The Todd Herman Show

The Hardest Thing About Doing Hard Things … and How To Conquer Them. Wade Lightheart Joins Us Ep-1748

I brought my friend Wade Lightheart on. Wade is one of the founders of Bioptimizers, one of the bosses there. And I asked him to address what is the hardest thing about doing hard things? And he gave me an answer I thought was interesting in regard to the mental capability to do hard things. One of them is to admit to yourself that you are going to fail. It doesn't mean that you fail at everything. You go through a series of failures until you get to successes. Wade and I also talked about world events. And this was surprising to me. A lot of corporate people won't do this. Wade's very successful at Bioptimizers. But he and I talked about the state of the world after this assassination attempt on President Trump. And, I asked Wade, how do we conquer the fear of doing hard things?

What does God’s Word say? 
Psalm 23 NIV A psalm of David.
1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.2     He makes me lie down in green pastures,he leads me beside quiet waters,3     he refreshes my soul.He guides me along the right paths    for his name’s sake.4 Even though I walk    through the darkest valley,[a]I will fear no evil,    for you are with me;your rod and your staff,    they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me    in the presence of my enemies.You anoint my head with oil;    my cup overflows.6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me    all the days of my life,and I will dwell in the house of the Lord    forever.

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Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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No jail time. No prison time. Because of January 6th, he refused it. Because he says the government was going to make him lie about other people, so instead he did two years in prison. I wonder what the hardest thing about doing hard things was for him. We'll talk about this with Wade, with the help of and, of course, God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times in which God has decided we should live. When you build up to do a hard thing, sometimes I think, and we'll get Wade on and talk about this. I think the hardest thing about doing hard things is the part I'm in now. That, for me, this journey, seal-fit is, well, it's something that most people aren't going to do, but it can really compare to things you are going to have to do, particularly if you're young. Right? Those of us that are old, we sort of invent our hard things. I mean, there are hard things in life. There's the death of a loved one, there's moving, there's changing jobs. Increasingly, they're staying wedded to the Word of God in a society that hates the Word of God. It can be hard to do that because sometimes it leads to losing jobs, and that's a real challenge. It's horrible. God promises us, He promises us that He will return sevenfold what we lose if we do it serving Him. I've certainly found that to be true with this podcast and the multiple radio shows we have in our national radio shows. I've certainly can witness to that. The hard thing I think about doing a hard thing is getting past the thinking point, the planning point. There's something that I've learned about my mind, and that is that my mind will confuse talking about doing a thing with doing the thing. Consequently, there are goals I have in my mind I never share with anybody. I don't even write them down. Trust me, they're not going away, they're up here. The hard thing as well is sometimes recognizing that you are not going to shine all the time. It goes right back to your turtle, or no, not your turtle, it goes back to all the places we'll go. This is Dr. Seuss, right? You're not always going to be on top. My coach did something to me about four weeks ago, she's never done. And what was going on, I didn't even understand what she was doing. She presented to me a workout challenge and showed me the movements. This is going to be these movements, it's what we call a shipper, so it has a whole bunch of movements in it, in five movements. It was burpee box jumps, it was skier, it was wall balls, deadlifts, all in this one workout. And then coach said to me, my expectation is that you will get easily through eight rounds of this. Oh, okay, well that seems an aggressive goal, but sweet, let's do it. So I began doing the workout. And in the middle of the workout, it's about halfway through it. And I'm pretty good at pacing myself in CrossFit, I looked up at the clock. And I realized, oh my gosh, if I do not murder this thing, I won't even get six rounds. So I had to turn everything up in an effort to get six rounds. And coach had expected me to get eight. Now when the workout ended, I rarely ever flop after workout that is laid down. I rarely do that, I didn't this time, but I sat down, which is also rare for me. I never want someone to see me tired. In a competition sense, I never want them to perceive that that bothered me. So I had to sit down. And I finally stood up and I said to coach, let me ask you a question. Was there even a chance that I could do eight rounds? And she said, well, it's in the realm of possibility one day. I said, okay, she goes, Todd, you're going to go into an environment and seal fit where you're going to fail. You are not going to do well on some of the evolutions. You're going to flop. That's going to happen. They're going to make sure it happens. What I liked about what you just did is, I know you figured that out. She said, I saw you look at the clock, I know you did the math, but you sped up. You