Front Porch Radio - Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price

Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price 8-1-24

Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Southern Middle Tennessee today on WKOM and WKRM Radio. Your hometown news broadcasting from the Debbie Matthews Nashville Realty Newsroom in Columbia, Tennessee. I'm your host, Tom Price. Today is Thursday, August 1st, and we start with local news. The Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce held a candidate forum on Monday, July 22nd, featuring candidates for the Tennessee House and Senate. The forum was held in the patio area between Martin's barbecue and salvos and featured candidates from both parties for three House seats and one Senate seat. Republican incumbents, Representative Scott Sapiki of District 64, Kip Kapley of District 71, and Todd Warner of District 92, along with Senator Joey Hensley of District 28, we're in attendance, as well as fellow Republican Ray Jeter, who is challenging Sapiki for the Republican nomination. For the Democratic side, James Dallas, who's running for Senate District 28, Terry May of District 92, Alex Pierce running for District 64, and Eileen Longstreet running for District 64, were also on hand to speak to voters. Each candidate answered questions provided by the Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce. The event was brisk and informational to voters across Murray and Williamson counties with four districts represented in this Spring Hill Chamber event. Each candidate was asked first by the chamber, what is the biggest challenge your District faces? Representative Sapiki stated that unchecked growth is the biggest challenge that the District faces. We have city commissions and county commissions that continue to approve more and more projects, which causes more and more problems. Senator Hensley and I worked with our builders and realtors to get an impact fee for Murray County, he said. Senator Hensley echoed his Republican colleague in the statement about the unchecked growth in Southern Middle Tennessee, saying, infrastructure growth is one of the biggest things we face. That's so important for Murray County, facing building three or four new schools in the next few years, we at the state need to allow the local governments to do more things, he said. James Dallas, the Democratic nominee stated, growth almost feels like a bit of a cheat answer because it encompasses every other issue. But I think the most important thing that the legislature needs to do is just to make it a focus. We've had so many divisive issues in the past couple of sessions of the General Assembly that we just need to have a very boring session where we talk about growth, he said. May answered with calls for a livable minimum wage so that people can afford housing in the county, stating, "I believe growth is an important issue "that needs to be addressed." But in my opinion, from the people I've talked to, it's the ability to live in the county. May claimed that housing costs have gone up so high that she could not afford to buy a house she currently lives in, having just moved to Murray County just three years ago. Warner used the question to talk about water in his district and brought up a failed dam project in Columbia in the 1970s that failed due to various forms of red tape from the federal and local governments. "In my opinion, we should drink water "before we worry about some species in that river," he said, referring to the Duck River. Jeter took the conversation to water as well, saying, "Water is a major problem for this region "and the states got to get involved. "It's not a Murray County problem, "it's not a Spring Hill problem, "it is a regional problem and the state of Tennessee "has got to get involved," he said. Jeter also mentioned that he wants to impose a cap on property taxes for elderly property owners. Alex Pierce brought up the need for better sidewalks along Bear Creek Pike due to the amount of people using the shoulders of the road to exercise, as well as push their children and strollers. He also spoke on the homeless population in Murray County, saying, "There's three of us up here that live in Columbia, "and we can probably all attest to this. "We go to the local Kroger, "we see someone new on the corner every day," he said. Longstreet tackled the growth question by addressing the need to expand US Highway 31, as well as the difference in quality of schools between Murray and Williamson counties. Why was Highway 31 on the list to get expanded and then fell off the list? We have all these two or three lanes north and south of us, and what do we do? We got the same size streets now, basically, than we have in our neighborhoods. We can't let all this growth occur and have 31 with parallel lines going behind it, which makes it hard for those businesses to even be recognized, much less make money. 31 has to be expanded," she said. The full forum, including the candidate's closing statements, can be viewed on Main Street Murray's Facebook page, as well as on Main Street Media's YouTube page. After much discussion about whether or not committees should recommend their own member applicants or not, the Spring Hill Board of Mayor and Aldermen chose to defer appointments for the Town Center Redevelopment Committee. During the Board's regular meeting on July 15th, members questioned if everyone who wanted to be considered for the committee was submitted to the Board for that consideration. Mr. Mayor, I think it's a bad practice for allowing committees to select their own nominees, Aldermen, Matt Fitterer, said. The Board heard one applicant had withdrawn, leaving only one, but there seemed to be a few other applicants who had expressed interest. "Human nature is to pick or recommend the people "that you already know, and so that when you do that, "it's always