The Todd Herman Show

So, the Democrats are the Party of Jesus? Plus, Google is back to rigging elections Ep-1754

This discussion is inspired by a gentleman who used to be a Republican. That's the way he says it, but then orange man Hitler came along and he can't be a Republican anymore,, This man has convinced himself that the Lord Jesus is a Democrat. We'll address that with scripture and truth wrapped in grace. And Google is seeking to erase the assassination attempt on President Trump.Just take a look at what suggested searches comes up when looking for information on the assassination attempt.  

What does God’s Word say? 
John 18:36 ESV  Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”

Matthew 6:33  
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10  
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Episode 1,754 Links:

Flashback to 2021. After first denying it, The White House admits that Kamala Harris had kid actors audition for the part of listening to her talk about space.

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Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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Now, I was anti-Trump before this, but I was holding on to see if my fellow conservatives would nominate a candidate who's well saying, but they chose Trump instead. So whether Biden steps down or not, I'm voting with the Democrats that go around and I just want to say something that has really surprised me since I left the Republican party. A lot of Democrats I've met in the platform itself aligns with my faith as a Christian way more than the Republican platform. So he's saying that the Democrat platform is more Jesus-like. And you'll hear the case he makes, and I want to respond to this with love and respect. He's loved by God just like you and I are. We'll do this with the help of and of God Almighty. - The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. - Todd Herman. - Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times which God has decided we should live. It saddens me the degree to which people are tending to choose politics over faith. And it happens a lot on our side. There has been a massive response on our Twitter channel that's the Todd Herman Show. A whole series of comments that continue to pour in over a couple of different videos. The biggest one so far that has been cause of concern for me is the subject I covered of the Republican National Committee offering up prayers to foreign gods. And I've had a series of debates with people. Some people who've been with this program for a long time, I've grown to consider to be friends. And our debates have washed over into email and Twitter direct messages. What's so disconcerting to me about this is people continue to try to split hairs. And a very nice lady write to me. And this was in regard to something I said on my American Family Radio program, the 180 stations we do, that's noon, what is it, it's West Coast 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. And central, obviously 12 to one. And a lady wrote to me on the YouTube channel. Said I heard you covered this in AFR and I've watched this video. How did Trump make any move that would separate his followers from God? I don't get it. The key allowed in the planning stages of a convention prayers to foreign gods. We are not to do that. Christians are not to pray to foreign gods. We're not to participate in prayer to foreign gods. And I responded to her with scripture in this. And she wrote back and said yeah, but this is a political convention plus free speech. Right, God is the author of speech. God gave us the power to speak. He, one of the names for Jesus is the word. In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. God values speech, values words. Clearly, he wrote his, he had his word written down. In an inspired book, the Bible, inspired by God. That's that valuable to him. That's our instruction kit on how to deal with each other, how to deal with society, how to build rules, how to build government. It's all there in the book, in the word. God simply could have put it into our heads, but he put it in writing. So it could be read through human to human contact. So I see people now splitting hairs in other ways, like this. Well, Todd, the Democrats win because they appeal to these other groups. Okay, let's just take this to the logical extent. If we're going to have prayers to the Sikh God, which you could call a demon because it's a false God, to Muhammad, who I think is in my judgment, clearly demonic, why not just have Satanists there? This is where the Democrats went. They went to the logical extent of no God. Let's have Satanists in the administration. Let's celebrate it. So you now see the signs at pride rallies, Satan loves trans kids. There's no such thing as a trans kid, no one is transgender to made up phrase that does not exist. And Satan loves them, sure, because Satan loves lies. So for willing to have prayers to Muhammad and to the Sikh God, why not have a prayer to Satan? What's the difference if it wins us a few votes? That's the way faith degenerates when