The Todd Herman Show

Here’s Why The Party Constantly and Obviously Lies Ep-1752

There is a reason why the Party constantly and obviously lies. If you're new to the program, the Party refers to the deep state, tech academia, the Mockingbird Media, and Public Health. They lie because constant lies make it impossible to know the truth. We’ll examine the words of Hannah Arendt, a philosopher and historian from Germany and of course the word of God. They constantly lie because constant lies make it difficult for people to understand the truth. Then, it allows them to do things like money laundering in the election process.  If you rely on God and his wisdom, and use the measuring sticks of the fruit of the Spirit, you can spot the lies. Praise God. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Isaiah 55:11 NIV 11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:    It will not return to me empty,but will accomplish what I desire    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Galatians 6:7-8
7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 
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31 Jul 2024
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And we'd all been working on trying to make sure we could fire her in a compassionate and legal way. And when she came back after these three days and announced, "Oh, my gosh, I was in the hospital, and I was desperately sick, and my uncle, who was a doctor, came up to care for me, and I didn't have my cell phone, and no one knew how to reach the committee." We said, "Yeah, actually, you were partying because we've got the pictures, and this is all from social media, and this is a document." And I started to take out this document, and she reached out and handed her own document over. This is from my uncle, the lawyer. I said, "You see the same one who's the dentist?" It was the same name, it was the fake note, sometimes lies of desperation. And there are people in government absolutely lying out of desperation, because they know that we know that they know that we know. Sometimes though there's design, and that design is what we're going to talk about today. Constant lying has a purpose, particularly during a color revolution, particularly as you're trying to get down to that last thread that holds the nations together. And in the case of America, that's the family and the church. We'll talk about this with the help of and God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Thankfully, nothing like this ever happens in America in Caracas, Venezuela. Opposition party Volintade Popular said on Tuesday on X-Twitter that its national coordinator, Freddie Serpolano, had been detained. The rest comes amid a disputed election where both President Nicholas Maduro and opposition candidates Edmundo Gonzales have declared victory. Reuters Daily Briefing newsletter provides you all the news you need. By the way, CBS News, and we'll talk about this tomorrow, has labeled this a stolen election, which would mean that the CIA has given them permission to label this a stolen election because the CIA has told many, many news organizations and many different times don't label this a stolen election. And in those cases, it's probably because they did the stealing. So, CBS News labeling it this way. Now, of course, nothing like this happens here. Except it's happened here. Steve Bannon is in prison. How many other people from Trump land have been in prison? Peter Navarro walked on stage having come out of prison a day prior. He walked on stage at the RNC a day prior he'd been in prison. When he came out, he said, if they can do it to me, they will do it to you. Of course, they will, and they have. Orn Shire works with or for Alex Jones. I don't know the relationship, I'm assuming for. He went to prison for things he said. The famous case of the meme maker going to prison. They're trying to imprison him for retweeting a meme, but that would never happen here. Sometimes, the lies become so large that it is almost impossible to believe it is happening here. I was just listening to a sermon the other day. And it was a well-met sermon by one of my very favorite pastors, Colin Smith. I love listening to him speak. I love the creative way he shares God's word, not making, not creating God's word, not twisting it. But he uses dramatic storytelling to really bring it to life. But he'd said that in America, we don't yet have that form of oppression. I wanted to reach out to him and say, "Pastor, please catch up. We do have it." When you are leading a nation or pushing a nation through a culture revolution, lies are your friend, constant lies. And it doesn't even matter that people can clearly see they are lies. It doesn't even matter. Sometimes it is a feature, not a bug, to be clearly, clearly like. I'll give you an instance from the news, as it were. And then a statement from a German historian and philosopher that I want you to take to heart. I've taken it to heart. Of course, we'll work God's word into this because God must be at the center of everything. Everything he decides is important. I'm making a habit, but I come into this studio pausing because it happens where the studio is. I can see across kind of a prairie. I mean, there's