The Todd Herman Show

Let’s Review- The Assassination Attempt The Party Allowed Against Trump Ep-1745

I haven't let go of COVID and I'm not going to let go of the assassination attempt against President Trump, because I've reached the conclusion that this was the top-down, bottom-up, squeeze-the-middle, approach. In a scene from the rooftop of the attempted assassination we can see the questioning of people on the rooftop where the shooter. It leaves a whole lot of questions. There were photos of the shooter on a bike and incidentally, his rifle was about 15 feet from his dead body. But remember, he was laying there prone when he was shot or was he? And what about Greg the sniper who saw him on the roof with the gun? Why weren't there snipers on the water tower? Turns out there are witnesses who said there were.

What does God’s Word say? 

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29 Jul 2024
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We're very busy watching the resuscitation of Camby Harris, the most popular female in the United States of America, who was never border czar and was never rated by, the most liberal senator, except she was. All those things. And that's tempting for us to follow. Sure, we can follow that but we can also go back and look at where are we with the investigation of the assassination attempt against President Trump, which in my mind was absolutely clearly invited and maybe even encouraged. That's going to come out. Mark my words, that's going to come out. We'll do this with the help of and I've got all my-- The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times which God has decided we should live. Starts with the prepping of the environment, making Trump someone who should be legitimately considered a target for assassination. That's how it began. So what would make an American politician someone legitimately targetable for assassination? Well, if they were a traitor, the traitor of course can constitutionally be put before a court and killed for treason. That can happen. So what if the courts are unwilling to do that because they protect Trump? Prepping the environment of showing Trump rolling through courtrooms, being convicted, a 36-time convicted felon, and yet he's still allowed to run in the Republican National Committee's-- or be their nominee. The Megas are still willing to vote for him. After all, he has absolutely promised to be a dictator on day one. That's what he said. Be a dictator on day one. You all know and I know what President Trump was saying in that. But we cannot put aside the fact that he is committing genocide, literally. He is going to disappear so-called trans people, commit genocide against them by not allowing boys to steal girls' medals, scholarships, and grades, and men to do that to women. That's genocide. It's literally killing people. So it begins with prepping the environment. That Trump is going to get us into a whole series of foreign wars for money, unlike the figureheads and Cammy Harris who have been forced peace-mongers, making sure we have peace at all costs, specifically with Russia and Hamas, not funding both sides of the war. They would never do that. So as they paint Trump up to be not kind of Hitler, but literal Hitler, as many in the mainstream media, Machinberg media, contended, it's a good idea to compare Trump to Hitler. An organization called the Lincoln Project pushed this out further. Rick Wilson is a guy I met. I had drinks with, I don't drink, but he drank and I listened in Washington, D.C. Back in the day he was a legendary opposition researcher for Republicans. When some of the people at the Republican National Committee saw that Rick Wilson had retweeted me, they actually knocked on my office door. Seriously. Todd, you know Rick Wilson? No, I don't. He just retweeted you. Oh, you don't know who he is? You've never met him. How did he retweet you? I don't know who is he. He's a legend. He is one of the most hardcore opposition researchers on our side. The world has ever seen. So having learned that, I decided, you know what, I want to meet the guy. Pop to me. Nope. We got together in a swank D.C. bar upstairs in a private area. He had on what I believe are alligator skin boots, black jeans, and as I recall, a black leather sports coats and black shirts. Power colors, as it were. He and I talked a little bit and there was a time when Rick Wilson was a legendary conservative opposition researcher. He even smacked down the people at media matters in impressive form. And then as I read this, he lost all influence in the conservative side. He took a shot at President Trump. In fact, he did it on my radio show in Seattle. He was one of the first people to have him on the air to get his point of view about President Trump. He was tracking the amount of media that Trump was getting versus the other candidates. And like a lot of people, he bought in to the idea that Trump was a very, very dangerous man. But four years into his time as president, Rick Wilson's style thought he was literally Hitler. No, here's what I think happened. Rick no longer had any currency as an opposition researcher because the world had changed and currency is important. Is it man with a family to feed? Therefore, we get the Lincoln project and the prepping of the environment continued. This is an ad from the Lincoln project. If you're