politics is the idol and I am the worst. Out of all of us here, podcast family, all of us, I'm the worst. I spent a career with politics as an idol. So I have access to a microphone to Rush Brumba's program. Thank you, Rush, and God rest to you, to reach 30 million people. And only later in that engagement, did I begin to put God at focus? Did I begin to speak his word? It was politics as the idol. So to begin the response to this gentleman and go back and see his full video that he posted and make this response based upon one universal thought. What's your priority? What do you love most? Sometimes love isn't feeling. I mean, we use that word to describe emotions. Those emotions could be attraction, curiosity, admiration, respect. There's a whole lot of words it could mean, but sometimes love is an act of the will. It is to do for others. It starts with that. What is your priority? If it's to love God, how? By doing what he says. And you don't always want to do what he says. Sometimes it would feel better to not get to this guy's video in just a second. We're in a studio where we don't get to open the windows or the doors because we want to maintain sound quality and video quality for you. In fact, we were just turning up the heat in here because it got extra cold because we want to keep it, well, livable because we're on the top floor of this building. And we also want the air to be breathable. So we take a step, super easy. You can do the same thing at your home. This will take you a matter of minutes. It's not an air filter. It's an air purifier. It's the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm. And I'm going to get you three of them for whole home coverage for a $200 savings. Let me describe how it works. Here's the difference. An air filter sucks air in, puts it through fabric or cotton or whatever it's filters are made of. And then you change those filters out in a couple hundred bucks a year. So you never really own the device. You rent the hardware. You buy the filters. Plus it's loud. You don't want it in a room when you have friends over. You don't want to sleep with it. It's too loud. We can't have it going in the studio. There's one sitting right there, but we can't have it running. Over in the wall plugged in that barely covers even half the outlet is the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device. It is the opposite. It doesn't suck air in. It pushes out 03. That's ozone. It bonds with bad smelling molecules and negates them. It even works with viruses. So we could put, you know what, I'm going to do this. I don't know why I think about this. Then next week, I'm going to bring in a couple of dirty litter boxes. I'm going to bring them from home. What? What? Oh, she acts like I won't. Oh, oh, now it's there. Okay, you watch on Monday. You watch. I'm not going to change a couple of litter boxes. No, I'm doing it. I'm put one by your desk, one by my desk. And we'll run the Oxyleaf 2. No, no, we won't run it because Monday's a big, long recording day, half the day, four hours with cat smell, four hours without. And we'll just let our own noses be the guide. You can have these for your home, your dorm, your RV, your kids going to college. Here's the $200 savings plan. Just go to, enter code Todd3. You save $200 bucks. You breathe fresh air again. Oh, wait, I'm just getting a resignation note. Dear Todd, I've got to inform you that I've enjoyed my work in the program. Let's take a consider. Oh, wait. We'll talk later. Okay. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. used code Todd3, but I do know it would not smell up here. I'm absolutely confident of that. Here's this guy's full statement and I'll try not to interrupt. I'm a conservative Christian and a lifelong Republican. I put to large this year when Trump won the nomination and I left the party. Now I was anti-Trump before this, but I was holding on to see if my fellow conservatives would nominate a candidate who's well sane, but then chose Trump instead. So whether Biden steps down or not, I'm voting with the Democrats that's go around and I just want to say something that has really surprised me since I left the Republican party. A lot of Democrats I've met in the platform itself aligns with my faith as a Christian way more than the Republican platform. I mean, quote, "Christians and the Republican led house right now are trying to cut snap benefits, which is food assistance for the poorest of the poor, but they want to give our wealthiest corporate elites a huge tax break. How does that reflect the character and nature of Jesus?" Now, why they always throw at you when you point out something like this is abortion, but how does forcing women by law to adhere to our moral standard fit with the gospel? Yes, I oppose abortion morally, but when did Jesus ever tell us to go into all the world and force others to obey our moral standard? He told us to proclaim the good news and then let people decide, not to mention that abortion bans just shift how and where people get abortions. Prohibition laws are terribly ineffective and harmful. Just look at the war on drugs. So hate