didn't slow down. Even knowing there was not a chance, you were going to get to eight rounds. That will serve you well. Sometimes I think the hardest thing about doing hard things is recognizing that you are not always going to succeed. There are going to be pieces of something at which you'll fail, and being okay with that goes back to resilience. I'll ask Wade about this in just a second. Resilience is both mental and physical, and I can help you with the physical stuff as well. If you're someone like me who is involved in athletics at an older age or really at any age, eventually you're going to get injured. In fact, you're going to get injured. And may God make it a small injury, whether you work out or not, our bodies degenerate. So you might be being told by the U.S. health authorities and aren't they great people. Well, there are great doctors and nurses, but the public health people know. You might be being told that in order to get rid of your neuropathy, you're going to need surgery or pills. We can mask the symptoms. Maybe you're like me and you've been through a surgery, and maybe the recovery is not going well, or maybe you're facing surgery. Maybe you've got some consistent neurological disorders. My friends at Renew.Healthcare in Mexico, and incidentally, they have become friends. Many dinners together, conversations about our lives and families and faith and our views of politics and a lot of that, a lot of faith talk. They will tell you whether they're ethically gathered stem cells. This comes from placentas and umbilical cords, period, whether they can help regenerate tissue in your body to a degree that it can fix what's wrong. Because this can quickly regenerate cartilage, muscle, tendon. And it also fights. It destroys inflammation. This is why so many professional golfers go there because they get repetitive stress injuries. Because golf is that way. It's the same movement time and time again, practiced to utter perfection. There's athletes from other professional sports who are there all the time. They're just not allowed to say so, because their leagues want them to use the league doctors. Do this. If you're in pain, you're being told the only thing is surgery or pills. Go to Renew.Healthcare and simply tell them what's going on. They will absolutely inform you if they can help or not. It's Renew.Healthcare elevates your quality of life by elevating your health care. Wade Lighthart, welcome back to the Todd Herman Show. Good to see you, my friend. Todd, I'm so excited to be here. We had so much fun last time. And to be back again, I really appreciate you having me on. I couldn't agree more, man. Thank you. Before we get to the hard things, and I wanted to ask you the question, what's the hardest thing about doing hard things? I would be like negligent if I didn't ask you, there's a lot going on in this news. You're a very smart man. I've never talked current events with you. Like, what are you seeing? Well, we're seeing the culmination of, I believe, what was illustrated by the guys that wrote the fourth turning. And if you've read that book, we're in a phase of chaos, which is usually represented by either civil war or external war, or potentially even both. And there's economic cycles. There's, you know, civilization cycles, and it seems that we're flat on it. Probably going to be in this for another 10 years as the technological in the technological advancement has really outstripped our biological capacity to handle it. So, for example, we just witnessed the most public event in world history with the attempted assassination of the former President Donald Trump in the current candidate. Now, I'm a Canadian. I don't get to vote either way. Okay, so I want to be clear about that. And it's not a political statement. But the moment can't be lost in the fact that once again, the authorities that we are entrusting to give us accurate information are stonewalling us and we saw this in the pandemic. We saw this link. We also saw this with the hearings in the university stuff. We saw it in the capital six. And what's happened is we have a fractionation of opinions distributed through these little things. That gained traction that reaffirmed whatever biases. I don't know what happened. I don't know what's behind all this. And people are grabbing for certainty. Because you need a certain amount of certainty in direction. You know, it's why people get a coach when they're trying to figure out their fitness. Hey, there's a lot of ways to get fit, but you need some sort of direction while you have a professor at a university that you learn or a teacher of profession or a spiritual teaching or a leader or a functional religion these structures. Well, now there's so much confusion around this that people are spinning around in these cycles of what do I do? What about this? You know, is it a conspiracy? Is this the rise of Hitler? Is it, you know, like, is it the end of the world is a world war three? And what happens, two things. Either you get really hyper motivated and indoctrinate it with some kind of defenses. We've got to save the nation and we've got to kill everybody or fight everybody. Or you go into a defense mode where it's like, I'm not listening to it. I'm checked out. I want to play the safe game. I don't want to deal with this. I want to just look her down in my room and play some video games or something and take some substances that just detach me from society. And we're seeing that we've got to find a better resolution to the new challenges of society. So there is a call to action for a lot of people, but that action can't be based in fear. And it can't be entrenched