
111: Overdunk Ep. 112 UniteMuk's episode!

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> All right, welcome back to Overdunk everybody, your favorite competitive Pokemon in my podcast. My name is Zoinks joined as always by Bridget and this time for the first time in what feels like years because it is, we got that boy muck on the podcast, muck, how have you been my friend? >> I'm doing so good now that I'm here. >> Good. It's been a long time coming. This is always fun because Bridget tells me she's like, hey, muck really wants to be on the podcast and I'm like, cool. Why don't people who want to be on the podcast tell me they want to be on the podcast. And then I think after that, Buck did in fact let me know that he wanted to be on the podcast. But I'm like, it's a very easy process to getting on to the quick DM and I'll probably say yes. But awesome to have you, Muck. Muck, you've played Unite since its inception. You competed in Pokemon Go before that. You've played on teams like TOS. You have been playing on the E kittens recently. What are they like rosters have you played on in Unite? I'm trying to remember all of them. >> Yeah, I played one of my favorite rosters was 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with EJ Overlord, Tabsil. That was a great roster. >> Yeah, this is a good roster. >> Jeez. >> Team Tire with Rex. >> Yeah, okay. >> OG. Who else? I did, I'm forgetting, but those are probably my most prominent rosters. And then everything else is just like, a few of the TOS boys doing their best to remain relevant. >> You got to do what you got to do. >> That's fair. >> Bridget, how have you been with you? >> Oh, of course. >> That is true. I forgot about the YT era. Bridget, how have you been this last week? >> I've been good. I moved a week and a half ago. So just been doing that. It's been fun. They're chilling. There's some boxes, but you know, we're mostly there. >> Okay, good. As long as we get through those. I mean, we have been kind of chilling for this last week, last week's episode. I believe it was all patch notes talk. We talked to all about shadow flame, the newest addition to the game. We're going to be talking about that. I think a little bit later, you've been competing in some grassroots tournaments. I know, as of recently, as of recording, you're going to be competing in our grassroots tournament tomorrow night, which is really exciting. But I'm curious to get your take on the metagame and why maybe Lane Greninja is actually the truth. I will have to break that down in a little bit. But I'm curious, I mean, I don't think we got a chance to interview real solo-wise. So Bridget, feel free to throw in any questions during this phase two or chat if you have any questions for Muk to answer. We'll talk about that as well. But Muk, how did you start playing Unite? I mean, you were pretty, from what I hear of the Go people that talk about you, you were pretty prominent successful in the Pokemon Go world. So what made you hop over to compete in Pokemon Unite in the first place? So I've been a big MOBA guy for a long time. I played the original DOTA that was on the Warcraft III client. It wasn't even a real game. That was the first real MOBA. And I started a couple years after that. I started playing League of Legends. I've played ADC in League of Legends since season three. Like that's truly my passion. Who do you main in League? In League? I was a Quinn one trick pony, but my best character is easily as real. That's my most like it. And it's also, you know, like when I was playing Delphox, it's pretty much like playing Delphox, right? Like sweet. It has a lot of the same mechanics. And I just absolutely love playing League of Legends. So yeah, and Pokemon's always been my favorite IP. So I always told my friends like if there was ever a Pokemon MOBA, like I would drop every single game and I will only play that game. Yeah. And when this game finally got announced, they had a Japanese beta and I downloaded it. And I was like, dude, Greninja looks like the coolest thing ever. And I stayed up all night on the Japanese beta playing Greninja. And I was like, dude, when this game releases, like I'm really only going to play Greninja. This is like the most fun I've ever had. I was playing on, you know, 250 ping in Japan and I was still having a blast. Greninja? Oof. Yeah. Of all Pokemon to play on 250 ping, I don't think Greninja saw the lineup. And Pokemon that I would want to be praying. We're bringing into the mix. That sounds pretty brutal. Bridget, back at your competitive days, when you were playing when you were playing Pokemon Unite and tournaments and things like that, I'm sure you had to go up against Muck in tournament after tournament. Have you ever matched up against TOS or anything like that back in the day? I definitely got embodied by Muck on ladder. Okay. Okay. Ladders. Just a good thing. Just a good thing. Yeah. That is fair enough. All right, sweet. So now you've been competing for quite a few years. We already talked about some of the rosters you've been playing on. Tell me about like what you've been doing now. I mean, not only are you a competitor in Unite, you also are like one of the bigger streamers in the game too. I love hanging out in your stream. You do have some of the best emotes in the entire community. I don't really think that's up for debate. But yeah, how has been the experience of being like a content creator player, like streamer kind of thing with that angle to it in Unite over the last couple of years? I truly like, I say it all. I tell my friends all the time. Like I truly do feel like I'm living the dream. Did I remember being five years old and going to bed and praying that Pokemon was real? Yeah. Like, truly, I would go to bed and like, please, when I open my eyes, can Pokemon be real? Like, literally. Pokemon needs to be real, bro. I truly think like this is probably the closest I could get, right? Like, this is the closest I can get to Pokemon being real going to go fast. Any I see all these amazing events and all these people, you know, with the same passion and stuff. Like, it's incredible. Like, I'm very grateful to be able to do what I do. And I do think, you know, like, I've kind of, I'm a very competitive person. So I have let the content take a backseat to what I want to achieve in this game. Okay. Yeah. Because I haven't quite met my goals. Like, I'm really, you know, I mean, I just want to go to worlds, man. I just want to go to worlds. And I'm getting closer. I feel like I'm getting closer and closer. Yeah. I feel like now, like, I actually came compete at that level. I do feel like last last season, we weren't quite like there. Okay. What it was, we weren't able to do it. But now, like, I feel like I have the right group of people that the right motivation and, you know, they're willing to put in the work. They don't have the ego that some of my past teammates have. Like, they're all, you know, students of the game willing to learn. Cool. All that good stuff. So, you know, I love playing with my current team. And I think, you know, this guy's the limit. And we can reach our goals that I've had for the last three years. Okay. I mean, yeah, put the scene on notice. I mean, E kittens, they obviously you all are, I don't know exactly how you want me to say your team name. I share changes that every week. But I think the kittens DM me please is currently the day. I don't know. But either way, yeah, you all definitely put a lot of people on notice about how solid your squad is. I remember on day one of NAIC, I was talking to sneaky seal because he was having a pretty good time in the open bracket. I think their team was actually doing like, I mean, better than he thought they were going to do. So he was pretty fucked. And I went to talk to him and was like, Hey, how's like the tournament going? He's like, ah, it's going really well. Muck's team is crazy. I was like, really? And he's like, yeah, they're the best ones in the open. Like, I don't