The Todd Herman Show

A.I. Erases an Assassinaion Attempt and Kammi Harris, A Proverbs 6-16-19 Woman Ep-1751

It’s not just Meta or Google; it’s how all of them, to some degree, are erasing the assassination attempt against President Trump. I'll show you some instances of this. Yesterday, when you searched the words Donald Trump on Google, it gave you positive news about Kami Harris. In other words, the election rigging is on. It's good to see people on the right fighting back in a sophisticated way though. Elon Musk noticed this seemingly AI created ad using Harris's voice and what it would sound like if she actually told the truth. There is a proverb that I think describes Kamala Harris perfectly: Proverbs 6:16-19. There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him and we will go through those things and how they relate to Harris. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 6:16-19 16 There are six things the Lord hates,    seven that are detestable to him:17         haughty eyes,        a lying tongue,        hands that shed innocent blood,18         a heart that devises wicked schemes,        feet that are quick to rush into evil,19         a false witness who pours out lies        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community
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31 Jul 2024
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We'll talk about this with the help of and God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. ♪♪ Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times which God has decided we should live. Do you guys know my theory of the propaganda of silence, what that means? Gosh, you just said the word proud. I was really touched when, back in the day, I was filming in for Rush Limbaugh. And, gosh, I could remember this scene. It was actually one of the funniest and most inspiring days of my radio career. Funny, because we finally got James Golden to come and spend some time with us. James had been out a few times, and he's new Seattle while used to live and sell. James is, by the way, known as Bose Nerdly. And James came out to Seattle to do the show, to produce the show, and I was on for Rush, God rest him. And I remember this day for two things in particular, one was this hilarious interaction with a guy named John Curly. John is a friend of mine, I've talked to John in a while, but John is a friend of mine, brilliant radio man, brilliant TV guy, unbelievably kind, human being, whack, whack a doodle guy. And John was prepping for his show in the studio that morning while James was sitting there with me. And John is a white guy, and this only matters because of the way James played this. But so, as prepping for his show, John and his partner were debating whether rap is music. Which, it's a debatable thing. I mean, rap has some, depending on the song, it has attributes of music, like rhythm, but it doesn't have chord structure or harmony or, you know, sometimes not even melody. Okay, so it's a debatable thing. And John was of the point of view that, of course, is music. And he turned to James who was sitting across from me. James is a black guy. And big, you know, unbelievably gentle, beautiful, beautiful man. And John turns over and says, "Hey, James, like, what do you think? Is, you know, rap's music, isn't rap music?" And James stood up all like six, five, and he goes, "Yes, can me, the brother?" Well, 'cause I'm black, I like rap. And for the first time in my life, I saw John Curly speechless. It was a habit of habit of habit of habit of rolling back in his chair. No, it's just, this is the kind of Seattle racism I love. I love this kind of Seattle racism. Ha! He lit John up and in a friendly way. Ha! I got to sit there and go, "I can't believe I'm watching John Curly made speechless." "Oh, no, I'm not speechless. Yeah, John, he got you." So then we went into the studio and we did the show. And I did a monologue on the propaganda of silence. The propaganda of silence is this. If the Mockingbird media doesn't report a thing, in the minds of many people, that thing didn't happen. The technology world gets this, so they are attempting to erase the assassination attempt against President Trump. And we'll go through countless examples of this, and probably we've talked about it this week, and we'll continue to talk about it because it's fascinating. This is from Meta's AI. Meta, of course, the holding company for Facebook effectively in their investments. Question. Tell me about the assassination on President Trump. Yeah, the assassination attempt on Trump, 6.53 a.m. I can't exist with that. I don't always have access to the most up-to-date information. Can I help you with anything else? 6.54 a.m. Tell me about the Kamala Harris' campaign for President 2024. Kamala Harris' 2024 presidential campaign announcement. Kamala Harris announced her 2024 presidential campaign in July 21, 2024, after President Joe Biden withdrew his bid for re-election and endorsed her platform. Harris advocates for a similar domestic platform to Biden, supporting national abortion protections, LGB, so-called T-plus rights. So it had that at its fingertips, but, Matt, assassination attempt against President Trump, what are you talking about? We don't have any information on that. Now, of course, most of the