in violence, because if it is the cost of the solution is much higher than we need to pay. But it doesn't look like anybody's learning the lessons. So it's likely the worst case scenario. And we have as men who are in charge of our families and that's our immediate community and then the community that we're in. We have to start gathering ourselves with other men to find essentially new, you know, independent communities that are able to provide support and safety for each other in a non combative way, hopefully. Agreed. And that's our task. That's our calling. We can't solve these national things, but we can solve the local. We solve the local problems. I think we have an opportunity to solve the bigger problems. I couldn't agree more. So many people will complain about it. And I complain sometimes for a living and not take care of home base. One thing I would ask you as an executive and then we'll get into the hard things discussion. You and Matt have built a very, very successful company and you have scientists and medical people who work with you and for you in a formulation lab. So I just want to run through this scenario and I'm taking the assassination attempt to President Trump. So here's some things we've discovered. They chose not to record the radio traffic. Okay. They chose not to secure the rooftop. All right. They chose to use untrained agents. Okay. They chose not to take the highest viewpoint, which would be the water tower. They chose not. They chose to surrender that. They chose to let this guy walk around for an hour. They chose to let him be in the rooftop for half an hour. He was there 20 minutes unknown danger with a gun. They chose that President Trump come out. So all these choices they made. And I want to put you in an executive sense. So let's say that you come to work one day and you sit down with your team. All right. We're doing the free magnesium breakthrough thing. It's make We're doing this with Todd Herman on the show. Do we have enough quantity because we're going to get a lot of orders for this? And your team says, yeah, we didn't check. Wait, so wait, no one checked? Yeah, we didn't. Can we look into the warehouse? You know what? We didn't swing by the warehouse. Okay. Did we tell Todd this is a possibility? Yeah, no. And you are getting these series of excuses. Wait, who'd you put on this? Who's running this? Oh, the new guy, Doug? Wait, Doug's a great kid, but he's from the shipping department. You put Doug in part of this? Yeah, we tried about as a project manager. And you're sitting there. How quickly do people find themselves with that employment or something in Wade Whitehart's world of buy optimizers? Well, first off, the first step is that the buck stops with me because it's our company, Matt and I's company. And I wouldn't even speak for Matt. I would say this is my fault. Number one, I am responsible for the delivery of our mission statement and Matt would do the exact same thing. Nice. Okay. It's our fault. So I come out and I make a public statement. I have failed in the execution of what I've promised to do. Therefore, I obviously need to be replaced. And during that replacement process, because I'm taking responsibility, I am going to find out all of the execution components that I thought were in place or omitted, or was ignorant or whatever the issue was. And I'm going to work through this to hand off the new opportunity to whoever's going to take my role in the future. To say, this is what we did wrong. These are the oversights. These are the elements and we need to make this so it doesn't happen again. If I don't do that, then I'm not a leader. I'm a false representation. And there is a lot of people in business today who take over big companies with a big paycheck and all this sort of stuff. And they're catering to the donor class. They're catering to the biggest investors. They're involved in some politically move maneuvering. They're pandering to, you know, silly government regulations and stuff like this, because they're playing this political game. And what happens is they lose track of in all of the numbers. In all of the numbers in the company, what is, what is each number essentially represent. It represents a relationship with the customer. And the customer is buying a promise. You're promising. Number one, they have a problem, a thing they want to solve, whatever that challenge is, and you're saying, Hey, look, I'm going to communicate to you first. There's a communication, I'm going to, I'm in charge of this. We're going to help you with your problem. Two, we're going to explain, we're going to provide the solution to that problem. Number two, we're going to show you how to use or take, or take advantage of that solution. Number three, we're going to make sure that that solution happens in a timely fashion so that your expectations are met within a reasonable timeframe. So if I'm a personal trainer, I'm going to say, Hey, we can get your, you want to lose 40 pounds. Well, we can lose that in a year. Safely, we're going to make some, and here's the benchmarks. We're going to take a benchmark at 12 weeks. We're going to take a Bells market 24 and we're going to see based on your compliance and we're going to work those compliance things out. If it's a product, it's like, Hey, you want the best magnesium in the market? You're going to take magnesium breakthrough. Why is it the best? Here's the reasons why. Here's our promise. We're going to shift it to you with this medium. Do you like Amazon? Do you like online? Do you like Facebook? Do you like with an affiliate such as yourself? Great. We're going to get that. We're going to give you