houses down here, but I can see up into the mountains. And today I saw God's son, not Jesus, but the son. And I've been making this habit of trying to say, "Lord, thank you for this. Thank you for the heat it provides." God provided so very, very much for us. And smart people who steward their intellectual can take advantage of this. The people who make the Eden Pure Oxi leaf too take advantage of the magic of ozone. Ozone's an incredible, incredible compound, O3. It can clean up the smells of a city. Like if you've ever been in New York City, sometimes your San Francisco downtown can stink. Why do we say hi Heaven? Shouldn't we low hell? But it stinks. After a thunderstorm, it doesn't. Washington DC is famous this way. Thunderstorms come through and it's just this incredibly refreshing smell. That's what the Oxi leaf too thunderstorm device provides in your home, your dorm, your RV, and it doesn't matter what's there. You got five, 10, 15 cats. It doesn't matter. These devices are so powerful. You had a spill in your car, your kid puked in the car like it happened to my friend's wife. It doesn't matter. You put the device in there. It will absolutely destroy the molecules that make the bad smells. You can get your own at a $200 savings. Go to and enter code Todd3. It's that easy. EdenPirdeals enter code Todd3. You get three of these devices, whole home coverage, more than whole RV coverage for less than Twitter boxes. use code Todd3. A local SWAT team in Butler, Pennsylvania talks about lies. I mean, they're not saying that. But by virtue of what they say, it goes back to constant lies coming out of Washington, D.C. Sometimes these things are people lying out of desperation. Like I think the former Secret Service Director who was forced to step down a rare instance in Washington, D.C. Kimberly Cheetel pretending they didn't have agents on that roof because it was sloped. I think that's a live desperation. I think she was trying to save her job. These people, I don't think they're lying because this is all verifiable. So let's parse this. We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service snipers whenever they arrived and that never happened. So I think that that was probably a pivotal point where I started thinking things were wrong because that never happened. And we had no communication with the Secret Service. You had no communication with the Secret Service at all on that Saturday. Not until after the shooting. And by then it was too late. We've learned so much about the shooting and the details there. And we'll talk about that in a second. Because the details, every time we peel away more, the story gets worse for the government. This is a statement from Hannah Arendt. She was a German historian and philosopher she lived from 1906 to 1975. The constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want. This is one of the reasons I fought so hard against the lies of gender ideology. Not just because, quote, just because of what it was doing to kids, but because it is a war over truth. And if we lose that war, we lose our collective mind. So I've so often used the instance out of Star Trek. I know, I know, the next generation, because it explains it so well and it's based upon a technique that they used to prisoners, prisoners of war in Korea and Vietnam. You remember this scene? Captain Picard is held captive by the evil Kardashians. They were the lizard people. And he's about to give in to a mind control device. To save his sanity will continue to torture you continue to live in this unspeakable pain will continue to starve you. All you need to do, Captain Picard, is look up at the wall where there are clearly three lights and say there's two. That's all you need to do. He knows there's three lights. He's not going to give in, but just before he's finally going to break him. A fall he has to say is there's two lights, not three. Well, here comes Will Riker. Boom, he saved, but he was about to give in and John Luke Picard knows it. This is something they did with prisoners of war. How many fingers am I holding up? If it was two and you said two, nope, that's the wrong answer. That's three fingers. Well, but it's two. No, it's three. Because we say it's three. Now, it's just a finger. And it's a difference between you eating that day, being warm that day, sleeping that day, getting water that day or not. And it might be a difference between you having those things for a week or a month. And it might be the difference between you not listening to your friend beaten and tortured because you wouldn't simply say, you know what? Fine, it's three fingers. What people who program people know is this. It's not the God. You do not have to break people on a big lie. You get them to admit to mouth a little lie. And that's what this technique is about. This technique is about creating so many lies that people cannot parse the truth. Once someone gives in for politeness sake, for instance, and starts to pretend that men are women for politeness sake, they're lost. Because once you're going to go out and say, "Men are women because you're being polite." You have absolutely no leg to stand on when someone comes and says, "I am a cat." Which is an absurd thing. But here's some