The Todd Herman Show

The Olympic Committee is Silencing Critics; And, Is The Kamala Harris PsyOp Working On People Ep-1746

Is the Kammi Harris psyop working on people? No, it's a legitimate question. Is this psyop working, because nothing has changed. Really nothing has changed. I mean, we've changed figureheads. What the Democrats did is they did in public what they used to do behind closed doors. They’re saying, “Your votes don't matter to us. We're going to prove that to you. We're going to install Kammi Harris.” And of course, she's getting help from every single corner. You're considered the most liberal United States senator. And we need to talk about the Olympic committee silencing critics in the aftermath of the demonic opening ceremonies.

What does God’s Word say? 
Galatians 6:7-8
7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 
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Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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This season, Instacart has your back to school, as in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit, and they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first call your parents to say, "I'm sorry." And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long, get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last, minimum $10 per order, additional terms apply. Well, I guess we'll run the risk of getting a copyright violation notice from the International Olympic Committee because we're going to talk about what they decided to do there. Yeah, I've seen the apology and I saw the excuse, oh, it wasn't the last supper, it was something about Dionysus. Well, except French TV said it was the last supper. One of the participants said it was the last supper. Of course they're running to hide. This is what demons do when they're found in the light. So why did they do this? What was it? We'll talk about that. Plus, I'm noticing a lot of people giving in to the Cammy Harris Syop. Everything has changed. Nope. No, it has nothing has changed. Not a single thing has changed. And Pete Townsend will remind this, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Yeah, let's have some fun with the music. It's been a while since we've done that. Oh gosh, I just realized we're going to have to take that all out of apple items. Ha! I keep forgetting. We're not allowed to do these things. I keep forgetting about rules and laws and such. Oh gosh, now I'm really going to be unpopular in this room if we don't do that. We'll get started to help a bulwark capital management know your and through the great, great grace of God Almighty. Thank you, Lord Jesus. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the emerald city exile, Todd Herman. The day is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. When people show you who they are, just believe them. It's cliched, but it's true. My daughter was asking me what I thought of the Olympic opening ceremony. And I didn't watch it, of course. I don't think very many people in this podcast family did. Like you, I saw the clips, became alerted to what they did, and was momentarily, just for a moment shocked, but not really shocked that they did it, but shocked by the degree to which they thought they could get away with it. They really do not understand what they're doing, and it's incumbent upon us to remember something in this. We'll get to the images and we'll get to what they did, but it's incumbent on us to remember that the Lord Jesus said, "From the cross, forgive them, Father, they know not what they do." He said that having been scourged and whipped and beaten and awake for those three days and about to die a horrible death, forgive them, Father, they know not what they do. So we have to forgive these people because they don't know what they're doing. One of the things I'd like them to consider is that God will give you exactly what you seek, and it appears that you're seeking an eternity apart from Him. Anyway, if you're watching the video show, this thing I'm struggling with, this is my seal foot pack. This is one of the weeks I'm going to wear this thing all stinking day. If you're on audio, I'm wearing a backpack filled with 30 pounds of stuff. It doesn't seem like a lot until you have to wear it for five days straight, so I'm just getting my body used to it, so I'm struggling with it a little bit. So we have to pray for these people. We have to pray for their forgiveness. We're called to do that, and God's going to give them what they seek unless they repent. They want to be their own gods. They want life apart from the one true God. He will give them that for an eternity. They will earn that. So this playing is demons and playing around with demons. That's not play stuff. Here's an image of the blue guy and some of the other things that went on in Paris, and sorry for the top right image. That is, in fact, a man very, very purposely showing his testicles around children very, very purposely. Of course, there were children involved in this. They're always have to be children involved. That's what they do. So the International Olympic Committee seeing that this all got out are using copyright tactics to come after people like me for playing videos like this from the Olympic opening ceremony. That so hunger games, so much of it is so hunger