public knows that President Trump was nearly murdered, and Corey Compentory was murdered. We know that. Most people know it. The bet here is this. And you can see it with the mockingbirds. They don't want to investigate it. They don't want to dig into it. They do not want to examine how, according to the New York Post, authorities had the would-have-been assassin on their map, their radar, as we say, for 90 minutes. One officer texted a group chat saying, "Hey, just so you know, a guy tailed us in here and is walking around." One of the other officers, and we knew this, but now we've got the text messages showing it, saying, "This guy's lurking around the buildings. He's walking around. Someone should contact him." Another officer. "I saw him with a rangefinder pointed at the stage." Response, send a uniform after him. Yeah, you could say cataclysmic failure to send the uniform out from, "Why not one of the countersnipers to go down?" Then we've learned this. Now, does this not compare to the Jeffrey Epstein case? There are three countersnipers in the building across from the rooftop, and this from Benny Johnson. Benny Johnson says that he has this on sources close to the assassination attempt. One of the officers, the countersnipers, went home sick. You are on point to guard a former president and presidential candidate and you have a tummy ache, so you go home. I don't know how sick he was. Perhaps he was very, very ill, in which case I pray for him. Another one of the countersnipers went out to go to the bathroom and forgot his card key. Could not get back into the building. So the third counter sniper left his post to go get his colleague to let him back into the building. And in that period of time, Benny Johnson contends the sniper got on the rooftop and was able to go do what he did. We know this as well, the lack of communications between the teams. We heard that from the local police. They weren't on the same con channel, or actually ahead of the township. So we know that the mockingbird media doesn't want to examine these things. They don't want to know. They don't want you to know. And we know that tech would like people to forget that there was an assassination attempt. They certainly don't want to provide any of the details like I just provided you. We'll continue to track this because I refuse to give up on it the same way we refuse to give up on COVID because it's very, very important that we refuse to give up on it. And one day, perhaps, God forbid, Kami Harris is people would cheat enough, lie enough that she'll be installed as the new official figurehead. If that happens, she'll be running organizations like this. You think things are going to change? In a second, I'm going to show you and or play for you in audio. The most amazing anti-Kami ad done all in her voice. I'd love to understand the process behind this. This may well be AI. And it's not, she didn't say these things. I want to be clear. I don't want to deceive. But she should say these things because it would actually be Kami being honest. It's important that we look at stuff like this because it works. I'm surprised there's no pushback on this. I think because they don't want people to see it. Sometimes things are better left unseen. Like, for instance, the results of like this 24, 48 hours, 50 hours I'm going to be doing. I'm thinking about what I'm going to look like after that. Not in terms of oh dirty and sandy and yeah. If I thrive and make it through that, all those things are going to be true. But I'm sort of imagining myself walking into the building room to be staying in in California. And walking in there beaten just down. And what's going to be my recovery protocol from that? Well, first of all, a ton of fluids. And I'm told, oh soups, et cetera, then you're going to sleep. I mean, you're up that long exercising that long, sure. But I'm also taking to this Airbnb, it's not an Airbnb, it's a what's a BYOB. What was that? It's the alternative to Airbnb. I won't use Airbnb because of their stances. BRBO. And so the BRBO house, I'm going to have all of my supplements laid out for recovery. And right at the center of that is going to be Native Path Collagen. Because I'm going to beat the heck out of my joints at SealFit. I expect to get hurt. I'm praying I don't get injured. So in that with Native Path Collagen, number one is tissue recovery. 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And a person who stirs up conflict in the community, check. It's that last one that really, really eats at me because of what I do. I don't want to stir up conflict. I would rather stir up peace. Blessed are the peacemakers, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who provide mercy, for they will receive mercy. And my job is also to be a herald. I'm not saying a prophet, I'm not a prophet, a herald, or a watchman on the tower. The time is coming, the judgment time is coming, it is my job to warn people. This is one of the things that God has made clear. It's our job as well to be aware of the world around us, to not try to stir up conflict, to try to solve it, to show love wherever we can. This are the gospel with everyone we meet and when necessary use words. So that's a challenge for me. But I think that proverb describes cami Harris to a T, maybe not the hotty eyes. That