instances that are not absurd. They are current day. And I know this has been in the news cycle. I'm not here to say this is breaking news, but think again about this. From CBS's news, from their home page. Trump falsely accuses Harris of donating to Minnesota Freedom Fund, bailing out, quote, "dangerous criminals." Down below is the actual tweet. If you're able to ship in now to the Minnesota bail fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota. She may not have written the check, but she caused, I understand it, 83,000 donations to come into a small leftist organization prior to that that was unknown. That's a breathtaking lie. CBS News is stating, "Despite the fact that you can produce the evidence right there in front of you, that it's not true." It might not be that she wrote the check, but she raised money. She absolutely did. Think of that again from the Captain Picard's perspective. You just have to say, "No, she didn't." There are people in media right now saying, "Come on, Harris, it was never the borders, aren't it?" That never happened. And it doesn't matter how many times we show that it did. The goal is not to have us believe that she was not borders, or they know they can't do that. The goal is to have us believe that we can't trust government at any level, and maybe we can't. So what do we trust? Maybe it's her instincts, because her instincts are never wrong. I mean, when you look at the shooting going back to Butler, Pennsylvania, a lot of us looked at that on the spot and said, "Okay, this is very suspicious. I was up at church camp when it broke. I had very little access to news. I was thankful that the president wasn't killed. I was thankful that the Secret Service got him off the stage. So imagine my interest when I got back and looked at the video and said, "These people are absolutely ill-prepared. This lady, this female agent, can't get her gun in and out of her holster. She's cowering. Oh, my gosh." As I began then to get the information coming to me because I was completely isolated, I got it full front. Wait, he got up on the roof? Wait, they didn't have an overwatch? Wait, no one was on that water tower, and it started to pour in. So I got to that point midway through the week where, "Okay, that's it. This is as big as it can get. But now we've learned that the police had that building surrounded with cops and their guns drawn for two full minutes before the shooter fired a shot." And that was two full minutes where President Trump could have been pulled off the stage. That was two full minutes where they could have gotten a sniper up to that water tower if they felt they couldn't get him up on the rooftop. It was two full minutes where they could have shot the guy because ultimately they were able to shoot him. So as we begin to peel the way the layers of this and we hear the Butler, Pennsylvania SWAT team saying, "We didn't even have any comms with the Secret Service. We can begin to go back again and look at the massive amounts of lies." So maybe it's our instincts. Maybe our gut is right. There's a whole series of lies about election integrity. You know this, particularly out of states like Georgia and Arizona. Some of those lies are broken down in the Rasmussen report. Full Georgia report, complaint four. This complaint is regarding the unauthorized involvement in the hands-on participation in the administration of the 2020 election, hand-count and audit recounts in 2021 Senate runoff by Ryan Messias in the elections group. And here's what happened. A private election consultant group, paid in part by Mark Zuckerberg, arrived in Fulton County, Atlanta just in time to "help manage" the 2020 election. The Secretary of State failed to mention that these unpaid "consultants" hijacked the entire election, ran logic and accuracy testing behind closed doors and signature verification and lack thereof, and printed test ballots for no apparent reason. It didn't bother to explain why he was sent the election results over 17,000 votes short after the recount deadline. That series of lies about Georgia makes it now almost impossible to get through that fog to say, "Yeah, but they never counted the signatures or verified them correctly. Yeah, but they've never explained this undercount. But they never explained why they allowed these ballots after time. But they never explained the printing of all these test ballots. But they never explained that truck. What was it from New Jersey to Pennsylvania, the ballots, and where does truck go and where does trailer go? They've never explained that. You and I can look at that and say, "That's a stolen election." You and I can look at that and say, "They intend to steal this again using Kamie Harris and act blue as we'll talk about, but the goal is not to convince us. The goal is to make a shift. The shift into whatever we say is true is true or we can come for you." Like they came for Peter Navarro. Take it to the workplace level. There is a reason why when I was at Bonneville Communications in Seattle, and I don't have anything disparaging to say about that company. They were great to me. It's their company. The Mormon Church can do whatever they want with their companies, and Bonneville is owned by the Mormon