think it's close. And I was like, Oh, okay. I was pretty excited. Yeah. And then obviously y'all came out, uh, running on day two, which was awesome. But, um, yeah, either way, very, very cool to see that. I, I've been childhood Pokemon love. I was right there with you. Um, fun call back to literally our last podcast episode where Bridget taught me what wishing numbers or angel numbers were. Uh, what I always thought were wishing. I literally was. It makes so much sense. That was my thing at every 11 11 or 5 55 or whatever. I remember I would always wish that Pokemon was real. That was my, I was my go-to. I probably wish that incantation hundreds of thousands of times around my childhood. Uh, to have it happen. Bridget, did you have, I'm curious. Did you have like an early love for Pokemon too? Like, did you grow up with the franchise or you like, did you join in on Pokemon a little bit later? Oh, no. I've been, I've been invested for a very long time. I've always been very, very deep. Okay. Good. Yeah. Yeah. No, like, uh, Dubeflex ran into like my childhood neighbor who I grew up playing Pokemon with because he was wearing a Pokemon shirt in public and Dubeflex was like, cool shirt. That's what they both knew me. I'm like, oh my god. I know it was nuts, but I'm like, he can vouch. That's awesome. That was one friend. You know what's so cool about that story is I don't see a way for you to come up in that conversation other than he goes, yeah, me and my best friend neighbor used to play Pokemon, you know, so that your neighbor still thinks of you in that way, which is so awesome in here. That's so funny that it's such a small world. I have a funny story like that too. Yeah, it was almost 10 years ago. I was like a freshman in college. I was going, I went to my buddy's house party. And at the end of the night, my buddy, this guy that I just met there, he was talking about, he just got into Pokemon Go. And I was like, let me trade you a shiny Pokemon because I've been grinding it. So I traded him a shiny Pokemon. And that was the last time I talked to this guy. Okay. And then it was season one at Pokemon Unite. And that's when I used to grind the leaderboards heavy. So I was probably top 10 on the ranks. And I get a random text from a number I haven't, you know, talked to is like, with the screenshot of the Unite leaderboard, and he said, Hey, bro, is this you? And I was like sick. And I was like, huge. Wait, I was like, is this who like, did we meet at a house party like a long time ago? He's like, yeah, dude, like, I don't know, this very small world is crazy that, you know, just some random guy to met at a house party is like, is this you on the Unite leaderboards? That's sweet. Oh, that's awesome. Hey, you give someone a shiny Pokemon. I think your friends for life. I don't know the exact math on it, but that sounds correct. Yeah, that is awesome. I definitely have some some childhood friends who are still invested in it. I mean, for some Pokemon truly is the lifestyle we never quite moved on from it. Like our parents maybe thought we would, but hey, we're still here. So yeah. Okay, we were talking about wishing Pokemon into real life, at least Muck and I spent a lot of our childhood years and I will go as far to say tears, hoping that that would happen. Um, I have said this forever. When Scarlet and Violet released, I, you know, when the, I guess when the DLCs came out, the Blueberry Academy and you had the ability to like run around as a Pokemon in like the wild environment or whatever, right? It was like, I was like, oh, cool. You finally get a chance to play as the Pokemon or like you get to feel like it. Then I thought more about it. And I was like, Unites, just the best version of that that has ever existed. Like, I feel like one of the best parts of Unite is that they like, they flavor designed the Pokemon extremely well. I think Greninja is actually like a perfect case for this argument is like, when I'm playing Greninja, I feel like what Greninja should feel like, you know, you're getting the cool certs, you're getting resets, the Unite move just feels like such a Greninja thing to do. It's like straight out of the anime for crying out loud. Like it feels just right in a lot of those ways. And I was like, you know, it's just been doing this really well for the longest time. So I think that is like a pretty cool W in Unites column. I don't know about talking about that on the podcast before, but I've definitely talked about it before. So I was thinking that I'm on my way off base here. Do you two agree with that at all? No, I agree so much. Like I feel the same way I always like my nowadays, like I see Pokemon based on how much they piss me off in Unite. Okay, good. Like I, you know, some of these really annoying guys, like, I don't like that Pokemon too much anymore. So bro, like dude, we used to be boys back in the day. Well, that's my number one enemy. That's so funny. I think I definitely do that on a subtle amount. Like I play, I play a decent amount of Pokemon cards too. And I will second guess decisions on decks every now and then I'm like, that does have slow bro in it, but okay, it's fine. Like I'll put it in there. That is really funny. You say that I remember like a big talking point with this too is like, Unite will also make people like have new favorite Pokemon. My Spraggles talks about it all the time and how they never cared about Dodrio ever as a Pokemon until Unite. And now it's like, what if their favorite Pokemon ever just because of how the game like expresses it, how fun it is to play, how like kooky and crazy it is, but it's just kind of beloved in that way. Buck, you already said one that you had now hate because of the game. Are there any that you now love because of the game? Helion, like without a doubt. Okay, Helion is for me has been the biggest like 180. I thought when I first saw that, I was like, that is the most ugliest, you know. I bet that is an abomination. Okay. Okay. And then I played it on Unite, and I'm hitting these cool like James Bond, like Intellion's play style is like the coolest Pokemon. Like he, it's so sick. I absolutely love playing Intellion and I love the Pokemon now just because of its play style in the game. Okay, cool. I mean, same question to you, Brigitte. What's a Pokemon that you now hate because of Unite? Maybe you were fond of it before the game launch and then one that you maybe you now actually really enjoy after the game launch. I'm still does not hit the same for me. Oh, interesting. I was like the first Pokemon I feel like in Unite that I like really hated. Okay. Um, that's fair. One that I now like a lot. Honestly, probably like cliff fable. Oh random. It's just like, I just never really like thought about it, but now I love her. Yeah, now it's like up there in your favorite Pokemon. I think that's fair. I asked this question. I think one that is now one of my favorites might be Goudra randomly. I like, I actually genuinely dislike Goudra like before Unite came out. I did not like that Pokemon. Yeah, I just like, I didn't, well, I think the biggest thing was I was being kind of a nerd about it. I was like, I don't like that. It's only dragon type. That's lame. It should be like. I get dragon grass or whatever. Yeah, I pushed for podcast listeners. I pushed my glasses up further in the middle of my face when I. Um, so I think Goudra, I like a lot more now after one that I don't like as much. Um, that's actually kind of difficult. You know, glaceon glace. I actually never liked glaceon though. I don't like that it only has hair on its forehead. Why does it not have hair? You're so tricky. It's like very particular. Yeah. No, maybe I am. Okay. You know what one it randomly is? I dislike. I think it's Vespiquit randomly. I don't know why it's a wild Pokemon. I just don't like that it was just like only a mob. I just like taking up. I don't know. I felt I was like, just don't care about this thing anymore. Whereas I used to love Vespiquit. Also because of