games, and look at the, is that testicle man touching the girl, oh my gosh. That was testicle man who reached over and touched that little girl. And that's art. That's some high art. The budget for that production was a hundred and fifty million dollars. The number of people working on it, as I understand it, was fifteen thousand. And this is an image side by side or the top and bottom of what they did there and Michelangelo's the Last Supper. So you look at it, you can see why people are drawing the connection and the connection was purposeful. French TV said it was the Last Supper. One of the participants said it was the Last Supper. So it is legitimate news. The Olympic opening ceremony is news. It's designed to be news. And now they're going out. As I said, after people like me to force us to take this stuff down because of copyright violations, Evan Kilgore was one of the first people to notice this. He wrote, "Breaking the Olympics and NBC are using the DMCA copyright violations to remove videos of the demonic opening ceremony. They're censoring the world from sharing the degeneracy. Make this go viral. The world's waking up to the war on Christianity. God will not be mocked. Indeed, God will not be mocked." The image of Marie Antoinette, her head cut off and her head singing all will be well. Also very satanic. The golden bowls, golden calves, of course, goes right back to the time of Moses where we were to worship idols like that and you can see them if you're on the video screen. This is one of those days where it's a good idea to be one of the subscribers to our video service. You can try this for seven days for free if it doesn't work for you and you don't use it. I don't want you to pay us. Go to for as little as 26 cents a day. You get full video out of this, well, basically TV studio that God built us. One person was very impressed with this. Jill Biden, she's a doctor of something but not medicine or anything real. She said it was a wonderful ceremony. She praised it. Why? Well, because she has to, because our side won't. Our side can't forgive them father. They know not what they do. We're not done talking about this this week. There's a lot more to talk about. For us, one of the things is that this brings people to faith. See, they don't know what they're doing and a response to this, we see this all the time at our church is people see things like this and say, my gosh, it seems demonic and they come walking into church saying, I don't even know why I'm here. We've had this happen countless times. I don't even know why we're here. We've never been to church, but it just seems the world's so dark. It's so demonic. And yeah, it does seem like that. And in church, you meet these very fascinating people. I met a young guy, I won't say his name, but he is a high school, pardon me, a college wrestler. He's gone from a two year school. He has now a four year school. He's going to on scholarship for wrestling and he blew up a shoulder. Same way I blew up my shoulder, but much worse. And he came to me and asked about my stem cell journey. He just texted me this weekend and said, hey, what's your thoughts on this? So I wrote back to him and said, I absolutely, completely affirm that these guys are great, then I stand by them. And what's the company? We had this brief talk. I'm only telling you this to say that this guy is, like I said, he's even 20, maybe 25, maybe 26 years old, maybe. And he's got this not even that probably 22, 23. He's got this terrible shoulder thing. He is going to look into going to in Mexico because his recovery is not going as well as he needs it to do in order to go wrestle. I wish he'd gone earlier. Now, sometimes you can look at this and say, hey, it's expensive. It is. You know what else is expensive being in pain the rest of your life and paying for pharma the rest of your life because that sort of expense isn't just money. Pharma attacks your body. So if you are in a circumstance where you are not recovering from surgery, you're being told you need to have surgery, you're experiencing neuropathy all the time, neurological degeneration, they can tell you if they will help you, if they can help you. Because stem cells are ethically gathered, they only come from placentas and umbilical cords period and renew health care pays for the entire childbirth process for these mothers whether or not they accept their, accept their stem cells because they only take the best stem cells. Go to and simply tell them, you remember the podcast family that's We'll get back to the Olympic stuff. I'm sure that can be a Harris loved it. So there are a bunch of people who seem to be falling for the scyop that suddenly everything has changed and yet nothing has changed. From the very beginning, nothing of this has changed. If you go look at this post from Harry Lipman on Twitter, something is going on out there. 