mitt? Look at that. That is a question that his old man has ever asked, ever-- that's first time. All right, so what do you do to break in your catcher's mitt comp? For me, I just-- I basically just catch pitches. Yeah. I mean, I don't really like to do anything crazy with it because-- Does it go in the oven? Like my wife. I try not to-- I try not to add any extra weight to the leather by like, you know, getting it too wet or anything. For me, like, you know, having a light catcher's glove is super important because that way I can just react quicker. But it kind of begs the-- it leads into the next question of catching Matt Waldron. And you get-- you're over here with the Padres, and they're like, hey, welcome. You know, this is going to be your role, and you can catch Matt Waldron, who throws this absolutely filthy knuckle ball. How much experience had you had in your life, little league and beyond catching somebody that threw a knuckle ball consistently? Zero. Zero. Yeah. Zero. You're going to learn at the big league level, trying to contribute on a new team in a new city. As you said, you want to impress. And here's this. So you get gloves. Did that require a new mint? Yeah. You can't use the big one. You can't use the big floppy one, the things, right? Well, we just don't have one, so it's like, I'll take one if anyone's going. If anyone has me, I'm dropping off the studio. I mean, there's been so much talk about it. They say that big floppy knuckle ball mint is great for knuckle balls, but Waldron also throws it in '93. Yeah. Now with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories and breaking news right on your home feed. Follow the action with Game10, where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus, notifications can keep you connected to every pinch, every hit, every game, the MLB app. Baseball, your way, download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. 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Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow Nerd Wallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast ad. All right, we are halfway home on a Tuesday. Ben and Woods, 97.3. The fan. The flan yesterday. Tim Flannery joined us. I didn't even make that. You never not once. On the flan? No, 97.3. The flan. I didn't do it. He was spectacular. One of those. Look, I rarely say, "Hey, you need to go back and listen." If you missed it, you need to go back and listen. It was really, really good stuff. The stories he told from his many, many years in the big leagues were just spectacular. The Boach stories. I'll tell you one of the men I'll introduce to the show. I'm Woodsie. That's Paul Reindel, the executive producer. You are Benjamin Higgins, your friendly neighborhood sports anchor. There's a really great story he told because we were talking about bunting and he was the bun doctor. He was the guy who had to teach all the pictures how to bunt. You're the bunt hater. Hater. The bunt hater. It's awkward. Yeah. The bunt went into the bid at this point. The other night when crony had that safety squeeze, my Twitter feed just went bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. I'm like, "Bunding for a hit is cool. Bunding for a hit is cool." Flan, there was different. Pictures had to hit. So he had to teach them to bun. I mean, compared to most teams, I think the potters are pretty good bunters, actually. Yeah. They get it down. They get the job done most of the time. A lot of times they want to. They don't get the run in. No. For me, it's always situational. It's always situational. Like Jerkson. We're down to nothing in the fifth. You're my three-hole hitter. I need you. I need you hacking, bro. And he's like, "That's the way we play. That's the way I've played in Curacao. Mike Schilt, let's be playing that way." Great. Okay. So it's funny. We asked Flan about Boach and his thoughts. The giants of old, they had a team meeting without Boach. Just the players, and they said, "Hey, we're going to bunt more." But bunt on your own, they don't tell the manager, and Flan said, "Because their pitching was so good." He's like, "We're in Colorado," and Marco Scudero lays down a sack bunt in the third inning. And Boach is like, screaming at me, and he's like, "I'm hanging over the dud. I know the dud. He played for it. What did you call that?" And he goes, "I didn't call it." He goes, so they, after the game, he goes into Boach's office and he goes, "They had a meeting without you, dude. I had nothing to do. They're doing this on their own." They wanted to get all of their starting pitchers, a runner or two, because they knew that the guys would go out and shove. They wanted to get him a lead, and he's like, "Yeah, they had a meeting behind your back. That's because they wanted to bunt more." So it was just, it was great. The stories, the insight, all of that was spectacular yesterday. I really, really enjoyed that. So go back and listen if you are so able. I mean, I can see the appeal as a player, especially if you're a good bunter. It's a low risk way to make you feel like you're helping your team. It is such a lift to get the asspats after that. Yep. You get the, you get the, you get the pats on the back, you move the runner in a scoring position, and you know what you do? You put the pressure squarely on someone else. The next guy. The next guy. You now has to come in with two outs and try to get a single and drive in that runner from second base. Did my job? I don't, I don't know that that's your job though, is a major league baseball player. Maybe he's a college baseball player. Not a three hole hitter. A little leaguer, but as a major league baseball player, your job is not to pass the buck to someone else to come through an even tougher pressure situation without two outs and a guy on second. Thanks a lot, dude. I guarantee you that there are some thoughts in the head of a guy in the on deck circle going. I don't want you to bump this guy over to second and add, add to what is already a pressure at back for me. Thanks a lot. I know, I know. And again, it's just, it's just, it was fantastic stuff and, you know, again, guys are trying to do a lot and he was talking about the Padres approach this year. He said it's the same type of guys that they had with giants. They just want to feel like they're helping. And so inherently it's a good thing, right? They want to feel like they're doing their job and getting guys in, getting guys over. Problem is you got to get those guys in. You know, once you get them over, you got to get them in and that's been a little bit of a bugaboo. I was texting with Jesse Agler. We're going to be joined by Jesse in about 30 minutes. I texted him the other day in the middle of a game about bunting and he starts firing stats at me about pro far and we've been, I think pro far has been successful. I think we scored runs 50% of the time with him and maybe 33% of the time when Merrill did it. And he's like, I see what you're saying, but I think it's recency bias on your part. All right. Joey in the chat says that's what taking a walk is Benjamin passing, essentially passing the buck onto the next guy. No, no, no, a walk doesn't add to the three precious out. Correct. It doesn't give up an out. It doesn't count against your outs. A sacrifice bond does. It's a third of your out, 33% of your valuable outs. Joey does not like to walk. So I know, I know exactly where he's coming from. I'm okay with walks. Walks are good. Well, sacrifice bonds. I tend to think towards woods is side of the equation. Yeah. And it's not valuable. And it's time and play certainly, you know, first and second, eighth inning, ninth inning, you know, you're up one down one. No problem. Man, drop it down. See the next guy can get it over or get, get them in. No, no big deal, especially if it's Tyler Wade, if it's Bryce Johnson, you know, whatever. Fine. But if it's your some pro far and Jackson Merrill, I want you swinging the bat. Manny Pichado, I want you swinging the bat Fernando Tatiz, Xander Bogart, I want you swinging the bat. That's what you get paid. You don't pay the best bunters in, in, on the planet, $30 million a year to blink, to get the asspats after moving the guy over. Do you hate the extra inning runner on second, bunting him over to third? I kind of do. It was top of the inning or bottom of the inning. All right. Well, if you're playing for a tie, then you, you want to maybe, but he's in scoring position. He's in scoring position. I, I, I generally think it's not a great idea because all right, let's say you're the top of the inning. You know, I think the only argument would be, all right, it's the top of the inning, we've got our closer is, we still haven't used our clothes, right? He's ready to go. And he could possibly strand that runner out at second. So if we get our runner in, we got a chance to win it. But if it's the bottom of the inning, you've already probably used your closer. So it's more than likely you're going to need two runs to win the game, not one and a bunch moving a guy over from second to third. He's not helping you score the two runs you probably need to win that game. So you're generally not in favor of your banking on him scoring on the, on the fly, the sack fry, which is round number two now, yeah, whereas he's going to probably score on a base hit. No, more than likely, more than likely unless it's shallow, but then you have two on with nobody out. Like I'm with you on that. Yeah, I just, again, you know, if you're, if you're, if it's one nothing in the, one nothing in the 10th inning and you're on second base and you have a chance to move him over, maybe try it, but also you can hit a single and you're probably going to score. It just giving up outs. They're so precious. And I think like, like I said, time and place for it, time and place, certainly. But yeah, people in the chat talking about Zander Bogart's coming back. We've been talking about that this morning. Yeah. I mean, again, your, your, your hope for Zander is that he returns to even just a little bit of the form that he had while he was in Boston. I hope this time away did him some good watching how his guys have grinded and, and, you know, played without him wanting to be a part of that. I have a good feeling about it. I said it last week. I don't know why I do. I just do. I have a feeling he's going to come back and play well. I've eaten my words many times. I don't want to eat them this time and I want to be right. I would expect him to be activated like possibly today. Yeah. I mean, if he's in town, he was in El Paso over the weekend on a rehab assignment. So he's, we know he's in San Diego. He wouldn't be here. I don't disagree with you woods, but I would caution Padres fans to have a little patience. You're going to have to when it comes to Zander coming back. If he doesn't look like Zander in the first week, like before the all-star break, doesn't mean he won't ever. He hasn't played in, you know, a couple of months. Wasn't necessarily locked in before that either. You're going to have to give him some time. He went down to AAA. What has he played? Three games in AAA. Not that it matters, but forgive me if I'm wrong. Wasn't he starting to heat up when he was starting to heat up a little bit? Yeah. He was definitely swinging the bat a little bit better, but to think that he's going to come back, you know, Tetis is especially, you know, earlier in his career had a couple of stints where he'd come off, injured list, not playing or COVID and then have a three home run game, two home run game will look incredible. That's the anomaly. What usually happens is guys take a few days against big league pitching now to kind of get their timing. Everything locked in. I don't think that you can fairly expect Zander to just come in guns of blazing and, you know, putting up a 950 OPS for the first, you know, five games here before the all-star break. He is back today. Maybe it's tomorrow. Maybe it's Friday. I don't know when it's going to be does seem like it's going to be sooner though, rather than later here. Yeah. I mean, look, it's it's at some point he needs to start playing like the guy that we went out and signed the silver slugger, Zander Bogart's and, you know, with the injury, he's healthy. I know he wasn't lighting the world on fire and El Paso doesn't mean anything. We've seen the opposite happen. Guys light it up and El Paso can't hit big league pitching. Zander has a track record. Not so far in San Diego. Really? I mean, he was okay last year. Like he was he was better than people I think gave him credit for. But yeah, we need that from him, man, because again, he's been a guy that's been through the stretch runs and world series and all that. Like he's a winner. Like it's he knows exactly what it takes. So the fact that he's coming back in the next couple of days, I think I'm going to I'm going to rest on the side of I'm excited about it. This is good for the team. Yeah, it's going to make Mike Schild's job and AJ Preller's job with the holistic lineup a little bit more difficult, but it also lengthens your lineup when you get a guy like that back. So I realized that there's a weird position shortage there, but it's up to them to figure it out. And if not, they're going to have to find somebody bend to replace to replace the guys out in the outfield. But I'm totally with you. I just I'm going to err on the side of he's going to come back and hopefully do some damage. Keep in mind. We're going to be going up against some tough pitching for this last week before the all star break. We mentioned today Logan Gilbert, for the Mariners, he's an all star, really excited. There was a video of him calling his family and letting us really know that he made the all star team tomorrow is Bryce Miller, another good young pitcher for the Mariners who's got a sub for ERA. Maybe not dominant, but certainly has been, you know, a solid starting pitcher now for going on two seasons for the Seattle Mariners. And then this weekend, you've got the Atlanta Braves. Now they've they've tinkered with their rotation a little bit, including Chris sale got skipped over yesterday. But he is supposed to pitch today, which would put him in line to pitch on Sunday against Dylan Sees. The other two, a little more up in the air. Right now ESPN has Spencer Schwellenbach listed for Friday night's game. He is a right hander. I am. He's like a two hit shutout and then they have Renaldo Lopez, who's been very good, really good, scheduled for Saturday's game for the Braves to wrap up the first half of the season. The converted reliever that everyone was worried about. He wasn't going to be able to handle the starting pitcher workload. And he has done that. And then some for the Atlanta Braves. So yeah, man, it does not get any easier for this team. And I just, I said it yesterday, Benny, you weren't here. Razor's Edge, you know, really, I do feel like they are on the Razor's Edge right now with all the injuries with the, you know, you being on the restricted list, the depth issues right now. I do feel like it's a little bit of a Razor's Edge. It can, can really, and give him credit. I mean, if they happen, you know, usually when a team's on that Razor's Edge of injury, you're hoping making tread water and they've actually done better than that. Despite the injuries, they play good baseball, but that hasn't taken them off the Razor's Edge. Correct. They're literally there. Getting Bogart's help, as we mentioned earlier, gets, it helps a little bit, but doesn't really address any of the real issues, which is outfield, bullpen, and starting pitching. None of those issues are addressed by the return of Zander Bogart's this week now. Not really. Not really at all. All right. Coming up in this half of the program, mention our guest, Jesse Agler, Kyle Higashioka, also has some giveaways. We got some potrace tickets to give away coming up against the Seattle Mariners for tomorrow's game. It's not quite day, not quite night games tomorrow. I'll be there. It's a 340 first pitch. It's the 1984 day, honoring the 1984 team, Tim Flannery, going to sing the National Anthem tomorrow. Oh, very nice. Play the National Anthem. Yeah. Play it and sing it. Very cool. We're going to do the whole family going. Can't wait. But when we come back speaking of playing, we're going to give away some tickets to John Fogarty at the shell. No. Name that tune. And Woodsie's got his guitar here for Kyle Higashioka's appearance. We're going to play a little John Fogarty. Name that tune. But remember, it's not going to sound exactly like John Fogarty because it's Woods. Yeah. I'm not that good. So you can have to try to, you know, think deeply and identify the Fogarty song. If you want to get on the line and be a contestant, we need a full line of contestants because you get one guest, Woodsie plays the tune, name it, and you can win the tickets coming up next. 833-280-973, 833-280-973, you're going to take on Woods with Woods. What's up next? 97.3, the fan. Tell me about your guitar, the one you brought in Woods. By the way, you can call in right now for your chance to win the Fogarty tickets by identifying Woods playing Fogarty/CCR here in a couple of minutes. But this is a fairly special guitar. Yeah, it is. So we've all heard the story of the Terminator, right? We tell it every year. Christmas, Christmas, and holiday, and I really wanted electric guitar when I was a little kid. My dad for Christmas bought me a guitar called the Terminator, and it was a nine-volt battery powered electric guitar with a speaker that was built in like in the upper right part of it. And I was so disappointed because I'm in 80s. Yes, it's like I was in, I was probably 12, you know, so yeah, I mean, I just wanted to play poison and rat and everything else. It's like the Play School version of it. Yeah, that's exactly what it was. It was like the Play School version. You know, my old man was doing his best. He didn't know, and I remember being so disappointed, and of course we've had so much fun with it over the years. So one year, he, for my birthday, he said, "Hey, meet me for lunch." I said, "All right." So I went and had lunch with him. I was working, like I think I was in radio sales at the time, and he says, "Come meet me for lunch." So I met him, and he goes, "Oh, before you leave, I got a birthday present for you." So I go out to the car, he opens up the trunk, and there's this case with this, it says "Fender" on it, and I went, "Oh, what the hell is this?" And I open it up, and there's this beautiful, beautiful Fender Stratocaster in there. American-made, it is stunning, it is a beautiful guitar. Now it's completely wasted on me, because I am straight rhythm, I don't really, I don't play a lot of licks and stuff. I don't make it cry or sing, I'm strictly rhythm, but I love it. And I will pass it down to one of my kids, whoever wants it, and it's just a, it's a beautiful thing. Now the funny story is, it's because it's my dad, he got a deal on it. Because an old guitar is all he can afford. So he was in, I think he was in Chicago, and he was like, "I'm going to go walk in this guitar store, I've got some time to kill." And there was this guitar, and it's cool, it's like, what color would you say that is? I'd meant... I'd call that... No, almost a baby blue. Baby blue meant? Not like mint. So, he walks in, and there was like, he started talking to the guys, like my son plays, and I want to... Perry Winkle. Yeah, Perry Winkle. And he says, "I want to give him a guitar." And he goes, "You know what's funny?" He goes, "I'll make you a good deal on this one." I made this for J. Guiles, from the J. Guiles. Wow. And he didn't like... Centerful. He didn't like the color, like he, there was something about it, he didn't like it. And he's like, "Ah." So they sold it. So my dad got a good deal on it, because it's my dad, my dad better, very, very alike. This is scary. So, I mean, bro, I'll take it. I'll absolutely take it, but it's a beautiful, beautiful guitar, and I wish I was better at playing it. So you brought it in. We've got Kyle Higashyoka, who's also a guitar player, who's supposed to join us in studio in our next hour. We thought, well, we're giving away these Fogarty tickets, coming to the radio show on September 4th. Tickets are on sale now at, but we thought, "Why not do something fun to give them away?" So, $1 on the line, we're going to bring you on the air. Woods is going to play, like, kind of like two-second song, original lick. Yeah, like two-second song. And you need to identify the Fogarty/CCR song that he's trying to play, at least, for your chance to win. So let's bring on our first contestant. We've got Andrew. Andrew there. I'm here. All right. If you can identify the Fogarty song here, then you can win the tickets. Woodsie, you are up. Andrew, listen closely. Not bad. I kind of got it. Andrew, what song is that? Come on. Ah gee. Sad move. Yes, sir. One and one. Look at that. Well done, Andrew. Stay on the line. Paul will get your information. Never been the biggest Fogarty. Okay. Can we talk about centerfield? We can. It's an awkward baseball song. It doesn't quite resonate with a real die-hard baseball fan. I think it's supposed to, but I don't quite feel it. I don't feel his love for baseball necessarily in that song. My six-year-old loves it. Yeah, it's the kind of target demographic from centerfield, isn't it? Do you think he hates playing it? Because my guess is that he absolutely does. Maybe. Yeah, I get the sense he doesn't love it. Let's do karaoke. Do you know the words? Yeah, I think. I beat the drum. I'm working out today. I'm born again. There's new grass on the field. Around the third, I'm heading for home. It's a brown-eyed handsome man. Anyone can understand the way I feel. Oh, put me in coach. I'm ready to play. Today, I'm pulling in coach. I'm ready to play. Today, I'm running coach. I'm ready to play. Today, I'm running coach. I'm ready to play. Today, look at me. I can be centerfield. Maybe part of it is that- I like the better of that version. I like this version. You don't just go in and play centerfield without ever having played it before. At least that's what I thought until this year when Jackson Merrill did it and became an all-star by basically saying, "Put me in coach. Look at me." No, centerfield. I don't think that's how it went down. You're playing centerfield. You can be. Look at you, Jackson. You can be centerfield. And he said, "Oh, okay. Put me in coach. I can do this." Well, Andrew, stay on the line. We'll get you those tickets. I'm looking at the set list. You will, in fact, hear centerfield. Oh, you will. Based on previous shows of what Fogarty's been playing on tour. It doesn't mean he doesn't hate playing it though. Right. I was just curious if he's even going to play it at all. It looks like I looked through like four or five different shows recently from last month. Yeah. Same set list. Top to bottom. And it's right there in the middle. That thing out of tune. So we should tune that thing. Yeah, I've got a tuner. I'll tune it for Kyle. So it sounds good. All right. That was well done though by Andrew. Yeah. Very sharp. And I thought you did a really nice job of making that song identifiable. I'll just tune it live on the air. I've got a break if you want. Maybe just tune a little bit. How do you know? How does that work? This is a little tuner. Does it like can identify the different notes to make sure they're correct? Oh. I never knew how that worked. I thought you just had to know exactly what those C sounds. Well, some people do. I do not. Oh, yeah. You're not pitch perfect. They can tune it by ear. alert is going to join us the voice of the pot raised need an incorporated word if you want to throw one into the chat during our break please do we would love the suggestion Jesse coming up next on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan. Don't forget you listen to Sam Levitt's podcast inside San Diego baseball and Sam covers everything going on with the pot raised is funded in 97 3 the fan SD dot com the Odyssey app wherever you get your podcast that includes segments from the pre and the post game show Sammy's always doing all kinds of interviews down on the field and you can get that at your convenience by downloading the free Odyssey app all right it is a Tuesday we got Jesse Agler standing by to talk some pot raised baseball he will join us right after a check of traffic here on 97 3 the fan. So I tweeted on a Friday night when the pot raised dramatically one 10 to 8 on the Manning Machado walk off home run hey better than a 7 to 2 win and of course he gets a pushback because obviously he had to use more bullpen arms he stressed everybody out but I think for an announcer absolutely a 72 no drama win at the end provides no opportunity to shine the way Jesse Agler was able to shine on Friday night in what was one of the wildest innings of the major league baseball season and Jesse joins us right now here on a Tuesday on 97 3 the fan good morning Jesse good morning yeah that was that's one will remember for a very very very long time now while it's happening it's not that fun because you're looking like oh this is going to be the worst loss of the season here blowing a five run lead in the in the ninth inning but in the hindsight that was that was a fun one to call it was and you know what was neat for me was as somebody who watches literally every single pitch of this you know team when it went to the bottom of the inning I in my brain and this really for the first time since the beginning of last year I was like I think they're going to do this you know because their last last season there came a point where I stopped feeling that way sadly you know I mean it was just sort of the reality of how last year went and for the first half of last year you know it seemed like they had the right guys coming up in those spots time and time again whether it was extra innings or just down by one in the