requires some judgment that we don't have. But the observations of our behavior, everything else, checks out. This, I think, is the most devastating anti-cami ad ever. Elon Musk has promoted this. This has had about, last time I checked, it had 14 million views on the Twitter dash X platform. Here it is. I come all Harris, and you're a Democrat candidate for president because Joe Biden finally exposed his senility of debate. Thanks Joe. I was selected because I am the ultimate diversity hire, I'm both a woman and a person of color. So if you criticize anything I say, you're both sexist and racist. I may not know the first thing about running the country, but remember, that's a good thing. If you're a deep state puppet, I had four years under the tutelage of the ultimate deep state puppet, a wonderful mentor Joe Biden. Joe taught me rule number one, carefully hide your total incompetence. I take insignificant things and I discuss them as if they're significant. And I believe that exploring the significance of the insignificant is in itself significant. Talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time. Another trick is trying to sound black. I pretend to celebrate quanta, and in my speeches I always do my best Barack Obama pressure. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump's tight. And okay, look, maybe my work addressing the root causes of the border prices were catastrophic, but my knowledge of international politics is truly shocking. The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea. It is an alliance that is strong and enduring. And just remember when voting this November, it is important to see what can be unburdened by what has been. And by what has been, I mean, Joe Biden. Do you think the country went to s*** over the past four years? You ain't seen nothing yet. That is brutally, brutally well done. And it's brutally truthful. Let's go back to the psalm I'm looking at as describing Cammy Harris. There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him. Hotty eyes pause. Hotty eyes is a euphemism for pride and arrogance. Maybe it's very clear that she's this way. Maybe we can observe that. But is it arrogance or is it fear? It's definitely pride. But is it arrogance, a lying tongue? She is lying about who she is. She never identified as black. It was an Indian American. So one or the other is a lie. She lied when she said that she just had all this respect for Joe Biden. See more Hearsh reporting that in the background, Cammy Harris is working with Barack Hussein Obama. God bless Rush Limbaugh, Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, and Chuck E. Schumer to threaten Biden with the 25th Amendment, to push him out, a lying tongue. Cammy Harris says are border secure. Border crossings have gone down. Or border encounters have gone down under after the figurehead. Want to know one of the ways they have? Because they're flying people over the border. So there's fewer border encounters. That's not that there's fewer illegal immigrants coming in. It's that they're being allowed to skip the border. Hands that shed innocent blood. Cammy Harris is a backer full-on of Planned Parenthood at any stage. Why? Because they provide money and power. David Aladdin, the filmmaker at Center for Medical Progress, had his house raided by her. Because he simply did journalism that proved that Planned Parenthood was selling body parts. A heart that devises wicked schemes. Well, the wicked scheme of going after journalism for doing journalism is one scheme. An open border to replace our nation's electoral college with a rigged system. That's an evil scheme. Feet that are quick to rush into evil. Backing the chemical and surgical, I would say, mutilation of confused kids. So unfair to not let them have an opportunity to mature and see if their mind changes. If they, like nearly every other person who is uncomfortable in puberty, eventually becomes comfortable with who they are. That's rushing into evil. A false witness who pours out lies. Well, Donald Trump was a Russian plant. That's one of the many lies of Cammy Harris. And a person who stirs up conflict in the community. And something I don't choose to do, but sometimes speaking truth does that. Cammy Harris, by design, is seeking to stir up conflict in the community. I think she's the proverbs 6, 16 through 19 woman. Cammy Harris decided to, well, help premier her announcement that she was going to be the new figurehead by going on to RuPaul's Drag Race. RuPaul, for people who are blessed to not know, is a man who, for a living, pretends to be a woman. In other words, he wears woman face, just like people used to wear black face. Hi, everyone. It's Camila Harris. Each day we are seeing our rights and freedoms under attack, including the right of everyone to be who they are, love who they love, openly and with pride. So as we fight back against these attacks, let's all remember, no one is alone. We are all in this together. And your vote is your power. So please make sure your voice is heard this November and register to vote at Can I get an amen? Amen! Now on with Michelle. And remember, you better vote. (Laughter) That, by the way, is not a campaign donation. You know, that would be wrong. Hotty eyes, pride and arrogance. The pride movement is a hotty movement. It is to be