the same people that end up being involved "in the committee," City Attorney Patrick Carter said. And as the legislation was written, I think the thought was that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen would be doing their own vetting, so they would get all the applications. And apparently, that hasn't happened on this item, and it needs to happen," he said. Motion was made to defer the appointment of members to the Town Center Redevelopment Committee to the Board's August 19th meeting. Last week, Murray Alliance teamed up with the Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce to host the second annual Wired Pitch Contest. Local entrepreneurs had the chance to present their innovative ideas with the Wired Mastermind Group awarding $10,000 to help accelerate their businesses. After impressive presentations and careful deliberation, the group selected Christine Cole of Camellia Chocolates and Donna Parker of Blondie's Baked Goods, the winners. Each of the businesses received a prize of $5,000. In 2021, Murray County Chamber in Economic Alliance and Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce launched Wired, a mastermind group for local entrepreneurs and CEOs. Wired Mastermind is designed to foster growth and development through the sharing of experiences, lessons learned, and game-changing moments. The 2023-2024 Wired Mastermind Group is comprised of five local entrepreneurs and CEOs that were selected through an application process. Each year, the group hosts an annual pitch contest for early businesses poised for growth in Murray County. You can learn more about the initiative by visiting Last week, the Murray County Election Commission underwent a process to review a randomly selected voting machine to make sure there were no issues and that the machine was giving accurate results. Administrator of Elections Chris McKinley said that if the machine were to fail the test and give inaccurate readings, it would be replaced by a different machine that was accurate. If they don't match, we'll do it again. McKinley said, if they still don't match, we just get rid of that machine. The human touch supersedes the machine, he said. West End, the machine that was inspected, passed the test without any errors. It had paper ballots to go along with the thumb drive that has the results on it as well. It was noted that in doing the checks, the issue of wrong votes had not been seen by the team inspecting them. If we lose all the ballots, we have the stick. McKinley said, if we lose the stick, we still have the ballots. Each machine has a checklist that must be passed before them. The votes from it can even be looked at, including different stickers around the machine to ensure that no one can tamper with the machine and passwords that only select people have access to. McKinley said, when the machine is turned off, it prints a piece of paper showing votes for each candidate that can be verified by the physical ballots as well, he said. West End passed the test and we'll be ready to go. Today, Election Day, August 1st. (silence) Columbia residents spoke against a master plan and preliminary plat approval that was ultimately approved during the Columbia Municipal Planning Commission meeting on July 10th. There's much discussion concerning the request from T-Square Engineering for the final planned unit development master plan and preliminary plat approval for Old Zion subdivision, consisting of 765 lots off of Trotwood Avenue in Columbia. It was explained that this development near Ridley Park was approved back in the summer of 2023 and was one of the final large developments approved under the previous zoning ordinance. The preliminary planned unit development established the general layout of the development and how it would function, the density, intensity development, the layout of streets, the civic space that buffers the protection or compatibility with adjacent neighborhoods, offsite improvements, a lot of commitments from the developer, Columbia City planner Kevin McCarthy said. "This stage is the final planned unit development master plan "where they're showing you some greater detail "and fixing in place those entitlements," he said. "It's also the preliminary plat, which will allow them "to move forward with preparation of the site, "grading installation of infrastructure, "that will later they'll come in in phases "for the final plat, the actual creation of lots," he said. It was discussed that the commission would need to decide if the final planned unit development master plan is in compliance with the preliminary and if the plat matches the master plan and complies with the subdivision regulations. McCarthy said that changes included the elimination of a cul-de-sac, shifting of some lots and some units being sprinkled. Staff recommendation is that any condition, any approval be conditioned on the amenities being in place by the time the 300th certificate of occupancy is issued," McCarthy said, adding that other suggestions included the buffer moving ahead of the development and the traffic improvements need to match everything that was in the preliminary planned unit development master plan approval, which the applicant has agreed to. Columbia resident Robert Graham said that community leaders have estimated 14,000 new homes will be built in Murray County and Columbia in the next few years, only increasing concerns. "And while we can't halt growth, "it's essential we take some steps to manage it," he said. "And I'm going to take the emotion out of it "and just give you numbers," Graham said, adding that with an average of two children under 18 per family, 14,000 new homes would translate to approximately 27,160 children, saying additional schools would be needed. He said that there are an average of 2.2 cars per household in Tennessee and an influx of 14,000 homes would add 30,800 