a discount, represent for that person because that person is out there promoting and putting their name on the line and their stuff because I have a responsibility to my partner. And then when that product gets to them, do they know how to take it and it gets in a timely fashion. And number four of that. If any part of that goes wrong, I'm responsible to that. And so therefore I give my customer their money back. And in this case, they have to say, I have to give the title back that I was entrusted with because I failed to deliver. And I owe it to this. I owe it to the position that I'm in. And the position of service that I have been given and entrusted and have the opportunity for. I failed in it. So therefore, I need to give that back to you because I failed in it. And that's why we have a hundred percent money back guarantee. So my business is no different than that institution. It's just a way bigger institution when you're talking about the United States of America and hundreds of years and presidency and the protection. And so this is monumentally bigger, but I think it's that size in that volume and that distortion that's made them lose track of the one person that matters, which is the American citizen. And the American citizen has entrusted these people and these institutions to operate in an integrous format to deliver the services, the guidance, and to properly spend the money that they extricate from them. And there's all indications independent of which political side that you have that we have a tyrannical bureaucratic state that has impaired the delivery of value to the American citizen, the American taxpayer. Wait, my heart for president. Dude, I wish you were Canadian. Well, nothing wrong with being Canadian. I love Canada. But that's so, so well said. And see, that would be a very hard thing to do to resign your position as the boss. A very hard thing to do. So I want to transfer into discussion about what is the hard thing about doing hard things in a second. I want to share this with you. And you have never been to our studio. You've never been to my home. I want to get you up here. I had to. I say this all the time. But we have a device in our studio that sits over here. It's silent. It's not interrupting the conversation between Wade and myself. It's called the Eden Pure Eden Pure from It's the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device. It's producing ozone in this room. So, regardless of how many times it works out today without showering, regardless of how much coffee air I'm breathing into here. At home, regardless of how many cats my daughters talked us into having, and I do love our cats, no matter how wet I get my dog when I let her go to the lake with me, we never smell it. Now, we keep our home clean. We do that, of course, so do you. But you can't always do away with the odors. This '03 in the air literally bonds with the bad smelling molecules. Boom, destroys them. It even works with viruses. Here's a $200 savings. Right now, three of these devices, whole home coverage. Put it in your dorm, your RV. You get friends, kids, and military barracks. Give it to them. Go to Enter Code Todd 3. Boom, you save $200 that fast, and you breathe a breath of fresh air wherever you go. This, by the way, will actually take out odors out of your car. And I can prove that time and again, it's Use Code Todd 3. Wade, you heard me talk about this thing that my coach did to me. And she's not a, she's not a scott person. She's not a head gamer. But she did this on purpose to give me a task that mathematically, and we've worked together for four years, she knows my capabilities. She knows my work capacity. She knew there's no chance you're getting to eight rounds. When she did that to me, she was looking for something. Is Todd going to crack? Is he going to realize, my gosh, I'm going to fail? So why even put in the effort? And what she said she was pleased by was, no, you sped up. You poured more into it knowing you weren't going to get eight rounds. That's what I was looking for. Because in SealFit, you're going to fail, Todd. You are going to fail. So I think one of the things, hard things to do hard things, Wade, is to recognize that you're going to fail. You've done a ton of hard things, being a world champ bodybuilder, building this company, being willing to step down as the boss. What do you think is the real hard thing about doing hard things? I think it's to be 100% honest with yourself. Okay. So you're scaring me because I'm getting afraid in SealFit, and I'm starting to be honest with myself. Yeah. I think, you know, the first, I think that there was another command vintage and thou shalt not kid thyself. I love that. Right? Yeah. And what does that mean? You see, everybody has a voice in their head, and that voice may be overcalibrating to the negative, or overcalibrating to the positive. And in different areas, and very seldom is it directly an accurate representation of reality. And only when you get outside of your comfort zone, which is a requirement of excellence, because an excellence, you are letting go of what your past self is, or what's comfortable for you now to embrace what could be your potential. But you don't know what your potential is. You don't know what your top end is. You don't know what your super self could possibly be. So in pursuit of that, whether you're driven by a negative voice or a positive voice, the accuracy isn't there. So you need some sort of external benchmark to determine where you really are at. So whether that is delivering a product on time to a customer or client, whether that is achieving a new level of fitness, going