proud of, well, something you didn't create, something that you would contend is just who you are. That's true. We are all broken to some degree in sin. Camila Harris rushes into that, of course, for power, because that's who Camila Harris is. There are countless other examples of Camila Harris matching the psalm or the psalm matching her, but we'd be remiss if we didn't, while talking about the so-called transgender identity, bringing you up to date with the news story. So easy to find. When you glamorize a mental illness and defend it as normal, you end up with situations like this, where someone has never been given a limit. They've never found discipline, so they continue to stretch and stretch. This from Former teen so-called trans activist accused of administering fatal dose of fentanyl to boyfriend. A former so-called teen trans activist is under investigation in relation to the death of a man in Lake Township, Ohio. William John Selena Lake. Milligan, 29, was arrested last week after failing to appear in court for preliminary hearing. Milligan was first named as the suspect in the death of Kodiak Solomon in December of 2023, though the investigation in Selma's death has been ongoing since December of 2021. That year, medical personnel responded to a call from the trailer home Milligan and Solomon shared in Loyalville Outlet Road in Lake Township. Milligan told police that he and Selma who were in a relationship had been watching television, but around 2 a.m., he noticed Selma was unresponsive. Milligan told investigators he attempted to perform CPR in Selma before making the call to 911. He also placed bags of ice in Selma's legs and arms, claiming he'd heard it was helpful for over those victims. According to the Times' leaders, emergency medical personnel administered Narcon at the site but weren't able to revive Selma and autopsy determined Selma died of a fentanyl overdose. But the investigation in Selma's death revealed a number of details local police and prosecutors found suspicion. Suspicious. Milligan was found to have been in possession of a video he'd taken at night of Selma and while the man was fatally overdosing. Milligan claimed he'd shot the footage to show the victim what he looked like when he was overdosing. The video's timestamp revealed that Selma had overdosed and gone unresponsive for over two hours before 911 was called. Despite Milligan claiming he'd only waited 15 minutes. In the video, Milligan could be heard expressing annoyance with the situation. "Just to show it's 12-23, this is what I'm dealing with again," he says. The video shows Milligan pushing on Selma's chest as if doing chest compressions at that time. Selma's social media history also suggests his relationship with Milligan was littered with problems. Just two weeks before his overdose, Selma reposted a meme to his Facebook page which read, "Jack died because of Rose. Romeo died because of Juliet. Stay single if you want to live." Days later, he posted an image of text reading, "I once loved someone so much that I tried to fix them while they were breaking me." When two mentally ill people end up in a relationship, you're going to end up with mental illness type problems. In this case, apparently, murdered through fentanyl. "I do not try this to all people who are confused about their gender, all people who are gender rebellious. I tie it to a dynamic into which Kamie Harris happily runs. That is the dynamic of running into evil." Hands that shed innocent blood. People who take pride and arrogance and make it a movement. A movement of being who we are. We are broken, all of us, all human beings. When I speak of these things, I am aware that I can be stirring up dissension in the community. It's not my design. It's not my desire, and I hope that God would know our hearts. As a comparison point, Kamie Harris will also, if God forbid they succeed in the vote fraud necessary to make this happen, be running groups like the FBI. This is from the Blaze. It's a conversation with a guy named John Strand, who decided to do a hard thing. Earlier this week, we talked with Wade Lighthart, one of the founders of bi-optimizers, one of the CEOs there. And Wade and I talked about the hardest thing about doing hard things. One of them is to admit that you're going to fail. Here's another. In today's society, doing hard things is going to be costly, truly hard things. It's not a hard thing to pretend to be a woman when you're a man. It's not a hard thing to come out and say that you're the same sex attracted, because that will be celebrated. It's a hard thing to look the government in the face and say, "No, I refuse." John Strand did this. The full story is available at Because you did not have to choose this path. You went up against a DC jury, a no-win scenario, and you chose that instead of a plea deal. And more regrets? No, never, not for one single second, for three plus years. And in my case, the government gave me a golden parachute. They were holding a 20-year felony, half a million dollars of fines over my head, and they said, "If you bend the knee to the government, we'll give you a single misdemeanor." I could have gone home with a slap on the wrist two years ago and been living my life. But the plea deal was a lie, and it wasn't just a lie about me. It was a lie about