The Todd Herman Show

Maybe The Most DISGUSTING thing Kammi Harris Ever Said and How To Answer It Ep-1749

As we continue to learn about Kammi we can see how duplicitous of a woman she is. This is the same woman who was probably plotting the 25th Amendment approach to get rid of Biden while lying in interviews about his competency. She has berated a person from the Department of Homeland Security and said that they are equal to the KKK. We will go through that entire conversation of Kamie pretending that ICE is the KKK and pretending that it's not just her perception. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Matthew 11:28-30 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Proverbs 6:16-19 16 There are six things the Lord hates,    seven that are detestable to him:17         haughty eyes,        a lying tongue,        hands that shed innocent blood,18         a heart that devises wicked schemes,        feet that are quick to rush into evil,19         a false witness who pours out lies        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community
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30 Jul 2024
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There's been a piece of scripture that's been on my mind that it's been a long-term discussion with a very close friend of mine. And this has caused me to just really, I guess, wrestle with it in a way. And I want to share that with you in something God said to me about it. And it was so like God to say it in this way. I'll share that with you in hopes that it might help you if you ever wrestle with a piece of scripture. One reminder, we're making a change to the format to this program beginning next week. This program, the Live Show, the One Hour Show will continue to be the radio show in podcast form, just as you're used to. So that we can be more current and dive deeper into specific topics. We're going to split the second hour of the show up into focus on certain stories. Allow me to pop into the studio and boom, go straight into that. So we'll begin doing that next week. You don't need to change a thing. If you get this on audio, no issues, you'll continue to get it the same way. If you watch this on video, no changes, it's going to be cool. We'll make through it. Just give you your heads up on that. Now we'll get started with the help of Actually, let's use for a free, free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. And let's honor God in all of us. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Did I always say that? No, it's because we've recorded a bunch of five-minute folk eye this morning. Is that how you say it? Five-minute focus is a folk eye. I've been struggling with a verse because sometimes being a Christian isn't easy. Talking to someone last night about fully submitting to God, sometimes it's not easy. Even when we know it's what we need to do and if I'm struggling with this pack, let me tell you how sick I am and this 30-pound pack on my back, 12 hours a day. Just getting ready for a seal fit. The scripture is Matthew and it's Matthew 11 verses 28 through 30. Come to me, this is the Lord Jesus speaking, "Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." So there's a lot of ways to parse through that. The Lord Jesus saying, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." Well, if we were to apply that to the life he lived, I don't know. I don't know how many of us would consider it a light burden to lose family members and friends because we spoke truth and yet many of us have. I was talking with someone last night whose lost friends because of speaking truth. Sometimes that can seem so hurtful. It might make you want to isolate and to not be around friends anymore. My burden is light. The Lord Jesus carried on the cross, the burden of the cups of wrath stored up for us in response to us turning our backs on God. He took that entire cup of wrath or cups, if you like. That doesn't seem to be a light burden. But what is he really saying there? Is he saying that his burden was light for him or is he saying the burden he puts on us is light? Come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. It seems to me he's speaking to us about our burdens. Take my yoke upon you. That yoke, what does that mean? It means like an oxen would wear a yoke to keep one ox next to the other. Yoke yourself to the Lord Jesus. Walk with him. As you walk with him, you're yoke to him the way becomes easier. He is the light on our path, right? I am gentle and humble in heart. That's true. We saw that throughout the career of Jesus on earth as he took on human form and denied in some ways his deity being one. Being one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity, one God, three personalities, and three different tasks. And you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. My friend Kevin and I have been discussing this. Sometimes it doesn't feel like the burden of a Christian is easy and that the yoke is light. Sometimes there's things that our flesh wants, such as to isolate, such as to reach out and smack a guy up in the noggin. Forgetting sideways with a kid or a woman. Sometimes that's what our flesh wants. Sometimes it's to walk away from it all. You know, the job is too much and yet there's the family that depends on you. And we're called to care for our families. Sometimes it doesn't seem like a light burden. A