me if you want, but the Trump led GOP minus abortion looks a whole lot like a protection racket for big business. And Jesus, the Jesus I serve, the Jesus who said who voted the rich and blessed on the poor, why don't think he would have anything to do with it? Appreciate what you're saying and I can see that you feel sincerely about it. Not the Bible in particularly through the New Testament, the Lord Jesus tells us to be wise stewards of that which God gives us, to wisely steward, to make wise investments with money, to spend wisely. Snap benefits in your example, first of all are taken by force. Those are not gifts. That's not tithing. That doesn't come from the heart. And if those benefits are being irresponsibly handed out, say to people earning 80 to 100,000 bucks a year, to be a wise steward is to say that's not how this program is designed. If the bureaucrats who run Snap are wasting money, just like the Pentagon is, where the Pentagon just lost track of, oh, we just don't know where that $60 billion went, wise stewards recognizing that that money comes from God, that it's a gift from God, we are to steward wisely must do that. They're overseers, they're leaders, leaders in a church sense are to be above reproach, to be sober minded, to show that their families are well raised because if they're kids, they don't know how to raise their kids, how can they lead the church? Now the government is not a church, quite the opposite. It's an instrument of force. That's what it is. Yes, we're to follow the rules and we'll talk about that, but if those government actors are acting early responsibly with money, then it's the job of those leaders to call out that it is not ever the model of Jesus Christ to go and say, hey, those guys have a lot of stuff, go take it from them and give it to other people. When the church was formed and we had the first church attendance after Peter gave his first ever sermon and the Holy Spirit was loosed, they didn't go about and create taxation. They preached giving. The Lord wants us to be cheerful givers. When we tithe, he wants it to be cheerful, doesn't always happen, it's aspirational and sometimes it hurts to give, but it's giving. There is no instance in which the Lord Jesus took money. You spoke about forcing morals on people. We'll talk about that. In John chapter 18 verse 36, Jesus answering people who were going to kill him said, my kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting that I might not be delivered over to the Jews, but my kingdom is not from the world. So let's examine this in regards to your statement. We are to build the kingdom here that will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That requires, first of all, building it in ourselves. Now we can't do that. The Holy Spirit can, and again, back to the Holy Spirit in the first church. People ate together, they broke bread together, they worshipped together, and they set out to, yes, spread the good news, but it wasn't driven on taxation. They forced. It was never about taking from others and forcing them to give up their products or their home or their money. Jesus puts a high value on honesty. This instance is in the church where people lied about their tithing, and it cost them their lives in a pretty dramatic way. You mentioned, of course, abortion. Okay, let's talk a bit about that, but let's, first of all, mention Matthew chapter 6 verse 33. But seek the kingdom of, seek first the kingdom of God in his righteousness, and all things will be added to you. I hear you wanting to fit Jesus into your new political party. Seek first the kingdom. The kingdom is not of this earth. We are not citizens here. We are visitors here. Seek first the kingdom. If you're attempting to fit Jesus Christ into a political party, you are failing. Jesus did not set up a political party. He did not say to Peter, "It is upon this rock I build my party. Here is the platform." He said, "It is upon this rock I build my church." And he compares the church to his very body. We are the body of Christ. In the case of a political party, you're talking about a party that exists to do one thing. It is to have what? Earthly power. They get that through the auspices of God who allows these things to happen, that you cannot compare it to Christian life. It's not the same. In regard to abortion, I think you said that we are attempting to force people to live to our moral code. No. No. That would be a law against sexual activity. That would be a law against unmarried sex. That would be a law against same-sex sexual activity. That's not what abortion is. Abortion is not a law prohibiting sexual activity. It is the protection of someone. The Lord Jesus said, "Woe to those who come between these little ones and me. They will wish that a millstone had been tied around their neck and they'd been tossed into the ocean. What better way to come between a little one and the Lord Jesus than to kill the little one before the little one can make a decision to accept the Lord Jesus?" Now as an aside, in my concept of Jesus, in my concept of God, those little ones have not sinned. They're born with