in a fitness contest or running a marathon or doing seal fit or any of the difficult things or having and maintaining a good relationship with your wife. You think that everything's okay and I'm doing a great job. And then, you know, you go to a therapist and she starts bringing up a bunch of things that you had no idea about. You thought you were nailing it. And so the distortion between your perception of what you're doing and her experience is different. So this confrontation with external reality versus your internal representation of it is the process of excellence. And the first time or two that you hit this or even the first multiple times, it's, it's impactful in the fact that it can be, it can kind of take away from your confidence a little bit. It's like, well, wait a minute, the world isn't exactly the way that I'm representing it in my self talk or my, my representation. I'm not as good as I think I am. I'm not as cool as I think I'm I'm not as fit as I think I am. I'm not as successful or wealthy or confident or well like are all of those stories that we're trying to bolster or hide from in in dealing with it. And it's very, you know, what is the biggest fear in public in people's lives, speaking in public. Now we all have a voice in our head, that's ourselves talking. But in public, if speaking in a public room with a bunch of people where they could actually not be concordant with what you're saying in your head. People scared of that because people don't want to expose themselves to that situation because they might feel that it's too crushing. It's too crushing. And some people will go into a situation like that. They'll do their first competition. They'll get in their first marriage and go through a divorce. Or they'll they'll fail at a competition or they'll start a business and fail if they're going to a university and get ripped up in their first thing. They go into that aspirational aspect. And at some point, they get a conflict with that self representation. Now opportunity and danger are written in the Kaishu script in Chinese and Japanese as writing. So the dangerous aspect is to face oneself. And you're less than representation of what you could be. Is dangerous for the psyche and this employee, okay, life is not what I think it is. The opportunity is is, okay, well, here's where I'm at. Maybe if I continue further, I can be a better version of myself because the only person you're really competing against yourself is the person you were yesterday. And if you continually can find little tiny games within that, you'll be successful. The other thing is, is most people never go all into anything. Right. Because they're scared that if they don't, they go all in and it's not enough that somehow they're not good enough. They're not successful enough. They're not cool enough. They're not attractive enough. They're not rich enough, whatever. So therefore, they rationalize out. Why they shouldn't do it or why they that that's dumb or that stupid or why would I do that or anyone else that does that they'll direct the condemnative narrative around that or their selfish or they're not cool or they think they're all that or they generate this whole projection around that. But really it's a self protection mechanism because guess what? It's better to stay safe and secure in delusion than to be out there and exposed in reality. That's beautiful. That is just beautiful. I want to make sure that we grab that and push that through all the socials. That's a beautiful, beautiful statement. And this, like this measuring stick, my current thing will be seal fit. And my expectation of myself is to thrive. Right. Because if I go down there and say I'm going to survive, well, that's like aiming for OK. And I want to thrive. My measuring stick for this are these series of things. I've been doing a 12 hour workout, a 16 hour workout, a 24 hour workout. But here's the deal weight is that when I do this, I program it on my own. Well, those are things I'm innately going to put limits on myself. When I invite my friends in and have them kindly show up at three o'clock in the morning and I am toast and their brand new fresh out of bed with coffee and pancakes. And they show up and say, here's what we're going to do. This is the next hour and a half of your life. All of a sudden that dynamic changes and I'm confronted now with having to pace with another person. We're going to run a 5k. You're going to pace me. You're going to stick with me. You're going to wear a kit. I'm not going to wear a kit. My run is going to be easier. It's going to be harder. And that sort of mind game, you could call it, is very, very functional because they know it's being done out of love and very helpful. But that measuring stick, I don't think happens consistently enough in people's lives. Like you talked about husband and wife. I did a show once on marriage KPIs, key performance indicators. The fruit of the spirit on one axis, the biblical definition of love on the other axis. Do I feel around people, the fruit of the spirit, patience, kindness, joy, temperance, self-control, kindness, charity? And then on the bottom, do I have then the characteristics of biblical love? Am I seeking to serve, not be served? Am I not boastful, proud or angry? And if you take a confluence of those things and map that on a chart and talk with one another, how are we on these KPIs? Now you're getting some sort of measure between one another. You had a third party to that like a therapist. Then you have someone else saying, I don't know that you're exactly rated that way. I love what you said. I have a product question I want to ask you because