listening, you can listen to the item and get a lot out of it. It's better to see it. You want a seven day free trial of our video service so you can do that and more. Go to video dot the Todd Herman show dot com. In the 1930s, Hitler didn't just seize power. It was handed to him by the wealthy, by the powerful, by a compliant elite, by people who thought they were above the angry masses and violent anti-Semites. He was given power by Germans who knew what he believed, but thought they could contain him. Control him that his crazed speeches and dangerous antics were just for show that his hatred would never turn on them, but like every dictator before or since, Hitler used his power to bring death, despair, and tragedy to the world. Before the world said, never again, millions of Germans believed it can't happen here. Germany bet wrong in 1933. Will we? He says, you're not going to be a dictator, are you? I said, no other than day one. The Lincoln project dot US. That's a campaign ad. Did you spot it? I did. Let's break apart the contradictions in a second because they're important because remember now these guys suddenly serve the left, although they would tell you there's still conservatives. Nothing has changed, right? We're going to change something up right now. We're not going to charge you money for this. We're going to give you a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. Just simple. It's easy. Try this. As part of my sleep routine, it's a protocol I use to make sure that even on really rough nights, I get quality sleep. Magnesium breakthrough is a full spectrum magnesium supplement that contains seven forms of magnesium, all organic. The best you can do at the China Mart's is go get one or two fake versions of magnesium. That is synthetic magnesium. It's important for your body, not just for sleep, but for regularity, for controlling the stress hormone cortisol, 600 body interactions are driven by or regulated by magnesium. Magnesium breakthrough helps me fall asleep in the protocol as it's a couple hours before bed. I take a couple of pills and I suddenly feel relaxed. It's pretty fast actually and warm incidentally. That's weird. I feel warmer in a good way. Go to and you will get a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. That's and there it is, free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. Let me know how it works for you. Kami Harris has been voted for by no one, not a single Democrat grassroots member voted for Kami Harris and yet she's suddenly the party's leader. The figurehead in the background, didn't we just hear the Lincoln Project say that Trump is going to have power handed to him, handed to him? He went through a primary with debates, he chose not to participate in, but they were there. He went through a primary as being well being attacked by the Mockingbird media, the court system, while he couldn't campaign, he went through a primary, handed to him? The party tried to take him off of the ballots of key states, handed to him? He's still facing sentencing, coming up by a corrupt judge named Mershan, whose daughter is bankrolled by people like Kami Harris, handed to him? Kami Harris was selected to be vice president for the following reasons. She decided to call herself black, and despite the fact that she feels the need to use pronouns, she is a woman. The figurehead made that clear, power handed to her? She suddenly has a hundred million dollars in her campaign war chest, her 50, I think, and then she gets to control the Biden Harris campaign funds over which President Trump is suing because those people did not donate to Kami Harris for president, but figurehead Biden for president, handed to Trump, but not Kami. She did not attend Benjamin Netanyahu's speech. She was at a sorority get together, anti-Semitic? Who was the member of Congress? Was it Rashida Tlaib? I get them confused. How could I? They're both terrorists or all three of them, terrorist supporters sitting in Congress with the sign that says war criminal, but Benjamin Netanyahu, but not, of course, Zelensky because Zelensky was attacked. Wait, wasn't Israel attacked? But the Lincoln Project tells us that Trump is the anti-Semitic one. See, in Washington, D.C., when the money runs out being a professional Republican, you can turn, then you can be a conservative commentator, and then you can make a further turn and become a leftist and help the leftist cause, all the while, in your mind, you haven't changed. You've simply, simply seen things more clearly. I'm guessing that's what happened to Rick Wilson. I don't know, and I don't know his soul. I just know the patterns, patterns. Patterns are vitally important for us. This is so, so helpful if you're on the video service. If not, I'll do my very, very best to describe it. There's a newly obtained video that came in from a Freedom of Information Act request, and it shows cops in secret service discussing the dead body of the would-have-been assassin of President Trump. They discuss him riding his bicycle to the event. Incidentally, my understanding is the first real investigation of that crime scene occurred about an hour after the shooter had died. So, let's pause. First of all, if you're watching the video services, Nana pointed out, the idea that they want to call this a sloped roof is hilarious. If you're standing on it, I don't think you'd even know