Church. The Mormon Church has decided it will force their employees or employees of their company to pretend men or women. That's a decision the Mormon Church has made for their business units. There's a reason why I spoke up during an HR meeting. Straight to the face of the corporate attorney who is a very nice guy, negotiated with him a bunch of times. Raised my hand and said, "Matt, with all due respect to ownership, I will not pretend a man is a woman. I will never do it. I will make an effort to not use pronouns. But if I am in a restroom and a woman is in there, I will ask her to leave because it is not a woman's restroom." And the look on the face of this corporate attorney was a little bit of panic. He didn't want to take that issue on. That's an effort. And I'm not saying the Mormon Church is doing this. I don't know that it's their effort to apply authoritarianism to the degree that you're going to speak lies. What I think is that the church does not want to take the hit for getting behind the so-called transgender juggernaut. That's my thinking. I just don't know their hearts. I don't know why they would do it other than that. You are going to be faced with a circumstance where you are going to be told to lie. It's probably already happened. So what do we do? We understand that there are things we can trust, but it doesn't come from the world. Not right now. We need to have a rock solid method for determining what we're going to say and not say, what we're going to believe and not believe. Maybe we can turn to science. Maybe science is the key. After all, we're being told that science can solve all problems. Well, scientists say or the science agrees or the science is settled. But there's no such thing as the science. There are processes and processes you can observe. I have a side-by-side comparison of what it's like to have shoulder surgery and recover without stem cells. And I have a side-by-side of what it's like to have shoulder surgery and recover with ethically gathered stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas. I know what it's like to do without the hyperbaric chamber. I know what it's like to do with the hyperbaric chamber. I know what both things happen and how they work out. My left shoulder. I didn't get my pull-ups and push-ups back for something like 32-38 weeks. My right shoulder, the one with the stem cells, I got that back in 12 weeks. I was doing pull-ups and push-ups in 12 weeks. In fact, I was doing push-ups before that. I did it accidentally because I was hiking and I slipped and fell with a 100-pound pack on and had to do a push-up so that I didn't smack my face on a rock. And look, my shoulder survived. I know this. But the inflammation in my shoulder after surgery, the day I got my injection of stem cells, 46 million of them in my shoulder socket, the day I woke up after that, I forgot which arm had been operated on. Now, that's just shoulder surgery. There are people who are almost completely disabled with lower lumbar pain. And it's a, you're probably insurance company saying, we need you to take these three cortisone shots and then we need you to do this physical therapy and it's not getting better. Please, please, please, go to Tell them that you watch and/or listen to the show. They will tell you thumbs up, thumbs down if they can help you. They'll do that by looking at your MRIs. They're not going to guess. You'll have a conversation with one of their Harvard certified doctors. Not all of them are Harvard certified, but many of them are. And they'll tell you, it's Elevate your quality of life by elevating your health care and take it from me. I know side by side, the stem cell path is far, far better. There are a whole series of lies around election integrity. None bigger, I think, than what's going on with Act Blue. Remember, we're told there's no big evidence of any election meddling, really? A whole series of conservative journalists are uncovering the money laundering scheme that is Act Blue. I haven't made 26,000. I'm retired and all of the limited income. Absolutely no way I could afford to make those contributions. You make election contributions, in fact I used to spend probably ten years doing nothing but raising money for the Democratic Party. You know, all different levels. So I'm very familiar with it. You know, I'm not one of the wealthy contributors that the public party has. So I have to be selective with the contribution that I do make. And the last year I made over $3,000 worth of contributions. The data I have here from the FEC says between 2021 and 2022, there's over $26,000 of donations in your name. That's amazing. I haven't made 26,000. So I have a list of some of the committee names. What about the progressive turnout project? I've given a little bit, that was amazing. I'd say it's just going to turn on what it all adds up to. It's going to add up to stop Republicans. Again, that should be a small, but if I have given some there, those two alone are dating up to $4,500. The most is through Act Blue, which is $15,000. No, that's the highest on. National Democratic Training Committee, PAC. Again, that's a smaller donation. I don't know where they're getting those figures. They have not been credited for charge to