more vehicles to our already congested one lane and two lane highways, he said. "We already have 110,000 vehicles in Murray County," Graham added. He also discussed the concerns of water usage in the strain on the Duck River. Other comments from those who spoke included traffic concerns in opposition of the reduction of the buffer area between the new development and the existing one. Commission Chairman Charlie Goetz asked McCarthy to clarify points on a previous approval. "Just to make sure I understand this right, "this preliminary planned unit development "was previously approved, "so there's certain rights associated with it," Goetz said. "Our job here tonight is making sure "that the final planned unit development "that they're presenting here conforms "to the preliminary and in a material manner," he asked. "Yes, sir, substantial compliance," McCarthy said, adding that that was the term in zoning ordinance. The motion to approve the plan, subject to the removal of the nine lots, then encroach the buffer and conditioned on the timing of the traffic, along with all the staff's conditions, passed. The African-American Heritage Society of Murray County presents Building a Bright Future, Black Communities and Rosenwald Schools in Tennessee, a new traveling exhibition on display August 2nd through September 13th at the Murray County Public Library. Created by the Tennessee State Museum in partnership with the John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library at Fisk University, the exhibition traces the history of education for Black Tennesseans from the reconstruction period through the development of the Rosenwald program and into the present day. The Rosenwald Schools served African-American students in rural Murray County for more than 40 years. In addition to the traveling exhibition from the Tennessee State Museum, the African-American Heritage Society of Murray County's companion exhibition will include photos of teachers, students and the 15 Murray County Rosenwald Schools. Also, the African-American Heritage Society of Murray County is hosting, in conversation, former Rosenwald School students. Former students will share their educational experiences on August 10th from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Murray County Public Library, said Joanne McClellan, African-American Heritage Society president. What are commonly referred to as Rosenwald Schools were the result of an initial partnership between Sears-Robuck and company president Julius Rosenwald, Tuskegee Institute president Booker T. Washington and black communities throughout the south. Between 1912 and 1937, that partnership resulted in the construction of almost 5,000 schools for black children across 15 southern states, including 354 in Tennessee. Rosenwald Schools drove improvement in black education attainment and helped educate the generation who became leaders of the civil rights movement. The traveling exhibition on display at the Murray County Public Library consists of five two-sided panels and includes the engaging stories of alumni and community members from 16 different Rosenwald Schools in Tennessee. Tennessee State Museum and Fisk wanted to build a more diverse and inclusive space for all Tennesseans to learn about and honor the history and legacy of black education in the state, said Debbie Shaw, senior curator of archeology at the Tennessee State Museum. The resilience and perseverance of these black communities as they strive for equal access to education is highlighted through their work with the Rosenwald School Program. The legacy continues today as members from these same groups work toward the preservation of these schools and communities, she said. Our teams at the Fisk University, John Hope, and Aurelia E. Franklin Library and the forging future pathways forward, building a portal to Rosenwald collections for all Fisk University project were thrilled to partner and collaborate with Tennessee State Museum, said to Lisa M. Harris, director of library services at Fisk University. This exhibit is the first major showcase of the impact and legacy of the Julius Rosenwald Fund Rural School Program in Tennessee, she said. This traveling exhibit is an expansion of building a bright future, black communities and Rosenwald Schools in Tennessee, an initiative that includes a 4,000 square foot temporary exhibit at the Tennessee State Museum and a two day symposium. The project won a 2024 American Association for State and Local History Leadership in History Award of Excellence and the 2024 Tennessee Association of Museums Presidents Award. For more information about the exhibit, visit Applications for the 2024-2025 Columbia Mayor's Youth Council term will open today, August 1st. The CMYC is open to all high school students located within Murray County, including those attending public, private and homeschools. The term will begin on September, September of 2024 and conclude in May of 2025. Columbia Mayor Chasmolders stated, "The Columbia Mayor's Youth Council is an excellent opportunity for our youth to, our young people, rather, to gain firsthand experience in local government and develop their leadership skills. By participating in CMYC, students will not only learn about the inner workings of our city, but also have the chance to make a real impact on their community. I strongly encourage all eligible students to apply and be a part of this incredible educational experience," he said. The CMYC aims to educate students about local government, foster leadership skills and encourage community involvement among Columbia's diverse high school population. The CMYC is composed of Murray County High School students who value academic excellence, community involvement and leadership. Selected students will have an opportunity to actively participate in various activities and programs, addressing issues affecting