friend of mine whose brother is an alcoholic and he is constantly, constantly, rhetorically attacking family members. And he continues, my friend, to try to bring his brother around, to love him. He can't have him near the family, won't have him near his kids, and it breaks his heart because he gets calls from his brother. In tears, I'm isolated, I'm alone, I'm lonely, why can't I come over? Well, because he's called to care for his family and to protect them. And he's called to try to help him. He's a Christian man. The burden doesn't feel light. The yoke doesn't feel easy. Is there anything like that in your life where your heart desires something and your flesh wants it? But the word of God says no. Is there anything like that? Maybe cheating on business. Maybe walking away from it all. Maybe lying. Sometimes it seems the easier path. I was thinking about this the other day in relation to my friend and his brother and thinking about that circumstance. And yeah, it doesn't seem fair. It doesn't seem fair. And then listening to Christian radio, God said something to me. Eternal. Think of it eternally. And the math changes, doesn't it? See, if we serve the Lord Jesus on earth and we agree to be changed by him, he's our Lord and Savior and we treat him that way. We agree to be changed by him. We're looking at a world where the Lord told us you will have troubles. Don't be surprised when you have troubles in this world. After all, the world hated him before it takes us. It hated us. With that dynamic in mind, eternity can be a very heavy load. If you spend eternity apart from God, you'll have forever to feel the weight of that decision. The weight of no joy, no happiness, no charity, no self-control, no temperance, no good forms of tolerance, none of it. It's gone. It's replaced with anger and vice and sin upon sin upon sin for eternity, multiplying in awfulness. That's a heavy burden. That is not a light yoke. The alternative to this is in eternity with the Lord Jesus, where all those things are present and there is no gnashing of teeth or weeping. There's work because we're called to work, but it's joyful. At that point, you'll have eternity to be thankful that the yoke is easy and the burden is light. That's the way the Lord had me think about it. The eternal thinking is called kingdom thinking and it changes the dynamic and it should. Tech people are trying to change the dynamic of the election and we'll get into that because it's important to track it. It's also important to track the news that continues to come out of the assassination attempt at President Trump, on President Trump. And we'll get into all these things before we remind you, right after I remind you and rather, that there are things you can do right now for the body God gave you. There are things you may not be doing right now. Something as simple as having a daily form of collagen that you take into your body. We used to cook bones in sinew and cartilage into soups. Used to be things that we ate. We got a lot of collagen into our bodies, not anymore. Most people are very, very short on collagen and it can have some effects on your body, such as joint pain. And more importantly, joint degeneration. When I go into a long, long exercise cycle, I will load way up on native path collagen. It's something I take on a daily basis because it's one and three type of collagen. That's it. That's the only collagen in it. That appears in 90% of your body. It's in your cartilage, your bones, your hair, your nails. When you take native path collagen, you can reduce the time it takes to recover your body's tissue. That is muscle recovery. It accelerates the recovery of muscle. It increases bone mineral density and can help reduce wrinkles and enhance hair thickness. Those are aesthetic things. They don't matter as much to me as the physical. Because native path collagen is from native path, they are who they are. They put their product out for third party testing to make certain that it doesn't contain heavy metals or anything else that can harm you. They have sold over four million jars of collagen to over one million happy customers. They have 8,000 to five star reviews. They even have an 800 number you can call with questions about usage, ingredients, etc. It's tasteless and mixed into just about anything. Right now, when you visit, you can stock up on native path collagen for an incredible discount of up to 45% off. Plus you get free shipping. If you're able to come to the 365 day money back guarantee so you can try it risk free. The website again is for up to 45% off This from the New York Post. Newly surfaced text show Trump rally gunman was on authority's radar for more than 90 minutes before the shooting. Officers alerted other officers to the fact that they were tailgated into the facility. A guy followed them in. They alerted a chat group to the fact that this guy was lurking around the buildings and looking up on the roofs. It was a half an hour and you know this. That they alerted the chat group to hey this guy has a rangefinder and it's pointed at the stage. We've subsequently learned that police officers had that building surrounded at least a couple of minutes before the shooter was allowed to get off shots at President Trump and to kill Corey Compentore and wound another man. They had the building surrounded with officers who had their guns out of their holsters. They