it has a slope. It's simply a rain runoff angle, and the window through which you could yell, "Hey, Greg!" Because he's not up there? The sniper who saw him? The distance between where this guy was laying prone, making his attempt to kill President Trump and succeeding in killing Corey, well, it might be, I don't know, a hundred feet? Maybe a hundred and fifty. An easy shot for any sniper will continue with the video. He's the one that sent the pictures out, I don't know if you get the same ones I did. There were, in fact, pictures. So we had the picture of that, and then this was his bike with the stuff, and our sniper seen him walking away from that, I believe. But he would be right inside that window. He's the one that physically seen this, sent the pictures, and called it out. Okay, so, and we have somebody detained, correct? Okay, can we just all observe this is an hour after this? And the confusion, wait, so we have someone detained, no one knows this? And the pointing around, "Hey, who's Greg, and why is Greg not here, and why are we having this discussion on the rooftop?" Our guy that was just up here told me that there's a guy detained, he's the owner of the bike. And I said, "No, no, that's the owner of the bike." We've been up here, so we wouldn't know that if we just, we just all asked, we got everybody. Got it. Got it. Yeah. See the problem. Is that all your stuff? Yeah. So, someone came up looking to treat him. Right. The carpet. The gas is off the building just so you know. Thank you. Do you have anything to do with that? Yeah. I'm doing that. Okay. I was, I talked to the, they were, that's, they were detained, we were filmed. So the detained people who were filming, and we'll wrap up that video, we've detained people who were filming. Eli Crane is a combat veteran, and serves in Congress. And Eli Crane decided to undertake something he calls the great credulity test. Are we being incredulous enough? So, he's looking out the window from where Greg the Sniper was. This is the same building from which Greg the Sniper looked out and said, "Hey, look, there's a guy riding a bike. He looks suspicious to me." Filming the slope rooftop off which the agents would have certainly fallen to their death. Yeah. Yeah. And they've been allowed to be up there. Here on the building where the, suppose the Sniper took his shot. It's not that steep at all, just had a 70-year-old man back here climb up on the roof easily. See that water tower behind me, had secret service or anybody had sniper teams up there. This guy wouldn't have made it five feet up this roof. He would have been taken out behind me. We see the windows and the secret service was supposedly in the second floor of this building behind. They just wonder why they were able to quickly dispatch the individual. And then behind me, back over here where those red roofs are, that's where the stage was set up. That's where the president was giving his speech from. A lot of questions here in Butler, but we look forward to doing oversight. And get into the bottom of it, but it sort of never happens again. In review of what we've learned, we know that this guy was on their map for an hour. We know he was tracked as suspicious. We know there's photos of him. We know a half hour before this he had a rangefinder and is walking around with a rangefinder. The only reason for the rangefinder would be you're trying to figure out a target and what distance it is so you can adjust your scope properly so you can make a kill shot. We know that he was on the roof, he was confronted by a cop who pointed a gun at him, but that cop in a reasonable act of self-preservation let himself off the roof or actually dropped I think eight feet because he'd been holding himself up and dropped eight feet in an act of self-preservation. We know that there were people screaming, there's a guy up on the rooftop. We know that President Trump was not told of the danger. We know that he was allowed on stage. We know that the snipers had this guy in sight. We know that he could have been taken out. We know that after the first shots were fired that there was a 26-second delay. That would sound a little bit like this boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, 2001, 2002, 2003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 10010, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1,018, 1,019, 1,020, 1,021, 1,022, 1,023, 1,024, 1,025, 1,026, boom, killshot. That's interesting. What could have gone on in that 26 seconds? Let's think about that. A lot can go on behind the scenes in 26 seconds. And as I think about it, something that the disgraced and now resigned, former head of secret service, Kimberly Chattel said, and Sheetel said, is really ringing in my ears. It's almost like it's haunting me. You may sometimes be haunted having people over at your house, like last minute. I know this is cat owners. I know this, particularly for instance, there are certain people who have overhouse who are not over there very often. We don't have a lot of people over. And when we do have people over, there are certain people who are very, very sensitive to cats. We have family who are in fact allergic to cats and dogs, and we do everything we possibly can to make sure that the house is not going to make someone sick. One of my dearest friends, in fact, a guy considered to be my brother, he is allergic