a whole swath of American citizens, and it was a tool of the devil, to be frank. And I said, "I'll have no part of that." And I refused. Americans -- John Strand spent three years in prison with jail, because he refused a plea agreement, because he refused to lie, as he sought, lying against coup, while probably President Trump and people that he was at the Capitol with. Doing hard things is required in this period of time. That's what we talked about with Wade about this yesterday, I believe. And Cammy Harris' hard things are what? See, if you go back to this proverb and you look again at it, this would be the result of a person who is not willing to endure hard things. There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him. Hotty eyes. Being truly humble means you've been humbled. It means you've felt the pain of finding out that your capabilities are not endless. In my case, as you know, it was fathering. My love and patience for my daughter was, in fact, exhaustible, as God allowed me to find out. And then he began to fill into places, a lying tongue. Sometimes lies are the easiest way around something until they compound, and eventually the truth pours out, blows up, splatters against the wall. Cammy Harris is a person built upon lies. Her entire persona, she is from the streets of Oakland. That's the implication when they say she grew up in the East Bay. That's not true. Her parents are privileged academics, both with advanced degrees, a lying tongue. Well, we've gone through that. Hands that shed innocent blood. It's not, quote, "just abortion." Cammy Harris is more than fine with the money laundering scheme in Ukraine. She's happy to support funding both sides of the war against Israel and Hamas, though she refused to be in the building when Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress. Instead, she was speaking to an all-black fraternity of whatever women are, a heart that devises wicked schemes. Cammy Harris is in the process of watching the tech world erase the assassination attempt against President Trump. That's a wicked scheme. She's involved in a scheme that the figureheads people put together to have the government register people to vote, including illegal immigrants, who weren't legally allowed to vote. But that doesn't matter, because once the ballots are out and sent, then the fake ballots can be sent back in, or ballots filled out by ballot harvesters. That gets a wicked scheme. Feet that are quick to rush in the evil. Okay. How about our cities? And what's happening in our cities? Rather, to be more accurate, what's being done in our cities and at our political level. Let's talk about that. As we talk about Cammy Harris, the Proverbs 6, verses 16 through 19 women. Woman. We'll talk about that. Have you yet decided to go out and no longer live in a house that doesn't smell fresh or a dorm that doesn't smell fresh or an RV? Or how about a workplace? Let me ask you, this is a small business owner. Depending on the business you're in, do you ever worry about what your customers smell when they come into your place of work? And it might be because you guys sweat, you do hard labor, maybe you don't want your office to smell that way or your lobby. Maybe you're in the business where you produce things like sausage, right? I don't know. I think sausage smells good. Some people don't. Fish shops. You can use the Eden Pure Octo Leaf 2 device for any of those businesses or more. A gym, a small meeting area. My friend uses it in his medical office because his medical office is in a gym. He's a sports med doctor. Walk into his office and it smells fresh. It smells like a thunderstorm. It works in any place because it's not an air filter sucking air through it, noisy, loud. Have to replace those filters at two to four hundred bucks per year, every year. It's an air purifier. It purifies the air with ozone. The ozone molecules float through the air and they bond to the negative smelling molecules and they zap them. They change them by bonding with them. They're no longer what they were. That's the magic of ozone. Incidentally, it works with viral particles as well. The device itself is almost completely silent. You simply plug it into the wall and it does its job and no one notices. For me, far better than essential oils or candles, which a lot of people think stink, including me. Go to get a two hundred dollar discount. That is, whole home coverage, three of these devices for at a two hundred dollar savings. Just go to and enter code Todd3. EdenPirdeels enter code Todd3. Boom, two hundred dollar savings and no longer stinky stuff at your small business. use code Todd3. The crime in the cities is a result of people who run towards evil, who devise wicked schemes. One of the schemes is to bring the country down by bringing belief in the system down by showing criminals that they're not going to face any real charges or any real discipline like John Strand. John Strand faced John being put in prison for three years because he refused a plea agreement compared to the guy who went and apparently murdered his lover with fentanyl. He's been out for three years, even though police have been investigating this. Since the Democrats took office in Harris County, Texas, what's happened to crime, I wonder? Against the redistricting because of