we're doing, you were kind enough to give us the ability to give away magnesium breakthrough at, it's a You guys set that up for us. Thank you for that. And what we've been told this isn't available on Amazon or even your own website, it's Todd 3 is a co-op, Todd free, 2DD free. And this is a product that's added to my life. I take it before bed and I feel relaxed and warm. What's remarkable to be about it is I'm always surprised, though, Wade. Every time I take it, it's routine. I've been with you guys for two years. Every time I take a couple of pills before bed, I go, I feel warm and relaxed and I sleep through the night. I've come to expect this and it adds, it reduces anxiety. This is 7 forms of magnesium. You know all this. This is available now for you guys. Just absolute free, I want you to try that product. But I also want to ask you, may I ask you a question about another product real quick way that I want to get back in the discussion about hard things? Because I've not been able to ask you about this. Can I ask you about mushroom breakthrough real quick? Just something that happened to me with this? Yeah, mushroom breakthrough is a game changer because we've found a way to put essentially 1.2 pounds of mushrooms using 100 to 1 and 50 to 1 extract. So it's like eating 1.2 pounds of mushrooms in every serving. Yeah. And so you make this and it's a combination of rice in lines made and all the great mushrooms and all this sort of stuff. So what is the benefit of putting that much mushroom? So we've all heard about the wonderful, magnificent mushroom effects that you can have. And largely in part, it increases brain drive, neutrophic factor, which allows you to make better connections between your neural links, like your axiom dendrite connections. Powerful. So what happened is we started doing every year, Matt, myself, and some of our executives, we do a brain training, we do an extreme neural feedback. And we push ourselves to the absolute maximum. In fact, we were the person who designed the program said, you guys produce incredible results. But the way we were able to do that, because when you're taxing your brain so hard. You get brain fatigue, and everybody knows us when you're tackling or you just kind of checked out. Yeah. Well, mushrooms are what's interesting about mycelium. Two things. Mycelium we shared ancestry, like 300 million years ago or whatever, the digestive system of mushrooms is the same as ours, only they went external and we went internal. The mycelium and how they work under all of nature and connect the trees and the grass and the animals and the plants and all this. It's a really network works the same as the neural networks in our brain. So when we take these mushrooms, it actually improves our capacity to create these neural connections in our brain. And this creates a level of resilience and learning capability that exceeds your capacity if you aren't using it. So what we did is we were taking these all independently. We found a way to put the extracts. We made it into a really cool drink that you can make with three great flavors. And I personally like the chocolate. Oh, I'm glad to hear you say that chocolate. It's my favorite. Yep. No, this is a salted caramel, but the salt of the the the the chocolates actually like a dessert. It is. Yeah. And when you drink this in the morning and number one, it'll alleviate some of the negative impacts if you're a caffeine guy. I like caffeine. So number two, it gives you cognitive resilience in an increased capacity to learn and to remember things. And you start doing this for a couple of weeks, and people start to really notice the sense of their capacity and willingness to learn. And let's face it, in the times that we're facing right now, there's two things that we have to do as as men and leaders of our community. Number one, we need to reduce our stress response. I'm not saying reduce stress. I'm saying we need to be the calm, cool, collected person who are dealing with the chaos that's ensuing over the next period of time. It's going to be an absolute banana train to the to the election. And who knows what happens after that. Yep. I don't think it's going to let off either whoever wins this thing. So we have to be in a calm school center. That's why that's why I always like the Clint Eastwoods and stuff when we're growing. He's coming into chaos or Arnold Schwarzenegger, these cracking jokes as he's blowing up the bad guys, or Bruce Willis, you know, like all of these guys are like the stalwart man hyper masculine male that's like, yeah, we got this. Right. You know, Jocko Willink is a great example of that, right? Right. You know, yeah, check. There's missiles coming in. Right. Acknowledged. Acknowledged. My question. So that means you need to master your nervous system. That's magnesium. And then number two is how do you, how do you adapt to a dynamic situation of chaos being able to have the resilience cognitively that you can learn, unlearn and re-learn in a very quick pace because we are going through this grand fourth turning where the institutions, the universities, the government systems, the banking systems, the financial systems, the legal systems are all being transformed. And I think 10 years from now, we're going to be in the best place ever. But to go through this, we need to be on top of our game. So taking care of your health, your brain and your spirit. And then having a divine relationship with the divine that's personal will lead you through the desert. That the Israelites went through. They left tyranny in Egypt and spent 40 years fighting amongst themselves until they came up with a set of