were clearing people out of the way. It appears to be about a half an hour before the shooting. Officers were securing the building. Clearing people out of the way. It appears connected to the shooter. The cops surrounding the building is absolutely because of the shooter. At no time did anyone make the decision to pull President Trump off the stage or to dispatch a sniper to the water tower or to contact the counter sniper teams who after all were able to take the man out. The fact that this happens at this level of what some people want to say is incompetence and there was a lot of that. I believe it was the decision to let one through. I believe they did everything they could including having an inexperienced team that weren't even secret service people there being DHS employees. And this should be investigated but not going to happen if we look at what Tech is doing. We've talked about Meta's AI that's a Facebook. This is from Snapchat. Was Donald Trump almost assassinated? That's the question. My AI. I'm not aware of any such event happening to Donald Trump. If you're curious about any recent news or updates, feel free to ask. Was there an assassination attempt? I'm not sure about any recent assassination attempts on Donald Trump. If you're interested in any specific news or details, let me know. Was there an assassination attempt on Donald Trump recently in Butler, Pennsylvania? Hmm. I haven't heard anything about an assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. If you want to know more about it or have any other questions, feel free to ask. And this is not, not, just these guys. It's across the tech platforms. Later this week, we'll talk about what Google's been doing with search. They replaced results for Donald Trump with another human being. Can you guess who? They're continuing the path of rigging elections. And it's in the open. It's supposed to be in the open. There was a house bill called Resolution 253, House Bill 253. This was a simple resolution. Whereas on March 24, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris was named "Borders are" in charge of leading efforts to stem immigration across the United States-Mexico border. And whereas, whereas, whereas, it's just a resolution. It's not even a binding resolution. It was introduced in the house. No one at that point said, "Hey, she's not the borders are." It's more rigging of elections on behalf of a woman who has shown herself to be the Proverbs 6, verses 16 through 19 woman. We talked about this yesterday. I think that Proverb describes her to a T. Here is Kamala Harris, newly in the Senate, been in the Senate for about 18 months, when she attempted to hijack the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. Good morning. I welcome everyone to this confirmation hearing on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman. To serve as Associate Justice. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to be recognized for a question before we proceed. Regular order. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to be recognized to ask a question before we proceed. The committee received just last night, less than 15 hours ago. Mr. Chairman, regular order. The two thousand pages of documents that we have not had an opportunity to review or read or analyze. You are out of order. I'll proceed. We cannot possibly move forward, Mr. Chairman. I extend a very warm welcome. We have not been given an opportunity to have a meaningful hearing on the nominee. There are two daughters. Mr. Chairman, I agree with my colleague Senator Harris. Mr. Chairman, we received 40,000 documents that we haven't been able to review last night, and we believe this hearing should be postponed. I know this is an exciting day for all of you here, and you're rightly proud of this. Mr. Chairman, if we cannot be recognized, I move to adjourned. The American people. Chairman, I move to adjourned directly from Judge Kavanaugh. And, mind you, that clapping the background, that's not at all insurrection-y. It's not interrupting an official proceeding. Mr. Chairman, I move to adjourned. That's not insurrection-y in the least. All is set up, all planned, all lies. One of the reasons that this woman, who is in that role as so-called Vice President, is because she is a woman, and because she decided to suddenly identify as black, she is in the role now, is the big donors at the DNC who have voided 14 million votes. There's going to be no vote for Kamie Harris, no actual convention, no debate. It's because she's a prosecutor, so she can use her prosecutorial skills against President Trump. That's her thinking. That form of prosecution, that theater, it belies the true Kamie Harris. I mean, this is a tough woman. She was selected to be first up, by the way. All that's planned. She was first up because they knew what they wanted to do with Kamie Harris and how they wanted to use the product called Kamie Harris. That's why she was selected to have that role. There's a gentleman named Terry McCater. And his son intended to intern for Dianne Feinstein. But he had the misfortune of being put into Attorney General Kamie Harris's office because Dianne Feinstein couldn't take him in. She was too busy, of course, with her Chinese spy driver. Remember that? Die-fi? Remember Die-fi and all the armed guards she had? Remember all that when she was trying to take away everyone else's guns? This is part of Terry McCater's article from He is one of the senior editors there. Senator Harris vocally throws around F-bombs and other profanity constantly in braiding staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her, and she uses her profanity throughout the day. As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, "Good morning, General." Never once during the month-long internship did Harris introduce herself to our son, as he was only in an office with 20 paid employees, and staff was too intimidated by her to introduce him. The only acknowledgment was a form letter of, quote, "Thanks" signed by Harris given to him on his last day of service. Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris, nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members. He worked for free to gain experience and contacts. And this man goes on to state that that form of workplace is not what would be good for leadership. She's a left-leaning man, a editor. This could cost him a lot to come out and say these things. Where are the tell-alls? They're the same place you'd expect them to be. When the tell-all would be about a woman who uses power dynamics like that to ruin others. If she would raid the home of a filmmaker on behalf of Planned Parenthood, what would she do on her own behalf? She will lie to the nation one day. Joe Biden is mentally fit, crisp, he's the only guy that can save this country. Well, at the same time, apparently according to investigative journalist Seymour Hirsch, operating in the background to threaten blackmail Biden with the 25th amendment, using according to Seymour Hirsch's reporting, Barack Hussein Obama, to deliver that last final blow, that rhetorical blow to the figurehead, saying, "It's the 25th of your out, Joe. You quit, or we use the 25th, and you not even get to be figurehead anymore." With all that going on, this is the duplicitous person being put up and shoved down the throats of Democrats. It's the perfect plan in a way, and that Kamie Harris is the perfect candidate for this, because they need someone cold to continue the color revolution in America, and Kamie Harris is willing to do that. She's a person willing to do anything to anybody, including ruined people financially. The inflationary world that the figureheads people have installed is such a huge drain on retirement accounts, that the consumer price index has dropped things like energy and food from the index. The most important and volatile sectors have been dropped because they don't want Americans tracking this. Let me say this super simply. If you're going to retire in five, ten, or fifteen years, and your portfolio is not being actively managed with an eye towards risk management and not being balanced by owning positions in industries and companies and products that benefit from inflation, then your retirement account is getting hit by inflation. If food is going to cost you 40% more, and energy is going to cost you 40% more, what is your retirement portfolio looking like now? Is it really five years when you retire, or is it more like nine? Here's my suggestion. Take my friend Zach Gaberheim up on a free no obligation offer to have a candid conversation. Just you, your spouse, or you, and Zach. You can go see him in Seattle if you like it as offices, or you can do this via video. All you need to do to start this process is go to his website., that's K-N-O-W., or if you like, you can call him. Just call 866-779-RISC. That's 866-779-RISC, and they'll get it all set up. He will look at every position you hold and come back and tell you if you set up for inflation or not., or 866-779-RISC. Bullwork Capital Management and Investment Advisor Representative to Trek Financial LLC and SCC Registered Investment Advisor, investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Trek24-244, The people at Black Lives Matter Incorporated, which is a domestic terror group, but one who knows how to make money, trained Marxists, always know how to make money for themselves and block and for other people. They are no fans of Kamie Harris, and they're actually calling her out. And wouldn't you know that it's Marjorie Taylor Greene, who somehow joining forces with Black Lives Matter Incorporated. Black Lives Matter Incorporated doesn't want Kamie because she's maybe not openly leftist enough. Maybe she's not vile enough, although she did a heck of a lot to raise money for the Minnesota bail fund. But how interesting that BLM is joined with Marjorie Taylor Greene in not wanting Kamie Harris in office? Since being appointed by Bordersar by President Joe Biden, Kamie Harris has undoubtedly been a complete failure in her job and has destroyed our country by releasing a record-setting levels of criminals, rapists and terrorists into our communities. Despite the attempts of the fake news media to whitewash her appointment as Bordersar as Axios correctly reported, and they're now lying and say they never did, she was in fact labeled Bordersar by nearly every major news outlet across the country. Bordersar Kamie Harris said do not come, yet proudly welcomed 11.5 million illegals from over 160 countries, including over 2 million known Godaways who completely evaded U.S. authorities. She stood by and allowed these people to come in and idly watched our children and women being raped by illegal alien criminals. She's not just allowing them to come. The