a card game thing, it was like one of my favorite decks was like a Vespiquit and Flareon deck. Um, it's quite far back in the day. Like 2013, maybe 2014 is a long time ago. It was one of my favorite competitive decks ever. And I loved it. But then now it's just it was reduced to just dust in the wind. And so I am not as big a fan of that Pokemon as I might be used to. It's not like I hate it. It's just like it was really high before. And now it's just been kind of reduced. But yeah, I think that's where I'm at. For me, it was because of what it did to my boy, Nuto. Like, oh, yeah, it's on no less. You don't probably feel it's the same way. Yeah. That's his least favorite. Man, MVB. It just it there was so many good memes and phrases like game from it. Oh, and it's like he didn't get the lifesteal off it. Maybe there was so much with that moment. I loved it. Literally one of my favorite world's maybe of all time, but yeah. Oh, man. Okay. Well, let's pivot to start talking about some of the stuff that has been going on and some of the topics that we wanted to talk about with the game because we have another producer letter. I actually don't do we get one near the start of the year. I think we got one like January or something. Reminder producer letters have been pretty hit or miss for the last year or so in Pokemon Unite. The last one I would say was mostly a miss where they're like, Hey, we're adding EX because we're keeping them good and we know they're really good and we're just rolling with it and everyone. I mean, collectively, I think we were all pretty upset about it. But this letter, I think a lot of people have way more positive vibes on. So let's let's bring it up on screen. I'm assuming you know what this letter is. You know, it's funny. When you guys mentioned it earlier, I was like, dude, I think I might need to go back and read it. But now that I think about it, I remember it's it's I mean, the main gist of it, right, is that they're removing the yes. Like, I didn't I saw that and I was like, that's all I needed to see. Yeah, as long as they stick to their word, like, we're cool. We're cool again. We can be friends. I like this game. Yeah, true. I like this game. Yeah, I've been right there with you honestly. Uh, okay. So the letter basically, of course, to start off, it's just a happy then third anniversary, giving us that we're over 150 million downloads on Pokemon Unite. Congratulations. Grandulations. Legendary Pokemon Ho-O appears. We all know we've been hanging out with Ho-O over the last week. Well, definitely have to talk about how we felt Ho-O's release has been because we haven't gotten to talk about it. I think last week's episode, it was literally out that day. So we'll we'll talk about it some more. Um, but then this is the big bulk of the change. EX license changes. And I normally don't do this with these kind of things, but I actually think I should just read the whole bulk of the text because it is actually kind of important to like know where the developers are coming from when they're making this thing. So when EX licenses were introduced in December at 2023, the intention was to express the strength of legendary Pokemon in a way that is easy for anyone to experience. This categorization was introduced to not only help balance battles, but to add dimensionality to them by introducing weakness and exchange for strength after cat carefully. I almost had casually after carefully reviewing the feedback we received from players via surveys. We found that the system was well received by new players and those unfamiliar with Pokemon. However, we also found that players wanted a more balanced experience and for the power level of EX licenses to be on par with unite licenses. What's more, some ranked seasons have restricted the use of EX licenses, reducing the number of Pokemon that could be selected. We felt that this took away from the fund of battle. It did. Based on our findings, we have determined that EX licenses haven't been adding the new dimensionality. They love this is a fun new word for them, I think. Um, a fun to unite battles that we were aiming for, and that a fundamental revision is necessary. Therefore, the EX license classification will be removed in the September 2024 update, whatever update is right after Worlds. Together, with this change, the following Pokemon will receive balance adjustments to help bring them more in line with the rest of Pokemon, unless it is every EX license outside of Ho-Oh, which is kind of interesting, but Zation, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y, and Meridon. We hope that you're excited to bring even more of your favorite Pokemon into battle and that you experience more balanced competition. I mean, W paragraph, I'm pretty excited about this. Muck, you already talked about how you're super positive on this change. Bridget, I want to hear about you. What do you think about this big change? I'm honestly like shocked. I did not think they were to do this if I'm being 100% honest, but I don't know. I don't know what changed their mind. I guess the surveys, man, they love quoting the surveys. That is true. Please fill out the in-game surveys, because they always talk about them. Seriously, I love them. They're obsessed, but I'm not bad because, yeah, I think this is W. I don't know why this wasn't what we did in the first place, but for sure. There is a small part of me, maybe it's a big part of me, that I want to kind of point to competitive to be a reason for this change to happen in the first place. The fact that competitive kind of put their foot down and was saying, "We're not going to play with these. They're too strong. We don't want them in competition." I feel like that did something to develop a change, but I mean, fine, we'll give it to the surveys. That's okay. We'll give the tell you there. No, they did not say because the competitive team put their foot down. They did quote the surveys instead. I am super positive on this change. Honestly, when I first read it, I was like almost out loud cheering while in my work fan. I was so excited about this. I mean, it's no secret. The introduction of EX licenses were the worst thing this game has ever did multiple times, which is crazy. It was never going to work as a mechanic in a MOBA. I know they were trying to play for the flavor of the world, or maybe in this paragraph states, try to help out new players or something like that. In no way did it ever really achieve these things. Having that change is awesome. I'm super excited. I know you just talked about it for a moment. How are you feeling about this as well? I like the trend. When you think about game developers, usually they don't go back on. They don't backtrack often. They have a direction the shareholders, they want you to go a certain way. And then for them to backtrack and be like, okay, we messed up and we're going to revise this and try to make things right. I think that is super amazing. I think that's a good point too about the comp thing where the comp didn't allow these Pokemon in. I think that was actually a pretty big thing. The coolest Pokemon of all time. To not be able to see Mewtwo on the biggest stage in the world, I don't think they liked that. For them to backtrack on this and revise Mewtwo into something that hopefully does not have the same ultimate ability as Mewtwo currently does now, I think will be very good for upcoming competitions. Here's my pitch, Muck. It has the same Unite, but it KO's itself when it used to sit. You know what? I'm down for that. I'm down for that. And you lose four Elo in rec, no matter what. I don't care if you win or lose, you lose four Elo every time you Mewtwo won't. How do we feel about this change? What on fucking palm? Do you get like minus 20 points at the end? No, no, five percent of your prize money if you win any is retracted. I'm saying we've got to bring the hammer. Okay, let's talk about this for a moment because I think as players and people who follow the competitor