to dogs. So we do everything we can to clear out the pet dinner and anything, every time he comes over to her house. And he always says, hey, I'm going to be fine. I've got the medicine and all that. But what about just the flat stink of cats or cigarette smoke or maybe you're just having your kids move out and they're into this college dorm and you help them move in and it's that stink that just young people can create? Not always the most hygienic people. What if you could solve that without a huge, loud air filter running in the background? And what if you could do that without having to buy new filters for two to 400 bucks a year? What was as simple as taking a device that's smaller than a shoebox by about about a quarter size of a shoebox and pugging it into the wall? What if it was almost completely silent? And what if instead of purifying the air with loud noise, it actually did it by producing ozone that literally purifies the air by bonding to the molecules that create the bad smells and destroying them? What if that also worked with viruses? Well, that is the OxiLeaf 2 Thunderstorm from We use it in the studio. I use it at home. I'm now going to give you an opportunity to get three of these devices. That's whole home coverage. And by the way, for dorms, this should be like three dorm rooms. Go to use code Todd3. You'll get that coverage three of these devices at a $200 savings. Send your kids to college with the gift of breathing fresh air or to the military dorms with the same, use code Todd3. That's T-O-D-D-3. If I'm thinking about the disgraced and resigned Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheedell, didn't she say, "Oh, you know, it's unfortunate. We don't have footage, pardon me, recordings, audio recordings, of the conversations on July 13th. We have emails and texts, but we don't have communications. Why was it that the Department of Homeland Security people, as I understand it through Senator Ron Johnson, why were they on different comms channels than everybody else? Why was there a partitioning of the comms channels? Why didn't they record this? In 26 seconds, could there have been a sniper asking for permission to fire? Could that have been the case? Now think about this. There was a really important discovery during the last war. Well, I shouldn't say that the last declared war, but we actually took the effort to actually get permission to go to war, where our guys were being chased by the opposing force that were trying to kill them, and our guys were on comms, asking for permission to destroy the enemy chasing them, to kill them. Who are the on comms with, initially, command? And then command had to wait for lawyers in Washington, D.C., who said, "You may not engage. Let's do your very, very best to run away super, super fast and hide super, super well." Did that happen here? Kimberly Cheetah would tell us what we just made the decision to not record that. Why? What else did you record? Is there comms traffic of the Dr. Jill Biden event where she had three, no four times as many post-standers as President Trump? None of this, none of it, gets me past my conclusion that this was allowed to happen. Chad Robodeau is an MMA fighter, he was a recon marine, and he's been saying something that we've said on our show through our friend Michael Rourke. And what Michael Rourke said is these shooters or guys like this are exactly the sort of people that the intelligence services use to activate against our enemies. Like Rourke retired Special Forces sniper and a four-year trainer of snipers as well as a guy who was in the business of prepping environments, of being a gray man for Special Forces, he said the same thing that Chad Robodeau says. Go for it, we use. This isn't like something that's just the idea that I'm saying. This is that we have manuals and SOPs on how to do this. We'll use the village idiot to stir up rivalries between tribes. We'll go into a place like Afghanistan, find someone that has a radical ideology, he's very malleable, and we'll talk him into killing a village, the next village leader, and internals villages against each other, or we will radicalize him when I say we, you know, in my job as Special Operations, we do things like this. So to think that, to think that that's not possible for someone in our government to take a guy like this and utilize him as, again, the village idiot, and this is what we do all the time overseas. This isn't a crazy idea. We have a pattern doing this and we do it successfully all the time, all over the world. So it's not a far-fetched. Totally agree. You're not the only former, you know, former- Special Forces person saying that. That's a Chanel robot, I mean, that's Chanel Rian on OAN, one American news, and let me do another correction, Chad Robochop. So we're not the only ones who do this. They're not the only ones saying this. We do it in foreign countries, but not here. The other day, my daughter asked me, "What is your assessment of the attempted assassination?" And I went through much of what I'm saying here, but I said something else in response to her, talking about that 26-second delay. I was talking about the decision to not take this would-be killer of Trump out when he was in their gun sites or could have been in their gun sites. What would drive that decision? And my daughter said, "Well, you don't think a police officer