me. You would probably notice if there was $15,000 missing from your account that you hadn't given. Yeah. So this is not money that came from you. Not anything in that type of range. I mean, to be perfectly frank with you, I'm retired and I'm a limited income. Yeah, I understand. There is absolutely no way I could afford to make those contributions. But you can say confidently that you did not get one of the 26,000 over two years. No, there is no freaking way. I wish I could, now there are times that I have actually contributed money that I knew I shouldn't contribute $15 or $20, just because I wanted to contribute something. There's no way that I could give anywhere near that kind of money and survive, even if I wanted to. So I am not in a financial position to make, to do a lot of things that I wish I could do. You're not, absolutely not, and you're not making $12,000 in donations. No. Okay. Well, that's, that's interesting. Okay. So you've been here for three years and you can confirm, no, lived here. Absolutely. And those years. Yeah. And I'm going to live here before, but I have, I don't know where. No. No. No. I just need to live here about now. So you tell me when that was? July 21. So there is no reason on earth that the mockingbird media could not go out and do these investigations. Remember this, during the Trump and Biden race, CNN tracked down a woman in Montana. I believe it was one of those states, Montana, Wyoming. And I don't mean they're treated as a flyover state. I live in a flavor state, but they went to her home at like seven o'clock in the morning. She's making breakfast for her family. It was a farmhouse. So it's, it's probably second breakfast. And they knock on the door and they have an iPad. And they say to her, did you know you shared Russian disinformation? And this, this poorly says, what high, oh, we were with CNN. My name is, did you know that you shared Russian disinformation? Did you know that you've been sharing that on social media? And that was a priority for them to do that. The big lie here is that there is no massive sign of massive fraud. And yet these conservative organizations can go through and track it and show it. When there are extra charges, let's say, those has just happened in the separate country of Washington state, they corrupt attorney general there, Bob Ferguson, who's likely going to be their next so-called governor, redictator. He's famous for going after businesses like Ticketmaster because they had this convenience charge and he makes these big announcements and Ticketmaster's convenience charges. It's in a front to the consumer and it costs everybody a buck 50 or five bucks. Figurehead Biden's been caused to say the same thing, can be Harris is running out a platform of doing the way with late charges. And that's a huge, huge issue. But meanwhile, there's act blue. When you don't require signature verifications for ballots, you don't actually investigate who's doing the donations, you end up with this. How can we trust anything? Well, let's turn to the word of God. Let's examine that. The word of God is useful for teaching and rebuke. It always, always is. In Isaiah chapter 55 verse 11, we read this, "So as my word that goes out from my mouth, it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." So pause. We're going to reference this later in regard to some of the great news out of the Olympics. Not out of the Olympics. I haven't watched the medals. I've refused to watch the games given the opening ceremony with all due love and respect to the athletes. I'm not going to give NBC any attention on this. I'll look at it later and look at the results. But in this case, we know that God's word never returns void. That's when it goes out in the world. So let's not return void to us. Galatians chapter 6 verses 7-8, "Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man rapes what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh from the flesh will reap destruction. Whoever sows to please the spirit from the spirit will reap eternal life." So let's pause on that one. How much information can we glean by looking at the people who are speaking these words? Joe Biden mocks God on a consistent basis. The Department of Homeland Security mocks God. They participate in the gender lies. They participate in the lies of no, the borders completely secure. We can look at the character of Cami Harris and others. We can consult the Bible to remember, know them by their fruits. Focus on the word of God as our decoder ring. Focus on the Bible as our decoder ring. That's the truth. When we stray from that and start to bring in our own wisdom and understanding, we can fall into becoming like the world to our massive detriment. This is a headline from the Daily Mail. Biden administration admits flying 320,000 migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings at the border has national security vulnerabilities. Do you remember all the stories, all the statements from Cami Harris, all the statements from the Democrat surrogates that border crossings are down? Sure, because people don't have to cross the border on foot. They're flown into the country via an app. Go back to the quote from the philosopher from Germany. Let's go back