ninth or whatever and it just never happened and it was flummoxing and we've never been able to explain it and we never will be able to explain it and so I kind of lost the ability to be like alright I'm confident in this moment but the way this team has played this year even after you know the the heartbreak and the gut punch at the top of the inning you know when you look down and you saw who was coming up in the bottom half like during that commercial break in the middle of the ninth inning I legitimately thought to myself I was like they're in a win this game aren't they and I mean it took three batters they didn't record it out and really one of the crazier finishes will ever see now Jesse that thought was so pervasive with you and it was pervasive with me too that when the next night rolled around I went oh we got this I mean this is this is going to be an unlikely hero in Bryce Johnson but I'd have every confidence in the world that will get it done they didn't and I was still like oh still pretty cool I mean they got really really close and I know there are no moral victories but man you just it was it was weird like I didn't get that dopamine rush that I was used to getting like the night before yeah it's great you know I mean because they're the crazier thing about the second game was like they in a weird way right they kind of did the hard the first run they loaded the bases they had nobody out and at that point you know I don't know for me and maybe this is crazy but like my sense was kind of like all right you know you kind of you kind of did what you needed to do and now let's see what happens right like you know you did the hard part you got the guys on base you know you made the guy sweat and you know at the end of the day I guess credit to Alberto Castellanos and his 90 mile an hour fastball for being able to get out of the thing but you know it's the beauty of baseball there's a million different ways to do it but yeah like it wasn't discouraging in the way that so many games were last year because this team is proven you know from Jump Street that they're capable of making this thing happen and it's great you know I mean that might show from literally day one in spring training has been obsessively speaking publicly and privately and the guys in the clubhouse have been speaking obsessively publicly and privately about having you know sort of this mentality and this identity and they're going out there and they're they're walking the walk all season long so it's great it's fun never feels like they're out of a game you know they had eight nothing come back in April and I think that was the one that kind of set the tone where it was like alright you know they're capable of doing this this year you know you win your first three extra inning games that certainly didn't hurt after what happened last season so it's a fun team it really is Jesse your thought on the Padres slate of all stars obviously had the two voted in last Wednesday in pro foreign to T so then three more name to the team on Sunday and honestly the one that I saw the most pushback at least nationally wasn't Jackson Merrill who really does absolutely deserve to be there I saw more pushback and Louisa rise oh yeah than any of the other Padres all stars and I think that goes to what you really consider to be the most valuable part of an offensive player it's almost like a personal preference sort of thing there there's there's definitely that I think there's also the element of like he was on the ballot as a second baseman and he hasn't really played much second base since coming to the Padres so like talking to some of the Arizona people over the weekend because remember a rise and could tell Marte with a finalist at second base they were all like this guy's not even a second baseman and I was like well he was you know and then he came here and Dander got hurt in the Padres had to kind of mix everything up and they decided to stick him at first base but you know I think there's a couple of things that play there but there's no doubt you know I mean it's it's not new news that there's a lot of people in baseball who don't look at batting average the same way that maybe we did you know 25 30 and beyond years ago but you know for me all all stories about a few different things it's not a cut and dry black and white you know one I think quote unquote star powered does matter I do think that goes in and having name recognition and he's got that because he's won a batting title the last couple of years beyond that how do you compare to the guys at the position you play that's obviously a little bit of a weird one as we just discussed and then further all right what is your skill set and how does it compare to other people of that skill set and Louisa rise is the best when it comes to that skill set when it comes to hitting for average when it comes to collecting base hits I think he pretty much stands alone in the National League here in 2024 so you know for all those reasons you know for me Louisa rise is absolutely an all-star having two guys voted in is a big deal it really doesn't happen often you know it hadn't happened here what since 1997 that the Padres had had two guys voted in the fact that they're both outfielders who never played the outfield before last year kind of makes it that much more special what a credit to both Fernando and you know pro far I guess Jordan's been an outfielder you know a little bit the last couple years but he came up as an infielder then you add in Merrill obviously what a phenomenal story Suarez really you know hadn't had a hiccup before the other night when you know he was kind of on fumes out there all really really well deserving five is a big number it's a really really big number and this team is a lot to be proud of talking to our pal Jesse Aguiler here on Ben & Woods this morning and you know we are all we all compare you just did it talking about last year we've done it in here a million times you know when it comes to the job of a general manager though you know is it is it fair you have to treat each season as its own as its own silo as Mike Schilt likes to call it the vacuum right and we were just talking about this we talked about it a little bit yesterday Jesse when you look at this team and you call these games every night you see a team and you go alright we have to do whatever we if you're the front office we have to do whatever we have to do this this is truly the team that deserves you know a front line starter or a you know excellent bullpen piece obviously AJ's been willing to do that many many times in his tenure but you can't really look at what he's done in the past you just kind of have to focus on the team that you have in front of you do you agree also when you watch this team that they've absolutely earned earned you know some moves some help whatever they may need to try to push this thing over the finish line yes of course but also you know I would say that we all and I include myself in this have a tendency to oversimplify the trade deadline when we talk about it big time you know we we we say hey a buyer or seller right okay obviously if you're going to make it that black and white the Padres are buyers you know they're in playoff position as you said they have a team that has earned the opportunity to push forward and try and make this thing happen but a you know complicated deals coming together it's complicated so it's not going to be as straightforward as like alright we need a starter and a reliever so let's go out and talk to this team and that team and we'll get it done you know there's so many moving parts that make it happen and then the other thing to always keep in mind is you know a there's the cliche of like hey the best moves are the ones you never made but then also that you know it's it's the thing of you think you're making a move that's like a no-brainer of course this is going to work out but it doesn't always yeah and I mean I don't I don't have to we we can go down Adam Fraser Boulevard and I you know Austin Nola Road or whatever you want right like you know moves that in the moment you thought we're like of course like this is great the guy's hitting what was what was Adam Fraser hitting when he got here a couple years it's like 330 something like 340 and the change of scenery the change of scenery was brutal for him and you know I don't blame a J for that because like we all would have made that move yeah we're gonna that's exactly the kind of guy we need right now you know I mean so like that landmine is out there on all these potential deals you say hey we need a frontline starter you look at whatever name you want to of the guys that might fall into that bucket right now who could be available and like it is not automatic that that guy is just going to continue to have the ERA and the sort of you know strikeout rate that he does wherever he is now when he comes here that's just not the way baseball works on the other side of that you might acquire somebody who you go huh that's that's a little bit odd that that doesn't seem like the kind of guy they're going after but it clicks right and maybe you know Ruben has a conversation with him and they look at something together and all of a sudden he's even better than he was somewhere else so again it's just not as simple and straightforward as like all right here's our laundry list or grocery list and you know let's go out and get one of each because you just never know how it's gonna end up going and you know that's that's not even getting into the chemistry issues that that can arise you know both with departures and arrivals so it's a really really kind of you know perilous tightrope that any general manager has to walk this time of year particularly if you have a team as the Padres do that is performing well look there's no doubt they need pitching help right because of injuries because of the Darvish situation and because quite frankly every competitive team probably could always use more pitching but it's it's again it's just not that easy and I think that's an important thing to keep in mind these next couple weeks I love what you said about chemistry too because we had Tim Flannery in yesterday and he was you know part of the the three World Series championships for the Giants and he talked about what Brian Sabian did bringing in guys that hadn't won before and that were really really hungry and I thought about that for a second I went oh yeah the hundred penses of the world the Marcos scooter rose the world the guys that were like all right I'm on a winner now I'll do anything I have to do a gone yeah a gone right are you bringing guys who have championship pedigree who know how to get it done already right you can always go you can go the other way too yeah for sure for sure now it's interesting to think about both have value I've talked to GM's about both of those things before and it's a real thing you know it's you can go back you know it's kind of a random example but it's relevant with the 84 celebration and you mentioned Flannery Kerry Kennedy is one of those guys in the like mid-late 80s he kept popping up on really good team yeah that's not an accident that's not an accident like that's the kind of guy that you know if you're a competitive team you wanted to go out and get and say hey this guy knows what it takes this guy has sort of been there and done that and and there's no doubt like chemistry I think when we talk about that often people think about personality and you know quote-unquote leadership you know leading by example or leading by voice whatever it is and that that exists I'm not trying to poo poo it but you know chemistry can also mean you know the kinds of guys who have had certain experiences or at certain points in their careers if you got a bunch of guys who are going into free agency you know on a given year obviously they're gonna be concerned about themselves you know not just about the team if you got a bunch of guys who have contracts are they you know it's like you can go a million different directions with that so yeah I'm with you like I think that's an important thing to always consider you know kind of mixing in the hungry guys with the guys who know what it takes you know come August and September and October to try and get it done and that's sort of like the magic recipe that any head of baseball operations is always trying to concoct now Jesse the Padres should be getting one of those championship players back probably sometime this week in Xander Bogart's two rings under his belt good chemistry guy don't know what the production is gonna look like obviously right away especially after missing you know two months here with the shoulder fracture but and Mike she'll be asked about it the other day or tomorrow but how do you kind of envision the Padres lineup working as as Xander comes back and where to put him back at second as Jake move back to first as a rise of day when Manny needs to get a day off it kind of adds some it's some complications to Mike Schultz job certainly a good good complications but complications nonetheless yeah I'd like to your word choice it's because I think a lot of people will be like oh it's a good problem to have you know cliche and I think complication is better than problem because I don't see it as problematic and yeah I think generally and I'm speaking out of turn here because I haven't asked Mike or anybody else about it but like you know I think you can move it around a little bit you know Manny's been playing more Thursdays so you know all right is that you know DH spot now a little bit less of a Solano and a little bit more of an arise you know quite possibly but you know they can mix and match every single day right they can kind of look at who's in there and move some things around so yeah there's definitely some options you know I'm not going to pretend to be the expert I certainly in my opinion but it's not really worth much of anything and and they'll figure that out look the key thing for one of these things and everybody involved knows this is communication and you know just kind of getting with everybody and Mike Schultz is tremendous when it comes to this you know just kind of getting with everybody and saying all right here's the plan here's the idea here's how we kind of want to handle this obviously subject to change you know based on you know how things go but here's here's sort of how we're going to do and to get everybody on board you know that's part of the job of the manager and I have no doubt he'll be able to do that but yeah you know it'll look a little bit different when Zander returns then it looked in the last couple of months but look these things always end up kind of working out also like you know somebody else gets hurt unfortunately or somebody's not performing or somebody just needs a little bit of a break and and you kind of do this so it's a positive obviously getting somebody of Zander's caliber back and it's only going to make this team better all right Jesse last incorporated for a couple of weeks next week of course you're off all-star break certainly you deserve at least a few days before hitting the road for another uh another east coast trip right coming up right after the break again so enjoy this time in San Diego I guess you're that few that far between now you um you mentioned last week you were gonna bring your own incorporate or word to the table do you still want to hold to that or do you want us to come up with something sure no I'm I'm ready to go if you let's do it all right so now Jesse gets to announce to us today's incorporate or word so I honestly forgotten about this until about four minutes ago that I said I would do it but it popped in my head as we were talking here and as I'm sitting in a random parking lot of Acosta somewhere after dropping my son off a camp I am hearing his tomagotchi beeping away in the back seat because those are apparently back um and as annoying as ever so I thought the word tomagotchi might be a tomagotchi it's like okay so what does that for people who don't understand or know sure for those of you lucky enough to not know what a tomagotchi is it was like really popular I mean when I was I don't know in middle school and they're back now they're like these little electronic quote unquote pets uh the kids have and it's got some buttons and it beeps very very loudly but you don't take care of it you can you can die yes it it and then you reset it it's a great life life and you just hit the button to reset it after it died just like taking care of a dog right um so yeah that's uh that's what a tomagotchi is and it's a funny sounding word obviously I think it's a Japanese word so it might sound a little bit out of place on the broadcast yeah perfect if those were big when Jesse was in middle school I'm a few years younger than Jesse I think those were like happy meal toys at one point at one point then if you're if you're Ben in my age we played with cigarettes when we were little kids that's all we got to play with so and that's particularly yeah Ben in particular yeah you guys had it switch played nine switch y'all butterfly knives cigarette rambo knives jacks and marvellous yeah i actually did play jack i did too love the school bring some jacks in for summer break next week let's get it going i'm serious it's been in one summer break we're gonna we're gonna explore the game is trying to pick things up off of the ground that was entertaining back in our day Jesse what about barrel of monkeys barrel monkeys so stupid we had barrel of monkeys we also used to you know like barrel of monkeys snip glue and pick up sticks yeah pick up sticks people love picking things up back in the day really did now it just is like a pain in the butt yeah like can i not pick things up anymore please now have a grabber ah yeah thank you Jesse Jesse have a good uh have a good broadcast tonight rest of the week enjoy your all-star break we'll talk to you in uh two weeks sounds good guys Jesse Agler voice to the San Diego Padres time i got you is tonight's Incorporated word jack's what i think i think Tony Gwynne's jr's back after a weekend off as well on the broadcast so uh hopefully uh everything goes as planned bounce bounce the ball bounce the ball and you're gonna grab the jack but you go and catch the ball for here's one right here's two now three three at three at a time but you take him you sprinkle them out it was a game of manual dexterity manual dexterity it was really good hand eye coordination stuff i'm gonna get some jacks for the kids then you throw them at each other and you step on one with their foot and it's agonizing it's over you saw some bitches who left these jacks out you did you brought them home it's twenty twenty four yeah it's twenty twenty four dude all right we've got uh rival reports and headlines coming up next have been Kyle Lagashioka in studio all in our final hour of better what's coming up on 97 three the fan thanks again to Jesse Agler had a nice discussion of playground games uh when he was gone and i i don't even think anything we played like you know fifth grade sixth grade out on the uh the playground at elementary school is even allowed anymore you say that man but i've you know i picked up both from school last year and he would do soccer uh after school one day a week and i mean look they were playing basketball but it wasn't basketball i mean it was you know it was rough like there's i didn't see a teacher in sight so i mean i think it's i think there's still a little bit of fun for yourself up there you bring up a good point because you can try to regulate it out and there's no more dodge ball or butts up or a little butts up well the games that we all played when we were in the playground and it was uh you know it was lord of the flies out there really was and you can try to legislate it out like make a bunch of rules and these games can't be played but that aggression is still inherent especially to you know 10 12 year old boys and they just haven't played soccer or basketball they're just going to make it rougher that way when they're not getting their aggression out in the somewhat unsanctioned games that we used to play 100 i mean i didn't love them i mean i was not a fan of because i wasn't one of the more aggressive kids obviously recess was had to play recess was like like you said lord of the flies i mean it was fend for yourself i mean recesses do you guys have in elementary school we had just one we had recess then we had lunch was mostly recess like you need for five minutes and then you could play yeah 30 minutes you go out and play that's about right and then there was a p e in the afternoon which was more of a organized outdoor time so you had the three times outside adam says they don't allow red rover in the elementary school district yeah red rover was rough that got uh banned at my elementary school at some point people get choked out close line yeah red rover and rovers and woodsy right over there go god i'm dead you try to find the smallest kid and try to break through those arms yeah megan says tether ball tether ball was a god i love tether ball was great and yes there was the uh smear the slur yeah we used to play as well we used to play that no one could be proud of it but that was the worst of all hockey which was literally no rules other than just mauling so throw the ball up in here and kill the guy that catches it just kill him i mean just like a punt return essentially but yeah it's uh four square that was a game i never like tether ball was even pretty gnarly because that ball when it started swimming around in a rope could do some damage you get in the face that was not fun the greatest game though in elementary school i think bar none was kickball there was nothing like kickball how do you want it baby bouncies yeah baby bouncies you know slow rollers yeah that was the best it was baseball with with kid you know kicking it was so much fun uh but yeah it's i watch him and i did their their little recess and uh it's they're playing hoops and they don't know how to dribble so they just bowl people over and then chuck up shots and it's it gets no he's gotten in trouble like 20 times uh this you're playing too rough the basketball so but dude i loved that was so much fun like basketball or something like that where because like i said my elementary school we had three recesses morning lunch and afternoon so you would get like three games in and you'd have the same teams you're like oh we're gonna get your ass in the next recess break or whatever oh yeah went out there and sweat you're running your ass off 10 or 15 minutes come back in go back in social studies you learn learn about it and then there was the completely overwhelmed playground monitor with the whistle yeah there's enough who was in charge of 400 kids who were out there at once there was one you know woman with a whistle who was supposed to keep everybody in line the entire time good luck to use ma'am or sir who of this job that was at bow school too it's like volunteers the teachers at recess are like they're gonna break this is our break we're going to the break room we're leaving it to the playground monitor to monitor seven eight classes that are all out there together at the same time tell you guys a while back it's one of my favorite stories miss brumfield that was our uh playground monitor and elementary school and for years i mean years she called me carl carl she kept carl and me carl and finally i got in trouble for you know that it's it's raw yeah i got i got in trouble for running or something where you weren't supposed to be running and she was carl carl come over here and i turned around and said my name's not carl gots attention i used to call my brother carl as an insult when i was a kid no offense any carl i don't think we even had a carl at the school we never actually met a real carl i have done exit no no i i but i used to call him carl and it used to make him so mad i was just i was already pissed because i got in trouble for something and then i just snapped and screamed at her carl mom's like well what'd you do is it well it's time it's actually time for the carl around the world to get out of it and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindel report now tuned into the month greatest welcome to the rindel report with Paul rindel hi Paul all right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you need it are you laughing beyond it's the rindel report hey Paul how you doing okay how are you on 97 three the fan are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please that was good can i get a whole year all right carl take it away carl famous carls carl louis carl riner carl's junior carl's junior it's a good one carl segan oh no i don't have many other carls out there george carl that's the yeah that's a basketball wood okay that comes up with george carl it's that's all i think about 24/7 hoops hoops hoops hoops he was the head coach in the sonics i think he was when i got in trouble yes he does yeah all right we'll start off in the nfl interesting story fun fun story here two-time defensive uh and pro bowler josh allen not quarterback for the bills but the jaguars top defensive player josh allen he is changing his name heading into the upcoming nfl season he's changing his last name to read hinds hyphen allen he's josh who uh hinds allen and he's doing this to pay tribute to it says uh his maternal side of his family and other relatives who have worn hinds and hinds allen on their jerseys that's good story it is it is a really nice story that he is concocted to hide the real reason there's another way more famous josh allen in the league and you never want to be the second most famous player in the league with a name right yeah do you think he cares yeah i think he cares i think that's a big reason why he's changing his name i think he's doing it to honor his what was it grandmother yeah his mother's family