policies of the administration allow the CBP1 app to import over 400,000 illegals into American communities. Under her watch as Bordersar, this has happened. She can fake it for the photo ops, but we know Kamie Harris wholeheartedly supports the chaos at our border, the chaos in our streets, and the chaos in the families who have been victims of her open border policies. Bordersar Harris outlandishly compared ICE to KKK and radically called for the ICE to be abolished. She also posted the Minnesota Freedom Fund to bail out violent black lives matter terrorist who burned down cities, looted stores, destroyed communities and caused over 2 billion dollars in damage to American communities all over America. Kamie Harris is not only the Bordersar, she is also the czar of chaos, and her policies have destroyed American. I listened the other day when I was doing my radio show on the American Family Radio Network at 180 stations and listening to the news, a radio show God gave me. No question. Absolutely handed to me. Thank you, Lord. And that's fun. The Minnesota bail fund was getting a couple hundred donations here and there. After Kamie Harris did that, they got 83,000 donations and a ton of money. So she may not have directly donated to them, but she caused the donations to come in. This is leading to yet another form of death for the Mockingbird Media, and it's this. Not only are they not believed, now people are able to see they don't care that they're believed. There's a reason the party lies constantly. We'll talk about this later this week. There's really a reason why. I don't think journalists to this point even have a clue as to what's coming. Looking at the numbers and the decrease in usage of the Mockingbird Media, there will come a time where shows like this in aggregate with Tucker Carlson, who just overtook Joe Rogan as the top podcast in the world. Congratulations, Tucker. Nothing ends Joe, but congratulations, Tucker. There will come a time where distributed shows like this, independent shows like this, are going to overtake the Mockingbird Media in whole. There's going to be an attempt to shut that down. You watch what they're going to try to do to shut this down. The Democrats seize office, such as raiding sites. Yep, there are news like news guard, rate sites for trustability, and then they pressure advertisers to not work with people like us. They're not going to give up this fight easily, but journalists are making it very, very easy to see that they don't care that it's evident that they lie constantly. Quote unquote, borders are. Vice President Harris was not a borders are. In time, Vice President and borders are Tomala Harris facing some backlash. What he said about Harris and immigration was not true. She was never appointed borders are. And this will be her first visit to the U.S. Mexico border regions, and she was appointed as the borders are by President Biden. People have to counter the misinformation. You already hear folks talking about the borders are. She wasn't the borders are. President Biden tapped Kamala Harris by President Kamala Harris to be the borders are. Now she wasn't the borders are. That's what Republicans labeled her. They were very critical of Kamala Harris, especially in her role as borders are. Now what she's up against is folks lying about her border record calling her a borders are. Kamala Harris, who was appointed as the borders are. The Biden team didn't declare her the borders are. They wanted her to work on kind of the root causes of immigration. There has been so much criticism against Kamala Harris. You know, she was the borders are calling her sort of the borders are, which wasn't necessarily the case. So the border, if they weren't planning to address it in a major way, do not make her your borders are. She met with some of the Northern Triangle countries, but nothing has effectively changed side by side by side. CNN says she was borders are, but she was never borders are. MSMB says she's the borders are, but she was never the borders are. One of the effects of social media and memeing is that we can finally begin to do something to inoculate young people against the Mockingbird media. And that is to get ahead of these stories to get ahead of how they're going to change things so that when people understand that they will come back and totally erase history. Let's get ahead of some of the things they're going to do. They're going to issue polls that appear to show. Kamala Harris with a stomping face stomping lead against President Trump. They'll do that at specific times to drive down Republican turnout and to make it easier when they pulled a steel based upon all mail ballots and drop boxes and states that still allow it. And let's get ahead of this. Notice something about the Republicans, the shiny shoes. They're always seven years behind social media. Back when we started to talk about the transing of kids, six, seven, eight years ago, not a single Republican office holder came to me and said, wait, what? What's happening? When I broke the news about men being allowed to shower next to rape impacted girls in the YWCA in Pierce into Pierce County down in Tacoma, Washington, not a single Republican officer holder came to me and said, wait, what? Because they were comfortable. It was a minor issue. They didn't need to cover. They could have gotten ahead of it. They could have saved kids