youth in the community, leading and volunteering in community projects and learning about city departments. The CMYC selection committee will review all completed applications to select this year's youth council members. Applications will be open from August 1st through August 23rd and applicants will be notified of their acceptance by September 3rd. CMYC meetings will be held monthly in addition to community and volunteer projects. CMYC applications can be found on the city of Columbia's website at or at your high school's administrative office. Follow the Columbia Mayor's Youth Council on Facebook and Instagram. For questions, you can also contact Hannah Miller at or call the number 931-560-1512. And now your hometown memorials sponsored by Oaks and Nichols Funeral Home. Martha Matthews, 100, a retired secretary of Joseph Brown Elementary School and a resident of Scott Hollow Road, died at her home on Sunday, July 28th. Funeral services will be held at noon on Saturday, August 3rd at Oaks and Nichols Funeral Home. Visitation with the family will be two hours prior to the service. Burial will be at Poke Memorial Gardens in Columbia. Martha Jane, Janie McCormick Sanders, 71, traumas nurse for Skyline Medical Center, died Saturday, July 27th at her residence in Nashville. Funeral services will be conducted on Friday, August 2nd at 11 a.m. at Oaks and Nichols Funeral Home. Burial will follow at Poke Memorial Gardens. The family will visit with friends on Thursday, August 1st from 5 to 7 p.m. at Oaks and Nichols Funeral Home. Online condolences may be extended at Home town memorials is sponsored by Oaks and Nichols Funeral Home, serving with dignity and consideration for over 150 years. - As years go by, people may tend to forget just what a funeral is really all about. At Oaks and Nichols, we believe it's first at always a special remembrance of someone you love. We start by listening to your needs and desires. If you're unsure, we can help gently, professionally. At Oaks and Nichols Funeral Directors, we haven't lost sight of why we're here to serve Murray County families in the ways they prefer. And why Matt and Susie Sowo believe the way to honor tradition is with especially personal service. - We believe your traditions, your customs, your rites of passage are very important. But we also believe in taking care of your personal wishes as well. - At Oaks and Nichols, we try to do more than just the expected things. So the service you receive honors your heritage and is uniquely yours. And we invite you to experience the difference. - Oaks and Nichols Funeral Directors, 320 West 7th Street in Columbia. Since 1856, people you can rely on. - For your Southern Middle Tennessee weather, we will have partly cloudy skies today with a stray shower or a thunderstorm possible. The high will be near 95 degrees, with winds out of the West Southwest at five to 10 miles per hour. Tonight, we can expect mainly clear skies with a low of around 75 degrees, winds will be out of the Southwest at five to 10 miles per hour. Let's take a break. When we come back, we'll cover stated national news that affect you. You're listening to Southern Middle Tennessee today. - Debbie Matthews grew up and lives in beautiful Coolumbia, Tennessee. As a realtor, she is well versed in homes, neighborhoods, development, and schools. She wants to share her love of her home state with others to help them find just the right place to raise a family, open a business, or develop a dream. From luxury listings to land, she can handle it all. She is the current leading producer, Nashville Realty Group Contact Debbie Matthews Realtor at 615-476-3224. That's 615-476-3224. - Family first. (laughs) My dad used to tell us that all the time. But Family first wasn't just something he'd say to us. It was how he lived every day of his life. And it's how I try to live mine, too. - At shelter insurance, our agents are dedicated to helping provide personalized auto, home, and life protection that put your family first. - For auto home, life, or business insurance, sea shelter agent Tommy Hyde Jr. at 388-2009. - Are you thinking about a new fence? Maybe you need a pole bar. Then you should give Sands Fence Company a call that's 931-309-1644. Will Sands has built his business based on the principles of honesty, quality, and integrity. Sands Fence Company has been in business for over 20 years, providing the community with farm, residential, and commercial fencing, as well as pole barns and buildings. Call today for a free estimate. Sands Fence Company 931-309-1644, 931-309-1644. (upbeat music) - For 40 years, the Jewelers bench has worked hard for their customers and provided the highest quality jewelry at the best price. They keep going back. Recent renovations have allowed them to expand their inventory, more high quality jewelry, custom vintage and estate pieces, and professional jewelry and watch repairs. They also buy gold. The Jewelers bench, still here, still great service. 808, Trotwood Avenue, Columbia. - This is Triadcock with Dixie Equipment, Sales and Rental. We sell ASV and Wacker Nordstrom equipment. We also rent a wide variety of compact equipment in the middle Tennessee area. Come see us, we are located in Columbia, Tennessee at 200 East 16th Street. You can call us at 615-969-01-18, or visit our website at We have been in business for over 42 years and we would love to help you turn your project into reality. - Some people are just obsessed with their loans. They'd cut their grass with a pair of scissors if they could. Bikes are gravely, they don't have to. They say gravely makes not only the best built and most comfortable lawnmowers, they also leave your house looking like a doggone country club. So whether you're a commercial landscaper wanting the best or just a perfectionist homeowner, you can't do better than a gravely. - See our full line of gravely products at Murray County Equipment. 