original sin, but they haven't acted on it. We're all born broken with the disease of sin, but they haven't acted upon it. They've had no opportunity to act upon it. Their brains are not developed well enough to act upon it. In my concept then of this, the unmistakable, unerrant grace of God can draw those little ones to heaven and the people who risked those little ones being cut off from him may well wish a millstone had been tied around their neck and they'd been tossed into the ocean. The Lord Jesus also said, "As you treat the least of these, so you treat me." If you're thinking of the womb and a little baby, that little baby is going to fight for its life. If you've not seen the videos of chemical abortions, the little baby is trying to get away from the chemicals or I don't know that it's worse because that burns and is terribly, terribly painful. In fact, the screaming in the womb, that's a real thing. The scissors that come in to tear a baby apart with its little tiny hands, that little baby will attempt to block that scissor from seizing its neck and cutting its head off. It is the least of these. The Lord Jesus said, "As you treat the least of these, so you treat me." It's not an attempt to tell a woman that she can't have sex with whomever she wants or a man or man and man and woman and woman unless it is a child for as you treat the least of these, so you treat me. You cannot square abortion. You cannot with the word of God. Now, your point about it's going to occur anyway, okay, right, people will do this. This can only impart punishment and prohibition, but there's still laws and it speaks to the morality of a culture, not about blocking you from having whatever form of sex you want as long as you're not forcing others or conning a child into it. It's about protecting the least of these. In 1 Corinthians 6 verses 9 to 10, we read this, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God, do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revelers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, is a group of swindlers. They make constant promises that they often don't have any intention of keeping. That's one topic. Please don't rely on a political party to be your surrogate for God, it cannot work. It's a separate organism, it's a separate organization. It has separate goals. It seeks earthly power. The Lord Jesus does not seek earthly power. If the Lord Jesus wanted earthly power, he'd have it. And one day he will, in the new heaven and the new earth, when he banishes Satan and his demons for good, and he will have it, and every knee will bow. But to the point of 1 Corinthians, you said force people to live by our moral code, no. Our job is to warn them. When you surrender on a topic like abortion, under the auspice that it is about respecting someone else's moral code, you are putting yourself at risk. I don't know you, I've never met you, I'm told to love you, because you're created by God and loved by God. You know what's right. You've been given a watchman on the tower role. Your role, your responsibility when you know what's right is to warn the world about what happens when the evil ones come. When people give into the evil, the Lord warns us. If the watchers on the tower do our job and say to people like here in 1 Corinthians, you risk separating yourself from God forever. If you practice sexual immorality, a lot of us have fallen short in that regard. If you practice it, if you practice idolatry, if you practice active same sex activity, if you are actively thieving, you're greedy, you're drunkards, you're unrepentant, you make no effort to change, you don't invite God into change, you don't let the Holy Spirit change you and protect you. You do these things, practicing them as if to get good at them. You are at risk of being apart from God forever. Our job as watchmen on the tower is to warn people. God says if we warn people, we're good. If we know the truth and we don't warn people, God says he can put their blood on our hands. It all goes back to the kingdom, it all goes back to what our job as as Christians, it is to build God's kingdom on earth or to be good citizens. We are to follow the laws and the law makers are to follow the laws and in our country, the law is the constitution which is inspired by God which recognizes back to the kingdom is we were created in love by God, we are operate under a constitution that says flat out there are certain things government cannot do by virtue of the fact that these rights were given us by God. I don't know that this is ever going to reach you, but man, I hope you'll rethink creating an idol of politics and a political party. Look no further than our money. Look no further than the $300 trillion debt that they try to pretend is $30 trillion. Look no further than the fact that the inflationary policies now are being hidden in the consumer price index and just imagine your gas tank. Just imagine your gas tank, your gas tank is full, you're getting ready to make a trip across the states. Here you go off on the trip. But during your trip, your car becomes let's say less efficient. Let's say you