would not do that. You think a police officer would actually allow someone to try to shoot a president?" I said, "It sounds crazy, doesn't it?" Think about this. There were police officers, well, let's say this federal officer, DHS agents, who willingly walked up to a locked gate, securing the United States border, and they cut it open. Some of them turned back and grinned at the cameras as they cut it open. There were federal agents who created a mock kidnapping and watched as people were taken to trial some convicted, some exonerators we talked about last week for a fake kidnapping. There were medical professionals and media, Mockingbird media members, who willingly participated in fake lines to get to COVID shots. After that, there were lines around hospitals, do you remember all of the body bags that were sent out? Do you remember the hundreds of millions of dollars that were spent to convert Madison Square Garden into a hospital? Battleships pulled into the harbors of cities, battleships that were never used, Madison Square Garden never used as a hospital. There were no piling up of bodies, but we were told there were. Do you remember? People arrested for going into hospitals to show that, in fact, the hospitals were empty. They weren't overrun. They were never overrun, and yet some public health officials continued to say they were. We watched perjury in front of the FISA court by the FBI, lying about where they got their information that Trump was a literal plant, literally working for Vlad Putin. What happened there? A junior lawyer got a slap on the wrist. It is not hard at this point to imagine that they were able to find snipers who wouldn't take the shot. I don't want to impugn the character of the snipers. I don't want to do that. They could also have found people at the top who would have said you may not take the shot. You will stand down and you will sign an NDA. There are sometimes operations in which, and I've learned this through friends and special forces, retired Navy SEALs, retired, there are sometimes where you go into an op, where you're told you're going to sign a brand new, a brand new nondisclosure agreement. You can just continue to look at the patterns of deceit and tell, shown otherwise, I think this was an invitation to an assassination for a nation that is inside, bubbling up into a state of disease like you just never, ever wanted to see in America, and God remains on the throne. Be still and know I am the Lord. That's often looked at as a Zen type, hey, dude, chill. That's not really how God meant it. Be still and know that I am the Lord. This is all happening under his sovereign plan. We should accept that. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't work to make things better, but we should accept that right now it's his sovereign plan that the United States go through this period of time. You could accept some things about yourself that might make you uncomfortable and still go to change him. You could accept, for instance, that like a hundred million other Americans, you may have fatty liver disorder. What does that mean? It's very simple. It means that you've gained too much body fat, and you know that people know these things, but some people when they gain body fat, end up with their liver being squeezed to a point that it is no longer an efficient mechanism for filtering out toxins from your bodies. That's kind of important. That's its main job. When that happens and your body's not being effectively protected by your liver, you can end up feeling tired and sluggish and slow and brain fogged out. My friends at Liver Health Formula want you to know something. They do make a product that can protect your liver. It is made with 11 clinically proven botanicals, not chemicals, botanicals that can help you drop belly fat, feel more invigorated, and protect your liver, but they have told me from number one phone call, phone call one. They said, Todd, please remind people that this is not a product they should be on for the rest of their life. 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It does appear something happened to him, and Charlie Kirk got reports from Las Vegas Metro Police that the figurehead had collapsed and needed to be flown out immediately or taken into a hospital there, so he talked about this. A publication called The dossier, and we talked on this and touched on it last week so I won't belabor it. It is on the screen if you want to look at it. The dossier was able to independently verify the sources and then some. There was a medical circumstance in Las Vegas, and it did involve the figurehead, and he was, in fact, apparently set to have a medical intervention. We'll get back to that. It's a pattern. It's a pattern of deception, and we'll get back to it. The Washington Post came out and said that the Secret Service did, in fact, deny Trump's request for more security, but they claimed otherwise. The combination of these two facts, a figurehead near death, maybe, maybe, but definitely with a medical event, and a candidate about to be killed. Think of the confluence of those two items. If Biden died, which I didn't wish upon him because I want him to get repentance before he dies, or give repentance and get saved, because I don't believe he is saved, and Trump was still running, there would have been no hope, well, they'd have to insert Cami. Maybe