1075 North James Campbell Boulevard in Columbia, Tennessee, or check us out on Facebook. - This is Bob Kessel with Pat Ryan. It's a beautiful day for digging. The vacuole operator has the engine running and is moving into position. He's heading for the ground. He's in there. Wait, there's a flag on the play. Let's get out of the field for the call from our official. - A legal procedure on the digging team. - Oh, that penalty could cause a costly accident. - That's right, Bob. He needs to call before he digs. There's underground utility lines that could be hiding just below the surface. Water, sewer, electrical, communication lines, and even natural gas. Avoid a penalty by first calling 8-1-1 to have any underground public utility lines located at marked with flags or paint. It's free, it's easy, and it's the law. For more tips, visit This message brought to you by the Tennessee Association of Broadcasters and the Tennessee Gas Association, funded in part by a grant from the Underground Utility Damage Enforcement Board. (upbeat music) - Welcome back to Southern Middle Tennessee today on WKOM 101.7 and WKRM 103.7, your hometown source for news and information. I'm Tom Price. And now news from around the state. Corbine Scholes, the Fort Campbell Sergeant accused of selling U.S. military secrets to China, has decided to plead guilty. A newly filed court document shows. Scholes' attorney, federal public defender, Mary Catherine Harkham, filed a motion to set a hearing for him to change his plea, writing that Scholes has decided to change his plea of not guilty, to a plea of guilty, pursuant to an agreement with the government. Scholes' case was set for trial on August 13th. Harkham asked U.S. District Judge Alita Trogger to allow Scholes to enter his guilty plea that day. The document does not indicate the terms of the plea agreement. The Tennessee and sent emails to Harkham and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Tennessee, seeking more information. A six-count indictment against Scholes whose 25 was unsealed on March 6th. Scholes, who is an army intelligence analyst with the first battalion of the 506th Infantry Regiment at Fort Campbell, was charged with three counts of unlawful export of defense articles to China and one count of conspiracy to do the same. Conspiracy to unlawfully communicate defense information and bribery of a public official. He pleaded not guilty on March 8th. Prosecutors say Scholes has been selling sensitive U.S. military information to someone in Hong Kong who worked for a geopolitical consulting firm from June of 2022 until he was arrested in March. The indictment states Scholes shared information about advanced military helicopters, high mobility artillery rocket systems, defense missile systems, and Chinese military tactics, as well as the tactics, techniques, and procedures manuals for the F-22A fighter jet and intercontinental missiles. He received $42,000 in exchange, according to the indictment. Let's take one last break. When we come back, we'll cover the final story of the day. You're listening to Southern Middle Tennessee today. Turner and Osborne Tire Company 1016 South Main Street in Columbia. Good McCall at 931-388-6822. They've been doing business since 1947 and in their current location since 1964. They provide the best tire and mechanical work at some of the best prices in middle Tennessee. Hey, they're official Michelin and Goodyear dealers and they've got all kinds of brands as well. Stop by and see Walker Vining and his professional staff or check them out online at Turner and That's Turner and Don't let pain keep you out of the game. Murray Regional Physical Therapies experience team of therapists can help you recover from surgery, injury, or illness by designing a plan that meets your unique needs. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and proven techniques to help you get back to doing the things you love. Schedule a consultation at any of our convenient Southern Middle Tennessee locations by calling 931-380-4014. Murray Regional Health, where clinical excellence meets compassionate care. This is Howlanders, owner of Landers Insurance Agency. We are independent agency representing the famous Erie Insurance Group. Landers Insurance Agency has been committed to providing great rates and great service since 2002. Whether it's home and auto or business or life insurance, we've got you covered. 24/7 in-house claim service, we've got that too. Visit Landers Insurance at 514 North Garden Street, Columbia. Call us at 931-380-2003. Our website is Landers Insurance and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Welcome back to Southern Middle Tennessee today and our final story. The Murray County Fair will return on Thursday, August 29th and run until Monday, September 2nd. All the family fun and entertainment you love will soon be back. This year, the fair festivities begins with a rodeo taking place on Thursday of Fair Week. Several other popular events will be happening like the junk car jump and run and the Saturday motocross races, in addition to the back area fun, back arena fun rather, all your favorite animal shows and exhibitor competitions are back this year too. The kids zone will see a variety of live exotic animals and science shows that will amaze kids of every age. The Murray County Fair and Exposition will take place at Murray County Park located at 1018 Murray County Park Drive in Columbia. That's all for this edition of Southern Middle Tennessee today on Kennedy Broadcasting WKOMWKRM Radio. If you ever miss a part or all of this broadcast, you can listen to it anytime or read the transcript online by visiting I'll be back tomorrow to update you with the latest news. I'm Tom Price, thanks for listening. Be safe and have a great day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)