The Todd Herman Show

5 Minute Focus: So, the Democrats are the Party of Jesus? Plus, Google is back to rigging elections. Ep-1753

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Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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And welcome people who've learned about us through our YouTube channel. If you haven't yet subscribed to that, please do. It's, the Todd Herman Show. I sit in here thinking that YouTube is a good company. I mean, they're great at what they do. They're the best at what they do. Don't think that I've dissuaded myself or persuaded myself that it's good people running the joint. It's simply that they're the largest podcasting platform on earth and when we talk about God and we talk about its politicians, they tend to reward that with us. We need that platform. So please do subscribe the Todd Herman Show. Episode 1754, the title. So the Democrats are the party of Jesus. Plus Google is back to rigging elections and it's obvious. It's meant to be obvious because what are you going to do? They're the state. The first part is inspired by a gentleman who used to be a Republican. That's the way he says it. And then orange man Hitler came along and he can't be a Republican anymore, but he's convinced himself that the Lord Jesus is a Democrat. This is part of what he said. I'm a conservative Christian and a lifelong Republican. I put to large this year when Trump won the nomination and I left the party. Now I was anti-Trump before this, but I was holding on to see if my fellow conservatives would nominate a candidate who's well saying, but they chose Trump instead. So whether Biden steps down or not, I'm voting with the Democrats that go around and I just want to say something that has really surprised me since I left the Republican party. A lot of Democrats I met in the platform itself aligns with my faith as a Christian way more than the Republican platform. We'll address that with Scripture and puts truth in grace, rap truth in grace in a response to him. At least that's my goal. On the political side, J.D. Vance is now what? He's not really orange. What color is he? Is he kind of beige? Is he the beige Hitler to the orange Hitler? J.D. Vance made the mistake of answering Kamala Harris' claim that he's sort of a traitor to our country. She questioned his loyalty. I served in the United States Marine Corps. I went to Iraq for this country. I built a business for this country and my running mate took a bullet for this country. (crowd cheering) Really would like to hear through the grace of God, I was able to build a business for this country. Really would like to hear that, J.D. Really suggest that you begin to honor God in this process. I really pray for that. And honestly, you built the company for yourself and you did well at it. You're a brilliant guy. You've been gifted. And he came out and said something about cat women. You know, women without kids, which left some low hanging fruit for the left. And one of their responses was, "J.D. Vance is weird." This is a party that hires Satanists to run public health and they call J.D. Vance weird. Chelsea Handler, about whom I learned, I what, like a month ago, that I guess was reminded that she's a person? She's a comedian and she's found fame, again, now third career, I think, as an internet commentator on politics. And to your point about Kamala not being fit because she's not a mother, I'd like to remind you that no president in the history of the United States has ever been a mother. But maybe if she had five kids with three different men and a scandalous affair with a porn star and was convicted felon, that would be more palatable to Republican men. I mean, my God, are we tired? There's a lot to it. And we'll try to address it point by point. I mean, she's not wrong. President Trump has had multiple wives. There was the suggestion, not suggested accusation that he had an affair with a woman who had sex on film for money, something that he denies, and so did Stormy Daniels in a letter that she signed denied it. We'll talk about that as well. That's first episode for Thursday, second episode for Thursday, scripture that should worry Christians. You probably have your own scripture that worries you, or if you don't, you should. There should be scripture that keeps us up at night. Because as pictures are often told or pastors, if you are not getting pushback from the flock you shepherd, then you're probably not in the Bible. There's one that really, really causes me to stop and think every time I read it. It's Matthew chapter seven, verses 21 through 23. Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my father who's in heaven. On that day, many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons your name and do many mighty works in your name? And he will, then I will declare to them, I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. I never knew you. Do you know the Lord and do I? We'll go through these scriptures that I think should cause all Christians to pause and really take an honest self-assessment or perhaps ask their Christian brothers and sisters to aid them in that self-assessment. That is the five-minute focus. Please do share it with friends and much more importantly, please go with God's good grace.