it would have been better for them if the figurehead had died. This is the Washington Post admitting what they don't want to admit comes from information Top officials at the U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied requests for additional resources and personnel sought by Donald Trump's security detail in the two years leading up to his attempted assassination at a rally in Pennsylvania last Saturday, according to four people familiar with the requests. Agents' charges protecting the former president requested magnometers and more agents to screen attendees at sporting events and other large public gatherings, Trump tended, as well as additional snipers and specialty teams at other outdoor events, said the people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive security discussions. The requests, which have not been previously reported, were sometimes denied by senior officials at the agency, who cited various resources, including a lack of resources at an agency that has long struggled with shaft staffing shortages, they said. The Secret Service, after initially denying and turning down requests for additional security, is now acknowledging some may have been rejected. Trump advisers angered, deepened after an agency spokesperson publicly denied that any request for additional security had been lodged by Trump or his detail had ever been rejected. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheetell, who has been under pressure to resign over security lapses at the rally, repeated the denial in a meeting in Wisconsin with Trump campaign leaders in Wisconsin on Monday. People familiar with the discussion said. The assertion that a member of the former president's security team requested additional security sources that the U.S. Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security rebuffed, it's absolutely false, said Anthony Giglememi, a spokesperson for the Secret Service, did a statement on the day after the shooting. And now, of course, they've admitted it. So they were constrained by resources. No, they were not. Jill Biden had four times as many post-standers as did President Trump, who had three, she had 12. Gosh, who was a bigger target for assassination? And that comes from real clear politics, who makes that point. Senator Josh Holy, looking into all of this, asked a series of questions. What percentage of the DS agents at the event were from HSI rather than the United States Secret Service? Were a majority of the officers at the event drawn from HSI or other DSH components other than the U.S. Secret Service? If so, why? Were Homeland Security investigative agents properly trained in staffing these types of events? Did gaps exist in the security perimeter? And were the usual protocols followed for the use of canines and magnometers? Were agents not appropriately stationed around the podium? Were the standard protocols followed for issuing designated pins to vetted personnel allowed backstage? How long did agents physically spend on the ground surveying the site before the event? Did any paperwork obligations prevent a longer and more robust site survey? I await your response, that went to the disgraced Angel Angeléo Mayorkas, head of DHS, and the now resigned Kimberly Cheetoh. So let's review all of this. What's the Secret Service doing now? Well, it's exactly what you expect they're doing now. They're trying to rig an election. Never let a good crisis go to waste. A crisis for the agency they intend to turn in to a crisis for President Trump's campaign team. That's the plan. Hey, give them credit, they're planning an advance. Failure to plan is planning to fail. When I geared up to do my 24-hour workout, there were some things that I did in advance. Number one, I broke a 24-hour workout into eight three-hour shifts. Number two, I asked two coaches, one, my CrossFit coach of four years, and my friend Ben, who coaches me and is my sports med guy, to lay into my plans. To create workouts I didn't expect. I was even gifted to have some friends come and do some of them with me. I did this so they be randomized, but I did for my body this. I had massive amounts of native path hydration, massive amounts with me, so I stayed hydrated. There's no point in trying to eat things like protein or anything your body's going to take a long time to digest in an environment like that. What I've learned is simple sugars are the best, so tons of that stuff. And prior to and during the event, I took native path collagen. Why? Because native path collagen prior to an event like this can protect you from joint problems. It can help preserve your joints. See, native path collagen formula is scientifically backed to increase bone mineral density, to accelerate tissue recovery, and it does some other things that I wasn't focused on during that event, like reduces wrinkles and enhances hair thickness, strengthens weak or damaged nails. And it does this because they're focused. The native path collagen contains only type one and three collagen fibers, those are the two most important types in your body, they make up 90% of collagen in your body from the cartilage, bone, skin, hair, gut, et cetera. That's the stuff I wanted to preserve while working out for 24 hours. By the way, this stuff is flavorless. Native path collagen is tested by a third party lab to make sure that it is absolutely safe, free