have a V8 and you're running on six cylinders, but let's say also that your carburetor just size to juice itself up, it's going to burn more gas, but right away going up the pass with six cylinders versus eight, your truck is now less efficient, but your carburetor is blowing out more gas. Suddenly, that trip you thought you were going to make with one gas tank and you're not paying attention, you end up out of gas in the middle of the pass, going across your state. And if it's a snowy day, hey, you're in big trouble, that's not going to be a fun time. That's your retirement account. The gas tank is your retirement account. The six cylinders instead of eight is the American economy being hindered by the policies of the party. The carburetor is the massive amounts of money we're using to fund both sides of a war in between Hamas and Israel and the money laundering going on through Ukraine. Your gas tank of retirement, you think you're retiring in five years, 10, 15, you think you're going to be retired for 30 years, you might be looking at having to go back to work, or you might be looking at having to delay retirement. It doesn't have to be that way. Go to a retirement mechanic, an architect, my friend Zach Abraham, the chief investment officer at Baller Capital Management, Zach's fund operates on two principles. Number one is risk management. Number two is doing that through the active management of every portfolio which can reduce risk and volatility. Do this. Have a free, no obligation, chit chat on video or in person at his offices in the Seattle area. He'll look at every investment you have, he'll look at your goals, and he will tell you what your gas tank looks like for retirement. Super easy. Just go to, sign up, they'll get with you, and schedule that free no obligation consultation. If you want it faster, call them 866-779-RISC. That's 866-779-RISC, or capital management's and investment advisor representative at Trek Financial LLC and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Trek24-244, go to I'm informed by Niana that this woman also doing a TikTok video is a, I don't think she said successful. I think she said notorious, and Niana said they, because she's not certain this is a man or a woman. Fair enough. I look like a woman to me. But then again, in this day of lies, who knows? This video got huge distribution, got huge ratings, huge likes. It's not the same as Mr. Anti-Trump conservative Christian now voting Democrat, but it's something worth responding to. I don't know who needs with this reminder, but apparently a lot of y'all do. I am not a man. I am not assigned male at birth. I am an assigned female at birth, fem, non-binary person. Okay, so, if we were to take this person at their word, assigned female at birth, meaning your female, no one is assigned a sex at birth. Now I will click the button to continue the video. There's a choice between a man and a bear. I'm the one that gets to choose also. So it's not a choice. Stop saying, oh my God, I would totally choose the bear of you just because I'm standing up for liberation. Okay, you don't get to choose between me and the bear. Okay, I get to choose between a man and a bear. And if anything, I am the bear that will tear apart the man who hurts you. Do you understand me? Like, and the fact that men do not understand why we would choose the bear literally just proves everything. Stop treating me like I'm a man. Also I spent the majority of my life being read and treated as a woman, and I still do. So seriously, stop treating me like a man. Do you understand me? So it doesn't even matter what I was assigned at birth, but it does matter how I was socialized as honestly. It does matter. And I was socialized as female, okay? I was socialized as a woman and I hold all of those traits all the way through. I will never choose the man because I will always choose the fair. Wow, I can't even believe where my mind went. I watched this earlier. I can't even believe where my mind just went. I don't even like it. First of all, no, I'm not even going to do it. I don't even want to joke about this person. I want you to picture a conversation and the conversation is between Lucifer and God. And the conversation is Lucifer, and God knew this was going to happen. He's omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, he knew, so everything ends. And imagine this conversation because Lucifer doesn't know what God knows. And Lucifer goes to God and he says, look, you made these things, these creatures. I can't stand these creatures. I'm the most beautiful, voluier angels, I, I'm going to be like you. It's almost a repeat of the garden where the serpents that was Satan embodied in the serpent went to Eve first and Adam had failed as a leader to his family and he went to Eve and he said, well, surely you won't die. You can be like God. That's why God doesn't want to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You'll be like God. So he tried it with Eve. And if I understand the timing of this right and it's, I think, a little murky for me. He tries this with Eve and it works and Eve goes to Adam and she