side and it says here on espn so his sister plays for the washington mystics in the wnba and it's she has hinds allen on the back uh his sisters both play college basketball or played college basketball they had hinds allen on their backs make sense uh in addition his uncle was drafted by the warriors in 1983 after a hall of fame career at hampton university also had hinds allen so he's you know paying tribute to the whole family that's his story ben thinks he's just covering because he doesn't want to be also josh out so negative you're so negative you always think the worst of people his quote on his instagram it's not a bad thing i think it's smart he's actually to not have the same exact name as a more famous player in the league established though isn't he yeah car i mean he's uh carl not carl josh allen's a two-time pro baller he's a very good defensive player now carl allen but when anyone says you know nfl player josh allen who do you think of josh allen josh allen yeah exactly the quarterback of the bells so you need to do something to differentiate from the josh allen everyone thinks you're referring to mike he agrees with miley in the chat agrees he posted a picture of the new jersey pointing to the back to the name plate and he says uh an instagram legacy is forever and i'm proud to carry that tradition on the back of my jersey following in the footsteps of my family who have donned the hinds allen's last name with so much pride and joy there is a suck it ben higgins there is a reason that i mean why didn't why didn't he do it sooner but somebody just said in the chat ben you're the second most famous ben higgins after the bachelor grab maybe you should go back to dan stevens fair enough i will never get over dan stevens ever pick a name kid you need a different name uh dan steven sounds very radio-like yeah it also sounds made up and like a porn star dan stevens all right um dan stevens i don't like this second story because look i i think woods would also agree with this i love a good commitment to the bit but sometimes i think it can be dragged out too far well sometimes it gets ridiculous and skip bailis for like a long time he you're like this is a bit that that's the worst opinion that's the worst take i've ever heard you have to just be doing this for the clicks you're you know you know you don't believe this and you're doing this because that's your stick what's his latest the latest has to do with uh labron james okay shocker brawny james right brawn james jr so he was on his uh with the skip bailis show i think and uh well here's what he had to say i think he'll be more calm cool and collected in the eye of next year's storm than even his father will be no i think he'll play pretty well alongside his father i think brawny would be pretty good i think he'll he'll become a clutch three-point shooter i've always gotten the feeling that brawny had a bigger clutch gene than his father does i mean you have to tip your hat absolutely then the fact that he's able to say it with a with a straight face is astounding it's astounding i think brawny who have scored like four points in a summer league debut and he's gonna be averaged three points a game and his one year of college basketball yeah got the bigger clutch gene in the family then dad librock game winning threes in the final for twenty straight years on labron is overrated it's incredible at some point you feel like i'm eventually gonna be right i am gonna stick with this until he retires that this guy is overrated i mean doesn't it do him i guess isn't it like better to come in ten years ago you know what i was wrong i'll wear it but you know like that gives you i i would think so but i would think so too and there's nothing wrong with being wrong about a player it happens all the time to all of us oh yeah all of us have been brought did in in a way agreed when he said brawny is probably gonna handle all of this attention yeah better than i would have he i care i unfortunately care too much what people say and think yeah brawny doesn't really care he's got that gene where he doesn't care that i heard that labron also said like it's it's two different tales like brawny you know think everything that has happened in my life brawny doesn't have to play basketball brawny is going to be good he's going to be just right whereas labron is like i had to make it i it was the only way out from acron i had to make it brawny doesn't necessarily have to do that yeah he said uh if brought if you want to be a chef or a gamer or whatever like i'm gonna take care of him he's fine we got we got plenty of money yeah good could have done whatever he wanted but he put the work in to get to basketball to get to this point yeah and let's not also act like it's he's not a massive nepo baby too i mean it's it's both things can be true it's not absolutely it's not his fault not his fault i think his can't help can't help who is his old man is uh somebody asked in the chat how much does this dude get paid skip bail us well he's in the middle of a four-year thirty two million dollar contract they signed with fox sports eight million a couple years a year eight million dollars a year for takes like that it's it's something else man uh and then finally this this should probably be uh defined as punishment i would say but i was reading one of our favorite websites woods he turned it turned us on to it consequence of sound they do music television movies a lot of pop culture stories so i like to check that out in the morning for some rind report stories and they've got one here that says that bob dylan yes Earl buddy has announced a massive new four hundred and thirty one song box set collecting every single surviving sound board recording from his legendary 1974 tour with the band like a hundred format for vinyl uh yeah it looks like vinyl huh seventy five hundred records it's the it actually they drop it off in one of those moving boxes that you and you just go pull the record out coming out 400 container like you're coming out on September 20th the new box set will feature four hundred and thirty one newly mixed songs across 27 disks including four hundred and seventeen of them being never before released tracks i can't believe it i absolutely can't believe it you see who's uh here already did he's early oh my man kylie goshioka is in the building what would you say what would you say is the average length of a bob dylan song four minutes four minutes four to five more than thirty one songs times four minutes divided by sixty minutes per hour so it would take you probably around twenty nine hours straight to listen next week there's no baseball we just start at six we play all of the tracks of bob dylan will talk through them over only four hours a day i'll take it like the entire all-star break the whole break we get through as much as we can next week on the show comes out in september this will take us through like the entire month of november you know i like avant guard radio i don't think there's much more avant guard radio than that strap in for next week it's gonna get real weird all right well uh now that josh allen is changing his name i don't know if there's gonna be room for two higgies in the studio at one time we're gonna have to fight over the nickname uh when we come back though kyle hagashioka ponterase catcher gonna be with us don't go anywhere check traffic and them returning with more betta woods on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan it's already started oh it's already started how do you know this would happen what's he was so excited i mean i'm excited as well obviously we'll talk some baseball with our next guest in studio but the music talk has already begun because joining us right now in studio this is a real tree ponterase catcher kyle hagashioka is here during a homestand here you got the all-star break coming up but appreciate you stopping by this morning come good to see ya yeah thanks for having me guys it's good to uh good to see you again in person and what a uh well we want to do baseball first or what no we got a short segment here let's just uh let's just get comfortable let's just get comfortable first dive in here so we were talking about the fact that you use rats lay it down for your walk up i love it so much and i love hip hop and i like country but with everybody having a hip hop song or morgan walland song is their walk up and you go with rat san diego by the way legendary band micky rat went to la and became rat um i love that about you it's my favorite yeah i um yeah i think it's uh it's like a nice little tribute to you know wherever you're playing you know i try to try to choose a a song that's uh from a you know hopefully a local band yeah and um you know rats rats one of my favorites so it's like that was an easy choice for me lifetime contract for kyle hagashi okay yeah i were the boss so it makes sense though woods you're 48 almost 49 and you kind of grew up in the 80s like we did now you're younger you're 34 so rat was already well established by the time you were probably kind of getting into different music how did you become a fan of a band that was not necessarily in their prime when you were in your you know teen formative music years yeah i'm uh i mean i didn't really listen to that much when i was uh growing up it's just when i when i started playing guitar um that was probably my first first spring training i started playing guitar and so i really started diving deep into um you know the world of uh you know hard rock guitarists and um you know i discovered all these bands from the 80s that were just like incredible shredder yeah i mean to the best in that band too you got you got the i mean it's still like a mainstream sound it's like a more of like a pop vocal so it's super catchy all the songs are super catchy but then you got more of a heavy metal style guitar which is uh that's kind of right up my alley so rat rat was one of them uh you know warranty martini he's one of my favorites uh this is George Lynch yep one of my favorites from doc and Eddie then Eddie Van Halen Eddie Van Halen of course legendary yeah i love that i love that you use it too it just makes me excited every time because if i was a big leaguer i would play it but they're like well of course you would you're 48 years old you're gonna play rat and you shouldn't be in the big leagues because you're 48 years old you can't hit you can't play defense you can't run there's nothing really you bring to the table uh but hey what a great what a great um what a great run that you're you guys are on and of course you personally i know you know it seems like a locker room uh Kyle that everyone's really pretty friendly and tight and pulling for each other right now it's been some pretty magical moments uh for you and the team uh these first you know the half of the season yeah um i i mean the thing that's impressed me the most about this team is just the resilience um you know i i don't think i've ever been on a team that's been so prone to coming back anytime anytime we're down um you know it's just every every game that we're within you know a few runs at the end we we just we're always feeling like we're gonna we're gonna make something happen in the ninth and um you know it doesn't always happen but it's it's it's happened enough to where it's like wow this is uh you know we might have something special here i think people forget anytime you get to the big leagues obviously you were a phenomenal player growing up high school all the way through to get to the big leagues but you haven't had a chance to play as regularly as you have lately that often in your career you've just you've kind of been in that backup role with the Yankees and then started with the Padres in that same role when was the last time you felt like you were kind of on a a heater like you've been on for these last few weeks yeah i mean i've i don't think i've ever you know played had a had a month like that yeah like i like i had in in june so um yeah i mean to to me it's like you know i i i believe that i'm capable of that it's just um baseball is all about it's good actually see it though yeah yeah when you always hear guys when they get on those heaters and i would ask you the same question when they get on those heaters they're like i don't want to go home i don't want to have to wait until tomorrow i want it's like a good golf round you always have your me i always play really well on 18 and then i'm done and i'm like i just want to keep playing is that was that what this last month has been like for you like i cannot wait to get back there and get after it again yeah yeah i mean you you always want to be uh you always want to be playing when you're playing well so um but yeah i mean the game's all about consistency though so um you know the best players they they had months like that more often than just once a year so um you know that's what i'm striving for trying to trying to keep that going for the rest of the year talking to kali gosh yokka is in studio with this and and i heard um i've heard talk of like a slight stance adjustment things that have worked well for you but you know you started uh new team you come to sandy ego and there was like an oh for 20 stretch where you're only getting to play once every few days did you feel at the time that you were like close though like you were gonna you're about to break out of it and how frustrating was that to come to a new team come back to your home state and get off to kind of a slow start before this this latest stretch yeah um you know you always want to you want to impress when you go to a new team so it's it's definitely tough when you're you're not exactly uh swinging the bat so great um but i mean you know historically i've been kind of a slow starter and i mean i i tried to make adjustments this year to mitigate that but um obviously still got off to a slow start um so it didn't really it wasn't i wasn't in full panic mode but it's definitely you know when you when you go when you have a stretch like that where you hit list in 20 at bats you you start to try new things and sometimes it's actually you know you come out better on the other side for it it's gonna break yeah okay we're gonna take a quick time out when we come back i want to ask kyle obviously about catching that Waldron which is god something he's been asked to do that no other catcher in major league baseball has done in several years now yeah man and he's got to do it every fifth day for the San Diego Padres and i i don't know if you notice but woods did bring the guitar yeah that's all that's not always here just for the record so we've got it run into we got run through a board and everything it's possible he may ask you to pick it up at some point mites uh so we'll see what happens after the break final segment of Benawood's kalegashioka in studio coming back next year on San Diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fan sorry 97-3 the fan is brought to you by the frozen ropes baseball and softball training facilities frozen ropes signing up athletes age six through 12 for baseball softball summer camps half day full day options available make it a frozen ropes summer like bowwoods over there for more information visit sannegofrozen at sannegofrozen yeah we haven't even mentioned the little guys here today you know it's summer got to he needs to we need care for him so his old man just brings him to work you had a question for hickey you wanted to ask yesterday you said right yeah go ahead what does it take to break in a catcher's mitt look at that better question than his old man has ever asked ever never oh that's first time all right so what do you do to break in your catcher's mitt com um for me i just i basically just catch pitches yeah i mean i don't um i don't really like to do anything crazy with it does go in the oven like my wife i try not to i try not to add any extra weight to the leather by like um you know getting it too wet or anything um for me like you know having a light catcher's glove is super important because that way i can just react quicker but it kind of begs the it leads into the next question of catching uh matt walleyard and you you get you're you're over here with the padre's and they're like hey welcome um you know this is going to be your role and you can catch matt walleyard who throws this absolutely filthy knuckleball how much experience had you had in your life little league and beyond catching somebody that threw a knuckleball consistently uh zero zero yeah zero always a fun thing to learn at the big league level trying to um contribute on a new team in a new city as you said you want to impress and here's this again gloves did that require a new mint yeah you can't use the big one you can't use the big floppy one that they use right um we just don't have one i'll take one if anyone's cool if anyone has me with dropping off the studio i mean there's been so much talk about it they say that big floppy knuckleball mitt is great for knuckleballs but walleyard also throws in you know 93 yeah and that's not going to feel good on your hand in that thin floppy mitts you kind of have to wear the regular mint for his other pitches well i mean we we found a knuckleball mitt and uh it's just not broken in so we're kind of trying to break that in a little bit uh i'm open to trying it but um yeah i mean it's just right now i'm using my backup glove which is just bigger and floppier than my normal glove we hear um the stories about matt and the the tim wake field stories when they went to boston and talking to tom candyotty and the uncle other knuckleballers have they set you up with anybody who's ever caught a knuckleball like to like how do you is there any like techniques or anything like instruction they've been able to give you because most of the coaches don't have any experience with this either yeah uh some of the other guys were telling me um you know let the ball travel and um i remember when the when the Yankees came into town uh travina was telling me about some time that he had to catch a knuckleball guy and you know he was like saying something about uh keeping the keeping the thumb up or um or or sit inside saddle so i i've i've also like listened to some interviews that uh josh tolly you know has has given about it and um and also i i've heard some advice through the grapevine uh from dougmere belly but other than that i mean you know i'm kind of flying solo yeah i mean you you're you're weighing a little bit but again there's there's obviously it's six and one half dozen the other catching knuckleball is really difficult and you know especially matt's is just incredible and they show it on television slowed down and i think the layman goes oh what's so hard about that it's not even moving that fast but there's an art form to it obviously because not every you don't just you don't get reps doing it the ones that get me though for you guys is a guy like moron who comes in throwing 97 top of the zone snaps off a slider in the dirt i don't know how you guys do it i'm amazed by it your preference though if you you get you get matt wall journey you get moron and that nasty biting slider at your feet what's what's easier for you uh moron yeah it's crazy to me it's just crazy to me yeah i love it man it's been uh it's been really fun watching you you know hit the ball out of the ballpark watching you guys contribute tell us a little bit if you can i know that the clubhouse is really sacred but we talked we talked to mike shilt uh every day the the general mood of the team i know it's your first year with the team but you guys really seem to enjoy playing with each other a lot yeah um i think kind of you know i i think you know i can't speak for what you know went on last year but i think a lot of guys kind of learned a little bit from their experience last year um which was probably from what i gather a similar experience that i hanky's last year where it's like we we kind of underperformed um you know didn't meet expectations and so uh you know the general kind of vibe in the clubhouse is uh everyone's bought in to do whatever it takes to to win ball games and um you know at as of right now at this year i think you know we're we're on a good path we're we're looking to find some consistency but i think we're we're showing signs of that and um you know everyone's just fully bought in to to do whatever it takes kyle gosh yoke is with us in studio and uh potters have what eight walkoffs this year including uh yours kyle about a month ago now we uh we talked about it the day after in terms of the the walkoff celebrations you know we just saw manning the other day and everyone's slapping high fives as you going down to first base yours was the most reserved of all of them that that fits a little more with your personality but i don't know what like with all these celebrations that go what do you feel like you're what's your go to move on the celebrations oh nothing yeah i'm not the uh i'm not uh i'm not the hype guy that we have other guys dancing and doing everything just kind of keep the even keel even on a walk like you just walked it off you're like yeah it was great he's like yeah that's what i'm supposed to do it it's so good yeah every team you know you got to have the low heart meet guy for sure have you always been that way or were you when you were a kid were you a little more fiery or and just kind of learned or have you always been pretty reserved i've always been kind of reserved but i think i did it or i started to try to do it more you know the the more i played baseball and it's like as a catcher you both sides of the ball are so important and you have to separate them so much that it's like i don't i don't want to get too over hyped you know from something that happens on offense and then take that to defense where i'm not focused for the pitcher um so it's just important to separate those two things so then i just choose not to get too emotional have you ever thrown a helmet oh yeah i want to make sure i want to make sure i want to make sure it's human good good good uh with uh one more just for me with campy coming back now it looks like you're gonna have a little more even playing time split going forward is that a good thing considering how you know tough the position is for a long season 162 games behind the plate to have two guys who can kind of split the playing time yeah i i think every every good team needs to have um you know two good catchers because it's just so important and there's you know they the guys like yachty melina who catch 150 games of season they just to me they don't really exist anymore so um you know it's it's really important to have two guys that that you can you can count on behind the plate so um you know me personally i'm striving to always be a solid option for the team and uh i know campy does too he's he's one of the hardest workers in the clubhouse so that's awesome and you know again you you want to be in there every every baseball player every pro baseball player i i've ever talked to you like i want to be in the lineup i don't care what it takes i just want to be in the lineup you have to be a little bit different uh when you're when you're behind the dish and you have a another guy that's wanting to get playing time as well and and you're you're the hot hand right now certainly so um is there any is there any kind of lamenting when when you're not in the lineup no no um you know that's the manager's job to choose the lineup um you know me and campy we're just going to work as hard as possible and uh however shakes out it's going to shake out but um you know i think i think we understand that um you know that's that's not our decision the only thing we can do is play well on the field and whatever happens is going to happen so uh before you go we got to check traffic we got a couple minutes left would you mind picking up the guitar and just giving us a little uh tread song your your choice whatever you want to play all right we're gonna we're gonna check traffic and then when we come back kyla gosh yoke is going to pick up woods as fender and play something for us before the end of the show here that is coming up next on 97 through the fan all right uh kyla gosh yoke in studio he's got the uh he's got the guitar he's putting on the headphones uh don't know what uh direction he's going to take us but uh it's all it's all up to him now [Music] out of the streets that's where we meet we make the nights always cross the lines out of the boats up yourself get in our way what you want yourself so good that's absolutely phenomenal for not your shredder you still got the truth now what was that i don't know that was rounding round by rat you still have the trooper yeah oh wow this was the video i saw that blew my mind iron made in uh big five if i said come on dude why is it incredible it's not really people shouldn't be allowed to be talented at multiple things if you tell me like you're a two handicap as well i'm just gonna like throw you out in the studio okay kyla gosh yoke even my mom's texting go this is so cool kyla really appreciate it thank you so much for coming in uh this morning it's good to see and good luck to apadre's the rest of the way uh thanks for having me guys that's great kyla gosh yoke apadre's catcher uh you can go and uh do what you need to get done here but uh we really appreciate you coming in thank you guys you got your shirt if you want it yep take uh take some some swag with you for your uh appearance in studio so uh yeah padre's are back tonight after the day off uh seattle mariners in town it's there so it's weird how the schedule works now in the american league you play everybody three times except your natural rivals right you play four times two at home two on the road so this is just the two-game series against the seattle mariners and then another off day on thursday so a little quick two-game set then three against the atlanta