and they could have scored a huge political victory by showing what the left was up to, but they were willing to trade minor tax cuts to let this stuff roll through likewise with act blue. All these donations to Cameo Harris should be examined at the state level by every single state AG. Act blue, as we'll talk about later this week, is a money laundering scheme in part, or maybe in whole, not in whole. There are people who donate through that. There are legitimate donations that go through it, but that makes it easier and easier to hide the illegitimate such as houses that make donations. How does a house make a donation? I'm talking about a vacant house, has been vacant for four years, but continues to donate to leftist causes through act blue. They are behind in social media that has already spotted these things. Right-leaning journalists have spotted it. Where are Republicans? Let's get ahead of that and show that that is something that they should respond to, the crowdsourcing of opposition research, or in this case of election integrity issues, that shiny shoot Republicans are just that. They're shiny shoot, and they don't face any real risk. Yet, from us. Electurally, sure, but from us. That is the so-called base. The more you care about our party, the less it cares about you. There's a woman in Colorado who's issued a warning, and it will lead us into discussion on what I think is maybe the most disgusting thing Cameo Harris has ever said, and we'll go back through my case. That Cameo Harris is the Proverbs 6, verses 16 through 19 woman, just to try to make sure that we're right on this, because when you're using God's word, always, always, you want to be right. Correct? God designed our bodies to live in perfection with him, and when sin entered the world, so did death, so did the decaying of our bodies over time, the breakdown of our bodies in pain. You can read about this in Genesis. We, when he moved us out of the garden, sent us packing because of the decision mankind made to choose our ways over God's, he was kind enough to stop us and say, "Wait, wait, wait. You're going to get cold out there and let me give you these animal skins to wear." We'd never felt cold, never felt discomfort in that way. But God, he made sure to wrap us up, and he provided to us the common blessings of food and water, and, and he told us to be wise on how we steward our resources like our body, our bodies being the temple. I went through a period of time. I wasn't on wise. I was assaulting my body. I salted it all the way up to 400 pounds nearly, a lot of that fat, a bunch of up muscle, but doing things I shouldn't have been doing, not the way I was doing them. It was fun, but it wasn't that great for me. I am sure I had fatty liver disorder. I'll tell you why I know that because lunchtime I was so sluggish. The moment I eat, I ate, I'd need to sleep. It needs at least take a 15 minute nap. Food and sleep went side by side for me. Are you in that same position? Waking up in the morning, sometimes required not a cup of coffee like I have now, but things like a banana to get out of bed. Do you know how unhealthy that was? It's because my blood sugar was all whack. Fatty liver affects about 100 million Americans, and one of the biggest indications that you suffer from it is your body weight. I had way too much body fat. Maybe you do as well. And some of the symptoms of that are that sluggish feeling, feeling slow, having brain fog, getting really poor quality of sleep. All this can lead to heart, health issues, and ultimately to liver disease. There is a way to stop this to protect your liver. It's called liver health formula. It contains 11 clinically proven botanicals that help recharge and protect your liver, and it's power packed to recharge all four pillars of liver health. You can get this now with a couple of free gifts and a 365 day money back guarantee, but before you do this, my friends at liver health formula want to know this. This is not something they want you to be on for the rest of your life. This is a stopgap measure while you work on lowering that body fat. That body fat goes away. Fatty liver disorder goes away. While you're working on it, go right now and buy a 30 day supply of liver health formula. If you're going to get a free bottle of blood sugar formula to keep your heart healthy, visit You also get a free bonus gift with your order. That's a 30 day supply of liver health formula plus a free bottle of blood sugar formula 3 plus a free bonus gift. Go to that's and treat the body like the temple that God designed it to be. Cammy Harris is a lot of disgusting things. We're working up to one of the things I think is most disgusting. This comes from a woman in Colorado. She's giving a warning. It's the same warning I've heard from people in Seattle and Los Angeles and many of the separate countries about robberies going on there from a specific source. In Colorado, this is a public service announcement. I've been seeing this on the news for like three days and like little news clips that he sent to my email. Apparently, them Venezuelan people is posing as delivery people, then they running their people house. So far, I've seen somebody in Lakewood come in to somebody in Denver area commented that they running in their house. Then they're talking about they're trying to snatch kids and shit. Y'all know school from the start back. Please