incriminates him and he is not a strong leader. So he just falls into this neither of them go immediately and confess to God nor did they go to God when the serpent came up. Did they say, hey, serpent, we'll get back to you. Let's, you know what? Let's, let's put up. Let's, I'll tell you what, let's put a pin in that and we'll take a meeting and we'll get back to you. And they could have gone to God and said, Hey, this thing came up, the serpent in the serpent said this and we love you and trust you in what should we do with the serpent? All of history could have been different if they'd done that. That's me thinking. I don't know, but all of history could have been different because God could have said, well, thanks for coming to me. I'm going to smash the serpent and you and I could be living in the new heaven and the new earth right now, stink and serpent. He tries it with Eve and sees the results that they are cast out of the garden and he is sentenced to crawl on his belly for time immemorial and told one day that lady's going to cross your skull and cursed are you among all beings upon the earth, you, the serpent. And he still goes and tries it. So imagine this conversation with God. So what would make, where Lucifer walks up and says, Hey, you know what? I demand to be like you and God's God, God, God help me. I want to play that video again in just a second and tell me if this doesn't seem like that very conversation that might have occurred and we can look at this again and I look at the non binary thing, the transgender lie, I look it as a lie from the pit of hell because it's just that and it leads to the vandalizing of bodies. It leads to the vandalizing of God's manifest. He called us his masterpiece made in his image. It's by virtue of vandalizing kids and people this way, you're vandalizing God's masterpiece. You're vandalizing something made in his image and we'll get back to that in a second. I got a note yesterday during a program that my friend Rebecca works at Radio America. They do this indication of our weekend show and they are huge, huge helpers of this podcast huge distributed. They do a lot for us. She needed to remind me that this free offer for magnesium breakthrough is wall supplies last period. She gave me the heads up. You need to tell people this because we're getting to that warning point. Magnesium breakthrough helps me sleep to the night. In fact, every time I take it, I'm surprised. This is weird. If I think about it, I mean, honestly, if I think about it, I'm so used to taking it now that I'm not often surprised, but if I'm thinking about it and I take the pills and it take him a couple hours before bed, even though I know it's coming, even though I know this always happens, I'm always pleasantly surprised when I get warm and relaxed. It's the coolest feeling. It's not a drug. It's not a sleeping pill. It's nothing like that. What I'm feeling are the 600 body interactions that magnesium drives or regulates. In that case, cortisol, that's by cortisol levels going down, being regulated properly. That gets you ready for sleep. It also adds to your regularity and manages stress response throughout the day. When I take it, I fall asleep better, I stay asleep. If I do wake up because I got to go to the bathroom because I'm in my mid-50s, I go right back to sleep. Here's the thing. This is what would represent me the note yesterday. We're at the supplies last stage of this now. It's a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. Here's just another thing. People are trying to find this elsewhere. They're emailing by optimizers. They're going to the website. That doesn't work. It's not on Amazon. One place to get the free bottle, period, it's No promo code, just the URL, There you go. You get your free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. Consider that scene in heaven where Satan goes over, in that case, Lucifer before he was named Satan, goes over. He's still the angel, the most physically beautiful of the angels, and he goes to God with this frustration and he says, "I want to be like you. I see you made these disgusting things, these humans. I want to be like God. I demand to make my own decisions." I am not a man. I am not a signed male at birth. I am an assigned female at birth, femme non-binary person. If there is a choice between a man and a bear, I'm the one that gets to choose. So, it's not a choice. Stop saying, "Oh my God, I would totally choose the bear of you," just because I'm standing up for liberation, okay? You don't get to choose between me and the bear, okay? I get to choose between a man and a bear, and if anything, I am the bear that will tear apart the man who hurts you. Do you understand me? Like, and the fact that men do not understand why we would choose the bear literally just proves everything, stop treating me like I'm a man. Also, I spent the majority of my life being read and treated as a woman, and I still do. So, seriously, stop treating me like a man. Do you understand me? Also, it doesn't even matter what I was assigned at birth, but it does matter how I was socialized as, honestly. It