and look at this for how accurate it is for these times. The constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but ensuring that no one believes anything anymore, pause from the COVID era. How many people participated in mask theater, and we're wondering, is this really helping me? Does this really protect me? I think most of them back to the quote, a people that could no longer distinguish between the truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. How many people turned into mask bullies? How many ordinary people who otherwise would never do such a thing became shrieking, shrill, frightened, paranoid, angry, threatening mask bullies? It happened to me, Gig Harbor, Washington. I took my daughter and her friend over there, kind, kind friends of ours, let us use their beautiful beach houses, Dave and Annie, beautiful people, and we went to eat. We showed up at this restaurant. I don't wear masks ever. The kids wanted to stay outside. They didn't want to have the confrontations with people. So I went into order food to go. And in there there, I'm ordering it. Here comes a guy. I'll wrap up at a mask. I saw the paranoia on his face. I saw the fear on his face. And so I walked across the store, got far away from as it could up against the back wall. So my terrible, terrible COVID era is not getting into his lungs. He orders his food and he's about to walk out when he turns around and he goes, you're the reason my wife's in the hospital. You're the reason my wife's sick. You're the reason my wife might die. You're the problem with this. You're the problem with all of this and just wagging his finger at me. And I said, I can see that you're really upset. I can see this is very terrifying for you. This is why I stepped away from you. It's very scary to have your wife sick. I'm really sorry to hear that. Don't say it. Don't say it because you're the one you're causing this. And finally my flesh got up in me and I admit it, I said, you're going to want to take your finger out of my face right now. You're not going to want to put your finger in my face anymore and you're going to want to stop yelling at me. I'm not proud of it. But you think about how many interactions like that occurred and look at this quote from Hannah Art, and such a people deprived of the power to think and judge is without knowing and willing it completely subjected to the rule of lies with such people, you can do whatever you want. Think of the religious authorities in the time of Jesus, as Jesus walked the earth. The man raised how many people from the dead, very publicly raised Lazarus from the dead, dead three days in a tomb for three days, wrapped up in the mummy wrapping. They didn't mummify him, but wrapped up in mummy wrappings like that. And three days in, Jesus comes, Lazarus, wake up, come out. People witnessed that, and one of the instincts of people was to run to the religious authorities and say, he raised the dead, go kill him, you got to kill him, he raised the dead and the lies. These people have been taught that whatever the religious authorities said was true, was true. That's what they were taught. And it got into their heads to the degree that having watched the miracle of miracles, their response was to run to the religious authorities. Think of the mask zealots on airplanes. That baby, I'm sorry, that baby back there, they're letting that baby take its mask off when it breastfeeds, that's going to kill everybody in this airplane. I hope it's the easiest example for this, because it's so vibrant and memorable and such a first time thing in this world. But then there is the good news from this, and there honestly is good news. The massive lies told about the Olympic opening ceremony is landing in ways that I don't think the liars anticipated it ever could, and it's changing minds. More importantly, it's changing souls. I feel utterly awful for those Olympic athletes, because I've been blessed to know some Olympic athletes, and young people who are in there now will be coming up their second Olympics, getting to spend time with them back in the speeds getting days. And the amount of sacrifice that goes into something like that is so, so immense. The focus, the time, and if you are a young-ish athlete, and I'm talking about people in their mid-30s, we don't have a lot of 18-year-olds who watch or listen to the show, but if you're in your mid-30s, maybe early 40s, will you please take some advice from an old dude who's had a bunch of joint issues? Will you please apply love to recovery and to your joints? If you are not supplementing with collagen, can I tell you, unless you're eating a bunch of bone soup or cartilage, you are probably making a big mistake. Bone broth? Okay, that kind of gets it done, but not to the degree that I used to, not how we used to eat. And I recommend to you native path collagen. Native path collagen's formula is scientifically back to increase bone mineral density, fewer bone injuries, accelerate tissue recovery, meaning fewer tears, reduce wrinkles, enhance hair thickness and strengthen weaker damage nails. That's the aesthetic part, the last bit. It's the work it can do on your joints. It actually helps prevent joint injuries. Now, in the case of native path