62% of the people who together donated 100 million to the Democratic campaign in the day or two after Harris emerges, the first, our first time contributors, tens and thousands of new volunteers. So let's pause on that. This is probably going through ActBlue. In other words, it's a swindle. ActBlue is a Democrat fundraising platform that you can say it's a tech platform, but you know what else it is? It's a money laundering platform. And there are examples after example, after example of organizations are people being confronted by journalists saying, hey, did you give $62,000 to the Hillary Clinton campaign or to the Cambie Harris campaign or to the Joe Biden campaign and people living in ramshackle houses saying, no, I've never had $62,000 or like this. This example is a vacant lots. So there's these homes where no one's lived for four years and yet there's been thousands of donations coming from that exact home. So there's this temptation to say everything has changed, but nothing has changed. One of the greatest songs in rock history can explain this to us. This is an acoustic version of Pete's towns and doing won't get fooled again and we'll reference this throughout the show in the won't get fooled against scenario. He famously told us meet the new boss, same as the old boss. [MUSIC] This is a recent Roger Taltter's The Singer. Nothing against Pete. [MUSIC] So let's not be fooled in any of this. Nothing has changed. Seymour Hirsch is a longtime investigative reporter. He really specializes in the deep state and intelligence services and I don't know that he described it as a deep state. He seems to be kind of a leftist, but he also seems to report news just as news happens. He has a report out that it was Barack Hussein Obama who called Joe Biden. Joe, here's the deal. We have Kamala's approval to invoke the 25th Amendment. And after the figurehead asked, is that an ice cream brand? And Obama reminded him, no, the 25th Amendment would remove you from office. Being to Seymour Hirsch, Nancy Pelosi was in on this, Hakeem Jeffries was in on this, Chuck E. Schumer was in on this, and Cami Harris herself was in on this. And we were told that Biden stepped down because he's a statesman, because he loves this country. He was compared to George Washington, CNN, MSNBC, both made that comparison. And Seymour Hirsch is the guy who's got a long track record of being right. And again, reporting news from either side of the spectrum. This isn't helpful to the left. Of course, it's not breaking. It's not being pushed through other media outlets. The Mockingbird media isn't having Seymour Hirsch on to discuss this, which might indicate, of course, that it's true. So it's anything really changed. Now, Cami Harris is duplicitous. She's power hungry. She's craving for power. She's always wanted it. She saw it since she was a little girl or a teen woman, at least. So while people are responding to the side up saying, oh my gosh, now we need to respond to Cami. If we need to change the campaign, understand, yeah, you need to campaign against Cami in a different way. But nothing really has changed, which should indicate to us the presence of the deep state. Joy Reed. Joy Reed likes to talk about DEI is good and bad. Joy Reed once said, pressuring the figurehead when he was the candidate figurehead. Are you going to appoint a black woman as VP? Are you going to choose a black woman as VP? Now that Cami Harris is correctly being called out as a DEI hire, well, all of a sudden, they don't want to talk about that anymore. In fact, if you point that out, now you're racists. So we can listen to Joy Reed and be reminded that nothing has really changed. And I mean, as an electoral matter, this is an important thing to do, right? Because there is an attempt on the Republican side to portray Donald Trump because he has felonies as being attractive to black male boys. And this is a different way. That's so insulting. Yeah, I mean, do you think so little of us that that's your go-to to take your white convicted felon and think that we identify with him because he's a convicted felon? Don't forget the tennis shoes. Don't forget the shoes. Don't forget the shoes. You're rolling. You know my mind, baby boy. I was about to go to those gold and maintenance shoes and the idea that you could say you're going to protect our access to menthol cigarettes. Amen. Lord have mercy. I feel like I can go to church now on Sunday. Eric Erickson added, Kamala Harris is the daughter of an Indian and Jamaican immigrants who married a Jewish man. Her experience is the American dream and melting pot, but not really the black experience, particularly that in southern swing states like Georgia and North Carolina. I doubt he knows any black people because this woman literally went to Howard University. But does Eric Erickson know the origin story of Jamaicans? No. Do you know where Jamaicans are from? Do you know the origin story? It's called Africa, just because they are in Jamaica doesn't mean that's where they originated. Very quick last word. Sorry. And Eric Eric come on Eric, you the king of mayonnaise. So please let's not talk about season chicken when you are unseasoned chicken, please. This sister grew up in the Bay Area. She know black. The sister grew up in the Bay Area as the privileged daughter of two academics with master's degrees or doctorates. And mayonnaise. That's that's cool. That's that's a cool thing to call white people. Nothing has changed. At the heart of this is still racism. And Michael Steele talking here about Eric Erickson, Michael, Eric helped you. I was there. Eric did everything he could to help you. He defended you. He defended what you did with tech. What has happened? See everything has changed and nothing has changed. The fact is this Donald Trump being railroaded on felonies resulting from one misdemeanor