does matter, and I was socialized as female, okay? I was socialized as a woman, and I hold all of those traits all the way through. I will never choose the man, because I will always choose the f***ing bear. I will never choose to serve non-servium, speaking into the face of the Creator. Now, she's speaking into a camera for TikTok fame and traction, and it works, but she's also speaking to God. And she's not alone. She's just most dramatic. There are a whole lot of ways that people fall victim to non-servium. There's a whole lot of parents, and I am the guilty one, okay? Until I became a disciple, I did not understand the importance of this. There are a lot of parents whose kids at the age of 11 or 12 say, "I'm not going to church anymore." And a lot of parents say, "Okay, I mean, why force them? Why force them to sleep? Why force them to eat? Why require that they go to school or that they clean their bodies?" Well, they'll resent church, okay, they'll resent church, but they'll have heard the Word of God, and God's Word never returns void. And they will observed parental roles, that you take your role as a servant of the Lord seriously, and the Lord has said to raise your children up in what is right, and your kids will say, "Okay, I don't want to go to church. My dad and mom make me go to church." And that means when my parents say it's important, it's really, really important. Otherwise, you run the risk of your kids saying, "My dad likes to talk about church. That's what happened to me." My daughter saw that I put a priority on speed skating, so she could say, "Yeah, my dad talks about church. He talks about God, but it's not more important than speed skating. It became an idol." There's all sorts of ways we say, sorry, that's me, not saying in a prideful sense like that, in a stupid and ignorant and non-loving sense, "Yeah, God, I know church is important, but man, my daughter's turned in sub nine laps, God. She might go sub seven. You don't get it. She's got a beautiful, beautiful now late pass. It's really a thing of art. I saw her make a late pass from the outside. That's hard to do, Lord. She's on the A relay team. She's going to win a national championship. She's going to stand on the podium." God could look at me and I'm sure did and said, "Building up treasures on earth where thieves and moths can destroy." That gets enough of me bemoaning my station. I've taken it to the cross. Have you? Do you see yourself at all in that video from the bear? Not that dramatic sense, not in that openly defiant sense, but in maybe a more quiet sense. Our world is surrounded by lies. It is a world of lies. I want to go through some of the current political lies in a second. I haven't touched on this thing with the FBI, I'm going to do that, and I want to get to Google and how they are openly rigging the election process. We'll delve into that. One of the biggest lies happening right now to human beings is this. If you're in pain, you have neuropathy or you have continuous lower lumbar pain, there's two things. Surgery and/or pills. That's a massive lie. There are people being told if you have arthritis, there are pills or pills. That's a lie. There are people being told that, oh, that stem cell stuff, the ethically gathered stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas, that doesn't work. That's a lie. The working part of it is easy enough to prove when you talk to as I have my fellow patients at It's easy enough when you are aware of a woman who was flown down to renew in part of Art of Mexico at this incredible resort at this medical center that looks like a W Hotel met by the two owners, the guys who run the place, brought into the clinic and start a week, I think in her case, it was like a month of treatment. She was brought in in a wheelchair because she couldn't move. She had a traumatic injury from a horse fall. Half her body was paralyzed. In one month, she walked out of Here's what the stem cells do. They have all such a potential power to build whatever is needed to be built. They are that miraculous praise God because they have this potential power when they're put into the body and spotlighted, put in focus in ways like in my case, my shoulder capsule, my ankle, other people, it's their lower lumbar. Some people is throughout their body through an infusion. Those cells go to work repairing things like tissue, cartilage, muscle, and they instantly destroy inflammation. When you talk to a woman who walked out of a clinic that she went into in a wheelchair and her doctor told her, "This is your life now," they even told her to sell your house. You live in a multi-story house, you're going to need a flat house and you're going to need it retrofitted for wheelchair access. If your situation is arthritis or lower lumbar pain, neurological issues or recovering from surgery, you can choose to live the lie or go elevate your quality of life by elevating your health care. So to, mention that you are a member of the podcast or radio show family and they will tell you whether they can help you or not, all based on evidence, your MRIs and your medical history. It's The