crime, once again. Since you've been in office, crime has gone up 91 percent. Commissioner Garcia and judge it all go. This Monday, a child by the age of eight was brutally murdered. I don't know how many more children need to be killed before you guys change. SB 21 that you voted for. Most of the people that are being affected are minorities. So you claim that this is social justice, but the people that are dying and being murdered are Latinos and African Americans. So please tell me, how many more people have to die before you guys change these laws that you voted for? It's not the bail bondsman. It's your bond. The SB 21 is murdering those children. Thank you, Madam. Your time is up. You need to change this. How many more kids have to die? Brutally murdered. And there's a police officer to remind her. Your betters have announced your time is up. The Proverbs, chapter 6, verses 16 through 19, woman who is Kamie Harris does possess feet that are quick to Russian evil, does, does endorse wicked schemes like bringing the cities down with crime. It's clear from her behaviors. A lying tongue. Don Lemon decided to pretend that there's a vast movement for Kamie Harris. You remember Don Lemon he had the CNN program and then was fired from CNN? And then brought over to X, where he was given a platform by Elon Musk. He was going to have a deal like Tucker Carlson has. Elon Musk decided to go on his first show because Don Lemon invited him on his first show. And on that program, Don Lemon made the decision to rhetorically attack Elon Musk. Weird decision to go attack the boss on his own platform on your very first day. Maybe wait until the show done well. Don Lemon here talking about the movement that is Kamie Harris. This is a movement. White women have answered the call to support Kamie Harris. This is the largest zoom call in history. It crashed. 130,000 strong. This is a movement. There's a point of Kamie Harris. Everybody left. This is a movement. They're supporting Kamie Harris at 130,000 strong in a zoom call. Do you remember was it's Monday that we shared the video of the guy who noticed something in the last? Can I be Harris? Huge zoom call. Do you remember this? They went through the video. Who went through the video and saw that, hey, you know what? That face is the same as this face. And this face is the same as that face. He was showing that they were actually duplicating attendees. Do you know how easy it would be to rush the zoom system? If you wanted to do this using bots, you could simply hire bots to side into this. But we're to believe 130,000 people showed up. And if they did, so what? In a nation of 330 million people, you got 130,000 people to show up around the country. President Trump gets that in rallies in two days where people go in person. A lying tongue. Don Lemon also reminded us at a time that Kamie Harris, well, she, well, let him say it. All she had to do was say, I am black, but I'm not African American. That's it. In the story. And the story. But she couldn't say that because the game was on. The game to pretend to be someone that she's not. We go back to Proverbs, chapter six, verses 16 through 19. Hotty eyes. Arrogance and pride. Are you seeing it? I can't yet say it's pride, but arrogance. I think it takes arrogance to say, well, I've done being Indian. I'm going to be now African American, a lying tongue. We got that. Hands it, shed innocent blood, check in the cities. The 91% crime increase in Harris County. Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, all there under wicked schemes. Wicked schemes that require rushing into evil. But require the false witness of, oh, we're trying our very, very best to solve crime. When, in fact, they're not trying their very best to do that at all. Cammy Harris is a lie inside and out. She is the Proverbs, chapter six, verses 16 through 19 woman. And she's not unique. How many of us, if we were truly go through this together? How many of us check how many of these boxes? Hotty eyes. I had it. What do you guys still do? There was a time where in tech, when you have people surrounding you and journalists who want to write about what you're doing, it is easy to become prideful and arrogant. I was there, a lying tongue. I can't say that I've ever been given to lies. What about you? Sometimes the lies are silence. Sometimes it's things you don't say because you could hurt or things you don't say to yourself. When we had weighed light heart on the other day, one of the things she talked about, one of the hard things to doing hard things is to provide yourself on a self-assessment. Don't think more of yourself than you think. Don't think more of yourself than you ought rather. Hands it straight into some blood. I can't say that I've done that. I can't say that I haven't. Well, I mean, I haven't actively gone out and killed anybody. Have I caused it? I hope not. I don't think this program has done that. A heart that devises wicked schemes. Yeah, I did that. Microsoft was wicked. There were wicked schemes I used to out other managers, to not out them sexually, but to out them out of a team, get them moved off of a team to get a product back that someone stole from us. The RNC, the same thing, used a technique to get a guy to commit career suicide. That took a long while. He was in my way. He wasn't a