start walking your kids to school. I don't know what type of shit y'all are. I don't give a **** if you black, white, Mexican, Puerto Rican. If I see them ****ing with one of y'all kids, I'ma get up right then and y'all better be prepared to do the same because I don't know what the **** they got going on. Not only is y'all acting crazy in our country, but y'all bring this **** out in front of them. Y'all better be prepared because I'm my mama. I'm a ****ing one of that **** up. I ain't even going to **** with ****. Stay about nothing. Talk **** y'all along. So be prepared and stay on your ****ing, man. Stay dang. That's all I can tell you because I ain't. I do like the approach, I guess, but there are Venezuela gangs. There are gangs from south of the border who've been brought in here because they know the DAs and attorneys general like Kamie Harris made a political mathematical calculation. Let them stay to shift the Electoral College count their way. Let them stay to destabilize the cities. Let them stay to aid with the color revolution, to bring great feelings of discomfort to people. Let them stay to help perpetrate the lie. We'll talk tomorrow about why they're constantly live. There's a technique behind it. Not all of them know it, but there's a technique behind it. So we're witnessing the results of this. The Mockingbird media won't tell these stories. Where was it at the Republican National Committee? It was mentioned. It should be featured in the caring and fairness lens. It's a story that should be told through the victims of gangs like this, and it's easy enough to find them. Before we get to the most disgusting thing that I think Kamie Harris has said, and she said a ton of disgusting things. These might not even be the most disgusting. I just want to go through the response. I want to remind everybody of what she said about the Afghanistan withdrawal. She sat in front of television cameras, six foot distance. That's stupidity. Asked about her role as the last person in the room with Figurehead Biden. Pause. Was this at a time where Figurehead Biden was mentally there or not? President Biden always said that he wants you to be the last person in the room, particularly for big decisions, just as he was for President Obama. He just made a really big decision. Afghanistan. Ready the last person in the room? Yes. And you feel comfortable. I do. Comfortable with the following. Let's go through the steps. Announce in advance to your enemy the date of your withdrawal. Announce to your enemy the place of your withdrawal. Go from two points that you could use to extract yourself from the country. That is two airports, one commercial, one military, down to one. Announce that you're going to allow refugees to line up at the same time as you are getting Americans out and Afghan citizens who had helped the Americans announce this all in advance. When your intelligence services says to your military on site, there's a suicide bomber ahead of your way. Here's the description of the vehicle and the human beings in the vehicle, the terrorists in the vehicle. Let DC lawyers say to the troops, "You will not engage. You will not neutralize." Then let the bombs go off and watch Americans get murdered. Then don't put a priority on extracting Americans, including American school children who are in that country. Don't make that your priority. Make it your priority to get any and all Afghans out without regard to who they are or what their loyalties are. Bring them into this country and as quickly as possible, hide them in the fabric of America. Those who are grateful to be here and want to pursue life, liberty and happiness under our constitution and maybe God willing come over to the only true God, the Christian God, and the people who mean us ill, like ill on Omar. Resheet it to leave. They clearly mean us ill and they've set up no-go zones in our country. She's comfortable. That's a pretty disgusting thing to say. It's on the topic of ice. Marjorie Taylor Greene mentioned this earlier. You've probably seen this, but it's how do we respond to this that interests me? This is Kamie Harris, bullying an ice agent as she's acting in her role as a prosecutor, and she lays down a perjury trap. As you watch, see if you find the perjury trap. The KKK. Well, the Klan was what we would call today a domestic terrorist group. Why? Why would we call them domestic terrorist group? Because they tried to use fear and force to change political environment. And what was the motivation for the use of fear and force? It's based on race and ethnicity. Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ICE is being used to enforce the laws? And do you see any parallels? I do not see any parallels between-- I'm talking about perception. I'm talking about perception. I do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as it relates to enforcing the law. Are you aware that there's a perception-- Are you aware that there's a perception that puts ICE in the same category as the KKK? Is that what you're asking me? No, I'm very specific about what I'm asking you. Are you aware of a perception that the way that the discretion-- I see none. I'm not finished. I'm not finished. I'm not finished. Are you aware that there's a perception that ICE is administering its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidation? Particularly among immigrants and specifically