brave's friday saturday and sunday going into the all-star break uh so five more games trying to get you know you want to finish strong obviously going into the all-star break here you've gotten yourself what four games above 500 at this point you can have a winning record you know just three and two i would say in the last five games here get to get to the all-star break with some good momentum get a little healthier when you come back get some rest and come back strong for the uh the run the last uh two months of the season coming up here i mean yeah it's it's very very imperative um july is going to be such an interesting month for this team what happens who comes back who doesn't come back how does zander play when he does come back i mean there is just so many questions this team's never boring benny they're never ever ever dull or boring um they do bring the blood pressure up a little little bit uh certainly and i just you know i you listen to what kyle said about the team being bought in and when was the last time we actually truly heard that and believed that the team was bought in and pulling on the same you know all the cliches pulling on the same rope and all that um i i genuinely believe it flan said yesterday he watches this team every night he knows enough people in the game he says they're doing the right things i don't know how it's going to shake out i don't but i believe it is it not mike shield i can't say it's not i really can't i mean you know whatever he's brought in he's working for the san diego pandaise so far this season yeah no question and uh now that kyle has left the studio uh that was that was incredibly so cool yeah i didn't want to embarrass him anymore in you know having him in here and say but that is truly truly remarkable to have that skill set to be a major league catcher and be able to play guitar like that is truly incredible it was it was amazing we just launches into round and round it was so cool dude he's unbelievable it's uh you know that's uh it's it's a way to connect to with fans as well i mean you connect obviously every night you're playing on the field but there's going to be ups and downs over the course of the baseball season i love i love when players can become humans as well with other interests and you know their people people just like you and me and you know they have things that they like to do outside of baseball have you ever seen it love to see that you ever see a uh lower resting heart rate than that guy ever it's crazy crazy um real quick gentleman we have pottery six to give away oh that's right beautiful need to do that all right lat right now let's do it right now we've got tickets for tomorrow's game as paul said it is uh pod raise mariners and it's the throwback 1984 celebration the first forty thousand fans gonna receive podrace throwback hats celebrating the 40th anniversary the 1984 world series team get your tickets at tickets or call now let's make it the sixth caller 833 288 097 3 sixth caller at 833 288 097 3 gonna win those tickets as you mentioned uh tim flanneries yeah be playing and singing the national anthem and i know they have um some of the other 1984 guys that are gonna be coming back uh to be honored got to meet some of them really in person for the first time like you know terry kennedy at fantasy camp goose gossage goose you know that we're we have a bit of a love date relationship obvious no i think he's mostly hate i don't think they said he'd love that i love goose okay one of my favorites on his absolutely on his part his part is safe yeah but my part is definitely more love of goose gossage uh so that'll be a really fun really fun day tomorrow is the pod raise uh wrap up this quick two-game series against the mariners on there they throw back day tell him you're a nerd too i know you know i know you know i don't know that you can say that ball sweet baby oh i love it i love it that was really really cool really cool one of the cooler moments we've had absolutely just picks it up and just starts shredding iron maidens the trooper which is not easy to do not easy no no those weren't simple simple licks as far as i can tell i've never played the guitar before in our life but everything on that instrument is hard that's what i think everything i'm not i'm not crazy when i look at it i go how does anyone make any noises come out of this thing it all makes sense i started playing when i was like five like noodling around i'm 48 years old i can't play like a riff i mean it's just so hard to do it's so hard to learn your fingers and you're you know it's just not i didn't play the guitar hero video game i didn't either did that i didn't either as well it's not even close to the same not saying it's not even close to the same it's uh it's like saying i was really good at mlb the show so i could be a big leaguer i could call a game i call it mlb the show uh it you pick that thing up and it's just it's so intimidating it's so intimidating so it takes years and years of practice and and uh and that but to sit down and just shred it was was great was just great all right uh poly we just got a winner for the tickets uh yes robert congratulations is uh birthday on friday night for a happy birthday woods' birthday next friday that's right so it's a good birthday month in july everyone else thank you so much for calling in sorry we didn't have more pairs of tickets to give away but congratulations uh to robert for winning those tickets we'll come back tomorrow morning six to ten and we will have uh big league wednesday it's been we didn't talk to adam jones last week so i soon we'll try to track him down he's gonna be good tomorrow show that's good booney tomorrow as well amber at bon tomorrow so big league wednesday in full effect and hopefully have a win to talk about for the pod race uh you know two-game losing streaks are going to happen they're fine you do want to nip them in the bud uh this will be a tough one though you get an all-star on the mound for the mariners tonight in logan gilbert's nasty and as far as we know adam major is still scheduled to pitch for the pod race he has thrown a little bit better the last couple of starts still gets hit hard a lot it's hard doesn't have a lot of swing and miss but the mariners are not really good offensively but they haven't been they've been having trouble scoring runs they got great pitching but offensively they've struggled um hula rod regas has not had a great season but he he certainly is always a threat to hit at 460 feet shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut you know just mentioning it just you know the reality of what the pod race you're facing coming up here over it's the first place team yeah now they were 10 games up on the astro is like two or three weeks ago and now it's been two two three games back they have they're hot they're very much in the rearview mirror at this point if i'm a Seattle fan i'm going uh oh we had a chance to put that team away when they got off to a bad start and we have now let them completely bank in it in the americanly west and that's not the team you really want chasing you down at this point get it done my friends all right we'll be back to talk about it tomorrow annie and elston are coming up next they'll take you to the next four hours until 10 o'clock thank you to kyle and gosh yoke in studio thanks to bow woods you're a nerd too bow fallriders are executive producer and imaging director for steven woods i'm ben higgins good to be back have a great rest your tuesday from all of us here at san diego's number one sports station 97 through the fam what kind of programs does this school have how are the test scores how many kids do a classroom those these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent that's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools including photos parent reviews test scores student teacher ratio school rankings and more the information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team it's also you can make the right decision for your family we've done your homework today's episode is sponsored by nerd wallet smart money podcast get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds nerd wallets experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact based insights no financial misinformation allowed learn how to save on your summer vacation find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund make smarter decisions in 2024 follow nerd wallets smart money podcast on your favorite podcast app now with the MLB app you can get baseball your way pick your favorite team your favorite players and get customized highlights stories and breaking news right on your home feed follow the action with game tip where 3d replays add another dimension plus notifications can keep you connected to every pinch every hit every game the MLB app baseball your way download it now for free from the app store or google play block out another researching supply major league baseball tree parts used with permission the free Odyssey app all right it is a Tuesday we got Jesse Agler standing by to talk some Padres baseball he will join us right after a check a traffic here on 97 3 the fan so I tweeted on a Friday night when the Padres uh dramatically won 10 to 8 on the Manny Machado walk off home run hey better than a 7 to 2 win and of course he gets a pushback because obviously he had to use more bullpen arms you stressed everybody out but I think for an announcer absolutely a 7 to 2 no drama win at the end provides no opportunity to shine the way Jesse Agler was able to shine on Friday night in what was one of the wildest innings of the major league baseball season and Jesse joins us right now here on a Tuesday on 97 3 the fan good morning Jesse good morning yeah that was uh that's one we'll remember for a very very very long time now while it's happening it's not that fun because you're looking like oh this is going to be the worst loss of the season here blowing a five run lead in the in the ninth inning um but in the hindsight that was uh was a fun one to call it was and you know what was neat for me was as somebody who watches literally every single pitch of this you know team when it went to the bottom of the inning I in my brain and is really for the first time since the beginning of last year I was like I think they're going to do this you know because their last last season there came a point where I stopped feeling that way sadly you know I mean it was just sort of the the reality of how last year went and for the first half of last year you know it seems like they had the right guys coming up in those spots time and time again whether it was extra innings or just down by one in the ninth or whatever and it just never happened and it was flummoxing and we've never been able to explain it we never will be able to explain it and so I kind of lost the ability to be like all right I'm confident in this moment but the way this team has played this year even after you know the the heartbreak and the gut punch at the top of the inning you know when you look down and you saw who was coming up in the bottom half like during that commercial break in the middle of the ninth inning I legitimately thought to myself I was like they're gonna win this game aren't they and I mean it took three batters they didn't record it out and really one of the crazier finishes will ever see now Jesse that thought was so pervasive with you and it was pervasive with me too that when the next night rolled around I went oh we got this I mean this is uh this is uh gonna be an unlikely hero in Bryce Johnson uh but I'd have every confidence in the world that will get it done they didn't and I was still like oh still pretty cool I mean they got really really close and I know there are no moral victories but uh man you just it was it was weird like I didn't get that dopamine rush that I was used to getting like the night before yeah it's great you know I mean because they're the crazier thing about the second game was like they in a weird way right they kind of did the heart the first run they loaded the bases they had nobody out and at that point you know I don't know for me and maybe this is crazy but like my sense was kind of like all right you know you kind of you kind of did what you needed to do and now let's see what happens right like you know you did the hard part you got the guys on base you know you made the guy sweat and you know at the end of the day I guess credit to Alberto Castellanos and his 90 mile an hour fastball for being able to get out of the thing but um you know it's the beauty of baseball there's a million different ways to do it um but yeah like it wasn't discouraging in the way that so many games were last year because this team has proven you know from Jump Street that they're capable of making this thing happen and it's great you know I mean that might show from literally day one at spring training has been obsessively speaking publicly and privately and the guys in the clubhouse have been speaking obsessively publicly and privately about having you know sort of this mentality and this identity and uh they're going out there and they're they're they're walking the walk all season long so it's great it's fun never feels like they're out of a game you know they had the eight nothing come back in April and I think that was the one that kind of set the tone where it was like all right you know they're capable of doing this this year you know you win your first three extra inning games that certainly didn't hurt after what happened last season so it's a fun team it really is Jesse your thought on the pot raise slate of all stars obviously had the two voted in uh last Wednesday in pro foreign to tease then three more name to the team on sunday and honestly the one that I saw the most pushback at least nationally on wasn't Jackson Merrill who really does absolutely deserve to be there I saw more pushback in Louisa rise oh yeah than any of the other pot raise all stars and I think that goes to what you really consider to be the most valuable part of an offensive player it's almost like a personal preference sort of thing there there's there's definitely that I think there's also the element of like he was on the ballot as a second baseman and he hasn't really played much second base since coming to the pot raise so like talking to some of the Arizona people over the weekend because remember arise and could tell marty with a finalist at second base they were all like this guy's not even a second baseman and I was like well he was you know and then he came here and dander got heard in the pot raise had to kind of mix everything up and they decided to stick him at first base but you know I so I think there's a couple of things that play there but there's no doubt you know I mean it's it's not new news that there's a lot of people in baseball who don't look at batting average uh the the same way that maybe we did you know 25 30 and beyond years ago um but you know for me all all stories about a few different things it's not a cut and dried black and white you know one I think quote unquote star powered does matter I do think that goes in and having name recognition and he's got that because he's won a batting title the last couple of years beyond that how do you compare to the guys at the position you play that's obviously a little bit of a weird one as we just discussed and then further all right what is your skill set and and how does it compare to other people of that skill set and louise arise is the best when it comes to that skill set when it comes to hitting for average when it comes to collecting base hits I think he pretty much stands alone uh in the national league here in 2024 so you know for all those reasons you know for me louise arise is absolutely an all-star having two guys voted in is a big deal it really doesn't happen often you know it hadn't happened here what since 1997 um that the Padres had had two guys voted in the fact that they're both outfielders who never played the outfield before last year kind of makes it that much more special what a credit to both Fernando and uh you know pro far I guess jerson's been an outfielder you know a little bit the last couple years but he came up as an infielder then you add in Merrill obviously what a phenomenal story Suarez really you know hadn't had a hiccup before the other night when you know he was kind of on fumes out there uh all really really well deserving five is a big number it's a really really big number and uh this team is a lot to be proud of talking to our pal Jesse Aguiler here on Ben & Woods this morning and you know we are all we all compare you just did it talking about last year we've done it in here a million times you know when it comes to the job of a general manager though you know is it is it fair you have to treat each season as its own it's own silo as my shilt likes to call it the vacuum right and we were just talking about this we talked about it a little bit yesterday Jesse when you look at this team and you call these games every night you see a team and you go all right we have to do whatever we if you're the front office we have to do whatever we have to do this this is truly the team that deserves you know a front line starter or a you know excellent bullpen piece obviously AJ's been willing to do that many many times in his tenure but you can't really look at what he's done in the past you just kind of have to focus on the team that you have in front of you do you agree also when you watch this team that they've absolutely earned earned you know some moves some help whatever they may need to try to push this thing over the finish line yes of course but also you know I would say that we all and I include myself in this have a tendency to oversimplify the trade deadline when we talk about it big time you know we we we say hey a buyer or seller right well okay obviously if you're going to make it that black and white the Padres are buyers you know they're in playoff position as you said they they have a team that has earned the opportunity to push forward and try and make this thing happen um but a you know complicated deals coming together it's complicated so it's not going to be a straightforward is like all right we need a starter and a reliever so let's go out and talk to this team and that team and we'll get it done you know there's so many moving parts that make it happen and then the other thing to always keep in mind is you know hey there's the cliche of like hey the best moves are the ones you never made but then also that you know it's it's the thing of you think you're making a move that's like a no-brainer of course this is going to work out but it doesn't always yeah and I mean I don't I don't have to we we can go down Adam Frazier Boulevard and I you know Austin Nola Road or whatever you want right like you know moves that in the moment you thought we're like of course like this is great the guy's hitting what was what was Adam Frazier hitting when he got here a couple years like 330 something like 340 and the change of scenery the change of scenery was brutal for him and you know I don't blame AJ for that because like we all would have made that move yeah we're gonna that's exactly the kind of guy we need right now you know I mean so like that landmine is out there on all these potential deals you say hey we need a frontline starter you look at whatever name you want to of the guys that that might fall into that bucket right now who could be available and like it is not automatic that that guy is just going to continue to have the ERA and the sort of you know strikeout rate that he does wherever he is now when he comes here that's just not the way baseball works on the other side of that you might acquire somebody who you go huh that's that's a little bit odd that that doesn't seem like the kind of guy they're going after but it clicks right and maybe you know Ruben has a conversation with him and they look at something together and all of a sudden he's even better than he was somewhere else so again it's just not as simple and straightforward as like all right here's our laundry list or grocery list and you know let's go out and get one of each because you just never know how it's gonna end up going and you know that's that's not even getting into the chemistry issues that can arise you know both with departures and arrivals so it's a really really kind of you know perilous tightrope that any general manager has to walk this time of year particularly if you have a team as the Padres do it is performing well look there's no doubt they need pitching help right because of injuries because of the Darvish situation and because quite frankly every competitive team probably could always use more pitching but it's it's again it's just not that easy and I think that's an important thing to keep in mind these next couple weeks I love what you said about chemistry too because we had Tim Flannery in yesterday and he was you know part of the the three world series championships for the Giants and he talked about what Brian Sabian did bringing in guys that hadn't won before and that we're really really hungry and I thought about that for a second and I went oh yeah the hundred penses of the world the Marcos scooter rose the world the guys that were like all right I'm on a winner now I'll do anything I have to do Pagon yeah Pagon right what are you bringing guys who have championship pedigree who know how to get it done already right you can always go you can go the other way too yeah for sure for sure no it's interesting to think about both have value I've talked to GM's about both of those things before and it's a real thing you know it's you can go back you know like it's kind of a random example but it's relevant with the 84 celebration and you mentioned Flannery Terry Kennedy is one of those guys in the like mid-late 80s he kept popping up on really good teams yeah that's not an accident that's not an accident like that's the kind of guy that you know if you're a competitive team you wanted to go out and get and say hey this guy knows what it takes this guy has sort of been there and done that and and there's no doubt like chemistry I think when we talk about that often people think about personality and you know quote-unquote leadership you know leading by example or reading by voice whatever it is and that exists I'm not trying to poo poo it but you know chemistry can also mean you know the kinds of guys who have had certain experiences or at certain points in their careers if you got a bunch of guys who are going into free agency you know on a given year obviously they're going to be concerned about themselves you know not just about the team if you got a bunch of guys who have contracts are they you know it's like you can go a million different directions with that um so yeah I'm with you like I think that's an important thing to always consider you know kind of mixing in the hungry guys with the guys know what it takes you know come August and September and October to try and get it done and that's sort of like the magic recipe that any head of baseball operations is always trying to come now Jesse the pottery should be getting one of those championship players back probably sometime this week in Zander Bogart's two rings under his belt good chemistry guy don't know what the production is going to look like obviously right away especially after missing uh you know two months here with the the shoulder fracture but uh and might you'll be asked about it the other day or tomorrow but how do you kind of envision the pottery's lineup working as as Zander comes back and where to put him back at second as Jake move back to first as a rise of day when Manny needs to get a day off it kind of adds some it's some complications to to Mike Schiltz job certainly a good good complications but complications nonetheless yeah I like to your word choice it's because I think a lot of people will be like oh so a good problem to have you know cliche and and I think complication is better than problem because I don't see it as problematic um and and yeah I think generally and I'm I'm speaking out of turn here because I haven't asked Mike or anybody else about it but like you know I think you can move it around a little bit you know Manny's been playing more third days so you know all right is that you know DH spot now a little bit less of a Solano and a little bit more of an arise you know quite possibly um but you know they can mix and match every single day right they can kind of look at who's in there and move some things around so yeah there's definitely some options you know I'm not going to pretend to be the expert I certainly have my opinion but it's not really worth much of anything um and and they'll figure that out look the key thing for one of these things and everybody involved knows this is is communication and you know just kind of getting with everybody and Mike Schilt is tremendous when it comes to this um you know just kind of getting with everybody and saying all right here's the plan here's the idea here's how we kind of want to handle this obviously subject to change you know based on you know how things go but here's here's sort of how we're going to do and to get everybody on board you know that's part of the job of the manager and I have no doubt he'll be able to do that but yeah you know it'll look a little bit different when Zander returns then it looked in the last couple of months but look these things always end up kind of working out also like you know somebody else gets hurt unfortunately or somebody's not performing or somebody just needs a little bit of a break and and you kind of do this so it's a positive obviously getting somebody of Zander's caliber back and it's only going to make this team better. All right Jesse uh last Incorporated for a couple of weeks next week of course you're off all-star break uh