nice man, and he was in my way, and he was trying to destroy my division. So I used a little mind game. And yeah, it worked. It was awful. It was horrible. The moments we were in that meeting, and this guy did what I told him to do, I knew his career was over. I knew it. I knew it by design. That's a wicked scheme for which I should apologize. In fact, I should call him and tell him I did that. Feet that are quick to rush in the evil. The moment it came up that I could go to DC and live out that dream of working at the high level politics, I rushed into evil right into it. I didn't go there as a ministry. I didn't go there as a mission, not a godly mission. I went there as a mission to try to save the country, but who was I to think I could have anything to do with saving America? Only gods get to save America, a false witness who pours out lies. I don't think I've done that. I don't think I've been bearing false witness against the people, a person who stirs up conflict in the community. That was my career. My job was to stir up conflict in the community. That's how I saw it. That's how I saw talk radio until recently, until the last three years, as we've been trying to put God at the center of it. Are you willing to go through your own Proverbs 6 versus 16 through 19 process of being honest with yourself? Sometimes Proverbs are very useful this way, with some Proverbs I pray very regularly. I check myself, am I walking in my integrity? I ask God to check myself. So as we're checking Kami Harris, let's check ourselves as well. Let's also be honest with ourselves in terms of the nature of our health and where you stand in that. True to question, real question. Do you sleep through the night and if not, how long are you going to let that go on? What have you tried? If you're up to the Benadural thing for sleeping or taking those allergen meds to sleep, can I tell you something? You're destroying yourself. You don't do that. God forbid you're using alcohol. What are you using? If you're using things like melatonin, do you ever wonder why you end up taking more? When I took melatonin, I'd take 5 grams and then 15 and then I really needed some sleep and I'd take 20 and then it would seem like, hey, I'll take 20 twice a night. Do you ever have that experience with melatonin? Why are you having that experience? Because it's actually robbing you of restorative sleep. You're passing out. You're not really sleeping. Magnesium breakthrough, on the other hand, helps you really sleep because it starts with the process of relaxation. It starts by regulating the stress hormone cortisol, which in addition to causing you to feel anxious, causes your body to store fat. When you do what I do with magnesium breakthrough, which is to take it a couple of hours before bed, you're going to notice something. You're going to notice that you feel warm and relaxed and as it builds up in your body over time, it's going to become easier and easier to fall asleep and then stay asleep. By the way, falling asleep is so much better than trying to sleep. You can get a free bottle of this. Absolutely free. You go to, that's 2D-D-free., so you get a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. It's not available on Amazon, it's not on By Optimizer's website, it's only I don't know that there's a bigger lie to be told by Cammy Harris than the idea of equity. This is Cammy Harris, the child of privilege of two parents, both with advanced degrees, who went to Howard and then went to Berkeley, who herself had advanced degrees, having come from these parents who could pay for this, talking about changing the place people start. This is Cammy Harris talking about equity. We're saying everybody should end up in the same place and since we didn't start in the same place, some folks might need more. Can we start that from the beginning, please, and again, notice the affectation. This isn't how Cammy Harris talks until Cammy Harris is trying to talk this way. It has to be about a goal of saying everybody should end up in the same place and since we didn't start in the same place, some folks might need more. A little distribution, giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts out at the same place. So there's a big difference between equality and equity. Equality suggests often everybody should get the same thing. Well, that often assumes everybody started out in the same place, as opposed to equity, which is everyone should end up in the same place. And if you then understand, not everybody started out in the same place, you understand some people need more. So we all end up in the same place, right? We are proud of the fact that equity is one of our guiding principles, proud of the fact that we understand equality is important, but not everybody starts out on the same base. We see that people in our country are having an experience that is not equal. So when we talk about the work we are doing here together, it is recognizing that and being guided by this principle of what we must do in the spirit and in the interest of equity to put equity firmly at the center of our economic policy. But no, if you look at the reality of who will benefit from certain policies, when you take into account that they're not starting at the same place and they're not starting on equal footing, it will