of things like heavy metals. You can have the same protection. You work hard too. It might not be a workout for 24 hours. It might be harder because you do it every single day of your life. Right now, when you visit, you can stock up a native path collagen for up to an incredible 45% off today, plus get free shipping. Every order comes with a 365 day money-back guarantee, so you can try at risk free today. The website again is for 45% off, for 45% off, and free shipping. In reviewing the assassination attempt against President Trump, I have this very simple question. Short of inviting the shooter on stage, what would they have done differently if they wanted the best chance of Trump getting killed? One thing, they would have picked a professional shooter, and there are people who think they did. The two shooter theory maintains itself. I don't buy the two shooter theory for a number of reasons. They would have picked a professional. What's the problem with that? A professional has footprints, fingerprints, back to sources and training. Key to all of this investigation is what are the details behind the five visits it seems that the shooter got to his home from someone who either lives or works right next to the FBI. Who was that? You'd think the way they tracked down 77-year-old grandmas and grandpas from January 6th. You'd think they already know, but then again, then again. The alleged bomber at the DNC, remember that? His or her phone records accidentally got destroyed at the phone company. Darn the stinkin' luck. Here's what the Secret Service is doing with all this. They do not want to let a good crisis go to waste. Therefore, they're taking a crisis for their agency and turning it into a crisis for the Trump campaign team. And just breaking moments ago, Brett, I want to tell you that the Secret Service is apparently now telling or asking the Trump campaign to stop doing their rallies outdoors. This is reporting from the Washington Post, just breaking in the last couple of minutes here. I want to tell you that I asked Don Jr. about that at the RNC last week. If he was going to encourage his father to stop holding rallies outdoors, he said that his father would not like that at all. He loves those outdoor rallies, so we're still trying to work this story right now, but that's coming from the Washington Post, the Secret Service is now encouraging the Trump campaign to stop doing those outdoor rallies. Right? Yeah, fascinating. Yeah, utterly fascinating. One could put up a plexiglass, boltproof plexiglass. I mean, they could do that, but yeah, stop the outdoor things because Kamie Harris, she's not doing them because no one wants to watch Kamie Harris. You know about my theory, the propaganda of silence, right? The most potent tool the media has is silence because for many people, if it's not spoken on the Mockingbird media, it did not happen. I mentioned earlier the medical event that it seems figurehead Biden suffered in Las Vegas. Charlie Kirk got the tips from cops saying, "Hey, look, we were told to shut down all the streets to get them to our trauma hospital. Later, we were told, never mind, they're going to fly him back east as soon as possible." And then George Chatel's organization, the dossier on sub-stack, independently verified that end with more people than whom Charlie got this note from. It happens. Here's another indication that it happens, and it's so weird, this did not become a national headline. Right now, we want to take you to UMC, the only level one trauma center in the entire state of Nevada, and they were more than ready to treat the president today, if necessary. Kristen Drummond joins us live with an interview that you'll only see here on 3. At around 2.15 this afternoon, about a possible medical issue with the president not involving trauma. Of course, as we know, the president did not come here to UMC behind me, but team members were ready to go on high alert from the medical staff along with law enforcement we saw outside the trauma center this afternoon, just waiting in case the president did arrive. Now we did see law enforcement appearing to secure the perimeter, as well as bring in a dog. I spoke with CEO Mason Van Howley less than an hour ago. He tells me the level one trauma center is ready for these types of emergencies, including one that could be with the president. Of course they were, they're a trauma center. If you watch the video, you notice something else, a secure perimeter, and a dog, which should be the case, around presidents, and figureheads, and figureheads. So weird that didn't bubble up into the national media. This is a weird thing I'm going to say to you. It's not of a react. We're in a raft in the Sea of Galilee, and we're watching the waves, and there's a guy asleep in the back, it's Jesus, because he knows any time he chooses, he can stand up and say to the wind and the waves, be still, and they will. In other words, be still, and know the Lord is still the Lord, it's simply our turn to go through this particular storm. Some trusts and chariots and horses, as for me and my family, we trust in the Word of God. It's hard, doesn't mean we shouldn't vote and be informed, but let's start with our hearts and our trust in the right place. This is a Todd Herman show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. 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