magically turned into felonies means something to a black community that Joy Reid has told for years, the cops are out to get you. The authorities are out to get you to frame you. When that's been said to you all this time and suddenly you're supposed to not notice that's being done to another man, that's the appeal. That's the connection. And Michael Steele smart enough to know this. The golden tennis shoes, I don't know, barely paid attention to them. The mayonnaise comment, if I went on MSNBC and made a skin color comment like that about a black person, like, you know what, you're kind of the caramel color. I don't think you're really black. You're more caramel. Be rightfully called out as sort of a racist thing. Nothing has really changed. Everything in the background is really the same. That's why we're doing the Pete Townsend thing, Pete's on acoustic guitar playing won't get fooled again. Pete's great on acoustic guitar, it shows the framework of the songs. It shows why he's the songwriter and adultery is the singer. It shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter. It shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the songwriter, it shows why he's the song ♪ I'm gettin' on my business and I'm flyin' to the sky ♪ ♪ But I know that they hit the tires and we're live ♪ ♪ New York ♪ - Off slipped attitude, did you hear it? Pete slipped a string attitude. Sometimes that'll happen to your play like that. Elon Musk noticed this. Elon Musk posted literally as far left as it's possible to go. They're trying so hard to erase the internet, L-M-A-L. He's noticing GovTrack removes Kamala Harris' liberal ranking. What they said is they went back and figured it out again. She wasn't all that liberal, right? Wrong, that's what they said. That's not why they did it, of course. Here is something that they posted. This is from the Washington Post, Ministry of Truth. They said, on July 23, 2024, this article was updated. The text given our ranking her as the most, oh, this is GovTrack, liberal left leading center in 2019 based upon co-sponsorship. But looking at the legislation she's induced tells a different story. Judge for yourself was removed. Once the 2019-2020 session of Congress was complete, this is for the entire session, and for Harris' entire tenure is in the Senate showed a different story. Yes, yes, yes, much different. In other words, it's Ministry of Truth type behavior. This also, from George Orwell's 1984, "The Ministry of Truth." [VIDEO PLAYBACK] What to do with the news article that tells the truth, Winston Smith, has to choose the tube. This is a different Winston Smith, a different version of the movie. He dials up and he makes a change, and suddenly history will change. The description of the person found will be updated. A new identity because the Ministry of Truth cannot have a certain person seen in public. Winston Smith does his job, just as the people at GovTrack did theirs. Oh, we never said she was most liberal. They removed the article. They could have edited it. They could have clarified it. They could have added an addendum to it, but instead they tried to disappear it from our site. Just the same way that the people who run Joe Biden attempted, and for a while, succeeded in disappearing the Hunter Biden story from us. Many people said later, a large percentage of people, had they known about the Hunter Biden laptop being real, they wouldn't have voted for Joe Biden, which would make sense because Hunter Biden was and is a walking, talking, national security nightmare. All sorts of nightmares in a world where everything is changed and nothing is changed, and so much of it is approachable. If you are someone who's having constant, constant joint pain, that can really feel like a nightmare, it really can. And if you're someone who cares a lot about the way you look, and that's OK, as I guess it doesn't become self-indulgent or prideful, like the thickness of your hair, your skin, your nails, nails are more than just how you look. And if you're someone who's suffering from a lot of pain, particularly in the joints, it's completely approachable. You are probably not getting enough collagen. And here's some reasons why. We don't really eat bone broth anymore. We don't really eat bone. 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In fact, probably much harder than I do. Right now, when you visit, you can stock up in Native Path Collagen for an incredible up to 45% off, plus free shipping. Every order comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee, so you can try it risk-free. The website, again, is for 45% off, or up to 45% off. That's Everything is changing yet nothing has changed. Kami Harris is not just the only indicator that nothing has changed. She's not the only person or culture or institution using Ministry of Truth-type dynamics. There's also the power dynamics. And the power dynamics have not really changed. In the Chicago School Teachers' Union, there is a chant, Stacey Davis. It's about power, it's about the possibility of power. As you listen to this woman speak, remember that she represents a teachers' union and listen to the way she speaks and how nothing has changed. - So A-M-T, this ain't shocking all. This is the possibility of power. This ain't, this is the possibility of power. This is a teachers' union talking about the positive power