certainly you deserve at least a few days before hitting the road for another uh another east coast trip right coming up right after the break again so enjoy this time in San Diego I guess you're that a few in between now you um you mentioned last week you were going to bring your own Incorporated word to the table do you still want to hold to that or do you want us to come up with something? Sure no I'm ready to go if you want. Let's do it all right so now Jesse gets to announce to us today's Incorporated word. So I honestly forgot about this until about four minutes ago that I would do it but it popped in my head as we were talking here and as I'm sitting in a random parking lot of Acosta somewhere after dropping my son off a camp I am hearing his Tamagotchi beeping away in the back seat because those are apparently back um and as annoying as ever so I thought the word Tamagotchi might be a Tamagotchi it's like okay so what does that for people who don't understand or know? Sure for those of you lucky enough to not know what a Tamagotchi is it was like really popular I mean when I was I don't know in middle school and they're back now they're like these little electronic quote-unquote pets uh the kids have and it's got some buttons and it beeps very very loudly but it's gonna take care of it you can yeah die yes it it and then you reset it it's a great life life and you just hit the button to reset it after it died just like taking care of a dog right um so yeah that's uh that's what a Tamagotchi is and it's a funny sounding word obviously I think it's a Japanese word so it might sound a little bit out of place on the broadcast. Yeah it was if those were big when Jesse was in middle school I'm a few years younger than Jesse I think those were like happy meal toys at one point at one point Ben if you're if you're Ben in my age we played with cigarettes when we were little kids that's all we got to play with so and that particular yeah Ben in particular yeah you guys have it switch played nice switch y'all butterfly knives cigarette rambo knives jacks and marblier yeah I actually did play jack I did too love it school bring some jacks in for summer break next week let's get it going I'm serious it's Ben in wood summer break we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna explore the game is trying to pick things up off of the ground that was entertaining back in our day what about uh what about barrel of monkeys barrel monkeys so stupid we had barrel we also used to you know barrel of monkeys snip glue and pick up sticks yeah pick up sticks people love picking things up back in the day really did now it just is like a pain in the butt yeah like can I not pick things up anymore please now I have a grabber ah yeah thank you Jesse Jesse have a good uh have a good broadcast tonight rest of the week enjoy your all-star break we'll talk to you in uh two weeks sounds good guys Jesse Agler voice to the San Diego Padres Tomagachi is tonight's Incorporated word jack's I think I think Tony Gwen's jr's back after a weekend off as well on the broadcast so uh hopefully uh everything goes as planned bounce bounce the ball bounce the ball you grab the jazz and catch the ball here's one right here's two now three three at a time but you take him you sprinkle him out it's a game of manual dexterity manual dexterity it was really good hand-eye coordination stuff i'm gonna get some jacks for the kids but then you throw them out and you step on one yeah oh god and it's agonizing it's over you saw some bitches who left these jacks out you did you brought them home it's 2024 yes 2024 dude all right we've got uh Ryla reports and headlines coming up next have been Kyle Lagashyoka in studio all in our final hour of Benawa it's coming up on 97.3 the fan thanks again to Jesse Agler had a nice discussion of playground games uh when he was gone and I don't even think anything we played like you know fifth grade sixth grade out on the uh the playground at elementary school was even allowed anymore you say that man but i've you know i picked up both from school last year and he would do soccer uh after school one day a week and i mean look they were playing basketball but it wasn't basketball i mean it was you know it was rough like there's i didn't see a teacher in sight so i mean i think it's i think there's still a little bit of fun for yourself up there you bring up a good point because you can try to regulate it out and there's no more dodge ball or butts up or little butts up well the games that we all played when we were in the playground and it was uh you know it was Lord of the Flies out there really much and you can try to legislate it out like make a bunch of rules and these games can't be played but that aggression is still inherent especially to you know 10 12 year old boys and they can just have them play soccer or basketball they're just going to make it rougher that way when they're not getting their aggression out in the somewhat unsanctioned games that we used to play 100 i mean i love them i mean i was not a fan of because i wasn't one of the more aggressive kids obviously recess was had to play recess was like like you said Lord of the Flies i mean it was fend for yourself i mean recesses do you guys have in elementary school just one we had recess then we had lunch was mostly recess like you'd eat and then you could play in the 30 minutes and go out and play that's about right and then there was a PE in the afternoon which was more of a organized outdoor time so you had the three times outside Adam says they don't allow red rover in the elementary school district yeah red rover was rough that got uh banned at my elementary school at some point people get choked out the clothesline yeah red rover and rovers and woodsy right over like oh god i'm dead you try to find the smallest kid and try to break through those arms yeah megan says tether ball tether ball was uh oh god i love tether ball was great and yes there was the uh smear the slur yeah we used to play as well not that no one could be proud of it but that was the worst of all cocky which was there was literally no rules other than just mauling so throw the ball up here and kill the guy that catches it just kill him i mean just like a punt return essentially but yeah it's uh four square that was a game i never liked tether ball was even pretty gnarly because that ball when it started swinging around in a rope could do some damage you get in the face that was not fun the greatest game though in elementary school i think bar none was kickball there was nothing like kickball how do you want it baby bouncies yeah baby bouncies you know slow rollers yeah that was the best it was baseball with good cake you know kicking it was so much fun uh but yeah it's i watch him and out at their their little recess and uh it's they're playing hoops and they don't know how to dribble so they just ball people over and then chuck up shots and it's it gets no he's gotten in trouble like 20 times uh this you're playing too rough the basketball so but dude i loved that was so much fun like basketball or something like that where because like i said my elementary school we had three recesses morning lunch and afternoon so you would get like three games in and you'd have the same teams you're like oh we're gonna get your ass in the next recess break or whatever oh yeah just went out there and sweat you're running your ass off 10 or 15 minutes come back in go back in social studies you're like learn about it and then there was the completely overwhelmed playground monitor with the whistle yeah there's enough who was in charge of 400 kids who were out there at once there was one you know woman with a whistle who was supposed to keep everybody in line the entire time good luck to use ma'am or sir whoever's job that was at bow school too it's like volunteers the teachers at recess you're like no they're going to break room this is our break we're going to the break room we're leaving it to the playground monitor to monitor seven eight classes that are all out there together at the same time tell you guys a while back it's one of my favorite stories miss bromfield that was our uh playground monitor and elementary school and for years i mean years she called me carl carl rindall she kept calling me carl and finally i i got in trouble for to yell at her it's it's ball yeah i got i got in trouble for running or something where you weren't supposed to be running and she goes carl carl come over here and i turned around and said my name's not carl got's attention i used to call my brother carl as an insult when i was a kid no offense any car i don't think we even had a carl at the school never actually met a real carl i don't exist no no i i but i used to call him carl and it used to make him so mad i was just i was already pissed because i got in trouble for something and then i just snapped and screamed at her and got attention well mom's like what would you do is it well it's time it's actually time for the carl rindall report right now it's all rindall report take it away from me get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindall report now tuned it to the mother greatest welcome to the rindall report with paul rindall hi paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing the odds it's the rindall report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97-3 the fan are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please that was good can i get a whole year all right carl take it away carl famous carls carl louis carl riner carl's jr carl's jr it's a good one carl segan oh no i don't have many other carls out there george carl that's the yeah it's a basketball woods it comes up with george carl it's that's all i think about 24 seven hoops hoops hoops hoops it was the head coach of the sonics i think he was when i got trouble yes he does yeah all right we'll start off in the nfl interesting story fun fun story here two-time defensive uh and pro bowler josh allen not quarterback for the bills but the jaguars uh top defensive player josh allen he is changing his name heading into the upcoming nfl season he's changing his last name to read hines hyphen allen joshua hines allen and he's doing this to pay tribute to it says uh his maternal side of his family and other relatives who have worn hines and hines allen on their jerseys that's good story it is it is a really nice story that he is concocted to hide the real reason there's another way more famous josh allen in the league and you never want to be the second most famous player in the league with a name right yeah do you think he cares yeah i think he cares i think that's a big reason why he's changing his name i think he's doing it to honor his what was it grandmother yeah his mother's family side and it says here on esp and so his sister plays for the washington mystics in the wnba and it's she has hines allen on the back uh his sisters both play college basketball or played college basketball they had hines allen on their bags make sense uh in addition his uncle was drafted by the warriors in 1983 after a hall of fame career at hampton university also had hines allen so he's he's you know paying tribute to the whole family that's his story ben thinks he's just covering because he doesn't want to be he is so negative you're so negative you always think the worst of people his quote on his instagram it's not a bad thing i think it's smart he actually to not have the same exact name as a more famous player in the league he's established though isn't he yeah car i mean he's uh carl not carl yeah josh allen's a two-time pro baller he's a very good defensive player now carl allen but when anyone says you know nfl player josh allen who do you think of josh allen yeah exactly the quarterback of the bells so you need to do something to differentiate from the josh allen everyone it thinks you're referring to mike he agrees with miley in the chat agrees that he posted a picture of the new jersey pointing to the back to the name plate and he says on instagram legacy is forever and i'm proud to carry that tradition on the back of my jersey following in the footsteps of my family who have donned the hines allen's last name with so much pride and joy there is a sucky ben hig there is a reason that i mean why didn't why didn't he do it sooner but somebody just said in the chat ben you're the second most famous ben higgins after the bachelor grab maybe you should go back to dan stevens fair enough i will never get over dan stevens ever pick a name kid you need a different name uh dan steven sounds very radio-like yeah it also sounds made up and like a porn star dan stevens all right um dan stevens i don't like this second story because look i i think woods would also agree with this i love a good commitment to the bit but sometimes i think it can be dragged out too far well sometimes it gets ridiculous and skip bailist for like a long time he you're like this is a bit that that's the worst opinion that's the worst take i've ever heard you have to just be doing this for the clicks you're you know you know you don't believe this and you're doing this because that's your stick what's his latest the latest has to do with uh labron james brianey james right brian james jr so he was on his pie with the skip bailist show i think and uh well here's what he had to say i think he'll be more calm cool and collected in the eye of next year's storm than even his father will be no i think he'll play pretty well alongside his father i think brianey would be pretty good i think he'll he'll become a clutch three-point shooter i i've always gotten the feeling that brianey had a bigger clutch gene than his father does i mean you have to tip your hat the absolutely that the fact that he's able to say it with a with a straight face is is astounding it's astounding i think brianey who have scored like four points in his summer league debut and he's gonna be averaged three points a game and his one year of college basketball yeah got the bigger clutch gene in the family then dad he's here game winning threes in the final for 20 straight years on labron is overrated it's incredible at some point you feel like i'm eventually gonna be right i am gonna stick with this until he retires this guy is overrated i mean doesn't it do him i guess isn't it like better to come in 10 years ago you know what i was wrong i'll wear it but you know like that gives you more i i would think so but i would think so too and there's nothing wrong with being wrong about a player it happens all the time to all of us all yeah all of us have been brian did in in a way agreed when he said brianey is probably going to handle all of this attention yeah better than i would have he i care i unfortunately care too much what people say and think yeah brawny doesn't really care he's got that gene where he doesn't care that i heard that labron also said like it's it's two different tales like brawny you know think everything that has happened in my life brawny doesn't have to play basketball brawny is going to be good he's going to be just where as labrons like i had to make it i it was the only way out from acron i had to make it brawny doesn't necessarily have to do that yeah he said uh if brawn if you want to be a chef or a gamer or whatever like i'm gonna take care of him he's fine we got we got plenty of money yeah dude could have done whatever he wanted but he put the work in to get to basketball to get to this point and let's not also act like it's he's not a massive nepo baby too i mean it's it both things can be true it's not absolutely it's not his fault he's wrong i think his can't help it can't help who is his old man is uh somebody asked in the chat how much does this dude get paid skip bailist well he's in the middle of a four-year thirty two million dollar contract to take time with fox sports eight million dollars a year eight million dollars a year for takes like that it's it's something else man uh and then finally this this should probably be uh defined as punishment i would say but i was reading one of uh our favorite websites woods he turned it turned us onto it consequence of sound they do music television movies a lot of pop culture stories so i like to check that out in the morning for some rind report stories and they've got one here that says that bob dylan yes our old buddy has announced a massive new four hundred and thirty one song box set collecting every single surviving soundboard recording from his legendary 1974 tour with the band like a hundred format for final uh yeah it looks like vinyl but 75 is hundred records it's the it actually they drop it off in one of those moving boxes that you use them to pull the record out coming out 400 container like you're coming out on September 20th the new box set will feature 431 newly mixed songs across 27 discs including 417 of them being never before released tracks i can't believe it i absolutely can't believe it you see who's uh here already did he's early oh my man kyle higashiyoka is in the building what would you say are you talking about bob dylan for what would you say is the average length of a bob dylan's song four minutes four minutes four to five more than thirty one songs times four minutes divided by 60 minutes per hour so it would take you probably around 29 hours straight to listen next week there's no baseball we just start at six we play all of the tracks of bob dylan we'll talk through them over four hours a day i'll take it like the entire all-star break the whole break we get through as much as we can next week on the show comes out in september this will take us through like the entire month of november you know i like avant guard radio i don't think there's much more avant guard radio than that strap in for next week it's gonna get real weird all right well uh now that josh allen is changing his name i don't know if there's gonna be room for two higgies in the studio at one time we're gonna have to fight over the nickname uh when we come back though kyle higashiyoka ponterase catcher gonna be with us don't go anywhere check traffic and them returning with more benewoods on san diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fan it's already started oh it's already started it should happen woods he was so excited i mean i'm excited as well obviously we'll talk some baseball with our next guest in studio but the music talk has already begun uh because joining us right now in studio this is a real treat ponterase catcher kyle higashiyoka is here during a homestand here you got the all-star break coming up but appreciate you stopping by this morning come good to see ya yeah thanks for having me guys it's good to uh good to see you again in person and what a uh well we want to do baseball first or what no we got a short segment here let's just uh let's just get comfortable let's just get comfortable first dive in here so we were talking about the fact that you use rats lay it down for your walk up i love it so much and i love hip hop and i like country but with everybody having a hip hop song or morgan walland song is their walk up and you go with rat san diego by the way legendary band micky rat went to la and became rat um i love that about you it's my favorite yeah i um yeah i think it's uh it's like a nice little tribute to you know wherever you're playing you know i try to try to choose a a song that's uh from a you know hopefully a local band yeah and um you know rats rats one of my favorites so it's like that was an easy choice for me lifetime contract for kyle hagashia okay yeah i were the boss so it makes sense though woods you're 48 almost 49 and you kind of grew up in the 80s like we did now you're younger you're 34 so rat was already well established by the time you were probably kind of getting into different music how did you become a fan of a band that was not necessarily in their prime when you were in your you know teen formative music years yeah i mean uh i mean i didn't really listen to that much when i was uh growing up it's just when i when i started playing guitar um that was probably my first first spring training i started playing guitar and so i really started diving deep into um you know the world of uh you know hard rock guitarists and um you know i discovered all these bands from the 80s that were just like incredible shredder yeah i mean two of the best in that band too you got you got the i mean it's still like a mainstream sound it's like a more of like a pop vocal so it's super catchy all the songs are super catchy but then you got more of a heavy metal style guitar which is uh that's kind of right up my alley so rat rat was one of them uh you know warren d martini he's one of my favorites uh this is george lanche yep one of my favorites from docket eddie then eddie van halen of course legendary yeah i love that i love that you use it too it just makes me excited every time because if i was a big leaguer i would play it but they're like well of course you would you're 48 years old you're gonna play rat and you shouldn't be in the big leagues because you're 48 years old you can't hit you can't play defense you can't run there's nothing really you bring to the table uh but hey what a great what a great um what a great run that you're you guys are on and of course you personally i know you know it seems like a locker room uh kyle that everyone's really pretty friendly and tight and pulling for each other right now it's been some pretty magical moments uh for you and the team uh these first you know the half of the season yeah um i i mean the thing that's impressed me the most about this team is just the resilience you know i i don't think i've ever been on a team that's been so prone to uh coming back anytime anytime we're down um you know it's just every every game that we're within you know a few runs at the end we we just we're always feeling like we're gonna we're gonna make something happen in the ninth and um you know it doesn't always happen but it's it's it's happened enough to where it's like wow this is uh you know we might have something special here i think people forget anytime you get to the big leagues obviously you were a phenomenal player growing up high school all the way through to get to the big leagues but you haven't had a chance to play as regularly as you have lately that often in your career you've just you've kind of been in that backup role with the Yankees and then started with the potteries in that same role when was the last time you felt like you were kind of on a a heater like you've been on for these last few weeks yeah i mean i i don't think i've ever you know played had a had a month like that yeah like i had in in june so um yeah i mean to to me it's like you know i i i believe that i'm capable of that it's just um baseball's all about it's good actually see it though yeah yeah when you always hear guys when they get on those heaters and i would ask you the same question when they get on those heaters they're like i don't want to go home i don't want to have to wait until tomorrow i want it's like a good golf round you always have your me i always play really well on 18 and then i'm done and i'm like i just want to keep playing is that was that what this last month has been like for you like i cannot wait to get back there and get after it again yeah yeah i mean you you always want to be uh you always want to be playing when you're playing well so um but yeah i mean the game's all about consistency though so um you know the best players they they had months like that more often than just once a year so um you know that's what i'm striving for trying to trying to keep that going for the rest of the year talking to kali gosh yoke is in studio with this and and i heard um i've heard talk of like a slight stance adjustment things that have worked well for you but you know you started uh new team you come to san diego and there was like an over 20 stretch where you're only getting to play once every few days did you feel at the time that you were like close though like you were gonna you're you're about to break out of it and how frustrating was that to come to a new team come back to your home state and get off to kind of a slow start before this this latest stretch yeah um you know you always want to you want to impress when you go to a new team so it's it's definitely tough when you're you're not exactly uh swinging the bat so great um but i mean you know historically i've been kind of a slow starter and i mean i i tried to make adjustments this year to mitigate that but um obviously still got off to a slow start um so it didn't really it wasn't i wasn't in full panic mode but it's definitely you know when you when you go when you have a stretch like that where you hit listen 20 at bats you you start to try new things and sometimes it's actually you know you come out better on the other side for it it's going to break yeah okay we're going to take a quick time out when we come back i want to ask kyle obviously about catching that wall drive which is oh god something he's been asked to do that no other catcher in major league baseball has done in several years now yeah man and he's got to do it every fifth day for the san diego ponterase and i don't know if you notice but woods did bring the guitar in yeah that's all that's not always here just for the record so we've got it run into we got run through a board and everything it's possible he may ask you to pick it up at some point i might it's uh so we'll see what happens after the break final segment of better woods kyle gosh yoke in studio coming back next year on san diego's number one support station ninety seven three the fan sorry ninety seven three the fan is brought to you by the frozen ropes baseball and softball training facilities frozen ropes signing of athletes age six through twelve for baseball softball summer camps half day full day options available make it a frozen rope summer like