scene and competitors ourselves, I think all of it, like it is a W. I want to take a second to think about it from like Timmy or like Pokemon companies perspective on this. Obviously adding legendary Pokemon to this game, and in fact, any of their properties look at how their marketing plans work is obviously a financial boon for them, no matter what, right? Yeah, every anniversary of like Scarlet Violet, you have like big seven star terror raids that have some kind of legendary, right? We got like the Charizard one and the first start things off and went down to legendary, but you get like has a big appeal like that, but we had the Mewtwo ones around worlds last year was going on Pokemon go. You always got a new ultra beast or a legendary in raids every go fest. I think it's what? Nick Necrozma was the newest one in this last go fest, right? So clearly like just pushing legendary Pokemon at some point for this game is here. I like I think if you balance them with the rest of the roster, I am like maybe I'm a little too optimistic, but I think just having legendary Pokemon, they're just cool enough to steal drive people to play the game. Like there's no need to take away the free to play like earn them options, right? You keep those quests in the game. They can still be special. They don't need to be gig of broken. I like you drop Ho-ho in the game. Like you saw so many people on Twitter being like, it's going to be broken, but I'm going to play it because I love Ho-ho. Like Ho-ho is so cool. My favorite legendary blah, blah, blah, blah. Like I don't think there's ever a reason that that changes. I don't know. Do you agree with my take on that? Or am I being a little too believer in the heart of the community? No, 100. I mean, dude, like if you're a random person on Twitter and you see, you know, you don't play Unite and you see a post that says, "Dodrio is going to be added to Pokemon Unite. You're just going to keep scrolling. You don't give a shit." But if you see, you know, Girachi or someone cool, you know, it's going to be added to you. You're like, "Oh, I love Girachi. Maybe, you know, maybe I'll download this game and see what it's about." Yeah, yeah, yeah. You said the Bridget word. I think you've been pushing for Girachi for quite some time. Are you not Bridget? I wouldn't be against it. I think it's a perfect character for a game like this. You know what's funny though? It's I feel like it's Unite is what I would shock up like Ho-ho is Unite to be though, is the only thing. But yeah, I think they kind of miss the ball on Ho-ho. Like it's a Phoenix. Like I think it would make more sense for it to revive itself. Yeah. As opposed to other characters. But I mean, I'm always like, I think Timmy knocks it. One thing they knock out the park is every time they release a new character, it has a new and interesting mechanic that's like, you know, there's new strategies that can be built around the brand new character with a brand new mechanic. They've always knocked out of the park with that. Yeah, especially with the like more utility role style of Pokemon, right? Like the defenders and the supports. They've done a pretty good job of that, which is awesome. Number 25 All-Rounder. Kinda. But it's been a little less. But okay. Yeah, I don't know. I think it's still gonna be positive. How about you, Bridget? Are you agreeing with Muk and I? Oh yeah, sorry. I've kind of lost what the question is. Yeah. Just basically like, do Pokemon, do Legendary Pokemon need to be stronger in-game to push more sales? I feel like we already have like strong broken Pokemon. Yes. Correct. Just make them like, you know, the t-tar of the month. Like they don't have to be like extra on top of that. Yeah. Trust me. It's just, that's good. Yeah. We'll get it. I'll get it. Don't worry. I will say, I kind of like what they've done recently where we just got to update what it was like scorching sands or something. Dude, I, every game, the team with four fire Pokemon is whooping the other team. Like, if you get Ceruleg and Charizard, do the other team just needs FF. It's not even playable, right? But I think that is a really cool thing where like, you know, if, you know, like a couple months, buff a bunch of fairies here. Okay. So you're, you're not W into the, into the type base buffs. Okay. Okay. I, I put like in other mobas, you know, I'm waiting on my poison patch, baby. Venusaur, Gengar to the moon. Exactly. That's what I was saying, right? Like stuff needs a chance to shine. Like it can't just be Gengar is worthless for two years. Gengar has been worthless. Well, since like season one, like every Pokemon does need to shine. Yeah. So like, if they want to do a ghost patch on Halloween and you know, bring those Pokemon. They're good. I hope you know, they are gonna especially with this theme of how they've been doing these patches. They absolutely are. Every other moba does it where like, you know, a character, no, buff a character and he'll get his place in the meta for a little bit. Yeah. And then, you know, and then it'll get tuned back a little bit. But they've been like a pretty good job of that. As of recently, in these like last couple of patches, we had the leave it was the scorching waves patch because they had to throw a slow bro in there too. So yeah, we went scorching waves was the first one. And then this is shadow flame. So we're doubling up on fire, which some might say is a lot of fire. But we are. I mean, it has been type century. Bridget was just talking about this on the last podcast episode when we were doing the patch notes. I'm telling you, chandelor and Delphox got buffs because they're like, we need more fire Pokemon. Right. We got to fit this theme. Go, go, go, chandelor is both types. We got even something like why else? Yeah, man, I love fire spin buffs. That was that made my day. Every time I give up and I get fire spun, dude, I I do a little twirl in my seat. Okay, so let's let's move on past. We've kind of already moved on past the expo. But we're going to talk about literally what we were just talking about a moment ago is balance adjustments. Just another kind of update. These ones are less like promises or like factual things that we can point to that they're changing. More so just looks like things that they're trying to aim to. But basically, they want to ensure a diverse range of Pokemon are represented in a well balanced battle environment with a roster of over 60 Pokemon to choose from. Some of them unfortunately not receive many adjustments while others are seen as staple in battles. It sounds like they're trying to cast a bit of a wider net. We want to make sure that everyone can play their favorite Pokemon making balanced adjustments once a month and making small adjustments in between to ensure a fresh battle experience. The once a month patches have already been happening. The scorching waves and shadow flame were both about a month apart. I believe the the patch before that one was also a month previous. So they've been happening once a month already. But this sounds like they're going to be maybe making like smaller adjustments midway through. And what I'm this is my guess is that that will be big balance patch and then a smaller balance patch when they release a new character. I think that is kind of they're going to be their tempo, which would be basically an extra small balance patch that we have not been receiving so far. But I would love for it to be like that that extra balance patch comes out like, you know, like a week after the new release or something. Okay, because I mean, you know, we've all experienced it where the new character comes out and it is just it makes you want to turn the game off. Sure. Yeah. That's fair. I'm very much a fan of more balance patches, you know, keep the game fresh. Super exciting. Does it hurt anyone? Yeah, I yeah, I think more is great. I don't think once a month is too bad, especially with the size of them that we've been getting for the last couple of felt pretty solid