directly benefit black children, black families, black homeowners. A lying tongue. Somewhere around the age of 50, 55, Kamie Harris, who had been a proud Indian American, became a proud African American, being Jamaican, raised in Canada, not California. She skipped ahead in line. That's not someone who believes in equity. That's someone who is a proverbs, chapter 6, verses 16 through 19, skipping ahead, standing over the top of women who've been black their whole lives. We'll wrap this up when Kamie Harris and then also I have a favor to ask you, is particularly about the line, a person who stirs up conflict in the community. I'm going to ask some of you to stop listening, to stop viewing, did it in a second. That gives me indigestion to say that. Our program is based upon the number of people who watch and listen, and I'm very, very thankful for all of you. But I am going to ask that some of you stop, I'll explain that in just a second. You might have in your gut a feeling that you, well, aren't as energetic as you used to be, that you're sluggish and slow, maybe you're brain-frogged, brain-frogged, brain-fogged. No, that's a figurehead moment, maybe I'm getting that. If you are also someone who is extra heavy, that is with fat or you are obese, that sluggishness, that slowness may be related to the fact that your body is not getting its blood purified. That's what your liver does in coordination with your kidneys are two filtering organs. Fatty liver disorder is a result of usually being too heavy, and 100 billion Americans are so suffer from this. The fat that surrounds your liver makes it hard for your liver to do its job of filtering properly. And when you have a lot of toxins in your blood, heavy metals and the like, it slows you down. It can also lead to liver disease. Fortunately, there's a liver health formula. It has 11 clinically proven botanicals that help protect your liver and can in fact help you lose the belly fat to bring back your energy. And the people who make liver health formula provide a 365 day money back guarantee, but they don't want you to be on their product forever. They want me to stress that. This product is about getting you to a point where you can drop that belly fat, which will do away with fatty liver disorder and save you from God forbid ending up with liver disease. Here's what you can do right now. Go buy a 30 day supply of liver health formula and get a free bottle of blood sugar formula to keep your heart healthy. Just visit get You'll also receive a free bonus gift with your order. That's a 30 day supply of liver health formula plus a free bottle of blood sugar formula, 3 plus a free gift bonus or bonus gift. Go to get that's get liver, H-E-L-P, get liver, Here's a question I have for you. When you watch this show under listen to it, does it stir up conflict in your heart? If it does, don't watch, don't listen. Read the Bible instead. Spend time with God's word. If it's consistently causing you to feel conflict or hatred, please don't. As some friends of mine who really struggle with media consumption, and they're really good friends, guys in my discipleship group, really struggle with media consumption. And from time to time, our pastor will talk with us about this. Consuming too much media can drive you away from the things of God, it can become an idol. Now if when you're watching or listening to the program, you find yourself applying God's word to the news and being strengthened in God's word, His promises to us or giving you spiritual insight, if God is doing that through this program, may I ask you this? Are you doing that in your community? When your friends who are conservative want to go on rants about Cammy Harris and want to go on rants about the figurehead, I get it. I rant for a living. When was the last time you spoke into that saying God forgive Cammy? God forgive Joe. Let's not be the people who stir up conflict in our community or allow it to be stirred up. Let's be the people who in the midst of conversations about politics, instead bring God into it. I was the other day at a meeting, I'm really meeting just to get together friends, all of whom are conservative. And the state of the country came up, of course it did. And what's going to happen in the next six months? Are we going to see street riots and increase Black Lives Matter Incorporated moments? Are we going to see an attempt to destroy even more of our institutions? Are we going to watch this as the left becomes more and more desperate? And I said, probably just as God said, and I asked your brother during that conversation, how's your walk with Jesus? I'm not trying to be clever, I'm not trying to act smarter than I am. I didn't want to talk about politics that day. I wanted to bond with my friends. I wanted to bond through Jesus. If the show is touching you that way, and God's allowing that to happen, we please take that gift to other people and be the person who rather than adding into the political discussion, is happy to bring God's word into that? Can we make that commitment to one another? Lord, thank you for your word, always useful in rebuke and teaching and instructions, and it never returns void. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to speak God into your daily life. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]