collagen, it has only types 1 and 3 collagen fibers. This has found that 90% of your body, most important to our conversation in your cartilage. I can't tell you how many friends of mine who are competitive athletes in their mid-50s are having that terrible thing where their cartilage is gone. Bone on bone, some of the worst pain you could experience. Prevent this. Prevent it. You can do this by going right now to, you can stock up a native path collagen for an incredible savings up to 45% off plus free shipping. Every order comes with a 365 day, might be back guarantee, website again is The savings is up to 45%. The promise is free shipping. That's When the Olympic organizers created the mocking of the Last Supper, I think they thought they could get away with mocking God. Even though this has been found out, the mocking of God that they intended is having the opposite result in many, many, many cases. This is from a tweet on Twitter, one of the first guys to point this out, Brandon McKinnis. As the lies were coming out that, oh, that wasn't the Last Supper, it was the celebration of Dionysus. You idiot Christians, you don't even recognize Dionysus, you're so ignorant. Official France TV said it was the Last Supper, they said it in French, of course. Then they deleted this post when people complained. Now Olympics claims it was the feast of Dionysus. It was never the feast of Dionysus. But what's happening is not intended. The liars didn't intend for this to happen. Catholic Bishop addressed this and addressed the lies and the opening ceremony and the mocking of Christianity. He does it maybe in a predictable way, but God bless him for being so quick to do this. This is Bishop Baron. This is Bishop Baron. Just a few days ago, I was an Indianapolis for the marvelous celebration of the Eucharistic Congress, 50,000 Catholics coming together to worship the Lord and celebrate the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I come from that experience and I come home and I love the Olympics. I turn on the opening ceremonies in the Olympics. What do I see now? It's in Paris, France. A city I love. I spent three years as a doctoral student there. What do I see? But this gross mockery of the Last Supper, and I won't describe it any further. Just go online. It's gone viral. You can see it. But this, France felt evidently, as it's trying to put its best cultural foot forward, the right thing to do is to mock this very central moment in Christianity where Jesus and his Last Supper gives his body and blood in anticipation of the cross. What's presented, though, is this gross sort of flippant mockery of France, which used to be called the eldest daughter of the church, Paris that gave us some Thomas Aquinas taught there and Vincent de Paul was there, King Louis IX, St. Louis. France has sent Catholic missionaries all over the world. France, whose culture, and I mean the honoring of the individual, of human rights and of freedom, is grounded very much in Christianity, felt the right thing to do was to mock the Christian faith. A question I would pose, we all know the answer to it. Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way? Would they ever have dreamed of mocking in this gross public way, a scene from the Quran? As I say, we all know the answer to that. I think folks what's interesting here is this deeply secularist, postmodern society knows who its enemy is, they're naming it, and we should believe them. They're telling us who they are, we should believe them. But furthermore, we Christians, we Catholics should not be sheepish. We should resist. We should make our voices heard. Making our voices heard comes with what do we say? I mean, it's one thing to scream, to scream liar. It's another thing to invoke the word of God. May I suggest to you this, in your defense of truth, can you pull up a scripture to defend it? Just a couple of easy ones, man-made God made man and woman, male and female, they made us. I mean, that's an easy one. You can go back to God knew every hair on your head. You are wonderfully and awesomely made, he knew every count that every hair on your head. Having these at her disposal gives us an opportunity to invoke the word of God in these conversations. And then, and then to track it with scientific backup, some people need that. We can tell very, very early on the sex of a baby in the womb, very early on. We can tell some of the traits, if you do a DNA analysis, you can tell some of the traits that are going to manifest over time. That's a signature. The fact that it's readable and predictable is a way to understand that God is, in fact, looking at everything and designing everything from the smallest, smallest molecule up to the grown organism. It gives us the opportunity to reach for that in a time where we're being absolutely flooded with lies. It's important for us to be able to say to the young people of our lives, we were warned about times like this. We were told that people would seek false teachers, that would be the teaching they would want. We also told this, the God of the word of God never returns void. This is an example I want to get into because it comes from a guy I've never met, but what he says here is so, so faith affirming, let's remind