world of lies and politics is sometimes complex. Sometimes it's easy when you know the patterns. You know about Elisa Page and Peter Strach? They're the adulterous lovers at the FBI who had an insurance policy against Trump being made president. What happened was the Department of Justice has settled a lawsuit. These two sued saying that there was a violation of their privacy when the FBI gave up their text messages and the text messages showed that they were, in fact, collaborating to try to prevent President Trump from winning. Peter Strach, as I recall, said during an email or text exchange that he was going to go see if he could make General Flynn lie, in other words, a perjury trap. They talked about this insurance policy and, of course, then they were having this affair. They claim it was a violation of their privacy for us to look at our text messages on our device. They were often on work hours using our devices to send text messages on our network that we pay for. So they sued the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice goes, "Oh, we can't possibly defend this case. It's too strong." They gave Peter Strach and probably Lisa Page 2, 1.2 million bucks. It's called sue and settle. This was an agreement in advance almost certainly, all I want is 1.2 million and then I'll go away. What this means as well is now it would be very, very difficult to go after Strach again because the settlement, no doubt, has ruled saying a next Department of Justice cannot go after Strach or Page. It has been adjudicated and found that here's the ruling. We agreed to this, no more going after Strach and Page. So it's 1.2 million and probably an actual insurance policy against a President Trump team going after them, a world of lies, New York Times and their world of lies. Speculation swirls about what hit Trump and now this suggests it's a bullet, was a bullet. They want this confusion in people's minds. They have to have this confusion in people's minds. Google is doing this. Many, many, many searches on Google. Here's one, assassination attempt on tea. People suggest Truman, Teddy Roosevelt, the Pope, someone adds an R, assassination attempt on T-R, assassination attempt on Truman, assassination attempt meaning most assassination attempts, famous assassination attempts. So add a U, assassination attempt on Truman. How many presidents had an assassination attempt? Add an M, assassination attempt on Truman, assassination attempt on President Truman, assassination attempt on Harry Truman. Google is well aware of the fact that there was an assassination attempt against President Trump. They simply do not want people to get the details on that. It's not that they think people don't know. Instead if people went down the link hole, they might come back and go, "Wait!" They had this guy in their radar for 90 minutes? For an hour, they knew he was casing the place. For about an hour, they knew he was walking around the buildings. A half an hour early, they knew that he was using a rangefinder, this device you use to figure out how far away something you intend to shoot and maybe kill is. 20 minutes beforehand, they knew he was on the roof. Two minutes beforehand, they had the roof, the building on which he lay, surrounded by armed cops and nowhere along the way, not at 90 minutes, not at 60, not at 30, not at 20, not at 2, did they take Trump off stage? That's what Google doesn't want people to know because Google is a state actor. It's been deputized by the state and there's no point in denying this. This is Fox News and the comedy show there, making a great point about Jamie Harris. This one has fallen down the memory hole. Yes, she inspired young rocketeers who were just waiting for the checks to clear. YouTube has confirmed it picked the child actors for that video with Vice President Harris after the White House denied that anything to do with the casting. Then they denied they'd ever heard of a Kamala Harris. Let's take a fond look back at the video where kids travel to the Naval Observatory to meet a true space cadet. I just love the idea of exploring the unknown and then there's other things that we just haven't figured out or discovered yet. You guys are going to see, you're going to literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. With your own eyes, I'm telling you, it is going to be unbelievable. It's acting. Jamie Harris is maybe even a decent actor. Here's a question. Oh, that's a question. Do you think she knew they were actors? The kids? I'm betting she didn't. I'm betting that was part of her scyop. In a nation of lies, why wouldn't it be that way? We began the program by addressing a gentleman who says he's a conservative Christian now voting Democrat because it stands much more with Jesus, the party does, the Democrats. That does? That does? Neither party. Neither party is godly. They're both seeking earthly power. It is the church, the body of Christ. It's not about attending church. It's about becoming the church. It's about becoming the body of Christ. This is a Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [music] [music] [music] [BLANK_AUDIO]