and using the phrase ain't. Nothing has changed. Kami Harris serves them as well. In the background to all of this, of course, there are the wars of the school, the culture wars. Nothing there has really changed. I mean, there's been spotlights of change. You probably remember when this father was arrested. In Virginia, remember this Loudon County? Why was he arrested? Because the cops were told to arrest him. Why did they do it? Because they're not really paying attention to what they're being told to do or the new bosses they're serving. He was upset, imagine this, that his daughter was raped by a boy who pretended to be a girl. And he was allowed to leave another school and go a queue and go assault another girl. Oh, incidentally, he's recently been released. Yeah, though the boy who did these rapes has recently been released. And he can go about now pretending some days to be a girl and some days to be a boy and some days to be non-binary. A man arrested at a school board meeting after we heard from a teacher's union president saying, "This is the possibility of power." ♪ That's what it's not a man, a man, a man, a man ♪ ♪ A man, a man, a man, a man, a man, a man, a man ♪ ♪ I know something that transgender is wrong too ♪ If your police officer told to arrest a parent for being upset, that his daughter was raped, your police officer who should not give in to this. That is a man whose daughter was sexually assaulted. That is a man being beaten when a boy was allowed to do this at another school. (crowd chattering) (crowd chattering) - What was it that the Chicago Teachers Union president Sacy Davis Gates said? She said, "This is the possibility of power." Nothing has really changed. Kami Harris used her prosecutorial power to go after people illegally. She used her prosecutorial power to lengthen the prison sentences of people so that her husband's company could make more money because they employed, well, employed. They used prison labor. Now, there was a change to this. Glenn Youngkin backed his way in to becoming governor of Virginia. I said backed his way in. He never wanted to fight the culture wars. He was a shoddy, shoot Republican. He had to fight the culture wars because parents did it for him because the data became too clear. If you don't ride this wave of the culture war, Glenn Youngkin, you're not going to win. It was the ultimate wedge issue. And then Glenn Youngkin, maybe God called Glenn Youngkin. And maybe Glenn Youngkin started to do the right things for the right reason. This is that father you either heard or saw being arrested for defending his little girl's honor, his little girl who had been raped. It was a boy's body who did the raping. It was a school district who helped with the rape. He was pardoned by Governor Glenn Youngkin. - So you get a phone call. They read the document to you. How did you feel when you got that news? - I really liked what I heard the documents say. I think it's pretty clear and convincing to the public that what happened to me that day should have never happened. I'm glad that this is finally over, but it's really just begun. What happened to me cannot ever happen to another American again. And it was kind of a bittersweet moment to me to accept this pardon because a year ago when I filed this appeal, I actually looked forward to my day in court with a jury trial. But as everything has played out over the last two years and watched the justice system be questionable, too tiered, the justice system being political, politicized, it just was apparent to me that unfortunately in today's America, getting a fair and free trial is next to impossible. - The power players are the same. The demonic forces are the same. Kami Harris is the latest figurehead. We all get that right. But election integrity unfortunately is the same. Now we'll talk about that. This is the part that keeps me up. It might be the part that keeps you up. President Trump is clearly, clearly, clearly far more popular than Kami Harris. They're doing everything they can to popularize Kami. But how can you popularize someone who doesn't really exist? Not in any real sense. Donald Trump exists in a very, very real sense. That part that keeps you up at night, what is it? And how could you mitigate it? It might be that you're like me, that you have to drink tons of caffeine to do what you do. Long haul truckers have to do that. People who work in retail often have to do that. Heck, I don't know people who don't do that. Most of my friends consume a ton of caffeine. And you can balance that out. Because caffeine can also cause you to feel anxious. And that's not a good way to live. That's road rage type stuff, or it's just yelling at your family, being short temperate type stuff. An magnesium breakthrough can help you on both fronts. Getting to sleep and staying asleep and helping to balance stress and anxiety. It does this because it's a full spectrum magnesium supplement. The only organic full spectrum magnesium supplement with seven forms of magnesium. And that means it can help regulate or drive 600 body interactions in your own body. It includes the stress hormone cortisol, which not just causes stress, it also causes your body to store fat. My protocol for magnesium breakthrough is pretty simple. Couple hours before bed, I take two tablets. And I feel relaxed. If you don't like tablets, they've