ourselves what it says in Galatians. No, no, pardon me, let's go to Isaiah chapter 55 verse 11. So is my word that goes out for my mouth. It will not return empty to me, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. That's God speaking through the prophet, Isaiah. So I want to share with you a tweet that came from Mike Sir Vonnich in just a second, because it's an indicator of how God uses bad for good. This is so, so faith affirming what he wrote. I've been just given an email, and I just wanted to get this out in front of you. I've been cautioned on something. This giveaway I've been doing with magnesium breakthrough, they just sent me the notes. You got to say that supplies while supplies last and be it's not taken to task. It's a very friendly email. But the other thing that wanted me to make sure that you understand because apparently people are searching for this, guys, this offer for the free bottle of magnesium breakthrough, which is the magnesium I use to help me sleep, to stay asleep, to fight anxiety. It's the one with the seven forms of magnesium. It's full spectrum. It's organic. It is magnesium is responsible for 600 body interactions, including stress and anxiety and sleep, and regularity, and far, far more. That is not available at Amazon. Please don't go try to find it by optimizers, they're getting notes that people are asking for. There's only one way to get this, and only one website, and now I just got the note from Rebecca saying, "Hey, you got to mention that this is while supplies last. I've not been doing that. That's my bad, so I'll give you this this heads up." Go to No promo code. You don't need to worry about promo codes. Just use the URL,, boom, get the free bottle, and let me know how it goes. Yes, thank you, Rebecca, for telling me, "You got to say, 'Well, supplies last,' because this is not going to be a blast. They can't continue to give this stuff away for free." The video that mocked the last supper looked like this is your recall, and maybe we'll get a copyright take-down notice. There's "Testical Man" back there. If you're watching the video, "Testical Man" is down there, rubbing the back of, and leaning into "A Little Girl," again, made the decision to put his testicles on display for the world. There he is, back with "A Little Girl," don't tell me that's not stage set. It was a $150 million budget, 15,000 employees, and one of the key things they had happen was a leather-clad man showing his testicles, cozying up to "A Little Girl," absolutely purposeful, and then, of course, the comparison of the image with their last supper and the last supper. Do you know who Mike Sinavicius, Mike is a very good political organizer, commentator, strategist, and Mike wrote something that I think is remarkably brave. He wrote this, "I didn't believe in God. I realized they do. The evil ones, they take Christ seriously, and they believe he's real, and they hate him. That is how I got back into religion. Know your enemy, and know yourself. This is one of the key things that we can do in a world where the big lies are being told constantly shifting lies so that we can't believe the truth. We can't know what's true, except we can. The Word of God is living and true. It is God inspired in the Bible. It is a complete and inerrant Word of God, not to be added to nor subtracted from. It's all of these things, and it's all useful for teaching and rebuke. And look again at God's Word, from Galatians, chapter 6, verses 7 through 8, "Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh, they will reap destruction. Whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." In the attempting to mock God, they caused this gentleman to come back to faith, to come back to getting near to coming to God. And maybe, maybe, if he'll continue that path, actually knowing the Lord Jesus, which as we know is the key to salvation, because the Lord's set. Many will come to me and say, "Lord, Lord, didn't we cast out demons in your name and prophesy, and the Lord's going to say to them, 'But I never knew you. Get away from me, evil doers. It's not enough to do things in his name. It's not enough to consume church, even four times a month. What it requires is allowing God to know you and you to know God. And as we learn through the COVID catastrophe, the attack on our freedoms, the purposeful, massive global scyop, it was largely Christians in biblically strict churches that said no. No, this virus is not more powerful from God than God. No, Jesus did not run away from the lepers. He ran towards them. No, we will not stop worshiping because there's a bad flu. And then the case of Mike Srinovich. He looked at the evil before him and said, "If they take Jesus seriously, maybe I should. We all should." Lord, thank you for being a light unto our path. Thank you for being a lamp for us, the lamp, the sun, the map, and the destination, the way, the truth, and the life. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and be grounded in the unchanging, unchangeable Word of God, useful for knowing people by their fruits. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial-grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. 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