among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America. Are you aware of that perception? I do not see a parallel between the power and the authority that ICE has to do its job and the agents and officers who do it professionally and excellently with lots of compassion. Sir, how can you be the head of an agency and be unaware? And it is harmful in terms of leading those who are innocent people arriving at our border fleeing harm. It is harmful to them. Kamey laid out the following perjury trap, which this man avoided. She told him about a perception among who no one knows she doesn't feel the need to name that person or those groups. She told him there is a perception that ICE is like the KKK. Then she asked him, are you aware of the perception that ICE is being compared to the KKK? Now, he avoided the perjury trap by not answering the question saying he doesn't see a parallel, but Kamey was trying. If he'd said, "I'm not aware of any perception like that," boom, she's got him. She just committed perjury. She just told him there was a perception like that. That's how it can be done. So what's the proper answer to that? The proper answer to me goes like this. Madam Senator, may I answer in full, please? Pause. Madam Senator, until you mentioned this perception, I was unaware that there were people who are confused enough to consider a law enforcement agency with each officer known, name recorded, subject to FOIA requests, and constitution mandates as well as internal discipline procedures to be comparable to cowards who wore white masks over their faces, hid their identities, and went about with no constitutional limits, threatening and killing black people, hanging them from trees or burning down their houses. And tell you made me aware of that perception. I never thought someone could be confused enough to think that. I find it in a front to the black people who were, in fact, threatened, or family members killed by the KKK to make such a comparison. And I'm glad to know, Madam Senator, you don't perceive us that way. Do you? Did she respond? I'm not -- you're not going to ask the questions. But you get at least to say something like that and put her back into the record as what she is, which is a duplicitous lying woman. I want to go back through why I say she's a proverbs, Chapter 6, Verses 16-19 woman, and see if we can close that case because I think these interactions today, where she interrupted the Senate to be the lead-off person to try to assassinate the character of Brett Kavanaugh, where she was speaking over Senator Grassley, and the last one with the ICE Director. I think that proves one of the points we were talking about yesterday in regard to that song. So we'll do that in a second. We'll clear the air. Oh, yeah, you know what's coming. 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These devices in your business can help people feel more comfortable because the air feels fresh, like after a thunderstorm. That's why it's called the Oxi Leaf 2 thunderstorm. I'll save you $200 on whole business coverage right now. Just go to and enter code Todd3. That's T-O-D-D-3. You get three of these devices, whole business coverage., enter code Todd3, save $200., enter code Todd3. Proverbs 6 verses 16 through 19. There are six things the Lord hates seven that are detestable to him. Hotty eyes. That's another way of saying prideful and arrogant. To lead off that attack against Justice Kavanaugh by trying to override Chuck Grassley, that to me is arrogance and pride, a lying tongue. I was never borders are. Hands that shed innocent blood. The Minnesota bail fund. Open borders policy. Abortion. A heart that devises wicked schemes. The same time that Kamie Harris was telling us that it was a lie in disinformation that Joe Biden had any cognitive issues at all. We know that she knew. Democrats are now admitting they knew. Pete Buttigieg effectively admitted that they knew. And according Seymour Hirsch, Kamie was working behind the scenes to blackmail Biden to step down using the 25th amendment. Blackmail is always wrong. And go back to the proverb. "Feed that a quick to Russian to evil." Well, I don't know that there's anything more evil than being enthusiastic about funding both sides of a war and putting American risks at life. Or lives at risk, or the chemical and surgical transitioning mutilation rather of kids. A false witness who pours out lies. President Trump was a Russian plant. Joe Biden is mentally alert, far more than President Trump, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. The very cities that suffered under Kamie Harris as Attorney General got conflict. Between neighbor versus neighbor, cop versus criminal, and illegal gangs, versus people who live there. Those verses 16 through 19 in Proverbs describe Kamie Harris to a T. And I continue to worry about my role in stirring up conflict in communities. We're trying not to do that in the show. It is not our goal. Our goal is to inform and to put God's word at the center. And God, thank you for your word, which is always good for rebuke, teaching, and instruction. Thank you for the proverb that can allow us to measure the character of Kamie Harris. Thank you for opening so many eyes. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [MUSIC] If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. 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