to me. I mean, there's enough new stuff that gets me excited to go and try things. But yeah, adding more is awesome. But speaking of more, new Pokemon, we believe that the best way to drive changing night battles is by adding new playable Pokemon to Pokemon Unite. I actually agree with that. I think new Pokemon does more than just balance changes. I mean, at least it'll have a higher success rate of changing more. While we introduced fewer Pokemon in 2024 than in previous years, we could tell. We plan to pick up the pace following the 2024 Pokemon World Championships in August. So please look forward to having even more Pokemon join the Pokemon Unite roster later this year. Sweet. I hope they get back to that like neckbreak pace that we are at before. That was awesome. That was it was crazy. It must have been really hard to compete at that time, muck. Because every couple of weeks you had a new Pokemon that you just had to figure out how it worked. But that was a dope time. I had a lot of fun. Yeah, 100% 100%. Yeah. Rigid, how are you how are you feeling about the new Pokemon influx? Yeah, wasn't it wasn't last like fall when we were getting like two Pokemon a month or was that last one or less summer? I think it was every three weeks. Yeah, it was a lot. It was it was definitely a thing. But I won't complain. I I love when we get new Pokemon new strategies. And if we're being completely honest, the amount of characters that have and this is this is not me complaining about it. But the amount of characters that have the exact same ability from a character in Honor of Kings, it's like, you know what I mean, they could do if they really wanted to, they could whip these bad boys out. Oh, once a week. So I have discussed this. You know, like, there was a guy in my Discord who literally he made a whole video and showed a parallel for like every character in Unite, right? So fun. You know, so it's it's easy for them to just, you know, make a character based off of, you know, stuff they've already produced, which is okay. All right. I'm glad you brought this up because I was literally thinking about this today, actually, which is really funny. While I was working is okay. So Pokemon United is obviously unique in a few aspects. Like we have the scoring mechanic and blah, blah, blah. We have evolution throughout the game. But one thing that we don't talk about too much is that we have somehow a simpler and more complex way to level up your moves. And by that, I mean, like, in Honor of Kings or League of Legends, you always have the same abilities throughout the entire game, but you just level them up and they have like more leveling stages. In Unite, theoretically, a move only has one leveling up stage and two, if you consider the starter moves, but it is kind of more complex because they also have to design early game moves and then your early game moves change sometimes drastically into like way different play style options, which I always thought was like really curious. It's almost like they're kind of fitting like a tiny character into a bigger character at the same time, which I always thought was kind of weird, but is a unique aspect of Unite in a way. Obviously, some Pokemon will just start with all their Mew is an exception here, right? But yeah, it's interesting. There are some Honor of Kings characters, and we're like, all right, well, that's like electro web, you know? But like, well, okay, we were going to extend that, it would be something similar. I mean, I just play Mimikki when Honor of Kings. That's what I do. So no one is shocked. I play it in Unite and I play it in Honor of Kings. I love it both places, so I've been a big fan. Is there an Honor of Kings character? Have you been playing Mush Honor of Kings, Muk? I played 90% of the tutorial if that counts. No, it does not. I almost completed the tutorial. Sweet. Okay, well, then how about a, is there like a league character that you would love to see something very similar to its kit in Unite? Oh, man, dude. I already talked about how Israel's kind of dealt with. We've needed, we've needed a hook champion since game one, dude, if we got Gujra, it actually doesn't exist, believe it or not. Yeah, I don't know if you knew that. That's not a real Pokemon actually. I'm waiting for my gooey flame patch. Gooey flame patch is gonna go crazy. The character like fresh would be so crazy in this game. That guy, the amount of playmaking you can do with fresh is just, it's so unreal. He has an lantern that your teammates you throw it out to them and they can click it and it'll like drag you to them, which is really good for saving them and dragging people over walls and then the hook. Oh, man, they, you know, what's so funny is everyone always talks about like hook characters like they're really positive thing, but you ask any league player, they hate Thresh. They're like dealing with Thresh sucks, actually. It's like, you know, or Roadhog get overwatch, or something similar, you know, but you have to play around the character that you're against, right? So, okay, I'm not like if you, if you're not, if you're not intentional about the positioning of your character based off what you're playing against, then yeah, you probably don't like playing against Thresh or what's crank as you're just going to get out. But I think that having a new 2x is basically Blitzcrank. It's the closest thing we have. It's a, but I think it's very healthy for there to be a skill expressive way for like a tank character to engage a fight without having to just die. Like that's, you know what I mean? Fair. Fair. All right. And then of course, the secondary question of this, what Pokemon would that be? What Pokemon do you want? What new Pokemon? Dude, I've thought about this before and now I'm put on the spot and I'm definitely going to draw a blank. Okay. I've heard, I've heard, go ahead. There's a tango. I was just going to say, I grew a great one. I think it's so cool. That's such a good one. Jan and Chatsang, Licky Licky. That's another. Oh, yeah. That's the one thrown around. That's the one. Yeah. That's what I want. Licky Licky is 100% the one, but I can see why they wouldn't add that. That's a crazy thing. And that's one of your tongue is absurd. We need a really, yeah, that's a good one. I like that. Oh, don't mind. Tell my, tell my would be interesting. Yeah, victory bell. Honestly, anything with like vine whip, right? You just make the move vine whip and you can kind of get away with most of it. Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah, because I base, I guess the hook mechanics we have in game right now are slow, bro telekinesis, goodra power whip, Mewtwo, like future site, right? Is that the one? I think it's future. I think it's future site that pulls only Mewtwo X, Mewtwo Y does the opposite where that pushes. I think that's all the hook. I technically ghastly liquor, whatever. But yeah, that'd be interesting. Any of those moves would be so much more fun than dropping a mean look on someone. Like at least, you know, at least, yeah, at least I can outplay a hook. You know, I mean, if if I'm brown, X speeds towards me, it's like, well, I, I'm proud I'm just gonna die. Yeah, okay, if we're gonna rework EX Pokemon, next producer letters, like we're reworking the EVs, folks, we heard you loud and clear, those surveys have been popping off. We're, we're keeping them at level four, but they're getting the unites at nine. I don't know, I would be like, I would be so cool with that. That would be because like the level four stuff, you still can do some interesting strategies with, but it's kind of fun. Interesting. You know, yeah, it's like, okay, yeah, Leafy on King gank are laying it, whatever, one second into the game, but it's like, it's an interesting choice because then you're leaving a lot of your jungle so your teammates can take it and like it enables cool stuff. I don't know. I think that's the more interesting part of the early game focus rather than just getting their unites earlier too. It's like, why are they playing like supports when like Leafy owns like the best assassin ult in the entire game? Likewise. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. There's, I already know I'm about to get snowballed on. First Reggie, when I see a Level 8 Silvion and a Level 8 Leafy on, like, yeah, okay, we're not playing the game. Yep. Back to the jungle. We'll get it. See you later. Exactly. Exactly. Okay, Bridget, I have the same question for you. You've been grinding some honor of Kings. I don't know about recently, but you definitely have been. Is there any honor of Kings characters that you're like this would be cool in Unite? Oh, I want, is it Dalia's the mermaid? Yeah. I want, I want that exact kid in Unite. Okay. Okay. Sweet. I think we're talking about like maybe like a pre-marina, like basically she like makes a pool and if she's in her pool, she like turns to a mermaid and her allies can like sit in the pool with her and like heal based off of it and then she has kind of like an AOE like a push, right? That's so cool. Yeah. It does like a damage. Yeah, it does some damage and then it pushes, but if she's in water, because in Unite's like a river, just like in League or whatever, and if she's in her pool or in the river, she like, her moves get amplified essentially, which I mean, primarina fits, checks every box there, what other than would be a three evolution support, which they haven't done yet. If I remember correctly, which would be kind of scary, but it would still be cool. I mean, they've done it with tanks. So yeah, I would be done for it. And then her ult is just it like gives an instant cooldown for one of your allies moves. Oh, wow. I think that's kind of sick too. It was like a support concept. Who would you, who would be the most broken thing to pair with in Unite? Slow pro ult. Wait, it really refreshes their ult? I don't know. Actually, I thought I could be wrong. Oh, time. Primarina. Oh, oh, res. Everyone dies. Refresh. Res again. Let's go. I guess you do energy. Yeah, it doesn't matter. We'll get back to it. I wonder if I'll keep the energy thing. There's so many things to theorize about. Okay. Other league characters that I've wanted. I've said this for a while. I really like Tryndamere in League. Tryndamere's basic run it down. Annihilate is the literal perfect Pokemon. When that Pokemon was introduced, I literally saw it like to scar that by leaks. I was like, Oh, Tryndamere sick. I tweeted that like two years ago. Dude, it's perfect. I tweeted that two years. I was like, dude, release primate with the Tryndamere. It would be so sick. Oh my gosh. Annihilate's whole like thing in game is that he got so angry. He died. It's like, yeah, that's so funny. In TrioCue. Oh, it's so good. Yeah, I've pitched a lot of Pokemon. I've wanted Dusknor as a fear-based defender forever. I think that would be really cool. So just like, you create AOE's that like fear enemies away and they'll be awesome. And then my high in the sky wish that I know I will never get is I want Speedster Bannet. Already the role doesn't exactly work. Bannet's my favorite Pokemon and Bannet has a execute unit move. It's just a single target. If you're like below a threshold of HP or whatever, it'll do a lot more damage. If Bannet KO's that Pokemon, they like float above them and you puppeteer and you control that Pokemon. Oh, that is crazy. Yeah, it'd be so scary. That's pretty cool. Yeah, I am so fun. I've talked about this one on stream a lot too, but I think Muk would literally be a one-to-one recreation of Singed where you leave a poison trail behind you. I love it and I hate it at the same time. You could literally do so much with Muk. It would be just exactly since it would be so soon. That actually is awesome. Yeah. Would you, is there ever a world where it could heal? Is there a mechanic that we could do where like Muk's sludge would heal teammates hurt enemies? What if, what if? Oh, if you had Black Sludge or something. Maybe, but what if Muk eats a berry and for the next however many seconds behind him is also healing sludge that your team makes. Make it a lowland Muk for the rainbow color effect. I'm so in. Yeah. I don't know if you like a lowland Muk. I don't know. I don't know how you feel about it. Number two. Disrespect the OGs or anything like that. Yes, greeted plus Muk would be broken. Exactly. What are you running double defender? I mean, I guess when you're going to run that meta, be lit. But if your strategy is ever green, it needs to run in front of Muk to slowly trail behind. We probably, we're probably not playing that strategy, but it's fine. That'd be good. Okay, sweet. I'm glad we've got all our theory crafts in because there are a lot of, there are a lot of fun concepts, which makes me so excited for like a bunch of new Pokemon to be added because I think they've been kind of crushing it. I'm Sarah ledge with the buffs makes me way more happy about that Pokemon like better blade works now. And it's like, yeah, okay, this feels like Sarah ledge now. I'm so passionate about that because dude, I love bitter blade even before the buff. I was you and I do on Twitter. I think we're the only two people that like hold on Twitter every day and people like buff, bitter blade, buff, bitter blade. And then I'd go and I'd kill all three people in one second at the first day. I'm like, chat, how can you buff this? This is crazy. There was a game where I dodged six azumaral ults with phantom force in a single game. Like, I truly, I truly, I was like, if they buff this thing, it is going to be the most frustrating thing to ever play against because you won't have to touch the old is absurd. The old is shouldn't even exist on its crazy. Have you seen like people are playing wiggly internments on mass now to deal with this thing? It's so cool. Hey, if Sarah ledge all big as strong as it is, is the reason that people play wiggly again? I'm all for it. Honestly, I'm a big fan. After I got off stream last night, I was like, let's have a little team meeting talk about some stuff. And the first thing Chad wanted to talk about, he's like, guys, I think when we're against through a ledge, I need to play wiggly support. We literally talked about that last night. So that's definitely, definitely shakes up the meta. I think the meta is so sick right now. I know everyone's talking about it on Twitter. The meta is crazy. I truly think you can play whatever you want. Yeah, wherever you want, as long as you can press your buttons. Like, if you are comfortable enough to press you buttons and know what you're doing, you can play whatever you want, wherever. Question for the both of you. Bridget will probably jump to you first. Is this the coolest meta for worlds that we've had out of the three? Oh, yeah, probably. Your one was like, Serena Blissie. The cool part was like kind of Snorlax and Trevenant was like, people were doing some fun stuff there. But it was like, I mean, there wasn't draft, right? Like, the blind pick makes it tough. And then your two was a lot of blue Shifu. Yeah. Lapras. Well, only LG was kind of playing Lapras. And it was because of it. But Lapra, yes, correct. Lapras, Urshifu, Mew, was kind of in the mix. Some Italian from the true believers. Oh, yeah, Zosian. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. I forget he was allowed. Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely going to be a, I think, I know, I hope, I just hope that NA doesn't just stick to what they know. And actually, you know, they take these screens seriously. Okay. And actually experiment a little bit. Yeah. I've seen, I've been seeing some stuff on latter, some of the, those guys are playing some interesting stuff. I hope we don't just stick to, you know, all round or top, twister jungle, the Tucker bot lane. You can do so much, right? You can do so much. Does it have to be? Okay. All right. Well, Bridget, are you, do you think this is the coolest meta that we have had out of all three years? I think so. I don't know. It's hard, like, in, like, to compare, like, how things were, like, at the time without the, the foreknowledge. But I don't know. I think so. That is short. We haven't seen one yet. And I just like the two band meta so much better, I think. Yeah, sure. Period. Then, like, one blind band from both teams for the last year. So I think that inherently makes it more interesting and fun. So, yeah. Great. Cool. Muk, I am assuming you agree by the energy you were talking about the meta. Is this the coolest meta we've seen out of all three years at Worlds? Yeah. So season one meta, right? Wasn't that D night? That was D night everywhere, too. That was, and as someone who was actually quite successful during that meta, I love to D night, but okay, that was not the most fun thing to watch. I didn't know. It was like, all right, dude, two minutes. Let's see who has the slightly better timing on the D night being. Last year was, last year was pretty hype. I think, yeah, last year was, I think Waterbury was pretty, like, it's a pretty mechanical character. You know what I mean? It looks like you're just dashing like an idiot, but, you know, you can't just randomly press the buttons and it'll just work. Yeah. There's, like, a level of, like, animation canceling that makes it a lot better. Yeah. You're getting moves way faster. It's true. Yeah. The, you know, overlord on Waterbury is like a whole different level. Like he was cooking me with Waterbury before that thing was blocked, right? Yeah. So, you know, but I am very hopeful for this because I don't like comfy meta's. Okay. You know, I think there's a lot of comfy last year was with the three prime comfy targets last year. Yeah, like Zorro, Hershey, Zoshin. Yeah. I think, I think if people play Sweet Kiss though this year, I think that would be pretty cool because there's so much, dude, there are so many cool strats you can do with, with Sweet Kiss. I think, I think that would be cool. But I do think I'm very hopeful for this, this meta. Let's just put that one. Okay. You could play so much. Yeah. I'm aligned. I'm super excited about this meta game. I think it's sweet. I, there's been a lot of Charizard discourse going on ever since the patch. I mean, is it strong? Is it not? I think we talked about Bridget last episode. I was like, is this going to be another Tyranitar where it's like so scary on ranked, it's terrifying, and then a tournament play is fine. I don't even know where I'm at with that, in particular, because in tournament play, I've seen it destroy teams. And I've seen teams like deal with it, no problem at all. So I'm excited to get your opinion on that. Maku's one of the people that's playing in these tournaments. Where's Charizard at right now? Charizard is like insane. Dude, if your Pokemon's first letter starts with a C, that thing is going to be crazy. Okay. But to the point of last year with Titar, Cinderace, N-A-I-C. Dude, Cinderace cooks like, do not sleep on Cinderace. All right, we got the wrong guy on the podcast. Cinderace, we gotta go. Dude, if I had more time to prepare, like, I would be playing Cinderace top now. Like, I'm not even joking. But I think something like Titar with a raid boss like that, if you lose to Titar, I don't think you dropped it correctly. Okay, I don't think that's the same with Charizard, because the way Charizard works is you ban Slowbro and Minikyu, and then you first pick Charizard, and your counters are completely gone. And you can just tear the game up. So I think Charizard is very much over tuned. But also it's crazy. I don't. That's actually one thing I forgot to mention. I do not like that they remove the skill expression from that. I remember, dude, the amount of times I've canceled a Charizard ult with full heal or whatever random unstoppable ability. Like, those are the moments I used to live for. Like, truly, I outplayed you. Like, I deserve this W, right? But now it's, "Oh, you're dead. I just pressed the button. I'm sorry. You're just dead." So, yeah. Come on, man. Charizard's never been good. Give it a time, Buck. It needs its time. There was a time when it was decent. But yeah, when not too existed, it was limited. I'm cool with characters being, you know, having their time to shine and being strong. What I'm not cool with is the removal of skill expression, right? So, I think the ult should probably not be as crazy as it is. Maybe, I don't know, maybe there's play for Buzzwool and being able to, like, hit him out of his ult or something. Like, I don't know. Maybe we haven't explored the meta enough for a question. Because no one's playing Buzzwool to do anything crazy like that. So who knows? I think it's strong. I'm glad that is strong. I just wish there was a little bit more to outplay it. Okay. Fair enough. Yeah, I mean, they did remove essentially what was the mechanic with it, right? There was a full rework of that unite. So, that makes sense. Exactly. Okay. Bridget, how have you been feeling about Charizard? Play it against it, seeing it. What are your thoughts? Yeah, I definitely, it's similar to t-tar where it's like, yeah, it's not doing much as Charmander. So, if you can kind of stop it early, it doesn't feel too bad to deal with. But if it snowballs, it is a bad time. It's crazy. Yeah. So, it is kind of funny when I do have like a slobber on my team playing against it. It's just like a game of chicken. Like, they're just like waiting for the other one to, like, ult first so they can counter ult them. It's kind of funny. But yeah, it doesn't feel like there's a lot you can do about him. Okay. Okay. Not as much counterplay. That's fair. I do think we've already mentioned it, but that early game is hella exploitable. I mean, Charmander is not doing much. It does evolve at 7 now, which is because it's the Kanto started. That was one of the craziest changes they've ever did, by the way. Okay. Listen, we really want these people to go out of a popular. We're given the level 70 votes, but yeah, I don't know. I am not as high on Charizard as the two of you are. I think is getting countered out there competitively a little too frequently to be that big of a force on. I don't know. I, to me, like the Charmander, sure it's not going to go and be a raid boss, but it does have a great hallway. I'm glad you brought it up. Yes. It has amazing. So good. That white card Charizard's in so sick. No, but like you, it does have things that it does very well. Like, if someone is trying to stack on you, Charmander is incredible at anti stacking. You have a bunch of kick damage moves that makes it very difficult to score on. And no one talks about enough, but Charmillion is Thanos. Charmillion is actually so hard to deal with for like a regular Pokemon. You get a flamethrower on so on. You're burning them up. That is true. You're burning them up. You have to be a very strong foe. You have to be able to do dual Charmillion in my opinion. I agree. I agree. All right. We will see it. Well, I want to talk about this a little bit more quick hits other than that. Muck, what else are we seeing in the metagame right now? Like, what's going to be taken over? What are like, what are the must bands in tournament play right now? Must bands in tournament play? I think the top four Pokemon that are needing to be banned, and I could be forgetting something. But Charmander Charizard plays the kin. Yeah, so Rulage, and then one of the two bound Pokemon. So, so Slowbro or Mimi? Slowbro, Mimi Q. Yeah, both are Super Thanos, Super strong Pokemon. Last patch, it was like Cremorant you could ban as well. I still think Cremorant is almost banworthy, but it's still good, right? It survived. It's nerfs. I think it's still extremely strong. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Bridget, how about you? What's a Pokemon that you think is going to be like dominating tournament play specifically at Worlds potentially? I definitely think Sarah ledge is. Yeah. Probably my most feared Pokemon right now. I think he is easily the strongest in the meta. So, I mean, I think it will obviously be banned quite a bit. So, I think outside of that, I do think Blake's been super strong too. Yeah. It's yeah. Even though we didn't see a lot of majors get buffed, it still feels like such a bruiser meta. It does. Yeah. I remember us talking about that. That was like one of my main points when we brought it up last week was like, they clearly want mages to do better and we get out of this all-rounder meta. And they're like, actually Sarah legend, Charizard are good enough to thwart any offer like this, but I do have two sleeper picks. I think I think actually not. But my real specifics are crazy. Anyway, absolutely. Pikachu. I'm actually so good. And I don't see them enough. And like, I don't know. Pikachu is actually so good. Pikachu is what role support attacker. What are we feeling? Attacker. Attacker for sure. Attacker. No XP share. You can go either build depending on what you're against. Like you can even blind pick Pikachu. And it's completely fine. Yeah, it boards them from playing Speasers and stuff. And if, you know, if they're playing out like a frontline heavy team, then you can go thunder thunderbolt. And it does so much. It does so, so much. It's crazy. Yeah, I really like these. I, I, okay. That's one of my favorite characters for my attacker to play right now. Yeah, I think, I think I'm agree with you. I think you just got something. It just keeps getting buffed, right? Like, eventually this dial is going to tip over into the. All right. It went too much. Yeah. Just like be moved. Just like be moved, right? Yeah. How many times did they buff that? It's true. It was eventually like you. Yeah, that is true. Okay, let's go before we end the episode. Just a hyper quick speed round. I'm going to throw some spice picks at you too. And I want you to say either like yes or no. We like we think it's actually good or we think it's not good. First off, central zero aura. Good or no? Muk. I'm playing it. Yeah, dude. Hell yeah, right. Well, Bridget. Timmy Jim bomb? No, I'm probably not. Hey, you're so cute teammates playing. Okay, okay. Let's let's reframe this question then. Will we see this Pokemon played at Worlds? Zero aura. Bridget? No. No. Okay. Muk rephrased it with will you see it at Worlds? Not in a serious match, unless it's from like you know, one of the people who are not contending. Okay. Yeah, in a match that matters. All right. I'll add another player on this. I don't I don't I don't think I do not see LG playing it. Okay. But I do see someone trying to I could see someone try to cheat someone with wild charge. Fair. I could see that. Okay. Okay. Okay. It's just a it's a worst play rough. So I don't know. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. Okay. All right. Uh, next one. Snorlax. Worlds are now yuck. Yes, characters and see. Big guess for Muk. Okay, Bridget. So yes, it's kind of like a reliable. All right. Defender Bridget, how about Greetit? I mean, are they gonna let gatlu play Greetit? You gotta ask nouns, I guess. Probably yes. Okay. We see Greetit at Worlds. All right. I'm so down. Muk, how about you? I'm not from an NA team, but from maybe one of the Asia teams, or Apeck likes they're great in real. Yeah, I like it has its niche, but it's not like the strongest character ever. Okay. You know, fair enough, fair enough. Let's get a all right. Age of Slash. Do I get any of my sword played at Worlds? Yes. Yeah, I have a I got I don't I don't remember I think it was E seven. Dude, they tore me up with age slash. I was like, this thing is broken. It's not targets. Another I've seen some sweet gets comfy age slash before. Look at the lid. At least I've asked you. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's good. I think it's good. All right. Yeah. It definitely feels like a skill expressive Pokemon. It might be limited a little bit by its current power level, but I think it's still good. Bridget, will we see age slash at Worlds? Yeah, I think it actually probably shines on land, right? You can kind of maybe time your shields a little bit better. It definitely is a timing base Pokemon. That's true. So I'm sure. Why not? All right. Let's go. All right. This one may be a little close to home. Greninja. Do we see it played competitively at Worlds Bridget? Uh, I don't think so. Okay, Muck, there's there's quite a few better Greninjas than me at Worlds. Uh, and I just, but I don't see them playing it, maybe honest with you. Okay. I could see, I could see, uh, Overlord tilting and just being like, forget this on playing Greninja. Like he did see someone that literally happens. He's like, forget this. Jungle Book, you're playing Grenin top. I'm going Greninja. It's not the best, but if you feel like you're better than the enemy team, you could play Greninja. Sure enough. Okay. All right. Well, um, awesome. I think there's, yeah, some fun stuff. I probably won't see Greninja. Probably won't see Greedid, but maybe who knows. Um, before we get out of here, I did want to show everybody, uh, the merch dropped for Worlds. So what people could look forward to getting the like Honolulu merch for the competitors, uh, as well as like Pokemon Center swag. So if you're going to be going to Worlds, whether you're competing or just attending, there's some pretty sweet stuff. That Matt is sick. The backpack might be the best backpack they've ever had. That is such a good backpack. I absolutely adore it. I also saw some other merch pieces. I think it's an exclusive show. I don't know if you all saw that was a video. Um, there is a Rio Lu plushie who's holding the underwater camera and it's in the underwater camera bag. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a little scuba. Yeah. It's glasses. Oh, it's very, very good. Azu is really cute too. Yes. Yeah. Azu adorable. Um, so I think some pretty sweet stuff to look forward to competitors could be getting dripped out. Uh, also little birdie told me some data minds of some jerseys. Uh, we're in the game. Oh, I did see that. Those look pretty cool. They're pretty sweet. The players are going to remember. Anyway, we are going to be, uh, ending the episode there. But before we go, the dap boy muck, is there anything that you would want to shout out? Where can people find you on the internet? All that stuff? Yeah, check me out. Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, all that good stuff, uh, slash dap boy muck. And, uh, you know, shout out to my sponsors, Coach one and I fancy G. They definitely hold it down for me. I love those guys. And yeah, because I've cast me on boy muck. I stream there twice a day. And in the morning, I do solo key strings and at night I play with my team. So, so we've got it all. We got, you know, team stuff and solo key stuff, which is fun. That's awesome. The only place you can find the e-kins outside of your night, Mike's mayhem, which will they will be competing in tomorrow night if you're watching this live. Make sure to tune in. Uh, Richard, how about you? Anything to shout out? Yeah, we have another, you know, Mike's mayhem tomorrow. That's true. I will be there. LG will be there. Yep. I don't know who else. Um, comatose will also be there and unfortunately, a team named the Happy Humpers will also be there. So, is that Blush's team? That's, uh, it is Blush's team. However, Blush, unfortunately will not be able to play. Uh, it's not about the sub. So, I see how screams have gone. Okay, interesting. Anyway, that's super crazy. Okay, but yeah, I will have a fantastic, it'll be a good time. But all right, I hope to see everybody there tomorrow night. Otherwise, we'll be back with another podcast episode next week. Uh, we're getting very close to worlds. It's like way closer than it feels like. So, I think these next to you episodes of the podcast will be getting more and more worlds focused. I'm excited. So, we'll see you all then. Thank you so much for joining, muck. And we'll talk to you all later. Bye-bye. 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