bowwoods over there for more information visit san diegofrozen ropes dot com that's san diego frozen ropes dot com yeah we haven't even mentioned the little guys here today you know it's summer got a he needs to we need care for him so his old man just brings him to work you had a question for higgy you wanted to ask yesterday you said right yeah go ahead what does it take to break in a catcher's mitt look at that better question than his old man has ever asked ever never that's first time all right so what do you do to break in your catchers mitt kyle um for me i just i basically just catch pitches i mean i don't um i don't really like to do anything crazy with it doesn't go in the oven like my wife i try not to uh i try not to add any extra weight to the leather by like um you know getting it too wet or anything um for me like you know having a light catchers glove is super important um because that way i can just react quicker but it kind of begs the it leads into the next question of catching uh mat waldron and you you get you're you're over here with the potteries and they're like hey welcome um you know this is going to be your role and you can catch mat waldron who throws this absolutely filthy knuckle ball how much experience had you had in your life little league and beyond catching somebody that threw a knuckle ball consistently uh zero zero yeah zero always a fun thing to learn at the big league level trying to um contribute on a new team in a new city as you said you want to impress and here's this again gloves did that require a new mitt yeah you can't use the big one you can't use the big floppy one that they use right um we just don't have one i'll take one if anyone's good if anyone has me with dropping off the studio i mean there's been so much talk about it they say that big floppy knuckle ball mitt is great for knuckle balls but waldron also throws in you know 93 yeah and that's not going to feel good on your hand in that thin floppy mitts you kind of have to wear the regular mitt for his other pitches well i mean we we found a knuckle ball mitt and uh it's just not broken in so we're kind of trying to break that in a little bit uh i'm open to trying it but um yeah i mean it's just right now i'm using my backup glove which is just bigger and floppier than my normal glove we hear um the stories about matt and the the tim wake field stories when they went to boston and talking to tom candy adi and the uncle other knuckle ballers have they set you up with anybody who's ever caught a knuckle ball like to like how do you is there any like techniques or anything like instruction they've been able to give you because most of the coaches don't have any experience with this either yeah uh some of the other guys were telling me um you know let the ball travel and um i remember when the when the Yankees came into town uh travina was telling me about sometime that he had to catch a knuckle ball guy and you know he was like saying something about uh keeping the keeping the thumb up or um or or sitting side saddle so i'm not i've i've also like listened to some interviews that uh josh totally you know has has given about it and um and also i i've heard some advice through the grapevine uh from dugmere belly but other than that i mean you know i'm kind of line solo yeah i mean you you're you're winging a little bit but again there's there's obviously it's six and one half dozen the other catching a knuckle ball is really difficult and you know especially matt's is just incredible and they show it on television slowed down and i think the layman goes oh what's so hard about that it's not even moving that fast but there's an art form to it obviously because not every you don't just you don't get reps doing it the ones that get me though for you guys is a guy like moron who comes in throwing 97 top of the zone snaps off a slider in the dirt i don't know how you guys do it i'm amazed by it your preference though if you you get you get matt wall journey you get moron and that nasty biting slider at your feet what's what's easier for you uh moron yeah it's crazy to me like it's just crazy to me yeah i love it man it's been uh it's been really fun watching you you know hit the ball out of the ballpark watching you guys contribute tell us a little bit if you can i know that the clubhouse is really sacred but we talked we talked to mike shilt uh every day the the general mood of the team i know it's your first year with the team but you guys really seem to enjoy playing with each other a lot yeah um i think kind of you know i i i think you know i can't speak for what you know went on last year but i think a lot of guys kind of learned a little bit from their experience last year um which was probably from what i gather a similar experience that i hanky's last year where it's like we we kind of underperformed um you know didn't meet expectations and so uh you know the general kind of vibe in the clubhouse is uh everyone's bought in to do whatever it takes to to win ball games and um you know as of right now this year i think you know we're we're on a good path we're we're looking to find some consistency but i think we're we're showing signs of that and um you know everyone's just fully bought in to to do whatever it takes. Kyle Yashiyoka is with us in studio and uh potters have what eight walk-offs this year including uh yours kyle about a month ago now we uh we talked about it the day after in terms of the the walk-off celebrations you know we just saw manning the other day and everyone slapping high fives as you going down to first base yours was the most reserved of all of them and that that fits a little more with your personality but i don't know what like with all these celebrations that go what do you feel like you're what's your go-to move on the celebrations uh nothing yeah right it's a low heart beat guy are you even out there or you're not there on some of the other ones i'm not uh i'm not the hype guy that we have other guys dancing and doing everything i just kind of keep the even keel even on a walk like you just walked it off you're like yeah it was great he's like yeah that's what i'm supposed to do yeah it was hit the ball hard it's so good yeah every team you know you got to have a low heart beat guy for sure have you always been that way or were you when you were a kid were you a little more fiery or and just got to learn or have you always been pretty reserved i've always been kind of reserved but i think i did it or i started to try to do it more you know the the more i played baseball and it's like as a catcher you both sides of the ball are so important and you have to separate them so much that it's like i don't i don't want to get too over hyped you know from something that happens on offense and then take that to defense where i'm not focused for the picture um so it's just important to separate those two things so then i just choose not to get too emotional i give you ever thrown a helmet oh yeah okay all right yeah i want to just want to make sure i want to make sure i want to make sure it's human good good good good uh with uh one more just for me with campy coming back now it looks like you're going to have a little more even playing time split going forward is that a good thing considering how you know tough the position is for a long season 162 games behind the plate to have two guys who can kind of split the playing time yeah i think every every good team needs to have uh you know two good catchers because it's just so important and there's you know they the guys like yachty malina who catch 150 games a season they just to me they don't really exist anymore so um you know it's it's really important to have two guys that that you can you can count on behind the plate so um you know me personally i'm striving to always be a solid option for the team and uh i know campy does too he's he's one of the hardest workers in the club ass so that's awesome and you know again you you want to be in there every every baseball player every pro baseball player i i've ever talked to you's like i want to be in the lineup i don't care what it takes i just want to be in the lineup you have to be a little bit different uh when you're when you're behind the dish and you have a another guy that's wanting to get playing time as well and and you're you're the hot hand right now certainly so um is there any is there any kind of lamenting when when you're not in the lineup no um you know that's the manager's job to choose the lineup um you know me and campy we're just going to work as hard as possible and however it shakes out it's going to shake out but um you know i think i think we understand that um you know that's that's not our decision the only thing we can do is play well in the field and whatever happens is going to happen so uh before you go we got a check traffic we got a couple minutes left would you mind picking up the guitar and just giving us a little uh tread song get your choice whatever you want to play all right we're gonna we're gonna check traffic and then when we come back kylen gosh yoke is going to pick up woods as a fender and play something for us before the end of the show here that is coming up next on 97 through the fan all right uh kylen gosh yoke in studio he's got the uh he's got the guitar he's putting on the headphones uh don't know what direction he's going to take us but uh it's all it's all up to him now out of the streets that's where we meet you make the night i always cross a line out of the bounce up yourself get in our way what you want yourself so good that's phenomenal phenomenal you still got the truth now what was that i don't know i was rounding around by rut you thought the trooper yeah oh no this was the video i saw the bloom on mine iron maiden uh big five if i said come on and do it why is incredible it's not unbelievable people people shouldn't be allowed to be talented at multiple things you tell me like you're a two handicap as well i'm just gonna like throw you out of the studio okay kylen gosh yoke even my mom's texting go this is so cool god really appreciate it thank you so much for coming in uh this morning it's good to see and good luck to the pot raise the rest of the way oh thanks for having me guys that was great kylen gosh yoke a pod raise catcher uh you can go and uh do what you need to get done here but uh we really appreciate you coming in thank you guys you got your shirt if you want it yeah take uh take some swag with you for your uh appearance in studio so uh yeah pod raise it back tonight after the day off Seattle mariners in town it's there so it's weird how the schedule works now in the american league you play everybody three times except your natural rival right you play four times two at home two on the road so this is just the two-game series against the Seattle mariners and then another off day on thursday so a little quick two-game set then three against the atlanta braves friday saturday and sunday going into the all-star break uh so five more games trying to get you know you want to finish strong obviously going into the all-star break here you've gotten yourself what four games above 500 at this point you can have a winning record you know just three and two i would say in the last five games here get to get to the all-star break with some good momentum get a little healthier when you come back get some rest and come back strong for the uh the run the last uh two months of the season coming up here i mean yeah it's it's very very imperative um july is going to be such an interesting month for this team what happens who comes back who doesn't come back how does zander play when he does come back i mean there is just so many questions this team's never boring many they're never ever ever dull or boring um they do bring the blood pressure up a little little bit uh certainly and i just you know i you listen to what kyle said about the team being bought in and when was the last time we actually truly heard that and believed that the team was bought in and pulling on the same you know all the cliches pulling on the same we're open all that um i i genuinely believe it flan said yesterday he watches this team every night he knows enough people the game he says they're doing the right things i don't know how it's going to shake out i don't but i believe it is it not my shield i can't say it's not i really can't i mean you know whatever he's brought in he's working for the san diego pandaise so far this season yeah no question and uh now that kyle has left the studio uh that was that was incredibly so cool yeah i didn't want to embarrass him anymore in you know having him in here and say but that is truly truly remarkable to have that skill set to be a major league catcher and be able to play guitar like that is truly incredible it was it was amazing he just launches into round and round was so cool dude he's unbelievable it's uh you know that's uh it's it's a way to connect to with fans as well i mean you connect obviously every night you play on the field but there's going to be ups and downs over the course of the baseball season i love i love when players can become humans as well with other interests and you know there people just like you and me and you know they have things that they like to do outside of baseball have you ever seen it love to see that you ever see a uh lower resting heart rate than that guy ever it's crazy crazy um real quick gentlemen we have pottery six to give away oh that's right beautiful need to do that all right lat right now let's do it right now we've got tickets for tomorrow's game as paul said it is uh pottery's mariners and it's the throwback 1984 celebration the first forty thousand fans you're going to receive pottery's throwback hats celebrating the 40th anniversary of the 1984 world series team get your tickets at pottery's dot com tickets or call now let's make it the sixth caller 833 288 097 3 sixth caller at 833 28073 you're going to win those tickets as you mentioned uh Tim Flannery's going to be playing and singing the national anthem and i know they have um some of the other 1984 guys that are going to be coming back uh to be honored got to meet some of them really in person for the first time like you know terry canody at fantasy camp goose gossage goose you know that we're we have a bit of a love date relationship obvious no i think he's mostly hate i don't think i said he'd love that i love goose oh that one of my favorites on his absolutely on his part his part is safe yeah but my part is definitely more love of goose gossage uh so that'll be a really fun really fun day tomorrow is the pod raise that wrap up this quick two-game series against the mariners on there they throwback day tell him you're a nerd too i know you know i know you know i don't know that you can say that ball sweet baby oh i love it i love it that was really really cool really cool one of the cooler moments we've had absolutely just picks it up and just starts shredding iron maidens the trooper which is not easy to do not know those weren't simple simple licks as far as i can tell i've never played the guitar before it's hard everything on that instrument is hard that's what i think everything i'm not i'm not crazy when i look at it i go how does anyone make any noises come out of this thing at all makes sense i started playing when i was like five like noodling around i'm 48 years old i can't play like a riff i mean it's just so hard to do it's so hard to learn your fingers and you're you know it's just not i didn't play the guitar hero video game i didn't either did that i didn't either as well it's not even close to the same not saying it's not even close to the same it's uh it's like saying i was really good at mlb the show so i could be a big leaguer i could call a game i call it mlb the show uh it you pick that thing up and it's just it's so intimidating it's so intimidating so it takes years and years of practice and and uh and that but to sit down and and just shred it was was great was just great all right uh poly we just got a winner for the tickets uh yes robert's congratulations is uh birthday on friday good for happy birthday um woods his birthday next friday that's right so it's a good birthday month in july everyone else thank you so much for calling in sorry we didn't have more pairs of tickets to give away but congratulations uh to robert uh for winning those tickets we'll come back tomorrow morning six to ten and we will have uh big league wednesday it's been we didn't talk to adam jones last week so i assume we'll try to track him down he's gonna be good tomorrow's show that's good booney tomorrow as well amber at bon tomorrow so big league wednesday in full effect and hopefully have a win to talk about for the pod race uh you know two-game losing streaks are going to happen they're fine you do want to nip them in the bud uh this will be a tough one though you get an all star on the mound for the mariners tonight and logan gilbert's nasty man and as far as we know adam major is still scheduled to pitch for the pod race he has thrown a little bit better the last couple of starts still gets hit hard a lot it's hit hard doesn't have a lot of swing and miss but the mariners are not really good offensively but they haven't been they've been having trouble scoring runs they got great pitching but offensively they've struggled um hula rod regas has not had a great season but he certainly is always a threat to hit a 460 feet shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up just mentioning it just you know the reality of what the pod race you're facing coming up here over it's the first place team yeah now they were 10 games up on the astra is like two or three weeks ago now it's down two two three games back they have they're hot they're very much in the rearview mirror at this point if i'm a Seattle fan i'm going uh oh we had a chance to put that team away when they get off to a bad start and we have now let them completely bank in it in the americanly west and that's not the team you really want chasing you down at this point get it done my friends all right we'll be back to talk about it tomorrow and he and elston are coming up next it'll take you to the next four hours until 10 o'clock thank you to kyle and gosh yoke in studio thanks to boat woods you're a nerd too bow all right all is our executive producer and imaging director for steven woods i'm ben higgins good to be back have a great rest your tuesday from all of us here at san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan thanks again to jessie agler had a nice discussion of playground games uh when he was gone and i i don't even think anything we played like you know fifth grade sixth grade out on the uh the playground at elementary school is even allowed anymore you say that man but i've you know i picked up both from school last year and he would do soccer uh after school one day a week and i mean look they were playing basketball but it wasn't basketball i mean it was you know it was rough like there's i didn't see a teacher in sight so i mean i think it's i think there's still a little bit of fun you bring up a good point because you can try to regulate it out and there's no more dodgeball or butts up or a little butts up well the games that we all played when we were in the playground and it was uh you know it was lord of the flies out there really was and you can try to legislate it out like make a bunch of rules and these games can't be played but that aggression is still inherent especially to you know 10 12 year old boys and they just haven't played soccer or basketball they're just going to make it rougher that way when they're not getting their aggression out in the somewhat unsanction games that we used to play oh hundred percent i mean i didn't love them i mean i was not a fan of because i wasn't one of the more aggressive kids obviously recess was it's head play recess was like like you said lord of the flies i mean it was fend for yourself i mean recesses do you guys have in elementary school just one but we had recess then we had lunch was mostly recess like you'd eat and then you could play in the 30 minutes and go out and play that's about right and then there was a p e in the afternoon which was more of a organized outdoor time so you had the three times outside adam says they don't allow red rover in the elementary school district yeah red rover was rough that got uh banned at my elementary school at some point people get choked out the clothes line yeah red rover and rovers and woodsy right over there like oh god i'm dead you try to find the smallest kid and try to break through those arms yeah megan says tether ball tether ball was a god i love tether ball was great and yes there was the uh smear the slur yeah we used to play as well not that no one could be proud of it but that was the worst of all hockey which was literally no rules other than just mauling so throw the ball up in here and kill the guy that catches it just horrible i mean just like a punt return essentially but yeah it's a four square that was a game i never liked tether ball was even pretty gnarly because that ball when it started slowing it around and around could do some damage you get in the face that was not fun the greatest game though in elementary school i think bar none was kickball there was nothing like kickball how do you want it baby bouncies yeah baby bouncies you know slow rollers yeah that was the best it was baseball with good kid you know kicking it was so much fun uh but yeah it's i watch him and i did their their little recess and uh it's they're playing hoops and they don't know how to dribble so they just ball people over and then chuck up shots and it's it gets no he's gotten in trouble like 20 times uh this year playing too rough the basketball so but dude i loved that was so much fun like basketball or something like that where because like i said my elementary school we had three recesses morning lunch and afternoon so you would get like three games in and you'd have the same teams you're like oh we're gonna get your ass in the next recess break or whatever oh yeah just went out there and sweat you're running your ass off ten or fifteen minutes come back in go back in social studies you learn learn about it and then there was the completely overwhelmed playground monitor with the whistle yeah there's enough who was in charge of 400 kids who were out there at once there was one you know woman with a whistle who was supposed to keep everybody in line the entire time good luck to use ma'am or sir who was job that was at bow school too it's like volunteers the teachers at recess are like they want to go they want a break room and this is our break we're going to the break room we're leaving it to the playground monitor to monitor seven eight classes that are all out there together at the same time tell you guys a while back it's one of my favorite stories mr. Bromfield that was our playground monitor and elementary school and for years I mean years she called me Carl Carl and me Carl and finally I got in trouble for a yell at her it's it's right yeah I got I got in trouble for running or something where you weren't supposed to be running and she goes Carl Carl come over here and I turned around and said my name's not Carl guns attention I used to call my brother Carl as an insult when I was a kid no offense any car I don't think we even had a Carl at the school we never actually met a real Carl I don't know now I but I used to call him Carl and it used to make him so mad I was just I was already pissed because I got in trouble for something and then I just snapped and screamed at her and got attention well mom's like well what'd you do is it well it's time it's actually time for the car record right now get started here with our addition today's edition of the rindle report now tune into the mop greatest welcome to the rindle report with paul rindle hi paul all right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major link baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindle report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97-3 the fan are you ready to bless the mood I need some help please that was good can i get a whole year all right Carl take it away Carl famous Carl's Carl Lewis Carl Reiner Carl's junior Carl's junior it's a good one Carl Sagan oh no i don't have many other carls out there George Carl that's the yeah that's a basketball woods okay that comes up with George Carl that's all i think about 24/7 hoops hoops hoops hoops he was the head coach of the sonics i think he was when i got in trouble yes he was yeah all right we'll start off in the NFL interesting story fun fun story here two-time defensive and pro bowler Josh Allen not quarterback for the bills but the jaguars top defensive player Josh Allen he is changing his name heading into the upcoming NFL season he's changing his last name to read Heinz hyphen Allen he's Joshua Heinz Allen and he's doing this to pay tribute to says his maternal side of his family and other relatives who have worn Heinz and Heinz Allen on their jerseys that's good story it is it is a really nice story that he is concocted to hide the real reason there's another way more famous Josh Allen in the league and you never want to be the second most famous player in the league with a name right yeah do you think he cares yeah i think he cares i think that's a big reason why he's changing his name i think he's doing it to honor his what was it grandmother yeah his mother's family side and it says here on ESPN so his sister plays for the Washington mystics in the WNBA and it's she has Heinz Allen on the back uh his sisters both play college basketball or played college basketball they had Heinz Allen on their backs make sense uh in addition his uncle was drafted by the warriors in 1983 after a hall of fame career at Hampton university also had Heinz Allen so he's he's you know paying