principles like, no, here's how we run, and then they got to the promise. So it's symbolic. So it's in the biblical pictures. We're going into the desert. Right. And right now, we're probably going through it like the, you know, with the, with the frogs and the bloody river and all. Right. And the false prophets. And right. It's our turn to go through this. And this is something that we, from a Christian perspective, we need to understand something that the Bible, the Holy Bible told us, and this is paraphrasing, things are going to get whack. It's not exactly how the Lord Jesus said it. But look, we can read good, good to be called evil. Evil is going to be good. Men are going to, you know, depart solid teachings and go after the false teachers who give them what their itching ears want to know. That goes back to that self-awareness thing. And also having this measure for me going back to the Bible is this biblical or these good things or not. And I agree with you on these protocols. When I have done the 24 hour, 16 hour, 12 hour workouts, you know what's the first to give up? It's not my body. It's my mind. Correct. And I found myself in the first 12 hour workout at about hour nine, I realized my neurological system is wicked. I fell asleep swimming. And I think God, I was in a four foot deep pool, so I didn't drown. So what I want to close off with this with you, you've been so kind with your time. I want you, if you would be so kind, is to help me visualize a moment that's coming for me and help me, given the success you've had as a competitive athlete. I want you to help me visualize something in just a second and we'll close off with you because I want everybody to hear you prep us for the moment. The moment could be asking this person to marry you. The moment could be quitting a job. The moment could be asking for a job. The moment could be having a very tough conversation with your kid. There are going to be these moments. So this, as a preface, I want to ask you to do that. We get to have conversations like this with men like this because of a long term partnership that we have. First of all, by optimizing praise God, so thankful for it. And also with my friend, Zach Abraham. You talk about hard things. Zach is one of the few fund managers who knows what it is to be bankrupt. Now, it was 25 years ago. It was during the housing crisis. A housing crisis, Zach saw coming and he said to his bosses, you know what, guys, it's not too big to fail. But he and his wife ended up with firms getting shut down because they failed. They wouldn't take Zach's advice. So he had to go through that process. That hard thing gave him the focus for bulwark capital management, which is risk management by way of active management of every single portfolio, which can reduce risk and volatility. And his obsession with this, talking with you one on one, looking at your retirement portfolio, five, 10, 15 years out and telling you thumbs up or thumbs down. And then here's what he'd change. And trust me, many, many times he'll talk to people and say, you got a great fiduciary. You got someone handling your stuff. Don't change anything. Or you know what you're doing this really well on your own. But if it's not the case and you're not on plan for retirement, he will tell you the hard truth. Go to and just ask for a no obligation review. You will meet with him personally, either in person or via video. It's, bulwark capital management and investment advisor representative of the Trek Financial LLC and SCC registered investment advisor. Past performance is not indicative of future results and investments involve risk. You could lose money. Trek 24-2444, go to So, Wade, light heart, my optimizers and a friend of the show. Let me set this stage and this should apply to everybody. It could be you walking in to talk to the boss about a race. It could be you sitting the family down to say we're moving. It could be going to a loved one and saying, "Hey, I did read the medical reports. You are dying." I mean, these things happen. It could be a conversation with someone you've known and, "Hey, you know what? Have you ever thought about being more than friends?" And it could be all these things. Here's my situation I want to have your help with. I will be in, I think it's called, Tohono, California. There's no doubt I'm not going to be asleep before this event. I'm not going to kid myself. You said, "Don't live in delusion. I'm going to be nervous the whole stinkin' night." I'm going to get up at 4 a.m. I'm going to take my mushroom breakthrough. I'm going to have my caffeine. I'm going to have my supplements. I'm going to get onto a campus with most guys 22 to 24 hours of age in the Navy, intending to be Navy SEALs. At 6 a.m. they're going to put us into a courtyard and this session is going to begin. You know what freaks me out the most? Walking into the parking lot. Literally parking the rental car or taking an Uber because I'm not allowed to drive away. I'll be an Uber. Walking into the parking lot and you know what really freaks me out way is all these young guys looking and going, "Oh, look at the old dude." Look at the guy who thinks he's going to get this done. And then it's that moment where Mark Divine, the head coach, starts us out. And I know that the first 8 hours are about getting the people who are easy drops to drop. I know it. I get it. And yet still in my gut, I'm trying to transfer it into excitement weight. I'm trying to do that thing, that neuro-linguistic programming to make it excitement. Help me with this. You have had to walk on stages and pose against the world's greatest natural, all-natural bodybuilders. Just