also got this in drink form, powder drink. That's actually very delicious. When I sleep with magnesium breakthrough, I sleep through the night. And if I do wake up, I go back to sleep. Even if I think about what our nation's at. I'm gonna give you a free bottle. Yours to keep. Man, I got this, she knows it works. Go to That's And that's it. You'll get a free bottle to try. And I'd like your feedback on it. Election integrity unfortunately remains larger the same. Yep, there are some spotlights. But let me give you this for instance. This comes from Nova campaigns. They're one of the many groups who are looking at the donation schemes from Democrats and leftists. And I'm sure Republicans want to do this. They're just not good at it. Kerry Alberti is 79 years old living in Richmond, Virginia suburbs, renting an apartment for $2,000 a month, less than. That's pretty cheap in Virginia. She allegedly has 22,619 Democrat donations since 19 for $839,466 in 592 days. Utter, fraud, ID theft via ACBLUE. And yet 1,000 likely legit VAGO OP donations to AGs like this. So what this translates to is time and time and time again. Investigators are succeeding in going to the homes of people who supposedly given nearly a million dollars to campaign funds. To find out there's not a chance on earth. This person has given a million dollars to anybody because this person has never possessed a million dollars or anything like a million dollars. A million dollars, $839 in donations in 592 days, less than two years? No. This didn't happen. And Mike Lee, Senator Mike Lee is aware of election in segregation. - As our borders are we've had 10 million illegal immigrants come into our country in the last few years alone. We've got about 30 million non-citizens. None of them are allowed to vote. We gotta make sure that it's very difficult for them to try to do it. For that we need to save act, we need to attach it to the next spending bill. Help us spread the word. We need to attach a lot of things to the next spending bill. And we've talked about some of these things on the show. Election integrity hasn't changed. And Dr. Hotez, the diet doc, the new 20 Fauci, reminds us that the medical industrial insurance pharma complex has not changed. - Fortunately, I have to give you a very long, I don't know the answer to your question and answer because it is very complicated. And quite honestly, you know, the health sector doesn't know what to do because this is not first and foremost a political problem. And what I've said to the Biden administration is the health sector can't solve this on its own. We're going to have to bring in Homeland Security, Commerce Department, Justice Department to help us understand how to do this. And I've said the same with, I met with Dr. Tedros. - World Health Organization. Geneva, WHO, the Director General to say, I don't know that the World Health Organization can solve this on our own. We need the other United Nations agencies, NATO. This is a security problem because it's no longer a theoretical construct or some arcane academic exercise. 200,000 Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression. - Anti-vaccine aggression is what he's talking about. - Kami Harris is a huge friend, a big pharma. Look what she did for Planned Parenthood. She went after David DeLignan at the Center for Medical Progress. And she raided his house, stole his computer equipment. As Pete Townsend might remind us in clip number five, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. But let's not get fooled, nothing has really changed. (upbeat music) ♪ No good food ♪ ♪ We don't get fooled ♪ ♪ We don't get fooled ♪ ♪ We don't get fooled ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ We don't get fooled ♪ ♪ We don't get fooled ♪ ♪ We ain't the new boss ♪ ♪ Just the same as the old boss ♪ Nothing has really changed. And God himself hasn't changed. He can't and he won't. We opened the program talking about the Olympic ceremony and the satanic images, the last supper being mocked, Jesus himself being mocked. And I want to remind those people. From Galatians chapter six, verses seven and eight, do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh from the flesh will reap destruction. Whoever sows to please the spirit from the spirit will reap eternal life. Pretty freshly thrilled this guy had showing his testicles to girls, little girls in the world. And you can reap that. We are called to forgive these people because the Lord Jesus on the cross said, forgive them father, they know not what they do as he was being tortured. So we have to forgive these people because in the measure that we forgive, so we will be forgiven, but we also must warn them. That's thrill you have of playing around with the demonic. That can be eternal, but it won't be played. You'll be tortured. You'll be apart from God forever. But at least to be around people with a like mind and a like spirit around souls whose sins and hatred and coveting will compound every minute for eternity or you could accept the free gift of redemption by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior and agreeing to be changed by him and the Holy Spirit. Father God, thank you for chasing us down, wanting us back in the family. Help us forgive those people. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of truth, the only real truth. [BLANK_AUDIO]