tribute to the whole family that's his story Ben thinks he's just covering because he doesn't want to be also Josh out so negative you're so negative you always think the worst of people his quote on his instagram it's not a bad thing i think it's smart he's actually to not have the same exact name as a more famous player in the league he's established though isn't he yeah car i mean he's uh Carl not Carl yeah Josh Allen's a two-time pro baller he's a very good defensive player now Carl Allen but when anyone says you know NFL player Josh Allen who do you think of? Josh Allen Josh Allen yeah exactly the quarterback of the bells so you need to do something to differentiate from the Josh Allen everyone thinks you're referring to Mikey agrees with Miley in the chat agrees he posted a picture of the new jersey pointing to the back to the name plate and he says on instagram legacy is forever and i'm proud to carry that tradition on the back of my jersey following in the footsteps of my family who have donned the Heinz Allen's last name with so much pride and joy there is a suck it Ben Higgins there is a reason that i mean why didn't why didn't he do it sooner but somebody just said in the chat Ben you're the second most famous Ben Higgins after the bachelor grab maybe you should go back to Dan Stevens fair enough i will never get over Dan Stevens ever pick a name kid you need a different name uh Dan Stevens sounds very radio-like yeah it also sounds made up and like a porn star Dan Stevens all right um Dan Stevens i don't like this second story because look i and i think woods would also agree with this i love a good commitment to the bit but sometimes i think it can be dragged out too far well sometimes it gets ridiculous and skip bailist for like a long time he you're like this is a bit that that's the worst opinion that's the worst take i've ever heard you have to just be doing this for the clicks your you know you know you don't believe this and you're doing this because that's your stick what's his latest the latest has to do with uh LeBron James okay shocker brawny James right brawn James junior so he was on his uh with the skip bailist show i think and well here's what he had to say i think he'll be more calm cool and collected in the eye of next year's storm than even his father will be no i think he'll play pretty well alongside his father i think brawny would be pretty good i think he'll he'll become a clutch three-point shooter i've always gotten the feeling that brawny had a bigger clutch gene than his father does i mean you have to tip your hat the absolutely that the fact that he's able to say it with a with a straight face is is astounding it's a astounding i think brawny who have scored like four points in his summer league debut and he's gonna be averaged three points a game and his one year of college basketball yeah got the bigger clutch gene in the family then dad he's a game winning threes in the final for 20 straight years on LeBron is overrated it's incredible at some point you feel like i'm eventually gonna be right i am gonna stick with this until he retires the sky is overrated i mean doesn't it do him i guess isn't it like better to come in 10 years ago you know what i was wrong i'll wear it but you know like that gives you more i i would think so but i would think so too and there's nothing wrong with being wrong about a player it happens all the time to all of us oh yeah all of us have been wrong did in in a way agree when he said brawny is probably going to handle all of this attention yeah better than i would have he i care i unfortunately care too much what people say and think yeah brawny doesn't really care he's got that gene where he doesn't care that i heard that LeBron also said like it's it's two different tales like brawny you know think everything that has happened in my life brawny doesn't have to play basketball brawny is going to be good he's gonna be just where as LeBron's like i had to make it i it was the only way out from Akron i had to make it brawny doesn't necessarily have to do that yeah he said uh if brawn if you want to be a chef or a gamer or whatever like i'm gonna take care of him he's fine we got we got plenty of money yeah good could have done whatever he wanted but he put the work in to get to basketball to get to this point and let's not also act like it's he's not a massive nepo baby too i mean it's it both things can be true it's not absolutely it's not he's wrong i think his can't help can't help who is his old man is somebody asked in the chat how much does this dude get paid skip bailis well he's in the middle of a four-year 32 million dollar contract today signed with fox sports eight million dollars a year eight million dollars a year for takes like that it's it's something else man uh and then finally this this should probably be uh defined as punishment i would say but i was reading one of uh our favorite websites woods he turned it turned us on to it consequence of sound they do music television movies a lot of pop culture stories so i like to check that out in the morning for some rind report stories and they've got one here that says that bob dylan yes Earl buddy has announced a massive new 431 song box set collecting every single surviving sound board recording from his legendary 1974 tour with the band like a hundred format for vinyl uh yeah it looks like vinyl but 75 is 100 records it's the it actually they drop it off in one of those moving boxes they use them to go pull the record out coming out 400 container like coming out on September 20th the new box set will feature 431 newly mixed songs across 27 discs including 417 of them being never before released tracks i can't believe it i absolutely can't believe it you see who's uh here already did he's early oh my man kyle higashiyoka is in the building what would you say talk about bob dylan for what would you say is the average length of a bob dylan song four minutes four minutes four to five four and thirty one songs times four minutes divided by 60 minutes per hour so it would take you probably around 29 hours straight to listen next week there's no baseball we just start at six we play all of the tracks of bob dylan we'll talk through them over only four hours a day i'll take it like the entire all-star break the whole break we get through as much as we can next week on the show it comes out in september this will take us through like the entire month of november you know i like avant garde radio i don't think there's much more avant garde radio than that strap in for next week it's gonna get real weird all right well uh now that josh allen is changing his name i don't know if there's gonna be room for two higgies in the studio at one time we're gonna have to fight over the nickname uh when we come back though kyle higashiyoka ponterase catcher gonna be with us don't go anywhere check traffic and then returning with more benewoods on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan it's already started oh it's already started how do you know this would happen what's he was so excited i mean i'm excited as well obviously we'll talk some baseball with our next guest in studio but the music talk has already begun uh because joining us right now in studio this is a real tree ponterase catcher kyle higashiyoka is here during a homestand here you got the all-star break coming up but appreciate you stopping by this morning kyle good to see you yeah thanks for having me guys it's good to uh good to see you again in person and what a uh well we want to do baseball first or what no we got a short segment here let's just uh let's just get comfortable let's just get comfortable first dive in here so we were talking about the fact that you use rats lay it down for your walk up i love it so much and i love hip hop and i like country but with everybody having a hip hop song or morgan wall and song is their walk up and you go with rat san diego by the way legendary band micky rat went to l_a_ and became rat um i love that about you it's my favorite yeah i've uh yeah i think it's uh it's like a nice little tribute to you know wherever you're playing you know i try to try to choose a a song that's uh from a you know hopefully a local band yeah and um you know rats rats one of my favorites so it's like that was an easy choice for me lifetime contract for kyle hagashi ok i were the boss so it makes sense though woods you're 48 almost 49 and you kind of grew up in the 80s like we did now you're younger you're 34 so yeah rat was already well established by the time you were probably kind of getting into different music how did you become a fan of a band that was not necessarily in their prime when you were in your you know teen formative music years yeah i'm uh i mean i didn't really listen to that much when i was uh growing up it's just when i when i started playing guitar um that was probably my first first spring training i started playing guitar and so i really started diving deep into um you know the world of uh you know hard rock guitarist and um you know i discovered all these bands from the 80s that were just like incredible shredder yeah i mean to the best in that band too you got you got the i mean it's still like a mainstream sound it's like a more of like a pop vocal so it's super catchy all the songs are super catchy but then you got more of a heavy metal style guitar which is uh that's kind of right up my alley so rat rat was one of them uh you know Warren D martini he's one of my favorites uh this is George Lynch yep one of my favorites from doc and Eddie then Eddie Van Halen Eddie Van Halen of course legendary yeah i love that i love that you use it too it just makes me excited every time because if i was a big leaguer i would play it but they're like well of course you would you're 48 years old you're gonna play rat and you shouldn't be in the big leagues because you're 48 years old you can't hit you can't play defense you can't run there's nothing really you bring to the table uh but hey what a great what a great um what a great run that you're you guys are on and of course you personally i know you know it seems like a locker room uh kyle that everyone's really pretty friendly and tight and pulling for each other right now it's been some pretty magical moments uh for you and the team uh these first you know the half of the season yeah um i i mean the thing that's impressed me the most about this team is just the resilience um you know i don't think i've ever been on a team that's been so prone to uh coming back anytime anytime we're down um you know it's just every every game that we're within you know a few runs at the end we we just we're always feeling like we're gonna we're gonna make something happen in the ninth and um you know it doesn't always happen but it's it's it's happened enough to where it's like wow this is uh you know we might have something special here i think people forget anytime you get to the big leagues obviously you were a phenomenal player growing up high school all the way through to get to the big leagues but you haven't had a chance to play as regularly as you have lately that often in your career you've just you've kind of been in that backup role with the Yankees and then started with the Padres in that same role when was the last time you felt like you were kind of on a a heater like you've been on for these last few weeks yeah i mean i've i don't think i've ever you know played had a had a month like that yeah like i like i had in in June so um yeah i mean to to me it's like you know i i i believe that i'm capable of that it's just um baseball is all about it's good actually see it though yeah yeah when you always hear guys when they get on those heaters and i would ask you the same question when they get on those heaters they're like i don't want to go home i don't want to have to wait until tomorrow i want it's like a good golf round you always have your me i always play really well on 18 and then i'm done and i'm like i just want to keep playing is that was that what this last month has been like for you like i cannot wait to get back there and get after it again yeah yeah i mean you you always want to be uh you always want to be playing when you're playing well so um but yeah i mean the game's all about consistency though so um you know the best players they they had months like that more often than just once a year so um you know that's what i'm striving for trying to trying to keep that going for the rest of the year talking to kalagash yokas in studio with this and and i heard um i've heard talk of like a slight stance adjustment things that have worked well for you but you know you started uh new team you come to San Diego and there was like an 0 for 20 stretch where you're only getting to play once every few days did you feel at the time that you were like close though like you were gonna you're about to break out of it and how frustrating was that to come to a new team come back to your home state and get off to kind of a slow start before this this latest stretch yeah um you know you always want to you want to impress when you go to a new team so it's it's definitely tough when you're you're not exactly uh swinging the bat so great um but i mean you know historically i've been kind of a slow starter and i mean i i i tried to make adjustments this year to mitigate that but um obviously still got off to a slow start um so it didn't really it wasn't i wasn't in full panic mode but it's definitely you know when you when you go when you have a stretch like that where you hit listen 20 at bats you you start to try new things and sometimes it's actually you know you come out better on the other side for it it's gonna break yeah okay we're gonna take a quick time out when we come back i want to ask kyle obviously about catching that wall drive which is god something he's been asked to do that no other catcher in major league baseball has done in several years now yeah man and he's got to do it every fifth day for the san diego pond rays and i i don't know if you noticed but woods did bring the guitar yeah that's all that's not always here just for the record so we've got it run into we got run through a board and everything it's possible he may ask you to pick it up at some point so we'll see what happens after the break final segment of better woods kyle gosh yoke in studio coming back next year on san diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fan sorry 97-3 the fan is brought to you by the frozen ropes baseball and softball training facilities frozen ropes signing of athletes age six through 12 for baseball softball summer camps half day full day options available make it a frozen ropes summer like bow woods over there for more information visit san diego frozen ropes dot com that's san diego frozen ropes dot com yeah we haven't even mentioned the little guys here today you know it's summer got a he needs to we need to care for him so his old man just brings him to work you had a question for hickey you wanted to ask yesterday you said right yeah go ahead what does it take to break in a catcher's mitt look at that better question than his old man has ever asked ever never oh that's first time all right so what do you do to break in your catchers mitt kyle um for me i just i basically just catch pitches yeah i mean i don't um i don't really like to do anything crazy with it does go in the oven like my wife i try not to uh i try not to add any extra weight to the leather by like um you know getting it too wet or anything um for me like you know having a light catchers love is super important um because that way i can just react quicker but it kind of begs the it leads into the next question of catching uh matt waldrin and you you get you're you're over here with the pod rays and they're like hey welcome um you know this is going to be your role and you can catch matt waldrin who throws this absolutely filthy knuckle ball how much experience had you had in your life little league and beyond catching somebody that threw a knuckle ball consistently uh zero zero yeah zero always a fun thing to learn at the big league level trying to um contribute on a new team in a new city as you said you want to impress and here's this again gloves did that require a new mint yeah you can't use the big one you can't use the big floppy one that they use right um we just don't have one so i'll take one if anyone's killed if anyone has me with dropping off the studio i mean there's been so much talk about it they say that big floppy knuckle ball mitt is great for knuckle balls but waldrin also throws in you know 93 yeah and that's not gonna feel good on your hand in that thin floppy mitts you kind of have to wear the regular mitt for his other pitches well i mean we we found a knuckle ball mitt and uh it's just not broken in so we're kind of trying to break that in a little bit uh i'm open to trying it but um yeah i mean it's just right now i'm using my backup glove which is just bigger and floppier than my normal glove we hear um the stories about mat and the the tim wake field stories when they went to boston and talking to tom candy adi and the uncle other knuckle ballers have they set you up with anybody who's ever caught a knuckle ball like to like how do you is there any like techniques or anything like instruction they've been able to give you because most of the coaches don't have any experience with this either yeah uh some of the other guys were telling me um you know let the ball travel and um i remember when the when the Yankees came into town uh travina was telling me about some time that he had to catch a knuckle ball guy and you know he was like saying something about uh keeping the keeping the thumb up or um or or sitting side saddle so i i've i've also like listened to some interviews that uh josh tolly you know has has given about it and um and also i i've heard some advice through the grapevine uh from dougmere belly but other than that i mean you know i'm kind of flying solo yeah i mean you you're you're weighing a little bit but again there's there's obviously it's six and one half dozen the other catching a knuckle ball is really difficult and you know especially mats is just incredible and they show it on television slowed down and i think the laymen goes oh what's so hard about that it's not even moving that fast but there's an art form to it obviously because not ever you don't just you don't get reps doing it the ones that get me though for you guys is a guy like moron who comes in throwing 97 top of the zone snaps off a slider in the dirt i don't know how you guys do it i'm amazed by it your preference though if you you get you get matt wall journey you get moron and that nasty biting slider at your feet what's what's easier for you uh moron yeah it's crazy to me it's just crazy to me yeah i love it man it's been uh it's been really fun watching you you know hit the ball out of the ballpark watching you guys contribute tell us a little bit if you can i know that the clubhouse is really sacred but we talked we talked to mike shilt uh every day the the general mood of the team i know it's your first year with the team but you guys really seem to enjoy playing with each other a lot yeah um i think kind of you know i i i think you know i can't speak for what you know went on last year but i think a lot of guys kind of learned a little bit from their experience last year um which was probably from what i gather a similar experience that i hanky's last year where it's like we we kind of underperformed um you know didn't meet expectations and so uh you know the general kind of vibe in the clubhouse is uh everyone's bought in to do whatever it takes to to win ball games and um you know at as of right now at this year i think you know we're we're on a good path we're we're looking to find some consistency but i think we're we're showing signs of that and um you know everyone's just fully bought in to to do whatever it takes kyle gosh yoke is with us in studio and uh potters have what eight walkoffs this year including uh yours kyle about a month ago now we uh we talked about it the day after in terms of the the walk-off celebrations you know we just saw manning the other day and everyone slapping high-fives as you going down to first base yours was the most reserved of all of them that that fits a little more with your personality but i don't know what like with all these celebrations that go what do you feel like you're what's your go-to move on the celebrations uh nothing yeah i'm not the uh i'm not uh i'm not the hype guy that we have other guys dancing and doing everything i just kind of keep the even keel even on a walk like you just walked it off you're like yeah it was great he's like yeah that's what i'm supposed to do it's so good yeah every team you know you gotta have the low heart meat guy for sure have you always been that way or were you when you were a kid were you a little more fiery or and just kind of learned or have you always been pretty reserved i've always been kind of reserved but i think i did it or i started to try to do it more you know the the more i played baseball and it's like as a catcher you both sides of the ball are so important and you have to separate them so much that it's like i don't i don't want to get too over hyped you know from something that happens on offense and then take that to defense where i'm not focused for the pitcher um so it's just important to separate those two things so then i just choose not to get too emotional like have you ever thrown a helmet oh yeah i want to make sure i want to make sure i want to make sure it's human good good good uh with uh one more just for me with campy coming back now it looks like you're gonna have a little more even playing time split going forward is that a good thing considering how you know tough the position is for a long season 162 games behind the plate to have two guys who can kind of split the playing time yeah i i think every every good team needs to have um you know two good catchers because it's just so important and there's you know they the guys like yachty malina who catch 150 games a season they just to me they don't really exist anymore so um you know it's it's really important to have two guys that that you can you can count on behind the plate so um you know me personally i'm striving to to always be a solid option for the team and uh i know campy does too he's he's one of the hardest workers in the club ass so that's awesome and then you know again you you want to be in there every every baseball player every pro baseball player i i've ever talked to you like i want to be in the lineup i don't care what it takes i just want to be in the lineup you have to be a little bit different uh when you're when you're behind the dish and you have a another guy that's wanting to get playing time as well and and you're you're the hot hand right now certainly so um is there any is there any kind of lamenting when when you're not in the lineup no no um you know that's the manager's job to to choose the lineup um you know me and campy we're just going to work as hard as possible and uh however shakes out it's going to shake out but um you know i think i think we understand that um you know that's that's not our decision the only thing we can do is play well on the field and whatever happens is going to happen so uh before you go we got to check traffic we got a couple minutes left would you mind picking up the guitar and just giving us a little uh tread song get your choice whatever you want to play all right we're gonna we're gonna check traffic and then when we come back kyla gosh yoke is going to pick up woods as fender and play something for us before the end of the show here that is coming up next on 97 through the fan all right uh kyla gosh yoke in studio he's got the uh he's got the guitar he's putting on the headphones uh don't know what direction he's going to take us but uh it's all it's all up to him now out of the streets that's where we meet you make the nights i always cross the line trying to bounce up yourself get in our way what would you want yourself so good that's absolutely phenomenal finale shredder you still got the truth now what was that i don't know i was rounding round by rat you still have the trooper yeah oh wow this was the video i saw that blew my mind iron maiden uh big five if i said come on dude what is incredible let's talk to people kyla people shouldn't be allowed to be talented and multiple things can you tell me like you're a two handicap as well i'm just gonna like throw you out of the studio okay no kyla gosh yoke even my mom's texting go this is so cool how good kyla really appreciate it thank you so much for coming in uh this morning it's good to see and good luck to padre's the rest of the way uh thanks for having me guys that was great kyla gosh yoke padre's catcher uh you can go and uh do what you need to get done here but uh we really appreciate you coming in thank you guys you got your shirt if you want it yep take uh take some swag with you for your uh appearance in studio so uh yeah padre's are back tonight after the day off uh seattle mariners in town it's there so it's weird how the schedule works now in the american league you play everybody three times except your natural rival right you play four times two at home two on the road so this is just the two-game series against the seattle mariners and then another off day on thursday so a little quick two-game set then three against the atlanta braves friday saturday and sunday going into the all-star break uh so five more games trying to get you know you want to finish strong obviously going into the all-star break here you've gotten yourself what four games above 500 at this point you can have a winning record you know just three and two i would say in the last five games here get to get to the all-star break with some good momentum get a little healthier when you come back get