talk me through that moment. Prep me for this. Well, I think the first step to go into an any event that you haven't done before is, number one, to do the preparation beforehand so you're well prepared. In other words, you've done the training. You've probably got some sort of expert to kind of bring you up to speed. So don't think that you should go. I think the dumbest thing that you could do is to go in blind and say, "Yeah, let's just wing this and go for it." Because what happens is when you get exposed, you can't lean back on all of those experiential trains. The days, the hours, and the gym, the sessions with your coach, the preparation that you've done, whether that's training or lifting. So every time I went into a competition, standing on stage in front of the most critical of it, you know, proud you could possibly have with bright lights that are designed to show every single fly by the body. It's a crazy story. And there's no money in it either. It's not like if you're an okay baseball player, you're a millionaire. You're a great bodybuilder. You're still broke. But subjecting that I can go back to my very first time where I hadn't had that experience. And I remember that feeling coming up, that anxiety as you'd be walking into the parking lot. You know, it's just like standing backstage and seeing these other bodybuilders. And I'm going out on stage delights for my first posing in the crowd and my friends are going to be there. And I remember that feeling come up. And the key is don't fight it. Allow it to come up. Allow it to rise up with any. Don't suppress it. Don't try to fight it. Don't say think don't even think that it shouldn't be there. This is a heightened sense of awareness. This is your preparation and the opportunity to step forth. And if we go back in time, we have 10,000 generations within our DNA that had to step into uncertainty to death, to starvation, to mayhem, to travels to unknown parts of the world without compasses GPS's Internet to get on a boat. We are the product of all that so you can leverage the thousands of generations before you that is in your DNA and said, I honor the ancestors of the past. And I honor the ancestors to come in the future and I will step forth the past this genetic lineage on into the future and to honor that from the past and walk into the fear. Walk into it and surrender into it because that is what the Lord's prayer says. Yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I fear no evil because thy rod and thy staff comfort me. It is the suffering that comforts me because if I'm in pain, if I am suffering, if I am nervous, I'm still here. I'm still here. Embrace it. Walk through it. Don't think that you shouldn't feel that. Everybody feels it. But eventually what separates the people who thrive in those environments is they recognize that those feelings and those senses are normal. And I can recall a particular interview, I think where Jocko Willink captured this. And he talked about they'd be going on a mission and they'd have the new guy with them. And just to give you an explanation. On a maybe seal mission, there's a vote. A thousand personal checks that you have to do. Everything from taping your bootlaces, making sure you're as a professional that all those guys are counting because one screw up and people are dead. This is the highest level of consequence to a tiny thing being at a place. Then there's about a thousand things that are mission specific that they have to check and they're going into where they could lose their lives. In that moment or the lives of their friends. And what he said was you see the new guy and he's nervous and everything and the guys and the guys like you know they're trying to suppress the nervousness around the guys and he says to him. And he says like hey, it's normal to feel nervous. Eventually, you just get used to it and know that it's part of the deal. Love it. Love it. And eventually, what I've come to learn in my own experience by exposing myself to those situations over and over and over and over again. I don't even call it fear. I call it a heightened sense of awareness in my adrenaline in that anxiety is me. That's my body preparing to be at its absolute best to rise up to the challenge. And I failed many times. But I never failed in a way that I carried out. I did my best in that moment and I gave my best and sometimes it's not enough. But that's okay because I found my limit today. Love it. And from that, I can build from it. That's beautiful. That's so beautiful. Thank you for that. I will contain that. I will welcome the fear. I will feel my body being hyper aware, hyper aware and in the moment. And I love that. I love that you use the Psalms to remind us about, you know, they do. I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I'm unlikely to die at Seal Fit. It might happen, but I'm unlikely. That's bad business usually to kill customers, something like that. Yeah. Brother, thank you so much for sharing your hearts, your view on current events. Not a lot of bosses will do that. Thank you for showing accountability and continuing to speak into lives, particularly young men. We are called to do that as men of a certain age. And once again, I extend the invitation for you to get up here. We would love, love, love to have you in Idaho. Thank you for the Make Breakthrough dot com slash Todd free site for building that for us and for this podcast family. And I just want to wish you to go with God's good grace. Thank you so much Wade. Thanks so much. Yeah. This is the Todd Herman show, please go be well, be strong, be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music)