some rest and come back strong for the uh the run the last uh two months of the season coming up here i mean yeah it's it's very very imperative um july is going to be such an interesting month for this team what happens who comes back who doesn't come back how does and her play when he does come back i mean there is just so many questions this team's never boring many they're never ever ever dull or boring um they do bring the blood pressure up a little little bit uh certainly and i just you know i you listen to what kyle said about the team being bought in and when was the last time we actually truly heard that and believed that the team was bought in and pulling on the same you know all the cliches pulling on the same rope and all that um i i genuinely believe it flan said yes or he watches his team every night he knows enough people in the game he says they're doing the right things i don't know how it's going to shake out i don't but i believe it is it not my shield i can't say it's not i really can't i mean you know whatever he's brought in he's working for the san diego pandais so far this season yeah no question and uh now that kyle has left the studio uh that was that was incredibly so cool yeah i didn't want to embarrass him anymore in you know having him in here and say but that is truly truly remarkable to have that skill set to be a major league catcher and be able to play guitar like that is truly incredible it was it was amazing he just launches into round and round it was so cool dude he's unbelievable it's uh you know that's uh it's it's a way to connect to with fans as well i mean you connect obviously every night you play on the field but there's going to be ups and downs over the course of the baseball season i love i love when players can become humans as well with other interests and you know there people just like you and me and you know they have things that they like to do outside of baseball have you ever seen it love to see that you ever see a uh lower resting heart rate than that guy ever it's crazy crazy um real quick gentlemen we have pottery six to give away oh that's right beautiful need to do that all right lat right now let's do it right now we've got tickets for tomorrow's game as paul said it is uh pod raise mariners and it's the throwback 1984 celebration the first 40 000 fans going to receive pod raise throwback hats celebrating the 40th anniversary of the 1984 world series team get your tickets at pod tickets or call now let's make it the sixth caller eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three sixth caller at eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three you're going to win those tickets as you mentioned uh tim flanner is gonna be playing and singing the national anthem and i know they have um some of the other 1984 guys that are gonna be coming back uh to be honored got to meet some of them really in person for the first time like you know terry kennedy at fantasy camp goose gossage goose you know that we're we have a bit of a love hate relationship obvious no i think he's mostly hate i don't think there's any love that i love goose okay one of my favorites on his absolutely on his part his part is safe yeah but my part is definitely more love of goose gossage uh so that'll be a really fun really fun day tomorrow is the pod raise uh wrap up this quick two-game series against the mariners on their their throwback day tell him you're a nerd too i know you know i know you know you say that bow i don't know you i don't know that you can say that bow sweet baby oh i love it i love it that was really really cool really cool one of the cooler moments we've had absolutely just picks it up and just starts shredding iron maidens the trooper which is not easy to do not no no those weren't simple simple licks as far as i can tell i've never played the guitar before it's hard everything on that instrument is hard that's what i think everything i'm not i'm not crazy when i look and i go how does anyone make any noises come out of this thing at all makes sense i started playing when i was like five like noodling around i'm 48 years old i can't play like a riff i mean it's just so hard to do it's so hard to learn your fingers and you're you know it's just not i didn't play the guitar hero video game i didn't either did that i didn't either as well it's not even close to the same not saying it's not even close to the same it's uh it's like saying i was really good at mlb the show so i could be a big leaguer i could call the game i call it mlb the show uh it you pick that thing up and it's just it's so intimidating it's so intimidating so takes years and years of practice and and uh and that but to sit down and and just shred it was was great was just great all right uh poly we just got a winner for the tickets uh yes robert's congratulations is uh birthday on friday thanks for having birthday um woods' birthday next friday that's right it's a good birthday month in july everyone else thank you so much for calling in sorry we didn't have more pairs of tickets to give away but congratulations uh to robert uh for winning those tickets we'll come back tomorrow morning six to ten and we will have a big league wednesday it's been we didn't talk to adam jones last week so i assume we'll try to track him down he's gonna be good tomorrow show that's good booney tomorrow as well amber at bow tomorrow so big league wednesday in full effect and hopefully have a win to talk about for the pod race uh you know two-game losing streaks are going to happen they're fine you do want to nip them in the bud uh this will be a tough one though you get an all-star on the mound for the mariners tonight in logan gilbert's nasty man and as far as we know adam major is still scheduled to pitch for the pod race he has thrown a little bit better the last couple of starts still gets hit hard a lot it's hard doesn't have a lot of swing and miss but the mariners are not really good offensively they haven't been they've been having trouble scoring runs they got great pitching but offensively they've struggled um hulio rod regas has not had a great season but he he certainly is always a threat to hit a 460 feet shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up just mentioning it just you know the reality of what the pod race you're facing coming up here over it's the first place team yeah now they were 10 games up on the astro's like two or three weeks ago and now it's down to open two two three games back they have they're hot they're very much in the rear view mirror at this point if i'm a Seattle fan i'm going uh oh we had a chance to put that team away when they got off to a bad start and we have now let them completely back in it in the americanly west and that's not the team you really want chasing you down at this point get it done my friends all right we'll be back to talk about it tomorrow and he and elston are coming up next it'll take you to the next four hours until 10 o'clock thank you to kyle and gosh yoke in studio thanks to bow woods you're a nerd too bow ballridal is our executive producer and imaging director for steven woods i'm ben higgins good to be back have a great rest your tuesday from all of us here at san diego's number one sportstation 97 three the fan sorry 97 three the fan is brought to you by the frozen ropes baseball and softball training facilities frozen ropes signing of athletes age six through twelve for baseball softball summer camps half day full day options available make it a frozen rope summer like bow woods over there for more information visit san diego frozen ropes dot com at san diego frozen ropes dot com yeah we haven't even mentioned the little guys here today you know it's summer gotta he needs to we need care for him so his old man just brings him to work you had a question for hickey you wanted to ask yesterday you said right yeah go ahead what does it take to break in a catcher's mitt look at that better question than his old man has ever asked ever never oh that's first time all right so what do you do to break in your catcher's mitt kyle um for me i just i basically just catch pitches yeah i mean i don't um i don't really like to do anything crazy with it doesn't go in the oven like my wife i try not to uh i try not to add any extra weight to the leather by like um you know getting it too wet or anything um for me like you know having a light catcher's glove is super important um because that way i can just react quicker but it kind of begs the it leads into the next question of catching uh mat wall drink and you you get you're over here with the Padres and they're like hey welcome um you know this is going to be your role and you can catch matt wall drink who throws this absolutely filthy knuckle ball how much experience had you had in your life little league and beyond catching somebody that threw a knuckle ball consistently uh zero zero yeah zero always a fun thing to learn at the big league level trying to um contribute on a new team in a new city as you said you want to impress and here's this again gloves did that require a new mitt yeah you can't use the big one you can't use the big floppy one that thing is right um we just don't have one so it's like i'll take one if anyone's going if anyone has me with dropping off the studio i mean there's been so much talk about it they say that big floppy knuckle ball mitt is great for knuckle balls but walter also throws in you know 93 yeah and that's not going to feel good on your hand in that thin floppy mitts you kind of have to wear the regular mitt for his other pitches well i mean we we found a knuckle ball mitt and uh it's just not broken in so we're kind of trying to break that in a little bit uh i'm open to trying it but um yeah i mean it's just right now i'm using my backup glove which is just bigger and flopier than my normal glove we hear um the stories about matt and the the tim wake field stories when they went to boston and talking to tom candy adi and the uncle other knuckle ballers have they set you up with anybody who's ever caught a knuckle ball like to like how do you is there any like techniques or anything like instruction they've been able to give you because most of the coaches don't have any experience with this either yeah uh some of the other guys were telling me um you know let the ball travel and um i remember when the when the Yankees came into town uh travina was telling me about sometime that he had to catch a knuckle ball guy and you know he was like saying something about uh keeping the keeping the thumb up or um or or sit inside saddle so i have i've also like listened to some interviews that uh josh tolly you know has has given about it and um and also i i've heard some advice through the grapevine uh from dugmere belly but other than that i mean you know i'm kind of blind solo yeah i mean you're you're weighing a little bit but again there's there's obviously it's six and one half dozen the other catching a knuckle ball is really difficult and you know especially matt's is just incredible and they show it on television slowed down and i think the laymen goes oh what's so hard about that it's not even moving that fast but there's an art form to it obviously because not every you don't just you don't get reps doing it the ones that get me though for you guys is a guy like moron who comes in throwing 97 top of the zone snaps off a slider in the dirt i don't know how you guys do it i'm amazed by it your preference though if you get you get matt wall journey you get moron and that nasty biting slider at your feet what's what's easier for you uh moron yeah it's crazy to me it's just crazy to me yeah i love it man it's been uh it's been really fun watching you you know hit the ball out of the ballpark watching you guys contribute tell us a little bit if you can i know that the club house is really sacred but we talk we talk to mike shilt uh every day the the general mood of the team i know it's your first year with the team but you guys really seem to enjoy playing with each other a lot yeah um i think kind of you know i i i think you know i can't speak for what you know went on last year but i think a lot of guys kind of learned a little bit from their experience last year um which was probably from what i gather a similar experience that i hanky's last year where it's like we we kind of underperformed um you know didn't meet expectations and so uh you know the general kind of vibe in the clubhouse is uh everyone's bought in to do whatever it takes to to win ball games and um you know as of right now at this year i think you know we're we're on a good path we're we're looking to find some consistency but i think we're we're showing signs of that and um you know everyone's just fully bought into to do and whatever it takes kyle gosh yoke is with us in studio and uh potters have what eight walk-offs this year including uh yours kyle about a month ago now we uh we talked about it the day after in terms of the the walk-off celebrations you know we just saw manning the other day and everyone slapping high fives as you going down to first base yours was the most reserved of all of them that that fits a little more with your personality but i don't know what like with all these celebrations that go what do you feel like you're what's your go-to move on the celebrations uh nothing yeah are you even out there or you're not there on some of the other ones i'm not uh i'm not the hype guy that we have other guys dancing and doing everything i just kind of keep the even keel even on a walk like you just walked it off you're like yeah it was great he's like yeah that's what i'm supposed to do it was hit the ball hard it's so good i think yeah every team you know you gotta have the low heart beat guy for sure have you always been that way or were you when you were a kid were you a little more fiery or and just gonna learn or have you always been just pretty reserved i've always been kind of reserved but i think i did it or i started to try to do it more you know the the more i played baseball and it's like as a catcher you both sides of the ball are so important and you have to separate them so much that it's like i don't i don't want to get too over hyped you know from something that happens on offense and then take that to defense where i'm not focused for the pitcher um so it's just important to separate those two things so then i just choose not to get too emotional i give you ever throw in a helmet oh yeah i want to just want to make sure i want to make sure it's a human good good good good uh with uh one more just for me with campy coming back now it looks like you're gonna have a little more even playing time split going forward is that a good thing considering how you know tough the position is for a long season 162 games behind the plate to have two guys who can kind of split the playing time yeah i i think every every good team needs to have um you know two good catchers because it's just so important and there's you know they the guys like yachty malina who catch 150 games a season they just to me they don't really exist anymore so um you know it's it's really important to have two guys that that you can you can count on behind the plate so um you know me personally i'm striving to always be a solid option for the team and uh i know campy does too he's he's one of the hardest workers in the club as so that's awesome and and you know again you you want to be in there every every baseball player every pro baseball player i i've ever talked to you like i want to be in the lineup i don't care what it takes i just want to be in the lineup you have to be a little bit different uh when you're when you're behind the dish and you have a another guy that's wanting to get playing time as well and and you're you're the hot hand right now certainly so um is there any is there any kind of lamenting when when you're not in the lineup no no um you know that's the manager's job to to choose the lineup um you know me and campy we're just going to work as hard as possible and uh however shakes out it's going to shake out but um you know i think i think we understand that um you know that's that's not our decision the only thing we can do is play well on the field and whatever happens is going to happen so uh before you go we got to check traffic we got a couple minutes left would you mind picking up the guitar and just giving us a little uh tread song your choice whatever you want to play all right we're gonna we're gonna check traffic and then when we come back kylen gosh yoke is going to pick up woods as a fender and play something for us before the end of the show here that is coming up next on 97 3 the fan all right uh kylen gosh yoke in studio he's got the uh he's got the guitar he's putting on the headphones uh don't know what direction he's gonna take us but uh it's all it's all up to him now all the streets that's where we meet you take the nights always cross a line turn in the bounce up yourself get in our way what would you want yourself so good that's absolutely phenomenal phenomenal you still got the truth now what was that i don't know i was rounding around by rat you still have the trooper yeah oh wow this was the video i saw that blew my mind iron maiden uh big five if i said come on dude why is incredible it's not unbelievable people people shouldn't be allowed to be talented at multiple things can you tell me like you're a two handicap as well i'm just gonna like throw you out of the studio okay kylen gosh yoke even my mom's texting go this is so cool god really appreciate it thank you so much for coming in uh this morning it's good to see and good luck to pot raise the rest of the way uh thanks for having me guys that's great kylen gosh yoke a pod raise catcher uh you can go and uh do what you need to get done here but uh we really appreciate you coming in thank you guys you got your shirt if you want it yep take uh take some swag with you for your uh appearance in studio so uh yeah pod raise it back tonight after the day off Seattle mariners in town it's there so it's weird how the schedule works now in the american league you play everybody three times except your natural rival you play four times two at home two on the road so this is just the two games series against the Seattle mariners and then another off day on thursday so a little quick two game set then three against the atlanta braves friday saturday and sunday going into the all-star break uh so five more games trying to get you know you want to finish strong obviously going into the all-star break here you've gotten yourself what four games above 500 at this point you can have a winning record you know just three and two i would say in the last five games here get to get to the all-star break with some good momentum get a little healthier when you come back get some rest and come back strong for the uh the run the last two months of the season coming up here i mean yeah it's it's very very imperative um july is going to be such an interesting month for this team what happens who comes back who doesn't come back how does zander play when he does come back i mean there is just so many questions this team's never boring many they're never ever ever dull or boring um they do bring the blood pressure up a little little bit uh certainly and i just you know i you listen to what kyle said about the team being bought in and when was the last time we actually truly heard that and believed that the team was bought in and pulling on the same you know all the cliche's pulling on the same we're open all that um i i genuinely believe it flan said yesterday he watches this team every night he knows enough people the game he says they're doing the right things i don't know how it's going to shake out i don't but i believe it is it not my shield i can't say it's not i really can't i mean you know what whatever he's brought in is working for the san diego pandaise so far this season yeah no question and uh now that kyle has left the studio uh that was that was incredibly cool yeah i didn't want to embarrass him anymore in you know having him in here and say but that is truly truly remarkable to have that skill set to be a major league catcher and be able to play guitar like that is truly incredible it was it was amazing he just launches into round and round it was so cool dude he's unbelievable unbelievable it's uh you know that's uh it's it's a way to connect to with fans as well i mean you connect obviously every night you play on the field but there's gonna be ups and downs over the course of the baseball season i love i love when players can become humans as well with other interests and you know they're people just like you and me and you know they have things that they like to do outside of baseball have you ever seen it love to see that you ever see a uh lower resting heart rate than that guy ever it's crazy crazy real quick gentlemen we have pottery six to give away oh that's right beautiful need to do that all right lat right now let's do it right now we've got tickets for tomorrow's game as paul said it is uh pottery's mariners and it's the throwback 1984 celebration the first 40 000 fans you're going to receive pottery's throwback hats celebrating the 40th anniversary of the 1984 world series team get your tickets at tickets or call now let's make it the sixth caller 833-288-0973 sixth caller at 833-288-0973 you're gonna win those tickets as you mentioned uh Tim Flannery's gonna be playing and singing the national anthem and i know they have um some of the other 1984 guys that are going to be coming back uh to be honored got to meet some of them really in person for the first time like you know terry canody at fantasy camp goose gossage goose you know that we're we have a bit of a love hate relationship obvious no i think he's mostly hate i don't think there's any love that i love goose oh that one of my favorites on his absolutely on his part his part is great yeah but my part is definitely more love of goose gossage uh so that'll be a really fun really fun day tomorrow is the pottery's uh wrap up this quick two-game series against the mariners on there they throwback day tell him you're a nerd too i know you know i don't know you i don't know that you can say that ball sweet baby oh i love it i love it that was really really cool really cool one of the cooler moments we've had absolutely just picks it up and just starts shredding iron maidens the trooper which is not easy to do not easy no no those weren't simple simple licks as far as i can tell i've never played the guitar before i've got everything on that instrument is hard that's what i think everything i'm not i'm not crazy when i look at it i go how does anyone make any noises come out of this thing at all makes sense i started playing when i was like five like noodling around i'm 48 years old i can't play like a riff i mean it's just so hard to do it's so hard to learn your fingers and you're you know it's just not i didn't play the guitar hero video game i didn't either did that i didn't either as well it's not even close to the same not even close to the same it's uh it's like saying i was really good at mlb the show so i could be a big leaguer i could call the game i call it mlb the show uh it you pick that thing up and it's just it's so intimidating it's so intimidating so takes years and years of practice and and uh and that but to sit down and and just shred it was was great was just great all right uh poly we just got a winner for the tickets uh yes robert congratulations is birthday on friday good for happy birthday woods is birthday next friday that's right so it's a good birthday month in july everyone else thank you so much for calling in sorry we didn't have more pairs of tickets to give away but congratulations uh to robert uh for winning those tickets we'll come back tomorrow morning six to ten and we will have uh big league wednesday it's been we didn't talk to adam jones last week so i assume we'll try to track him down he's gonna be good tomorrow show that's good booney tomorrow as well amber at bon tomorrow so big league wednesday in full effect and hopefully have a win to talk about for the pod race uh you know two-game losing streaks are going to happen they're fine you do want to nip them in the bud uh this will be a tough one though you get an all-star on the mound for the mariners tonight in logan gilbert's nasty man and as far as we know adam azure still scheduled a pitch for the pod race he has thrown a little bit better the last couple of starts still gets hit hard a lot gets hit hard doesn't have a lot of swing and miss but the mariners are not really good offensively they haven't been they've been having trouble scoring runs they got great pitching but offensively they've struggled um hula rod regas has not had a great season but he's he certainly is always a threat to hit a four hundred and sixty feet shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up just mentioning it just you know the reality of what the pod race you're facing coming up here over it's the first place team yeah now they were 10 games up on the astro's like two or three weeks ago and now it's done we've been two two three games back they have they're hot they're very much in the rearview mirror at this point if i'm a Seattle fan i'm going uh oh we had a chance to put that team away when they get off to a bad start and we have now let them completely back in it in the americanly west and that's not the team you really want chasing you down at this point get it done my friends all right we'll be back to talk about it tomorrow andy and elston are coming up next i'll take you to the next four hours until ten o'clock thank you to kyle and goshiyoka in studio thanks to bowwoods you're nerd too bow fall riddle is our executive producer and imaging director for steven woods i'm ben higgins good to be back have a great rest 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